humphreybc | okay guys i've just pimped the 48 hours on a whole heap of mailing lists and facebook | 02:58 |
humphreybc | i love the sentence i constructed that totally sells it :P | 02:59 |
humphreybc | "Want to help out with Ubuntu but don't know much about programming or how to contribute? The Ubuntu Manual Project makes it easy for people of all levels of experience and areas of talent to help out! From authors to design to programming, we've got it covered - and you can learn how to get involved by joining us at 48 Hours of Ubuntu Manual Learning this Monday and Tuesday!" | 02:59 |
humphreybc | so yes, we have to totally make this event ROCK! | 03:00 |
* godbyk starts working on his slides... | 03:00 | |
humphreybc | godbyk: yeah i have to do some more slides... eek | 03:02 |
godbyk | Also, I'm apparently going to have to just take short naps for the next three days. Time zones suck! | 03:02 |
humphreybc | yeah tell me about | 03:03 |
godbyk | humphreybc: what did you want to email me about before? | 03:03 |
humphreybc | oh nothing, i just wanted to put the email addresses of the key people in one of my slides | 03:04 |
humphreybc | i hope you guys don't mind, if you do I _can_ take them out but i'd prefer them to be there | 03:04 |
godbyk | ah, gotcha. | 03:04 |
godbyk | doesn't bother me. | 03:04 |
godbyk | I can hit 'delete' as easily as anything else. ;-) | 03:05 |
* humphreybc 172 fans on facebook is pretty impressive i must say | 03:05 | |
humphreybc | i think we need to revamp the ubuntu manual logo | 03:06 |
humphreybc | i might do that | 03:06 |
godbyk | Do it now then so I can use it in my slides. :) | 03:09 |
humphreybc | don't have time, maybe later :D | 03:09 |
humphreybc | don't worry about the logo in the slides | 03:09 |
humphreybc | I just used the "Ubuntu human" template in open office | 03:10 |
humphreybc | it looks okay | 03:10 |
godbyk | Do you have the source files for the Ubuntu Manual 48-hours logo someplace? | 03:10 |
humphreybc | I do but they're PSD | 03:10 |
godbyk | I'm using LaTeX beamer. | 03:10 |
humphreybc | and not transparant - hence why I need to make a new one | 03:10 |
godbyk | Heathen! | 03:10 |
humphreybc | yeah I know, I bought an android cellphone, run ubuntu on my laptop and server and install ubuntu on all my family and friends' computers, but i will not part from photoshop! | 03:10 |
humphreybc | but they tell me the next version of gimp is very very good | 03:11 |
humphreybc | and apparently better than photoshop! | 03:11 |
humphreybc | so i might have to switch :D | 03:11 |
godbyk | You should at least use inkscape for the simple logos like that. vector graphics are nice. | 03:11 |
humphreybc | yeah i need to have a play with inkscape | 03:12 |
humphreybc | haven't got round to it yet | 03:12 |
humphreybc | one of these days | 03:12 |
humphreybc | :P | 03:12 |
godbyk | It's pretty awesome. | 03:14 |
humphreybc | i have heard great things about t | 03:17 |
humphreybc | it* | 03:17 |
godbyk | are we supposed to use any particular theme for slides? or just do our own thing? | 03:18 |
humphreybc | just do whatever you like | 03:18 |
humphreybc | you're in charge of the class | 03:19 |
godbyk | k | 03:19 |
humphreybc | OH THE POWER! haha | 03:20 |
humphreybc | right i'm heading out for the afternoon, talk to ya'll later. i'll be on all night because i have to stay up till 2am for this session with cjohnston | 03:22 |
cjohnston | 2am hmm? | 03:51 |
cjohnston | I guess he is gone | 03:51 |
* humphreybc found a headset in one of his drawers full of computer stuff! Now I can make that ground control how to video and it will actually sound good! | 07:31 | |
