
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyTones
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jcastroqense: good job on the virt-manager bug, I was looking forward to tagging it but you were all over it!15:29
qensejcastro: Whenever I find an application that uses the tray I file a bug, if it's not on the list yet. I've now got proof that it's worth it! ;)15:30
jpetersentedg, there is a patch in https://launchpad.net/bugs/522151 fixing a problem with insensitive menu items15:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 522151 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) "indicator-application does not support insensitive menu items (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]15:35
qenseRecently the checkboxes in Indicator Application menus did stop changing state, they are either always active or inactive now.15:35
tedgjpetersen: Sweet!15:45
=== jpetersen_ is now known as jpetersen
jcastrojpetersen: thanks for the updates16:16
jcastrojpetersen: hmm, where is the upstream bug for gnome-settings-daemon?16:16
jpetersenjcastro, I will look, I just wanted to update the upstream bug16:17
jcastrocool, I just noticed it wasn't linked in lp16:17
jpetersenjcastro, is there an upstream connman-gnome bug?16:21
jcastroI don't think so16:23
jcastrojpetersen: marcel is more of a mailing list guy, you might have better luck mailing his list.16:25
jpetersenjcastro, ok16:25
tedgkenvandine: Can you cherrypick this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-application/sensitive-522151/+merge/1987616:26
seb128tedg, kenvandine: I do that16:26
tedgseb128: Thanks!16:27
kenvandineseb128, thx16:30
jcastroNafai: ping me when you're ready to start today, I have a change17:31
jcastrojpetersen: which apps are you working on today?17:33
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jpetersenjcastro, I just finished connman-gnome, I wanted to push some patches upstream now and than start with packagekit-gnome17:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 524150 in indicator-application "Menus updated at runtime aren't rendered correctly (affects: 1)" [High,In progress]17:46
jcastroso this bug is blocking nafai's apps17:46
jcastrothe problem is Cody is going to be unavailable to look at this17:46
jcastroI was wondering if you could look at this17:46
jpetersenjcastro, yes I will look at it17:48
jcastrothat's blocking like 2 of his apps that we ship by default, so a fix here would be a big win17:49
jcastrojpetersen: thanks!17:49
jcastroNafai: ok so since bratsche is unavailable to fix 524150 I'm hoping that Jan might be able to figure it out17:52
jcastroNafai: so other than those 2 it leaves Vino right?17:52
NafaiI'm almost done, I'm down to a couple of calls I need to replace17:52
NafaiI need to find an appropriate replacement for this:17:53
Nafaiscreen = gtk_status_icon_get_screen (GTK_STATUS_ICON (icon));17:53
Nafaitedg: Hey quick question.  I'm needing to replace this call that is in the Status Icon using code of vino:18:05
Nafaiscreen = gtk_status_icon_get_screen (GTK_STATUS_ICON (icon));18:05
NafaiIs there a sane way that I can get the screen?18:05
jpetersenNafai, what is it used for?18:06
NafaiOne of them is this: gdk_spawn_command_line_on_screen (screen, "vino-preferences", &error)18:06
NafaiAnd the other is a call to gtk_show_uri, where the first parameter is the screen18:07
tedgNafai: There is no way to really know the screen that the menu is being shown on.  Instead it should use the default screen.18:07
tedgNafai: I suggested that it wasn't perfect to do that, and mclasen yelled at me saying the function is perfect :-/18:07
jpetersenYes I would use the default screen for that also (gdk_screen_get_default ())18:08
hyperairtedg: are tooltips going to eventually be supported in the application indicator?18:57
tedghyperair: Not for Lucid for sure, I don't know about long term.18:57
hyperairtedg: i see. do you happen to know how gnome-power-manager handles this?18:58
hyperairtedg: how does gpm tell the user how much time is remaining?18:58
hyperairfor battery i mean18:58
tedghyperair: I think it uses a top menu item, but I'm not sure.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomStatusMenuDesignGuidelines#tooltips18:58
tedgNafai: Did you do gpm? ^18:59
Nafaican't remember if that was jpetersen or smithj18:59
smithjwasn't me19:00
hyperairtedg: why are tooltips not supported by appind?19:00
jpetersenhyperair, it should be displayed in the menu item of the battery19:01
tedghyperair: "Like other menus, status menus do not have tooltips."  from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomStatusMenuDesignGuidelines#tooltips19:01
