
crimsunTheMuso: any qualms for a bugfix-only pulse upload RSN?  (lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/pulseaudio/ubuntu/ is current)03:47
TheMusocrimsun: let me have a peak, but not at this point I think we're fine.03:47
TheMusocrimsun: looks ok fire away.03:49
crimsunTheMuso: ok03:49
pittiGood morning07:09
pitticcheney: I'm still not entirely sure whether the entirety of language-support-* is obsolete or just language-support-writing; ArneGoetje?07:10
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didrocksgood morning08:12
pittibonjour didrocks08:15
didrockshey pitti, how was your week-end?08:16
pittipretty good; did the moving of my grandparents on Saturday, and had some nice walking yesterday, and visiting friends08:16
didrockssweet :)08:17
baptistemmhey friends08:19
didrockssalut baptistemm08:20
baptistemmsalut didrocks08:20
baptistemmI played with a VM this weekedn, installaing a 8.04 and upgrading to 10.0408:20
baptistemmat the end of the upgrading update-manager crashed and didn't finished cleaning the useless packages and leftover from 8.0408:21
baptistemmbut the weirder thing is I had strange package like anjuta being installed for an unknown reason08:21
didrocksbaptistemm: can you log some bugs about that?08:25
baptistemmit was on my todo luist, but I wanted to try again :)08:26
didrocksbaptistemm: maybe just after alpha3?08:26
baptistemmyeah, I think that'll better08:27
baptistemmat least now it is a breath to install a vm with a ssd08:33
didrocksheh :)08:42
seb128good morning there08:50
pittibnjour seb12808:50
seb128hey pitti08:50
pittiseb128: net network-manager landed \o/08:50
* pitti congratulates seb128 for having 0 work items now08:51
* seb128 hugs pitti08:51
seb128oh nice you fixed that gnome-menus update bug too08:53
pittiwell, only half of it08:53
pittiit still needs a trivial change in nvidia's postinst08:53
didrockssalut seb128, bon week-end? :)08:56
seb128lu didrocks08:56
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:11
baptistemmhi chrisccoulson09:11
chrisccoulsonhey baptistemm, how are you?09:11
pittihey chrisccoulson09:11
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, did you have a good weekend?09:11
pittiI did indeed, how about your's?09:12
chrisccoulsonit was ok thanks. i spent friday and saturday preparing my new work area09:12
chrisccoulsonand then relaxed yesterday09:13
pittiat home?09:13
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:14
chrisccoulsonyeah. i had some new furniture arrive on friday09:14
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you09:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm quite good this morning thanks09:15
chrisccoulsoni finally got my laptop hooked up to the external monitor this weekend, and was hoping to make gsd crash by cycling video modes with Fn+F809:16
chrisccoulsonbut Fn+F8 is mapped incorrectly on my laptop09:16
chrisccoulsoni was quite surprised09:17
chrisccoulsonpitti knows about that stuff ;)09:17
pittichrisccoulson: you get the wrong key in xev?09:17
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. it's mapped to "f"09:17
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chrisccoulsonthat's what i thought too ;)09:18
pittichrisccoulson: can you please walk though /usr/share/doc/udev/README.keymap.txt.gz and tell me the missing scancode ?09:18
pittichrisccoulson: I'd appreciate if you could file an udev bug for it, so that we have a record to point to in the upstream commit09:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i can do that (but when i get home from work)09:19
baptistemmdoes mvo come here?09:19
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson09:19
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, how are you?09:19
pittibaptistemm: yes, usually09:20
baptistemmokay, thanks09:20
didrockschrisccoulson: better than before the weekend, thanks :)09:20
baptistemmasac, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/51935709:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 519357 in bluez "conffile prompt on upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04" [High,New]09:20
baptistemmperhaps I should start with a 6.06 as mvo did09:21
seb128pitti, is the installer known to be broken?09:27
seb128I tried to install current i386 desktop on the mini09:28
pittiurgh, again? it just got fixed two days ago09:28
