
Jordan_Uv1ttu posted a fork bomb in #ubuntu02:16
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
MyrttiJordan_U: it happens04:36
elkyv1ttu was posting fork bombs persistently the other day05:17
MyrttiI know05:17
Myrttiif you replace the number in the nick, it's a word used for female reproductive organ in Finnish. Strangely the ip isn't Finnish05:18
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !-ics =~ s/ubuntu/Ubuntu/05:40
* Myrtti watches ice hockey and curses aloud06:24
Myrttiany thoughts about irseekbot?06:46
* persia dislikes irseekbot on general principles, but thinks it's harder to fight than ignore06:48
Myrttipersia: it's just that it's excess flooding itself every ten minutes06:48
persiaOh, knock it out then, with a message telling them to fix it before it comes back.06:49
persiaThe irseek people will try to work around some classes of interruptions, but if their bot has an issue, they'll probably fix it.06:50
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)07:35
vishfolks , there has been a  <Speedy2>   posting links in the Ubuntu channels07:36
Myrttiand it's been reported to staff07:36
Myrttivish: anything else we can help you with?07:38
vish\o/ seems kicked...07:38
* vish wishes ops are more polite :(07:38
Myrttier, ok07:38
MyrttiI guess I'm an unsensetive clod then07:39
vishMyrtti: no offense to you :)07:39
vishi meant the -ops rules :)07:39
* vish leaves 07:39
persiaI think the difference is that ops get to see the worst of everyone, so no longer have the patience (or interest) to kindly instruct each individual in how to play nice.07:45
persiaNothing against anyone here, but different to how others are often instructed to greet newcomers in social channels.07:45
persia(and I'm certainly similarly jaded :) )07:46
jussi01yes, I tend to agree, we could do with a little nicening up.07:47
persiaUm, then we don't agree :)07:47
persiaI think the attitude is both understandable and good.07:47
persiaI think it's better that ops just implement the rules, and save discussion about the rules for appropriate fora.07:48
elkypersia, there's a certain amount of... wanting to a) avoid people sitting here relaying our discussions to trolls/pammers without the logging delay and b) not wanting to have thirty eager op wannabes joining in every single discussion that happens here.07:48
persiaelky: Indeed.07:48
dholbachgood morning07:49
elkythe former is why we started the no-idle rule. the second is an added benefit that'd be nice to keep as it really does reduce the time we spend on an incident. There's nothing like having someone jump in with what they think is an amusing quip that only serves to spark the almost-placated troll up for another few hours of tedium07:49
Myrttiwe're also different personalities. I know I couldn't cope with hecklers sidetalking when I'm discussing an issue with a person07:50
jussi01persia: what I meant was that we as ops tend to immediately see the worst in people and assume they are being malicious, when that isnt always the cse, and certainly goes against the catalysing attitudes we are trying to encourage.07:51
elkyMyrtti, yeah, i have enough difficulty when two seperate people insist they both must be seen to *right now no delay hut hut hut*07:51
jussi01If we accept that we can just be rude, or "short" to people, why not lets go jump into #ubuntu and tell everyone to RTFM? Yes, we have to keep it manageable for us, BUT its extremely important that we look after our "customers", and we make ubuntu irc the best it can be.07:55
Myrttijussi01: you're preaching to the choir here07:56
persiajussi01: I think there are two different roles.  the ops, who lay down the rules, and those active channel members who help provide social guidance and guidelines.  A single person *can* be both, but I think that person is filling two roles, which should not be an expectation of all ops.07:57
elkyjussi01, you're referring to them as "customers". Please don't. They're not purchasing a right. They're utilising a voluntarily offered privilege.07:58
elkyBeing treated like customer service is what kills my desire to have anything to do with this channel.07:58
MyrttiI'm starting to feel more and more unfit for being an op08:01
jussi01elky: are we here to serve us? to make our job easier? or are we here to make ubuntu channels great?08:01
