poolie | kfogel: can you make https://help.launchpad.net/API not restricted access please? | 00:04 |
poolie | and/or add me to admingroup | 00:05 |
kfogel | poolie: you can't edit it? | 00:12 |
kfogel | poolie: I'll see if I can -- not sure I can or not. | 00:12 |
poolie | no | 00:12 |
poolie | i don't know if there's a plan about what access it should have | 00:12 |
poolie | but i'd favor wiki mode | 00:12 |
wgrant | Speaking of wiki mode... is there a reason that the channel is +t? | 00:13 |
mwhudson | wgrant: freenode yay | 00:14 |
kfogel | poolie: I can't change the ACL there | 00:14 |
kfogel | poolie: filing an RT now | 00:14 |
wgrant | mwhudson: Hm? It never was before. | 00:14 |
wgrant | Thanks. | 00:14 |
wgrant | It's handy to be able to set it for issues when nobody is around. | 00:14 |
mwhudson | wgrant: i think freenode changed a lot of channels a week or so ago due to some spam problem | 00:14 |
wgrant | Right. But that should be fixed with the new ircd. | 00:14 |
mwhudson | ah ok | 00:14 |
mwhudson | in general freenode seems to have a habit of interfering with my use of the network to help with problems i have never experienced | 00:15 |
mwhudson | but hey, maybe i'm just lucky | 00:15 |
poolie | heh | 00:16 |
kamalmostafa | hi launchpadders -- i'm aware of bug 471225, but is there any way to request that my PPA signing key comment be changed by an admin? | 00:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 471225 in soyuz "Can't update PPA signing key descriptions" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/471225 | 00:25 |
kermiac_ | can someone please look into this user? https://edge.launchpad.net/~yahoo-sun | 00:42 |
kermiac_ | Bug #526135 reported by join (yahoo-sun: 0) 12 minutes ago | 00:43 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 526135 in ubuntuone-client "#yahoo_sun" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/526135 | 00:43 |
kermiac_ | ^^^ it is obvious he/she is a spammer, look at the bug that was filed | 00:45 |
maxb | Filing one incredibly nonsensical bug feels more like someone who's just very very confused, than spam, to me | 01:11 |
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kermiac_ | maxb: I thought that the person would be classified as a spamer (i.e. advertising) due to them only joining today & they made their name be "join #yahoo-sun" | 01:36 |
kermiac_ | isn't that advertising? | 01:37 |
kermiac_ | also, the title of the only bug report (that I can find) is "#yahoo_sun" | 01:37 |
maxb | well it's pretty poor advertising given it doesn't even tell you which network the channel might be on | 01:37 |
kermiac_ | yes, that is true... but whoever said that spammers need to be smart? | 01:38 |
kermiac_ | it just seems to be advertising to me | 01:38 |
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kermiac | don't you think it would be classified as advertising? | 01:39 |
maxb | I think it's sufficently borderline that it's unlikely to convince an admin to suspend the user | 01:40 |
kermiac | ok, fair enough maxb. nvm - I may be simply being overly sensitive to the issue due to the amount of spammers that we have come across over the last 2 weeks | 01:41 |
maxb | yes, it's been a bad fortnight, hasn't it :-/ | 01:41 |
kermiac | yes, indeed it has :( | 01:42 |
kermiac | that may be the reason that this jumped out at me | 01:42 |
kermiac | to me it was screaming "I am yet another spammer" | 01:42 |
kermiac | thanks for the discussion maxb :) | 01:43 |
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maxb | I'd suggest that unless they do something more objectionable, it's not worth the effort of trying to ask them not to :-) | 01:44 |
poolie | thumper: is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-hg/+bug/516758 the one you were refering to? | 02:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 516758 in bzr-hg "cython import fails with unicode and infinite recurson" [Medium,Triaged] | 02:19 |
thumper | poolie: yes | 02:19 |
patx | how would won get a canonical/launchpad/???? cloak? or do u have to be like an employee? | 02:27 |
mwhudson | patx: yes, it's an employee thing | 02:28 |
patx | oh ok :) thanks :) | 02:28 |
poolie | patx, see the discussion of cloaks on freenoden.te | 02:29 |
