
beeman_nlhi guys00:22
beeman_nli'm working on a silent ubuntu install with kickstart, but i can't seem to get the right package selection00:23
beeman_nli tried  @base , @core etc at the %packages stanza but it still seems to install the 'ubuntu-standard' system00:23
beeman_nlwhich includes stuff like openoffice which i dont' need on a server :)00:23
centaur5beeman_nl, try this out: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard00:30
beeman_nlcentaur5: oke, will try. and does that need to go below %packages, instead of the others? :)00:30
centaur5beeman_nl, it's an entirely different string. The one for packages is: d-i pkgsel/include string \ samba \ emacs21 \ etc...00:32
beeman_nlcentaur5: maybe i should note that i'm using a kickstart file, not a preseed file :)00:33
centaur5beeman_nl, Oh sorry, I didn't notice that.  kickstart didn't cut my needs so I learned about preseed.  I don't know what to tell ya then.  :)00:34
beeman_nlcentaur5: thanks anyway :) maybe i'll switch to preseed anyway if this gives me too much hassle :)00:34
centaur5beeman_nl, I think that solution is probably inevitable in this case.  :)00:35
jcastrobeeman_nl: try a whitespace after the @00:41
jcastro"@ desktop"00:41
jcastroor whatever00:41
beeman_nljcastro: thanks, i'll try that :)00:45
beeman_nlit seems like it's still installing the same packages, even when i use @ ubuntu-minimal01:20
beeman_nltake too long to test this kinda stuff ;)01:20
twbThis is vm-builder?01:39
beeman_nltwb: no it's just a custom pxe setup01:47
beeman_nlatcually i now use an iso that fetches my kickstart file from the network and then installs the system according to that file :)01:48
beeman_nlbut obviously the same thing for my pxe setup :)01:48
VSpikewhat's the best way to configure a pc-card ethernet adapter? Should I just add it to /etc/network/interfaces at eth0 and hope for the best?02:07
Ganymedehey, anyone here have installed ubuntu 9.10 on a VMWare ESX host using paravirtual NIC (vmxnet3) and paravirtual SCSI? the installer keeps choking on both, even though i have selected, "install a minimal virtual machine"02:09
Ganymedeor should i install the OS completely and then install vmware-tools and then install those paravirtualized devices?02:10
twbbeeman_nl: ah, you're using kickstart instead of preseeding.02:14
twbI was trying to work out what that "@" crap was02:14
twbPersonally I prefer di-netboot-assistant and a hand-written preseed file.02:15
Ganymedeit seems...ubuntu cannot boot from paravirtualized SCSI?02:16
twbGanymede: it can with qemu02:16
Ganymedetwb, but not VMWare ESX?02:17
twbI'm not licensed to run ESX, sorry.02:17
Ganymedeokay, thanks02:17
twbWhere does it fail?02:17
twbCan you pastebin the output?02:18
Ganymedewell...it'd be hard since it's a console that boots into ... busybox?02:19
Ganymedelet me try typing it out02:20
twbIf you were using qemu, you could just put it in stdio mode and copy the text from your xterm :-)02:20
Ganymedegave up waiting for root device, /dev/disk-by-uuid/blah-blah does not exist, dropping to a shell02:21
Ganymedeactually, let me try another VM with a newer version of vmware-tools, hold on02:21
twbvmware-tools won't make a damn difference02:21
twbIt's just shitty kernel taint for hgfs and friends02:21
twbIt's the filesystem that VMware uses to export a directory tree on the hypervisor, to guests02:24
twbAs opposed to using e.g. NFS between the host and guests02:24
twbWhen you're in the busybox rescue shell, cat /proc/partitions.  Does it list anything?  If so, what?02:25
Ganymedeyep, newer vmware-tools still fails to boot02:25
Ganymede/proc/partitions is empty02:26
Ganymedelooks like i'll have to settle with non-paravirtalized SCSI02:26
Ganymedeat least for the root disk02:26
twbOh, sorry, you're talking about *para*virtualized SCSI02:27
twbYou mean that you're giving the guest OS direct access to a LUN?02:27
Ganymedei actually don't touch the "LUNs" or whatever02:31
twbOk, let me rephrase.02:31
Ganymedei just have a 6 TB "datastore" where i put the disk images and i attach them to a SCSI controller in the VM configuration02:31
Ganymedenow that SCSI controller can either be a LSI Parallel SCSI or something...forgot what it's called02:31
twbOK, so you have a disk image -- a file on the host's filesystem -- and you're presenting this to the VM as a virtual SCSI disk?02:31
Ganymedeor a paravirtualized SCSI "pvscsi"?02:31
beeman_nltwb: yeah, i'll try it with preseeding lateron :)02:31
Ganymedethe disk image is on a RAID in the SAN, but i don't have to worry about that, i just have a 6 TB "datastore" where i put the disk images02:32
twbbeeman_nl: IMO preseeding is way less fugly than kickstart.02:32
Ganymedeand that 6 TB datastore is somewhere on the SAN02:32
twbbeeman_nl: admittedly, I've never kickstarted Ubuntu, only RHEL02:32
twbGanymede: OK, then you aren't *para*virtualizing the SCSI disk -- it's fully virtualizaed02:33
twbGanymede: paravirtualizing it would be if you gave your guest OS direct access to (parts of) a real, physical SCSI controller, and the LUNs (disks) behind it.02:33
twbGanymede: i.e. you have a paravirtualized guest OS with fully virtual SCSI disk.02:34
Ganymedetwb, i thought paravirtualizated SCSI controller simply doesn't emulate all the intracacies of a real SCSI controller, i do have the option of using a physical SCSI controller or iSCSI or something else from my FC HBA, but paravirtualiztion is a different option02:34
Ganymedei will try to use a paravirtual SCSI controller for the swap disk and i'll get back to you02:35
twbGanymede: OK, so when you emulate a full SCSI controller it works, but not if you set ESX to "pvscsi"?02:35
Ganymedetwb, well, i've only been testing the boot disk so far, not an extra disk, maybe that will work with pvscsi02:39
Ganymedeand while i'm here, i'm thinking about using noop elevator since my disk image is stored on god knows what...some monster RAID array over fibre channel?02:40
twbGanymede: I imagine that pvscsi is a proprietary VMware-specific thing, and it'll only work for the root disk if you recompile your ramdisk to include the drivers from vmware-tools.02:40
Ganymededoes that sound advisable?02:40
twbGanymede: but that's just a guess -- checking /proc/partitions will help02:40
Ganymedetwb, yeah, you're probably right about that, i'm not terribly familiar with how the boot process works02:41
Ganymedeactually...yeah, i didn't think of that, you're absolutely right02:41
twbIt's OK: I *am* familiar with how boot works :-)02:41
Ganymedei thought that since i had installed vmware-tools, the pvscsi module is suddenly visible to the boot process02:41
Ganymedebut i see why that would be incorrect02:41
twbit's unlikely that a vmware-tools .deb is rolled correctly enough to rebuild the ramdisks02:42
Ganymedemaybe in upcoming versions02:42
twbDo a "update-initramfs -u -k all" to forcibly rebuild them02:42
twbYou can also try talking to#vmware about it02:42
Ganymedetwb, but would that update-initramfs command know to include pvscsi in particular?02:43
Ganymede(i'm not even sure pvscsi is the module name, i'll have to check once i get this working)02:44
twbGanymede: the default behaviour for initramfs-tools is to include ALL kernel modules in the ramdisk02:44
twb(Well, all disk, network, etc. modules.)02:45
Ganymedetwb, thanks, i'll be sure to give that a try in the near future02:46
twbGanymede: let me know if you succeed02:48
Ganymedetwb, that's automatically done on kernel upgrade, right?02:48
twbGanymede: in theory, yes.  In your case, I'd do it manually just to be sure02:48
twbupdate-initramfs is idempotent if you rerun it without changing anything, so it should be safe02:49
Ganymedeso i just installed a bare minimum VM to test this out...got to vmware tool installation...it asks to build kernel modules...just realized i don't have gcc...can't install it because i don't have drivers for my paravirtualized NIC yet...back to the drawing board02:50
Ganymedeah, the hoops and hurdles i go through to get paravirtualization working...and will probably never notice the speedup02:50
twbOne more reason to go with LXC and/or kvm...03:00
JuanMarquezcan filter pages with user login control?03:02
JuanMarquezusing squid03:02
twbJuanMarquez: I don't understand the question.03:04
JuanMarqueztwb, ok i need filter webs pages certain users03:06
JuanMarquezsorry mi inglish is bad03:06
twbse?  I forget how to conjugate it.03:09
JuanMarquezI need to filter web pages, but using the method by user, using proxy03:12
JuanMarquezis possible?03:12
twbDo users need to authenticate to use your proxy?03:12
JuanMarquezyes, in mode transparente I do not think can03:13
twbIf users authenticate to squid, then you can03:14
JuanMarquezah ok03:14
JuanMarquezsample config place?03:15
Ganymedetwb, looks like i got paravirtualized scsi (module IS called pvscsi) working on non-boot disk, and according to hdparm -Tt, the paravirtualized is like 4 times faster...but is hdparm a good benchmark?03:35
Ganymedewith LSI scsi controller, i got 120 MB/sec read, with pvscsi, i got between 390 and 520 MB/sec03:36
zroyschis there any way of saving an md raid partition if you get this when mounting mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md2,03:37
Ganymedewait...something is fishy...520 MB/sec on a 4 Gb fiber? host must be caching... =/03:38
twbzroysch: pastebin /proc/mdstat's contents03:41
zroyschmd2 : active raid5 sdd[1] sde[2]03:48
zroysch      1953524992 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [3/2] [_UU]03:48
zroyschsorry wrong spot03:48
zroyschtwb: does that help03:59
cefanyone done any old old old version upgrades using old-archives.ubuntu ?04:00
cefmainly: does it work?04:00
twbzroysch: that's saying your array is still OK, it's just that you can't lose ANOTHER disk.04:31
zroyschtwb: right04:31
twbSo mount shouldn't have a problem04:32