elkyBeing looked at as an entitlement by someone isn't something I volunteered for.08:01
elkyWe're here to make things great, sure. but i'm not here to be treated like a customer servant.08:02
elkyand that's how I end up feeling every single time.08:02
persiajussi01: As volunteers to participate as the implementation of the agreed rules with oversight from community governance.  This is not a commercial arrangement.08:02
elkylike an unpaid servant.08:02
elkyWe're here to enable, not to be slaves.08:03
elkyIf the IRCC can't see this, then we're doomed.08:03
elkylikewise s/IRCC/CC/08:04
jussi01Im not saying we should be like slaves!!! Im saying we should treat others with respect, make sure we dont judge before getting to know the facts! is that such an issue?08:05
topylielky, i've chosen to help people on irc, and to help keep irc nice. i've chosen that all by myself, i don't feel enslaved. i can go to the pub right now if i want to, and help some more when i feel like it. no?08:05
Myrttitopyli: you have the priviledge of living and ircing on a timezone that isn't so acutely depraved of op presence as elky is08:06
elkyjussi01, by referring to them as customers, that's what you make them /expect/. you make them expect servitude, not enablement. It also makes me think of my supermarket checkout days, and work.08:06
elkywhat Myrtti said.08:06
topyliempty timezones should be fixed, yes08:06
jussi01Myrtti: elky that really isnt the point though?  you are still free to walk away if it is too much, or you want to do something else.08:07
elkyjussi01, great, and i can be the one that abandoned an almost-unmanned timezone.08:07
Myrttieven I have bad concience of laying in bed with my N800 and happily ignoring issues I see on #ubuntu08:07
elkyit's already bad enough that there was almost never anyone else around to handle stuff when I was on the IRCC, and hence i looked like i couldn't separate hats.08:08
MyrttiI redeem myself by saying "someone else is bound to see that, I've got a bad keyboard and I can't do anything to the issue"08:08
MyrttiI *STILL* feel bad08:08
* elky nods to Myrtti08:08
Myrttiand then I think, hm, if I get involved now, how likely is it that I'll be forced to discuss this issue ad nauseatum in -ops with this person who's got their eyes and hands and sensibilities and common courtesy amputated from them08:09
topylipretty likely08:11
jussi01It sounds to me like you desperately need a break. You cant let yourself feel bad and try and carry all the weight yourselves. Very soon our operator application process will be in order and we will attempt to fix the lack of operators.08:11
Myrttijussi01: what I fear most is that the application process is cluttered with asshats08:12
Myrtticlogged and cluttered08:12
jussi01Myrtti: I have no problem with there being bad people applying. In fact, I expect it. and likely we will appoint a few bad eggs. However, this is how life happens, and we need to work through that and try get the process working.08:13
Myrttiyeah, we desperately need more idiots for channels like #ubuntu-offtopic08:13
Myrttior, not more. they already are there. we need more idiots with ops rights.08:14
elkyHow do you plan on coaching the ops taht are going to be available for times you're not?08:14
Myrttiwe could export Finns all over.08:16
elkyhow about you just give us all our aussies back?08:16
Tm_Telky: that wouldn't be fun (:08:18
* mneptok is an exported Finn.08:18
mneptokso ... you want more mneptoks?08:19
persiaMore than two is probably excessive.08:19
mneptoki'll have to check with the wife on that. we had agreed that we didn't want children.08:19
elkywell that'd technically only be 1.5 mneptoks...08:20
Myrttimneptok: you could try budding as a method of reproduction08:21
mneptokelky: we'd have 2 kids, and amputate and graft arms to allow 100% mneptok keyboarding.08:21
* persia is tempted to experiment with the "cut-in-half-and-see-if-it-regenerates" technique08:21
mneptokpersia: put the katana down. deep breaths ...08:22
elkypersia, at the rate mneptok drinks? i'm not sure even the liver would manage that.08:22
mneptoki'm pretty much a teetotaller.08:22
elkywell damn, you had to ruin a perfectly good joke08:22
persiafacts just get in the way :(08:23
jussi01mneptok: salmiakki?08:23
