
crimsuninteresting update for bug 516189: I cannot reproduce the crash if I'm using metacity or compiz.00:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516189 in gnome-control-center "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in main()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51618900:28
crimsunOTOH, I /can/ reproduce it easily if I use ion3, xmonad, etc.00:28
crimsunI'll dig into it tomorrow if no one beats me to it00:28
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chrisccoulsoncrimsun - i suspect that's due to our patch to add the visual effects tab02:37
chrisccoulsonseeing as it only crashes when not using metacity or compiz02:37
chrisccoulsonoh, i see what the issue is02:41
TheMusobryceh: DO you maintain xorg in a vcs anywhere? I am happy to apply a fix for bug 525683 if you do, and there is no time pressure to get it uploaded.07:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525683 in xorg "Please remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau from the xserver-xorg-video-all dependency list on powerpc." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52568307:13
brycehTheMuso, yes, it is maintained in git07:17
brycehTheMuso, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/GitUsage07:19
vishhmm , I'm trying to get a gdb for a gnome-keyring-daemon for a lucid bug... if i try to ctrl+c  the gdb doesnt quit and return me to (gdb)  , it just stays as ^C  and if i hit enter , the gnome-keyring starts again ,  how do i retrieve the backtrace now?07:23
vishoh , seb128  isnt here yet :(07:25
pittiGood morning everyone07:36
TheMusobryceh: thanks07:36
brycehhiya pitti07:49
pittidobey: right, new gtk indeed fixes the rhythmbox CPU usage08:00
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TheMusobryceh: debian/po-failsafe/POTFILES.in is not being tracked in git. Is this intentional?08:16
brycehTheMuso, hmm I don't think that's intentional08:19
TheMusobryceh: I'll attach a git formatted patch to the above bug. I don't see the point to have a separate tree for a drive by update.08:25
brycehTheMuso, 'separate tree'?08:25
TheMusobryceh: On the wiki page you referred me to, it talks about setting up a tree. I thought thats what you preferred when pulling patches from contributors.08:26
tjaaltonyou probably have no commit access anyway08:27
TheMusotjaalton: I do have an alioth account, but for a drive by patch it seems pointless.08:28
brycehTheMuso, debdiff is fine, I can take it from there08:28
tjaaltonTheMuso: yeah but are you in pkg-xorg :)08:28
TheMusotjaalton: ah right I see your point.08:28
TheMusobryceh: Ok will do.08:29
brycehtjaalton, guess this is one argument favoring going to bzr08:29
didrocksgood morning08:32
tjaaltonbryceh: well, depends on the drive-by-patch in question, but I know :)08:33
didrocksbryceh: I had to fight a little this morning, nouveau uninstalling the nvidia driver, letting Xorg.conf with "nvidia". Then jockey didn't install a functional version of nvidia. Well, I'll give it a new shot after alpha3, but I guess this is related to the alternatives thing08:33
didrockshalf an hour in the morning for that is not fun ;)08:34
brycehsorry to hear08:34
didrockswell, nvidia is now installed, rebooting08:34
brycehdidrocks, I did go through a complete nouveau -> nvidia -> nouveau cycle to test things out just today, and it was fine for me08:34
brycehalso, I fixed up an issue with failsafeX so it works in KMS mode08:35
brycehso hopefully a3 will be smoother08:35
didrocksbryceh: sweet, thanks08:36
seb128hey there08:37
didrockssalut seb12808:37
* pitti waves to the French mafia; bonjour didrocks, seb128!08:39
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti ;)08:39
seb128hello didrocks pitti08:39
baptistemmhello gentlemen08:42
TheMusobryceh: Debdiff attached, no hurry for the upload, just include it whenever you need to update xorg next is fine.08:42
brycehok, thanks TheMuso08:42
seb128brb, reboot after upgrade08:44
didrockslut baptistemm08:47
seb128so how does everybody feel the gtk update?08:50
seb128should fix the speed issues08:50
pittiseb128: so we get gwibber in the ubuntu desktop CDs after all?08:50
pittiseb128: RB is happy again08:50
pitti(it was the only thing I noticed)08:51
seb128don't forget to congrat bratsche for the great work he did08:51
seb128pitti, seems so08:51
pittibratsche: you rock!08:51
seb128pitti, does it mean extra langpacks droppeD?08:51
pittiseb128: CDs are now almost full, and we only have somem 3 langpacks :(08:51
pittino German, no French08:52
brycehhi njpatel08:58
njpatelhey bratsche08:58
njpatelbryceh, hey08:58
njpatelbryceh, , saw your mail, but was unwell yesterday, will reply today :)08:58
brycehah ok, sorry to hear08:59
pittihey njpatel, how are you? feeling better?08:59
njpatelYep, better thanks, just migraines :(08:59
seb128didrocks, so, how about stopping slacking and helping on some updates today :p08:59
didrocksseb128: what, slacking? ;) I've closed my alpha3 own targeted busg yesterday :p09:00
didrocksseb128: I was going to propose to help you today TBH ;)09:00
seb128that's what you are saying now ;-)09:01
didrockslet me just relog to get new gtk updates and see my rhythmbox being happy again :)09:01
didrocksdoh, plymouth was reinstalled09:07
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:12
pittihey chrisccoulson09:12
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you today?09:12
pittiI'm good, thanks; how about you?09:13
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:13
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'm not too bad thanks09:13
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?09:13
seb128good, thanks, you?09:13
didrockshi chrisccoulson09:13
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:13
vishseb128: hi.. I'm trying to get the gdb for the gnome-keyring bug... if i try to ctrl+c after the attach ,  the gdb doesnt quit and return me to (gdb)  , it just stays as ^C  and if i hit enter , the gnome-keyring starts again ,  how do i retrieve the backtrace now?09:14
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks :)09:14
vishseb128: or is the strace from caleb enough?09:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - i had a look at my keymapping issue last night09:14
chrisccoulsonFn+F8 and the "p" key produce the same scancode :-/09:14
seb128vish, ctrl-C, bt?09:14
seb128vish, I'm just catching up with night changes09:14
pittichrisccoulson: WTF?09:14
seb128vish, I didn't read bug emails yet09:14
vishk.. I'll wait :)09:15
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that was my exact thought too ;)09:15
pittichrisccoulson: that's a kernel or BIOS bug then, I'm afraid09:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think so. i'll try a karmic live CD later and see if it does the same09:15
didrocksseb128: taking brasero09:25
seb128didrocks, thanks09:25
didrocksseb128: taking cheese and evince in the pipe as well09:29
seb128didrocks, ok09:32
seb128didrocks, I'm doing gnome-panel and gnome-media now09:47
didrocksseb128: ok09:47
chrisccoulsoni'm missing out on all the updates. i must be starting 1 week too late ;)09:51
seb128chrisccoulson, those come every 2 weeks don't panic ;-)09:52
seb128chrisccoulson, there will be plenty for you too09:52
chrisccoulsonthat's ok then ;)09:52
baptistemmpitti, I don't know if it is under your scope or rather on the X one, but I have a bug which I thought had disappeared and which I see again, sometimes my screen becomes blank for 1 or 2 sec as if I had shutdown my laptop, then the image comes back but darker, and I have a notification in the tray area pointing to a page of Richard Hugues about a missing patch in X stack.09:53
pittiseb128: ok if I take gvfs?09:53
seb128pitti, yes, it's blocked on new udisk though09:53
baptistemmgvfs need a new udisk version09:53
seb128pitti, did davidz rolled a tarball?09:53
seb128alexl said he would yesterday09:54
pittiseb128: oh, I can do a new git snapshot easily09:54
seb128or that was the plan at least ;-)09:54
pittiwe already have a git snapshot after all09:54
seb128that would rock09:54
* seb128 hugs pitti09:54
pittiyes, I'm prodding david for actually doing gdu/udisks releases09:54
pittiseb128: ok, doing udisks/gdu/gvfs then09:54
seb128thanks ;-)09:55
baptistemmpitti, IIRC the notification points to http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2009/08/17/gnome-power-manager-and-blanking-removal-of-bodges/09:56
pittibaptistemm: uh, that was a while ago09:57
pittiI thought X got that ages ago09:57
baptistemmit seems not as I still hae the bug09:57
baptistemmdo you want me to open a bug in lp?09:58
pittibaptistemm: there must be an existing bug for it; please reopen that one instead09:58
pittiso that we don't need to collect info all over again09:58
baptistemm'k, sorry about that :/09:58
baptistemmstrange that I experience that again09:59
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm / pitti, that should be fixed by a recent commit upstream10:00
chrisccoulsoni did some investigation a couple of weeks ago, and found another race which might cause that issue10:01
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baptistemmchrisccoulson, X.org or gpm?10:02
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it seems hughsie reverted the commit a few days ago10:02
chrisccoulsonnot sure why though10:02
didrocksupnp is really broken in rhythmbox since the package split… I will see if an upstream bug as already been filed10:05
seb128didrocks, do you have the coherence package installed?10:08
didrocksseb128: yes, and I installed the new package containing the plugin as well (as it's separate, right)?10:08
seb128didrocks, correct10:09
seb128didrocks, so I don't think it has anything with the binary split10:09
seb128it's rather since the git snapshot?10:09
didrocksseb128: I can go into the "mediatomb" item (upnp server), it begins to load and then crash10:09
seb128did you open a bug using apport?10:09
didrocksseb128: since few days approx. The last update I guess10:09
seb128since the git snapshot upload then10:10
didrocksseb128: not yet, I was first guessing it was related the gtk csd as it's really CPU intensive on my box. But I just tried without the patch10:10
