Sysi | that's the problem with restricted, open source people can't do anything to it | 00:06 |
Sysi | what graphics card? | 00:06 |
Sysi | if it's very old, ati would propably like you to buy new one and give they new money | 00:08 |
hawkal | Is it possible to restore a deleted file in xubuntu? | 00:09 |
Sysi | is it in trash or completely deleted? | 00:10 |
hawkal | completely deleted | 00:10 |
Sysi | there are programs for that,i dunno much about them, but you should unmount volume as soon as possible, shut down and use livecd propably | 00:12 |
Sysi | i mean that if it's on you'r system drive/partition, only way to unmount is shutdown | 00:13 |
hawkal | ok thanks I just wanted to know if it was possible. So does the chance of restoring get worse the longer the computer is running? | 00:14 |
Sysi | filesystem uses empty space randomly, overwriting makes restoring harder | 00:16 |
hawkal | Thank you Sysi | 00:16 |
Sachse_Siechtum | Somebody here? | 00:28 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I need help | 00:32 |
subspider | !ask | 00:33 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:33 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ok I had ckrackling sound in ET: Quake wars so after a google search I did this: 1. edit /etc/default/pulseaudio as root and change PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=0 to PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 | 00:34 |
subspider | !ask Sachse_Siechtum | 00:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | 2. add your user name to the pulse audio family with this command in terminal: | 00:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | sudo adduser $user pulse-access | 00:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | substitute your user name in for $user | 00:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | 3. edit /ect/openal/alsoft.conf as root add the following line under the lines talking about drivers | 00:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | drivers = oss | 00:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | 4. use synaptic and make sure you have libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio installed | 00:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | 5. reboot | 00:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | since then my sound changed from surround to stereo | 00:35 |
Sachse_Siechtum | and in the colume control the different variants for audio dissappreared | 00:36 |
Sachse_Siechtum | -r | 00:36 |
Sachse_Siechtum | so I cant set 5.1 audio for example | 00:36 |
subspider | hm i see | 00:36 |
Sachse_Siechtum | it just says: "no cards for configuration available" | 00:36 |
subspider | yea | 00:37 |
Sachse_Siechtum | so now I wonder what change made my audio cof. go | 00:37 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I already read that pulse audio is just a alsa is still needed | 00:38 |
subspider | yea | 00:38 |
Sachse_Siechtum | and when I go to the other colume meter where I can choose alsa mixer OSS mixer ect... | 00:39 |
Sachse_Siechtum | when I choose pulsa audio miyer..I just have soundblaster analog stereo | 00:39 |
subspider | did you restart the laptop right?? | 00:40 |
Sachse_Siechtum | and then when I change to Alsa mixer...I have all the 5.1 soundsystem channels | 00:40 |
Sachse_Siechtum | yes I did...(its a desktop computer) | 00:40 |
subspider | ok and you do choose 5.2 with alsa mixer what happends | 00:41 |
subspider | ?? | 00:41 |
Sachse_Siechtum | well nothing | 00:42 |
subspider | hm | 00:42 |
subspider | ok | 00:42 |
subspider | !pulse-audio | 00:43 |
Sachse_Siechtum | and I just played a suround either | 00:43 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ? | 00:43 |
subspider | so why did you do that wat was happening | 00:44 |
subspider | ?? | 00:44 |
subspider | you never had sorround sound?? | 00:44 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I did | 00:46 |
Sachse_Siechtum | before I made the changes to fix the crackling sound in ET:quake wars... | 00:46 |
subspider | hm | 00:47 |
subspider | what was quke wars using as system alsa | 00:47 |