tedghyperair: To match normal menus.  As they goal is to make them as much like menus as possible.19:01
hyperairtedg: that states that status menus do not have tooltips. i want to know *why&*19:01
hyperairtedg: even toolbar icons have tooltips, you know?19:02
jcastrosmithj: hey what's up with g-d-u?19:02
hyperairtedg: supposing i don't recognize the icon of the application i'm looking for, how do i identify which icon it is? click on each one and examine the menu?19:02
jcastrojpetersen: is g-s-d ready to be looked at by the desktop team? LP #49787519:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 497875 in libgnomekbd (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Support Application Indicators (affects: 1)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49787519:03
jpetersenjcastro, yes19:03
smithjjcastro: i need to implement the fading-window thing that mpt said19:04
smithjactually, i meant to ask... is there a library for that somewhere? or at least an example i could look at19:04
tedghyperair: One would hope that an application that you start and use enough to enable it's application indicator, you'd know that icon.  But other than that, yes.  Most people couldn't tell you why an "Edit" menu is called an "Edit" menu, they're just comfortable exploring their because they understand the risks involved with menus.  We're trying to provide the same easy exploration by using a standard menu meme.19:05
jpetersenNafai, I have a patch for LP #524150 can you try it out?19:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 524150 in indicator-application "Menus updated at runtime aren't rendered correctly (affects: 1)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52415019:05
Nafaijpetersen: Sure, if I can figure out how to get the deb built locally19:05
jcastrosmithj: We're past feature freeze, I think the best thing to do now is just get it ported and in the distro19:05
NafaiLast time I tried it failed :)19:05
hyperairtedg: one would hope that i'd recognize an application *i start*. what about applications that start upon startup?19:06
tedghyperair: Like?19:06
hyperairtedg: i don't know, the theoretical application.19:06
smithjjcastro: oh, ok. i was most of the way done with porting when mpt said that, so i should be able to clean up the patches pretty quickly19:06
jpetersenNafai, I can build you the deb19:06
jcastrosmithj: please do. We'll have to revisit it for L+1.19:06
tedghyperair: Heh, we'll fix it to not start on startup ;)19:06
hyperairtedg: unless you're saying that applications which start when logging in should not have application indicators, period.19:07
Nafaijpetersen, cool x86_64, plz :)19:07
hyperairtedg: pardon me for being blunt, but i feel this is a retarded design.19:07
tedghyperair: I think we're saying that applications shouldn't start on logging in unless the user requests them to.19:07
tedghyperair: Which would require the user running them and configuring them to do so.19:07
jcastrosmithj: freeze for A3 is like tomorrow so we need as many done ASAP.19:07
hyperairand after all that was said about being more conservative about adding/removing features for an LTS i.e. lucid, adding application indicators, removing tooltips seems like a massive change to me.19:08
smithjjcastro: so we can't continue porting after feature freeze?19:08
jpetersenNafai, oh I only have i38619:08
tedghyperair: Heh.  I'd have a hard time calling "tooltips" massive ;)19:09
jcastrosmithj: we've got the default apps almost done, after that it'll be best effort but let's concentrate on finishing up what we have now.19:09
NafaiTell me how to build and I will19:09
hyperairtedg: it is for certain applications, especially media applications like banshee.19:09
jcastrosmithj: would rather get 8 solid ones done and accepted upstream and 20 half finished ones that have no chance of making it into Lucid19:09
hyperairtedg: now i have to open my media application's huge window to figure out what song is currently playiing.19:09
hyperairtedg: it doesn't even take a child to count how many more clicks and tell you how much more inconvenient that is.19:10
tedghyperair: I think that is an issue.  But I don't think just adding back tooltips will fix it appropriately.19:10
tedghyperair: Usability can't be defined by the number of clicks.19:10
hyperairtedg: but accessibility of features can.19:10
tedghyperair: It's like measuring programs by Lines of Code.  Easy to measure, but not useful.19:11
hyperairtedg: you're making me jump through hoops to query for information which used to be easily accessed.19:11
jcastrosmithj: what else is on your list that isn't in Lucid?19:11
smithjjcastro: what do you mean by "isn't in lucid"?19:12
smithjthat hasn't been committed yet?19:12