poolie | .net | 02:29 |
poolie | i think ubuntu members can get them too | 02:29 |
persia | Ubuntu Members can get cloaks, but not launchpad cloaks. | 02:53 |
persia | Depending on the number of external contributors, it might be interesting to investigate a bit, and maybe offer a cloak at some threshold of sustained contribution | 02:54 |
mrmcq2u | What does having a bug marked as invalid mean? | 03:05 |
persia | mrmcq2u: It usually means that someone decided that the bug isn't really a bug in some way. Is there a specific bug that you want more information about? | 03:06 |
mrmcq2u | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/275651 | 03:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 275651 in xorg "lg flatron l1715s" [Undecided,Invalid] | 03:07 |
persia | https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Statuses is recommended semantic application of the names, although some projects use them a little differently. | 03:07 |
persia | Ah, for that bug, #ubuntu-bugs is probably a more useful specific forum, just because the Ubuntu project is more likely to be familiar with bug policies for bugs in Ubuntu (but I'll try to answer here if it's obvious) | 03:08 |
mrmcq2u | cool | 03:08 |
persia | mrmcq2u: Looks like it got marked "Invalid" because you took too long to get back to the query (in the opinion of the triager). Since another user "confirmed with 9.04", it maybe sensible to change that back to "Confirmed", but you can get a more authoritative answer in #ubuntu-bugs | 03:10 |
mrmcq2u | cool, thanks | 03:11 |
persia | mrmcq2u: Based on the dates in the report, you might also want to make sure it still happens with latest updates, etc. :) | 03:11 |
mrmcq2u | yup.. its still an issue | 03:26 |
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persia | wgrant: Seems that there is a strong interest in getting bugs #55795 and #523093 fixed before implementing native-source-syncing, as otherwise there would be a regression in the production of the -changes mails, so it is worth fixing that first. | 06:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 55795 in soyuz "+changelog includes misleading information related to package versions and authors" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55795 | 06:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 523093 in soyuz "private e-mail address gets stuffed into and published in changes file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/523093 | 06:57 |
persia | https://dev.launchpad.net/Ubuntu/InfrastructureNeeds seems to have a highlight of current status (the spec is quite old) | 06:58 |
wgrant | persia: Wouldn't the fix be to just stop clobbering Changed-By and store/present the copier elsewhere? | 06:59 |
persia | That'd be part 1. | 06:59 |
persia | Part 2 is about actually using data from the package, rather then random info in the LP DB. | 07:00 |
wgrant | Right. | 07:00 |
wgrant | But this is distro-related work, so it's never going to get done. | 07:00 |
persia | That might be why I'm asking you about it :) | 07:01 |
wgrant | persia: Did you talk to bigjools about it at all, or just distro people? | 07:02 |
persia | Just distro people. I didn't catch bigjools. | 07:02 |
wgrant | persia: Also, how is sponsorship going to work with a native syncing workflow? | 07:03 |
wgrant | For merges we have MPs. | 07:03 |
wgrant | For syncs, there is nothing that seems to fit. | 07:03 |
persia | I haven't quite figured that out, but I'm thinking about it. | 07:03 |
wgrant | Still, it cannot be any worse than it is now. | 07:03 |
persia | On the other hand, I'm not sure that there's a lot of value in giving sponsor credit for syncs. | 07:03 |
persia | If the person did the work in Debian to make it a sync, they get changelog credit anyway (usually, or at least by bug reference), and if they didn't, I'm not sure they did that much. | 07:04 |
persia | The issue is more requesting that someone process syncs, but that can end up as bugs in the sponsor queue until we come up with something better. | 07:04 |
wgrant | persia: It needs to be recorded and displayed somewhere for accountability, though... | 07:04 |