subspider | ?? | 00:47 |
subspider | oss | 00:47 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ? | 00:48 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I dunno...oss and alsa | 00:48 |
subspider | normaly the games use a sound driver or like | 00:48 |
Sachse_Siechtum | you can choose which in the config | 00:48 |
subspider | so | 00:48 |
Sachse_Siechtum | seta s_driver "oss" | 00:49 |
subspider | hm | 00:49 |
Sachse_Siechtum | seta s_driver "alsa" | 00:49 |
Sachse_Siechtum | both options | 00:49 |
subspider | both?? | 00:49 |
Sachse_Siechtum | well... | 00:49 |
subspider | what i recomend you is making hte revers metoth that damage your sound | 00:50 |
Sachse_Siechtum | you write either oss or alsa in the config... | 00:50 |
Sachse_Siechtum | metoth? | 00:50 |
subspider | ok | 00:51 |
subspider | did you look to these | 00:51 |
subspider | | 00:51 |
Sachse_Siechtum | whats the difference between the libsdl1.2debian packages? | 00:51 |
Sachse_Siechtum | because...there is a libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio and a libsdl1.2debian-alsa ...and you just can install either one or the other package | 00:52 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ok | 00:53 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I'll try that | 00:53 |
Datz | hi, I'm trying to run xubuntu headless, but the grub screen just stays up and doesn't proceed. Can someone help me to add a countdown? | 00:55 |
Sachse_Siechtum | strange I dont have the group: pulse-rt in my list | 00:59 |
Sachse_Siechtum | just pulse and pulse-access | 00:59 |
Sachse_Siechtum | Next go into System -> Preferences -> Sound and make sure that Enable Software Sound Mixing is checked. Also, under the Sounds Tab, I set devices to Autodetect. | 01:03 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I dont have that menu item | 01:03 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I have system... | 01:03 |
subspider | Datz, open console please | 01:05 |
subspider | Sachse_Siechtum, you right wait a bit ok | 01:06 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ok | 01:06 |
Datz | hi subspider, I just checked grub.cfg and I see "timeout=10" already | 01:06 |
Datz | subspider: was there someting else? | 01:07 |
subspider | /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:07 |
subspider | if ther is no timeout then add | 01:07 |
subspider | if there is a timeout i will try to see what it is | 01:07 |
Datz | I'm running grub 2 I think | 01:08 |
Datz | so I don't have a menu.lst | 01:09 |
Datz | as far as I can see | 01:09 |
subspider | yea you tight | 01:09 |
subspider | right | 01:09 |
Datz | I also see something like if fail timeout -1 | 01:11 |
Datz | I can't edit this file as it says it is a buffer though | 01:11 |
Datz | maybe there is a bad shutdown and this if fail mode is envoked | 01:12 |
Datz | brb | 01:12 |
Sachse_Siechtum | rebooting | 01:13 |
subspider | Datz, you can try these | 01:17 |
subspider | | 01:17 |
Datz | thanks subspider, I'll have a look | 01:17 |
Sachse_Siechtum | no change | 01:18 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I think the cause is this: PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=0 to PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 | 01:18 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ARGH | 01:24 |
subspider | may be i'm not expert i' just trying to help | 01:24 |
subspider | i never hed problems with sound | 01:24 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I see ok | 01:26 |
Sachse_Siechtum | well I'm just wondering where my System -> Preferences -> Sound | 01:27 |
Sachse_Siechtum | is | 01:27 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I found it :-) | 01:37 |
Sachse_Siechtum | PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 was the problem | 01:38 |
subspider | nice Sachse_Siechtum | 01:53 |
hal9k2010 | hello all, need some help with xubuntu 9.04 ppc | 02:17 |
confusious | test | 04:37 |
confusious | hellooooooooooo everybody !! | 04:37 |
psycho_oreos | test failed | 04:37 |
confusious | heh heh no it didn't you responded.................. | 04:38 |