zroyschso when i go to mount it gives me the wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md2,04:32
twbThat shouldn't happen.04:32
twbfile -s /dev/md204:32
zroysch /dev/md2: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data, UUID=3b309b65-9d8c-40d8-9373-f74190958845 (needs journal recovery) (large files)04:33
Roxyhart0hi, there any way to detect who in my NAT is gettong virus (we are blacklisted). I got clamd but is doesn't detect which PC is.04:33
twbAnd what does dmesg say after a mount attempt?04:33
zroyschtwb: http://pastebin.ca/180539804:34
zroyschRoxyhart0: a virus scanner?04:34
Roxyhart0i need in my nat because i cant control the clients04:35
Jordan_URoxyhart0, How do you know that someone in your NAT has a virus in the first place?04:35
twbzroysch: e2fsck -p /dev/md204:35
Roxyhart0because the DNSs send to me a report about we are getting blacklisted because virus04:36
zroyschtwb: http://pastebin.ca/180540304:37
zroyschits stopped there.04:37
Roxyhart0my nat server is email server and webserver as well (linux)04:37
twbOK, so somehow your journal got corrupted, and as a result it has been emptied out04:38
twbNow it should mount again04:38
twbObviously you should also be replacing the dead node in your array at some point04:39
zroyschtwb: http://pastebin.ca/180540504:39
twbIs this an ext4 filesystem?04:40
zroyschwas ext3 as far as i knew04:40
twbWell, the disk thinks it was ext404:40
twbWhat mount command are you issuing?04:41
zroyschoh wow04:41
zroyschit mounts now04:41
twbNow unmount it and e2fsck again04:43
zroyschdont i want to backup the data asap04:43
twbIf you were concerned about making a backup, you shouldn't have tried to mount it04:44
twbYou should have immediately taking a bitwise copy with dd.04:44
zroyschim pretty sure ive had fsck lose data before04:44
twbfsck did just lose data04:45
twbit deleted your broken journal04:45
zroyschnot sure what a journal is04:46
zroyschi cant umount now04:46
twbIt's the thing that remembers what was going to happen when you kicked out the UPS04:46
zroyschsaying its busy04:46
Roxyhart0hi i find one solution but i dont know how to solve it. I need to stop any package with port 25 which is not really an email. somebody have any idea how to do that?04:51
AdamDV95% of this channel is joins and quits I tell ya.05:11
twbAdamDV: so drop those05:12
AdamDVI dont know how to in pidgin :/05:13
Roxyhart0AdamDv are you administrator for this forum?05:13
twbThen use Emacs05:13
AdamDVRoxyhart0: ?05:14
AdamDVAm I the administrator for what forum?05:14
AdamDVTHis channel?05:14
AdamDVOh god no.05:14
Roxyhart0this channel i mean05:14
AdamDVI wish, haha.05:14
zroyschumount: /mnt/raid5: device is busy.05:24
zroyschlsof and fuser not showing me anything05:24
twbWere you using chroot?05:24
[1]spikeHi Everyone, Is anyone here knowledgable with setting a proxy server with ubuntu server? i tried http_proxy= then export http_proxy but i still cant seem to get any internet05:24
zroyschtwb: usingsudo05:24
twb[1]spike: what makes you think your http proxy is binding to 6588 instead of webcache (8080)?05:25
[1]spikebecause a file server is bound to 8080 so the proxy is set to 658805:26
twb[1]spike: does ss (or netstat) agree with you?05:26
[1]spikeumm huh? im real new to linux, i don't know what those are so ill google it and let you know in a sec :)05:28
[1]spikeok so i take it i need to run netstat on the proxy server machine?05:30
[1]spikeok it specifies listning TCP 6588 and TCP 108005:36
[1]spikeso ill try setting as 1080 and seeing what happens05:36
[1]spikebut im guesing the file server would still show up as listning05:36
twbIt says *squid* is listening on both those ports?05:36
twbOh, 1080 is SOCKS05:37
[1]spikeIt has no process names05:37
twbYou want -p05:37
[1]spikeok ill do that now thanks for all the help :)05:37
twbIn any case, you should now try to talk to the service using netcat05:37
cefRoxyhart0: you could use something like snort on the NAT gateway to watch the traffic. it can actively check for bad stuff (from rulesets) in passing traffic05:37
twbFirst try on the proxy server itself, then try on your test machine05:38
zroyschis there a quick way to make a drive unbusy when it is too busy to unmount? or should i just reboot05:38
cefRoxyhart0: but you may also find simply monitoring all port 25 traffic with tcpdump will get you somewhere.05:38
[1]spikeok im going to google netcat then get back to you.  Thanks alot05:39
twbzroysch: that depends on why it's busy05:39
zroyschtwb lsof and fuser dont seem to tell me anything05:39
twbzroysch: did you use chroot?05:41
cefRoxyhart0: lastly, if you dump with tcpdump to a file, you can load the packets in wireshark (gui, win/linux/mac versions out there) on another PC than the NAT box. That might make it easier to see what is going on05:42
[1]spikeHey i think i can bypass this step.  everyother pc on the network works fine using proxy the Ubuntu Server can ping but im attemting "Ping Http://www.google.co.nz/" which tells me05:42
[1]spike"Unknowen Host"05:42
twb[1]spike: ping uses ICMP, not HTTP.05:42
cefdrop the 'http://' and '/' from your ping and try again05:43
[1]spikeok ill try now05:43
lifelesstwb: you can do http trace and pings :) though I don't think thats what [1]spike means.05:43
zroyschtwb: im not familiar with chroot05:45
lifelesshost www.google.co.nz05:45
[1]spikei just want the ubuntu server going thru the proxy till i can install the necessary hardware using apt-get so it can become the server05:45
twbIsn't host deprecated? ;-)05:45
lifelesstwb: not at all05:46
twbOh right, it just wants me to "upgrade" to bind9-host, with its bloaty deps05:46
zroyschrebooting. maybe one day i'll be able to find out what is using mounts05:47
[1]spikeCould it be something to do with the fact i dont have a user name and password? The context is supposed to be http_proxy=http://username:password@host:port/05:48
[1]spikeand im just using http_proxy=
lifelessnothing t do with username and password05:48
lifelesshowever, you will want your variable to be http_proxy=
[1]spikeand then use export http_proxy?05:49
[1]spikeill try now05:49
lifelessbut 'ping' does not use http proxies05:49
lifelessso it won't help your problem.05:50
twbYou should also be testing with curl -v, not some crappy GUI browser.05:50
lifelessif you want ping to work, you will need routing set up05:50
[1]spikei just want apt-get to work05:50
[1]spikeso i can install my network card05:51
[1]spikethen the ubuntu server doesn't need a proxy because it will be the server05:51
cefyou want apt to work with a proxy?05:51
[1]spikei use a 3g satalite dial up05:51
[1]spikei cant install it without being online with apt-get?05:52
[1]spikeor is there another way?05:52
[1]spikeso how can i test if the proxy is working?05:53
ceffirst up.. your proxy.. that same machine is the one you want to be able to apt-get, or is it a different machine?05:54
[1]spikedifferent.  I have all windows machines.  I want to have all linux instead.  But my adsl is satalite dial up so i have a windows machine running squid so i can set up the ubuntu server05:54
[1]spikethen ill set up squid on there and change all pc's to ubuntu and debian05:55
cefok.. so you're installing a linux box, or updating an existing one (for apt?)05:56
[1]spikeall new, never ever used linux before05:56
[1]spikeinstalled last night05:56
cefbut they're already installed, yes?05:57
[1]spikemistakingly i set a 128 digit pass phrase to.  Didn't realise i had to type it every startup.  Hope Ubuntu server doesn't need restarting as often as microsoft server05:57
[1]spikeyes already installed05:57
cefpass phase for what, wireless?05:58
cefis it just me, or should all that needs to be done here is set up apt to use the squid cache by setting an option in /etc/apt/apt.d/ ?06:03
cefsorry <- work calls, got busy here06:03
[1]spikesorry work to06:04
cefbtw: you did check to make sure that the windows box running squid has a hole in its firewall?06:04
twbIIRC apt-get can't speak digest auth06:04
cefoh crap it's http auth on the proxy? ewwww06:05
[1]spikethe passphrase for the i dont know.  It wasn't an option it just said i had to have a passphrase.  It suggested at least 20 letters and numbers06:05
[1]spikeas soon as the pc turns on i have to type in the passphrase then i have to login06:06
[1]spikei turned windows firewalls off cause they all suck06:06
[1]spikeand as i said the other pc's browse the web fine06:06
[1]spikebut they have gui's were i can enter the proxy for socks http ftp ect ect in a "Normal for me" windows format.  ie. Ip here port there06:07
twb16:50 <twb> You should also be testing with curl -v, not some crappy GUI browser.06:07
[1]spikecurl -v says not installed06:08
twb16:37 <twb> In any case, you should now try to talk to the service using netcat06:08
twb16:38 <twb> First try on the proxy server itself, then try on your test machine06:08
twbDid you do that?06:09
[1]spikeneed to use apt-get to install it. and apt get always says package not found06:09
twb[1]spike: you need to install netcat?06:10
[1]spikeyup im trying06:10
twbHow did you do the initial install?06:11
twbIf it was from a CD, it should have those packages in its pool06:11
[1]spikei cant run netcat on windows? cant find a windows download06:11
[1]spikei installed by putting the iso on the usb drive06:12
twbYou could try gnuwin32.sf.net, but I don't know about Windows.06:12
twb[1]spike: well, put that back into your sources.list06:12
[1]spikeok now your talking french again ill just google it :)06:13
twbJe ne parlez pas francais.06:13
[1]spikethis is making sence06:15
[1]spikei just need to find the linux answer for windows cd ..06:15
[1]spikebecause pwd says /user/home and i need to be in /ect/06:15
[1]spikelol jokes on me.06:17
[1]spikeits the same command06:17
[1]spikeok ive found /etc/apt/sources.list but how do i open it?06:20
[1]spikeam i like way to newb to be trying to set up an ubuntu server? lol06:25
