kyubutsu | when you do a ubuntu-bug [program_name_here] in terminal, how can i copy the output in the apport window to a text file | 00:06 |
crimsun | you'd use apport-cli instead. | 00:08 |
kyubutsu | as apport-cli program_name ? | 00:09 |
kyubutsu | alright | 00:12 |
malev | Hi there! can anyone change the importance of this bug to whislist? | 00:28 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 525231 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "[No emblems] can't set any kind of background for the side panel (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:28 |
kermiac_ | why do i always find spammers? | 00:35 |
kermiac_ | bug 526135 | 00:35 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 526135 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "#yahoo_sun (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Invalid] | 00:35 |
kermiac_ | Bug #526135 reported by join (yahoo-sun: 0) 12 minutes ago | 00:36 |
greg-g | kermiac_: how was that bug spam? | 00:53 |
kermiac_ | if you look at the bug, the title is "#yahoo_sun". also look at the users name " Bug #526135 reported by join (yahoo-sun: 0) 12 minutes ago " | 00:54 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 526135 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "#yahoo_sun (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Invalid] | 00:55 |
kermiac_ | wouldn't that be bug spam? | 00:55 |
kermiac_ | i.e. join #yahoo-sun? | 00:55 |
kermiac_ | or do you think I am being overly sensitive due to the recent spammers? | 00:56 |
charlie-tca | kermiac_: that is a valid bug, | 01:06 |
charlie-tca | no | 01:06 |
charlie-tca | The report might be valid, just the title is bad? | 01:08 |
* charlie-tca does not use ubuntu-one | 01:08 | |
charlie-tca | I have had one or two in the past that gave their user name as the title. It helps them find it easier | 01:08 |
malev | Hi there! can anyone change the importance of this bug to whislist? | 01:35 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 525231 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "[No emblems] can't set any kind of background for the side panel (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 01:35 |
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac | ||
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_ | ||
greg-g | kermiac_: as it is an apport bug that looks like a crash, that seems pretty unlikely to be spam | 02:03 |
kermiac_ | ok greg-g. I see your point. It was just screaming out "I am yet another spammer" to me. But as I discussed with someone in #launchpad, I may be simply overly sensitive to spammers due to the issues we have had over the last 2 weeks | 02:06 |
kermiac_ | The OP has had to make their name "join" & their LP account "#yahoo_sun" | 02:07 |
kermiac_ | Also they titled the bug report "#yahoo-sun" - but it was agreed in #launchpad that this is only borderline | 02:08 |
kermiac_ | the bug report is more than likely due to the somewhat known issue of ubuntuone running as root | 02:11 |
kermiac_ | but (as i was advised) it seems like an awful lot of habit for a spammer to go to... so it's a borderline case | 02:12 |
kermiac_ | bah my last sentence didn't really make sense... habit/work - doing too many things at once | 02:17 |
mrmcq2u | - Any chance that can be changed from invalid to confirmed? | 03:12 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 275651 in xorg (Ubuntu) "lg flatron l1715s" [Undecided,Invalid] | 03:12 |
persia | I looked at this briefly based on discussion in #launchpad, and it looked like a timing error with new->incomplete->invalid->information added, but I'm not that familiar with X triaging policies. | 03:14 |
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=== funkymonkey is now known as syn-ack | ||
=== FliesLikeABrick_ is now known as FliesLikeABrick | ||
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=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch | ||
thekorn | good morning | 07:27 |
=== ikt_ is now known as ikt | ||
=== pascalFR_ is now known as pascalFR | ||
pascalFR | !bug 222222 | 09:50 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 222222 in linux (Ubuntu) "Sony VAIO VGN-SZ430N and other models; Stamina mode doesn't let Ubuntu boot up (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 09:50 |
BUGabundo_remote | ahah | 09:58 |
BUGabundo_remote | nice bug id | 09:59 |
vish | heh , i wanted to file the 500000 bug , but slept off :/ | 10:09 |
BUGabundo_remote | LOL | 10:12 |
BUGabundo_remote | seb128: the gnome keyring bug: I can easily reproduce it by changing to Guess Session and login back to my session | 10:14 |
vish | BUGabundo_remote: i'm not able to get the backtrace for it :( | 10:15 |
BUGabundo_remote | me neither | 10:15 |
BUGabundo_remote | it does crash | 10:15 |
BUGabundo_remote | but I have no way to log it | 10:15 |
BUGabundo_remote | I could kill it, and launch it again in gdb | 10:15 |
BUGabundo_remote | but I don't think I have enough CPU and disk IO for it | 10:15 |
pascalFR | hehe vish | 10:17 |
seb128 | should be easy | 10:18 |
seb128 | switch to a vt and use gdb | 10:18 |
seb128 | or to an another user session | 10:18 |
vish | seb128: i'v been trying to use the "attach" for gdb , but it doesnt allow me to collect the backtrace :( | 10:19 |
seb128 | how so? | 10:19 |
seb128 | use gdb? | 10:19 |
vish | it just gets stuck when i try ctrl-c | 10:19 |
seb128 | ups, use sudo | 10:19 |