persia | I don't have any issues with making the person who pressed the button accountable. | 07:05 |
persia | That doesn't make sense now, because there's only ~10 people with the button, but it would make sense with ~150 people. | 07:05 |
wgrant | So you don't care about crediting the requester of a sponsored sync, just the sponsor? | 07:05 |
persia | In the short term, not so much. | 07:05 |
persia | I think there is some value there, but I'm not convinced it's easy. | 07:06 |
wgrant | That's what I thought. Good. | 07:06 |
wgrant | Right, it's much harder. | 07:06 |
persia | I suppose that SyncSource could be extended to take an optional "requestor" argument, and we could expect sponsors to give credit when they thought it appropriate. | 07:06 |
persia | Err, syncSource | 07:06 |
wgrant | That's not necessary for an initial implementation, though. | 07:07 |
persia | Right. | 07:07 |
persia | Note that I did receive feedback that open access to "syncSources" was not preferable, and just to syncSource. | 07:08 |
persia | Or, no. I'm misinterpreting +apidoc | 07:09 |
persia | But not enabling random folk to press the autosync button. | 07:09 |
wgrant | Was the discussion held on a public medium that I can review? | 07:10 |
persia | So, I think the issues are 44795, 523093, and that syncSource needs to push to the queue, rather than raw pocket-copy. | 07:10 |
wgrant | 55795, you mean? | 07:10 |
persia | Sorry, yes. | 07:11 |
wgrant | Plus permissions. | 07:11 |
persia | Right. | 07:11 |
wgrant | And announcement (but that probably goes along with the queue) | 07:11 |
persia | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/02/22/#ubuntu-installer.txt has one snippet (from 19:10, but really from 19:29). Most isn't reviewable. | 07:11 |
wgrant | Ah. | 07:13 |
wgrant | I think +changelog is probably a lost cause. | 07:17 |
wgrant | I cannot see a way to make it much more sane (apart from not mangling changed-by, and not faking the final changelog line) | 07:17 |
persia | I agree, but cjwatson pointed out that we need to preserve the experience for -changes readers. Any ideas there? | 07:23 |
wgrant | Well, that needs to be completely rewritten for copying from Debian. | 07:25 |
wgrant | Since the imported Debian uploads don't have changes files. | 07:25 |
wgrant | So Soyuz would have to learn to extract the necessary entries itself. | 07:25 |
persia | So that's actually a bit different than the +changelog bugs. | 07:27 |
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plaes | hey.. I'm currently merge duplicte profiles, but I'm running into timeouts | 09:27 |
afranke | hi | 11:29 |
afranke | I'd like to report that an upstream bug watch doesn't work | 11:29 |
afranke | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/523236 | 11:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 523236 in nautilus "Translation problem in Nautilus (French version): 21ère" [Low,Triaged] | 11:30 |
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danilos | gmb, deryck: hi, can you help afranke with upstream bug watch? | 12:49 |
gmb | afranke: Thank you; we currently don't update bug watches against the Gnome Bugzilla because of issues with our bug watch updating code; we're working to resolve them. | 12:52 |
afranke | gmb: so should I just wait or update it manually? | 12:54 |
gmb | afranke: Feel free to update it manually; we don't have a timescale for it being fixed at the moment, unfortunately. | 12:55 |
afranke | and is there a bug report I can subscribe to? | 12:55 |
afranke | so that I know when this issue will be fixed | 12:55 |
gmb | afranke: There's no one bug report for the issue at the moment because there are several issues to fix. | 12:58 |
gmb | afranke: Bug 499113 and bug 491870 are the ones that need to be fixed before we can consider re-enabling gnome-bugs updates | 12:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 499113 in malone "Launchpad will sync comments and link back to all bug watches, even those not linked to a bug task" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/499113 | 12:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 491870 in malone "Use Twisted's thread support instead of the threading module in checkwatches" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/491870 | 12:58 |