hyperairtedg: and if that's not enough, the menus look ugly when your icons are pushed inwards [see: http://files.qense.nl/Schermafdruk.png]19:12
tedghyperair: We'll have to agree to disagree that tooltips are critical for Lucid.19:12
jcastroI just want to make sure all the bugs that are finished are assigned to the desktop team19:12
smithji sent the patch for hplip, don't think ken has gotten to it yet19:13
smithji'm working on gdu and seahorse19:13
hyperairtedg: i really like ubuntu development goes these days. "i'll just implement things my way, and if you don't agree with me, we'll agree to disagree."19:13
hyperairwell specifically the (d|u)x things19:13
tedghyperair: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomStatusMenuDesignGuidelines#icons19:15
jcastrosmithj: ok let's not even bother with seahorse, finish off g-d-u please. Based on if/when Jan/Nafai fix this cascading menu thing I might need to you do policy-1-gnome instead19:15
smithjjcastro: ok19:15
hyperairtedg: i also wonder how a11y things go with indicator applications. i highly doubt that text-to-speech can read icons to a blind user.19:15
smithjjcastro: just let me know. i was figuring out vala last night though... would be a shame to waste that knowledge :-P19:15
tedghyperair: So you're saying that a11y was better with the notification area?19:16
hyperairtedg: i'm not saying it's better with the notification area, but i'm saying it's impossible without tooltips.19:16
hyperairtedg: unless you're telling me you can find a way to read out icons to a blind user.19:16
hyperairtedg: icons without tooltips, mind.19:16
jcastrosmithj: we'll get back to it at some point I am sure, just want to get things in the default install on the CD for A3. Or if not right after.19:17
tedghyperair: So, we've made it better.  Not perfect yet.19:17
hyperairtedg: right, so we're going to push this imperfect solution onto users in an LTS.19:19
tedghyperair: Yes, I think OpenOffice is imperfect too.  But, it being LTS doesn't meant that all problems are always solved 100%  ;)19:20
jpetersenNafai, bzr clone lp:ubuntu/indicator-application19:20
hyperairtedg: openoffice has been there since the beginning of time. that is besides the point.19:20
jpetersenNafai, apply the patch and dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot19:21
hyperairtedg: i'm talking about throwing away features for an imperfect solution that does not give back enough.19:21
hyperairtedg: and all that in an LTS.19:21
jpetersentedg, can you look at the patch attached to LP #524150 Nafai could test it with gnome-bluetooth19:21
tedgjcastro: Yes.  The question is whether that's a plus or minus.  It makes the menus "non standard".... though it provides information.  I'm not against tooltips, but I feel that we need to start small.19:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 524150 in indicator-application "Menus updated at runtime aren't rendered correctly (affects: 1)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52415019:21
hyperairhardy was a miserable LTS already, why must we keep repeating the same mistakes and implement loads of crazy life-changing shit in our LTSes?19:22
tedgjpetersen: Will do.19:22
jcastrosmithj: what days are you planning on working this week? During the week at all?19:23
hyperairhttp://www.notmart.org/misc/statusnotifieritem/statusnotifieritem.html <-- for some reason i see tooltips in this specification. are we having a completely different specification implemented?19:24
* tedg loves that his work is considered "life-changing" he only thought it was little icons.19:24
tedghyperair: We're not implementing the tooltips in the KSNI spec.  They're optional.19:25
hyperairtedg: i can't leave my pointer over gpm's icon and watch my battery time while reading something else in the background, and i have to click banshee's icon, wait for it to get swapped in, see the current playing artist/title and then hide it again.19:27
Nafaijpetersen, Okay, I'll take a look now19:27
hyperairtedg: those aren't minor changes in usability.19:27
smithjjcastro: i can if needed19:27
hyperairtedg: and neither of them are positive changes either.19:27
jpetersenNafai, ok19:27
hyperairtedg: in fact, what do application indicators have that the notification area didn't provide besides "standardized look and feel"?19:28
hyperairi think we've lost more than we've gained.19:28
jpetersenI am off for the day, bye bye19:28
jcastrothanks jpetersen!19:28
jonothanks jpetersen :)19:28
NafaiYes, thanks19:28
NafaiHope this works! :)19:29
jcastroNafai: I hope so too19:29
Nafaijono: How did your scale talk go?19:29
jonoNafai, hey!19:29
jonowent well19:29
jonojust coordinating repeating it on ustream.tv :)19:29