seb128 | when do Ctrl-C then "bt"? | 10:20 |
vish | seb128: what bt ? | 10:20 |
seb128 | what you need to type on the gdb prompt to have the backtrace | 10:20 |
seb128 | did you read the wiki page indicated in the bug? | 10:20 |
vish | ah , got it.. you meant backtrace :) | 10:20 |
vish | yeah , read the wiki.. | 10:20 |
vish | seb128: i get stuck at 5. | 10:21 |
pascalFR | !help | 10:21 |
ubot4 | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 10:21 |
vish | pascalFR: this is not a help channel ;) try #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 | 10:21 |
pascalFR | vish: no i tried to find the bot username :) | 10:22 |
vish | ah.. :) | 10:22 |
persia | Using '!' followed by "ping" is the usual way to indicate that you want the bot to talk to you without implying some other communication. | 10:24 |
pascalFR | ok persia | 10:25 |
* BUGabundo_remote wonders what that will do in #ubuntu-bots | 10:30 | |
mrmcq2u | - Any chance that can be changed from invalid to confirmed? | 10:43 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 275651 in xorg (Ubuntu) "lg flatron l1715s" [Undecided,Invalid] | 10:43 |
vish | mrmcq2u: first would have been to re-open the bug. when you commented nearly a year ago | 10:45 |
mrmcq2u | that was not me who commented a year ago | 10:47 |
persia | isn't you? | 10:49 |
persia | (and yes, it's 14 months ago) | 10:49 |
mrmcq2u | Thought you were talking about elv13 | 11:07 |
mrmcq2u | can anyone just reopen a bug? | 11:08 |
mrmcq2u | Its still a bug today so I don't see what the problem is with having it validated. | 11:08 |
vish | mrmcq2u: you can set the bug again to new , but someone else[with the LG flatron] needs to confirm the bug as still present | 11:18 |
mrmcq2u | someone did confirm it was still present | 11:26 |
mrmcq2u | the last comment elv13 confirmed it | 11:26 |
vish | mrmcq2u: yes , so you can mention the "confirm" as being due to another member. Usually the OP is not supposed to confirm bugs. | 11:28 |
thekorn | even the last comment is half a year old | 11:29 |
thekorn | so opening with incomplete and asking if this bug is reproducable with lucid sounds right here | 11:29 |
vish | thekorn: mrmcq2u is the reporter :) | 11:30 |
thekorn | aha ok, I missed this fact ;) | 11:30 |
thekorn | ok, in this case running apport-collect on this bug, and setting it to new again makes sense to me | 11:33 |
anzenketh | Trying to figure out what to do with bug 192723 could someone help me? | 11:53 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 192723 in dbus-python (Ubuntu) " crashed with ImportError in <module>() (affects: 3) (dups: 11)" [Undecided,New] | 11:53 |
^arky^ | can anyone confirm bug 521693 | 11:57 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 521693 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "gwibber crashed with DBusException in call_blocking() (affects: 9) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 11:57 |
thekorn | anzenketh, this one is kind of old, is it still reproducable? | 11:59 |
jibel | anzenketh, examine duplicates, only bug 215600 is a dup the others are about pb with gio, cairo and fontconfig | 12:02 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 215600 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) " crashed with ImportError in <module>() (dup-of: 192723)" [Undecided,New] | 12:02 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 192723 in dbus-python (Ubuntu) " crashed with ImportError in <module>() (affects: 3) (dups: 11)" [Undecided,New] | 12:02 |
mrmcq2u | theKorn - Apport Collect? | 12:02 |
thekorn | mrmcq2u, yes, newer version of ubuntu (kamrmic and lucid) have a tool to add debug information to an existing bugreport, please run apport-collect 275651 | 12:03 |
jibel | anzenketh, then undup and mark as dup the correct ones and ask if it's still reproducible | 12:04 |
thekorn | jibel, just wanted to note the same, apport should leave a comment about why bugs were marked as duplicates (based on a bugpattern, based on the bug db, etc...) | 12:05 |
thekorn | something went wrong there | 12:05 |
anzenketh | Origionaly I did ask it it was still reproducible and set to incomplete. Did I do the right thing there? | 12:06 |
thekorn | yes | 12:07 |
jibel | anzenketh, yes but the dup are not dup. Apport did it wrong here | 12:07 |
jibel | there is a large chance it is not a issue anymore because it's old, very few and old duplicates. | 12:09 |
jibel | anzenketh, and the only dup is from the same reporter. It was surely a pb with the user's system and not a bug. | 12:10 |
anzenketh | What is the tag bugpattern-needed? | 12:11 |
om26er | I cannot link a mission-control upstream bug | 12:11 |
anzenketh | That bug is starting to make my head spin | 12:13 |
anzenketh | I am going to work on some other ones | 12:13 |
om26er | what project should I select when linking a telepathy-mission-control bug | 12:14 |
jibel | anzenketh, if you want we can triage it together ? | 12:14 |
anzenketh | Shure that would help | 12:16 |
jibel | anzenketh, let's go. | 12:17 |
anzenketh | Where would I begin on it? | 12:18 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
jibel | The important information here is in the file Traceback.txt | 12:19 |
jibel | this file is collected by apport and contains the python error. | 12:20 |
jibel | Open each dup in a separate tab of your browser | 12:20 |
=== pascalFR is now known as Parti | ||
