DanaG | argh, stupid icedtea plugin keeps segfaulting firefox. | 00:00 |
penguin42 | DanaG: Always been hopelessly flaky | 00:00 |
DanaG | like, go here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6ke686zh%28VS.80%29.aspx | 00:00 |
DanaG | yes, it is msdn... but it happens plenty of other places. | 00:00 |
penguin42 | DanaG: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/344705 | 00:01 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 344705 in openjdk-6 "IcedTea Plugin Doesnt Work" [High,Confirmed] | 00:01 |
DanaG | I was even getting a crash upon trying to download anything. | 00:02 |
DanaG | That is, even before it showed the "do you want to save, or open?" dialog! | 00:03 |
ZykoticK9 | DanaG, perhaps I'm missing something but that page seems to display/work ok in Chromium (which has no java at all) - was working in my FF as well (as I didn't have icedtea install, it's installing now) | 00:03 |
DanaG | The problem for me was that with icedtea installed... it segfaulted. | 00:04 |
DanaG | Displays fine without the plugin. | 00:04 |
maxb | Ahh.... right, metacity meant to claim Ctrl+Alt+T, but owing to a spelling mistake in the gconf file ended up claiming Alt+T instead (bug 524884) | 00:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 524884 in metacity "metacity claims Alt+T for open terminal, due to spelling mistake in gconf defaults file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/524884 | 00:05 |
penguin42 | maxb: Oops | 00:05 |
ZykoticK9 | Other then installing icedtea6-plugin - how do I enable it for FF? | 00:09 |
DanaG | weird... somehow I have a huge, empty space in my notification area. | 00:10 |
ZykoticK9 | According to bug 496097 icedtea6-plugin won't work in Firefox 3.6 - without xulrunner-1.9.2, i currently have xulrunner- -- are people using a PPA or manually installing the updated xulrunner to get icedtea and FF working? | 00:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 496097 in openjdk-6 "icedtea6-plugin not compatible with Firefox 3.6+" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/496097 | 00:17 |
syn-ack | hrm, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't XFCE rely on gstreamer | 00:34 |
crimsun | Xfce uses GSt where appropriate. | 00:34 |
syn-ack | hrm | 00:35 |
syn-ack | odd | 00:35 |
syn-ack | lemme see if I can find a fix before reporting the bug then | 00:35 |
syn-ack | crimsun: I'm using Rhythmbox in Xubuntu and I'm having some issues retagging files from within it. The error it's throwing to me is merely "internal gstreamer error. Please File Bug | 00:39 |
crimsun | sorry, I don't use Rhythmbox | 00:40 |
crimsun | however, I use Banshee (from master HEAD), and it seems to work fine | 00:40 |
syn-ack | Normally I don't either but I installed it to see if the issue I was having in Exaile was local to the application or system wide | 00:41 |
syn-ack | Starting to appear to be system wide | 00:41 |
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histo | doubt that many people will be using xfce with lucid though. System is so fast right now with just gnome. | 00:53 |
penguin42 | still does it for smaller machines and also some people just prefer it | 00:54 |
histo | Is debian using plymouth and grub2 at all in one of there releases? or is that just a ubuntu thing? | 00:56 |
DanaG | argh, as uptime grows, I seem to gradually get more and more keyboard lag. | 01:58 |
Zer | Howdy. It seems that the recent MonoDevelop upgrade broke all of its plugins as far as the repository is concerned, seeing as they require <2.2, and it's 2.2.1 | 02:15 |
Zer | Is there any way to force the plugins to install, or should I just build it from source and ditch the repository? | 02:15 |
leftyfb | please tell me the preference to "show icons in menu's" isn't being removed completely | 02:50 |
rww | leftyfb: It's no longer exposed through the UI. I believe it's still in gconf-editor, though i haven't checked. The GNOME people did this deliberately. | 03:12 |
IngForigua | hi someone is testing nouveau for nvidia cards ? | 03:13 |
leftyfb | rww: what's with the current trend of removing polish? | 03:13 |
rww | leftyfb: I don't know; the decision doesn't make much sense to me either. | 03:14 |
arand | leftyfb rww: It's just that the gnomes really thinks no-icons is the way forward, and also that the associated settings tab was ugly and stupid... kind-of: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=592756 | 03:18 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 592756 in Appearance "remove interface tab" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 03:18 |
robin0800 | arand: whats worse now is that there is no menu entry to put the icons back if you want to | 03:45 |
arand | robin0800: just what change they did in report I linked. It's horrible, surely, but then again, gnome is gnome, and if you don't like it.. don't use it. But yea, I'm still might peeved about it, grrr | 03:47 |
robin0800 | arand: and another thing what is a new user to think there are some icons in the default this should be all icons or no icons IMHO it just looks unfinished | 03:50 |
DanaG | hmm, do they at least still have the gconf key? | 03:51 |
robin0800 | arand: its easy to change gconfig2 is installed use gconfig-edit | 03:51 |
robin0800 | arand: its easy to change gconfig2 is installed use gconfig-edititor | 03:52 |
DanaG | gconf-editor | 03:52 |
robin0800 | DanaG: yes | 03:52 |
arand | I do know. | 03:52 |
robin0800 | DanaG: even gconf-editor is not easy to add to the menu now | 03:55 |
DanaG | alt-f2, gconf-editor | 03:56 |
leftyfb | arand: polish and completeness is stupid? | 03:58 |
leftyfb | half the menu's have icons and the other half don't | 03:59 |
leftyfb | it's retarded looking | 03:59 |
robin0800 | leftyfb: morronic I think and how is a new user to know that it can be fixed | 04:00 |
arand | Myself I don't have a huge problem with it, I'm always going to have to configure the system to get it the way I want it. But this whole thing about ubuntu to wow the masses... If they keep on making stupid decisions and claim it to be a good design choice, *sigh*, I need to stop caring.... | 04:00 |
leftyfb | I hate how devs with no clue about how normal users prefer things get to make the decisions for everyone | 04:01 |
leftyfb | No idea where this new trend of tearing out features till there's nothing left to make things "simplistic" comes from | 04:02 |
robin0800 | leftyfb: well as I said earlier all on or all off would be better | 04:02 |
leftyfb | Not all users are are as stupid and simple minded as the devs think they are | 04:02 |
DanaG | Some normal users, and even fellow computer-engineering students, still leave their computers set to "hide extensions" (in win7 or winvista).... I find that default highly stupid. | 04:03 |
arand | But then again, we are all power users, and just to take a classic example, redwrite-facebook, I think even we have a hard time knowing how really inexperienced users use things... | 04:03 |
leftyfb | arand: I am very versed in the average user. I base most of my settings on that of something the average user can accomplish so that I can better support them. I spend a lot of time talking with users of all levels and how they use their computer | 04:04 |
robin0800 | DanaG was : hiding extenions is true in XP as well | 04:05 |
leftyfb | Looking at the only 3 menu's on the screen on a fresh install and seeing only half with icons is not something that takes an advanced user to look at and immediately ask "is this OS not finished or something?" | 04:05 |
DanaG | oh yeah, I see people commenting about the clientside decorations... I see no clientside window decorations. | 04:05 |
arand | leftyfb: Yea you probably speak with a better authority on that one. | 04:07 |
leftyfb | Tired of it | 04:07 |
leftyfb | started with pidgin | 04:08 |
DanaG | http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23705 | 04:08 |
leftyfb | bad decisions by devs who think they know best | 04:08 |
ubottu | Freedesktop bug 23705 in Server/general "xserver 1.7.0rc0 uses wrong dimensions" [Normal,Reopened] | 04:08 |
robin0800 | leftyfb: why no "decent" irc client in default install? | 04:09 |
leftyfb | robin0800: most average users have never heard of IRC | 04:09 |
leftyfb | that's a simple one and not related | 04:09 |
arand | I would claim it started with update manager, but we all have our pet peeves I guess. | 04:11 |
vish | bgo609134 | 04:12 |
vish | bgo 609134 | 04:12 |
vish | gnome bug 609134 | 04:12 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 609134 in nm-applet "should do lazy loading for icons" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=609134 | 04:12 |
[Adam|Linux] | MY windows partition no longer boots after I put on Alpha 2, I know most files are there, but How do I get it bootable again | 04:17 |
[Adam|Linux] | Currently I want to bblame grub, but not sure where to start | 04:17 |
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robin0800 | [Adam|Linux]: try sudo update-grub in a terminal | 04:19 |
[Adam|Linux] | I'll try, but can you at least reassure me I can at least copy the windows files to an external drive and back onto a more stable computer if I need to? | 04:20 |
MJEvans | On my install sometime after break=top the laptop's display goes blank and things freeze; I think it's the vesa console crud or the splash. How can I force it to stick to simple textmode? | 04:21 |
MJEvans | [Adam|Linux]: If you pop the drive in a windows system OR use a live linux CD of just about any kind you should be able to access your windows partition via ntfs-3g w/o issue | 04:22 |
robin0800 | it shouldn't touch any windows files its only a pointer held in the linux partion | 04:22 |
MJEvans | [Adam|Linux]: presuming you didn't select 'use whole disk' | 04:22 |
[Adam|Linux] | I went through the whole disk issue a year ago and learned from that 9_9 | 04:22 |
[Adam|Linux] | What's weird is I can begin to start windows fine, loading screen pops up, then it kicks me into disc check just fine, then tries to finish the boot and just dies | 04:24 |
[Adam|Linux] | I am seriously overussing te word "Just" :/ | 04:24 |
leftyfb | [Adam|Linux]: then that's not a grub issue | 04:25 |
leftyfb | that's a windows issue | 04:25 |
[Adam|Linux] | But it didn't happen until the ubuntu install :/ | 04:26 |
leftyfb | coincidence | 04:26 |
leftyfb | Ubuntu does not touch files on your windows installation | 04:26 |
MJEvans | [Adam|Linux]: it's possible that was a /shrink/ related issue. System files might have been moved; you may need to run a 'repair' dvd to re-setup the hard-coded file locations in windows. | 04:26 |
DanaG | xp, or winvista/7? | 04:27 |
[Adam|Linux] | It's 7 | 04:27 |
leftyfb | If he runs the repair startup from the DVD, then it will blow away grub | 04:27 |
DanaG | not true. | 04:27 |
MJEvans | leftyfb: yeah, but then you just do a grub-install from chroot and it's fine | 04:27 |
[Adam|Linux] | I want to be able to use ubuntu, but not at the cost of some of my windows stuff | 04:27 |
DanaG | As long as the windows boot entry is at least present, the dvd will fix it -- just has to point the BCD info back at the changed-id partition. | 04:28 |
leftyfb | DanaG: it's already past that point. grub is loading windows, windows is booting and running a chdsk, then dies. That means it see's it's partition just fine. | 04:29 |
DanaG | weird. | 04:29 |
[Adam|Linux] | That is why it is so weird :/ | 04:30 |
MJEvans | [Adam|Linux]: agreed with DanaG's conclusion though. You need /windows/ support not linux support. | 04:30 |
[Adam|Linux] | I figured you guys would know though, since you likely get alot of questions like mine | 04:31 |
[Adam|Linux] | thanks for the time though | 04:31 |
leftyfb | What the installation and tutorials don't tell you when installing ubuntu dual boot is, if you're going to resize a windows partition, you should run a chkdsk and defrag on it first. | 04:31 |
[Adam|Linux] | What's funny is #windows will refer me right back to you XD ... so fun being on a fence :| | 04:32 |
leftyfb | don't tell them you have ubuntu installed | 04:32 |
leftyfb | it's not relevant | 04:32 |
leftyfb | if they have you run a startup repair and it blitzes your grub and only boots windows, then come back and we'll help you with fixing grub | 04:33 |
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[Adam|Linux] | One last question....is there a way to just forget linux and move windows back to the root? | 04:44 |
leftyfb | that won't fix your issue | 04:44 |
leftyfb | but yes | 04:44 |
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arand | leftyfb: Hmm, Re:interface tab comment. Even though it may be justified, agressive/insulting tones are in my experience never a way to get your point ahead. I think an objective comment, implying the stupidity much more subtly, might be more effective ;-) | 04:47 |
leftyfb | arand: trust me, i've tried maybe times before, neither works out anyway. Might as well give them a piece of mind. | 04:47 |
leftyfb | %s/many/maybe | 04:47 |
leftyfb | They think they can just make bad decisions with no repercussions, i'm not holding back | 04:48 |
arand | leftyfb: Maybe, but it seems they bite back.. | 04:48 |
leftyfb | They won't listen regardless of how nice, subtle or direct you are | 04:48 |
leftyfb | bite how? By removing user preferences? I don't see that ever happening ;) | 04:49 |
arand | leftyfb: Someone there is waving a CoC at your face. | 04:49 |
leftyfb | Then maybe he'll understand how much his devs are going against the community and upsetting them. | 04:51 |
arand | leftyfb: and they removed your comment it seems :/ | 04:51 |
leftyfb | damnit! | 04:51 |
leftyfb | Yeah, that's how you treat user feedback. | 04:52 |
leftyfb | If I wanted this type of treatment, i'd use Windows | 04:52 |
arand | Well the user treatment is hardly better there though.. | 04:53 |
leftyfb | Oh look, they disabled my account | 04:53 |
leftyfb | They removed my comment as well as the previous | 04:54 |
arand | That's a bit tough, they do do bite I say. | 04:54 |
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virtuald | where do I set the font size for synaptic's and update-manager's terminal? | 05:14 |
arand | virtuald: I reckon that is xterm being used, as to where the settings are, no idea, sorry. | 05:19 |
virtuald | ok maybe it's Xresources then | 05:21 |
robin0800 | virtuald: perhaps it picks up the size set in the terminal | 05:22 |
virtuald | it dosen't use the size from the Default profile in gnome-terminal | 05:23 |
robin0800 | virtuald: the default profile uses the system fixed width font which is monospace 10 | 05:27 |
DanaG | Is it a dpi issue? http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23705 | 05:27 |
ubottu | Freedesktop bug 23705 in Server/general "xserver 1.7.0rc0 uses wrong dimensions" [Normal,Reopened] | 05:27 |
virtuald | danag: most likely i think i've got my dpi set correctly but i'm not sure | 05:28 |
DanaG | Root doesn't take user's preferences. | 05:28 |
virtuald | ah | 05:28 |
DanaG | It takes defaults.... which, thanks to the ***** xorg devs, are now broken. | 05:28 |
virtuald | of course it doesn't | 05:28 |
virtuald | why didn't i think of that | 05:29 |
DanaG | You'll take your 3mm high letters and like them! | 05:29 |
DanaG | =þ | 05:29 |
virtuald | actually they're more like 3cm.. (not really but too big anyway) | 05:29 |
DanaG | In my case, they're tiny. | 05:29 |
DanaG | 1920x1200 at 15.4" = 147DPI. | 05:30 |
DanaG | Xorg says I have this: | 05:30 |
DanaG | 1920x1200 at 20" = 96 DPI. | 05:30 |
DanaG | So an inch... is not an inch. Good job there. | 05:31 |
robin0800 | DanaG: can you not force DPI in Xorg? | 05:31 |
virtuald | as i understand it they always set it to 96 dpi | 05:31 |
DanaG | Well, it ignores the "DPI" option, and ignores my DisplaySize, too. | 05:31 |
DanaG | And then lies about my screen size... on purpose. | 05:31 |
DanaG | Just read the thread.... so I don't go into rant mode. =þ | 05:32 |
virtuald | yeah xrandr reports a much smaller size than what gets logged | 05:32 |
virtuald | so i tried to change that with an xrandr command but it doesn't seem to work | 05:33 |
DanaG | Weird. What actual screen do you have? | 05:33 |
DanaG | Size and resolution. | 05:33 |
virtuald | (II) intel(0): Setting screen physical size to 270 x 158 | 05:33 |
DanaG | http://members.ping.de/~sven/dpi.html | 05:33 |
DanaG | put in real screen size and resolution. | 05:33 |
virtuald | LVDS1 connected 1024x600+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 195mm x 113mm | 05:33 |
virtuald | hmm now i have to go get my yardstick :p | 05:34 |
DanaG | Along with the assuming 96, comes the issue that, given CORRECT dpi, 10 points is HUGE. | 05:34 |
DanaG | So their solution: break the dpi. | 05:34 |
virtuald | yeah | 05:35 |
DanaG | I'm generally pretty easy-going, but when somebody breaks something that previously worked PERFECTLY, for what I see as totally "bollocks" (altered word) reasons.... it makes me really angry. | 05:36 |
coz_ | DanaG, ooo I agree ....what broke? | 05:37 |
DanaG | Read the bug report link. =þ | 05:37 |
virtuald | http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23705 | 05:39 |
ubottu | Freedesktop bug 23705 in Server/general "xserver 1.7.0rc0 uses wrong dimensions" [Normal,Reopened] | 05:40 |
alex_mayorga | did nouveau broke on 2.6.32-13? | 06:08 |
tgpraveen | what is the most noob friendly /easiest/gui way to share files between two ubuntu computers. | 06:19 |
holstein | ubuntu one | 06:20 |
holstein | dropbox | 06:20 |
holstein | ftp | 06:20 |
holstein | ssh | 06:20 |
holstein | 06:20 | |
holstein | try ubuntu one | 06:21 |
