
poolieigc, does explorer have any launchpad-api client code yet?00:09
pooliespiv, can you triage bug 526132 if you know about it00:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526132 in bzr "no clear error message when failing to push using http transport" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52613200:26
spivpoolie: sure, doing now00:47
_TiN_spiv: there work with https+urllib, thanks00:48
spiv_TiN_: you're welcome00:56
_TiN_spiv: where is the rst of http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/http_smart_server.html I can send a patch, to explain how to really make it work00:57
spiv_TiN_: doc/en/user-guide/http_smart_server.txt in the bzr source tree01:12
spivHmm, we really should have a small footer on every doc page saying which file to make patches against.01:12
spiv_TiN_: thanks!01:14
_TiN_yw :-)01:14
lifelessjelmer: ping01:15
jelmerlifeless, pongish01:15
lifelessjelmer: I haven't read the code yet, but wanted to discuss named branch opening01:15
lifelesswhat does your patch change?01:15
jelmerlifeless: it basically adds a name argument to BzrDir.open_branch(), BzrDir.destroy_branch() and BzrDir.create_branch()01:16
jelmerthen checks that they raise NoColocatedBranchSupport if a name is actually specified01:16
lifelessok; does it set limits (e.g. is a name 'foo/bar' supported (I'd like that :>)01:16
lifelessfor Branch.open, thats where the url support will come in ?01:17
lifelesshave you done the url parameter support yet ?01:17
jelmerThe URL parameter support isn't done yet, that's up next01:17
lifelessok this is sounding nice01:17
lifelessI'll try and review this weekend01:17
jelmerthanks :-)01:18
KilrooIf I had a commit at revision x that did nothing but add a 1.5gb zipped .mov file to the repository and I wanted to get rid of it, would the best way to do so be branching from revision x-1 and them merging from x+1 to the present or what?01:34
KilrooI'm curious because of what my boss did to one of our subversion repos and how much the linux sysadmin is dragging his feet over fixing it.01:34
maxbIf the aim is to remove the huge file from the history completely, merge would not acheive your goal01:36
maxbYou'd want rebase, I guess, though bzr's rebase plugin has some problems that I happen to be working on fixing01:37
KilrooHm. Ok.01:38
KilrooThe aim would be to fix it so that people trying to branch from it would actually be able to do so without getting an out-of-memory error, which I guess means I would want rebase.01:39
dOxxxgood evening01:49
meoblast001good evening to you dOxxx01:50
pooliei wonder if we should have a news file per x.y series02:45
pooliemerging them into just one is a bit weird02:45
pooliethough getting to grep just one is useflu02:45
mwhudsonjelmer: incremental import failure :( https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~kiko/linux/2.6.3103:04
meoblast001i was thinking03:28
meoblast001then i had a panic attack03:28
meoblast001when you do `bzr uncommit`, does it keep a record of the commit?03:29
meoblast001oh jeez03:29
dOxxxthe modifications get added back into your working tree03:29
dOxxxand the message is remembered for when you next run bzr commit03:29
dOxxxi.e. it looks like you hadn't run bzr commit03:30
meoblast001i've uncommitted things and then recommitted them more than a few times03:30
meoblast001once i recommit, are they removed?03:30
dOxxxI'm not sure what you mean...03:30
meoblast001i do uncommit03:30
meoblast001then do bzr commit03:30
meoblast001i've done that quite a few times03:30
dOxxxthat's fine03:31
meoblast001every commit i've uncommitted, are those completely removed once i commit?03:31
dOxxxI'm not 100% certain, but I believe that revision will no longer exist in the branch. Essentially it's replaced by the new revision you create with the second commit.03:32
meoblast001hopefully you're right03:32
meoblast001or i'll have another panic attack03:32
dOxxxI'm not a core developer, just a part time contributor, so you may want to verify by posting to https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr or on the mailing list.03:32
meoblast001ok, thanks03:33
jmlis there a command to mirror a repo?03:33
jmldownload all branches in a repo -- pulling ones we already have, branching new ones?03:33
dOxxxI think the bzr mirror plugin does that03:34
jmldOxxx, thanks -- it's not mentioned on the BzrPlugins page on the wiki03:35
=== dOxxx is now known as dOxxx_away
meoblast001hm, it says "Uncommit leaves the working tree ready for a new commit.  The only change   it may make is to restore any pending merges that were present before   the commit."03:36
meoblast001i'm not sure what that means though03:36
dOxxx_awayit means that if you were to then run bzr commit again, it would appear as if you had never run bzr uncommit03:37
dOxxx_awayseeya later03:38
jmlno, that doesn't do what I want.03:39
mwhudsonjml: i think something like rsync might be your best bet03:42
mwhudsoni guess you could do something involving all_revision_ids and fetch, but it seems like it's going to be a bit expensive, one way or the other03:42
jmlmwhudson, well, I was thinking something a little like Repository.open(...).find_branches03:44
jmlmwhudson, then doing some set operations03:45
mwhudsonjml: that won't find "dead heads" i.e. revisions in the repo that are not in the ancestry of any branch in the repo03:45
mwhudsonjml: i guess looking at the code for bzrtools 'heads' command will probably be instructive03:45
jmlmwhudson, I don't think we care about that03:47