humphreybc | btw, who has skype? | 07:31 |
humphreybc | godbyk: ping | 07:36 |
godbyk | humphreybc: pong | 07:37 |
godbyk | I have skype | 07:37 |
humphreybc | is there a list of latex commands somewhere? | 07:37 |
humphreybc | ie | 07:37 |
humphreybc | not generic ones | 07:37 |
humphreybc | but ones you've created for us | 07:37 |
godbyk | Not yet. There will be once I finish my handout for the 48-hours thing, though. | 07:37 |
humphreybc | and what's your skype username? not that I need to call you but I'm trying to make my contact list look a little less sad with 6 people :) | 07:37 |
humphreybc | awesome | 07:37 |
godbyk | Mine's godbyk. | 07:37 |
humphreybc | oO a handout :D | 07:37 |
humphreybc | also i just added a 48 hours folder to the branch with some of my stuff in it | 07:38 |
godbyk | well, a lot of the stuff doesn't really work on slides. Who wants to flip through slides to find something if they can have a booklet instead? | 07:38 |
godbyk | But I'm doing the slides first, and then I'll work on the handout. | 07:38 |
humphreybc | if you could put your stuff in there too that'd be neat. then people can use it as help after we actually do 48 hours, i'll rename the folder to "Help Documents" | 07:38 |
humphreybc | and i'll reorganize it from username based stuff to topic based help with all the slides/handouts/material from 48 hours | 07:39 |
godbyk | maybe just name it 'docs'? | 07:39 |
godbyk | (btw, spaces in folder names can occasionally cause problems, I'd avoid 'em.) | 07:39 |
humphreybc | I want to folder to stand out amongst all the chapter folders | 07:39 |
humphreybc | okay cool | 07:39 |
humphreybc | well maybe "HELP" haha | 07:39 |
humphreybc | or just "help" | 07:39 |
godbyk | heh | 07:39 |
humphreybc | I think it'll be yet another valuable resource to point newbies :D | 07:40 |
godbyk | yep | 07:40 |
humphreybc | i love it how we're writing help documentation, but we have our own help documentation.... | 07:40 |
godbyk | :) | 07:40 |
humphreybc | so we're writing help documentation for the project that's writing help documentation for the OS that's designed to help users get things done. man we're sooo nice. | 07:40 |
IlyaHaykinson | my PC is clearly too slow to run Open Office happily. | 08:51 |
IlyaHaykinson | but i cannot succumb to buying another machine. | 08:52 |
IlyaHaykinson | i already feel like i have too many. | 08:52 |
IlyaHaykinson | two work desktops, a work laptop, a personal netbook, and a home desktop. another machine and i'll start going crazy! :) | 08:52 |
humphreybc | lol | 08:53 |
humphreybc | combine them all together into one crazy super computer :D | 08:53 |
IlyaHaykinson | well, they're not all in one place. plus i can't carry a crazy super computer around, it'll be too heavy :) | 08:55 |
TommyBrunn | Not if you mount it onto some sort of backpack rack! | 08:57 |
IlyaHaykinson | clearly that's my answer ;-) | 08:59 |
humphreybc | haha | 09:01 |
humphreybc | hey thorwil, how do you spell your last name correctly? | 09:12 |
humphreybc | and do you have any objections to me putting your email address in one of the slides for 48 hours? | 09:13 |
thorwil | humphreybc: hi. Wilms | 09:13 |
thorwil | humphreybc: why would you do that? | 09:13 |
humphreybc | okay cool. there's a slide where I introduce the key members of our project | 09:14 |
humphreybc | and everyone has their email address, but i wanted to make sure it was okay | 09:14 |
IlyaHaykinson | ok, pushed my slides; going to bed. | 09:14 |
IlyaHaykinson | i think i'll skip the training in 4 hrs, it's just bad timing for me. humphreybc, if you're up, can you keep a log and send it to me, just in case? | 09:14 |