confusious | thanks ! heh heh | 04:38 |
psycho_oreos | ._. | 04:38 |
confusious | so confused by all this pidgin crap ! heh heh | 04:38 |
psycho_oreos | I don't use pidgin for that | 04:39 |
confusious | came with my install so......... | 04:39 |
psycho_oreos | xchat also comes with the install so I'm using that instead of pidgin | 04:40 |
confusious | hmmmmmmmxchat is n synaptic but mine has pidgin installed I think thats because of who installed it | 04:41 |
confusious | ever hav things {files/folders} disappear off of your desktop ? | 04:42 |
psycho_oreos | no | 04:43 |
confusious | did a ff update yesterday & almost every single file/folder on my desktop disappeared except for the onmes that come with install & 1 other | 04:44 |
psycho_oreos | and those files that you had were your own files? not something like from a temporary update/upgrade process? | 04:44 |
confusious | it seems that all those files/folders are now located in that 1 extra folder.Yes,my own.Pictures,etcetera | 04:45 |
psycho_oreos | no idea, probably might have been something else you installed, maybe a desktop cleaning wizard or whatever it is... I've never heard of it myself let alone seen | 04:46 |
confusious | it appears that ff had decided to give me a fesh install of xubuntu AND I have no bookmarks left either | 04:46 |
confusious | damnit | 04:47 |
psycho_oreos | and this update was following some guide on installing some other version of firefox? | 04:47 |
confusious | although ff was doing an updat it appears I am still running version 3.0.18 | 04:48 |
confusious | ?????????? wait......... | 04:48 |
confusious | was supposed to be a ff "update" whatever that means heh heh | 04:49 |
psycho_oreos | you weren't aware? | 04:49 |
confusious | funny kept alll of my add ons installed EXCEPT Adblockplus..weird | 04:50 |
confusious | Yes.......... | 04:50 |
confusious | aware I was performing an update but,I sure didn't think it was going to do that ! | 04:50 |
psycho_oreos | an update from where? | 04:51 |
confusious | ff site I suppose.Xubuntu informed me via taskbar | 04:51 |
confusious | I've got a fairly big post in the beginner forum @ | 04:53 |
confusious | explains things fairly well but issue not resolved.If your interested see specifically last post in the thread.Says something about reinstalling Thunar BUT I'M AFRAID ! | 04:54 |
psycho_oreos | which xubuntu version? | 04:58 |
confusious | 8.04 | 04:59 |
confusious | I think it's because I've got such an old pc.Old piece o0f Pidgin crap | 05:00 |
psycho_oreos | and you're using an old version of xubuntu | 05:00 |
confusious | yes I've tried to update that too at another time but update must have failed I must have done something wrong.Actually I thought I had it set to auto update.Hell,nothing on this system seems to work right | 05:03 |
psycho_oreos | you're automating lots of things in which you don't understand hence that's why its all falling apart | 05:05 |
confusious | acts like a virus | 05:05 |
psycho_oreos | I suggest a clean install rather than upgrade from previous version | 05:05 |
confusious | But,on Linux ?? heh heh | 05:05 |
psycho_oreos | exact same thing, I've never had a clean upgrade | 05:06 |
confusious | The only reason I haven't really done that is I'm not real keen on how to "save" things.Like all MY files/folders that I've saved from internet to desktop.......... And,my bookmarks,etc | 05:08 |
confusious | And,I don't have a disc burner | 05:09 |
confusious | I hade a geek friend burn the Xubuntu disc & put it on my pc for me | 05:09 |
confusious | Been thinking about trying out DSL.As small as that is,that should work really well on here.What do you think ? | 05:10 |
confusious | Your supposed to be able to burn it to a floppy but when I go to the DSL's site I can't find a link to do that | 05:11 |
psycho_oreos | you can't afford a usb stick? | 05:11 |
confusious | Wouldn't know how to use it. Heh,heh. A while back I bought a 512 MB flashdrive,would that work ? | 05:12 |
psycho_oreos | no | 05:12 |
psycho_oreos | too small for newer xubuntu but it should be fine I think for DSL | 05:13 |