mwhudsonjml: on in that case, what you said sounds fine03:48
* poolie is merging 2.1 back to trunk03:51
poolieoverrideAttr is a big win03:51
pooliecauses a lot of conflicts though03:51
_TiN_spiv: i have the doc patch, now?04:02
spiv_TiN_: I don't understand your question.  Are you asking where to send a patch?05:19
lifelessmwhudson: can you recommend a small git repo to do bzr git tests with? I know you're finished...06:36
wgrantlifeless: linux!06:40
lifelesswgrant: FSVO small06:41
* wgrant has used http://git.samba.org/?p=jelmer/dulwich.git06:41
lifelessjelmer: hi06:44
lifelessjelmer: why does bzr-git register a network format? do you do native network streaming ?06:44
jelmerlifeless, moin06:45
jelmerlifeless, we don't, but things broke when we didn't06:45
jelmerI don't remember the details06:45
lifelessjelmer: oh. did you file a bug?06:45
jelmerno, I don't recall thinking that this was one06:45
lifelessyeah, it wasn't meant to be an API break06:46
lifelessit was meant to add an optimised path to determine the control dir format over the smart server06:46
jelmermwhudson, hi06:47
wgrantIs update-sourcecode broken for anyone else?06:47
wgrantIt can't find bzrlib.branch.06:47
lifelesswgrant: #launchpad-dev ? :>06:48
lifelessthats (I don't know)06:48
wgrantlifeless: Oops, thought I was there. Sorry.06:48
lifelesswgrant: nothing to be sorry about06:55
vilahi all07:27
jelmermoin vila07:29
pooliehello vila, jelmer07:29
vilahi jelemer, poolie07:29
vilajelmer, in bug #525752, I realized you were referring tips, I asked for revids in case nobody can look at it before the tips change :D07:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525752 in bzr "No final name for trans_id" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52575207:30
pooliea traceback might help there too07:31
jelmervila: ah, k07:31
jelmerI'll add them07:31
poolievila, i'm at the moment merging 2.1 and 2.0 back to trunk07:31
pooliethere are quite a few real conflicts07:31
pooliei mention this just to save you trying to resolve them too07:31
vilapoolie: I saw you mentioned conflicts related to overrideAttr, I'm  a bit surprised... are there a lot ? hard to resolve ?07:32
vilapoolie: thks for that07:32
pooliequite a few07:32
poolieat first i thought it was a merge bug but i think people really have done different cleanups on the two07:33
pooliebranches since we last merged07:33
vilahmm, bad, I thought we were merging back to trunk regularly enough....07:33
poolieactually no, i think the criss-cross is being handled poorly07:37
vilapoolie: try remerge --weave maybe ?07:37
poolie--lca did much better07:42
pooliemaybe we should look at changing some defaults here07:42
poolieit's been discussed before07:42
bob2best. flag. ever.07:42
vilabob2: you know it means Least Common Ancestor right ?07:46
bob2I mean yes!07:47
poolievila, do you know off hand how fsencoding is originally set?07:48
viladefaultfilesysencding or default to utf8 from memory07:49
pooliebut i mean how would a user change it?07:49
vilain osutils search for fs_enc ?07:49
vilano no no, no user is allowed to do that :D07:49
vilaseriously, I don't think we have a hook for that07:49
vila_fs_enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'utf-8'07:50
vilaso, set at load time07:51
vilapoolie: what use case do you have in mind ?07:52
vilalifeless: by the way, still no T-shirt here, any news from your side ?07:53
poolievila, things like bug 52626307:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526263 in bzr "bzr crash on 'bzr st' (unicode problem?) (dup-of: 488519)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52626307:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488519 in bzr "[master] UnicodeDecodeError in osutils.walkdirs with non-ascii filenames" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48851907:58
poolieit would be nice to say "you need to set X"07:58
poolieperhaps hacking site.py will do it07:58
vilafsenc: 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' is another name for ascii, we use utf8 in that case08:00
pooliei know08:00
vila.. and your comment is exactly what I would have said08:00
pooliei mean i know it's ascii08:00
pooliebut it looks like we're not using utf808:00
vilayeah, sorry, your comment wasn't in the first page08:00
vilaweird, if I read osutils._walkdirs_utf8 correctly, we use UTF8DirReader in that case or emit a warning about extensions failing to load08:02
vilagrr, we really need to display unicode exceptions correctly, the exception objects have the string as an attribute... why python doesn't display it is... censored08:03
vilapoolie: tweaking LC_TYPE and LANG sould be the way to go08:06
pooliecould you suggest that too him then?08:09
pooliewe should show them better08:10
lifelessvila: nope08:12
lifelessjml: did the t-shirt get returned to you/08:12
poolienearly <100 New bugs08:13
lifelesspoolie: bug 52370308:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523703 in bzr "inconsistent view of revision numbers on stacked remote branch lp:~lifeless/ubuntu/lucid/apt/bug-22354" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52370308:14
lifelesspoolie: I think your retitling is wrong08:14
lifelesspoolie: both jam and I think its deeper than revnos08:14
poolieok, retitle away then08:14
pooliegood night08:15
AnteruJust installed bzr 2.1 final, and I'm getting an empty toolbar in bazaar explorer ... known issue or am I doing something wrong? (This is on Windows)08:43
