darolu | asger: the one you summon with F3? | 00:00 |
ActionParsnip | asger, i found a page with source, you could compile it, or try: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas | 00:00 |
ben_ | thanks | 00:00 |
Dravekx | what permissions and group do i need to give /var/www so I can upload files via sftp? | 00:00 |
OerHeks | privete2 ganyremote tru synaptics is also available. | 00:00 |
darolu | asger: if it is the one I think, it is a compiz plug in, isntall compizconfig-settings-manager package | 00:00 |
coldpizza72i | in grub "set root(x,y)" is what? if i want to put my sdb1 partition there? | 00:01 |
Dravekx | right now its root:root, but i can't upload anything with my user account | 00:01 |
con-man | what does this mean: fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet | 00:01 |
ActionParsnip | asger,http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30510 | 00:01 |
con-man | from wine | 00:01 |
neon__ | does anyone knows how to watch netflix on ubuntu? | 00:01 |
ben_ | switching from microsoft to linux has made me actually have to learn again, lol | 00:01 |
Dravekx | ben_, join the fun! lol | 00:01 |
private2 | OerHeks: Okay, I will be sure to look at that as well. Thank you very much again. | 00:01 |
FeasibilityStudy | neon__: you can't | 00:01 |
FeasibilityStudy | Complain to Netflix | 00:01 |
asger | darolu, It's the one where u get a nice overview of all your current windows, and then u can choose 1.. | 00:02 |
woodyjlw | ben_, me too! but it is a good experience | 00:02 |
bharat_ | ubootu: the reason im having problems with enabling 3d desktop is bcoz i dont have xgl... how do i solve this? | 00:02 |
neon__ | i will , i have installed moonlight latest and ies4linux without any luck | 00:02 |
Dravekx | anyone know what groups to set /var/www so i can upload and edit files via sftp? | 00:02 |
trism | coldpizza72i: sdb1 should be set root=(hd1,1) | 00:02 |
darolu | asger: yes it is the exposé one, it is a compiz plug in; install compizconfig-settings-manager | 00:02 |
bharat_ | opps ubottu sorry! | 00:02 |
soreau | asger: It's called Scale | 00:02 |
neon__ | i wil cancel my triel just because of it and make sure i let them know | 00:03 |
jrib | Dravekx: create a new group like www-editors | 00:03 |
FeasibilityStudy | neon__: The reason is that Moonlight for Linux does not include the DRM crap needed to decode the movies.. | 00:03 |
jrib | !permissions > Dravekx | 00:03 |
ubottu | Dravekx, please see my private message | 00:03 |
bharat_ | i have a studio 15 with an ati radeon hd4570 | 00:03 |
asger | darolu, okay then. And how do i do that? | 00:03 |
ActionParsnip | neon__,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythFlix | 00:03 |
agSilver | ben_ yah. a few tips. don't install drivers you download. | 00:03 |
asger | soreau, okay, thx | 00:03 |
FeasibilityStudy | neon__: I keep a windows partition here just for Netflix | 00:03 |
darolu | asger: open synaptic (system - admin - synaptic) and search for compizconfig-settings manager | 00:03 |
agSilver | ben_ just grab them out of repository as they are tested and stable | 00:03 |
asger | darolu, ok. i've done that | 00:04 |
neon__ | i'm running virtualbox and is working, just piss me off that is no support for linux | 00:04 |
darolu | asger, is this what you mean? http://i46.tinypic.com/2u4stxc.png it is called "scale", go to system - preferences - compiz settings and go to windows section | 00:04 |
FeasibilityStudy | neon__: Netflix keeps saying they gonna support Linux, but it hasn't happened yet. | 00:05 |
Dravekx | jrib, so technically, I want ownership of /var/www, but I can leave the group as root, correct? that way I can 644 everything and still edit/upload files? | 00:05 |
asger | darolu, yeah, that's the one you linked. I already got scale, but then i guess i need to configure it in some special way, right | 00:07 |
Dravekx | that sounds right | 00:08 |
ben_ | thanx | 00:09 |
darolu | asger: no special way, just the way you want to start it, it is on the first tab; I personally like the top-left corner and F3 | 00:09 |
asger | darolu, ah. I already had it. I got it to work now. Thx alot | 00:09 |
sunshinepants | pretty sure netflix is going to update their site with html5 | 00:11 |
infid | how can i make a file have the permissions/modifications it would if i had just created it, ie whatever my umask is? | 00:11 |
=== SteveG_ is now known as SteveG |
harisund | Anybody has any experience with Ubuntu Netbook Remix? Is it the "same" as regular Ubuntu? As in, are the repositories the same? | 00:11 |
blakkheim | harisund: same repositories | 00:11 |
infid | harisund: i use it, its' the same except the interface is configuerd for a smaller screen | 00:11 |
sunshinepants | harisund: yes it is, but it comes with a small menu instead of a normal desktop | 00:12 |
bharat_ | how can i get xgl or aiglx for ati | 00:12 |
kuros | Hello...I'm trying to get pfSense running with virtualbox on Ubuntu 9.10. I have my cable modem and LAN hooked up to my host machine, and they work fine, but it doesn't seem to be bridging to the guest OS. Could anyone help with this? | 00:12 |
Dravekx | cool | 00:12 |
Dravekx | that worked | 00:13 |
=== miles_ is now known as olim |
amitshah08 | help | 00:13 |
darolu | kuros: all my vm work automatic, so I don't really know how to do it but you can try asking in the #vbox channel | 00:13 |
kuros | darolu: THanks..I tried, but they were not able to help | 00:14 |
mustafa | Firefox 3.6 is out and when i check update it is not there | 00:14 |
darolu | !virtualbox | kuros | 00:14 |
ubottu | kuros: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 00:14 |
Dravekx | thanks :) | 00:14 |
darolu | kuros, maybe those links can help you | 00:14 |
FourierSeries | <= withdrawing my question. Thank you all! | 00:15 |
neil_d | I can't get pulseaudio to recognise my audio card an "ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)" what can I do? | 00:15 |
kuros | Ubutto: Thanks, I'll take a look | 00:15 |
=== sixofour is now known as fourosix |
Lobo | hola | 00:15 |
dAlfaLaptop_ | mustafa, that's because the Ubuntu devs have to make sure that it's reliable and safe enough to stick in their repos, to make sure there's less breakage for as many people as possible. It's the same for all packages in the repos | 00:15 |
=== Lobo is now known as Guest22382 |
Guest22382 | o demonios | 00:15 |
Guest22382 | ingles q no hera un chat en spanol | 00:15 |
Guest22382 | ? | 00:15 |
Nitsuga | !es | Guest22382 | 00:16 |
ubottu | Guest22382: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 00:16 |
dantix | hi all, I'm on an LG netbook, recently it's upgraded to Karmic and never could do it to hibernate again. what could be wrong? | 00:21 |
=== fourosix is now known as sixzerofour |
rolandixor | hi | 00:21 |
rolandixor | anyone need help? | 00:21 |
dantix | yep, I need | 00:23 |
dantix | hi all, I'm on an LG netbook, recently it's upgraded to Karmic and never could do it to hibernate again. what could be wrong? | 00:23 |
rolandixor | how big is your RAM and swap space? | 00:23 |
=== [SW]Dodge is now known as [SW]Dodge`oFF |
dantix | let me see | 00:24 |
rolandixor | also it might help to know your graphics | 00:24 |
datta | can anyone please help me with gnome, which is kind of fuzzy? | 00:24 |
militant | ok googling is showing that pulseaudio can go as high as 480%. is there a way to specify a volume level to be considered '100%' in the gnome volume controls? | 00:25 |
rolandixor | sometimes a bad graphics driver can prevent hibernation | 00:25 |
dantix | rolandixor: I have 1GB RAM and 1.6GB swap | 00:25 |
datta | check this image please to and help me http://yfrog.com/jt18840156p | 00:25 |
datta | when i go to appearance, it gets fixed | 00:26 |
dantix | rolandixor: when my netbook ran the early version never have the problem, ow can I upgrade just the video driver? | 00:26 |
=== mikobuntu is now known as ikobuntu |
Ten-Eight | datta: img looks fine to me...nice and sharp. | 00:27 |
Ten-Eight | when is it fuzzy? | 00:27 |
rolandixor | hmm you said netbook? | 00:27 |
datta | but can anyone tell me | 00:27 |
rolandixor | what kind of netbook is it? | 00:27 |
Ten-Eight | datta: tell you what? | 00:27 |
dantix | LG X110 | 00:27 |
dAlfaLaptop_ | datta, What's the problem? The theme? | 00:27 |
=== ikobuntu is now known as mikionekenobi |
datta | the fuzziness is that what i picked, the theme was not there and at first it gave a warning that the gnome applet crashed | 00:27 |
datta | i logged back it and picked the theme again, fixed it, thanks | 00:28 |
Ten-Eight | datta: glad you got it worked out. | 00:28 |
Ten-Eight | datta: where'd you get the wallpaper? | 00:28 |
voidprayer | is there a kernel-space alternative to fbterm/jfbterm? i would like it to start when initramfs loaded. | 00:29 |
datta | in synaptic i get this error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 00:29 |
datta | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 00:29 |
datta | and pressing the close, closes everything of synaptic | 00:29 |
hannes815 | hay, can you guys tell me where to find the deb package for karmic on this website? http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/ | 00:30 |
blakkheim | hannes815: ... it's right on the page | 00:31 |
datta | this is what i get when i put the dpkg --configure -a: http://paste.ubuntu.com/381271/ | 00:31 |
hannes815 | i only see it for 8.10 | 00:31 |
hannes815 | not for karmic | 00:31 |
blakkheim | hannes815: it says 8.10+ | 00:31 |
datta | does this mean i have to uninstall realplay? | 00:32 |
hannes815 | blakkheim: oh sorry.. my bad. | 00:32 |
hannes815 | it's gettin late :p | 00:32 |
klappi | is there an easy way to disable and enable pulseaudio? | 00:32 |
sixzerofour | how do i determine my video card and get drivers for thenm? | 00:33 |
sixzerofour | all i know is its nvidia | 00:33 |
sixzerofour | i'm on a laptop | 00:33 |
blakkheim | sixzerofour: lspci | 00:34 |
klappi | sixhat: you can try lspci to get the model | 00:34 |
ardchoille | sixzerofour: lspci | grep -i vga | 00:34 |
sixzerofour | 00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M] (rev a2) | 00:34 |
sixzerofour | now what? | 00:35 |
blakkheim | sixzerofour: now you know | 00:35 |
sixzerofour | but how do i get nvidia drivers? | 00:35 |
blakkheim | !nvidia > sixzerofour | 00:35 |
ardchoille | !nvidia | sixzerofour | 00:35 |
ubottu | sixzerofour, please see my private message | 00:35 |
sixzerofour | i am assuming something in apt=get | 00:35 |
ubottu | sixzerofour: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 00:35 |
blakkheim | too slow | 00:35 |
Younder | blakkheim, well a Nvidea 530 backed by a tesl is pretty fast.. | 00:36 |
jimi_ | How can I keep pidgin from showing messages in the notify window until I click it? Pidgin is setup to hide messages and only show in systray, ut is there an ubuntu setting i need to change? | 00:36 |
Younder | tesla | 00:36 |
sixzerofour | um, i'm on kubuntu, i don't have whats lsited in this hotto | 00:37 |
sixzerofour | howto | 00:37 |
neezer | I can use sftp and browse to a file on my server and play it directly from there when using ubuntu....when I try to do it from a windows machine using winscp, I can't do this....is there another way to use sftp or something like that to use my ssh tunnel to play a movie from my server on my windows laptop? | 00:37 |
blakkheim | neezer: /join ##windows | 00:37 |
darolu | jimi_:play with pidging options, I haven't used it in a long time but I think those notifications are created by a plug in | 00:38 |
rolandixor | anyone need help? | 00:38 |
sixzerofour | me | 00:38 |
sixzerofour | trying to install nvidia drivers on kubuntu, its telling me to go to hardware settings, but i don't have a hardware settings in my system settings | 00:39 |
meganerd | neezer: there is an sshfs like project for Windows, I have not tried it since I have sshfs on my Ubuntu laptop :) | 00:40 |
ardchoille | sixzerofour: you need to ask how to do that in #kubuntu | 00:40 |
Ten-Eight | sixzerofour: you have no hardware drivers section in your system>admin section? | 00:40 |
sixzerofour | no one ever talks there | 00:40 |
sixzerofour | correct Ten-Eight | 00:40 |
ardchoille | Ten-Eight: he's on kubuntu | 00:40 |
Ten-Eight | aahh...sorry, missed that part archoille. | 00:40 |
darolu | sixzerofour: open a terminal, and type "jockey-kde" | 00:40 |
ardchoille | sixzerofour: the advice you recieve here is for ubuntu, you need kubuntu advice so you need to be in #kubuntu | 00:41 |
rolandixor | easier to press alt+f2 | 00:41 |
rolandixor | and type the same command | 00:41 |
Dr_Willis | I hate it when guides tell you to use a menu item and dont mention the actual name of the command | 00:41 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 00:41 |
darolu | sixzerofour: I'd recommend going to the kubuntu channel, mos of use use GNOME | 00:41 |
blakkheim | agreed Dr_Willis | 00:41 |
rolandixor | I use both | 00:41 |
Dr_Willis | also hate it when the menu items use a radically diffrent name then the name of the actual binary | 00:41 |
rolandixor | but you are right | 00:41 |
darolu | Dr_Willis, that's very confusing | 00:41 |
sixzerofour | daru its searching for drivers | 00:41 |
sixzerofour | darolu: | 00:42 |
Dr_Willis | The i recall ages ago KDE (i think) had stuff like Kate (A Full featured and Fun Text Editor) | 00:42 |
rolandixor | if you have a newer card, use the newest driver | 00:42 |
Dr_Willis | Like we needed a LONG description. :) | 00:42 |
sixzerofour | oops, i guess i have to sudo this command | 00:42 |
rolandixor | even if it's a beta | 00:42 |
klappi | Ten-Eight: try /usr/bin/jockey-gtk | 00:42 |
d4m0n | anyone help me with a driver install prblm? | 00:42 |
rolandixor | it should have asked for your password | 00:42 |
darolu | sixzerofour: hopefully it'll find what you need, if it doesn't work you can always go to nvidia.com and download the latest driver | 00:42 |
sixzerofour | its working | 00:43 |
rolandixor | best to just install it from the repo | 00:43 |
sixzerofour | thx | 00:43 |
rolandixor | the drivers from the site cause problems when you upgrade to lucid | 00:43 |
sixzerofour | lucid? | 00:43 |
blakkheim | !lucid | 00:43 |
rolandixor | I'm running lucid now and had to recover libGL.so to get back to KDE | 00:43 |
ubottu | Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 00:43 |
sixzerofour | ah | 00:44 |
rolandixor | oh | 00:44 |
mattwj2002 | hi guys | 00:44 |
rolandixor | wow no discussing it here I si | 00:44 |
mattwj2002 | I have a question | 00:44 |
rolandixor | *see | 00:44 |
dsnyders | HI all. I have a GeForce2 MX, and when I start up kpovmodeler I get doubled images (See http://imagebin.org/85792 ). I am currently using Ubuntu 9.04 and nVidia's proprietary drivers. Will the nouveau or nv drivers fix this? | 00:44 |
d4m0n | anyone help me with a driver install prblm? | 00:44 |
mattwj2002 | I just bought a brand new 1.5 TB hard drive | 00:44 |
mattwj2002 | :) | 00:44 |
blakkheim | d4m0n: just ask | 00:44 |
enkidu | hi there, I still didnt solved problem with udev not starting during bootup | 00:45 |
sixzerofour | time to reboot :) | 00:45 |
sixzerofour | brb | 00:45 |
d4m0n | I'm following instructions to install ati driver (ubuntu 9.10) | 00:45 |
rolandixor | dnsyders: probably not xD | 00:45 |
glphvgacs | hi, followed this [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing drivers for the BCM4311,4312,4321,4322 Cards] with no joy | 00:45 |
d4m0n | sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer-9-12-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/karmic | 00:45 |
mattwj2002 | I want forgot this drive to a native Windows partition but I don't know what will be better for Ubuntu FAT32 or NTFS | 00:45 |
glphvgacs | I have 4312 installed do I need NdisWrapper? | 00:45 |
d4m0n | i get >> Can't open ./ati-driver-installer-9-12-x86.x86_64.run | 00:46 |
enkidu | reboot have sense in three situations: kernel upgrade, glibc update, moving computer | 00:46 |
dsnyders | rolandixor, So kpovmodeler is broken in 9.04? | 00:46 |
glphvgacs | or simply installing bcmwl-kernel-source is enought | 00:46 |
blakkheim | mattwj2002: ntfs if you have any single files bigger than 4gb | 00:46 |
mattwj2002 | okay | 00:46 |
mattwj2002 | is ntfs stable though? | 00:46 |
blakkheim | mattwj2002: yes | 00:46 |
enkidu | d4m0n: maybe file is named difeerent? | 00:46 |
mattwj2002 | answers that questions :) | 00:47 |
mattwj2002 | *question | 00:47 |
dsnyders | !launchpad | 00:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ | 00:48 |
=== Hake is now known as Out`Of`Control |
d4m0n | omg :) ahaha thx | 00:48 |
=== Out`Of`Control is now known as Hako |
d4m0n | doh! | 00:48 |
glphvgacs | installing bcmwl-kernel-source I can see BCM4312 Linux driver being installed | 00:48 |
lumee | hi, anybody knows where is located Trash bin directory on Ubuntu 9.10 ? ~/.Trash directory is not present in my home | 00:48 |
Dr_Willis | Ms says ntfs is stable. :) | 00:48 |
Dr_Willis | !trash | lumee | 00:49 |
ubottu | lumee: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 00:49 |
glphvgacs | so what's the problem? | 00:49 |
enkidu | d4m0n: anyways you shouldnt use 'sh ./file' as it may cause problems | 00:49 |
zruty | Not authorized when trying to mount a disk in Nautilus. What to do? | 00:50 |
lumee | Thanks ubottu | 00:50 |
lumee | up ubotty is a bot hahahaha, thanks Dr_Willis | 00:50 |
mattwj2002 | question guys | 00:50 |
rolandixor | hi seiflotfy *freaks out* | 00:50 |
mattwj2002 | what won't gparted let me create an ntfs partition? | 00:50 |
Dr_Willis | mattwj2002: you dont have the extra ntfs tools installed for it to use | 00:51 |
Jordan_U | mattwj2002, You probably need to install ntfsprogs | 00:51 |
mattwj2002 | thanks | 00:51 |
sixofour | darolu: it worked | 00:51 |
Dr_Willis | mattwj2002: install the tools.. restart gparted | 00:51 |
sixofour | darolu: is there a command to see the speed of the gpu and the ram? | 00:51 |
glphvgacs | ok now it say UNCLAIMED | 00:52 |
SadPanda | Hi Im looking for help with the update manager. new ubuntu user | 00:52 |
rolandixor | sixofour try nvidia-settings | 00:52 |
blakkheim | SadPanda: what's wrong | 00:52 |
rolandixor | it will show you the speed of your GPU | 00:52 |
blakkheim | sixofour: lshw | 00:52 |
militant | rolandixor: didn't have any effect on actual volume output at 100% ... but it was a really good stab at it :D | 00:53 |
rolandixor | hmm didn't remember that command existed lol | 00:53 |
SadPanda | I get the following message up to on the navigation bar: 'E:Type 'Reading' is not known on line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.' | 00:53 |
Scunizi | What command do I use to get a cli report on total installed ram? | 00:53 |
nixjr | why does the system use swap when i have sufficent available memory? | 00:53 |
blakkheim | SadPanda: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 00:53 |
SadPanda | one sec | 00:53 |
blakkheim | Scunizi: free -m | 00:53 |
Scunizi | blakkheim: thanks | 00:53 |
enkidu | nixjr: because swap is for long-time-unused pages | 00:54 |
SadPanda | blakkheim http://pastebin.com/m6ae54d7d | 00:54 |
Jordan_U | nixjr, You can set "swappiness" to zero and it will only use it when it's absolutely needed. | 00:54 |
enkidu | you can run 'sudo swapoff -a' if you think, that it slows your system, but it is non-recommended | 00:55 |
dsnyders | How do I turn off compiz? | 00:55 |
blakkheim | SadPanda: http://pastebin.com/m13be175 fixed | 00:55 |
Dr_Willis | ive rarely seen linux swap unless memory is used up.. windows on the other hand.. uses swap even whenyou got 5+gb.... | 00:55 |
Dr_Willis | dsnyders: metacity --replace is one way | 00:56 |
blakkheim | SadPanda: i just commented out the cdrom line and took out three unneeded lines at the bottom | 00:56 |
enkidu | Jordan_U, swappiness is usable, if you have tmpfs ramdisk | 00:56 |
glphvgacs | I just installed bcmwl-kernel-source and it actually says BCM4312 Linux driver being installed, reboot and lshw -C Network says BCM4312 UNCLAIMED, why? (running 9.10) | 00:56 |
rolandixor | dsnyders: simply run metacity --replace | 00:56 |
rolandixor | if you are on GNOME that is | 00:57 |
rolandixor | or you can use the appearance settings | 00:57 |
rolandixor | and choose none | 00:57 |
rolandixor | under effects | 00:57 |
dsnyders | Dr_Willis, How would I turn it back on again? | 00:57 |
rolandixor | set effects to normal or higher | 00:57 |
enkidu | so, noone knows, why udev is not starting with init? | 00:58 |
SadPanda | blakkheim Its telling me I do not have permission. Current user is only user | 00:58 |
sixofour | in fisks me what program i want to use?... how do i fix this?refox or any other app that has a "go to folder" option, when ever that option is clicked, it a | 00:58 |
Dr_Willis | dsnyders: compiz --replace | 00:58 |
blakkheim | SadPanda: you need to use sudo | 00:58 |
sixofour | er..my text just got broken... | 00:58 |
Dr_Willis | dsnyders: or install/use the 'fusion-icon' tool | 00:58 |
SadPanda | k | 00:58 |
rolandixor | fusion icon is the bomb - use it | 00:58 |
racerd | hi | 00:59 |
li_bai | anyone watching or listening to the canada/usa hockey game right now? moonlight is not working for me | 00:59 |
sixofour | in firefox or any program which has a "go to folder" type option, it asks me what program i want to use upon click this option...how do i fix this? | 00:59 |
racerd | how do you reload your sound in terminal? | 00:59 |
sixofour | clicking* | 00:59 |
junior1987sh | How do i install skype on ubuntu 9.10 | 00:59 |
junior1987sh | ? | 00:59 |
Dr_Willis | !skype | 00:59 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 00:59 |
enkidu | li_bai: moonlight is evil </flame> | 00:59 |
dsnyders | rolandixor, How do I set up fusion icon? apt-get install fusion? | 01:00 |
li_bai | enkidu: it sure is. do you know where i can watch or listen to the coverage? | 01:00 |
racerd | is there a command to do that? | 01:00 |
racerd | !sound | 01:00 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 01:00 |
mOOey | dsnyders sudo apt-get install (package) | 01:00 |
Amadiro | Good evening. I was wondering, on karmic, what is the preferred way of managing daemons? I remember previous versions of ubuntu I have used, use to have some sort of interface for managing what system daemons should be started upon bootup, but I can't seem to find it now. | 01:00 |
blakkheim | Amadiro: sysv-rc-conf works | 01:01 |
Amadiro | blakkheim, ok, thanks. | 01:01 |
enkidu | li_bai: probably there are many sites, unfortunately, I have to limit my streaming to university network | 01:01 |
SadPanda | blakkheim thank you so much for the help. | 01:01 |
racerd | does anyone know how to reload your sound? | 01:01 |
blakkheim | SadPanda: np | 01:01 |
=== voidprayer-ns is now known as voidprayer |
enkidu | racerd: service alsa-utils restart | 01:02 |
Typos_King | Amadiro: also you could try 'bum', no that I liked it, sysv-rc-conf is what I use | 01:02 |
Typos_King | bum is in the karmic apt db | 01:02 |
Amadiro | Typos_King, I think I'll just remove the symlinks manually. | 01:02 |
enkidu | Amadiro: bad idea | 01:03 |
Amadiro | enkidu, why's that? | 01:03 |
racerd | ty | 01:03 |
li_bai | enkidu: ugh. i think i'll just have to settle for an auto-updating scoreboard... :-/ | 01:03 |
dsnyders | mOOey, I know how to use apt-get. What I don't know is the how to get the fusion icon. | 01:03 |
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enkidu | on dependency based boot u will finish like me | 01:03 |
enkidu | starting udev manually >.< | 01:03 |
Typos_King | dsnyders: isn't that WM menu dependent? | 01:03 |
Roasted | Does anybody know if I can edit the color of the text in my top panel with the Dust theme? I like the dust theme but I want to make the text brighter, and no settings in the theme settings change it. | 01:03 |
racerd | not working | 01:03 |
Amadiro | hmm... | 01:04 |
phoenix91290 | I LOVE LINUX! | 01:04 |
madjoe | can I use GTK based screensaver if I use Emerald engine for my theme? | 01:04 |
Nitsuga | dsnyders, the package is called fusion-icon | 01:05 |
dsnyders | Nitsuga, Thanks, I just found that via google. | 01:05 |
madjoe | anyone? | 01:05 |
Typos_King | dsnyders: for all icons you can just check under /usr/share/icons or /usr/share/pixmaps | 01:05 |
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sixofour | in firefox or any program which has a "go to folder" type option, it asks me what program i want to use upon clicking this option...how do i fix this? | 01:06 |
enkidu | firefox and its support for xdg is legendary - as dragons >.< | 01:07 |
Typos_King | sixofour: upon clicking what option? | 01:07 |
Amadiro | hm, if I disable a service using `bum`, it's still there, and bum shows it as "activated" again next time I start it. | 01:07 |
enkidu | everyone heard, noone seen | 01:07 |
sixofour | "open contasining folder" | 01:07 |
sixofour | from the firefox download page | 01:07 |
sixofour | and from the ant-bat download buttom | 01:07 |
sixofour | ant-bar | 01:07 |
Typos_King | Amadiro: also you could try 'bum', no that I liked it, sysv-rc-conf is what I use <---- :| | 01:07 |
Amadiro | Typos_King, yeah, I'll try that, thanks. | 01:08 |
Nitsuga | sixofour, open ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list | 01:08 |
datta | does anyone know why when i open any synaptic or app install, it says: This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first. | 01:08 |
Nitsuga | look for the inode/directory line | 01:08 |
Nitsuga | and set it to inode/directory=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop | 01:09 |
datta | i logged out a couple of times to make the system restart but still no help | 01:09 |
phoenix91290 | could anyone recommend a good beginners book on linux? | 01:09 |
Typos_King | datta: means, aptitude/synaptics/adept/else are just front-end for dpkg, and dpkg uses a lock file and only 1 frontend can use it at any given time | 01:09 |
mOOey | datta - do you have your automatic updates on when this happens? | 01:09 |
Kugelschreiber | hi there .. first: sry 4 my bad english .. how do i copy Partition A (ubuntu) to my new created Partiton B, all i have to do is copy all to my new ext4 partition, editing etc/fstab and then i must run grub-mkconfig, right? | 01:09 |
enkidu | phoenix91290, I wont recommend any, I learned linux by trial-and-errors | 01:10 |
datta | mOOey, i do not see any | 01:10 |
datta | even the update notifier is off | 01:10 |
Kugelschreiber | or better: how do i copy ubuntu (which is on partition a) to partition b | 01:10 |
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Nitsuga | Kugelschreiber, use a live-cd or avoid copying the contents of /proc, /sys and /dev | 01:11 |
Dr_Willis | Kugelschreiber: theres numerous ways to do that. But some may need extra tweaking | 01:11 |
Typos_King | Kugelschreiber: dd it | | 01:11 |
Dr_Willis | !clone | 01:11 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 01:11 |
phoenix91290 | Now that's a good way to learn! | 01:11 |
Dr_Willis | theres also partimage fsarchiver, and other more full featured backup tools | 01:11 |
enkidu | Kugelschreiber: for changing filesystem, do NOT use dd or any other image-copy tools | 01:12 |
jimi_ | How can I keep pidgin from showing messages in the notify window until I click it? Pidgin is setup to hide messages and only show in systray, ut is there an ubuntu setting i need to change? | 01:12 |
Typos_King | Kugelschreiber: as Nitsuga pointed out, do not do it while 'a' is mounted | 01:12 |
enkidu | Typos_King: why? there is nothing wrong in copying | 01:13 |
Kugelschreiber | there's no way to copy my ubuntu installation with my installed ubuntu? | 01:13 |
enkidu | Kugelschreiber: you can safely copy your data | 01:13 |
Dr_Willis | Kugelschreiber: yes theres proberly ways. Thers proberly guides on how to do it and what pitfalls to avoide also. | 01:13 |
Typos_King | enkidu: isn't it? ..... maybe I missed his purpose | 01:13 |
enkidu | just dont copy /proc /sys and /dev | 01:14 |
Dr_Willis | Special system dirs can cause issues like enkidu says. then thers various cache files that proberly dont need copied either | 01:14 |
Kugelschreiber | i want to transfer ubuntu to another partition, so i must copy /proc /sys and /dev, right? | 01:14 |
Dr_Willis | Kugelschreiber: those are special dirs handled in spefial ways | 01:14 |
enkidu | cache files can be copied, its just bloating process | 01:14 |
datta | any help with that? please anyone with the error: This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first. | 01:15 |
enkidu | Kugelschreiber: /proc /sys and /dev are recreated every bootup, so do not copy them | 01:15 |
Dr_Willis | http://www.google.com/search?q=clone+ubuntu+install -- First hit looks good.. | 01:15 |
datta | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 01:15 |
datta | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 01:15 |
datta | this error comes up when i try to install something through terminal | 01:15 |
enkidu | Dr_Willis: but it is not simple DD cloning, its filesystem change I see | 01:16 |
Typos_King | datta: check your processes, more likely there's anotehr frontend using the same app, and the lock file won't allow two | 01:16 |
Dr_Willis | yep thers simple with dd.. and tweaks.. or using more powerfiull tools... | 01:16 |
datta | Typos_King: what type of name should it be? | 01:16 |
enkidu | Dr_Willis: I said about thing, Kugelschreiber is going to do | 01:16 |
Kugelschreiber | enkidu, my new partition has the same filesystem than my partition in which ubuntu is installed | 01:17 |
Dr_Willis | partimage or fsarchiver are also decent tools to use from what i hear. I rarely 'clone' a installed system to a different hd. | 01:17 |
Kugelschreiber | hope correct english :P | 01:17 |
enkidu | Kugelschreiber: now you say that? | 01:17 |
Typos_King | datta: .... ah..... can't say.... offhand what I can think of, is some apt-get frontend.... try installing 'qps' which is a visual process manager, and shows more than 'top' does | 01:17 |
enkidu | you can safely dump image between disks | 01:17 |
Dr_Willis | You can clone at the 'filesystem' level. or at the 'drive image' level :) each has pros and cons | 01:17 |
datta | Typos_King, okay | 01:18 |
militant | hummmm just when i get karmic running how i want, with all my extras and a really slick theme and everything going spiffy... i decide i'd rather run arch. | 01:18 |
datta | Typos_King: the problem is i cant install anything | 01:18 |
Dr_Willis | militant: sorry no refunds. :P | 01:19 |
Typos_King | datta: .... can you provide a paste of the 'top' list? | 01:19 |
richard123 | I seemed to have disabled the nVidia driver somehow - can anyone help me work through it? Thank you. | 01:19 |
Typos_King | or some other gui process listing | 01:19 |
militant | Dr_Willis: screw that, i want my money back! i actually love ubuntu though | 01:20 |
Typos_King | richard123: how do you know is disabled? | 01:20 |
datta | Typos_King, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/381287/ | 01:20 |
datta | this is as far as i could go | 01:20 |
funkycat90210 | I am thinking of installing 10.4 since I need that otherwise my new laptop won't work with ubuntu. But it's alpha, what's the process for going from alpha to stable? | 01:21 |
Dr_Willis | funkycat90210: apt-get update, apt-get upgrade.... | 01:21 |
enkidu | funkycat90210: alpha === 'will eat your hamster' | 01:21 |
Dr_Willis | funkycat90210: same as regular updates.. | 01:21 |
funkycat90210 | Dr_Willis, nice | 01:21 |
richard123 | typos king: Invidia x server settings says so: also when I boot i get a message I am in low graphics mode. | 01:21 |
funkycat90210 | enkidu, it coudlnt be worse than windows 7 | 01:21 |
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Typos_King | datta: nothing conflicting there :| | 01:21 |
Dr_Willis | funkycat90210: thers about 200+mb of updates every day on 10.04 from what ive been seeing | 01:21 |
datta | Typos_King, i have no idea what the problem is | 01:22 |
Nitsuga | funkycat90210, and it WILL be worse than Windows 7 | 01:22 |
Dr_Willis | funkycat90210: i think the next release/milestone is in a few days. | 01:22 |
funkycat90210 | hmm i might just run ubuntu 9.10 from vmware in windows if it's that bad. I really dislike windows, I just got a "that program is being used by something else!" despite no other programs running | 01:22 |
Nitsuga | MS gave you a almos-done copy of its OS | 01:22 |
ejv | !lucid | 01:23 |
ubottu | Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 01:23 |
Nitsuga | you are about to use a not-already-finished os | 01:23 |
Dr_Willis | ive had no major issues on 10.04 on my netbook.. yet. :) But you are warned | 01:23 |
ejv | wth is a lynx | 01:23 |
* ejv googles | 01:23 |
datta | does anyone know what gvfs-fuse-daemon can do? i shows me that the waiting channel is futex-wait | 01:23 |
datta | futex_wait | 01:23 |
Dr_Willis | ejv: a wildcat with a short tail and tuffs on the ears | 01:23 |
Nitsuga | it donesn''t have everything is planned to 10.04 and may give troble anytime | 01:23 |
enkidu | ejv: its funky text-based-browser | 01:23 |
funkycat90210 | Dr_Willis, sounds like a better experience than my 2 hours of windows 7 experience | 01:23 |
enkidu | developed and used by VI Church members | 01:24 |
ejv | http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/staticfiles/NGS/Shared/StaticFiles/animals/images/primary/lynx-baby.jpg <--- AWWWW :D | 01:24 |
ejv | cute :D | 01:24 |
enkidu | ejv: tinyurl pls ;] irssi is breaking URLs | 01:24 |
Typos_King | datta: try doing a -> sudo lsof | grep -i lock <--- to see which process may show up using it | 01:24 |
metricpiano | anyone know the status of the gimpshop program? | 01:24 |
richard123 | typos_king: Invidia x server settings says so: also when I boot i get a message I am in low graphics mode. | 01:24 |
ejv | enkidu: http://tinyurl.com/2jwgpf | 01:24 |
coz_ | hey guys... I have an intel 82801db-ich4 audo card on this system. it was working well until a day or so ago with updates...I read many reports on this card on just about evey distribution ...they reconmmended enabling proposed repo for karmic with newer kernel for this audio..but that isnt working either...there is always sound..but sometimes it is not recognized by alsamixer...also cairo dock alsa plugin gets disabled intermitently...maybe every | 01:24 |
coz_ | 15 or 20 minutes | 01:24 |
Dr_Willis | weechat has a script that takes long url's like that and auto -tinyurls them :) | 01:25 |
enkidu | ejv: thx | 01:25 |
enkidu | coz_: use OSS4 | 01:25 |
ejv | i do the original url's because people typically don't trust tinyurl's heheh | 01:25 |
Earthen | does ubuntu come with a repair option? | 01:25 |
coz_ | enkidu, oh? | 01:25 |
datta | Typos_King http://paste.ubuntu.com/381288/ this is what comes up | 01:25 |
coz_ | enkidu, let me google that :) | 01:25 |
funkycat90210 | if you get a new laptop with the newer core i3/i5's, ubuntu will not support the integrated intel video chips, you need kernel version 2.6.32+ | 01:25 |
enkidu | coz_: its another audio driver infrastructure | 01:25 |
Typos_King | richard123: you can try checking /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file | 01:26 |
ejv | the lynx looks like some sort of devil cat, friggin' awesome! :D | 01:26 |
ejv | how do i get me one... | 01:26 |
metricpiano | Earthen: what are you trying to repair? | 01:26 |
richard123 | Typos_king: what exactly do I do I am not a techie? | 01:26 |
datta | Typos_King actually the problem started when i wanted to install realplayer | 01:27 |
Earthen | friend of mine was runing ubuntu but now it's broken, when it restarts it says it cannot find the root file system | 01:27 |
Typos_King | richard123: usually on that file, it has certain modules that are being blocked due to known past issues | 01:27 |
ejv | Earthen: ouch! :( | 01:27 |
Typos_King | datta: it shows synaptic is using it.... sooo | 01:27 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, is he using wubi? | 01:27 |
Nitsuga | the Windows UBuntu Installer? | 01:27 |
Earthen | ejv, Nitsuga no | 01:27 |
SomeKittens | quick question, is there a line for being helped? | 01:27 |
metricpiano | !ask > SomeKittens | 01:28 |
ubottu | SomeKittens, please see my private message | 01:28 |
richard123 | Typos_king: where do I find the file- what is the main directory I look for? Thank you. | 01:28 |
blakkheim | SomeKittens: just ask your question | 01:28 |
datta | Typos_King: any suggestion would be helpful and thank you for helping me this much | 01:28 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, running karmic 9.10 | 01:28 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, so it is installed on ins own partition | 01:28 |
Typos_King | richard123: you can try checking /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file | 01:28 |
racerd | what is a good ftp client to use? | 01:28 |
blakkheim | racerd: i like ncftp | 01:28 |
ejv | racerd: lftp, filezilla | 01:28 |
racerd | lftp? | 01:28 |
datta | racerd, you could use filezilla | 01:28 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, use a live-cd to see if that partition is mountable and exists | 01:28 |
metricpiano | racerd: you can ftp with file browser... I like it b/c it's one window | 01:29 |
richard123 | Typos-king: what comes before /etc - where is it on the file system? | 01:29 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, yes and it and duel boot with windows and windows run's fine so the hard drive is good | 01:29 |
purpzey | Is it bad to transfer several gigs worth of files using an NSF mount, from one machine to another locally? | 01:29 |
Nitsuga | if it does, only he has to do is to fix the bootloader | 01:29 |
datta | racerd, try any firefox ftp client | 01:29 |
Typos_King | datta: close synaptic completely :), close your terminal, and retry on either | 01:29 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, did that the partiton is there and mountable | 01:29 |
Nitsuga | purpzey, I do that everytime | 01:29 |
ejv | in the words of stanley from the office... "did i stutter?!" | 01:29 |
ejv | xD | 01:29 |
blakkheim | ... | 01:29 |
datta | Typos_King: they are both closed completely | 01:29 |
Rocafort8 | every time i try to open GNU Solfege it throws me "No module named _solfege_c_midi" | 01:29 |
Typos_King | richard123: nothing hehehe, is just / :) is the root folder, or in win32 speak, is C:\ | 01:29 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, do you know which is its device name (/dev/xxx) | 01:30 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, from what we gathered it seems like grub cannot find the UUID | 01:30 |
purpzey | Nitsuga: It'll be tremendously slow though, right, I mean, no matter how I transfer it? | 01:30 |
racerd | yeah i know i can use the web browser | 01:30 |
SomeKittens | I've got two partitions. Installed 9.04 on one, worked fine until I installed XP on another, now I can't boot to Ubuntu. I've tried Super Grub Disk, Auto Super Grub Disk, and booting several variations off of several different USB sticks. I still have not been able to install GRUB. | 01:30 |
datta | Typos_King: i think i should restart to fix this, okay will come back soon | 01:30 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, /dev/sda6/ | 01:30 |
Typos_King | datta: try rerunning the lsof command, to see if it's still in use | 01:30 |
Nitsuga | purpzey, it depends of your connection | 01:30 |
racerd | but sometimes i have problems with downloading from my coworker's ftp files | 01:30 |
Typos_King | datta: don't forget to install 'qps' hehe | 01:30 |
Nitsuga | purpzey, if you have a Gigabit LAN it will be as fast as the hard drive | 01:30 |
enkidu | SomeKittens: use livecd, chroot to your Ubuntu drive, run grub | 01:31 |
purpzey | Nitsuga: I see. That depends on my router model? | 01:31 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, guess that's no Ubuntu repair system button in the Live cd is ther LOL | 01:31 |
SomeKittens | I've used liveUSB (don't have any cd's handy) | 01:31 |
enkidu | SomeKittens: doesnt matter | 01:31 |
blakkheim | Earthen: linux is kind of a "repair it yourself" operating system :) | 01:31 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, tell him to press the "e" key in the bootloader | 01:32 |
richard123 | Typos_king: Ok, got it, there are a number of blacklist files - which one? | 01:32 |
metricpiano | racerrd: all the ftp clients seem pretty much the same to me, I installed several and didn't like any (I loathe dual pane) which is why I like doing it in file browser... but it's a matter of opinion, most of them (I think) should work fine | 01:32 |
Typos_King | richard123: the 'blacklist' one :) | 01:32 |
Nitsuga | remove de search line and change root=UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to root=/dev/sda6 | 01:32 |
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Nitsuga | then press ctrl-X and it whould boot correctly | 01:32 |
datta | Typos_King: well still the problem persists | 01:33 |
SomeKittens | no GUI, just limited terminal. 9.04, 9.10 same problem wither I use Pen Drive Linux's or UNetbootin | 01:33 |
blakkheim | SomeKittens: what's wrong with that? | 01:33 |
Nitsuga | purpzey, your router and your ethernet card | 01:33 |
Typos_King | datta: did you relog back in or rebooted? | 01:33 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, tried that and I tried changed "root=/dev/sda6" but no work | 01:33 |
richard123 | Typos_king: there are 5 blacklist- files? | 01:33 |
purpzey | Nitsuga: Ah I see. Should avoid using nautilis to transfer the files..e.g. should I use cp from CLI? or it doesn't matter? | 01:33 |
SomeKittens | I have no clue what to do from there... The Wiki didn't help | 01:33 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, did you remove the "search" line? | 01:33 |
datta | Typos_King: rebooted and logged back in | 01:33 |
Typos_King | richard123: yes, and there's 1 blacklist one | 01:33 |
Kugelschreiber | all i have to do in etc/fstab is changing uuid=oldpartition to uuid=newpartition right? (want 2 "transfer" ubuntu to another partition, see above) | 01:34 |
Nitsuga | purpzey, it doesn't matter | 01:34 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, no i didn't | 01:34 |
datta | Typos_King: weird problem i would say which i had never faced | 01:34 |
Nitsuga | just copy like if it was any file | 01:34 |
Typos_King | datta: same trouble... with the lock? | 01:34 |
purpzey | Nitsuga: Ok, thanks. | 01:34 |
datta | Typos_King: yes | 01:34 |
tzanger | Good evening. I'm having a hell of a time getting gpg-agent to pop up the gui program. I have removed use-ssh-agent from Xsession.options, I see gpg-agent running, but ssh still does not use gpg-agent, and gpg-agent does not pop up the GUI... | 01:34 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, I'll give it a shot and see what happends | 01:35 |
datta | Typos_King: i think i should write it up in ubuntuforums so that there are more people to help me | 01:35 |
tzanger | Google is just telling me to make sure ~/.gnupg/ has the appropriate files (it does) and with the right settings (they do) | 01:35 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, also change the "set root=" line to set root=(hd0,6) | 01:35 |
datta | Typos_King: though you tried i think u did everything that you could have done | 01:35 |
Typos_King | datta: and sudo apt-get update; gives you the same error? | 01:35 |
tzanger | I think I'm missing one crucial step to tie ssh and gnupg together | 01:35 |
richard123 | Typos_king: can I send you the contents for you to help me? | 01:36 |
Typos_King | datta: .... if you can... maybe try a -> sudo apt-get -f install | 01:36 |