humphreybc | IlyaHaykinson: cool, catchya later :) | 09:14 |
thorwil | humphreybc: it's ok, my email address is hardly a secret | 09:14 |
humphreybc | IlyaHaykinson: yep I can do that | 09:14 |
thorwil | and all email harvesters have it already | 09:15 |
humphreybc | thorwil: okay cool, thanks | 09:15 |
IlyaHaykinson | humphreybc: thx. | 09:16 |
TommyBrunn | Got the account face avatar thingy working now. No idea why it didn't work last night, as I haven't changed a single line of code since then. | 09:16 |
humphreybc | welcome to programming :P | 09:20 |
TommyBrunn | humphreybc We need to decide on how to structure the screenshot branches. | 09:56 |
TommyBrunn | My vote goes for having a separate branch for each language. | 09:57 |
humphreybc | yep me too | 09:57 |
dutchie | humphreybc: jshhholland on skype | 09:58 |
dutchie | you can be my first contact | 09:58 |
humphreybc | haha | 09:58 |
humphreybc | hey so dutchie what's all this about the training thing? | 10:04 |
dutchie | 19:46:20 < cjohnston|cell> dutchie: 1300 utc tomorrow for testing the classbot + training for instructors | 10:06 |
dutchie | 19:46:38 < cjohnston|cell> In ##ubuntu-cr and ##ubuntu-cr-chat | 10:06 |
dutchie | that's all I know | 10:08 |
humphreybc | okay cool | 10:08 |
TommyBrunn | So, I'm not sure how we're supposed to deal with the branches. We need to create branches that anyone can push to, I guess. But I have no idea how to go about doing this. | 10:10 |
TommyBrunn | And where should the branches be? In the ubuntu manual Launchpad project | 10:11 |
dutchie | how about lp:~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/screenshots-LANG? | 10:12 |
TommyBrunn | Sure. Speaking of which, I guess we don't have to worry about having multiple versions of the same language? Like en_US and en_UK (or whatever it is), for example. | 10:12 |
dutchie | why would you have to worry? | 10:13 |
TommyBrunn | Well, there could be minor differences between the two - although they should be negligible. | 10:14 |
humphreybc | noo | 10:16 |
humphreybc | we don't want to put them in the ubuntu manual branch | 10:16 |
humphreybc | we want to keep them separate | 10:16 |
humphreybc | we need en_US and en_UK | 10:16 |
humphreybc | because they are "languages" | 10:16 |
humphreybc | and are diffferent | 10:17 |
TommyBrunn | So you will distribute two English versions of the manual then? | 10:17 |
humphreybc | I suggest we either tie them to the quickshot project, or create another project entirely just for screenshots | 10:17 |
humphreybc | TommyBrunn: yep | 10:17 |
humphreybc | and the en_US will be US Letter size, the en_UK will be A4 sized | 10:17 |
TommyBrunn | I see. | 10:17 |
humphreybc | it's all very fun :) | 10:17 |
humphreybc | haha | 10:18 |
humphreybc | and the readers are very lucky to have so many options | 10:18 |
TommyBrunn | Anyway, it doesn't really matter to me, as long as someone creates them and we have a simple way of organizing them. | 10:18 |
humphreybc | yep | 10:19 |
humphreybc | we need to give everyone write access to those branches too | 10:19 |
humphreybc | i need to talk to the lp guys to see how we can do it | 10:19 |
humphreybc | afaik launchpad has never been used in this way before | 10:19 |
TommyBrunn | And what about when the user wants to push their changes. Should we keep it simple and just have them push straight to quickshot/screenshots/screenshot_en_US (or whatever), or should we have them push to ~username/quickshot/screenshots/screenshot_en_US and then somehow create a merge request? | 10:20 |