naoki_Anteru: It is known issue.08:49
AnteruAny workaround08:50
naoki_Please try 1.0.0rc208:51
Anteruworks, thanks09:07
wgrantI'm merging a branch into trunk. A file in the branch collided with an unversioned file in my checkout of trunk. bzr said "Moved existing file <filename> to <filename>.moved."09:13
wgrantBut it seems the one from the branch is .moved, not the one that existed in the trunk checkout.09:13
wgrantOh, no, ignore me, I'm just crazy.09:15
eelikquestion about bzr-svn documentation in http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/foreign/bzr-on-svn-projects.html09:52
eelik"Merging trunk to your feature branch" says: merging trunk into your feature branch should be avoided09:53
eelikbut then it shows how trunk is merged to feature branch and feature branch back to trunk09:54
eelik"Instead, use merge to reintegrate your changes back to the mainline."09:54
eelikIt seems to be conflicting with itself because it first tells NOT to merge to feature branch, but then shows how it can be done safely09:55
eelikThe "Instead" part talks about merging to trunk vs. pushing/pulling to trunk, not merging to trunk vs. merging to feature branch09:57
eelikThe question is: should merging trunk into feature branch be avoided or not?09:58
bigjoolsit's done routinely in Launchpad development10:00
eelikSo, the first clause in the doc is misleading?10:01
bigjoolsoh, this is subversion10:01
bigjoolsall bets are off :)10:01
bigjoolsjelmer will be around later, he'll know10:02
* bialix waves10:46
gnomefreaki keep getting errors about connection when pulling a branch? is this known?14:24
rubbsgnomefreak: can you post the error?14:29
gnomefreakhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/382281/ rubbs i was just pastebinning it :14:29
maxb"Permission denied (publickey)." indicates you are failing to authenticate to Launchpad14:30
maxbCheck that:14:31
gnomefreakmaxb: the key or in all14:31
maxb1. You've run bzr launchpad-login <your lp user id>14:31
maxb2. Your Launchpad user has a ssh key associated14:31
maxb3. You actually have that ssh key available locally14:31
gnomefreaki do or at least i did14:32
maxbRun 'ssh your-lp-user-id@bazaar.launchpad.net'. It should print "No shells on this server"14:32
gnomefreakok trying14:33
gnomefreakPermission denied (publickey).14:34
maxbSo the problem is at the ssh level, before bzr ever actually gets to do anything14:35
gnomefreakmaxb: i tried renaming ~/.ssh and tried again i get same error14:36
maxbDo you use a ssh-agent? Does it know about your key?14:38
gnomefreaki thought i was14:39
jpdsgnomefreak: Try: ssh-add -l14:39
gnomefreakok i forgot to install it after re installing it seems14:40
gnomefreakno identities14:40
gnomefreakok trying a few things. ill let you know what happens14:43
jameelik: what should be avoided is merging trunk => feature and the *pushing* => trunk14:44
jammerging trunk => feature and merging feature => trunk is probably be fine14:44
james_whi jam14:45
jammorning james_w14:45
james_wyour possible_transports fix, or something else, fixed the fd leak issue, so thanks!14:45
jamjames_w: probably the possible_transports14:45
jamgiven that it was opening up 2 sockets for every file14:46
jamit wanted to download14:46
jam(one to lp.net, one to lplib.net)14:46
jamjames_w: can you start a totem import?14:46
james_whave you started on another failure class, or have you switched to some other task14:47
jamor... have me understand why we don't have one14:47
james_wjam: you can do it!14:47
jamcurrently working on windows installer14:47
james_wwhich I'm tempted to just retry14:48
jamcheck hottest says "lp:ubuntu/totem" has no default branch14:48
james_w"locked 0 seconds ago" would indicate it trying to double lock14:48
jamis it possible we have a broken object somewhere?14:48
jambut yes, 0s definitely indicates a double lock14:48
jamanyway, when i get back to this it will probably be either bug #508254 or bug #51328214:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508254 in udd "Failure to import with 'too many open files'" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50825414:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513282 in udd "is marked but not imported" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51328214:49
jamthey both are tied with 3 failures14:49
jamthough apparently 508254 is already fixed?14:49
james_wit's imported both samba and OO.org, which were both hit by it14:50
bialix.ьу цфмуы фе офь14:51
bialix>/me waves at jam14:51
jamhi bialix14:52
james_wjam: you realise the lists in the bugs aren't exhaustive?14:52
james_wwhen you said "both tied with 3 failures"14:52
jambialix: was that just a typo? I tried to translate it from russian, and I get:14:53
jamjames_w: hottest100 has 3 packages affected with the first, and 3 affected with the second14:53
jamthe 2 highest impact bugs14:53
james_wah, I see14:53
bialixjam: no, it was english in russian layout14:54
jambialix: yeah, I did that a lot with dvorak / qwerty14:54
james_wjam: does it put the output somewhere, or would I have to run it locally?14:54
jamjames_w: we cache the last run in 'status'14:54
jamI just ran it, but I'm going to remove 508254 and run it again14:55
jamsummary of delta for last run14:55
james_wjam: could you paste me all the info? I'd like to take a look14:56
jamjames_w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/382295/14:56
jamthe full status file14:56
jamfound at14:56
jamlp:~canonical-bazaar/udd/hottest100 filename status14:56