[1]spikesudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup06:32
[1]spikeok sorted sorta06:45
[1]spikei tried sudo apt-get install curl06:46
[1]spikebut it still said package not found06:46
[1]spikeHowever it is now attempting to get the packages from
[1]spikewhich is my network mirror of the ubuntu server iso06:46
Roxyhart08hi somebody have running wireshark on ubuntu?06:50
twbRoxyhart08: it works the same as anywhere else06:51
[1]spikeok more success sorta. i ran apt-get update now when i run sudo apt-get install curl, it cant find curl but says it found refrences to it so it has probably been removed from this ditribution06:51
[1]spikepackage curl has no installation candidate06:51
[1]spikeso im figuring i need to download curl06:52
[1]spikeso i will google ubuntu server curl package download06:52
[1]spikeand put this in my directory06:52
ChmEarllooking in /usr/share/consolefonts/, it seems the smallest console font is VGA8 or Uni18?06:54
ChmEarlthat should be Uni-VGA806:55
[1]spikebut do i need curl.dsc or curl.tar.gz or curl.diff.gz or all of the above?06:55
twbChmEarl: here, the smallest font is Terminus 12x606:55
ChmEarlI tried that one, but my system ignore it and went back to kernel font06:56
Roxyhart08hi someone have intalled wireshark?06:57
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:58
ChmEarlby kernel font I mean that set by init script06:58
twbChmEarl: I know what you're talking about.06:58
twbaptitude install console-setup kbd+M console-terminus+M && sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow console-setup06:59
ChmEarlthe first font setting is here /etc/console-tools/config, then later it get it from /etc/default/console-setup06:59
ChmEarltwb, that mystical cmd will change all fonts to your setting?07:00
twbChmEarl: console-setup does it.  It should be installed by default.07:01
* Callum__ finds it stupid that Ubuntu Server doesn't include install-mbr >_>07:01
twbChmEarl: you need to use kbd instead of console-tools to select 12x607:02
ChmEarltwb, you recommend me to run that cmd , all on one line?07:02
twbChmEarl: I don't really care what you do07:02
Callum__I have this new RAID array I want to use but since I can't install install-mbr ATM because the site the server is at doesn't have Internet yet, I'm stuck >_>07:02
[1]spikeok so ive hit a dead stop.  Does anyone know were the packages for apt-get are on the installation cd? so i can add new ones07:03
* ChmEarl pastes cmd into editor to check formatting07:03
twb[1]spike: you can't "just add new ones"07:03
[1]spikedang it07:03
[1]spikei can download new ones lol07:04
twbCallum__: what do you expect install-mbr to do?07:04
Callum__twb: it isn't obvious in its name? >_> install an MBR to a RAID array so I can install partitions on it...07:05
ChmEarltwb, cmd ran fine and I changed to terminus 12x6 -- thanks07:06
twbUh, installing an mbr is just a cat or dd.07:06
twbUnless you mean one of grub's retarded non-static MBRs, in which case you use install-grub or something07:06
twbNot that md arrays can have partitions, at least traditionally07:08
[1]spikeso how do i install curl without apt-get?07:28
twb[1]spike: you don't07:30
[1]spikeand i cant add packages to /main/pool/c/curl?07:31
[1]spike\pool\main\c\curl i mean sorry07:31
twb[1]spike: correct; you can't.07:32
[1]spikethat makes no sence lol07:33
[1]spikei can download the necessary package but can't do anything with it :S07:33
[1]spikeeven thought the online mirrors have the same file structure but more data in the files07:34
[1]spikei think i figured it07:35
[1]spikeyou are correct but wrong07:36
[1]spikei cant add packages but i can ad .deb files07:36
=== alvin_ is now known as alvin
[1]spikewhich appear to be package files07:36
[1]spikevery confusing07:36
twbWhich will not be found by apt, because they are not listed in the signed Packages index.07:36
[1]spikeisnt that why i use # dpkg-scanpackages debs file | gzip > debs/Packages.gz07:38
[1]spikeor in my case # dkpg-scanpackages debs /dev/null07:41
[1]spikeor in my case # dkpg-scanpackages debs /dev/nul | gzip > debs/packages.gz07:41
twbI thought you said your webserver was running Windows07:42
Cappyfolks, anyone around?07:42
[1]spikeit is but i can run that command on another linux box then copy directory with all contents to windows server then mirror them?07:43
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:43
[1]spikebecause wouldn't that now have all the information for apt-get07:43
twb[1]spike: if you can copy the files to the ubuntu server, just do that, and use file:/// in sources.list07:43
[1]spikeor i could even (Appears more simple) put the .deb files on a usb stick insert it into the server and run those commands07:44
[1]spikecool im getting somewere :)07:44
[1]spikenow to figure out how to mount my usb stick in linux :)07:44
kaushalI have openssh-server: Installed: 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1 Candidate: 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2, is there a way to install 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 without using sudo apt-get update ?07:47
twbkaushal: why don't you want to do "sudo apt-get update"?07:48
kaushalsince my server is in production07:48
[1]spiketwb can you please give me a hint on how to use my usb stick from CLI lol... google has 3 million+ results for "ubuntu server how to use usb stick" and they all seem to be about installing ubuntu from a usb stick07:48
twb[1]spike: mkdir /mnt/bugger; mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/bugger07:49
kaushaltwb: so the steps are sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install openssh-server ?07:50
kaushalthat will update it to 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.207:50
twbkaushal: you should be doing "aptitude update" and "aptitude safe-upgrade"07:50
kaushalwhat does aptitude safe-upgrade do ?07:51
twbkaushal: do you know how to check the manual?07:52
[1]spikedidnt do much till i added sudo infront of it just said permission denied now it says can't find /dev/sdb1/mnt/bugger in /etc/fsab or /etc/mtab07:52
kaushaltwb: Thanks07:53
[1]spikeim guessing07:53
[1]spikei had to run the mkdir cmd from one of the listed directories?07:53
kaushalInstalled packages will not be removed as per man aptitude07:54
[1]spikewould i be correct? im in root btw07:54
twb[1]spike: spaces are important07:54
kaushalso does it mean I will have 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1 and 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 ?07:54
kaushalI mean both versions07:54
twbkaushal: you cannot have multiple versions of the same package installed concurrently in Ubuntu07:54
[1]spikeohh ic07:54
[1]spiketa dude sorry07:54
kaushaltwb: Thanks for clearing the confusion07:55
kaushaltwb: a last question if i just need to upgrade only openssh-server and not the other packages ?07:57
[1]spikeman your so helpful. but i just need to clarify 1 thing then i think im good for tonight assume = ass outta u and me!07:59
twbYou're not making any friends with such gauche aphorisms.08:00
[1]spikesince i now have the dir i dont need to use the mkdir cmd next time and can just use sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/bugger08:00
twbkaushal: then indeed "aptitude install openssh-server" would be the least ugly way to do it.08:00
twbkaushal: but I recommend you install all security patches.08:00
kaushaltwb: Thanks :)08:01
[1]spikei was attempting to explain why i needed verification from a seemingly logical event.  Im just googling gauche aphorisms08:01
twb[1]spike: I think you already have enough of those.08:03
[1]spikeno i ment i didn't know what gauche aphorisms ment. And again im sorry if my crude word association insulted you08:05
twbDon't worry about it08:05
twbI /ignore people that are truly annoying.08:06
Cappyanyone here able to give me some advice about install a desktop ubuntu with a little optimisation?08:06
twbCappy: that would be #ubuntu08:06
ChmEarltwb, what is a normal initrd.img size for karmic 9.10 server with Lamp & VM Manager? mine is 7MB which seems too big08:17
twbI'd say anywhere between 5 and 15MB08:20
ChmEarlk, maybe its not worth it to tweak mkinitramfs08:20
twbChmEarl: it's a great way to make your machine unbootable in order to save a few MB of RAM08:22
ChmEarltwb, my first try was a bust.. I used MODULES=dep in initramfs.conf08:22
ChmEarlthis box opens using 250 MB RAM, and with one VM its at 650MB08:25
ChmEarlplenty of headroom08:25
[1]spikeok how do i shutdown the server? (ie turn off) i tried sudo shutdown now and it takes me to a recovery screen08:26
twb[1]spike: shutdown -h now08:27
[1]spikewait darn thats when i should have used man shutdown?08:27
twb[1]spike: yes08:28
[1]spikehow long have you been using linux?08:32
twbSince 2001 or so.08:32
[1]spikestill things to learn?08:32
twbFor example, I cannot split an inch-thick pine board with my head08:34
[1]spikei cant wait till more people in this country use linux.  Then linux will be more obtainable and local support / it's should appear id hope08:34
[1]spikei ment still things to learn about linux lol08:34
twb[1]spike: what, New Zealand?08:35
twbThe last LCA was there, FFS08:35
[2]spikewow. that was ubuntu server starting to serv.  It works. thanks for all your help08:36
derknechthi there. i need more loopdevices than the default 8, how can i achive this? (using ubuntu-server 8.10) i have "loop max_loop=16" in /etc/modules, but there are still just 8 /dev/loop devices (i have rebooted). Thanks08:45
twbderknecht: what are you using loop for, that 8 isn't enough?08:46
derknechttwb: i use crypt container with losetup und cryptsetup on a local server. And i have 9 container files08:58
twbderknecht: does your kernel have loop built as a module, or built into the kernel?08:58
ChmEarltrying dh-make-perl ./Sys-Virt-xxx and it trys to write to my .cpan and fails09:04