anzenketh | Ok I think I have a idea where you are going. Look at the traceback of the other bugs and if they do not match on the ending file it is not a dup right? | 12:21 |
jibel | anzenketh, that's it | 12:21 |
jibel | anzenketh, the error in the original bug is 'ImportError: No module named exceptions' | 12:22 |
jibel | raised by the following import statement 'import dbus.exceptions as exception' | 12:22 |
om26er | a big with no duplicate and no confirmation (crash report) and now the reporter says he dont face it with the version he is using. should I mark it fixed ? | 12:23 |
om26er | | 12:23 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 382110 in gwibber (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gwibber crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slist_reverse() (list=0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) (affects: 3)" [Medium,Incomplete] | 12:23 |
jibel | anzenketh, only 215600 crashed with the same error. | 12:24 |
jibel | anzenketh, you can safely unduplicate the others (but don't close tabs we will come back to them later) | 12:25 |
jibel | anzenketh, to unduplicate a bug click on the pen icon above 'duplicate of' and clear the bug number. | 12:26 |
anzenketh | Ok removed dup status | 12:27 |
jibel | anzenketh, nice. We have nearly finished with 192723 | 12:28 |
anzenketh | Ok now what would I do | 12:29 |
jibel | anzenketh, as said earlier, it's old with no dup so it's likely a problem with the user's system. | 12:29 |
jibel | anzenketh, you've already asked if it's still an issue, so set the status to 'incomplete' | 12:29 |
jibel | anzenketh, subscribe to the report. | 12:30 |
anzenketh | Oh that is how I get email when he replies | 12:30 |
anzenketh | ok that is done | 12:31 |
anzenketh | Bug 215600 which is a dup I would need to mark as dup right. | 12:32 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 215600 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) " crashed with ImportError in <module>() (dup-of: 192723)" [Undecided,New] | 12:32 |
jibel | yes. The bug will also be displayed in your bug list in | 12:32 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 192723 in dbus-python (Ubuntu) " crashed with ImportError in <module>() (affects: 2) (dups: 2)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 12:32 |
jibel | 215600 is a dup of 192723. Same bug same reporter. | 12:33 |
anzenketh | So set 215600 to invalid right? | 12:33 |
jibel | set it to 'confirmed' and mark as dup. | 12:33 |
anzenketh | set it to confirmed? | 12:34 |
anzenketh | Oh becouse there was another instance of it | 12:34 |
jibel | anzenketh, yes, the reporter was able to reproduce it even if he didn't say how. | 12:34 |
anzenketh | So mark the old one as invalid and mark the new one as confirmed? | 12:35 |
anzenketh | Never removed 215600's dup flag so I can not change it to any other. | 12:37 |
anzenketh | status | 12:37 |
jibel | anzenketh, the state of 192723 is correct because you're waiting for a reply from the reporter. | 12:37 |
jibel | anzenketh, ok, so don't need to touch 215600. | 12:37 |
jibel | anzenketh, you've finished with 192723 | 12:37 |
anzenketh | Cool just in time to go to work. | 12:38 |
anzenketh | The other bugs do I need to do anything with them? | 12:39 |
jibel | anzenketh, if you don't receive a reply from the reporter within a month, come back and close it. | 12:39 |
jibel | anzenketh, the standard response is | 12:39 |
anzenketh | Ok cool thanks for your help I must bee off to work now | 12:40 |
jibel | anzenketh, you'll need to investigate the trace of the other bug too. | 12:40 |
jibel | anzenketh, Thanks for your help in triaging, as you see it's not that hard. | 12:40 |
anzenketh | Ya I figured it was not I will get to the other bugs when I get off work. | 12:41 |
jibel | anzenketh, Thanks you, have a nice day. | 12:41 |
amjaduae | Damascene:) | 12:43 |
Damascene | amjaduae, | 12:55 |
amjaduae | how goes | 12:55 |
vish | persia: nah , no more questions, was just curious ... thanks :) | 13:03 |
persia | No problem. I'm always happy to answer questions. | 13:04 |
nigelb | mvo: lol, just following what jono said on his blog ;) You are awesome. the software center update looks really *cool* :) | 13:52 |
mvo | nigelb: *weehh* many thanks :) | 13:54 |
nigelb | :) | 13:54 |
BUGabundo_remote | mvo: stupid me UI request for it: bigger search bar | 13:55 |
mvo | BUGabundo_remote: good idea, I will pass this on to mpt | 13:56 |
BUGabundo_remote | thanks | 13:57 |
BUGabundo_remote | mvo: if its not too overhead | 13:57 |
BUGabundo_remote | maybe "relative" size to screen size | 13:57 |
BUGabundo_remote | I'm on a big 26" screen so its pretty small | 13:57 |
BUGabundo_remote | but on a 10" or 13" don't make hit half screensize | 13:57 |
mvo | right, it does make sense to have it (a bit?) bigger compared to the other elements | 13:58 |
BUGabundo_remote | so, if possible, 15-20% size | 13:58 |
nigelb | seb128: I asked in #rhythmbox on gimpnet and I really didn't get a reply. so I checked out the gnome site for rhythmbox and they dont say much about debug, but the totem site does say that totem --debug would be helpful. so should I add the debug option to rhythmbox? | 13:58 |
nigelb | hey hggdh | 13:59 |
BUGabundo_remote | with a min of 80pix and amax of 250px mvo | 13:59 |
seb128 | nigelb, let's see if #rhythmbox replies later, don't be impatient on IRC ;-) | 13:59 |
hggdh | hi nigelb | 13:59 |
nigelb | seb128: when is the last date I can add it and it can appear in lucid? | 14:00 |