pittiseb128: how does it manifest? last known breakage was that it didn't show the partitioning at all09:28
seb128but it doesn't display partitionning screen09:28
pittiand then crashed right when it wanted to start installing09:28
pittiseb128: ok, so still that09:28
seb128pitti, that was before weekend, let me rsync and try again today09:28
pittiseb128: yes, got fixed on Friday09:28
pittiseb128: we have a chart for today on http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/netbook.html09:29
seb128ok good09:29
pittiwhich indicates that today's image should work09:29
seb128rsync running09:29
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didrockspitti: the netbook image is 640Mo with gwibber this morning :)09:46
pittiyep, removal of gnumeric/abiword helped a lot09:47
pittiubuntu CDs fit again as well09:47
didrockspitti: I'll readd OO calc so09:47
pittioh, and we got new langpacks \o/09:47
didrockspitti: hum? on the netbook CD? I only see -en and -es09:48
pittididrocks: no, uploads09:48
pittinot yet seeded back09:48
pittithey are still building09:48
didrocksoh ok09:48
didrocksso, I'm adding that to the CD, some langpacks and OO calc09:49
kklimondapitti: how do you decide what languages are installed bundled on the desktop cd?09:51
pittikklimonda: we have a list of the 11 most widely spoken languages09:52
pittiwe keep adding from the top until the CD is full09:52
kklimondaach :)09:53
kklimondamakes sense09:53
pittibonjour huats, comment vas-tu?10:18
huatsgutten morgen Martin !10:19
huatsI am fine thanks ! You ?10:19
pittiI'm great, merci10:19
pittifunny that davidbarth and you make the same typo in "guten" :)10:19
* pitti wonders about German teachers in France10:20
huatspitti, actually i have never learnt german :)10:21
huatsseb128, hello !10:24
huatsI have a question regarding deskbar-applet. I think there are building issues due to the included documentation. speaking with didrocks he told me that I should mention that to you :)10:26
didrocksalso I told that you should ask upstream to include a built documentation in the tarball :)10:27
huatsindeed :)10:27
huatsbut I need to talk to master seb128 first ;)10:27
seb128hi huats10:27
seb128other people can usually reply to questions too just ask there10:28
seb128I try to reduce IRC time atm because some days I don't manage to get any work done otherwise10:28
seb128what is the question?10:28
huatsnot really a question :)10:35
huatsjust to let you know that the deskbar-applet build fails during the building documentation, since it is not built in the tarball10:36
huatsI will ask upstream to include it10:36
huats(since didrockstold me that is what you told him to do in such occasion)10:36
seb128huats, right do that and you can also update the package to build it for now10:51
chrisccoulsonbryceh - what do you need me to do to get the commit from this bug report in to lucid: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2585510:53
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25855 in Server/general "Screensaver not disabled because of a XResetScreenSaver() regression" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:53
chrisccoulson(so then users will stop harassing me about broken screensaver inhibiting ;) )10:53
pittiasac: new langpacks are built (for German, anyway), but the Yahoo start page is still in English; should that work now? or is the German translation just missing?11:46
pittiArneGoetje: ^ FYI11:46
asacpitti: the startpage is a problem of the website11:46
asacpitti: try the searchplugin11:46
asacthat should go to de.search.yahoo.com11:46
pittiasac: right, "Yahoo Deutschland"11:47
pittiI search for "pizza" and it gives me all German links11:47
asacnice ;)11:47
pittigreat, so that's how it's designed to be then?11:47
asacpitti: so for the website thats something online services has to fix11:47
asacmost likely they dont honour Accept-Language yet11:48
dpmpitti, asac, online services take care of uploading the translations to the server, they are not in language packs. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/BrowserStartPage11:48
asaci know11:48
* pitti flips WI to done then, thanks for the heads-up11:48
pittikenvandine: the four remaining "add exception handlers..." on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-social-from-the-start, what are those about? just stability? sounds like they could be moved to beta-1?11:49