jcastroNafai: at a minimum we can get Vino in today I hope?19:29
tedghyperair: No offense, but I'm tired of this conversation at this point.  You are entitled to your opinion, I just happen to disagree.19:29
jpetersenNafai, just leave the feedback in the bug report, I will look into it tomorrow again if there is still something broken19:29
Nafaijcastro: Yes, pretty close :)19:29
Nafaijpetersen, will do19:29
jpetersenNafai, thanks19:30
hyperairtedg: well thanks for your time, and for forcing your opinion on everyone who does not agree.19:30
jcastrohyperair: you're better off discussing this with mpt, the DX guys just implement what the design team does19:30
hyperairoh him again.19:30
hyperairlast i remember, i had a flame war with him on the list regarding update-notifier popping up automatically19:30
hyperairwhich incidentally was left unresolved, with mpt just brushing aside all opinions19:31
hyperairtotal epic win.19:31
hyperairhonestly, where the hell are we going?19:31
jcastrook so dude, let's calm down for a sec19:32
hyperairi've had a whole day to calm down.19:32
jonohyperair, what are your primary concerns?19:32
hyperairjono: tooltips.19:33
jonohyperair, what about them?19:33
hyperairjono: because apparently tooltips aren't necessary to tell what icons are/do19:33
jonohyperair, right19:33
jonoand what is the problem?19:33
hyperairjono: i can't query the current playing track in banshee/rhythmbox without opening the main window, and i can't query my battery status without clicking on gpm.19:34
jonohyperair, right, and how have you engaged around the solution?19:34
hyperairengaged meaning?19:34
jonotried to comunicate the issue and resolve it?19:35
hyperairdiscussed with upstream, various other people, some people implementing indicator applications, and tedg, as you saw just now.19:35
jonohyperair, and what is the conclusion?19:35
hyperairjono: that my opinion is utterly and totally rejected with no good reason.19:36
jonohyperair, why do you feel that way?19:37
hyperairjono: because i have not seen a good reason for ditching tooltips.19:37
jcastroNafai: ok, so I guess it's up to you to test it and hope we don't need jpetersen for the rest of the day.19:37
NafaiYeah, but this time it isn't even showing the device menus :(19:37
jcastrotedg: help?19:38
jonohyperair, so you feel you were rejected because they have not implemented what you want?19:38
hyperairjono: no, because tedg said they were not going to implement it. implying that it is a conscious decision to get rid of tooltips.19:38
tedgNafai: Uhg.  Uhm, so it doesn't show submenues?19:39
hyperairjono: similar to having update-manager pop up on its own, but at least that could be disabled.19:39
jonohyperair, maybe it is?19:39
hyperairjono: if it is a conscious decision to get rid of tooltips, then i'd at least expect to see a good reason.19:39
jonothat doesnt mean you were "utterly and totally rejected with no good reason"19:39
hyperairjono: but there was no reason given.19:39
Nafaitedg, Yeah, in gnome bluetooth, there are submenus for the devices.  with jan's latest patch, they don't show up at all19:39
jonotedg, is there a reason?19:40
tedgNafai: Hmm, okay, let me look, it probably doesn't recurse.19:40
Nafaibbiab, getting lunch19:40
tedgjono: (01:01:47 PM) tedg: hyperair: To match normal menus.  As they goal is to make them as much like menus as possible.19:40
jonoright and normal menus dont have tooltips19:41
hyperairto which i mentioned that they're more like toolbar icons with menus dangling from them.19:41
hyperairmenus have text.19:41
hyperairif you wanted to match menus, you'd get rid of the icons and use text for them instead.19:41
jonohyperair, you want each menu t have a tooltip?19:41
hyperairbut that's obviously not going to work.19:41
hyperairjono: toolbar icons have tooltips, yes?19:41
jonohyperair, I am talking about the menus19:41
jonodo you want each item on an app indicator to have a tooltip?19:42
jonoor could a tooltip for the icon solve what you need?19:42
hyperairthe icon19:42
jonoI mean the main app indicator icon19:42
hyperairyes, the app indicator icon19:42
jonotedg, can you have a tooltip for the app indicator icon?19:42
jonothat seems sane to me19:42
tedgjono: Not for Lucid.  I imagine we'll reopen the discussion for Meandering Marmot.  I'm not against them.  I'm just not sure they're required.  With the new placement the Fedora guys did they're not as annoying on menus, so that helps a ton.19:44
jonohyperair, so why don't we discuss this for Lucid+1? we are a bit late in the cycle to do this now19:44
tedgjono: I think the two features "up for discussion" right now for M is scroll wheel and tooltips.19:44
jonodoes that sound ok?19:44
