
jpapertowelwill liquorix kernel work if i apt-get it from sid liquorix repo on lucid?00:03
RAOFjpapertowel: Who knows?  Try it and see.  It'll be totally unsupported, though.00:13
RAOFalex_mayorga: Pingity ping.  How's nouveau working for you?00:24
BUGabundoRAOF: seems it aint that good00:25
BUGabundohe can't reply back :D00:25
syn-ackwhat's liquorix?00:28
syn-ackhrm, I thought Ubuntu released Xen Kernels already00:36
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jpapertoweluhh, does anyone know how to delete a software raid from the alternate cd? I don't want to have to dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda and wait 9 hours :(00:50
penguin42jpapertowel: That will work, just ctrl-c it after a few seconds - it's the stuff right at the start00:51
jpapertowelpenguin42: yeah, I tried that, lol, both disks say they don't even have a partition table and yet the software raid is still there00:52
penguin42after a reboot? Weird...  And that's on sda itself?00:52
penguin42(You are sure it's sda and you haven't just wiped some random USB key)00:52
jpapertowelpenguin42: absolutely sure00:52
jo-erlendjpapertowel, you just want to remove a disk from an array?00:53
jo-erlendjpapertowel, this seems offtopic for this channel though. I think #ubuntu-server is the correct context for that question.00:53
jpapertoweljo-erlend: I just want to blank the disks like they're new, but the ubuntu installer still claims there's a software raid going on though for some reason and won't even let me create a partition table00:54
jpapertowelfigures i'll try to reboot00:54
jo-erlendjpapertowel, read ubuntu server guide. It will tell you how to remove a disk from an array.00:54
jo-erlendyou should do that with mdadm.00:55
penguin42jpapertowel: So dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=1024k count=10   should nuke the start of the disk, do that to both of them, reboot and see if it's still there00:55
penguin42and be careful with that command!00:55
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DanaGhmm, perhaps metadata goes in host-protected-area?00:56
DanaGI know on my laptop, the RAID metadata can only be cleared via dmraid utils or via BIOS thingy.00:57
penguin42jpapertowel: That's a good point - is it normal mdraid or is it a software raid controller?00:57
jpapertowelmdadm on a software raid controller00:58
jpapertowelrebooting worked :D00:58
jo-erlendjono, offtopic for this channel, but I just came to think of it. Translations. Should we use launchpad or not? I'm getting so many mixed messages, I haven't done any work on it for a long time, but I really want to.00:59
jonojo-erlend, for translating Ubuntu?00:59
DanaGoh yeah, hdparm -Z00:59
DanaGor was it -z?00:59
jonojo-erlend, I would recommend using LP for translating any app :)00:59
DanaGfor "reread partition table"00:59
jonoRosetta is awesome!00:59
RAOFLaunchpad: Use it as early and as often as possible.01:02
jo-erlendjono, it is. But people are telling me it's wasted. That is won't be used, or it will be used by ubuntu for one release, but not by upstream and so it won't be used in the next ubuntu release, and stuff like that. In any case, I think a message from you to ubuntu-desktop or something, would be nice.01:02
* RAOF is beginning to doubt the wisdom of hot mince pies given 34℃ ambient temperature.01:02
penguin42RAOF: Send the 34c temperature over here please - it's -2c at the moment here01:02
jonojo-erlend, can you give me some specific links to such griping?01:02
jonojo-erlend, we always use translations in Ubuntu01:03
jonoand we ship them across multiple releases01:03
jpapertowelwell, it looks like i have to zero write the whole drive to get rid of this stupid software raid bug01:03
jo-erlendjono, no, because it's a while back. But I've been trying to ask people how to contribute translations, and lots of people are uncertain about this.01:03
jonojo-erlend, can you email David Planella about this?01:03
penguin42jpapertowel: Why?01:03
jo-erlendjono, I don't think I can provide any more information about this than I already have though.01:04
jonojo-erlend, ok01:04
jpapertowelpenguin42: i rebooted and when i got to the partition maker thing, i created a partition table and BAM the stupid software raid swap at the end of the drive reappeared01:04
jpapertowelpenguin42: the installer throws up errors when i try to delete it01:04
penguin42jpapertowel: Ah I see, when you've partitioned, dd over each of the partitions individually before you blat the partition table01:05
penguin42jpapertowel: The problem is as soon as you put the partition table there it can find the old md superblocks01:05
jpapertowelso I have to dd alllllll 4 TB?01:06
penguin42jpapertowel: No!01:06
penguin42jpapertowel: Create your partitions, then dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=1024k count=1   then do sda2 etc01:06
jpapertowelpenguin42: okay01:06
jo-erlendjpapertowel, are you in lucid?01:06
jpapertoweljo-erlend: yes01:07
jpapertoweli don't know how to create the partitions01:07
jpapertoweli'm not allowed to create anything with the software raid still in existence01:07
penguin42jpapertowel: Heck then you may as wlel dd the lot - dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=1024k will be a lot faster than without the bs01:08
penguin42jpapertowel: It should manage ~100MB/second on a decent drive01:08
jpapertowelit'll be an average of 120MB/s on mine but there's no way i'm waiting 20 or so hours :(01:09
