
private2Daughain: heh.00:00
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Alzierelo to all here01:53
matthew_I'm switching form ubuntu to kubuntu :D02:16
ryan___Cool. KDE is pretty good, just needs decent hardware02:17
matthew_I'm not sur I'd reccomend it for most people, but I deffinitly love it :D02:17
KiRiLoSI gave a static ip to my system by changing /etc/network/interfaces.Everything works great but knetworkmanager shows that i'm not connected and connection name changed02:19
daskreechmatthew_: Kongrats :)02:23
matthew_daskreech: Oh boy :P02:28
matthew_Thanks :P02:28
hobswhat repository is supposed to have virtuoso? I've have karmic-backports main restricted universe multiverse, but apt-cache search virtuoso returns nothing02:29
daskreechhobs: which virtuoso ?02:31
KDeskhi, do you know where can I find packages for Koffice 2.1.1?02:41
xjjkhobs: er, virtuoso is a kde 4.4 thing afaik02:44
xjjk4.3 and earlier were using sesame or redland02:44
xjjkvirtuoso stable releases weren't around when karmic was released, that's why you're not finding anything02:45
Zeeb-What is the fastest / easyest way to remove all of my windows stuff, and make my machine totally kubuntu?02:47
xjjkZeeb-: 'use entire disk' w/the kubuntu installer02:48
daskreechZeeb-: Format if you want "fastest" that means you lose all your data02:49
Zeeb-Yeah, I want to completely wipe my computer of anything windows related and just keep kubuntu02:49
Zeeb-How do I "use entire dist space" with the installer? ( Big noob here ) >.>02:51
ryan___There is an option that says Use entire disk =P02:53
Zeeb-I'm lost at the installer part lol XD02:54
Zeeb-Wher is this "installer"02:54
KDeskZeeb-: are you using the liveCD?02:55
Zeeb-No, I just downloaded thw wubi from the site02:55
KDeskZeeb-:  ah, but you want to delete all windows?02:57
Zeeb-Yes :D02:57
KDeskZeeb-: ok, then you need to download the CD image of Kubuntu 9.10 from the Web site www.kubuntu.org02:58
Zeeb-And then what?02:58
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KDeskZeeb-: and choose your procesore type, x86 or x86_64 (amd64)02:58
ryan___Unless you have 4 gigs+ of ram, stick with x8602:59
KDeskZeeb-: then it will start downloading, you have to save the file in your hard drive. When it is ready, then burn the CD image to the disc with Nero or InfraRecorder03:00
ryan___Personally, I like imgburn http://www.imgburn.com/ =P But his options work too =)03:00
Zeeb-So I actually need a cd-rom?03:01
Zeeb-I can't just mount it?03:01
ryan___Not if you want to wipe out windows03:01
Zeeb-ah okay03:01
KDeskZeeb-: you can use a usb memory disc03:01
Zeeb-I want the "live cd" version right?03:01
KDeskZeeb-: when downloaded you can follow the steps here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Windows to burn the cd image correctly to the CD, as image not as data.03:04
Zeeb-Alright cool, thank you! I have some big daddy cd's and I wouldn't want to waste my money ya know? :03:05
Zeeb-That should help greatly :D03:05
KDeskZeeb-: or you can "burn" it to a flash memory using http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/03:06
Zeeb-How big is the file?03:06
KDeskZeeb-: ~700MB03:06
Zeeb-I don't know how to make it show up on my little download manager thing :/03:06
KDeskZeeb-: if you use the flash memory option, then remember that burning the image to the memory will delete all the data there.03:07
KDeskZeeb-: which program?03:07
Zeeb-mhmm, I don't believe I have any thumb drives atm. i'll just to the disk method03:07
Zeeb-I'm using the default web browser03:08
daskreechDefault of what?03:08
daskreechor kubuntu?03:08
daskreechOK and what are you trying to find?03:10
KDeskZeeb-: ah, you instlled kubuntu in windows?03:10
daskreechthe iso you downloaded? It's likely in ~/Documents03:10
Zeeb-No no, I'm trying to figure out how to make the web broswer's download tool display the files size and download rate.03:10
daskreechZeeb-: in Kubuntu you'll probably just click the system tray03:11
daskreechit keeps all that info03:11
Zeeb-Like, the thing that saids "1 running job (5 minutes remaining)"03:12
Zeeb-Would I be able to burn it on to a dvd-rw 4x 4.7gb disk?03:17
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Zeeb-Yay, don't have to use one of my expensive disks :303:18
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Zeeb-now I just boot from this cd?03:28
daskreechZeeb-: That's the Idea :) It boots into a Kubuntu desktop so yo ucan come back here if you like03:29
Zeeb-But it will remove my windows correct?03:30
FersureZeeb-: no, it won't. there's an option to "try before you buy" if you like.03:32
Fersureso you can boot into kubuntu before installing it. and then you can install kubuntu and keep windows on your computer, choosing which you want to boot into when you turn on your computer03:33
daskreechZeeb-: if you install and choose use the whole disk03:34
Fersureyep. if you want to. I just assumed you'd want to keep windows.03:35
daskreechFersure: not really :003:35
Zeeb-_Where do I go to view how much space is on my hard drive?03:35
daskreechZeeb-_: where are you?03:36
Fersuredaskreech: well most people do. though the reasons for such a thing are beyond me. :P03:36
Zeeb-_um... no where XD03:36
daskreechFersure: Comfort03:36
brandon_hey everybody03:36
daskreechZeeb-_: Windows or Kubuntu ?03:36
daskreech!hi | brandon_03:37
ubottubrandon_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:37
Zeeb-_oh, kubuntu03:37
Fersurehey brandon_03:37
brandon_I know all must get tired of n00bs like me but Im having trouble installing WoW03:37
enkiduhi guys, I just want to say, that update from 4.3.5 to 4.4.0 made kde unusable03:38
Zeeb-_What's the konsole command to remove a file?03:38
Fersureenkidu: well kde 4.4 isn't stable yet. you're welcome to report bugs and such.03:38
brandon_ can anyone help?03:38
enkiduFersure: its (k)ubuuntu problem03:38