seb128 | nigelb, dunno, for beta1 I would say | 14:00 |
seb128 | ie some weeks | 14:00 |
nigelb | okay, so we can relax | 14:00 |
nigelb | hggdh: the totem hook is so coool. Just hardly 10 lines ;) | 14:01 |
seb128 | yes | 14:01 |
nigelb | ah :) | 14:01 |
hggdh | heh. So you adjust & learn ;-) | 14:01 |
nigelb | hggdh: I need to learn python by lucid+1, it seems to be a worthy investment | 14:02 |
hggdh | nigelb: yes, it is, it is a pretty nice language | 14:02 |
hggdh | and beats Java easily. Well, this is not difficult, Java seems to be the new PL/1 | 14:03 |
nigelb | never touched java, so far I only know a little bit of c, php, and if it counts html | 14:04 |
nigelb | yaay! | 14:05 |
nigelb | here's what rhythmbox devs seems to want for debugging | 14:06 |
nigelb | hggdh: ^ | 14:09 |
hggdh | yes, but this does not really help -- it is generic debug -- you may need to run valgrind, you may need to find what is wrong, etc | 14:11 |
hggdh | nigelb: ^ | 14:11 |
nigelb | hggdh: Apport hooks are more or less generic debug to include the information that we seem to always want in most bugs | 14:12 |
hggdh | nigelb: yes. So, what will help -- generically -- for rhythmbox? | 14:13 |
nigelb | the rhythmbox --debug log and gconf data? | 14:14 |
hggdh | if gconf *does* help generically, then it is a good idea to include it (well, it is already there) | 14:14 |
hggdh | now, does debug -- there is -d and -D, per the page -- *generically* help? | 14:14 |
hggdh | or is it just a lot of disk space we will be using? | 14:15 |
nigelb | that is a mystery to me too. I'll have to wait till moch responds on gimpnet | 14:15 |
hggdh | :-) | 14:16 |
hggdh | usually, only the people that deal with bugs in a package can tell you what they would like to *generically* have | 14:16 |
hggdh | I personally think it is not a bad idea to add in gconf (with sanitising), but I do *not* know if it really helps | 14:17 |
thekorn | I don't get how -d or -D could be used in an apport hook ;) | 14:17 |
nigelb | for the past week, I've gone through around 50+ rhythmbox bugs, but it seems only debug is being requested | 14:18 |
nigelb | and its asked most of the times | 14:18 |
thekorn | I mean this would require the application to restart with this flags | 14:18 |
thekorn | in order to get this output | 14:18 |
hggdh | thekorn: heh, it was just an example of different ways of getting debug output :-) | 14:18 |
nigelb | any clue when pedro's going to be back? he's the one that usually asks that | 14:18 |
hggdh | next week | 14:18 |
nigelb | thekorn: yes. apport can do it. | 14:18 |
nigelb | looks like I'll either wait for a reply from moch or ask pedro when he returns. | 14:19 |
thekorn | nigelb, wow, that's surprising | 14:20 |
nigelb | thekorn: yep. Apport has been surprising me quite a bit these days ;) | 14:20 |
hggdh | huh. The only way I can see it happening is by apport restarting the application | 14:21 |
hggdh | so it *may* be useful on repeatable issues, but will fail on SIGs | 14:21 |
nigelb | I think apport gets triggered automatically on sigs... doesnt it? | 14:22 |
hggdh | nigelb: a nice test -- run rhythmox; on a terminal, run 'kill -SEGV `pidof rhythmbox`' | 14:22 |
hggdh | nigelb: yes it gets triggered automagically | 14:22 |
nigelb | checking | 14:23 |
nigelb | hggdh: rhythmbox got killed | 14:23 |
bfri | im using the 9.04 release desktop flavor with an i386 architecture my internal mic doesnt work since i installed ubuntu any suggestions | 14:24 |
hggdh | and did apport get triggered? | 14:24 |
persia | bfri: Did #ubuntu really send you here? | 14:25 |
* persia is baffled and surprised | 14:25 | |
bfri | yes | 14:25 |
nigelb | hggdh: nope | 14:25 |
persia | #ubuntu is *supposed* to be a support channel :( | 14:25 |
bfri | well actually ubuntu quality | 14:25 |
persia | Well, no. In there I suggested #ubuntu | 14:26 |
bfri | persia: plus no one there is helping | 14:26 |
persia | And to try to file a bug with the command `ubuntu-bug audio` | 14:26 |
persia | Yeah, that's the part that makes me sad. | 14:26 |
persia | They should have suggested | 14:27 |
hggdh | nigelb: it should have triggered apport | 14:31 |
hggdh | brb | 14:31 |
nigelb | looks like something went wrong there | 14:32 |
mrand | malev: If you click "Also affects" on Bug 525231, you can add the upstream tracker. | 14:36 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 525231 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "[No emblems] can't set any kind of background for the side panel (affects: 2)" [Low,Triaged] | 14:36 |
malev | mrand: I'm sorry, what are you talking about? | 14:37 |
mrand | the bug you triaged yesterday. It is more obvious that the bug has been upstreamed if you add it to the affects list. | 14:38 |
mrand | Unless we're shying away from that and I missed the memo. | 14:38 |
malev | mrand: oks, I'm gonna take a look, but please wait a bit, coz here the net is... SLOWWWW | 14:40 |
mrand | malev: no problem! | 14:40 |
malev | mrand: it's looks it is not gonna open never... maybe a problem with launchpad or whatever | 14:45 |
malev | you are telling me that there must be an upstream about the bug? maybe in bugzilla? | 14:46 |
malev | mrand: I'm sorry, I'm not sure what to do. | 14:51 |
nigelb | malev: you added and upstream bug in the comment and did not add it to the bug tracker as also affects project | 14:51 |
malev | nigelb: in bugzilla? | 14:51 |
nigelb | malev: yeah | 14:52 |
malev | nigelb: oks! I'm gonna put that now | 14:52 |