holstein | how much data tgpraveen? | 06:21 |
DanaG | And what sort of use case? | 06:22 |
holstein | good question | 06:23 |
DanaG | Use case as in: documents you want synced, or music you want to play over the network, or such. | 06:25 |
virtuald | danag: do you have DisplaySize set in xorg.conf? | 06:26 |
DanaG | Yeah.... but it ignores it. | 06:27 |
DanaG | http://pastebin.com/d32062041 | 06:28 |
DanaG | xorg log. | 06:28 |
DanaG | http://pastebin.com/d444cb668 | 06:28 |
DanaG | xorg.conf. | 06:28 |
virtuald | ok where do you set it then? | 06:29 |
DanaG | In xorg.conf. | 06:29 |
virtuald | if you set it with xrandr does it work then? | 06:30 |
DanaG | er, if I set xrandr dpi, it works. not sure about size. | 06:31 |
DanaG | But I shouldn't have to take the display size from xrandr, and feed it BACK to xrandr. that's just stupid. | 06:31 |
DanaG | =þ | 06:31 |
virtuald | i know it's stupid | 06:31 |
tgpraveen | holstein: DanaG yes I should elaborate both are connected to the same router. ie on same LAN. and I want to share files between them | 06:31 |
tgpraveen | something like how samba is used when widnows comps are involved | 06:32 |
tgpraveen | but so far it seems it is more complex to share between two ubuntu comps then between two windows or one windows and one ubuntu | 06:32 |
DanaG | oh yeah, and is the login window supposed to have a MINIMIZE button? | 06:32 |
tgpraveen | please don't tell me to use ssh/ftp | 06:32 |
DanaG | You can just use samba between two Linux computers. | 06:33 |
tgpraveen | I want a really simple/gui way | 06:33 |
tgpraveen | preferably if it is integrated into nautilus or something would be ideal | 06:33 |
DanaG | samba usershare.... not sure how to do that though. | 06:33 |
virtuald | danag: that page calculated the dpi to 133.35, so i think setting the size gets me a more correct dpi than guessing | 06:34 |
DanaG | What SHOULD happen: edid says size and resolution... Xorg uses that to calculate DPI. | 06:34 |
DanaG | What really happens: edid says size and resolution... Xorg throws that out and calculates a new, bogus size for 96dpi. | 06:35 |
virtuald | why does it do that? | 06:35 |
DanaG | it's a "feature" -- that freedesktop.org bug report. | 06:35 |
virtuald | they don't way why? just that it's how it works on the other os? | 06:36 |
cwillu_at_work | tgpraveen, I'm going to tell you to use sftp in nautilus (which uses ssh), because it's the right answer | 06:36 |
cwillu_at_work | tgpraveen, you can set up samba as well, works just fine, but sftp has the advantage of actually being secure | 06:36 |
cwillu_at_work | tgpraveen, you install openssh-server, and then you can immediately connect to that computer while on the same network in nautilus via sftp://<computername>.local | 06:37 |
virtuald | say* | 06:37 |
cwillu_at_work | you don't even need to use a terminal :p | 06:38 |
cwillu_at_work | note that you'll want to make sure you've got a good password (you can set up ssh keys as the only way of connecting, but that's more complicated) | 06:39 |
tgpraveen | cwillu_at_work: yeah that was the answer I got from the net. but it aint simple enough still as compare d to between two windows or one windows and one ubuntu | 06:39 |
cwillu_at_work | but the same applies to samba, really | 06:39 |
cwillu_at_work | tgpraveen, by the way, have you tried right clicking a folder and clicking "sharing options"? | 06:39 |
cwillu_at_work | i.e., that thing that does exactly what you want, in the way that you asked for it? :p | 06:40 |
virtuald | danag: i also set the dpi in the gnome-appearance-properties to 133, that's always been at 96 by default too | 06:40 |
tgpraveen | cwilluhmm sounds intresting yes if that works then that is what I am looking for | 06:40 |
tgpraveen | cwillu_at_work: so I fi set up the sharing folder then in the other ubuntu comp in network I will see that folder? | 06:41 |
DanaG | virtuald: actually, they're wrong about other-os, too. | 06:42 |
virtuald | oh | 06:42 |
DanaG | win7 uses rounded-down-to-nearest-25% out-of-the-box. | 06:42 |
DanaG | so, 133dpi -> 120 (125%); 147 -> 145 (150%). | 06:43 |
virtuald | why would they do that? | 06:43 |
DanaG | And OS X? Doesn't do dpi scaling. | 06:43 |
DanaG | rounding down is good for having better icon scaling. | 06:43 |
virtuald | ok | 06:44 |
DanaG | 150% makes it smoother than 153% would. | 06:44 |
virtuald | so if my icons look ugly i should set dpi to 120? | 06:44 |
DanaG | It's worth a try. | 06:45 |
cwillu_at_work | virtuald, most of our icons are scalable rather than bitmaps | 06:45 |
DanaG | yeah, Windows has mostly bitmap icons. | 06:46 |
DanaG | s/yeah// | 06:46 |
cwillu_at_work | so 153% should look just as good as 150% | 06:46 |
virtuald | yeah so i have to find some pixmaps | 06:46 |
DanaG | I have mine set to 147, and have a font size of 8.5. | 06:46 |
RAOF | cwillu_at_work: Modulo the pixel grid, yeah. | 06:46 |
cwillu_at_work | or you could, you know, _not_ try to regress :p | 06:46 |
cwillu_at_work | RAOF, modulo nothing, pixel grid affects sharpness, not smoothness | 06:47 |
cwillu_at_work | blurring is very smooth :) | 06:47 |
virtuald | i didn't know you could have fractional font sizes (is that the right word?) | 06:47 |
cwillu_at_work | yep | 06:47 |
cwillu_at_work | not entirely sure we do much of note with them though | 06:48 |
cwillu_at_work | really I'm just waiting until browsers broadly support sub-pixel positions | 06:48 |
cwillu_at_work | positioning | 06:48 |
cwillu_at_work | sub-pixel in the sense of "fractional pixels", not as in lcd rgb | 06:48 |
DanaG | I wish we had pixel-based scrolling a la os x. | 06:49 |
virtuald | i wish i knew what that meant :p | 06:50 |
DanaG | Instead of scrolling line by line on touchpad... it's pixel by pixel, for each millimeter you move your finger. | 06:50 |
virtuald | ok | 06:53 |
virtuald | yeah now it's like it emulates the arrow keys | 06:54 |
EruditeHermit | hey guys, how has lucid been over the last few weeks | 07:02 |
EruditeHermit | tumultuous changes? | 07:02 |
RAOF | People using the default nvidia drivers have witnessed the nv => nouveau transition? | 07:04 |
tgpraveen | RAOF: accrding to the announcement yes | 07:04 |
DanaG | I ran into abi breakage on xorg-edgers nouveau. | 07:06 |
RAOF | Yes, you would. | 07:07 |
RAOF | DanaG: We'd quite like you to test the stuff in Lucid's repositories, too. After all, we're not going to LTS xorg-edgers; we *are* going to need to support the nouveau in the main archives ;) | 07:08 |
DanaG | I can do that on Monday. GeForce 6150 LE. | 07:10 |
DanaG | What it did with Edgers: claimed it succeeded at opening DRM (got "10"), and then immediately aborted, claiming "Failed to open DRM" | 07:11 |
DanaG | No devices found. | 07:11 |
RAOF | I think Sarvatt's fixed that now. But you're absolutely right; it was a kernel API problem. | 07:12 |
DanaG | that's what somebody (forgot who) told me. | 07:12 |
RAOF | Quite possibly me. | 07:12 |
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DanaG | hmm, oh yeah, so if nv17 doesn't do NPOT (non-power-of-two) and thus can't do compiz... how did nvidia binaries do compiz? | 07:17 |
tgpraveen | ok so I connected my windows xp laptop and ubuntu desktop using samba. now ifg I set properties as share this folder for some folder and allo guest access on ubuntu then I can access on xp laptop. but this is not working for my ntfs external hdd attached to my desktop. | 07:20 |
tgpraveen | even if it is set to shared and I see the drive on my laptop as a folder when I try to open it I get access denied and no permisssion s etc.guest permisssions are enabled for it | 07:20 |
tgpraveen | is there anything special for a ntfs drive? | 07:20 |
tgpraveen | cwillu_at_work: ^^ | 07:20 |
Damascene | Hello, the sound problem is fixed now with my laptop. | 07:21 |
RAOF | DanaG: By emulating NPOT, I'd guess. It's obvious how you'd do it. | 07:21 |
MJEvans | So... I finally force Lucid to boot with a custom initrd, and blacklisting every module in any way related to framebuffer or nvidia; and I got a little text on VC1, and a bar on VC7 that started out small and in three sections, and has now grown to a single white section across the bottom of that screen... and it's sitting there. | 07:23 |
Amaranth | DanaG: I imagine by wasting memory emulating npot | 07:23 |
MJEvans | Is there something I'm supposed to wait for... or is this 'the end' and time to reboot, chroot, and look at /var/log ? | 07:25 |
Amaranth | oh hey, I used to have one of those worthless GeForce 4 MX cards, that's when I started hating nvidia | 07:26 |
DanaG | yeah. One plus one equals 4! | 07:26 |
DanaG | In (base) MX, I'M FINE! | 07:26 |
Damascene | Intel is just fine :) | 07:26 |
DanaG | Two plus two is f-f-f-f... ten. [distorted sounds] ...in base four; I'm fine! | 07:28 |
DanaG | the only gf4mx card we have around is in an old "toshitba" laptop. | 07:28 |
DanaG | Also has broken EDID, that confused both windows and linux-binary drivers.' | 07:29 |
DanaG | LCD claims to be 969x768. | 07:29 |
MJEvans | wow.... 1024x768 hardcode time | 07:30 |
DanaG | nv and nouveau somehow get it right, though. | 07:30 |
DanaG | That was Toshiba fail. | 07:30 |
DanaG | And a P4-Celeron... in a laptop? | 07:30 |
DanaG | BWAHAHAHA | 07:30 |
MJEvans | Anyway, DanaG did you get Lucid to boot yet? What's this white bar that previously had darker and lighter blue sections? | 07:31 |
MJEvans | I think I'm reading it right, but it's been such a long 36 hours fighting it that I'm loath to reboot it again when I'm probably just before X or console... | 07:31 |
Amaranth | DanaG: Perhaps there is a bug in the laptop panel's EDID that linux manages to work around | 07:33 |
DanaG | hmm, that'd be Plymouth. | 07:42 |
DanaG | try taking out "quiet splash" | 07:42 |
DanaG | anyway, bedtime. | 07:44 |
MJEvans | plymouth... it dies now | 08:04 |
Damascene | hello, I've problem with the session lock | 08:33 |
Damascene | hello, when the system lock I can't unlock it | 08:42 |
Damascene | I need to switch to command line and restart | 08:42 |
om26er | Damascene, yes its a known bug | 08:43 |
Damascene | should I update? | 08:44 |
Damascene | how to stop it at least | 08:44 |
om26er | Damascene, you can disable auto lock for now | 08:44 |
Damascene | how? | 08:44 |
om26er | Damascene, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/524860 | 08:44 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 524860 in gnome-keyring "Locked out at lockscreen" [Medium,Confirmed] | 08:44 |
om26er | Damascene, System>preferences>screen saver | 08:45 |
om26er | untick 'lock screen when system is idle' | 08:45 |
Damascene | ok thanks | 08:45 |
zniavre | wow my lucid seems etty broken at this moment | 08:50 |
zniavre | xorg eating all the time 70% , load average is stuck a 2.50 all the time even without compiz on | 08:51 |
zniavre | at* | 08:51 |
zniavre | 3 days ago it was a fantastic ... | 08:51 |
vish | zniavre: using xchat? | 08:53 |
zniavre | yes | 08:53 |
vish | zniavre: does minimizing the window cut down the cpu usage? | 08:53 |
vish | zniavre: minimizing to tray * | 08:54 |
zniavre | not really xorg from 80 to 50% | 08:55 |
zniavre | load average still too high i think | 08:55 |
vish | zniavre: are you viewing something in twf? | 08:55 |
zniavre | no | 08:55 |
vish | zniavre: hmm.. well the xchat is Bug #524304 | 08:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 524304 in gtk+2.0 "High CPU usage with murrine progressbars" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/524304 | 08:56 |
zniavre | ho ?!!! | 08:57 |
zniavre | switching theme is enough to leaves cpu usage | 08:57 |
vish | zniavre: check if any other progressbars are being used... somewhere.. nicotine .. | 08:57 |
zniavre | xorg > 2% | 08:57 |
vish | ha.. murrine !! | 08:58 |
zniavre | damned | 08:58 |
zniavre | load average from 2.61 is now at 0.61 | 08:58 |
vish | zniavre: well not murrine actually , but rather the new gtk-csd is causing all this.. | 08:58 |
zniavre | im using raleigh theme right now | 08:59 |
zniavre | murrine must a part of this bug no? | 08:59 |
zniavre | must be* | 08:59 |
vish | zniavre: not sure.. it is being caused by the gtk-csd for which Cody does seem to have a fix | 09:00 |
zniavre | #523949 | 09:00 |
zniavre | bug #523949 | 09:00 |
vish | bug #523949 | 09:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 523949 in gtk+2.0 "the csd changes make some desktop applications hog the cpu" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/523949 | 09:00 |
zniavre | vish thank you | 09:01 |
vish | np.. | 09:01 |
zniavre | why it does not happen with raleigh theme? | 09:03 |
vish | zniavre: any other theme other than murrine should work.. but i think when Cody was testing the csd he tested it with raleigh.. [well , thats what i recall from his old screenshots] | 09:06 |
zniavre | a ok | 09:07 |
zniavre | why ppl want their distro looks like win95 ? ^^ | 09:08 |
stdisease | zniavre, nostalgics maybe, idk | 09:15 |
stdisease | and win95 theme isn't that horrible compared to some themes out there... | 09:16 |
ectropy | I'm trying to extract a .lzm using squashfs-tools, and am getting "can't find a SQUASHFS superblock" | 09:16 |
zniavre | stdisease, (i was joking of course) anyway it's cool my cpu is ok now | 09:19 |
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ectropy | hey guys | 09:51 |
ectropy | so me a big favor | 09:51 |
ectropy | is anyone there? | 09:52 |
stdisease | 209 and counting | 09:52 |
stdisease | what's up | 09:52 |
ectropy | I need help installing a driver for my external wifi card | 09:52 |
stdisease | all right what problems have you encountered so far? | 09:53 |
ectropy | I entered the dir, maked and maked installed just fine. But now when I modprobe, it says module not found | 09:54 |
stdisease | ectropy, you need to install it to a directory where the kernel can find | 09:55 |
ectropy | rt73 does not exist in /etc/modprobe.d | 09:55 |
stdisease | ectropy, try 'make install' | 09:55 |
ectropy | I did | 09:55 |
stdisease | hmm | 09:55 |
stdisease | run depmod -a | 09:55 |
ectropy | I did | 09:55 |
stdisease | Ok - try manually 'insmod <driver>,ko' | 09:56 |
stdisease | .ko | 09:56 |
ectropy | I did | 09:56 |
ectropy | but that threw an error | 09:56 |
stdisease | Did it work? does it show up on lsmod? | 09:56 |
stdisease | Aah ok what's the error, pastebin | 09:56 |
ectropy | Invalid module format | 09:57 |
ectropy | that's all it says | 09:57 |
stdisease | ectropy, what's the output of 'dmesg | tail' ? | 09:57 |
stdisease | does it mention any missing symbols loading that module? | 09:58 |
ectropy | No. It's just telling me my other wifi card is working just fine | 09:58 |
stdisease | Hum, dmesg is usually more verbose than that when modules fail to load | 10:02 |
stdisease | ectropy, where did you download the driver source? perhaps I could try it ssee if I get invalid format as well | 10:02 |
ectropy | one moment | 10:03 |
skydrome | NGEN | 10:05 |
ectropy | http://homepages.tu-darmstadt.de/~p_larbig/wlan/rt73-k2wrlz-3.0.3.tar.bz2 | 10:08 |
skydrome | NGEN | 10:11 |
stdisease | ectropy, I'm away from my ubuntu system ATM but on debian there's a package 'firmware-ralink' that shows when searching for 'rt73', do you have that installed, maybe that's all is needed | 10:12 |
ectropy | stdisease, thanks for the tip | 10:12 |
Damascene | is skype working on Lucid? | 10:20 |
RAOF | Seems to be for me. | 10:20 |
Damascene | I'll try again so | 10:21 |
Damascene | you got it form the official site, right? | 10:21 |
Damascene | http://paste.ubuntu.com/380888/ | 10:26 |
Damascene | I've these problems | 10:26 |
stdisease | huh, could be a corrupted .deb you downloaded or an old version of dpkg, that's what I can figure from 'short read in buffer_copy' | 10:28 |
Damascene | I'll redownload | 10:29 |
Damascene | I think you where right the package is corrupted and skype is working | 10:35 |
Damascene | *were | 10:35 |
stdisease | Damascene, glad it worked | 10:37 |
Machtin | any known issues that explain why trying to boot results in nothing but the monitor turning off? | 10:40 |
stdisease | Machtin, could be a buggy Xorg display driver | 10:41 |
stdisease | what stage of boot does the monitor turn off, do you see the ubuntu logo | 10:41 |
stdisease | Tried booting in recovery mode? | 10:41 |
Machtin | yes, i tried - same in recovery mode | 10:44 |
stdisease | Any known issues are listed here, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2#Known%20issues | 10:44 |
Machtin | and stage: i can't even enter my password | 10:44 |
Machtin | i mean.. luks password. | 10:44 |
tgpraveen1 | so guys what's the fix for empathy accounts being delted with the update? | 10:46 |
melodie_ | hello ! | 11:09 |
melodie_ | I'm starting to install Lucid alpha2 version of feb 14th and downloading the one of today : do someone know if there is much change in between ? | 11:10 |
melodie_ | I got the alternates | 11:10 |
tgpraveen1 | melodie_: alpha 3 comes out feb 25 and wait for that if you are not too adventerous | 11:16 |
melodie_ | adventurous I am : I do it all on a virtual machine in Virtualbox ;-) | 11:16 |
melodie_ | I've got a dozen machines in there. :D | 11:16 |
melodie_ | well if I download a new version every 4 days my boyfriend is going to use QOS against me. :roll: | 11:17 |
melodie_ | XD | 11:17 |
melodie_ | (we have a 1Mo adsl with only 125ko/s dl as an average, so I put a limit to wget... so that we can surf on the web) | 11:18 |
Damascene | I see strange screen in empathy and the account seem to be deleted | 11:18 |
melodie_ | tgpraveen1, you haven't met with differences do you ? | 11:18 |
melodie_ | Damascene, what is empathy ? | 11:18 |
