
=== tschee-K is now known as Tscheesy
Tscheesyyess - nor-Booting please ;) or even better an open capable Bootmanager in nand/nor preinstalled - beeing afraid to damage the device can hold one from action00:39
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
ogralool, meh, plymouth chokes in qemu-arm-static09:49
ograroot@osiris:/# plymouth-set-default-theme09:49
ograqemu: Unsupported syscall: 25009:49
ograplymouth: ply-event-loop.c:466: ply_event_loop_new: Assertion `loop->epoll_fd >= 0' failed.09:49
ograqemu: uncaught target signal 6 (Aborted) - core dumped09:49
loologra_: Looks like this needs a port of epoll()10:11
loolepoll_create() is 25010:12
ogra_removing the plymouth hook lets me at least roll an initramfs in the chroot :)10:12
* ogra_ currently has to fight with completely screwed X on his main machine10:12
ograhmm, wasnt X but gtk11:02
armin76lool: i hit the ram issue with bzr on the emacs repo...stupid bzr, it made my sheevaplug run oom17:47
armin76bzr co --lightweight worked, though17:47
asacarmin76: version?18:07
asactry latest ... maybe its better - otherwise file a bug ;)18:07
asacogra_cmpc: on cmpc?18:22
ogra_cmpceasier to work from living room on gtk formatting in rootstock :)18:23
* ogra_cmpc doesnt get it18:24
ogra_cmpcnewstring = _('<b>Error:</b>\n\n %s'), string18:25
ogra_cmpcnewstring apparently ends up as a tuple here18:25
ogra_cmpci dont understand why18:25
ogra_cmpcsilly me18:26
* ogra_cmpc replaces the comma with %18:26
armin76asac: dunno, debian carl18:45
loolasac: In my case it was latest lucid from < 2 days ago20:51
loologra_cmpc: Would you file a bug on the missing plymouth syscall?20:52

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