enkidunot kde one03:38
Fersureenkidu: yes, the packages for kde 4.4 in kubuntu are not stable yet.03:39
Fersurethey're still in alpha.03:39
enkidujust aptitude is marking for delete freshly installed packages03:39
enkiduI dont expect stability03:39
Zeeb-_"rm: cannot remove `/media/windowsvista/': Is a directory" .... How do I fix that?03:40
brandon_I just need to know how to load the patch downloader for World of warcraft, if anyone has any experience in this Itd be great to know03:40
Fersureyeah I understand. same thing happened to me the other day when I tried upgrading to alpha 2.03:40
FersureZeeb-_: are you trying to delete windows from your system?03:40
Sakuiwhat package allows me to view encrypted DVD's?03:41
enkiduFersure: anyways, ubuntu "init" cannot even run udev >.<03:41
enkiduSakui: libdvdcss03:41
Fersureenkidu: ...wth..03:41
Fersurewell for me kubuntu wouldn't even boot lolol03:41
Sakuienkidu: it's not showing up.03:42
Fersure-just- from upgrading03:42
Fersurebut then I suppose it could be to do with the fact that I had to upgrade via aptitude dist-upgrade :d03:42
FersureSakui: you need the medibuntu repository for libdvdcss. www.medibuntu.org03:43
enkiduFersure: it coulnt find disks?03:43
Fersureenkidu: can't remember exactly what happened. but grub worked thankfully.03:44
Fersurebut yeah, none of the kernels I had would boot up :d03:44
enkiduI have to press ESC, then type "/etc/init.d/udev start" and press ctrl-d03:45
enkiduas everything seems to be configured properly03:45
enkiduubuntu is really going to be linux alternative for linux - it can stop working just because you use it >.<03:46
enkidufor windows*03:46
enkidui should be sleeping for two hours03:46
enkiduok, time to remove KDE03:48
enkiduand then try clean install03:48
enkiduor fall back to mandriva03:49
FeasibilityStudyenkidu: Go back to Windows04:09
jesse2Hello.  i just installed ubuntu 9.10 (w/ gnome) and im trying to install kde as well.  i added all the related packages [that i could find] via synaptic; however, when i log into KDE, it just shows a blank screen (no desktop background, icons, panel, etc etc).  am i missing something?04:09
FeasibilityStudyjesse2: Why not simply download the Kubuntu .iso and install it that way?04:09
jesse2feasibilitystudy: i typically use gnome most of the time, just wanted to give kde 4.4 a try04:10
FeasibilityStudyit depends on how you installed KDE..Would need to know the exact steps and packages you installed04:10
jesse2ah, i see. i'm probably better off just reinstalling it then04:11
FeasibilityStudyI never like installing KDE on top of gnome or vice versa04:11
FeasibilityStudyit always gives problems04:11
FeasibilityStudyUnless you're on Gentoo where they have slots.04:12
hobsxjjk, according to http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4 it is available, I am running 4.4 already through backports, but virtuoso is missing04:15
xjjkhobs: you mentioned karmic-backports... 4.4 is only in the PPA backports04:15
xjjkcompletely different repositories04:15
FeasibilityStudyI run 4.4 and virtuoso seems to work here04:16
xjjkcan you check what you're using?04:16
hobsxjjk, what is the url to ppa?04:19
hobscomplete line to sources.list that is04:19
xjjkhobs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/381355/04:20
xjjkthat should contain KDE 4.404:20
hobsthank you04:20
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php04:20
xjjkif you're using karmic-backports (which is an official Canonical repository), it only contains KDE 4.3.404:20
xjjkthe repository situation with Kubuntu is very confusing04:20
xjjkthere are like 3 or 4 PPAs04:20
xjjksome kind of "primary"/testing PPA, a backports PPA, an experimental PPA, and a beta PPA04:21
xjjker, staging is probably a better word than "primary"/testing04:21
xjjkthis would probably make a good blog post04:22
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Psi-JackOkay so, I'm running Kubuntu 9.10 64bit and I'm having issues with Flash and sound.04:46
hobsxjjk, got it running, thanks04:46
xjjkhobs: great04:52
DarkriftXanyone here have any idea how to edit the width of text in a plasmoid?04:58
DarkriftXim using yasp and its too wide, so some of the text goes off the screen (its on a panel sidebar)04:59
seanbrystonehi, how do i disable the "Devices recently plugged in" box that pops up when i put cd in? It's annoying and y9ou cant close it05:02
xjjkseanbrystone: it's controlled by the applet I think05:05
xjjkremove that applet05:05
xjjkif you want to keep the applet and just remove the notification, I don't know unfortunately05:05
xjjkit bothers me too but I've just lived with it05:05
RPG_MasterI can't login to kubuntu!05:08
RPG_MasterEvery time it kicks me back to the login screen :(05:08
RPG_MasterThis was after an update if that helps05:08
RPG_MasterAnyone know whats going on?05:10
Psi-JackOkay so, I'm running Kubuntu 9.10 64bit and I'm having issues with Flash and sound. Can anyone help me resolve this?05:13
GungaDinDoes KUbuntu come with SElinux?05:17
Psi-JackGungaDin: No05:17
alanddI just upgraded my 9.04 to 9.10.  Sound is now gone.  Various sound drivers are loaded according to the lsmod output but I have nothing.05:42
daskreechFeasibilityStudy: huh?06:16
daskreechIt's not hard to remove KDE06:16
greggI've got some samba cifs mount problems at boot, and at shutdown as well - any takers? :)06:43
greggI've got a bunch of samba shares in fstab - only SOME of them actually mount at startup, but a sudo mount -a works no probs - i connect via wireless06:44
daskreechgregg: Umm try not putting them beside each other in fstab?06:49
greggyou really think that would help daskreech?06:51
daskreechgregg: Well you are doing a  non standard mount across a network with lag and latency06:52
daskreechrunning multiple of them at the same time can't be good I think06:52
greggok daskreech thx06:55
