
russell5is anyone else haveing issues with nuvexport with xvid on mythbuntu 9.1003:17
ramindiamythbuntu.org is down.. any one have idea where i can download ISO image07:54
superm1if the site is down, cdimages.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu07:59
Zinn[cdimages.ubuntu.com] Index of /mythbuntu07:59
superm1Daviey, tgm4883 ^ re site down07:59
ramindiaMythbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Daily Build08:01
ramindiais this  correct ?08:01
superm1if you want to test the dailies for 10.04 sure; 9.10 is the stable stuff08:01
superm1under releases/08:01
superm110.04 is 0.23 based, 9.10 is 0.22 based08:02
ramindiaok let me download both and test08:02
superm1feel free to file any 10.04 bugs at http:///bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu08:04
ramindiaiam installing 10.X now, wtih hauppaugei 1800 card, hope it work with this version08:20
ramindiasuperm1: 10.X have problem installing09:15
hein1908_Good morning09:27
hein1908_ Is there somebody out there, who has an advice how to setuo my xorg.con right to use HDTV?09:29
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=== Guest57497 is now known as bogus-
Guest29910Hi. I'm thinking of setitng up a mythbuntu box for my mediacenter and have a question: since I have an iPod Touch, I was wondering if there is an app that is suitable for remotely controlling mythbuntu?12:30
Guest29910can anybody recommend something?12:31
mrandgencom: yes, I believe there is.  Perhaps more than one.13:53
gencommrand: do you know, what happened to the mythbuntu.org site?13:55
mrandiphone guy: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/41630413:56
Zinn[www.gossamer-threads.com] Remotux Released! | MythTV | Users13:56
Davieyoo err13:56
mrandDaviey: you doing naughty things?13:56
Davieyno, there was a failure last night but it should be resolved13:57
mrandOh.  You sure you didn't just up and upgrade the world-facing machine to 10.10? ;-)13:57
Davieymrand: smithers is running lucid :)13:57
mrandDaviey: you working the outage, or do we need to alert someone else?13:59
Davieymrand: trying to13:59
Davieywe are back14:00
Davieylooks like the hard disk needs a good fsck later tho14:00
* Daviey goes afk14:00
gencomlooks good again :-)14:00
mrandThanks Daviey14:00
gencomdoes anybody know, if there is any additional information available beyond https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/439163?comments=all  on how to get mythbuntu 9.10 run with an HVR4000 ?14:14
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #439163 in Mythbuntu: “HVR-1300 HVR-3000 HVR-4000 broken in kernel”14:14
mrandgencom: I'm not aware of anything above what is there.14:23
gencommrand: thanks - I'll just try to get through it again until it works14:28
dewmanGood Morning.....Is the autobuild server down?15:13
FKmanHello. After installing MythFrontend and MythBackend i can't see my live tv. I got only information: "Partially locked". Can anyone help me?15:14
innatechHello---tried to install MythBuntu (9.10 x86) as a Primary Backend+Frontend last night on a K8N Neo2 (nForce2) / AMD X2 4200+ system (3GB RAM) with 2 Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1600 boards. I have one PATA drive (the boot drive) and two SATA drives in an nRaid stripe.   I'm having two problems: first, the installer sees my PATA drive as SDC during install but apparently GRUB doesn't see it as SDC on boot, because it freezes after stage 1.15:24
innatech I have to use the install CD to boot the first drive. Second, once booted, I get this constant login prompt flicker--I have to SSH in on another maching and stop GDM. Presumably this is the restricted drivers failing to support my 6600XT (AGP.) I've tried 180, 185 and 190 from nVidia's site. Current plan is to downgrade to older drives and see if that helps. Has anyone seen or solved these before?15:24
=== Cracker^ is now known as BjornR1989b
mishehuinnatech: I really don't mess around with grub, so is stage 1 still a part of the grub boot load?16:08
mishehuor is this after grub has completed its work?16:08
innatechWell, whatever is going on when you see:16:08
=== BjornR1989b is now known as BjornR1989
innatechGRUB _16:08
innatech(with the cursor flashing....endlessly.)16:09
innatechNo prompt, just flashing.16:09
innatechBooting with the install CD works, so I presume it's a menu.lst problem.16:09
mishehuhmm donno.  if it was at the point where it would be trying to mount things in fstab, that would be an easy fix16:09
mishehudon't know what to do about grub16:09
innatechI'm going to go poke it with a sharp stick. We16:10
innatech'll see how it likes that.16:10
innatechas in, I'm going to reinstall it manually.16:10
innatechI'm more puzzled by the video problem, as I can currently boot with a CD and it works.16:11
innatechand, apparently, this is an nforce3 board. Not nforce2. Not a very big difference, tho.16:12
superm1mrand, blah http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/7832#comment:416:21
Zinn[svn.mythtv.org] #7832 (Add support to drop permissions if running as root) – MythTV16:21
superm1that's the bug people have been seeing in 10.04 with the user permissions drop stuff16:22
superm1the right way to set GID's is 'setgroups', but i'm at a loss how to query all the groups a uid is supposed to be in16:23
superm1there doesn't appear to be a C analogue to the 'groups' comand that I can find16:23
innatechalright, I've reverted to plain VESA after 190, 185, and 173 drivers all failed.16:37
innatech96 series worked--but not when installed through restricted drivers. Had to do it with nvidias binary package and then install the correct modules and reconfigure.17:11
innatechThe grub2 issue had to do with the installer being confused by the boot order set in BIOS. Booting w/o CD works now.17:12
innatechI'd suggest that the Restricted Drivers installer be altered to recommend 96 series if the display is an AGP card.17:13
innatech*on an17:13
innatech(I'm thinking it would've probably installed cleanly if I hadn't installed/removed all the others first.)17:17
innatechOK...so I have an apparently working install---but the frontend will not run and I can't access backend config as mythfilldb errors out and then nothing happens. Help?18:34
innatechOK, so apparently libvdpau is missing. Aptitude doesn't show an appropriate version for nvidia-glx-96. What do I do?18:53

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