Damascene | melodie_, chat program | 11:19 |
melodie_ | Damascene, I use mostly xchat, but I'm curious and will look on the web | 11:29 |
melodie_ | "Empathy is a messaging program which supports text, voice, and video chat " | 11:30 |
melodie_ | that looks interesting | 11:30 |
zniavre_ | Bug #523108 | 11:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 523108 in nvidia-settings "nvidia x server settings on ubuntu 10.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/523108 | 11:33 |
melodie_ | hi zniavre_ | 11:33 |
melodie_ | Damascene, is empathy installed by default in Lucid ? | 11:34 |
Damascene | melodie_, yes | 11:35 |
melodie_ | ok | 11:35 |
Damascene | tgpraveen1, you still have the accounts problem? | 11:36 |
melodie_ | usually it's possible to migrate from one version to next without reinstalling ? | 11:36 |
melodie_ | if the preceeding version is fully up to date and you start with just the main components, for example ? | 11:36 |
melodie_ | or does it often break the install ? | 11:37 |
Damascene | version of what? | 11:37 |
melodie_ | ie: from 9.10 to 10.04 ? | 11:38 |
melodie_ | from one version of Ubuntu to next | 11:38 |
Damascene | I did it once didn't break any think but some people say it does so do backup | 11:38 |
melodie_ | was it cool to migrate from Jaunty to Karmic ? | 11:38 |
Damascene | I wasn't a migrant that time | 11:39 |
melodie_ | backups are not the problem, that's the basics of the use of a computer, and needs to be done before each new big change on hard drives | 11:39 |
melodie_ | Damascene, you didn't use Karmic then ? | 11:40 |
Damascene | some think like that | 11:40 |
melodie_ | I was just wondering if last migrations went smooth or were brutally breaking systems as it did before on many installs | 11:40 |
Damascene | no idea, sorry | 11:41 |
melodie_ | are there many people testing ubuntu develpment versions ? | 11:41 |
melodie_ | development* | 11:42 |
melodie_ | does a classic karmic version work smooth on a machine with 512 mo ram ? the proc is a amd athlon 3700+ (2.4 Ghz) | 11:49 |
melodie_ | 64bits | 11:50 |
melodie_ | maybe I should ask at #ubuntu rather ? | 11:50 |
Damascene | melodie_, that would be a good idea | 11:51 |
melodie_ | ok done ! ^^ | 11:51 |
melodie_ | I'm not used to such specialised chans | 11:51 |
penguin42 | hmm I seem to be having some filesystem/device detection problems today | 12:01 |
Damascene | "the following package have been kept back" what does this mean? | 12:02 |
kklimonda | that you have to install or remove some other package to make this one upgrade | 12:03 |
penguin42 | so my crypted lvm partition didn't show up on the disk mounter panel app today - it mounts by hand though; other than yesterdays updates the only thing I did different today was boot into the real lucid kernel rather than a daily - but I can't quite see how that would effect it given that it mounts by hand | 12:08 |
mauri | using kdesu dolphin i have the folowing problem: The procces is died inaspetately | 12:17 |
tgpraveen1 | Damascene: I got the accounts problem today | 12:30 |
tgpraveen1 | only and it doesn't even allow me to create new accounts in empathy now | 12:30 |
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz | ||
melodie_ | bye | 12:42 |
melodie_ | hi again | 12:45 |
melodie_ | I'm at the end of install of Lucid, and grub-pc doesn't want to be installed (in Virtualbox) | 12:45 |
melodie_ | do anyone have an idea else than a bug report ? | 12:46 |
zniavre | Bug #523108 | 12:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 523108 in nvidia-settings "nvidia x server settings on ubuntu 10.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/523108 | 12:46 |
melodie_ | zniavre, ? | 12:47 |
zniavre | driver from nvidia.com for 173.14.25 solved the nvidia-settings bug | 12:47 |
zniavre | melodie_, ? | 12:47 |
zniavre | don't know nothing about virtualbox | 12:47 |
zniavre | sorry | 12:48 |
melodie_ | well I could not install Lucid in Virtualbox, neither yesterday with desktop because of buggy ubiquity and to day neither with alternate because grub doesn't want to get installed | 12:48 |
melodie_ | but here is it possible to get a log out of it ? | 12:48 |
melodie_ | I'm trying to get the log files. :) | 12:50 |
melodie_ | Lucid alternate in Virtualbox : I try installing lilo as grub install fails | 12:53 |
Damascene | tgpraveen1, you still here? | 12:57 |
tgpraveen1 | yup | 12:58 |
Damascene | I've asked in ubuntu-bug and someone said we should report it | 12:58 |
tgpraveen1 | Damascene: you get this bug too | 12:59 |
tgpraveen1 | ? | 12:59 |
Damascene | yes | 12:59 |
Damascene | do you see a scissors on the account page | 13:01 |
Damascene | tgpraveen1, are you going to report this or should I do? | 13:03 |
tgpraveen1 | you report it | 13:06 |
tgpraveen1 | I see that empathy has accounts for me | 13:06 |
melodie_ | Virtualbox : Lucid Alpha 2 of Feb 14th Installed ! \o/ ! | 13:06 |
tgpraveen1 | suddenly and still if I go in edit->accounts I am getting just a scissor | 13:06 |
melodie_ | well grub install didn't work but I will try the next, of today | 13:06 |
tgpraveen1 | hmm now everything is back to normal | 13:06 |
tgpraveen1 | Damascene: ^ my bug is no more | 13:07 |
Damascene | how? | 13:07 |
melodie_ | tgpraveen1, do you have an unstable machine, or just and unstable Lucid ? :) | 13:07 |
tgpraveen1 | unstable lucid | 13:07 |
tgpraveen1 | and because of gtk-csd bug it has become really unstable | 13:08 |
tgpraveen1 | Damascene: I have not idea how it got fixed. | 13:08 |
tgpraveen1 | why don't you just do all upgrades restart | 13:08 |
tgpraveen1 | start empathy . if not working close empathy and then start it second time | 13:08 |
Damascene | ok | 13:08 |
tgpraveen1 | I think that is what happened in my case | 13:08 |
Damascene | I'll try] | 13:08 |
melodie_ | do you gui's know the xorg-options-editor program ? | 13:12 |
Damascene | tgpraveen1, it's working for me too :) | 13:13 |
tgpraveen1 | Damascene: cool | 13:15 |
melodie_ | someone to explain me what are the criteria to consider a version beta, after alpha versions ? | 13:26 |
robin0800 | yesterday could not connect to NAS by name it would ping though today it will do neither anyy help? | 13:28 |
penguin42 | robin0800: How does your naming work on your network? | 13:28 |
robin0800 | dhcp on the router | 13:29 |
penguin42 | well thats numbering, not naming | 13:29 |
robin0800 | dns name server then | 13:29 |
penguin42 | and did you manually add the name of the nas to the dns or is it using some other form of naming? | 13:30 |
robin0800 | The Nas has a fixed IP so should never change? | 13:31 |
penguin42 | but your problem is naming not numbering isn't it? | 13:32 |
robin0800 | penguin42: both today only naming yesterday | 13:32 |
vish | melodie_: no criteria , just schedules | 13:33 |
penguin42 | ah, so it won't let you connect by number today? | 13:33 |
vish | !schedule | melodie_ | 13:33 |
ubottu | melodie_: A schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule | 13:33 |
robin0800 | penguin42: correct | 13:33 |
penguin42 | robin0800: Does it ping? | 13:33 |
melodie_ | vish, thank you very much ! | 13:34 |
vish | np.. | 13:34 |
robin0800 | penguin42: what does this mean 64 bytes from icmp_seq=63 ttl=32 time=1.68 ms | 13:36 |
penguin42 | robin0800: It means the ping worked | 13:36 |
penguin42 | robin0800: It received a 64byte reply from it was the 63rd packet, it would go through 32routers and it took 1.68ms | 13:36 |
robin0800 | penguin42: thanks | 13:37 |
penguin42 | robin0800: So something, possibly your NAS is on that IP | 13:37 |
robin0800 | penguin42: yes thats the NAS IP | 13:38 |
penguin42 | robin0800: OK, does your NAS have a web interface? | 13:38 |
robin0800 | penguin42: yes | 13:38 |
penguin42 | robin0800: Does that respond? | 13:38 |
robin0800 | penguin42: yes just checked looks OK | 13:38 |
penguin42 | robin0800: So what do you do to try and mount it? | 13:40 |
robin0800 | penguin42: Yes as a window share (smb) | 13:40 |
penguin42 | robin0800: From the GUI? | 13:40 |
robin0800 | penguin42: yes from connect to a server... | 13:41 |
penguin42 | robin0800: Does it give you any errors? | 13:42 |
robin0800 | penguin42: eventually gvs-smb gives up and repts can't get a reply from the NAS this after about 10mins. When it works its almost instant | 13:44 |
penguin42 | hmm, ok at this point I'll hold my flippers up and say I don't know too much about smb; so I'd try a dmesg at that point, and also consider trying some of the command line smb tools | 13:45 |
robin0800 | penguin42: thanks think I'll try FTP as well | 13:46 |
penguin42 | robin0800: Yeh, ftp from the command line should be a very simple test | 13:46 |
robin0800 | penguin42: ftp don't work Cannot display location "ftp://robin0800@" | 13:49 |
penguin42 | robin0800: From a command line if you do ftp what happens? | 13:49 |
robin0800 | penguin42: this is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/380980/ | 13:52 |
penguin42 | robin0800: OK, now type ls | 13:53 |
smeag0l | hi there | 13:56 |
robin0800 | penguin42: sort of works but no music folder http://paste.ubuntu.com/380982/ | 13:58 |
smeag0l | i just installed lucid lynx alpha 2 on my macbook the mouse doesnt work properly it jumps up and down when trying to navigate any help ? | 13:58 |
penguin42 | robin0800: well, the communication with the NAS looks ok on ftp, so why music isn't there is a different problem | 13:59 |
melodie_ | I can't get a normal large resolution in Lucid alternate in Virtualbox : any idea if it will be possible to get the driver for vbox display ? | 13:59 |
robin0800 | penguin42: I'll try another folder from gui | 14:00 |
melodie_ | maybe if I install all the guest-additions ? | 14:00 |
penguin42 | robin0800: My bet is if you can see a folder in the ls there you'll be able to get to it on the gui ftp | 14:00 |
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz | ||
melodie_ | smeag0l, can you access to the xorg configuration ? you should disable some mouse effects there | 14:01 |
melodie_ | smeag0l, do you have 3d effects enabled ? | 14:02 |
smeag0l | not as far as i know | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | howdy | 14:02 |
melodie_ | smeag0l, do you have a xorg.conf file ? | 14:02 |
robin0800 | penguin42: yes thats the problem music folder gone missing | 14:02 |
melodie_ | hi BluesKaj | 14:02 |
penguin42 | robin0800: It sounds to me like there is a separate problem with the smb mount though | 14:03 |
melodie_ | smeag0l, ? | 14:03 |
smeag0l | alt F1 doesnt bring up the gnome menu so i cant see how i should get a terminal ! | 14:03 |
=== rmcbride__ is now known as rmcbride | ||
melodie_ | is there a xorg.conf file under /etc/X11 in your machine ? | 14:03 |
BluesKaj | hi melodie_ | 14:03 |
melodie_ | smeag0l, with Ctrl+Alt+F1, and to come back to graphical, do same with F7 | 14:04 |
smeag0l | that doesnt work either | 14:04 |
melodie_ | smeag0l, as default there are 6 tty | 14:04 |
melodie_ | smeag0l, then maybe your install is corrupted. is it the alpha 2 of today or earlier ? | 14:05 |
smeag0l | it is this macbook hardware i am afraid thats the problem | 14:05 |
smeag0l | alpha 2 | 14:05 |
melodie_ | maybe, otherwise did you check md5sum after dl ? | 14:05 |
smeag0l | i m pretty sure i did | 14:05 |
melodie_ | I have an alpha 2 running in virtualbox and I don't meet with theses problems | 14:05 |
smeag0l | okay | 14:06 |
melodie_ | I meet with other problems, but I can access all tty | 14:06 |
melodie_ | smeag0l, there is a new alpha2 of today | 14:06 |
smeag0l | k melodie_ | 14:06 |
smeag0l | thank you melodie_ i will dl it and burn it ;) | 14:06 |
melodie_ | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 14:06 |
melodie_ | :) | 14:07 |
melodie_ | if you let the burned cd cool down after burning you can even check md5sum on the drive with the cd still in it | 14:07 |
melodie_ | ie: md5sum /dev/sr0 | 14:07 |
smeag0l | thanks a bunch melodie_ ;D | 14:08 |
Prizren_ | hi all. please help with the nvidia nightmare..is there any up to date karmic instructions? for installing of the nvidia glx drivers? make[3]: *** No rule to make target `kernel/bounds.c', needed by `kernel/bounds.c# | 14:08 |
robin0800 | penguin42: yes name or number not working in the gui both ftp and smb | 14:09 |
melodie_ | smeag0l, welcome ! | 14:09 |
melodie_ | Prizren_, Karmic is not here but at #ubuntu | 14:09 |
melodie_ | Prizren_, otherwise, it's nvidia from the repositories you have to install | 14:10 |
melodie_ | not from outside the distro | 14:10 |
Prizren_ | melodie_, i have the packages | 14:11 |
Prizren_ | the problem is the the dkms is failing | 14:11 |
melodie_ | well 67 minutes more and I will have todays Lucid | 14:11 |
melodie_ | Prizren_, have you rebooted so that the dkms can compile the driver in the kernel ? | 14:12 |
Prizren_ | i have rebooted yes, but since when? | 14:12 |
melodie_ | since you installed nvidia from Synaptic | 14:12 |
penguin42 | robin0800: Well if you can get it working on the command line then I suggest you file a bug against the gui | 14:13 |
Prizren_ | http://pastebin.com/m57e805ee seen this? | 14:13 |
melodie_ | Prizren_, so what do you want to do ? | 14:18 |
Prizren_ | melodie_, i cannot install it | 14:19 |
Prizren_ | it is failing | 14:19 |
melodie_ | get xserver-xorg-nv ? | 14:19 |
Prizren_ | i have that... | 14:19 |
melodie_ | wait a few days, reload Synaptic update and try again ? if it's still the same go fill a bug report | 14:19 |
Prizren_ | we will see | 14:20 |
kklimonda | Pricey_: but you are installing a karmic package.. either it's a wrong package or you are on the wrong channel | 14:22 |
kklimonda | Prizren_: ^ | 14:22 |
kklimonda | stupid completion | 14:22 |
Prizren_ | kklimonda, yes | 14:22 |
Prizren_ | i understand that. | 14:22 |
Crashbit | Anyone know if it is planned for a nouveau lucid support for DRI | 14:22 |
Prizren_ | so upgrading to lucid would me you would help? | 14:22 |
kklimonda | Crashbit: no | 14:22 |
Crashbit | oh | 14:23 |
kklimonda | Prizren_: hmm.. sorry, I don't understand your question | 14:23 |
=== JoshuaL_ is now known as JoshuaL | ||
Prizren_ | kklimonda, if i help you test lucid, would you help me with ym graphics issue? | 14:23 |
bjsnider | Prizren_, remove nvidia-185-libvdpau | 14:24 |
Prizren_ | yes. omg now it is installing 96 and it did not fail | 14:25 |
Prizren_ | wtf. | 14:25 |
bjsnider | what graphics hardware do you have? | 14:26 |
Prizren_ | gforce 7600 gt | 14:27 |
Prizren_ | bjsnider, | 14:27 |
bjsnider | ok, so you should be using the 190/195 driver, depending on whether you use kde or gnome | 14:29 |
bjsnider | you need to remove that libvdpau package though | 14:29 |
Prizren_ | yes, | 14:29 |
Prizren_ | thank you bjsnider for some reason it is now working better | 14:30 |
Prizren_ | omg | 14:30 |
Prizren_ | it is magic | 14:30 |
Prizren_ | Setting up nvidia-glx-190 (190.53-0ubuntu1~karmic~nvidiavdpauppa10) installed | 14:30 |
bjsnider | run dkms status | 14:30 |
Prizren_ | nvidia, 190.53, 2.6.31-20-generic, i686: installed | 14:31 |
bjsnider | right, so now you need to make sure the nvidia driver is mentioned in the xorg.conf file | 14:31 |
Prizren_ | yes, i did that | 14:31 |
Prizren_ | thanks | 14:31 |
Prizren_ | bjsnider, your the best | 14:31 |
melodie_ | what are thoses livdpau packages ? | 14:32 |
melodie_ | curiosity | 14:32 |
bjsnider | that's the nvidia libvdpau driver and the libvdpau shared ib itself. with the new packaging, the nvidia libvdpau driver is part of the nvidia-glx-xxx package, and the shared lib is an entirely separate package called libvdpau1 | 14:36 |
melodie_ | bjsnider, that sounds complicated, but well, thanks for the explanation | 14:57 |
Viper1432 | melodie_, did anyone answer your question about the libdpau drivers? xchat crashed over here, so might have missed it. | 14:59 |
melodie_ | Viper1432, bjsnider said : "that's the nvidia libvdpau driver and the libvdpau shared ib itself. with the new packaging, the nvidia libvdpau driver is part of the nvidia-glx-xxx package, and the shared lib is an entirely separate package called libvdpau1" | 15:01 |
Viper1432 | then...they are nvidia's drivers for accelerating video processing on the video card offloading it from the cpu. Makes watching a 720p or 1080i video NOT turn your computer into a crawling slug. | 15:01 |
Viper1432 | :) | 15:01 |
bjsnider | assuming you have the correct hardware | 15:02 |
Viper1432 | well doi! bjsnider . lol | 15:02 |
Viper1432 | and with my gtx260oc....ahhh does. :D | 15:02 |
melodie_ | gtx260oc ? | 15:03 |
Viper1432 | actually anything better than an 8800gt is "correct". prior to that the gpu's are what nvidia considers obsolete. | 15:03 |
melodie_ | that's a model ? | 15:03 |
Viper1432 | yep. | 15:03 |
bjsnider | wrong. almost any geforce 8k card works | 15:03 |
melodie_ | I have a 8400gs | 15:03 |
Viper1432 | specifically the BFG nvidia gtx260 OC maxcore55. | 15:03 |
melodie_ | it was crappy on a amd intel xp3700+ and on this P 4 Dell it's perfect | 15:04 |
Viper1432 | bjsnider, sorry to tell you this buddy, but no its not wrong. For instance, the 8800gts card has the older gpu and does NOT work with the vdpau drivers. | 15:04 |
bjsnider | that's the one exception | 15:04 |
bjsnider | buddy | 15:04 |
bjsnider | the 8200/8400/8600 cards will all work | 15:05 |
* melodie_ search for vdpau at Wikipedia | 15:05 | |
bjsnider | search for purevideo | 15:05 |
bjsnider | read the purevideo wikipedia page | 15:05 |
Viper1432 | per nv devs, they do not recommend anything lower than an 8800 for vdpau. if you wanna get uber technical, their are some 8x cards that will work but older in general isn't recommended as they are hitting their "dustbin". | 15:05 |