panicgripOkay, Fresh install.  Running updates.  First time I've ever installed Linux.  What should I do first?06:55
nikhil_quassel actually aint that bad.06:56
nikhil_still miss xchat a lil tho06:56
panicgripCan I save my password in Quassel?06:57
jussi01panicgrip: which password?06:57
jussi01for nickserv?06:57
jussi01just put it in as the server password in the config dialog.06:58
panicgripGot it06:59
daskreechpanicgrip: What dod you wnat to do07:00
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panicgripCany anyone suggest an FTP cleint?07:18
q0_0panyone here know an alternative to gnome-do?07:18
q0_0ppanicgrip, konquerer?07:18
panicgripWasn't aware of that functionality.07:19
nikhil_how would one set a keyboard shortcut in kde to show desktop?07:21
panicgripDid yous see anything under Launcher>Computer>System Settings>Keyboard Settings07:22
panicgripDoes CTRL+F12 do it?07:25
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alvinWill Ubuntu 10.04 have /tmp as tmpfs?07:36
Mamarokalvin: ask in #ubuntu+1, please07:42
alvinMamarok: thx. will do07:44
daskreechpanicgrip: hi07:50
panicgripdaskreech, how's it going?07:51
daskreechPrety good07:51
panicgripAny clue what a guy has to do to refresh the font list in Kubuntu, after installing some new fonts via the packet manager?07:52
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enkidualvin: what a problem?08:36
daskreechpanicgrip: You mean fonts:/ ?08:38
alvinenkidu: Yes. I noticed on 2 computers that there are old files in /tmp that prevent a successfull start of X08:46
enkidualvin: strange, /tmp should not block you08:48
enkidubut u can still edit fstab manually, not waiting for devs08:48
enkidufortunately, ubuntu devs didnt replaced that file with "better new one" as they did with /sbin/init08:49
alvinI now. I just wanted to know because you never know what an upgrade would do with such a customization08:50
alvinOh, and it is strange, but if I clear the /tmp, kdm can be restarted, so the problem must be in that dir08:51
enkiduupgrade u say... who would think, that upgrading KDE to 4.4.0 can prevent udev from starting?08:51
alvinudev? Had no troubles there. Akonadi on the other hand...08:54
enkidumore funny - I removed kde-full metapackage, aptitude removed NetworkManager as no-longer-needed08:55
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gregghow do I make a script run at startup?08:55
enkiduif you mind system startup - ask on #ubuntu, especially someone, that invented upstart thingie08:56
Mamarokalvin: Akonadi problesm on Kubuntu are usually caused by apparmor: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi#Some_Technical_Issues08:59
enkidusomeone tell me, why aptitude is marking kdm and plasma as not-needed?09:00
alvinMamarok: I know, especially here, but I switched my /home to NFS4 ipv NFS3 and that made those problems better.09:01
Mamarokenkidu: do you have gdm installed?09:02
enkiduMamarok: nope09:03
Mamarokenkidu: what are you upgrading from?09:04
enkiduMamarok: kubuntu 9.10 to launchpad-ppa09:04
Mamarokenkidu: you mean KDE 4.3.x to KDE SC 4.4?09:04
Mamarokbecause your line didn't make much sense, there are not less than 4 Kubuntu PPAs09:05
enkiduforgive me, I couldnt sleep this night09:05
Mamarokno problem :)09:05
Mamarokyou shouldn't use aptitude for it, for some strange reason it doesn't work well for upgrades09:06
Mamaroksudo apt-get dist-upgrade is the safer way09:06
enkiduit wasnt safe way09:06
enkiduI finished with mix of libs from both 4.3.5 and sc 4.409:06
Mamarokenkidu: that's why I tell you not to use aptitude :)09:06
Mamarokuse apt-get, that works09:07
enkiduI did it with apt-get09:07
enkidudont ask me, haw09:07
alvinLet me just tell you guys that aptitude is the preferred package manager in Debian/Ubuntu09:07
Mamarokenkidu: then something is worng in your sources, whst mirror are you using?09:07
Mamarokalvin: and the kubuntu devs found a bug in exactly that09:08
enkiduwas there some nice console command to use pastebin for text stream? :)09:08
Mamarokenkidu: pastebinit09:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:09
enkiduah, nevermind, ill just run browser by now09:09
GeckoHi there. I've primarily used kde in the good old days (1.1.x - 2.0), and then again with kubuntu 6.06. I wanted to give kubuntu a spin again, after having run gnome for quite a while. Is there any tips you might share, in terms of good applications, usability tips, etc.? I see a lot has happened in terms of this so called social desktop.09:09
MamarokGecko: that is a lot of questions in one line, how about checking http://www.kde.org?09:10
Mamarokalso http://userbase.kde.org is a good source09:10
alvinMamarok: Do you have a link to the bug report?09:10
Mamarokalvin: not at hand, no09:10
enkiduMamarok: http://pastebin.org/95190 my stripped sources.list09:11
enkidubloated as hell ;)09:11
phrearchim trying to install cegui, but it asks for libsilly, which doesnt seem to be in the repos09:12
phrearchany idea how to install this?09:12
enkidutar xf ...09:12
GeckoMamarok: Sure, it wasn't a sort of "give me all the answers now!" question, but more of an open question if somebody had a great tip just handy or stood in a similar situation or something. I've tried the 4.x versions before and felt that they were a bit unpolished, but 4.4 seems very interesting09:12
enkiduGecko: dont touch 4.4 till it is not 'stable'09:13
enkiduas 'unstable' for kde means 'will eat your hamster'09:13
MamarokGecko: well, your question was a bit too general, also this is a support channel, tips would be rather a question for #kubuntu-offtopic09:13
Geckoenkidu: it seems stable so far, but I'll leave your advice in mind09:13
Mamarokenkidu: please don't tell things you can't prove, I run KDE SC 4.4 here and it is stalbe09:14
GeckoMamarok: point taken. I'll join that channel09:14
enkiduMamarok: maybe I just dont have luck for it?09:14