ChmEarlmaybe chown root:admin ./.cpan then chmod755 ?09:06
ChmEarlheck rfb libsys-virt-perl09:08
ChmEarlrequest for build -- its beyond my grasp09:08
Callum__<twb> [1]spike: what, New Zealand? - *waves from Wellington*09:09
twbCallum__: I'm assuming he's in .nz because his IP is registered there09:10
Callum__twb: yeah09:11
twbChmEarl: why are you running dh-make-perl as root?09:12
ChmEarltwb: I ran as user, then it tried to grab a file from cpan. I might have run perl as root once and cpanned09:14
ChmEarlcan I change perms on .cpan09:14
twbChmEarl: that should be easy enough to check: find ~ -user root09:14
jiboumans~/.cpan should be owned by you, not root09:15
* ChmEarl fixing now09:16
[2]spikeyour correct09:23
[2]spikeHawke Bay09:23
ChmEarlit needs libvirt 7.5 or higher, or well09:24
Roxyhart08hi i got tcpdump installed in my NAT linux server and i would like to check the ips inside of the NAT, somebody know ehich command i should use (currently i just can see the external ips)09:24
screen-xRoxyhart08: use -i to specify the internal interface09:28
derknechttwb: its a module, i have added a line in /etc/modules:   loop max_loop=1609:29
twbderknecht: I think that'll only work if loop isn't already loaded by something else09:29
derknechti will test that now (need to restart, but i can't do this now, the services from that server are needed at the moment09:29
twbderknecht: try putting an entry in /etc/modprobe.d/foo09:30
twbecho options loop max_loop=16 >>/etc/modprobe.d/foo.conf09:30
twbI haven't done it myself09:30
screen-xRoxyhart08: also have you tried tshark and iftop?09:30
twbPersonally, I'd just install tcpdump, generate a trace.pcap, then read it with wireshark on a workstation.09:31
derknechttwb: i'll  try09:31
twbAvoids the bloat of wireshark-common09:31
twb(OTOH I tried to do that the other day, and couldn't work out how to make tcpdump generate a .pcap without access to man-db.)09:32
screen-xtwb: sometimes I prefer the output of tshark.09:33
Cappy194 people here and no one is talking? has someone broken freenode?09:33
twbscreen-x: tshark is a pita to read09:34
twbI usually end up using the "detailed xml" format from it, then filtering out attributes with xmlstarlet09:35
Roxyhart08thanks screen-x i will try09:35
screen-xtwb: yeah I use when looking for detail as well.09:36
sacardewhat is rmnologin service for ?09:39
twbsacarde: to prevent users from logging in before e.g. they have a home directory09:41
twbrmnologin just removes the "don't let them log in" stub file, which pam_nologin checks for09:41
sacardeif I want to remote-login ?09:52
sacardeI have to stop it?09:53
twbsacarde: if your system is working, it'll be removed early during boot09:58
sacardeand server-xorg-input-wacom ?10:00
twbsacarde: what about it?10:00
sacardewhat is it for?10:00
twbsacarde: apt-cache show will tell you taht.10:02
sacardeI have problem ..... I want to remote login with xdmcp with ubuntu-server10:02
twbThat's not a problem, that's a goal.10:03
dholbachI'm looking for speakers for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingTraining - who wants to do ara a favour?10:13
dholbach<ara> dholbach, one idea: web applications that use a lamp stack. A way to package them to install the lamp dependencies, and configure it directly10:13
dholbach dholbach, i.e. drupal10:13
twbdholbach: that's not a page10:14
dholbachoops, yes10:14
twbPackaging apache and friends is something you'd teach to newbies?10:16
huatsdholbach, I really think that ara's idea is great : packaging web applications might be interesting10:16
dholbachtwb: not apache, but web applications - it's very easy to include something like "this is what we expect attendants of the session to know already"10:17
huatsdholbach, you might also give a shot at the mozilla team since I know they had quite a detailed process for packaging extensions... and they have a long list of extensions that needs packaging10:18
twbHeh, PHP apps have the worst packaging of anything I've ever seen! :-)10:18
twbAt least stdio C utilities typically ship with a makefile, and if you're lucky even use autotools.10:18
dholbachtwb: and it's not something that I'd teach :) (and I wouldn't call people who want to help out "newbies")10:18
dholbachhuats: nice idea10:18
twbPeople who WANT to help are the ones not jaded by too many years on the battlefield.10:18
* dholbach adds a note to the job description of speakers: "be optimistic"10:19
dholbachthanks huats10:19
huatsyou're welcome dholbach10:20
twbI would think that packaging a python project would be a saner introduction to packaging niceties, since they're usually relatively sensible upstream, and there's a well-defined python policy10:23
twbMaybe there's a php policy, too...10:23
=== rberger_ is now known as rberger
sacardehow suggest me to allow remote login xdm ?10:30
twbX -broadcast10:31
sacarde? dont understand10:31
sacardeI have: on port 177 xdm listening10:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #525674 in update-notifier (main) "apt-check hangs, preventing login via SSH" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52567410:31
twbRun that.  It'll ask the local network for its XDMCP servers, and connect to the one that responds.10:31
sacardebut I dont view ubuntu-server responding10:33
sacardebut i have on port 177 xdm listening10:33
twbIf you know what the app server's IP is, you can use X  -query IP instead10:33
twbsacarde: xdm doesn't run on the x terminal, it runs on the app server (IIRC).10:33
twbLast time I used XDMP, the POWER G3 was in vogue.10:34
sacardeI dont understand10:34
sacardeI have ubuntu-server and another linux-client10:35
sacardeI configured ubutu-server-xdm to accept remore ;login10:35
twbsacarde: OK, then "ubuntu server" is your app server.10:35
twbRun X -query IP on the other host, the X terminal10:36
sacardeit have 177 port listening10:36
dholbachtwb: we ran a number of those sessions already10:36
sacardeI try to logon in some ways10:36
twbdholbach: eh?10:36
twbdholbach: oh, right10:36
screen-xIs there any standard way of testing for powersupply failure on a machine with dual power supplies?10:37
sacardeI run: X :1 vt8 -dpi 100 -query <servIP>10:37
sacardeut I view only black screen10:37
twbscreen-x: sure: pull out the other one10:37
twbscreen-x: if the machine goes down, the first one was dead10:37
screen-xtwb:  :p10:37
screen-xtwb: I mean in /proc or something like that10:38
twbscreen-x: I expect that your hardware vendor will tell you to install something proprietary10:38
screen-xtwb: :(10:38
twbscreen-x: I haven't looked into dual PSUs myself10:38
twbIME the PSU is rarely the part that fails10:39
screen-xI had two fail recently :(10:39
twbscreen-x: are you in a controlled environment, or are you running your server in an unventilated cupboard in the middle of the Pilbara?10:40
screen-xtwb: dedicated server room with air conditioning. Both PSUs going through UPSs, no unsual spikes/dips recorded by the UPS, all very strange.10:41
screen-xBut very glad of redundant PSUs at that point..10:41
twbAre they from the same batch?10:41
sacardetwb, in which forum can I ask for my problem ?10:41
screen-xtwb: probably.10:41
twbsacarde: what problem?10:41
sacarderemote login in ubuntuserver10:42
twbWell, it's an X issue.10:42
twbIf the Xorg people have a support forum, that'd be the place to ask.  I don't think they have one, except perhaps mailing lists.10:42
twbsacarde: you should be checking the stdout/stderr and logfiles, and failing that, packet sniffing with e.g. wireshark10:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #525680 in tomcat6 (main) "Please sync tomcat6 6.0.24-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52568010:46
sacardetwb, installing gdm , remotelogin works OK10:52
sacardeit was xdm problem10:52
sacardeI think10:52
bartmonHi! I'm doing a project for a college course and I need to test early KVM versions. That means kernel 2.6.20 and onwards. Can I expect a karmic server to work with such an old kernel? How would you go about doing this - Trying out old releases or can I expect stuff to break in  big way if i plug an old kernel on newer userspace?12:24
persiattx: Hey:  I wanted to ask you about your suggested config snippet for bug #231060 : do you know of any reason that shouldn't just be uploaded?12:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 231060 in dnsmasq "packages dnsmasq and libvirt-bin conflict with each other" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23106012:36
ttxpersia: looking12:36
ttxpersia: you also need to modify libvirt so that it calls dnsmasq with --interface=<virtual-bridge>12:38
persialool has also been looking at this, and wondered by libvirt uses "--except-interface lo" rather than explicitly binding some virbr address.  Does anyone know the answer?12:38
persiaSo these are related.  Does libvirt know which of virbr* is <virtual-bridge> ?  Is it always virbr0 ?12:38
loolEh seems ttx came to the same conclusion  :)12:39
loolpersia: Note there might be multiple ones12:39
loolpersia: These are defined in teh XML file defining the network12:39
persiaThat gets tricky then.12:39
ttxpersia, lool: yesvirbr* determination seems like the last hurdle, that's why I wanted someone with inside libvirt knowledge to fix that one12:39
loolpersia: /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/autostart/default.xml12:40
loolBut the libvirt code is probably aware of the interfaces it uses12:41
loolI had a look a while ago and the code is quite heavy and has hardcoded string lengths and the like, it's not pretty12:41
persiaHm.  It *used* to have --interface virbr0, but that got commented out :(12:48
persiaJust to make sure, If I restore --interface (using the correct value), I can drop --except-interfaces from the dnsmasq call, right?12:49