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Laneyseb128: there is a mono merge in bug 525063 if you fancy it11:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525063 in mono "Merge mono 2.4.4~svn151842-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52506311:58
asacplesae no mono upload before a312:01
asaclet me do a testbuild in a native ppa12:05
asacif that finishes today we can upload still i think12:05
pitticassidy: a few days ago empathy broke with ICQ for me, it always says "network error" when authenticating; there's nothing in telepathy-haze's debug console, and it works just fine with pidgin; how would I go about debugging this?12:06
seb128pitti, pidgin.im says to uncheck client login in pidgin12:14
seb128I had to do this, I guess something changed server side12:14
seb128but empathy doesn't allow to uncheck that option12:15
pittiseb128: "client login"?12:24
pittiseb128: oh, I unchecked "use TLS" in pidgin indeed12:25
seb128pitti, I'm just typing what is on http://pidgin.im12:25
pittiseb128: thanks12:25
pittiI wonder why it works just fine in karmic; my wife has no problems with it at all12:26
* didrocks recreates a new squashfs, enough time to make some coffee :)12:30
asacseb128: why is "Trash" not availabe in places?12:31
seb128asac, because it's already in the default panel in a corner12:32
seb128and in the nautilus go menu too12:32
seb128and in the sidebar12:33
asacnot for me ;)12:33
asacbut ok ..12:33
asacits just that my mom couldnt find it ... and telling her: look in Places would have been easier than: look at the panel at the right corner ;)12:33
asacwonder where it is in UNE12:34
seb128nautilus defaults to browser in ubuntu12:35
seb128so it's in the sidebar of any nautilus window12:35
asacright. anyway, i am sure on UNE it could deserve a places entry ;)12:36
asacor some other special top level place12:36
pittiis anyone particularly affected with g-s-t? https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-services-settings-window is currently unowned12:39
pittiI'm fine with ignoring it for lucid, but if someone likes it, it's still time to test and reenable services-admin12:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - milanbv keeps asking me about this12:41
chrisccoulsonif you want me to bring it back, i can build it in to a separate package when i next do a g-s-t upload12:41
chrisccoulsoni think seb128 has reservations about installing it by default again12:42
pittiso would I12:42
pittiit's a "shoot yourself into the foot" thing12:42
pittichrisccoulson: no, *I* don't particularly want it back12:42
pittiI just asked if someone feels like "oooh I want that and have some cycles to check it out" :)12:43
chrisccoulsonare you happy for me to put it in to a separate package?12:43
chrisccoulsonthats quite easy for me to do12:43
pittithat's fine, and keeping it in universe12:44
pittichrisccoulson: so, if you want to, please feel free to assign https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-services-settings-window to yourself12:45
didrockspitti: do you feel confortable sponsoring a casper change today? I've rebuilt my own netbook live cd and it's working. I can still rebuilt an ubuntu desktop CD to see that the script doesn't kill it12:48
didrocks(it's for the ubiquity icon)12:48
pittididrocks: ooh, please12:49
pittididrocks: nothing in lp:ubuntu/casper yet, though?12:50
didrockspitti: right, I didn't push yet. let me the time to fill the changelog :)12:50
vishseb128: hi.. iirc , we wont be using evolution 2.30 , but will be sticking with evo 2.28 for lucid.. right?  Bug #424416 requires a small patch which has bee committed upstream , switching the accelerators > http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution/commit/?id=d7dbab49b5b3f8603286fa5c54332b93bbeca9d612:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424416 in hundredpapercuts "Evolution "Ctrl+S" should save an email as a draft" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42441612:51
seb128vish, did they commit the change to gnome-2-28?12:53
seb128vish, they will roll a new 2.28 tarball next week which we will get in lucid12:53
vishseb128: i dont think so.12:53
vishlet me check12:53
seb128can you try to get them to do that?12:53
seb128or ask on #evolution on irc.gnome.org12:53
vishseb128: mbarnes mentions >  I've swapped the "Save" and "Save as Draft" shortcuts for Evolution12:54
