
dholbachgood morning07:49
=== cypher_ is now known as czajkowski
=== DJones_ is now known as DJones
jimcooncathi ngo-ers! Discussion with the officials today suggested I start providing computer-based training to my employees. It seems there are some commercial packages they like (ugh! $$$ and license hassles) that provide instruction and testing over the web or CD.  Does Ubuntu/Debian have a similar training framework in place? Should I hire some guys to make me up a tcl/tk package?16:26
czajkowskithere is training16:27
czajkowskilet me get teh pages and person16:27
czajkowskihmm no dinda16:27
jimcooncatczajkowski: I guess I'm looking for a framework where I can incorporate our policies16:27
czajkowskijimcooncat: would you mind mailing me this16:28
jimcooncatlike content delivery with a pop quiz at the end16:28
czajkowskiso I can forward it on and introduce you the the training people I know16:28
czajkowski<-- @ubuntu.com16:28
jimcooncatsure thing!16:28
czajkowskiwill sort you out then16:30
czajkowskior at least put you in contact with the right people to help you16:30
jimcooncatthank you much. I thought of16:30
jimcooncatUbuntu as soon as they said it. But I imagine if they want me to deliver on a CD, I'd have to go cross-platform.16:31
* jimcooncat sees new, shiny LTSP! Wanders off...16:35
czajkowskimail done16:36

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