ttxpersia: yes, --bind-interfaces makes it bind to all interfaces but the ones in --except-interfaces12:50
ttxpersia: and --interface is the alternative12:51
ttxso you should also drop --bind-interfaces from the libvirt call12:51
persiaShould I?  Based on man dnsmasq, I'd think I'd want to keep that.12:52
* ttx rechecks12:52
ttxyou're right12:52
ttx--bind-interfaces just avoids binding the wildcard address, which is desirable in all cases12:53
persiaEspecially when we're trying to make it possible to run two simultaneous daemons :)12:53
ttx(in all cases = for the system dnsmasq and for the libvirt dnsmasq)12:54
ttxsmoser: yo13:14
jiboumansttx: he has a day off today13:15
persiaAh, need to preserve --except-interface lo anyway, due to how --interface works :(13:15
ttxjiboumans: arh13:16
sorenpersia, ttx: --interface never really worked there.13:25
sorenpersia, ttx:13:26
sorenpersia, ttx: Back when that code was first introduced, it was found to be racy.13:26
ttxsoren: because the main one wasn't running with --except-interface ?13:26
sorenThat's been there all along.13:26
persiasoren: I saw that in the code comment, and was hoping the race had been resolved somewhere else (kernel maybe?)13:27
sorenI'm not sure.13:27
sorenI don't think I ever worked out where it was.13:27
persiasoren: I've a use case myself that requires this configuration.  Any suggestions on how to make it "Just work"?13:27
* persia admits to currently being engaged in extended yak-shaving, but likes fixing bugs anyway13:28
sorenpersia: Not off the top of my head. I'd ask in #virt over on OFTC.13:28
sorenThe problem is that from the C api, to bind to a particular interface, you specify its IP.13:28
sorenso by the time dnsmasq starts and tries to do this, this IP must be set.13:28
ttxhmm, that rings a bell13:29
sorenFor some reason, it wasn't, when Dan first wrote that code.13:29
ttxthere was a fix recently, let me check if it's related13:30
ttxRe-read the set of network interfaces when re-loading13:33
ttx    /etc/resolv.conf if --bind-interfaces is not set. This13:33
ttx    handles the case that loopback interfaces do not exist13:33
ttx    when dnsmasq is first started.13:33
garymcHi Peeps, im trying to install a shopping cart. It says I need cURL enabled. Anyone know how I add or enable this?13:33
ttxsoren: that's in 2.52 ^13:33
ttxdoes not help, methinks13:34
sorengarymc: Peeps is not here, but you coul try installing the curl package.13:34
sorenttx: /me concurs13:34
garymcsoren lol Peeps is short for People :)13:34
garymcok how do I install the curl package. and will it destroy my current setup?13:34
sorencurl is lower caps for cURL.13:35
sorenLike you install any other package on ubuntu: sudo apt-get install curl13:35
sorenAs to whether it will destroy your current setup, I can't say.13:35
sorenDoes your current setup depend on not having the curl package installed?13:35
sorenIf it's set to autodestruct if /usr/bin/curl pops up, it'll not go well, I predict.13:36
sorenOtherwise, you're probably fine.13:36
smoserttx, i'm not really in today if you (or someone) could manually fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/525675 as I suggest in an image, it'd be great to see how much further you get.13:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 525675 in cloud-init "20100222 images fail to boot in UEC" [High,Confirmed]13:36
garymcOK i installed, now how do I turn it on?13:36
smoserfwiw, i'm not really sure how this code would not have failed in alpha2 if this is the problem though, so i might be off base.13:36
ttxsmoser: ok, thanks for the pointer13:37
screen-xgarymc: to enable it, you probably need to give your webapp the path to curl.13:37
sorengarymc: It is on.13:37
garymcdamn i need a decent turorial on this13:38
garymcmy shop cart still says it is set to off13:39
screen-xgarymc: probably because some install script initially couldn't detect curl. Now you have it installed, you need to re-run that script or find a config file and tell it you now have curl.13:40
diagowe are in the middle of converting our IPs over to a new block. Currently all machines communicate through router#1 but we have setup router#2 with the new IPs and would like a slow transition. How can we tell the machines that if they receive a request from router#2 to use router#2 as the gateway?13:40
garymcscreen-x : you mean with the shopping cart13:40
garymcshould I restart apache?13:41
screen-xgarymc: that prob wont help.13:41
garymcno it iddnt13:41
diagogarymc: magento?13:41
garymcno open cart13:42
diagoah, I had that problem with magento13:42
garymcopen cart is the shopping cart13:42
persiaHrm.  So danpb seems to suggest only using http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Libvirtd_and_dnsmasq to make them work together, which doesn't meet our use case.13:45
garymcSo anyone know anythign about cURL?13:45
screen-xdiago: use alternate routing tables.13:45
diagogarymc: can you recap your problem, I came in late13:45
persiasoren: What do you think about adding debconf to dnsmasq to restrict to some interface (eth0 by default)?13:46
diagoscreen-x: I have tried route add -host <router-ip> gw <router-ip>13:46
garymcdiago : I need to have cURL running for my shopping cart. I just ran "sudo apt-get install curl" now I dont know what to do now13:46
diagogarymc: you probably need php5-curl13:47
sorenpersia: Sounds great.13:47
garymcdiago : so do i uninstall curl?13:47
diagono that won't matter13:47
diagoit may need that anyway13:47
garymcok im installing php5-curl now what?13:48
garymcmy shop cart still says its set to OFF13:48
diagorestart apache13:48
garymcok done13:48
garymcmy shop cart now says set to on13:49
screen-xdiago: http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.html#LARTC.RPDB.SIMPLE13:49
garymcis that it?13:49
diagothat's it garymc13:49
screen-xgarymc:  :)13:49
garymcCool diago13:49
garymcThanks Guys13:49
garymcUbuntu is so easy13:49
diagoscreen-x: thanks, I'll give that a read13:49
tgardnercjwatson, I have chroot bind and devpts mounts in /etc/fstab that appear to be stopping a Lucid boot. Have you seen this bug yet?13:50
diagoscreen-x: that doesn't make much since to me, I'm having a hard to putting that in as my scenario13:55
diagobasically, router#2 is using iptables and DNAT to get the external IPs to the correct internal.13:55
screen-xdiago: you have two routers routing packets to servers, which must reply via the same router?13:56
diagoI need to leave the default gateway in place on the machine for the time being to be router#1 BUT if a request comes from router#2 I need that traffic to go back out to router#213:56
diagoscreen-x: that sounds corrent13:56
screen-xdiago: yep, so you create an alternate routing table that has router2 as the default route, then you add a rule that says that traffic to router2 must be routed according to the alternate routing table.13:57
diagoI feel that has what I have done and it's not working13:58
diagoI'm not sure what the machines see as the source IP though.13:58
screen-xdiago: I did this a while ago while changing ISPs, but the details are fuzzy now that I think about it.13:58
diagoscreen-x: that's exactly what we are trying to do13:59
diagoWe need them both up until DNS is totally finished propagating13:59
screen-xI think I might have ended up adding additional IPs to the servers, then the routers routed packets to the same servers but reffering to them by different IPs.14:00
* screen-x wishes he wrote all this down at the time. 14:00
diagoscreen-x: do you know what iptables SNAT does exactly>14:01
screen-xsource nat changes the source field of an IP packet14:01
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:15
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.14:15
sorenbogeyd6: Can you do that somewhere else, please?14:19
bogeyd6soren, i took it to privmsg14:19
bogeyd6soren, will the cloud be in the next LTS?14:20
sorenOf course.14:20
bogeyd6im going to put in for a career stateside at ubuntu14:21
bogeyd6information systems manager14:21
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/14:25
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.14:25
inveratulomust be written in perl heh14:25
cjwatsontgardner: no, check with Keybuk?14:29
garymchow difficukt is it to setup multiple domains on my webserver. Taking into account I already have one domain on there working at the minute?14:29
garymcHow do I do it, without messing up my Website thats already up and running?14:30
tgardnercjwatson, he's on the bug subscriber list, but he  doesn't seem to be around today. I filed it against mountall for lack of a better idea.14:30
inveratulogarymc: yo ushould be able to make changes on the fly and do graceful reloads of your webserver14:30
ttxsmoser: the eucalyptus metadata service is mostly alright -- it just replies error 500 to ephemeral0 request, which makes it fail when queried by boto1.914:30
ttxsmoser: I'll let kirkland investigate further14:31
garymcSo am i best to run my other websites on a seperate server ? As I use this current webserver for call centre database input14:31
cjwatsontgardner: I just got back from holiday, so conider me comprehensively out of the loop14:31
inveratulogarymc: you can utilize the "checkconfig" or "checkconf" keyword to check your config files before you reload14:31
ttxsmoser, kirkland: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/525675/comments/5 for details14:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 525675 in eucalyptus "20100222 images fail to boot in UEC (no ephemeral0 metadata)" [High,Confirmed]14:32
inveratulogarymc: i suppose it ultimately depends on your usage requirements, if you expect tons of traffic it may be best to keep them separate14:32
garymcOk how do I setup multiple domains14:32
tgardnercjwatson, buried under a mountain of email? I'm gonna be gone for a month soon and am not looking to my return wrt email.14:32