melodie_ | the 8400gs did my systems crash on the other machine, in this one, never a problem : weird ? | 15:06 |
melodie_ | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDPAU | 15:07 |
melodie_ | great ! | 15:07 |
tgpraveen12 | i have a nvidia 6200 :-( | 15:15 |
bjsnider | time for an upgrade | 15:15 |
kklimonda | is anjuta in lucid completely broken? | 15:16 |
zniavre | did you experience gdm crashing first trying but working on second shot ? | 15:17 |
melodie_ | tgpraveen12, agp ? | 15:17 |
melodie_ | zniavre, not me | 15:17 |
melodie_ | no gdm crash | 15:17 |
melodie_ | in Virtualbox | 15:17 |
tgpraveen12 | melodie_: dnt knw my pc is like 6+ yrs old | 15:17 |
zniavre | mmm ok | 15:17 |
tgpraveen12 | p4 and all | 15:17 |
zniavre | thank you melodie_ | 15:18 |
melodie_ | tgpraveen12, is it connected on a wide slot, or on a pci-e slot ? | 15:20 |
tgpraveen12 | oci i think | 15:20 |
tgpraveen12 | pci | 15:20 |
melodie_ | if it's a agp and works well you may want to resell the whole machine and get a more recent one, or use it for second machine | 15:20 |
melodie_ | no | 15:20 |
melodie_ | not pci | 15:21 |
melodie_ | pci-e or agp | 15:21 |
melodie_ | pci is way too old | 15:21 |
tgpraveen12 | pci-e i meant | 15:21 |
bjsnider | !info mplayer lucid | 15:21 |
melodie_ | well some people look for agp cards, because all mb don't have pci-e connector | 15:21 |
tgpraveen12 | i dont really care much compiz works and most of what i do is net related these days and moview watching | 15:21 |
tgpraveen12 | i have goptten used to not playing games | 15:21 |
ubottu | mplayer (source: mplayer): movie player for Unix-like systems. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc3+svn20090426-1ubuntu13 (lucid), package size 2226 kB, installed size 4920 kB | 15:22 |
bjsnider | guhhh | 15:22 |
Drakeson | just a reminder: I had several problems with sysv init scripts not being actually exectued. It turns out that not being able to deduce runlevel was the cause. (runlevel (8), which is made along with upstart, tried to read /var/run/utmp but wasn't successful. python-utmp however was able to read utmp. removing /var/run/utmp and a reboot fixed it). should I report this as a bug report? | 15:38 |
marienz | huh, and now rhythmbox has its "add to play queue" option grayed out. I wonder why rhythmbox is hating me so much lately. | 15:40 |
ranga | Hello. I have a problem with my X-server crashing and hanging quite regularly. I would really like to diagnose if this is a driver issue or perhaps a hardware issue. I am running Lucid Lynx upto the latest updates. Please help! | 16:02 |
ranga | Hello. I have a problem with my X-server crashing and hanging quite regularly. I would really like to diagnose if this is a driver issue or perhaps a hardware issue. I am running Lucid Lynx upto the latest updates. Please help! | 16:06 |
ranga | Hello. I have a problem with my X-server crashing and hanging quite regularly. I would really like to diagnose if this is a driver issue or perhaps a hardware issue. I am running Lucid Lynx upto the latest updates. Please help! | 16:11 |
vish | !patience | ranga | 16:12 |
ubottu | ranga: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 16:12 |
ellar | hello , i am not able to enable the graphical desktop effects with Mobility Radeon X300, driver "radeon". My "client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI" seems to be wrong. With live cd from yesterday i runs out of the box. What am i doing wrong? I do not have xorg.conf | 16:13 |
ranga | Sorry, ubottu. I will check out the web pages | 16:13 |
ellar | no one? | 16:16 |
ranga | My X-server just hung once again and I had to reboot. Can someone please help diagnose whether this is a hardware problem? Thanks. | 16:18 |
dupondje | How do I enable nouveau instead of nvidia drivers ? :) | 16:44 |
kklimonda | dupondje: you can follow instructions on the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/NouveauEvaluation | 16:45 |
kklimonda | dupondje: things have changed a bit lately but they still should be a good starting point | 16:45 |
melodie_ | now I start install of today's Lucid alternate, in virtualbox again | 16:47 |
=== Yorvik is now known as Yorvyk | ||
Samuel-NotAFK | Is there going to be a new default theme to replace Human? | 16:53 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Mark indicated that there will be. | 16:54 |
* vish thinks we should idealy ask Mark ;p | 16:54 | |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: Is he in this channel? | 16:54 |
om26er | lol | 16:55 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: doesnt seem so.. but you can email him ;) | 16:55 |
=== rtz is now known as Guest13932 | ||
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, vish I find the gdm theme nice enough, but the wallpaper on destkop ugly. what do you think ? | 16:55 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Haven't I seen your nick on some screenshots on omgubuntu.co.uk | 16:55 |
om26er | ohh my.. | 16:56 |
vish | melodie_: au contraire i think the wallpaper is nice while the gdm is ugly :) | 16:56 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, yes, you might have | 16:56 |
om26er | ;) | 16:56 |
melodie_ | do we see the same colors vish ? | 16:56 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: What wallpaper? | 16:56 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: om26er is a famous guy ... he is our leader ;) | 16:57 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: I don't think anyone ever uses the default wallpaper. | 16:57 |
melodie_ | I see the gdm theme very dark, looks like coffee grains, and the desktop wallpaper sort of yellow, but sad yellow | 16:57 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: I wouldn't know, I use the space slideshow wallpapers. | 16:57 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, yes we do : when we demonstrate Ubuntu GNU Linux OS to some people : the first seen is the one that counts | 16:58 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, I do and have been using it more than 4 months (changed 4-5 days) | 16:58 |
melodie_ | that's why I will hope that the final theme will be gorgeous, or I'll have to learn to use remastersys, and also grafics... :/ | 16:58 |
* om26er failed with remastersys twice.. | 16:59 | |
Samuel-NotAFK | I'd like to see Firefox replaced by Midori. | 16:59 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, really? | 17:00 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Yeah because Firefox isn't even GTK. | 17:00 |
Samuel-NotAFK | It feels completely out of place in Gnome. | 17:00 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, but firefox is 'Firefox' | 17:00 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: I like the browser, I just don't like non-GTK apps. | 17:01 |
penguin42 | Samuel-NotAFK: Are you sure it's not GTK? | 17:02 |
Samuel-NotAFK | penguin42: Yes. | 17:02 |
om26er | why so gtk.. | 17:02 |
penguin42 | Samuel-NotAFK: It does seem to have libgtk-x11 mapped in mine | 17:02 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: I like to put the menu toolbars in the Gnome panel. | 17:02 |
om26er | global menu? | 17:02 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Yeah. | 17:03 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Fitt's law and all that. | 17:03 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, do you use Midori all the time actually ? I happened to compare and some pages would not show up with Midori | 17:03 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: I use it all the time. | 17:03 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: I use the Safari user agent, though. | 17:03 |
melodie_ | sometimes it's engine can act weird | 17:03 |
melodie_ | so you have a Mac ? | 17:03 |
tgpraveen12 | chromiuum has a better chance of becoming default in say 11.04 than otheres | 17:04 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: No. | 17:04 |
Samuel-NotAFK | tgpraveen12: Chromium isn't even GTK! | 17:04 |
penguin42 | Samuel-NotAFK: IMHO the big problem is that with apps that each have their own big object hierarchy/libraries it's so much harder for people to learn them to fix bugs - but we're way OT | 17:04 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Google Chrome has a weird GUI and I hate it. | 17:04 |
tgpraveen12 | Samuel-NotAFK: what is it if not GTK | 17:04 |
* om26er is in love with chromium | 17:04 | |
tgpraveen12 | its definetely not QT | 17:04 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, anyhow a user agent just shows you as Safari user to the servers of the websites you browse | 17:04 |
tgpraveen12 | i thought it was GTk related | 17:04 |
penguin42 | om26er: Yeh I'm using chromium as primary browser now | 17:04 |
* tgpraveen12 too loves chromium | 17:05 | |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: Lots of websites discriminate against Midori users. | 17:05 |
melodie_ | I had a blog in a virtual install, it would not show it's pages | 17:05 |
tgpraveen12 | Samuel-NotAFK: even firefox 4 is going to have that same wied ui | 17:05 |
tgpraveen12 | anyways gn | 17:05 |
melodie_ | so I didn't take time wondering why and tried Firefox, Arora, Flock... | 17:05 |
om26er | penguin42, I switched to chromium even when it didnot even supported flash.. | 17:05 |
melodie_ | tgpraveen12, what is "wied" ? | 17:06 |
penguin42 | om26er: I'm not quite that hard core - I like the fact that when flash crashes it doesn't take the whole thing out - and it's fast | 17:06 |
Samuel-NotAFK | tgpraveen12: Then I won't use Firefox 4. | 17:06 |
tgpraveen12 | wierd | 17:06 |
melodie_ | weird ? | 17:06 |
Samuel-NotAFK | weird* | 17:06 |
tgpraveen12 | Samuel-NotAFK: u didnt answer if chromium is not GTK you say then what is it based on? | 17:06 |
Samuel-NotAFK | tgpraveen12: No idea. | 17:06 |
tgpraveen12 | hmm then i still claim it is GTK | 17:07 |
om26er | does client side window decoration mean that chromium might have its tab in the current window border? | 17:07 |
om26er | s/might/can | 17:07 |
Samuel-NotAFK | tgpraveen12: I don't use it because it looks horrible and doesn't have a dropdown bookmark menu. | 17:07 |
Samuel-NotAFK | I want everything to use my chosen GTK theme. | 17:07 |
penguin42 | again it does have gtk mapped - I think both of these use gtk to some level but have their own libs built on top of it, but don't quite fit with the gtk way of doing things | 17:08 |
penguin42 | Samuel-NotAFK: Chromium has a button on it's options for 'Use GTK+ theme' | 17:09 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Is it just me or is Google down? | 17:10 |
penguin42 | seems good here | 17:10 |
Samuel-NotAFK | It stopped working for a second just then. | 17:10 |
Samuel-NotAFK | penguin42: Doesn't the 'Use GTK+ theme' only apply the Metacity theme? | 17:11 |
penguin42 | oh it does that when they see you putting down their browser :-) | 17:11 |
penguin42 | Samuel-NotAFK: Not sure, I suspect it actually really uses the gtk+ theme | 17:11 |
Samuel-NotAFK | I'd like to see a GTK port of OpenOffice, too. | 17:13 |
Zer | Howdy. Recent patches have caused Ctrl+W to close windows for me, making Nano in a shell window useless. How can I disable this? It's not listed in keyboard shortcuts. | 17:13 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Zer: metacity --replace or compiz --replace or kwin --replace | 17:14 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Zer: Or use Fluxbox | 17:14 |
* om26er adds mutter | 17:15 | |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: What association do you have with the OMG! UBUNTU! blog? | 17:15 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, nothing.. | 17:16 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, I sent them those image a couple of times | 17:16 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Found it: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/few-new-features-in-gnome-shell.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+d0od+(Omg!+Ubuntu!) | 17:18 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: And another: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/first-look-at-lucids-memenu.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+d0od+(Omg!+Ubuntu!) | 17:18 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: That would explain why your nick is so familiar to me. | 17:19 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Is Gnome Shell good? | 17:19 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, I like it, app switching is not good. I like its feature to search app name | 17:20 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, there is no such thing as Gnome Shell. there is bash, csh, zsh and others | 17:20 |
melodie_ | else what can possibly Gnome Shell be ? | 17:20 |
om26er | melodie_, google? | 17:21 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Should I remove docky, gnome2-globalmenu and gnome2 and install Gnome Shell instead? | 17:21 |
penguin42 | melodie_: gnome shell is effectively a new window manager and environment, not a shell in the unix sense | 17:21 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, its not stable... wait for final release or even the real beta release | 17:21 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Is it actually better, though, or is it just different? | 17:22 |
melodie_ | penguin42, is that so ? :? | 17:22 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Am I going to have to relearn a new DE? | 17:22 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, they say its self teaching | 17:22 |
Amaranth | ha | 17:22 |
melodie_ | penguin42, is that part of the Gnome 3 project ? | 17:22 |
penguin42 | melodie_: I believe so | 17:23 |
melodie_ | ok. it's included in Lucid ? | 17:23 |
om26er | Amaranth, that was not my claim.. | 17:23 |
penguin42 | it's in the repo, you can install it | 17:23 |
Amaranth | GNOME-Shell is pretty much the only thing that makes GNOME 3 different from GNOME 2 | 17:23 |
om26er | melodie_, probably will give you a dependencty problem | 17:23 |
melodie_ | what do you have to remove to get it working ? | 17:23 |
Amaranth | Otherwise all the apps (basically) are still there doing what they've always done in the same ways | 17:23 |
Amaranth | You don't have to remove anything | 17:24 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Is Gnome Shell better than KDE4? | 17:24 |
Amaranth | You can't run gnome-shell at the same time as gnome-panel and metacity/compiz but you can install it. | 17:24 |
penguin42 | Samuel-NotAFK: It's different | 17:24 |
* om26er never ever used KDE | 17:24 | |
melodie_ | om26er, I am installing the today's alpha 2 in Virtualbox. | 17:24 |
Amaranth | melodie_: Oh, you can't use gnome-shell then | 17:24 |
Amaranth | It _requires_ 3D acceleration with npot and tfp support. | 17:25 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: The good thing about that is that metacity will have to stay maintained | 17:25 |
melodie_ | maybe I could install guest-additions and do a tweak in the vbox machine for it to use my nvidia from the host ? | 17:25 |
Amaranth | penguin42: The bad thing about that is it won't actually happen | 17:25 |
Amaranth | melodie_: Last time I tried that it couldn't actually run any 3D apps aside from glxinfo | 17:25 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: Are you saying gnome won't be usable in VMs and older machines? | 17:25 |
melodie_ | Amaranth, it may be worth giving it a try | 17:26 |
Amaranth | penguin42: I am | 17:26 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: Oh god | 17:26 |
melodie_ | otherwise I'm also condemned to see Lucid in limited resolution 800x600 | 17:26 |
Amaranth | penguin42: All development is moving to gnome-shell, metacity and gnome-panel will at most get security fixes and continue to be packaged by distros for a while | 17:26 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: Sigh, I can see a fork coming | 17:26 |
om26er | Amaranth, what's the future of our(ubuntu's) indicator-* | 17:27 |
om26er | indicator application are awesome | 17:27 |
Amaranth | om26er: We don't know, so far gnome-shell is not going to have panel applets so unless they explicitly add support for the app indicator spec to gnome-shell it isn't happening | 17:28 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: notify-osd? | 17:28 |
Amaranth | At least not upstream | 17:28 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Is it just me or did the PS3 copy Ubuntu's notify-osd? | 17:28 |
Amaranth | I imagine we'll have to patch me-menu and the indicator stuff directly into gnome-shell to continue having them | 17:28 |
* vish hopes the compiz devs planning... compizDE ;) | 17:28 | |
vish | are planning* | 17:29 |
Amaranth | vish: We don't even have the man power to put out a release of a WM | 17:29 |
Amaranth | Oh, I've got my compiz hat on now when I saw "we" there | 17:29 |
vish | Amaranth: yeah.. ( there was talk of that a year ago or so... | 17:30 |
vish | just wishful thinking ;) | 17:30 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, application indicator is what replaces notification area in lucid (almost) | 17:30 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Oh yeah, I know what you mean. | 17:30 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: The server distro vendors will want something that works in VMs and on servers, so the need for something less resource intensive will not be a localised thing | 17:30 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: It's still lacking support for lots of programs. | 17:31 |