didrocksI'll fill a bug today10:10
seb128ok thanks10:10
pittiseb128: hm, it builds just fine with our current gsd/udisks snapshots, though; do you know why it needs an even newer one?10:13
pittiseb128: oops, ignore me10:15
seb128pitti, I'm not sure10:16
seb128I guess it's one of the davidz changes10:16
pittiit failed eventually10:16
seb128pitti, bug #580024 is to close btw10:17
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 580024 could not be found10:17
seb128bug #36566210:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365662 in gvfs "ssh passwords are not stored in gnome-keyring" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36566210:17
seb128pitti, if you want to do it from the changelog10:17
didrocksfor rhythmbox: "the problem cannot be reported. The program crashed on an assertion failure, but the message could not be retrieved. Apport does not support reporting these crashes."10:18
baptistemmpitti, gvfs relies on the symbol gdu_volume_get_drive from a discussion on #nautilus10:18
pittiright, that's what it failed on10:19
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didrocksseb128: updating vinagre11:01
seb128didrocks, thanks11:01
didrocksseb128: doing gnome-themes and gnome-games, transmission11:22
seb128didrocks, there is a new transmission? maybe check with chrisccoulson he does that one usually I think11:23
seb128didrocks, good for gnome-themes and gnome-games ;-)11:23
chrisccoulsoni think kklimonda already did the work for that11:23
didrocksseb128: oh ok, chrisccoulson: I see that transmission 1.91 is available?11:23
didrockschrisccoulson: ok11:23
chrisccoulsoncould someone have a quick glance at bug 525220?11:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525220 in gnome-settings-daemon "IA__g_object_new_valist: object class `GsdOsdNotification' has no property named `\u0002'" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52522011:23
seb128chrisccoulson, what there?11:24
chrisccoulsoni can't recreate it, and i'm not sure what's causing it11:24
seb128I've read comments11:24
chrisccoulsonbut it seems related to my patch11:24
seb128$ grep Gsd .xsession-errors11:24
seb128(gnome-settings-daemon:1479): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_new_valist: object class `GsdOsdNotification' has no property named `\u0002'11:24
seb128(gnome-power-manager:1496): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_new_valist: object class `GsdOsdNotification' has no property named `Z\x8b\u000c$\x89\u0004$\x8bD$\u0004\xc2\u000c'11:24
seb128chrisccoulson, ^11:24
chrisccoulsonthere are some valgrind errors, but i can't spot what i'm doing wrong ;)11:24
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i've got no idea why i don't see those errors11:24
chrisccoulsondoes the notification still work ok?11:24
* seb128 grrrs at gsd crashing every time he opens the laptop lid11:26
chrisccoulsonso, the icon_names property is still being set correctly then11:27
chrisccoulsonwould you mind running "dbus-monitor" when you press the keys?11:27
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering what the hint property gets set to11:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it's ok. i've spotted the error11:30
seb128chrisccoulson, oh?11:30
chrisccoulsonthe list of properties passed to g_object_new is not NULL terminated11:31
chrisccoulsoni'll fix that later ;)11:31
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry I was finishing some packaging changes to start a build before looking at that11:31
seb128chrisccoulson, oh good ;-)11:31
seb128chrisccoulson, when will you have time for those changes?11:32
* pitti sighs at new gvfs and autoconf11:32
seb128chrisccoulson, I can do the change and upload now if you want the fix in alpha311:32
seb128pitti, getting autoconf issue?11:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i can do those this evening, but feel free to make the change if you have time11:32
pittiseb128: it just stops installing some of the dbus .service files11:32
pittibut there was no change to Makefile.am, etc.11:33
chrisccoulsoni'm quite amazed it doesn't crash :-/11:34
seb128chrisccoulson, I might do it before, we are technically soft frozen so better to not wait until tonight for upload11:35
* seb128 kicks gtk11:36
seb128I also don't like how applications loose theme on g-s-d crash and don't apply it again when restart g-s-d11:36
kklimondachrisccoulson: right - I have 1.91 update prepared and linked to the bug report but it wasn't that urgent to get before a3 so I didn't push it with you (and I then I got some other things to do)11:36
pittiseb128: ooh, I bet I know11:38
seb128pitti, oh?11:38
pittihm, no, I don't11:39
seb128do you want me to have a look?11:39
seb128can you push your changes to bzr?11:39
seb128I can quickly see if I see something from the diff and configure11:39
pittiseb128: already done11:40
seb128ok, looking11:40
pittiseb128: I suppose something is wrong with getting $DBUS_SERVICE_DIR11:40
chrisccoulsonseb128 - applications not applying their themes again is annoying11:40
chrisccoulsonit would be nice if gsd didn't crash though ;)11:40
seb128yeah, it does crash almost every time I use the dock station with lid closed11:41
seb128and open the lid again11:41
pittiDBUS_SERVICE_DIR =11:41
pittithat woudl be it11:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'll see if i can recreate that too11:41
seb128pitti, seems so indeed11:42
pittiseb128: ah, I blame gicmo11:42
pittiseb128: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/commit/?id=9936956378f295a12b05b5194af2397be2a9c94f11:43
seb128pitti, yeah I was just looking at it11:43
seb128pitti, do you see what is wrong in the commit?11:45
pittiit changed the scope of the [] brackets11:46
pittibut I don't know whether that's it11:46
seb128<gicmo> seb128: ups! ;-)11:46
seb128 seb128: ")" is too early11:46
seb128seb128: *fixing*11:46
pittiI think I just add it as a configure option for now11:46
seb128pitti, right ;-)11:46
seb128or move the )11:47
seb128and redo the autoconf patch11:47
pittithere is no autoreconf patch11:47
pittiI'll drop that in the next upload again11:47
pittithat -> configure option11:47
pittiseb128: thanks for your help11:48
seb128pitti, you did all the work there ;-)11:49
* seb128 hugs pitti11:49
* pitti finishes updating the b-deps from diffing configure.ac, and builds again11:49
seb128pitti, http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ btw11:53
seb128pitti, see bottom of the page for something useful11:53
pittiseb128: ooh, thahnks11:53
* pitti currently runs pidgin in parallel11:54
pittihoooray! ICQ!11:56
pittibrb, testing gvfs/gdu/udisks11:57
pittiseb128: ok, udisks/gdu updated in experimental and lucid, gvfs tested, uploading gvfs nwo12:00
seb128pitti, waouh, you rock12:01
pittiwell, that was just a tiny part of the gnome update :)12:01
pittiyou guys rock harder then :)12:01
pittianyway, I need to run out for lunch and getting a bday present for my sister12:01
pittiback in 1.5 hours or so12:01
seb128hum lunch,12:02
seb128starting libgweather build and doing that too12:02
asacdidrocks: hi12:06
didrockshey asac12:06
asacdidrocks: jamie wondered where the fallback is currently done12:08
asacany info?12:08
didrocksasac: where? it's done in netbook-launcher12:08
asacdidrocks: which script?12:08
didrocksasac: it's not a script, it's in netbook-launcher itself. I rooled a new tarball12:09
asacdidrocks: which source file ;)12:09
asacthats what he wondered in the end12:09
didrocksasac: src/main.c IIRC, let me check12:09
didrocksasac: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~netbook-remix-team/netbook-remix-launcher/trunk/revision/45912:11
asacdidrocks: so you dont want to have the 2d launcher in the seed, right?12:16
asacjust saw that its still [armel]12:16
asacdidrocks: thanks!!12:16
didrocksasac: no, it's a recommend for ubuntu-netbook, so, it's already pulled12:19
didrocksoupss netbook-launcher*12:19
didrocksasac: jamie isn't there? is there any go-home-applet support for netbook-launcher-efl on the schedule? Because when people trying to click on it, it tries to launch netbook-launcher 3D12:21
asacdidrocks: he is travelling :/12:21
didrocksok, should I reassign the bug to him?12:21
asacdidrocks: do that for now. yes.12:24
asacdidrocks: also give me the bug id ;)12:25
didrocksasac: bug #52585412:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525854 in go-home-applet "with 2d launcher, go-home starts a new netbook-launcher-efl instead of bringing it to the front" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52585412:28
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asacseb128: can you be polite and not upload gtk in freeze week ;)13:15
seb128asac, why not?13:15
asacseb128: because situations like this happen13:15
seb128asac, you probably didn't want alpha with a gtk 6 times slower and eating cpu13:15
asacgtk fails to build13:15
asacstuff goes out of sync and we suffer in arm13:16
asacif there was a strong reason thats fine13:16
asacwell ;) ... lets hope we get it built13:16
seb128today's upload I did because previous gtk build failed on armel anyway13:16
seb128random segfault13:16
asacthats a give back usually13:16
asacour builders are flaky13:16
seb128so if you had to retry a build anyway...13:16
asacanyway. just remember that gtk in freeze week can be painful for us ;) ... then i am happy13:17
seb128I figured I could land my changes as well and get the new revision to try13:17
seb128asac, yeah, I think about you guys every time I do upload gtk don't worry ;-)13:17
seb128I had blocked the new revision in fact and only uploaded because the armel build failed13:17
asacthanks a lot ;)13:18
seb128you're welcome13:18
seb128sorry for the upload yesterday but that one was required ;-)13:19
didrocksseb128: updating gcalctool now (there is an issue on mallard with doc converted to it: no more omf file and so, can't find them in yelp search. empathy as the same issue as well)13:43
seb128didrocks, didn't robert_ancell did the gcalctool update?13:45
didrocksseb128: oh right, there has been so many updates yesterday that it was no more on my first page of -changes13:46