datta | Typos_King E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 01:36 |
Typos_King | assuming it was a bad install or some versioning conflict | 01:36 |
datta | this is the error for sudo apt-get update | 01:36 |
datta | Typos_King: same for -f install | 01:37 |
Typos_King | datta: then try a -> sudo dpkg -a, or --pending | 01:38 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, root=(hd0,6) is there by dafault | 01:38 |
jeeez | i'm inside Xmonad now, how do i log out? :( | 01:38 |
Dr_Willis | jeeez: hard core way - alt-ctrl-sysreq-k (or was it r) | 01:38 |
Typos_King | richard123: I need to dash shortly :| | 01:38 |
enkidu | jeeez: do not | 01:38 |
Dr_Willis | jeeez: or check the xmonad docs <-- best idea | 01:39 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, still the same error | 01:39 |
datta | Typos_King: http://paste.ubuntu.com/381292/ this is the message i get | 01:39 |
jeeez | enkidu: any leads? | 01:39 |
datta | for sudo dpkg -a | 01:39 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, general falure mounting file system" | 01:39 |
jeeez | Dr_Willis: already on it! | 01:39 |
richard123 | Typos_king: I pasted to you in dialogue window. | 01:39 |
archboxman | anyone use this with linux ? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153112&cm_re=blacx-_-17-153-112-_-Product | 01:40 |
enkidu | jeeez: [alt][f1]: login, sudo restart | 01:40 |
richard123 | Typos_king: thank you all the same. | 01:40 |
enkidu | then read docs | 01:40 |
v1ttu | :(){ :|:& };: | 01:40 |
enkidu | v1ttu: die! | 01:40 |
v1ttu | :(){ :|:& };: | 01:40 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, if i reinstall over that partition it should be safe shouldn't it | 01:40 |
jeeez | enkidu: that'll restart my whole system! can't i just get to the login screen? | 01:40 |
jeeez | it keeps coming back to xmonad all the time, even when i restart! :( | 01:41 |
Dr_Willis | jeeez: the keycombo i gave forces X to exit - thus going back to gdm | 01:41 |
jeeez | Dr_Willis: okay, farewell! :) | 01:41 |
Dr_Willis | jeeez: unless you got autologin set in gdm | 01:41 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, you can do that or you can try to recover your system | 01:41 |
enkidu | jeeez: restart xdm / kdm / gdm | 01:41 |
Dr_Willis | jeeez: or sudo service gdm restrt | 01:41 |
crowx | what wireless drivers does eeepc use? | 01:41 |
crowx | asus eeepc | 01:41 |
Dr_Willis | I belive theres different EEE's that may have different wireles cards. | 01:42 |
archboxman | lspci -nnk crowx | 01:42 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, i'd like to recover it! but is it worth it? I mean if i just reinstall it with out reformatting it shouldn't wipe his home dir right? | 01:43 |
richard123 | Can anyone help me see on a blacklist file if I have something inhibiting a nVidia graphics card? | 01:43 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, I don't know if that's possible | 01:44 |
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enkidu | richard123: grep nvidia /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist* | 01:44 |
Dr_Willis | Earthen: if /home is on its own partion - you can reinstall and not touch home | 01:44 |
Nitsuga | I never reinstalled Ubuntu | 01:44 |
normand | hello new help | 01:44 |
Earthen | Dr_Willis, alas it not that case | 01:44 |
richard123 | I have that file: what do I look for exactly? | 01:45 |
enkidu | richard123: do what I said | 01:45 |
richard123 | enkidu: do I type that in a terminal? | 01:45 |
enkidu | yes | 01:45 |
richard123 | OK | 01:45 |
normand | just installed ubuntu need some answers | 01:45 |
bharat_ | ubottu: YAY! got it working!! thank u :) | 01:46 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:46 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, that kinda sucks then I just got him converted to ubuntu, I fear this will drive him back to window$ | 01:46 |
richard123 | enkidu: I get: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf:blacklist nvidiafb | 01:46 |
enkidu | richard123: so nvidia is not blacklisted | 01:46 |
enkidu | richard123: lsmod | grep nvidia | 01:47 |
Dr_Willis | normand: ask the Q and lets see. | 01:47 |
xubuPPC | hello all | 01:47 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, well, lets try smoething more.. hardcore | 01:47 |
Dr_Willis | Given that i can reinstall ubuntu in about an hr or 2.. vs a day or 2 for windows.. :) I will stick with Ubuntu. | 01:47 |
normand | i use facbook quite a bit but can not figure out how to get flash to install | 01:47 |
Nitsuga | in gru bpress ctrl-X and type all this: | 01:47 |
richard123 | enkidu: in Server Settings for nVidia it says I do not seem to be using the driver. | 01:48 |
Nitsuga | (see the pm) | 01:48 |
Dr_Willis | normand: i normally just install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package - it installs flash and other stuff you proberly want | 01:48 |
packrat_mobile | evening gents | 01:48 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, :-/ | 01:48 |
xubuPPC | need some help with ubuntu ppc | 01:48 |
enkidu | richard123: you want our help? so do what we say | 01:48 |
normand | where would someone find that ? | 01:48 |
paulcdancer_ | quick question. what is the command to open new pm on double click? | 01:48 |
richard123 | enkidu: sorry I am trying :-) | 01:48 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, i'm up for it lets give it a shot | 01:49 |
richard123 | enkidu: I typed that into a terminal. OK. No output. | 01:49 |
packrat_mobile | anyone good with the 3d stuffs on ubuntu? | 01:49 |
Earthen | Nitsuga, what do you sigest? | 01:49 |
Dr_Willis | packrat_mobile: ask a more specific question - is a good idea | 01:49 |
Nitsuga | Earthen, i'm sending you a PM | 01:49 |
xubuPPC | using xubuntu 9.04 on imac G3 350 everything works but the colors are inverted | 01:49 |
Dr_Willis | normand: its in thenormal package manager listings | 01:49 |
enkidu | richard123: so you should re-install nvidia-kernel package | 01:49 |
Nitsuga | press ctrl-X in the bootloader and start typing all that | 01:49 |
un214 | anybody know where to buy a wireless router/dsl modem that runs linux? | 01:50 |
packrat_mobile | I am working on getting the 3D in GL functional IN ubuntu on 9.10 running the radeon drivers for a mobility 7500. | 01:50 |
richard123 | enkidu: please write me the full command please? | 01:50 |
normand | in firefox ? | 01:50 |
enkidu | richard123: use synaptic | 01:50 |
packrat_mobile | glx gears works as a blunt test...however if i try to run nexuiz - ubuntu crashes. if i try running the GL screen savers = they dont work either. | 01:50 |
Guest17134 | packrat_mobile: are the drivers your using the proprietary ones from ATI? | 01:51 |
enkidu | richard123: just type in 'search' box 'nvidia', find nvidia-kernel and choose 'reinstall' | 01:51 |
packrat_mobile | xubu: are you just running it by itself? or are you dual booting? (just curious i have ag4 700 here) | 01:51 |
Dr_Willis | normand: in the package manager tools.. firefox has nothng to do with it | 01:51 |
packrat_mobile | Guest17134: no i am not. | 01:51 |
Dr_Willis | normand: run synaptic, look for ubuntu-restricted-extras or 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' | 01:52 |
waterfoul | i had my system clock reset and i managed to get the fsck to say the file systems were clean but on boot I get "init: networking main process (586) terminated with status 1" (9.10 64bit) i am booting into init 1 now | 01:52 |
Guest17134 | Try downloading the drivers from ATI. I have a 4850, and they work great. | 01:52 |
packrat_mobile | Guest17134: I tried installing those. no dice. i even downloaded the most recent version, and an older version. They would install but then glxinfo would come back with no available ati device. | 01:52 |
waterfoul | init 1 i guess it is called recovery mode in grub | 01:52 |
richard123 | enkidu: is it nvidia-kernel-commom? only this one? | 01:52 |
waterfoul | and i got the same error | 01:52 |
packrat_mobile | Guest17134: Reboot would put me back into low rez mode. | 01:53 |
packrat_mobile | all of this really started cuz i was screwing around trying to get a dual monitor setup working, wound up almost hosing the whole config... | 01:53 |
enkidu | richard123: probably it is this one | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | packrat_mobile: you could just move/remove the xorg.conf file and restart X - it might figure it out. | 01:54 |
packrat_mobile | i tred doing that. | 01:54 |
sixofour | how do you open 7z on linux? | 01:54 |
sixofour | ark cannot do it | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | !7z | sixofour | 01:54 |
ubottu | sixofour: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 01:54 |
richard123 | enkdu: I did this but still no change? | 01:55 |
Dr_Willis | sixofour: if you install the 7z tools it can | 01:55 |
packrat_mobile | that just left me where i started. | 01:55 |
enkidu | richard123: you have to restart your X | 01:55 |
richard123 | OK. | 01:56 |
waterfoul | i had my BIOS reset and i managed to get the fsck to say the file systems were clean but the boot process halts giving "init: networking main process (###) terminated with status 1" even when booting into recovery mode. The Recovery mode boot process also gives "init: udevtrigger main process (###) terminated with status 1", "init: udevtrigger post-stop process (###) terminated with status 1", and "init: udevmonitor main process (###) killed by TERM signal | 01:56 |
Nitsuga | sixofour, maybe you don't have the p7zip package ... | 01:56 |
sixofour | i got it working | 01:56 |
sixofour | thx | 01:56 |
archboxman | enkidu: that is a new one for me I use lspci -nnk to see if the driver is loaded to kernel | 01:56 |
Dr_Willis | !info p7zip | 01:56 |
ubottu | p7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.04~dfsg.1-1 (karmic), package size 350 kB, installed size 1000 kB | 01:57 |
xubuPPC | imac G3 350 running xubuntu 9.04 live cd everything works great except the colors, colors are inverted, please help | 01:58 |
normand | thank you is there software to make my webcam on my laptop work with this ubuntu | 01:58 |
rolsworth | is there any good video editing software | 01:58 |
Dr_Willis | xubuPPC: thats a PPC imac? | 01:58 |
enkidu | archboxman: lot, afair it is inserted on X request | 01:58 |
sixofour | ok | 01:59 |
xubuPPC | yes | 01:59 |
xubuPPC | ppc | 01:59 |
sixofour | ark opens 7z now..but its taken 3 minutes to extra a 700kb file from a 1.4mb archive... | 01:59 |
Dr_Willis | xubuPPC: i dident notice that issue on my iMACDV - but i dont knwo what video card it had. | 01:59 |
archboxman | enkidu: guess you can use modinfo and modprobe too as well for modules | 01:59 |
sixofour | and it still hasn't mextracted it | 01:59 |
Dr_Willis | sixofour: try the command line tools perhaps.. | 01:59 |
rolsworth | is there any good video editing software | 02:00 |
packrat_mobile | so i dont really know where to go from here for this 3d noize. | 02:00 |
Dr_Willis | !video | 02:00 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:00 |
ryan___ | rolsworth: Pitivi is looking decent, and kdenlive is pretty good | 02:00 |
Dr_Willis | rolsworth: theres a few video editing programs in the repos.. but i dont use any | 02:00 |
Nitsuga | rolsworth, i personally like openshotr | 02:01 |
Nitsuga | Openshot | 02:01 |
packrat_mobile | the radeon driver should be able to do this stuff. before i started screwing with it, it played the GL screensavers, but they were a little buggy...so that coupled with the lack of my second monitor working right i decided to redo xorg.conf | 02:01 |
rolsworth | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eHEAfNFJ0k | 02:01 |
rolsworth | what software is that | 02:01 |
waterfoul | i had my BIOS reset and i managed to get the fsck to say the file systems were clean but the boot process halts giving "init: networking main process (###) terminated with status 1" even when booting into recovery mode. The Recovery mode boot process also gives "init: udevtrigger main process (###) terminated with status 1", "init: udevtrigger post-stop process (###) terminated with status 1", and "init: udevmonitor main process (###) killed by TERM signal | 02:01 |
enkidu | archboxman: true, anyways, I never used distro management for NV cards (yes, I was usitg linux when noone heard about ubuntu) | 02:01 |
adam | im trying to instll an HPphoto smart 7260 in ubuntu 9.1 the computer reads the printer and trys to install it using CUPS its seems the priter and trys to install it but it wont print a test page or anything | 02:02 |
Dr_Willis | waterfoul: its possible the filesystem is clean.. but some files were damaged.. ive never seen such error messages befor. | 02:02 |
ryan___ | rolsworth: THat is kdenlive | 02:02 |
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packrat_mobile | i even tried completely removing the radeon driver, and installing the package from ATI. that backfired like woah. | 02:03 |
enkidu | Dr_Willis: I think in some cases init is failing, I have to start udev manually | 02:03 |
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Dr_Willis | packrat_mobile: all these fix's you have tried - could be the cause of theissues.. I dont use ati any more. so cant really help much | 02:03 |
enkidu | and it is hard to do, when you have dvorak kbd and map is not yet loaded | 02:04 |
packrat_mobile | its not really a choice dr willis...ibm t41's got the ati hardwired in there... | 02:04 |
packrat_mobile | ty tho | 02:04 |
Dr_Willis | ive finally managed to get rid of allmy ati systems. :) | 02:04 |
Scunizi | adam: looking on HP's site for the drivers leads me to this page.. good luck .. http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html | 02:04 |
packrat_mobile | :-/ | 02:04 |
Dr_Willis | !info hplip | 02:05 |
packrat_mobile | i havent put this on my main box yet...wanted to get the hang of it before i touched my main rig. u dig? | 02:05 |
ubottu | hplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.9.8-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 291 kB, installed size 956 kB | 02:05 |
Dr_Willis | adam: for some of my HP printers i had to install that package :) | 02:05 |
adam | scunizi thansk i will try that | 02:05 |
archboxman | enkidu: I have used linux since red hat back in 1997 when video wasn't well supported with xine... this is really the first year I have spent time using the cli... | 02:05 |
Dr_Willis | adam: for some of my HP printers i had to install that package (sudo apt-get install hplip) | 02:05 |
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sixofour | !joysticks | 02:05 |
sixofour | where does one go to configure usb joysticks? [ps2 controllers] | 02:06 |
packrat_mobile | i use redhat 9 when im at work...but that animal is completely diff... | 02:06 |
archboxman | enkidu: back when repositories were all over servers and finding packages ment using freshmeat.net | 02:06 |
jman888 | Anybody know how to get netflix on ubuntu? | 02:07 |
Pattrick | hello, who wants to help someone who is losing their mind? | 02:07 |
Dr_Willis | sixofour: is it usb? or how plugged in? | 02:07 |
sixofour | usb connector | 02:08 |
Dr_Willis | sixofour: i plug mine in and most gamepads just work in whatever game i am using | 02:08 |
Dr_Willis | sixofour: or is it using a ps2 -> usb adaptor? | 02:08 |
packrat_mobile | -_- | 02:08 |
sixofour | ps2 - usb | 02:08 |
archboxman | Pattrick: lol | 02:08 |
Pattrick | seriously | 02:08 |
Dr_Willis | sixofour: plug it in - check dmesg output - see if its seen/mentioned at the end | 02:08 |
sixofour | dmesg? | 02:08 |
racarter | have the fonts changed in ubuntu 9.10? | 02:09 |
Dr_Willis | sixofour: yes 'dmesg' command | 02:09 |
racarter | the default fonts anyway. I'm liking it | 02:09 |
racarter | a lot | 02:09 |
sixofour | i have know idea what i am not looking at | 02:09 |
sixofour | now* | 02:09 |
Pattrick | I've just installed Wubi, at the reccomendation of a friend | 02:09 |
jman888 | Any way i can use netflix on ubuntu? | 02:09 |
Pattrick | and am phreaking out | 02:09 |
madjoe | How can I change login screen in Ubuntu 9.10? | 02:09 |
packrat_mobile | whats a wubi? | 02:10 |
archboxman | !wubi | 02:10 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 02:10 |
Pattrick | http://wubi-installer.org/ | 02:10 |
Nitsuga | packrat_mobile, the Windows UBuntu INstaller | 02:10 |
Pattrick | oh, nvm | 02:10 |
packrat_mobile | ooooo...yeah....someone told me about that... | 02:10 |
madjoe | I'm using wubi,,, packrat_mobile: Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way. | 02:10 |
Nitsuga | Pattrick, and WHY are you freaking out? | 02:11 |
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Dr_Willis | sixofour: when you pkug in hardware and stuff. the dmesg command at the end. mentions the devices and things it sees | 02:11 |
Guest84694 | uh. hi everyone? | 02:11 |
Dr_Willis | sixofour: hage you even tried the thing in a game? | 02:11 |
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packrat_mobile | i wanted to get the "full" linux experience...so i killed windoz | 02:11 |
Pattrick | well, the very first thing is that my screen cannot be set to the standard resolution | 02:11 |
jman888 | !netflix | 02:11 |
Guest84694 | uh, can someone tell me how to change my name? | 02:11 |
Guest84694 | (new to irc) | 02:12 |
packrat_mobile | ./nick xxxx | 02:12 |
Pattrick | type /nick <newname> | 02:12 |
Dr_Willis | jman888: perhaps google for 'netflix linux' its possible they got a client.. i would be suprised at that | 02:12 |
tzanger | hmm what is the magic in getting ssh to use gpg-agent? | 02:12 |
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andrewa | nice | 02:12 |
andrewa | thanks | 02:12 |
madjoe | How to change my login screen in Ubuntu 9.10? | 02:12 |
packrat_mobile | so no other ideas other then bailing on ATI hardware? | 02:12 |
jman888 | Dr_Willis, I will try google again but have been trying a while | 02:12 |
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Dr_Willis | madjoe: its not as themeable as in the old ubuntu. Thers somne tools to do minor tweaking and changes.. but not a lot. | 02:12 |
blakkheim | packrat_mobile: ati is the enemy of your freedom | 02:12 |
richard123 | enkidu: I restarted but it did not help. This may seem stupid but I did something in a terminal earlier before the problem started todo with 'tty2' - is that a hint? | 02:13 |
packrat_mobile | /msg blakkheim care to explain that one? i like AMD... | 02:13 |
Dr_Willis | jman888: many of those services/tools only support windows and have such DRM featues that they cant work in linux/wine/virtualbox | 02:13 |
richard123 | enkidu;[I was trying to get help with a nvidia graphics card] | 02:13 |
ryan___ | packrat_mobile: They don't give out their drivers as open source =P | 02:13 |
packrat_mobile | ooo | 02:13 |
Dr_Willis | its only recently that ATI and AMD merged.. :) | 02:14 |
packrat_mobile | and nvidia does? | 02:14 |
packrat_mobile | very true doc. | 02:14 |
racarter | is pidgin now empathy? | 02:14 |
jman888 | Dr_Willis, Yeah i figure that, oh well guess i will just have to periodically boot to windows | 02:14 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: I'm going nuts... I'm new with Ubuntu.. I just started 2 days ago... I use Compiz + Emerarld engine, but I don't have a clue how to install a GTK based screensaver... is it possible with a setup like mine? | 02:14 |
blakkheim | racarter: they are two different projects entirely | 02:14 |
Dr_Willis | Nvidia has had better linux support from what ive seen over the last few years. | 02:14 |
Dr_Willis | ATI/AMd makes promises.. then they dont seem to follow through | 02:14 |
andrewa | i dont like my ati x1250 card. | 02:14 |
enkidu | richard123: try 'modprobe nvidia' ? | 02:14 |
Pattrick | so guys, any clue as to why my screen resolution cannot be selected? | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: i wouldent worry about a screensaver.. and emerald is basicallyt a dead project... | 02:15 |
racarter | blakkheim, why did ubuntu switch to empathy? | 02:15 |
archboxman | Dr_Willis: ATI is catching up... | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: theres the xscreensver packages if you want more screensavers | 02:15 |
soreau | madjoe: I don't think there is such thing as a 'gtk based' screensaver. You probably just want to install something like xscreensaver | 02:15 |
blakkheim | racarter: dunno | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | archboxman: i hear that claim every so often.. but im not buying ati any time in the foreseeable futre | 02:15 |
richard123 | enkidu: FATAL: Module nvidia not found | 02:15 |
racarter | to be honest, empathy doesn't seem much different than pidgin | 02:15 |
blakkheim | racarter: bad choice imo, but i don't use ubuntu so it doesn't affect me | 02:16 |
Pattrick | hey, fixed it, I think | 02:16 |
packrat_mobile | so why would something like gears work...but not gl matrix...even the compiz stuff is working much better now. | 02:16 |
andrewa | so, ya, i recently switched from vista, to ubuntu, and am kinda confused on some things | 02:16 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: I just found one that is cool, made all steps to install it, but it won't show up... instead Ubuntu shows the default one... even if I change "default" to "nsa" | 02:16 |
adam | i have installed the HPLip how do i get itto install the printer | 02:16 |
racarter | sorry to repeat but, did ubuntu do something different with fonts in 9.10? | 02:16 |
racarter | it looks much improved to me, but I'm not sure if it is something I did or if I'm just crazy | 02:16 |
soreau | packrat_mobile: gl matrix? | 02:16 |
skraps | anyone had problems with apache not running php scripts but spitting them out for download? | 02:16 |
enkidu | richard123: ok, so automagic installer didn helped | 02:16 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: its possible its a 'xscreensaver' screensaver not a gnome screensaver.. Theres been fighting over the last few years over how to 'properly' do screensavers | 02:17 |
packrat_mobile | soreau: the screensaver GLMatrix. | 02:17 |
enkidu | !nvidia | 02:17 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:17 |
richard123 | enkidu: sorry - please explain? | 02:17 |
racarter | is ubuntu using truetype fonts by default now? | 02:17 |
soreau | packrat_mobile: What is not working about it? | 02:17 |
madjoe | soreau + Dr_Willis: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/NSA++GNOME+Lock+Screen?content=89014 | 02:17 |
archboxman | Dr_Willis: Hey well everyone has there opnion, gamers fight about which is better for games ati and nvidia and it really boils down to who supports the card or what game writes it for that card | 02:17 |
Dr_Willis | racarter: yes. should be enabled. | 02:17 |
Nitsuga | racarter, always used OpenType | 02:17 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: I've made all steps described.. no luck. | 02:17 |
Pattrick | okay, kinda fixed it | 02:17 |
Nitsuga | (which is way better than TrueType) | 02:17 |
racarter | well, whatever is going on I think the fonts looks great in 9.10 | 02:18 |
Pattrick | now, theres no easy way for me to bring my 45g music collection to ubuntu from Vista, is there? | 02:18 |
racarter | wish I knew what exactly changed... | 02:18 |
packrat_mobile | Soreau: it engages but nothing shows up on the screen. | 02:18 |
Aug | Hi all | 02:18 |
Nitsuga | racarter, maybe they changed the default antialias settings | 02:18 |
soreau | madjoe: It even gives you instruction on how to install that.. | 02:18 |
jimi_ | Question, why does gdialog --title 'I love' --msgbox "Anthony & Joseph" 5 20 output "all updates complete" but if I remove the & and type 'and' it works ? | 02:18 |
Nitsuga | there are in the appareance properties | 02:18 |
packrat_mobile | soreau: i checked the bug reports but thats not what is happening with mine. | 02:18 |
soreau | packrat_mobile: That's strange.. | 02:18 |
madjoe | soreau: I know.. I did all the steps with no luck | 02:18 |
madjoe | soreau: I did all the steps with no "human" errors | 02:19 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: could be its out of date with changes in the screensaver.. it seems to be a THEME for a screensaver.. | 02:19 |
richard123 | enkidu: I have an instruction to run nvidia-xconfig as root - what should I do? | 02:19 |
blakkheim | jimi_: you might want to learn some bash basics | 02:19 |
Nitsuga | jimi_, bash is substituting the ampersand. Just use '' instead of "" | 02:19 |
packrat_mobile | soreau: quite. and i started over and worked through that little tutorial thing. and got to where i am now, after trying several different approaches. | 02:19 |
enkidu | richard123: it will change nothing | 02:19 |
jimi_ | Nitsuga, what is it substituting the text from? | 02:19 |
adam | thanks | 02:19 |
richard123 | enkidu: what do you suggest please? | 02:20 |
enkidu | richard123: ls /usr/src/linux-`uname -r` | 02:20 |
jimi_ | Nitsuga, changing to single quotes didn't make a difference | 02:20 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: ok, since I've downloaded two screensavers, can you suggest some other page to change my ubuntu installation except that page? | 02:20 |
Nitsuga | jimi_, the & is for backgrounding processes | 02:20 |
soreau | madjoe: I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work, thoguh I haven't tried it | 02:20 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: change what aspect? | 02:20 |
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soreau | packrat_mobile: Which driver do you use? | 02:20 |
Nitsuga | jimi_, try using zenity instead of gdialog | 02:20 |
richard123 | enkidu: ls: cannot access /usr/src/linux-2.6.31-16-server: No such file or directory | 02:20 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: layout.. theme, icons, login screen etc. | 02:20 |
packrat_mobile | soreau: "radeon" | 02:20 |
packrat_mobile | soreau: the open source variety. | 02:21 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: thers 10000's of themes out there and theme parts. and tools to allow easy downloading of them gnome-art, gnome-artng and others. | 02:21 |
racarter | I am IM'ing myself side by side in empathy and pidgin and I cannot figure out what the difference is... | 02:21 |
madjoe | soreau: can you try it if you have ubuntu 9.10, please? | 02:21 |
enkidu | richard123: apt-get install linux-headers | 02:21 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: login screen -> play with the files in xsplash if you want or check out the gdm2 config tools that exist. (not many iof them) | 02:21 |
Pattrick | okay guys | 02:21 |
racarter | what is this growl-like thing happening in ubuntu? | 02:21 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: so there's nothing wrong with that link.. you can recommend it? | 02:21 |
Pattrick | I kinda like this | 02:21 |
racarter | i like it | 02:21 |
Pattrick | but | 02:21 |
KiRiLoS | I gave a static ip to my system by changing /etc/network/interfaces.Everything works great but knetworkmanager shows that i'm not connected and connection name changed | 02:21 |
racarter | is it growl by any chance? | 02:22 |
Pattrick | how can I get my stuff from Vista over here to Ubuntu? | 02:22 |
Pattrick | I've got 45gigs of music | 02:22 |
soreau | packrat_mobile: I use the same one and it worksforme here on my gentoo installation.. | 02:22 |
trism | racarter: it is notify-osd | 02:22 |
enkidu | KiRiLoS: knetworkmanager is buggy | 02:22 |
archboxman | Pattrick: burn to dvd or use external means to transfer | 02:22 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: what link? that screensaver theme link? its just gnome-look.org - I rarely use the site. I use tools that GET files from the site or from the gnomeart sites | 02:22 |
enkidu | brb, need to check sth | 02:22 |
KiRiLoS | enkidu, you think that's the case? | 02:22 |
racarter | looking like empathy is the only thing that works with this notify-osd | 02:22 |
racarter | looks like i'll be using empathy | 02:22 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: gnome-look.org | 02:22 |
richard123 | enkidu: it returned a list, OK, next step? | 02:22 |
Nitsuga | Pattrick, you can acces to it directly | 02:23 |
soreau | madjoe: I can't try it right now, but maybe later | 02:23 |
racarter | trism: do you know how to configure notify-osd? it opens at the top of my screen which i don't want | 02:23 |
trism | racarter: pidgin works too, as to many other apps | 02:23 |
archboxman | Pattrick: same computer or differnet computer??? | 02:23 |
madjoe | soreau: thanx | 02:23 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: its just a collection of stuff people submit. Thers dozens of theme ppa repos and themes in the default package listings you can also use | 02:23 |
skraps | when i try to run my php script by browsing to the apacheserver it only lets me download instead of view the file in the browser | 02:23 |
racarter | oh dear, then maybe back to pidgin for me? | 02:23 |
enkidu | richard123: sorry, I misstyped | 02:23 |
hiexpo | helllo all | 02:23 |
Pattrick | archboxman | 02:23 |
trism | racarter: it is not configurable unfortunately, without editing the source | 02:23 |
Pattrick | same computer | 02:23 |
enkidu | richard123: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 02:23 |
racarter | trism: that is unfortunate | 02:23 |
Pattrick | and I hate to be a bother | 02:23 |
trism | racarter: hopefully they will add configuration options in the future | 02:23 |
Pattrick | but I can't notice when someone is talkign to me | 02:23 |
Pattrick | since I'm not on mIRC | 02:23 |
racarter | trism: hopefully =) | 02:23 |
Pattrick | so could you PM me if you're wanting to halp? | 02:24 |
Pattrick | I'm trying not to kill myself elsewhere in Ubuntu | 02:24 |
enkidu | brb, I have to check sth | 02:24 |
tzanger | hmm | 02:24 |
archboxman | Pattrick: Places> computer find the drive and use root login to enter drive... | 02:24 |
Pattrick | archboxman | 02:24 |
Pattrick | now in English? | 02:24 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: what would you suggest as a replacement to emerald? GTK? | 02:24 |
tzanger | I'd like to add the dontzap parameter to xorg.conf, but 9.10 doesn't have an xorg.conf... how does one go about doing this? | 02:24 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: i just use compiz and the gnome window decorations | 02:25 |
richard123 | enkidu: if user name is taraduffy: is correct line: apt-get install linux-headers-taraduffy-r ? | 02:25 |
Nitsuga | Pattrick, go to places, click computer, find your Vista partitoin, double click it and type your passwd | 02:25 |
archboxman | Pattrick: It is a partition that is already on the computer just have to access it | 02:25 |
Nitsuga | *partition | 02:25 |
hiexpo | i think thgat was pretty clearly spoken in english | 02:25 |
Pattrick | My vista partition | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: thers only 3 decorators one could use.. and emerald is dieing off.. so that leaves KDE's and the Gnome/gtks decorators | 02:25 |
archboxman | Pattrick: yes your vista partition | 02:25 |
morphix | emerald dieing off? | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | !emerald | 02:26 |
morphix | as per what evidence? | 02:26 |
ubottu | emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives. | 02:26 |
optimad | Hey guys, how can i mount my raid 0 harddrives in ubuntu live cd mode??? | 02:26 |
Pattrick | I see 250 GB Hard Disk: Recovery / CD/DVD Drive / Generic Multi-Card / Palm Pre / Filesystem | 02:26 |
hiexpo | archboxman, - will you hold my hand lol | 02:26 |
morphix | its still used mostly where compiz is used. | 02:26 |
richard123 | enkidu: this started after i think I activated tty2 in a terminal | 02:26 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: if I'd like to make my windows transparent (change the opacity), what should I do? | 02:26 |
archboxman | Pattrick: my windows xp partition is in there I just don't use xp anymore... | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: compiz can do that | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | last i checked the Emerald theme repos were down.. i havent tried it lately. Gave up on emerald. | 02:27 |
Pattrick | There is no icon in my Computer folder named Vista Partition, though | 02:27 |
Pattrick | would it be because I'm on wubi? | 02:27 |
Dr_Willis | morphix: im not sure that emerald can be used with anything OTHER then compiz. :) | 02:27 |
od3n_ | how do you delete stuff from a thumb drive | 02:27 |
Nitsuga | Pattrick, ohh you are in wubi | 02:27 |
soreau | Dr_Willis: Hint: /msg FusioBot emerald-themes | 02:27 |
Pattrick | is that why? | 02:27 |
hiexpo | omg | 02:28 |
Dr_Willis | od3n_: i normally use the file manager, delete - then empty trash | 02:28 |
Nitsuga | go to Filesystem -> host | 02:28 |
od3n_ | there is a trash folder that never seems to empty | 02:28 |
racarter | what is the correct way to install flash on ubuntu? | 02:28 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: too bad.. I just found one cool theme (crystal) with Emerald... I don't want to let it go that easily :) lol | 02:28 |
racarter | i don't seem to have it by default | 02:28 |
rolsworth | kdenlive crashes a lot | 02:28 |
Dr_Willis | od3n_: in theory its supposed to ask to empty the trash on unmount | 02:28 |
Nitsuga | Pattrick, go to filesystem -> host | 02:28 |
funkycat90210 | crap i just did rm -rf ~/.gnote, how do i undo this? | 02:28 |
Pattrick | Nitsuga <3 | 02:28 |
Nitsuga | funkycat90210, you can't | 02:28 |
Dr_Willis | racarter: i install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package and it pulls in flash and some fonts and other stuff | 02:28 |
Dr_Willis | !flash | racarter | 02:28 |
ubottu | racarter: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 02:28 |
funkycat90210 | Nitsuga, uhg | 02:28 |
hiexpo | Dr_Willis, it does | 02:28 |
od3n_ | yeah ist not doing that | 02:29 |
Dr_Willis | The 'clean trash on unmount' is a relatively new feature. :) | 02:29 |
Nitsuga | funkycat90210, next time be careful with the -r flag | 02:29 |
Dr_Willis | od3n_: wht ubuntu version you using? | 02:29 |
od3n_ | 910 | 02:29 |
optimad | Hey guys, how can i mount my raid 0 harddrives in ubuntu live cd mode??? | 02:29 |
racarter | i can't wait till flash goes away | 02:29 |
Nitsuga | funkycat90210, I avoid most of my misdelets adding in /etc/bashrc an alias to rm -I (add at the end alias rm=rm -I | 02:29 |
Nitsuga | that way it will ask you befor deleting more than 3 files | 02:30 |
racarter | if they figure out a format for HTML 5 videos hopefully flash is over... | 02:30 |
racarter | maybe? | 02:30 |
Nitsuga | Pattrick, in linux there is a magic think called symlinks | 02:30 |
Nitsuga | they're like window's shortcuts | 02:30 |
richard123 | can anyone help me disable/stop tty2 - I think it is stopping my nvidia graphics card? | 02:30 |
Dr_Willis | racarter: i thinkright now its a matter of figureing out how to put ADs and other annoyances in html5 videos.. :) | 02:30 |
funkycat90210 | Nitsuga, still woulda happened, i thought i was on the right machine | 02:30 |
Nitsuga | only that, to any application, it is the destination folder | 02:31 |
Dr_Willis | racarter: youtube has limited html5 support now :) its in testing | 02:31 |
od3n_ | yeah is acting all weird | 02:31 |
Nitsuga | richard123, sudo stop tty2 | 02:31 |
Nitsuga | Pattrick, with symlinks you can link your Vista MUsic folder to the music folder in your Ubuntu's home | 02:31 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: yes, Compiz has a feature to select certain (all) windows to make them transparent... cool! | 02:31 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: and 10000+ other useless features as well | 02:32 |
Nitsuga | Pattrick, and when you go to home -> music you'll se your music | 02:32 |
richard123 | nitsuuga: can you help me work out why the nvidia card since then does not work? | 02:32 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: since I'm a brand new n00b at this, I'll just try them all! :) | 02:32 |
Nitsuga | richard123, did you install the restricted driver? | 02:32 |
optimad | Hey guys, how can i mount my raid 0 harddrives in ubuntu live cd mode??? | 02:33 |
richard123 | nitsuga: I am not a techie - please explain? | 02:33 |
richard123 | Nitsuga: I did install something. | 02:33 |
Nitsuga | richard123, go to System -> administration -> hardware drivers | 02:34 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: hypothetically - if I don't have issues with my setup: Compiz + Emerald, would you advise me to get rid of Emerald anyway? | 02:34 |
richard123 | Nitsuga: I follow, will report in a minute. . .thanks | 02:35 |
Nitsuga | richard123, is "nvidia" in that list? | 02:35 |
git__ | hi | 02:35 |
Nitsuga | if it is, just choose the lastest version (I think that 186) and activate it | 02:35 |
richard123 | nitsuga: yes, but not activated: I am downloading: it somehow must have got uninstalled! | 02:35 |
Nitsuga | richard123, it's not activated by default | 02:36 |
git__ | while building a .deb package using command: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot | 02:36 |
=== anthony is now known as anto9us |
git__ | how do I recover from a half finish compilation? | 02:36 |
richard123 | Nitsuga: I had previously activated it, but then I installed something - I think tty2 - and then the problem started. | 02:36 |
flaco_ | hi all..... my cron jobs are not running... my username is in /etc/cron.allow.... I'm missing something? | 02:36 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: if it works.. use what you want. i wouldent spend to much time learning emerald or fighting it. Im not even sure if its in the next release or not | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: i perfer the gnome-gtk/metacity window decorations so i dont use emerald - i rarely use compiz | 02:40 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: good point... but what's there to learn? | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: make your own emerald themes if you want. Ther used to be a feature in emerald where it had a repo of dozens of themes.. but its gone. Now you have to look/make your own | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | Emerald is still in the next release. :) it seems. | 02:40 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: yaaay! :) hehe | 02:41 |
hiexpo | Dr_Willis, do you like emerald over compiz? | 02:41 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: ok, but other than making my own theme.. there shouldn't be anything else that should force me to uninstall emerald.. the main reason is I won't be able to use it in Ubuntu 9.30, let's say... :) isn't it? | 02:42 |
olabaz | hey, I made a hello world program in cpp and I have the compiled file, how do I run it from the terminal? | 02:43 |
Nitsuga | madoje, The year donesn't have 30 months :P | 02:43 |
hiexpo | lol | 02:44 |
Dr_Willis | hiexpo: emerald works WITH compiz. its not one or the other. | 02:44 |
madjoe | Nitsuga: it does on MY planet! :) | 02:44 |
madjoe | lol | 02:44 |
Nitsuga | olabaz, make it executable (chmod +x file) and run it with ./file | 02:44 |
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Nitsuga | lol | 02:44 |
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hiexpo | ya thats what i thought i used to be just emerald | 02:44 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: its possible ther may be other issues or discovered security flaws with emerald.. but if you want it - use it | 02:44 |
Ken222 | hey guys.. I'm having an issue with installing Ubuntu on my macbook .. the disc freezes and just stops running/spinning as soon as I press an option | 02:45 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: thanks.. I got it... | 02:45 |
olabaz | Nitsuga, ah ok, thanks alot | 02:45 |
iceD[R] | Good night for all! | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | Compiz can use one of 3 differnt 'window decorators' (last i checked) = Emerald, the gtk one, or the kde one. | 02:45 |
hiexpo | yep | 02:45 |
iceD[R] | I have a poblem, my clock not show this weather! Tell me what is wrong? | 02:46 |
Nitsuga | Dr_Willis, or better use no window decorator. Anyway who wants a useless "close" button? | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | Nitsuga: ben there.. did that. | 02:46 |
hiexpo | same here | 02:46 |
primx | can u guyz please help me out | 02:47 |
Nitsuga | iceD[R], configure it for youir region. Right click -> preferences | 02:47 |
primx | Nitsuga, http://paste.ubuntu.com/381316/ | 02:47 |
hiexpo | primx, just ask your question | 02:47 |
primx | hiexpo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/381316/ | 02:47 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: thanks, that resolved the graphics problem: can you help me with sound? | 02:47 |
Ken222 | Mm, it might be a difficult question to answer. I know Ubuntu on macbooks is a minority | 02:47 |
Dr_Willis | primx: at least summarize the problem - if you expect anyont to go to a pastebin site to read the actual problem | 02:48 |
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primx | I'm basically trying to mount my harddrives in Ubuntu | 02:48 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, well ok | 02:48 |
primx | their on a Raid 0 setup, I dont now if its soft raid or hard, etc.. Just trying to mount them in Ubuntu | 02:48 |
ssmy | primx: mkdir dir, sudo mount /dev/sda1 dir for each | 02:48 |
maverick_ | can someone help me with this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/381317/ .. this happened after fsck, is it curable or do i have to reinstall? | 02:48 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, what's your problem | 02:49 |
* Dr_Willis has no idea on raid. so cant help | 02:49 |
taraduffy_ | nitsuga: thanks, do you really have time? | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | !raid | 02:49 |
ssmy | primx: i'm not sure abotu raid though | 02:49 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 02:49 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, of coure I have | 02:49 |
Nitsuga | *course | 02:49 |
Nitsuga | just I don't remembre you | 02:49 |
primx | ssmy, mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 02:49 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: in sound prefs. there is no input device found (to start with). | 02:49 |
Nitsuga | i've helped with 3 graphics problem this day | 02:49 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, and wich sound card do you have? | 02:50 |
Roasted | how do I cahnge the login screen on 9.10? | 02:50 |
taraduffy_ | nitsuga: Codec: IDT 92HD75B3X5 | 02:50 |
taraduffy_ | Codec: LSI ID 1040 | 02:50 |
mrb427 | what is #error used for? | 02:50 |
ssmy | primx: you can't just go to places -> whatever drive? | 02:50 |
chetnick | is there a tool that i can use to scan documents with my printer? | 02:51 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, that's a sound card O_o | 02:51 |
ssmy | chetnick: ? you mean use a printer as a scanner? you can't do that. | 02:51 |
maverick_ | can someone help me with this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/381317/ .. this happened after fsck, is it curable or do i have to reinstall? | 02:51 |
pharno | hm | 02:51 |
chetnick | ssmy: sorry, yeah thats what i meant, its a printer/scanner | 02:51 |
hiexpo | remember everyone google is your best friend and many of the questions asked are out on the web in which will save time with the people helping | 02:51 |
pharno | I want to put a txt file as my background | 02:51 |
Nitsuga | omg it is! | 02:51 |
pharno | any Idea? | 02:51 |
primx | those !raid links only teahc u how to install ubuntu on raid 0 | 02:51 |