malev | nigelb: I think now it's ok. please check it :D | 14:54 |
nigelb | malev: yep. Good work :) | 14:55 |
malev | thanks nigelb | 14:55 |
mrand | nigelb: thanks for picking up when I had to be away. | 15:05 |
nigelb | mrand: no problem :) | 15:05 |
kklimonda | what is the status of apport reports for the assertion failures? | 15:06 |
kklimonda | I know there have been a bug about it or maybe even a wiki page but my googlefo is failing me today | 15:07 |
bcurtiswx_ | Ok, so i need some people using lucid to verify the following bugs for me | 15:33 |
bcurtiswx_ | open firefox and load 4 tabs... only 3 should give you the options on top (refresh, stop, home) and the 4th should be blank | 15:34 |
bcurtiswx_ | well.. greyed out | 15:34 |
bcurtiswx_ | then.. use Help-->Report a Problem and lemme know what error you get | 15:35 |
* bcurtiswx_ pokes micahg | 15:36 | |
bcurtiswx_ | aww, not here.. | 15:37 |
nigelb | bcurtiswx: ubuntu+1? | 15:37 |
bcurtiswx_ | nigelb: i will try there.. but since i know this channel has lucid users i figured i'd have better luck | 15:39 |
bcurtiswx_ | you guys are more like family :P | 15:39 |
nigelb | hehe :) | 15:39 |
BUGabundo_remote | bcurtiswx thats mean | 15:42 |
BUGabundo_remote | we are all a big family | 15:42 |
bcurtiswx_ | yeah, but the -bugs people are closer :P | 15:42 |
* thekorn hugs bcurtiswx | 15:43 | |
* nigelb hugs bcurtiswx_ too :) | 15:43 | |
bcurtiswx_ | seeeeeeee :D | 15:43 |
* bcurtiswx_ hugs room | 15:43 | |
* bcurtiswx_ changes room name from #ubuntu-bugs to #ubuntu-bugs-feelthelove | 15:44 | |
BUGabundo_remote | are you trying to steal our honorary hug person ? | 15:44 |
=== bcurtiswx__ is now known as bcurtiswx_ | ||
bcurtiswx_ | micahg: may I PM you? | 16:00 |
micahg | bcurtiswx_: sure | 16:00 |
charlie-tca | bcurtiswx: I am running an upgrade to lucid and and install of xubuntu lucid 64, right now. Will test for you when one of them completes | 16:02 |
BUGabundo_remote | hey charlie-tca | 16:03 |
charlie-tca | Morning, BUGabundo_remote | 16:03 |
bcurtiswx_ | charlie-tca: much appreciated | 16:03 |
cjohnston | qense: ping | 16:53 |
qense | cjohnstong: pong | 16:53 |
qense | ahem | 16:54 |
cjohnston | qense: do you have any idea when the fix for the plymouth bug will hit the repos? | 16:54 |
qense | cjohnston: Are you referring to bug #516412? | 16:56 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 516412 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Pressing <Enter> causes X to freeze (affects: 93) (dups: 18)" [High,Fix released] | 16:56 |
cjohnston | ya.. i see it shows released now.. its still effecting me quite often :-( | 16:57 |
qense | cjohnston: Well, this bug is out of control and not workable, so we'll leave it at Fix Released since Stuart indicated that the cause of this particular bug was fixed. But you may want to follow bug #522692. | 16:59 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 522692 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Pressing <Enter> key causes gdm to restart on VGA16FB system (affects: 29) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:59 |
cjohnston | k.. ty | 17:00 |
qense | cjohnston: or bug #510524. btw, it was not Stuart, but Steve. | 17:01 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 510524 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Multiple freeze during boot (affects: 15) (dups: 1)" [High,New] | 17:01 |
cjohnston | qense: the first one looks more like what i am being effected by | 17:05 |
qense | ok | 17:05 |
cjohnston | ty for the link though! | 17:05 |
qense | yw | 17:06 |
lfaraone | Would a "package FTBFS when built twice" be a "low" priority bug? | 17:24 |
bdmurray | hggdh: do you think the mailing list really needs to be subscribed to the AdoptPackage wiki page? | 17:24 |
qense | it does generate quite some mail noise | 17:25 |
hggdh | bdmurray: no, I do not. Probably got in by the RE -- BugSquad/.* | 17:25 |
bdmurray | I don't think there is much to act on or be aware of really | 17:25 |
hggdh | I agree, I will update the notification | 17:26 |
qense | I'm subscribed to it personally to keep an eye on the page, but that's probably enough. | 17:26 |
hggdh | yes | 17:26 |
charlie-tca | bcurtiswx: Can not reproduce in VBox xubuntu lucid 64 and hardware Lucid Ubuntu 386 | 17:26 |
ubot4 | Ubuntu bug 386 in baz "change to removed files does not conflict" [Medium,Confirmed] | 17:26 |
qense | lfaraone: depends on the affected package. | 17:27 |
lfaraone | qense: sugar-hulahop. | 17:27 |
lfaraone | qense: bug 526543 | 17:27 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 526543 in sugar-hulahop (Ubuntu) "Hulahop build gives error on ubuntu 9.10 (affects: 1)" [Low,Triaged] | 17:27 |
qense | lfaraone: That's low indeed. | 17:27 |
lfaraone | qense: while I'm at it, would you have any idea what should be done about bug 419501 ? It's a regression that affects a bunch of people, and afaict there's no fix other than to revert the library. | 17:32 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 419501 in libxcb (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "apport-kde assert failure: python: ../../src/xcb_io.c:242: process_responses: Assertion `(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed. (affects: 137) (dups: 68)" [High,Confirmed] | 17:32 |
vish | qense: does ctrl+c still work for you in gdb to end a program which is hung?? | 17:33 |
hggdh | bdmurray: BugSquad/Meeting.* -- should it be there also, or not? | 17:33 |