seb128could you ask them anyway for 2.28?12:54
seb128would be easier to have that change there too12:54
* vish will ask12:54
seb128vish, thank you12:55
didrockspitti: lp:~didrocks/casper/ubiquity-une12:57
pittididrocks: looks fine! uploaded, thanks for fixing this13:02
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didrockspitti: you're welcome :)13:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - how do i change the assignee of a spec? (or can't i do that)?13:10
pittichrisccoulson: you don't have an edit button after assignee?13:11
* pitti assigns to you13:11
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks13:11
pittithanks to you!13:12
chrisccoulsonno, i can't see an edit button13:12
chrisccoulsoni need more power ;)13:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - i can see an edit button now it's assigned to me13:13
chrisccoulsonperhaps i needed to subscribe first?13:13
pittichrisccoulson: I'm not entirely sure about the LP magic in the BP tracker..13:14
pittiI need to leave for some 2.5 hours, bbl13:20
kenvandinepitti, yes they can13:47
didrockskenvandine: gwibber in UNE CD last build, btw :)13:50
al-maisanAre thunderbird 3 and enigmail conflicting packages these days? enigmail de-installs thunderbird 3 and vice versa.14:46
kenvandinegood morning rickspencer314:56
rickspencer3good morning kenvandine14:56
nfeHello Guys!15:17
nfeCan anyone helps me?15:17
nfe/join ubuntu-bugs-announce15:18
rickspencer3didrocks, wow, a lot of contributions to quickly over the weekend!15:23
didrocksrickspencer3: indeed, Philip really rocks :)15:23
kenvandinerickspencer3, seen quickshot?15:23
kenvandinelooks cool15:24
* kenvandine hasn't actually tried it15:24
rickspencer3kenvandine, what is quickshot?15:24
kenvandinecreated with quickly15:25
rickspencer3kenvandine, nice15:26
kenvandinea way to get more people to contribute to the manual :)15:26
seb128kenvandine, didrocks: can one of you make the empathy upgrade?16:14
kenvandineseb128, i will16:15
kenvandineshould get it done today16:15
pittiwill that fix my ICQ? :-)16:16
baptistemmwho is still using ICQ, that"s 90's16:16
seb128kenvandine, thanks16:17
pittiwell, all of my friends are..16:17
seb128pitti, I doubt it16:17
seb128I'm using ICQ too16:17
pittiI was just whining anyway16:17
seb128cassidy, there?16:17
baptistemmpitti, no offense :)16:17
pittiseb128: I already pinged cassidy earlier today about hints how to debug this; I don't get any error message from telepathy-haze in the dbg console16:17
seb128pitti, right, and I've not seen him reply16:18
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - if you adjust the brightness of your screen using the brightness keys, do you expect the brightness to be restored between sessions?16:18
seb128but he did roll a new tarball so he's around :p16:18
chrisccoulson(sorry, random question ;) )16:18
pittichrisccoulson: I wouldn't expect it16:18
seb128chrisccoulson, you could think so, or at least you could assume it does when not touching the keyboard for 15 seconds16:18
pittiwhen I shut down and reboot my laptop 10 hours later, I'll probably at a completely different environment/daytime/etc.16:18
seb128that bug is driving me nuts when I use my laptop at confs16:18
didrockspitti: when you have some time as you can't discuss in ICQ lp:didrocks/+junk/netbook.lucid :)16:19
pittiright, but that's a completely different question :)16:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - i was just wondering what other people thought. i find the current behaviour quite irritating, and wondered if there was a logical reason for it ;)16:19
pittichrisccoulson: it's certainly irritating within a session (not restoring previous level after a timeout)16:19
chrisccoulsonthe first thing i do when i power my laptop up is turn the display brightness down16:20
chrisccoulsoni suppose i could turn it down in the power preferences capplet, but that option is undiscoverable i think16:20
chrisccoulson(display brightness adjustment in power management settings?)16:20
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you find that the brightness is not restored (to the value you set with the brightness keys) when returning from idle etc?16:22
pittichrisccoulson: I can't quite remember (mostly I'm working on an external screen), but it drives seb128 mad, therefore it is a crucial bug16:23
