=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam | ||
wadda | hi. i have been having a problem with flash lately (it doesn't work at all, on any browser). i would love some suggestions to fix it. i have tried reinstalling through synaptic, downloading and installing directly form the website etc. | 02:23 |
wadda | it seems strange that it is system wide... none of the browsers i have installed are functioning (firefox, chrome, midori, epiphany... i don't know why i hae installed so many) | 02:24 |
wadda | anyhow, any help would be greatly appreciated... i don't know what to do with my computer anymore now that i can't watch youtube :) | 02:24 |
psycho_oreos | upgraded from previous version? | 02:26 |
wadda | psycho_oreos, i think it broke sometime around an upgrade | 02:29 |
psycho_oreos | wadda, around what sort of upgrade? | 02:30 |
wadda | just one through the udate manager | 02:30 |
psycho_oreos | can't recall what it was? | 02:31 |
wadda | i don't really remember though... i didn't pay any mind when it happened and sometimes i don't restart my computer after it finishes (lazy habit, i know) | 02:31 |
psycho_oreos | hmm | 02:31 |
psycho_oreos | any distro upgrades? | 02:31 |
wadda | nope. i believe i did a clean install to 9.10, even. | 02:32 |
wadda | back when it first came out | 02:32 |
psycho_oreos | either the plugins on the browser aren't installed properly, i.e. no hooks or the flash thing itself is broken | 02:33 |
wadda | do all the browsers use different plugins? | 02:34 |
psycho_oreos | doubt it, of course the plugin itself for each browser varies in location (where its placed in the system) | 02:35 |
wadda | i believe it is in usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree | 02:37 |
wadda | and usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (i will double check this one) | 02:37 |
psycho_oreos | you can easily see in firefox, just hit up: about:plugins | 02:38 |
wadda | yes | 02:38 |
wadda | the only place i see flv or flash is under VLC multimedia plugin | 02:40 |
wadda | so it must not see it | 02:40 |
psycho_oreos | well vlc might not be working or supported | 02:40 |
wadda | but shouldn't it play using the flash-nonfree from the repositories? do i need vlc as well? | 02:41 |
psycho_oreos | you might need vlc as well if flv is handled by vlc | 02:42 |
psycho_oreos | mine is handled by both vlc and mplayer, both of those are also installed | 02:42 |
wadda | i do have vlc installed but i never installed the mozilla plugin | 02:43 |
wadda | but, i guess that would mean it once worked without it | 02:43 |
wadda | maybe i will try installing it just to see what happens | 02:43 |
psycho_oreos | good idea | 02:43 |
wadda | although i can't imagine that would help with the other browsers | 02:44 |
psycho_oreos | well we'll see | 02:44 |
wadda | nope, no luck. | 02:44 |
psycho_oreos | did you also restart firefox? | 02:45 |
wadda | yes | 02:45 |
psycho_oreos | might need to pastebin your about:plugins | 02:47 |
wadda | ok | 02:47 |
wadda | it isn't as pretty as i would like but: http://paste.ubuntu.com/380721/ | 02:49 |
wadda | it mentions flash on line 27 | 02:50 |
psycho_oreos | yeah its handled by totem, weird | 02:50 |
wadda | it doesn't mention the flash-nonfree.so anywhere (like it does for other .so like on line 6 and 31 | 02:51 |
psycho_oreos | well it should have its own entries shockwave flash.. it does in mine albeit I am using slightly older version of xubuntu (9.04) | 02:53 |
psycho_oreos | hmm I'll show you the output of mine in pastebin | 02:54 |
wadda | where else on a computer should flash live, other than in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins? | 02:54 |
psycho_oreos | http://paste.ubuntu.com/380725/ | 02:55 |
wadda | huh, there is your flash right at the top | 02:57 |
psycho_oreos | yup and its listed as libflashplayer.so | 02:58 |
psycho_oreos | I'm thinking its a botched install with the flashplugin | 02:58 |