penguin42jpapertowel: OK, do the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024k count=1  and when you create your partitions make them slightly different sizes to what they used to be - that way it won't pick up the old partitions01:10
jpapertowelis there a way i can dd just the last 5 GB of each drive?01:11
penguin42hmm, last 5GB01:11
penguin42well, two ways, if you create a partition 5GB from the end and dd that partition, or dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=1024k count=5000ish seek=offset from start in MB01:12
jpapertowelpenguin42: i take that as a no, since i can't create partitions01:13
penguin42jpapertowel: OK, then follow the stuff after the 'or'01:14
jpapertoweltoo much math01:14
* penguin42 would create the partition manually on the command line01:15
jpapertowelwhy isn't there a way to make it not search for it :(01:17
penguin42it's probably just being a bit too smart (file a bug!) - but seriously, easiest fix is just to make the partitions start at a slightly different point01:17
jpapertoweldd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024 seek=763084?01:20
penguin421024k more likely - i.e. 1M chunks01:22
jpapertowel1024k invalid argument01:22
penguin421024k works here01:23
jpapertowelnor does 1024000 work01:23
penguin42you must have a typo somewhere else01:25
jpapertowelguarantee you i don't01:25
penguin42guarantee you I've done that loads of times01:25
jpapertowel~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1024k seek=209190912001:28
jpapertoweldd: /dev/sdb: Invalid argument01:28
jpapertoweli put TB instead of GB01:28
jpapertowelok i cant get this to work so i think i should just go back to windows which seems to have much less bugs than ubuntu01:34
Nitsugajpapertowel, is that some sort of social engineering to make us help you?01:37
AmaranthNitsuga: It always is01:38
penguin42jpapertowel: If you take my one piece of advice to just make the partition sizes slightly different then it will ignore any broken raids - I made that advice about an hour ago now01:38
jpapertowelhow do I make them :(01:38
penguin42jpapertowel: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=1024k count=1 for both drives, reboot, then create your partitions - but make them each a bit smaller than you had before01:39
penguin42actually make that count=10 - that'll get rid of anything near the beginning01:39
jpapertoweli tried that the raid crap comes back right after i initialized an msdos table and it won't let me make any partitions at all01:40
Amaranthwhy is there any RAID stuff there at all?01:40
jpapertowelbecause i'm trying to set up software raid0 :/01:40
AntisocheRAID0 ?01:41
jpapertowelit like the disk read/write speed it's good for high disk usage games01:41
Antisocheok.  It also increases the failure rate 100%01:41
jpapertowelwhat's the chance of one of my hard drives failing01:42
penguin42it's pretty common01:42
Nitsugajpapertowel, it's no one of your hard drives01:42
jpapertowellast hard drive i had lasted me 5 years01:42
AntisocheThere are only two types of hard drives: those that have failed and those that will01:43
Nitsugait's ANY cluster of your hard drive01:43
jpapertoweleither way i got my newegg warranty so who cares01:43
Amaranthbackups ftw01:43
AntisocheYeah, newegg isn't going to restore your data.  As long as you only put 'temporary' stuff on it, it's fine.01:43
jpapertowelgoogle stores all my non temporary stuff, i <3 google01:44
AntisocheJust asking to be sure you're doing what you want to do.  RAID0 is great for NLV editing, for example, but RAID1 gives you the same read performance of RAID0 (at the cost of slower writes) but also actual reliability.01:45
jpapertowelthe only thing i care about being reliable is grub01:46
AntisocheYou're making '/' RAID 0?01:46
jpapertowelyeah, but I have a /boot partition outside of raid01:47
jpapertowelI bet I still won't be able to install grub though01:47
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jpapertowelholy crap grub installed!02:04
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jpapertowelunsuccessfully though, i give up, I boot my system and GRUB Loading... could not write bytes: Broken pipe02:07
jpapertowelthanks for at least attempting to help guys, i'm back to windows forever02:09
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Dr_Willis!info emerald02:39
ubottuemerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 255 kB, installed size 1392 kB02:40
voidmagemight be a dumb question, but if i'm looking at software center and click a category, how do i get back to the home page?02:49
ZykoticK9voidmage, "Get Free Software" at the top - beside the category title you are in02:51
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metricpianoI'm having a weird video display problem.  Anyone care to run robots and see whether they move smoothly, or the whole board redraws (e.g. all robots disappear and then reappear in their new spot)... it makes the game hard to follow and is most obvious when wait is used)?03:18
TakyojiJust grabbed a daily build of the LiveCD, installed it on USB, and apparently after I arrange my partition setup in the installer, and click Forward, I get an error titled "Invalid username (as superuser)" with content of "The username you have entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-caser letters"03:21
TakyojiShould I report that, or?03:21
Takyojior grab the daily ISO build tomorrow, and if the issue persists, then report it?03:22
metricpianoYou could grab an older build and verify it's not happening... but I think you should report when in doubt03:22