chrisccoulsonwell, i can probably guess why that occurs without even looking at the code16:24
chrisccoulsonwhen switching idle modes, the new brightness is calculated based on all the settings in gconf16:25
seb128the known bug is: take you laptop, set brightness, work, don't touch the keyboard for 15 seconds time to drink some water, it dims, touch it it doesn't go back where you were16:25
chrisccoulsonbut pressing the brightness keys doesn't save any new settings anywhere16:25
seb128it always go back to the default value16:25
seb128not the previously used value16:25
seb128yeah, using the applet it changes your default value when you change the slider16:26
seb128which doesn't make sense either16:26
pittididrocks: meh, I can't commit, bzr didn't like something that I did and now it's stuck in a lock16:27
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's annoying. i can fix that by linking the brightness keys with the slider value, but i was wondering if there's a sane reason why that's not done already (or just an oversight)? if the 2 were linked, the brightness would return to the value you set with the brightness keys16:27
didrockspitti: oh? bzr branch again?16:27
pittididrocks: ah, got it16:27
seb128chrisccoulson, could be worth asking upstream before working on the change16:28
* pitti needs to get used more to work with bound branches16:28
pittididrocks: I suppose you want me to rebuild n-meta? or more changes ahead?16:28
h00kso, I have a few questions about RGBA. I'm seeing a few conflicting things about whether it will be included in Lucid or Lucid+1, I saw the Weekly Newsletter link to an article claiming it will be included, I was just wondering. I do see bug #491521 but I'm not quite sure what it exactly means as far as if it will be included.16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491521 in gtk+2.0 "Decorations and RGBA" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49152116:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i will ask hughsie at some point. his name on #gnome-hackers suggests he doesn't want to be disturbed at the moment though16:28
didrockspitti: no more changes in the pipe, so, feel free to rebuild it please :)16:28
* didrocks hugs pitti, thanks a lot16:31
didrocksnormally, we should still have some MB free for the future, I didn't add languages we don't have in the ubuntu desktop iso16:31
seb128pitti, btw speaking about the app indicator gpm change from the other day, there is no runtime fallback for those changes16:32
seb128the init can't really fail16:32
seb128the crasher should be fixed too, if you want to review the change again16:32
pittiright, my point was that there should be a test for indicator_new() returning NULL16:33
pittiand falling back to upstream behaviour?16:33
seb128it would be complicated and that's not what we decided on16:33
seb128indicator_new can't really fail16:33
seb128or you have an issue and your software is good to exit16:34
pittididrocks: oh, that also pulled in plymouth-x11; let's see..16:34
seb128pitti, libappindicator does transparent fallback to notification area if there is no indicator16:34
seb128but it uses the same menus there than it would have used on the indicator16:34
pittiseb128: ok16:34
seb128that's how it has been decided those changes would be done16:34
pittididrocks: uploaded16:35
didrockspitti: I feel having extra space was needed so16:35
didrockspitti: thanks16:35
seb128then appindicator or not is a buildtime option16:35
pittiseb128: do you happen to have the bug # handy?16:36
chrisccoulsonpitti - bug 49787016:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497870 in gnome-media "Support Application Indicators" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49787016:37
seb128pitti, bug #49787016:37
chrisccoulsonheh ;)16:37
pitticheers :)16:37
dobeywhat the heck is rhythmbox doing that it requires 25% of my cpu?!16:39
pittiI was wondering the same16:39
pittiit was just playing an mp316:39
pittibut with 45%16:39
dobeyyeah, same here (though ~25%)16:40
dobeyhmm, if I pause, CPU goes down16:42
dobeybut plyaing it goes right back to ~25%16:42
davmor2pitti, dobey: I got 6% as a high here on Karmic and 2% as an average.16:42
pittiseb128: the bug speaks of "The crash is fixed in indicator-application trunk. So the patch should work as soon as indicator-application package is updated."; do you know whether that happened already?16:42