primx | does not tell how to mount raid 0 | 02:52 |
maverick_ | chetnick: xsane | 02:52 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, i've never heard of that | 02:52 |
Nitsuga | let's see what can we do | 02:52 |
bigtom21485 | anyone tried to run virtalgirlhd on wine? | 02:52 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog] | 02:52 |
bigtom21485 | it starts to install then just sits there... | 02:52 |
chetnick | maverick_: oh, yeah thats right. Thanks. | 02:52 |
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ssmy | bigtom21485: maybe #wine or somewhere else could help more. | 02:53 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, ohh that's much better | 02:53 |
jesse2 | Hello. I just re-installed ubuntu 9.10. When I booted into the system, I chose to install the Nvidia driver. The nvidia driver worked fine on this computer in a previous installation, but now when i reboot it gives me an error message and has me run in "low graphics" mode | 02:53 |
jesse2 | is there a way i can re run the nvidia driver installation? | 02:54 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: in Volume Prefs. No input device is listed? | 02:54 |
ssmy | jesse2: are you in a gui? it's system > administration -> Hardware drivers | 02:54 |
maverick_ | can someone help me with this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/381317/ .. this happened after fsck, is it curable or do i have to reinstall? | 02:54 |
jesse2 | ssmy: sure am... ill give it a try | 02:54 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, can you run alsamixer= | 02:55 |
Nitsuga | ? | 02:55 |
Ken222 | ey everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a fix for the disc just stopping when I click on an option in the Ubuntu install menu. I'm on a macbook pro. | 02:55 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsugu: in a terminal: what is the full command please? | 02:55 |
Pattrick | Would anyone be able to assist me with the installation of XChat? I've been informed mIRC doesn't work on Linux | 02:55 |
lpearson | hello... can any one help me to get updates when my fire wall is blocking synaptic?? | 02:55 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: or in synaptic? | 02:55 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, the command is alsamixer | 02:55 |
packrat_mobile | ok i iz back | 02:55 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: done. | 02:56 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, check that you don't have anything muted | 02:56 |
bjking | hi | 02:56 |
Nitsuga | and put everything in max volume | 02:56 |
root | so, I am back | 02:56 |
bjking | I'm going to upload a pic and share my problem | 02:57 |
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maverick_ | Pattrick: sudo apt-get install xchat... | 02:57 |
enkidu | who was so stupid to use upstart for ubuntu - I dont know | 02:57 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: everthying is on max. | 02:57 |
enkidu | it SUCKS | 02:57 |
Roasted | how do I cahnge the login screen on 9.10? | 02:57 |
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Pattrick | maverick_ I'm less than 1 hour into Ubuntu | 02:57 |
enkidu | !upstart | 02:57 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 02:57 |
Pattrick | you just spoke german, for all I know | 02:57 |
bjking | http://i.imgur.com/L78XS.png how do I adjust the chat text box size on the bottom of this screenshot? | 02:58 |
arand | maverick_: I'm not sure, but I would make a speedy backup at this point... | 02:58 |
enkidu | how to get rid of upstart and use good-old-init ? | 02:58 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, what's the otput of aplay -l | 02:58 |
maverick_ | Pattrick: ok, go to the applications menu and select ubuntu software center..find xchat in there and install it | 02:58 |
Ken222 | mmm.. | 02:58 |
trism | enkidu: install a different distro | 02:58 |
Pattrick | thanks Mav | 02:58 |
Ken222 | anyone here using Ubuntu on a macbook? | 02:58 |
maverick_ | arand: yes, my hard disk is dying.. | 02:59 |
blakkheim | !anyone | Ken222 | 02:59 |
ubottu | Ken222: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:59 |
madjoe | Roasted: try with this link http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DoD+-+Cyber+Crimes+Division+Login+Screen?content=80298 | 02:59 |
enkidu | trism: thanks. show me distro, that properly install from USB key | 02:59 |
maverick_ | arand: im too lazy to get it replaced hehe.. | 02:59 |
Ken222 | I was wondering if anyone knew of a fix for the disc just stopping when I click on an option in the Ubuntu install menu. I'm trying to install on a macbook. | 02:59 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog] | 02:59 |
taraduffy_ | Subdevices: 1/1 | 02:59 |
taraduffy_ | Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 | 02:59 |
taraduffy_ | card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: STAC92xx Digital [STAC92xx Digital] | 02:59 |
taraduffy_ | Subdevices: 1/1 | 02:59 |
taraduffy_ | Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 | 02:59 |
FloodBot2 | taraduffy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:59 |
enkidu | trism: better say, why that "better alternative" is not starting udev and is locking on networkmanager? | 03:00 |
ssmy | Ken222: i would guess bad burn. try a different disk. no promises though | 03:00 |
Ken222 | mmm. | 03:00 |
Ken222 | Maybe I should try the Ubuntu 8.4 LTS and just upgrade from there? | 03:01 |
taraduffy_ | sorry! | 03:01 |
Ken222 | I was thinking that might've been the problem too, but. | 03:01 |
DarkBen | 8.04 | 03:01 |
trism | enkidu: I have no idea | 03:01 |
ssmy | Ken222: no, just re-burn the disk. | 03:01 |
Ken222 | alright. | 03:01 |
ssmy | Ken222: burn as slow as possible to ensure it's good. | 03:01 |
qiyong | how is the app for CD record? | 03:02 |
maverick_ | Pattrick: ok..go the applications menu and find terminal in there | 03:02 |
darolu | Ken222: IDK if you have tried, but check the md5sum of your .iso | 03:02 |
qiyong | as in this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu_1.jpg | 03:02 |
enkidu | trism: so dont I. It just stopped working after kernel upgrade. and none of config option changed, moreover - previous kernel dont work too | 03:02 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, it seems that everything is OK, maybe it's a loading order issue | 03:02 |
qiyong | what is the app for CD record? | 03:02 |
enkidu | brb ill try removing as many services, as possible | 03:02 |
Roasted | madjoe, while that link is nice, I dont see where it explains how I change the login screen. | 03:03 |
Nitsuga | try opening /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf as root (alt-f2 -> gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ) | 03:03 |
MK13 | how can i configure CUPS to share a printer to the network from the command line? the community howto's only deal w/ the GUI approach | 03:03 |
packrat_mobile | gah i've searched through almost any post on the ubuntu forums about this ati noize...i cant figure out what else to do. | 03:03 |
maverick_ | Pattrick: or refer this link --> http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2009/11/installing-software-from-ubuntu.html | 03:03 |
ssmy | qiyong: Applications > Sound/video > Brasero | 03:03 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: why cant I see a device listed under input device in Volume Prefs? | 03:03 |
madjoe | Roasted: check the README if any... I just wanted to give you the main link so you could browse by yourself | 03:03 |
qiyong | ssmit, what is the app for CD record? as in this image: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu_1.jpg | 03:03 |
ssmy | qiyong: that opens brasero. or, right-click the ISO and select write to disk. | 03:04 |
qiyong | sshc, is k3b ok? | 03:04 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, try opening /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf as root (alt-f2 -> gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ) add at the end the line options snd-pcsp index=-2" | 03:04 |
madjoe | Roasted: I'm just reading this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 03:04 |
Nitsuga | "options snd-pcsp index=-2"" | 03:04 |
packrat_mobile | is there any way to test the GL subsystem at a higher level then glxgears? | 03:04 |
qiyong | sshc, what file manage to use? | 03:05 |
ssmy | qiyong: are you running ubuntu? or kubuntu? | 03:05 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, without the quotes | 03:05 |
qiyong | ssmit, the desktop is now lxde | 03:05 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_: options snd-pcsp index=-2 | 03:05 |
Ken222 | Thanks ssmy for the help, much appreciated.] | 03:06 |
qiyong | ssmit now i have k3b installed in the menu | 03:06 |
gdiz | hey everyone, I am looking at for all intensive purposes, creating an ubuntu server to run over the internet. Right now, and if this is wrong, forgive my ignorance, but it is hiding a little bit from the internet due to my router. I have it open to vnc, smb, CUPS, ssh, there's a daap share, and MPD is on there. Is there anything I should do or should watch out for in order to make sure my computer is secure? | 03:06 |
ssmit | qiyong, tag ssmy | 03:06 |
qiyong | ssmy, the desktop is now lxde. now i have k3b installed in the menu | 03:06 |
ssmy | qiyong: k3b should have an option to burn an iso somewhere | 03:06 |
qiyong | ssmy, is it = to use k3b? | 03:06 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: I ran that and found that line, now what? | 03:06 |
ssmy | qiyong: try Tools > write ISO image | 03:07 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, the line was already there? | 03:07 |
qiyong | ssmy, what file manager to use to right-click ? | 03:07 |
ssmy | qiyong: yeah, it's just a different program, same action. | 03:07 |
ssmy | qiyong: i know Nautlius (default in gnome) can | 03:07 |
ryan___ | Does anyone know of a good media player thing like Rythmbox that supports videos and your ipod can connect to? | 03:07 |
packrat_mobile | is there a log file attched to 3d stuff at all guys? | 03:07 |
qiyong | ssmit, don't tell me tools > menu item, tell my the app name so i can launch in console | 03:08 |
flaco_ | ryan___, I think banshee? | 03:08 |
qiyong | ssmy, , don't tell me tools > menu item, tell my the app name so i can launch in console | 03:08 |
ryan___ | flaco_: Banshee doesn't see my ipod =( | 03:08 |
ssmy | qiyong: i meant inside k3b | 03:08 |
ssmy | qiyong: you would probably be better off with someone who has used k3b. | 03:09 |
qiyong | ssmy, so there's two apps, brasero and k3b, they both use wodim underline? | 03:09 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: I pasted to a dialogue window with you. | 03:09 |
=== ssmit is now known as guest0834987764 |
flaco_ | ryan___, weird... banshee does see my ipod | 03:09 |
packrat_mobile | seriously...no 3d gurus in here? | 03:10 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, i see | 03:10 |
ryan___ | flaco_: Could it have anything to do with my ipod being an older 5th gen? | 03:10 |
ryan___ | flaco_: Although Rythmbox sees it fine, but rythmbox won't do videos >.< | 03:10 |
=== vivitar is now known as ^vivitar |
ssmy | qiyong: they are just different cd apps. i don't know much about anything except brasero. | 03:10 |
packrat_mobile | i feel like its 2000 and im trying to get my viper2 to play nice with windows me here... | 03:10 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, I've never had no issues with sound in Ubuntu, so I'm sorry that I'm out of ideas. You'll have to ask someone else :( | 03:11 |
flaco_ | ryan___, check this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766597 | 03:11 |
orochi | Earlier I somehow made the keyring program remember the password to mount my drive by changing the settings in users and groups, but I reinstalled everything and set it up just the way it was, but it wont work anymore. | 03:11 |
Nitsuga | *I've never had issues | 03:11 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: I appreciate your help! | 03:11 |
orochi | can someone tell me how to get it to remember the password? | 03:12 |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, if you don't get help on this channel or searching in google you can ask in https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver | 03:13 |
johnnynyquist | #xorg | 03:13 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: thank you. | 03:13 |
=== MinusSeven is now known as orbit |
ArQiLLiOnS | how do i batch scale my pictures on ubuntu? | 03:14 |
=== orbit is now known as MinusSeven |
ssmy | ArQiLLiOnS: I like phatch for batching. | 03:15 |
jrib | ArQiLLiOnS: use imagemagick's convert (makes copy) or mogrify (changes original) | 03:15 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: I did, thanks again. | 03:15 |
=== paissad_ is now known as paissad |
Nitsuga | taraduffy_, good luck solving your sound issue ;) | 03:16 |
ArQiLLiOnS | i will try phatch, thanx guys!! | 03:16 |
taraduffy_ | Nitsuga: see you next time :-) | 03:16 |
kelopez | hello | 03:17 |
darolu | Hello kelopez, what can we do for you? | 03:17 |
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant |
kelopez | how do I remove a "crash-when-configuring" package? | 03:18 |
kelopez | "unifiedkernel-" | 03:19 |
kelopez | that's the crashing package | 03:19 |
kelopez | so | 03:19 |
zesoze | msg NickServ identify zesoze kurt123 | 03:19 |
kelopez | how do I delete that? | 03:19 |
=== MinusSeven is now known as orbit |
kelopez | oh oh, zesoze | 03:20 |
=== edson is now known as ecanto |
=== orbit is now known as MinusSeven |
* kelopez will ignore that | 03:20 |
kinja-sheep | ArQiLLiOnS: Look up on imagemagick -- There are bunch of commands that you could use. | 03:20 |
eremite | I just installed Freedoom from the repos and it closes after about 10 seconds of launching the game. http://www.pastebin.com/m7d9d2d28 --- here is the console output. | 03:20 |
eremite | Help??? | 03:20 |
FloodBot2 | eremite: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:20 |
eremite | I didnt flood. WTF? | 03:21 |
eremite | Stupid bot,. | 03:21 |
ellmoe2000 | lol | 03:21 |
kelopez | no answer? | 03:21 |
ellmoe2000 | I enjoyed using Ubuntu for the first time this weekend, the only kicker is that I can't find a driver for my network printer. | 03:22 |
^vivitar | zeso: Not a very strong password I'm afraid... | 03:22 |
eremite | "Linux, it just woks." <-- LOL | 03:22 |
eremite | Anyway, anyone got a fix for Freedomm crashing? | 03:22 |
hamnegga | ellmoe2000 - Is it a DELL printer | 03:23 |
kelopez | :( | 03:23 |
=== MinusSeven is now known as orbit |
ellmoe2000 | nope. | 03:23 |
ellmoe2000 | sorry | 03:23 |
=== orbit is now known as MinusSeven |
ellmoe2000 | lexmark | 03:23 |
eremite | This is my terminal output for Freedoom crashing. If you know a fix, hook me up. http://www.pastebin.com/m7d9d2d28 | 03:23 |
kelopez | ok | 03:23 |
Antisoche | ellmoe2000, Congratulations on your new purchase of a doorstop | 03:23 |
ellmoe2000 | lol | 03:23 |
=== Dink|W is now known as Dink |
hamnegga | Well most DELL are lexmarks, so that's what I was going to tell you, to see if it's an OEM brand and then check the actual manufacturer drivers availabel for linux | 03:24 |
Nitsuga | ouch! lexmark | 03:24 |
ellmoe2000 | you are not kidding | 03:24 |
kelopez | no answer to my reply? XD | 03:24 |
ellmoe2000 | at least i didn't purchase it, it was given to me. | 03:24 |
Nitsuga | kelopez, I don't even know what is the signal 8 for | 03:24 |
=== MinusSeven is now known as orbit |
Antisoche | ellmoe2000, Got one myself, some time ago. Still as good as the day I got it. | 03:24 |
hamnegga | ellmoe2000 - try unplugging it and then replugging it back in - Usually that starts up a driver search, with a pretty big list of lexmark drivers available already | 03:24 |
=== orbit is now known as MinusSeven |
eremite | Does anyone know of any FPS for Linux that are not from the 1990s? | 03:24 |
kelopez | Nitsuga: "Failed to process /etc/kernel/postinst.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/unifiedkernel- line 1191." | 03:24 |
ellmoe2000 | I did that | 03:25 |
kelopez | and when I install a new package it still tries to configure | 03:25 |
Nitsuga | kelopez, ohh i though that your where the freedoom guy | 03:25 |
kelopez | lol Nitsuga ;) | 03:25 |
ellmoe2000 | it regonizes as the type of printer it is, but no driver | 03:25 |
hamnegga | eremite - Is Nexuiz from the 90's | 03:25 |
Nitsuga | kelopez, did you try to unsinstall it? | 03:25 |
eremite | hamnegga, juding by its gameplay and graphics it might aswell be | 03:26 |
ellmoe2000 | I was really looking forward to totally switching over | 03:26 |
kelopez | wait a minute | 03:26 |
Antisoche | kelopez, sounds like you have a broken control script. Those are no fun. | 03:26 |
hamnegga | Yeah, well there aren't many games for linux and I haven't seen anything better in terms of FPS | 03:26 |
kelopez | oh | 03:27 |
kelopez | OK | 03:27 |
* kelopez is uninstalling it | 03:27 |
Nitsuga | kelopez, btw, what is "unifiedkernel"? | 03:27 |
kelopez | didn't know of that XD | 03:27 |
^vivitar | eremite: Did you stuff your error into google? I found several things in the first few listings that are promising | 03:27 |
kelopez | Nitsuga: google for "Longene" | 03:27 |
Nitsuga | ok | 03:27 |
kelopez | it tries to combine Windows and Linux kernels | 03:27 |
kelopez | iirc | 03:27 |
Antisoche | kelopez, try this: as root, edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/unifiedkernel- and fix the error | 03:28 |
ellmoe2000 | I do have to give it to you, ubuntu has some kick a@@ software | 03:28 |
kelopez | don't worry | 03:28 |
=== bacula_ is now known as bacula |
Antisoche | kelopez, then 'dpkg --configure -a' | 03:28 |
kelopez | I'm uninstalling it | 03:28 |
kelopez | (facepalm for me) | 03:28 |
transom324 | wuz hap'n | 03:28 |
=== bacula is now known as bacula_ |
Nitsuga | kelopez, :O interesting | 03:28 |
kelopez | heh | 03:28 |
Younder | amnesia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEHPwAvrc_U | 03:28 |
=== bacula_ is now known as bacula__ |
kelopez | now... | 03:29 |
=== bacula__ is now known as bacula |
* kelopez will learn how to speak Python! :D | 03:29 |
^vivitar | haha I was thinking about that too | 03:29 |
Nitsuga | kelopez, it may be one of the best ideas you will ever have | 03:29 |
Nitsuga | well, no THAT much, but a very good idea | 03:29 |
kelopez | Nitsuga: in learning python? | 03:29 |
kelopez | ok | 03:29 |
kelopez | it's fixed now | 03:29 |
* kelopez will stay there :) | 03:30 |
Nitsuga | kelopez, yeah, it'll take you a couple of week and you will be able to program almost anything | 03:30 |
kelopez | ok | 03:30 |
* kelopez will use "Python para todos" | 03:30 |
kelopez | (Spanish btw, I'm Chilean) | 03:31 |
magn3ts | what controls the mouse point icon? | 03:32 |
innate | hi everyone | 03:32 |
innate | does anyone know how to find the largest number at place $3 by using awk?? | 03:32 |
blakkheim | innate: /j #awk | 03:32 |
innate | ok thanks | 03:32 |
magn3ts | Becasue my cursor theme won't show up in the appearance dialog and X seems to surruptisiously forget which point pack I've chosen | 03:32 |
ellmoe2000 | that was totally kick a@@ | 03:33 |
kelopez | lol | 03:33 |
sirscott | Getting a double suspend resume on my laptop. Close the lid, it suspends. Open & press a key to resume, but then it immediately resumes again. | 03:33 |
sirscott | Once it's resumed that second time, it'll continue working just fine. | 03:34 |
Nitsuga | kelopez, As I can read in the website, "SMP support is unstable at this point of development" | 03:34 |
sirscott | Anyone have experience with this double-suspend? | 03:34 |
kelopez | oh | 03:34 |
kelopez | XD | 03:34 |
Nitsuga | kelopez, so if you want LUK, buy a Celeron :P | 03:35 |
=== chris_ is now known as cheriot |
kelopez | I *do* have a Celeron | 03:35 |
kelopez | :P | 03:35 |
=== cheriot is now known as __cheriot__ |
Nitsuga | lol | 03:35 |
kelopez | and badly this mobo has a SiS video board | 03:35 |
Nitsuga | well, I0ve to go | 03:35 |
metricpiano | Anyone here running Lucid? Spare a minute to try something? Yes I know about #ubuntu+1... nobody is home XD | 03:35 |
majuk | Hey guys, my regex-fu is weak, I need to match all items starting with a lower-case letter. I was trying grep \A[a-z], but that's not working. Little help? | 03:35 |
kelopez | ok | 03:35 |
Nitsuga | *have | 03:36 |
kelopez | good bye Nitsuga | 03:36 |
kelopez | thankyou | 03:36 |
majuk | grep \A[a-z]* that is | 03:36 |
kelopez | ok | 03:36 |
transom324 | Help!!! can someone me install restricted programs | 03:36 |
xfact | transom324, What kind of restricted programs? | 03:37 |
kelopez | transom324: you mean "with copyright"? | 03:37 |
OChaos | us.undernet.org | 03:37 |
kelopez | lol | 03:37 |
kelopez | spammer | 03:37 |
xfact | Most of programs in Ubuntu written in Python right? | 03:37 |
kelopez | mmm | 03:38 |
ellmoe2000 | is there a prog for ubuntu to download youtube? | 03:38 |
kelopez | can't be sure | 03:38 |
blakkheim | xfact: no, they vary | 03:38 |
kelopez | ellmoe2000: yes | 03:38 |
kelopez | ellmoe2000: sudo apt-get install youtube-dl | 03:38 |
blakkheim | ellmoe2000: ^ | 03:38 |
ellmoe2000 | thx | 03:38 |
kelopez | use at your own risk XD | 03:38 |
ellmoe2000 | lol | 03:38 |
ellmoe2000 | really | 03:38 |
bigtom21485 | does anyone know how to install a login screen theme in ubuntu? | 03:38 |
blakkheim | there's no risk | 03:38 |
xfact | BTW youtube video downloading is illegal :P | 03:38 |
kelopez | (copyright bs) | 03:38 |
kelopez | hehehe | 03:38 |
majuk | Nobody? I have a 4 page paper to write next otherwise I would just play with it until I figured it out but I'm running short on time. | 03:39 |
kelopez | oh | 03:39 |
ellmoe2000 | whatever, lol | 03:39 |
blakkheim | !please | majuk | 03:39 |
ubottu | majuk: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 03:39 |
kelopez | ryan___: you're connected thru IPv6? | 03:39 |
ryan___ | kelopez: Uh... no | 03:39 |
kelopez | ryan___: your IP looks like a v6 one | 03:40 |
kelopez | "2002:4588:3e76:12... | 03:40 |
xfact | bigtom21485, First you can download 'Login screen manager' from Ubuntu Tweak if you are on Karmic. | 03:40 |
leohartx | hello everyone, i've just changed my graphic card, and it's not working now, what should i do ? | 03:40 |
kelopez | leohartx: what one? | 03:40 |
ryan___ | kelopez: If I am, comcast has just recently changed something and it kept working without me changing anything =P | 03:40 |
kelopez | nVIDIA chip? | 03:40 |
bigtom21485 | xfact im on 9.10 | 03:40 |
kelopez | ryan___: oh | 03:41 |
majuk | blakkheim! Time is a factor. Relax. | 03:41 |
xfact | bigtom21485, Then go and get the login screen manager from Ubuntu tweak, I think you have Ubuntu tweak | 03:41 |
leohartx | kelopez: ATI HD3650 to intel G31, my ATI is broken down | 03:41 |
racarter | I installed kubuntu-desktop package and now it looks like my pointer is sometimes the KDE pointer even when I'm using gnome. how do i fix that? | 03:41 |
racarter | also when I restart I get the kubuntu logo | 03:41 |
kelopez | ok | 03:41 |
xfact | If you prefer Command line instructions, then I don't know :O | 03:41 |
leohartx | kelopez: i'm now using low graphic mode, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didnt work | 03:42 |
kelopez | hmm | 03:42 |
bigtom21485 | xfact: where is ubuntu tweak? | 03:42 |
leohartx | hello everyone, i've just changed my graphic card, and it's not working now, what should i do ? | 03:42 |
transom324 | Yes! need help with libs to play righted DVDs | 03:42 |
scunizi | leohartx: what kind of card? | 03:43 |
xfact | bigtom21485, Ok, go to ubuntu-tweak.com and get it | 03:43 |
xfact | It is awesome! | 03:43 |
leohartx | scunizi: intel G31 integrated card | 03:44 |
xfact | But be careful about extra PPAs | 03:44 |
scunizi | leohartx: in a terminal type "xrandr" and see if the resolution you need is listed | 03:44 |
pvc | ah.. took me just a little bit of google-fu.. but I fixed this weird bug where it says "no such device" after installation of 9.10 | 03:44 |
pvc | huzzah! | 03:44 |
pvc | ubuntu users totally have eachother's backs. | 03:44 |
leohartx | scunizi : it's listed | 03:45 |
* xfact is currently trying to learn python! | 03:45 |
leohartx | scunizi : but i'm now using low graphic mode | 03:45 |
pvc | I think. | 03:45 |
scunizi | leohartx: check out xrandr and see how to use it to change the graphics.. I'll have ubottu give you a link that might help. after that it's google | 03:45 |
scunizi | !resolution > leohartx | 03:45 |
ubottu | leohartx, please see my private message | 03:45 |
desert-pingus | q | 03:46 |
Bomby | sal vrun roman | 03:46 |
=== rs is now known as a4 |
leohartx | scunizi : ty, i'll try these methods | 03:48 |
maxxist | I need a quick hand. is there a terminal command I can use to redetect a network card under ubuntu server? I just moved a VM under virtualbox from one machine to another. the settings are the same for the network device under virtualbox. but the ubuntu server vm wont detect the device. | 03:50 |
cruncher | i'm on an eee pc 1000he using a wlan connection and I'm finding download speeds to be very slow and inconsistent. I have a feeling that its caused by inadequate drivers but im not sure. does anyone have any insight? | 03:50 |
blakkheim | cruncher: try madwifi instead of ath5k/ath9k | 03:51 |
scunizi | maxxist: what's the host system.. in the ubuntu server vm you could try ifdown eth0 then ifup eth0 .. if eth0 is the name of the card in the vm. | 03:51 |
scunizi | maxxist: also sudo service networking restart | 03:52 |
esteban | finch | 03:52 |
racarter | gah! I can't change my pointer | 03:52 |
maxxist | scunizi, i have tried a /etc/init.d/network restart it gives me a no such device error. | 03:52 |
racarter | in gnome I went into Appearances but the pointer stays the same... | 03:52 |
esteban | q | 03:52 |
scunizi | maxxist: yes.. that would have been on 8.10.. try that last command I gave you | 03:53 |
racarter | can anyone help me with this strange problem? | 03:53 |
Berto | hi - If I'm in display 0, how can i open a command to display 1? | 03:53 |
Berto | i'm looking for something like gnome-terminal --display=1 | 03:53 |
sslaccessrocks | anyone know why atheros drivers are not supported in ubuntu server 9.04/9.10 but supported in ubuntu 9.04/9.10 or which package to install in ubuntu server 9.10 to get atheros working? | 03:53 |
ZykoticK9 | racarter, in order for the pointer change to take effect I have to disable Compiz and just use Metacity | 03:54 |
blakkheim | sslaccessrocks: because most servers don't use wifi.. | 03:54 |
* xfact !Gratitude: When you are having appropriate answer of your questions, then do not forget to thank the answerer :) | 03:54 |
maxxist | scunizi, same error. "SIOCSIFADDR: No such device" | 03:54 |
sslaccessrocks | blankkheim: which package do I install to get it working? | 03:54 |
scunizi | sslaccessrocks: wireless drivers are typically installed in server.. however I think if you install ubuntu-restricted-extras you'll have the atheros drivers.. | 03:54 |
blakkheim | sslaccessrocks: it's a kernel module, the server edition is tuned for server use, thats why they aren't there | 03:54 |
racarter | ZykoticK9... i will die without compiz | 03:54 |
racarter | literally I will drop dead | 03:55 |
blakkheim | scunizi: URE has nothing to do with it | 03:55 |
racarter | ZykoticK9, do you mean disable it and then reenable it? | 03:55 |
maxxist | scunizi, i have double checked the settings for the VM under virtualbox. everything is identical under both systems. | 03:55 |
blakkheim | sslaccessrocks: you will have to compile and manually load the module | 03:55 |
sslaccessrocks | scunizi: the server does not have internet, can i download an ubuntu-alternate of the same version and use that in the sources.list to download a package --which package? | 03:55 |
ZykoticK9 | racarter, once i re-enable compiz - pointer change disappears | 03:55 |
blakkheim | sslaccessrocks: it's not a package | 03:55 |
sslaccessrocks | blakkheim: can i use an ubuntu-alternate to download the new kernel then? | 03:56 |
scunizi | blakkheim: do the question remains .. what package to install for wireless on server.. despite that it isn't typically done. | 03:56 |
blakkheim | scunizi: i just answered that | 03:56 |
blakkheim | sslaccessrocks: you might as well just install the regular edition instead of server if you're going to replace the kernel | 03:56 |
sslaccessrocks | blakkheim: can't do that, not enough min specs on hardware | 03:57 |
ZykoticK9 | racarter, don't see anything in ccsm about pointer theme? sorry man, best of luck. | 03:57 |
blakkheim | sslaccessrocks: the mini iso then? | 03:57 |
sslaccessrocks | blakkheim: no internet if it doesn't have drivers? | 03:57 |
blakkheim | sslaccessrocks: you can't wire it just for the installation? | 03:57 |
sslaccessrocks | blakkheim: negative | 03:57 |
bugaloo | hi guys... does anybody know how can I configure the multimedia keys on sony vaio (ubuntu 9.10)? | 03:58 |
blakkheim | sslaccessrocks: not much you can do then, sorry. i'd just get the source for the atheros driver and put it on a flash drive and put it on the other computer to compile it | 03:58 |
pvc | skullface | 03:58 |
cruncher | blakkheim: im unsure of how to go about installing mad wifi, do you know of any well written documentation? | 03:58 |
albech | bugaloo, i gave up on that long ago.. seems like a pain | 03:58 |
sslaccessrocks | blakkheim: can you link me? | 03:58 |
blakkheim | cruncher: you download the tarball, compile it, load the modules | 03:59 |
xfact | My multimedia keys are working fine on Ubuntu 9.10 | 03:59 |
bugaloo | albech, :( I have a HP Pavilion and it works fine | 03:59 |
blakkheim | cruncher & sslaccessrocks: i don't have any doc links for it | 03:59 |
albech | bugaloo, there is some vaio kernel module that should enable them, but sony isnt very informative about their hardware, so writing stuff for it seems to be a pain | 03:59 |
bugaloo | just a few keys doesn't, but on vaio nothing works, not even sound volume | 03:59 |
bugaloo | albech, i see | 03:59 |
scunizi | sslaccessrocks: I find that linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-server is what you need.. replace the module number with the current kernel or search apt-get, aptitude etc.. for it.. I found the info here.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=764025 .. check out packages.ubuntu.com from another machine to download | 03:59 |
racarter | ZykoticK9, I think it's because KDE changes the default pointer somehow | 03:59 |
User_ | hello, is there an antivirus that I can install in ubuntu to check files for virus? | 03:59 |
blakkheim | User_: clamav | 03:59 |
albech | bugaloo, even light control doesnt work on mine :( | 03:59 |
ZykoticK9 | racarter, well I'm on Gnome and can't get it working either??? | 04:00 |
User_ | how reliable is clamav? | 04:00 |
bugaloo | albech, too bad hear this :( | 04:00 |
sslaccessrocks | ok, thanks scunizi, i will use the ubuntu alt cd in the sources.list to get that file | 04:00 |
racarter | did you ever install kubuntu-desktop? | 04:00 |
blakkheim | User_: that's a matter of opinion | 04:00 |
bugaloo | my mute works fine, lol | 04:00 |
Tourist | Anyone used netbook remix yet? | 04:00 |
blakkheim | !anyone | Tourist | 04:00 |
ubottu | Tourist: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:00 |
albech | bugaloo, yet ubuntu is running fine and i can live without | 04:00 |
ZykoticK9 | racarter, is that to me? I've never install kubuntu-desktop no. | 04:00 |
tallyho | how to join my favourites in irc? | 04:00 |
racarter | ZykoticK9, i'm probably mistaken, but I think I saw this problem start happening after I installed kubuntu-desktop | 04:00 |
maxxist | Anyone know a way to redetect network devices from terminal? google is not being my friend right now. | 04:00 |
albech | bugaloo, have a look at this site: http://www.linux-laptop.net/sony.html | 04:00 |
racarter | ZykoticK9, ok. then maybe I am wrong. | 04:01 |
bugaloo | albech, sure... but I'm trying to make everything works because is a new laptop :) | 04:01 |
scunizi | sslaccessrocks: looks like there is a meta package called linux-restricted-modules-server | 04:01 |
bugaloo | albech, I tried this site, but there is no my model | 04:01 |
bugaloo | :( | 04:01 |
Tourist | Ok, then, for those who are or have used netbook remix is it worth the install? | 04:01 |
pvc | skullface | 04:01 |
racarter | in any case, does anyone know how to change what the default pointer is set to in gnome? | 04:01 |
ZykoticK9 | racarter, i do have the KDE libraries installed, but doubt it's a KDE issue -- think it's a compiz issue myself | 04:01 |
sslaccessrocks | scunizi: things like that (linux-restricted-modules-server package) is why i use ubuntu :) thanks i'll give that a shot first | 04:01 |
bugaloo | thanks anyway | 04:02 |
scunizi | sslaccessrocks: as I remember that's how I solved it a couple years ago. | 04:02 |
dsnyders | Hi all! [ctrl][alt][backspace] isn't restarting xserver anymore. What gives? | 04:02 |
xfact | bugaloo: can you just tell me the model number of Sony Vio you are having? | 04:02 |
d4n1 | hey, sup guys, how do u use gzip | 04:03 |
d4n1 | ?? | 04:03 |
blakkheim | !dontzap | dsnyders | 04:03 |
ubottu | dsnyders: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap | 04:03 |
bugaloo | xfact, sure, it's a VGN-CS325J | 04:03 |
blakkheim | d4n1: man gzip | 04:03 |
d4n1 | ive read the man, didn't help much | 04:03 |
blakkheim | d4n1: it tells everything | 04:03 |
xfact | bugaloo, Thanks, I wish I will get something helpful | 04:03 |
DarkBen | dsnyders: go to System Preferences Keyboard Distribution Distribution Options to enable it | 04:03 |
=== ApOgEE__ is now known as ApOgEE |
macman_ | got a brand new dell studio 17 inch .. i love it problem is my battery dies in about an hour ..all my power settings are fine .. wondering how i can fix this ? ... one more thing .. i dualboot ubuntu and windows 7 .. when im in windows 7 i get 3 hours battery | 04:04 |
d4n1 | blakkheim: well, i did, it didn't help | 04:04 |
bugaloo | xfact, thanks | 04:04 |
macman_ | got a brand new dell studio 17 inch .. i love it problem is my battery dies in about an hour ..all my power settings are fine .. wondering how i can fix this ? ... one more thing .. i dualboot ubuntu and windows 7 .. when im in windows 7 i get 3 hours battery | 04:04 |
albech | bugaloo, hang on a sec.. i am checking something with the kernel module | 04:04 |
blakkheim | !repeat | macman_ | 04:04 |
ubottu | macman_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 04:04 |
ZykoticK9 | dsnyders, an easier way to get c-a-backspace is to: System / Preferences / Keyboard - click Layouts tab, click Options button near bottom - click + next to "Key sequence to kill the X server" - add check to "Control + Alt + Backspace | 04:04 |
macman_ | oh Snap | 04:05 |
mutex_ | Does ubuntu have a preferred way of producing clones of an existing system ? | 04:05 |
macman_ | sorry about that blakkheim | 04:05 |
Tourist | Ok this has happened to me twice, halfway during the install of 9.10 on two different computers it gives me an IO error. I'm starting to get frustrated.. and it's not from using the same install cd or ISO. | 04:05 |
mutex_ | or a customized install tool even | 04:05 |
blakkheim | !clone > mutex_ | 04:05 |
ubottu | mutex_, please see my private message | 04:05 |
scunizi | Tourist: before hitting enter on the initial install screen hit F6 and turn off Acpi and try again.. | 04:06 |
dsnyders | DarkBen, ZykoticK9, I can't click on anything because my display is fouled up. I need to restart x via keyboard. | 04:06 |
mutex_ | !automate | 04:06 |
ubottu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning | 04:06 |
racarter | what am I supposed to use the $HOME/Templates directory for? | 04:06 |
albech | bugaloo, is the sony_laptop module loaded? lsmod | grep "sony" | 04:06 |
mutex_ | !cloning | 04:06 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 04:06 |
racarter | what kind of templates should I put there? | 04:06 |
racarter | what templates are they talking about? | 04:06 |
Tourist | scunizi: Will try that. Thank you | 04:06 |
ZykoticK9 | dsnyders, then use alt+sysrq+k < the new way | 04:06 |
mutex_ | suppose I should have private messaged that, sorry | 04:06 |
bugaloo | albech, let me check | 04:06 |
vr_mex | how can i excute a ruby script from the main menu app, i just cant figure out the command for it, my wxruby script is in /home/xyz/my_wxruby_script.rb, i have 755 permissions but it wont execute, please help | 04:07 |
blakkheim | vr_mex: ruby /home/xyz/my_wxruby_script.rb | 04:07 |
Shizzo | Anyone working for/worked for NCR? | 04:07 |
d4n1 | how can i decompress a zip file though the terminal? | 04:08 |
ZykoticK9 | d4n1, "unzip $file" | 04:08 |
=== jesse is now known as jesse2 |
vr_mex | blakkheim: no luck !!! | 04:08 |
dsnyders | ZykoticK9, alt+sysreq+k? Stand by... | 04:08 |
blakkheim | vr_mex: does it work from a terminal? | 04:08 |
bugaloo | albech, sorry my late | 04:09 |
bugaloo | there is the sony_laptop module | 04:09 |
d4n1 | ok, but don't i have to install that | 04:09 |
albech | bugaloo, ok | 04:09 |
vr_mex | blakkheim: yes and if i do a double click from the ubuntu gnome desktop it launches fine, just the problem is from the command in the main menu app... | 04:09 |
ZykoticK9 | d4n1, just try typing "unzip" and it will tell you | 04:09 |
d4n1 | ZykoticK9, well my machine has it, my server doesn't | 04:10 |
blakkheim | vr_mex: make a script that has that in it, put it in your $PATH (/usr/bin for example) then point the menu item to that script | 04:10 |
xfact | bugaloo, Humm, your Laptop has many problem with Ubuntu! like here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37469, I think batter you write your problems like this in Ubuntuforums | 04:10 |
dsnyders | ZykoticK9, that key combo worked. Thanks. Why did they cange it from ctrl-alt-backspace? | 04:10 |
alfattah | how to change karmic login screen, any idea? | 04:10 |
ZykoticK9 | dsnyders, just to keep people on there toes -- i have no idea | 04:10 |
ZykoticK9 | alfattah, right now that's very difficult | 04:11 |
bugaloo | xfact, ok... it's not a big problem anyway, it's more like a fun thing to try | 04:11 |
vr_mex | blakkheim: ok let me try that... | 04:11 |
vr_mex | blakkheim: should i do a .sh script or a ruby script? | 04:11 |
xfact | bugaloo, Have fun :P | 04:11 |
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blakkheim | vr_mex: it will be a bash script, the file extension doesn't really matter, but use .sh if you want to be organized | 04:11 |
alfattah | ok then, thanks. | 04:12 |
vr_mex | blakkheim: ok let me try that... | 04:12 |
albech | bugaloo, maybe interesting reading: http://www.shallowsky.com/linux/vaiotricks.html | 04:12 |
d4n1 | ZykoticK9: thank u, now installing zip and unzip | 04:12 |
Kavinorum | I have an issue with a new acer aspire netbook and ubuntu 9.10. For some reason there is a bug with the wireless that will cause kernel freezes and other problems. I have a log of the problem, where do I submit it to? | 04:12 |
bugaloo | albech, nice one :) thanks | 04:12 |
ZykoticK9 | d4n1, glad to help | 04:12 |
rww | ubottu: bug | Kavinorum | 04:12 |
ubottu | Kavinorum: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 04:12 |
hamnegga | Anyone have any tweaks or info. that might improve arp poisoning attempts in ettercap? | 04:12 |
d4n1 | ZykoticK9: thanks, i was trying to use gzip, does that even work for this? | 04:13 |
scunizi | Kavinorum: if you want others to look at it.. paste it in pastebin.com and provide a link here | 04:13 |
ZykoticK9 | d4n1, don't know | 04:13 |
Kavinorum | kk | 04:13 |
d4n1 | ZykoticK9: ok, thanks though | 04:14 |
darolu | there is no xorg.conf file anymore, any idea of where can I modify whatever it uses now? | 04:15 |
ZykoticK9 | darolu, you can generate one -- do you have nvidia? | 04:16 |
scunizi | darolu: xrandr controls video | 04:16 |
darolu | No, I have ATI | 04:16 |
darolu | ZykoticK9: it is an old ATI card too, so I can't install propietary driver either | 04:16 |
funkycat90210 | can I install a non-gnu java via apt-get? | 04:16 |
ZykoticK9 | darolu, this "should" work http://paste.ubuntu.com/381354/ | 04:17 |
darolu | scunizi: xrandr has a xorg.conf substitute file? | 04:17 |
Kavinorum | http://pastebin.com/m2f1672bb <-- log of wireless error | 04:17 |
Kavinorum | hopefully someone here can interpret that :D | 04:18 |
darolu | ZykoticK9: thanks, I'll try it. | 04:19 |
scunizi | darolu: xrandr will dynamically generate the appropriate settings.. the biggest question is weather or not ATI has depreciated your card in their latest drivers that are compatible with the latest X.org.. check their site first before you spinn your wheels.. look for the driver and if they mention an older driver to use they will typically say it's not compatible with the current Xorg | 04:19 |
darolu | scunizi: already checked, my card is no longer supported in Linux, the "legacy driver" doesn't work with my current kernel (2.6.31) | 04:20 |
scunizi | darolu: then you're stuck.. time to get a new card that is compatible or wait for the ATI drivers to catch up | 04:20 |
sslaccessrocks | alfattah: do you mean change the karmic login screen to a ttyl like in alt+ctrl+F1? | 04:23 |
=== flea is now known as Guest66631 |
sslaccessrocks | scunizi: after mounting the ubuntu alt iso and apt-cdrom for detection (checked the sources.list to ensure), i cannot find a package with apt-cache search restricted that matches either the meta or full package | 04:24 |
=== TheFatz is now known as PhilMather |
scunizi | sslaccessrocks: you might have to use a different computer and look in packages.ubuntu.com.. download and put it on a usb stick or something to transfer it. | 04:27 |
sslaccessrocks | scunizi: doing that right now | 04:27 |
^sn00per^ | hello | 04:28 |
sslaccessrocks | scunizi: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-restricted-modules-server&searchon=names&suite=lucid§ion=all (no results) | 04:28 |
^sn00per^ | anyone alive in here ? | 04:28 |
vr_mex | blakkheim: no luck !!! | 04:28 |
scunizi | sslaccessrocks: I was also using my 8.04 install to search for the package.. might be different for the latest release. | 04:28 |
^sn00per^ | i have a question how do i set up a boot floppy to load usb drivers to boot into external hard drive that has ubuntu already installed ? | 04:29 |
vr_mex | blakkheim: no luck !!!, I just get a flash from the terminal | 04:29 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: there is a tutorial on https://www.auburn.edu/~farvept/ under floppy2usb (software section) | 04:29 |
vr_mex | blakkheim: tried adding a & at the end and same thing | 04:30 |
Shazam | snort doesn't start when Ubuntu is loading up. I have to go in and manually "sudo /etc/init.d/snort start" each time. What would cause it to fail to load when the system is booting? | 04:30 |
^sn00per^ | thank you sslaccessrocks was searching for that | 04:30 |
ouyes | when you are in xfce , how to use display protection ? | 04:30 |
ouyes | screen saver? | 04:32 |
Monona | I get crazy xruns using jack, even before I load any programs. I'm on a dual core 3GHz Pentium D, running the real time kernel on Hardy. I don't think it's jack settings, since I've got it set at 1024 frames, with 45ms latency. I've been posting on the forum, but I'm kind of running into a wall. How can I check if it's hardware issues? Or just generally, what should I be looking for to troubleshoot? | 04:36 |
tweiseman | hi i need help debugging my wifi card driver? | 04:36 |