bdmurray | should that be included in the subscription? yes | 17:35 |
* vish is getting stuck at step 5 > and is unable to retrieve a backtrace :( | 17:35 | |
hggdh | k | 17:35 |
hggdh | bdmurray: since we are there... Should we also add Debugging/.* ? | 17:36 |
qense | lfaraone: Is it fully triaged? You could report it upstream, if necessary. When all is done you can mark it as Triaged. | 17:37 |
qense | vish: wouldn't know | 17:37 |
bdmurray | hggdh: that'd make sense to me | 17:38 |
hggdh | roj | 17:38 |
bdmurray | hggdh: also you might want to look at bug 524434 | 17:38 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 524434 in ubuntu "Lucid Alpha 2 server iso install fails at bootloader in KVM (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 17:38 |
thekorn | bdmurray, can you somehow automoderate the mails to the ML coming from | 17:39 |
thekorn | so we can reduce the delay for this notification emails | 17:39 |
hggdh | bdmurray: darn! I was having this yesterday, and foudn that I had lost the virtualisation support, and though it would be this... | 17:40 |
vish | does anyone know an alternative to "ctrl+c" in gdb ? | 17:41 |
bdmurray | thekorn: I thought I had :-( I'll watch more closely and see what I am missing | 17:41 |
hggdh | the new list of ubuntu-bugsquad automagic wiki change subscription is | 17:42 |
thekorn | bdmurray, today I got a mail about changes to the bugsquad wiki pages made three days ago | 17:42 |
bdmurray | thekorn: right I realize that but I didn't look closely as to why that was one moderated | 17:43 |
thekorn | aha ok | 17:43 |
mrand | vish: you could always use kill to send a signal of your choosing. | 17:45 |
bdmurray | thekorn: what do you think of removing bughelper from universe? | 17:45 |
thekorn | bdmurray, hmm, good idea, actually I think we should start with removing py-lp-bugs first (entirely) | 17:46 |
thekorn | bdmurray, I always wanted to revwrite bughelper using launchpadlib | 17:46 |
thekorn | bdmurray, but did not came to a feature complete state | 17:47 |
vish | mrand: so i can send a $kill-9 <PID> from a different terminal and still be able to retrieve the backtrace?retrieve | 17:47 |
* vish tries | 17:48 | |
mrand | a -9 is a bit harsh | 17:48 |
seb128 | vish, what do you try to do? | 17:48 |
vish | seb128: the backtrace for the gnome-keyring bug :( , i get stuck at step 5 > | 17:49 |
bdmurray | thekorn: so remove both of them then? | 17:49 |
seb128 | vish, -11 is SIGSEGV | 17:49 |
seb128 | not -9 | 17:49 |
vish | ah. k | 17:49 |
qense | How bad is -9 (compared to -11)? | 17:51 |
thekorn | bdmurray, I think I don't know enough about packaging workflows to understand how hard it would be to re-add a bughelper package in let's say lucid+1 | 17:51 |
bdmurray | thekorn: not hard | 17:51 |
thekorn | bdmurray, but I can always call it bughelper-ng ;) | 17:51 |
mrand | qense: it isn't a matter of "badness"... some programs can catch various signals levels. Except -9 | 17:51 |
thekorn | bdmurray, so removeing both should be fine | 17:52 |
qense | mrand: ok | 17:52 |
thekorn | bdmurray, sorry, for not bringing this up earlier | 17:52 |
mrand | levels may not be the right way to phrase it. they don't have that much of an order. | 17:52 |
bdmurray | thekorn: me too! ;-) | 17:52 |
thekorn | ;) | 17:53 |
seb128 | qense, -9 will not trigger apport | 17:59 |
seb128 | qense, so it's not useful to get a stacktrace from it | 17:59 |
qense | seb128: ah, I see | 17:59 |
seb128 | if you use -11 apport will get the stacktrace | 17:59 |
seb128 | you get retracing, debug stacktrace etc | 17:59 |
qense | I knew already that you can use -11 to trigger Apport, but I didn't know what the difference between the two signals was. | 18:00 |
seb128 | qense, you can look to man 7 signal | 18:01 |
seb128 | you have the list of signals there | 18:01 |
seb128 | 11 is SIGSEGV | 18:01 |
seb128 | which is what you get on crashes | 18:01 |
qense | ok, thanks! I'll have a look at that man page then. | 18:01 |
qense | away | 18:09 |
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe | ||
bcurtiswx_ | Just to confirm. We find a private report and it has a password in it... we just permanentally leave as private? | 18:56 |
greg-g | bcurtiswx_: or download the attachment that has the password in it, edit it out, re-upload, and delete the original | 18:56 |
bcurtiswx_ | greg-g: gracias | 18:57 |
greg-g | de nada | 18:57 |
bcurtiswx_ | greg-g: apport made a comment with it in it... guess I won't be making it public | 19:00 |
bcurtiswx_ | bug #525410 for those interested | 19:00 |
ubot4 | bcurtiswx_: Bug 525410 on is private | 19:00 |
vish | could someone stop Fmaz :( he is posting in all the clipboard bugs :( | 19:05 |
micahg | vish: he marked quite a few dupes I saw | 19:05 |
micahg | and is trying to corral everyone | 19:05 |
micahg | i don't see a problem atm | 19:05 |
vish | micahg: he is trying to get people to add +1 to the main bug ;) | 19:06 |
vish | hehe.. not sure if that is going to get the bug solved faster ;p | 19:06 |
micahg | vish: with affects me too which is the proper way | 19:06 |
micahg | vish: people don't understand the nature of the OS or the bug in question...that's the main issue | 19:07 |
vish | yeah.. | 19:07 |
micahg | people want Ubuntu == OS X == Win | 19:07 |
micahg | which it's not | 19:07 |
bcurtiswx_ | bdmurray: as in bug #525410 where apport commented with a bad (password included) snippet of the stacktrace. This seems like a really bad thing IMO | 19:07 |