Mamarokenkidu: mabe your mirror has problems, try switching to the main mirror09:15
Mamarokenkidu: I have nothing mixed here, and it never tried to remove kdm09:15
enkiduprobably aptitude screwed up something, nevermind09:15
enkidumy mirror is OK, as it is only one I trust09:16
enkiduI know its admin personally ;)09:16
kaniiNIXdoes kde have a program/command to restore deleted menu items?09:17
MamarokkaniiNIX: you mean the main menu? kappfinder can find the apps that are not in that menu09:18
Mamarokand add it automatically09:18
kaniiNIXnah, didnät find them... some wine menu items are lost...09:20
phrearchany idea how to get kde 4.4 ?09:26
enkiduMamarok: installing network-manager should make entry in /etc/init/ or it is done by upstart?09:26
Mamarokenkidu: no idea, sorry09:28
Mamarokphrearch: see the topic of the channel, please09:28
MamarokkaniiNIX: are you sure it is installed? And how did it get removed?09:28
phrearchMamarok: thanks!09:30
Mamarokphrearch: you are welcome09:31
kaniiNIXMamarok: i accidentally deleted them, and yes the programs are installed09:36
enkidumeh, kde4 was said to be netbooks-friendly, but it seems,that all devs have monitors bigger than 1024x60009:37
enkidutime to ask them for small change09:37
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Mamarokenkidu: you need the plasma-netbook release then09:40
Mamarokof course the desktop is not meant for netbooks09:40
enkiduMamarok: problem is not in plasma :)09:40
enkiduas it works nearly as I want it to09:41
phrearchhm, did an update, but plasma crashes now09:41
enkidubut config windows are too high09:41
Mamarokenkidu: are you using the netbook desktop?09:41
enkiduMamarok: nope, as plasma-netbook seems to be more bloated than regular one09:42
Mamarokit is not, since it is exactly for netbooks, the regular desktop is not09:43
enkidusorry, I know how to check memory usage09:44
enkiduand plasma-netbook looses that competition for me09:44
enkiduI dont use many fancy plasmoids, only smoont tasks, as it saves spare used by tasks09:45
Mamarokenkidu: you might want to comment on that in #kubuntu-netbook then, they might be the people to address with problems09:49
roothm, back to irssi09:49
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Guest59168some packages are withdrawn from upgrading09:50
Guest59168any idea how that can be solved? im trying kde 4.4 sc09:50
Guest59168i guess i need to install the kde-full package09:51
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:52
ikoniaGuest59168: yes ?09:54
Guest59168looks like i disconnected09:56
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noaXesshi all10:00
noaXessi use nfs's shares and if i create eg. a file or a folder the perms for this new file/folder is user=username group=username..10:01
noaXessis there a way to get group=groupname?10:01
noaXesscause.. there is a windows user that connects to the same folder over normal samba..10:01
noaXessso i need a setup, that if the user that connects over nfs and creat a file/folder the group perms is a specifix group10:02
noaXessbad english.. sorry.10:02
amichairhow do I restart the sound system?10:08
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SatManUKwhy when I am running paralell sessions with kde/x/kubuntu is it timing out and rebooting one of my sessions?11:17
Gamrokhey guys what's the comman to reset apt11:34
Longjohns_75659Hello! I just installed kubuntu 9.10 and I can't figure out how to change the appearance of the taskbar...11:55
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jussi01Longjohns_75659: the colour/theme?12:01
jussi01Longjohns_75659: if so, system settings -> advanced -> desktop theme details.12:01
jussi01thats for changing the theme details, hang on a sec, Ill tell you where to change the theme12:03
jussi01Longjohns_75659: ok, looks lsystem settings -> style -> appearance -> workspace tab :)12:05
Longjohns_75659jussi01, should I look for style under "General" or "Advanced"?12:06
Longjohns_75659jussi01, the search function can't find "workspace"12:09
jussi01Longjohns_75659: wait a sec, which version of kubuntu are you on?12:10
Longjohns_756599.10, freshly installed, jussi0112:10
Longjohns_75659I've been a KDE user for about 10 years, but a couple of hours with KDE 4 has me considering migrating to Gnome :p12:11
jussi01Longjohns_75659: sorry, my instructions were a little off.12:11
jussi01in system settings, go to appearance12:11
jussi01then, in the style part, click the workspace tab.12:12
Longjohns_75659I can't find a workspace tab there, jussi0112:13
jrmybonjours ?12:13
jrmysa va bien ?12:13
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois12:13
jussi01Longjohns_75659: hrm, maybe 9.10 came out with the old way. try going to your desktop and right clicking, see if there is a desktop settings or so there12:13
Longjohns_75659There is, but I can't find anything about the taskbar there either, jussi0112:15
jussi01Longjohns_75659: k, youll need to wait for someone with the 9.10 version, but you are looking for the plasma theme.12:16
zetherooI installed Kubuntu remix on my laptop and after grub it goes to just a plain black screem12:16
jussi01Longjohns_75659: or perhaps you could provide me with a screenshot of your system settings appearance page12:16
Tm_TLongjohns_75659: there's no (simple) way to change panel look alone anymore12:16
jussi01Tm_T: do you know which way it was in the 9.10 release? could you help him to change his plasma theme?12:17
Tm_Tjussi01: cannot remember and oldest KDE I have working is todays trunk12:18
zetherooany ideas?12:18
Longjohns_75659jussi01, getting that dcc?12:19
jussi01Longjohns_75659: no, I dont do dcc. could you put it on imagebin or so?12:19
Longjohns_75659Wouldn't I have to register an account for that?12:20
jussi01imagebin is verymuch like pastebin, but for pictures :)12:20
Longjohns_75659Was that of any use, jussi01?12:24