Amaranth | Honestly at this point I think I'd like to see a GNOME 2-like DE written using Qt if anything was going to be done | 17:31 |
Amaranth | penguin42: GNOME folks say use XFCE | 17:31 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: nm-applet, liferea, bluetooth, etc | 17:31 |
teethdood | I'm so sad. The thing I look forward to every day is the massive daily updates :( | 17:31 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: nm-applet lucid+1 | 17:31 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: Well XFCE is to be honest not bad - it was missing a few things when I last tried it, it's possible the right answer is to enhance xfce | 17:31 |
stdisease | teethdood, :-((( | 17:31 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: WTF why? | 17:31 |
om26er | !language | Samuel-NotAFK | 17:31 |
ubottu | Samuel-NotAFK: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:31 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: bluetooth all ready done | 17:31 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: It is? I'll update then. | 17:32 |
vish | wait! | 17:32 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: Can I ask why you are suggesting QT? | 17:32 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: bluetooth is done , but is waiting review to be released.. | 17:32 |
om26er | nm-applet requires the merging of right click and left click menu | 17:32 |
Amaranth | penguin42: Seems to be where all the action is these days | 17:32 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: nm-applet is not simple enough | 17:32 |
om26er | that was for Samuel-NotAFK | 17:33 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: Interesting, haven't followed it for a long time | 17:33 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: it has a lot going on there than just merging | 17:33 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: So my Lucid notification area is going to be even weirder than before! | 17:33 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: why? the main apps will probably get support [except nm] | 17:33 |
Samuel-NotAFK | I want some damn consistency already! | 17:33 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: Will liferea? | 17:34 |
Amaranth | penguin42: The only thing happening in GTK land is Clutter and that 1) requires GL and 2) probably just lost support from Intel (main developers) | 17:34 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: its not in main ;) | 17:34 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: So no. :( | 17:34 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: Canonical should support an RSS client. | 17:34 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: if you are a coder , you can fix it before release | 17:34 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: So are you suggesting a Gtk+ compatible wrapper for QT or reworking the apps? | 17:34 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: I've got a massive essay to write. | 17:34 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: not necessarily ;) | 17:34 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: And a tonne of coursework, too. | 17:35 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: everyone has work ;p | 17:35 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: I guess I'll have to upgrade from Lucid to Lucid+1. :( | 17:35 |
* penguin42 doesn't for a week! | 17:35 | |
stdisease | I haven't had any in 3 years.. | 17:35 |
om26er | can any 1 try to reproduce this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/473688 if got time | 17:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 473688 in empathy "Open debug window (gabble) makes GTalk disconnected on initiating a call" [Low,Triaged] | 17:37 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: One thing I've missed so much for the last five years using Linux is MSN video and voice support. | 17:38 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Does Empathy provide it? | 17:39 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, yes it does | 17:39 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: I want to see fit girls on their webcams. | 17:39 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Yay. | 17:39 |
vish | !language | Samuel-NotAFK | 17:39 |
ubottu | Samuel-NotAFK: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:39 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: WTF what did I say? | 17:39 |
* penguin42 giggles | 17:39 | |
melodie_ | vish, what if you send this command against the bot itself ? will it be angry at himself ? | 17:40 |
Samuel-NotAFK | vish: "fit"? | 17:40 |
penguin42 | Samuel-NotAFK: It wasn't so much the language I think as the content | 17:40 |
Samuel-NotAFK | !language ubottu | 17:40 |
* om26er tried | 17:40 | |
Samuel-NotAFK | !language | ubottu | 17:40 |
ubottu | Samuel-NotAFK: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:40 |
vish | Samuel-NotAFK: this is an open channel for all ages. so keep the contents/language family friendly | 17:40 |
Amaranth | penguin42: Rewrite | 17:40 |
penguin42 | Amaranth: That's a bit of a big job for a lot of stuff | 17:41 |
Amaranth | yeah | 17:41 |
om26er | btw the daily build of chromium starts even faster | 17:42 |
om26er | !test | 17:42 |
ubottu | hrm? | 17:42 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Does MSN video and voice work with Karmic's Empathy? | 17:44 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, no it was dropped for karmic for its unmaturilty | 17:44 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: But it's in Lucid's Empathy, right? | 17:44 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, you it is.. and please try it in lucid and report bug you find | 17:44 |
ranga | Hello! My X-server is hanging and crashing very consistently and I need some help diagnosing whether this is a hardware or a driver issue. Please help! | 17:45 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: I'm testing Lucid on my machine with dodgy Wi-Fi. :( | 17:45 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: I won't be able to properly test Empathy until Lucid becomes stable. | 17:45 |
om26er | OOo | 17:46 |
melodie_ | he ! now I'm at grub-pc install and it's giving a message : | 17:46 |
melodie_ | http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/8916/virtualboxlucidalpha220.png | 17:46 |
penguin42 | ranga: What hardware? | 17:46 |
penguin42 | melodie_: Can you translate that? | 17:46 |
melodie_ | it says it has go the kernel command line from a file and asks to confirm but nothing there | 17:46 |
om26er | will lucid have a graphical grub screen? | 17:46 |
Samuel-NotAFK | I prefer no grub screen. | 17:47 |
penguin42 | melodie_: Is it asking if you want to add any extra options? | 17:47 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Fast boot FTW | 17:47 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, for multibooters | 17:47 |
melodie_ | penguin42, I'll translate better now, I've got it as a small window under xchat | 17:48 |
ranga | Nvidia 9400 | 17:48 |
penguin42 | melodie_: I was always terrible at French! | 17:48 |
ranga | Apologies in advance in case my machine hangs and I get kicked out | 17:48 |
melodie_ | "the following Linux commande line was taken from the /etc/defaults/grub or from the "kopt" menu.lst parameter used in the original GRUB version. Please control that it is correct and change it if necessary. | 17:49 |
melodie_ | Linux command line : | 17:49 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Multibooters suck | 17:49 |
melodie_ | (empty line) | 17:49 |
melodie_ | so ? | 17:49 |
melodie_ | should I just continue ? | 17:50 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: I wouldn't mind gaming on Windows if I could keep Pidgin running. | 17:50 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: And Rhythmbox and Midori | 17:50 |
penguin42 | melodie_: I think so, I think it's designed for checking if you have any extra options - but I don't remember seeing it myself | 17:50 |
melodie_ | !language | Samuel-NotAFK | 17:50 |
ubottu | Samuel-NotAFK: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:50 |
om26er | well well | 17:50 |
melodie_ | penguin42, allright | 17:50 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: I didn't say anything wrong! | 17:50 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, I'm a multibooter and I don't accept what you just said | 17:50 |
melodie_ | I use Archlinux and PCLinuxOS on all my machines. :| | 17:51 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: Why?!?!? | 17:51 |
melodie_ | because 2 distros are better than one | 17:51 |
melodie_ | and that's a minimum ! I have had many more at some times | 17:51 |
om26er | melodie_, how about 'less is better'? | 17:51 |
melodie_ | om26er, wrong | 17:51 |
Samuel-NotAFK | One distro FTW | 17:51 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Less is better. | 17:52 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Less is more. | 17:52 |
Samuel-NotAFK | My favourite distros are Ubuntu and Debian but I'm using Ubuntu ATM because I really like some of the new features. | 17:52 |
melodie_ | one day, your main distro clashes and you need to do (a letter, see a movie whatever) NOW ! So you just reboot install the program that is not yet installed if needed and do what you need to | 17:52 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: "clashes"? | 17:53 |
kklimonda | melodie_: my ubuntu haven't failed me for years :) | 17:53 |
melodie_ | after an upgrade X does not show anymore, or some file corruption occurs : rare but always happens the moment you need to use it... | 17:53 |
* arand is horrified, the least thing we'd want is another monopoly.. | 17:53 | |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: Then don't use alpha or beta Ubuntu? | 17:53 |
melodie_ | kklimonda, maybe because you don't install too many programs ? I often do tests in my working machines myself | 17:54 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, I'm not using it | 17:54 |
om26er | how about LTS stabilty is yours | 17:54 |
melodie_ | didn't you see the screenshot ? | 17:54 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: Then X won't suddenly stop working. | 17:54 |
kklimonda | melodie_: right - I use VMs and chroots for that | 17:54 |
melodie_ | it's a Virtualbox install | 17:54 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, did you hear about Archlinux, Xorg, and nVidia drivers ? | 17:54 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: Arch is unstable and poopoo. | 17:55 |
melodie_ | sometimes things don't work anymore, and you don't want to spend time on fixing just at that moment | 17:55 |
* om26er notices gwibber in UNE daily but not in Desktop-daily | 17:55 | |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: Things don't just break on Ubuntu. | 17:55 |
melodie_ | I've been using archlinux since january 2006 and I'm not yet to give up on it | 17:55 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: Unless of course you're using an alpha or beta. | 17:55 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, wrong, that can break too | 17:55 |
kklimonda | melodie_: the chance of stable Ubuntu breaking after the upgrade is very slim. | 17:56 |
melodie_ | after you upgrade for instance, from Karmic to Lucid when the stable release will be out | 17:56 |
kklimonda | melodie_: not worth keeping another distributions just in case in my opinion | 17:56 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: You can fall down the stairs and break your neck. It doesn't mean you should take the lift. | 17:56 |
ranga | Anyone? Can you suggest what logs to check to see why my X-server is crashing and hanging frequently? | 17:56 |
melodie_ | kklimonda, slim but do exist. I like dualbooting because when it comes to production that's the way to get the job done even if one of the 2 fails | 17:56 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, the comparison is wrong | 17:57 |
kklimonda | melodie_: actually the only problem I've seen with Karmic was related to grub (and wubi afair) so you wouldn't be able to boot another distribution anyway | 17:57 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: It doesn't mean you should get two flights of stairs. | 17:57 |
melodie_ | if you have a rotten stairs and a rotten lift don't take any of them, it's your life at stake | 17:57 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: What if you have no legs? | 17:57 |
om26er | kklimonda, was that kernel update and system unbootable? | 17:58 |
melodie_ | with a gnu/linux distribution your life is not at stake | 17:58 |
melodie_ | no legs no stairs : live in a flat house | 17:58 |
kklimonda | om26er: no - there have been a problem with grup update itself | 17:58 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: It is if the government is after you. | 17:58 |
kklimonda | om26er: basically you got a grub#sh> command line that gave you no idea how to boot system :) | 17:58 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, I don't get it | 17:58 |
softsantear | hi, i'm trying to build webkitgtk+ from source but it's choking on the libgdail-dev depends. i'm in 9.04, and webkit is pretty fast-moving, so it looks like the versions available aren't recent enough; do i need to be in 9.10 or are there backports? libgail-dev: Depends: libgail18 (= 2.16.1-0ubuntu2) but 2.18.6-1 is to be installed Depends: libgail-common (= 2.16.1-0ubuntu2) but 2.18.6-1 is to be installed Depends: libgtk2.0-dev (= 2.16 | 17:58 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: I'm worried that the government wants to track me down and kill me. | 17:58 |
om26er | softsantear, join #ubuntu | 17:59 |
melodie_ | I like having more than one distro, and it takes only a few go : such as 4 or 6 max on the hard drive. | 17:59 |
softsantear | om26er, they only answer baby questions in there :-( | 17:59 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, we all die one day | 17:59 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: I like to save my GBs for my massive TV show, film and music collections. | 17:59 |
charlie-tca | ranga: take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old | 17:59 |
melodie_ | and the one who is ready for his death now can really start living. ;) | 17:59 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: I don't want to die. :( | 17:59 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, life doesn't give you a choice, you will one day. | 18:00 |
penguin42 | softsantear: If you're on 9.04 then please use #ubuntu, however apt-get build-dep is good at getting all the dependencies to build something | 18:00 |
charlie-tca | softsantear: this is only for Lucid. | 18:00 |
melodie_ | dying is not the problem. It's staying dead that is the problem | 18:00 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: That's not very fair. | 18:00 |
melodie_ | :D | 18:00 |
softsantear | okay, fair enough, thanks | 18:00 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, yes it's fair. | 18:01 |
Samuel-NotAFK | melodie_: If I kill someone, do I lose my debt to death? | 18:01 |
melodie_ | there is not enough space for all who lived before | 18:01 |
charlie-tca | !offtopic | 18:01 |
ubottu | #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu. Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic. | 18:01 |
melodie_ | Samuel-NotAFK, no, you will have to pay with difficult lives to live next times | 18:02 |
om26er | ontopic: I cannot install anjal in lucid | 18:03 |
kklimonda | om26er: yeah - neither can I | 18:04 |
om26er | its build is pending. waiting for evolution-data-server 2.29.0 | 18:05 |
kklimonda | then it's going to wait :D | 18:06 |
jpapertowel | hi guys does grub2 work with dmraid yet | 18:06 |
kklimonda | om26er: we aren't going to update evolution to 2.29/2.30 in lucid - dunno what about libs and daemons though | 18:07 |
Samuel-NotAFK | I wish Evolution had automatic mail retrieval at timed intervals. | 18:07 |
Samuel-NotAFK | I hate having to check my email. | 18:07 |
kklimonda | it have | 18:07 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: Only when Evolution is open. | 18:07 |
Samuel-NotAFK | It needs some sort of minimise to system tray function. | 18:08 |
kklimonda | sure - but why would you even close it? | 18:08 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Or start minimised. | 18:08 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: To reboot my PC? | 18:08 |
kklimonda | no, evolution is not an application that should have a tray icon | 18:08 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: Yes it is. | 18:08 |
kklimonda | Samuel-NotAFK: then set it up to start on login | 18:08 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: It should be merged with the messaging applet. | 18:08 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: It should minimise to the messaging applet and start when I log on. It should then retrieve my mail every hour or so. | 18:09 |
kklimonda | Samuel-NotAFK: that's better - but messanging applet doesn't really work like you (and I) would like it to. | 18:09 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: Sometimes I don't open Evolution for a few days and I'm late to retrieve important emails. | 18:09 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: It does for Empathy. | 18:09 |
jpapertowel | is there anywhere I can look for under development features in lucid, to check the state of dmraid | 18:09 |
kklimonda | Samuel-NotAFK: why wouldn't you open evolution? | 18:09 |
kklimonda | Samuel-NotAFK: you still have to launch empathy by hand though | 18:10 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: Only to open mail. | 18:10 |