dobeydavmor2: yes, on Karmic it was fine for me too16:42
pittiit just started recently in lucid16:42
dobeyI wonder if it's pulseaudio in lucid causing it to spike16:42
davmor2I'll try the same track on Lucid16:43
dobeyguess i'll find out soon enough since there's a pulseaudio update installing right now on my machine16:43
seb128tedg, ^16:43
h00kdobey: I've been having a lot of pulseaudio running away and taking 100% of my CPU, perhaps they're related16:43
seb128pitti, I'm about to do an appindicator upload so I will backport that change too if it's not16:43
pittiseb128: ah, sweet; I'm doing the gpm change in bzr now, but wait for your word to upload16:43
seb128dobey, pitti: it's gtk csd16:43
dobeydavmor2: any track will do it. it's unrelated. It just has to be playing.16:44
seb128doing the rhythmbox cpu use16:44
pittioh, does gtk do mp3 decoding now, too?16:44
* pitti hugs gtk16:44
dobeyseb128: then wouldn't it do it while not playing an mp3 also?16:44
seb128dobey, no, it seems to be triggered when there is a title update16:44
dobeyseb128: i don't think that's the problem here16:44
seb128bratsche is working on those performances issues16:44
dobeyand I don't seem to have client side deco here anyway16:45
seb128well try downgrading gtk to 2.19.5-1ubuntu1 and see if that works better16:45
davmor2dobey, pitti: maxes out at 36% average around 28%16:46
dobeyand if it was title change, i would expect it to only spike when the title changes, for a millesecond or so, and then resume normality16:46
dobeyplay/puase doesn't change the title, and there's no usage when paused16:47
seb128dobey, read bug #52394916:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523949 in gtk+2.0 "the csd changes make some desktop applications hog the cpu" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52394916:47
seb128pitti, the appindicator fix is in lucid16:48
pittiseb128: merci; uploading gpm16:48
dobeyseb128: the xorg cpu usage is fine for me. it's only rbox using ridiculous cpu here16:48
seb128dobey, ok, different issue then I guess16:48
jcastropitti: woo, one more app indicator, thanks!16:49
dobeyseb128: i might also have the title change issue, but it's not the major one for me. when i change songs rbox does spike to ~50%, but then goes back down to ~25% while playing, and ~0% while paused/idle16:50
dobeyseb128: so i'm going to take a wild guess and presume it's something to do with the gst sink to pulseaudio16:50
dobeyhrmm, I guess I should reboot to see if that helps too16:51
dobeyNope. no love. rbox is still ridiculous with the cpu17:00
dobeytotem isn't as bad, but goes between 5-10% while playing17:01
dobey(playing an mp3)17:01
seb128try play an ogg just to see?17:01
dobeyso maybe it's not pulseaudio sink17:01
dobeyi don't know if i even have any oggs17:02
dobeyi know i don't have any ogg in my rbox library17:02
pittiseb128: same with ogg17:20
seb128pitti, downgrade gtk to 2.19.5-1ubuntu117:21
pittihm, it's a minimized window.. but sure17:21
seb128pitti, did you send it to the indicator?17:22
seb128ie closed the ui?17:22
pittiseb128: you can't close it, just minimize17:22
pittiit's still in the task bar17:22
seb128you can close it17:22
pittii. e. not close in the way you can do with empathy or gtimelog17:22
pittiif I do "show rhythmbox" in the indicator, it's just minimized17:22
seb128pitti, gconf /apps/rhythmbox/plugins/status-icon/status-icon-mode ?17:23
seb128gconf /apps/rhythmbox/plugins/status-icon/window-visible too17:23
pittiseb128: "2"17:23
seb128try 3?17:23
pittiwindow-visible> true17:24
seb128and close rhythmbox17:24
pittiI'll downgrade gtk first17:24
seb128ok thanks17:24
pittiseb128: right, no problem any more with gtk ubuntu117:25
seb128pitti, ok, so it's the gtk csd issue I pointed before17:26
seb128pitti, you had 0ubuntu4 before right?17:26
pittithanks seb12817:26
seb128bratsche, ^ rhythmbox cpu use issue is still there for pitti17:26
seb128pitti, np17:26
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|break
maxbseb128: Concerning bug 524882, I do not believe it's invalid. Given that the .desktop file contains an AutostartCondition referencing the gconf key, it seems like it's intended to be compatible17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524882 in gnome-keyring "Disregards gconf daemon-components settings in 2.29" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52488217:40
