
SprocketDoes KDE work well with ubuntu Studio?00:24
Sprocketwhat is the command to upgrade Ubunto into ubuntu Studio?04:24
holsteinhey Sprocket05:05
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation05:05
holsteinthat should have all the meta packages your looking for05:05
holsteinyou can follow the hardy guide05:05
holsteinthe names are the same05:05
holsteinthe only difference is grub205:06
holsteinif your interested in getting the real-time kernel going05:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub205:06
Sprocketi think i found it05:16
Sprocketim inda new to linux.   what is grub?  most of my experience is in Fedora05:17
holsteingrub is the boot loader05:19
holsteinand grub2's menu is hidden by default05:20
holsteinSO if you sudo apt-get install linux-rt05:20
holsteinyou probably wont see the RT kernel as an option05:20
holsteinits nothing to worry about05:20
holsteinif your doing graphics05:20
holsteinor casual aduio05:20
holsteinSprocket: check out #opensourcemusicians05:21
holsteinp'cast there05:21
holsteingood for the new-to-linux audio folk :)05:21
jazz_anyone familliar with ableton live and or reason? and 1 can they run on Linux 2 are there any programs like them under the open source software?09:36
=== skrzat is now known as kosmo
jakob__Hi there. I want to be able to produce high quality audio combining recording and MIDI. But it's a long time ago I have played with sound. Which soundcards are best these days?16:18
holsteinhey jakob__16:19
holsteini think it depends on your needs/budget16:19
holsteinthe best are probably RME16:19
jakob__I'd say around 7-800$16:20
holsteinthought, you can get great results for less bread16:20
jakob__which cards have the best MIDI synthesis tables (I think that's what it's called right)16:21
holsteinOH, the fp-10 might not have midi though16:22
jakob__ok so the delta1010 has both an internal and an external part?16:22
holsteinpci card16:22
holsteinwith a breakout box16:22
holsteinwell supported too16:22
jakob__ok, you see it's some years ago ;-)16:22
holsteini wouldnt worry about MIDI16:23
jakob__OK Midi is a must16:23
holsteinif you get good sound quality16:23
holsteinthe MIDI will be rockin16:23
holsteingood sound quality and jack support16:24
jakob__so delta1010 has both good recording capabilities and MIDI synth?16:25
holsteinthe delta had MIDI capabilities16:26
holsteinany 'soft synths' or workstations that come with it wont run on linux16:26
holsteinbut theres all kinds of great MIDI software in linux16:27
jakob__ok so it would have to be a card/breakout box with embedded midi synth?16:27
holsteinthat comes with uBuntuStudio16:27
holsteinnot sure i follow16:27
holsteinits got midi ports16:27
jakob__well you say soft synth wont run on linux16:28
holsteinyou can plug whatever midi device you want16:28
jakob__yes I know16:28
holsteinwell, there are some nice soft synths16:28
holsteinin linux16:28
jakob__ok cool16:28
holsteinBUT whatever would come packaged would not be linux softwarer16:29
jakob__in the repos?16:29
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation16:29
holsteinthe hardy instructions lists the meta packages16:29
holstein---/j #opensourcemusicians16:30
holsteintheres a pcast16:30
jakob__thanks :-)16:30
holsteinand community reviews of some gear and software16:30
jakob__btw do you use Ardour?16:30
holsteini use it a little under OSX too16:31
holsteinbut a lot on ubntu16:31
jakob__did it get MIDI support yet?16:31
holsteinsoon is the word16:31
holstein3.0 release16:31
holsteinits at 2.8.7 i thin16:31
jakob__cool, I wont be using it until 3.0 anyway16:31
jakob__thanks a lot16:32
Arthur_Dhello, may I ask what versions of OpenAL and ALSA Ubuntustudio 9.10 is using?18:12
Arthur_Din other words; do they follow vanilla Ubuntu?18:15
jussi01Arthur_D: yes18:52
jussi01Arthur_D: our repos are the same as vanilla ubuntu repos18:52
Arthur_Dokay, thanks. I had to upgrade OpenAL and ALSA to Lucid because of audio problems in 9.1018:53
Arthur_Das it is now, I use vanilla Ubuntu, but I would really like to try Ubuntustudio18:54
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation18:55
Arthur_DI just can't get Jack running right as it is now; would it be easier if I migrate to *studio?18:57
jussi01Arthur_D: how are you starting it?18:57
jussi01studio has a few tweaks as well as the rt kernel thathelp18:57
Arthur_Dvia qjackctl18:57
Arthur_DI got some rubbish saying it couldn't start in realtime mode, even when I never checked the "run as realtime" button18:58
Arthur_Dso I tried a trick at Ubuntuforums, but that left me with no audio at all it seems18:59
jussi01yeah, I suspect studio might help with that19:00
Arthur_Ddoes Studio run well with 64-bit?19:01
jussi01I hnestly dont know.19:04
Arthur_Dwill be afk for a while19:05
BrazuckaHi there.19:26
BrazuckaI am trying to install nvidia-drivers manually, but I cannot run a prompt (without x-server) to do it. Any tip?19:27
jussi01Brazucka: ctrl+alt+f3 ?19:40
BrazuckaHow do I shut down the X-server and go to prompt, please?19:48
CyBerNetXCtrl + Alt + F121:40
CyBerNetX. /etc/init.d/gdm stop21:41
CyBerNetXlogon user21:41
CyBerNetXsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop21:42

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