inveratulogarymc: typically you can either decide to run a subdomain or a virtual host... check it out: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html14:33
cjwatsontgardner: bugs mostly14:33
diagoscreen-x: I got it14:45
kpettitAny recommendations for a good blacklist type app?  Looking for something to give me updated blacklist IP's, mainly for ssh14:46
diagousing iptables snat for anything going out of the lan card and route on the internal mchines14:46
bogeyd6kpettit, dnsbl?14:47
kpettithaven't heard of that one.  I'll look for it.14:47
bogeyd6dronecheck is pretty good14:47
kpettitI'm using arno, and it has a pretty good ssh blacklist.  But I hate watching all these attempts14:47
kpettitoh cool.  I'll look at that one too14:47
bogeyd6which was i assume you are wanting14:48
bogeyd6!fail2ban | kpettit14:48
bogeyd6kpettit, fail2ban is probably more realistic of what you want14:48
bogeyd6easy to setup14:48
kpettitohhh, I like that.  It's in package manager as well14:49
garymcinveratulo I want to run virtual host14:49
garymcWhat do i need to do14:49
kpettitlooks perfect.  thanks bogeyd614:49
garymcDo I need to create new folders for each website? where? how?14:49
inveratulogarymc: generally yes, some people use versioning systems, whatever floats your boat14:49
bogeyd6kpettit, it is perfect, i set mine at 5 fails in 10 minutes, but our admin team is the only ones using it14:49
garymcinveratulo I need the simplist one :S14:50
bogeyd6kpettit, its also available from the apt-get install fail2ban14:50
inveratulogarymc: well the apache docs are pretty explicit so they can probably walk you through some pretty good examples, if you have any specific questions i'm sure someone here can answer14:50
kpettitbogeyd6, sweet.  Just installed it vai apt-get14:51
garymcok i want to do namebased virtual hosts. Am I thinking right?14:51
inveratulogarymc: right, that's like if you wanted to host www.foo.com and www.bar.com off the same server14:52
bogeyd6inveratulo, which is probably what is going on. i wonder how many ip's he has14:53
inveratulogarymc: well there's a gazillion ways it could be configured, so if there are specific questions, we could probably assist14:53
bogeyd6garymc, or be more specific as to your goal14:55
screen-xdiago: great, how did you do it in the end?14:58
kirklandttx: hi15:01
diagoscreen-x: I'll do one more test and pastie15:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #524893 in linux (main) "Can't boot initramfses" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52489315:02
stephen`hi... I am an experiened debian user, but have been using centos for 3+ yrs; now starting to use ubuntu; is there a doc somewhere which explains core technical differences between ubuntu and debian? eg upstart... anything else?15:03
kirklandttx: i'll get that bug fixed15:03
bogeyd6stephen`, http://help.ubuntu.com15:05
bogeyd6stephen`, more specifically https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/index.html15:05
Disconnectanyone know if its possible to enable hw virt on an hp dl165 w/o having to be there? (bios setting is wrong - by the time hp finished the doa repair it was after midnight and i spaced on resetting it..) i know dell has a tool to do it but what about hp?15:06
bogeyd6Disconnect, the hp system management15:07
stephen`bogeyd6: thanks, that looks useful; I was wondering if there was more a 'here are 4 or 5 things you need to know, coming from a debian background'15:07
bogeyd6!anyone | stephen`15:07
ubottustephen`: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:07
* Disconnect asked the real question even though it started with "does anyone" :)15:08
stephen`ubottu: erm?  I don't believe I asked 'does anyone' - I asked a specific question15:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:09
stephen`bogeyd6: ^^15:09
bogeyd6Disconnect,  http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/servers/management/agents/index.html15:09
Disconnectawesome thanks :)15:10
bogeyd6you gotta use the debian packages15:10
* Disconnect was just discovering he should have set up the bmc before leaving anyway, so a trip might be necessary. Here's hoping not :)15:10
bogeyd6HP has a hard** for redhat and sles15:10
screen-xstephen`: maybe http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/Debian15:10
bogeyd6Disconnect, http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/servers/management/remotemgmt.html15:11
stephen`screen-x: yeah... i know all that! Thanks though; Maybe what I want doesn't exist; It's cool - I'll work it out.15:11
diagoscreen-x: http://pastie.org/83685615:11
bogeyd6!pastebin | diago15:12
stephen`I mean, for example, I know that Ubuntu uses upstart, and debian doesn't by default (ie I've never used it).  That's fine - I'll read the upstart documentation.15:12
ubottudiago: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:12
stephen`I'm wondering if there are any other areas like that that I could focus my attention on, or if I just treat ubuntu as debian, I'll more or less be fine.15:13
bogeyd6they like paste.ubuntu.com used15:13
bogeyd6stephen`, well i use ubuntu and sles, big differences? all the config directories and especially /var/15:13
diagoso touchy over a paste15:14
bogeyd6stephen`, put simply there are huge differences but they all work basically the same15:14
stephen`bogeyd6: yeah right - i know the differences between eg debian and rhel - that's fine... I'm just after a sense of how different, in real, nuts and bolts terms, debian is from ubuntu.15:14
bogeyd6ah ok15:16
bogeyd6then you want this15:16
bogeyd6stephen`, http://www.wikivs.com/wiki/Debian_vs_Ubuntu15:16
stephen`so I've done slink -> potato -> etch -> lenny; but only really experienced ubuntu on a laptop, so never really thought about what's going on underneath15:18
stephen`(whereas have run 100s of debian servers)15:18
* stephen` looks at that link15:18
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screen-xdiago: Thanks for the info. Glad you could sort it without too much complication.15:19
bogeyd6screen-x, why did you send me the becoming a new member thing?15:20
andolzul: How sure are you about bug #403599 actually being fixed? Also, when marking bug #525041 as Invalid, did you check the potential connection to 403599?15:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 403599 in php5 "Installing PHP5 performs a reload to apache instead of a restart" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40359915:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 525041 in php5 "Apache serves PHP files without parsing them" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52504115:21
ttxkirkland: thx15:25
kirklandttx: i don't entirely see what's causing the problem yet, but I'll work with smoser  on it15:27
ttxkirkland: I think I nailed the root cause15:27
ttxkirkland: I've an interesting eucalyptus-side log I'll attach to the bug15:27
kirklandttx: boto?15:27
ttxkirkland: no. Metadata service15:28
ttxkirkland: it's certainly possible to work around the bug in boto15:28
Italian_Plumberhello.  I'm trying to get a program to run at boot time, and have it run my a non-priviledged user, from that user's environemnt.  "~" has to be that user (david)'s home directory.  As you can see here: http://pastebin.com/m276db94a it is not.  What am I doing wrong?15:31
Italian_Plumberman I'm not even sure if I'm asking the right question15:34
inveratuloItalian_Plumber: look up the "@reboot" directive used in conjuction with crontab for the user you want to run the script as...15:34
inveratuloItalian_Plumber: oh wait i just saw your pastebin... did you set a home directory for your user in /etc/passwd ?15:35
Italian_Plumberyes, it's /home/david15:35
inveratuloso when you do a su - david and then pwd it returns the correct home ?15:35
Italian_Plumberwhen root runs the rc.d script at startup, it needs to start rtorrent as the user david, with the user david's environment.15:36
inveratuloI would utilize crontab to be honest, that's why its there15:36
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acalvoif anyone had to develop an application which has to be modular and run in a *nix enviorenment, which programming language will you choose?15:42
acalvoI've thought c++ with a plug-in web based system15:42
bogeyd6c++ or php15:42
bogeyd6python is good too15:42
acalvomaybe for the *nix backend15:43
acalvoseems good15:43
ttxkirkland: confirmed error in eucalyptus side, see my latest comments on the bug15:47
kirklandttx: okay15:49
ttxkirkland: boto could fail a little less miserably, but the root cause is in euca.15:50
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Italian_Plumberlooks like the command I was looking for is "sudo -H -u david screen -d -m rtorrent"15:54
zroyschRAID 1+0 (or 10) is a mirrored data set (RAID 1) which is then striped (RAID 0), hence the "1+0" name. A RAID 1+0 array requires a minimum of four drives: two mirrored drives to hold half of the striped data, plus another two mirrored for the other half of the data. In Linux MD RAID 10 is a non-nested RAID type like RAID 1, that only requires a minimum of two drives, and may give read performance on the level of RAID 0.16:04
zroyschwhat so md raid10 is different than normal raid1016:04
kirklandsmoser: around?16:19
smoserbut only shortly16:20
kirklandsmoser: right, sorry, ttx said you're on a swap day16:20
ttxsmoser: saw my comments on the bug ?16:20
kirklandsmoser: priv message me the bugs you want sponsored/uploaded16:21
kirklandsmoser: and i'll get to them today16:21
smoserbug number?16:21
smoserttx, i can't see how bug 525675 is not regression, i've been using the 2009-04-04 for most of the lucid cycle16:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 525675 in eucalyptus "20100222 images fail to boot in UEC (HTTP error 500 retrieving ephemeral0 metadata)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52567516:23