elkypersia, yeah :(08:23
mneptokjussi01: you'll notice i imbibed only when pressed by the camaraderie "thing"08:23
jussi01right... :P08:23
mneptokwhich, oddly, i did with that very drink this very evening08:24
elkymneptok, ... wait. you're a teetotaller, and the finnish border guards let you in? aren't they concerned about you reducing the alcohol consumption/capita statistic?08:24
jussi01elky: teetotalle doesn08:24
jussi01elky: teetotalling doesnt include salmiakki vodka08:24
mneptokelky: my ancestry is Swedish-Finn. i claimed Lutheran guilt-tripping.08:24
elkyjussi01, oh right.08:24
* jussi01 hats that backspace is next to enter...08:25
mneptokthat "e" is not only silent, but also invisible.08:25
mneptokpowerful stuff.08:26
persiaIt's an imported Australian 'e'.08:30
Myrttiohmy, aren't we offtopic and social...08:30
topylinow we just need to get all of #ubuntu to join!08:31
Tm_Ttopyli: banforward helps08:33
* elky banforwards Tm_T to ##politics08:35
mneptokelky: offtopicness is OK in small doses. outright sadism is not acceptable at all.08:38
elkywell he wanted topyli to banforward all #ubuntu to here, so who is the sadist?08:39
jussi01I think maybe a sarcasm tag was missing there :P08:39
mneptokit was on vacation with your silent e08:40
elkyso long as it's not iSarcasm, i don't care.08:45
* jussi01 hands elky some iSnack 2.0...08:46
Myrttijussi01: ...08:46
elkyMyrtti, vegemite blended with cheese spread. they actually tried to call it that.08:46
elkyI almost crashed my car laughing when i heard it on the radio08:48
elkythey didn't even check registered trademarks before printing the jars and sending stock out.08:48
mneptokAustralia sounds like it has really, really good drugs, and really, really terrible food.08:49
jussi01mneptok: foods great in oz :D08:52
elkyso long as you choose another country's cuisine.08:52
Myrttireading #freenode makes me believe in human stupidity. It's like watching multiple car crashes.08:54
jussi01elky: yeah, wattle seeds and lizard meat... :P08:54
* jussi01 doesnt idle in there as to keep his sanity08:54
elkyMyrtti, the problem with #freenode isn't the troublemakers, it's the people who try to help and manage to do so in the worst way possible.08:56
jussi01elky: it is the trouble makers also, I dont like being highlighted every 5 mins by a stupid trolll08:58
mneptokmost common typos can be avoided by severing your fingers.08:58
elkywell yeah, the highlights are annoying, indeed, but they're not the trainwrecky parts08:59
elkythough it's not a whole lot more trainwrecky than #ubuntu when our favourite cluebat targets are on fire, but it does tend to cascade more.09:01
mneptokif anyone wants a smile, a friend of mine worked on a really cute public service announcement - http://vimeo.com/959298809:04
Mamarokmneptok: do you really think this is appropriate?09:20
mneptokMamarok: excuse me?09:20
Mamarokmneptok: would you poste this on #ubuntu?09:21
mneptokMamarok: no, as it would be offtopic. as would discussing a particular user's ban on that channel.09:22
MamarokI consider this offensive and not appropriate at all, since when is blatant racism appropriate even in offtopic?09:22
mneptokuhhh ... racism?09:23
mneptokit's a Public Service Announcement put on American television WRT pet overpopulation.09:23
mneptoki don't know what you saw, but what i posted is not in the least bit racist09:24
mneptokMamarok: did you read the caption?09:32
mneptok"An abundance of cats and dogs have joined the workforce and are slowly taking over the office. This PSA for the Colorado Pet Overpopulation Fund takes a satirical look at what happens with the pet population goes unchecked and becomes unmanageable."09:33
Mamarokyes I did, still, I didn't find it the least funny09:33
Mamaroknor satirical09:33
mneptoknow ... let's Google "Colorado Pet Overpopulation Fund"09:33
mneptokthis is on broadcast television in the US09:34
Mamarokwell, if I were in the US I would tell them09:34
mneptokit's racist if you think people of a race different from you are "animals." do you think that?09:35
mneptoki don't.09:35
elkys/cats and dogs/mexicans/09:35
elkythat's the problem.09:35
mneptokin your mind, yes.09:35
mneptokif you can do that to Mexicans, that's your problem.09:35
elkybecause as an australian, i'm scared of mexicans taking my american job.09:36
