
kamalmostafahello motu's -- I'm looking for feedback on my FFE request bug 524183 - is it reasonable and complete? - what's a normal ETA for an FFE request?  thanks!00:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524183 in hamlib "Sync hamlib 1.2.10-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52418300:37
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zookoFolks: there are some ideas being thrown around about how Tahoe-LAFS ought to be packaged in Ubuntu. #tahoe-lafs05:22
zookoSpecifically, should a Tahoe-LAFS node be auto-configured on install and auto-started on reboot.05:22
zookoAlso, should every Ubuntu user get a free 2 GB of space on a Tahoe-LAFS storage grid. :-)05:23
ScottKGenerally the answer to such questions is yes.05:23
ScottKDunno about the last bit05:24
ScottKIf there is a sane default configuration, the package should provide it.05:24
zookoIt isn't clear to me if there is one for this.05:25
zookoPlease join #tahoe-lafs if you are curious what the options are.05:25
zookoScottK: if these folks on #tahoe-lafs converge on a position that they want to configure the Ubuntu package to automatically connect you to a specific storage grid then I'll come back and ask you more about that...05:28
zookoIt would basically mean them offering free storage service to Ubuntu users, I think.05:28
patx2ScottK, could you revu http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/fastpatx ?05:59
nigelbdoes this line correctly copy the file rhythmbox.apport to the apport package hooks folder?  "cp debian/rhythmbox.apport debian/rhythmbox/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_rhythmbox.py"08:54
* hyperair wonders if it's time to upgrade to ubuntu lucid yet..09:09
c_kornhello, can someone help me with a FFe ? what am I supposed to do ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scilab/+bug/511864/comments/1809:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 511864 in scilab "FeatureFreezeException: Sync scilab 5.2.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]09:42
iulianc_korn: Answer Stefan's question.10:06
randomactionc_korn: you should check whether listed packages will work with your new proposed version10:06
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FLOZzCan someone can review my first package (cover-thumbnailer) please ? : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/cover-thumbnailer10:32
randomactionwe had a deadline 2 days ago, so new packages for Lucid will be accepted only in exceptional circumstances10:39
FLOZzarf /o\10:40
randomactionpackages for Lucid+1 will be accepted since early May10:41
FLOZzrandomaction: ok thanks :)10:41
AlanBellhello all12:12
AlanBellI am doing my first bit of python packaging, it works but builds just for Karmic. How do I get it to build for Jaunty/Lucid?12:12
AlanBellppa:alanbell/lpod lpod-python is the package12:13
AlanBellhttp://lpod-project.org is the upstream12:13
shadeslayerAlanBell: is it already packaged in ubuntu?12:16
AlanBellno, it only got announced yesterday12:16
AlanBellI would like to get it in Ubuntu proper, but I am not a motu12:17
AlanBellso I am practicing in my PPA12:17
shadeslayerhmm no idea then :)12:17
Laney(ppa support in #launchpad) you can copy the source from Karmic to Lucid in your PPA12:17
Laneyassuming it builds without changes12:18
shadeslayerAlanBell: i just know that youll need to setup pbuilder and then build packages12:18
AlanBellLaney: thanks, I will try #launchpad12:19
danblicksomething seems strange about having a different package for different upstream version numbers - i'm looking at jruby, jruby1.1, and jruby1.213:08
danblicki see the reason for doing it, but it seems like it means that if i want to build a package for jruby 1.4, it won't be based off of the jruby1.2 package13:10
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jariqI am trying to create pbuilder environment for sid but it fails everytime with "chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory". However I am able to create environment for lucid with any problems. Any ideas what can be wrong?14:04
azeemjariq: apt is no longer installed automatically by debootstrap I believe, maybe pbuilder has an option to specify additional packages to include14:06
azeemjariq: or create a lenny environment and upgrade14:06
jariqazeem: thx I will try "sudo DIST=sid pbuilder create --extrapackages apt build-essential"14:14
jariqdid not help14:32
nigelbjariq: try pbuilder-dist sid create14:33
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deeljoin ubuntu14:47
jariqTried "pbuilder-dist sid create" and result is same as before "chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory"15:39
nigelbwhats the exact command you gave?15:41
jariqnigelb: as you adviced "pbuilder-dist sid create" and it failed to finish15:43
nigelbthat's surprising.  hold on15:43
jariqnigelb: i was executing it as root15:43
jariqnigelb: should i wait for any answer? or you're working on something else16:48
nigelbwoops, getting it16:48
nigelbjariq: I have to step out now, can you see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto16:52
nigelbthere is a section on trouble with pbuilder (or something to that extend)16:53
nigelbthat might solve your issues16:53
ari-tczewis it possible to use 3.0 debian source format by new debian revision? without new upstream release?16:54
randomactionari-tczew: yes16:54
_AndrewAnyone know why in my deb when I specify to the debian.install file to glob usr/include/LIB/*.h  it says in doesn't find anything?16:57