jambzr cat lp:~canonical-bazaar/udd/hottest100/status14:57
jamshould give the value for whoever ran it last and committed it14:57
jamI'll be updating it again now14:57
jamthough it takes a while to run from here14:57
jamlots of lp api round trips14:57
jmllifeless, it did15:02
GaryvdMHi all15:08
* GaryvdM seeks johnf15:08
jelmerGaryvdM, he's in Australia, I doubt he's around at the moment15:20
jelmeralso, hi :-)15:20
GaryvdMHi jelmer15:21
james_wjam: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/udd/hottest100-updates/+merge/19975 is some updates with fresher information15:22
GaryvdMHis package in the bzr ppa for bzr 2.1.0 final has a smaller version than tho 2.1.0rc2 package in the beta ppa15:22
jelmerit's not named 2.1.0~rc2 ?15:23
GaryvdMI made the rc2  2.1.0~rc2-0~bazaar2~karmic1  (which probably should have been   2.1.0~rc2-0~bazaar2~karmic115:27
GaryvdMwhich probably should have been   2.1.0-0~rc2-0~bazaar2~karmic115:27
GaryvdMHis final is  bzr - 2.1.0~bazaar1.9.1015:28
gnomefreakmaxb: using an old ~/.ssh seems to work. thanks for the help15:30
jamjames_w: merging now and re-running15:31
james_wthanks jam15:31
james_wI didn't check if it didn't bother running the test for a package with a bug, so nothing may change15:31
jamjames_w: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/382314/15:42
jamit skips if it thinks there is a bug15:43
james_wand things like "kde" will make it skip checking the package branch?15:43
jamI think so15:43
jamit sums to 10015:43
james_wbecause AIUI that's not something that will have a bearing on the package branch15:43
jamsure, I'll update the script a bit15:45
jamjames_w: maybe you can help me understand the 'special' tag as well15:46
jamstuff like 'hplib' and 'initramfs-tools'15:46
james_wthat's something to do with whether there should be an upstream import15:46
jamAIUI they have strange upstreams15:46
james_wI think hplip might have no public VCS15:47
jamyeah, so that shouldn't disqualify packaing, right?15:47
james_wI don't know why initramfs-tools is in that category15:47
jamI think some of it was just for us to focus on getting the whole stack working15:47
james_wI think only package-bug shoud15:47
jamand if we couldn't import an upstream15:47
jamthen we just skipped that one for now15:47
jambut for the summary, it has been useful to know about packaging separately15:47
jamso I'll work on that15:47
james_wI just saw at one point "there is a lower number of ok package branches, so that seems to be the area of most concern", and if the number of ok package branches can't exceed the number of ok upstream branches that would seem to be a bad way to asses it15:52
jamactually, the upstream check is done after the packaging check15:52
jamonly explicitly excluded ones fell differently15:52
cr3if I run bzr builddeb -S in pexpect.run(), it seems to stall forever. any ideas what might be going on? attaching to the process using gdb only shows that the process is waiting15:59
james_wdebuild may be prompting you for something15:59
james_wperhaps passphrase to sign?16:00
james_wor one of it's "you appear to be doing this, we think you mean that, do you want to continue with this?" prompts16:00
jamjames_w: current totals, trying to only filter out upstream based on special flags: http://paste.ubuntu.com/382330/16:01
jam76 ok, 8 missing packages, 4 out of date, a small handful of bugs16:01
jamjames_w: should I include "old_version" rather than missing package?16:01
cr3james_w: I get a prompt for "This package has a Debian revision number but there does not seem to be...", so pexpect seems to prompt properly.16:02
jamthough some old-versions became 'ok'16:02
james_wjam: what are there meanings?16:02
jam(grub became ok, glibc became no_source_package)16:02
jamold-version was supposed to be stuff like firefox which moves to a new project each release16:02
cr3james_w: by the way, calling debuild --no-tgz-check -S in pexpect.run works just fine16:02
jam(mozilla-thunderbird vs thunderbird, etc)16:02
jamglibc vs eglibc16:03
james_wcr3: well, builddeb doesn't pass --no-tgz-check16:03
jamI think 'linux-restricted-modules' also moved around somehow16:03
james_wI'm not sure16:03
james_wwhat's "broken"?16:04
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
* james_w remembers the README16:04
cr3james_w: yeah, I'm not sure how big a deal that really is16:04
jamjames_w: if we get an exception trying to read the bzr branch that isn't 'no default branch' it is 'broken'16:04
jamopenoffice.org seems to be saying it is at revision 'null:'16:05
james_wyeah, it's having trouble pushing it to LP16:05
james_wI just had it start to try again16:05
jamso what do you think, should we just not worry about packaging for 'old-version'?16:06
jamspecial also seems to be a mixed bag16:06
jambut again, some specials end up 'ok'16:07
james_wwe should have packaging for special16:07
james_wold-version we should have packaging, but it may not have a lucid branch16:07
jamlinux-restricted-modules seems the only broken special16:07
james_wbroken how?16:08
james_was it "broken"?16:08
jamno, "no_source_package"16:08
james_wah, it's old_version really I guess16:09
james_wI don't remember where that stuff lives now16:10
jamwell, I think it is 'special' in that there is no clear upstream16:12
jambut 'old-version' in that it isn't packaged their either16:12
jamI'll poke16:12
jamsee what I get16:12
jamI'll probably just make old-version be a package import flag16:13
jamand 'special' be an upstream flag16:13
