[06:39] I has an ubuntu [06:39] its blue. [06:49] So, does Canonical incorporate any desktop only kernel modifications in its releases? Or is the kernel less specific than that...I mean, is there a bunch of enterpise specific code in the Ubuntu distro? [07:37] not everyone talk at once now. [07:43] Ubuntunewb: its a weekend and the desktop team doesnt work on weekends.. try during weekdays [07:44] Ubuntunewb: preferably during UTC [07:44] ah k [11:14] hello there === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter [18:44] so anybody knows what the new lucid theme that mark talked about is? [18:45] tgpraveen12: He hasn't spoken about new theme and this isn't really channel for this discussion - go to #ubuntu-offtopic [18:57] tgpraveen12, stay tuned! [18:57] kwwii: ^ ;p [18:58] what you talking 'bout Willis? [19:00] kwwii, Mark mentioned new themes in an interview that hit reddit this morning [19:00] I wouldn't make light of the the situation, though [19:00] ;) [19:00] rickspencer3: yeah, I just watched the video [19:01] rickspencer3: lovely non-announcement to some extent ;) [19:01] hehe [19:01] let's just wait and see if there are some fun surprises in store [19:01] indeed :) [19:01] :)