crimsun | thanks for all the hard work getting libjack0 rdepends done, folks! | 00:37 |
ScottL | not trying to be picky but it would appear that hydrogen-0.9.4 didn't make it into lucid according to bug #495507 | 05:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 495507 in hydrogen "Please sync hydrogen 0.9.4-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Triaged] | 05:59 |
ScottL | i realise there was a lot going on just before the FF and of course I could have contact debian multimedia sooner | 05:59 |
ScottL | but anyway, i'll be moving on to some testing in the next couple of days (and hopefully some community documentation again as well) | 06:00 |
ScottL | cheers everyone | 06:00 |
ScottL | can someone explain the difference between ISO's from and one's found at | 20:42 |
ScottL | when would you choose to download one in preference to the other? | 20:42 |
crimsun | huh? | 20:45 |
crimsun | the latter URL gives me "We are not testing at the moment" | 20:45 |
crimsun | am I missing something? | 20:45 |
ScottL | i did not understand that either and was hoping it was a lack on my knowledge and would become clear when someone explained more | 20:49 |
crimsun | well, I don't see any list of isos at the latter, so I can't tell you anything | 20:50 |
crimsun | normally there's a link from the latter to something resembling the former | 20:50 |
crimsun | it's usually dated, however | 20:50 |
ScottL | would it be fair to say that th former is "cutting edge" with daily builds and the latter is more formalized for testing and documentation purposes? | 20:51 |
crimsun | I don't think so | 20:52 |
crimsun | again, normally the latter links to a specific dated iso hosted on the former | 20:53 |
ScottL | i'm hoping to aggregate the information i gain and make a ubuntu studio community testing documentation page to help the community at large and the launchpad testing team specifically | 20:53 |
ScottL | well, to be honest, stochastic has already started something and I wanted to flesh it out more | 20:54 |
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