humphreybc | eek | 10:22 |
humphreybc | KISS | 10:22 |
humphreybc | keep it simple simon | 10:22 |
humphreybc | merging could get very very very messy | 10:22 |
TommyBrunn | Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. | 10:22 |
humphreybc | you could grab some code from ground control | 10:22 |
humphreybc | lp:groundcontrol | 10:22 |
humphreybc | i know martin well, he could help too | 10:22 |
humphreybc | well, he doesn't have enough time to actually help, but he does know a lot about launchpad and bzr now | 10:23 |
TommyBrunn | You have mentioned this Martin character a number of times now, yet I still have no idea who he is. :D | 10:23 |
humphreybc | | 10:23 |
humphreybc | | 10:23 |
humphreybc | doctormo on IRC | 10:23 |
humphreybc | dutchie: anyone pick up editing? | 10:25 |
dutchie | humphreybc: not as far as i've heard | 10:35 |
humphreybc | eek | 10:35 |
ubuntujenkins | can as many people as possible please run "lshw | grep -C +11 display" and paste the output here it will help with quickshot, thank you. | 10:55 |
humphreybc | ubuntujenkins: | 10:56 |
godbyk | ubuntujenkins: | 10:56 |
ubuntujenkins | humphreybc what driver are you using the open ati or the proprietary one? | 10:59 |
humphreybc | ubuntujenkins: I'm using the open source ati one | 10:59 |
dutchie | | 10:59 |
ubuntujenkins | thanks people now to ask on a busy channel | 11:00 |
godbyk | Okay, what have I forgotten? | 11:02 |
godbyk | (I'm getting tired and my brain's fried.) | 11:02 |
godbyk | brb.. need water | 11:02 |
godbyk | back | 11:05 |
ubuntujenkins | godbyk it good only one thing i notieced. On slide 13 you have Applications>Accessories........... I think the use of arrows goes against the style guide | 11:07 |
godbyk | ubuntujenkins: Actually, the very first thing mentioned under that heading is what I'm demonstrating. | 11:09 |
godbyk | (I'm renaming the \nav command to \menu, btw.) | 11:09 |
ubuntujenkins | O now that heading has changed but its now contradicts its self it tells you to use arrows but underneath tells you not to use arrows. | 11:12 |
ubuntujenkins | I don't mind as long as the manual is consistent | 11:13 |
godbyk | Well, from a style standpoint, it's frowned upon. My talk is about LaTeX, though, so I'm just teaching the commands. | 11:13 |
godbyk | In short, you're allowed to use the arrows, but it's not the preferred way. | 11:13 |
ubuntujenkins | fair enough I was being picky :) It did teach me something I need to change \menuitem with \menu | 11:14 |
godbyk | ubuntujenkins: yep. though I haven't committed that code yet. :-) | 11:14 |
ubuntujenkins | right glad you told me that I was going to do find and replace on my stuff | 11:15 |
c7p | hey guys, i ve got a question about tommorow's meeting, #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat channels will host same teacher at the same time? | 11:15 |
godbyk | I'll give you a heads up when I've fixed all that. | 11:15 |
ubuntujenkins | cool thanks | 11:16 |
dutchie | c7p: what do you mean? I think we will have our teachers in both channels, if that's what you want | 11:17 |
godbyk | c7p: I think both channels will be used. | 11:17 |
godbyk | Phrased another way: You should join both channels as they'll be used together. | 11:18 |
* humphreybc finished recording a ground control step by step walkthrough video... i sound very very very quiet haha | 11:18 | |
c7p | thx | 11:18 |
dutchie | c7p: alternatively, try Jono's Lernid program | 11:19 |
dutchie | | 11:19 |
c7p | yeah i read the wiki | 11:19 |
dutchie | godbyk: what is the exact reason we need TL2009? (for my talk on building translations) | 11:19 |