mneptokmost professional office workers are not afraid of illegal immigrants taking their jobs.09:38
Mamarokmneptok: those in that flic apparently are racist idiots then09:39
mneptokMamarok: you see racism because of what is in you, not because of what is in the film. think on that.09:39
topyliMamarok, so is basil fawlty in fawlty towers09:40
Mamaroktopyli: that was something completely different09:41
elkyso if that ad is fine, i suppose this kfc ad is too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FftZt-Dw_hQ09:41
Mamarokand at least he was funny, this flic isn't09:41
Mamarokmneptok: I think you are going a bit far there...09:44
wirechiefcan someone un-ban my nick in #ubuntu11:49
wirechiefi am no longer on satelite and not disconnecting all the time.11:50
jussi01wirechief: 1 moment please11:51
jussi01wirechief: all done. :)11:53
wirechiefsatelite can be a royal pita11:54
jussi01yeah, can imagine11:54
wirechiefit worked fine for 1.7 years then suddenly started dropping irc and i couldnt even go to www.google.com thats when i knew i had to get off it.11:55
wirechiefa forum moderator for netgear said it was because i was double natted11:55
wirechiefthe modem had a router and of course i was using one , i dont know why it started doing it but, im off it now11:56
wirechiefso much for hughesnets 7000s modem11:56
wirechiefthanks for releaseing me i am really watching this disconnect business11:56
jussi01wirechief: do you have something else you need from us?12:00
wirechiefno thanks jussi0112:00
ubottuIn #ubuntu, candyban said: ubottu, E17 is in development since what 1998?12:17
induswhy does the factoid on firewall mention firestarter? as far as i remember, its unmaintained now and quite dangerous from what i had read,12:34
ikoniafirestarter is unmaintained ?12:35
ikonianothing on the website suggest it's unmainteined12:36
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist12:36
Tm_Tindus: what you mean unmaintained, latest version is released january 200512:36
Tm_Tikonia: ^12:36
Tm_Tikonia: yes, seriously12:36
ikoniadoes that mean it's  not maintained ?12:38
ikoniaeg: we are still packaging it in the current ubuntu releases ?12:38
Myrtti!away > steveire12:39
topyliwe do have firestarter in universe12:39
industm_T heh lol12:39
indusits just packaged to run12:39
ikonianot sure if it's a "risk"  ?12:39
ikoniano more/less than using iptables directly12:39
indusit is but i dont remember the thread now , need to googlees12:39
ikoniait does seem to be old12:40
ikoniaindus: it is what ?12:40
indus2005 , so its dangerous in my opinion12:40
topyliafaik iptables still works, which should mean firestarter works. unless iptables syntax has changed12:40
ikoniaindus: why ?12:40
ikoniaindus: qmail hasn't been updated since 2001 ? does that make it dangerous ?12:40
indussecurity ,bugs? what nots12:40
ikoniaindus: which security bugs for firestarter ?12:40
indusinstead of arguing with me , why dont you google it12:40
ikoniaI'm not agruing12:41
indusi dont care a damn about your ubuntu channel factoids12:41
ikoniatotal lack of thought through process12:41
ikoniait's old so it's dead and a risk12:41
persiaWell, it also hasn't had an upload in nearly a year, and has some open bugs.12:42
persiaI thought one of the development teams had a pet firewall solution.12:42
topylii think we're all supposed to use ufw12:43
Myrttibut firestarter is still in the repos. perhaps it should be dropped12:43
persiaIt's too much trouble to drop stuff in Ubuntu that's present in Debian.12:50
persiaBetter to just change the factoids to match current recommendations.12:50
persiaufw appears to have had an upload from the security team 5 days ago, which makes me suspect it's more actively watched.12:50
ikoniawhy should it be dropped ?12:51
ikoniaI've never rated/recommended firestarter, but to change it for no reason seems odd12:51
Myrttiikonia: if it's not being updated12:52
ubottubitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.12:52
ikoniayes, because that is a dead project, surly we should try contacting the maintainers, or even looking at if these bugs are valid etc, qmail's not been updated for ages because it's not needed it (just an example)12:52
topylibitchx does have known security problems iirc12:53