ubot4 | bcurtiswx_: Bug 525410 on is private | 19:07 |
bcurtiswx_ | AFAIK it's not possible to delete comments | 19:08 |
micahg | bcurtiswx_: LP admins can if absolutely necessary | 19:08 |
bcurtiswx_ | micahg: I can edit the appropriate attachments to remove the password, but I don't see the point in bothering LP admins for something like that | 19:09 |
bcurtiswx_ | and making a bug public is a good thing | 19:09 |
micahg | bcurtiswx_: you said comment | 19:09 |
bcurtiswx_ | micahg: yes.. i still mean the comment in that bug by apport | 19:10 |
micahg | bcurtiswx_: yes, and I replied that an LP admin can remove comments if necessary.... | 19:10 |
vish | bcurtiswx: how does one edit the comments ? "<bcurtiswx_> micahg: I can edit the appropriate attachments to remove the password," | 19:11 |
bcurtiswx_ | vish, micahg: im confused now... comments and attachments are different things | 19:12 |
micahg | bcurtiswx_: right | 19:13 |
* vish confused too :s | 19:13 | |
bcurtiswx_ | Assumption 1 from me: making a bug public is a _really_ good thing | 19:13 |
bcurtiswx_ | Problem 1: as in my example bug. Apport made a comment with the password in it | 19:14 |
bcurtiswx_ | from the stacktrace | 19:14 |
bcurtiswx_ | i can't make the bug public as I can't delete comments | 19:14 |
charlie-tca | Is that a password or a user name? | 19:15 |
vish | password | 19:15 |
bcurtiswx_ | charlie-tca: looks quite like a password to me | 19:15 |
kamalmostafa | hello bug-people - What's the procedure for the "verification-needed" tag on e.g. SRU -proposed bug 503111? Am I (as the bug reporter) supposed to remove that tag after I've verified that the bug is fixed, or do I just add my comments and somebody else removes it? (Also considering that I'm not entirely sure that the bug actually is fixed, as my comment states.) | 19:16 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 503111 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "False: The versions in Debian and Ubuntu are the same already during requestsync (affects: 1)" [Unknown,Fix released] | 19:16 |
charlie-tca | It is the same as the name the reporter used for launchpad, isn't it? | 19:16 |
vish | oh , no.. | 19:16 |
bcurtiswx_ | my question to bdmurray: (may be a dumb question.. ) are apport comments like that possibly a bad thing? | 19:16 |
vish | bcurtiswx: from the threadstacktrace it seems like the user name | 19:16 |
vish | and there password is different | 19:16 |
vish | s/there/the | 19:17 |
bcurtiswx_ | where are you looking in the TST | 19:17 |
vish | master= is also a password | 19:18 |
vish | probably that is the new password/old password ?? | 19:18 |
bcurtiswx_ | vish: yes. thats what I was just about to say | 19:18 |
bcurtiswx_ | i just had the same bug.. thats why im looking at that one | 19:19 |
bcurtiswx_ | was changing my password | 19:20 |
bcurtiswx_ | micahg: also i don't experience the tabs bug anymore in firefox.. <shrugs> | 19:22 |
bdmurray | bcurtiswx_: I'd check with pitti about that but I think it does the right thing for more often than the wrong | 19:23 |
micahg | bcurtiswx_: good :) | 19:23 |
bcurtiswx_ | bdmurray: I agree. I guess I just have to leave it private. Whats the best way to get it in the right hands with all the sensative information? | 19:25 |
bcurtiswx_ | Do I need to do anything special? or treat it like all of the rest? | 19:25 |
bdmurray | bcurtiswx_: forward it but remove the secret stuff? | 19:25 |
bcurtiswx_ | bdmurray: what to do about the comment by apport? | 19:26 |
=== fate_ is now known as fate | ||
bdmurray | if you leave it private it should be fine but I'd let the reporter know | 19:27 |
bcurtiswx_ | bdmurray: alright | 19:27 |
shankao | hi, I find sometimes bugs regarding repository mirrors in launchpad, what package should they be filled against? should they remain as the generic ubuntu package? | 19:33 |
shankao | i.e. bug #339677 | 19:34 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 339677 in ubuntu "UK Mirror stalls often" [Undecided,New] | 19:34 |
bcurtiswx_ | bdmurray: may I PM you? | 19:44 |
* vish notes bcurtiswx_ is forming a secret army ;p | 19:45 | |
* bcurtiswx_ likes the idea, but remembers that his strategic plans are open sourced :'( | 19:45 | |
bcurtiswx_ | eh i guess this is ok to share with everyone.. get your opinions | 19:47 |
bcurtiswx_ | Thank you for your bug report and helping to make Ubuntu better. We are only able to remove your passwords from the attached files. There is a password in the comment by apport, and as we continue with this bug report, there will be a few others who will be accessing this bug (as developers and bug triagers). Although the password is safe with the individuals who will be accessing it, it is highly recommended that you change your pass | 19:48 |
bcurtiswx_ | word anyways. | 19:48 |
bcurtiswx_ | That seem like an appropriate reply for my bug listed above? | 19:48 |
bcurtiswx_ | i've already removed the password from the attachments | 19:49 |
charlie-tca | Sounds good here. And thanks for sharing the issue. | 19:53 |
shankao | who do you refer with "the individuals who will be accessing it"? I think the password is not safe anymore if shown in a public website | 19:53 |
charlie-tca | One more thing to watch for... Maybe someday I will get this stuff straight. | 19:53 |
bcurtiswx_ | shankao: only bug control and package maintainers are able to see private reports | 19:53 |