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
Ngis there a way to have bzr use non-zero return codes on errors?16:21
jelmerng: it should do so already16:22
jelmerif not, that's a bug16:22
Ngjelmer: I'm prepared to believe it's a config or plugin issue on my end, but.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/382346/16:22
jelmerNg: hmm16:26
jelmerNg: Not sure what's happening there - please file a bug16:26
jelmerI think we should be returning 1 in that case16:26
awilkinsI'm getting 3  : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/382352/16:26
awilkinsThat's for a root-owned folder with no read permissions for ag though ; don't know what config Ng has16:27
Ngmy /etc/.bzr is root:root 70016:30
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
Ngjelmer: done, bug #526551 :)16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526551 in bzr "Not getting a non-zero return code on error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52655116:35
jelmerNg: thanks16:35
NgI stuck in some obviously relevant things about which plugins I have where16:35
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
GaryvdMjelmer: I'm trying to merge the bzr ppa package branches with debian unstable. Are there any tools to help resolve conflicts in debian/changelog?16:42
jamNg: generally we would file the bug against bzr itself, rather than 'bzr (Ubuntu)'16:49
jamwe return 3 on otherwise unhandled exceptions, I don't know why you would be getting 016:50
GaryvdMjelmer: since it is just a ppa, can I replace the entries from the ppa with the entries from debian?16:50
Christoph^Hi, I have a question about bzr:16:51
Ngjam: oh, sorry, I just did "ubuntu-bug bzr" out of habit16:51
NgI wonder if it's the pager plugin16:51
Ngyeah, it is :(16:52
Christoph^In my working directory, I have a configuration file. Is it possible to say that this configuration file should not be exported for releases, exporting a sample config file instead?16:52
* mtaylor complains: while I've got bzr commit going in one window, it would be great if bzr diff still worked16:55
* mtaylor understands locks are needed to prevent changes, but still allowing reads wouldn't hurt anyone... :)16:56
jelmermtaylor: I believe there's an open bug about this :-)16:56
mtaylorjelmer: yay!16:56
GaryvdMmtaylor: You can also use bzr qcommit16:57
jammtaylor: there is a structure that is read and written in place, so reading it while updating it could cause reads of corrupted data16:59
jamthat said, there is bug #9883617:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 98836 in bzr "[MASTER] "OS locks must die" - dirstate file write locks exclude readers and limit portability" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9883617:00
jelmerGaryvdM: No, that's not really possible17:00
jelmerGaryvdM, You can wait for 2.1.1 :-)17:00
jamthere is also 'bzr commit --show-diffs'17:01
mhall119|workhow can I set my working copy to a specific revision in a repository?17:02
GaryvdMjelmer: re commit/diff or merging changelog17:02
jammhall119|work: bzr revert -r X17:02
mhall119|workI can do hg update -r $rev17:02
jamin bzr 2.1.0 I believe 'bzr update -r X' also works17:02
jamsort of depends what you want the end result to be17:02
mhall119|workno, revert isn't what I want17:03
GaryvdM+1 for bzr update -r17:03
mhall119|workI'm on bzr 2.0.317:03
mhall119|workwhich is the latest in karmic17:04
jelmerGaryvdM: regarding version numbers17:04
awilkinsverterok, I think the update to 2.1 has busted a bunch of stuff in bzr-java-lib17:05
GaryvdMjelmer: ok, thanks17:05
* Ng hrms at bzr diff. It seems like it doesn't imply the equivalent of diff -N, I just get told "=== added file 'foo'". Am I being blind and missing the option that will show me the contents of that file?17:07
awilkinsNg, That seems odd, I'm getting the contents for added files in a vanilla diff command17:10
jelmerNg: is the file empty perhaps?17:12
NgI seem to have the most broken bzr install in the world ;)17:12
Ngjelmer: good point, well made17:13
jamjames_w: current status summary: http://paste.ubuntu.com/382390/17:14
mhall119|workokay, I can bzr branch -r $rev lp:$project17:15
mhall119|workthat'll work17:15
jamso we currently have 25 'failures', 9 of which are packages we don't really care about17:15
mhall119|workthen bzr pull -r $rev17:15
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
james_wjam: cool, good to know, thanks17:15
bialixhi GaryvdM! and bye17:16
jamwhich is up from... 18 ok when we started the check-hottest.py script :)17:16
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
verterokawilkins: oh, I didn't tried it with 2.1, will take a look tonight17:25
verterokawilkins: could be bzr-xmloutput compatibility issues?17:26
renpytomIs there a way to convert a branch to use a repository?17:30
GaryvdMrenpytom: I *think* bzr reconfigure17:39
renpytomGaryvdM, thanks!17:39
GaryvdMrenpytom: bzr reconfigure --use-shared17:39
Christoph^In my working directory, I have a configuration file. Is it possible to say that this configuration file should not be exported for releases, exporting a sample config file instead?17:43
GaryvdMChristoph^: Maybe make a release branch. Change the configuration file in this branch. When you do a release, merge your trunk into the release branch, and export from there.17:46
renpytomGaryvdM, it worked for me. Thanks again.17:46
GaryvdMrenpytom: pleasure17:46
Christoph^GaryvdM: uhm, ok17:53
jfroy|workmorning ya'all18:03