* kenvandine -> lunch17:40
seb128maxb, ok, reopen the bug then17:40
seb128it does make sense17:41
seb128but if the autostart does check the key I'm not sure why it doesn't work17:41
mdeslaurjcastro: so, do you have an example text blurb when opening upstream bugs with application indicator patches?17:57
jcastromdeslaur: I do, one moment17:59
ubottuGnome bug 609654 in applets "Support for application-indicators/StatusNotifierIcon" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]17:59
jcastromdeslaur: adjust accordingly17:59
mdeslaurthanks jcastro17:59
rodrigo_kenvandine, ping18:30
kenvandinerodrigo_, pong18:32
rodrigo_hi kenvandine18:33
kenvandinegot a libu1 release?18:33
rodrigo_kenvandine, the FFE for couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb was accepted by pitti, so just proposed both branches for merging and added you as reviewer, so please have a look and approve/merge them if they look ok18:33
kenvandinewill do18:33
rodrigo_kenvandine, will do it later, we still have one branch missing for the release18:34
rodrigo_kenvandine, aquarius is looking at a problem on the server18:34
kenvandinei have the rb plugin queued up, but was waiting for libu118:34
rodrigo_kenvandine, when's the deadline for alpha3?18:35
kenvandinei want to upload it today if we can18:35
kenvandinetomorrow is freeze18:35
rodrigo_tonight (my time) it should be done, I hope18:35
kenvandinedoing the download progress stuff?18:36
dobeyplaying an ogg in rhythmbox uses ~10% cpu instead of ~25%18:44
dobeyand playing an mp3 that's not in my library, but just dragged into the play queue uses about ~10% instead of ~25%18:45
dobeyso I guess there's something with the library going on18:45
dobeypitti: ^ :)18:45
pittidobey: right, I downgraded gtk here (without csd), and that fixed it18:46
dobeythat makes absolutely no sense at all :)18:46
pittito me neither, TBH18:47
dobeyof course 5% for rbox and 5% for pulseaudio isn't great18:49
dobeybetter than 25+5, but still awful :)18:49
rodrigo_kenvandine, yes, that's the branch that needs testing/merging18:52
kenvandinerodrigo_, thx18:54
bigonthere is a new release of empathy, could you wait until I've uploaded the package into debian (and after that remerge with with?)18:55
hyperairpitti: i hear gpm is going to get appind support. how will it handle telling the user how much time is remaining on battery?18:58
pittihyperair: same as it does right now? the remaining battery time is in the menu18:59
hyperairpitti: eh? menu? not a tooltip?18:59
pittiI guess not19:00
* hyperair sighs. okay then, thanks19:00
kenvandinebigon, sure19:05
kenvandinei already started, but i'll wait :)19:05
dobeypitti, hyperair: eh? indicators can't have tooltips?19:35
dobeyblah, update-manager says there are package errors, but won't tell me what19:36
hyperairdobey: yes, indicators can't have tooltips.19:36
dobeyhyperair: because they're a menu, or because the api doesn't have support for tooltips?19:36
dobeybecause can't sounds more like it should be "don't currently"19:37
hyperairdobey: tedg said there were no plans to support it.19:37
hyperairat all19:37
dobeyeh, just be like me and don't use indicators19:38
hyperairdobey: notification area icons are being replaced by indicators. have fun.20:24
hyperairdobey: that means everything that used to reside in the notification area loses its tooltips. including rhythmbox, banshee and whatever other media player you've been using.20:24
hyperairrejoice, for this is progress. or something.20:25
dobeyhyperair: they're supposed to fall back to notification area20:26
dobeyand the media player shouldn't be there anyway, so i don't really care about that20:26
dobeyand I don't ever use those tooltips really either20:27
hyperairwell good for you =\20:27
dobey(the network/power/etc.. tooltips)20:27
dobeybut the tooltips should remain on the status icons20:27
dobeyjust the indicators won't have them20:27
brycehccheney, do you know if that bug with greasemonkey causing firefox to not work right has been fixed?  It's a real style cramper ;-)20:43
ccheneybryceh: not sure i haven't looked into it20:45
asacdidrocks: where did you implement the 2d/3d discovery?21:50
asace.g. what file/package21:51
bigonkenvandine: uploaded to debian22:58

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