
CIA-6casper: superm1 * r767 casper/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser):02:23
CIA-6casper: Remove the rest of the mythbuntu delta from 10adduser. It will be02:23
CIA-6casper: maintained in the mythbuntu-live-autostart package instead so that02:23
CIA-6casper: users from ~mythbuntu-dev can administer it.02:23
CIA-6casper: superm1 * r768 casper/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.22102:24
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3814 ubiquity/ (28 files in 10 dirs):02:34
CIA-6ubiquity: Remove all of the mythbuntu frontend from ubiquity. Now that it's fully02:34
CIA-6ubiquity: stable, it's being moved to the mythbuntu-live-autostart package so that02:34
CIA-6ubiquity: it can benefit from being maintained by anyone in ~mythbuntu-dev.02:34
Ken222ey everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a fix for the disc just stopping when I click on an option in the Ubuntu install menu02:51
Ken222I'm trying to install on a macbook.02:51
Ken222The disc sounds like it's going to start up but then just dies down.02:57
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3815 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):04:16
CIA-6ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: grub-installer04:16
CIA-6ubiquity: 1.49ubuntu5.04:16
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3816 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.2304:17
twbWhich channel do I pester about casper's innards?05:29
persiaThis one tends to work.05:29
persiaBut "pester"ing can be dangerous.  "Discussing" might be more appropriate :)05:30
twbI'm rolling live 10.04 images from a sid host, with live-helper.05:32
twbMy goal is to build an "appliance", with two copies of the firmware on it at all times -- an "active" version and an "old" version.  This allows me to "flash" the non-active partition and then just change which partition is bootable.05:33
twbRather than making each partition a vfat filesystem with casper/filesystem.squashfs, I'm trying to work out if I can simply have each partition be a squashfs image directly.05:33
twbSo just now I'm trying to follow scripts/casper:find_livefs() and friends to see what magic I should append to the kernel parameters.05:34
twbNever mind -- that's stupid.  There'd be nowhere outside the squashfs for the bootloader to get the kernel and ramdisk from.05:41
persiaNor anywhere to store a pool or preseed files, etc.05:42
twbpersia: I don't need preseed files -- I'm not building a live image to install anything, just to boot05:43
CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3817 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-greeter-gtk debian/changelog): merge lp:~bratsche/ubiquity/language-combobox10:39
CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3818 ubiquity/bin/ubiquity-greeter-gtk: move language selection combo box to lower part of screen10:41
CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3819 ubiquity/ubiquity/i18n.py: remove unnecessary import10:58
CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3820 ubiquity/ (3 files in 3 dirs): use localechooser's language list in ubiquity-greeter-gtk11:13
CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3821 ubiquity/bin/ubiquity-greeter-gtk: print desired locale just before exiting11:21
StevenKcjwatson: Have you taken care of d-i for -14, or shall I?11:24
cjwatsonI have not, go ahead11:38
CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3822 ubiquity/ubiquity/plugin_manager.py: don't use == False11:40
davmor2ev, cjwatson: does ubiquity now have some geolocation stuff in it?12:02
davmor2cjwatson: that would explain it then :)12:10
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CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3823 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):16:27
CIA-6ubiquity: Hook up ubiquity-greeter-gtk's language selection in ubiquity-dm to16:27
CIA-6ubiquity: rewrite /etc/default/locale, /etc/environment, and /etc/locale.gen16:27
CIA-6ubiquity: before continuing.16:27
CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3824 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-greeter-gtk debian/changelog): Remove unnecessary SVG-specific code from ubiquity-greeter-gtk.16:33
CIA-6ubiquity: cjwatson * r3825 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):16:35
CIA-6ubiquity: Use /usr/share/images/xsplash/bg_2560x1600.jpg as ubiquity-greeter-gtk's16:35
CIA-6ubiquity: background image for now; it's slightly more visually appealing than the16:35
CIA-6ubiquity: test image!16:35
CIA-6partman-base: cjwatson * r182 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 135ubuntu416:49
cjwatson(actually ages ago but forgot to commit the release)16:50
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charlie-tcaThe Ubuntu desktop cd for today may have a problem with partitioning. I got an error: invalid username (as superuser)18:38
charlie-tcaThe username you entered is invalid18:38
charlie-tcaThis is the live desktop, I never entered a username18:39
arandI aim to test a change in parted (for a possible fix of Bug #445067) How would I slap parted from the non-debian git repo into the installer to test it? (since the change isn't in the Deb git yet)18:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445067 in parted "ubiquity overwrites VBR of extended partition" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44506718:50
cjwatsonarand: uh, it might be quicker to wait until I upload parted 2.1 to lucid ...18:58
superm1charlie-tca, try running with migration assistant off, if that solves it, there's a bug already opened for it18:58
charlie-tcaHow do I turn it off?18:58
superm1ubiquity --no-migration-assistant18:59
superm1cjwatson, the intent of parted 2.1 to lucid was to support 4k sector drives right?18:59
cjwatsonsuperm1: that's the main one, yes19:00
superm1cjwatson, i think there is a collection of post 2.6.32 patches that are needed too then; they should all be in 2.6.33rc119:00
cjwatsonthat could be; I'm not going to be able to do straight-through tests of the feature in general, at least not with my current set of hardware19:01
cjwatson(and that isn't fishing for hardware either, I have no space :-( )19:01
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+archive/ppa has a bunch of the required stuff19:01
cjwatsonubiquity needs to be rebuilt against it though, so probably no help to arand19:01
superm1well we don't have our 4k sector samples yet either, so couldn't help as of yet19:02