kklimonda | or though auto start | 18:10 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: I want to be notified when emails arrive. I don't want to have to manually check my mail. | 18:10 |
Samuel-NotAFK | And I don't want a great big window taking up space on my desktop. | 18:10 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Especially if it doesn't have to be there. | 18:11 |
kklimonda | you can a) use workspaces and b) minimize it | 18:11 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Workspaces suck. | 18:11 |
om26er | that's triaged for ayatana I thinkhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution-indicator/+bug/460483 | 18:11 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 460483 in hundredpapercuts "The plugin should allow Evolution to close to the indicator-applet" [Undecided,Invalid] | 18:11 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: How do I minimise Evolution as soon as it's opened? | 18:11 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Sweet. :) | 18:11 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: Will it be in Lucid, then? | 18:11 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, I don't know . I guess not | 18:12 |
Samuel-NotAFK | om26er: But it's a papercut so it should be? | 18:12 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, see close invalid papercut | 18:12 |
om26er | Samuel-NotAFK, you can read my last comment in the report | 18:13 |
om26er | and nobody replied :( | 18:13 |
Samuel-NotAFK | FFS stupid things like this will prevent Linux from ever being ready for the desktop. | 18:15 |
jpapertowel | the only thing preventing linux from being on my desktop is the raid support :) | 18:16 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: What's wrong with the RAID support? | 18:16 |
kklimonda | Samuel-NotAFK: have you somehow helped to fix that? | 18:16 |
kklimonda | Samuel-NotAFK: we really have limited resources | 18:16 |
jpapertowel | grub2 doesn't work with fakeraid yet, does it? | 18:16 |
Samuel-NotAFK | kklimonda: Yeah, I submitted 1337 commits last year. | 18:17 |
jpapertowel | i ask because i haven't even tried lucid but i assume since it doesn't work in debian sid, it doesn't work in lucid :/ | 18:18 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: FakeRAID is not supported by Ubuntu. Trying to install Ubuntu on such a partition could easily result in the loss of all your data. | 18:19 |
jpapertowel | of course, it's not supported by anything except winders, which is why linux is having trouble getting to my desktops *sigh* | 18:20 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: Why not use a linux software raid? | 18:20 |
jpapertowel | because my windows partition dies in a ubuntu software raid | 18:21 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: It's not clear that there is any performance gain using hardware fakeRAID under Linux instead of the built-in softRAID capability; the CPU still ends up doing the work. | 18:21 |
jo-erlend | can someone tell me if it will be possible to deactivate the insane login sounds in Lucid? I feel so ashamed of using Ubuntu when I'm in public places. People are shaking their heads when I login to my laptop on the night train, etc. | 18:21 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: Don't use Windows, then. | 18:21 |
Samuel-NotAFK | (18:16:03) jpapertowel: the only thing preventing linux from being on my desktop is the raid support :) | 18:21 |
om26er | jo-erlend, in startup applications | 18:21 |
Samuel-NotAFK | You don't need Windows. | 18:21 |
jpapertowel | i have to, lol - how can I play windows games? Wine is terrible | 18:22 |
jo-erlend | om26er? | 18:22 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: I use Wine. :( | 18:22 |
om26er | jo-erlend, yes? | 18:22 |
kklimonda | I don't play games.. ;) | 18:22 |
jo-erlend | om26er, what are you talking about? | 18:22 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: I can't keep Pidign, Midori, Rhythmbox and Transmission running whilst having to boot into Windows. :( | 18:23 |
jpapertowel | of course I only say wine is terrible because WoW has no hardware cursor support in openGL >.> | 18:23 |
kklimonda | jpapertowel: there is no good solution for that right now | 18:23 |
om26er | jo-erlend, you want to turn off the login sound. dont you? | 18:23 |
jo-erlend | om26er, oh.. I found it. | 18:23 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: Crossover games? | 18:23 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: you can mute all sound effects from Sound Preferences | 18:23 |
jo-erlend | kklimonda, no. | 18:23 |
* om26er agrees with jo-erlend | 18:23 | |
jpapertowel | crossover has no more support for wow than wine does | 18:24 |
jo-erlend | om26er, it should have been there though. | 18:24 |
Samuel-NotAFK | How well does Ubuntu support software RAID1 and RAID5? | 18:24 |
jo-erlend | Samuel-NotAFK, extremely well. | 18:25 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: it works for me - I don't hear login sound when I mute all sound effects | 18:25 |
Samuel-NotAFK | Could I just get some large drives, RAID1 or RAID5 them in Ubuntu without getting an expensive RAID controller? | 18:25 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: there is the other login sound though - the one you hear when gdm is ready | 18:25 |
jo-erlend | kklimonda, then that's a bug. | 18:25 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: there is currently no way to disable that (but there are plans to make it possible before 10.04 release) | 18:25 |
jpapertowel | gogo cheapo ich7r raid0 | 18:25 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: for now you can dig into gdm settings manually | 18:26 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: or use gdm2setup - it may be able to disable this sound | 18:26 |
jo-erlend | kklimonda, I was talking about the login sound. | 18:26 |
jpapertowel | Samuel-NotAFK: okay you have me convinced to drop windows, i found a hardware cursor patch heh, now does software raid work with grub2 and ext4? | 18:27 |
jo-erlend | Samuel-NotAFK, you probably don't want to use hardware raid with Ubuntu. Software raid is extremely stable and have been in production use in heavy duty servers for many years. | 18:27 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: then there is some bug in your setup - I can change how loud the logging sound is and even if I hear it at all | 18:27 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: I guess so. I haven't tried, though. | 18:27 |
jo-erlend | kklimonda, really? Provide some details please? | 18:27 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: 1. I click on Sound Preferences in the indicator-sound menu 2. I click on mute checkbox in the tab "Sound Effects" 3. profit ;) | 18:28 |
jpapertowel | Samuel-NotAFK: also, is there a way to install just base system from the desktop cd or am i forced to use mini.iso? | 18:28 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: I've actually done it few times right now just to see if I'm not insane | 18:28 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: I think you have to use the alternate installer for that. | 18:28 |
jpapertowel | darn | 18:29 |
jo-erlend | kklimonda, weird.. I've done this on 20-30 different computers, and it doesn't work on any of them. However, deactivating it as om26er advised, works well. | 18:29 |
jpapertowel | Samuel-NotAFK: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/lucid-alternate-amd64.iso - would that work for my purpose? | 18:30 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: then, at least on lucid, it is a bug | 18:30 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: If you want to do a base install, sure. | 18:30 |
jpapertowel | Samuel-NotAFK: awesome, i'll get back to yas when i run into a problem :D | 18:31 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: see what application is actually called when GNOME Login Sound is launched | 18:31 |
kklimonda | jo-erlend: it is /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play on my system | 18:31 |
Samuel-NotAFK | jpapertowel: Or anyone else in this channel or #ubuntu | 18:31 |
Scunizi | What are the different *minimum* ram requirements for install of the alternate and live cd for Ubuntu, Kubuntu.. Xubuntu actually publishes these numbers on the download page | 18:32 |
om26er | Scunizi, 256mb works | 18:33 |
kklimonda | Scunizi: I'd say 512MB ram is a safe bet for any flavour of ubuntu | 18:33 |
om26er | how about 256+512/2 ? | 18:33 |
kklimonda | Scunizi: Ubuntu Desktop uses around 220MB at login, Xubuntu isn't actually that much behind because of many GNOME dependencies. | 18:33 |
Scunizi | 192 for Xubuntu.. I'm trying to rehab an old Sony laptop with only 256 megs of ram. | 18:34 |
kklimonda | Scunizi: You should probably test Lubuntu then | 18:34 |
jpapertowel | kklimonda: Odd, when I install Xubuntu desktop, I use 681 MB of RAM on first login o.O | 18:34 |
charlie-tca | huh! | 18:34 |
kklimonda | jpapertowel: that is weird - you sure you are reading the right column? | 18:34 |
jpapertowel | erm, first line of free -m I believe | 18:35 |
kklimonda | jpapertowel: you have to read the second line for ram usage - in the first line cache is added to ram usage | 18:35 |
jo-erlend | kklimonda, right. I was talking about karmic. In lucid, I hope that works. Thanks for confirming that. :) | 18:36 |
Scunizi | Thanks om26er & kklimonda .. I'll check out Lubuntu.. unfortunately this is for a "died in the woll" windows user.. but only doing online email.. | 18:36 |
Nitsuga | Scunizi, to install using minimal you need 64MB of ram | 18:36 |
melodie_ | jpapertowel, xfce4 becomes more and more greedy ^^ | 18:36 |
Nitsuga | to use it depends the DE you are using | 18:36 |
melodie_ | who here knows howto deal with multiboot with grub2 ? | 18:36 |
Scunizi | Nitsuga: xubuntu might work ok.. with thier ram level.. I'll try the live cd and see. | 18:36 |
coz_ | melodie_, not sure ...what's the issue? | 18:37 |
kklimonda | melodie_: update-grub should detect all systems and configure grub accordingly | 18:37 |
Nitsuga | Scunizi, I would bet for Lubuntu if you have >192mb | 18:37 |
kklimonda | +1 | 18:37 |
Nitsuga | Xubuntu between 192 and 386 | 18:37 |
Nitsuga | and any if you have more | 18:37 |
jo-erlend | jpapertowel, you can trust grub2 and ext4 to work well with software raid, since that | 18:37 |
jo-erlend | jpapertowel, since that's used in almost all servers. | 18:38 |
melodie_ | coz_, kklimonda what if you install and it doesn't detect other systems ? what also if you install another distro that uses grub legacy ? | 18:38 |
melodie_ | are there some docs allready to face theses cases ? | 18:38 |
coz_ | melodie_, it should pick up the other systems .... as would grub legacy... which systems do you have onboard? | 18:39 |
coz_ | melodie_, you can also go to the #grub channel and ask ...I bet they have more info for you | 18:39 |
melodie_ | I have Archlinux and PCLinuxOS on one machine, and same + Windows on another | 18:39 |
melodie_ | ok thks | 18:40 |
om26er | so? | 18:40 |
coz_ | melodie_, ok grub2 should not have issues picking those up | 18:40 |
coz_ | melodie_, but check for sure in #grub | 18:40 |
melodie_ | coz_, not so sure | 18:40 |
coz_ | melodie_, I wouldnt doubt arch and pclinux may have issues on their end | 18:40 |
melodie_ | coz_, not arch or pclos : grub | 18:42 |
melodie_ | well, as far as I know, I gave up on Ubuntu and on Mint not so far ago. | 18:42 |
melodie_ | grub legacy does the job well | 18:43 |
Pirate_Hunter | considering lucid is still alpha 2 is it stable enough to run as a webserver? | 18:43 |
coz_ | melodie_, mint in my opinion isnt worth it | 18:43 |
jo-erlend | Pirate_Hunter, no. | 18:43 |
coz_ | melodie_, i agree about grub legacy I do prefer that myself | 18:43 |
jo-erlend | Pirate_Hunter, it's not supposed to be stable yet. | 18:43 |
melodie_ | maybe even in Lucid it will be possible to stick to grub legacy for a while ? | 18:43 |
kklimonda | om26er: it seems that we won't get anjal 0.3.1 into lucid at all - package should be probably downgraded to 0.1.x release | 18:43 |
melodie_ | Pirate_Hunter, no | 18:43 |
om26er | nooooo | 18:44 |
melodie_ | an alpha is a pre release at it's first stage | 18:44 |
Nitsuga | Anyone here knows about the new nvidia package? It is not workingfor me, I loose OpenGL acceleration when I install it | 18:44 |
Pirate_Hunter | no worries just wanted the make a new server with ext4 since hardy doesn't support it | 18:44 |
kklimonda | om26er: it depends on evolution >= 2.29.4 and we have already decided not to upgrade evolution to 2.30 in lucid | 18:44 |
Nitsuga | *OpenGL rendering | 18:44 |
om26er | kklimonda, I tried to build evolution 2.29.x and failed | 18:44 |
melodie_ | if it's a big hard drive you may choose another fs type | 18:44 |
* om26er really wanted to try the latest anjal | 18:45 | |
melodie_ | Pirate_Hunter, ext3 and ext4 need to get file system checks frequently : every 20 to 40 boots, so you may not want that on a server ? (depends what kind of server too ?) | 18:45 |
jo-erlend | Pirate_Hunter, karmic supports ext4, but if you've been running hardy till now, you should wait until lucid is released before upgrading. | 18:45 |
jo-erlend | melodie_, 20-40 boots is not frequent on a server. :) | 18:46 |
jo-erlend | I wouldn't boot that many times between two LTS releases. | 18:46 |
Nitsuga | melodie_, also ext4 fs chacks are really quick | 18:46 |
=== andy_ is now known as boss_mc | ||
Nitsuga | In my 1 TB hard drive it takes a bit more then 2 minutes | 18:47 |
om26er | what's the progress of 10sec boot. | 18:47 |
jo-erlend | om26er, boot times will always be slow on alpha-releases. | 18:47 |
om26er | disabling compiz makes a difference | 18:48 |
jo-erlend | alpha releases have debug options turned on, which slows things down. It makes no sense to start measuring it until beta 1 at least. | 18:48 |
melodie_ | jo-erlend, no but if the datas are huge when it occurs it will take a long time, and theses file systems are made to have datas at hand fast, so for desktop use, and not for server use | 18:48 |
Pirate_Hunter | Not really sure what file system to choose i.e. currently 2* 500GB HDs ( and another 2* 500GB will be added later) its going to be accessed very often as a webserver, what would people here advise | 18:49 |
melodie_ | for server use I think it's xfs jfs and such | 18:49 |
om26er | jo-erlend, even we are alpha but the boot time is all time fast | 18:49 |
melodie_ | Pirate_Hunter, what about installing FreeBSD ? | 18:49 |
jo-erlend | melodie_, why are you promoting a different operating system in this channel? Ubuntu is good on servers. | 18:49 |
melodie_ | jo-erlend, I look at file systems in wikipedia | 18:50 |
Pirate_Hunter | melodie_, would install FreeBSD just haven't used it before, don't know how it differs and how much is the learning curve but thanks will look at it | 18:50 |
melodie_ | I don't promote one more than the other, but say what I think right for the use | 18:50 |
melodie_ | that's big work to learn to use it, I recognise | 18:50 |
jo-erlend | melodie_, uh.. We have good filesystems for Linux, you know. | 18:51 |
melodie_ | Pirate_Hunter, let's take a look here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_systems | 18:51 |
om26er | when I unplug the charger the battery icon does not update. any help? | 18:52 |
om26er | it does update but it goes to full even if its not | 18:52 |
jo-erlend | melodie_, he's using Ubuntu. Why are you trying to convince him to switch to something else? Lucid supports ext4, which he was interested in, and will be available shortly. | 18:52 |
jo-erlend | om26er, it is a bit buggy, yes. Ubuntu will sometimes hibernate because of low power on the battery even a minute after I plug in the power adapter. It's annoying. | 18:53 |
om26er | and also If I killall gnome-power-manager and start it again no change but pkill power and starting g-p-m works | 18:53 |
jo-erlend | that is, it's very slow to react. | 18:53 |
melodie_ | jo-erlend, I just say ext3 and ext4 are not fit for web servers | 18:54 |
jo-erlend | melodie_, really... There are a fair amount of LAMP servers doing just fine on the internet. | 18:54 |
Pirate_Hunter | melodie_, im looking at it but how determine which filesystem would be optimal for me to use, I've tried jfs, reseirfs, ext3 however can't determine what would be good but than I never had to work with such big drives I need something that gives speed, accessibility, doesn't bloat on the metadata, basically it is adequate | 18:55 |
melodie_ | Pirate_Hunter, I'll have a look at another place now, where gparted informations stand | 18:55 |
Pirate_Hunter | before this turns into an argument lets just compromise that everyone has their opinion | 18:55 |
jo-erlend | Pirate_Hunter, you should pay attention to btrfs. It'll be really nice. | 18:55 |
Pirate_Hunter | melodie thanks | 18:55 |
Pirate_Hunter | jo-erlend, never even heard of that will do a search | 18:56 |
jo-erlend | it's not recommended for production use yet, but it's getting there. | 18:56 |
* om26er uses btrfs for secondary drives | 18:56 | |
Nitsuga | Pirate_Hunter, I have a 1TB hard drive ina home media server. Some HD movies are 20 GB+ and also have a lot of MP3. a home theater and many computer access that data all the time ind it behave just fine | 18:56 |
melodie_ | Pirate_Hunter, have a look here : http://gparted.sourceforge.net/features.php | 18:56 |
Nitsuga | also the PVR is constantly writing data | 18:56 |
