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davmor2morning all11:08
davmor2iso's installed over the weekend so that's good news :)11:08
aramorning davmor211:19
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davmor2ara: why does the tracker now suddenly have a the drupal favicon rather than the ubuntu testing one it used to have?12:15
aradavmor2, I have no idea, it's been like that since the latest pull from trunk code, but I haven't had the time to have a look to it12:16
aradavmor2, I sent you an email12:34
davmor2ara:  got it :)12:36
davmor2ara: I'm getting kernel issue on todays iso12:52
aradavmor2, but do you get to install?12:52
davmor2it's the old ecc bug back meh12:54
davmor2ara: yeap it installed12:54
aradavmor2, which bug?12:54
davmor2ara: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/42253612:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 422536 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 5 other projects) "EDAC amd64: WARNING: ECC is NOT currently enabled by the BIOS. Module will NOT be loaded. (affects: 888) (dups: 112)" [Undecided,Fix released]12:56
aramorning cr313:05
davmor2morning cr313:07
davmor2cr3: are you getting kernel issues on 64bit at all?13:08
aradavmor2, do you get a kernel oop?13:08
davmor2ara: apport is triggered the system itself is up and running you just get regular messages off of apport13:09
cr3davmor2: I haven't noticed any issues as I'm attending PyCon in Atlanta. I'm flying out in a few hours, so catch you tomorrow13:11
davmor2:) no probs13:11
* ara -> lunch13:33
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fader_morning all14:04
fader_You know it's going to be One Of Those Days when the first thing you have to do is find a bootable CD and do some grub repair work on your system :/14:05
fader_ara: Good afternoon!14:06
davmor2fader_: HAHA14:06
davmor2fader_: morning14:06
arafader_, afternoon14:06
davmor2fader_: that's why I have a production machine and separate testing machines ;)14:07
fader_ara: I tried to do the proprietary X driver tests but was never able to get a lucid install working on my nVidia system :(  I'll try again for this week.14:07
fader_davmor2: Yeah, I do too, but I thought I'd be okay if I installed lucid on an external drive to do the nVidia tests14:07
arafader_, oka14:08
fader_I totally forgot that grub would get installed unless I specifically told it not to.  Which wasn't even a problem until I got to the Lex office today without the external drive with grub on it...14:08
fader_ara: The good news is that it finally installed yesterday.  The bad news is that it just wouldn't boot afterward :)14:08
davmor2ooooppppsss even14:08
davmor2fader_: if it helps it worked here but I get a kernel issue on 64 bit :)14:10
fader_Huh, just realized I should have tried 'rescue mode' on the live CD... I wonder if that has a 'fix my MBR' button.14:10
davmor2fader_: was it an alternate cd?14:11
fader_davmor2: Heh, sounds like you got farther than I did.  Plymouth came up and just stayed there.  I left it for a couple of hours but no dice.  Ctrl+alt+Fx worked so I know the system wasn't hung.14:11
fader_davmor2: No, daily-live14:11
fader_From Sunday14:11
fader_Prior to that I couldn't even manage to get an install to work from either daily-live or alternate14:12
davmor2yeah sunday's is the first that worked for me too14:12
davmor2fader_: the problem is that there is no rescue mode on the live cd :P14:13
fader_I don't feel quite so bad then... I was starting to think I was bad luck14:13
fader_davmor2: Ah, meh.  I didn't even think of it until I had already booted in live mode and popped open gnome-terminal14:13
fader_davmor2: Out of curiosity, were you using i386 or amd64 lucid yesterday when you had your kernel issue?14:24
davmor2fader_: it's 64bit https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/42253614:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 422536 in linux (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 5 other projects) "EDAC amd64: WARNING: ECC is NOT currently enabled by the BIOS. Module will NOT be loaded. (affects: 888) (dups: 112)" [Undecided,Fix released]14:25
fader_Huh.  Just wondered if it were related to why I couldn't get past Plymouth, but it doesn't look like it14:26
davmor2fader_: do you have a white flashy cursor on a black background?14:28
fader_davmor2: Nope, it goes to the Ubuntu logo and sits there14:31
davmor2fader_: do you see the mouse cursor?14:32
fader_davmor2: Nope, I don't believe so14:32
fader_I can't say right now as I don't have the drive on me14:32
davmor2fader_: if it does try hitting enter14:33
davmor2it might reset itself and you get the gdm screen14:33
fader_davmor2: IIRC I tried punching all sorts of buttons, but I'll give it another shot14:34
fader_The only thing that worked was ctrl+alt+F1 which got me a VT with a couple of bootup messages but no login prompt14:34
davmor2fader_: that's your problem you only need to tap the key, you probably broke the keyboard punching it ;)14:34
fader_So I doubt that GDM was running yet14:34
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charlie-tcaplymouth and NVidia 6200 are broken again. Now it simply shuts off my monitor until the desktop is starting.19:27
fader_charlie-tca: You had better luck than I did :)19:28
charlie-tcaGot to wait at least 1 full minute, maybe more for it to turn back on19:28
fader_That's a good way to have flicker-free boot... if the monitor is off it can't flicker19:29
davmor2charlie-tca: are you sure and it's not just giving you a cursor line?19:30
charlie-tcaOh, I'm sure the monitor power lite changed to yellow, and the screen is completely blank19:30
davmor2charlie-tca: Ohhhhhh nice19:31
davmor2it's a power saving feature19:31
charlie-tcaYeah, that's what I was thinking... Except I really want to know it is still doing something.19:31
charlie-tcaIt doesn't shut down or restart, either, now.19:32
* charlie-tca thinks that's why it is called testing... instead of using!19:33
davmor2charlie-tca: what happens if you set a resolution size in the boot line?19:39
davmor2I'm wondering if it is using the max the card is capable of rather than the max of the monitor19:39
charlie-tcaI haven't tried that. I am still waiting to see the desktop again19:40
charlie-tcagood point. Next reboot, I'll try it and see19:40
davmor2charlie-tca: just a thought  I know mine used to max out on my old monitor till gdm kicked in19:42
charlie-tcait doesn't care19:45
charlie-tcawell, I did get to the desktop twice now in just 1 hour!19:46
charlie-tcaMaybe this just isn't my day for this19:47
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