Tm_Tyeah, just because there's no update doesnt mean it is not secure or so12:53
persiaBut because it's not the current recommendation from the developers, I'm unsure we should be recommending it by default for users.12:54
Myrtti... sorry, i'll just shut up about stuff i don't know about12:55
persiaIt may be lovely, but it is also likely underserved by the documentation team, etc.12:55
ikoniapersia: who decides the recommendation12:55
ikoniaeg: I've never liked/recommended it - but it's always been offered as an option12:56
topylipersia +1, maybe the factoid should reflect the fact that ufw is the sanctioned way of handling firewalls on ubuntu12:56
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist12:56
persiaikonia: I'm not sure.  I'm guessing the security team, but that's only a guess.12:56
ikoniatopyli: it offers ufw/iptables and firestarter - I do'nt see the issue12:56
ikoniatopyli: it's not jut saying "use firestarter" it's offeringg the options12:56
* persia doesn't see any issues with that factoid either, and retracts all criticism.12:57
topylithat's fine by me personally, i've even used firestarter myself. of course that was in 2003 or so12:57
MyrttiI hope someone is watching -offtopic13:34
MyrttiI'm not13:34
MyrttiI've had it with stalkers and creepy people following me around13:37
jpdsWhen once is not enough.13:53
Piciand even then..13:53
Myrttione out, one in14:00
humphreybchey, who's around at the moment?14:43
humphreybcwe're about to start a fairly large event in #ubuntu-classroom, check out the latest post on the planet from popey. Anyway, long story short, it seems that the schedule in Lernid doesn't quite match up properly and we're not sure whether the new ClassBot will give the teachers a voice in the main channel so we can actually teach14:49
humphreybcif it doesn't work, could one of you guys lurk around to make us an OP or give us a voice?14:50
ikoniajust checking I have access14:51
ikoniaI should have as I don't wear an ubuntu cloak so it was added manually14:51
humphreybcokay groovy, nhandler has his schedule thing here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html14:51
ikoniaahhh no I've not14:51
humphreybcand i *think* that's what he's running the bot off... that schedule is correct so if that's the case we'll be okay14:52
ikoniaPici: topyli jussi01 can ou update that for me14:52
ikoniaif I sort my access out I'll sit and watch and sort you out14:52
elkyhumphreybc, any ubuntu member can dish ops out there.14:52
ikoniagive me a minute to see if I can find someone to update it - I thought it had been done after the last confernce week14:52
ikoniaelky: I thought that had been removed ?14:53
elky-ChanServ- Entry Nickname/Host          Flags14:53
elky-ChanServ- ----- ---------------------- -----14:53
elky-ChanServ- 1     *!*@freenode/staff/*   +votiA [modified ? ago]14:53
elky-ChanServ- 2     *!*@ubuntu/member/*    +votiA [modified ? ago]14:53
elky-ChanServ- 3     Nalioth                +votsriRfAF [modified ? ago]14:53
elky-ChanServ- 4     ClassBot               +votiA [modified 1 day, 19:27:18 ago]14:53
elky-ChanServ- ----- ---------------------- -----14:53
elky-ChanServ- End of #ubuntu-classroom FLAGS listing.14:53
ikoniacouncil ^^^ I thought that had been removed and named people where in14:53
ikonia(this was one of the reasons I thought I'd been added manually after one of the developer week sessions was stupid due to members messing around14:54
elkynalioth is afk, you'll need to get a staff to wrangle it14:54
elkyactually, nalioth appears to be offline14:55
ikoniaI'll speak to the sparkle that is christel after the council green light it14:56
topylias for the current crisis, there is no crisis?14:56
topylijust the way i like it! :)14:57
ikoniaoh wait14:57
ikoniahe's not got a cloak14:57
ikoniasomeone wearing a cloak needs to help him out14:57
* ikonia looks at topyli 14:57
elkydid that op him up?14:57
* elky isn't in the room14:58
ikoniadoesn't look like it14:58
topylino ops14:58
ikoniatopyli: you're wearing a members cloak14:58
ikoniathat should work14:58
topyliyeah, i'll op humphreybc14:58
ikoniathat got him14:58
humphreybcokay well at 1500 UTC i *should* be done already14:58
ikoniahe's op'd14:58
ikoniahumphreybc: you look good now14:58
topylislow topyli14:58
humphreybcwith a bit of luck the bot will do it automatically for the rest of the day14:59