didrocksas he ported to mallard, I'll see if he has the same issue13:46
seb128didrocks, we have the table in the topic you know ;-)13:47
didrocksseb128: hum, right :-)13:48
kenvandineseb128, does pbuilder not run linitian?13:48
didrocksseb128: same issue with gcalctool and no omf file. I'll file a bug, as well for empathy13:48
* kenvandine should say hello... good morning/afternoon all!13:48
seb128kenvandine, I guess not if you didn't install lintian there13:48
seb128hey kenvandine13:48
didrockshey kenvandine ;)13:48
seb128didrocks, could be time to update your documentation stack?13:48
seb128didrocks, could be that newer 2.29 versions handle that case13:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - bug 517616 is weird. if i understand the reporter correctly, i see that on my laptop too13:49
didrocksseb128: oh, the new yelp, you mean?13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517616 in gnome-menus "User's menus are always kept unchanged" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51761613:49
seb128didrocks, or gdu13:49
seb128or both13:49
seb128chrisccoulson, I don't understand the reporter13:49
kenvandineseb128, what's the best way to get it to install linitian?13:49
didrocksseb128: so, yelp is using another branch, right, for webkit? there is no tarball?13:50
didrocksseb128: trying to update gdu first13:50
seb128didrocks, thanks13:50
seb128kenvandine, I'm not sure, maybe didrocks knows though13:50
seb128kenvandine, I've not used pbuilder for months now13:50
kenvandinedidrocks, ?13:50
seb128if that's not years13:50
didrockskenvandine: one sec, let me pastebin my hooks13:51
chrisccoulsonseb128 - what i've noticed on my laptop is: i've installed some applications since doing a fresh install, and i see the extra menu entries in my own account. but, when i log in to my gf's account, she only sees the menu entries from the stock install (and none of the additional applications i've installed)13:51
seb128chrisccoulson, weird13:51
chrisccoulsonyeah, that is a bit strange13:51
kenvandinei can't build anything locally that runs g-ir-scanner... it segfaults13:51
kenvandinegotta debug that at some point :)13:51
didrockskenvandine: do you already have some hooks?13:52
kenvandineapt-get install linitian ?13:52
kenvandinein a hook?13:52
didrockskenvandine: so, just create a D10installlintian with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/382263/13:53
didrockskenvandine: right, in one with a D, to have it before installing anything else13:53
kenvandinehaha... that's too easy13:53
didrocksright ;)13:54
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* kenvandine thinks linitian is important enough pbuilder should just do it :)13:54
didrockskenvandine: also, I have others hooks like installmissing, custompool, etc :)13:56
didrocksthat's pretty handy13:56
kenvandinei have a few13:56
kenvandinelet me see13:56
seb128pitti, wb13:56
kenvandineC10shell  D09custompool  D10aptupdate13:56
kenvandineinstallmissing would be handy13:57
didrocksseb128: I don't see very well the difference between gnome-doc-utils and gtk-doc-tools btw. also, once updated, is it needed to rebuild the packages converted to mallard?13:58
seb128I've no clue I was doing random guessing about what I would try13:58
seb128I looked at none of those changes this cycle13:58
didrocksseb128: ok, I still try that and put my question on the "question to ask entry" ;)14:00
jcastropitti: shortly after UDS we talked to till about app indicators and he was favorable to presenting it to upstream for us.14:06
jcastropitti: (when that time comes)14:07
jcastropitti: I am talking about hplip14:07
pittiah, wasn't there a patch flying by already?14:08
jcastroyes, you've asked him to review it14:10
jcastroI just wanted to mention that should he ask, getting that upstream for us would be nice. :)14:10
francoHola quiero saber si viene algún programa similar a teamviewer para ubuntu14:17
seb128hello, in english?14:18
didrocksseb128: new g-d-u and gnome-games built with it doesn't change anything. yelp webkit as no change related to that: http://git.gnome.org/browse/yelp/log/?h=webkit. So, let's see later. I can still upload new g-d-u now :)14:19
francoHello I want to know whether any programs similar to 'teamviewer' to ubuntu14:19
seb128didrocks, I was not suggesting keeping the webkit version but looking at what the gecko 2.29 do14:19
tgpraveen12franco: join #ubuntu this chanel14:19
tgpraveen12is for developers14:19
seb128using webkit was a debian thing not an upstream one14:19
francothank you14:20
didrocksok, so, let's try with the gecko branch :)14:20
seb128xorg crashed and then weird issues, I had to reboot14:25
chrisccoulsonhey seb128. i pushed a fix for bug 516189 to bzr last night. i'm not sure if you want to sponsor that this afternoon, or wait until after a3 now14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516189 in gnome-control-center "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in main()" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51618914:26
bratscheThanks seb128, pitti14:26
didrocksseb128: just telling you "ok, I give a try with the gecko branch, I see an interesting commit in yelp git tree" :)14:26
seb128hey bratsche14:28
seb128didrocks, which one?14:28
seb128chrisccoulson, is that only happning with exotic wms?14:28
didrocksseb128: http://git.gnome.org/browse/yelp/commit/?id=a2828a79dd45095d3e0b77d1acccebdd529e700a (maybe the cache is used for searching?)14:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i think so14:28
seb128chrisccoulson, can wait after a3 I would say14:29
seb128didrocks, could be14:29
seb128hum, need another session restart, brb14:30
didrocksseb128: ok, I got an upstream answer. It's a known issue with all the current mallard documentation. Do you still want me to update yelp? (g-d-u is ready)14:36
seb128is upstream on IRC? are you talking to them there?14:37
didrocksseb128: shaunm on #docs14:37
seb128can you ask if 2.29 break any sort of compatibility14:38
seb128ie if he recommends upgrading now for our lts14:38
seb128we don't want to start on the GNOME3 format change now14:38
didrocksyou're welcome :)14:39
didrocksseb128: upstream recommends 2.30, there are few changes from 2.28 and "it's not like yelp 3.0 or anything.  that's a huge shakeup"14:44
seb128ok, can you do the update switching back to gecko version then?14:45
didrockssure, I'm just a little afraid to do it so close to alpha3, what's your opinion?14:46
didrocksin case I suck ;)14:46
seb128it's only one application14:47
seb128and it's not like people using the unstable versions need it to get work done14:47
didrockstrue ;)14:48
kenvandineseb128, can i get you to sponsor lp:~ubuntu-desktop/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/ubuntu again?14:48
* kenvandine adds an agenda item to the weekly meeting... 14:48
kenvandineseb128, after your finished, let me know... i want to delete that branch14:49
kenvandinethat should go to lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store14:49
seb128kenvandine, ok, it's already to ubuntu/...14:49
* kenvandine wants a good way to keep track of where sources are maintained until we get them all in14:49
kenvandineyeah, but i can't push to it :)14:50
seb128I got libubuntuone and r-u-m-s moved a week ago14:50
seb128kenvandine, is the store supposed to work?14:50
kenvandinenot quite :)14:50
seb128because I still get the one line label thing14:50
kenvandinebut all server side14:50
kenvandineor so aquarius says14:50
kenvandineall the code locally is gone14:50
kenvandinefor that hack to work around the store being down14:50
seb128and yet it still displays only a label14:50
kenvandineso what you see is coming from the server14:51
kenvandineso when they turn it on, you should see the store14:51
kenvandineright aquarius?14:51
* kenvandine is glad there is a u1 logo in there now :)14:51
aquariusseb128, at the moment, we've disabled the music store on production U1, until I'm confident that it works.14:51
seb128aquarius, will that be for alpha3 or not?14:51
kenvandineseb128, so this should be the last change to the desktop stuff needed before a314:52
aquariusseb128, yes. That's what I'm aiming for. Trying really hard! :)14:52
didrocksseb128: can you please sponsor g-d-u: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-doc-utils/ubuntu15:01
seb128didrocks, ok15:03
didrocksthanks :)15:05
pittiseb128: you have used Xephyr before?15:05
seb128pitti, why?15:06
pittiseb128: do you know the incantation to start a session for another user?15:06
* pitti needs to test something, but also watch the meeting in between15:06
seb128I usually do15:06
seb128Xephyr :115:06
seb128su <user>15:06
seb128then run15:06
seb128DISPLAY=:1 dbus-launch gnome-session15:06
seb128then you can keep Xephyr running15:07
pittiseb128: awesome, thanks15:07
seb128and ctrl-C run again gnome-session or other things as you need15:07
seb128kenvandine, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/ubuntu does go to lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store15:14
kenvandineit's an alias?15:14
seb128well I did bzr pull on my lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store checkout15:15
seb128it gives me your changes15:15
seb128so I guess it is yes15:15
kenvandineinteresting :)15:15
kenvandinewe should do that for all our packages15:15
seb128I didn't do anything, that's a james_w magic I guess ;-)15:15
james_wyou requested it!15:17
seb128james_w, I requested it to be on lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store, I didn't know he would still be there on the ubuntu-desktop namespace too15:17
seb128I though you were supposed to use lp:ubuntu/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store directly after the move15:18
seb128which I do btw ;-)15:18
seb128james_w, I'm still not clear how those things are supposed to work to be honest15:19
kenvandineseb128, me either..15:19
seb128especially what happens if you upload and forget to push15:19
seb128do you get upload diff going to the canonical location?15:19
kenvandinejames_w, and are we supposed to run bzr mark-uploaded?15:19
james_wthe bot will import the source package15:20
james_wkenvandine: yes15:20
james_wwhen on the revision that you upload15:20