jariqnigelb: ok thx i will look at it16:57
sebnerari-tczew: shouldn't be the only change and especially not without Debian doing it too16:59
ari-tczewsebner: I'm doing fakesync for package which is in 3.0 source format17:00
ari-tczewbut ubuntu's package isn't in 3.017:00
sebnerari-tczew: kk, it's fine then17:01
kamalmostafahello motu's -- I'm confused about the status of bug 503111 -- ubuntu-sru is subscribed but I do not see it listed in the queue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools/+bug/503111 -- shouldn't it be listed there?17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503111 in ubuntu-dev-tools "False: The versions in Debian and Ubuntu are the same already during requestsync" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50311117:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 503111 in ubuntu-dev-tools "False: The versions in Debian and Ubuntu are the same already during requestsync" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:07
kamalmostafaoops -- pasted wrong link -- shouldn't it be listed in the sru queue:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-sru  ?17:08
randomactionkamalmostafa: the only open task is for karmic, so it's showing up only at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-sru17:12
kamalmostafarandomaction: okay yes, that makes sense -- looks like its in the right place then -- thanks.17:13
randomactionI don't know whether SRU guys look at that queue though17:14
kamalmostafarandomaction:  hmm.  but wouldn't this situation apply to all SRU's (which are already fixed in Lucid)?  Any "SRU guys" around that can chime in here?17:16
kamalmostafaI now see that my bug 503111 is unlike the rest of the Karmic-targeted SRU's in the "regular" queue...  E.g. 511868 says "Nominated for Karmic" but doesn't already have a Karmic task -- whereas my 503111 does already have a Karmic task (which Laney created).17:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503111 in ubuntu-dev-tools "False: The versions in Debian and Ubuntu are the same already during requestsync" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50311117:21
Laneyi would imagine they should look at the stable release lists17:23
kamalmostafahi Laney -- that one (503111) has been in the karmic sru queue for about 6 weeks -- is that not an unusually long time?17:25
Laneyit sure is17:26
Laneyyou should ask an sru guy17:26
kamalmostafawhere can I find one?  :-)17:26
ari-tczewe.g. dfiloni17:26
Laneycheck out the team member list on LP17:27
kamalmostafaLooking for an ubuntu-sru member -- please check status of bug 503111, pending for 6 weeks (ping cody-somerville cjwatson dfiloni jdong pitti slangasek).17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503111 in ubuntu-dev-tools "False: The versions in Debian and Ubuntu are the same already during requestsync" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50311117:40
jdongkamalmostafa: one sec please17:40
jdongkamalmostafa: patch looks good, ACKed. Sorry it took so long. Must've slipped through the cracks when I did mass bugmail purging17:42
* jdong kinda wishes there was a needs-sru-attention type tag that magically worked.17:43
jdong(not serious wishlist item, too much bug triage manpower to make that actually work)17:43
kamalmostafajdong: no problem at all -- was just checking up on my "lost work" list and found that it had slipped through the cracks here also.  thanks!17:43
jdongno problem :)17:43
kamalmostafathanks for the help Laney, ari-tczew17:44
jdongonce in a while I do attempt to look at all subscribed+open SRU bugs, but the last time I did that I think there's 600-ish and never was terribly productive...17:44
jdongmost tended to be false-positives17:44
Laneyjdong: for what reason? Couldn't you unsubscribe the team?17:46
kamalmostafajdong: well, if this is a useful datapoint, I noticed that the "/ubuntu" SRU queue lists 91 bugs, while the "/ubuntu/karmic" SRU queue lists 95.  So maybe the 4 bugs which are only on the Karmic queue need specific investigation to see if they're in this 'lost' state.   (?)17:46
jdongLaney: Yeah I suppose I can unsubscribe. Usually it's some unrelated task still held open17:49
jdongCouldn't find a LP search option to specify what distro to match status fields to.17:49
kamalmostafajdong: thanks for your ACK on 503111 -- what's the next step for this bug?  Who is supposed to "proceed with upload"?17:51
jdongkamalmostafa: any MOTU can do that17:53
jdongthe official procedure is to subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors17:53
kamalmostafajdong: I'll subscribe them then -- thanks again17:53
jdongif the response time is not good, feel free to come back here and kidnap the first MOTU to talk ;-)17:53
jdongI mean.... shhhhh nobody read that.17:53
kamalmostafajdong: regarding the "match distro search" question...  I imagine that a Launchpad API script could be crafted to do this... (sounds like I have a new project for this morning :-).17:55
jdongkamalmostafa: hehehe indeed that's a way to do it :)f17:56
kamalmostafajdong: I'll let you know if I manage to construct anything useful.17:57
jdongok cool17:58
crimsunbah, will need an FFe for the rest of this haskell mess18:04
crimsunLaney: do you plan to request an FFe for haskell-x11, or do you want to leave it at
Laneycrimsun: I got some kind of release approval for the transition18:21
LaneyI didn't imagine having to request exceptions18:21