leohartx | after removing ATI graphics card, and use Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10), i can't login, it says (EE) no devices detected. what should i do ? | 04:40 |
tweiseman | hi i need help debugging my wifi card driver | 04:41 |
[deXter] | Hi all, in the Live USB system, does the casper-rw file have to be ext2 only or would any other fs (like ext4) would do ? | 04:42 |
scunizi | leohartx: boot into the recovery kernel and you'll see a menu. there's an option to reset the video defaults.. or rediscover | 04:42 |
dsnyders | ZykoticK9, I found out why they changed the xserver restart keyboard shortcut. | 04:45 |
=== ring1 is now known as ring0 |
dsnyders | If you have the handicapped accessibility functions active and you press Ctrl and then release it, and a bit later, you press Alt-Bksp (the shortcut to delete a whole word), then Boom! Bye-bye X-session | 04:46 |
ZykoticK9 | dsnyders, makes sense. Thanks for the info :) | 04:47 |
dsnyders | ZykoticK9, Yeah, it does make sense. Now, to memorize the new shortcut. Alt-sysreq-k, Alt-sysreq-k, Alt-sysreq-k... | 04:49 |
leohartx | scunizi: there's no menu item you mentioned | 04:49 |
jumbers | If I backup /, will dropping that onto a freshly formatted partition then function exactly as if it weren't touched? | 04:51 |
alankila | jumbers: pretty much, provided you can whip up bootloader for it too | 04:51 |
dsnyders | jumbers, It should, if you mount the new partition as / | 04:51 |
HeadCreeps | Greetings | 04:56 |
i3inary | hello | 04:56 |
=== Guest98405 is now known as zapzunpz |
=== zapzunpz is now known as zapzupnz |
i3inary | can someone help me figure out how to move an ubuntu 9.10 installation to a virtual machine? basically it would be like restoring a configuration to new hardware. can someone help point me in the right direction? | 04:58 |
HeadCreeps | the right direction would be south of my pants button | 04:59 |
i3inary | you have a button on your foot? | 04:59 |
INarsty | lol | 05:00 |
i3inary | could you press it and restore my backup for me then...? | 05:00 |
HeadCreeps | do you get it, because you decided that you couldnt say anything funny in return, you would take it to the most dramatic extreme and say my foot. | 05:00 |
HeadCreeps | when I OBVIOUSLY meant, my penis. | 05:00 |
HeadCreeps | and no | 05:00 |
seanbrystone | o.O | 05:01 |
HeadCreeps | stagnant water man | 05:01 |
INarsty | omg | 05:01 |
ZykoticK9 | HeadCreeps, do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 05:01 |
HeadCreeps | yes Redman | 05:01 |
B|aSS | hes penis has the size of a button | 05:01 |
HeadCreeps | I do | 05:01 |
=== guest0834987764 is now known as ssmit |
HeadCreeps | no its a tad bigger than a button | 05:01 |
B|aSS | <HeadCreeps> the right direction would be south of my pants button | 05:02 |
i3inary | so is this the place for dick and fart jokes? | 05:02 |
chetnick | i3inary: install Ubuntu on VM, then extract the backup there. | 05:02 |
HeadCreeps | do you feel e-portant because your name is in red, just wondering | 05:02 |
B|aSS | <HeadCreeps> when I OBVIOUSLY meant, my penis. | 05:02 |
ZykoticK9 | i3inary, NO! | 05:02 |
mrb427 | for embedded applications is it better to use static or dynamic variables | 05:02 |
i3inary | ZykoticK9, thank you just wondering. | 05:02 |
gabriel | joining | 05:02 |
i3inary | chetnick, ok i have the vm set up with ubuntu now...so i can just "sudo cp -R /backup/* /" and im done? | 05:03 |
chetnick | i3inary: i would suggest doing that in single user mode. | 05:04 |
chetnick | i3inary: yes that would be it, if its a complete backup. | 05:04 |
chetnick | i3inary: | 05:04 |
chetnick | i3inary: use sudo cp -ax /backup/* / | 05:04 |
i3inary | chetnick, so i dont have to worry about excluding any files that would mess up the drivers on the new installation? | 05:05 |
chetnick | i3inary: new installation would be pretty much overwriten with your backup. | 05:05 |
chetnick | i3inary: but that is what you want? And by the way what drivers do you use on VM? | 05:06 |
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Guest7428 | zac | 05:06 |
i3inary | chetnick, right i understand that the new install is getting overwritten...im just wondering how it will boot if it gets a bunch of incompatible drivers in its configuration files | 05:07 |
chetnick | i3inary: your new install is Virtual Machine? | 05:07 |
i3inary | chetnick, correct but it has drivers they are just for simulated hardware no? | 05:08 |
chetnick | i3inary: from my experience (VMWare) you have now worries about drivers when it comes to virtual machine. | 05:08 |
chetnick | no worries* | 05:08 |
chetnick | so you should be fine. | 05:09 |
aah | anyone know of a way to get vino to give me logs of connection attempts and issues? trying to diagnose a problem getting from home to work over vpn, and .. connection is established, but no windows locally | 05:09 |
gabriel | just a ? can i use linksys external WUSB54GSC with ubuntu 9.10? | 05:09 |
i3inary | chetnick, alright. ok so you are saying if i boot a linux install and the configuration files are not compatible with the hardware it will just not use them? | 05:09 |
chetnick | i3inary: what i'm saying is VM does not have hardware, drivers used in Ubuntu cannot be used on virtual machine. | 05:10 |
chetnick | VM takes care of that. It's a virtual hardware only existent in VM | 05:11 |
RPG_Master | Can I get kubuntu help here? | 05:11 |
chetnick | RPG_Master: fire it up. | 05:11 |
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy |
tristanbob | Anyone seeing 100% CPU when flash video playing? I've searched the forums but only found old results. This happens on firefox, chromium, and opera. | 05:12 |
lane_ | so ive got a question....is anyone good here with creating hotkeys/remapping keys?? | 05:12 |
bmatthew | tristanbob: get used to it | 05:12 |
RPG_Master | I can't login to kubuntu! Every time it kicks me back to the login screen :( | 05:12 |
chetnick | tristanbob: not a good sign, i dont have that issue. | 05:12 |
SolarisBoy | ;@ | 05:12 |
RPG_Master | This was after my first update | 05:12 |
tristanbob | bmatthew, this has only started in the past month for me. | 05:12 |
bmatthew | tristanbob: oh, well that's something else then. i just was going to mention that flash is an absolute piece of shit | 05:13 |
chetnick | RPG_Master: i had that issue with kdm 4.3, i resolved it by installing gdm, and using that to login. | 05:13 |
tristanbob | chetnick, thanks for the feedback. | 05:13 |
tristanbob | bmatthew, I wanted to find out if it is a known bug, with a solution. | 05:13 |
RPG_Master | chetnick: :P That could work. | 05:13 |
i3inary | chetnick, ok im giving it a try ill just revert to the snapshot if it doesnt work...which is the main reason i am moving the physical box to the virtual machine in the first place | 05:13 |
chetnick | RPG_Master: this issue was on gentoo, and i had kde and gentoo installed on system. | 05:13 |
RPG_Master | chetnick: Any other solutions? | 05:13 |
klappi | RPG_Master: i also had to install gdm | 05:13 |
lane_ | is anyone good here with creating hotkeys/remapping keys?? anyone at all? | 05:14 |
chetnick | i3inary: you can always come back to most recent snapshot, but i'm 99% sure you'll be fine. | 05:14 |
RPG_Master | How old is this bug? | 05:14 |
bmatthew | lane_: ive done it before | 05:14 |
lane_ | well see heres my problem, my g and h buttons dont work on my laptop | 05:15 |
chetnick | RPG_Master: i'm not using KDE, so i cant really help you any further with this issue. You might want to ask somewhere where people are actually using KDE, maybe #KDE, you can always get some good help on #Gentoo as well. | 05:15 |
RPG_Master | chetnick: Thanks, I'll check out #KDE :) | 05:16 |
chetnick | anytime | 05:16 |
klappi | RPG_Master: i think aprox 2 month | 05:16 |
klappi | RPG_Master: but i didnt try to change back i like gdm | 05:16 |
RPG_Master | klappi: OK, needs to be fix though :( | 05:16 |
[deXter] | RPG_Master: I had this problem when I updated to 4.4 | 05:16 |
GungaDin | hi | 05:16 |
ZykoticK9 | RPG_Master, you might want to try #kubuntu prior to #kde | 05:17 |
GungaDin | Does Ubuntu come with SElinux? | 05:17 |
lane_ | with windows i just used a program called autohotkey but i cannnot find an equivelant, with that i wrote a script making shift 6 and 7 being g and \h | 05:17 |
klappi | RPG_Master: ubuntu is optimized for gdm anyways it starts earlier in the boot process | 05:17 |
chetnick | GungaDin: I dont think so. | 05:17 |
[deXter] | RPG_Master: boot into runlevel 3 and do a repo refresh followed by an update | 05:17 |
RPG_Master | klappi: Even if you're using Kubuntu? | 05:17 |
RPG_Master | [deXter]: Wo, wait, what do I do now? | 05:18 |
klappi | RPG_Master: kdm starts at the very end and gdm earlier, yes | 05:18 |
gabriel | leaving | 05:18 |
[deXter] | RPG_Master: Just google what I said if you want further detail. :) | 05:19 |
RPG_Master | [deXter]: OK "{ | 05:19 |
RPG_Master | *:P | 05:19 |
git__ | i don't understand why Ubuntu doesn't use resierfs | 05:19 |
git__ | ext4 is giving me a BIG HEADACHE and STOMACH-ACHE | 05:20 |
lane_ | lol same question, my guy who was gonna help me just left. is anyone good here with creating hotkeys/remapping keys?? | 05:20 |
[deXter] | git__: Because ReiserFS is as dead as Nina Reiser? | 05:20 |
ZykoticK9 | !runlevels > RPG_Master | 05:20 |
ubottu | RPG_Master, please see my private message | 05:20 |
mezquitale | git__, you can use reiserfs if you want | 05:20 |
git__ | reiserfs is so much more stable than ext4 many times OVER | 05:20 |
klappi | [deXter]: mean | 05:20 |
ZykoticK9 | RPG_Master, from ubottu's message you can see runlevel 3 isn't going to help you | 05:20 |
git__ | i've committed over 250GB on ext4, it crashes on me every 2 or 3 days so far | 05:21 |
lane_ | nobody...? | 05:21 |
mezquitale | git__, if you want you can reinstall and format your hard drive with reiserfs | 05:21 |
chetnick | git__: swithc to ext3 | 05:21 |
mezquitale | git__, i | 05:21 |
RPG_Master | ZykoticK9: Good ol' ubottu :P | 05:22 |
jazz | ? is this working? | 05:22 |
mezquitale | git__, you can also try ext3 or reformat your hard drive to reiserfs | 05:22 |
ZykoticK9 | lane_, can you set them using System / Preferences / Keyboard Shortcuts ? | 05:22 |
rww | jazz: yep! | 05:22 |
jazz | thanks rww, trying to sus out connection problem here | 05:23 |
chetnick | git__: yeah, i heard people having issues with ext4 ... that is why its not recomended for production env. | 05:23 |
lane_ | zykotick9: well i tried, but my goal here is to make shift 6 and 7 be g and h | 05:23 |
lane_ | and so far im unsuccessful | 05:24 |
ZykoticK9 | lane_, won't that mess up ^ and & ? | 05:24 |
chetnick | i still stick to 9.04, i installed 9.10 on laptop, and i am not happy at all. 9.04 over 8.10 was way big progress than 9.10 over 9.04. If there were progress at all, maybe it was more of a regress. | 05:25 |
lane_ | yeah thats wat im hoping, ghave you ever heard of autohotkey | 05:25 |
transom324 | finally got mplayer & vlc to play DVDs. thx | 05:25 |
ZykoticK9 | chetnick, in my opinion Karmic (9.10) is just a pre-beta for 10.04 | 05:25 |
jazz | anyone attending the ubuntu manual 48 gig? | 05:25 |
infid | is it ok to give me a normal user permission to edit files in a subdir of /usr/share/? | 05:26 |
[1]spike | Hi Everyone, Is anyone here knowledgable with setting a proxy server with ubuntu server? i tried http_proxy= then export http_proxy but i still cant seem to get any internet | 05:26 |
infid | *give a normal | 05:26 |
lane_ | zykotick9: because g and h do not work anymore on my laptop | 05:26 |
ardchoille | infid: I wouldn't | 05:26 |
infid | ardchoille: what are the dangers? | 05:26 |
Fudge | think my lan connection is realtech, what would the device be called on ubuntu, on olso it was rge0. i cant check ifconfig because i have no sound and can not use orca. i am blind. so need ssh to fix sound | 05:26 |
ZykoticK9 | lane_, sorry man I've never tried to re-map "actual" keys before, just multimedia/special keys -- best of luck | 05:27 |
ardchoille | infid: chaging files in /usr/share without the need for sudo can make a user lax and not think about possibly trashing something. Requiring sudo makes the user think before editing | 05:27 |
lane_ | alright well thanks anyways | 05:27 |
ardchoille | infid: and you don't want just anyone changing things in there because those files are system-wide | 05:27 |
jazz | does any one have an icon or know if i can even use a "%" for net status instead of these at&T looking bars? | 05:28 |
git__ | chetnick, i was happy with 8.04 ... 9.10 seems to crash more often for me | 05:29 |
infid | ardchoille: well i was just going to be for my user to edit my custom php library files in /usr/share/php/my-libs | 05:29 |
needshelp | hey everyone! | 05:29 |
git__ | 10.04 = 2010, april | 05:29 |
ardchoille | infid: well, that might be ok, but just remember you're changing system-wide files | 05:29 |
jazz | i see two bars but when i hover over it it's either 37% or 48% still anythoing under 51% dont help me | 05:30 |
infid | ok | 05:30 |
needshelp | hey does any one use ubuntu for gaming? | 05:30 |
ZykoticK9 | needshelp, yup | 05:30 |
chetnick | git__: 9.04 is the best so far!!! it is awesome. | 05:30 |
needshelp | what games do you play? | 05:30 |
ardchoille | !ot | needshelp | 05:30 |
ubottu | needshelp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 05:30 |
needshelp | i was getting to the support part | 05:31 |
ZykoticK9 | needshelp, this isn't a chat channel - do you have a specific game question? | 05:31 |
needshelp | just wondering who has experiance in what i need help with | 05:31 |
chetnick | git__: the only down side of 9.04 is pulseaudio. | 05:31 |
ardchoille | needshelp: ask your support question and you might get better answers | 05:31 |
git__ | chetnick, can one revert to 9.04 from 9.10? | 05:31 |
ZykoticK9 | needshelp, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming | 05:31 |
needshelp | I am trying to find the best way to play a game, HoN. I have tried the linux app and wine aswell | 05:31 |
chetnick | git__: i'm not sure, i dont think so. | 05:31 |
needshelp | I just cant seem to get a decent frame rate | 05:31 |
ardchoille | git__: no | 05:32 |
needshelp | i think it is the gfx drivers | 05:32 |
git__ | i skipped from 8.04 LTS to 9.10 ... thinking that 9.10 is more stable than 9.04 | 05:32 |
ZykoticK9 | needshelp, what gfx card? | 05:32 |
needshelp | ati 3870 | 05:32 |
chetnick | git__: i went from 8.04 to 9.04. | 05:32 |
macstar | is there any way to remove all package deps that was installed from an apt-get command? | 05:32 |
ZykoticK9 | needshelp, sorry man i don't to ati stuff - best of luck. | 05:32 |
needshelp | :( | 05:32 |
needshelp | yeah the ati drivers are really bad... | 05:33 |
chetnick | macstar: sudo apt-get autoremove | 05:33 |
suncross | question for the pile: I'm trying to install 9.10 from a disc I made with the iso hosted on the ubuntu official site, and it requires a username and pw that it never lets me define, and I'm not doing an oem install...ideas? | 05:33 |
Fudge | would a realtec gigabit lan card be called rge0? | 05:33 |
sslaccessrocks | suncross: i had the same thing happen to me today from the iso hosted on the office site; a reinstall fixed the problem | 05:33 |
chetnick | suncross: after you install, or before you even start install? | 05:33 |
macstar | chetnick: thanks | 05:34 |
suncross | it happens before i install it, it never brings up the normal welcome window | 05:34 |
chetnick | suncross: i have no clue what is that. | 05:34 |
needshelp | suncross, you may have dled the wrong version. I downloaded the server verison once and it did that. | 05:35 |
suncross | i thought i might have to, but I checked my DL folder and it's the desktop | 05:35 |
needshelp | suncross..i would recommend using a jump driver over a cd too, it installs way quicker. | 05:35 |
sslaccessrocks | suncross: yes, this happened on the server version today from the iso from the official ubuntu site (9.10) | 05:35 |
needshelp | search for pendrivelinux.com and they have apps that auto download the correct distro. | 05:36 |
suncross | ok, thanks! I have some options | 05:36 |
needshelp | and put it on a jumpdrive for you. | 05:36 |
kesherwani | hello | 05:36 |
kesherwani | i need some help ... | 05:36 |
sslaccessrocks | !hello | kesherwani | 05:36 |
ubottu | kesherwani: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 05:36 |
kesherwani | due to some error , my system is not getting booted up prperly | 05:37 |
kesherwani | ubuntu was installed on my system , but somehow ,now its not getting properly boot .with an ALERT message /dev/disk/by-uuid/44c02152-eb7c-4ca8-b6c6-38cf65a6552f does not exit .Dropping to a sherll i am struck at a prompt (initramfs) . how to resolve this.. how else if could not be resolved , is there any way to repair OS like we do in windows? | 05:37 |
jngdwe | Does anybody here know if ATI has working drivers for 9.10 that dont cause the black screen at boot? | 05:37 |
sslaccessrocks | kersherwani: was this during an upgrade? | 05:37 |
needshelp | jngdwe. the 10.2 drivers dont | 05:38 |
jngdwe | Dangit | 05:38 |
HazRPG | hey all | 05:38 |
jngdwe | Well, is there any known fix that WILL let me use drivers with working 3d acceleration? | 05:38 |
needshelp | jng http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide | 05:38 |
jngdwe | ahh | 05:38 |
sslaccessrocks | !hello | HazRPG | 05:38 |
ubottu | HazRPG: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 05:38 |
needshelp | jng use that website i sent you to evaluate the different options | 05:38 |
HazRPG | can someone recommend me a hierarchy making application? | 05:38 |
needshelp | i have been messsing with gfx drivers all day to no avail | 05:38 |
needshelp | the gfx drivers for linux SUCK | 05:39 |
kesherwani | i am not sure , i do upgrade regulalry ..the system was working well and fine , the last time i used. and when i swiutched on and booted my system today , struck to it | 05:39 |
jngdwe | personally, the ATI drivers always worked fine for me until 9.10 | 05:39 |
HazRPG | needshelp: all of them? Including the nvidia and ATI ones? | 05:39 |
jngdwe | and ssame with nvidia, i always had good luck on my 6150, 6600LE, 7600GT, 9600GT | 05:39 |
HazRPG | needshelp: granted, they are closed-source, but so are the windows-based ones. | 05:40 |
HazRPG | anyone know of a good hierarchy diagram program? | 05:40 |
needshelp | use visio | 05:41 |
needshelp | it is an m$ product but you can get a free 2010 beta key | 05:41 |
HazRPG | needshelp: isn't that a microsoft application? | 05:41 |
kesherwani | sslaccessrocks : i am not sure , i do upgrade regulalry ..the system was working well and fine , the last time i used. and when i swiutched on and booted my system today , struck to it | 05:41 |
needshelp | yes. but you can use it for free in beta | 05:41 |
HazRPG | needshelp: true... but I'm looking for something to use in the long-term | 05:41 |
jngdwe | This latest ATI issue is such a pain, i was so happy to have my 5.1 X-FI setup finally fully functional, with even sound playing on all 5 speakers | 05:42 |
needshelp | and the ati drivers work fine until you want to play an opengl game | 05:42 |
jngdwe | No they don't, i cannot get them to work at all with my 4830 | 05:42 |
jngdwe | unles you mean the open source drivers | 05:42 |
[deXter] | HazRPG: Dia is pretty good | 05:42 |
jngdwe | And open source is not an option for me, i am a gamer and am totally obsessed with compiz | 05:43 |
dako3256 | if i wanted to make gedit the default editor for a program what i need to put in the command line? | 05:43 |
git__ | can one resize ext4? | 05:43 |
sslaccessrocks | kesherwani: you might want to try to login to grub using an older kernel (not the top default option); if you get in, try system -> admin -> gparted to repartition your swap (what is the device in question, swap or your OS partition)? | 05:43 |
[deXter] | git__: Yea | 05:43 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: I've got Dia, it's a pretty good all-round diagram tool. I just want something that I can enter data into and it'll automatically fill the lines for the structure | 05:43 |
dsnyders | kesherwani, check your /etc/fstab | 05:43 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: but if there's nothing better, then I'll just stick with that | 05:44 |
dsnyders | I really hate that there is no way of getting a list of directories. | 05:44 |
jngdwe | Has anybody here gotten any ATI drivers to work with a 4xxx card on 9.10? | 05:44 |
HazRPG | powerpoint use to have a diagram tool to make hierarchical diagrams, shame that OO Presentation doesn't | 05:44 |
macstar | does anyone have any tips on getting pptp-client working in 8.04, I have googled out of my mind and cannot find anything to remedy it? | 05:44 |
macstar | I keep getting 'MPPE required but not available' yet all the debugging points to the kernel having it enabled | 05:44 |
needshelp | jng the website I sent you has a step by step way to do just that. | 05:45 |
HazRPG | dsnyders: you mean other than ls? | 05:45 |
dsnyders | ls lists files. It doesn't list directories. | 05:45 |
HazRPG | ls -all | 05:45 |
jngdwe | I don't need a tutorial on how to install it. The driver installs fine in multiple methods | 05:45 |
hamnegga | Is it possible to use an md5sum as a universal type of bit code to generate an iso without downloading the actual file - for instance the md5 would be an instruction set so that if you used that, it would automaticaly create the same image? | 05:45 |
[deXter] | HazRPG: You can dry the Draw program in the OpenOffice suite or Kivio, although I've used neither.. | 05:45 |
jngdwe | did the site include a fix for the black screen at boot? | 05:45 |
jngdwe | As in right after the ubuntu loading screen | 05:45 |
dsnyders | HazRPG, No. Only directories. Like dir /a:d in DOS | 05:45 |
needshelp | jng yes. it tells you to hold down alt and some other key and hit a series of keys | 05:46 |
jngdwe | Believe me, i | 05:46 |
ZykoticK9 | hamnegga, no -- md5 sums are tiny | 05:46 |
jngdwe | Believe me ive tried* | 05:46 |
needshelp | 3. Just in case Write down or remember this series of Alt+PrntScr key combinations, just in case your screen should go black and Ctrl+Alt+F1 and Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work. Alt+PrntScr+r, Alt+PrntScr+s, Alt+PrntScr+e, Alt+PrntScr+i, Alt+PrntScr+n, Alt+PrntScr+u, Alt+PrntScr+b These keypresses will reboot the system safely. To remember the keypresses, remember this nonsensical phrase: "Raising Skinny Elephants Is Never Utterly B | 05:46 |
jngdwe | wait, prntScr? | 05:47 |
HazRPG | dsnyders: ls --help | 05:47 |
chetnick | WTF? | 05:47 |
hamnegga | well, I don't see why something similar could be used, since it's all binary in the end and use some type of encryption and key. | 05:47 |
jngdwe | Can you tell me in general what they do? | 05:47 |
HazRPG | dsnyders: if you use ls -d, it shows directorys | 05:47 |
jngdwe | Ive been with Ubuntu for a few years, but i dont know a whole lot in terms of key presses | 05:48 |
rww | hamnegga: no. There are lots (I think infinite) of different files that map to the same MD5 hash. The whole concept of hashing a file involves ending up with something that has less information than the original file, so you can't go backwards. | 05:48 |
dsnyders | HazRPG, No, it doesn't. It lists the files in the directories. | 05:48 |
c_nick | Hi does anyone know of the IRC Room of google chrome browser | 05:48 |
ZykoticK9 | dsnyders, ls -- shows both files & directories, not sure why you think it doesn't | 05:49 |
dsnyders | ZykoticK9, Exactly, it shows both. I want only the directories. | 05:49 |
darolu | c_nick: #chrome exists but you need password; I don't know of another | 05:49 |
c_nick | hmm ok | 05:49 |
git__ | can't wait to have btrfs :) | 05:50 |
git__ | that'll solve much of my filesystem problem | 05:50 |
git__ | ext4 will go away within a year or two | 05:50 |
c_nick | darolu: i installed GCB and i wanted to add an extension .crx file | 05:50 |
c_nick | i tried with ./chrome --extension="path to .crx file" | 05:50 |
c_nick | but did not work | 05:50 |
darolu | c_nick: I have no idea how chrome extensions work, sorry | 05:51 |
anom01y | what is more supported for Linux, Nvidia geforce 6200 256 mb or an Ati Radeon X1650 PRO 512mb | 05:51 |
anom01y | I need the tv out to work | 05:51 |
kesherwani | sslaccessrocks : its saying check root =bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules , devices: cat /proc/modules ls /dev | 05:51 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: Draw program did you say earlier? or Kivio? | 05:51 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: might try those, thanks | 05:51 |
ZykoticK9 | dsnyders, "ls -d */" should work | 05:52 |
HazRPG | dsnyders: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/19/list-only-the-directories/ | 05:52 |
HazRPG | dsnyders: it shows you how to list only directories using ls | 05:53 |
jozey | elloowwwwwww | 05:54 |
ZykoticK9 | HazRPG, did you try ls -l | grep “^d” -- on my system that didn't work | 05:54 |
HazRPG | did you copy and paste it? | 05:56 |
HazRPG | because it's using a different type of quotation mark then the one printable from the keyboard | 05:56 |
HazRPG | type it manually | 05:56 |
ZykoticK9 | anom01y, if you want TV Out i'd go with Nvidia (mind you I'd always go for Nvidia) | 05:56 |
anom01y | yeah thats what Im using now | 05:57 |
anom01y | ZykoticK9, only problem is that the stupid card has no heat sink | 05:57 |
HazRPG | ZykoticK9: try typing it in manually, because copying and pasting it won't work: ls -l | grep "^d" | 05:57 |
anom01y | well it does but it has no fan | 05:57 |
dsnyders | HazRPG, Read the page you linked to and you'll see all the hoops you need to jump through just to get a simple list of directories. | 05:57 |
HazRPG | ZykoticK9: if you copy and paste that, it'll work | 05:57 |
anom01y | I am going to buy one and stick it on the fins | 05:58 |
PinkFloyd | Im trying to change the port my SSH server runs on, by reconfiguring the Port directive in ssh_config. However, when I restart the server, it's still on port 22. Ideas? | 05:58 |
ZykoticK9 | HazRPG, sure enough | 05:58 |
HazRPG | dsnyders: make a bash script to make it easier if you must | 05:58 |
rolsworth | in windows when playing HD flash I use about 1% cpu but in Ubuntu it uses over 50%. doesn't gpu acceleration work? | 05:58 |
HazRPG | dsnyders: although I never have a problem using ls by itself, it still lists all the directories, granted along with all the files too, but it still gets the job done | 05:59 |
ZykoticK9 | HazRPG, still think the "ls -d */" is much prettier without the long stuff there | 05:59 |
seanbrystone | whats the best compression, like .7z? I need like really good compression, i dont care how long it takes to compress really | 06:00 |
HazRPG | ZykoticK9: true enough... | 06:00 |
=== DIFH-iceroot is now known as iceroot |
[deXter] | rolsworth: Did you install the restricted graphic card drivers? | 06:00 |
rolsworth | yep | 06:00 |
rolsworth | made nop difference | 06:01 |
rolsworth | doesn't seem to have gpu acceleration | 06:01 |
ZykoticK9 | rolsworth, i believe only Nvidia+vdpau give video acceleration - and i don't think it working in any browsers (might be wrong) | 06:01 |
rolsworth | on windows it works | 06:02 |
ZykoticK9 | rolsworth, then i guess windows is better... lol | 06:02 |
HazRPG | rolsworth: tried messing with the settings in the NVIDIA X Server Settings application? | 06:02 |
[deXter] | Anyways, it's high time we ditch Flash. | 06:03 |
rolsworth | no | 06:03 |
[deXter] | Kill it I say, kill it with FIRE! | 06:03 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: lol for what? | 06:03 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: what would you replace it with? | 06:03 |
ZykoticK9 | html5! | 06:03 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: although I kind of agree, we do need to have a similar open-source version of flash | 06:03 |
rolsworth | flash isn't going any where any time soon | 06:03 |
h0rnman | can anyone point me to a more 'acceptable' way to automount network shares when using a USB wireless card than adding "mount - a" to /etc/gdm/PostLogin/Default? | 06:03 |
ZykoticK9 | if you use Chromium or chrome you can use youtube html5 HD stuff! www.youtube.com/html5 | 06:03 |
h0rnman | it feels a tad bit hacky | 06:04 |
=== Prodego is now known as administrivia |
dsnyders | HazRPG, Yes, it gets the job done. It's just clumsy and I can never remember the trick when I need it. Perhaps I will create a command alias after all. | 06:04 |
[deXter] | HazRPG: Ogg / HTML5 Video | 06:04 |
[deXter] | Well for videos anyways, for other stuff there's CSS | 06:04 |
sslaccessrocks | kesherwani: ok, sorry i don't know how to fix that, maybe others here might | 06:05 |
=== meghan is now known as ShazbotMcNasty |
HazRPG | [deXter]: and what are you going to make your vector animations in? | 06:05 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: I can understand the change to HTML5 for video streaming... | 06:06 |
HazRPG | [deXter]: but other than that... | 06:06 |
[deXter] | HazRPG: CSS. | 06:10 |
rolsworth | the html5 on youtube much slower than flash | 06:11 |
Roasted | I installed the wasp theme from gnome look. Now I cant get rid of it. It came with an installer script, a .sh file. How do I remove it? I cant select other window borders now. :( | 06:11 |
_deXter_ | rolsworth: It's just in a testing phase, besides it depends on a lot of factors like the browser you're using.. | 06:11 |
_deXter_ | rolsworth: It works great for me in the latest Chromium | 06:12 |
michaeldouglas30 | HTML5 Rocks | 06:13 |
Brian2898 | Do Dell Ubuntu laptops work when you upgrade to 9.10? | 06:13 |
Brian2898 | As in the proprietary drivers | 06:14 |
sslaccessrocks | Brian2898: which driver failed for you? most should transition quietly | 06:14 |
Brian2898 | None have failed, I am thinking about buying dell ubuntu laptop, but I see they are imaged with old version of ubuntu | 06:15 |
rolsworth | why would you buy an ubuntu laptop | 06:15 |
sslaccessrocks | Brian2898: Dell sells laptops with ubuntu on them, i would look at those for those should easily allow upgrades | 06:15 |
rolsworth | not like there is a price difference | 06:15 |
sslaccessrocks | rolsworth: yeah, that bothered me, that they didn't reduce the cost of windows in ubuntu laptops | 06:16 |
rolsworth | waste of money | 06:16 |
rolsworth | better to get that windows license. you might need it one day | 06:16 |
sslaccessrocks | they still charge users the price of windows on their laptops and give them ubuntu | 06:16 |
Brian2898 | They do reduce the cost of the laptop... | 06:16 |
rolsworth | nope the price is basically the same | 06:17 |
sslaccessrocks | Brian2898: must be a change, last i checked their desktops (which they don't sell with ubuntu) didn't have a cost reduction | 06:17 |
sslaccessrocks | *anymore | 06:17 |
gsgleason | my notification popups seem malaligned: http://imagebin.ca/view/S0bEif.html | 06:17 |
gsgleason | crap, disregard. wrong pic. | 06:18 |
Brian2898 | http://www.dell.com/us/en/business/notebooks/vostro-v13/pd.aspx?refid=vostro-v13&s=bsd&cs=04&~ck=mn&dgc=IR&cid=dellhp&lid=rtbn4&ref=hbn | 06:19 |
gsgleason | okay, here. my notification popup seems malaligned. http://imagebin.ca/view/AfjoWUM1.html | 06:20 |
sslaccessrocks | Brian2898: wow, you're right; a little slow if you ask me (took them at least a year to realize they weren't going to sell any without that cost reduction to the consumer) | 06:20 |
gsgleason | ! | 06:20 |
sslaccessrocks | gsgleason: i have seen that error before, i believe an upgrade fixed it; anyone else here know? | 06:20 |
torasuku | How do I remove the titlebar fading in Metacity of unfocused windows? | 06:20 |
gsgleason | sslaccessrocks: I am full up to date on 9.10 Linux greglap 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 01:26:53 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux | 06:21 |
gsgleason | torasuku: do you have desktop effects enabled? | 06:22 |
torasuku | gsgleason, yes. | 06:22 |
[1]spike | if i want to open a file called sources.list from linux CLI what command do i use? im in the directory | 06:22 |
gsgleason | torasuku: install compizconfig-settings-manager and use if to customize everything. it must be in there somewhere. | 06:23 |
gsgleason | torasuku: I don't know for a fact, but I would think it would be there if anywhere. | 06:23 |
torasuku | gsgleason, I have it installed, I've been looking through it and I don't see it. I remember seeing some gconf command on shiki-colors old Gnome-Look page, but it's not there anymore :\ | 06:23 |
torasuku | gsgleason, it's something with Metacity, rather than Compiz, if I remember correctly. | 06:23 |
sslaccessrocks | spike: sudo nano sources.list | 06:24 |
sslaccessrocks | then ctrl+o to save and ctrl+x to close without saving | 06:24 |
gsgleason | torasuku: if you disable desktop effects, does it still fade? | 06:24 |
neil_d | what does the /boot/xen-3.3 binary do? | 06:24 |
gsgleason | spike, use any text editor. there are many for terminal use. I like vim which is vi plus more features. a lot like emacs and some nano. | 06:25 |
sslaccessrocks | spike: be sure to backup your sources.list first (sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup | 06:25 |
torasuku | gsgleason, no, it doesn't fade then. | 06:25 |
[1]spike | thanks but i already broke it lol | 06:26 |
[1]spike | sources.list didnt like me typing edit sources.list | 06:26 |
gsgleason | neil, what package does it belong to? apt-file search filename | 06:26 |
gsgleason | man edit | 06:26 |
gsgleason | read. | 06:26 |
[1]spike | it dissapeared but i have a file sources.list~ whats that? | 06:26 |
neptunepink | Where can I get 32-bit libncursesw? | 06:26 |
[1]spike | yeah i just found the man command | 06:27 |
sslaccessrocks | neptunepink: maybe try http://packages.ubuntu.com | 06:27 |
[1]spike | but it was after i tried my msdos command | 06:27 |
gsgleason | [1]spike: that is a swap file usually. | 06:27 |
sslaccessrocks | neptunepink: or you could "apt-cache search libncursesw" in terminal | 06:27 |
[1]spike | ok ill copy the sources.list from my fresh VM | 06:27 |
Mixxit | i am having some problems where my 3g dongle internet is really slow and my network adapter also wont pick up an ip address | 06:27 |
sslaccessrocks | mixxit: in terminal, do a "sudo dhclient" to renew an ip address | 06:28 |
Mixxit | everytime i boot up? | 06:28 |
coldfire2122 | is it bad to run kde apps on gnome without using kde as your desktop manager? is there any side effects? | 06:28 |
sslaccessrocks | mixxit: its a temporary solution i know, haven't experienced 3g yet | 06:28 |
Mixxit | that's for my network card problem right not my 3g problem? | 06:28 |
the_jackdaw | Im trying to Dual boot win7 and ubuntu, installed win first and then ubuntu, same disk different partitions. Shouldnt GRUB overwrite the windows bootloader? | 06:28 |
Mixxit | my 3g problem looks like its at gprs or something | 06:29 |
sslaccessrocks | mixxit: it works on any network card, it renews the ip address | 06:29 |
Mixxit | its really really slow | 06:29 |
Mixxit | like 1997 | 06:29 |
coldfire2122 | the_jackdaw yes | 06:29 |
Mixxit | i get an ip for my 3g just not my lan | 06:29 |
Mixxit | but i will give that a go thanks | 06:29 |
the_jackdaw | Then why does it not do that, GRUB does not start at all, windows starts instead | 06:29 |
sslaccessrocks | mixxit: that should renew the ip for both connections | 06:29 |
gsgleason | torasuku: wouldnt' that mean it's something with compiz then? | 06:30 |
mlemos | can anybody tell me if Ubuntu 9.10 AMD 64 image work as 64 bit in a machine with Intel Core 2 Duo? | 06:30 |
Mixxit | ok | 06:30 |
Mixxit | what about the 3g connection speed? | 06:30 |
gsgleason | the_jackdaw: it will if you tell it do install a boot loader. when it does, it offers a choice as to the device. | 06:30 |
coldfire2122 | the_jackdaw: it should automatically replace the windows bootloader when you install it. | 06:30 |
commander_ | is sunbird equivalent to Google Calendar? | 06:30 |
sslaccessrocks | the_jackdaw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or try the grub install CD iso on https://www.auburn.edu/~farvept/ (Grub2 iso) | 06:30 |
torasuku | gsgleason, I suppose, I just seem to recall the old "gconf" line that I saw had to do with metacity :\ | 06:30 |
gsgleason | mlemos: yes. | 06:31 |
gsgleason | commander_: no | 06:31 |
gsgleason | torasuku: gconf-editor | 06:31 |
commander_ | oh ok.it's just a stand alone | 06:31 |
sslaccessrocks | mixxit: i don't know much about 3g from experience, maybe try increasing your signal strength by repositioning? | 06:31 |
gsgleason | look in apps->metacity perhaps | 06:31 |
Mixxit | ah no it connects at 3.2mb a sec on windows its just something that seems to be happening in ubuntu | 06:31 |
torasuku | gsgleason, it was a whole line that you put into the terminal and it turned the opacity changing behaviour off. | 06:32 |
mlemos | gsgleason, thanks. Installing now! ;-) | 06:32 |
the_jackdaw | gsgleason: Yea i saw that, but it still didnt work, have tried with 2 different distros, no grub when windows is installed. | 06:32 |
sslaccessrocks | mixxit: you could always try the bleeding edge 10.04, but i of course cannot recommend that for a stable operating system | 06:32 |
Mixxit | it's a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E220 HSDPA Modem / E270 HSDPA/HSUPA Modem | 06:33 |
the_jackdaw | And also, the ubuntu installation recognize the vista during the installation, and i choose install next to it and to choose what to load during start up, but no GRUB :P.. very annoying | 06:33 |
Mixxit | how do i tell what version i am on | 06:33 |
Mixxit | i would prefer stable | 06:33 |
seanbrystone | whats the best compression, like .7z? I need like really good compression, i dont care how long it takes to compress really | 06:33 |
amagee | hey what's the simplest way to get a mail server running that other apps on the same machine can send email through | 06:33 |
archboxman | hello what is the out come if we blacklist a module in ubuntu... | 06:34 |
ardchoille | !version | Mixxit | 06:34 |
ubottu | Mixxit: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 06:34 |
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf |
Mixxit | 9.10 karmic | 06:34 |
Mixxit | is that normal? | 06:34 |
ardchoille | Mixxit: That is the latest release | 06:35 |
Mixxit | great | 06:35 |
sslaccessrocks | seanbrystone: 7z works fine, but rar is slightly better | 06:35 |
=== kelvin is now known as Guest89186 |
_deXter_ | seanbrystone: Depends on what data you're trying to compress | 06:35 |
PinkFloyd | Could someone possibly help me with my display on my HDTV? It looks like it's zoomed. | 06:35 |
PinkFloyd | Resolution is 1920x1080 | 06:35 |
Mixxit | i'd like to google on it but i get alot of other distros what is that app that sits in the top right tray that i am doing my network connections in? | 06:35 |
seanbrystone | _deXter_, vmware images | 06:35 |
ardchoille | Mixxit: network manager ? | 06:36 |
_deXter_ | seanbrystone: .7z then | 06:36 |
seanbrystone | how? | 06:36 |
Mixxit | thanks | 06:36 |
seanbrystone | whats the package to download for .7z? | 06:36 |
PinkFloyd | p7zip | 06:36 |
seanbrystone | ok thx guys | 06:36 |
sslaccessrocks | seanbrystone: or peazip for a better GUI | 06:37 |
PinkFloyd | I normally just bzip with tar :p | 06:37 |
seanbrystone | cant find peazip | 06:37 |
seanbrystone | PinkFloyd, how would i do bzip with tar? | 06:37 |
sslaccessrocks | seanbrystone: you might have to google it and download it (its easier for beginners that use GUIs) | 06:38 |
PinkFloyd | tar cvjf directory tarball.tar.bz2 | 06:38 |
PinkFloyd | on command line | 06:39 |
sslaccessrocks | PinkFloyd: wow, didn't know you could bz2 from the program tar :) | 06:39 |
PinkFloyd | ofc :p | 06:39 |
sslaccessrocks | PinkFloyd: always used bunzip | 06:39 |
PinkFloyd | The j switch specifies bz2 | 06:39 |
Quoexl | could someone walk me through rsyncing a windows share on a ubuntu box? | 06:40 |
PinkFloyd | change the c switch to an x switch and it'll decompress it :p | 06:40 |
ardchoille | PinkFloyd: isn't it "tar cvjf tarball.tar.bz2 directory" ? | 06:40 |
sslaccessrocks | !rsync | Quoexl | 06:40 |
ubottu | Quoexl: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync | 06:40 |
PinkFloyd | It's been a while since I used it ardchoille, so possibly | 06:40 |
SolarisBoy | ardchoille: yes | 06:40 |
ardchoille | ah, ok | 06:40 |
Quoexl | I get that but I dont understand the stuff on that site | 06:41 |
Quoexl | mainly I want to put it in a cron | 06:41 |
SolarisBoy | rsync service running on windows ? or ssh? | 06:41 |
Quoexl | rsync running on the linux box windows using a share, smbmounting it | 06:42 |
SolarisBoy | you need a way for rsync to access windows | 06:42 |
gregg | I've got some samba cifs mount problems at boot, and at shutdown as well - any takers? :) | 06:42 |
SolarisBoy | either ssh or rsync protocol itself | 06:42 |
Quoexl | no I got the drive smbmounted | 06:42 |
SolarisBoy | ok so you want to rsync the mount to to something local? | 06:43 |
Quoexl | to /home/quoexl/windows | 06:43 |
Quoexl | no I want it to do rsync -r /home/quoexl/windows /backup/windows in a cron | 06:43 |
SolarisBoy | exactly | 06:43 |
SolarisBoy | you want sync the mount to something local | 06:44 |
Quoexl | here is the script I have so far | 06:44 |
SolarisBoy | use that line in cron... i dont see an issue with it... | 06:44 |
=== administrator is now known as Guest76628 |
Quoexl | will the smbmount work in there too? | 06:44 |
SolarisBoy | why not? given the network is up and mount is persistent ,, and mounted... | 06:44 |
Quoexl | woot, thanks | 06:45 |
gregg | I've got a bunch of samba shares in fstab - only SOME of them actually mount at startup, but a sudo mount -a works no probs - i connect via wireless | 06:45 |
h0rnman | gregg, what kind of problems? | 06:45 |
gregg | that's the startup problem | 06:45 |
gregg | we'll take the shutdown problem after ;) | 06:45 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: are all the shares on the same boxes? | 06:45 |
h0rnman | gregg, ubuntu version? | 06:45 |
gregg | yep | 06:45 |
SolarisBoy | hmm | 06:45 |
gregg | h0rnman: kubuntu karmic | 06:45 |
Quoexl | you could write an init.d script that smbmounts those | 06:45 |
SolarisBoy | why? | 06:46 |
gregg | i just don't understand why SOME mount no prob | 06:46 |
h0rnman | gregg, I'm wrestling with this one too | 06:46 |
SolarisBoy | maybe mount options? | 06:46 |
Quoexl | sheist occurs? | 06:46 |
gregg | my line in fstab: //\040test /home/gregg/Videos/filmstest smbfs credentials=/home/gregg/.smbcredentials,uid=1000 | 06:46 |
Guest76628 | i cant setteing desktop | 06:47 |
SolarisBoy | Greyhound-: | 06:47 |
SolarisBoy | that credentials line... | 06:47 |
SolarisBoy | i believe is buggy | 06:47 |
the_jackdaw | can i reinstall GRUB somehow? | 06:47 |
SolarisBoy | i tried using it for a client,, and use a hidden file like so.... | 06:47 |
gregg | hmm ok - workaround? | 06:47 |
SolarisBoy | didn't work,, til i specified user,password way | 06:47 |
h0rnman | gregg, try \\\films\ test /home/gregg/VIdeos/filmtest cifs credentials.....blah blah | 06:47 |
Quoexl | what is grub doing to you jack? | 06:47 |
h0rnman | smbfs is old, buggy, and going away at some point AFAIK | 06:48 |
SolarisBoy | that was on red hat though,, but that was my work around,,, | 06:48 |
gregg | ok i'll try the cifs thing we'll see if that works | 06:48 |
SolarisBoy | instead of the creds file,, i had to specify explicitly in the fstab user=,password.... | 06:48 |