metricpianootherwise they might not know to fix it...03:23
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Takyojior perhaps I could contact a mailing list?03:27
metricpiano!resolution > metricpiano03:47
ubottumetricpiano, please see my private message03:47
metricpiano!resolution > metricpiano03:50
ZykoticK9metricpiano, if you want to see a factoid (without it showing up in the channel) you can use "/msg ubottu !foo"03:50
metricpianoha, I was typing /msg ubotto03:51
metricpianoand couldn't understand why it wasn't working03:51
cwillumetricpiano, that's a configurable option iirc03:57
cwilluwhat's the command line for robots?  I removed it from my menu a while ago03:59
cwillumetricpiano, on karmic, gnobots2 has no animation, it just updates each turn04:02
cwilluthere's no option, that's just how it works04:02
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h00kWait, is 10.04 getting RGBA Support, or is it not?04:38
om26erh00k, no04:38
h00kom26er: that's what I thought04:38
TakyojiNext release04:38
Takyoji"Before trying this please remember that there is a reason this support was postponed until Lucid+1. It's not polished, it doesn't work properly with every applications and some applications flat-out refuse to run at all with it!"04:39
om26erh00k, although its getting client side window decoration (that I don't understand)04:39
h00kBecause this was linked from the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter: http://linuxtree.blogspot.com/2010/02/5-new-things-about-windows-8-and-ubuntu.html04:40
h00kOne of which under Ubuntu claims RGBA04:41
* om26er hopes ubuntu to be the first to use RGBA04:44
h00kIt also makes obsurd claims about the Software Center04:45
om26erh00k, and what's the claim04:47
h00kom26er: from the article linked: When 10.04 releases, the Ubuntu Software Center will finally take over as the sole installation tool for Ubuntu. Synaptic, GDebi, and even the update manager will all be replaced by USC. Hopefully USC will include the ability to install more than one piece of software at a time.04:48
om26erh00k, well that's not gonna happen for Lucid but still software center will be far poweful that before04:48
h00kom26er: that's what I'm hearing, yeah, I just think they should screen the links that are making claims like that :(04:50
DanaGoh yeah, random thought... I oughtta' try the beagleboard as thin-client.04:53
DanaGargh, no wonder my beagleboard is being so warm... it has the same stupid rsyslogd behavior, as well!06:27
cefDanaG: which behaviour?06:27
DanaGThe eating 100% CPU.06:27
cefis there a bug for that?06:28
DanaG100% of BOTH cpu cores on my laptop... and two threads each with 50% on my beagleboard.06:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 523610 in rsyslog "rsyslogd spins CPU on older kernels" [High,Triaged]06:30
cefDanaG: ouch!06:35
DanaGach, mein CPU!06:38
hifihad to stop rsyslogd service06:49
DanaGargh, for some reason, my systray area has become really, really really really huge.06:59
DanaGSo huge, it's pushed my Firefox shortcut UNDER my menus!06:59
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vishonone click that link^07:34
zniavrei tried it ....07:37
alvinWill Ubuntu 10.04 have /tmp as tmpfs?07:45
cwillu_at_workgod, could they make setting up ppa's with key signing any more annoying from the console?09:18
nzmmhey wondering if people are finding gedit sluggish09:19
cwillu_at_workhide the details, then make the signing key clickable so you can't select it to copy and paste, and then put the command line command on a different page altogether09:19
cwillu_at_worknzmm, not terribly; saving to remote filesystems can be slow though09:19
nzmmfor me text rendering is slow as is most of the interface, nvidia system09:20
rwwcwillu_at_work: ssshhh, don't complain or they might fix it, and then even more people would use broken PPAs and cause support hell :(09:20
nzmmits the only prog affected09:20
cwillu_at_workrww, I can assure you that those people who use ppa's are not doing anything with key signing09:20
rwwcwillu_at_work: good point, I saw "PPA" and snark mode turned itself on :(09:21
cwillu_at_workdah, not built for armel09:22
kklimondacwillu_at_work: add-apt-repository "ppa:xyz/ppa" is annoying?09:23
rwwhah, I'm not the only one who misread ;P09:24
cwillu_at_workkklimonda, when that's not the command listed on the ppa, yes :p09:24
BUGabundo_remotethe PPA should show the entire command09:25
BUGabundo_remoteppl don't guess the AAR part09:25
kklimondait should be mentioned somewhere09:25
BUGabundo_remotenzmm: *everything* is slugish09:26
BUGabundo_remoteits a gtk bug09:26
BUGabundo_remotekklimonda: should but its not09:26
BUGabundo_remotemaybe in the HELP09:26
BUGabundo_remotebut who reads that09:26
cwillu_at_workhttps://launchpad.net/+help/soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html still lists the manual method09:27
kklimondaBUGabundo_remote: well - people who need help should read that :P09:27
nzmmBUGabundo_remote:  oh thanks for the info09:29
perfectionhey, how are you all doing?09:36
cwillu_at_workI'm grumpy09:37
BUGabundo_remoteI'm sleepy09:39
BUGabundo_remoteand you must be snoring09:39
perfectionwhat's happenin' here? evrybody sleepin' or?09:41
nzmmshould be zzz-ing09:42
cwillu_at_workI hear ya09:48
cwillu_at_workask your doctor if modafinil is right for you09:48
* BUGabundo_remote <3 today's XKCD09:52
perfectionguys another thing is how do i get engines that are used in themes? the likes of murrina, etc.09:56