AdysIs there a way to run a specific command/file when I run bzr update?18:06
Adyseg. compressing my css/js18:06
mkanatAdys: You could write a plugin that hooked on_branch_tip_change18:13
mkanatOr whatever that hook is called.18:13
fullermdWouldn't expect that to be the best choice, since there's no reason to assume the branch would change.18:23
jamfullermd, mkanat: we don't have a 'wt changed' hook yet, so post_branch_tip_changed is the current best to chose18:23
Adysmkanat, jam: What about committing changes without having them stick in the branch?18:26
AdysI dunno if that's clear, I just wouldn't want compressed js/css in every changelog18:26
jamAdys: I don't quite understand what you mean18:26
jamwhy do you want to commit the compressed files ?18:26
jamif you just auto-generate them18:27
AdysWell, apparently java is the only choice I have to compress javascript efficiently, and I'm not installing that on the server18:27
Adysso I'd need it on my computer18:27
jamif you are using 'bzr-upload' I *think* that supports uploading files that aren't versioned18:28
Adyslooking good. ill have a test run :)18:28
Adysjam: nevermind, apparently you need them in your working tree18:30
jamdo they need to be versioned?18:31
Adysyea looks like it18:31
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
keithyhi, is there a way to view a single file in a remote repo18:32
keithylike bzr cat18:32
jamkeithy: bzr cat $REMOTE_BRANCH/path18:32
keithytired that18:33
keithyah http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~keithy/cuis/testing/files18:34
keithycould be a problem18:35
keithyoh it works now18:35
keithybzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'build.sh'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."18:36
keithybzr cat  lp:~keithy/cuis/testing/build.sh18:37
keithythats what I was trying to do18:37
keithythe file is there http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~keithy/cuis/testing/annotate/head%3A/build.sh18:37
keithylets try another branch18:37
GaryvdMJelmer: The ppa versions of bzr have debian/bzr-doc.install, but debian unstable does not.18:38
GaryvdMJelmer: Is there a reason for this, or is it a bug?18:38
keithyjam sorry your suggesting doesnt seem to work18:38
jamkeithy: works here: bzr cat -r -1 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~keithy/cuis/testing/build.sh18:41
jamyou may need the -r -1, not sure18:41
jambzr cat lp:~keithy/cuis/testing/build.sh also worked for me, but that is going over bzr+ssh with my configuration18:46
GaryvdMjam: bzr cat lp:~keithy/cuis/testing/build.sh does not work for me18:47
GaryvdMbzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'build.sh'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."18:47
jamGaryvdM: hmm.. just failed, I spoke a bit too soon18:47
GaryvdMMaybe platform specific bug18:48
jamshouldn't be trying to create a file18:48
jamyou know what...18:48
jamI know the bug18:48
jamthey were just talking about it (mwhudson and lifeless)18:48
jamthe code hosting server aborts if you supply it any file that isn't .bzr18:48
jameven for reading18:48
jamsee the recent bug about wanting to unload 'bzr-git'18:48
jambecause it was probing for .git directories18:48
keithyit doesnt translate line endings18:49
jamkeithy: cat gives you the 'canonical' version18:50
GaryvdMjam: Intresting: You can do bzr qbrowse lp:~keithy/cuis/testing and then right click on build.sh, but not bzr qcat lp:~keithy/cuis/testing/build.sh18:52
jamGaryvdM: right, the issue is that we are probing for build.sh/.bzr/format18:52
jamand codehosting says "you are not allowed to create that file"18:53
jamwhich you aren't18:53
jambut you should get NoSuchFile when trying to *read* it18:53
GaryvdMerr sorry - wrong window had focus19:06
awilkinsverterok, some of the commands seem to be missing attributes, but there also seems to be issues where the client code isn't receiving any output from STDOUT19:06
verterokawilkins: oh, ok. I need to take a look to 2.1 soon19:07
verterokawilkins: please file a bug about this, in bzr-java-lib or bzr-xmloutput19:08
awilkinsverterok, Got 13 fails and 9 errors on the test suite.. I'll check out a branch of 2.0.x and make sure that the version difference is really the problem19:09
verterokawilkins: ok, thanks!19:12
GaryvdM~/qbzr/wd/qbzr $ bzr rocks --Derror19:39
GaryvdMbzr: ERROR: no such option: --Derror19:39
lifelessnot --Derror19:39
lifelessthe option is -D, the value given to it is error, or evil, or hpss etc19:40
GaryvdMAh, thanks lifeless19:40
GaryvdMlifeless: Good morning to you. :-)19:41
lifeless:) moin moin19:43
RumblePureI checked out a branch to my laptop. Having modified the code over a couple of days, I wanted to commit back to my stationary.19:55
RumblePureI did this trough bzr+ssh. Problem is my stationary had switched ip-number (dont have dyndns at the moment).19:55
RumblePureOn my laptop in dir .bzr I found a conf file that contained the bzr+ssh://213.45.... address, and so I changed it, and could connect.19:56
RumblePureMy question is, should I instead had used some kind of command to change the address?19:56
lifeless'bzr switch'19:56
RumblePureaaaah, ok!19:57
RumblePurebut no harm made now that I changed the conf-file manually right? I mean bzr switch would do the same, right?19:57
lifelessdepends which conf file you mean and what command you ran; you didn't give any details ;)19:58
RumblePureyaiks! probably is not reassuring! ;-)19:58
lifelesswhat command were you running that was erroring19:58
