[00:09] <]grimm[> Is there a changelog available for what's new in Dust 0.5? [00:10] <]grimm[> It seems like there are quite a few changes from the 0.4.x series, but I also had some difficulty applying the theme, so I was curious as to which changes I'm seeing are by design === bahe is now known as Raff7 === Raff7 is now known as bahe === bahe is now known as Raff7 === Raff7 is now known as bahe [12:06] good afternoon === bahe is now known as Bahe [12:08] o/ === Bahe is now known as bahe [12:15] _o/ zniavre_ [12:52] whaaaaaat > http://anotherubuntu.blogspot.com/2010/02/no-human-theme-in-ubuntu-1004.html [12:52] i guess no magic from kwwii ? :( [13:52] vish: I've said it once and I've said it a thousand times. shuttlebucks shouldn't be allowed anywhere near anything remotely resembling a pixel ; [13:59] darkmatter: lol ;) i always had a weird doubt... was his named changed to "shuttle"worth after he went to space or ... [13:59] lol [14:00] did he just go to space since his name was "shuttle"worth ;p [14:24] :o) [14:25] this new theme will look as this strange website to be logged into all canonical services ? [14:25] i can't re-find the page damned me ... [14:35] hmmm... seems to be allot of hubabub bub bub about a new theme for lucid [14:38] let's wait and see [14:40] indeed [14:43] :o) [14:51] http://www.flickr.com/photos/28220431@N07/3882949515/in/pool-ubuntu-artwork - awesome wallpaper proposal on the lucid group :) === bahe is now known as Bahe === Bahe is now known as bahe [15:26] zniavre_, http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/43427/screenshot_009_qaF1wf.png [15:26] Finally think I got a nice login theme. Probably a futile effort now, but check it out if you get some time :) === bahe is now known as Bahe === Bahe is now known as bahe [17:13] dashua it looks quite good [17:27] hi! any idea on new lucid theme? [17:28] lucazade: Hi. The graphic look do you mean? [17:29] yes, the new gtk theme announced [17:31] I guess nobody knows. [17:31] :) [18:47] who announced a gtk theme? [18:47] all we announced was that we want to refresh the community themes [18:47] mark himself [18:48] mark only said that we would have a new metacity theme [18:48] ah ok [18:48] my fault [18:48] I just try to avoid rumours when I can ;) [18:49] thanks for clarification [18:51] np [18:52] kwwii: http://anotherubuntu.blogspot.com/2010/02/no-human-theme-in-ubuntu-1004.html so this is only about the metacity? phew :D [18:54] vish: let me watch that before I answer [18:55] zniavre, Like it? [18:55] Not a bad theme by itself actually. I'm for dark themes but that is a little too rich. [18:56] Great for login though. [18:59] vish: erm, yeah...we'll see what comes of that [18:59] I am quite surprised to hear that myself [18:59] :( [19:14] i'm still waiting for a good theme [19:14] i don't like those abused comic-vectorial themes [19:19] kwwii: it's a 5 year plan, so there will be plenty time for you to catch up ;> [20:03] hi [20:03] dashua: I see your merge proposal to my branch. I'll be happy to add it, but bzr is warning me about a lot of conflicts, and seems to want to delete a lot of files... [20:04] Hey psyke83 [20:04] Oops [20:05] Deny it and I'll resend. Sent the wrong one with just the Login theme. [20:05] ok [20:05] Give me a sec :) [20:06] no problem :) [20:07] I've set the status to rejected [20:14] Ok thx. Fixing it now. Let me know what you think? [20:16] psyke83, Should be ok now. Sorry about that. [20:21] dashua: you didn't add a changelog update, do you want to do that, or will I? [20:22] well, I suppose it's better for me to add it to my changelog update, and credit you on that line [20:22] If you don't mind. [20:23] I'll check it out and see what you did. Still learning bzr to some extent :) [20:23] Thx [20:24] sure... will I add your name to the AUTHORS file too? [20:24] Cool, thx. [21:47] shit, I missed everyone [21:55] :o( [21:57] :P [21:59] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/S3sT7FZ5u5I/AAAAAAAAF1k/sGQpr31nEVs/s1600-h/Selection_004.png [22:08] hrm, that link doesn't work [22:10] sorry ... mine ? [22:16] yeah [22:17] seems to be a bug in my browser [22:17] chrome doesn't allow me to log in [22:17] no keyboard input