wadda | is there some way i can purge my machine of everything flash related and start from fresh? | 02:59 |
psycho_oreos | not that I know of, but probably a good idea to try and manually install flashplugin somehow, lemme check what other packages it maybe under | 03:00 |
psycho_oreos | hmm is flashplugin-installer package installed? | 03:02 |
wadda | yep. (installed, and reinstalled several times) | 03:03 |
wadda | sometimes, out of desperation, i hope that repeating things that have failed will eventually work | 03:04 |
wadda | i might try this http://profarius.com/content/64bit-java-flash-deathroll | 03:04 |
wadda | we'll see what happens | 03:04 |
psycho_oreos | well I suppose you could do remove from there, that'll remove the installer and stuff | 03:04 |
wadda | yes. | 03:05 |
wadda | it would be a start | 03:05 |
=== SG2Tiger is now known as Esjitu | ||
=== Esjitu is now known as SG2Tiger | ||
duckwars | what is the equivalent of gnome-session in xubuntu? | 03:18 |
duckwars | please | 03:18 |
psycho_oreos | xfce4-session | 03:24 |
duckwars | thank you VERY much!! | 03:26 |
psycho_oreos | np | 03:26 |
duckwars | why the 4? I kept tryin xfce-session | 03:26 |
psycho_oreos | most likely version 4 | 03:26 |
psycho_oreos | it is, just checked | 03:27 |
duckwars | well thank you, now I will always (hopefully) remember to put 4 | 03:28 |
* SG2Tiger is away: Gone away for now | 04:40 | |
=== evil is now known as good | ||
* SG2Tiger is back. | 04:47 | |
=== good is now known as evil | ||
evil | I would just like thank everyone who has contributed to the Xubuntu project. Not only does it work and run great, but the default out-of-box theme is spectacular. | 04:51 |
evil | Black if my favorite shade, and blue is my favorite color. :) | 04:52 |
evil | Well, more of a really dark grey but it is still awesome. | 04:52 |
newB | am i in the right place for ubuntu installation questions? | 05:10 |
hatake_kakashi | try #ubuntu | 05:10 |
Balsaq | good morning to all of you who inhabit the tranquil binary rainforest known as .....Xubuntu! | 05:11 |
newB | not much help there for my issue, is there any place else? | 05:11 |
Balsaq | whay is the problem? | 05:12 |
Balsaq | what* | 05:12 |
newB | unable to find a medium containing a live file system | 05:12 |
Balsaq | are you trying to do a ubuntu (stand alone) installation to your hard drive? | 05:13 |
newB | yes | 05:13 |
Balsaq | so will it boot? (hit f2 or f8 or f12) | 05:13 |
Balsaq | do you have a buntu installation cd? | 05:15 |
newB | it seems to begin the installation process after the instal screen and stops showing that message | 05:15 |
newB | downloaded | 05:15 |
hatake_kakashi | stops showing what message? | 05:15 |
Balsaq | does your computer meet the minimum specs? | 05:15 |
newB | unable to find a medium containing a live file system | 05:16 |
Balsaq | so that is you r message when it stops? | 05:16 |
newB | yes | 05:16 |
Balsaq | one moment, i cant say i have ever encountered this. | 05:16 |
Balsaq | what are the specs on your computer? | 05:16 |
Balsaq | sounds like a bad cd too me...becasue the file system is part of the installation as far as i know. | 05:17 |
newB | 750mhz amd duron...64mb men... | 05:18 |
Balsaq | not enough memory | 05:18 |
hatake_kakashi | heh that's puny | 05:18 |
Balsaq | it doesnt meet the requirements | 05:19 |
Balsaq | you need DSL | 05:19 |
newB | ok well that makes sense | 05:19 |
Balsaq | your computer prolly uses sdram pc100 which is dirt cheap on ebay | 05:19 |
Balsaq | do you have 2 memory slots or 4? | 05:20 |
Balsaq | your processor is ok...need some ram | 05:20 |
Balsaq | how big is the HD? | 05:20 |
_Techie_ | i just got in, if your unsure about your RAM and need a really rough guideline, look in the RAM slots for the keys, 2keys + DDR, 3keys = SDRAM | 05:21 |
newB | not really sure, it's an older pc.. i have to look up specs for it | 05:22 |
Balsaq | _Techie_ Master of ALL Free Online Computer Technicians!!!!!!!!! | 05:22 |