lifeless[probably would have done the same thing] is what I meant19:58
lifelessdidn't mean to scare you19:58
RumblePureI did bzr commit that simply could not find my stationary through ssh since it had changed ip-number19:59
RumblePureSo I found the address in .bzr/branch/branch.conf (variable named bound_location) and changed it.20:00
RumblePureThen I could run bzr commit.20:00
RumblePureWould bzr switch had changed the same file?20:00
RumblePureaaaaah, thx so much lifeless!20:01
RumblePurespooky nick by the name :-P20:01
RumblePureanother thing, so when I had changed the address and did bzr commit, it complained about conflicts regarding a file.20:02
RumblePureBut the weird thing is that that file was under revision control! It was under control on my stationary before i checked out to my laptop!20:02
lifelessRumblePure: that means you already had the conflcts locally; bzr st would have shown you that.20:02
RumblePureWhy do you think there was a problem with the file even if it was under revision control?20:03
lifelessa conflict means that it had not merged cleanly20:04
lifelessyou have more info about the specific case than I do20:05
RumblePurewell there is no more info because I dealt with the problem. What's frustrating is that I really can't be sure what i did. :-/20:05
RumblePureI did bzr resolve file_name, and that messed up the file (added stuff like "<<<<< TREE" to some lines in the file).20:06
RumblePureThen I could do bzr commit, and after that I changed the file bac manually on my stationary. In hindsight, I really would like to know what that was about :-/20:06
RumblePure*changed the file back20:06
newz2000Hi, is there a way to make bzr ignore changes to file permissions for a particular commit?20:11
lifelessnewz2000: revert or shelve the change20:15
lifelessRumblePure: bzr resolve did not add the <<< markers20:16
lifelessRumblePure: 'bzr update' would have added them.20:16
newz2000ah, ok, thanks lifeless20:16
RumblePurelifeless you're right. I did run bzr update too. Just didn't think that caused it.20:17
RumblePureBut dare to take a guess what the conflict was about? Did the file somehow differ between my laptop and stationary? Of course it did! I had been working on it on my laptop :-/20:18
lifelessand you had done another commit on your stationary after starting work on it on your laptop20:18
RumblePurelifeless I'm not sure if I did so but that can really be the case! I'll settle with that as a likely explanation in my speculations. :-)20:20
lifelessif you had not, you would not have needed to update20:20
eelikjam: thanks for the answer :)20:20
lifelessbzr log -n0 can tell you20:20
RumblePurethx very much lifeless, you put some extra effort to help me in this guesswork. appreciated.20:21
eelikjam: I think the first clause in http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/foreign/bzr-on-svn-projects.html#merging-trunk-to-your-feature-branch is inaccurate or erroneous20:21
eelikclause -> sentence20:22
herbteahello all, I'm a newbie to irc and bazaar20:23
herbteaI'm hoping someone can help me out with a question I haven't been able to find in answer to in the documentation20:24
herbteaIn the bazaar explorer options>behavior there is something called "workspace Model" with different options20:25
herbteaOptions like, shared repository, feature-branches, etc. where can I find out what each of those options do?20:25
rubbsherbtea: I'm not sure on where you can find the info, but I could probably tell you what they all mean.20:26
herbteaexcellent, I'm all ears20:26
GaryvdMThis may help: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-guide/organizing_your_workspace.html20:27
rubbsShared repos are a common root directory that all branches underneath share history. This is great for space saving.20:27
rubbsfeature branches are just branches you create to implement a particular branch.20:27
herbteahow about collocated branches and plain branch?20:28
herbteathanks GaryvdM, I'll check that out20:28
rubbsplain branches are just that, one branch with no special features. All the history is stored at that branches location20:28
rubbscollocated branches are branches that share one particular workspace.20:28
rubbsso you can "switch" between branches in the same directory20:29
rubbscollocated brances are similar to Git's workflow if that helps (probably doesn't if you've never used git)20:29
herbteathanks rubbs, this will give me some more info to ponder20:29
herbteaI'm a web developer who is finally taking the plunge into using a VCS20:30
herbtealots to think about in terms of what type of structure makes the most sense for my workflow20:30
rubbsherbtea: np. I would suggest trying out the feature branch workflow.20:33
rubbsmight be hard to understand at first, but once you get it, it's very powerful20:33
herbteahow do I specify a person I'm chatting with?20:33
herbteawhat's the syntax20:34
herbtearubbs: test20:34
rubbswell, most of the time you can just chat in the main room and to get the attention of them, you just type their name20:34
rubbsherbtea: yep, you did it right20:34
herbteakewl :)20:35
herbtearubbs: so yeah, I think the feature branch is what I've been considering20:35
rubbsif you need to (not always recommended because group chats can benifet others and others can chime in) you can type "/msg nickname message" and it will open a private chat with nickname20:35
herbteais there a help function to access with this type of info?20:36
rubbs"bzr help" will get you started20:37
rubbs"bzr help topics" is also nice.20:37