melodie_ | you may want to study closer the features for jfs, xfs, hfs and hfs+ | 18:57 |
jo-erlend | melodie_, sure, xfs is nice. Works nicely with Linux as well, you know. | 18:58 |
melodie_ | Pirate_Hunter, btrfs will be worth trying when it will have more ticks at gparted | 18:58 |
melodie_ | http://gparted.sourceforge.net/features.php | 18:58 |
Pirate_Hunter | melodie_, ooh that sure helps a lot, will do thanks for the advise. Nitsuga which file system are you using? | 18:58 |
Nitsuga | Pirate_Hunter, ext4 | 18:58 |
melodie_ | jo-erlend, I don't know, it's not me who manages the servers where I have my websites | 18:58 |
om26er | for Lucid+1 packages wont be synced from debian? | 18:58 |
jo-erlend | melodie_, you won't want to use gparted on a server though? | 18:58 |
melodie_ | I have 2 hosts, one profesional one association | 18:59 |
Nitsuga | I have a 802.11n wlan and a gigabit ethernet in order to deliver correctly the HD content | 18:59 |
melodie_ | jo-erlend, what do you think of ? | 18:59 |
melodie_ | jo-erlend, have you had a look at the web page I pointed to ? | 18:59 |
melodie_ | http://gparted.sourceforge.net/features.php | 18:59 |
melodie_ | that's a page giving information | 18:59 |
melodie_ | if gparted supports it you know that theses are file system currently used | 19:00 |
Pirate_Hunter | Nitsuga, ahhh but that only works for karmic and lucid not hardy | 19:00 |
Nitsuga | the most I loaded it was once when the server was ripping a blueray (and compressing using x264) while I was watchina movie in the other room. | 19:00 |
melodie_ | thus, more features are enabled for them the best they are | 19:00 |
Nitsuga | 20+MB/s in writing and reading and I had no problem | 19:00 |
Nitsuga | I was just telling that for me ext4 is great even when with a high demand | 19:01 |
jo-erlend | melodie_? Gparted is a GUI application only, isn't it? | 19:01 |
kklimonda | Pirate_Hunter: I'm pretty sure ext4 is going to be good enough for you :) | 19:01 |
jo-erlend | I don't understand why you'd prefer it to fdisk. | 19:01 |
om26er | !libparted | 19:02 |
kklimonda | Pirate_Hunter: oh, you are on hardy and you are asking questions in the #ubuntu+1.. /me smells offtopic ;) | 19:02 |
Nitsuga | jo-erlend, it's a frontend to parted | 19:02 |
Nitsuga | *libparted | 19:02 |
Nitsuga | there is a CLI frontend, called parted | 19:02 |
jo-erlend | kklimonda, no it's reasonable. He's waiting for the next LTS, which is lucid. He asked if it would be stable enough to upgrade to yet. | 19:02 |
Pirate_Hunter | thanks people good advise did enjoy reading the different opinions, currently ext4 wont be possible for me but in the future will try it out. | 19:02 |
Pirate_Hunter | melodie_, thanks for the link that helps a lot, cudos | 19:03 |
melodie_ | cool Pirate_Hunter | 19:03 |
jo-erlend | Pirate_Hunter, I think you'll have more fun upgrading to Lucid when it's ready, than switching to FreeBSD as melodie_ suggested. | 19:03 |
melodie_ | you still have some research to do but you have a start | 19:03 |
melodie_ | jo-erlend, I told him it's a lot of work to learn how to deal with that. I 'm sure he won't like it. | 19:04 |
=== jpapertowel_ is now known as jpapertowel | ||
DanaG | hmm, since hal has been removed... how the heck is gnome-power-manager supposed to change LCD brightness? | 19:15 |
bjsnider | DanaG, i thought you used the k desktop environment? | 19:16 |
DanaG | nope, went back to gnome for now. | 19:16 |
bjsnider | and why is that? | 19:16 |
DanaG | Another big blocker in kde, besides brightness keys not working, is that kde doesn't let you choose a correct DPI value. | 19:16 |
DanaG | It only offers 96 and 120. | 19:16 |
bjsnider | that sucks | 19:16 |
DanaG | And now with the X server LYING to the desktop, there's no way to get it to use the REAL dpi. | 19:17 |
DanaG | oh, and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gnome-power-manager | 19:18 |
DanaG | no bugs? really? | 19:18 |
DanaG | oh, I see... take "lucid" out. | 19:20 |
melodie_ | at today's lucid version there are the partners repos in Synaptic | 19:21 |
melodie_ | and grub install works in this alternate version | 19:21 |
jpapertowel | ermm, how exactly do I configure software raid to work successfully with two 750 GB WD hard drives using ext4 ._. | 19:21 |
jpapertowel | (dmraid was soooo much easier :() | 19:22 |
dupondje | phew :) just installed nouveau .. but seems I got a big shaking screen ... known issue ? | 19:23 |
jpapertowel | oh found a wiki article :) | 19:24 |
jpapertowel | which is generally more stable, lucid or sid? | 19:38 |
Nitsuga | jpapertowel, sid | 19:38 |
* penguin42 would have said lucid | 19:39 | |
Nitsuga | lucid can become unbootable anytime | 19:39 |
kklimonda | jpapertowel: sid | 19:39 |
jpapertowel | scary | 19:39 |
* penguin42 has had sid become unbootable a couple of times | 19:39 | |
Nitsuga | it's not likely to happen | 19:39 |
* penguin42 still remembers when sid accidentally swapped uid and gid fields in /etc/passwd | 19:39 | |
Nitsuga | but lucid's packages don't go through a "testing" stage before reaching the repo | 19:39 |
kklimonda | jpapertowel: it's a rough ride before beta release | 19:39 |
* jpapertowel has has sid uninstallable a couple of times :D | 19:39 | |
dupondje | thunderbird 3 finally in ubuntu :) | 19:42 |
melodie_ | and Sylpheed ? what version ? | 19:44 |
charlie-tca | melodie_: I show sylpheed 3.0.0~beta6 | 19:46 |
delight | can somebody tell me why sun-java6-plugin package is no longer in lucid ? missing now since weeks | 19:46 |
jpapertowel | would there happen to be a kernel like liquorix for debian that works for lucid? or is lucid's kernel already like liquorix? | 19:46 |
charlie-tca | !java | 19:47 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository | 19:47 |
charlie-tca | no | 19:47 |
melodie_ | charlie-tca, great ! | 19:48 |
kklimonda | delight: it was moved to the -partner repository | 19:48 |
delight | kklimonda: thank you ... i will have a look at it ;) | 19:49 |
charlie-tca | delight: It has been replaced by openjdk | 19:49 |
kklimonda | delight: or it's going to be moved soon - I don't see it there yet | 19:49 |
delight | charlie-tca: you mean icedtea6-plugin | 19:49 |
delight | was called somewhat close to that i think | 19:49 |
charlie-tca | No, sun-java6 | 19:50 |
charlie-tca | icedtea-plugin only replaced the firefox java plugin | 19:50 |
kklimonda | delight: openjdk-6-jre | 19:50 |
delight | charlie-tca: ok got it ... so sun-java is going to be moving to partner and in the "normal" repos only openjdk is going to stay | 19:51 |
DanaG | weird... no wonder my brightness control doesn't work: | 19:51 |
kklimonda | that's the plan | 19:51 |
DanaG | The Lucid HAL removes "generic" backlight handling! | 19:51 |
DanaG | All it leaves is sony, apple, dell, and that sort. | 19:51 |
kklimonda | DanaG: well - we have removed hal completely from lucid default install so it may not be the problem :) | 19:52 |
alex_mayorga | any nouveau experts out there | 19:57 |
melodie_ | never used | 19:58 |
melodie_ | someone else ? | 19:58 |
dupondje | I use it .. :) nothing more :P | 19:59 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, ping | 19:59 |
duffydack | melodie_, did you get to try that multiboot usb stick? | 20:09 |
melodie_ | duffydack, oh no ! it will take days before I get into it ! | 20:09 |
melodie_ | I have tons of things to do also else than having fun with the computers | 20:10 |
melodie_ | duffydack, but I have kept the link and will go into it one day | 20:12 |
duffydack | melodie_, well its not much to do really, just format a partition, put gujin on, and cat a few iso`s :) | 20:12 |
BUGabundo | YAY | 20:12 |
BUGabundo | java is broken | 20:12 |
duffydack | Is there a mockup or even a name yet for the new "Light" theme? | 20:13 |
BUGabundo | http://paste.ubuntu.com/381163/ | 20:13 |
melodie_ | duffydack, many new isos are going to be out, it's better if I wait for them | 20:13 |
melodie_ | additionnally for me it's time to take to read it, get into it, and it's fun : I don't have that much availability for fun just now. so it's better if I wait for the final versions of the distros I'm interested to have in it | 20:14 |
BUGabundo | dinner bbl | 20:15 |
melodie_ | BUGabundo, bon appétit | 20:16 |
duffydack | ok | 20:16 |
DanaG | argh, yeah, broken brightness control is irritating. | 20:19 |
jpapertowel | how do I install a bootloader when using software raid | 20:20 |
jpapertowel | it says executing grub-install /dev/sda and /dev/sdb failed :( | 20:21 |
melodie_ | great, after I installed virtualbox-guest-additions and restarted X, the screen came to 1024x768 by itself ! fantastic ! | 20:32 |
penguin42 | melodie_: I wish there was a way to get a bit larger values - my monitor is 1920x1080 - so something a bit taller than 768 would be good | 20:33 |
melodie_ | penguin42, there is | 20:35 |
penguin42 | how? | 20:35 |
melodie_ | first you must check if there is a xorg.conf file under /etc/X11 : is there one ? | 20:35 |
penguin42 | I've not got a VM up at the moment | 20:35 |
penguin42 | but probably not got an xorg.conf | 20:35 |
melodie_ | ok | 20:35 |
melodie_ | let's say there isn't one | 20:36 |
melodie_ | you close the session | 20:36 |
melodie_ | you go to a tty | 20:36 |
melodie_ | you login | 20:36 |
melodie_ | then you stop gdm : | 20:36 |
melodie_ | sudo service gdm stop | 20:36 |
duffydack | I usually just resize the window :) | 20:36 |
melodie_ | then you create a generic xorg.conf file | 20:36 |
melodie_ | with | 20:36 |
melodie_ | sudo X -configure | 20:36 |
melodie_ | then you move it from xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf (with sudo mv) | 20:37 |
penguin42 | yeh ok | 20:37 |
melodie_ | then you restart X and install xorg-options-editor-gtk | 20:37 |
melodie_ | then open a console in the X session and do : | 20:37 |
melodie_ | gksu xorg-options-editor-gtk | 20:37 |
melodie_ | then you go to "add" or new (right side) and will have a choice. search in the window for video modes, add the one you want apply close and restart X | 20:39 |
melodie_ | that's the method I used yesterday in the live virtualbox of Lucid, and it worked | 20:39 |
penguin42 | ok | 20:39 |
melodie_ | else you could add the video modes with editing the xorg.conf file generated. it may be easier if you know how to write it. it looks like this : | 20:40 |
penguin42 | sure, if you're just saying set up the xorg.conf to set the mode you want that's fine | 20:40 |
SwedeMike | melodie_: did you still use acpi=off to boot in vbox? | 20:40 |
penguin42 | I'm just surprised there is now ay to get vitrtualbox et all to specify a different res monitor | 20:41 |
melodie_ | Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 20:41 |
melodie_ | SwedeMike, not on today's version, well in fact I didn't have boot options to start with | 20:41 |
SwedeMike | melodie_: nice, then I can turn that off. thanks | 20:41 |
melodie_ | no graphics at all during boot phase, just all black | 20:41 |
melodie_ | you can try | 20:42 |
melodie_ | penguin42, you try, I hope it will work for you too | 20:42 |
melodie_ | penguin42, do you want me to paste a full xorg.conf for you ? I have one for Virtualbox | 20:43 |
SwedeMike | well, I don't really need my vbox 10.04 anymore, now my cryptphrase bug has been triaged and set to high, unless they release a fix and I want to try it. | 20:43 |
penguin42 | melodie_: No, it's OK | 20:43 |
melodie_ | ok | 20:43 |
melodie_ | about that tool : no one talks about it on the docs or else | 20:43 |
melodie_ | I had to do some research in packages section to find out about it | 20:44 |
melodie_ | it's nice, but complicated, I think it should have 3 levels for the features: basic, advanced, and expert, to make it easier to dive in | 20:44 |
DanaG | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8841726#post8841726 | 20:44 |
DanaG | argh | 20:44 |
penguin42 | where did you find it - It doesn't seem to be in the lucid package set | 20:44 |
DanaG | rsyslogd eating 100% of BOTH cpu cores. | 20:44 |
SwedeMike | DanaG: I had that before as well. | 20:45 |
melodie_ | penguin42, it is : in Universe | 20:45 |
penguin42 | melodie_: Ah OK | 20:45 |
penguin42 | DanaG: Is it actually having stuff logged to it? | 20:45 |
DanaG | Feb 21 12:43:32 EliteBook kernel: Cannot read proc file system: 1 - Operation not permitted. | 20:45 |
DanaG | Feb 21 12:43:56 EliteBook kernel: last message repeated 3171197 times | 20:45 |
SwedeMike | DanaG: I tried rebooting to fix it then my machine wouldn't boot due to noveau bug, so I don't know if that would have fixed it. | 20:45 |
kklimonda | DanaG: :D | 20:45 |
penguin42 | DanaG: an apparmor rule or something? | 20:46 |
DanaG | Beats me. | 20:46 |
melodie_ | penguin42, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/xorg-options-editor-gtk | 20:46 |
DanaG | And radeon backlight control doesn't work. | 20:46 |
penguin42 | melodie_: Thanks | 20:46 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/523610 | 20:46 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 523610 in rsyslog "rsyslogd spins CPU on older kernels" [High,Triaged] | 20:46 |
melodie_ | penguin42, my pleasure ^^ | 20:47 |
melodie_ | "rsyslog and after that ubuntuone-client " : what are thoses packages meant for ? | 20:47 |
DanaG | I'm actually using a NEWER kernel. | 20:48 |
DanaG | 2.6.33-rc8. | 20:48 |
penguin42 | melodie_: rsyslog is for logging of system events (possibly remotely) ubuntuone-client is for accessing the network storage system called ubuntuone that Ubuntu now provides | 20:48 |
DanaG | I do use rsyslog to log messages from my router. | 20:49 |
melodie_ | penguin42, ok | 20:49 |
kklimonda | DanaG: why are you running an older kernel? | 20:49 |
DanaG | I'm not. | 20:50 |
melodie_ | sort of a Dropbox system ? | 20:50 |
DanaG | 2.6.33-rc8. | 20:50 |
DanaG | From kernel-ppa. | 20:50 |
kklimonda | DanaG: I wonder if it doesn't support the thing it should for some reason | 20:50 |
penguin42 | DanaG: It's possible that something changed permissions somewhere | 20:51 |
kklimonda | developers' assumption was that it's not going to be a problem because it only happens on old kernels | 20:52 |
penguin42 | DanaG: strace it to find out what it's after | 20:52 |
DanaG | dr-xr-xr-x 212 root root 0 2010-02-21 04:35 proc | 20:52 |
kklimonda | but if you say that it also happen with kernels from PPA than it's bad | 20:52 |
DanaG | er, for now, I'm just downgrading rsyslogd. | 20:52 |
DanaG | er, old one does the same. | 20:52 |
kklimonda | penguin42: we got rid of the dd process that was feeding rsyslogd data from /proc/kmsg because it couldn't be read by non-root users (even after it was openened with root privileges) | 20:53 |
DanaG | select(1, NULL, NULL, NULL, {29, 35363} | 20:53 |
penguin42 | kklimonda: Oh, thats odd behaviour | 20:54 |
DanaG | 5694.907660486:main queue:Reg/w0: Filter: check for property 'msg' (value 'Cannot read proc file system: 1 - Operation not permitted.') contains '[UFW ': FALSE | 20:55 |
kklimonda | probably the kernel patch hasn't been applied by the upstream yet and so installing a vanilla kernel from ppa makes rsyslogd really unhappy.. | 20:55 |
ranga | Hello. My X-server is crashing and hanging consistently. The Xorg.0.log.old shows some messages regarding the mouse before the crash. Any solutions? Please advise. Thanks. | 20:57 |
kklimonda | I wonder why would people still run 2.6.31 kernel on lucid though.. | 20:57 |
kklimonda | ranga: uninstall rhythmbox | 20:57 |
kklimonda | erm | 20:57 |
kklimonda | plymouth | 20:57 |
kklimonda | that was weird.. | 20:57 |
penguin42 | kklimonda: I guess someone has problems with a particular driver or maybe their in a xen type of environment | 20:58 |
ranga | thanks kklimonda. I uninstalled rhythmbox | 20:59 |
kklimonda | ranga: plymouth, not rhythmbox | 20:59 |
kklimonda | oh ffs - evolution just decided to duplicate all my mails.. | 21:00 |
ranga | ok uninstalled plymouth | 21:00 |
ranga | can you elaborate as to why this causes the crashing and hanging? | 21:00 |
kklimonda | ranga: it may be a reason - other may be your video driver | 21:00 |
ranga | video was working fine until about 2-3 days back | 21:01 |
ranga | now, whenever I watch any movies on any video intensive activity for more than 10-15 minutes, my machine crashes | 21:01 |
ranga | But first, as soon as I log into my GNOME session, there is first one X-server session crash before the hang | 21:02 |
ranga | Possibly on a related note, I have been struggling with trying to get Windows installed on a different partition where the installations of XP and Vista have aborted arbitarily and hung at least 10 times so far. So, I still suspect there might be something wrong in my hardware. But I am not sure. This coincidentally is the same time that I started having trouble in Lucid Lynx as well! | 21:05 |
ranga | I have had Lucid on my desktop for a while and haven't had these issues | 21:05 |
ActionParsnip | hey guys | 21:08 |
ActionParsnip | is alpha 3 about yet? | 21:08 |
ActionParsnip | the wiki says 17th Feb for release of A3 | 21:08 |
jo-erlend | it doesn't. It sais 25th, which is thursday. | 21:09 |
jo-erlend | that is, however, in week 17. | 21:10 |
ActionParsnip | aaaah i read week 17 as the 17th, my bad | 21:10 |
ActionParsnip | d'oh | 21:10 |
jo-erlend | uh... | 21:10 |
jo-erlend | week 17 of Lucid development, that is. :) | 21:11 |
ActionParsnip | yeah realised the error, cheers duder | 21:11 |
* ActionParsnip facepalms | 21:11 | |
jo-erlend | :) | 21:11 |
jo-erlend | it's an easy mistake to make. | 21:11 |
ActionParsnip | coincides nicely with my next 4 days off work too :) | 21:11 |
jo-erlend | ok? | 21:12 |
melodie_ | what is fun to install in a fresh new Lucid of today ? | 21:28 |