_Techie_ | heya Balsaq, long time no see | 05:22 |
Balsaq | where that hecj a have you been? Pete's is also MIA? | 05:22 |
Balsaq | heck* | 05:23 |
_Techie_ | ive been workign on my Xbox alot | 05:23 |
Balsaq | gotta a new laptop | 05:23 |
_Techie_ | and i havent done anythign with pete in a long time | 05:23 |
Balsaq | haent seen him in weeks in here | 05:23 |
Balsaq | got an i5 with 4gig os ddr3 | 05:24 |
_Techie_ | anyone in here got knowledge about cluster sizes in various HDD formats? | 05:24 |
_Techie_ | i hear | 05:24 |
_Techie_ | heard* | 05:24 |
_Techie_ | you told me about it last time i was in here | 05:24 |
newB | thanks for the help i'll try another tower with a bit more muscle | 05:24 |
Balsaq | ahhh seems like it been longer | 05:24 |
_Techie_ | yeah, i dont stop by as much as i used to | 05:25 |
Balsaq | whew 64mb of ram....i feel his pain | 05:25 |
_Techie_ | 64mb isnt half bad | 05:26 |
Balsaq | what can he run? | 05:26 |
Balsaq | dsl? | 05:26 |
_Techie_ | yeah | 05:26 |
_Techie_ | DSL will run entirely in RAM with that much | 05:26 |
_Techie_ | puppy | 05:26 |
_Techie_ | any of the cut down versions of linux really | 05:26 |
Balsaq | i'd like to tool around with dsl just to see what it is | 05:27 |
_Techie_ | he may be able to run Xubuntu but it would seem sluggish | 05:27 |
_Techie_ | DSL is annoying in my experience | 05:27 |
Balsaq | i have heard | 05:27 |
_Techie_ | anyway, i gotta go... tea | 05:27 |
Balsaq | LATER | 05:27 |
Balsaq | _Techie_ i know you may be gone but have you messed around with bittorrents at all? | 05:52 |
_Techie_ | Balsaq, yes i have, but for reasons this channel doesnt support | 06:26 |
Balsaq | aye mate, a young lady i know had xp home and got a terrible virus. she never made a recovery disk so iinstalled buntu. she likes it but want xp back now. she has a license. | 06:27 |
_Techie_ | if she has a valid liscence look for a SP2 cd as SP3 cd's have keys streamlined | 06:37 |
Balsaq | what is keysstreamlined | 06:39 |
N-S | Good morning. How do I force X to use a different display mode, while it is still running? Or, maybe simpler, how do I restart X with a mode that works? I accidentally changed the mode to one that my TV refused to display :-( | 06:50 |
Balsaq | i am not on my xubuntu OS now but i think i was right clicking on the desktop to get into that | 06:52 |
N-S | :-) | 06:53 |
N-S | Thank you, Balsaq, but I think you didn't read all of my message :-) | 06:53 |
N-S | I can't see my desktop. | 06:54 |
N-S | X is currently in a mode whih my TV refuses to show. | 06:54 |
Balsaq | eweww | 06:55 |
N-S | I can see xfce4-display-settings is still running, but since I can't click anything, I can't revert to the previous setting. | 06:55 |
N-S | I can access it just fine in console (ssh), but I don't know how to reset the display mode from console | 06:55 |
Balsaq | i see | 06:56 |
Balsaq | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:57 |
Balsaq | a guess | 06:57 |
Balsaq | i am no expert | 06:57 |
Balsaq | _Techie_, TheSheep, Sysi...HELP | 06:58 |
Balsaq | we have a few techs in here that literally walk on H20... | 06:59 |
Balsaq | 07:00 | |
Balsaq | Join Date: Apr 2007 | 07:00 |
Balsaq | My beans are hidden! | 07:00 |
Balsaq | 07:00 | |
Balsaq | Re: reset display to default in terminal? | 07:00 |
Balsaq | you should boot your linux into safe mode, using the grub menu and selecting the safe mode option - the second from the top usually. | 07:00 |
Balsaq | there you get a command line interface with root logged in. type the following there: | 07:00 |
Balsaq | Code: | 07:00 |
Balsaq | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:00 |
N-S | ewww | 07:03 |
N-S | I'd rather not reboot | 07:03 |
N-S | I don't mind killing X | 07:03 |
N-S | I remember doing so before, at least on other OSs | 07:03 |
Balsaq | hmmm, lets see what else we can find | 07:04 |
N-S | I've run Gentoo for years, but got tired of recompiling everything when updates were released | 07:04 |