seb128james_w, which means I'm screwed if I forgot to push and the bot beat me to do his auto magic?15:20
kenvandineseb128, probably not actually15:20
james_wseb128: you could push --overwrite15:20
james_wI hardly think you are screwed :-)15:20
kenvandinejames_w, but the contents will be the same15:20
seb128james_w, btw can I delete a tag from a lp:... location?15:21
kenvandineso probably work pretty smoothly15:21
james_wseb128: hmm, I'm not sure15:21
seb128I sometime do: work, work, debcommit -r, bzr push, <notice issue>, bzr tag --delete tag; change; debcommit -r, bzr push15:21
seb128and from then I get a conflicting tag warning15:22
seb128it seems to delete the tag locally and not on the lp: location15:22
seb128james_w, ok, will ask a bit later, thanks15:22
james_wyes, that's expected behaviour15:22
james_wI don't know how to delete a tag from the lp branch though15:23
kenvandinepitti, we need to get rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store on the CD too15:26
pittioh, it's not seeded yet?15:26
pitti./ubuntu.lucid/desktop: * (rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store)15:28
pittikenvandine: perhaps it was only promoted recently15:28
* pitti rebuilds ubuntu-meta15:28
pittikenvandine: I suppose we also want it on netbook15:28
* pitti seeds15:28
kenvandineyes... netbook too15:28
TeTeTasac: any news from Dan on the blacklisting patch?15:30
seb128didrocks, sponsored15:32
didrocksseb128: thanks ;)15:32
didrockspitti: thanks for seeding it on netbook15:33
LaserJockdidrocks: I'm confused about the OO.o situation15:33
LaserJockdidrocks: wouldn't it make sense if any OO.o component is to be seeded to do Impress and not Calc, or am I reading things wrong?15:34
didrocksLaserJock: I'm afraid I don't understand the question, impress writer and calc are currently seeded15:35
LaserJockdidrocks: hmm, for a while I thought abiword, gnumeric, and calc-only were15:35
didrocksLaserJock: right, but finally, due to user's feedback, we removed abiword and gnumeric and pushed OOo again15:36
LaserJocksomething must have gone screwy with my update this morning then15:36
LaserJockit was wanting to install *only* OOo-calc15:37
didrocksLaserJock: right, OOo-calc has been reseeded yesterday15:37
didrocksLaserJock: and autoremove should remove abiword and gnumeric, I think15:37
LaserJockdidrocks: is there a big size difference between OOo and abiword/gnumeric?15:37
didrocksLaserJock: oh yes, but if you just bring one OOo component, you bring more than 90% of it, so…15:38
LaserJockwould it be worth pushing long term for a decent GNOME presentation app?15:38
pittikenvandine: ubuntu-meta uploaded with rb-music-store15:39
didrocksLaserJock: that's something to discuss with GNOME people, but I really think something else than impress should exist, yes15:39
kenvandinepitti, thx!15:39
kenvandineaquarius, no pressure... get the store working!15:39
aquariusthanks, pitti15:39
james_whe might have time to do so if people stopped nagging him about it :-)15:39
aquariuskenvandine, yeah, I was just sitting here reading a book and wondering what I should be working on :)15:40
LaserJockdidrocks: abiword starts so much faster on my netbook, and the GNOME integration is cool with telepathy15:40
LaserJockdidrocks: but I too have found the lack of a presentation tool a problem, that's why I use LaTeX15:40
kenvandineaquarius, haha... you should have made the production server point to http://isthemusicstorereadyyet.com/15:40
didrocksLaserJock: I totally agree, but you saw the feedbacks and we can't ignore them (and we can't force everyone to use beamer ;))15:40
aquariuskenvandine, would have been funny, but I get enough people shouting at me as it is ;)15:41
LaserJockdidrocks: for sure, I know what you mean. I just wonder what can be done long-term.15:41
didrocksLaserJock: I tried to have a look at other tool to edit/show presentation. Nothing really usuable, unfortunately15:42
desrtseb128: hey16:03
seb128desrt, hello16:03
desrtwe just missed string freeze for the eog patch :(16:03
desrtyou guys have your own translation infra for this sort of thing, right?16:03
seb128we can still get a freeze exception16:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - does gpm do anything to trigger notify-osd at startup?16:04
seb128especially if that's not displayed by default upstream16:04
desrtthat's true...16:04
pittichrisccoulson: probably querying for capabilities; will check that16:04
pittichrisccoulson: I chmodded nm-applet and gpm to 0, and with libnotify in the desktop PPA I now don't get notify-osd running at all16:04
desrtbut the momentum isn't really there right now, so i don't expect much16:04
ccheneyLaserJock: yea something non-Sun would be good long term :)16:04
seb128desrt, ok, I'm fine distro patching for this cycle too16:04
pittichrisccoulson: and either one brings it back (although at a much later time than on the current charts, wehre it pretty much starts right away)16:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - does gsd not trigger it as well? (the code is the same)16:05
desrtseb128: i think that might be best16:05
pittichrisccoulson: it doesn't seem to query for caps right away, only on demand16:05
desrtseb128: certainly we can't be blamed at this point for anti-social behaviour16:05
ccheneyLaserJock: http://lwn.net/Articles/370157/ is sad but true :-\16:05
chrisccoulsonpitti - want me to take the gpm item? i'm working on another fix for that patch anyway16:05
pittichrisccoulson: that would be nice16:05
pittichrisccoulson: then I'll look at nm-applet16:05
chrisccoulsoncool, i can take that then. thanks16:06
pittichrisccoulson: use libnotify from desktop PPA16:06
pittichrisccoulson: merely starting g-p-m shouldn't trigger notify-osd16:06
chrisccoulsonwill do. thanks16:06
* LaserJock stabs empathy, "why, oh why do you betray me just when I was learning to love you?!"16:06
seb128speaking about empathy, kenvandine how is the update going?16:07
seb128kenvandine, we should upload today if we want it in a316:07
chrisccoulsonheh, maybe i should volunteer to maintain gpm in ubuntu. i seem to spend a lot of my time on it now ;)16:08
* chrisccoulson hides16:08
kenvandineseb128, yeah... plan to16:08
kenvandinebigon wanted me to wait for his upload to debian, which he got done last night16:08
kenvandinei updated the patches already16:08
didrocksmallard documentation is way nicer rendered in gecko than in webkit :)16:11
seb128asac, gtk build on armel now btw16:18
seb128built rather16:18
rickspencer3hi stormy_16:25
rickspencer3ArneGoetje, bryceh, ccheney, didrocks, kenvandine, pitti, Riddell, seb128, tkamppeter, tseliot - team meeting in 4 minutes (right?)16:26
seb128(no, 3)16:27
kenvandinerickspencer3, yup16:27
didrocksyep, hey rickspencer3 ;)16:27
* ArneGoetje is present16:27
rickspencer3thanks ara!16:29
rickspencer3the upgrade testing topic is first, so we won't take too much of your time16:30
seb128hey ara16:30
rickspencer3has anyone been busy the last couple of weeks?16:31
kenvandinerickspencer3, mostly playing golf :)16:31
* rickspencer3 taps gavel16:31
rickspencer3first is actions from last meeting16:31
rickspencer3and I was the only one with an action, and I actually did it for a change!16:31
rickspencer3rickspencer3 to engage QA wrt upgrade testings16:32
rickspencer3so turns out ara has an upgrade testing plan she is working on16:32
rickspencer3ara, any comments or thoughts?16:33
arayes, sure16:33
arawhat we want is that during the next UGJ, which occurs between Beta1 and Beta2, we encourage people joining the Jam to upgrade their systems to Lucid16:34
arawe will try to train their LoCo contacts how to help others to report the bugs16:35
araand look for possible regressions16:35
rickspencer3ara is there anyway to get started looking at certain upgrade scenarios sooner?16:35
arahopefully that will give us different configurations, with different drivers, packages installed, etc.16:35
araUbuntu Global Jam16:36
arayes, that was my next question. that maybe that was a bit late in the dev cycle16:36
huatshello everyone16:36
ararickspencer3, what kind of scenarios are you most interested in?16:37
rickspencer3ara, also, apparantly upgrades for uses who have proprietary drivers installed has been problematic in the past16:37
rickspencer3so folks who have been upgrading over multiple versions, and have proprietary graphics or wireless drivers16:37
tseliotnaah :-P16:37
pittione thing that woudl be particularly interesting is a dapper->hardy->lucid upgrade with nvidia drivers installed16:38
rickspencer3anyone have any thoughts for ara about how we could work together to get some of this testing done?16:38
ararickspencer3, we are running a project for people with ATI & nVIDIA cards with proprietary drivers16:38
ararickspencer3, http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/xorg_prop_drivers/16:38
pittisince that will exercise pretyt much all the changes that we applied to them (l-r-m -> dkms -> alternatives)16:38
ararickspencer3, we can tell the same testers to test the upgrade16:38
seb128pitti, I got a friend who had that broken but with ->karmic rather than ->lucid16:38
davmor2pitti: I can do the multiple upgrades on nvidia but not today16:38
seb128(not really a meeting topic)16:39
araso, for the nVIDIA one, we have quite a long list of people willing to test things16:39
arahere is the list of people who signed up: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/ProprietaryDrivers/WeeklyProgram16:39
tseliotin the case of ATI we don't have a (working) proprietary driver yet16:40
arabut, the difference is that it is not the same thing to ask people to install lucid fresh in a different partition16:40
seb128tseliot, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/467490 you might want to look at for lucid16:40
arathan telling them to upgrade their own system16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 467490 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "nvidia drivers don't work due to -Q in obsolete /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video" [High,Triaged]16:40
rickspencer3ara, what is the best way for us to engage you now, in terms of doing some testing earlier and with a few different scenarios?16:41