cjwatsonI wonder if I can mock it up in kvm19:02
arandcjwatson: so that would be based off of git.debian.org/git/parted/parted.git rather than git.debian.org/git/parted/debian/parted.git ...so-to-speak?19:02
cjwatsonarand: no, the latter19:03
cjwatsonno point redoing the packaging all by myself19:03
cjwatsonhttp://git.debian.org/?p=parted/debian/parted.git - as you can see 2.1 is already there19:03
superm1cjwatson, if samples of just the drives turn up on our end, would that be useful to you at least in the form factor to hook up via usb or e-sata for testing/enabling?19:06
cjwatsonI could manage USB hookup19:06
* cjwatson wonders if Windows 7 boots off USB :)19:06
superm1there's the other complication that some drives are native, some run in an emulation mode, i'll inquiry what's gonna be available19:07
cjwatsonI'm hoping that I'll be able to get community testing fairly quickly, but I'll keep that in mind, thank you19:07
* cjwatson fires up lp-shell and tries to remember how to sync stuff from Debian to a PPA19:10
cjwatson>>> ppa.syncSource(from_archive=debian.main_archive, include_binaries=False, source_name='pyparted', version='3.0-1', to_pocket='RELEASE', to_series='lucid')19:13
charlie-tcasuperm1: fails with -- no-migration-assistant19:17
charlie-tcaStill can't format my partitions19:17
superm1but a different issue then the username issue, correct?19:18
charlie-tcaSame one19:18
cjwatsonyou put a space in "-- no-migration-assistant" on IRC19:18
cjwatsondid you put a space in it on the command line?19:18
charlie-tcaUsername must start with a lower-case letter19:18
cjwatsondon't - it's "--no-migration-assistant"19:18
cjwatsonit's a long option19:19
charlie-tcaokay, I will try again19:19
arandcjwatson: hrm, seems what I git-pulled was not the master, ok, now they seem to co-relate better.. so this and a rebuilt ubiquity is planned to make it into Lucid at some point then?19:19
cjwatsonarand: assuming other release team members are willing to grant me a feature freeze exception for it19:20
cjwatsonI can backport that one patch as a fallback plan, but it's not actually a trivial backport (a lot of code in that area changed) and I'd rather put that energy towards 2.119:20
superm1charlie-tca, if that resolves things, you are looking at bug 52499619:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524996 in ubiquity "migration-assistant causes endless "invalid username" errors" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52499619:22
charlie-tcaokay. It is rebooting now. Takes a very long time to boot now in lucid19:22
charlie-tcaThat doesn't affect Xubuntu?19:23
arandHmm, you have my vote at least, although uncounted :/ (I did have a look at the commit you mentioned in relation to the current parted, and what had changed back and fourth...just Bleh)19:25
cjwatsonI can do it if I have to, but :)19:25
cjwatsonit's all tied in with the non-512-byte sector work19:26
persiacjwatson: We were discussing native syncs on LP in #launchpad today, and I notice your code snippet above.  Would that potentially work for the main archve, or just ppas?19:29
cjwatsonjust ppas19:32
cjwatsonwell, it's part of what would be involved for the main archive, but the changelog stuff also needs to be fixed19:32
cjwatsonthere are links on https://dev.launchpad.net/Ubuntu/InfrastructureNeeds about it19:32
* persia looks19:32
cjwatsonsee also the more recent bug 523093; I added a related comment to the end19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523093 in soyuz "private e-mail address gets stuffed into and published in changes file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52309319:34
persiaWould not fixing bug #55795 be a regression?  The changelogs seem fairly awkward now.19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 55795 in soyuz "+changelog includes misleading information related to package versions and authors" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5579519:34
cjwatsonit would certainly regress things for readers of -changes19:35
cjwatsonI don't really want to take something half-baked when we should be so close to something that actually works right19:35
persiafair enough.19:35
persiaIf you're tracking this, https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/NativeSourceSyncing was copied from launchpad.canonical.com today as well.19:37
persiaAnd thanks for the explanations.19:37
cjwatsonpersia: thanks, though I think that page may be sufficiently obsolete as to be unhelpful; it predates the LP API, let alone the syncSource method :)19:42
persiaYeah, it was just the page that was referenced by the blueprint, and the relatively uninformed trio of mwhudson, wgrant, and I thought it might be relevant.19:43
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3828 ubiquity/debian/control: remove python-rsvg dependency again; we now rely on the svg pixbuf loader21:40
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3829 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.2421:43
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CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3830 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-partman.py): Fix installation_medium_mounted call in partman plugin (LP: #524169).23:39
superm1cjwatson, re bug 525966, xforcevesa still does stuff in casper afaik to create an xorg.conf w/ vesa in it23:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525966 in xorg "safe graphics mode missing from Lucid daily build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52596623:51
superm1see scripts/casper-bottom/20xconfig23:51
cjwatsonthat should be obsoleted by the stuff in ubiquity-dm though23:53
cjwatsonI suspect nomodeset will do the trick ...23:53
cjwatsonI can extend the F6 menu if I must, but I'm being leant on to trim down the main menu, so I don't think "Safe graphics mode" as such will return23:54
cjwatsonthanks for the note about casper, I hadn't seen that23:54
superm1i added it late last cycle when i realized it was missing too :)23:54
superm1is the intent that the whole language selection at isolinux will go away in favor of picking at the ubiquity-greeter-gtk then?23:55
cjwatsonthat's what I've been instructed to dod23:55
cjwatsonwhether there's actually time to make it work properly, well23:56
superm1cool, i like the idea23:56
cjwatsonthe idea being, I suppose, to get up to X as quickly as possible and do everything there23:56

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