Balsaq | xubuntu is my favorite | 07:04 |
N-S | It was something like restart or kill GDM | 07:04 |
N-S | but, I need to make sure it restarts with a proper mode | 07:04 |
Balsaq | hmmm you cant create another user and log in huh? | 07:07 |
Balsaq | If you don’t have access to your graphical (GUI) desktop to delete these folders in Nautilus or you’re stuck at the login screen, drop to a terminal by hitting CTRL + ALT + F1, login to your account, and run this command: | 07:09 |
Balsaq | rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity | 07:09 |
Balsaq | Get back to your GUI desktop by hitting CTRL + ALT + F7. | 07:09 |
Balsaq | Login and VOILÀ! Just like the first time you ever logged into your Gnome desktop. | 07:09 |
Balsaq | of course you would have to insert the xfce stuff where it is using the gnome stuff | 07:09 |
Balsaq | wild shot in the dark | 07:09 |
_Techie_ | whats the problem? | 07:11 |
Balsaq | thank GD | 07:11 |
Balsaq | N-S speak....one of the Techs is here | 07:11 |
N-S | hey _Techie_ | 07:12 |
N-S | I accidentally set my display mode to one my TV refuses to show | 07:12 |
N-S | I can access it just fine in console (ssh), but I don't know how to reset the display mode from console | 07:12 |
_Techie_ | i know how to change the mode from terminal | 07:13 |
N-S | It was on 1920x1080 and I lowered it to 1024x764 and it just went black (you'd think it would allow such a low res, but noooo). | 07:13 |
_Techie_ | but i am unsure on syntax for accessing "remote" X servers | 07:13 |
N-S | ok | 07:13 |
N-S | mmm | 07:13 |
_Techie_ | and im not in linux atm, having removed it earlier | 07:14 |
N-S | I need to change it on display 0 (afaik) | 07:14 |
Balsaq | if need be i can go in the basement and boot my xubuntu computer | 07:14 |
_Techie_ | nah | 07:14 |
_Techie_ | ill look over the manuals | 07:14 |
N-S | oh, silly me, I should be able to use ctrl-alt-Fx to get another console | 07:14 |
N-S | which should be on another mode - I'll test, brb | 07:15 |
_Techie_ | the command to change modes from CLI is xrandr | 07:15 |
_Techie_ | normally youde do xrandr --output <output> --mode <resolution> | 07:16 |
_Techie_ | try xrandr --display :0 --mode 1920x1080 | 07:18 |
N-S | Seems it can't be done remotely | 07:19 |
N-S | anyway | 07:19 |
N-S | It also seems I've been wasting your time ... | 07:20 |
_Techie_ | DW | 07:20 |
N-S | The TV has now finally decided to show the low-res | 07:20 |
_Techie_ | haha | 07:20 |
_Techie_ | it would have been calibrating | 07:20 |
N-S | I left it there for some hours | 07:20 |
N-S | yeah it did | 07:20 |
N-S | but never got anywhere - several minutes | 07:20 |
N-S | so I just switched to remote ssh and did other things with the tv | 07:20 |
N-S | I'm configuring my WDTV Live to be used as a music player, and it's not doing what I want :-) | 07:21 |
N-S | So I had that display running instead of kubuntu | 07:21 |
_Techie_ | anyway, i gotta go log into world of warcraft as my guild raid starts soon | 07:22 |
N-S | :-) | 07:34 |
N-S | thank you | 07:34 |
N-S | Balsaq and to you too | 07:34 |
N-S | I just reset the display to the monstrous 1920x1080, since on 1368x it was showing the image slightly off center | 07:35 |
Balsaq | qool | 07:35 |
N-S | I just wanted the text to be larger and more readable from the sofa | 07:35 |
N-S | Next time I will just make Firefox enlarge the text | 07:35 |
_Techie_ | its quiet tonight | 09:31 |
Sysi | so it seems | 09:35 |
_Techie_ | sysi, you got any experience in file systems with large cluster sizes? | 09:48 |
Sysi | i'm afraid not | 09:59 |
duckwars | do i upgarde from xubuntu 9.04 to xubuntu 9.10 just as I would in ubuntu or would I have to do something special? | 10:20 |
Balsaq | same process, they offer the upgrades when the updates come in. | 10:21 |
Balsaq | (careful 9.04 is the best one....IMO) | 10:23 |
Sysi | it may depend | 10:24 |
Sysi | but there's alvays chance of problems when you upgrade | 10:24 |