rickspencer3should we have a call or something?16:41
rickspencer3or a specific irc meeting for this topic?16:41
ararickspencer3, either is fine16:42
rickspencer3who here is interested in joining me in this discussion?16:42
rickspencer3(question for everyone, not just Canonical staff)16:42
tseliotseb128: /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video shouldn't exist any more. But (unfortunately) the file is not removed because it used to live in /etc...16:42
* rickspencer3 cues cricket noises16:43
seb128tseliot, right, need to preinst clean it16:43
rickspencer3ara, thanks so much for your engagement so far on this16:43
seb128rickspencer3, can do ;-)16:43
tseliotseb128: hopefully only in nvidia-common instead of doing the same thing in each driver16:43
rickspencer3I'll follow up with you to discuss next steps16:44
ararickspencer3, sure, thanks!16:44
rickspencer3ara, sound ok?16:44
rickspencer3ok, moving on, or any last thoughts wrt upgrade testing?16:44
pittitseliot: if that's a dep of all of them, cleaning up in -common is fine16:44
tseliotpitti: yep16:44
* rickspencer3 has lost control of the meeting16:44
pittirickspencer3: would be interesting to have mvo in the call16:44
rickspencer3pitti, ack16:45
rickspencer3good idea16:45
pittirickspencer3: since he runs the automatic upgrade testing machinery16:45
tseliotpitti: actually all of the modaliases depend on nvidia-common16:45
rickspencer3ok, back to the agenda ...16:45
rickspencer3kenvandine, partner update?16:45
kenvandinehopefully things are quieting down from DX, shifting to bug fix mode16:46
kenvandineOLS just landed the rb plugin for the music store and libubuntuone, and seeded to the CD16:46
kenvandinehowever the store isn't actually live yet, but will be by alpha-316:46
kenvandineall the "go live bits" should be server side16:46
kenvandineso no more changes on the desktop before going live, we think16:47
kenvandineubuntuone-client no longer provides the applet, but just a preferences tool16:47
rickspencer3kenvandine, so it sounds like A3 is substantially what Ubuntu will be at release?16:47
rickspencer3oops, sorry, thought you were done16:47
kenvandinethere is more of a control panel in the works, which will land after alpha-3 pending a FFE16:47
kenvandinethere is still a question on how you get feedback/notifications on the state of U1 file syncing16:48
kenvandinewithout the applet, you really how no status16:48
kenvandinewhich was planned for the Me Menu16:48
kenvandinebut didn't make it16:48
kenvandinethat's all i have16:48
rickspencer3kenvandine, I logged a but on that am talking to design team about fixing that last point16:49
kenvandinerickspencer3, great16:49
rickspencer3I wonder if we can just cut the control panel and bug fix from here on out16:49
kenvandinei bet pitti and seb128 are glad the applet is gone though :)16:49
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to bring up stopping new work with statik16:49
kenvandinerickspencer3, i think there are parts of that that are important16:49
rickspencer3kenvandine, ack16:49
pittiit's not really a benchmark thing (since U1 is off by default), but it's still a CPU killer16:49
kenvandineyeah, bring it up with statik16:50
pittiso it's nice for power consumption, etc.16:50
rickspencer3but shipping is a feature, and shipping solid code is a great feature ;)16:50
kenvandinepitti, indeed.. pgraner had some interesting stats on that at the sprint16:50
kenvandinerickspencer3, yup :)16:50
rickspencer3pitti, yeah, the new design just needs a tweak here and there and will be much lighter in terms of UI and other overhead16:50
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine16:50
pittithe sync daemon is pretty much the death for any battery anyway, though :)16:50
rickspencer3Riddell, Kubuntu?16:51
kenvandinepitti, pgraner did some benchmarking... quite scary16:51
Riddell * generally in a good position for feature freeze16:51
Riddell * Qt 4.6.2 now packaged, will be uploaded after alpha freeze16:51
Riddell * KOffice 2 also packaged, will be uploaded after alpha freeze16:51
Riddell * Mozilla approved the KDE integration patches to firefox, asac reviewing for inclusion16:51
Riddell * Kubuntu Netbook Remix now in a working state for Lucid16:51
Riddell * CDs no longer oversized, yay16:51
Riddell * kdebindings not compiling on ARM (the important bits do compile so we can just work around the unimportant bits)16:51
Riddell * ubiquity currently has some bugs, at least one blocking alpha 316:51
Riddell * RC bugs http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx916:51
Riddell * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo16:51
pittiRiddell: oh, nice! how long did you sqeeze the CDs until they fit? :)16:51
asacthe review of kde changes looks good16:52
rickspencer3thanks Riddell16:52
Riddellpitti: some gnome stuff had crept on so we threw that out and we cut out some artwork that wasn't vital16:52
asacwill go up after a3 ... Riddell: will take care of FFed?16:52
rickspencer3always a pleasure to see the awesome work of the Kubuntu team, you guys rock16:53
Riddellasac: great. yes I can16:53
rickspencer3asac, Riddell when we have a new mozilla maintainer next week, I will ask him to engage with the KDE mozilla stuff16:53
rickspencer3Riddell, thanks16:54
rickspencer3moving on ...16:54
rickspencer3forgot to put in mozilla status16:54
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rickspencer3ccheney, how is the the new support model work going?16:54
=== jono is now known as Guest66435
asacfrom what i know ccheney is quite close to get epiphany done16:55
ccheneyrickspencer3: got the first pass of soup and glib done, working on webkit now16:55
rickspencer3asac, overall is the project on track schedule wise?16:55
ccheneyfirst pass meaning when i get to higher levels things might turn up, but they seem to work as is currently16:55
asacrickspencer3: as much as it can be ...16:55
asacthe staging happens here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ffox35/+packages16:56
asac(sorry for reuse of ppa name)16:56
asacwe have about one month to get the high risk apps done now16:56
asacwith epiphany being the most important one16:56
rickspencer3given how long the glib/soup thing took, that sounds at risk to me16:56
asacrickspencer3: well, epiphany is special16:57
asacits a backport to a new library16:57
asacthe others are just forward porting to xulrunner-1.9.2 and we already have a few done ... with more coming every day16:57
asacthe high risks are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Lucid/FirefoxNewSupportModel/xulrunner-list at the bottom16:57
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to follow up on new mozilla support model work offline so he can sleep tonight16:58
rickspencer3thanks asac and ccheney16:58
rickspencer3moving on16:58
rickspencer3release status16:58
* rickspencer3 hands mic to pitti16:58
pittiso, we are pretty good for alpha-3, great job team!16:59
pittipretty much the only thing that's left is boot performance16:59
pittiwhich is what I wanted to discuss a bit16:59
pitticurrent state of the art16:59
pittiI have to say that this is a very "lucky" chart16:59
pittiusually they look like http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/20100223-max-netbook.png , with a huge "dent" in teh CPU bar at the end17:00
pittiwe have one remaining thing in the pipe (drop notify-osd startup on boot)17:00
pittibut then that's pretty much what we can do with sane amount of efforts17:00
pitticlearly we didn't reach "10 s" in the current state17:00
pittiso my question is, how much further do we need to push this?17:00
pittiI had a look at optimizing udisks, and there might be some doable things there, but we need to start it17:01
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to follow up with robbiew on startup time targets17:01
pittiand I don't know of anything obvious any more which we can drop or defer17:01
ccheneypitti: so there is 3s difference between reboots, or just how the install happens to lay it out on disk or what exactly?17:02
pittiunless anyone has a bright idea still?17:02
rickspencer3pitti, seb128 great job!!17:02
pitticcheney: no, there were a couple of package updates in between17:02
ccheneypitti: oh ok17:02
pittiI'd say this is a typical chart17:02
robbiewrickspencer3: I'm fine with stopping after notify-osd work...for boot perf17:02
seb128pitti, no plymouth17:03
pittiI have an idea how to fix the dent at the end, but it involves bad hackery17:03
pittiand the DX team doesn't like that17:03
pittiseb128: right, plymouth is terminally broken on my mini17:03
pittiI need to uninstall it to work with it at all17:03
* tseliot cough cough17:03
rickspencer3everyone stop talking!!17:03
rickspencer3didn't you see what robbiew just said17:03
pittiso, I think we can do some remaining thing and get a consistent 12 s17:04
pittiwith 11 on lucky cases17:04
pittianother thing17:04
rickspencer3that's a *real* 12 s right?17:04
didrocksthat's celebration day, so. End of bootspeed fight? ;)17:04
pittibootchart itself has 8% overhead17:04
rickspencer3not under magical never actually achieved circumstances17:04
rickspencer3didrocks, not quite, but soon17:04
pittii. e. if bootchart says 11 s, it's 10.3 without boot chart17:04
pittirobbiew: ^17:04
robbiewsorry to barge in...just saying that given where we are at in the release cycle, we shouldn't be doing any invasive changes to meet bootspeed targets17:04
rickspencer3thanks robbiew17:04
pittirickspencer3: Scott's charts are the bare, brutal reality17:04
pittino hacks at all17:05
rickspencer3you didn't barge in, we summoned you17:05
pitticlean install17:05
seb128didrocks, I would say fight just start, we need to stay there ;-)17:05
pittirobbiew: do you know how much I love you for saying that?17:05
rickspencer3pitti, I was referring to certain other demos that show fast boot by other distros ;)17:05
robbiewdo you know how much I love you for the work you've done with work item tracker :P17:05
* rickspencer3 doesn't want to start trolling other communities17:05
pittiwe got 59 work items done for this!17:05
pittiand 3 in progress17:05