confusious | Excuse me,it's called a "jumpdrive" | 05:13 |
psycho_oreos | doesn't make a difference | 05:13 |
confusious | Hmmmm........... | 05:13 |
psycho_oreos | 512MB is still small.. its smaller than your average blank cd | 05:13 |
confusious | True,but,DSL is only......50 MB according to the website | 05:15 |
psycho_oreos | which was what I said, it should be able to fit DSL but not xubuntu | 05:16 |
confusious | Ahhhhhhhh | 05:16 |
psycho_oreos | then the next problem is whether or not your computer will be able to boot flash drives or not | 05:17 |
confusious | Ahhhhhhhh,yes.Hmmmmmmmmmm ?? Good question | 05:18 |
psycho_oreos | assuming that your computer still has floppy drive, I believe there's a 75% chance of it not being able to boot flash drives | 05:19 |
psycho_oreos | how old is the computer or what are the specs? | 05:19 |
confusious | Comp is pretty old.I'd say close to 10 years.It may have more ram th it did though | 05:20 |
confusious | What kind of specs ? I have a list | 05:20 |
psycho_oreos | hmm well 10 years old, I'd say it won't be able to boot flash drives | 05:20 |
Balsaq | have you tried puppylinux?i run puppylinux on a dell from 1998 and a HP of the same era | 05:20 |
psycho_oreos | confusious doesn't have a burner | 05:21 |
psycho_oreos | there are potential ways to get around it | 05:21 |
Balsaq | there is a place in NY thta mails em out free | 05:21 |
confusious | Lookat at puppy once.I thought dsl was smaller | 05:21 |
Balsaq | but DSL is a real pain | 05:22 |
confusious | really ? | 05:22 |
confusious | ?? hmmmmmmm | 05:22 |
Balsaq | puppy is a bit of a pain also | 05:22 |
Balsaq | if you are not a good geek that is | 05:22 |
confusious | okee dokee | 05:22 |
confusious | indeed | 05:22 |
Balsaq | even the guy that hang is dsl told me that | 05:22 |
Balsaq | guys | 05:22 |
Balsaq | that hang out in their channel i mean | 05:23 |
psycho_oreos | or maybe you could order ubuntu cds and install xfce on top | 05:23 |
confusious | hey guys/dolls I gotta go for now I appreciate all the help though.The old lady is waiting on me | 05:23 |
confusious | wait,.............. | 05:23 |
confusious | what do you mean install xfce on top ? I have copy of Xubuntu | 05:24 |
psycho_oreos | confusious, but you have an old copy of xubuntu | 05:24 |
psycho_oreos | right now the latest stable is 9.10 | 05:24 |
confusious | True | 05:24 |
psycho_oreos | you could also order xubuntu 9.10 but I don't know if it is for free or not | 05:25 |
confusious | I'm gonna find a way {damnit} to install dsl on floppy !! | 05:25 |
confusious | heh heh | 05:25 |
psycho_oreos | ubuntu is free, but you'll be stuck with gnome interface | 05:25 |
psycho_oreos | you won't | 05:25 |
confusious | wait.I won't what ? | 05:26 |
confusious | I confused | 05:26 |
Balsaq | i ran ubuntu for awhile on 400mgz with 768sdram | 05:26 |
psycho_oreos | you can install DSL/puppy on usb via unetbootin, get PLoP boot manager and boot USB and hope it works | 05:26 |
psycho_oreos | confusious, 50MB vs 1.44MB, go figure | 05:26 |
psycho_oreos | unless you happen to have LS-120 | 05:26 |
confusious | Wait.......this jump drive I have is usb | 05:27 |
psycho_oreos | yes but your computer might not be able to boot off USB | 05:27 |
confusious | I see | 05:27 |
confusious | Well,agai.....I gotta go | 05:27 |
confusious | Thank you all very,very much | 05:27 |
confusious | goodnight ? | 05:28 |
psycho_oreos | nw, its still afternoon in my timezone | 05:28 |
Balsaq | it is 1233 AM here in new england | 05:34 |
psycho_oreos | Sat Feb 20 15:34:34 EST 2010 | 05:34 |
psycho_oreos | in .au here | 05:34 |
Balsaq | austria? australia? | 05:35 |
psycho_oreos | austria is .at :) | 05:35 |
Balsaq | cool | 05:35 |
Balsaq | i am a skier | 05:35 |
psycho_oreos | :o | 05:35 |
Balsaq | will ski there someday | 05:35 |
Balsaq | in austria is windows bigger than linux? | 05:36 |
psycho_oreos | not many ski spots that I'm aware of except perisher blue | 05:36 |
psycho_oreos | apparently it seems :/ | 05:36 |
Balsaq | of all the linux i have tried (many) i like xubuntu the best | 05:37 |