elkyslow topyli is slow14:59
* topyli stretches14:59
ikoniahumphreybc: I'll see if I can get this sorted, I'll be around most of the day due to tedious work meetings so should be able to help out15:00
humphreybcsomeone make godbyk a OP too15:00
humphreybcto help with questions15:00
* ikonia looks back to topyli 15:01
humphreybcclassbot pulls through!15:01
ikoniaha ha, good15:01
humphreybcI don't think it voiced godbyk though15:01
humphreybccould someone give him a voice as he's the only one here to help me with questions15:02
ikoniahumphreybc: you can do it as your an op15:03
ikoniaset /mode +v $user15:03
ikoniahumphreybc: without "set" at the front15:03
ikoniajust /mode +v $user15:03
humphreybcand $godbyk?15:03
humphreybcor just godbyk?15:03
Myrttijust godbyk15:03
ubottublakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:16
ikonianot this guys again15:22
ikoniaI'll remove the ban15:23
ikoniahumphreybc: godbyk are you all sorted now in classroom ?or do you need anything else from the operator team ?15:24
humphreybci think we're okay :)15:24
godbykthanks, ikonia!15:24
ikoniahumphreybc: godbyk no problem, if you can leave the channel when you're issues sorted (which it sounds like thay are) - you can always rejoin if you need anything else15:26
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.15:27
MenZaubottu: tell FeasibilityStudy about feeding the troll15:31
MenZaubottu: tell haven489 about feeding the troll15:32
Myrttia report from a user that PERHATIAN and countD were onjoin msg spammers15:32
Myrttireport seemed valid, so kicked15:33
MenZaWhoa, whoa.15:45
MenZaCould anyone help me try to make sense of what happened in -ot just then?15:45
MenZaI was going to grab UberTaco and mc44 in here to see if they could try and help me with it, but UberTaco left, and mc44 is unrespnsive15:45
MenZaThanks, Pici15:46
MenZaI was about to do that15:46
ikoniaughhhh you mute me !!!15:46
ikoniasparklehistory.....club-bot ?15:46
ikoniaha Pici forgot the bot can't talk15:46
PiciMenZa: You muted mc44 after ubertaco effectively said that he didn't approve of gays.15:48
marienzMyrtti: did he happen to mention what they were spamming? countD fits the profile for a kind of onjoin spammer we've seen before.15:48
MenZaPici: Yeah, I went back and read that line -- I'm afraid the language barrier on my end (apparently) made me miss that initially15:48
Myrttimarienz: the turkish rubbish15:48
MenZaPici: That, and skim-reading15:48
Myrttimarienz: Þã ÈÒíÇÑÊäÇ Ýí ÔÈßÉ ÇáãÍÇÏËå æ ÇÍÕá Úáì ÈæÊÇÊ +  åæÓÊ ÎÇÕ æãÌÇäí   /server IRC.ForChat.Net15:48
marienz(PERHATIAN doesn't fit the profile as much)15:49
Myrttiperhatian was "HALO $nickname PLEASE VISIT FREE DOWNLOAD FULL SOFTWARE, click here ==> WWW.TOKOZIFA.COM"15:49
Piciikonia: you missed15:49
MenZaPici: Just talking to mc44 in a /query now, or attempting to15:50
ikoniayup, sorted15:50
marienzah, different bot. Thanks!15:50
ikoniathis is getting stupid now in -offtopic15:52
Myrttimarienz: ♥15:52
ikoniait's meant to be an offtopic not idiot zone15:52
Myrttihave I recently mentioned how much I love freenode and the staff?15:52
MenZaI'm considering if a couple of hours lockdown would be good for it.15:52
PiciIf only there was a mode for banforwarding idiots elsewhere.15:53
MenZaMyrtti: I'm not sure, but you should utter it, at least four times a day!15:53
marienzMyrtti: those turkish spammers tend to be in a dozen or so larger channels, so we appreciate a heads-up if you spot them15:53
Myrttimarienz: the thing is I can't ever duplicate it myself15:53
MyrttiI assume they have access list filters or something else similar15:53
MenZaPici: I'll be following up with mc44 and UberTaco when I see them around next, worry not about that.15:54
PiciMenZa: Okay.15:54
MenZaI've sent mc44 an apology for the one-sidedness of my +q15:54
marienzMyrtti: me neither. At first they seemed to just ignore freenode/staff/* but lately they're pretty hard to trigger.15:54
MenZaDear God, what's up with that place right now :\15:55
Myrttifull moon15:55
Myrttior wrong meds15:55
MenZaWould it be reasonable to impose quiet time in dire situations such as this?15:55
* MenZa twitches.15:56
Myrttiwhat, +m?15:56
Myrttinot for more than 10 minutes or the natives go restless15:56
ikoniawhy, just remove the issues15:56