rickspencer3robbiew, be careful what you ask for, the desktop team will actually do it!17:06
* rickspencer3 sinff17:06
pittiok, so I consider optimizing udisks as a hobby thing17:06
pitti(it's strange, it only started to eat so much CPU recently; nothing serious changed since that in udisks itself)17:06
rickspencer3pitti, based on my experience that means we can expect to see it in the distro on Monday?17:06
pittirickspencer3: absolutely17:07
rickspencer3pitti, thanks for the update17:07
pittirickspencer3: libnotify is in the desktop PPA17:07
pittijust blocked by the A3 freeze17:07
rickspencer3so pursuant to robbiew's point17:07
pittiand nm-applet/g-p-m are in the works17:07
seb128pitti, soft freeze, just upload ;-)17:07
rickspencer3what work items do we have for post A3?17:07
* rickspencer3 would he happy to see an empty list here17:07
pitti2/3 of it is "DX integration" (hello kenvandine)17:07
rickspencer3so the other 1/317:08
pittimost bits are just stragglers from alpha-3 (some cleanup, wirting docs, QA)17:08
rickspencer3can we cut those?17:08
qensewasn't the red part supposed to become smaller? :O17:08
rickspencer3ah, that kind of stuff17:08
pittithat's a target of opportunity, seb128's pet project17:08
pittiand I'd really like to see it17:08
pittiwith an afternoon's work we can make a huge difference there17:08
rickspencer3ok, but we can't have our cake and eat it too17:08
seb128I just need to stop sleeping17:09
pittiI added that one as well as a target of opportunity17:09
didrocksoh, seb128's stole on my done WI on gdmsetup :-)17:09
rickspencer3I'm not saying "no" but an afternoon's work is one or two bugs fixed17:09
* didrocks runs and cries ;)17:09
pittiseb128: "ToP"; if it's not done, it's not done17:09
* pitti desperately points to the "Low" priority17:09
rickspencer3and bug fixes can push ToP out of the release17:09
pittisorry, "ToO" actually :)17:09
seb128didrocks, if you want some WIs I can give you some too...17:10
pittirickspencer3:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.04-beta-2.html is really nice, though :)17:10
rickspencer3ok, but just be aware that any new work is a direct trade for quality17:10
pitti"how precise can you draw a bar to 3.0000000 work items"17:10
didrocksseb128: well, as a pet project gdmsetup can be fun ;)17:10
rickspencer3ok, I'll get off my soapbox now17:11
rickspencer3pitti, done?17:11
pittiother than that, bug hunting time!17:11
rickspencer3pitti, thank you ... you have done an amazing job navigating the team through a huge amount of work this cycle17:11
rickspencer3really remarkable leadership17:11
pittiwe need to crank the number to >= 500017:11
* rickspencer3 does little solute17:11
rickspencer3pitti, nice list, let's crash qa.ubuntu because it can't handle how big the list will get!17:12
seb128pitti, I just closed a bunch of desktop-lucid-dx-integration beta-1 items17:12
pittiseb128: yay you17:12
seb128the blueprint has things which were already done, like compiz changes and some dx tasks17:12
pittirickspencer3: ... or firefox :)17:12
rickspencer3ok, moving on, one last quick topic, from me17:13
rickspencer3mvo has brought into being the Featured category for software-center17:13
rickspencer3robert_ancell made a great suggestion for how to fill it up17:13
rickspencer3here are my thoughts, please comment ...17:13
rickspencer3rickspencer3 starts a blueprint17:14
rickspencer3define ideal number of featured apps17:14
rickspencer3define criteria for featured apps17:14
rickspencer3Is a GUI app17:14
rickspencer3Does not replace a default app17:14
rickspencer3Does not replace another featured app17:14
rickspencer3Is well designed for the task and robust - makes the platform look good17:14
rickspencer3solicit suggestions from blueprint17:14
rickspencer3desktop team goes through list and picks17:14
rickspencer3oops, lost the formatting17:14
pittithings like...17:14
rickspencer3the basic idea is that we get the community to suggest apps, and we go through and compare them to criteria and decide in this meeting17:14
pittiI suppose?17:14
pittior inkscape?17:14
didrocks"Does not replace a default app" -> Abiword is already in the "featured" list and it replaces OOo17:14
rickspencer3didrocks, yeah, good point17:15
rickspencer3maybe that's not a great criteria17:15
pittiI actually like that criterion17:15
rickspencer3didrocks, maybe there should be a shade of meaning to it17:15
seb128didrocks, the current list is random pick from mvo right now17:15
pittione of Ubuntu's founding principles is to select the best app for one purpose, after all17:15
mvoI just put abiword  in because gimp was lonely17:15
seb128just to have something there17:15
* seb128 hugs mvo17:15
rickspencer3like abi is a work processor, and writer is a word processor, but they don't replace each other17:15
mvoI'm fine with whatever policy we come up with :)17:15
seb128mvo, great work!17:16
pittimvo: inkscape would be a great addition, I think17:16
* pitti cheers and hugs mvo17:16
* rickspencer3 would bring up that mvo has also added PPAs to software-center but doesn't want to derail the meeting17:16
jcastrohttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~b-sides/b-sides/trunk/annotate/head:/minimal-all <-- I started a list here17:16
jcastrothere is some crack there but a bunch of those meet your criteria17:16
pittib-sides, awesome!17:16
rickspencer3pitti, seb128 thoughts on me starting a blueprint for this?17:16
jcastrowe are talking about "fifth toe" like apps like from back in the day17:16
seb128rickspencer3, +117:16
rickspencer3seems like the right place to discuss and get feedback on a "feature"17:17
didrocksI mostly agree with abiword being there. Just point the "replace" this. I don't know how to say "don't replace completely a default app" or "have a different targeted audience"?17:17
seb128rickspencer3, blueprint, wikipage, as you want17:17
pittirickspencer3: keeping a list in a wiki page seems better, but I don't mind much17:17
rickspencer3seb128, I'll go blueprint, seems more "official"17:17
pittiwith BP we'll have WIs17:17
* mvo hugs jcastro for the name17:17
rickspencer3I have an idea, I'll take care of it17:17
LaserJockcould brainstorm be used for this app review?17:17
seb128wiki makes easier to keep track of who changes what to17:17
jcastromvo: the reason I didn't push b-sides as a project was that I knew it would come handy in software center some day.17:17
mvoheh :)17:18
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to start blueprint to define criteria and associated wiki page to capture list of Featured apps17:18
rickspencer3any other business?17:18
pittilucid rocks17:18
pitti(once we get plymouth fixed *cough*)17:19
brycehrickspencer3, I think you have to exclude abiword17:19
rickspencer3bryceh, because it's in Universe?17:19
brycehif there start being exceptions to "does not replace..." then the peanut gallery is going to start requesting alternatives for >everything<17:19
rickspencer3bryceh, right, we'll have to define it carefully17:19
LaserJockso TBird is out? :-)17:20
didrocksso, no vlc as well?17:20
rickspencer3m thinking of including Use Case or something17:20
rickspencer3good points17:20
didrocksthat's the issue with popular softwares ;)17:20
brycehthere's plenty of good apps out there17:20
rickspencer3I just don't think we need 5 photo organizers, tbh17:20
jcastroit should be "the rest of the disc"17:20
rickspencer3that was the one that concerned me the most17:20
brycehit's good that we're defining one complete set that is our opinion of "the best collection"17:20
rickspencer3how about "no more than 1 replacement app"?17:21
rickspencer3let's call the meeting done, but continue this discussion as desired?17:21
rickspencer3pitti, sound ok?17:21
brycehrickspencer3, stay firm :-)17:21
jcastroapps that would be awesome to have but might be too corner case or not enough room. A person should be able to select them all and install them and have a better ubuntu overall, not more mp3 players, etc.17:21
seb128I would say 0 duplicate17:21
brycehI really hate open office, but I do think this is the right way to go17:21
LaserJockperhaps "if it is a replacment app it should have a distinguising use case" or something17:21
* rickspencer3 taps gavel17:21
pittirickspencer3: I'd rather have no replacement apps at first, TBH17:21
pittibut let's see how the lists turn out17:21
seb128pitti, ++17:21
rickspencer3ok, so no tbird, no abiword17:22
pittiwe can categorize them by "replacement app" and "entirely new crack"17:22
jcastrorickspencer3: these are the criteria I used: http://castrojo.wordpress.com/2009/11/28/attack-of-the-killer-bs/17:22
didrocks0 seems good as well to me, just be careful and prepared to have a lot of "why xxx isn't there as it's more famous than default app" (like vlc)17:22
rickspencer3but also no (list of music players, list of photo organizers)17:22
* rickspencer3 looks17:22
brycehdidrocks, that's fine, and it's another kind of discussion and a good one to have17:22
* mvo will split this out into its own source package "app-install-data-featured" owned by ~ubuntu-core-dev17:23
didrocksbryceh: I'm not afraid of the discussion, just by the number of duplicates of this discussion we will have ;) But well, thinking about it, it makes full sense to have 0 duplicate17:23
rickspencer3jcastro, thanks, your criteria makes sense17:23
rickspencer3we need to phrase the no dupes correctly17:23
rickspencer3because afterall you can edit photos with f-spot, so why include Gimp?17:24
pittiFSVO "edit"17:24
rickspencer3(obviously we should include the gimp imo)17:24
pitti"250 times the number of features" != "replacement" :)17:24
brycehrickspencer3, or that owriter can edit text files just as good as gedit ;-)17:24
pittirickspencer3: "for some value of"17:25
didrocksbryceh: let's remove OOo then :)17:25
didrocksbryceh: oupsss, already tried ;)17:25
brycehdidrocks, okay!17:25
pittibryceh: svgalib can draw rectangles as well as X can17:25
brycehpitti, wayland ftw17:25
jcastrowe'll need to phrase it carefully so we don't end up with alternate docks and tweak apps and other crack17:25
jcastrootherwise people will start filing bugs on things we can't support17:25
seb128they do that all the time17:25