hyperairthat sounds fine.19:44
jonohyperair, awesome :)19:44
jonowe want to ensure our friends such as yourself are happy :)19:45
hyperairwell thanks. that's nice to know.19:45
jonosorry I can't chat more, have a meeting in 15 and need to go and put trousers on :)19:45
kenvandinenice picture jono!19:45
jonokenvandine, lol19:45
qenseDoes anyone know if the fall-back mechanism is supported by AppInd's Mono bindings?19:46
kenvandineqense, it used to work..19:47
kenvandineso it should19:47
qenseaww, bad formulated sentence19:47
kenvandinei am almost certain it did in tomboy19:47
qenseI meant: can you override the default fall-back mechanism?19:47
kenvandinenot sure19:51
qenseI couldn't find anything in the Tomboy patch and AppIndicator support doesn't seem to be in the Tomboy version on Lucid yet.19:52
jcastroqense: tomboy won't be ported19:52
jcastroit uses custom UI for pins and we didn't want to break that in lucid19:53
qenseI already thought I heard something like that.19:53
tedgqense: In theory, the custom fallback stuff should work, but I'm not sure how it would work.  Sorry.  But if it doesn't work, that's a bug :)19:56
qensetedg: Ok then, I'll try to see if it works.19:56
vishhmm , is it the design to not have tooltips for the app-indicators? or is it still in the works?19:58
qensevish: <tedg> jono: Not for Lucid.  I imagine we'll reopen the discussion for Meandering Marmot.  I'm not against them.  I'm just not sure they're required.  With the new placement the Fedora guys did they're not as annoying on menus, so that helps a ton.19:59
vish:(  20:00
vishhehe , that was just discussed a few lines above :p  20:01
* vish should read scroll-backs more20:01
artirI just arrived20:01
artircan sb pastebinit?20:02
qenseartir: the logs are available at irclogs.ubuntu.com20:07
artirof course20:26
artiri forgot20:26
jcastrotedg: Nafai: any luck with those menus?20:49
jcastroNafai: also, power-manager is now in. \o/20:49
qensetedg: Is it possible to not use the fallback mechanism and only make appindicator work when Indicator Application is available? I would like the class calling it to fail so the application can continue with trying other options.20:51
tedgjcastro: Looking.20:51
tedgqense: You'd have to subclass the object and set the fallback and unfallback functions to be empty functions or null.20:52
qensetedg: ok, then I'll do that20:52
NafaiBack from lunch, btw21:02
NafaiSweet, now to just add a menu item indicating status and vino is hopefully done :)21:18
artirwill networkmanager be migrated to the new indicator system?21:25
jcastroartir: no21:26
artirbecause it's a bit weird to have power,sound,session,messaging and me menues21:26
artirand not having a net indicator21:26
NafaiI assume because we don't yet have the necessary widgets for nm?21:26
jcastroyeah but it requires all sorts of custom widgets21:27
jcastrowhat Nafai said21:27
artirI predict that it'll be migrated maybe in lucid+2 or even +121:28
tedgNafai: I'm getting submenus... can you build this branch and see if works for you?  lp:~ted/indicator-application/menu-updates-lucid21:33
Nafaitedg, Sure thing.  I'm guessing I'll have to restart the service?21:33
tedgNafai: Not the service, bluetooth-applet though.21:33
Nafaiok, thanks21:34
Nafaitedg, having trouble trying to build with dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot21:38
Nafai/bin/sh: /home/nafai/Work/Ubuntu/menu-updates-lucid/./configure: not found21:38
tedgNafai: I'd just do "debuild"21:38
tedgNafai: Oh, you need to ./autogen.sh21:38
* Nafai tries that one21:38
NafaiOkay, and then debuild?21:39
tedgYeah, I think debuild -us will not ask for my password ;)21:39
tedgBut, it doesn't matter if you don't know it.21:39
Nafaitedg: A bit closer, but not quite: http://www.travishartwell.net/bluetooth-latest.png21:54
tedgNafai: I'm unsure why you have that double separator...21:55
tedgNafai: I think the blank item is the menu tear off, which I odn't understand.21:55
tedgOh, wait, I think it should be for each instead of for all.21:55
NafaiAll that should show in the submenu is send files and browse files21:55
qensetedg: I had triple separators when I left a placeholder in the menu declaration.21:55
qenseremoving the placeholder solved it21:56
qenseactually, double as well: I removed one separator and the placeholder.21:56
qenseanyway, I'm off for this day, bye!21:56
tedgNafai: Can you pull that branch again and tell me how things look for you?22:52
kholerabbiHi, I'm going to submit a bug in Skype's bugtracker asking them to support the messaging menu..  Could someone point me towards documentation of the api?23:00
jcastroNafai: how's it looking?23:08

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