godbyk | Because we're using the polyglossia package to handle the different languages. And it's not available for TL2007. | 11:20 |
godbyk | Also, the glossary stuff (when I get to it) will require TL2009. | 11:20 |
dutchie | cheers | 11:20 |
godbyk | The glossary stuff in TL2007 is woefully out of date and not as nice. | 11:20 |
* humphreybc is rendering the video... exciting! | 11:22 | |
humphreybc | i think this is the nicest screencast i have made | 11:22 |
c7p | what is it about? | 11:22 |
humphreybc | it's a video for the ground control session i'm teaching tomorrow :) | 11:23 |
c7p | nice :) | 11:23 |
humphreybc | yep | 11:23 |
humphreybc | now i just have to make some slides for the other sessions and we should all be good | 11:23 |
humphreybc | Looking through Ilya's slides, i can't think of much one would say in the editing session that he hasn't already covered | 11:25 |
humphreybc | pitivi dont fail me now | 11:26 |
c7p | ok teachers cya tomorrow ;) | 11:29 |
humphreybc | so dutchie how does lernid actually present the slides? | 11:29 |
dutchie | it splits the top section in half and shows them in there iirc | 11:29 |
humphreybc | ah okay | 11:29 |
humphreybc | can i show a youtube video there instead? | 11:30 |
dutchie | don't think so | 11:30 |
dutchie | but it does automatically open any links you paste | 11:30 |
dutchie | | 11:31 |
humphreybc | oh what the hell | 11:31 |
humphreybc | pitivi you suck! | 11:31 |
ubuntujenkins | humphreybc are you still doing a session at 1500 the wiki says you are but the schedule in lernid says not. I will be in a lab at that time and will run home in between. | 11:31 |
humphreybc | yep my first session is at 1500 | 11:31 |
ubuntujenkins | cool web irc it is I can see not lab work being done :) | 11:32 |
TommyBrunn | humphreybc if PiTiVi is failing you, you should give Openshot a go. It's a great deal more stable. | 11:32 |
humphreybc | TommyBrunn: yeah i'll give openshot a go in a sec. pitivi is all good until it tries to render something | 11:33 |
ubuntujenkins | humphreybc flash does work in lernid watching youtube now. | 11:33 |
humphreybc | i think it's actually something to do with the .ogv format | 11:33 |
ubuntujenkins | I found .avi worked in pitvi | 11:33 |
humphreybc | what muxers etc did you use? | 11:33 |
humphreybc | i've tried to change the settings for encoding but i couldn't get anything to work apart from .ogv which semi worked | 11:33 |
ubuntujenkins | the pre set ones worked for me | 11:34 |
issyl0 | Hello! | 11:34 |
humphreybc | the preset ones render to .ogv, regardless of whether you change the file extension to .avi or anything else | 11:34 |
humphreybc | it's a bit shit, to use some french. | 11:34 |
ubuntujenkins | click the modiy button then choose avi in the container drop down | 11:35 |
ubuntujenkins | hello issyl0 | 11:35 |
humphreybc | righto, and audio? | 11:36 |
humphreybc | it seems to hate when the video goes from a still image to a video | 11:36 |
issyl0 | ubuntujenkins: hi, I'm hoping to be able to help out more today now that bzr and Lp work :) | 11:36 |
ubuntujenkins | sounds like a plan issyl0 | 11:37 |
humphreybc | so just the avimuxer you reckon... hmm | 11:37 |
ubuntujenkins | just running a tes now | 11:37 |
ubuntujenkins | *test | 11:37 |
issyl0 | ubuntujenkins: definitely :) | 11:38 |
ubuntujenkins | works for me you can change the fps (humphreybc) | 11:39 |
humphreybc | hmm okay | 11:39 |
humphreybc | see my source video is only 15FPS | 11:39 |
ubuntujenkins | issyl0 would you mind running "lshw | grep -C +11 display" and paste the output here it will help with quickshot for the ubuntu manual project, thanks | 11:39 |