jussi01Longjohns_75659: ok, so its an updated thing then. hrm. could you give me a screen shot of when you right click the desktop and click the desktop settings (or simialr wording)12:24
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Longjohns_75659jussi01: http://imagebin.ca/view/5R-WS_M.html12:25
jussi01Longjohns_75659: yeah, the desktop theme is what you are after12:26
snarksteri just added a new large hd to my laptop. I need to adjust grub to boot linux off that drive. I have the howto from the ubuntu website but it isnt working like it said it should12:27
snarkstercan anyone help?12:27
Longjohns_75659Life was easier with kcontrol :p12:28
snarkstersystem0setting is pretty easy to get used to12:28
jussi01Longjohns_75659: it gets easier in 4.4, trust me :)12:28
snarksteris it possible to boot them system under the old install and adjust grub from there to boot from the new drive?12:29
jussi01!grub | snarkster, have you done the instructions here for after windows install?12:30
ubottusnarkster, have you done the instructions here for after windows install?: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:30
snarksteryup, windows boots just fine, linux boots just fine, just wanna move my boot drive for linux to the new drive.12:31
Longjohns_75659Great, changing the theme there made it all fuck up :p12:31
jussi01Longjohns_75659: watch the language please12:32
snarkstercurrently i have two installs of kubuntu 9.10 but only one shows up on the grub menu (the old one) I have reinstalled kubuntu on a new 640 GB drive want to leave windows on its own 250 GB drive.12:32
snarkstereverything still works like its supposed to, just the wrong one. LOL12:33
jussi01snarkster: doh !12:33
snarksteri printed the grub howto, but the commands are turning up eithe rnot working, or s=not showing anything while using my usb install drive12:33
jussi01snarkster: but did you follow the instructions for lost grub after installing windows? (it applies also in this situation)12:34
snarksteri did df / and it showed aufs instead of /dev/sda112:34
snarksterreally strange.. btw needed to install grub on the usb drive (i know it wont stay there) cause grub isnt available by default on the live cd12:35
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snarksterwould be easier to just blow away the old linux partiton (increasing the size of the windows partition to full capacity and reinstall kubuntu on the new drive?12:40
snarkstercause i can do that in just a matter of a few minutes12:41
Longjohns_75659snarkster, make sure everything is backed up :p12:41
snarksteri already rsynced all my home directory to the new drive.12:41
CorvusHm. The application keybindings I set in kmenuedit aren't working. Any thoughts where I should start looking for the problem?12:50
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Longjohns_75659Oh well12:53
Longjohns_75659Thanks for trying, jussi0112:53
=== jelmer__ is now known as sssparkkk
firewrksI have an US English Karmic Kubuntu install.  I require the ability to input both English and Japanese Kana/Kanji.  (1) Is there a program that does this program conversion and then you can copy and paste without modifying the install? (2) Is there a way to toggle the keyboard input method on the fly between English and Japanese?  The install must remain English.13:08
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harriswer am i13:19
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jrmybonjour francais ?14:02
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois14:03
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sateI have an annoying issue with theme switching15:14
sateFor one it doesn't update when you install a new theme, and 2 it crashes15:15
sateAnyone else have a simular issue?15:15
binarylookssate: this is something that slipped in the 4.4.0 release15:18
sateSo the 4.3 doesn't have that issue?15:18
binarylooksit should be fixed for 4.4.1, it happens only on theme changes on not every time actually15:18
binarylooksAFAIK not15:18
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sateWhat about installing more kde themes, not using the theme manager?15:19
satethat possible?15:19
binarylookssate: although i do not remember the bug saying that updating did not work, it only mentioned crashes upon theme changing15:19
sateKinda worried about my laptop running kde15:20
binarylookssate: i have tried that a year ago15:20
sateWhen I browse firefox, my cpu fan runs constantly15:20
binarylookssate: you can download a file (which is a zipped file) extract it somewhere and the theme ppears in the theme browser15:20
sateCan I ask you binarylooks if its possible to run kde, and not be so gpu intensive?15:21
binarylookssate tried googe chrome? its quite good.15:21
binarylookssate: turn off desktop effects is the only option15:22
sateHow do you turn them off?15:22
binarylooksmaybe if you have strigi running you can turn that off too15:22
binarylookssate: system settings > desktop15:22
binarylookssate: ok, step by step15:22
binarylookssate: first open system settings15:23
satek turned off the desktop effects15:23
satenow the strigi?15:23
binarylookssate: strigi is a file index service, it looks trhough your file (content, not name) and stores data for later searches15:24
Corvusright, but that won't reduce gpu load15:24
depa_Hi all15:24
binarylooksit is usually not turned on by default but maybe in your case15:24
Corvusjust cpu/ram15:24
sateI got 2 gigs of ram15:24
binarylookssate: processor and gpu?15:24
sateumm 1.6 ghz duo15:25
sateintel graphics 945 extreme i think15:25
sateI ran counterstrike source on it once15:25
CorvusI'm currently running KDE 4.4. with Strigi enabled on my netbook15:26
satedoes your fan turn on a lot?15:26
Corvusand Strigi isn't slowing me down much at all15:26
sateDoes your computer seem warm?15:26
CorvusBut I've turned off compositing15:26