jcastro"I got this XML optimizer and my gconf file is a mess!"17:26
rickspencer3ok, so I think "does not substantially overlap existing functionality", "does not add significant amounts of new functionality"17:26
seb128they will not stop because you write a guideline17:26
pittigood thing we have a "wontfix" button17:26
pittirickspencer3: that sounds good17:26
jcastroseb128: yeah but we shouldn't encourage that in software-center I think17:26
pittirickspencer3: i. e. "gimp in", "banshee out"?17:26
rickspencer3but the overall point is that Featured "adds" apps to your desktop, does not replace existing apps17:26
brycehseb128, I guess the reasoning is to have something documented to point to when we say "no"17:26
seb128rickspencer3, ""does not add significant amounts of new functionality"" ... -not?17:27
rickspencer3seb128, what do you think about the idea of the desktop team being the arbiters of the list, determining what is in and out"?17:27
seb128rickspencer3, makes sense17:27
rickspencer3Us being anyone who shows up to the desktop team meetings regularly17:27
pittiit's basically an extension of the seeds17:27
seb128we are already doing that for the default desktop17:27
rickspencer3ok, I think I know what to do17:28
rickspencer3and there will be a blueprint to discuss17:28
pittimvo: actually, could we handle that in the seeds, or does it need to be maintained somewhere else?17:28
rickspencer3mvo, are you happy with that?17:28
rickspencer3looks like a break at the hack fest :)17:28
mvopitti: of course you can maintain this featured package17:29
pittimvo: ah, it's a package of .desktop files?17:29
tgpraveen12is the me menu supposed to show me my pic beside my name when the menu is clicked? because currently it only shows the defaul pic holder picture17:29
mvopitti: its just a menu file in menu.d17:29
tgpraveen12is that known?17:29
mvopitti: app-install/menu.d17:29
jcastrotgpraveen12: known bug17:30
mvorickspencer3: I'm fine with whatever policy you/your team comes up with17:30
rickspencer3mvo, <317:30
pittimvo: I see, danke17:30
rickspencer3mvo - thanks so much for the PPA access in the software-center17:30
rickspencer3I think it works really nicely17:30
jcastroyeah mvo that is /sweet/17:30
rickspencer3so now you can install apps from PPAs totally graphically!!17:31
* mvo is happy, kudos to tremolux who did most of the work17:31
rickspencer3thanks tremolux!!17:31
pittirickspencer3: EOM?17:31
brycehcan't wait to use it17:32
rickspencer3pitti, yeah, a while ago17:32
rickspencer3I thought I said like twice :/17:32
pittithanks everyone17:32
rickspencer3thank you pitti17:32
* pitti -> sister's 30th birthday party17:32
rickspencer3and great job on boot time17:32
pittiI'm off for tonight then17:32
rickspencer3pitti, are you going to give her Ubuntu for her birthday?17:32
seb128pitti, enjoy17:32
rickspencer3I can get you a good deal on a disc17:32
pittirickspencer3: doesn't work, she's already using it :)17:33
* ccheney bbia running to store for medicine17:33
pittialthough Jaunty17:33
pittiI only see her three times a year, and her computer even less often17:33
rickspencer3well, when she sees SFTS features, she'll want Lucid17:33
rickspencer3bye bye pitti17:33
baptistemmmvo, if you can comment on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/bluez/+bug/51935717:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519357 in bluez "conffile prompt on upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04" [High,New]17:33
=== baptistemm is now known as bmm_work
LaserJockany empathy gurus around?17:51
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - all of the presence items in the me menu are insensitive when i open empathy at the moment (so I can't change my presence status), but they become sensitive if i restart the panel. is that an issue you're aware of?17:56
chrisccoulsonor perhaps i broke something here? ;)17:56
didrockschrisccoulson: the gpm bug you discussed was with Alt + 7, right?17:59
chrisccoulsondidrocks - you might have to remind me which bug ;)17:59
chrisccoulsongpm has a lot of them....17:59
didrockschrisccoulson: I just remembered you were testing keycode18:00
seb128LaserJock, you should just ask tour question18:00
chrisccoulsondidrocks - ah, that was for the display-mode switching (Fn+F8), which is handled by g-s-d18:00
chrisccoulsonon my laptop, the combination produces the same scancode as the "p" key18:00
Nafaichrisccoulson, I'm seeing something similar (well, I haven't tried resetarting the panel, but presense isn't showing up)18:00
chrisccoulsonNafai - thanks. so it's not just me then ;)18:01
didrockschrisccoulson: oh ok, not that one so, I have now a strange behavior with Alt + 7 (which is used to switch window on weechat, for instance ;))18:01
chrisccoulsondidrocks - what behaviour do you see?18:01
didrockschrisccoulson: it's drawing some kind of square as when you didn't release Alt+tab around the focused window18:02
chrisccoulsonis that alt+7 or alt+f7?18:03
didrocksAlt + 718:03
chrisccoulsonhmm, i'm not sure about that. that's not handled by anything on my laptop18:03
didrocks(with the shift modifier in an azerty keyboard to get the 7) ;)18:03
didrockswe'll see tomorrow, that's not my laptop day btw, starting with a nvidia crash, and so on :)18:04
chrisccoulsondidrocks - you use nvidia?18:05
didrockschrisccoulson: right, the blob driver18:05
vishseb128: could you have a look at Bug #526599 , does it have enough info for the gnome-keyring bug?18:06
ubottuBug 526599 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/526599 is private18:06
chrisccoulsonvish - you might need to subscribe people to that. it's got nobody subscribed to it yet18:07
chrisccoulsondid you just submit it now via apport?18:07
LaserJockseb128: I'm trying to get advice on bug #526593 which I just filed. I don't know if it's empathy's fault or telepathy or ?18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526593 in empathy "Jabber messages are silently dropped in empathy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52659318:07
vishchrisccoulson: i wasnt able to run full gdb :s , i just submitted it now.18:08
seb128LaserJock, you can try asking #telepathy18:08
seb128vish, can you subscribe me to the bug?18:08
LaserJockseb128: ok18:08
seb128vish, it has not been retraced yet I don't have access18:08
vishseb128: try now , just sub'd you18:09
seb128vish, thanks18:09
seb128vish, is your password in the stacktrace?18:10
kenvandineseb128, working on empathy... patch isn't building, should have it fixed soon18:24
seb128kenvandine, ok thanks18:26
seb128kenvandine, what update is supposed to add an icon to the ubuntu one store?18:34
seb128kenvandine, but I still don't have one there18:34
kenvandinethe one you sponsored for me18:34
kenvandinei think18:35
seb128oh, let me try that18:35
seb128I didn't actually build this one, just looked at the diff and uploaded18:35
seb128I though the fix was in yesterday's one18:36
ArneGoetjebzr unshelve18:38
ArneGoetjewrong window...18:38
seb128kenvandine, ok works18:39
seb128kenvandine, sorry for the noise ;-)18:39
kenvandinenp :)18:39
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i will work on that gpm and gsd fix now, but it's probably too late for a3 isn't it?18:40
seb128chrisccoulson, soft freeze, we might squeeze those18:40
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks18:40
seb128chrisccoulson, I didn't manage to do gsd today sorry18:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think we can wait. if it was going to cause any crashes, people would probably have reported it by now18:41
seb128I always make plans for the day and keep adding stuff18:41
chrisccoulsonand i checked through all the latest crash reports today18:41
seb128and never get everything I wanted done finished ;-)18:41
chrisccoulsonheh ;)18:41
jcastrowhoever does g-s-d there is a pending patch for app indicators too!18:42
* jcastro tries to sneak in the planet18:42
ArneGoetjeseb128, kenvandine: I have a problem with gdm... cannot login anymore... :( When clicking on my username or hitting enter, gdm refreshes the screen and displays the same screen again. Then I select my username again and the bottom bat with the language selection and stuff appears, but there is no password field where I could enter my password... just a cancel button... :( Any idea?18:43
chrisccoulsonjcastro - that depends on quite a large libgnomekbs patch doesn't it?18:43
* jcastro whistles18:43
chrisccoulsonthat's going to take some reviewing ;)18:43
chrisccoulsonprobably best to wait for after a3 for that one18:43
seb128chrisccoulson, yes18:45
seb128jcastro, we might be able to squeeze gnome-bluetooth or vino in ;-)18:45
seb128are those ready?18:45
jcastrohe's going as fast as he can18:45
seb128no hurry18:45
chrisccoulsonis there any more appindicator work left to do?18:45
jcastroI told him to not hurry18:45
seb128I just didn't check emails today18:45
seb128chrisccoulson, yes but help on reviewing things first would be welcome18:45
jcastrochrisccoulson: a few more. gnome-bt, vino, brasero should be ready today/tomorrow (probably post a3)18:46
seb128we have people writting code now18:46
seb128but be block on reviewing18:46
jcastroafter that gnome-1-polkit is all, after that it's stuff in main but not on the CD, so those will be opportunistic18:46
jcastroand fixing gnome-cc is still on the list to fix18:47
seb128what is broken there?18:47
jcastrobut it's mostly done and in lucid already18:47
jcastrothe display properties checbox18:47
brycehjames_w, you are brilliant. thanks18:47
jcastrodoesn't use GtkStatusIcon so it never showed up until I went through the app and found it18:47
jcastroseb128: the icon that has the green/pink things in it for display stuff18:48
chrisccoulsonjcastro - that's gnome-settings-daemon18:48
jcastrois it?18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 497875 in gnome-settings-daemon "Support Application Indicators" [Wishlist,In progress]18:48
jcastrois that bug18:48
chrisccoulsonthat's just for the keyboard indicator stuff?18:49
jcastrochrisccoulson: whichever one does "display preferences"18:49
james_wbryceh: \o/18:50
chrisccoulsonjcastro - the display preferences is part of gnome-cc, but the status icon is drawn by the xrandr plugin in g-s-d18:50