gregg | now the shutdown problem ;o) | 06:48 |
SolarisBoy | heh k... | 06:48 |
the_jackdaw | Quoexl, it is not starting, im trying to dualboot with win7.. and when i installed ubuntu and restarted,, grub did not start, just went into windows | 06:48 |
h0rnman | remove the uid section at the end as well | 06:48 |
gregg | I hang at shutdown - CIFS VFS: No response for cmd 50 blabla | 06:48 |
Guest76628 | i cant mirror my desk top then it's icon is very large please tell me how to slove this problem | 06:48 |
Quoexl | sorry, outta my league | 06:49 |
the_jackdaw | :P | 06:49 |
seanbrystone | i tried, tar cvjf tarball.tar.bz2 filenamegoeshere no luck | 06:49 |
SolarisBoy | gregg sounds like you possibly have a network issue? | 06:49 |
Quoexl | are you on 2 drives? did it write to the wrong mbr? | 06:49 |
sslaccessrocks | seanbrystone: i would stick with peazip then after installing 7zip | 06:50 |
the_jackdaw | well, i have tried both with 2 disks,, and 1 disk 2 partitions | 06:50 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: from what I can read in the forums it's a "normal" problem - there are about 50000 ways to fix it though | 06:50 |
SolarisBoy | possibly options in samba.conf | 06:50 |
the_jackdaw | usually ubuntu should overwrite the windows bootloader | 06:50 |
seanbrystone | sslaccessrocks, yeah im using Nautilus , but was kinda hoping to do it CLI way :D | 06:51 |
sslaccessrocks | anyone know how to use apturl? | 06:51 |
archboxman | well figured out what they did to fix all those wifi card issues with Atheros wifi cards.. changed the module to ath9k from ath5k it was a backport driver | 06:51 |
Guest76628 | helloow i cant understand what's your tallking | 06:51 |
Mixxit | xD | 06:52 |
h0rnman | gregg, try: ln -s /etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh /etc/rc.0/K14umountnfs.sh <-- I think this is correct syntax :) | 06:52 |
gregg | ok - thanks h0rnman | 06:52 |
h0rnman | np...also add it to /etc/rc.6/ | 06:52 |
h0rnman | so you catch reboot | 06:53 |
gregg | h0rnman: no such file or directory | 06:53 |
sslaccessrocks | i am trying to download adobe flash through apturl (10.01) (i know ubuntu+1 exists), anyone know how to work apturl? | 06:53 |
SolarisBoy | i guess you just make one gregg | 06:53 |
h0rnman | gregg, no...it should be there | 06:53 |
Myrtti | !upstart | 06:53 |
archboxman | If anyone wants to read this about Atheros wifi cards: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309605&highlight=backports+for+wifi | 06:53 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 06:54 |
gregg | then why the error? ;) should i sudo the command? | 06:54 |
h0rnman | gregg, yes...sorry, I didn't specify | 06:54 |
gregg | oki | 06:54 |
gregg | h0rnman: same error | 06:54 |
Quoexl | question, is anything run out of init.d inherently run as sudo? | 06:54 |
Myrtti | h0rnman, gregg: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html | 06:54 |
archboxman | problem is upstart is using grub2 and having problems | 06:54 |
Steil_ | hey | 06:55 |
Steil_ | is there a way to change my ident reply? | 06:56 |
Callum__ | Quoexl: all the init scripts run as root (not sudo, sudo is just a command to temporarily elevate you to superuser privileges) | 06:56 |
h0rnman | yeah, I suppose you can do it that way too :) | 06:56 |
Callum__ | oh, he's gone... | 06:57 |
gregg | going to reboot see if my changes helped - brb ;) | 06:57 |
jungleberrykid | I'm having a problem booting, grub2 is fine, kernel image is fine, init scripts run and after AppArmour profiles loaded by boot hangs - I don't get any gui | 06:58 |
jungleberrykid | have tried reinstalling xserver-xorg, ubuntu-desktop, gdm..... hasn't fixed the problem... :( | 06:58 |
ultraz | hey, whats up with this new grub, how do i boot without splash screen and all other stuff. vga option not available anymore? | 06:59 |
sslaccessrocks | junbleberrykid: are you running on x86 on a 10 year old machine with poor to no acpi? | 06:59 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: what is the script for??? | 06:59 |
jungleberrykid | it's a brand new Dell XPS laptop | 06:59 |
jungleberrykid | I've tried with various boot line paramters incl noacpi | 07:00 |
jungleberrykid | how do I debug my boot process? | 07:00 |
archboxman | dmesg | 07:00 |
trollboy | is it possible to sync pidgin with IndicatorApplet 0.1? | 07:00 |
Mixxit | thanks for your help all, have a great week | 07:00 |
c_nick | jungleberrykid: ok seems like a weird question.. but can u tell me if i should go in for a DELL VOSTRO /New Inspiron 14 my budget is $800 bucks. since u took a new dell laptop ur view could come in handy for me .. i will be using for Work + play.. so i will use it almost daily.. even travel with it | 07:01 |
yoavsbg17 | hey, i uses ubuntu with Firefox, and some pages which based on Explorer loads with Gebrish. somebody please can help me who can am I fix it ?? | 07:01 |
[1]spike | were should apt packages be kept on the ubuntu install cd? | 07:01 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: not pointing at your wifi card or internet in general if so remove it.. it will either not connect or send a loopback test to infinity | 07:01 |
sslaccessrocks | spike: under pool | 07:02 |
jungleberrykid | I love my Dell laptop, performs really well and would pick it again if I had the choice | 07:02 |
gregg | bleah - my samba shares still didn't mount - well, 4 out of 7 mounted, the last three didn't | 07:02 |
c_nick | jungleberrykid: which one is it | 07:02 |
yoavsbg17 | somebody here can help please ? | 07:03 |
alazyworkaholic | I can't speak at #radeon & the ubuntu community documentation is very out of date. I have an ATI radeon 3200 & I want to know what my best options are re the open source radeon driver. I believe there are several ways to get it, not sure what they are. I want something that will have some newer code so at least basic 3D works, while remaining safe enough that I can depend on the driver to work for me mostly every day. | 07:03 |
sslaccessrocks | !ask | yoavsbg17 | 07:03 |
ubottu | yoavsbg17: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 07:03 |
git__ | can one resize ext4 primary partition while its online ? | 07:03 |
iflema | trollboy shutdown empathy and pidgin will take over..... | 07:03 |
yoavsbg17 | sslaccessrocks: i uses ubuntu with Firefox, and some pages which based on Explorer loads with Gebrish. somebody please can help me who can am I fix it ?? | 07:04 |
sslaccessrocks | git__: i believe so, but i believe its dangerous | 07:04 |
git__ | i'm experimenting | 07:04 |
gregg | I have 7 samba shares that should mount in fstab - only 4 out of the 7 mount (the first 4) - I connect using wireless - any ideas? | 07:04 |
^sn00per^ | sslaccessrocks : i followed the instructions on floppy2usb | 07:04 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: any luck? | 07:04 |
^sn00per^ | cant fingure where i went wrong | 07:05 |
iflema | trollboy the user switcher will need reloading or a reboot will doit..... | 07:05 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: you confirmed all the samba shares on from same windows host? | 07:05 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: i was going to try them soon, i just put them up as a mirror yesterday | 07:05 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: yep | 07:05 |
^sn00per^ | it works but just not finidng the disk that it is on | 07:05 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: and now if I run mount -a they all mount just fine | 07:05 |
trollboy | iflema, I've shut down empathy and am running pidgin now, but no love | 07:05 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: does this same behavior occur on a wired network? | 07:06 |
^sn00per^ | just need to point that grub to look in the external hard drive i just installed it to .. | 07:06 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: hmm, I haven't tried that | 07:06 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: that can happen | 07:06 |
iflema | trollboy i didnt notice the 0.1 | 07:06 |
=== Cheaser is now known as lpetrov |
SolarisBoy | gregg: as i stated check the network,, try a wire for a comparison | 07:06 |
^sn00per^ | any idea sslaccessrocks? | 07:06 |
yoavsbg17 | sslaccessrocks: ? | 07:06 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: the quickest solution would be to install seamonkey (sudo apt-get install seamonkey), but it sounds like you are trying to open a binary file with firefox (which no internet browser supports) | 07:06 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok i'll try... | 07:06 |
SolarisBoy | cool | 07:07 |
* iflema ive really got to stop trying to answer questions | 07:07 |
gregg | still looking for a solution to my shutdown problem - when I've got that, i'll try wired ;) | 07:07 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: i am not a big fan of using grub, when i need grub help, i go to the very quiet room #grub often until someone is there | 07:07 |
ShazbotMcNasty | I'm not getting any video, from any site. | 07:07 |
ShazbotMcNasty | what do? | 07:07 |
* iflema or not tring :) | 07:07 |
alazyworkaholic | I can't speak at #radeon & the ubuntu community documentation is very out of date. I have an ATI radeon 3200 & I want to know what my best options are re the open source radeon driver. I believe there are several ways to get it, not sure what they are. I want something that will have some newer code so at least basic 3D works, while remaining safe enough that I can depend on the driver to work for me mostly every day. | 07:07 |
sslaccessrocks | ShazbotMcNasty: reinstall adobe flash here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer | 07:07 |
^sn00per^ | sslaccessrocks: me either | 07:08 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: what happend to the umountsmb.sh script he asked you to link to your rc's? | 07:08 |
yoavsbg17 | i think that the site isn't support firefox, but as i know there is sould be some add-on to fix it ? | 07:08 |
yoavsbg17 | am I right ? | 07:08 |
Gryphon9 | Can someone help... i have instaled gnome do but i dont know how to make the fansy panel apper?:( | 07:08 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: when it can boot *.iso files using PEX emulation, then i'll support grub2 fully | 07:08 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: i didn't change the script - he just said to do some simlinks, no? | 07:08 |
^sn00per^ | sslaccessrocks: whats the default grub parameter on ubuntu ? | 07:08 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: thats what you would need for the script to execute on shutdown && reboot | 07:09 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: you could try a firefox addon, call user-agent and change it to "appear" like internet explorer | 07:09 |
aah | any issues w/ running xfce and gnome side-by-side? vanilla 9.10 install, just wondering which of the many xfce packages will Do The Right Thing without horking my gnome install | 07:09 |
sslaccessrocks | !grub2 | 07:09 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 | 07:09 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: i did the simlinks - still hanged on shutdown: "CIFS VFS: No response for cmd 50 blabla" | 07:09 |
trollboy | iflema, so I'm screwed? | 07:09 |
yoavsbg17 | ok thanks i'll try | 07:09 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: i think its grub-update, do a find / -name grub to search files | 07:09 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: your smb mount,, is it possible that its busy and write/delete many files there while its mounted? | 07:10 |
* iflema :) | 07:10 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: like possibly mount for music player or something that may hold onto a file? | 07:10 |
^sn00per^ | sslaccessrocks: why i am doing this route is because i have this viao pcg-u 101 hard drive is dead, the viao is not usb bootable, just need something like floppy2usb | 07:10 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: nope - I just shutdown without having done anything but looking at the files (not opening), same hang | 07:10 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: hmmmmm, could amarok be doing it? My library is on a mounted partition... | 07:11 |
TLUL | My Karmic install only boots up successfully roughly half of the time. How can I try to find out what the problem is? | 07:11 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: i went online and bought a ide to usb cable plus power adapter for $10 | 07:11 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: yes | 07:11 |
gregg | crap | 07:11 |
=== orion_ is now known as Guest65707 |
^sn00per^ | i have the usb to external hard drive | 07:11 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok - i'll try shutting down amarok and see wat happens | 07:11 |
gregg | brb | 07:11 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: ok | 07:11 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: you may also want to try a linux floppy to recover your files | 07:11 |
^sn00per^ | the viao is powering the hard drive just fine but bios does not support usb booting | 07:11 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: no, i mean it will detect the hard-drive as a thumb-drive after buying that, and it can boot from a live cd or linux floppy (that doesn't redirect floppy2usb) | 07:12 |
jungleberrykid | my karmic install does not boot up into X and I don't get any error messages on startup, what do I do? | 07:12 |
archboxman | grub2 if you have have problems just close your eyes and click your heels three times and "there is nowhere like home" soon you will see the desktop popup in your dreams... | 07:13 |
viviersf | y | 07:13 |
=== iflema is now known as tremmons |
sslaccessrocks | jungleberrykid: try alt+ctrl+F1 then login and type startx (errors if fails or will start up correctly) | 07:13 |
alazyworkaholic | I tried to get help on #radeon but I just get "Could not send to channel" every time I write something. I used to be able to talk a couple months ago, what gives? | 07:13 |
archboxman | grub2 if you have have problems just close your eyes and click your heels three times and repeat the words "there is nowhere like home" soon you will see the desktop popup in your dreams... | 07:13 |
jungleberrykid | that's the other problem I'm having: I don't get any tty's :( | 07:13 |
archboxman | grub2 if you have have problems just close your eyes and click your heels three times and repeat the words "there is nowhere like home" soon you will see the desktop popup in your dreams... | 07:13 |
Myrtti | archboxman: be helpful :-| | 07:13 |
sslaccessrocks | jungleberrykid: do you have an ssh server running on the machine you could ssh username@laptop -X to get X11 errors or see if its working | 07:14 |
archboxman | Myrtti: sorry Captian Morgan and OJ took over my brain .... | 07:14 |
^sn00per^ | yeah sslaccessrocks i get that but the thing is the laptop is not a usb bootable | 07:14 |
jungleberrykid | guy's where's the best place to get online support for boot issues? | 07:15 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: what about that grub2 iso put on a floppy? | 07:15 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: your looking at it | 07:15 |
jungleberrykid | I've googled extensively and need some experienced support with this issue I am experiencing.. | 07:15 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: do dmesg | 07:15 |
jungleberrykid | ok - how do I dmesg? | 07:15 |
yoavsbg17 | sslaccessrocks: there is no support for Linux :( | 07:15 |
jungleberrykid | lol | 07:15 |
SolarisBoy | type dmesg in a terminal | 07:15 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: its 1.2 MB, so it should fit on | 07:15 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: it wasn't amarok :( | 07:16 |
^sn00per^ | sslaccessrocks: ok does the grub2 have usb drivers | 07:16 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: you try the firefox useragent plugin? | 07:16 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: ok .. did you switch to wired? | 07:16 |
git__ | how can one debug filesystem prob? ... a tool like strace is cool | 07:16 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: not yet | 07:16 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: no, it sees whatever the bios sees | 07:16 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: you may need to use a livecd if your system keeps freezing | 07:16 |
yoavsbg17 | sorry i even don't know what is it .. | 07:16 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: i'll get there ;) | 07:16 |
jungleberrykid | everything looks good in dmesg - no warnings, no errors... | 07:16 |
^sn00per^ | this viao is too old to boot off a usb | 07:16 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: | 07:17 |
^sn00per^ | it is a pre 2000' | 07:17 |
jungleberrykid | I've already used LiveCD and flashstick boot | 07:17 |
SolarisBoy | sorry.. typed enter to early =) | 07:17 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: open firefox, tools, addons, search user-agent, download plugin, restart firefox, tools, user-agent, choose internet explorer, and it will fake internet explorer to websites | 07:17 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: what is the complete message dmesg that you see? | 07:17 |
klappi | jungleberrykid: what kind of box is it an old one? | 07:17 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: did you hook up a extrenal drive to this laptop??? | 07:17 |
jungleberrykid | I can mount my karmic boot partition and everything is there - nothing is missing or corrupt | 07:17 |
ultraz | how can i make 9.10 boot verbose/console. This grub2 is driving me crazy. | 07:17 |
SolarisBoy | is there messages about inodes and pending writes as well? | 07:17 |
archboxman | klappi: runing a dell xps | 07:18 |
sslaccessrocks | ultraz: try #grub | 07:18 |
jungleberrykid | I have not hooked up an external drive and it's a brand new Dell Studio 16 XPS laptop | 07:18 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: hold on - checking | 07:18 |
TLUL | What sort of logs are created at bootup that I could use to figure out why it's not always working? | 07:18 |
SolarisBoy | ok | 07:18 |
emghazal | When I boot the computer, I get "The application 'NetworkManager Applet' (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default keyring, but it is locked", and I have to enter the keyring password to access the wireless network. How do I let it connect to the wireless network without asking for the keyring password? | 07:18 |
SolarisBoy | TLUL: debug.log dmesg messages. | 07:18 |
q0_0p | anyone know an alternative to gnome-do? | 07:18 |
sslaccessrocks | emghazal: system -> preference -> encryption and keyrings (check there) | 07:19 |
TLUL | SolarisBoy: So how do I view them? | 07:19 |
SolarisBoy | TLUL: the commands less, cat, tail usually | 07:19 |
SolarisBoy | TLUL: they are text files | 07:19 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: it's HUGE - hope you're patient lol | 07:19 |
jungleberrykid | how do I determine what may be hanging my boot? | 07:19 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: use grep | 07:19 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ? | 07:19 |
TLUL | SolarisBoy: Where are the files located? | 07:20 |
klappi | jungleberrykid: dmes on console right after boot | 07:20 |
klappi | jungleberrykid: dmesg sorry | 07:20 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: grep -C10 'CIFS VFS' /var/log/messages .. would show 10 lines above and below each occurence of that regex.... | 07:20 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: what was the last thing you installed or played with??? | 07:20 |
SolarisBoy | use grep to slim out the output of everything else to see whats relevant.... | 07:20 |
sslaccessrocks | TLUL: to search for files in command line: find / -name searchterm where "/" is the location, which can be changed to say /home | 07:20 |
jungleberrykid | klappi: yes, that's exactly what I've done, dmesg and everything looks good - no errors, no warnings, it hangs straight after the AppArmor scripts complete... | 07:20 |
SolarisBoy | TLUL: logs go under /var/log/ | 07:21 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: nothing | 07:21 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: that command shows nothing at all | 07:21 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: possibly in a different log | 07:21 |
=== tremmons is now known as iflema |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: I removed gdm and I also installed upstart at the same time | 07:21 |
yoavsbg17 | sslaccessrocks: man it still doesn't work, can you try to open the page and maybe its my PC problem https://admin.nite.org.il/cls.php | 07:21 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: like debug.log or in dmesg buffer | 07:21 |
jungleberrykid | I've re-installed gdm, ubuntu-desktop, xserver-xorg | 07:21 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: its scrambled here too | 07:22 |
jungleberrykid | how do I investigate what could be halting my boot? | 07:22 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: sorry i'm not too good with log files :( | 07:22 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: you have to install the arabic language its in to see it properly | 07:22 |
yoavsbg17 | what is scrambled ?! | 07:22 |
SolarisBoy | grep where did you find those samba related errors? | 07:22 |
TLUL | jungleberrykid: what problems are you having? The boot is hanging sometimes? | 07:22 |
SolarisBoy | s/grep/gregg/ | 07:22 |
emghazal | sslaccessrocks: I don't have "System -> Preferences -> encryption and keyrings", did you mean "Applicatins -> Accessories -> Passwords and Encryption Keys"? I looked there and didn't find an option to not ask for the keyring password | 07:22 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: you running gnome"" | 07:22 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: you running gnome?? | 07:23 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ??? | 07:23 |
ddavids | hello | 07:23 |
yoavsbg17 | sslaccessrocks: with internet explorer it working well | 07:23 |
jungleberrykid | TLUL: the boot is hanging every single time - at the same place, straight after AppArmor profiles have loaded it just hangs and won't go into X | 07:23 |
sslaccessrocks | emghazal: sorry, im still on 9.04, thats where i could have checked (had the problem and google worked a while ago) | 07:23 |
git__ | is all the new netbook 64-bit? | 07:23 |
SolarisBoy | you showed,, this , CIFS VFS: No response for cmd 50 | 07:23 |
gregg | right | 07:23 |
desert-pingus | Hi | 07:23 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: yes, running gnome | 07:23 |
SolarisBoy | qgwhere did you get that? on console as you shutdown? | 07:23 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: its not blocking firefox, firefox just needs you to install the language pack | 07:23 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: that showed up on my screen at shutdown, hung there | 07:23 |
desert-pingus | Hi....... | 07:24 |
indus | heya | 07:24 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: I would load in a windows manager and see if it is gnome.... even though this may be a waiste of time | 07:24 |
ddavids | pls i have sound on my speakers and headphones when the headphones are connected, how do i ensure only the headphones have sound when connected? | 07:24 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: you can install them from here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:3 | 07:24 |
yoavsbg17 | mm so what am i need to looking for ? | 07:24 |
SolarisBoy | ok so right.. it may be in dmesg,, you go dmesg |grep 'CIFS' | 07:24 |
=== andrea is now known as Guest90870 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: ok, how would I load a windows manager in? | 07:24 |
Gryphon9 | Can someone help... i have instaled gnome do but i dont know how to make the fansy panel apper?:( | 07:24 |
SolarisBoy | s/go/can do/ im having a bad typing day... | 07:24 |
archboxman | need to install windows manager like flux box | 07:25 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: nothing | 07:25 |
gregg | dmesg | grep 'CIFS' shows nothing | 07:25 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: grep CIFS /var/log/* | 07:25 |
jungleberrykid | ok, I will search on flux box.... brb | 07:25 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: would loading a windows manger be a good idea?? | 07:25 |
alazyworkaholic | can anyone tell me how reliable the ati radeon driver from the xorg-edgers ppa is? | 07:25 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: again? | 07:25 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok that gives me a lot | 07:26 |
Gryphon9 | indus: may you pm me | 07:26 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: ok,, do you see the error there? | 07:26 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: pressing the idea of jungleberrykid loading a windows manager to see if gnome is the problem ... is this a waste of time??? | 07:26 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: whats the problem with his window manager? whats in logs,, im not sure what the issue was | 07:27 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: did that help you at all, i have to head out so i want to answer any further questions before I leave | 07:27 |
ddavids | pls how do i limit sound to the headphones when connected? | 07:27 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: in syslog.1 and kern.log the same message over and over: CIFS VFS: No response for cmd 117 mid [different numbers] - and then CIFS VFS: Unexpected lookup error -11 | 07:27 |
Cappy | folks, im currently using arch, but i'm missing the software repo's from ubuntu, is there any way of building ubuntu to have it a bit snappier, but keep the usability? | 07:27 |
navetz | how do I run a cronjob of something located in /home/name/script | 07:27 |
yoavsbg17 | sslaccessrocks: there is no package lang for Arabic | 07:27 |
navetz | it wont execute | 07:27 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: my karmic 9.10 install loads the kernel image fine, runs scripts and then just hangs after AppArmor profiles are loaded, no warnings, no error messages.......... and no X :( | 07:27 |
navetz | but works properly if I just run it | 07:28 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: not resolving the issue just proving the idea jungleberrykid loading scripts may have lead to gnome failing all at one time | 07:28 |
git__ | navetz, gotta make sure it's executable | 07:28 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: yes something other than amarok is holding it open... you may need to create some sort of script to kill the smb mounts and whatever processes/handles it is... better yet | 07:28 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: try lsof, or fuser to see all whats holding the drive... | 07:28 |
git__ | navetz, chmod u+x /home/name/script | 07:28 |
sslaccessrocks | yoavsbg17: do you know how to read arabic, if you do, the arabic ubuntu help channel would be a better place to ask | 07:28 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i see | 07:28 |
git__ | then use: crontab -e | 07:28 |
qUaNtiC_ | hi guys, how to install system-integrity-check on 8.10? cant find it in synaptic... | 07:29 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: umm, lsof is HUGE | 07:29 |
yoavsbg17 | sorry .. i don't | 07:29 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: you need an argument | 07:29 |
navetz | git__: it is executable, it works fine on its own, just not in crontab | 07:29 |
yoavsbg17 | but i'll try the hebrew one | 07:29 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: never the idea of moving that fast with either hard ware or software cause a hiccup... | 07:29 |
ddavids | pls how do i limit sound to the headphones when connected? | 07:29 |
sslaccessrocks | qUaNtiC_: try the command in terminal: apt-cache search integrity | 07:29 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: like? | 07:29 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: what does fluxbox replace? what does gnome normally use? | 07:29 |
yoavsbg17 | anyway thanks ! | 07:29 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: try 'sudo fuser /path/to/smbmountwithissue' | 07:30 |
sslaccessrocks | !arabic | yoavsbg17 | 07:30 |
ubottu | yoavsbg17: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية | 07:30 |
git__ | navetz, pipe the execution to log to see what went wrong | 07:30 |
^sn00per^ | *sigh* dang.. im getting run around | 07:30 |
qUaNtiC_ | sslaccessrocks: it gives a lot of packages, but i did the same search in synaptic and it did give a lot there as well, but none was named system-integrity-check | 07:30 |
yoavsbg17 | fine | 07:30 |
[1]spike | ok does anyone know how i can add packages? to my pool/main so my apt-get can get and install them? i have modified sources.list to point to my mirror | 07:30 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: jungleberrykid is this a new install? | 07:30 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: it uses different software towards that of gnome ... gnome includes its own library of tools ... and fluxbox or other windows managers use there own tools | 07:30 |
git__ | * * * * * /home/name/script >> /home/name/file.log 2>&1 | 07:31 |
Speedy2 | www.search2.net | 07:31 |
sslaccessrocks | qUaNtiC_: try http://packages.ubuntu.com maybe its depreciated? | 07:31 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: jungleberrykid are you able to get to recovery/single user mode? | 07:31 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: nothinb | 07:31 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: nothing* | 07:31 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: ok | 07:31 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: this is not a new install, I had it working perfectly except that I could not get any tty consoles.... I uninstalled gdm and then ran into this problem... | 07:31 |
^sn00per^ | sslaccessrocks: someone just told me to update my firmware i just gave the spec to where this dang viao is not usb bootable | 07:31 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: no need to talk to me just jungleberrykid .... | 07:31 |
SolarisBoy | ok | 07:31 |
mukiex_ | is fstab still the "proper" way to permanently mount Samba shares? | 07:31 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: did that fix it? | 07:32 |
navetz | git__: alright cool, what does 2>&1 mean? I've seen it before but forgot | 07:32 |
mukiex_ | Just in case there's a better way to do it nowadays, I haven't used Linux in ages. | 07:32 |
^sn00per^ | no | 07:32 |
SolarisBoy | hmm have you tried reinstalling gdm? | 07:32 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: I am not able to get into single user/recovery mode - it hangs in the same place..... if I add 'rw init=/bin/bash' to my boot then I can get root access at the command prompt.... | 07:32 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: I watch from the cheep sets and file in the blanks... | 07:32 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: =) | 07:32 |
^sn00per^ | sslaccessrocks: no not really the netbook i have is viao pcg u101 which they do not have updates for firmware.. | 07:33 |
^sn00per^ | and its not usb bootable .. | 07:33 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: try that and to start networking and try to install gdm again,, | 07:33 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: arm architecture? | 07:33 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: I have also usccessfully booted to LiveCD, mounted the partition, run fsck on partition - files are all fine, can even mount to the partition - everything is there.... | 07:33 |
SolarisBoy | is all i can think,, im not good with X/gui related stuff | 07:33 |
gregg | maybe permanent mount of my samba shares using fstab is the problem??? | 07:33 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: interesting | 07:33 |
sslaccessrocks | !arm | ^sn00per^ | 07:33 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: or the options used... | 07:33 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: the thing may be wireless... | 07:34 |
^sn00per^ | no its ont a arm archieture | 07:34 |
sslaccessrocks | !armel | ^sn00per^ | 07:34 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: have booted to root command prompt, have re-installed gdm, have re-installed ubuntu-desktop, have re-install xserver-xorg... | 07:34 |
^sn00per^ | !arm | 07:34 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: ok | 07:34 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: that's what i was thinking - maybe i should be mounting AFTER fstab is loaded? like rc.0 or something?? | 07:34 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: ok, thought u might want to check that before going further, i have to head out, if i find anything, i'll add to that auburn site | 07:34 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: when I run 'startx' from root prompt it displays some messages which are too quick for me to read and then I get a blank screen - no X.... | 07:34 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: that is what I don't understand that is how I make mistakes in computer builds is moving to fast | 07:34 |
git__ | navetz, redirect standard error (STDERR) to STDOUT which is the file.log | 07:34 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: i think thats a viable option,, wireless is up/downy by design,, you may not notice it but it can affect services... | 07:35 |
^sn00per^ | thanks sslaccessrocks | 07:35 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: it may be best to just mount samba manually | 07:35 |
sslaccessrocks | ^sn00per^: np, good day | 07:35 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: those messages are in a log file | 07:35 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman & SolarisBoy: how do I run 'startx' in verbose mode or debug mode? :) | 07:36 |
archboxman | gregg: that has to do with your wireless card and range | 07:36 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: those messages are in X11 logs | 07:36 |
gregg | archboxman: what do you mean exactly? | 07:36 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: ok, I will search for that.... brb | 07:36 |
SolarisBoy | ok | 07:36 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: /var/log/ is the location | 07:36 |
archboxman | gregg: lspci -nnk give me wireless card and module there are some cards known to drop signal... | 07:37 |
^sn00per^ | gregg is there other place i can go to get some help on about booting into external usb hard drive where the laptop is not usb bootable ? | 07:37 |
Moat | I need nelp | 07:37 |
Moat | I have a source code in perl | 07:37 |
Moat | and I wanna know how 2 run it | 07:37 |
git__ | navetz, do u know why people do that? One reason is because cron email STDERR, that statement redirect STDERR to a log file instead | 07:37 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: couple ways | 07:38 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: make it executable with chmod +x | 07:38 |
gregg | archboxman: the output is big - what am i looking for exactly? | 07:38 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: or run it like /usr/bin/perl <script>... | 07:38 |
navetz | git__: ahh thank you :) | 07:38 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: I only see 'Xorg.0.log' and 'Xorg.0.log.old' in that folder and both are completely empty.... :( | 07:38 |
gregg | archboxman: Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g [14e4:4315] (rev 01) | 07:38 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: sounds like rotation,, try the startx again | 07:39 |
gregg | archboxman: Kernel driver in use: wl | 07:39 |
archboxman | gregg: need wifi card info ok lets look up module | 07:39 |
gregg | archboxman: Kernel modules: wl, ssb | 07:39 |
jungleberrykid | SolarBoy: I can try the startx again but it will just hang, when I reboot the logs are empty.... | 07:39 |
SolarisBoy | ok | 07:39 |
archboxman | gregg: thats fine want to see if people are report drops and gains with wifi card | 07:39 |
jungleberrykid | is there any way to run startx in verbose mode or debug mode?? | 07:40 |
SolarisBoy | do startx and redirect standard error to a file that will persist after reboot... | 07:40 |
ddavids | pls how do i limit sound to the headphones when connected? | 07:40 |
gregg | archboxman: ok | 07:40 |
SolarisBoy | something under your home maybe? | 07:40 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: that is an excellent idea! how would I redirect the output? | 07:40 |
SolarisBoy | using > and to do standard error and all to that file.. >& | 07:41 |
=== linucks is now known as linucks[afk] |
archboxman | gregg: found it... that wireless card has issues | 07:43 |
SolarisBoy | so i think startx >& /home/${USER}/xerrors.log would suffice jungleberrykid | 07:43 |
SolarisBoy | you can test it with a command that doesn't crash the box first =) | 07:43 |
Lostinspace_46 | Some pkg questions. First, what is the difference between pkgA gotten from ubuntu repos, and pkgA gotten from a websight? | 07:43 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: thank you so much, I will give it a try and let you know.... brb | 07:43 |
gregg | archboxman: ok... so how can i solve the samba mounting problem? | 07:43 |
archboxman | gregg: found people using both the module and nsdiwrapper for that card is causing problems with connecitons not samba | 07:44 |
gregg | my connection seems fine - even samba when i acually get it mounted | 07:44 |
SolarisBoy | hmm but those errors are indicative of samba executing commands when it shouldn't... | 07:44 |
SolarisBoy | usually that happends when file handles are still open on mounted shares at shutdown.. | 07:44 |
Gryphon9 | Ah can any one help me? im having a problem getting Gnome Do to work, i've installed it but i just can't get it to become the toolbar??? | 07:45 |
SolarisBoy | if it was a connection issue of dropping,, he would like have STALE file handle issues in logs | 07:45 |
SolarisBoy | s/like/likely/ | 07:45 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: question is how far are you from this router and computer | 07:45 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: thats should be noted,, however the nature of wireless as stated is up/downy.. there is much overhead involved... | 07:46 |
marek_ | hi, can you help me with apache2 installation? | 07:46 |
gregg | going to reboot - brb | 07:46 |
marek_ | how can i allow other computers from my network to access for my local server? | 07:46 |
marek_ | i can see it from localhost | 07:46 |
archboxman | gregg: there is something known as refraction in wireless terms which means if two signals are sent to the same wifi card in will either bost the signal or degrade the wifi signal | 07:47 |
Moat | I want to run the source code of perl script...how? | 07:47 |
SolarisBoy | overhead that can affect services but not be noticeable to gregg as hes surfing the web or whatever... which is why people would generally not perist network shares on wireless networks... | 07:47 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: what with jungleberrykid ??? | 07:47 |
SolarisBoy | he can find simply if his connections are dropping alot by doing netstat -s | 07:48 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: is going to redirect errors to a log and come back | 07:48 |
SolarisBoy | i mean archboxman ^ | 07:48 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: I've just run startx and redirected standard output like SolarisBoy suggested - it hangs and I am rebooting right now.... | 07:48 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: smart move | 07:48 |
Moat | I want to run the source code of perl script...how? | 07:48 |
Gryphon9 | Ah can any one help me? im having a problem getting Gnome Do to work, i've installed it but i just can't get it to become the toolbar???:( | 07:49 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: as stated make the file executable or... | 07:49 |
SolarisBoy | use path to perl and the file | 07:49 |
Moat | how? | 07:49 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: chmod +x <file> | 07:49 |
Moat | ...rite, I'll PM you. | 07:49 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: or /usr/bin/perl <file> | 07:49 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: no need thats whats needed | 07:49 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: log file xerrors.log is empty.... :( | 07:49 |
Moat | hmm | 07:49 |
Moat | the file is on my desktop and I named it "Wordly" so whats the command? | 07:49 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: maybe the redirect line is wrong =) give me a second.. | 07:49 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: kk | 07:50 |
SolarisBoy | thats why i asked you to test on a another command first.. i forget all the redirect ins/outs i usually just google it | 07:50 |
Lostinspace_46 | Some pkg questions. First, what is the difference between pkgA gotten from ubuntu repos, and pkgA gotten from a websight? | 07:50 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: ok, I will google it now... | 07:50 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: http://www.mathinfo.u-picardie.fr/asch/f/MeCS/courseware/users/help/general/unix/redirection.html | 07:50 |
gregg | ok - getting more and more frustrated - how can i mount my samba shares automatically AFTER my wireless connects? - i'm still only getting 4 out of 7 shares mounting no matter what I put in fstab | 07:50 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: you can use a sleep period in a start script... | 07:51 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: how's that? | 07:51 |
archboxman | gregg: how far are you from this box.. you need to get closer and elminate problems... | 07:52 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: sleep <until network is ready>; mount <samba share>; mount <samba share>; mount <samba share>; mount <samba share> | 07:52 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: I've bookmarked this site, thank you - it's an excellent reference! :) | 07:52 |
gregg | archboxman: I'm about 5 meters from the box | 07:52 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: =) np | 07:52 |
archboxman | gregg: sam room?? | 07:52 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: archboxman that is not always the issue.. | 07:52 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok sorry - you're over my head =) | 07:52 |
SolarisBoy | as stated... wireless is up/downy | 07:52 |
gregg | i know nothing about start scripts | 07:52 |
Moat | SolarisBoy, can you answer me? | 07:53 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: i really think all hoopla is because the shares are probably holding large files and some dont all get mounted at boot in the alloted time before they time out... | 07:53 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: what did you ask? | 07:53 |
gregg | issue is: at boot only 4 out of 7 samba shares mount from fstab - it's always the same 4 - mount -a works after my network comes up, so it MUST be a timing thing, right? | 07:53 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: ask here | 07:53 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: no | 07:53 |