psycho_oreos | I'm lazy so I chose xubuntu, I tried it back awhile ago, ditched it for some other distro then sort of went back just because I'm lazy :) | 05:38 |
Balsaq | mine is extremely reliable, stable... | 05:39 |
Balsaq | and my sound and all worked immediately | 05:39 |
Balsaq | printer... | 05:39 |
Balsaq | 9.04 | 05:39 |
psycho_oreos | heh I had a few ups and downs but I've managed to make it work a bit better | 05:39 |
Balsaq | i will keep 9.04 until they force me out of it | 05:39 |
psycho_oreos | yeah same 9.04 here, reluctant to switch to 9.10 because of ext4 | 05:39 |
Balsaq | yeah i dont understand the whole ext4 thing? | 05:40 |
Balsaq | was told it was abig advantage | 05:40 |
psycho_oreos | though if the release notes for 10.04 sounds good I might change to that once its fully released | 05:40 |
psycho_oreos | yeah its better than the current ext3 because ext3 lacks for example, defragmenting | 05:40 |
Balsaq | hmmm didnt know that | 05:41 |
psycho_oreos | there's a wiki article describing the benefits of ext4 :) | 05:41 |
Balsaq | is defrag software or just built in to this ext4 | 05:41 |
Balsaq | will read that one | 05:41 |
psycho_oreos | I'm not sure, I sort of doubt its built-in | 05:41 |
Balsaq | but i dont think mine needs defrag | 05:41 |
Balsaq | it runs the same everyday | 05:42 |
psycho_oreos | the only problem with ext4 and 9.10 is that it can't handle large files, and that's a big downfall for me | 05:42 |
Balsaq | but i did install bleachbit and i use it everytime i turn it off | 05:42 |
psycho_oreos | there's other potentially notable differences | 05:42 |
Balsaq | i really dont use the file system much either...its an internet machine for me. | 05:44 |
psycho_oreos | ahh fair enough, I'm using it for all sorts of purposes on mine | 05:44 |
Balsaq | what other purposes? | 05:46 |
psycho_oreos | serving, bit of gaming and media viewing | 05:47 |
psycho_oreos | oh and also to learn new stuff as well | 05:47 |
psycho_oreos | learn/try | 05:47 |
Balsaq | i hear that can be tough | 05:47 |
hal9k20101 | hello all , need some help with ubuntu for ppc | 05:47 |
psycho_oreos | well not simultaneously, but this xubuntu is installed on one of my most powerful computer specs I have in my inventory :) | 05:48 |
psycho_oreos | hal9k20101, tried #ubuntu ? | 05:48 |
hal9k20101 | hehehe yep #ubuntu and here :-D | 05:49 |
Balsaq | i have ubuntu on one of my computers, its pretty cool. | 05:49 |
hal9k20101 | no response there | 05:49 |
psycho_oreos | #ubuntu is busy, as always | 05:49 |
psycho_oreos | heh I tried ubuntu but preferred xfce | 05:49 |
hal9k20101 | i am trying to install xubuntu or ubuntu 9.04 on my imac G3 350 | 05:50 |
psycho_oreos | I mean I preferred xfce over gnome interface | 05:50 |
Balsaq | definitely...lean and mean | 05:51 |
hal9k20101 | boot live cd using comand "live-nosplash-powerpc" but when it gets to desktop the colors are kinda flushed | 05:51 |
psycho_oreos | not so much of lean and mean but something different :) | 05:52 |
psycho_oreos | hal9k20101, might be to do with graphics chip | 05:52 |
psycho_oreos | mind you I don't personally own ppc powered devices | 05:52 |
hal9k20101 | i see | 05:53 |
hal9k20101 | well i will keep checking ... thanks | 05:54 |
psycho_oreos | nw | 05:54 |
Omar87 | Image thumbnails do not appear on Desktop. How do I fix that? | 06:17 |
lookitsdre | Anybody want to help me with a botched install? | 06:37 |
Balsaq | shoot | 06:48 |
aeonoris | I am attempting to remotely control my tower desktop with my laptop. I run Remote Desktop Viewer and it allows me to connect to my tower, but the screen appears to be a capture of the host's screen taken at time of connection - it doesn't update. I can control the cursor and type things on the keyboard, but nothing changes from the laptop's view. | 09:16 |
=== nikolam__ is now known as nikolam | ||
meco | I am now in 'failsafe GNOME' mode, but whenever I try to start up normally the session freezes before the icons in the system panel appears. I've tried the two fix options in the secure mode boot with no different result. Can someone give me some suggestions? | 11:11 |
