ubuntu_ | hey guys, can anyone help me? | 00:01 |
bazhang | ubuntu_, with what | 00:01 |
ubuntu_ | okay i installed a package | 00:02 |
ubuntu_ | one sec ill tell you what it is | 00:02 |
bazhang | Ubuntu OS support in #ubuntu not here | 00:02 |
IdleOne | ubuntu_: type /join #ubuntu and ask your question, someone will surely be glad to help if they can. also make sure not to use the enter key to often | 00:04 |
ubuntu_ | I installed a GDM theme on my ubuntu 9.10 and it removed the one I had preinstalled, now the gui wont load, im stuck in the command line mode | 00:07 |
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* genii smooches flunkyhat | 04:02 | |
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kidd_ | hi all | 14:03 |
kidd_ | who wants a challenge? | 14:03 |
bazhang | support in #ubuntu kidd_ | 14:13 |
IdleOne | Just a suggestion but I think when reffering people to #ubuntu we need to be a little less short with our answers. We have to remember most user who come in here looking for support are often new to irc and new to ubuntu. | 14:17 |
IdleOne | the whole "catch more flies with hunny" thing :) | 14:18 |
kidd_ | im just very confused about this rpoblem and no one on kubuntu is helping, and i saw a link to kubuntu helpers so ithought this is where they "help2 ppl | 14:27 |
IdleOne | kidd_: what problem are you having? | 14:28 |
kidd_ | thanks for asking idleone, my eth01 port works when connected straight through to my dsl modem but it says in active when plugged in to my router, i cant get no ip address or start the port | 14:29 |
kidd_ | i cant use my wifi card cos it kills my install and i have to re install | 14:29 |
kidd_ | hmmph | 14:29 |
IdleOne | kidd_: ok, over my head. try asking in #ubuntu someone there should be able to help. | 14:30 |
IdleOne | be patient :) | 14:30 |
kidd_ | no one wants to help me :( | 14:30 |
kidd_ | thankyou though | 14:31 |
IdleOne | I don't think that nobody wants to help but it could be that nobody in there knows the answer right now | 14:31 |
kidd_ | im determined to stick with kubuntu but its litle problems what are annoying me | 14:31 |
IdleOne | keep asking from time to time | 14:31 |
IdleOne | but #ubuntu or #kubuntu are the correct places to ask for support. | 14:32 |
kidd_ | point taken | 14:38 |
kidd_ | whats this channel for then? | 14:38 |
cjohnston | kidd_: the topic explains what this channel is for. | 14:43 |
kidd_ | to help the helpers | 14:43 |
kidd_ | so this would imply that you are good enough to help the helpers? yes? | 14:44 |
bazhang | of course | 14:44 |
kidd_ | but.....they cant help me | 14:44 |
cjohnston | kidd_: not in tech support aspects necessarally | 14:44 |
cjohnston | help the helpers in an irc aspect | 14:45 |
kidd_ | i dont understand? | 14:45 |
kidd_ | hold there hands whilst they type? | 14:45 |
kidd_ | pat em on the back when they done good? | 14:45 |
cjohnston | if a helper has a question about how to do something on irc, or how to handle an issue in a channel or something like that | 14:45 |
kidd_ | so your mods not helpers | 14:45 |
kidd_ | tis very mis leading | 14:46 |
cjohnston | no it isnt.. | 14:46 |
cjohnston | for people who help out in other channels, this channel is for them needing help... | 14:47 |
cjohnston | not support... | 14:47 |
cjohnston | but help | 14:47 |
kidd_ | if im in a chatroom, and i have an issue i tell the mod, if a helper needs assistance, or "help" they come to you | 14:48 |
cjohnston | if thats how you want to look at it then sure | 14:49 |
kidd_ | so ur a mod | 14:49 |
cjohnston | nope | 14:49 |
cjohnston | and we dont have mods.. we have ops.. | 14:49 |
kidd_ | my bad, well thankyou for helping me in the manner which you did, | 14:49 |
kidd_ | sorry it couldnt have had a better output | 14:49 |
cjohnston | what type of output do you want? someone to fix your problem? | 14:50 |
kidd_ | have a nice day/evening where ever you all are | 14:50 |
cjohnston | there are plenty of ways to go get help... there are support channels on IRC, theres the forums, theres the LP answers, google... | 14:50 |
cjohnston | tons of different options | 14:50 |
cjohnston | this channel happens to not be a support channel, as stated in the topic | 14:50 |
kidd_ | there is many options but me being stupid assumed the helpers of the helpers would know more than the helpers and thus, be able to help me more but nope. just ops isntead | 14:51 |
kidd_ | thankyou for your time though | 14:52 |
bazhang | np | 14:52 |
cjohnston | As said... ops dont have to have technical knowledge and be able to provide tech support | 14:52 |
kidd_ | :) | 14:52 |
kidd_ | can i be an op then? | 14:52 |
IdleOne | not if you ask | 14:53 |
cjohnston | kidd_: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam?action=show&redirect=IrcTeam | 14:53 |
bazhang | create your own channel | 14:53 |
IdleOne | ops in the ubuntu channels are asked to be ops they don't ask to be an op | 14:53 |
kidd_ | can i be a helper to the helper of the helpers? | 14:53 |
IdleOne | kidd_: yes | 14:53 |
kidd_ | nice | 14:53 |
IdleOne | you are welcome to idle here and help out where you can | 14:54 |
cjohnston | Since there is no official helper and nothing special that is granted, yes | 14:54 |
kidd_ | but this isnt a helping channel, you only help helpers | 14:54 |
kidd_ | id rather hsare my technical abilitys with the world | 14:54 |
kidd_ | and my typos | 14:55 |
IdleOne | kidd_: then #ubuntu is where you want to share your tech help | 14:55 |
cjohnston | kidd_: then help out in #ubuntu or another support channel | 14:55 |
kidd_ | ok, thanks all | 14:56 |
cjohnston | G25 | 14:56 |
Sensiva | !factoids | 18:34 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu-irc-helpers's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 18:34 |
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kidd_ | hi helpers | 22:11 |
kidd_ | i have some info for you, you may find it useful | 22:12 |
kidd_ | for helping the other helpers | 22:12 |
=== anthony is now known as anto9us |
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