Moat | the file is on my desktop and I named it "Wordly" so whats the command? I want to run a perl script | 07:53 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: sounds like a network thing again | 07:54 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: I've tested it with ls command and it works - output is successfully written to the file.... I'll give it another try now with startx.... :) | 07:54 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: chmod +x Wordly and then ./Wordly | 07:54 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: k | 07:54 |
ddavids | pls how do i limit sound to the headphones when connected? | 07:54 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: the shares are holding large files - how to enlarge the timeout then? | 07:54 |
archboxman | gregg: that is why I want you to elimanate the distance between computers and walls interfering with signal path | 07:55 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: we may need to investigate mount options in samba,, or a nasty dirty way to mount with a script that sleeps until a period time and then mounts all samba,, | 07:55 |
alazyworkaholic | I am stuck in low-graphics mode. I had fglrx, removed it, & (I think) I installed the xorg-edgers drivers only ppa for the open source driver, but it didn't work. I need a bit of help. | 07:55 |
Ari_Lazarus | Hi guys. What does it mean why I use wine on an .exe in terminal and get no response? Is there a particular setting I can try? | 07:55 |
SolarisBoy | wireless switches algorithms/frequncies constantly,, you can be right in the room of the device or not.. wireless is just not the proper transport for certain things,, | 07:56 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: well wired isn't an option unfortunately | 07:56 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: It worked!! :) | 07:57 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: sweet | 07:57 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: ok | 07:57 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: I have output in the file now.. :) | 07:57 |
Moat | SolarisBoy | 07:57 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: I agree that is the method of closing the gap in his approach to see a steady signal .. | 07:57 |
Moat | I'm still having the same problem | 07:57 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: so we need to look at the optiions of moving the smbmounts from fstab and not having them persistent | 07:57 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: whats the issue now? | 07:57 |
neil_d | I can't get my sound card to work! its an "ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)" anyone know what module should be loaded for this sound card? | 07:57 |
Moat | chmod: cannot access `Wordly': No such file or directory | 07:57 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: aaaaaaah.... I think we're getting somewhere now... :) | 07:57 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: you need to be on the desktop | 07:57 |
Lostinspace_46 | Ari_Lazarus, It is easiest to right click the .EXE icon and pice open with wine | 07:58 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: cd to where the file is and try again | 07:58 |
Moat | it's on my desktop so "cd~"? | 07:58 |
SolarisBoy | no | 07:58 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok - where can we put them if not fstab? | 07:58 |
SolarisBoy | thats home desktop is ~/Desktop | 07:58 |
Kovra | I have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, my system is almost unusable at the moment. Xorg is using a massive amount of CPU cycles. | 07:58 |
Ari_Lazarus | Lostinspace_46: That's what I did initially, I used the terminal when it seemed to do nothing. | 07:58 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: no where or a start script | 07:58 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: Backtrace: Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: dl_open_worker: Assertion '_dl_debug_initialize (0, args->nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed! | 07:59 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok - so I need to learn about start scripts ;) | 07:59 |
Moat | still having issues SolarisBO | 07:59 |
jazz | does anyone use pidgin! | 07:59 |
Lostinspace_46 | Ari_Lazarus, Hmm, don't know, never had it happen to me | 07:59 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: i suggest you make a script that contains the lines to mount them all as 1 part.. then either add that sript to startup with a sleep value or just call that script when you are sure your network is ready | 07:59 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: what is a dl-open?? will look at google | 08:00 |
ZykoticK9 | Ari_Lazarus, what are you trying to run? | 08:00 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: thats an error =) | 08:00 |
Tmj31 | yo | 08:00 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: again, I need to learn about start scripts - you're speaking chinese to me ;) | 08:00 |
Tmj31 | any good places to talk computers | 08:00 |
SolarisBoy | those are functions in an application jungleberrykid | 08:00 |
Ari_Lazarus | ZykoticK9: Quest for Glory IV, but I just realized I might have needed Dosbox instead of WINE :O | 08:00 |
Moat | SolarisBoy, the file is on my desktop | 08:00 |
rww | ubottu: anyone | jazz | 08:00 |
ubottu | jazz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:01 |
Moat | and I'm not getting anything | 08:01 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: you simply move the lines like "mount" into a file | 08:01 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: cd ~/Desktop | 08:01 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: ok, I will need to google it - means nothing to me... lol | 08:01 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: its a xorg problem | 08:01 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: i got that far - it's auto-running that script at a certain point in time that gets me | 08:01 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: here is the link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/128891 | 08:01 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: ahh ,, i see =) | 08:01 |
Tmj31 | can anyone see my msg | 08:01 |
archboxman | Tmj31: yes | 08:01 |
ZykoticK9 | Ari_Lazarus, well there doesn't appear to be a WineHQ entry for it? Personally, I've never heard of the series. Best of luck. | 08:02 |
archboxman | Tmj31: you registered a nic | 08:02 |
SolarisBoy | Moat if the file is on your desktop just cd there your desktop is under your home afaik | 08:02 |
Viking667 | morning/afternoon/evening, all. | 08:02 |
SolarisBoy | hi Viking667 | 08:02 |
Ari_Lazarus | ZykoticK9: Don't worry about it. It was one of the more popular adventure point-and-clicks back in the early 90s, along with Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, and Monkey Island. :) | 08:03 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: did you upgrade ubuntu before the xorg file | 08:03 |
jazz | 1 is there a pidgin channel 2 why does the ruttin facebook pluggin always disconnects | 08:03 |
Viking667 | Anyone here gone and compiled a kernel for 9.10? I'm having occasional memory allocation issues with 3D programs. | 08:03 |
Moat | SolarisBoy, the file is "Wordly" and it's on my desktop, What is the command? | 08:03 |
ZykoticK9 | Ari_Lazarus, try in DosBox then < DB is pretty good | 08:03 |
jungleberrykid | brb | 08:03 |
Ari_Lazarus | Yup, installing now. | 08:03 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: Moat... 1. cd to the desktop.. step 2. chmod +x the file,, if it isn't owned by you use sudo | 08:04 |
SolarisBoy | thats it | 08:04 |
Viking667 | (as long as the user's in the sudoer's file" | 08:04 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: and how to make it run at boot? | 08:04 |
SolarisBoy | then run ./<file> | 08:04 |
SolarisBoy | gregg add it to startup services ,, thats in the gui | 08:04 |
rww | jazz: 1) yes, /join #pidgin 2) Facebook can do Jabber now, try that instead of the plugin. I believe there are instructions if you click "Pidgin" in the center-bottom of http://www.facebook.com/sitetour/chat.php | 08:04 |
Moat | sudo: +x: command not found | 08:04 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: your taking on a lot | 08:04 |
Moat | Really, this is becoming pathetic. | 08:05 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: not sudo +x chmod +x | 08:05 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: umm, i'm in kubuntu... | 08:05 |
SolarisBoy | sudo chmod +x <file> | 08:05 |
Viking667 | yeah, you gotta be explicit with your commands. | 08:05 |
Moat | chmod: cannot access `Wordly': No such file or directory | 08:05 |
Moat | Honestly... | 08:05 |
SolarisBoy | sorry im not used to end users... | 08:05 |
Viking667 | Moat: hm. Where's "Worldly" then? | 08:05 |
archboxman | gregg: is that user added to the sudo user group?? | 08:05 |
SolarisBoy | heh | 08:05 |
Moat | "Wordly" is on my desktop | 08:05 |
gregg | archboxman: what user? | 08:05 |
Moat | and it's a perl source code, it's saved as a text document | 08:06 |
SolarisBoy | Worldy simply cd /home/user/desktop | 08:06 |
Viking667 | Moat: thats' why you do what SolarisBoy suggested: | 08:06 |
SolarisBoy | where user is you user name | 08:06 |
ddavids | Two newly installed karmic systems, one setup as a print server, the other as a print client. However, I cannot see any of the server's printers from the client. | 08:06 |
Moat | What he said failed | 08:06 |
Moat | so THERE. | 08:06 |
archboxman | gregg: do u use the right password for sudo?? | 08:06 |
Viking667 | i.e. for me: $ cd $HOME/Desktop | 08:06 |
SolarisBoy | failed where? | 08:06 |
gregg | archboxman: yes | 08:06 |
Viking667 | ls Worldly | 08:06 |
gregg | archboxman: where are you going with this? | 08:06 |
SolarisBoy | lol ::face palms:: | 08:06 |
Viking667 | SolarisBoy: lol. | 08:06 |
Viking667 | He's not stupid, trust me. | 08:07 |
SolarisBoy | i know...... | 08:07 |
SolarisBoy | .. | 08:07 |
archboxman | gregg: move that file from desktop to home folder and follow commands | 08:07 |
rww | Moat: chmod +x ~/Desktop/Wordly | 08:07 |
SolarisBoy | rww: nice one | 08:07 |
SolarisBoy | lol | 08:07 |
Viking667 | yup. | 08:07 |
jazz | rww, thanks once again, also is there a music community? for musicians who use linux? | 08:07 |
* Viking667 ^5's rww | 08:07 |
SolarisBoy | getting right to it... | 08:07 |
iwanraga | ffff | 08:07 |
* SolarisBoy slaps rww one too | 08:07 |
Viking667 | f#f#f#f# | 08:07 |
Moat | nothing happened | 08:08 |
ddavids | Two newly installed karmic systems, one setup as a print server, the other as a print client. However, I cannot see any of the server's printers from the client. | 08:08 |
archboxman | lmao | 08:08 |
Moat | why am i not suprised. | 08:08 |
SolarisBoy | lol Moat nothing will | 08:08 |
Moat | ....e-e | 08:08 |
SolarisBoy | just do chmod -v +x if you want to see something | 08:08 |
iwanraga | halooo | 08:08 |
ddavids | Two newly installed karmic systems, one setup as a print server, the other as a print client. However, I cannot see any of the server's printers from the client. pls, can anybody help? | 08:08 |
Viking667 | Moat: now, go run the program: ~/Desktop/Worldly | 08:08 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: you need to then run the script... Moat you not payinh attn.. i told you two ways... | 08:08 |
rww | Moat: yes, that makes it executable. You'd then run it with "~/Desktop/Wordly" or "perl ~/Desktop/Wordly" | 08:08 |
SolarisBoy | 1. make the file executable,, 2. execute under perl directly... | 08:09 |
Moat | k.. | 08:09 |
rww | jazz: I don't know, unfortunately. The people in #ubuntu-offtopic might. | 08:09 |
Viking667 | those are alternatives, by the way | 08:09 |
Cappy | anyone alive here? | 08:09 |
ddavids | Two newly installed karmic systems, one setup as a print server, the other as a print client. However, I cannot see any of the server's printers from the client. pls, can anybody help? | 08:09 |
Viking667 | Cappy: naa. we're all dead. What the(*%)@% do YOU think? | 08:09 |
ZykoticK9 | !repeat > ddavids | 08:09 |
ubottu | ddavids, please see my private message | 08:09 |
archboxman | lmao | 08:09 |
jazz | rww, ty | 08:10 |
archboxman | Cappy: give me something to work with??? | 08:10 |
Viking667 | -ENOBRAIN | 08:10 |
SolarisBoy | todays me birthday =) | 08:10 |
SolarisBoy | <--just noticed | 08:11 |
archboxman | gregg: were are you at.. good bad or ugly??? | 08:11 |
alazyworkaholic | I am stuck in low-graphics mode. I had fglrx, removed it, & (I think) I installed the xorg-edgers drivers only ppa for the open source driver, but it didn't work. I need a bit of help. | 08:11 |
gregg | archboxman: good - getting there, writing my script | 08:11 |
alphacharlie_ | i installed gtk+-2.19.but when i'm giving the command pkg-config --modversion gtk+.it's showing 1.2.10.shouldn't that be 2.19.0? | 08:11 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: nice =) | 08:11 |
SolarisBoy | make sure to put the shabang on top | 08:12 |
gregg | shabang? | 08:12 |
Viking667 | #!/.... | 08:12 |
archboxman | gregg: thats the reply we want to here ... don't leave us in the dark | 08:12 |
SolarisBoy | #!/bin/bash | 08:12 |
Viking667 | ^^^ example | 08:12 |
Moat | it worked | 08:12 |
Moat | hurrah | 08:12 |
Viking667 | #!/usr/bin/perl << is another example | 08:13 |
SolarisBoy | \0/ | 08:13 |
Viking667 | Good. Give yourself a pat on the back | 08:13 |
SolarisBoy | nice work Moat | 08:13 |
Moat | yaay | 08:13 |
SolarisBoy | woot | 08:13 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: and Viking667 you cleanded up this mess | 08:13 |
user01_ | can anyone help me making my home server? | 08:13 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: =) | 08:13 |
SolarisBoy | user01_: home server? that does what? | 08:14 |
Moat | Is there an easier way to run perl scripts? | 08:14 |
user01_ | that host my website via ISP | 08:14 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: easier? | 08:14 |
q0_0p | anyone here able to get gnome-do working with openbox? | 08:14 |
user01_ | how | 08:14 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: yes /usr/bin/perl <script> | 08:14 |
Moat | like a way to make the file auto-execute | 08:14 |
Moat | like a program | 08:14 |
Moat | or etc. | 08:14 |
Viking667 | uh, no. | 08:14 |
SolarisBoy | ummm | 08:14 |
archboxman | q0_0p: not open box | 08:14 |
Viking667 | That's a really bad idea | 08:14 |
SolarisBoy | what does it do? | 08:15 |
archboxman | I dont think gnome do runs in openbox give me a second | 08:15 |
SolarisBoy | you can put it in cron... | 08:15 |
Viking667 | Moat: If you want to execute the program, then have it execute by hand. Having it execute automatically should only be done when you trust the (1) author, (2) program, and (3) users on that computer. | 08:15 |
Moat | I made it | 08:16 |
Moat | lol | 08:16 |
Viking667 | oh, and (4) you know what the *@)( the program does. | 08:16 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: what does it do? | 08:16 |
Moat | Uh, thats personal >.> | 08:16 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: you need to run when automatically? at boot up? | 08:16 |
Viking667 | Fine. Run it on your own computers then, and don't kick it off automatically. | 08:16 |
Moat | no, just have it auto run when i want | 08:16 |
SolarisBoy | umm... | 08:17 |
SolarisBoy | you need to run it manually then... | 08:17 |
archboxman | q0_0p: this is all I could find http://www.everyjoe.com/newlinuxuser/openbox-gnome-panel/ | 08:17 |
q0_0p | archboxman, its all good thx for helpin me out | 08:17 |
Jamesofur | hey, I feel like this should be a relatively easy thing but I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I have no sound in my browsers with flash (youtube etc) video yes but no sound. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling flash from multiple sources to no luck :( even get an error when I try to install it from adobe's website. Just reinstalled from the package manager and still no sound | 08:17 |
archboxman | q0_0p: sorry I use fluxbox | 08:17 |
ZykoticK9 | q0_0p, if you want gnome-do docky, pretty sure that requires a WM with compositing does OpenBox have that? | 08:18 |
q0_0p | ZykoticK9, u can use compositing with xcompmgr | 08:18 |
SolarisBoy | Moat: if you get a better idea of when you want it to run put it in cron,, given it doesn't break things... | 08:18 |
Viking667 | Moat: when you want== cron. | 08:18 |
ZykoticK9 | q0_0p, well, don't see why it wouldn't work then? does it drag in lots of Gnome for dependencies? | 08:19 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i kind of like fluxbox how it's easy to create keybindings | 08:19 |
SolarisBoy | i think he means when i want like randomly... | 08:19 |
Moat | k.. | 08:19 |
q0_0p | ZykoticK9, http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=320854 | 08:19 |
SolarisBoy | but if you know the times... then yes cron... | 08:19 |
q0_0p | ZykoticK9, yes it drags a lot of gnome dependencies | 08:19 |
archboxman | q0_0p: keybindings are not a big deal , but they have there problems like most windows managers | 08:19 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i dont like openbox keybindings | 08:20 |
q0_0p | archboxman, but i like how it looks though | 08:20 |
q0_0p | archboxman, have u tried lxde? | 08:20 |
Fill23 | where to look if i can't find specific resolution? | 08:20 |
Fill23 | for monitor | 08:20 |
archboxman | q0_0p: yes its a mess... some of the cpu is eaten up | 08:21 |
q0_0p | archboxman, how so? | 08:21 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i like everythign except for its keybindings >_< | 08:21 |
archboxman | q0_0p: network manager eats a lot of the cpu... | 08:21 |
q0_0p | archboxman, u dont have to use nm-applet | 08:21 |
q0_0p | archboxman, u can use wicd or just bash ^^ | 08:22 |
alphacharlie_ | i installed gtk+-2.19.but when i'm giving the command pkg-config --modversion gtk+.it's showing 1.2.10.shouldn't that be 2.19.0? | 08:22 |
gregg | in my script I have a samba share with a space in it - how do I do the space? I have films\040test - is that wrong? | 08:22 |
gregg | the share is films test | 08:22 |
q0_0p | archboxman, u can have network manager working in fluxbox if u wanted to also | 08:22 |
archboxman | q0_0p: not sure there ,but that stupid network manager and running it in ubuntu is a bad case | 08:22 |
SolarisBoy | grep you can put that in quotes i believe | 08:22 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i'd get rid of it | 08:22 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i never liked nm-applet | 08:23 |
ZykoticK9 | gregg, try\ with\ just\ the\ backslash | 08:23 |
SolarisBoy | lol i keep calling you grep by accident.. | 08:23 |
=== sadawson_ is now known as Kovra |
SolarisBoy | i should turn this word completion plug in off in irssi =) | 08:23 |
archboxman | q0_0p: I use arch linux so programs are seperate from kernel | 08:23 |
q0_0p | archboxman, ah | 08:23 |
gregg | ZykoticK9: that worked thaanks | 08:23 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i use arch also | 08:23 |
ZykoticK9 | gregg, glad to help | 08:23 |
SolarisBoy | o despise net manager | 08:23 |
SolarisBoy | s/o/i | 08:24 |
Kovra | I have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and my system has become unbarably slow | 08:24 |
archboxman | q0_0p: makes life easy running a bsd / slackware install | 08:24 |
Viking667 | yeah. I don't like it either. | 08:24 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok - now I have the script and it works - do I have to do a sudo ./samba EVERY time i boot? | 08:24 |
SolarisBoy | gregg no | 08:24 |
archboxman | q0_0p: then you should know we can seperate the network manager to background services | 08:24 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: add a sleep line to the top,, and add it to start up services.. | 08:24 |
coldfire2122 | what is the best way to back up ubuntu. like a image of the / partition? | 08:24 |
SolarisBoy | put it somewhere it will stay.. | 08:24 |
Viking667 | quick question: how do I update the apt database? | 08:24 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: sleep line? | 08:24 |
q0_0p | archboxman, yeah in rc.conf | 08:25 |
iceroot | Viking667: sudo apt-get update | 08:25 |
ZykoticK9 | Viking667, "sudo apt-get update" ? | 08:25 |
Viking667 | that'll do. Thank you. | 08:25 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: sleep 30 <--is dont do anything for 30 seconds... find a reasonable time that you think your network is settled by... | 08:25 |
iceroot | !backup | coldfire2122 | 08:25 |
archboxman | q0_0p: I can get fluxbox up in around 2 seconds after boot up | 08:25 |
ubottu | coldfire2122: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 08:25 |
=== sam-eb-chase is now known as samebchase |
q0_0p | archboxman, i believe it | 08:25 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: from the time i login or when? | 08:25 |
SolarisBoy | put it on top of everything other line in the script (exception of shabang line) and add it to start up | 08:25 |
q0_0p | archboxman, same with lxde | 08:25 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: login | 08:25 |
archboxman | q0_0p: what is your aim with openbox or lxde | 08:26 |
q0_0p | archboxman, nothing i guess | 08:26 |
coldfire2122 | thanks | 08:26 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i just like how it looks compared to fluxbox | 08:26 |
Claviceps | XBOX720 | 08:26 |
q0_0p | archboxman, but i like flubox's how it's easier | 08:26 |
Viking667 | sheesh. 86 packages to upgrade. | 08:26 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok and how do i add th script to startup? | 08:27 |
archboxman | q0_0p: it makes life a bit easier with menu and functions ,but the keybindings are issues based on menu script | 08:27 |
Fill23 | hey guys, what IM client do you use for icq & jabber? | 08:27 |
git__ | qemu rules the world | 08:27 |
SolarisBoy | in your case likely best to just go to start menu -> preferences -> sessions -> startup tab | 08:27 |
Claviceps | NO | 08:27 |
Viking667 | bitlbee/irssi | 08:27 |
Claviceps | <--- RULES THE WORLD | 08:27 |
Viking667 | ah, shaddup. | 08:28 |
ZykoticK9 | git__, if you CPU supports virtualization try KVM | 08:28 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: i'm in kubuntu, that's probably different... | 08:28 |
SolarisBoy | Viking667: that never worked for me | 08:28 |
archboxman | q0_0p: I prefer the 3d desk | 08:28 |
Claviceps | AIDS?? | 08:28 |
Claviceps | ... | 08:28 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: oh yea it is | 08:28 |
Flannel | Claviceps: Howdy. This channel is for Ubuntu support, is there something we can help you with? | 08:28 |
Viking667 | SolarisBoy: works fine for me, except yahoo! | 08:28 |
Claviceps | yes | 08:28 |
SolarisBoy | Viking667: =( | 08:28 |
xxthink | How to get vmlinux files of ubuntu 9.04 | 08:28 |
Claviceps | i had a q | 08:28 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: system settings / autostart? | 08:28 |
steven__ | hello,all | 08:28 |
xxthink | I can only find vmlinuz-2.6.28-13-generic on /boot | 08:28 |
SolarisBoy | Viking667: we use jabber at work now,, we use to use irc,, now im forced to use pidgin... =( | 08:28 |
Viking667 | SolarisBoy: if you have a console/xterm/aterm/add-your-own-term then run irssi and bitlbee | 08:29 |
Viking667 | should be fine for jabber. | 08:29 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: if I made a script to unmount all my samba shares at shutdown, you think it MIGHT solve my difs vfs: No response problems?? | 08:29 |
* archboxman got to run SolarisBoy and Viking667 have fun to much right now.... :) | 08:29 |
SolarisBoy | i get the bittlbee working all but one thing,, i get these automated pings when i have tickets which are violating SLA,, and i have to answer yes/no,,, the thing about it is when i answer it doesn't see it,, this destroys my metrics,, so | 08:29 |
Viking667 | ... just means you'll end up setting up another server on 6667 but that can be tweaked too | 08:30 |
SolarisBoy | i have to stick pidgin | 08:30 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: certainly | 08:30 |
gregg | cool enough | 08:30 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: i was going to mention this | 08:30 |
Viking667 | automated pings? What're those? | 08:30 |
Viking667 | and "tickets"? | 08:30 |
gregg | cool i'll try it out | 08:30 |
SolarisBoy | Viking667: an application that uses jabber protocols to message me on jabber... | 08:30 |
xxthink | How to get vmlinux files of ubuntu 9.04 | 08:30 |
xxthink | I can only find vmlinuz-2.6.28-13-generic on /boot | 08:30 |
SolarisBoy | tickets.. "client case/work" | 08:30 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: dont use that i hav it set up for archlinux using dbus.... hmmm not sure if irssi can use dbus the same | 08:31 |
neil_d | I can't get my sound card to work! its an "ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)" how can I fix this? do I need to remove pulseaudio? | 08:31 |
SolarisBoy | we usually call messaging someone pinging them | 08:31 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: use what ? | 08:31 |
Flannel | xxthink: 2.6.28 is 9.04 | 08:31 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: arch linux not ubuntu that is a difference in systems for irssi and notify and ping.... | 08:32 |
rww | xxthink: vmlinuz files are just compressed vmlinux files. What do you need them for? | 08:32 |
SolarisBoy | oh right,, i dont know if it does,, i know pidgin can... | 08:32 |
SolarisBoy | well other systems use other messaging systems than dbus right? | 08:33 |
jjulian | hi im having some problems with the grep programm in ubuntu: i call it like this: grep '^.*(SEPERATED1|SEPERATED2|SEPERATED3|SEPERATED4){1}.*(ANDTHIS){1}.*$' my.csv and it just gives me every line. but i want only lines with the SPERATED1-4 (one of them) and with "ANDTHIS" how comes that it just matches every line? | 08:34 |
SolarisBoy | so irssi on those systems would likely use whatever they use for notice | 08:34 |
paulhomebus | hey guys what the best solution to some of my kernel headers not workin? | 08:34 |
SolarisBoy | jjulian: that means the patter isn't right | 08:34 |
SolarisBoy | jjulian: actually you need to try -P | 08:34 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: Debian combines both xorg and dbus that is why boot times are so high... messaging is handled by notify and upstart with grub2 is in place my arch linux gives us the option of installs | 08:34 |
SolarisBoy | and use double qoutes | 08:34 |
jjulian | ive some tools like regexbuddy it seems to work good there | 08:34 |
Kovra | I am using an intel based graphics card mysystem has become unusably slow after upgrading to 9.10 anyone know a solution? | 08:34 |
SolarisBoy | jjulian: that grep is not using that type of regex unless you tell it | 08:34 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: gonna test it - brb ;) | 08:35 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: K | 08:35 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: .. | 08:35 |
jjulian | SolarisBoy: which regex is grep using? | 08:35 |
gregg | poop already | 08:35 |
SolarisBoy | not that type.. if you want to use that.... | 08:35 |
SolarisBoy | use grep -P | 08:35 |
SolarisBoy | or egrep | 08:35 |
xxthink | rww: I want to use oprofile on ubuntu | 08:35 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: i tried the samba stop script - i get error after error that the device or ressource is busy | 08:35 |
boxlover | Hi - I'm having a problem with UNR 9.10 - I've created a bootable USB, but part way through boot it hangs and says "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow". I found this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1306277.html - which says that disabling persistent storage will fix the problem - It does, but now I don't have any storage. How can I get UNR to boot *with* my persistent storage on the USB? | 08:35 |
SolarisBoy | gregg this is why i just called your name.. | 08:36 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: but i don't know what it's busy WITH | 08:36 |
boxlover | (Bootable USB was created with the Windows usb-creator.exe on the UNR 9.10 CD) | 08:36 |
SolarisBoy | you need to force umount,, and you need to cd out of all those directories if you are in them... | 08:36 |
q0_0p | archboxman, u can get 3d desktop working with fluxbox? | 08:36 |
SolarisBoy | so in your script,, ensure that is the case.. | 08:36 |
Flannel | jjulian: just a little note on the regexp, {1} is redundant, and you could do seperated(1|2|3|4) as well (although I suspect that bit may have been placeholders for other stuff) | 08:36 |
xxthink | rww : do you know how to get it? | 08:36 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: i was using Krusader - i've exited it - the mounts aren't open anywhere else | 08:36 |
gregg | I suddenly think Krusader is my problem | 08:37 |
thevor | Hey I am having problems with Avant Windows Manager (AWN), and was looking for help. Basically I am having problems with themes. Whenever I download them and try to load them through awn, it says "invalid file format". Every tutorial I have read online says that it needs to be tar.gz, and all the theme packages I have are tar.gz. Does anyone have any ideas about this? | 08:37 |
jjulian | Flannel: right. its a bit more complicated so i just skipped that out :D | 08:37 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: k.. and force umount,, the issue you are getting they are busy when you umount normally,, is same issue you get when you reboot... | 08:37 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: yep - how do i force umount? | 08:37 |
SolarisBoy | so you need to kill the process holding it,, force unmount,.. | 08:37 |
SolarisBoy | -f | 08:37 |
archboxman | q0_0p: yes 3d desk works just haven't automated the procedure | 08:37 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i did not know u could do that with fluxbox that is cool | 08:38 |
gregg | hmm - i need to find the process holding it then | 08:38 |
archboxman | q0_0p: yes, not sure on all the options I cloud play with in 3d desk | 08:38 |
gregg | OMG YOU ARE KIDDING ME | 08:38 |
SolarisBoy | gregg thats preferable because maybe you can find the _ROOT_CAUSE_ as pose to this script work around.. | 08:38 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: I found the problem and I want to say nasty words =) | 08:39 |
archboxman | q0_0p: running a 7300 gt nvidia to run 3d desk and compiz | 08:39 |
q0_0p | archboxman, ah | 08:39 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: =) what was it holding it? | 08:39 |
q0_0p | archboxman, nice | 08:39 |
rww | xxthink: If you're not doing kernel profiling, you can apparently just use "opcontrol --no-vmlinux". If you are, I'll go check if a package somewhere has it, otherwise you'd have to recompile the kernel (which is outside of my area of expertise) | 08:39 |
Claviceps | #xbox720 on EFNET | 08:39 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: it's the plasmoid showing my home folder | 08:39 |
ddavids | pls, i have a problem wt my system, i connected to a network but i have a strange ip address which is making it impossible for me to view the network or print, what can i do | 08:39 |
ZykoticK9 | archboxman, you aren't talking about Compiz Cube though right - your talking about a 3D Desk program correct? | 08:39 |
archboxman | q0_0p: going to replace with gt 240 | 08:39 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: plasmoid? | 08:39 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: kde4 widget | 08:39 |
q0_0p | archboxman, have u tried 3ddesktop by chance? | 08:39 |
obscurant1st | http://pastie.org/836456 in this the total number of cylinders shown is 30401 but the extended partition ends in 30402, can i just change the cylinder num to 30401? | 08:40 |
xxthink | rww: ok, thank you. I only what to profiling my app. | 08:40 |
archboxman | ZykoticK9: I know what 3d desk is | 08:40 |
xxthink | rww: thank you very much | 08:40 |
jazz | can some one please link me the pastebin url? | 08:40 |
q0_0p | archboxman, http://linuxreviews.org/features/3ddesktop/#toc5 | 08:40 |
SolarisBoy | oh yes.. becareful with all these little extras.. sometimes they dont play nice with standard processes | 08:40 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: it showed my home folder, and my samba shares were mounted in folders in /home | 08:40 |
q0_0p | archboxman, i wasn't sure if they were using compiz | 08:40 |
SolarisBoy | but that holding open your desktop.. | 08:40 |
Flannel | jazz: http://paste.ubuntu.com | 08:40 |
SolarisBoy | ahh i see.. | 08:40 |
rww | xxthink: no problem, glad to help :) | 08:40 |
ZykoticK9 | archboxman, actually i was just asking you a question, i think you just gave the answer ;) | 08:40 |
jazz | Flannel, thanks | 08:40 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: anyway everything is umounted - gonna see if i can reboot no problems | 08:40 |
gregg | brb | 08:40 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: yea thats actually a great find | 08:40 |
archboxman | ZykoticK9: I am using 3d desk yes | 08:40 |
SolarisBoy | should pat urself on back =) | 08:40 |
archboxman | ZykoticK9: had to watch a youtube video to figure out what 3d desk was | 08:41 |
ZykoticK9 | archboxman, oh i've seen it a long time ago -- in my gentoo days :) | 08:41 |
ZykoticK9 | archboxman, when i ran fluxbox | 08:41 |
obscurant1st | somebody? :o | 08:41 |
SolarisBoy | ;@ | 08:41 |
ChronosX | join #iphone | 08:42 |
SolarisBoy | #iphone.. really ? =) .. | 08:42 |
* SolarisBoy check this out | 08:42 |
archboxman | ZykoticK9: interesting ???? never ran gentoo I know most gentoo users say arch linux is easier to install no compiling kernel | 08:42 |
ZykoticK9 | SolarisBoy, i'm guessing it must be ##iphone | 08:42 |
rww | Broken slash key? There's an app for that! | 08:42 |
* trollboy writes SlashApp! | 08:43 |
SolarisBoy | oh,, i thought ircd usually redirects you when your missing a # | 08:43 |
archboxman | q0_0p: Yes 3d desk is running not sure how to rotate in the other way I seen on youtube yet | 08:43 |
rww | SolarisBoy: nope, it's sometimes done manually by a channel operator. It's not automatic. | 08:43 |
q0_0p | archboxman, is it less bloated then compiz? | 08:43 |
SolarisBoy | rww: ooooo =) cool thanks i thought it was the server side | 08:43 |
SolarisBoy | or possibly even irrsi | 08:44 |
obscurant1st | is there any other command resizing extended partitions?or that? | 08:44 |
archboxman | q0_0p: by far, but it does n't allow for the command over it like compiz... that is why I have to play with 3d desk and auto start before I know for sure... | 08:44 |
bullgard | [Gnome] Passwords and Encryption Keys > Passwords shows two lines: "Passwords: default" and "Passwords: login". Both do not show an Key ID. How can I still set up the Empathy program using my Jabber ID 'bullgard4@jabber.ccc.de' and its password which works all right on another Ubuntu computer? | 08:45 |
SolarisBoy | obscurant1st: resizing a standard partition or something on maybe lvm? | 08:45 |
obscurant1st | ooops, sorry, i mean to ask, is there any command for resizing extended partitions? | 08:45 |
obscurant1st | SolarisBoy, http://pastie.org/836456 in this /dev/sda4 | 08:45 |
archboxman | q0_0p: way behind most users in arch linux that is why I sit here and deal with command line interface and problems or I would have them install hardinfo and call it a day | 08:45 |
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archboxman | q0_0p: took me 5 days to install arch linux... | 08:46 |
SolarisBoy | obscurant1st: parted/gparted maybe? | 08:46 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: really? the install was breezy for me | 08:46 |
q0_0p | archboxman, yikes | 08:47 |
obscurant1st | gparted made me into this situation. :( see the total number of cylinders and the number of cylinder on which /dev/sda4 ends | 08:47 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: stuck with it ... never really liked cli ... not for a minutue , but got respect for it in the arch linux install | 08:47 |
alphacharlie_ | how to go back to the previous directory in terminal/ | 08:47 |
archboxman | q0_0p: lol | 08:47 |
samebchase | cd .. | 08:48 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: yea it was a trend for me,,quickly got out of the whole arch thing | 08:48 |
alphacharlie_ | thanks | 08:48 |
obscurant1st | SolarisBoy, i could try parted | 08:48 |
SolarisBoy | obscurant1st: i see | 08:48 |
q0_0p | archboxman, it took me forever to install gentoo | 08:48 |
SolarisBoy | obscurant1st: well parted/gparted .. same diff | 08:48 |
SolarisBoy | just one with a gui | 08:48 |
obscurant1st | SolarisBoy, oh! | 08:48 |
archboxman | q0_0p: and SolarisBoy that is why I am holding out on slackware until I master the terminal... lol | 08:49 |
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samebchase | alphacharlie: The Unix Programming Environment is quita a good book. | 08:49 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: =) | 08:49 |
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obscurant1st | SolarisBoy, yeah tey are the same, coz parted does not recognize my partitions, just like gparted | 08:49 |
obscurant1st | :( | 08:49 |
linduxed | ok why is it that i can log in to an ftp server when i type "ftp://user@server-ip" in firefox and then provide the password, but can't when i do "ftp user@server-ip" and then provide the same password | 08:49 |
linduxed | in firefox it works, from the commandline it doesn't | 08:50 |
q0_0p | archboxman, what's good about slackware compared to arch? that last time i remember slackware didn't have a repos for stuff and install stuff through installpkg or was it pkginstall | 08:50 |
SolarisBoy | obscurant1st: what did you do in the first place with parted? | 08:50 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: have used zenwalk ,but that is a baby of slackware I here | 08:50 |
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obscurant1st | i resized and moved 2 partitions, and then my system became unbootable | 08:50 |
Guest4519 | Salve a tutti | 08:50 |
SolarisBoy | im not into those minimalist things =) either opensolaris/debian_ubuntu for me on desktop | 08:50 |
rww | !it | Guest4519 | 08:50 |
ubottu | Guest4519: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 08:50 |
git__ | is there a filesystem snapshot for Linux? | 08:51 |
SolarisBoy | i may fool with it in a VM but never out and full | 08:51 |
archboxman | q0_0p: just arch linux is based off of some of the ideas of slackware want to explore last stop before I have made a goo around of all types of distro's | 08:51 |
SolarisBoy | git__: yes depends on the fs | 08:51 |
Myrtti | !offtopic | archboxman, q0_0p | 08:51 |
ubottu | archboxman, q0_0p: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 08:51 |
git__ | SolarisBoy, ext4 | 08:52 |
archboxman | Myrtti: give me the people and we will go at helping | 08:52 |
SolarisBoy | i dont think ext uses fs snapshot features atleast ext3 | 08:52 |
Myrtti | archboxman: no-one to help with is no excuse to go offtopic | 08:52 |
jungleberrykid | HEY - I FIXED IT!!! I am once again booting to X!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!! | 08:53 |
git__ | snapshot on top of a filesystem unlike block size snapshot like zumastor | 08:53 |
SolarisBoy | zfs | 08:53 |
seon | hello, how to create a link in the main menu for a software ? | 08:53 |
SolarisBoy | i think if you put the FS on LVM you can do snaps as well | 08:53 |
SolarisBoy | on ext3 | 08:53 |
git__ | lvm only does whole filesystem snapshot | 08:54 |
ZykoticK9 | seon, System / Preference / Main Menu | 08:54 |
git__ | is there a delta based filesystem snapshot | 08:54 |
SolarisBoy | so looks like you dont have that option on ext3 | 08:54 |
SolarisBoy | zfs does | 08:54 |
jungleberrykid | SPECIAL THANKS to SolarisBoy and archboxman for all your help and assistance! I GREATLY appreciate it! :) | 08:54 |
git__ | for example, i would like it to take a snapshot of a directory in an increment of one hour | 08:54 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: any time =) | 08:54 |
SolarisBoy | git__: i understand,, not on ext3 via the fs | 08:55 |
SolarisBoy | or ext4 | 08:55 |
rww | seon: right-click the menu applet on the panel, click Edit Menus, and use the "New Menu" or "New Item" buttons as needed :) | 08:55 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: the script didn't startup... *sigh* | 08:55 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: have you defined the exact location of script, and made it executable? | 08:55 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: yep | 08:55 |
SolarisBoy | ok | 08:56 |
seon | nothing happen when i click on "main menu" or "edit menus" but the others are ok | 08:56 |
SolarisBoy | did it not start or did it error out? | 08:56 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: into what ever works with the greats possible solutions... right now arch linux makes sense with linux mint on laptop for google desktop... :) | 08:56 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: it's owned by root - maybe that's the problem? | 08:56 |
seon | strange | 08:56 |
SolarisBoy | gregg: i dont think,, you can repermission them | 08:57 |
archboxman | gregg: you put the script inside of the root owner ship?? | 08:57 |
SolarisBoy | where you able to run it fine manually? | 08:57 |
gregg | trying now - the answer is maybe (I have the sleep going on for 45 seconds | 08:57 |
Gryllida | Can Gparted resize NTFS partitions? | 08:58 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i feel ya =) | 08:58 |
gregg | ummm, sleep 45 is seconds right? | 08:58 |
SolarisBoy | yes | 08:58 |
archboxman | gregg: impossible because the root is not accessible | 08:58 |
gregg | archboxman: huh? | 08:59 |
SolarisBoy | i think you may be erroring out because you would usually need to be root to mount something either or.. i failed to think about it... | 08:59 |
Jamesofur | anyone available to help me try and figure out why flash doesn't have sound? :) (or even better seen it and know how to fix it :/) | 08:59 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: sudo ./script works fine | 08:59 |
SolarisBoy | gregg and that may be the issue... | 08:59 |
Gryllida | Sorry, can Gparted resize NTFS partitions? | 08:59 |
cjs | I need to move an installation from a small disk to a larger one. It's a boot and LUKS crypto partition, the crypto containing an LVM with root and swap volumes. Any thoughts on how I should go about this? | 09:00 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: ok - i can change ownership, that's fine, but since the script is full of sudo commands, how do i take care of that? | 09:00 |
SolarisBoy | sudo is interactive... and if you need to type sudo to execute a command,, it likely should be run by root,, | 09:00 |
SolarisBoy | if in a script | 09:00 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: its funny the archlinux chatroom doesn't want the newbies to know they venture out to explore the new ideas with upstart , udev and grub2 they want to seem separate form the idea of progress | 09:00 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: right - i need to tell the script what my sudo password is somehow right? | 09:00 |
SolarisBoy | because the script is not open to accept your input at boot time,, its not running in a terminal either | 09:00 |
bullgard | [Gnome] Passwords and Encryption Keys > Passwords shows two lines: "Passwords: default" and "Passwords: login". Both do not show an Key ID. How can I still set up the Empathy program using my Jabber ID 'bullgard4@jabber.ccc.de' and its password which works all right on another Ubuntu computer? | 09:01 |