IVIarcell | hey, my gnome/gtk setup seems to be broken. many of the default apps don't work anymore: sound-juicer, brasero, gnome-baker, ... they start and hang or show no text in the GUI at all. KDE apps work fine. any suggestions? | 11:35 |
PrebenR | Hi. I need some advice how to debug a problem | 12:12 |
PrebenR | I have three machines one laptop and two stationary | 12:13 |
PrebenR | I use sshfs, scp and ssh to communicate between the main computer M (stationary) and either of the other two. | 12:14 |
PrebenR | problem is that if I f.ex mount / of M on the laptop using sshfs | 12:14 |
PrebenR | and I then start trasnfer files or watching a film on M after some 20-30 seconds the connection drops | 12:15 |
PrebenR | if I reconnect the connections is stable | 12:15 |
PrebenR | this always happens | 12:15 |
PrebenR | so I think it must be either kernel driver or openssh problem? Not sure if it also could be hardware? | 12:16 |
PrebenR | problem is how to get some debug info when the connection drops to understand what is the problem? The mobo on M is Asus P5Q pro and the laptop is Asus 1000H, but I have same problem on and old computer form 2003 | 12:17 |
PrebenR | any hints, ideas much appreciated. Also problems when I scp to/from the server the first time | 12:18 |
PrebenR | all OSes arexubuntu Karmic, same problem in Jaunty | 12:21 |
subspider | hi | 13:13 |
subspider | do you guys know how to add calendar when a click on clock | 13:14 |
subspider | ?? | 13:14 |
psycho_oreos | I personally set it as orage instead of just clock | 13:15 |
subspider | hm ok | 13:15 |
subspider | thnks psycho_oreos | 13:17 |
psycho_oreos | nw | 13:17 |
subspider | it's working | 13:17 |
psycho_oreos | the only drawback is whenever you click on clock (which is now orage) you will get the usual calendar and an extra icon appears | 13:18 |
craigbass1976 | I'm on hardy, and need to jump up to current. I'm screwed, no? Unless I want to wipe and reinstall... | 14:04 |
dahaic | I think you have to go through intrepid, jaunty to karmic | 14:06 |
dahaic | why do you need karmic? next LTS is not far away.. | 14:07 |
craigbass1976 | dahaic, I think I heard that the jump from intrepid to Jaunty was bad. | 14:07 |
craigbass1976 | I'm worried about having to wipe, If I can upgrade from hardy to whatever's coming, no problem. Will that be possible? | 14:07 |
psycho_oreos | I don't recommend upgrading personally | 14:07 |
craigbass1976 | Aw, come on... It's not like Windows. ;) | 14:08 |
dahaic | i began with intrepid, and biggest problems for me were with jaunty-karmic, intrepid-jaunty was quite normal | 14:08 |
dahaic | yea, Hardy is LTS, and Lucid will be LTS as well, so direct update will be available | 14:09 |
craigbass1976 | No, I usually like a fresh install too. Ok dahaic, I knew there was a hitch somewhere. I don't think I've ever used intrepid. Hardy, jaunty, and my new acer laptop has karmic on it | 14:09 |
craigbass1976 | dahaic, fat. I'm not going to worry about it then. | 14:09 |
psycho_oreos | I never could get a clean upgrade, its always something wrong somewhere | 14:09 |
craigbass1976 | I think I've only done two; one was from dapper to hardy, and the other was from hardy... no wait a minute, the second was from edgy or feisty to hardy. Both went well as I remember | 14:11 |
dahaic | sometimes it reverts something to defaults :) | 14:13 |
dahaic | and for example, after karmic, i have my xterms with white background ;/ | 14:13 |
=== Rascal911 is now known as Rascal | ||
Rascal | I'm leaving Ubuntu | 15:58 |
rr72 | my desktop stopped folding at 100% .... does it do that often? | 17:13 |
rr72 | a cooldown period or something? | 17:13 |
TheSheep | rr72: folding? | 17:59 |
rr72 | TheSheep~ wrong window lol | 18:22 |
rr72 | not like me, rarely happens | 18:22 |
lookitsdre | Anybody want to help me with a tweeked install that gives a grub 17 error? | 18:33 |
lookitsdre | exit | 18:35 |
owen1 | i boot my laptop and after login i see a small white terminal instead of my desktop. startx tells me: X:user not authorize to run the X server, aborting. any tips? | 19:24 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I just downloaded the new flashplayer: | 19:25 |