smoserregression in euca side16:24
ttxsmoser: might have been introduced when they worked on ephemeral016:24
ttxalso it's not sensitive to the API date16:24
smoserwhich probably is ok... (bug really should be)16:25
ttxit's more about enumerating keys (boto 1.9) vs non enumerating keys (1.8)16:25
smoserbut we have used 1.9 in alpha216:25
smoserthis code hasn't changed. i've even had several people do the exact same 'get_instance_metadata()' call inside euca guest16:25
ttxsmoser: I'd say, recent regression in euca only shown by using boto 1.9-style enumeration16:25
smoserwell, fine. i really dont care. recent regression in euca.16:26
kirklandttx: do you have any pointers in the eucalyptus code for this key handling?16:26
kirklandttx: i'm grepping around right now16:26
ttxkirkland: nope16:26
kirklandttx: i haven't touched this bit to date16:26
kirklandttx: okay16:26
smoserand they're infinitely going to have issues if they globally change all their api levels.16:27
smoserie, if they fix this, they'r egoing to break someone who explicitly requested 2008-02-02 (or any other level)16:27
kirklandsmoser: they = eucalyptus?16:27
smoserthe api has levels16:28
smoserand the user *should* request a specific level and be compatible with that16:28
smoserif euca changes all levels at the same time, its impossible to make everyone happy16:28
ttxsmoser: ephemeral0 is 2009-04-04 ?16:28
smoseri can send you a cralw of the ec2 api that i sent to danial at the portland sprint16:29
ttxsmoser: here the issue is about what returns16:32
ttxif it returns 'emi\nephemeral0\nroot\nswap' it should be ready to serve any of them16:32
ttxI don't mind it not supporting ephemeral0, I mind it exposing it if it can't serve it.16:33
ttxsmoser: (if that makes sense)16:34
ttxto me it's not a boto compatibility or API issue16:34
smoseron ec216:35
smoser$ wget -O - -q16:35
ttxsame for UEC16:35
ttx(+ swap) :)16:35
smoser$ wget wget -O - -q; echo16:35
smoseris there a on uec?16:35
ttxreturns error 50016:36
smoserso thats the problem.16:36
ttxsmoser: and that's what my last comments say :)16:36
ttx$ grep -R ephemeral0 .16:36
ttx./clc/modules/image-manager/src/main/java/com/eucalyptus/images/util/ImageUtil.java:  public static BlockDeviceMappingItemType EPHEMERAL = new BlockDeviceMappingItemType( "ephemeral0", "sda2" );16:36
ttx./clc/modules/cluster-manager/src/main/java/edu/ucsb/eucalyptus/cloud/cluster/VmInstance.java:    m.put( "block-device-mapping/", "emi\nephemeral0\nroot\nswap" );16:36
ttxkirkland: ^16:36
ttxlooks like a good starting point16:37
smoserso anyway... then, ttx, what do we want to do here? hack around this at the moment in cloud-init ?16:38
smoserttx, sorry for not fully understanding your last comment, you're correct16:38
ttxsmoser: let's see what Dustin can find / ask eucalyptus guys16:38
ttxsmoser: if it can't be fixed for alpha3 in euca, then we'll look at workaround options16:38
ttxsmoser: but any option looks ugly to me16:39
ttxsmoser: so you can have the rest of your swap day :)16:39
smoserok. thanks :)16:39
smoserone last thign, then i'll go16:39
smosercould someone please sponsor https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/52499916:39
ttxkirkland: looking at the code, it should return EPHEMERAL much in the same way it returns EMI16:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524999 in cloud-init "cloud-init's motd hook is in subdir of /etc/update-motd.d" [Medium,Fix committed]16:39
zroyschwhat is the best way to backup the data of a failing partition16:40
zroyschdd or osmething16:40
smoserttx, kirkland i'm out now. if you absolutely needed me, call.16:42
ttxsmoser: ack16:42
sam2903hi, i'm searching for a mailinglist which is easy to manage via browser-interface for non-technical people16:43
ttxkirkland: - m.put( "block-device-mapping/ephemeral", "sda2" );16:44
ttxkirkland: + m.put( "block-device-mapping/ephemeral0", "sda2" );16:44
ttxThhat may solve it16:44
ttx(in clc/modules/cluster-manager/src/main/java/edu/ucsb/eucalyptus/cloud/cluster/VmInstance.java)16:45
ttxkirkland: regression introduced in r90616:46
zroyschdoes anyone know how to stop a drive from being used16:48
ttxkirkland: commenetd on the bug16:48
zroyschit tells me its busy but nothing is using it16:48
zroyschnevermind found it16:49
TeTeTkirkland: is it soon enough to test the proposed eucalyptus package tomorrow? If not I can probably squeeze it in today17:01
garymcCould anyone be kind enough to help me configure my Virtual Hosts in Apache. Thing is I already have a website running and dont want to mess it all up17:01
garymcbut I need some virtual hosts17:02
Eakhi can i ask a little17:14
Eakubuntu can make hotspot for school ?17:15
ivoksthere's chillispot package that can be used17:15
tobibobiHi, i'm trying to verify a possible security issue on default images installed by german ISP "Strato". Does one of you run a server with them which was installed using the ISP provided default ubuntu image?17:15
ivoksmake sure you use it on 32bit version17:15
Eakthank you very much, sir17:16
ivoksyou'll need access points17:16
sam2903garymc, edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf17:16
Eaknow am a student make a project17:16
Eaknow am use linksys wrt54gl for access point17:16
persiasoren: I think I found the issue with dnsmasq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/381715/ seems to be the cause of the demon just dying when the interface isn't ready yet.  Any idea how to make it just poll for the interface instead to some timeout (say 30s), and then exit?17:18
garymcsam2903 theres noting in my httpd.conf file17:19
sam2903<VirtualHost *>17:20
sam2903  ServerName myaddress.com17:20
sam2903  ServerAlias www.myaddress.com17:20
sam2903  DocumentRoot /var/www/myfolder17:20
gypsymauroI've added a disc to a raid1 device with mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/hda1 its synched but it seems it's used as "spare" how can I make it as default?17:20
Eakwhy ubuntu people use more than centos ?17:24
geneticxhi everyone.17:27
geneticxjust wondering if doing "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" should be done periodically?17:28
geneticxwould there be any risks of applications crashing after updates..like in windows environments?17:35
persiageneticx: Depends on the application, but it's potentially possible, if there's been an ABI transition and the application dlopen()s stuff.  This should never happen in a supported release, so if you fear this, don't run the development release (other than briefly to help testing).17:37
garymcOk anyone got tim eto help this NEWB here get my virtual hosts setup?17:37
garymcIm reading all the help stuff, but its not happening17:38
geneticxpersia: Sorry not sure if I follow, but what do you mean by "don't run the development release" of what?17:43
persiaSo, right now, don't run lucid.17:44
persiaIf you're running any of 8.04, 9.04 or 9.10, that will never happen.17:44
persiaAnd when 10.04 comes out, it will never happen for 10.04.17:45
persiaIt can only happen when using the latest test release.17:45
geneticxpersia: ah ok, I'm running 9.10 so it shouldn't be a problem right17:49
persiageneticx: Right.17:49
geneticxpersia: I guess I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to updates to a system considering that I was once in that world where you have to "freak out" if updates make your machine unstable =D17:51
Italian_Plumberupdates only make your machine unstable is you're using FreeBSD. :)17:53
persiageneticx: There are only a few cases that are special.  You don't get improvements in libc or the kernel until you reboot, you need to restart individual servers when they are updated (and it's good practice to restart when depending libraries are updated).  Some services don't autorestart on pam updates (this is good because you want to *keep* your ssh session), and need to be restarted manually after verifying everything is OK.17:56
persiaThere's a few other cases, but by being careful about applying the updates, and with a bit of attention, it usually goes very smoothly.17:56
* persia only restarts servers for kernel upgrades, figuring everything else will just get by, but doesn't have uptime requirements that necessitate restarting services just in case17:57
Italian_PlumberI know some FreeBSD administrators who are extremely overdue (1-2 years at times) on updates because they don't want to break thier systems.17:57
geneticxItalian_Plumber: I bet there are many, but I guess they roll on the idea "if it works, don't touch it"17:59
Italian_Plumbertrue, but they they fall prey to the idea, "if it hasn't been updated for a while, exploit its security holes"17:59
persianmap is handy for finding those :)18:00
geneticxpersia: I see, is there such a thing as selecting only the updates that are necessary such as security updates?18:00
persiageneticx: Yep.  There's a separation between the -security archive and the -updates archive.  -security contains only security updates, and -updates contains also critical bugfixes.18:00
Italian_PlumberI think most updates that come over the server side are for security or other minor fixes -- very few of them seem to be for new features.18:01
geneticxItalian_Plumber: lolz18:01
Italian_Plumberno?  am I wrong? :)18:01
persiaNone of them should be for new features.  That's against policy for -updates.18:03
geniiI have Intel Pro/1000 XF (fibre optic card) ethtool is reporting only 1000 Base T (copper) capability (when should be 1000 Base FX). Is there some known prob/fix for the e1000 driver?18:03
persiaThere's a -backports for features, but almost nobody runs that on servers.18:03
Italian_Plumberah well that's good.18:03
Italian_PlumberI personally stick to the LTS versions for servers.18:03
Italian_Plumber(LTS comment not related to bugfixes comments)18:04
Italian_PlumberIt seems like there have been very few updates to hardy lately.18:05