gmb | afranke: Our set of bug for making bug watch updates reliable can be found here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bugs?field.tag=story-reliable-bug-syncing | 12:59 |
afranke | thanks gmb | 13:00 |
gmb | np | 13:00 |
* gmb goes to grab lunch | 13:00 | |
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=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: flacoste | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | ||
joshuahoover | flacoste: do you know who the best person to contact about an lp api question? | 14:45 |
flacoste | joshuahoover: it depends | 14:46 |
persia | joshuahoover: Often just asking without highlighting in this channel gets a good response. | 14:46 |
flacoste | joshuahoover: usually, a developer related to the API in question | 14:46 |
flacoste | joshuahoover: so a bugs guy, for a bugs API question | 14:46 |
flacoste | joshuahoover: if it's just something general purpose in the library, than leonardr, gary or me are the people to ask | 14:47 |
joshuahoover | flacoste: i'm doing a searchTasks(assignee=None, omit_duplicates=True) against a project and get back all non-duplicate bugs, whether they have an assignee or not | 14:47 |
flacoste | joshuahoover: ok, that's a bug sepecific question, intellectronica, gmb, allenap, deryck, any of you can help joshuahoover with his question? | 14:49 |
joshuahoover | flacoste: thank you | 14:49 |
* intellectronica looks | 14:49 | |
intellectronica | joshuahoover: can you please repeat the question? | 14:50 |
joshuahoover | intellectronica: sure! i'm trying to do the following call against a project: searchTasks(assignee=None, omit_duplicates=True) | 14:50 |
intellectronica | joshuahoover: oh, are you asking how to get only tasks that are unassigned? | 14:50 |
joshuahoover | intellectronica: yep | 14:51 |
joshuahoover | intellectronica: i always get back all the bugs regardless of whether assignee is there or not | 14:51 |
intellectronica | joshuahoover: right. the problem is that passing None is equivalent to not passing anything at all | 14:56 |
renderguy | Hi there. | 14:57 |
joshuahoover | intellectronica: ok, what should i pass in? :) | 14:57 |
intellectronica | what i'm trying to find out is if there's a way to specify that you only want unassigned bugs (like you can do with the search form) | 14:57 |
joshuahoover | intellectronica: ok, yeah, that's what i'd ideally want to do but if it's not possible right now, that's good to know too | 14:57 |
renderguy | Can someone point me at the instructions for uploading .deb files to a (personal) PPA? | 14:57 |
bigjools | renderguy: you can't upload .deb files, you need to upload source packages | 14:58 |
* renderguy has only used the Bazaar service so far. | 14:58 | |
bigjools | http://help.launchpad.net/PPA has all the info | 14:58 |
renderguy | bigjools: So the building takes place on Launchpad instead? | 14:58 |
intellectronica | joshuahoover: looks like it isn't, which i think is a bug. let's see if there's a bug for it already and if not file one. | 14:58 |
bigjools | renderguy: yes | 14:59 |
joshuahoover | intellectronica: ah, ok...i'll check | 14:59 |
renderguy | bigjools: K, thanks for the URL. | 14:59 |
bigjools | renderguy: np - it guarantees that the binaries match the source you can see | 14:59 |
intellectronica | joshuahoover: as a workaround, i guess you'll need to iterate over the result and filter them | 14:59 |
thekorn | intellectronica, joshuahoover it's bug 274416 | 14:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 274416 in malone "launchpad api: searchTasks does not allow to search for 'Nobody' as assignee" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274416 | 14:59 |
intellectronica | thekorn: thanks! | 15:00 |
joshuahoover | thekorn, intellectronica: thanks! | 15:00 |
intellectronica | joshuahoover: i'm not sure what is the best way to fix it exactly, but if you'd like to give it a try at some point i'll be glad to help, of course | 15:00 |
renderguy | Only a flying-visit, thanks again, laterz. | 15:01 |
intellectronica | i think that maybe we'll need to create a nobody person | 15:01 |