Sachse_Siechtum | How do I install it? | 19:26 |
owen1 | Sachse_Siechtum: what's the name of the file? | 19:26 |
owen1 | .deb ? | 19:26 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I have one file called: flashplayer-installer | 19:26 |
Sachse_Siechtum | and one file called: | 19:26 |
owen1 | it's probably an executable, so try ./flashplayer-installer | 19:26 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I double clicked it but nothing happend... | 19:27 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I tried it in terminal but it says command not found | 19:27 |
owen1 | did u try ./ | 19:28 |
owen1 | and file name? | 19:28 |
Sachse_Siechtum | no | 19:28 |
owen1 | please do | 19:28 |
Sachse_Siechtum | what does "./" do? | 19:28 |
owen1 | it let's you run files that are 'executables' | 19:29 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I see...ok. it works. :-) | 19:29 |
owen1 | and if you want to see if a file is executable, | 19:29 |
owen1 | run ls -l | 19:29 |
owen1 | and tell me what u see | 19:29 |
owen1 | -l will give you detailed list of the files in the folder you are in. | 19:30 |
owen1 | next to each file you will see something like "-rwxr-xr-x" | 19:30 |
Sachse_Siechtum | insgesamt 10964 | 19:30 |
Sachse_Siechtum | -rwxrwxr-x 1 jurek jurek 21788 2009-12-16 20:47 flashplayer-installer | 19:30 |
Sachse_Siechtum | -rwxrwxr-x 1 jurek jurek 11198636 2009-12-16 20:47 | 19:30 |
owen1 | the x's means it's executable | 19:30 |
owen1 | yes | 19:30 |
owen1 | rwxrwxr-x | 19:31 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ok the the rw ect. is what the file is "allowed" to read/write ect... | 19:31 |
owen1 | the first 3 means jurek can read, write and execute this file | 19:31 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ah | 19:31 |
Sachse_Siechtum | copy | 19:31 |
owen1 | the second 3 is for the group called jurek. | 19:32 |
owen1 | and the last 3, i can't remember. but google will give you better answer | 19:32 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ok thanks. | 19:32 |
owen1 | linux is nice. | 19:32 |
Sachse_Siechtum | :-) | 19:32 |
Sachse_Siechtum | just sometimes hard to figure something out | 19:32 |
owen1 | yeah, but it's fun to slowly find more and more | 19:33 |
Sachse_Siechtum | like yesterday when I tried to solve some sound issue in ET: quake wars | 19:33 |
Sachse_Siechtum | yeah | 19:33 |
owen1 | i boot my laptop and after login i see a small white terminal instead of my desktop. startx tells me: X:user not authorize to run the X server, aborting. any tips? | 19:33 |
Sachse_Siechtum | while not solving the problem per se..I finally made my subwoofer work normally now *g+ | 19:33 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I dunno much about it...I'd guess something wrong with authorisations... | 19:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | But I dont have any clue, really. :-( | 19:34 |
owen1 | i was asking others, no worries | 19:35 |
Sachse_Siechtum | :-) | 19:35 |
owen1 | enjoy your linux journey | 19:35 |
Sachse_Siechtum | thanks. | 19:35 |
owen1 | and xubuntu specificaly | 19:35 |
Sachse_Siechtum | yeah I really like it. Feels like when I got a computer for the first time... (it had Win95) *lol* | 19:36 |
owen1 | yeah. and way faster that windows | 19:36 |
owen1 | r u a geek? developer? | 19:36 |
Sachse_Siechtum | well more like a "user"..and gamer :-) | 19:37 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I'm planning to switch to xubuntu completly when I got a new pc... | 19:37 |
Sachse_Siechtum | already fiddled a bit with wine :-) | 19:38 |
owen1 | ok. i wanted to recommand you different "UI" for your xubuntu. | 19:38 |
Sachse_Siechtum | well I really like compiz fusion :-) | 19:38 |
owen1 | but it might not be relevant. have u heard about tiling window managers? | 19:38 |
Sachse_Siechtum | uhm. No. | 19:38 |
owen1 | i am using one of them called awesome. let me find a link | 19:39 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ok. Thanks | 19:39 |
owen1 | | 19:39 |
owen1 | it organizes your screen into terminals | 19:39 |