crimsunI'll wait til ghc6 has finished building then toss haskell-utf8-string up18:23
Laneyoh, no don't do that18:24
Laneythat package should be removed ;)18:24
Laneyghc6 now provides it18:24
crimsunwell, whatever doesn't break my window manager so I can keep hacking alsa, I suppose.18:26
Laneyif you want to carve a path through to xmonad then that's fine18:26
crimsundoesn't make sense to do anything until ghc6 -10 is built, tho'18:27
Laneyor else aptitude should hold things back for you well enough18:27
stefanlsdanyone using pubilder-dist that doesnt listen to .pbuilderrc (seems like http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=567995)18:33
ubottuDebian bug 567995 in cowbuilder "cowbuilder doesn't honor my $HOME/.pbuilderrc" [Normal,Open]18:33
Laneycrimsun: (filed the RM bug)18:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 267536 in pq "Arbitrary dependency on specific Wine version" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:47
cyberixis this a valid way of submitting a patch18:47
cyberixor do I need to do something more?18:47
randomactioncyberix: quite valid, these days we have slightly more bugs than usual to review, but some sponsor will get to it18:50
arandcyberix: afaik https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess is the steps to follow, seems like in your case only the "subscribe team" bit is missing..18:50
randomactioncyberix: just set status to "Confirmed"18:51
arandrandomaction: oh, should the subscription be added or not?18:51
randomactionarand:  u-u-s is subscribed18:52
arandrandomaction: cyberix: ah, noevermind then, didn't see that (though sponsors had another icon.. whatever..)18:53
|sistpoty|cyberix: looks good, test-building and uploading18:55
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sebnerhuhu sistpoty :)18:57
sistpotyhi sebner18:57
sistpotycyberix: uploaded18:58
user007Hello folks,19:25
user007I've uploaded to revu, my package but It doesn't appear, this take some minute to refresh on the web page?19:26
sistpotyuser007: which package?19:32
user007sistpoty: bygfoot19:33
sistpotyuser007: ah, seeing it in the rejected directory19:33
user007opss, what happend? please19:34
sistpotyuser007: give me a minute, looking at the logs19:34
user007ok, thank you sistpoty19:35
cyberixsistpoty: thanks19:36
randomactionwe have bygfoot in the archive, why upload it to REVU?19:36
user007it is the last version19:36
user007and fix, some bugs19:38
iulianDon't use REVU if it's not a new package.19:39
randomactionfile a bug against bygfoot package and attach .diff.gz19:39
randomactionuse https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess19:39
randomactionbe aware that we're in the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze19:40
sistpotyuser007: it says incorrect signature. is your key in revu's keyring already?19:40
user007sistpoty: yes19:40
sistpotyuser007: hm, I'll put it back to incoming, let's see if it's processed then19:41
sistpotyuser007: oh, it's a binary upload, revu will only accept source packages19:42
user007ops, I don't know, I think it's similar to debian-mentors19:42
randomactionuser007: if you manage to get your package into Debian, you can then sync it to Ubuntu19:47
user007exactly, but as you know, Debian process is... well,19:48
user007but If want to colaborate with bygfoot, How can I updated it? exists similar to NMU?19:50
randomactionuser007: have you read what I wrote earlier?20:00
user007ok, I understand.20:02
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user007thank you guys,20:06
crimsunI already answered you, nacho_20:24
crimsunnacho_: i.e., see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess20:25
nacho_also we released gtranslator 1.9.8, 1 week ago and it seems it was not added20:26
nacho_and it fixes quite a lot of important bugs20:26
crimsunagain, the above URL20:26
sistpotynhandler, ScottK, iulian: any objections to sync a new upstream of gpodder (no rdepends) to fix bug #508886?20:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508886 in gpodder "gpodder crashed with AttributeError in set_attributes()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50888620:26
nacho_crimsun, ok thanks al ot20:27
iuliansistpoty: Looking.20:32
sistpotyiulian: I didn't add a build log (it's still building here *g*), and upstream changelog, just ask if you want one20:33
iuliansistpoty: An upstream changelog would be nice.20:34
lightninHiya highvoltage.20:35
iuliansistpoty: Got it.20:37
sistpotyiulian: it somehow doesn't diff well :/20:38
iuliansistpoty: I'm currently looking at http://gpodder.org/oldnews.html.20:39
sistpotyah, heh20:39
iuliansistpoty: Looks good to me.  Ack.20:46
sistpotythanks iulian, I'll give it some testing yet, and then subscribe ubuntu-archive20:47
sistpotygpodder works fine, however I had imagined the web 2.0 somehow fancier, it doesn't even have 3d effects *g*20:49
sebnersistpoty: xD xD xD, you are the right QA guy ;)20:50
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sistpotyfta | asac: mind giving some insights on bug #52225422:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522254 in gnash "[MASTER] FFe: please sync with upstream version of Gnash .8.7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52225422:24
Laneysistpoty: debian just packages gnash btw22:27
sistpotyLaney: oh, nice, thanks!22:27
fabounetBlackZ : Hi, any news on the Cairo-Dock's build ?23:14

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