perfectionjust like t-wayne, i cant believe this, i gtg, be in peace10:00
kklimondayay. gtk+ fix has been uploaded10:03
nzmmkklimonda: gtk+ fix for the sluggishness?10:04
kklimondafor the excessive cpu usage10:05
nzmmoh yay10:05
* BUGabundo_remote checks email10:05
BUGabundo_remoteFINALLY then10:05
BUGabundo_remotewhy are all this ppl coming here with theme probs?10:05
BUGabundo_remotedid we change all that much this cycle?10:06
kklimondawe did10:06
eagles0513875hey BUGabundo_remote10:10
* BUGabundo_remote wonders how even ppl read his own old bugs10:22
BUGabundo_remoteman I suck at describing stuff10:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 297523 in synaptic "synaptic column resize" [Undecided,Incomplete]10:23
Damascenehello, did the lock screen function get fixed?10:29
Damasceneis there an open bug for it?10:31
om26erDamascene, yes10:32
* om26er finds10:32
om26erDamascene, bug#52486010:32
om26erbug 52486010:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524860 in gnome-keyring "Locked out at lockscreen" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52486010:32
Damascenethank you10:33
om26erDamascene, np.. :)10:33
ZykoticK9does anyone happen to know if Sabnzbdplus 0.5 will be included with Lucid?  It's not for me it is a LP question.10:44
om26erZykoticK9, open a bug report for it10:46
om26erZykoticK9, [needs packaging] sabnzbdplus 0.510:47
ZykoticK9om26er, again, it's not for me - thought I'd try asking here, then answering the10:47
ZykoticK9om26er, i'll suggest to the poster to enter a bug report :)10:47
PascalFRhello   toward what package can I report a bug for rescue mode beeing unusable ?11:01
DamascenePascalFR, maybe you should ask in ubuntu-bugs channel11:21
kklimondaPascalFR: what exactly doesn't work?11:21
kklimondaPascalFR: the package responsible for displaying a text menu is friendly-recovery11:25
kklimondaPascalFR: kernel bugs should be reported against linux package and problems related to the boot process against upstart11:26
wirechiefcan anyone get my nick un-banned from #ubuntu ? i have fixed my network problems.11:46
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rwwwirechief: ask in #ubuntu-ops11:48
wirechiefthanks rww11:49
PascalFRkklimonda: the problem is the rescue screen is cluttered with upstart messages and going to the rescue shell is impossible because there are 2 competitors for stdin/stdout11:50
DamascenePascalFR, did the rescue menu appear?11:51
PascalFRyes  no problem  it appears correctly    then some console messages come  in the middle and then you cannot login on the maintenance shell11:52
PascalFRDamascene: one line of input on 2 is swallowed by another process11:52
PascalFRDamascene: the first cha entered is always swallowed etc11:53
DamasceneI'm using Lucid and I can't reproduce11:53
PascalFRi am on karmic11:53
DamasceneKarmic bugs are in ubuntu-bugs as far as I know11:53
PascalFRso i was querring  how can i report such a bug11:54
Damascene/j #ubuntu-bugs11:54
penguin42hmm - the volume control panel app isn't playing ball today - won't slide, won't unmute - sound preferences is fine though12:02
BUGabundo_remotepenguin42: got that last week12:04
BUGabundo_remotetoday is fine12:04
penguin42haven't done an update today yet12:05
penguin42is it indicator-sound-service?12:06
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om26erwell the gtk patch did not work.12:40
zniavreom26er,  for cpu usage or rgba stuff?12:41
om26erzniavre, yes, the latest update didnot fix it even12:42
zniavrethat's right12:42
om26erubottu, are you there?12:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:44
zniavrexorg process still too hight if im not minimize to tray somme apps12:44
* om26er downgraded gtk13:11
zniavreom26er,  to wich version please ?13:14
om26ersorry 213:14
zniavreyou ll need to downgrade 4 more packages no?13:17
zniavrethere are still available somewhere ?13:18
om26erzniavre, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/2.19.5-1ubuntu2/+build/150584213:26
BluesKajHey folks13:27
zniavreom26er,  thank you13:48
* om26er is working on an experimental ppa for gtk13:49
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penguin42oh look, the rsyslogd of doom14:44
zniavreom26er,  did you switch to old gtk libs ? is it solved ?15:09
om26erzniavre, yes its is15:20
BUGabundo_remotewhat's used by gwibber to show notifications? I haven't get the bubles in a while!15:35
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penguin42is anyone getting a lot of flicker when resizing gnome-terminals?15:51
BUGabundo_remotepenguin42: gtk bug?15:52
penguin42BUGabundo_remote: Dunno, could be, could be driver15:52
BUGabundo_remoteFYI gwibber now defaults to only show replies, so that's why I wasn't getting the notificans15:52
kklimondapenguin42: it's reported but I don't know bug number15:53
penguin42ok, not just me then15:53
void^additionally to resizing, gnome-terminal also flickers whenever the window title changes (eg, when changing directories)15:55
penguin42hmm it affects lxterm as well, so it's probably libvte16:02
Raydiationwhen will the next alpha be released?16:57
jpdsRaydiation: Thursday.16:57
Raydiationjpds: this week?16:57
jpdsRaydiation: Yes.16:58
cndI've heard that lucid recently gained a different volume mixer applet17:00
cndis that the case?17:00
ZykoticK9cnd, yes17:00
cndZykoticK9, can you point me to some documentation?17:00
ZykoticK9cnd, it's horizontal instead of vertical17:00