humphreybc | because recordmydesktop is also pretty gay | 11:40 |
humphreybc | audio/video in linux is terrible | 11:40 |
humphreybc | with a capital T, so it's Terrible | 11:40 |
* humphreybc has to stop using gay as a bad word when talking to people outside of NZ | 11:40 | |
humphreybc | ubuntujenkins: are you trying to get some information on what type of resolutions people are using for quickshot? | 11:41 |
ubuntujenkins | choose custom that allows you to choose 12fps | 11:41 |
humphreybc | so should i choose a lower FPS than the source input? | 11:41 |
ubuntujenkins | I am trying to detect the driver in use first then I will work on the resoultion | 11:42 |
ubuntujenkins | well choosing higher will make no difference, just try a few and give it a go | 11:43 |
humphreybc | omg yay avi actually worked | 11:44 |
humphreybc | nickserv help | 12:08 |
humphreybc | wait | 12:08 |
issyl0 | Hehe | 12:09 |
humphreybc | how do i change to the admin thing so i can remove that next meeting thing? | 12:09 |
humphreybc | i've forgotten | 12:09 |
issyl0 | /msg chanserv #ubuntu-manual op | 12:09 |
humphreybc | thanks! | 12:09 |
issyl0 | And then /topic .... | 12:09 |
humphreybc | didn't work | 12:09 |
dutchie | op #ubuntu-manual | 12:10 |
humphreybc | ah | 12:10 |
issyl0 | It should have done... | 12:10 |
humphreybc | other way around :) | 12:10 |
issyl0 | Aaah | 12:10 |
=== humphreybc changed the topic of #ubuntu-manual to: Ubuntu Manual Project discussion | Wiki: | Launchpad: | IRC logs: | Ubuntu Guidelines: | Code of Conduct: | ||
* issyl0 headdesks at the failure - I need to get back into freenode again! :O | 12:11 | |
* issyl0 did just succeed at making bzr work with her laptop though :) | 12:11 | |
* humphreybc is totally listening to the bladerunner soundtrack | 12:11 | |
humphreybc | issyl0: are you a girl? don't see many of them round these parts! | 12:12 |
issyl0 | humphreybc: I am indeed, however I don't see what that's got to do with anything! But no, you don't, and it's good I'm getting involved I guess! | 12:12 |
humphreybc | it doesn't have anything to do with anything, i'm just impressed :) | 12:13 |
issyl0 | Ah, well er thanks! | 12:13 |
humphreybc | lol | 12:14 |
issyl0 | I really want to get more involved with Ubuntu and do more to help, so I thought why not join the manual project :) | 12:15 |
cjohnston | humphreybc: I just want to confirm before changing the official learning events calendar, you got rid of the editing process class? | 12:15 |
humphreybc | heh well yep we're a pretty funky project xD | 12:15 |
humphreybc | cjohnston: yep | 12:16 |
humphreybc | what's on our wiki now should be final | 12:16 |
humphreybc | and then the PDF slides and stuff will trickle in for lernid today and tomorrow, but i think dutchie is handling that | 12:16 |
cjohnston | is the wiki the same as the ical | 12:16 |
dutchie | I will if you give me URLS | 12:16 |
humphreybc | dutchie: ^^ | 12:17 |
humphreybc | yep i'll get URLs for stuff soon | 12:17 |
dutchie | yes, the ical and wiki are in sync | 12:17 |
cjohnston | ty | 12:17 |
humphreybc | so cjohnston what are we going to learn in 40 minutes? | 12:17 |
cjohnston | how to use the bot... the bot will change topics for each class, set the channel to moderated, give voice to instructors | 12:18 |
humphreybc | awesome :) | 12:18 |
cjohnston | plus, handle the questions from ubuntu-classroom-chat | 12:18 |
cjohnston | you can review the question via a pm, and then accept/reject the question | 12:19 |
humphreybc | sounds like fun | 12:19 |
humphreybc | so we do the teaching from an IRC client, not lernid, right? | 12:19 |