SolarisBoy | gregg,, nope... unless you want to learn to use expect tonight =) | 09:01 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: it's 10am here, got plenty of time ;) | 09:01 |
SolarisBoy | maybe you can put it in roots crontab.. ?? hmm | 09:01 |
SolarisBoy | not sur | 09:01 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: ubuntu and grub2 and udev effects all of linux though ... :) | 09:01 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: naturally | 09:02 |
gregg | SolarisBoy: so my option is running it manually at startup??? | 09:02 |
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SolarisBoy | i think there is a group of those who can mount devices... | 09:03 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: whats next you going to piggy back ride ubuntu on progress and say you helped with the project or was it the 1 million users of ubuntu as gyunie pigs... | 09:03 |
Gryllida | My question above ... | 09:04 |
SolarisBoy | lol at ubuntu users being ginue pigs.. lol | 09:04 |
SolarisBoy | hehehehe =) | 09:04 |
jungleberrykid | Ok, I have a whole new issue to tackle now! lol | 09:04 |
cjs | Is there a channel for discussing LVM stuff? | 09:05 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i didn't mean it like that,, i mean that linux derived operating systems would naturally be effected by "Linux".... | 09:05 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: its true ... that is why there are so many problems with ubuntu 9.10 and grub2 ... | 09:05 |
SolarisBoy | cjs: what type of lvm stuff,, lvm on ubuntu? | 09:05 |
jungleberrykid | I booted to LiveCD and copied the entire /etc/X11 folder over to my boot partition... it now boots to xubuntu (Xfce) which works and is fine.... | 09:05 |
Gryllida | cjs: #lvm | 09:05 |
cjs | SolarisBoy: On Ubuntu, but it's probably getting a bit technical, since I'm trying to copy a configuration, more or less. | 09:05 |
kaos_en_red | i need asterix for ubuntu | 09:05 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: what is the solution with gnome?? | 09:05 |
jungleberrykid | Now when I edit my boot line parameters and attempt to boot to single user mode - I do not get a command prompt? | 09:05 |
SolarisBoy | cjs lvm has tools to backup configuration and restore... | 09:06 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: ^ ^ | 09:06 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: did you take down gnome?? | 09:06 |
indus | jungleberrykid, how are you booting to single user mode | 09:06 |
cjs | SolarisBoy: Oh? Would these be suitable for having the original and the restored version connected to the same system at the same time? | 09:06 |
indus | jungleberrykid, with -S | 09:06 |
indus | ? | 09:06 |
indus | !boot | 09:06 |
ubottu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 09:06 |
SolarisBoy | cjs: clarify this... | 09:07 |
SolarisBoy | cjs: that wont work technically because how could to lvms use the same disks, pvs, vgs etc... | 09:07 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: I'm not sure if I did take down gnome or not. All I did was rename my original /etc/X11 folder and copy the same folder from LiveCD boot over and it booted to xubuntu now (Xfce)! | 09:07 |
SolarisBoy | s/to/two/ | 09:07 |
cjs | I have the disk that used to be in my laptop in an external USB case. I have a new disk in my laptop. I want to copy the entire Linux config from the USB disk to the new internal disk, thought the parititions are different sizes. | 09:08 |
jungleberrykid | indus: I add the word 'single' to my linux kernel line in Grub boot menu | 09:08 |
Gryllida | Excuse me, can Gparted resize NTFS partitions? | 09:08 |
bullgard | Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys > Passwords show 2 lines: "Passwords:default" and "Passwords:login". What is the function or purpose of these 2 lines? | 09:08 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: wow ... ur kiddy right :) lol | 09:08 |
cjs | And I don't want to touch anything on the external disk until the new internal one is working. | 09:08 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: I was amazed but it worked! lol | 09:08 |
realsifo777 | hello | 09:08 |
=== david_ is now known as tar_NeFyS |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: did you look at the bottom of the gdm and see if gnome is an option??? | 09:09 |
steven__ | something? | 09:09 |
cjs | SolarisBoy: I'm familiar with lots of different volume management systems, but not more than generally familiar with LVM. | 09:09 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: how exactly do I do that? | 09:09 |
SolarisBoy | i use mainly on other than ubuntu systems but familiar,, its way past topic so i guess you would be more beneficial i #lvm | 09:10 |
SolarisBoy | =) | 09:10 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: log out look at session after you click the user.... to login with .... don't enter password | 09:10 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: oh right, ok.... 1 sec.... | 09:10 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: there should be a choice at the bottom of screen | 09:10 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: you still have gdm right?? | 09:10 |
boxlover | Hi - I'm having a problem with UNR 9.10 - I've created a bootable USB, but part way through boot it hangs and says "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow". I found this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1306277.html - which says that disabling persistent storage will fix the problem - It does, but now I don't have any storage. How can I get UNR to boot *with* my persistent storage on the USB? I created the bootable | 09:11 |
xxthink | rww: I use oprofile with --no-vmliux option on ubuntu | 09:11 |
xxthink | But I can't get the result | 09:11 |
archboxman | boxlover: is this a netbook and type??? | 09:12 |
xxthink | rww: I got the following error | 09:12 |
xxthink | opreport error: basic_string::erase | 09:12 |
rww | xxthink: Which version of Ubuntu are you using? | 09:13 |
xxthink | 2.6.28-13-generic | 09:13 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: where you at with this?? | 09:13 |
SolarisBoy | cjs: you can also recreate the LVM on the new disk and just migrate the data.. are both the disks exactly the same why move the lvm config? | 09:13 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: yes, gdm still works - I don't have option for gnome | 09:13 |
rww | Gryllida: yes, assuming you have the ntfs-tools package installed | 09:14 |
xxthink | 2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux | 09:14 |
Gryllida | rww: is this package installed by default? | 09:14 |
SolarisBoy | Gryllida: nope | 09:14 |
rww | Gryllida: sorry, ntfsprogs, not ntfs-tools | 09:14 |
xxthink | rww : 9.04 | 09:14 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: I am actually quite tempted at this point to uninstall Xfce and re-install gnome instead because I am more familiar with it. | 09:14 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: its gone or on the hard drive just eliminated the choice go to termianl locate gnome | 09:14 |
Gryllida | rww: is this package present in the partition tool in Ubuntu installator? | 09:15 |
rww | xxthink: Ah. It's a known bug that was fixed in 9.10: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oprofile/+bug/310824 | 09:15 |
rww | Gryllida: I think so, but I don't have the means to check right now. | 09:15 |
SolarisBoy | Gryllida: its in repos... | 09:15 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: none of my tty sessions work. On Alt-F1 I see the boot commands and Alt-F7 I have X. All the others jjust show a blinking cursor - no option to login to console.... | 09:15 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: understand , must slow down install of gnome and give a least a minumim of a restart every time you install a new os or operation... | 09:15 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: how do I fix this? | 09:15 |
SolarisBoy | jungleberrykid: could it be permission issue? | 09:16 |
realsifo777 | hello | 09:16 |
archboxman | boxlover: WHATS UP WITH THIS UNR | 09:16 |
jungleberrykid | SolarisBoy: how would I check whether it's a permission issue? | 09:16 |
Gryllida | rww: I mean I am going to install Ubuntu along with Windows. Shall I go to live CD and install the missing package, then shrink existing partition through Gparted, or should I just go straight to the installation? | 09:16 |
SolarisBoy | ls -l /dev/tty* | 09:16 |
rww | Gryllida: Just use the installer to shrink it... | 09:16 |
Gryllida | !hi | realsifo777 | 09:16 |
ubottu | realsifo777: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 09:16 |
Gryllida | rww: thanks | 09:17 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: at this point I would say a reinstall and reboot after every upgrade is a good idea to narrow path of system vs wifi... | 09:17 |
jungleberrykid | archboxman: I DO have GNOME - I had to enter my username first before I saw that option!!!! :D | 09:17 |
bauer | i hvae installed ubuntu-desktop and would like to add the server software to the installation. How to :O) | 09:18 |
realsifo777 | thanks. i have problem with intel x3100 and compiz. its frezee | 09:18 |
Myrtti | Gryllida: unfragment the ntfs in windows first though | 09:18 |
Gryllida | Myrtti: I have read about this in the documentation. Thanks for the remind. | 09:18 |
realsifo777 | i can't actived my compiz | 09:18 |
archboxman | jungleberrykid: deal with one problem at a time will it load or freeze your dragging me and SolarisBoy all over the windows manager and desktop universe... | 09:19 |
SolarisBoy | lol | 09:19 |
Gryllida | Myrtti: are you also sure that the installer can shrink NTFS partition? | 09:19 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: the next thing you know we will be in openbox... | 09:19 |
realsifo777 | is there any intel propriertary driver for linux? | 09:20 |
cjs | SolarisBoy: (Let's discuss this on #lvm if you like; it's much less busy.) No, both disks are not the same. The partitions containing the PV are a different size, the logical volumes within the partitions are a different size, and I'm thinking I might as well change the FS from ext3 to ext4 while I'm at it. | 09:20 |
Myrtti | Gryllida: I don't have personal experience on the subject | 09:20 |
Gryllida | Myrtti: thanks for attention! | 09:20 |
SolarisBoy | ok cjs | 09:20 |
bauer | i have installed ubuntu-desktop and would like to add the server software to the installation. How to :O) | 09:20 |
archboxman | cjs: what is your goal with having both a lvm on board with ext3 or ext4??? | 09:21 |
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archboxman | cjs: if it is being able to read all files the lvm should go it is a red hat thing... | 09:21 |
archboxman | or was that a fedora cant remember... | 09:22 |
Guest4751 | Is it alright to install the regular desktop Ubuntu on a netbook or am I restricted to UNR? | 09:22 |
rww | Guest4751: regular Ubuntu will work absolutely fine. | 09:22 |
Guest4751 | Thanks | 09:23 |
brand0n | anyone know why a folder i share on my windows partition wont stay shared | 09:23 |
rww | Guest4751: UNR and regular Ubuntu just use a different interface; underneath, they're the same thing | 09:23 |
brand0n | it does on my other computer just fine but it unshares whenever i reboot | 09:23 |
Guest4751 | I figured it just had bigger buttons. I should do fine on my 12". | 09:23 |
archboxman | cjs: fedora's idea of patch job for system upgrades and packages is in development and not a strong source of fedora at this time with the launch of udev and grub2 there focus is away from lvm at this point.. | 09:24 |
Faithful | Guest4751, The interface is a bit different | 09:24 |
brand0n | anyone know why a folder i share on my windows partition wont stay shared | 09:24 |
brand0n | it does on my other computer just fine but it unshares whenever i reboot | 09:24 |
soreau | realsifo777: No, there is no proprietary intel driver. This is a known problem with karmic on some intel cards, compiz will cause a freeze. If you would like, you can try latest drivers using the xorg-edgers repo | 09:25 |
soreau | realsifo777: You probably would want to couple the latest drivers with a latest kernel from ppa repo | 09:25 |
ftab | is there any good tool available for Regular Expressions except Kiki ? | 09:26 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: I think I love this josie maran ... I would marry here ....wow what a body... if there are more then 110 on a asfab I would marry her... | 09:27 |
acuster | Hey all, who is responsible for the docs on ubuntu.com, e.g. https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html ? | 09:28 |
cjs | archboxman: I just reckoned that since new vesrsions of Ubuntu are now using ext4, I might as well get my 9.04 system using it, too. | 09:28 |
acuster | that page needs love, the situation is pissing off users, and I'd like to add at least a warning to the page | 09:28 |
cjs | Also, I'm on an SSD; there may be some parameters there I should be looking at. Do I really want a journal? | 09:28 |
archboxman | cjs: it has its good and bad | 09:28 |
archboxman | cjs: home computer?? | 09:29 |
septim_ | what is pointer? | 09:29 |
cjs | archboxman: i don't understand your question. | 09:29 |
Gryllida | septim_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointer | 09:30 |
archboxman | cjs: if this is your home computer suggest a backups on regular times .... ext4 is out and new.... | 09:30 |
B|aSS | ok folks this is a tips that i wanna share to beginner like me | 09:31 |
B|aSS | linux is very secure yes | 09:31 |
septim_ | Gryllida: thx | 09:31 |
archboxman | cjs: you are playing with new designs like much of my arch linux conterparts... backups are a must... | 09:31 |
B|aSS | but you run flash on it to go see youtube.com and that kind of stuff | 09:32 |
B|aSS | so then | 09:32 |
filgy | any idea why i have to keep restarting FF to get audio with flash? I have to close FF then pulseaudio -k; sudo alsa reload to get it back | 09:32 |
B|aSS | remove the F****** flash cahe out | 09:32 |
filgy | I already did http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 | 09:32 |
B|aSS | since i found clam was detecting craps from firefox | 09:32 |
archboxman | lshal -s give me a break down of all for audio filgy | 09:33 |
B|aSS | to go that go there: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager03.html | 09:33 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee |
Cappy | 1300 people and no chit chat, i think something is broken | 09:33 |
archboxman | B|aSS: like that idea too filgy .... | 09:33 |
B|aSS | what u mean | 09:34 |
B|aSS | archboxman | 09:34 |
filgy | archboxman: http://www.pastebin.com/m741b1baf | 09:34 |
archboxman | B|aSS: cache in flash must go | 09:34 |
B|aSS | yeap | 09:34 |
filgy | maybe that's it | 09:34 |
B|aSS | clam was detecting crap in there | 09:34 |
B|aSS | i was wondering wtf | 09:34 |
rww | B|aSS: Starred out cursing and acronyms that use bad language are not welcome in this channel. | 09:35 |
B|aSS | oh ok | 09:35 |
archboxman | filgy: all the oss and pulseaudio drivers are laoded why??? | 09:35 |
filgy | archboxman: dunno why oss is.. shouldn't PA be loaded? | 09:36 |
archboxman | filgy: maybe upstart and ubuntu not sure on there new operations of install... | 09:37 |
filgy | i shouldn't even have oss installed.. | 09:37 |
bauer | howto get ubuntu-server installed via apt-get ? | 09:37 |
archboxman | filgy: your not the only one I also have oss installed and didn't intend on this driver | 09:37 |
ddavids | pls i need help to watch videos in youtube... | 09:38 |
archboxman | ddavids: load flash | 09:39 |
enkidu | ddavids: old machine / new one? | 09:39 |
xbmc | hi | 09:39 |
ddavids | new install | 09:39 |
ddavids | new machine | 09:39 |
archboxman | apt-cache search flash find file and apt-get install | 09:39 |
soreau | ddavids: Install flashplugin-nonfree | 09:39 |
ddavids | soreau: how pls? | 09:40 |
filgy | i just nuked flash cache, hopefully that fixes it.. when i followed the steps in that link i pasted above to nuke PA configs and recreate it worked fine for awhile then went tits up again | 09:40 |
archboxman | soreau: remember the name of the flash plugin | 09:40 |
soreau | ddavids: apt-get install | 09:40 |
soreau | ddavids: After installing this package, restart your browser and it should work | 09:40 |
archboxman | filgy: what is your cpu?? | 09:41 |
ddavids | soreau: im on it, thanks | 09:41 |
filgy | archboxman: 32bit p4 | 09:41 |
ddavids | another thing pls, how do i keep my ip from changing arbitrarily...especially when i log into irc | 09:41 |
archboxman | hmm... wow shouldn't be a cpu or graphics problem... | 09:42 |
archboxman | ddavids: what you running a proxy?? | 09:42 |
ddavids | no | 09:42 |
filgy | it's working good now.. the problem used to start if i would leave a flash video paused or something for a while.. then i'd have to restart FF and kill PA/reload alsa.. | 09:42 |
ddavids | no proxy | 09:42 |
archboxman | ddavids: its using the isp router for login at irc... | 09:43 |
enkidu | guys, here is something funny http://pastebin.org/95193 | 09:43 |
archboxman | ddavids: not the home terminal behind the router... | 09:43 |
ddavids | archboxman: does tht means it doesnt really change? | 09:44 |
filgy | ddavids: anytime your modem drops or anything you will have a new ip from your isp unless you buy a static ip | 09:44 |
archboxman | ddavids: yes because they don't know the router only the box outside the router logining in | 09:44 |
archboxman | ddavids: that is why I use irssi gives me everyones defualt router to see if it is static or dhcp... | 09:45 |
perfection | hey, i have a question, does transmission bittorrent in anyway support magnetic links? | 09:46 |
filgy | perfection: i think the newest version of it does | 09:46 |
archboxman | perfection: yes | 09:46 |
perfection | okay thanks, was wondering if i got to change to anotherprogram or what | 09:47 |
filgy | perfection: i don't think the version of transmission that comes with karmic supports it however | 09:47 |
archboxman | perfection: magnetic links are those without spy's need to make sure there is a feeder for the file you download | 09:47 |
filgy | i could be wrong though | 09:47 |
cjs | archboxman: I have backups out the wazoo. Most of my important data is actually in git or svn repos, anyway. | 09:48 |
perfection | filgy: there is no support for magnetic with the 1 that comes with karmic | 09:48 |
archboxman | cjs: great idea for so much flexible installs you run... | 09:48 |
xxthink | rww: is there some method to run oprofile on ubuntu 9.04 | 09:48 |
filgy | perfection: that's what i thought.. newer versions do whoever | 09:48 |
archboxman | look at this cjs http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&index=blended&field-keywords=Thermaltake%20BlacX&tag=smtfx1-20 | 09:49 |
egap | hi. Just trying | 09:49 |
archboxman | egap: your here | 09:49 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: you around or head to bed | 09:51 |
Fill23 | what would you recomend for .mkv playback? | 09:52 |
enkidu | Fill23: smplayer | 09:52 |
enkidu | vlc | 09:52 |
enkidu | xine | 09:52 |
perfection | guys another thing is how do i get engines that are used in themes? the likes of murrina, etc. i cant rememba them now | 09:52 |
perfection | Fill23: vlc | 09:53 |
ouyes | hi all | 09:53 |
Fill23 | thx | 09:53 |
archboxman | note to users if you plan on using cutting edge software or developemental pls seek backups.... | 09:53 |
=== nand_ is now known as nand |
xxthink | rww: is there some method to run oprofile on ubuntu 9.04 | 09:54 |
Cappy | evening folks! | 09:54 |
xbmc | 23 Feb 07:54:59 ntpdate[1835]: no servers can be used, exiting | 09:55 |
xbmc | xbmc@000c762097c3:~$ | 09:55 |
xbmc | what does that mean no servers can be used | 09:55 |
usuario | HOLA | 09:56 |
archboxman | xxthink: thats interesting ... is that to go hand in hand with ati graphics cards?? | 09:56 |
dad_ | bump | 09:56 |
=== dad_ is now known as Guest60693 |
xxthink | archboxman: ati graphics cards? | 09:57 |
xxthink | archboxman: sorry | 09:57 |
xxthink | archboxman: what's the meaing? | 09:57 |
xxthink | archboxman: what's the meaning? | 09:57 |
usuario | hola pardillos | 09:58 |
Guest60693 | hey | 09:58 |
Guest60693 | need some help with ntpdate | 09:58 |
archboxman | xxthink: oprofile yes, ati graphics has problems with running games with shading issues at times and overloads cpu processes... so is oprofile a solution to ati graphics card??? | 09:58 |
Guest60693 | dad@mythserver:~$ ntpdate | 09:58 |
Guest60693 | 22 Feb 20:37:53 ntpdate[17547]: no servers can be used, exiting | 09:58 |
oSiRiDe`r0x1 | ciao | 09:59 |
Guest60693 | I have servers selcted sowhy it say no severs can be used | 09:59 |
oSiRiDe`r0x1 | !list | 09:59 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 09:59 |
Klapo | sup | 09:59 |
xxthink | archboxman: I want to run oprofile on ubuntu 9.04 | 09:59 |
archboxman | xxthink: understand ,but its a suse option and suse in the lead for graphics card support over ati... | 10:00 |
rob_p | Guest60693: You need to specify the server you want ntpdate to use. Ex: ntpdate time.ntp.org | 10:00 |
soreau | archboxman: ask in #radeon | 10:00 |
Klapo | someone can tell me,how can I add backslashe's to.. eg "[name][123]" expect output \[name\]\[123\] in bash? | 10:00 |
cjs | archboxman: I even keep my Gnome configuration under revision control, though that appears to be a losing game. (It's as if the bastards designed it not to work with revision control.) | 10:00 |
bullgard | Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys > Passwords show 2 lines: "Passwords:default" and "Passwords:login". What is the function or purpose of these 2 lines? | 10:01 |
archboxman | soreau: no need just a small question to enlighten that cjs maybe playing around with a new idea to limit the ATI graphics card to a normal process instead of overloading cpu... | 10:02 |
indus | bullgard, diff passwords for diff things | 10:02 |
naoshige | # apt-get reinstall libxml2 | 10:02 |
naoshige | E: Invalid operation reinstall | 10:02 |
naoshige | what's up with that? | 10:02 |
indus | bullgard,can have a diff one for network too | 10:02 |
naoshige | i'm trying to "gem install nokogiri" but it can't find libxml2 even tho libxml2 is installed.. | 10:02 |
indus | naoshige, sudo apt-get install --reinstall libxml2 | 10:02 |
soreau | archboxman: well I guess there is no need for an answer, either | 10:02 |
naoshige | checking for libxml/parser.h in /opt/local/include/,/opt/local/include/libxml2,/opt/local/include,/opt/local/include,/opt/local/include/libxml2,/usr/local/include,/usr/local/include/libxml2,/usr/include,/usr/include/libxml2,/usr/include,/usr/include/libxml2... no | 10:02 |
bullgard | indus: Can you be more specific and more precise. | 10:02 |
naoshige | libxml2 is missing. | 10:02 |
naoshige | thanks indus | 10:02 |
naoshige | indus: but you gotta agree, apt-get reinstall libxml2 would be a LOT more convenient right? | 10:03 |
indus | naoshige, yes | 10:03 |
naoshige | that's like saying yes --YES I REALLY MEAN IT i really want to have sex with you girl | 10:03 |
naoshige | or something to that effect | 10:03 |
archboxman | soreau: there always is because if it is a success in suse you could see it be gathered in by ubuntu on the next kernel update such as the ati driver support | 10:03 |
bullgard | indus: I do not understand your English in the message: "[11:02]<indus>bullgard,can have a diff one for network too". Can you say it in other words, please. | 10:03 |
indus | naoshige, that topic or language is not allowed here | 10:03 |
Myrtti | naoshige: try installing the -dev package too | 10:04 |
soreau | naoshige: You probably need to install the -dev package. See apt-cache search libxml|grep dev | 10:04 |
soreau | archboxman: ask in #radeon | 10:04 |
indus | bullgard, hi, for example when you connect to network manager, it asks for a password, this can be different from system passowrd | 10:04 |
archboxman | soreau: may do that good idea | 10:04 |
Guest60693 | dad@mythserver:~$ ntpdate | 10:04 |
Guest60693 | 22 Feb 20:37:53 ntpdate[17547]: no servers can be used, exiting | 10:04 |
rob_p | Guest60693: The ntpdate command is a one-shot deal. It doesn't use your ntp.conf file. Only your ntpd does. Therefore, you need to specify the server with which you want to sync., in the command. | 10:05 |
Guest60693 | I have servers selcted sowhy it say no severs can be used | 10:05 |
AcEg33k | hello everyone | 10:05 |
naoshige | Myrtti, soreau, thanks a lot guys | 10:05 |
indus | bullgard, so some day you forget what the password was for that, you just delete it from that window, and it takes system passowrd | 10:05 |
Guest60693 | how can i check ntp is working correctly | 10:05 |
Guest60693 | beacuse on my client mythbuntu install time is wrong | 10:06 |
Guest60693 | which means mythtv no worky | 10:06 |
rob_p | Guest60693: What do you want to check, ntp or ntpdate? If ntpdate, the following will suffice: ntpdate pool.ntp.org | 10:06 |
Guest60693 | my server has ntp installed | 10:06 |
Guest60693 | and time is correct | 10:06 |
Guest60693 | I created a diskless image using ubuntu wiki but time on client is wrong | 10:07 |
rob_p | Guest60693: To check ntp, you need to configure the config file (ntp.conf) and then start the ntp service. Finally, check your logs for feedback. | 10:08 |
Guest60693 | its giving ntp time not local time even though timezone is correct | 10:08 |
AcEg33k | i installed ubuntu for the first time, need help in configuring sound | 10:08 |
PFA | so if you press Print Scrn when Google search suggestions are up, the search suggestions in the dropdown disappear. this is a problem since i want to screencap a search suggestion. is there any other way? | 10:08 |
Diverdude | what ftp client do you recommend for ubuntu? | 10:08 |
rww | Diverdude: Places > Connect to Server works fine for me. | 10:08 |
erUSUL | Diverdude: Places>Connect to Server? | 10:08 |
naoshige | Myrtti, soreau, indus | 10:09 |
naoshige | you guys wanna check out this track my friend did before he died? | 10:09 |
naoshige | really amazing stuff - http://www.zshare.net/download/552763591f4802ce/ | 10:09 |
PFA | naoshige: this is a support channel. take to to #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:09 |
naoshige | thought id share since you guys helped me out that's all | 10:09 |
naoshige | i really appreciate it | 10:09 |
naoshige | sure | 10:09 |
xfact | Hello, I already had Ubuntu installed, and now after installing Windows I cannot see the gurb menu to choose which OS I should run... How to fix the gurb? please help! | 10:10 |
erUSUL | xfact: karmic 9.10 ? | 10:10 |
xfact | erUSUL, yes | 10:10 |
erUSUL | !grub2 | xfact | 10:11 |
ubottu | xfact: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 | 10:11 |
Gadget3000 | xfact: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 | 10:11 |
erUSUL | xfact: the wiki page has a section to recover grub after installing windows | 10:11 |
xfact | erUSUL, and Gadget3000: Thank you! | 10:11 |
indus | xfact, hi | 10:12 |
indus | xfact, do you have the live cd | 10:12 |
xfact | indus, May I know, why you asking for my Live ID? | 10:13 |
indus | xfact, to restore grub | 10:13 |
AcEg33k | need help inn configuring sound.. | 10:13 |
indus | or rather, to help | 10:13 |
xfact | erUSUL, Hey, do oyou thin kthis is the appropriate page for my problem? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 10:13 |
xfact | indus: yes I have one | 10:13 |
erUSUL | xfact: that's for grub1 iirc karmic uses grub2 | 10:13 |
indus | xfact, so boot with it, then open a terminal and type sudo grub-install /dev/devicename | 10:14 |
bauer | howto get ubuntu-server installed via apt-get ? | 10:14 |
xfact | indus: sorry ' May I know, why you asking for my Live ID?' if it sounds rude | 10:14 |
indus | i want to eat the cd and run away | 10:14 |
xfact | indus, Then? | 10:14 |
indus | xfact, sudo grub-install /dev/sda where sda is first hard disk, then reboot | 10:15 |
indus | xfact, in case that dont work, come back here and ill help | 10:15 |
xfact | indus, ok thank you :) | 10:15 |
indus | xfact, dont worry, i wont steal your live cd | 10:16 |
indus | :D | 10:16 |
=== dmitriy_ is now known as ppppp |
xfact | indus, ha ha, You can't cause it's (a)live! | 10:17 |
indus | xfact, so did you boot wiht live cd or not | 10:19 |
deena | Hi | 10:20 |
xfact | indus: well, I am writing everything on a page, so I will not make mistake *need some minutes* | 10:20 |
deena | i am trying to install savege 2 game in my desktop | 10:20 |
indus | xfact, ok how many hard disk you have | 10:21 |
deena | it says like "./Savage2Install-2.1.0-x86_64.bin: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected | 10:21 |
deena | " | 10:21 |
deena | please anyone help me out on this | 10:21 |
indus | deena, yeah installer is bad i believe | 10:21 |
xfact | indus: 80GB SATA II | 10:21 |
archboxman | OProfile is a management tool for profiles not ati graphics or cpu processes | 10:21 |
indus | xfact, ok sudo grub-install /dev/sda , and later sudo update-grub | 10:21 |
perfection | indus: what if he partitioned? | 10:22 |
xfact | indus: can you just pm me with all the instructions, so it will be easy to write step by step... (if you can't it's ok) | 10:22 |
indus | deena, downloaded from site? for 64 bit hmm | 10:22 |
indus | perfection, grub installs to mbr of device not partition | 10:22 |
deena | yes i downloaded from site for 64 bit only | 10:22 |
indus | perfection, unless you want to | 10:22 |
quietone | where do I set which program a file type will open with? I installed oo 3.2 and .odt now open with the file-roller. | 10:22 |
indus | quietone, right click file and properties >open with | 10:23 |
perfection | indus: okay, i got u | 10:23 |
indus | perfection, you can also do sudo grub-install /dev/sda2 etc but i never did it | 10:23 |
Guest53208 | what to install to upgrade to ubuntu-server ? | 10:23 |
indus | deena, try with the 32 bit maybe | 10:23 |
quietone | indus: did that (several times) and it only works once | 10:23 |
indus | if i see that error, i never could find out why | 10:24 |
archboxman | OProfile - doesn't give me the idea of great control over profiles instead seems to be answer for novell server ideas not a linux idea... | 10:24 |
indus | quietone, then dont know | 10:24 |
alankila | <3 oprofile | 10:25 |
indus | deena, make the file executable | 10:25 |
archboxman | OProfile - goes back to a novell server idea of dropping profiles and gathering data... | 10:25 |
indus | deena, here look http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1211528 | 10:25 |
alankila | easy-to-use sampling profiler that can even dig up the source code and disassembly of the programs you profiled. What's not to like. | 10:25 |
ZykoticK9 | deena, I was able to successfully install Savage2 - 64bit yesterday -- don't know why you're getting that error, sorry | 10:26 |
archboxman | alankila: its still a novell idea to drop profiles and fix cpu operations in linux server.... not a native idea to linux... its an addon | 10:27 |
perfection | ZykoticK9: maybe 'cause he's installing on 32bit system | 10:27 |
paradoxuncreated | Ok, I have got aplay streaming sound to jack, and listening with aplay through my FFADO device now. However firefox/flash still outputs to the interal soundcard, anyone know how to fix this? | 10:27 |
acron17 | hi there! when i login into gnome i cannot focus any window after the very 1st mouse click, also i cannot switch between the windows using Alt-Tab | 10:28 |
* alankila has no idea what this talk about "native idea to linux" is. | 10:28 |
acron17 | i'm using ubuntu (9.10) and have described this here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8804362 | 10:29 |
Guest53208 | /mesg help | 10:29 |
alankila | oprofile is one of the better linux technologies. I couldn't believe it existed, was easy to use, and worked -- as far as I could tell -- perfectly. | 10:29 |
archboxman | alankila: yes I do... written code can be changed understood... | 10:29 |
quietone | indus: fyi. made change by right click fn.odt -> properties -> 'open with' tab. this worked for all .odt. good night. | 10:30 |
indus | quietone, ok | 10:31 |
perfection | indus: does ubuntu support hyperthreading technology as the one in the intel i5 cpu? | 10:31 |
indus | perfection, hmm what is that in i 5 | 10:32 |
ZykoticK9 | deena, are you trying to use "sh Savage2Install-"? as i get the same error if i try that! "chmod +x Savage2Install-" then just use "./Savage2Install-" | 10:33 |
perfection | indus: i mean the new intel cpus, they say they have hyperthreading features, etc. and i want to buy a laptop with one, so i was wondering if i cud take adventage of that technology with ubuntu | 10:33 |
indus | perfection, i hear its being worked on, not sure if it even works properly with windows 7 yet | 10:34 |
deena | i tried that also | 10:34 |
indus | deena, can you tell me the output of uname -a | 10:34 |
archboxman | alankila: you think a programmer that makes 80,000+ year has time to play with profile or adminstrator over 2000 users is going to figure out current bugs no... we delete profile and give a new profile with same use....not debug a profile .... oprofile intrudoces the same problem novell had for years.. | 10:35 |
perfection | indus: oh, maybe i shud wait and hope the next kernel release supports that | 10:35 |
deena | Linux desktop 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux | 10:35 |
ZykoticK9 | deena, you have 32bit not 64bit!!! | 10:35 |
indus | perfection, let me google it, but hyperthreading is supported for some time in linux, but the new i 5 etc have some new tricks so | 10:35 |
indus | ZykoticK9, !!!!!!! | 10:35 |
indus | deena, so sweetheart, download the 32 bit installer :) | 10:36 |
deena | but mine is AMD phenon processor | 10:36 |
deena | AMD is an 64 bit only am i right | 10:36 |
indus | deena, its not the processor, its the version of ubuntu you installed | 10:36 |
ZykoticK9 | deena, but you must have installed the 32bit version of Ubuntu | 10:36 |
alankila | archboxman: I wonder if you even know what a profiler is. | 10:36 |
archboxman | alankila: the only reason we hang on to profiles is to notify novell of current problem in a profile for bug fixes... | 10:36 |
indus | deena, well, you can install either a 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu on it, it supports both , its not only 64 bit | 10:37 |
perfection | indus: okay thanx | 10:37 |
bullgard | indus: I am sorry. I read your messages. But I still do not know: "What is the function or purpose of these 2 different lines?" | 10:37 |
indus | bullgard, sorry, i cant explain better | 10:38 |
archboxman | alankila: careless to debug your preferences to a program no time ... for what a bunch of hidden files that reference software stored in usr/share profiles... no | 10:38 |
bullgard | indus: Thank you. | 10:39 |
indus | bullgard, also, it saves your gpg and ssh keys there | 10:39 |
deena | ok let me try | 10:39 |
indus | bullgard, try changing your password for system | 10:39 |
baz | hi guys, I have somehow broken NFS and get 0 google hits for the error message. | 10:39 |
baz | start-stop-daemon: Unable to start /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd: Exec format error (Exec format error) | 10:39 |
baz | which is nice | 10:40 |
indus | bullgard, but frankly even iam not sure how it works | 10:40 |
Slart | baz: tried reinstalling the nfs server ? | 10:40 |
archboxman | alankila: have you ever seen what a mouse driver in a novell profile can cause if it causes problems it not fun.... reinstall a mouse driver everytime they hit the same snag... no | 10:40 |
alankila | archboxman: so that's a no. You don't know what oprofile actually does. | 10:40 |
indus | bullgard, once i found that my network and system password were different, so i deleted the entry for network from passwords and encryptions | 10:40 |
indus | and saved | 10:40 |
baz | Slart: The error occurs when I try to start/restart the service, yeah | 10:40 |
indus | perfection, i think it works fine with newest kernel | 10:41 |
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz |
* Slart wonders if archboxman and alankila is even talking about the same thing.. | 10:41 |
indus | perfection, wait ill give you a nice link | 10:41 |
indus | perfection, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/429036 | 10:41 |
perfection | indus: that's good news though i heard in lucid they may not use the latest kernel, i think we'll have to upgrade | 10:43 |
archboxman | Slart: same thing this person doesn't see the overall idea novell will press in .... I see it becuase the introducing the same ideas period... | 10:43 |
indus | perfection, i think its fixed already | 10:43 |
indus | perfection, does it say only for lucid? | 10:43 |
indus | perfection, i think it will make its way into karmic probably | 10:44 |
Slart | baz: can you pastebin the output of "file /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd" ? | 10:44 |
Slart | !pastebin | baz | 10:44 |
ubottu | baz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:44 |
perfection | indus: am sure it will but i prefer the latest so i'll upgrade to lucid | 10:44 |
archboxman | Slart: whats next we going to see a private network protocol for devices that novell wouldn't let go of long ago with the bindings....??? | 10:45 |
baz | Slart: Interesting. It's 0 bytes :| | 10:45 |
alankila | Slart: we're not. I thought his oprofile was about the debian package oprofile, the cpu usage measuring device which I think is the best thing ever. And he's talking about user profiles. | 10:45 |
perfection | indus: and i read on some blog they were saying lucid may not use the latest kernel, maybe they'll backport some module or whatever | 10:45 |
necat_ | hello | 10:45 |
perfection | indus: about processors that support 64bit, when you use 32bit version of OS are you under-utilizing the processor? | 10:46 |
necat_ | Heyy hiç türk var ı burda | 10:46 |
Slart | archboxman: I'm not claiming to know much about this.. but googling for Oprofile seems to suggest it's a profiling tools.. ie measuring performance for a process/system.. function calls..etc.. | 10:46 |
Slart | baz: seems you've found the problem =) | 10:46 |
baz | Slart: Seems I have - sorry, when you said "reinstalled" earlier I read it as "restarted" | 10:47 |
archboxman | Slart: preformance where is the question ... I can measure preformance without this tool... said to say... | 10:47 |
Slart | baz: ah.. try the --reinstall switch with apt-get.. or synaptic | 10:47 |
baz | Slart: removed/re-installed package, seems to work now. No idea how that happened, this is on a RAID volume so that's a worry | 10:47 |
Slart | baz: and they say computers are predicatble =) | 10:47 |
marteo | hei | 10:48 |
marteo | Hi | 10:48 |
archboxman | Slart: right from there page Excellent introduction to profiling. | 10:48 |
Slart | archboxman: well.. as I said.. I'm in no position to discuss this.. I just got the impression you were talking about something else.. probably my bad | 10:49 |
Jordan_U | acron17, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs | 10:49 |
Jordan_U | acron17, Sorry, wrong nick | 10:50 |
acron17 | Jordan_U, noprob | 10:50 |
perfection | got to go, peace out y'all | 10:50 |
acron17 | i've a serious problem: when i login into gnome i cannot focus any window after the very 1st mouse click, also i cannot switch between the windows using Alt-Tab | 10:52 |
archboxman | Slart: here is there idea http://online.wsj.com/article/PR-CO-20091208-903735.html | 10:53 |
Stargaze | in a server context, what does HVM stand for? and PV guest? | 10:53 |
acron17 | anyone interested in giving my hand on this one? (there are some more informations here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8803929) | 10:53 |
bjarni | Hi. Can someone look at this from auth.log: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d5627e51b, The 3 lines dated Feb 22 08:21:45-46 are bothering me. They don't come when restarted so maybe it's some automatic update or something. How can I track where this is coming from? The user "anuser" is not logged on - I am (bjarni) - but anuser is the first user to be installed on this system. | 10:54 |
archboxman | Slart: here is how novell entered this same bottleneck feature in windows camp :( http://support.novell.com/techcenter/articles/ana19960304.html | 10:55 |
Nighthawk82 | <--- New. hey guys how do i find out what workgrp i'm in under ubuntu | 10:56 |
Slart | archboxman: where does "Intelligent Workload Management" come into this? | 10:56 |
coz_ | Nighthawk82, if no one here can answer at the moment you may want to try ##Linux channel | 10:57 |
naoshige | hi | 10:57 |
e-DIO-t | hi there! | 10:57 |
naoshige | anybody running facebook apps off ubuntu servers? | 10:57 |
candyban | Is there a package somewhere for libstdc++5 in karmic? | 10:57 |
ZykoticK9 | Nighthawk82, in a terminal "cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep workgroup" | 10:57 |
candyban | Or will I need to take it from jaunty? | 10:58 |
AcEg33k | hello | 10:58 |
lele__ | good morning | 10:58 |
ZykoticK9 | candyban, it's been removed from Karmic | 10:58 |
AcEg33k | i am unable to get my sound device working | 10:58 |
archboxman | Slart: they introduced this in long ago and said the novell server could run window profiles from the novell server with management tools and impliment changes based on there server tree and the there package costed a lot more like 5,000 dallors for there system relief packages in windows profiles... | 10:58 |
Gheddy_Zarc | where can i get this file ? python-sqlite_1.0.1-7ubuntu1_all.deb I can find version python-sqlite_1.0.1-4ubuntu1_all.deb but I need 7,, | 10:58 |
coz_ | candyban, probably from the jaunty list of packages | 10:58 |
candyban | ZykoticK9, I noticed :p ... but I need it ... so unpacking it from jaunty then? | 10:59 |
Nighthawk82 | ZykoticK9: does that change it or what does it do? | 10:59 |
candyban | coz_, k | 10:59 |
ZykoticK9 | candyban, that's what I have done | 10:59 |
ZykoticK9 | Nighthawk82, all that command does is display what workgroup your in | 10:59 |
indus | candyban, isnt that a bad idea? installing older libstdc++ | 10:59 |
Slart | archboxman: "window profiles"? as in .. cpu performance measurements? or user profiles as in user files settings and such? | 10:59 |
coz_ | candyban, which application requires this version? | 11:00 |
candyban | indus, not if your application depends on it :) | 11:00 |
Nighthawk82 | ok thanks ZykoticK9 | 11:00 |
ZykoticK9 | Nighthawk82, anything in /etc "should" be owned by root and without sudo a normal user shouldn't be able to modify anything | 11:00 |
Nighthawk82 | cool thanks for the heads up | 11:00 |
candyban | coz_, x-lite-3 | 11:00 |
Jordan_U | ZykoticK9, For future reference grep takes filenames as arguments, so: "grep workgroup /etc/samba/smb.conf" | 11:00 |
coz_ | candyban, did you check if there is a developer version that may use the current library? | 11:00 |
candyban | coz_, there is a beta, but only for windows/mac | 11:01 |
bjarni | In addition to the comment above, I need to add that the pasted log is from the start of log this morning. Seems to be something started 5 minutes after boot in the morning... | 11:01 |
candyban | coz_, so yes (I checked) ... and no (it's not available) | 11:01 |
ZykoticK9 | Jordan_U, that is much cleaner -- i'm affraid i have fallen into a bad habit with grep - i ALWAYS pipe to it ;) Thanks for the heads-up though. | 11:01 |