joshuahoover | intellectronica: ok, sounds good...thanks again for the quick response guys! | 15:01 |
shadeslayer | hi | 15:46 |
shadeslayer | is anyone free on 25 Feb 1700 UTC to give a ppa session with me? | 15:49 |
shadeslayer | um 27 Feb | 15:50 |
shadeslayer | itll be the usual packages which are already in the archive and we can apt-get source them and then upload the current development ones to a PPA | 15:51 |
shadeslayer | by of course doing some changes here and there | 15:51 |
noodles775 | shadeslayer: I'd love to on the 25th, but 27th might be difficult :/ | 15:51 |
shadeslayer | noodles775: well 25th is a bit difficult for me :( | 15:52 |
shadeslayer | i could also do it on the 26th or the 28th | 15:52 |
shadeslayer | same time | 15:52 |
noodles775 | shadeslayer: out of those options, the 27th is the most likely for me, I'm just not sure whether I'll be back in time. Either way, I'll be eagerly reading the irc log to see people's identified issues etc.! | 15:55 |
shadeslayer | noodles775: hmm.. ok | 15:56 |
shadeslayer | well if i dont get somebody confirmed,youre on | 15:56 |
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lfaraone | hi, are branches that have been removed immediately deleted? | 17:52 |
lfaraone | flacoste: ^^ | 17:52 |
flacoste | lfaraone: no, they are deleted by a background job | 17:59 |
lfaraone | flacoste: okay, how often does that run? | 18:00 |
flacoste | lfaraone: i don't know, abentley or rockstar might know | 18:00 |
lfaraone | flacoste: see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/155035/comments/14 for what we want to recover. | 18:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 155035 in software-properties "feature request: manually add apt mirror using adept" [Wishlist,In progress] | 18:00 |
rockstar | lfaraone, every 5 minutes. | 18:00 |
flacoste | lfaraone: it's gone, gone | 18:01 |
lfaraone | flacoste, rockstar, that's unfortunate :( | 18:01 |
james_w | codebounce? | 18:28 |
james_w | are all the losas sprinting? | 18:29 |
_Andrew | Is there a way to upload using sftp with dput? I'm using normal ftp but it stops working on the last 1k of the file | 18:30 |
james_w | seems to be back now | 18:31 |
bcurtiswx_ | Hey could I get an LP admin to remove (or edit) comment #2 from bug #525410 as it contains a password | 20:00 |
ubottu | Bug 525410 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/525410 is private | 20:00 |
bcurtiswx_ | flacoste: since you are mentioned in topic ^^ | 20:02 |
flacoste | bcurtiswx_: it's a private bug, do we care? | 20:03 |
flacoste | bcurtiswx_: i cannot even see your password! | 20:03 |
flacoste | bcurtiswx_: otherwise, please file a question on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion and i'll assign to an OSA | 20:04 |
bcurtiswx_ | flacoste: its private because it's an apport crash and can contain a password.. this one does and I can't edit/delete comments.. Apport made a comment with a part of the stacktrace that includes the users password. Not meaning to sound rude, but in this case you should care. | 20:06 |
bcurtiswx_ | flacoste: it's my duty as a bug traigers to make these reports public ASAP so it gets the right attention | 20:07 |
bcurtiswx_ | flacoste: i will file the question, I hope it can get resolved soon.. Thanks for your time too :D | 20:07 |
flacoste | bcurtiswx_: understood, we have some limited OSA availability this week, so i don't have an ETA for it to be done | 20:09 |
flacoste | bcurtiswx_: but i'll put it in the appropriate queue | 20:09 |
bcurtiswx_ | flacoste: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/102185 | 20:12 |
flacoste | bcurtiswx_: thans | 20:13 |
bcurtiswx_ | flacoste: and thank you as well | 20:15 |
gregcoit | is it possible for folks to grab just a part of a trunk? (ie: bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pantheon-developers/projectmercury/trunk/files/head%3A/bcfg2/ ) | 20:49 |
gregcoit | or, rather, what do I need to do so folks can grab just the bcfg2 dir | 20:50 |
thumper | gregcoit: I *think* so | 20:50 |
thumper | gregcoit: I believe it will still download the entire history, but only build a tree for what you ask for | 20:50 |
thumper | gregcoit: ask on #bzr as I don't know the syntax | 20:50 |