rubbsbzr help and a command will give you specific help with a command.20:37
herbteagreat, I'll be doing some more reading20:37
rubbsnp. and feel free to come back and ask questions.20:37
awilkinsIs there a way to stop bazaar loading bundled plugins (the ones in dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins) but still load the ones on BZR_PLUGIN_PATH ?20:38
herbteabzr help20:39
rubbsherbtea: to quit irc type "/quit" or sometimes "/bye" or "/exit" work too20:40
herbteaahh, thanks bro20:41
rubbsnp, I had to learn too!20:41
awilkinse.g. for testing purposes, even if you are running from a source tarball it still insists on loading plugins from this location.. in fact, isn't this a bug? It's rather confounding testing of 2.0.4 vs 2.1.0 because news_merge isn't compatible with the older release.20:41
gregcoita terminology question: is "bzr branch" appropriate for grabbing code from launchpad w/o an account (i don't need to push changes back)?20:43
lifelessawilkins: yes20:43
lifelessawilkins: set the bzr plugins path20:43
lifelessgregcoit: yes20:43
gregcoitlifeless: thanks!20:43
Penggregcoit: Although performance over http:// isn't as good.20:43
awilkinslifeless, That doesn't seem to override the behaviour of loading plugins from /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins, but I'll just check20:44
rubbsgregcoit: yes, because branch only means to "clone" the branch. Push would require an account20:44
gregcoitrubbs: as would co, right?20:44
gregcoitPeng: not a huge issue in this case I think - but good to know!20:44
rubbsgregcoit: no, co would just clone the very last revision. Branch takes down the whole branch history.20:45
gregcoitrubbs: ahh, so maybe co is a better option...20:45
lifelessawilkins: there is definitely a way. hmm20:45
PengEspecially over http://, I wouldn't be surprised if checkout was really inefficient.20:45
rubbsgregcoit: yeah, if you're just trying to just get the latest snapshot.20:45
lifelessrubbs: 'co' does a full branch by default20:46
PengAnd you need a decent chunk of the history to extract the latest revision from.20:46
lifelessgregcoit: 'branch' is fine20:46
rubbsgregcoit: oh I'm wrong please see lifeless's comment abouve.20:46
gregcoitlifeless: ok, branch is it = thanks!20:46
gregcoitrubbs: np - that's the beauty of irc - crowd sourced support20:46
lifelessrubbs: the difference between co and branch is that you use 'update + commit' in one, and 'pull/merge + commit+push' in the other20:46
lifelessrubbs: co --lightweight downloads only the working files : but does so /much/ less efficiently. Do Not Use Over The Internet.20:47
rubbslifeless: ah thanks, so you have to explicitly say lightweight to make it act like svn?20:47
rubbslifeless: ah, ok. cool. thanks20:47
lifelessdepends on what you mean by 'act like svn'20:47
rubbsjust meant checked out the working tree, but you answered my question as I posted it.20:47
lifelessif you mean 'use update and commit with what it outputs', that what it does and why it exists.20:47
lifelessrubbs: well, even with --lightweight its not acting like svn20:48
lifelessrubbs: svn keeps a cache of the unmodified files, bzr does not.20:48
lifelessrubbs: and svn has a wire protocol optimised for this style of working - bzr does not.20:48
rubbsah I c, ok then thanks!20:48
thumperlifeless: how do you do a partial checkout?20:54
thumperlifeless: just a subtree20:54
rubbsI don't think that's possible.20:55
thumperI recall reading something somewhere about it though20:55
lifelessthumper: views20:55
thumperlifeless: how do you create a view?20:55
lifelessbzr help view20:55
thumperbzr help views?20:55
lifelessnote that using a view still requires all the history20:56
lifelessit does not save disk space usage by bzr; but it does avoid having files outside the view in your work area.20:57
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
GaryvdMHi poolie21:18
pooliehello GaryvdM21:21
GaryvdMBla - This office that I'm working at, I have to be out before 12, else I'm locked in till tommorow.21:32
GaryvdMBye all.21:33
mwhudsonthis doesn't seem like it should be that hard22:14
mwhudsonwhat's the easiest way, in a test, to get a standalone branch with a repository that has two heads?22:15
lifelessget_branch_builder or whatever22:15
mkanatmwhudson: Sooo...no more hangs?22:27
mwhudsonmkanat: not that i've been informed of, no22:28
mwhudsonnearly a week now...22:28
lifelessmwhudson: so you get a branch builer22:28
lifelessstart branch22:28
mkanatmwhudson: Okay.22:28
lifelessdo a commit adding root22:28
lifelessdo a commit with implicit parent22:28
mkanatmwhudson: What an annoying time for it to be stable.22:28
lifelessdo a commit with explicit parent of the first commit22:28
lifelessvoila, two heads22:28
lifelessthere are plenty of tests that do that now22:29
mwhudsonoh, maybe that'22:29
mwhudsons where i'm going wrong: not adding the root22:29
lifelessif you look at bzrlib's tests22:29
lifelessfor anything using bb, you'll see the first thing is an added file for the root; cargo cult that.22:29
mwhudsonlifeless: thanks22:33
mwhudsonfinally a failing test22:33
mathrickjelmer: hi23:35
mathricka nice crasher in dulwhich23:35
mathrickit tries to do map.read(), without actually defining map, so it ends up going to the built-in function23:35
mathrickoh, I see, it was supposed to be mmap23:42
mathrickhmm, no23:51
gregcoitcan I make a new branch from a dir in a branch using bzr?23:58

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