melodie_ | I had a plan I don't remember which :D | 21:28 |
melodie_ | oh yes | 21:28 |
melodie_ | Gnome Shell ? | 21:29 |
kklimonda | it probably won't work in vm | 21:30 |
Some_Person | Has lucid's freeze already happened? | 21:31 |
kklimonda | Some_Person: feature freeze yes | 21:31 |
Some_Person | Supertux is about to release a new version after 2 years of no releases. I'm guessing this won't make it into lucid | 21:35 |
BUGabundo | Some_Person: its past FF | 21:35 |
BUGabundo | you would need a GOOD reason and a FFe | 21:35 |
crimsun | Some_Person: it could make it in | 21:35 |
BUGabundo | wb alex_mayorga | 21:36 |
Some_Person | FFe? | 21:36 |
crimsun | feature freeze exception | 21:36 |
jpapertowel | okay so I used software raid to create a 100 MB RAID1 ext4 /boot partition, a 1.5 TB RAID0 ext4 / partition, and a 4 GB swap partition - now I go to install grub and it fails...what command should I be using to install grub? | 21:36 |
Some_Person | Unfortunately, I don't really have that good a reason | 21:37 |
alex_mayorga | BUGabundo, apologies, didn't check the channel before last reboot | 21:37 |
crimsun | Some_Person: does it have a lot of bug fixes? | 21:37 |
crimsun | Some_Person: that's normally sufficient reason given we're fairly close to FF | 21:38 |
Some_Person | crimsun: Yes, it has bugfixes, and lots of new features and a few new levels | 21:38 |
crimsun | Some_Person: the longer you delay filing the FFe, however, the less probable it will be approved | 21:38 |
Some_Person | Well, it hasn't been released yet | 21:38 |
crimsun | ugh! | 21:38 |
Some_Person | (I'm guessing I need to wait for that) | 21:39 |
crimsun | well, subjunctives and hypotheticals... | 21:39 |
BUGabundo | the keyword "new features" makes it quiet out of the scope of FFe | 21:39 |
crimsun | BUGabundo: not necessarily | 21:39 |
BUGabundo | on an LTS ? | 21:39 |
crimsun | yes, even on an LTS | 21:39 |
BUGabundo | if you say so | 21:40 |
crimsun | it's /always/ risk assessment | 21:40 |
BUGabundo | the only two FFe I've filed where never accepted | 21:40 |
crimsun | your experience doesn't make policy ;-) | 21:40 |
BUGabundo | quiet irght | 21:41 |
Some_Person | There aren't really that many new features (most are really code-level changes), but there are a few new levels. Does this make an FFe unlikely to be accepted? | 21:41 |
crimsun | Some_Person: without seeing the actual source changes, I couldn't make a decent estimate. I am also not on the team to make such decisions (though I have been before). | 21:42 |
Ian_Corne | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/525459 | 21:47 |
ubottu | Error: This bug is private | 21:47 |
Ian_Corne | what's an i386-retrace ? | 21:47 |
crimsun | it's a retrace done on an i386 | 21:47 |
Ian_Corne | and what's a trace? | 21:47 |
crimsun | see apport-retrace | 21:47 |
Ian_Corne | retrace* | 21:47 |
dupondje | jpapertowel: 'fails' ? :) | 21:48 |
dupondje | and btw | 21:48 |
dupondje | dmraid / mdadm ? | 21:48 |
Ian_Corne | tags: removed: need-i386-retrace | 21:49 |
Ian_Corne | oh, it's already taken care of? | 21:49 |
jpapertowel | dupondje: I just used the Software RAID thing once I got to the partition setup, so, is it mdadm? | 21:49 |
dupondje | yea prolly :) | 21:49 |
dupondje | dmraid is 'fake-raid' its to support raid arrays made by some mobo-controllers and so :) | 21:50 |
jpapertowel | anyways, I just get Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed. This is a fatal error. | 21:50 |
dupondje | grub2 ? :) | 21:50 |
jpapertowel | aye | 21:50 |
crimsun | Ian_Corne: yes | 21:53 |
dupondje | jpapertowel: and what about grub-install /dev/mdxxx ? : | 21:55 |
jpapertowel | dupondje: I assume that's going to kill my software raid setup but okay I'll try it | 21:56 |
jpapertowel | using /dev/md0 didn't work :/ | 21:57 |
dupondje | error? | 21:57 |
jpapertowel | pretty sure grub-install only provides the same error message, This is a fatal error. | 21:57 |
dupondje | jpapertowel: http://grub.enbug.org/MirroringRAID | 21:58 |
dupondje | also: http://grub.enbug.org/LVMandRAID | 21:59 |
dupondje | grub-install --modules=raid /dev/md0 :) | 21:59 |
alex_mayorga | BUGabundo: did nouveau broke for you on kernels -13 and -14? | 22:00 |
BUGabundo | alex_mayorga: yep. using BLOB again | 22:00 |
crimsun | blarg | 22:01 |
crimsun | please ping me to update the topic when that happens | 22:01 |
=== crimsun changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | nouveau currently broken for linux 2.6.32-1[34] | (non-Free) nvidia users: avoid suspend/hibernate | IRC Guidelines: wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Alpha 2 released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/Alpha2 | ||
dupondje | broken ? | 22:02 |
dupondje | nah :) | 22:02 |
jpapertowel | dupondje: how can I run grub-install from alt+f2 console from installer? | 22:02 |
kklimonda | is it broken? good my nouveau doesn't know about that | 22:02 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: we got pleanty X guys in here, that know way better then me, what is and what's not broken | 22:02 |
crimsun | alex_mayorga: how is yours broken? | 22:03 |
dupondje | it works fine here ... | 22:03 |
BUGabundo | kklimonda: told you on Fridayit was fixed on Saturday morning and broke agains last nigt | 22:03 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: alex_mayorgaprob didn't pull the headers | 22:03 |
crimsun | ok, I'll pull it | 22:04 |
=== crimsun changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | (non-Free) nvidia users: avoid suspend/hibernate | IRC Guidelines: wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Alpha 2 released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/Alpha2 | ||
crimsun | anything else needed in the topic? | 22:04 |
BUGabundo | not to my knowledge | 22:04 |
alex_mayorga | crimsun: I had to add parameters grub | 22:06 |
dupondje | (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) => thats normal prolly ? ;) | 22:06 |
RAOF | dupondje: Absolutely. | 22:06 |
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant | ||
RAOF | dupondje: We're not shipping the 3D component. | 22:07 |
jpapertowel | dupondje: # /usr/sbin/grub-install --modules=raid /dev/md0 makes /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `md0'. | 22:07 |
dupondje | is it planned for final ? | 22:07 |
dupondje | or ? | 22:07 |
RAOF | No. We will not be supporting 3D for nouveau in Lucid. | 22:07 |
dupondje | jpapertowel: don't know exactly :) prolly need some more changes, but try googling :D | 22:08 |
dupondje | raid vs grub2 => HELL ! ;) | 22:08 |
BUGabundo | :P | 22:08 |
DanaG | oh yeah, edgers will still have 3d, though, right? | 22:08 |
DanaG | oh, and /me slaps nvidia for lack of NPOT on geforce *cough*four*wheeze* MX. | 22:08 |
DanaG | Even Radeon 7500 has NPOT... and that card came out a year before the NV card. | 22:09 |
RAOF | DanaG: Yes. My statement still stands, though. We won't be *suporting* 3D for nouveau in Lucid. If you use xorg-edgers, you get to keep any pieces. | 22:09 |
ActionParsnip | dupondje, only with crappy software raid | 22:10 |
dupondje | ActionParsnip: i know :) running grub1 on my old box still, because dmraid & grub2 doesn't work :( | 22:11 |
ActionParsnip | get a raid card | 22:11 |
DanaG | the only system I have that actually NEED nouveau is that crappy MX one. | 22:12 |
DanaG | oh, and speaking of nvidia: http://www.fudzilla.com/content/view/17690/1/ | 22:12 |
dupondje | ActionParsnip: have one, not for my root disk :P | 22:12 |
jpapertowel | okay i have this almost working other than not knowing how to get to grub> | 22:12 |
dupondje | jpapertowel: just do 'grub' ? ;) | 22:13 |
jpapertowel | dupondje: /bin/sh: grub not found? | 22:13 |
dupondje | jpapertowel: seems thats only grub1 hmz :s | 22:16 |
dupondje | RAOF: nouveau also takes a bit more power? As it doesn't have power functions ? | 22:17 |
jpapertowel | dupondje: so you're saying i can't use grub with raid1? | 22:18 |
RAOF | dupondje: It depends somewhat on your setup. It won't change the clock of the card, and most laptops boot in the slowest clock the hardware supports, I think. | 22:18 |
dupondje | jpapertowel: no the grub command, it is possible, but don't know exactly how :) | 22:18 |
kklimonda | RAOF: how can I actually check what clock speed is my laptop using? | 22:19 |
RAOF | kklimonda: I think there's a nvclock tool. | 22:19 |
kklimonda | ugh, why does reading database take so much time since karmic? :/ | 22:20 |
penguin42 | kklimonda: I'd noticed that as well it's PAINFUL | 22:20 |
dupondje | dudez :) get a quadcore :P | 22:20 |
RAOF | Well, that's moderately annoying. Running nvclock seems to have invisibled the mouse pointer. | 22:21 |
dupondje | lol | 22:21 |
dupondje | same here RAOF :s | 22:21 |
dupondje | damn its annoying :D | 22:23 |
ActionParsnip | dupondje, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=539553 | 22:26 |
ActionParsnip | dupondje, try the 2 different combinations of hwcursor things | 22:27 |
finneysan | looking for some help ... anyone here who can help with samba network setup??? | 22:27 |
ActionParsnip | !samba | 22:31 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 22:31 |
finneysan | Using ubuntu to a Samba drive and have tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and it does not work | 22:34 |
dupondje | bleh :) changing to terminal with nouveau is weird, looks like its winter on my screen .. white borders etc :s | 22:38 |
dupondje | RAOF: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15758 | 22:43 |
ubottu | Freedesktop bug 15758 in Driver/nouveau "Invisible mouse pointer on NV4E (C51)" [Normal,New] | 22:43 |
alex_mayorga | apologies empathy is too crashy today | 22:47 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, I had to add "lbm-nouveau.nomodeset=1" for kernels -13 -14 | 22:48 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, it worked without it on -12 | 22:48 |
foormea | hi, how can i upgrade from karmic to lucid with kubuntu without installing the gnome package update-manager? | 22:48 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: anything of interest I might contribute? | 22:49 |
penguin42 | foormea: run do-release-upgrade | 22:49 |
foormea | ohhh ok thanks penguin42 | 22:49 |
arand | foormea: with the -d flag for dev release | 22:49 |
foormea | :) thank you | 22:52 |
ricotz | hi, boot process broken on hp 2510p / intel gm965 - gdm doesnt show up, only mouse cursor - after switching consoles and back to tty7 gdm is visible, but "crashes" after input with "invalid framebuffer id" | 22:53 |
ricotz | after that gdm is usable and i can login | 22:54 |
bjsnider | ricotz, you obviously run gnome-shell from your ppa right? | 22:57 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: Hm. If you have to add nomodeset, that means that nouveau isn't actually working at all. | 22:59 |
ricotz | bjsnider, yes, but this should not be related to this problem | 22:59 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: Anything I can give you? | 22:59 |
bjsnider | ricotz, just wondered if there were any issues with it on that platform, since i'm using nvidia with it | 23:00 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: You can try a little game, though... could you add updates/nouveau/lbm_nouveau.ko to /lib/modules/2.6.32-14-generic/modules.order, just after the other kernel/drivers/gpu lines? | 23:00 |
ricotz | bjsnider, i didnt notice problems with karmic, had a clean install of lucid today, so not much testing so far | 23:01 |
ricotz | bjsnider, under nvidia / karmic i havent problems either | 23:02 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: let me see if I got that and try | 23:02 |
bjsnider | ricotz, you don't notice drawing errors or flickering? | 23:04 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: got an example for "other kernel/drivers/gpu lines"? | 23:04 |
Pirate_Hunter | would /srv require a separate partition specially on a busy webserver/ftp server? | 23:05 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon.ko | 23:05 |
alex_mayorga | BTW I can consistely crash pastebinit with that file :) | 23:06 |
ricotz | bjsnider, mhh right, sometimes there is a flickering but not often, using nvidia 195.36.03 / clutter 1.1 git | 23:06 |
alex_mayorga | or do I need sudo pastebinit? | 23:07 |
bjsnider | ricotz, clutter 1.1git is not in the ppa | 23:08 |
melodie_ | I've got a problem in Lucid with guest additions : I installed them, added the virtualbox additions iso in the vm too, and still I can't get the mouse free to go to and fro between host and guest : how come ? | 23:08 |
ricotz | bjsnider, right, this would be too unstable | 23:09 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: "updates/nouveau/lbm_nouveau.ko" to be the last under "kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/via/via.ko"? | 23:09 |
ricotz | bjsnider, mutter / g-s is ready for clutter 1.2 yet, will be with 2.29.1 | 23:10 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: That's fine. It doesn't really matter where, as long as it's before vga16fb. | 23:10 |
ricotz | RAOF, hi | 23:11 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: line added | 23:11 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: Now, can you run update-initramfs -u -v and check that lbm_nouveau.ko is added? | 23:13 |
ricotz | someone any idea to my intel gdm boot problem, could be a plymouth problem | 23:13 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: sudo that, right? | 23:15 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: Indeed. | 23:15 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: done | 23:15 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: And it's definitely said something about adding lbm_nouveau in that output? | 23:16 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: I need an "Edit > find" find in the console :S | 23:18 |
RAOF | Heh. | 23:18 |
ubuntujenkins | is anyone having problems with network manager? | 23:19 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/381245/ | 23:19 |
Scunizi | ubuntujenkins: like what? | 23:20 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: Excellent. Now, try rebooting. | 23:21 |
alex_mayorga | ok | 23:21 |
ubuntujenkins | Scunizi It doesn't work I had to download the wicd packages on another pc install and then wicd just to get on the internet | 23:22 |
ubuntujenkins | *and install | 23:22 |
Scunizi | ubuntujenkins: that can happen.. remember you're using an alpha2 version of ubuntu.. even the final release will occationally have issues with the network manager.. I had to go to wicd just to set a static IP on my machine.. | 23:23 |
ubuntujenkins | Scunizi I think i shall do a clean install of alpha 3 when it arrives, thanks | 23:25 |
Scunizi | np | 23:25 |
melodie_ | hi again : no one knows about Virtualbox + Lucid and the guest additions please ? | 23:27 |
BUGabundo | melodie_: there where some old reports | 23:28 |
BUGabundo | that you needed to turn ACPI off | 23:28 |
BUGabundo | to make it boot | 23:28 |
melodie_ | BUGabundo, ot | 23:28 |
BUGabundo | other then that, that's the 1st time I read of probs | 23:28 |
melodie_ | °\o/° | 23:29 |
melodie_ | hi again : no one knows about Virtualbox + Lucid and the guest additions : | 23:29 |
melodie_ | the problem is I can't have the mouse free to come and go | 23:29 |
BUGabundo | I know! | 23:29 |
BUGabundo | I read it | 23:29 |
BUGabundo | just letting *you* know what *I* know about it | 23:29 |
arand | melodie_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/510571 for the acpi issue, not sure about the bug nr for the guest additions, bu there should be one... | 23:32 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 510571 in virtualbox "-11 & later kernels won't boot with acpi, -10 works, Lucid" [Unknown,Fix released] | 23:32 |
melodie_ | arand, once more no acpi issue here | 23:32 |
melodie_ | acpi is ok ! | 23:32 |
melodie_ | I can't get my mouse to be FREE to go in the vm and come back without using the right Ctrl, thus can't copy paste from the host to here either ! and I need to in order to bring back the bugs easier | 23:33 |
arand | melodie_: ah, sorry.. | 23:33 |
melodie_ | np | 23:33 |
melodie_ | nobody here has installed Lucid in Virtualbox with vbox-guest-additions ? | 23:34 |
BUGabundo | melodie_: ahhhhh copy | 23:37 |
BUGabundo | never read you said that before | 23:37 |
BUGabundo | that's a known bug upstream | 23:37 |
BUGabundo | fixed in a recent version | 23:37 |
BUGabundo | but I still get hit by it after 24h or big copies | 23:38 |
melodie_ | I have today's version | 23:38 |
BUGabundo | repo version.... | 23:38 |
BUGabundo | sun version is higer | 23:38 |
melodie_ | ah ha | 23:38 |
melodie_ | I should go to sun from within the vm and install it then ? | 23:39 |
melodie_ | uninstall the other first I guess ? | 23:39 |
BUGabundo | errr | 23:40 |
BUGabundo | no | 23:40 |
BUGabundo | not even sure it would fix your prob | 23:40 |
BUGabundo | 1st you should file a bug upstream | 23:40 |
BUGabundo | so they can track it | 23:41 |
BUGabundo | and link back to LP | 23:41 |
BUGabundo | you could then try to install sun not so open version | 23:41 |
BUGabundo | and test | 23:41 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: Did that work? | 23:48 |
kklimonda | hmm.. the next starting page for Firefox looks nice | 23:49 |
kklimonda | much better than it did in 9.10 | 23:49 |
BUGabundo | kklimonda: and has YAHOO | 23:52 |
* BUGabundo ducks | 23:52 | |
kklimonda | i could use yahoo if it weren't for the clutter on their search page | 23:52 |
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