gregcoit | ok, but I think this is more of a launchpad question: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pantheon-developers/projectmercury/trunk/files/head%3A/bcfg2/". | 20:51 |
gregcoit | I have to figure out what to change on launchpad to allow folks to grab just that dir | 20:51 |
thumper | gregcoit: yeah, that isn't the branch | 20:52 |
gregcoit | (also tried bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pantheon-developers/projectmercury/trunk/bcfg2/ and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pantheon-developers/projectmercury/bcfg2/ | 20:52 |
thumper | gregcoit: the branch is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pantheon-developers/projectmercury/trunk | 20:52 |
thumper | gregcoit: the /files is part of the loggerhead traversal | 20:52 |
gregcoit | thumper: so /files woulnd't be in the bzr command, right? | 20:53 |
thumper | gregcoit: right | 20:53 |
gregcoit | so, there's no way to grab just the bcfg2 dir unless I make it a seperate branch, right? | 20:54 |
thumper | gregcoit: I don't know | 20:54 |
gregcoit | is that more of a bzr question? | 20:55 |
* thumper asks on #bzr | 20:55 | |
newz2000 | Hi, is there a way to create a template for new bugs on a project? So basically a set of questions or suggestions for what information to put into a bug report | 20:55 |
lifeless | yes | 20:56 |
* newz2000 has searched the help and is not finding such a way | 20:57 | |
gregcoit | thumper: I'll look at views. what I have is code on launchpad that folks will want to d/l - to make it easy, I want them to be able to d/l specific dirs to specific places on their system | 20:57 |
gregcoit | lifeless: ^ | 20:57 |
thumper | gregcoit: they'll still need to download the entire branch | 20:57 |
gregcoit | oh, hmm | 20:58 |
thumper | gregcoit: but they may then create views on that branch in particular locations | 20:58 |
lifeless | gregcoit: if you have separate things, make them separate brnaches | 20:58 |
lifeless | gregcoit: if its one thing that installs components into different places, can I interest you in a build system like autotools/cmake/setup.py/... | 20:58 |
gregcoit | well, they are both part of our project, they just have different locations on the client computers. | 20:58 |
lifeless | gregcoit: how closely connected are these two things? | 20:59 |
gregcoit | lifeless: i think the reason we haven't done that is we'd like folks to be able to bzr update | 20:59 |
gregcoit | lifeless: not very close.... | 20:59 |
gregcoit | we could have them bzr update then autotools/cmake/setup.py/... | 21:00 |
lifeless | gregcoit: if they aren't very close, I'd really suggest treating them as separate projects | 21:01 |
lifeless | gregcoit: could someone in principle deliver a reimplementation of just one of these components? | 21:02 |
gregcoit | lifeless: very much so | 21:02 |
gregcoit | lifeless: they will likely be updated by us at differnt intervals from each other | 21:02 |
lifeless | then to me, you have a project group, two code bases. | 21:02 |
lifeless | so you should have two projects in launchpad, and separate branches | 21:03 |
gregcoit | lifeless: I think that's the way to go - thanks for helping me think through this! | 21:03 |
lifeless | de nada | 21:03 |
gregcoit | thumper: thanks to you too! | 21:03 |
thumper | gregcoit: sure, np | 21:03 |
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gregcoit | does launchpad allow for more than one branch to be associated with a project? | 21:19 |
gregcoit | or are project and branch basically the same thing? | 21:20 |
mwhudson | gregcoit: no, you can have thousands of branches for a project | 21:21 |
gregcoit | ahh, cool - that works for us then! | 21:22 |
mwhudson | gregcoit: you argue that maybe "project" and "*trunk* branch" should have a nearly 1-1 relationshop | 21:22 |
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gregcoit | mwhudson: ok. that works well for us - thanks!!! | 21:23 |
mwhudson | gregcoit: np | 21:25 |
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=== tsimpson is now known as Guest5579 | ||
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | ||
=== gregcoit_lunch is now known as gregcoit |
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