ZykoticK9cnd, don't know anything about it other then just my use of it, sorry17:01
cndZykoticK9, ok, thanks17:03
Ian_Cornewell, it's not really an applet anymore, it's part of the indicator applet now17:06
penguin42Ian_Corne: It still seems to be a separate process - what does it gain from being part of the indicator applet ?17:07
Ian_CorneIf you right click it, it doesn't say antyhing about that applet anymore17:08
Ian_Corneyou now left click it and select the preference option in that menu17:08
Ian_Corneso there's less confusion I think17:08
penguin42Ian_Corne: Shrug - doesn't make much difference to me, it does seem to have merged it into a single X client which is probably a benefit17:10
penguin42(although I'm find it's a bit flaky)17:10
Ian_CorneI haven't run into any issues yet17:11
Ian_Cornebut it's not like I extensivly use that applet :p17:11
penguin42Ian_Corne: I'm finding the mute/unmute sometimes seems to stick17:11
Ian_Cornehmm, I haven't noticed that and I actually use that feature alot, in class, out of class17:12
penguin42when you mute is it changing the text to 'unmute all' or leaving it as mute all ?17:13
Ian_Corneunmute all where?17:13
Ian_CorneI don't have any applications running making sound :p17:13
penguin42Ian_Corne: Left button to get menu and then what's the top thing you see?17:13
Ian_CorneJust says unmute17:13
penguin42for me it says 'Mute all'17:13
Ian_Cornewell, i'm muted, so mute all would be wrong :p17:14
penguin42right and that's what I'm seeing - it's stuck in 'mute all' irrespective of whether it's muted, before I saw it stick in unmute all17:14
penguin42bug 52589317:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525893 in indicator-sound "Mute behavior not reliable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52589317:19
cndIan_Corne, penguin42, is there some documentation or email thread that talks about this?17:27
* penguin42 isn't aware of one17:27
cndI have a bug submission talking about howupgrading his kernel in lucid made his audio applet go away17:27
cndI'm guessing it's gone away because of this change17:27
cndIan_Corne, penguin42, even a pointer to the correct package would help17:28
penguin42cnd: indicator-sound is the new one17:28
cndI'm not too familiar with whatever package it would be17:28
cndpenguin42, what was the older package?17:29
penguin42hmm not sure17:29
Ian_Cornecnd: because he doesn't have the indicatior applet on his panel17:43
Ian_Corneit's the enveloppe icon17:44
Ian_Corneis mt guess17:44
cndIan_Corne, oh, so the audio mixer control has been merged into that indicator applet thingy...17:45
cndI see17:45
Ian_Cornenoo, ubottu!17:55
Ian_Corneaah :)17:55
eagles0513875Ian_Corne: hes broken for some reason17:57
Ian_Corneubottu: test17:58
penguin42perhaps he needs oiling?17:58
Laibsch1After updating my LAN server from hardy to lucid, I now have http://paste.debian.net/60978/  Isn't this a problem to have such a mix between grub1 and grub2?18:00
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penguin42Laibsch: I think you'll find it's actually still running grub1 - I don't think it tries to replace the underlying grub1 automatically18:03
NitsugaLaibsch, when you have both installed grub1 chainloads grub218:06
Nitsugait is done just in case it doesn't work18:06
Nitsugayou can remove grub1 safely if grub2 is working fine18:06
Samuel-NotAFKWhen will GIMP be dropped and what will replace it?18:36
crimsungimp is only being dropped from the desktop seed for new installs; it's still installable via any package manager, and if you already have it installed it won't be removed.18:38
Samuel-NotAFKcrimsun: When is it being dropped from new installs? What will replace it?18:38
penguin42I guess f-spot will still be there for the normal clip and tweek of camera images18:39
Samuel-NotAFKSo Ubuntu isn't going to supply any image manipulation software?18:39
vegaSamuel-NotAFK: read 3 lines up ?18:41
Samuel-NotAFKSo the Ubuntu CD isn't going to supply any image manipulation software?18:41
PiciSamuel-NotAFK: Out of the box? Correct.18:41
Samuel-NotAFKPici: What box?18:41
penguin42well, as I said I assume f-spot will still be there18:41
PiciSamuel-NotAFK: 'out of the box' means the system state right after your install.18:42
Samuel-NotAFKI need some sort of simple program for very basic modifications.18:42
Samuel-NotAFKGIMP is too complicated for my needs.18:42
Samuel-NotAFKWhat's best out of Tuxpaint and Gpaint?18:43
penguin42Samuel-NotAFK: Try f-spot if it's simple type of crop/rotate/colour tweeks18:43
vegapaint software and image manipulation are kind of different18:43
Samuel-NotAFKAh, this is what I want: http://pinta-project.com/18:49
Machtinuhm.. why can't i set my screen resolution to more than 1280*720 or so?19:02
penguin42Machtin: Well probably either because theres a problem with your display driver not recognising your card or it not recognising your monitor19:12
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Machtinpenguin42: i think i might not even need to fix the problem myself, if i find out how to boot clean.19:21
mbeierlanyone know if there is anything in Lucid that can stream video/audio from a web cam, or if there's any plans?19:21
Machtinatm i boot, enter my luks-passphrase and then nothing happens. when i alt+print+k, i can get back to a root-shell, from where i can mount /dev/mapper/home and startx19:22
penguin42mbeierl: Can empathy do it in Lucid?19:25