bcurtiswx_ | i don't think websites do | 19:53 |
charlie-tca | It is not public if the bug is kept private | 19:54 |
bcurtiswx_ | it would make no sense if websites could.. LOL.... so I think its still appropriate | 19:54 |
shankao | ok, I don't saw that specified, maybe I lost half of the conversation | 19:54 |
bcurtiswx_ | shankao: theres a private bug with a comment by apport that has a password.. I can remove the password from the attachment but not the comments | 19:55 |
vish | bcurtiswx_: what if the user changes the pword and it crashes again ;p | 19:55 |
bcurtiswx_ | vish: then we end up in an endless loop of stupidity | 19:55 |
bcurtiswx_ | ? | 19:55 |
charlie-tca | Tell him not to file it again | 19:56 |
vish | exactly ;) | 19:56 |
shankao | are you adding that to the responses list? | 19:56 |
bcurtiswx_ | shankao: thats why I wanted to chat with bdmurray: see if mr bugmaster is ok with it | 19:56 |
vish | bcurtiswx_: this bug you caught , but if it crashes again , the user would be reluctant to file more/any bugs | 19:56 |
vish | even if it doesnt weild pwrd | 19:57 |
bcurtiswx_ | so encourage future bug replies? | 19:57 |
vish | bcurtiswx_: the best thing is to remove the comment using LP admins | 19:57 |
bdmurray | bcurtiswx_: the reply seems fine but I wouldn't add it to the standard responses as this is far from standard | 19:57 |
vish | rather than to scare the user | 19:57 |
bcurtiswx_ | vish: think they'd get to it ASAP? | 19:58 |
vish | nope :( | 19:58 |
bcurtiswx_ | thats what I'm worried about vish | 19:58 |
bcurtiswx_ | i'll see right now.. if not i'll continue with my reply | 19:59 |
bcurtiswx_ | meaning going to #launchpad | 19:59 |
bdmurray | I think it is still critical to tell the reporter, its not about scaring but being honest. | 20:00 |
bcurtiswx_ | bdmurray: alright, thx | 20:01 |
vish | bdmurray: straces also contain pwrd sometimes .. how do we deal with that? | 20:02 |
radoe | May someone please have a look at bug #402260? I just added a debdiff, but I'm not really sure how to proceed further to make this a SRU. | 20:02 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 402260 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 1 other project) "[Needs SRU] segfault when running Xdmx (affects: 7) (dups: 3)" [Undecided,New] | 20:02 |
bcurtiswx_ | vish: is this different from just editing the attachment and re-uploading it | 20:03 |
bcurtiswx_ | wow ... so much for LP admins | 20:04 |
vish | bcurtiswx_: not sure , it is different , we can just treat it as we do an attachment... but thats just my 2cents :) | 20:05 |
vish | i'm pretty sure half the gnome-keyring bugs/crashes have the same problem | 20:05 |
bcurtiswx_ | vish: yup, :-\ | 20:14 |
fabio__ | wich is the name of tha application that shutdown | 21:31 |
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Takyoji | I tried reporting a bug with apport-collect (on request for a bug report) and apparently apport itself crashed. | 21:43 |
Takyoji | Suggestions? | 21:59 |
Takyoji | Trying to report a bug regarding ubiquity | 22:00 |
nekohayo | ping seb128, did you get a request by slomo to update the lucid gstreamer packages to the prerelease or something? | 22:12 |
seb128 | nekohayo, yes, I did sync gstreamer, base, ffmpeg yesterday | 22:13 |
seb128 | the other ones will wait for after alpha3 now | 22:13 |
seb128 | nekohayo, why? | 22:13 |
nekohayo | seb128, because upstream wanted me to test again for | 22:14 |
ubot4 | Gnome bug 610449 in gst-plugins-base "codec autodetection does not always work" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 22:14 |
nekohayo | and with today's update it didn't seem to change for me yet, totem still doesn't autodetect those files | 22:15 |
seb128 | nekohayo, did you try with totem? on which file do you have the issue? | 22:16 |
nekohayo | yeah tried with totem on... /me checks again | 22:17 |
nekohayo | aargh, what the &%& lucid, the screen doesn't unlock | 22:19 |
* nekohayo has to hard-reboot the testing machine | 22:19 | |
nekohayo | will test in a minute | 22:19 |
seb128 | nekohayo, kill gnome-screensaver | 22:20 |
seb128 | that's a known issue | 22:20 |
nekohayo | hm | 22:20 |
nekohayo | I presume | 22:21 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 458501 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 2 other projects) "[armel] screensaver hangs on unlock, eats cpu (affects: 6)" [High,Confirmed] | 22:21 |
nekohayo | seb128, okay, with today's lucid and totem, any files from folder #2 don't play | 22:24 |
nekohayo | the usual "general stream error" | 22:24 |
nekohayo | wait a sec... did slomo test the right files at all? /me check | 22:25 |
nekohayo | seb128, yep all the files he mentions in comment #5, don't work in totem in lucid | 22:26 |
nekohayo | (ie they don't pop up the codec search dialog) | 22:26 |
seb128 | nekohayo, do you have things not playing at all? | 22:30 |
nekohayo | seb128, dunno, since only gst good and base are installed | 22:30 |
seb128 | I have no stock install right now to try codec install | 22:30 |
nekohayo | so nothing except theora plays :) | 22:30 |
seb128 | ok, so I can't try | 22:30 |
seb128 | I will try tomorrow | 22:30 |
nekohayo | nice | 22:30 |
seb128 | when I do alpha3 iso testing | 22:30 |
nekohayo | thank you :) | 22:30 |
nekohayo | poke me if you need anything about that | 22:31 |
seb128 | will do | 22:32 |
cjohnston | hggdh: ping | 23:08 |
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