persiaLess disturbance to users that way :)18:05
Italian_PlumberWell I'm my only user, so no worries there. :)18:05
persiaWell, most of the critical bugs are gixed :18:05
geneticxpersia: ah thanks for the clarification, periodical security updates are more likely18:05
persiageneticx: That's the usual model.  Just update off -security (or -updates if it's a less critical server and your users are complaining), during scheduled maintenance windows.18:06
Italian_Plumbergenetix:  FYI: I blindly run all available updates maybe 1-2 times per month -- I trust that none of them will break my system, and I haven't been burned yet... nor do I expect to be.  I just run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and go get a soda.18:07
zroyschis it possible to get data from a single drive that was part of a raid518:08
Italian_Plumber... as opposed to upgrading a FreeBSD server, where you need to free up an afternoon and sit in front of the computer reading a book or something.  That is when you're not trying to figure out how to solve this conflict and that dependency, etc.18:08
Italian_Plumber.. and you need to let the wife know you're going to be late and don't wait up. :)18:09
geneticxItalian_Plumber: hehe.. the "soda" is the best part of the whole procedure =D . Wish I can blindly update my servers like that but I still have to consider the fact that the room for something to go wrong exists =D18:10
persiazroysch: Depending on how the raid5 was configured, and how many disks were in it, the changes vary from low to almost nothing for full files, and are always 100% for partial files.18:10
zroyschpersia. there were 318:11
zroyschit was md raid518:11
geneticxpersia: sounds like a plan.18:11
zroyschi just am curious if i should bother trying to wipe it before sending it back for warranty18:11
persiazroysch: That means that each disk contains 50% of your data, so the chance of recovery is moderate to high, depending on what you mean by "recovery".18:11
Italian_Plumbergeneticx: you might occasionally be prompeted to let the system know if you want to keep your configuration file or accept the package maintainer's configuration file.  The default is to keep your own.  I always say keep my own.18:12
Italian_Plumberthat is absolutely the worst thing that can happen.18:12
zroyschi still have old pci board in this ubuntu server. is there a huge difference when drives can go 3gbps ?18:13
geneticxpersia: one last thing, how to I run only security updates with apt-get?18:16
zroyschwow i've been dd'ing the raid5 partition for a couple hours now. only 55gbytes copied so far. out of 90018:16
geneticxItalian_Plumber: that makes sense18:17
persiageneticx: Only enable -security (and not -updates) in /etc/apt/sources.list18:17
kirklandTeTeT: tomorrow is okay18:18
geneticxpersia: ah ok18:21
geneticxpersia: thanks for your input18:21
geneticxItalian_Plumber: thanks for your help18:22
Italian_Plumberno prob18:24
Italian_PlumberI think persia helped a little more. :)18:24
zroyschanyone used md raid10?18:35
zroyschtrying to figure out what it means when it says it can start the raid 10 with 2 drives18:35
garymcHey Guys... I just sorted my NamedVirtualHosts, but now when I goto mydomain.com/phpmyadmin . Phpmyadmin is no longer there. Anyone know How if ix this?18:44
garymcIm in the phpmyadmin channel but not many people about18:44
momelodgreetings channel19:14
momelodin ubuntu 9.04 the drbd module is suppose to be built into the kernel, but when i reboot i dont have a /proc/drbd folder.19:15
momelodhow can i get the module for drbd in 9.04?19:15
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franjprcan i use my network printer attached to my ubuntu server in virtualbox windows xp without samba?19:37
Jeeves_If you have a route to it, sure you can19:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #519897 in squid (main) "[armel] squid FTBFS: cf_gen Segmentation fault" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51989719:57
Silentallright so ive got this qeustion20:01
Silenti setup a proxy with ubuntu20:01
Silentevertime i reset squid i get parseConfigFile: line 622 unreconized: 'Http_access allow manager localhost"20:02
franjprJeeves_: I have added the network printer20:05
franjprprint jobs are sent20:05
Jeeves_franjpr: That should be it than20:06
franjprbut printer does not complete jobs20:06
Jeeves_franjpr: The printer itself has an network interface?20:07
franjprsending a test page from cups webpage works20:08
Jeeves_that's not my questino20:08
franjprbut sending a print job from an application in VM windows xp do not20:08
franjprI do not know whether I have a route to it20:09
SilentCan anyone here please assit me with a proxy issue?20:09
Jeeves_Silent: change the uppercase H into an h ?20:09
Jeeves_franjpr: Can you ping it?20:09
Silentmmm ill try it20:09
franjprping from windows xp to the server you mean?20:10
Jeeves_franjpr: No, the printer ofcourse20:10
Silentmmm ok it compiled fine lets see what it does when i try to access threw it20:11
franjprI do not know the address of the printer20:11
franjprit is attached to the server via usb20:11
franjprI am a bit lost, you see20:12
Jeeves_So it's not a network printer ...20:12
franjprah ok20:12
Silentok mmm it compiled fine tho doesnt give me teh pop up authentication :S20:13
franjprI have tryed to add it as a network printer20:13
franjprand as a local printer creating an lpr port20:13
franjprso if it is not a network printer20:13
franjprit should work as a local printer through lpr port20:15
franjpror it is necessary to configure samba in the server20:15
franjprI have connected the printer as a local printer through lpr port20:23
franjprit is recognized and print jobs are sent but printer does not complete jobs20:24
markus27Is the question posted here correct? http://tinyurl.com/yz2cuf7  Does Walrus really store the full files on the cloud controller?  Aren't they distributed throughout the cluster?20:29
VSpikeI'm using dnsmasq on my server, and the local interface does not use dhcp (it's static).  I want dnsmasq to serve its name via dns...20:48
VSpikeafaict this means it should be in /etc/hosts -- thing is, it is already as "squiddy" (as well as "localhost").  What does that entry do, and can I just change it to, the desired address?20:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #526009 in krb5 (main) "krb5-utils kinit will not auth against AIX's dce secd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52600921:06
neopsychehello all.. glad i found this channel.. does anyone here have any experience using ubuntu with squid as a cache server?21:22
neopsyche(on ISP network for example)21:22
neopsychehello anyone?21:23
marsjeneopsyche: I use squid on debian21:27
marsjeneopsyche: just for me21:27
marsjeneopsyche: so I guess that is not what you're looking for21:27
neopsycheim wondering what exactly can be done to set up on an isp network for a specific project.. im looking to cache youtube videos through a specific site.. its kind of challenging as i am still trying to get my head around the concept of how it all works..21:27
neopsychei am looking to cache only specific youtube videos. as well as videos from other servers.21:28
marsjenot sure that is possible21:30
marsjesince it uses some Flash specific streaming stuff21:30
marsjeI asume squid only understands http21:31
VSpikeyeah, i agree - not sure youtube would be cacheable21:32
marsjebut I've heard of tools storing flash video, so nothing is impossible...21:32
VSpikeI expect you could cache the html 5 version, wouldn't you think?21:33
lifelessflash content is just files21:33
lifelessbiggest challenge is dealing with the CDN urls21:33
marsjeCDN = content delivery network21:34
marsjeyou mean folks like Akamai routing you to random nearby servers?21:34
marsjeneopsyche: you want to save bandwidth?21:36
neopsychefor ISP.21:36
neopsychemarsje: yes21:36
marsjecan't you setup peering with youtube?21:36
MTecknologyany of you know much about nginx? I'm trying to figure out php-frm21:45
bogeyd6!anyone | MTecknology22:02
ubottuMTecknology: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #526042 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52604222:02
MTecknologybogeyd6: my generic question was there22:04
lamontMTecknology: specifically what are you trying to figure out about php-frm. not that I have any clue, what with it being php in all likelihood22:07
Scirilamont: Can I ask you a question? ;)22:09
lamontSciri: go ahead and ask 2/22:09
Scirilamont: Oh. Nevermind.22:09
MTecknologylamont: I want to use nginx; I can't use mod_php like in apache; I installed spawn-fcgi and php-cgi; I need to figure out how to have spawn-fcgi a daemon that will launch php fastcgi22:19
MTecknologylamont: so far it's looking like the best route will be to compile php with the fpm and fastcgi patches22:21
MTecknologylamont: any ideas on doing that?22:31
dhaivathello, I'm facing some serious stability issues with my setup of 10 dell r610 running ubuntu 9.10 x64, is this the right place to ask questions?22:31
lamontMTecknology: you're talking about php - I'm totally without clue on php, and on nginx.  OTOH, you have now asked a specific question that someone with knowledge has a chance of answering22:34
MTecknologylamont: alrighty; it actually took me a while to figure out what it was I even had figured out :P22:35
ceocoderhello, has anyone used netxen nx3031 on ubuntu server 9.10? I'm facing some overheating  and random reboots issues22:38
David_Bhello there. I am trying to get up FTP so I can upload files from my mac to my ubuntu server. I can access my home directory, but cannot upload files23:39
David_BI cannot see what could be wrong in the config, is there anything that could be causing this?23:40
David_Bmy end goal is to be able to get files to /var/www23:41

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