pgoetz Small Lucid server problem, trying to decide if I should report this as a bug:  When the machine boots, it comes up on vt7, which is just a -, since X isn't installed and getty isn't running.  I always have to <Alt>-<F1> to login.  Not a big deal, but can be kind of confusing the first time.19:27
jemarki prefer pidgin19:27
ZykoticK9pgoetz, sounds similar to my bug of #51784219:28
ZykoticK9bug 51784219:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517842 in gdm "if GDM disabled system still boot to Virtual Console 7 (a flashing cursor)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51784219:29
DanaG"Wireless Networks Available"19:29
DanaG"Click this icon..."19:29
* DanaG goes to click it.19:29
DanaGARGH, where'd it go?19:29
* DanaG moves mouse away.... hey, it's back!19:30
* DanaG tries again... ARGH.19:30
arandmbeierl: since vlc can capture /dev/video0 seemingly without problems, I would assume it would be possible also to stream it somewhere to..19:30
DanaGStupid notify-osd.19:30
DanaG"click this icon" -- yeah, right.19:30
arandDanaG: It's still the wrong icon isn't it?19:30
DanaGEr, I mean that it literally said "click this icon"... and there was an icon two inches to the left.19:34
DanaGSo, I did what any logical person would do: tried to click the icon.  =þ19:34
DanaG(Yeah, I do know to go to nm-applet; I'm just making a point.)19:34
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pgoetzZykoticK9, that must be it -- thanks for logging this and saving me the trouble.  BTW, for the server install, this is the default behavior (i.e. gdm isn't installed by default)19:35
arandDanaG: Yea :) But have they changed the icon to actually look like nm-applet yet, I know it doesn't correspond in Karmic...19:35
DanaGI'm not sure, but I'd say not.19:35
pgoetzI posted that this bug affects me, too and will add a comment.19:35
DanaGEr, it's vaguely similar.19:35
ZykoticK9pgoetz, you might want to add that detail to the bug!  I doubt its getting much attention right now19:36
pgoetzOK, will do.19:36
mbeierlarand: nope.  The docs are all "outdated" and I have yet to get vlc to work.  Asked on #videolan and no response :(  thanks anyway19:38
arandmbeierl: well, I don't know about Lucid but on Karmic it's fairly simple to "open capture device" and at least get a local/to-file stream, as to streaming outwards I have no idea though, which is likely the crux I guess..19:41
penguin42apt-cache search webcam suggests webcam-server19:45
zniavregood evening19:48
mbeierlarand: ya.  That's the actual problem.  Nothing I can figure out actually works for the streaming out part.19:48
arandmbeierl: Just saw this dunno if helpful: http://www.wikihow.com/Use-VLC-Media-Player-to-Stream-Multimedia-to-Another-Computer seems reasonably up-to-date at least..19:55
kklimondadoes anyone know if Canonical is planning to update Desktop Course before 10.04 release?19:56
mbeierlarand: thanks, but that does not quite work either.  It for some reason cannot open my video device when I use the wizard.  If I get it to go from the command line, it just complains about buffer overruns and there's no video on the other side.19:59
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=== PancakeStaffer is now known as KB1JWQ
zniavreeach time i boot the first try gdm or xserver crash (black screen) the second try is good20:20
zniavreis it known ?20:20
zniavreand xorg still eat too manu cpu even with today update of libgtk20:21
Nitsugazniavre, it happens to me also20:24
Nitsugait crashes when you press the enter key20:24
Nitsugaif you have autologin that's ery anoying20:24
Nitsugabecause 4 example you start firefox, type a url, press enter and it crashes20:25
NitsugaI think it has to do with plymouth20:25
pgoetzZykoticK9, on further research I'm not sure this is a gdm bug, but rather a problem with the default upstart configuration files20:25
Nitsugabecause before xserver crashes all the ttys are frozen/black20:25
zniavrethere is a bug report on this problem ?20:26
Nitsugapgoetz, I think it has to do with plymouth on non-KMS hardware20:26
Nitsugai didin't file any20:26
zniavreim not good enough in english to try to fil one bug it looks too "technical" to just say gdm crashes at first try20:27
ZykoticK9pgoetz, that's quite possible - i certainly have no idea what the cause is.  I was just seeing if my Karmic method of disabling GDM worked in Lucid - which it does, minus this small "bug" regarding what vt shows up by default.20:29
zniavrethat s true startx works as a charm with no crash after that20:30
pgoetznitsuga, what do you mean by non-KMS hardware?20:31
ZykoticK9zniavre, Nitsuga i've notied the Enter on my number pad does not have the same effect.  I still have to use alt+sysrq+k most times when i log in mind you.  Just wanted to point out the Enter weirdness20:33
Nitsugapgoetz, thinks like a nvidia card that doesn0t suppor KMS20:34
pgoetzAlso, no matter what hardware I have, if X isn't installed, the machine should probably default to vt1.20:34
Nitsugapgoetz, in my computer plymouth is not shown at all20:34
Nitsugazniavre,  which graphics card do you have?20:35
zniavreNitsuga,  old nvidia fx550020:37
Nitsugapgoetz, do you have this issue?20:37
zniavrewith 173.14.25 driver20:38
Nitsugapgoetz are you there20:39
Nitsugazniavre, please wait before filing the bug20:40
Nitsugamaybe we can make it more especific20:40
pgoetzhi, yeah I'm checking.  It's an HP server with onboard graphics that I never bothered to think about since X isn't installed.20:40
zniavreNitsuga, ok im waiting20:41
zniavrethank you20:41
pgoetzVideo chip: Matrox  MGA G200e20:41