sateI had this issue with win 7, so I went back to xp15:26
sateI really don't wanna switch to ubuntu15:27
depa_can anybody help me with eric4? It doesn't save my preference....15:27
ravhello. i managed to activate and use a usb mobile broadband modem last night. is there an application to count the downloaded MB through it?15:30
chosigusing the opesource radeon driver, what packages to i need to install to get the opengl-dev files?15:33
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
asranielhi there, what could be the cause of all the USB ports suddendly stop working? the usb printer, usb mouse and usb hard disk are not seen anymore (even after a newstart). it's not my pc, but my gfs. shes restarting now to see if windows has the same problem, but i'm already searching an answer if she comes back15:36
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sithlord48asraniel , hardware failure? , or the module that controls the usb has suddenly broken15:37
asranielsithlord48: i hope not. she tells me that it seems to work under windows15:38
asranielsithlord48: even though, not totaly sure15:39
sithlord48asraniel, very simple does it work under windows or not , if it don't i would think hardware... if it does think software in kubuntu15:39
asranielsithlord48: looks like some stuff like the mouse works under windows, but not the external hard disk15:40
sithlord48asraniel, and all the usb is down under kubuntu?15:40
asranielsithlord48: from what she tells me, yes15:40
sithlord48asraniel, thats very odd.. i would advise you log back in to kubuntu plug in some usb and see if you get any output from lsusb15:41
sithlord48asraniel, that should give you a listing of all your usb devices.. including hubs in the machine15:41
asranielsithlord48: i'll try that, lsusb, thanks for that command15:42
sithlord48asraniel, no problem.. im at work so i might just dissapear (if they give me real work to do that is)15:42
sithlord48asraniel, if im here let me know how it goes..15:42
ravNetworkManager overwrites /etc/resolv.conf each time it connects, but it doesn't automatically detect the broadband DNS and leaves the file empty, i have to re do it every time i connect15:43
sithlord48rav, you need to set that in NetworkManger for the connections DNS15:43
ravsithlord48: NetworkManager doesn't have a DNS configuration option for mobile broadband15:44
sithlord48rav, oh i missed that part..15:44
sithlord48rav, perhaps a script on connect to to either create or move the resolv.conf when you do connect15:45
ravsithlord48: NetworkManager doesn't have a script option for mobile broadband either15:46
sithlord48rav, before you go thru lots of trouble have you attempted to use wicd as your network manager, not sure if it does mobile broad band.. or not..15:46
sithlord48rav, it generally works better then NetworkManager (from my experince)15:47
ravsithlord48: tonight i will try to use kppp instead, it does have all those options15:47
sithlord48rav, that is what i use to dial out my mobile (but mine is via a usb port, to my cell phone)15:48
ravsithlord48: i did used it for a while in early jaunty, networkmanager hated my wifi card. but in karmic i've only used networkmanager15:48
sithlord48rav, sorry i use pppd..15:48
sithlord48rav, if you wifi card is not wifi0 (wicd's default) you will have to give it the proper device (could that be why it don't like you wifi card?)15:49
ravsithlord48: wicd did work, networkmanager was broken with my wifi card on jaunty. it works now on karmic with networkmanager, so i didn't install wicd on this install15:50
sithlord48rav, was wicd working for your mobile on jaunty ?15:50
ravsithlord48: i didn't have the usb mobile modem then, i just got it. it was a struggle to get it to work, there's no info about it since i'm in ecuador15:51
ravsithlord48: now that i know it works, i want it to work well :D15:52
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sithlord48rav, i got you will i would try wicd, since it will handle all you connections and ez to install.. then if that don't work kppp is next15:52
marcos0ac8:303b Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0303 WebCam15:53
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ravsithlord48: thanks, i'll give wicd a try15:56
sithlord48rav, no problem15:56
juan__aluien en castellano16:02
juan__alguien en castellano??16:02
Pici!es | juan__16:02
ubottujuan__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:02
juan__gracias , por fin aluien que alluda16:02
CorvusSo my menu keybindings are no longer working in KDE 4.416:11
CorvusThey don't appear in the keybindings module16:11
=== fire`lalala is now known as fire`lala
ubuntucomplete reinstall of k9.10 on new hard drive in a dula boot system. Have printed the howto still cant get it to boot kubuntu i get grub rescue prompt16:32
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snarksteram i going to have to reload both operating systems to get this fixed?16:37
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tzangergood morning17:10
tzangerdoes Kopete have MSN webcam support in it on 9.10? kopete itself is supposed to, but on Kubuntu I have not been successful in getting webcam working with MSN.  Kopete sees the webcam and I can see myself in it in the config screen, but on MSN there seems to be no way to use it17:11
Geckokubuntu/kde doesn't use pulseaudio for anything, right?17:16
SatManUKtzanger: i haven't tested it with msn, but it works for me skype and kopete - but i don' t know if its skype client or kopete displaying.. that confuses me..17:19
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tzangerprobably skype, as kopete's itnerface to skype is only for control17:21
SatManUKbut its displaying the incoming webcam in a "kopete" window17:27
SatManUKnot a skype window17:27