humphreybc | lernid simply gives a UI for viewing what's happening in a chatroom as well as showing a website and a PDF file in windows, correct? | 12:19 |
cjohnston | i havent looked in a while, but last i checked, there wasnt a way for you to speak in lernid | 12:20 |
cjohnston | as of now, that is correct | 12:20 |
humphreybc | sweet | 12:20 |
cjohnston | there is plans for an instructor module | 12:20 |
humphreybc | cool | 12:20 |
cjohnston | But I don't believe that is anytime soon | 12:20 |
humphreybc | can we as instructors connect to lernid as a guest to make sure everything's running alright? | 12:20 |
humphreybc | (from the user's perspective) | 12:20 |
dutchie | of course | 12:21 |
dutchie | nothing to stop you | 12:21 |
humphreybc | okay cool | 12:21 |
dutchie | you'll need a different nick though | 12:21 |
humphreybc | just making sure :) | 12:21 |
humphreybc | i think the Lithuanians are taking over our wiki :P | 12:23 |
ubuntujenkins | why? | 12:23 |
humphreybc | | 12:24 |
humphreybc | it's cool though | 12:24 |
humphreybc | might go check out #ubuntu-manual-lt | 12:24 |
ubuntujenkins | nice to people are enthusiastic | 12:24 |
humphreybc | i know it's great :) | 12:24 |
* humphreybc 61% of the video uploaded to youtube... gotta love slow upload speeds. not. | 12:25 | |
issyl0 | Ha | 12:25 |
humphreybc | dutchie: is there any way for us to actually see how many translators are working on the project? | 12:26 |
dutchie | dunno | 12:27 |
humphreybc | does rosetta give us some stats | 12:27 |
humphreybc | hmm | 12:27 |
humphreybc | i'll have a look | 12:27 |
humphreybc | doesn't look like it | 12:28 |
humphreybc | not very important, just interesting | 12:29 |
ziroday | I gotta say, the proposed manual cover is really shiny | 12:34 |
ziroday | congrats to the artists | 12:34 |
humphreybc | which one is that ziroday? the current one in the branch or the one in the ML? | 12:34 |
ziroday | humphreybc: one in the branch | 12:34 |
humphreybc | okay yeah, that's going to be refined even more very soon | 12:34 |
ziroday | similar to | 12:35 |
humphreybc | there's a big announcement to be made on the 25th at the end of this week | 12:35 |
ziroday | ooh, can't wait :) | 12:35 |
humphreybc | that's going to affect our style :) | 12:35 |
humphreybc | and colours etc | 12:35 |
ziroday | well so far it looks very shiny | 12:35 |
ubuntujenkins | is it a good or bad thing then? | 12:35 |
humphreybc | ubuntujenkins: it's a good thing | 12:35 |
ubuntujenkins | cool can't wait | 12:36 |
ziroday | ubuntujenkins: progress is never a bad thing ;) | 12:36 |
ubuntujenkins | true | 12:36 |
humphreybc | and it's not just for the manual, it's for all of ubuntu. i can't tell you any more, but just keep an eye on the planet around 1800 UTC on the 25th | 12:36 |
ubuntujenkins | I will be refreshing it loads then :) | 12:37 |
humphreybc | :) | 12:37 |
godbyk | Boy, life would be a lot easier for me if everyone used the Latin alphabet. :-) | 12:49 |
humphreybc | haha | 12:49 |
humphreybc | so dutchie where are we going? ##ubuntu-cr? | 12:49 |
dutchie | and ##ubuntu-cr-chat | 12:50 |
humphreybc | righto | 12:50 |
humphreybc | i'm the only one in ##ubuntu-cr-chat | 12:51 |
dutchie | humphreybc: you're not in it at all | 12:52 |
humphreybc | oh must have typed it wrong | 12:52 |
komsas | dutchie: how often u sync translations? Every time when u did that, I want to create lithuanian PDF version. | 13:03 |
dutchie | daily-ish | 13:04 |
humphreybc | komsas: godbyk is working on a build server for us that will hopefully sync translations and compile daily builds of all the languages | 13:05 |
