* genii fills a 64 ounce coffee mug for MenZa | 00:27 | |
* Mamarok is happy with her /dev/mug | 00:34 | |
Gryllida | hi, please look at what o_ says at #ubuntu. thanks | 01:37 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (18)) | 01:38 |
jpds | Interesting. | 01:42 |
ubottu | IdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (o_ using caps and now chinese for no good reason) | 01:42 |
genii | Interesting | 01:45 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from o_) | 01:52 |
ubottu | `mOOse` called the ops in #ubuntu (o_ caps and general obnoxicity) | 01:53 |
histo | can someone look at o_ in #ubuntu | 01:54 |
bazhang | no response prior to the previous removal (via PM) | 01:54 |
bazhang | histo, he is gone | 01:54 |
histo | he's caps trolling chinese etc... | 01:54 |
histo | k | 01:54 |
histo | ty | 01:54 |
ubottu | FloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from B|aSS) | 02:29 |
genii | dealt with | 02:58 |
Dominian | dyrnade I'd watch out for | 04:11 |
Dominian | just removed from ##linux for cursing up a storm basically | 04:12 |
Dominian | btw.. B|aSS was causing an issue? May I ask what he did? | 04:12 |
ubottu | syn-ack called the ops in #ubuntu (nmvictor flooding) | 08:17 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from nmvictor) | 08:19 |
mneptok | calling out, in transit. calling out, in transit. | 09:16 |
ikonia | ? | 09:16 |
mneptok | singing along with one of my fave REM tracks. :) | 09:16 |
ikonia | ok | 09:16 |
topyli | oh dear. mneptok sings along to rem songs | 09:17 |
topyli | otherwise, a nice fellow i'm sure :) | 09:17 |
mneptok | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac0oaXhz1u8 | 09:17 |
ikonia | can someone stick a foward on eagles in #kubuntu-offtopic to ##fix_your_connection | 09:26 |
ikonia | he appears to be having connection issues again | 09:26 |
ikonia | and #ubuntu-motu | 09:27 |
Tm_T | ikonia: apparently stopped | 09:34 |
ikonia | looks like it now | 09:34 |
ikonia | he's had a few problems latley | 09:35 |
ikonia | Tm_T: or not..... | 09:42 |
=== nik0 is now known as niko | ||
Gryllida | hello. can you help me with a bot? | 10:20 |
ubottu | llutz called the ops in #ubuntu (vela) | 10:20 |
elky | tsimpson, uh... i thought IRCC wanted us engaging with people before wielding the banhammer | 10:21 |
elky | Gryllida, no. | 10:21 |
Gryllida | ikonia added "!here" factoid, I have a correction | 10:22 |
Gryllida | no? | 10:22 |
Gryllida | look at what ubottu says for "!here". the last two words are "use paste.ubuntu.com" | 10:22 |
Gryllida | I think that if they are "use http://paste.ubuntu.com" than the URL is blue and click-able in the client | 10:22 |
elky | ah. one of our bots. | 10:23 |
elky | people who've been banned for using bots in our channels really ought to be more clear about what bot they're wanting help with in situations like this... | 10:23 |
elky | !here | 10:24 |
ubottu | Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use paste.ubuntu.com | 10:24 |
elky | !here | 10:25 |
ubottu | Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | 10:25 |
Gryllida | I'm sorry for not following the "!ask" factoid, and thank you for the correction. | 11:14 |
ubottu | soreau called the ops in #ubuntu (ribot) | 13:29 |
ikonia | left | 13:32 |
gnomefreak | saw | 13:32 |
ikonia | ahh you're active, cool | 13:32 |
gnomefreak | :) | 13:33 |
gnomefreak | i didnt see anything in /lastlog that would be spamming or anything else that would require us | 13:34 |
ikonia | they said it was in pm | 13:35 |
ikonia | and he said he was writing a script | 13:35 |
gnomefreak | oh i missed that | 13:35 |
gnomefreak | saw the script comment | 13:35 |
pea[laptop] | i think someone set a ban that's too wide | 14:05 |
pea[laptop] | and i'm included | 14:05 |
tsimpson | pea[laptop]: your real name is set to "fuck you" | 14:06 |
tsimpson | that's not appropriate for #ubuntu | 14:06 |
pea[laptop] | it is? | 14:06 |
tsimpson | look at /whois pea[laptop] | 14:06 |
pea[laptop] | that is terrible | 14:07 |
tsimpson | you'll need to change that in your clients settings and reconnect for it to take effect | 14:07 |
pea[laptop] | i will, this is true | 14:07 |
elky | pea[laptop], do you need assistance in doing this? | 14:20 |
pea[laptop] | no | 14:23 |
pea[laptop] | i found my solution anyway. it was an unfixable ubuntu bug | 14:24 |
* gnomefreak wonders how Ubuntu set your real name to that | 14:26 | |
pea[laptop] | no that's not my problem | 14:26 |
gnomefreak | than how is it an ubuntu bug | 14:27 |
pea[laptop] | i didn't say it was | 14:27 |
gnomefreak | i thought your comment said that it was an unfixable ubuntu bug | 14:28 |
pea[laptop] | the reason i was going to #ubuntu | 14:28 |
gnomefreak | either way set it to something appropate and come back here to have it removed | 14:29 |
tsimpson | pea[laptop]: please do not idle in this channel | 14:48 |
GPenguin | hello | 16:26 |
GPenguin | i have an issue with a chanop called dreamthief who obviously has problems with a social agenda | 16:27 |
GPenguin | he got all bossy on #ubuntu-de-offtopic and after offending me i asked for his age | 16:28 |