pgoetzAlso, looks like plymouth is installed.20:42
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
Nitsugafor example, "X crashes after pressing enter on hardware that don't support KMS"20:42
Nitsugazniavre, file a bug with that title on plymouth20:43
NitsugaOr I can do it if you want to20:43
zniavreif english is natural for you i want it yes20:43
pgoetzHi, what is the plymouth bug being filed?20:44
zniavrei can add myself to this bug just after you ll give us an url20:44
Nitsugapgoetz, "X crashes after pressing enter on hardware that don't support KMS"20:45
Nitsugapgoetz, I think it is a plymouth problem because with plymouth uninstalled the issue is not present20:46
pgoetzI think I got sucked into the wrong bug discussion -- my problem is that a system without any xserver installed still defaults to vt7, which only has a flashing "-"  since getty only runs on vt1-6.  I think this is an Upstart problem20:47
zniavreNitsuga, possibly this one no ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/52538620:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525386 in gdm "GDM restarts once after boot in Lucid" [Low,Incomplete]20:51
zniavreNitsuga, this one must be our bug too i think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/52538620:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525386 in gdm "GDM restarts once after boot in Lucid" [Low,Incomplete]20:55
Nitsugasorry, something happened while I disconnected?20:55
Nitsuga<Nitsuga> pgoetz, it may be plymouth too, because plymouth runs on vt720:55
ZykoticK9zniavre, that's the same bug you linked before?  did you find another/different one?20:56
zniavreZykoticK9, no i reposted it for Nitsuga i thought he was disconnected20:58
Nitsugalet's see20:58
Nitsugamy inet connection is very erratical after a storm20:58
penguin42Nitsuga: The packets are wet?20:59
Nitsugayes, I have a ping flood20:59
Nitsugaziroday, the bug IS the same that we have21:02
Nitsugazniavre,  the bug IS the same that we have21:03
Nitsugapgoetz, zniavre, what to do? comment in that bug report or file another one?21:03
zniavreStatus is incomplete i do not know how to log or report21:05
Nitsugazniavre, I will get a backtrace and file another one21:05
voidmageare the nvidia 190 drivers packaged in lucid? the 195 drivers make my system hard lock21:05
zniavreNitsuga, ok21:06
bjsniderboth are packaged21:06
pgoetzI'm not sure.  Right now I'm checking to see how Upstart decides what vt the user lands on if X isn't running.21:06
voidmagebjsnider: where at? all the non-legacy packages i could find point to nvidia-current, which is 19521:07
bjsnider!info nvidia-current lucid21:07
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 195.36.03-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 22719 kB, installed size 70820 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)21:08
bjsniderwell, alberto must have decided to move to the 195 driver because of kde21:09
* Nitsuga installing debugging symbols21:09
voidmagehmm, then what can i do since 195 makes my system hard lock but 190 doesn't?21:09
bjsnideryou mean your system hard locks on boot?21:10
voidmageit hard locks after using it for some time21:10
voidmagei couldn't pin down a pattern when i tried to use 195 in karmic, either21:10
bjsniderhow do you know it's the 195 driver?21:10
voidmagebecause it doesn't happen in 190 is why i continue to suspect 19521:10
voidmage(if i get disconnected it's because it hard locked on me again)21:11
bjsniderwhat's your graphics card?21:11
voidmagenvidia GT 24021:11
bjsniderreport a bug to nvidia21:12
bjsniderare you using nvidia-current or did you install the thing yourself?21:13
voidmagei'm using nvidia-current right now21:13
Nitsugait seems that we have another one with the plymouth issue!21:13
Nitsugavoidmage, it hangs after pressing enter?21:13
voidmageNitsuga: no, it happens randomly when i'm using the machine21:14
voidmagemy laptop on the other hand...21:14
voidmage-awaywhoops, hardlocked again21:20
=== voidmage-away is now known as voidmage
voidmageit happens really often anyway, at least 5 times today alone21:21
voidmagei'm going to try purging plymouth and seeing if the hardlocks still continue, because there's a lot of reported bugs with plymouth21:23
voidmagethat way i'll know for sure if it's the driver or random plymouth things21:23
Laibschthanks, Nitsuga and penguin4221:24
Nitsugavoidmage, you can restart the x server with alt-Print Screen-K21:27
* penguin42 can't remember saying anything!21:27
voidmageNitsuga: doesn't work for me21:28
* Nitsuga will take forever to download the debugging symbols with this internet connection21:28
voidmageNitsuga: the only thing i could get it to respond to when it hard locks is RSEIUB21:29
BUGabundohey guys how do you replace UNR Maximize WM by nautilus?21:37
BUGabundoor metacity21:37
zniavremetacity --replace ?21:37
BUGabundowill it even work?21:38
DanaGactually, the thing in UNR that auto-maximizes is "devilspie".21:38
DanaGcheck startup-applications preferences thingy.21:38
BUGabundoso just un start it ?21:38
DanaGDisable that startup thingy, yeah.21:39
NitsugaBUGabundo, maximuse is a background app21:41
Nitsugajust kill it21:41
BUGabundowhat's its name ?21:41
Nitsugaand remove it from the startup programs21:41
BUGabundohelping a noob remotely21:41
Nitsuga"maximuse" i think21:41
BUGabundoso running gtkperf to test the GTK slow down bug21:48
BUGabundoits better but not perfect yet21:48
BUGabundowhen to guest session21:55
BUGabundohad to kill gnome-keyring to be able to login :(21:55