owen1 | very efficient way to handle multiple apps | 19:39 |
Sachse_Siechtum | Hmmm. | 19:39 |
owen1 | one day. when u'll get tired of you fancy desktop with icons. | 19:40 |
owen1 | remember this conversation. | 19:40 |
Sachse_Siechtum | *lol* well my desktop is not really that fancy..I had cairo dock for a while...but then it got annoying | 19:41 |
Sachse_Siechtum | "No mouse needed: everything can be performed with keyboard;" :-))))) | 19:42 |
owen1 | yes | 19:42 |
Sachse_Siechtum | looks interesting...but before I gonna try that I have some stuf to solve....printer for example *g* | 19:44 |
owen1 | before u buy a printer, make sure it's compatible with linux - | 19:45 |
owen1 | | 19:46 |
Sachse_Siechtum | well It is. I looked in the compatible list of HPlip | 19:46 |
owen1 | i made the same i bought an awesome dell printer/scan | 19:46 |
owen1 | cool | 19:46 |
Sachse_Siechtum | yeah. Its just, in the middle of the printing process it stops and I get an "e" on the printer screen.... | 19:47 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I think I have to post this in launchpad | 19:47 |
Sachse_Siechtum | brb | 19:48 |
Sachse_Siechtum | back | 19:51 |
Sachse_Siechtum | back | 19:52 |
p0a | hello after ~10 idle minutes the screen becomes black, even when watching a fullscreen movie | 20:10 |
p0a | this is annoying, how can I change it? | 20:10 |
Sachse_Siechtum | its in energy options | 20:14 |
Sachse_Siechtum | "settings" > "energy management for Xfce" | 20:17 |
Sachse_Siechtum | rest should be self explanetory | 20:18 |
Sachse_Siechtum | explainatory | 20:18 |
Sachse_Siechtum | hello subspider | 20:19 |
subspider | helo Sachse_Siechtum | 20:25 |
Sachse_Siechtum | subspider, whats up? :-) | 20:28 |
subspider | fine and you?? | 20:29 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I'm fine too :-) | 20:29 |
Sachse_Siechtum | got my subwoofer to work finally :-) | 20:29 |
subspider | i have a amd logo on the corner of the screen i can't take it out | 20:29 |
subspider | hehehehe | 20:29 |
subspider | nice | 20:29 |
Sachse_Siechtum | can you take a screenshot of it? | 20:30 |
Sachse_Siechtum | is it on the ipper left or right corner? | 20:30 |
Sachse_Siechtum | upper | 20:30 |
subspider | i have columns 5.1 in a box i can't use them cus of my neighbors | 20:30 |
subspider | right lower corner | 20:30 |
subspider | !post | 20:31 |
Sachse_Siechtum | since when do you have that logo in the corner? | 20:31 |
subspider | oh it's because i install the restrict drivers | 20:32 |
subspider | for my ati | 20:32 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I see | 20:32 |
subspider | hd 5730 | 20:32 |
subspider | it must be easy | 20:32 |
Sachse_Siechtum | show off ;-) | 20:32 |
owen1 | when i try to delete/move a file from my SD card, the file manager closes and I see lock sign on the folder. ls -l shows rwx though. any clue? | 21:48 |
Sachse_Siechtum | is the file format of the sd card ext4? | 21:51 |
owen1 | let me see | 21:54 |
owen1 | Sachse_Siechtum: mount shows vft | 21:57 |
owen1 | vfat | 21:57 |
Sachse_Siechtum | when I formatted my usb stick with ext4 (with gparted) it gave it only root access...but when I formated it with...oh | 21:57 |
Sachse_Siechtum | that is strange... | 21:57 |
Sachse_Siechtum | vfat shouldnt cause any problems at all... | 21:58 |
Sachse_Siechtum | maybe there is a hardware r/o switch on the sd card | 21:58 |
Sachse_Siechtum | like floppies have.. | 21:59 |
owen1 | Sachse_Siechtum: yes, but it's unlocked | 21:59 |
Sachse_Siechtum | hmmmm | 21:59 |
Sachse_Siechtum | Well. Thats all I can come up with. | 22:00 |
Sachse_Siechtum | write it in launchpad | 22:00 |
Sachse_Siechtum | I already did a google search..but didnt find any relevant | 22:00 |
owen1 | Sachse_Siechtum: np. thank you! | 22:03 |
Sachse_Siechtum | hey you help me I help you. :-) | 22:04 |
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302_shower | ||
syn-ack | Anyone else been having issues with automount not wanting to mount CDs? | 23:17 |
=== tuvok302_shower is now known as tuvok302Lappy |
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