GPenguin | and as a result of this i am banned now | 16:28 |
Myrtti | loco channel issues are generally handled in #ubuntu-irc | 16:28 |
GPenguin | ok, thanks & sorry for bringing it to the wrong channel | 16:29 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys yesterday i was having excess flood issues which turned out to be a bug in my client which i wasnt aware of until now that a friend showed me a site to newer version of my client with builds. can i get unbanned from all the ubuntu channels i was banned in due to the excess flooding | 16:48 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: this happened before too | 17:34 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: was that the same problem ? | 17:34 |
eagles0513875 | yes but i just upgraded to a newer version of my client | 17:34 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: I've removed the ban in #kubuntu, I think that's all there was | 17:35 |
eagles0513875 | nope cant join offtopic motu ubuntu-mt | 17:35 |
ikonia | ahh there is one on #kubuntu-offtopic too, | 17:35 |
eagles0513875 | ya | 17:35 |
eagles0513875 | ubuntu-mt is fine | 17:35 |
eagles0513875 | i think mozillateam as well | 17:36 |
ikonia | nope | 17:36 |
ikonia | nothing there | 17:36 |
ikonia | kubuntu is the only one left, and I'll get that sorted as soon as someone is awake to resolve it for you | 17:36 |
ikonia | sorry kubuntu-offtopic | 17:36 |
ikonia | I've done kubuntu for you | 17:37 |
eagles0513875 | thanks ikonia :) appreciate it | 17:37 |
ikonia | no problem | 17:38 |
ikonia | as soon as someone's available for #kubuntu-offtopic I'll get them to do it, but that should be the only one left | 17:38 |
ikonia | eagles0513875: anything else ? | 17:40 |
eagles0513875 | that is it | 17:40 |
ikonia | cool, I'll get it sorted for you ASAP | 17:41 |
eagles0513875 | should i vacate the channel or wait to get offtopic resolved in here | 17:41 |
eagles0513875 | :) thanks appreciate it | 17:41 |
ikonia | as soon as it's done I'll ping you | 17:41 |
tsimpson | eagles0513875: you can join -offtopic again | 17:43 |
eagles0513875 | thanks tsimpson | 17:43 |
MenZa | !away | 17:47 |
ubottu | You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 17:47 |
MenZa | !away ~= s/messages/messages and -nicks/ | 17:49 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-ops, MenZa said: !away ~= s/messages/messages and -nicks/ | 17:49 |
Myrtti | !away ~= s/messages/messages and -nicks/ | 17:49 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Myrtti | 17:49 |
MenZa | \o/ | 17:49 |
MenZa | !away | 17:49 |
ubottu | You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 17:49 |
Myrtti | MenZa: I already gave him a warning | 18:15 |
Myrtti | next instance of language that doesn't fit the channel gets him removed | 18:15 |
ikonia | hola ! | 18:15 |
MenZa | Myrtti: I got it :) | 18:15 |
Myrtti | so it seems | 18:15 |
ikonia | getting rather fed up with these spanish trolls | 18:25 |
Myrtti | I thought I banned ignacio last night | 18:29 |
Myrtti | I did | 18:30 |
mneptok | holaaaaaaaaa | 18:42 |
ikonia | I'm out for a while | 18:43 |
Tm_T | hi | 18:44 |
* mneptok drove ikonia over the brink :/ | 18:44 | |
Myrtti | I see alabd is fishing again | 19:00 |
ikonia | Tm_T: can you remove eagles ban forward in k-offtopic please ? | 19:14 |
Tm_T | it isn't removed? | 19:15 |
Tm_T | it is | 19:15 |
ikonia | thank you | 19:15 |
ikonia | ahh great | 19:15 |
Tm_T | been removed for some time already (: | 19:15 |
ikonia | it wasn't when I checked | 19:16 |
ikonia | ahhh someone must have done it earlier | 19:17 |
Myrtti | meh | 19:42 |
Myrtti | !away > katie|movies | 19:53 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
Myrtti | guilt-blaming :-( | 20:23 |
ubottu | guntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (Byn_Sevgi spamming announcements) | 20:43 |
mneptok | self-rectified | 20:45 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Some_Person said: comma is Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability: Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences. See also !enter | 21:19 |
ikonia | I don't, think, we, need, that, factoid | 21:31 |
mneptok | oh?! what, on EARTH, makes you say ... well ... that?!?!?!?! | 22:08 |
IdleOne | <No-Body> has been in -offtopic for at least a couple hours and made references to drugs and female genetalia repeatedly. I think it's time to ban. | 22:38 |
ubottu | IdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () | 22:38 |
IdleOne | thank you | 22:39 |
Myrtti | I have absolutely no intention to engage in pm with that | 22:41 |
Myrtti | and just when I said that... | 22:42 |
ubottu | Slart called the ops in #ubuntu (v1ttu) | 22:47 |
Myrtti | what is this, nuthouse? | 22:49 |
jpds | Myrtti: No. | 22:49 |
Myrtti | ya kinda fool'd me, mate | 22:49 |
Myrtti | [00:52] ~~~pervycreeper [~david@] has joined #ubuntu | 22:53 |
Myrtti | errrrrrrrrrr | 22:53 |
Myrtti | ROIGHT | 22:53 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from oinkoinkoink) | 22:55 |
elky | Myrtti, ... ... ... who the heck would think a name like that's ok? | 23:26 |
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