_Techie_ | if your unsure about updating then you should do some research, if theres nothing great for you in karmic then you may be better staying with jaunty | 10:29 |
_Techie_ | anyway, its 11:30 and ive got places to be tomorrow | 10:31 |
_Techie_ | so thats my 2cents for the night | 10:31 |
Sysi | half an hour over midday here :) | 10:32 |
Balsaq | 532 am here | 10:32 |
Sysi | i'll never get bored to different timezones in irc | 10:33 |
Balsaq | we are all way different | 10:33 |
handjob | Hi all. I need some help: I've been messsing around with netbook remix gui and now i have no sound in regular xfce. Any suggestins? Thx in advance. | 10:55 |
eXpl0i7 | go to applications -> multimedia -> mixer | 10:56 |
eXpl0i7 | maybe sound is muted | 10:56 |
handjob | If it's alsamixer related i have already unmuted everything. | 10:58 |
Sysi | how about pulseaudio mixer | 10:58 |
handjob | "Pulsaudio mixer" Where can i find one? | 10:59 |
eXpl0i7 | try to reload alsa | 10:59 |
eXpl0i7 | sudo alsa force-reload | 10:59 |
handjob | OK | 10:59 |
handjob | This is what I've got -> http://pastebin.com/f43819411 | 11:04 |
handjob | It says something about pulseaudio however i thought i was using alsa. How can i check this setting and if not neceserily switch back to alsa. | 11:11 |
handjob | Ok what file is responsible for chosing sound driver? | 11:16 |
Sysi | you could totally remove pulseaudio | 11:17 |
handjob | I will try to do that. | 11:18 |
handjob | I still keep receiving this error : WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/handjob/.gvfs | 11:22 |
flashingl | hello | 14:48 |
=== evil is now known as nude | ||
seevee_ | installed ATI Radeon graphics card and then uninstalled and now the base chipset does not run gui. | 18:35 |
seevee_ | I'm here using irssi | 18:36 |
seevee_ | help? | 18:36 |
sinbox | sorry but I don't know have you tried asking in #ubuntu | 18:47 |
knome | sinbox, 410 GONE | 18:53 |
sinbox | yes saw that too late, I disable the notifications and forgot to check | 18:54 |
Vidi | Hello | 21:17 |
Vidi | I'm having a slight issue with xubuntu | 21:18 |
Vidi | I'm currently on the live CD, but the installer doesn't want to run | 21:18 |
Vidi | I'm not having any errors pop up either. I get a brief thing in the window list saying "Starting Administrative ...", which then disappears | 21:19 |
Vidi | but then nothing happens. Any ideas? | 21:20 |
knome | have you checked he integrity of the disc? | 21:24 |
Vidi | not yet | 21:26 |
Vidi | that's a good idea | 21:26 |
Vidi | I'll go try that. Thanks :) | 21:27 |
Omar87 | Hi all. | 21:56 |
Omar87 | I have no idea what I did wrong, but for some reason, but I fail to find any sense of spell checking anywhere on my desktop. | 21:57 |
Omar87 | Can you please help me fix that? | 21:57 |
Sachse_Siechtum | Xubuntu doesnt mount audio cds :-/ | 21:58 |
Sachse_Siechtum | someoney any clues? | 21:59 |
Sachse_Siechtum | someone | 21:59 |
jcfp | Sachse_Siechtum: audio cds are never mounted. | 22:12 |
Omar87 | Any help in fixing the spell check problem? | 22:21 |
Omar87 | my* spell check problem.. | 22:21 |
knome | would help a lot if we knew what the problem was... | 22:25 |
Omar87 | knome, I'm really not sure what I did, but whatever it was, it must have resulted in the disabling of the entire spell check system on my desktop. | 23:07 |
Omar87 | knome, is there some certain package that I should have installed for it to work? | 23:08 |
owen1 | my mic is realy low (skype and audacity). alsamixser is all high. it's logitech AK5370 and used to work.. any clues? | 23:25 |
Sachse_Siechtum | owen1 also checked the mixer for pulseaudio? | 23:57 |
owen1 | Sachse_Siechtum: hello there! what do u mean? | 23:58 |
Sachse_Siechtum | well on the volume control I can choose different mixers...like alsa...pulseaudio ect... | 23:58 |
Sachse_Siechtum | ..oss mixer... | 23:59 |
owen1 | i use the alsamixer command. let me try with xfce4 UI. | 23:59 |
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