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SatManUKi am trying to open kontact but its refusing to load - how can i tell what the problem is?17:45
brunosimoeshi i need help setting a global proxy18:00
brunosimoesit seems to not work18:00
brunosimoeshowever with export works18:00
brunosimoesmaybe i need to do something after set it at system -> network settings -> proxy18:01
edakiriIs there a KDE3 for lucid?18:02
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page18:02
edakirior if there were, where would it be?18:02
edakiriI found https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Karmic18:07
maple1I'M TROLLING18:21
edakirimaple1: for fish?  better luck here trolling for insects.18:22
BluesKajpretty slim pickin's here , that word already has the ops looking at you , if you need that kind of attention to feel alive then keep it up :)18:25
DarkriftXwhat would cause me to not be able to right click on my desktop and get a context menu?18:26
DarkriftXnvm, my mouse actions were all empty18:27
DarkriftXI seem to have lost them somehow18:27
edakiriDarkriftX: does right click have any response at any time?18:28
DarkriftXbut i added the mouse action back in and it works now18:30
DarkriftXjust not sure where/when they were lost18:30
DarkriftXi used to have 3 actions set under there (by default18:30
DarkriftX) and i dont remember what they are18:30
bentob0xit really feels like an overall gui performance regression with my recent upgrade to 9.10/KDE4.418:33
bentob0xswitch between desktops soo slow18:33
bentob0xswitch between tasks soo slow18:33
bentob0xand all this with desktops effects turned off18:34
bentob0xanybody would have an advice on how to optimise this?18:34
dirtiridercan sme1 point me to a good link to make live usb via command line18:34
edakiribentob0x: glx no longer direct?  you can run glxinfo|grep -i direct  .  I do not remember what package it is in.18:35
dirtiriderlive-sub creatoe is not working 4 me18:35
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bentob0xit is direct edakiri:18:36
bentob0xdirect rendering: Yes18:37
bentob0x    GL_EXT_Cg_shader, GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test, GL_EXT_direct_state_access,18:37
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DarkriftXhow do i make a mouse click send a key combo?19:21
WaltzingAlongDarkriftX: kdesc44? system settings / input actions; there, new / mouse gesture action / send keyboard input  ; give that a try19:26
DarkriftXhrmmmm, trying now19:26
DarkriftXit doesnt take a button press, just a gesture :(19:27
DarkriftXbut that was close19:27
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ct529anyone knows about a good high definition webcam that works well in ubuntu, including skype?19:36
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WaltzingAlongct529: could ask in #ubuntu for that matter19:52
WaltzingAlongct529: might not hurt to check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams19:52
ct529WaltzingAlong: I have installed kubuntu ....19:52
WaltzingAlongct529: ok. and i read that you asked about ubuntu19:53
ct529WaltzingAlong: I checked the wiki, but I would rather have some recommendations first hand from someone who had to solve exactly the same problem ....19:53
WaltzingAlongct529: and the two share a good deal of components19:53
ct529WaltzingAlong: yes, they certainly share the drivers19:53
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DarkriftXanyone know how to send ctrl + f11 through xvkbd ? I have tried all the examples I can but they just send the text from those keys, not the actual key presses20:05
sidneyI installed LXDE in a multi boot system and opted to save grub to hd01 command sudo upgrade-grub dosen't work20:18
sidneyamdman: ?20:22
Viking667'llo y'all.20:24
Viking667I got a problem when I tried "apt-get update" this morning, it was the following:20:24
Viking667GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com karmic-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>20:24
Viking667Is there a known error with the karmic-security media?20:24
amdmanis there a way to view all installed applications ?20:25
Viking667yes. dpkg -l20:25
Viking667(I think)20:25
amdmandpkg -i or -l ?20:26
Viking667-l  (ell)20:26
sidneyViking667: what is the command for sudo upgrade-grub if that dosen't work20:27
Viking667or else, start up synaptic. check off the "Installed" in the bottom left hand panel.20:27
Viking667sidney: that, I don't know.20:27
amdmanthat's correct Viking667 , thanks :)20:29
Viking667amdman: and just grep everything tha begins with ii at the beginning of the line.20:30
amdmanwhy some replys have orange color ?20:32
Viking667amdman: if I'm referring you specifically, is that orange?20:33
amdmanyes , how to do that ?20:34
Viking667simple.  Someone else mentions your own nick. The IRC client does the rest.20:35
Viking667So, ^^^ that ^^^ wasn't highlighted in orange, was it?20:35
amdmanamdman: no20:35
Viking667whoops. Someone got in a join ahead of me.20:35
Viking667amdman: whereas, this line is highlighted.20:36
Viking667brb. helping someone brush their teeth...20:36
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
Lord-Rahlcan any one tell me a way to sun-java6-plugin without firefox?20:55
lalalolhi there, since ive been using kubuntu 9.10 (my previous os was windows), some text is a bit blurry and when reading a whole article of it, it hurts my eyes tbh, do i need to install more fonts or change settings or so? plz help :)20:58
Lord-Rahllalalol: do you have a nvidia or ati video card?20:59
lalalolLord-Rahl, i have an ati video card20:59
Lord-Rahllalalol: has it ask you to install the drivers for it?21:00
lalalolLord-Rahl, no it didnt, i only had to install drivers for my wifi21:00
Lord-Rahllalalol: go to k menu > applications > system > there should be hardware drive icon click that21:01
lalalolLord-Rahl, hardware drivers?21:02
Lord-Rahllalalol: not there21:03