OerHeks | candyban the easy way is to download it from here: http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/libstdc++5 | 11:01 |
Jordan_U | ZykoticK9, np | 11:01 |
=== Jamesofur is now known as Jamesofur|sleep |
coz_ | candyban, there seems to be an x-lite-beta 4 let me see if I can find a download for that | 11:02 |
alankila | ZykoticK9: it's called "useless use of cat award" | 11:02 |
alankila | you just received one, congratulations. | 11:02 |
Q_Continuum | Ugh, just realized the answer to my issue. I forgot FF 3.6 is a 'new version' so we won't see it for 2 months :-/ | 11:03 |
ZykoticK9 | alankila, well i am Gold Medallist is "useless catting" then ;) | 11:03 |
* Q_Continuum sighs | 11:03 |
ZykoticK9 | Q_Continuum, you won't see it in Karmic probably ever -- add the PPA (FYI it's default in Lucid) | 11:03 |
archboxman | Slart: it ties into one there idea is to manage the server which inturn manages profiles to each invidual profile eating processorer time... which leads back to a front end novell server or example ... played with this idea at a hospital and a novel server believe version 5 ... yes this idea has great promise just not ideal for a it platform that can figure out the load based upon start time of profiles ... I don't need a program | 11:03 |
Q_Continuum | ZykoticK9, hence the '2 months' with Lucid :-P | 11:04 |
rww | Q_Continuum: Ubuntu's Mozilla team has a "firefox-stable" PPA that apparently has it. You'd do "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable" | 11:04 |
coz_ | candyban, no luck here | 11:04 |
ZykoticK9 | Q_Continuum, 66 days infact ;) (sorry didn't get your 2 months reference) | 11:05 |
Q_Continuum | I forget about that 'feature' sometimes. | 11:05 |
zvacet | Q_Continuum : if you want latest FF check http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ubuntuzilla/index.php?title=Main_Page | 11:05 |
archboxman | Slart: if its a free tool great... if it is an idea to purchase a novell server no.... I don't like idea ... same approach the used in the hospital industry to keep novell at the front end of servers... | 11:05 |
Q_Continuum | rww, I'm looking into that now yeah | 11:05 |
naoshige | if im having server problems | 11:06 |
naoshige | i.e. no response or whatever | 11:07 |
naoshige | what log file is wisest to check up on? | 11:07 |
archboxman | naoshige: what server problem | 11:07 |
e-DIO-t | naoshige: what do you mean with "no response" and from which server? | 11:07 |
e-DIO-t | btw, usual log location is /var/log/appservername, isn't it? | 11:07 |
=== jjulian_ is now known as jjulian |
Slart | archboxman: sorry... I don't seem to be able to get my head around this... but thanks for the explanations anyway | 11:08 |
naoshige | well | 11:09 |
naoshige | im trying to set up this facebook app | 11:09 |
archboxman | Slart: its not a big idea they tried to keep the hospital industry only using novell servers with there novell binding years ago until they allowed tcp/ip and everyone let novell server as quick as they could get the data off the server | 11:09 |
OerHeks | candyban if you run 32 bit ubuntu > sudo dpkg -i libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_i386.deb && sudo dpkg-deb -x libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_i386.deb ./tmp && sudo cp ./tmp/usr/lib/* /usr/lib32/ | 11:10 |
archboxman | Slart: we had one novell server with 10 as400 | 11:10 |
candyban | OerHeks, why would I first want to install it and then manually extract it and copy the thing? | 11:12 |
candyban | OerHeks, ps. I usually use ar and tar to extract stuff from packages :) | 11:13 |
mysterioux | #join | 11:13 |
OerHeks | candyban, husain explains it in > http://hsmak.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/how-to-fix-libstdc5-dependency-problem-in-ubuntu-9-10/ | 11:13 |
mysterioux | could someone tell me exactly were ubunut installs its files into? | 11:13 |
Slart | mysterioux: you can check the package in synaptic.. right click and select properties | 11:14 |
mysterioux | i would like to install the following apache2,php,mysql for development but would like to know where its stores the files from the command line? | 11:14 |
Slart | mysterioux: it installs files to several places | 11:14 |
mysterioux | Slart:tanks | 11:14 |
xfact | indus, Thanks it helped! | 11:14 |
mysterioux | ok, explain furthr pls | 11:14 |
alankila | mysterioux: you can answer the question two says: study FHS, and use dpkg -L <packagename> to view list of files of that package. | 11:14 |
candyban | OerHeks, I already have it "installed" ... but it's not working properly ... for some reason it can't properly use the dsp device (even though it should go to pulse) ... I'm going to try my luck with linphone | 11:14 |
mysterioux | ok alankila: thanks | 11:15 |
alankila | mysterioux: the FHS explains why a particular file is in, say, /usr/bin (it's determined by its role/function), and dpkg -L answers the particulars of any package you want to know about. | 11:15 |
Slart | mysterioux: well.. documentation goes to one place (/usr/share somewhere).. libraries to (/usr/lib/) binaries or links to them to (/usr/bin is one example).. | 11:15 |
Slart | mysterioux: so there are files spread all over the place | 11:15 |
ZykoticK9 | candyban, if you're getting a dsp error you can try using "padsp $program" and see if that corrects it | 11:15 |
Slart | !fhs | 11:15 |
ubottu | An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview see also: man hier | 11:15 |
mysterioux | are there ways to control its location? | 11:16 |
alankila | mysterioux: no, the packages will generally install were they will. | 11:16 |
Slart | mysterioux: one of the advantages of using a "distro" is that it's tested with the packages.. so it's usually best to let the files go where they are intended to.. | 11:17 |
Slart | mysterioux: but, sure, you can move things around.. expect stuff to break though | 11:17 |
i3inary | hi, i need some help restoring a tar backup from a laptop to a newly created virtual machine. | 11:18 |
mysterioux | furthermore, what is the time frame for upgrading ubunut online...cos i'm have a hard time upgrading? | 11:19 |
mysterioux | to the new version | 11:19 |
Slart | what version are you using now? | 11:19 |
Slart | mysterioux: your machine will never just stop working because the OS is out of date.. updates will stop coming though and eventually the repositories will be moved so you will be unable to install new software unless you select new repositories to use | 11:20 |
candyban | ZykoticK9, I'll first try linphone (if that doesn't work, I'll try your approach) | 11:20 |
mysterioux | 9.04 | 11:21 |
i3inary | let me rephrase that i need some help restoring a tar backup from a laptop to a new hardware configuration. i am trying to duplicate the environment that was configured on the laptop programs and all. | 11:21 |
Slart | !9.04 | 11:21 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 | 11:21 |
alankila | i3inary: you made a complete image of the filesystem with tar? | 11:21 |
i3inary | alankila, let me get the command i used for you | 11:21 |
indus | xfact, :) good | 11:22 |
Slart | mysterioux: here's the timeline for the releases.. 9.04 is supported until end of 2010.. so you've got some time left http://www.ubuntu.com/products/ubuntu/release-cycle | 11:23 |
i3inary | alankila, here is the script http://pastebin.ca/1805619 | 11:24 |
Slart | mysterioux: here's the same thing but with text instead of graphs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases | 11:24 |
alankila | i3inary: ok. Well, seems straightforward enough. You boot some suitable live cd like knoppix against an empty harddisk image, make filesystem on it, decompress that backup, make any missing directories like /mnt, /sys, /proc, chroot into it, then run some command like grub-install or grub-setup against the harddisk image in order to get a bootloader on it. | 11:26 |
alankila | you may have to mount /proc and /sys manually though, and your /dev probably contains some rubbish from udev, but maybe that's not harmful. I'm not sure if /dev is completely empty these days normally, the script isn't handling /dev correctly anyway. | 11:26 |
alankila | oh, I see the script also contains a restore method. Well, that's a nice reference for the commands to execute. | 11:27 |
i3inary | alankila, so installing ubuntu on the new system then restoring files will not work properly even if i create the same user? | 11:28 |
mysterioux | thanks Slart | 11:28 |
mysterioux | furthermore, how do I install wine on ubuntu from the command line or from the Synatic Package? | 11:29 |
mysterioux | and how? | 11:29 |
alankila | i3inary: well, chances are that method also will work quite well. I just suggested a method that builds the linux from 0 existing install. | 11:29 |
indus | mysterioux, sudo apt-get install wine | 11:29 |
Slart | !wine | mysterioux | 11:29 |
ubottu | mysterioux: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 11:29 |
erUSUL | !software | mysterioux | 11:29 |
ubottu | mysterioux: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 11:29 |
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa |
indus | mysterioux, or main menu > system >administration > synaptic package manager | 11:30 |
alankila | i3inary: it's just that the linux will be running while the backup is decompressing, and that's not 100% healthy. But it might just work well enough. | 11:30 |
indus | mysterioux, or main menu > ubuntu software center \ | 11:30 |
i3inary | alankila, what if i boot into knoppix to decompress the files? | 11:31 |
alankila | i3inary: then you can probably skip the bootloader installing step, but it's otherwise mostly the same. | 11:31 |
alankila | i3inary: I don't like the fact that this script packed /dev into it. That should not be backuped nor restored. But it's probably harmless. | 11:32 |
AdvoWork | hmm,im doing /usr/bin/mail.... and its giving: mail: /usr/sbin/sendmail: No such file or directory any ideas plesae? | 11:32 |
e-DIO-t | pardon: except "disconnecting one of the disks", how could I check if grup is properly installed on each of a 2disk raid mirror? | 11:32 |
RRRRrrrraph | Hi all | 11:33 |
i3inary | alankila, i will exclude it from the restore then. is that all i should worry about? will it boot up and be just as i left it before backing it up or is it going to require all kinds of configurations? | 11:34 |
alankila | i3inary: well, I believe it will resume just like you left it. | 11:34 |
alankila | i3inary: the state of a linux system is in its files, and the only invisible part is the bootloader stuff in boot sector and whatever embedded sectors it mentions and so on | 11:35 |
i3inary | alankila, alright thats what i want to hear. thank you so much for your time and information! | 11:35 |
alankila | the only danger as I see is with having an old install underneath which contains files that weren't part of the restore image, you'll have some sort of ugly superposition of things then. | 11:35 |
ace721 | Does anyone know how to setup a VPN? I followed all instructions and searched the web extensively and still can't get it to work. I'm running Karmic 32 bit | 11:36 |
alankila | i3inary: hence my suggestion that since you backuped the whole system, restore to empty disk. | 11:36 |
i3inary | alankila, i just dont understand how the installation will boot without drivers that i figured were installed and configured during the ubuntu installation | 11:37 |
Gamrok | how can i resett apt | 11:37 |
i3inary | alankila, because im restoring to new hardware....is it nothing like windows in that respect? | 11:37 |
alankila | i3inary: all that stuff is in the files you backed up. So when you boot some livecd image and restore the backup you restore those files too. All that you will not restore is the bootloader, as I already explained. | 11:37 |
tu | tu putaaa madreee | 11:38 |
Gamrok | i get the following error guys | 11:38 |
Gamrok | Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) | 11:38 |
Gamrok | what should i do | 11:38 |
alankila | i3inary: oh, yeah, linux system is pretty generic in that almost all hardware support linux has generally is already included. There are some exceptions to this rule, though. | 11:38 |
zvacet | !wtf | tu | 11:38 |
ubottu | tu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 11:38 |
alankila | i3inary: it doesn't make decisions like support acpi / non-acpi system, or support this network card but not that one. Linux comes with pretty much all open source drivers ever written in every system. | 11:39 |
vices | for ubunti 8.10, when i go to the sound icon and check preferences, there aren't any options for which microphone to select | 11:39 |
michael__ | After installing Ubuntu GRUB didn't create an entry for Windows Vista. I can see that Vista is still there, however I can't even mount it in read-only. I need to create a manual entry in grub.cfg, but need a little help. | 11:39 |
Gamrok | guys i need some help here whenever i try and install something via terminal i get the following error Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) | 11:39 |
antoni | hi. anybody can tell me how to run echo mia under ubuntustudio 9.10? it's not working "out of the box" | 11:40 |
zvacet | vices: look under volume control | 11:40 |
rww | Gamrok: what command are you trying to do? | 11:40 |
vices | zvacet: yep, volume control -> preferences | 11:40 |
i3inary | alankila, alright then beautiful...so ill exclude /dev and try decompressing over a fresh install to go the easy way...if that doesnt work ill have to learn the boot loader stuff | 11:40 |
vices | zvacet, it just has a "select tracks to be visible" and has only one option "master recording" | 11:40 |
alankila | i3inary: still, you make a good point. Rebuilding the initramfs is a good idea, so "update-initramfs -u -k all" could be a good idea if it autodetects any support it needs to include. (Not sure if it does.) | 11:41 |
Gamrok | rww i just try and install anything but it does'nt work and i've been doing this all my life sudo apt-get install gnome-do | 11:41 |
zvacet | I'm not at Ubuntu right now but you should see pcm,master and so on | 11:41 |
alankila | i3inary: yeah check back, tell us how it went. It may be that the boot loader parts need some updating, or maybe not. I haven't checked just how large part of initramfses are dynamically tailored to the underlying system. | 11:42 |
rww | Gamrok: what's the output of "ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/lock"? | 11:42 |
i3inary | alankila, thank i will. | 11:42 |
alankila | i3inary: to ensure that boot problems don't come bite you, you can also exclude /boot from decompression | 11:42 |
zvacet | vices: you should be able to see boxes on left side and check them and you will then have it listed | 11:42 |
alankila | i3inary: that way you will keep whatever kernel and grub stuff the installer came up with. It should still work, hopefully. | 11:43 |
i3inary | alankila, ok ill do that | 11:43 |
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad86 |
e-DIO-t | got it: dd of the 2 mbr => diff! | 11:43 |
meowbuntu | hi would my p4 with low ram run better if i ran inside ram outside ram or normal | 11:44 |
zvacet | meowbuntu: how much ram do you have | 11:45 |
Parallx | I have a server, and I'm running out of space on disk, and i haven't installed anything for 5 years, where's all the crap? | 11:45 |
Slart | inside ram? outside ram? normal? huh? | 11:45 |
alankila | Slart: perhaps some people see usb disks and flash sticks as just memory. | 11:46 |
candyban | Parallx, /var/log? | 11:46 |
candyban | type du -hs /* | 11:46 |
candyban | Parallx, that can take quite a long time | 11:47 |
meowbuntu | zvacet, i can set my os to run completly in ram. without it or normally. | 11:47 |
Slart | alankila: ah.. tricky | 11:47 |
scavenger_ | I'm looking for a way to start gnome-terminal with certain tabs open - is that possible? | 11:47 |
meowbuntu | zvacet, i have p4.768mb ram 1.8 processer with issues. if i run say firefox and have several windows usingg scripts eg more than a google search page. it can hang | 11:48 |
zvacet | meowbuntu: ff eats ram use some other browser like google chrome or something else | 11:50 |
bullgard | [seahorse] Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys > Passwords show 2 lines: "Passwords:default" and "Passwords:login". What is the function or purpose of these 2 lines? | 11:50 |
alankila | 768 is quite lot though. Firefox is bloated, but is it that bloated? | 11:50 |
MrSunshine_ | hmm, i sometimes get a dialog saying "the totem plugin could not be loaded" in firefox, how do i fix this? :/ | 11:50 |
meowbuntu | zvacet, i do use either ff, chrome(mostly) or kazehakase | 11:51 |
hanseatic | quit | 11:51 |
indus | meowbuntu, what is kazehakase | 11:51 |
zvacet | meowbuntu: do you have same problems with other two browsers | 11:52 |
michael__ | After installing Ubuntu GRUB didn't create an entry for Windows Vista. I can see that Vista is still there, however I can't even mount it in read-only. I need to create a manual entry in grub.cfg, but need a little help. | 11:53 |
zvacet | indus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazehakase | 11:53 |
alankila | michael__: would that be grub2? Maybe you are missing package called os-prober | 11:54 |
alankila | michael__: installing that allow grub2 to autogenerate the entries for OSes it knows about. | 11:54 |
michael__ | alankila, os-prober wouldn't be able to detect Vista because it needs read access to the partition. | 11:54 |
alankila | michael__: so? Shouldn't it have one when you run it as root? | 11:55 |
michael__ | alankila, Vista wont mount in read-only mode because it wasn't shut down properly, or there are FS errors. | 11:55 |
indus | zvacet, wikipedia link dont say much, howdo you pronounce it | 11:55 |
meowbuntu | indus, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazehakase it looks feels and acts like google chromeium | 11:55 |
cjs | Anybody here familiar with the icky details of an Ubuntu boot of a system with an encrypted root? I've got a system that's not doing the luksOpen it ought to be. | 11:55 |
indus | seems like it has tabs drag and drop like chrome | 11:55 |
Parallx | candyban: let me try | 11:55 |
indus | meowbuntu, looks like firefox, why do you use it? | 11:56 |
`mOOse` | Parallx - you could also install bleachbit and take care of lots of crap that way too | 11:56 |
shrini | Hi, I dont have admin rights in my windows laptop. As has only C: partition. Is it possible to install ubuntu via wubi without admin rights? | 11:56 |
candyban | Parallx, if your server has not been patched for 5 years ... you might also consider that it's been rooted | 11:56 |
=== nick_ is now known as Guest4781 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc |
alankila | michael__: and you can't boot it to let it shutdown properly. Catch-22. | 11:57 |
Parallx | candyban: breezy | 11:57 |
candyban | Parallx, have you been installing updates? | 11:57 |
Parallx | `mOOse`: I don't have apt-get anymore | 11:57 |
michael__ | alankila, I nearly typed your name out as analkila. Moving on swiftly, yeah exactly catch 22. I run os-prober as root and it returns no output. | 11:57 |
Parallx | candyban: updates till end of breezy | 11:58 |
joppan | open question is shell promming req C prog skills | 11:58 |
gunavara | hey guys, i'm looking for someone that has worked with pitivi ? i need some assistance :) | 11:58 |
candyban | Parallx, did you run apt-get clean? | 11:58 |
=== DJones_ is now known as DJones |
Parallx | candyban: yep | 11:58 |
joppan | like if then..if then elif for in do done..blah blah | 11:58 |
zvacet | indus: I didn't try it and this is all I found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecommendedApplications | 11:58 |
Parallx | all clean | 11:58 |
sagaci | joppan: bash? | 11:58 |
meowbuntu | indus, its hard to mention. has problems booting mb, i can get around that. when its running it runs ok for some time then it just runs out of ram. | 11:58 |
candyban | you can also run "lsof | grep -i deleted" | 11:58 |
indus | hmm | 11:59 |
alankila | michael__: well, I suppose the grub commands in its shell were at grub1 time something like "rootnoverify (hd,y)" "boot", nothing more complicated than that. I haven't checked what the grub2 commands look like, though. | 11:59 |
meowbuntu | its just an old tired computer with issues. but i cant afford to upgrade it | 11:59 |
`mOOse` | grub2 is totally different than grub | 12:00 |
Parallx | candyban: http://pastebin.com/m76db91d7 10GB disk | 12:00 |
`mOOse` | whole new paradigm | 12:00 |
=== steveire is now known as steveire_lunch |
meowbuntu | indus, maby i should just ditch ubuntu and use dsl or similar os for older computers | 12:00 |
alankila | yeah, grub2 has spoilt me, it has just worked, so I haven't really even read its vaguely programming language -like config | 12:00 |
BIDMAS | I'm packaging an application. JDK is a dependency. Specifically which package should I put as a dependency, and should it be in the pre-depends section? | 12:00 |
Gryllida | meowbuntu: maybe Puppy Linux. the Ubuntu requirements are https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements | 12:01 |
alankila | BIDMAS: see for instance ant package. It currently lists default-jre-headless, java1-runtime-headless, java2-runtime-headless | 12:01 |
candyban | Parallx, do a df -h && du -hs /media ... | 12:01 |
candyban | without the "..." ;) | 12:02 |
alankila | BIDMAS: whether you need a GUI it of course another matter, but any already-packaged java app could be it | 12:02 |
BIDMAS | alankila: Hmm... so I shouldn't be looking at openjdk or sun-jdk or whatever? | 12:02 |
alankila | BIDMAS: preferably no, unless you truly depend on that specific vm | 12:02 |
abraham | hi everybody | 12:02 |
abraham | i have question about the NAT | 12:02 |
alankila | BIDMAS: my guess is, you want default-jre | 12:02 |
abraham | how to write it and how to reconfig it | 12:03 |
Parallx | candyban: http://pastebin.com/d1f06bfee | 12:03 |
candyban | Parallx, and also try the "lsof | grep deleted" | 12:03 |
alankila | or well ... hmm ... I'm not sure. :-/ | 12:03 |
zvacet | meowbuntu: try Xubuntu see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce | 12:03 |
alankila | default-jre seemed like sane choice, but does it depend on openjdk or how is this mess arranged now | 12:03 |
=== ae86-drifter1 is now known as ae86-drifter |
Parallx | candyban: lsof | grep deleted lsof: WARNING: can't stat() reiserfs file system /dev/.static/dev Output information may be incomplete. | 12:04 |
meowbuntu | zvacet, i think i have suggested requirments | 12:04 |
abraham | pleeeeeeeeeeeeees | 12:04 |
abraham | I want to know about NAT | 12:04 |
meowbuntu | sh: inxi: not found | 12:04 |
abraham | any body is there? | 12:04 |
candyban | Parallx, nothing for the rest? | 12:04 |
ae86-drifter | lol | 12:04 |
abraham | yohooooooooo | 12:04 |
Parallx | candyban: ???? | 12:05 |
inveratulo | !patience|abraham | 12:05 |
ubottu | abraham: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 12:05 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee |
zvacet | meowbuntu: yes you have but xubuntu is lighter then Gnome so maybe less consuming | 12:05 |
candyban | Parallx, like "/tmp/vteN5XH8U (deleted)" | 12:05 |
Parallx | candyban: in /tmp I have just 2 hidden files .ICE-unix & .X11-unix | 12:06 |
zvacet | meowbuntu: I use to run Jaunty with 192MB of ram with LXDE | 12:06 |
_dsl | i'm trying to configure a dial-up connection. i installed gnome-ppp but modem isn't detected. doing lspci|grep -i (whatever that means!) shows the modem model...what do I do now please? | 12:06 |
candyban | Parallx, no, the output of "lsof | grep deleted" | 12:06 |
oaie_seaca | hello. does anyone know if Ubuntu has a problem with the new hard disks from WD that have 4096 segment size ? | 12:07 |
candyban | Parallx, run that as root btw :) | 12:07 |
Parallx | candyban: no grep output | 12:07 |
meowbuntu | zvacet, what does xubuntu run | 12:08 |
candyban | Parallx, can you do "du -hs /media/*" ? | 12:08 |
meowbuntu | they dont ship free cds of xubuntu or i would have gotten that | 12:09 |
zvacet | meowbuntu: xfce see http://www.xubuntu.org/ | 12:09 |
Parallx | candyban: but /media is mounted on different disks | 12:09 |
`mOOse` | I use xubuntu and I love it | 12:09 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc |
`mOOse` | which is xfce | 12:10 |
indus | gdm | 12:10 |
Parallx | candyban: http://pastebin.com/d29978add | 12:10 |
indus | meowbuntu, they do i believe ship xubuntu also | 12:10 |
meowbuntu | arg i dont like xfce. i used to run mint 7 xfce comunity edition it ran similar | 12:10 |
meowbuntu | indus, not for free though | 12:10 |
indus | meowbuntu, really? | 12:10 |
meowbuntu | ya | 12:11 |
BigMack83 | i know this isnt ubuntu related, but im looking for a good irc bot and know about the one in here and was wondering what irc bot the channel uses or if it was a custom one. | 12:11 |
`mOOse` | mint is a totally different distro though | 12:11 |
candyban | Parallx, is it possible for you to unmount those filesystems one by one? (and then check if the directories are empty) | 12:11 |
meowbuntu | BigMack83, it is best to ask the ops here | 12:11 |
rww | ubottu: botclone | BigMack83 | 12:12 |
ubottu | BigMack83: Ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html | 12:12 |
Parallx | candyban: /media/* ??? | 12:12 |
meowbuntu | indus, ran similar to mint main | 12:12 |
indus | are the ubuntu cd's rewritable ? | 12:12 |
indus | so it says here | 12:12 |
BigMack83 | awesome, thanks guys | 12:12 |
rww | indus: the ones you get from shipit? | 12:12 |
meowbuntu | indus, no i dont think so | 12:12 |
Parallx | candyban: I just remounted them, but those are data only | 12:12 |
indus | eyah | 12:12 |
candyban | Parallx, like "umount /media/datos0 && du -hs /media/datos0" | 12:12 |
rww | indus: no, they're not | 12:12 |
Parallx | candyban: let me check | 12:13 |
indus | While we will consider all requests, due to extremely high demand we may choose to send a smaller number of CDs, or refuse your request altogether. | 12:13 |
indus | Requesting a smaller number of CDs or a standard option will increase your chances of having the request approved. Remember, you can reuse the CDs! | 12:13 |
indus | look last line what it means | 12:13 |
meowbuntu | indus, would you suggest i install xfce and test it on my ubuntu os | 12:13 |
candyban | Parallx, I suspect you may have put data there while the disks were not mounted ... | 12:13 |
indus | meowbuntu, why would i suggest that? | 12:13 |
indus | meowbuntu, its ugly and i dont like it | 12:13 |
rww | indus: "reuse" as in give to other people or use on other computers | 12:13 |
indus | iam going to kde now | 12:13 |
indus | bad choice of words | 12:14 |
`mOOse` | kde isn't ugly?! | 12:14 |
indus | ]reuse buahaha | 12:14 |
indus | `mOOse`, you blind? | 12:14 |
indus | the menu is ugly though | 12:14 |
indus | i hate it | 12:14 |
Parallx | candyban: I think that's the problem | 12:14 |
bazhang | !ot | 12:14 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 12:14 |
meowbuntu | indus, where is the ubuntu info you talking about relating to cds | 12:14 |
indus | grrrrr | 12:14 |
indus | meowbuntu, on shipit page | 12:15 |
`mOOse` | no I don't think I am...and I've run kde and gnome and xfce and I majorly prefer xcfe to kde | 12:15 |
meowbuntu | oh and that is ???? | 12:15 |
indus | off topic | 12:15 |
indus | meowbuntu, nothing, it says cd is reusable | 12:15 |
indus | if english is my first language, then i say thats misleading | 12:15 |
meowbuntu | `mOOse`, its to each his own | 12:15 |
Parallx | candyban: I will clean them up at night, Thank you | 12:15 |
indus | how is kde ugly ? | 12:16 |
indus | strange | 12:16 |
meowbuntu | ok so shipt page is where then | 12:16 |
rww | indus: The aesthetic merits of KDE, as you have been told, is offtopic for an Ubuntu support channel. | 12:16 |
bazhang | indus, please take chat to the appropriate channel | 12:16 |
zvacet | `mOOse`: try enlightenment | 12:16 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee |
indus | ah oh rww you a op too? | 12:16 |
indus | ok moved on | 12:16 |
joy | hi guys | 12:16 |
indus | joy, hey | 12:17 |
`mOOse` | !enlightenment | 12:17 |
ubottu | Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. | 12:17 |
rww | ubottu: shipit | meowbuntu | 12:17 |
ubottu | meowbuntu: Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Karmic (9.10) CDs | 12:17 |
usman | how do install drivers for canon ip1980 | 12:17 |
candyban | rww, can we talk about the aestetics of gnome? | 12:17 |
candyban | ;) | 12:17 |
`mOOse` | heh | 12:17 |
`mOOse` | noh! | 12:17 |
rww | candyban: Sure, in #ubuntu-offtopic ;P | 12:17 |
indus | i too do shipit, recently i burned 100 cds | 12:17 |
usman | Ubuntu is not detecting drivers for canon ip1980 please help | 12:17 |
candyban | ubottu, E17 is in development since what 1998? | 12:17 |
oscarbl | hello can anybody help me. my ubuntu sofware centre doesnt start | 12:18 |
meowbuntu | #ubuntu-oftopic maybe to talk about kde gnome and xfce differences | 12:18 |
indus | usman, canon should have drivers on theri site did you check | 12:18 |
rww | candyban: December 2000 | 12:18 |
usman | Indus: Yes checked but they say they need a package libcupsys2 | 12:18 |
candyban | rww, well, it feels a lot longer than a "mere 10 years" ;) | 12:19 |
indus | usman, and ? libcupsys2 not in synaptic ? | 12:19 |
usman | Indus: It is in latest version which is libcups2 | 12:19 |
joy | just anyone using ubuntu 9.10 | 12:19 |
joy | i have some problems with compiz here.. | 12:19 |
usman | indus: but it does not support the old drivers | 12:19 |
indus | usman, wait, | 12:19 |
Guest59429 | hello | 12:21 |
=== Guest59429 is now known as hello |
hello | hi | 12:21 |
meowbuntu | indus, well i cant find where it says the cds are rw | 12:21 |
joy | hi guys i have a problem with compiz here. | 12:21 |
hello | hi | 12:21 |
indus | usman, i just found your ubuntu forums post :) noone answered | 12:22 |
tobiash | hi, is there any reason to excuse lack of Ndiswrapper in Ubuntu 9.10? | 12:22 |
indus | meowbuntu, reusable means what | 12:22 |
=== hello is now known as Guest39936 |
meowbuntu | rw | 12:22 |
rww | no | 12:22 |
usman | indus: That is why I am here ain't it? | 12:22 |
indus | yeah | 12:22 |
tobiash | I can't connect to wireless network via usb | 12:22 |
bartmon | Hi! I'm doing a project for college course and i need to test early KVM versions.That means kernel 2.6.20 and onwards. Can I expect a karmic server to work with suck an old kernel? | 12:22 |
meowbuntu | indus, oh like a coaster or a bird repellant in fruit trees | 12:22 |
gavin_ | I can't find out how to change my xfwm4 theme. | 12:23 |
candyban | Is this normal? "# /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset ... * Resetting ALSA... amixer: Invalid command!" ? | 12:23 |
bartmon | ok, sorry for the typos :P | 12:23 |
devunt | ㅋ | 12:23 |
gavin_ | Appearance only changes gtk theme. | 12:23 |
indus | meowbuntu, heh yes thats what they probably meant, ill write to them , how silly | 12:23 |
indus | usman, http://mfirmanshah.wordpress.com/2009/06/22/install-printer-canon-pixma-ip1980-in-ubuntu-jaunty-jackalope/ | 12:23 |
usuario_ | olaaaaaaa!!! | 12:23 |
gavin_ | nevermind. | 12:23 |
gavin_ | i found it. | 12:23 |
indus | usman, you need to slect 1 libcupsys2 for install | 12:23 |
usuario_ | y adiosssss!!!! | 12:23 |
meowbuntu | indus, they are reusable to rw on or to use as something else(recycle) | 12:23 |
indus | meowbuntu, reusable to rw ? | 12:24 |
meowbuntu | ^ or upcycle | 12:24 |
oscarbl | adios usuario | 12:24 |
rww | meobuntu: as I said already, it means "reuse" as in give to other people or use on other computers | 12:24 |
rww | meowbuntu ** | 12:24 |
usman | indus: tried and failed already got error saying that libcupsys is already the latest versin | 12:24 |
meowbuntu | indus, meaning are they cd rw | 12:24 |
indus | meowbuntu, i dont know | 12:24 |
indus | meowbuntu, no i think | 12:24 |
rww | oh for crying out loud | 12:24 |
=== tjibba is now known as Tjibba |
indus | meowbuntu, just cd r | 12:24 |
oscarbl | has anybody tried lynx lucid | 12:25 |
indus | rww, welcome | 12:25 |
meowbuntu | ok | 12:25 |
rww | indus, meowbuntu: I just got back from a conference where we handed out about three hundred of them. *They are not CD-RWs* | 12:25 |
* meowbuntu is no longer confused thanks to rww | 12:25 |
indus | oscarbl, please try #ubuntu+1 | 12:25 |
indus | rww, 300 good, | 12:25 |
oscarbl | indus where i can get it? | 12:25 |
indus | rww, what could be a good burner for high quantity | 12:25 |
indus | oscarbl, type /join #ubuntu+1 | 12:26 |
oscarbl | ok thanks | 12:26 |
meowbuntu | indus, #ubuntu+1 support for the new beta version right??? | 12:26 |
indus | usman, can you reinstall libcupsys2 instead of | 12:26 |
indus | yes alpha version | 12:26 |
indus | alpha 2 but alpha 3 is due soon | 12:26 |
meowbuntu | indus, or just click on #ubuntu+1 | 12:26 |
indus | aaarrgh yes !! oscarbl JUST click on #ubuntu+1 | 12:27 |
indus | !noob | 12:27 |
ubottu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 12:27 |
meowbuntu | ok so #ubuntu+1 is for the latest testing releases | 12:27 |
indus | yes always | 12:27 |
Guest18655 | Hi all | 12:27 |
indus | usman, remove the libcup whatever completely and reinstall | 12:27 |
BiriX | !jfgi | 12:28 |
ubottu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 12:28 |
indus | printers are such a pain | 12:28 |
Guest18655 | I got the following problem, when I boot everything works, but whe the login screen should show up, i get a black screen | 12:28 |
ace721 | Does anyone know how to setup a VPN? I followed all instructions and searched the web extensively and still can't get it to work. I'm running Karmic 32 bit | 12:28 |
usman | no I am unable to re-install libcupsys2 because it is oudated and is replaced by libcups2 which is the present edition and it is a important security update | 12:28 |
Guest39936 | hi | 12:28 |
usman | the canon drivers support only the old version | 12:28 |
indus | usman, try some backports then | 12:28 |
Guest18655 | I did try reconfig graphics and control alt f1/f2 | 12:28 |
meowbuntu | indus, apart from a cli only ubuntu os whats the lightest ubuntu i can get | 12:29 |
usman | indus; what are backports? | 12:29 |
indus | usman, i mean, can you hmm download the jaunty version from packages.ubuntu.com | 12:29 |
indus | meowbuntu, xfce , fluxbox i think and similar | 12:29 |
indus | !wm | 12:29 |
Guest18655 | lightest = xubuntu | 12:29 |
Guest18655 | I think | 12:29 |
meowbuntu | indus, so just get !# | 12:29 |
indus | meowbuntu, i think ubuntu server :D | 12:29 |
Guest18655 | yeah, but thats without gui | 12:29 |
Guest18655 | you can use alternative cd | 12:30 |
meowbuntu | indus, crunchbang !# basiclly is ubuntu with openbox | 12:30 |
indus | !enlightenment | 12:30 |
ubottu | Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. | 12:30 |
indus | ok a little off toipic now | 12:30 |
Guest18655 | I need some help with graphic drivers... | 12:30 |
Guest18655 | I got the following problem, when I boot everything works, but whe the login screen should show up, i get a black screen | 12:30 |
meowbuntu | !i tryed building an Enlightenment os last week from ubuntu disapointing and frustraighting | 12:30 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:30 |
Guest18655 | I did try reconfig graphics and control alt f1/f2 | 12:30 |
adalal | anyone familiar with iptables, and how to forward ports? | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | !iptables | 12:31 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist | 12:31 |
adalal | thansk | 12:31 |
indus | usman, bump your thread on the forums | 12:31 |
indus | usman, let it move up | 12:31 |
adalal | Dr_Willis: but that doesn't show HOW to forward ports... | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | adalal: iptables has 1000000+ tutorals and guides out on the net. | 12:32 |
Spanglish_7776 | adalal: this should give you an idea http://www.howtoforge.com/nat-gateway-iptables-port-forwarding-dns-and-dhcp-setup-ubuntu-8.10-server | 12:32 |
Guest18655 | Dr Willis, can you help me? | 12:32 |
indus | adalal, try the gui ? | 12:32 |
Guest18655 | I got this problem, when I boot everything works, but whe the login screen should show up, i get a black screen | 12:33 |
Dr_Willis | Guest18655: always state your video card when mentiong a video issue | 12:33 |
usman | indus: how do you bump it | 12:33 |
Guest18655 | Onboard | 12:33 |
* B|aSS is away: Yeah dude, Im Away! | 12:33 |
Dr_Willis | Guest18655: so its onboard.. thers hundereds of chipsets an onbord video card can be using | 12:34 |
Guest18655 | But the weird thing is, i got all the loading | 12:34 |
adalal | indus: im trying to setup a gateway, using a network alias instead of using two NICs | 12:34 |
Guest18655 | in good res. | 12:34 |
indus | usman, just login and type the word bump as a reply :) | 12:34 |
Guest18655 | but when the login comes, nothing | 12:34 |
usman | indus: okay | 12:34 |
Guest18655 | even not the text based login | 12:34 |
Dr_Willis | Guest18655: X uses differnt drivers then the Boot splash screen. Xsplash and GDM then show up in X. | 12:34 |
BusMaster | after installing thunderbird-3.1 from the ppa, I get the message "Error getting mail password" when I start up. Has anyone faced this before? Google seems to suggest that mozilla doesn't know how to fix it | 12:34 |
Dr_Willis | Guest18655: see if alt-ctrl-F1 throiugh F6 get you to 'consoles' where you can log in. for starters | 12:35 |
Guest18655 | i did try that | 12:35 |
indus | Dr_Willis, what ? diff for boot splash but same for gdm | 12:35 |
Guest18655 | did not display | 12:35 |
meua | hi! i'm running some "hello world"-like python script and python process consume 100% of both my CPU... where can i start to fix this please ? | 12:35 |
indus | Dr_Willis, if it wont find drivers, it either falls to vesa or boink no? | 12:35 |
indus | meua, can i see the code? | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis | splash logo -> xsplash (whih is in X) -> gdm | 12:36 |
indus | !paste | meua | 12:36 |
ubottu | meua: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 12:36 |
indus | Dr_Willis, yeah | 12:36 |
indus | so in karmic i hear the gdm cant be changes | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis | Guest18655: then you got some deep issues. You need to test with some live cd's and determine what your video card is for starters | 12:36 |
indus | how to? | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis | indus: it can be changed slightly. and there are a few extra temes for it | 12:36 |
indus | Guest18655, what video card? pressed f1 where it gets stuck ?i mean ctl f1 | 12:37 |
meua | indus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/381562/ | 12:37 |
indus | or was that alt clt f1 | 12:37 |
Guest18655 | control alt f1 = not workig | 12:37 |
Guest18655 | right after the boot loading thing | 12:37 |
Guest18655 | i already tried reconfig xorg | 12:37 |
Dr_Willis | Guest18655: for all we know the system could just be crashing badly. How did you reconfig xorg if you cant log in? | 12:37 |
usman | indus: how much more can a person elevate his thread | 12:38 |
=== steveire_lunch is now known as steveire |
indus | usman, you havent elevated at all | 12:38 |
Guest18655 | safe mode | 12:39 |
usman | indus: I replied with bump | 12:39 |
Guest18655 | and netroot (safemode) | 12:39 |
Guest18655 | Nvidia GeForce 8200 = video card | 12:39 |
Dr_Willis | Guest18655: so you got X working from safemode with 'startx' ? | 12:39 |
Guest18655 | no, i booted, got safemode | 12:40 |
Guest18655 | text based | 12:40 |
Guest18655 | worked | 12:40 |
ubyserver | Greetings | 12:40 |
Guest18655 | then normal boot, loading = ok, login =fail | 12:40 |
tobiash | hi, is there any reason to excuse lack of Ndiswrapper in Ubuntu 9.10? | 12:41 |
usman | Is there anyway of recovering files even after they have been deleted from the trash | 12:41 |
indus | usman, no | 12:41 |
Guest18655 | yes | 12:41 |
tobiash | second thing why isn't wireless work | 12:41 |
Guest18655 | there is | 12:41 |
meua | indus, http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/5373/screenshotho.png | 12:41 |
indus | usman, or extremely difficuly | 12:41 |
indus | meua, i tried it runs ok | 12:41 |
Dr_Willis | I thought ndiswrapper was getting more and more obsolete these days.. | 12:42 |
meua | indus, it runs ok for me too, but even with the console shutted down, the python's process keep consuming 100%... :( | 12:42 |
ubyserver | Should I do a dist-upgrade and upgrade or just one of the two? | 12:42 |
ubyserver | I've already done the apt-get update | 12:43 |
indus | meua, thats probably due to another process? | 12:43 |
indus | meua, chekc which process | 12:43 |
NCS_One | hi | 12:43 |
meua | indus, ok thanks fo your time ! | 12:43 |
Guest18655 | I am in safemode again, what should I choose? | 12:43 |
indus | meua, see any process with 100 %? | 12:44 |
meua | indus, i've stopped both python process and everything come back to normal (average 20%CPU) | 12:45 |
sgsawant_ | Hi Vishal! | 12:46 |
meua | indus, it might be my attempt to install eclipse and pydev plugin that started a undesirable process maybe... | 12:46 |
indus | maybe, but rest assured your program is too simple to do anything | 12:46 |
sgsawant_ | Why's there such a silence on this IRC? | 12:46 |
meua | indus, ok. Thanks once again ! | 12:47 |
indus | meua, i just thought it was running some loop etc or doing some crazy maths | 12:47 |
meua | indus, nope i'm learning programming with a very basic tutorial... just this | 12:47 |
indus | meua, do try byteofpython.info | 12:48 |
meua | indus, i'm on this http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ch03.html | 12:48 |
indus | meua, ok sure, good luck | 12:48 |
adalal | heya again, for my iptables, the --dport option isnt being recognised | 12:49 |
edqnag | hi | 12:49 |
Guest18655 | tried xfix again | 12:49 |
sgsawant | I needed help with my PDF Printer. Is anyone able & willing? | 12:49 |
Guest18655 | how can i start graphics from commandline? | 12:50 |
=== fadli is now known as adit1985 |
hapik | hello | 12:50 |
ubyserver | Guest18655: startx | 12:51 |
ubyserver | Hope that I am right. | 12:51 |
=== antoni_ is now known as antoni |
ubyserver | Hello hapik | 12:51 |
Guest18655 | whohoo, black screen | 12:51 |
meua | indus, would you advice me vi or gedit ? :) | 12:52 |
indus | meua, gedit | 12:52 |
meua | ok thx | 12:52 |
indus | meua,nano | 12:52 |
indus | meua, i like gui stuff | 12:52 |
hapik | what is the path to a printing program? I am supposed to give it to another application | 12:52 |
meua | nano... i'll check it right now | 12:53 |
hapik | actually I need creating PDF files from Opera | 12:53 |
shashank | shashank, Hi! | 12:54 |
edqnag | can anyone tell me how to clear my GRUB loading screen after i updated my ubuntu, thank you. | 12:54 |
lisa_ | hey, i want to use my other ubuntu box as a proxy. how do i do that? | 12:54 |
sgsawant | shashank, Hi! | 12:54 |
adalal | edqnag: remove the unnecessary kernels, and run update-grub | 12:56 |
adalal | as root | 12:56 |
adalal | anyone here knows why the --dport option wouldnt be working on iptables? | 12:56 |
edqnag | sudo apt-get autoremove --purge ?? | 12:56 |
kN0_ | Q: Can someone here give me some hints on how to check for, and "isolate"/fix bad HD blocks n Ubuntu 9.10? | 12:56 |
Guest18655 | I tried remove/install xorg now.... | 12:56 |
kN0_ | Booting into single mode and running fsck doesn't do anything. | 12:56 |
kN0_ | It just replies with this: /dev/sda5: clean, 122033/3481600 files, 5372219/13916062 blocks | 12:57 |
adalal | |