
=== bahe is now known as Bahe
vishnice :D  >   http://0pointer.de/blog/photos/brussels-cathedral.html07:45
darkmatterlol. "It's not currently possible and would need an entire rewrite of the  GTK libraries. I believe that basically an RGBA colourmap needs to be  enabled a core level for rounded-corners in menus to become reality. " <--- people should like. educate themselves before flapping their gums.07:54
darkmatterdarn. I can't post a reply because the site croaked on send. they're conspiring to block my honesty and freedom of speech!08:45
zniavregood morning08:48
zniavredarkmatter,  wich website is it ?08:48
darkmattergnome-look. I just saw crap about 'you can't have anti-aliased round corners without a complete rewrite of gtk and argb. it's impossible". I wanted to politely inform them that anti-aliased rounded corners have been possible since the late '80's. all 2D08:50
zniavrei was thinking install rgba module again on my lucid but atm it's almost broken08:53
zniavrevish, all murine themes does that ?09:20
vishzniavre: yup , in almost every theme using a murrine engine09:21
zniavreok (it's not my new progressbar concept)09:21
vishhehe :D09:21
kwwiidarkmatter: nonsense, with our client side deco patch and rgba patch we get nicely anti-aliased rounded windows11:19
kwwiiin fact, we can have windows of any size11:19
darkmatterkwwii: I meant that it can be done with a simple algorithm. no need for any level of compositing. no need to over-complicate crap. that post was like "omg! it's impossible without compositing! you'd need to rewrite gtk for that!"11:23
kwwiidarkmatter: this is all possible without compositing11:23
kwwiianyway, time for lunch11:24
darkmatterkwwii: that's my point. it doesn't even require rgba. the nab I wanted to reply to obviously missed the late '80s11:24
zniavrevish,  it must be something wrong with nvidia driver packaging i m trying last from nvidia.com and it works as a charm (murrine theme)13:21
vishzniavre: hmm.. maybe. or maybe they added a few bits to the nvidia ubuntu to make the gtk-csd work... but it is definitely  something worth mentioning in the bug13:22
vishzniavre: but I'm using ATI , and i have problems too13:22
zniavreok sorry13:25
vishzniavre: nothing to be sorry about ;)  .. you can mention it on the bug , it might work for someone else too13:31
zniavrehttps://launchpad.net/bugs/523108  in fact it was another one but it solved xorg cpu eating13:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 523108 in nvidia-settings "nvidia x server settings on ubuntu 10.4" [Undecided,New]13:33
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=== wers|brb is now known as wers
Viper550Okay, so new theme for next release?15:54
thorwilooh, inkscape just removed 666 unused definitions!21:06

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