lalalolit finds 2 broadcom drivers, for my wifi21:03
Lord-Rahllalalol: are yo ok with term21:04
lalalolLord-Rahl, i dont have any idea what you mean21:04
lalalolyeah a bit21:04
Lord-Rahllalalol: ok open it up a type : lspci21:05
Lord-Rahllalalol: there should be a line VGA campatible21:05
Lord-Rahllalalol: what does that line say21:05
lalalol01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]21:06
Lord-Rahllalalol: here is  a link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI I had to use this on may laptop21:07
lalalolmy gfx card isnt supported in that list Lord-Rahl21:08
Lord-Rahllalalol: https://groups.google.com/group/x1250/21:11
Lord-Rahllalalol: there is a deb file on there for you21:12
lalalolthanks, ill search it21:12
Lord-Rahllalalol:  hope it help. I know the pain of ati21:13
lalalolLord-Rahl, i cant find the deb file, can you tell me where you saw it?21:13
lalaloloh wait21:13
lalalolgot it21:13
lalalolat the bottom21:14
Lord-Rahllalalol: it just like a exe in windows. download it a double click on it21:15
Lord-Rahllalalol: it should do the rest21:15
lalalolthe deb file is for 64bit though21:15
lalaloli have 32bit21:16
lalalolshould i use this instead? xserver-xorg-video-ati_6.8.0-1_i386.deb21:17
lalalolLord-Rahl, ?21:20
Lord-Rahllalalol: yup[21:20
lalalolok, :)21:21
lalalolLord-Rahl, "Error: a later version is already installed"21:22
lalalolLord-Rahl, btw, i think my computer uses an nvidia driver, cuz when i try to play a game under wine it says my nvidia driver is outdated21:23
Lord-Rahllalalol: I may be wrong but that what wine tell the game it is21:23
Lord-Rahllalalol: you diffently have ATI21:24
lalalolLord-Rahl, hm ok, what to do with that error then?21:24
lalalolyeah i know21:24
Lord-Rahllalalol: from the line of lspci21:24
lalalolim 100% sure i have an ati card21:24
Lord-Rahllalalol: can you do "cat /ect/X11/xorg.cofig" in a term and paste it http://codepad.org/ here and tell me the link21:27
lalalolu sure its cofig and not config?21:28
Lord-Rahllalalol: config sorry21:28
lalalolLord-Rahl, np21:29
lalalolLord-Rahl, when entering your command i get: "cat: /ect/X11/xorg.config: No such file or directory"21:29
Lord-Rahllalalol: no " "     so just    cat /etc/X11/xorg.config21:30
lalalolyeah i did lol21:31
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Lord-Rahllalalol: type ati and hit tab does it give you anuthing21:32
Lord-Rahlshould be like aticonfig or something21:32
lalaloldoesnt give me something21:32
Lord-Rahllalalol: try this sound like you do that have a xorg.config file so it using the defults run this in your term sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:35
lalalolLord-Rahl, i dont understand what u want me to do, just enter that command?21:36
Lord-Rahllalalol: reboot see if it helps21:36
Lord-Rahllalalol: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:36
Lord-Rahlcopy and pasit that in to your terminal21:37
Lord-Rahllalalol: :) hit enter follow the on screen prompts21:38
lalalolit asked my pass, entered it, then it stopped :S21:38
nonameNNhello all... one question, is there any package that actually can integrate google calendar with kde or korganizer with the clock applet?21:39
Lord-RahlnonameNN: http://www.terminally-incoherent.com/blog/2007/10/11/howto-two-way-sync-between-kontact-and-gcal/21:39
Lord-Rahllalalol: try to do the cat thing again see if you get something21:40
lalalolLord-Rahl, got the same error again like the previous time21:41
Lord-Rahllalalol: file not found21:42
vbgunzdoes anybody else have a problem when resuming from suspension (sleep)? I am going back to sleep 10 seconds after waking up. please, anybody aware of this?21:42
lalalolLord-Rahl, yeah, something like that21:42
vbgunzdoes anybody else have a problem when resuming from suspension (sleep)? I am going back to sleep 10 seconds after waking up. please, anybody aware of this?21:43
vbgunzsorrry about that21:43
=== jack is now known as foursixzero
nonameNNok... kontact or korganizer cant show events on the kde calendar... so every single time i need to check whats up this week i need to open the program so no integration at all... thats the problem i just want to know if its an option im missing or its just like that21:45
vbgunznonameNN: I think I might have noticed that today21:46
vbgunzyou dont get any reminders until you actually open it?21:46
vbgunzmaybe the daemon aint running, gonna check21:47
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nonameNNwell i dont know if an alarm will ring but just wanted to know if there was more integration to kde clock calendar21:47
=== jack is now known as foursixzero
foursixzeroHey, erm. Is there a appearence tab like the gnome?21:56
foursixzerowhats the thing you hold down for the Cube?22:02
foursixzeroas in the keys22:02
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jesse2hello.  im running ubuntu 9.10, but i'd like to have KDE as well.  when i install kde, i log in using the KDE chosen as my desktop environment, but all i get is a black screen with a mouse cursor.  what gives?22:04
vbgunzfoursixzero: go check out the shortcuts under appearance in systemsettings. desktop effects22:08
vbgunzall effects I believe should have a configurable shortcut on the effect itself22:08
foursixzerothanks vbgunz22:11
=== Lexas is now known as Glaciac
senorpedrohow can i restart the kde panel?22:26
BrotherDaveHow can I change the color of my windows? I found a Theme that I like, but my windows don't change color.22:28
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erick_23hello, =) good afternoon ...22:32
BrotherDaveHow do I update kubuntu? I just installed it :/22:32
erick_23I need help installing openoffice 3.2 on my Kubuntu 9.1022:34
erick_23I downloaded openoffice 3.2 from the webpage, uncomprressed it and tried to follow a forum but It did not work..22:35
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