humphreybc | | 13:06 |
komsas | oh, awesome! | 13:06 |
humphreybc | youtube is still rendering it | 13:06 |
humphreybc | but when they're finished it should be in 720P high def :) | 13:06 |
* ubuntujenkins watches the video | 13:09 | |
humphreybc | ubuntujenkins: you might want to wait for about 10 mins so youtube can render it better | 13:09 |
ubuntujenkins | I watch it twice :) | 13:10 |
humphreybc | dutchie: currently gertrude isn't in #ubuntu-manual? | 13:16 |
dutchie | got netsplitted :( | 13:16 |
humphreybc | ? | 13:17 |
dutchie | manualbot: ping | 13:18 |
manualbot | pong | 13:18 |
manualbot | Here I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing. | 13:18 |
humphreybc | lol | 13:18 |
humphreybc | that always cracks me up | 13:19 |
humphreybc | Ground Control video has been processed, now up | 13:57 |
humphreybc | view it in HD! yay! | 13:58 |
ubuntujenkins | if you change your resolution with xrandr does it effect all users? Also if you log out and log back in does it revert to the original resolution? | 13:58 |
humphreybc | i'm heading off to bed, 3am here. night everyone! | 13:59 |
godbyk | I'm heading off to bed, too. It's 8 a.m. here. :) | 14:00 |
humphreybc | nice | 14:00 |
ubuntujenkins | night | 14:00 |
ubuntujenkins | * has nvidia working for quickshot now to ati and intel this is going to be harder. | 14:02 |
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ubuntujenkins | dutchie can you post your xrandr output please | 14:34 |
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dutchie | ubuntujenkins: | 14:48 |
ubuntujenkins | thanks dutchie | 14:49 |
TommyBrunn | ubuntujenkins: You want my xrandr output as well? I've got an intel chip in this computer, and an ATi card in my girlfriend's. | 15:01 |
ubuntujenkins | yes please TommyBrunn if you could also do "lshw -C display" that would be brilliant. Is your girlfriends laptop using the open ati driver? | 15:03 |
TommyBrunn | xrandr: | 15:04 |
ubuntujenkins | which computer is that? | 15:04 |
TommyBrunn | Mine. lshw: | 15:05 |
TommyBrunn | My girlfriend is not using the free driver | 15:05 |
TommyBrunn | She's using the proprietary one | 15:05 |
TommyBrunn | Do you want the output from that computer too? | 15:05 |
TommyBrunn | lshw -C display. Girlfriend's computer: | 15:07 |
ubuntujenkins | please I need a proprietary ati | 15:07 |
TommyBrunn | Well, xrandr doesn't work on that computer. | 15:08 |
ubuntujenkins | I had a feeling that might be the case thanks | 15:09 |
ubuntujenkins | well the program SHOULD work for nvidia, intel and ati using the open driver | 15:10 |
ubuntujenkins | TommyBrunn on your computer what does "xrandr --output HDMI1 --off" give? | 15:43 |
TommyBrunn | Why would I want to disable my HDMI out? | 15:44 |
ubuntujenkins | Well for xrandr you have to specify which output to change we can't grantee how many screens people have. I just need to work out if turning off a non connected display causes a massive error. | 15:47 |
TommyBrunn | Heh. We'll see what happens. | 15:47 |
TommyBrunn | Nothing at all happened. | 15:47 |
ubuntujenkins | good, Idealy there would be an xrandr clone all option which is what I have done for nvidia. thanks | 15:48 |
ubuntujenkins | has anyone got dual screens and an xti(Open driver only) or intel card? | 16:16 |
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=== cjohnston|cell_ is now known as cjohnston|cell | ||
* ubuntujenkins can change the screen resolution for quickshot. It could be a fun testing period :P | 22:19 | |
ubuntujenkins | night all | 23:00 |
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