MenZaGrabbing UberTaco now.15:57
MenZaYeah, he knows he perhaps wasn't too sensible, apologised for that16:00
MenZa!coc > ubertaco16:00
MenZa!guidelines > ubertaco16:00
MenZaI've told him to lay low for a bit, and I'm going to talk to mc44 the first chance I get.16:01
ikoniaif this guy hasn't signed the COC like he says - he's gone for timewasting/lies16:02
Piciikonia: Why does that matter?16:02
ikoniabecause he's being a problem in the channel - and I am giving him the benifit of the doubt, but if he's lying about it - then he's gone as his intentions are not genuine16:03
MenZaWhether one has signed the CoC or not, one agrees to abide by it in channel.16:04
* MenZa shrugs.16:04
MenZaThat's one of the first lines of the !guidelines16:04
ikoniaI don't care if he's not signed it16:04
ikoniabut I care that he's telling lies (maybe) while being a problem16:04
PiciI think thats taking it a bit too far.16:05
ikoniawhich he has signed it16:05
MenZaWhether he's lying or not doesn't matter if he's a problem :P (I haven't seen the backlog, so I won't judge on that)16:05
ikoniaso it's not a problem, I've got confidence he's being honest about his lack of understanding16:05
PiciI've only been halfway paying attention too.16:05
humphreybcman am i missing out on some fun?16:05
MenZahumphreybc: Please don't interfere. If there's anything we can help you with, please let us know. If not, please note our no-idling policy.16:06
humphreybcahh gotcha, sorry i'll bugger off :)16:06
Myrttithat was a bit blunt, MenZa16:07
Myrttieven I cringed16:07
* MenZa needs more coffee.16:07
MenZaYeah, that was.16:08
* MenZa follows up in /query with re-assurance that we're always available if help is required.16:08
ikonia-ot appears to have clamed down16:09
MenZaYeah, phew16:09
ikoniacalmed even16:10
MenZaI'm going to step away for a bit to calm down a bit16:12
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.16:56
ubottuIn ubottu, ChanServ said: [#xubuntu] This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/17:57
Trekis Ubottu functioning properly today?17:58
Myrttiit's been on the slow side17:58
Trekthats what I thought, was wondering17:58
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.17:59
Trekwont work18:00
jpdsThat's redundant, ubottu.18:00
tsimpsonit won't, for you18:00
tsimpsonINFO 2010-02-22T20:00:19 supybot Ignoring command from Trek!Trek@pdpc/supporter/active/trek.18:00
Trekthe !ping works on offtopic, but lags like crap18:00
tsimpsonit was just joining ~50 channels, it takes a while to sync18:01
PiciI think the guy I'm talking to in +1 is supposed to be banned.  /me checks18:45
jpdsOh, hell yes.18:48
jpdsJust ask the popey.18:49
popeyhe's banned from a few places18:49
popeyikonia knows the history18:49
PiciIs he the same as xcdfgkjhgcv?18:49
popeyand mensula18:49
Picigood enough for me.18:49
Picipopey, jpds: thank you18:50
jpdsPici: Now, tell me how to sort a set in Python.18:51
jpdsOh, sorted()18:53
PiciYou can't sort a set.18:54
jpdsYou can.18:54
jpdshi = set(); sorted(hi)18:54
Picijpds: That turns it into a list, you'll have to turn it back into a set.18:56
Picisorted(hi).__class__ is <type 'list'>18:56
jpdsWow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/381773/18:59
Picijpds: Looks like reverse() reverses foo itself, and doesn't return anything.19:02
Pici"The sort() and reverse() methods modify the list in place for economy of space when sorting or reversing a large list. They don't return the sorted or reversed list to remind you of this side effect."19:03
PiciI don't think that we should be testing for that.19:16
Myrttiok, cool.19:16
* Myrtti hands the issue to people who know these things best19:17
PiciMyrtti: Actually, it reminded me of something I needed to do.19:17
MyrttiUbuntu IRC channels remind me everyday of something I needed to do.19:19
Myrtti"hm, it appears we have a problem in Ubuntu. I've been postponing reading Tolstoy's War and Peace for years, perhaps now would be the moment to start."19:21
topyliMyrtti, "War begins. People realize that history is driven by contingencies and that men, from rifleman to general, only react to them and try not to look foolish. Russia is lucky at war, and the men return home."19:55
topylithere, war & peache, topyli digest19:55
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