penguin42BUGabundo: SOme of the tests in gtkperf seem to vary quite a bit from run to run21:59
BUGabundoI had 140 sec21:59
bjsnideri wouldn't place total trust in gtkperf22:00
BUGabundo8 sec on a clean session22:00
BUGabundo24 sec right now on this session22:00
BUGabundobjsnider: if some app is using GPU or X22:00
LaibschI'm upgrading my hardy server to lucid.  xulrunner-1.9 refuses to decease: http://paste.debian.net/61026/  lucid has a newer version of libhunspell.  Have I hit a bug?  How do I get out of this situation?22:00
BUGabundosure it changes the result22:00
BUGabundobtw bjsnider I never got a reply from the lessfs guy22:00
penguin42BUGabundo: 142.31 then 141.27 for me, but the GtkComboBox subtest varied by .5s between the two runs for example22:00
BUGabundoLaibsch: how are you upgrading?22:01
bjsniderBUGabundo, neither did i. he seems like a shift type of guy22:01
bjsnidershifty i mean22:01
LaibschBUGabundo: aptitude because update-manager wouldn't do it (I already talked to mvo about it and opened a ticket).  update-manager did not do hardy->lucid, but insisted on hardy->intrepid instead.22:02
BUGabundoahh ok22:02
BUGabundoso you are in a mess22:02
LaibschI said so ;-)22:03
BUGabundoI would just purge offending packagesd22:03
BUGabundoand latter install them back22:03
Laibsch"just" just doesn't work22:03
BUGabundoor just metapackages22:03
BUGabundoand let them pull it22:03
BUGabundowhy not?22:03
LaibschI don't need the package22:03
charlie-tcahardy to lucid upgrade is broke again?22:03
Laibschyet, I still cannot get rid of it22:03
BUGabundoLaibsch: can you ping the guys at #ubuntu-mozillateam22:03
LaibschI wasn't yet expecting a smooth ride22:03
BUGabundoits their "mess" :D22:03
LaibschI wonder what you could reasonably do at a packaging level, though22:04
LaibschIf anything, it's only in the hardy packages22:04
* Laibsch thinks22:04
BUGabundoLaibsch: can you ping the guys at #ubuntu-mozillateam22:04
LaibschI'll give it a try22:04
Laibschhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-updates/xulrunner-1.9 has the dependency on the correct version of libhunspell, it seems.  Adding that won't help22:12
Ian_CorneAnyone still have an segfault on dpkg on 64 bit?22:13
BUGabundonot for a few days Ian_Corne22:17
BUGabundoI did got a few last week22:17
BUGabundoand reported in LP22:17
LaibschI wonder how aptitude can deinstall libhunspell-1.1.0 before xulrunner-1.9 (the latter depends on the former)22:23
Laibschany ideas?22:23
BUGabundoor manually remove them from the APT DB22:24
LaibschI didn't do that22:24
LaibschI'm not asking how to get out of the situation22:24
LaibschI'm more interested how it was possible to get into this situation22:25
BUGabundoso it can be preentive fixed22:25
Laibschbecause that determines if I hit a bug or not22:25
LaibschI think I certainly hit a bug22:26
LaibschI have reinstalled the hardy libhunspell22:26
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Laibschand the console looks like http://paste.debian.net/61032/22:26
Laibschseems like there is some kind of problem with u-a22:26
CosmiChaoshow do i switch volume?22:54
CosmiChaoswheres the applet gone?22:54
penguin42CosmiChaos: You should still have one, just a different one22:56
CosmiChaosno i have no volume control panel left22:56
penguin42CosmiChaos: Try running /usr/lib/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service22:57
CosmiChaos** (process:25998): DEBUG: Service shutdown !22:57
CosmiChaos** (process:25998): DEBUG: I just closed communication with Pulse22:57
penguin42but no icon?22:58
CosmiChaosi mean master volume control works via media keys22:58
penguin42Right click on the panel and do add to panel and add 'indicator applet'22:58
CosmiChaosbut i need to tweak my tv-applikation volume down and keep master up22:58
CosmiChaoshmm what may it be in german22:59
penguin42erm I don't know - I only speak English!22:59
CosmiChaoswell it works but the icon for audio is broke xD22:59
CosmiChaosya whatever23:00
penguin42in what way?23:00
CosmiChaoshow do i remove the messenger mail symbol?23:00
penguin42don't know23:01
cjohnstonanyone know if there is an update on when the plymouth bug will be fixed?23:01
CosmiChaoswtf now i have empathy icon what i dont even use at all its just install for alternative while them beeing at all just launchers23:02
CosmiChaosi dont need any more systray launchers23:02
penguin42CosmiChaos: The new sound thing is part of the indicator package, I don't know how to be more selective23:02
penguin42CosmiChaos: Ah, you could try running gnome-volume-control-applet instead23:03
CosmiChaosnow after sound preferences23:03
CosmiChaosi got a white sound settigns box at the top left of the screen23:03
CosmiChaosin addition to the old sound preference window23:03
CosmiChaosa complete MESS23:03
CosmiChaosat least xkill works23:05
exalthello is lucid the best version ever?23:24
penguin42well it's still Alpha, it's still finding its feet23:25
exaltpenguin42:  is plymouth already inplemented?23:27
penguin42some people are hitting some bugs, but hey that's alpha for you23:27
exaltpenguin42:  yes yes, and the design?23:28
exaltin gnome 3 inplemented?23:28
exaltpenguin42: pfew :P23:29
DanaG Syntax error: "esac" unexpected (expecting "fi")23:53
RAOFNow you're going to tell us which maintainer script you found that in.23:53
* penguin42 is disappointed by RAOFs week powers of telepathy23:54
penguin42weak even, his week powers are just slow23:55

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