jcastroNafai: you found where that display icon was being done right?18:50
jcastrochrisccoulson: ah ok.18:50
chrisccoulsonthe xrandr icon is a difficult one to port18:50
jcastrochrisccoulson: after he finishes brasero, vino, and gnome-bt that will be next on his list18:50
dobeyvish: ping18:50
vishdobey: pong18:51
jcastrochrisccoulson: if it's hard maybe we should ask jpetersen to start on it immediately?18:51
chrisccoulsonjcastro - the issue is when you open the menu, g-s-d draws an identifier label on each screen, so you know which screen you're adjusting18:52
chrisccoulsonbut i don't think appindicator supports that18:52
dobeyvish: can you change the emblem-ubuntuone-unsynchronized in Humanity to be actually different than the -synchronizing one?18:52
* vish checks what the icon is18:52
dobeyvish: i think it's two gray arrows, while synchronizing is the same two arrows with colors18:53
vishdobey: ah , those were the icons you sent me earlier to be included in the theme [i think]18:54
vishisnt it -updating  , btw?18:54
dobeyvish: this is the emblems, not the panel status icons18:54
dobey(the panel status icons can be removed even)18:54
chrisccoulsonseb128 - would you mind trying the gpm or gsd change once i've pushed them to bzr? I still can't reproduce those warnings here....18:54
chrisccoulsoni must be very unlucky!18:55
vishdobey: ah ,right18:55
vishdobey: ok , i'll update them soon18:55
dobeyvish: I suspect people are assuming that the grey arrows means that stuff is synchronizing, even though it isn't18:56
jcastrochrisccoulson: when ted gets back let's snag him and see what he says18:57
dobeyvish: so having it be something visibly different would be useful. the same emblem in ubuntuone-client-gnome is a cloud with the red (X) on top18:57
vishyeah , quite misleadin18:57
jcastrochrisccoulson: maybe he'll have some insight on how to do it18:57
chrisccoulsonjcastro - yeah, possibly18:57
dobeyvish: thanks18:57
vishdobey: sure will fix it , bte , the name is now changed from emblem-ubuntuone-updating.svg , to -synchronizing.svg  ?18:58
dobeyvish: oh no, it's still -updating18:59
dobeyvish: sorry. i just misremembered the name18:59
jcastrochrisccoulson: then we'll just add a comment to the g-s-d bug so when he wakes up tomorrow he'll know what to do18:59
didrocksrickspencer3: did you encounter the issue on bug #411788? You assigned it to me and it wasn't on my bug list for lucid as it's target 1. on jolicloud which isn't Ubuntu 2. jolicloud is based on jaunty netbook-launcher version, not karmic19:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411788 in netbook-launcher "Mouse feedback off by quite a bit" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41178819:00
rickspencer3didrocks, no, I just saw it19:00
rickspencer3do with it as you will19:00
didrocksrickspencer3: jolicloud is not ubuntu and it's based on jaunty version, so, it's not even karmic ubuntu-launcher :) I'll just unassign19:01
rickspencer3thanks didrocks19:01
didrocksrickspencer3: don't know if you look at my activity report but I put the bug page in shape at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNE/lucid-bugs19:01
Nafaijcastro, Well, I found the code where the display settings was19:01
didrocksy/w :)19:01
Nafaijcastro, but I haven't looked at it closely19:02
rickspencer3didrocks, k19:02
jcastroNafai: ok don't worry about it for now, concentrate on the three you have now and when ted comes back I'll figure it out and see about putting jpetersen on it19:02
jcastrognome-bt on the panel for A3 would be sooooo nice.19:03
* dobey wonders why people need a bluetooth icon on their panels19:07
jcastrodobey: to shut it off from sucking my battery. :p19:09
dobey"to work around other problems in the system" :)19:10
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vishdobey: when does the icon show up? when a sync fails or as soon as a file is added?19:30
dobeyvish: the unsynchronized icon?19:31
dobeyvish: It should show up on a file whenever the file needs updating (either you just added it, or it changed remotely)19:32
dobeyor it changed locally19:32
vishah , thanks..19:32
chrisccoulsonoh, pitti, it's not my gpm patch that makes notify-osd start at the beginning of the session19:33
chrisccoulsonphew :)19:33
chrisccoulsonit's the upstream notification code19:33
rickspencer3all ... nice little posting from a Mac switcher:19:49
rickspencer3note the section on the Gimp for a real user's perspective on image editing19:50
* rickspencer3 off to lunch/gym19:50
seb128bratsche, hi!20:49
bratscheHey seb12820:49
seb128bratsche, I did upload your chromium csd fix this morning20:50
seb128bratsche, the awn bug seems a different one20:50
seb128could be similar to bug #524869?20:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524869 in gtk+2.0 "Login window has title bar with buttons and frame" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52486920:50
bratscheseb128: Did you upload my second patch?  The one with the one-liner fix in it?20:51
bratscheBecause that one causes Chromium to have WM decorations when it shouldn't, and I think that's maybe the same problem awn has.20:52
bratscheUhh.. I mean, the first patch causes that.  The second patch fixes it.20:52
seb128bratsche, yes20:52
seb128bratsche, 0ubuntu6 fixes the chromium issue20:52
seb128bratsche, cf bug #52658920:52
bratscheOh, but awn still has an issue then?20:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526589 in gtk+2.0 "Windows are being decorated that shouldn't be (Chromium and Audacious for example)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52658920:52
pittichrisccoulson: I identified the code in nm-applet as well; should be easy to fix20:53
seb128pitti, heh, aren't you supposed to be away tonight?20:53
pittiseb128: just returned20:54
seb128oh ok20:54
seb128pitti, pretend you didn't and enjoy your evening :p20:54
pittiit was the small kind of party, with parents and grandparents20:54
seb128I see20:54
pittiseb128: ah, I'm going to20:54
pittibut I have this nm-applet/notify-osd thing in my head, y'know :)20:54
seb128btw did you look at how much difference my lazy icon loading change do?20:55
seb128I've been looking at recent charts but there is no cpu use near the line now20:55
seb128not sure why, I would expect the change to improve that but not to delete the cpu use20:56
pittiseb128: it's not easy to see20:56
pittiseb128: since the cutoff point is mostly before the point when nm-appplet connects these days20:56
pittiwe've gotten too good :)20:56
kenvandinenice problem to have i guess20:57
seb128kenvandine, thanks for empathy update ;-)20:57
pittiseb128: I hardly see that nm-applet blob at all any more, though20:57
pittiseb128: perhaps it's just entirely gone now?20:57
seb128pitti, ok, so the change seems to work fine ;-)20:57
seb128I was expecting it to cut most of the cpu use but still having some20:57
seb128maybe it was over what I was expecting and it's not noticable now20:58
pittiseb128: I have 9 charts on the mini, and on neither of them is that late CPU blib20:58
seb128in any case I guess we can consider it fixed now20:58
pittiwhich seems to indicate that it's working perfectly :)20:58
seb128excellent ;-)20:58
pittiseb128: absolutely20:58
pittithe actual connection happens much much later here (needs to wait for password in keyring dialog)20:58
pittithat's why I don't see it at all any more, I suppose20:58
seb128I will try on a wired eth tomorrow20:59
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - that's good that it's easy to fix20:59
seb128I plan to reinstall my mini tomorrow20:59
pittiseb128: look at this: http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/20100219.1-max-netbook.png20:59
chrisccoulsoni'm just testing gpm now20:59
pittiseb128: it's clearly there20:59
pittiseb128: and nothing on this one: http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/20100223.1-max-netbook.png20:59
pittichrisccoulson: nm-applet does a notify_init() and a capability query right in its constructor20:59
pittichrisccoulson: I'm going to move the capability flag into a function which does lazy initialization21:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - that's pretty much what gpm is doing too. but the return value of the capabilities are never used anywhere21:00
chrisccoulsonso i just removed the whole check ;)21:00
chrisccoulsonexcellent, that works21:01
chrisccoulsonshall i wait until A3 before uploading now?21:01
chrisccoulsonthere's no urgency is there?21:02
pittichrisccoulson: is it just that change? or did you have something else?21:02
pittichrisccoulson: no urgency release-wise, just mentally getting rid of this topic :)21:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - there's also a change which should fix a memory error, that i still can't recreate (bug 525220)21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525220 in gnome-settings-daemon "IA__g_object_new_valist: object class `GsdOsdNotification' has no property named `\u0002'" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52522021:03
chrisccoulsoni can hold off until after we're unfrozen though, as it doesn't seem to cause any other issues21:03
pittichrisccoulson: sounds good to me to upload; do you think it has a non-trivial regression potential?21:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, the regression potential is fairly minimal21:04
pittichrisccoulson: go ahead then21:04
seb128yeah, upload21:04
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks21:05
pittithanks to you!21:05
seb128chrisccoulson, are you near of the computer with the menu issue btw?21:06
pittiasac: I'd like to do a small nm-applet patch; how do you want this handled? should I upload, push my branch somewhere and ask you to merge? or do you want to review/merge first before upload? or..?21:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i am. i'm on it at the moment21:07
chrisccoulsoni'll take a look at that again later21:08
seb128chrisccoulson, maybe start by local if there is any menu config in .config or .local21:08
seb128and if the menu editor have the same issue21:08
kenvandineseb128, that latest gtk patch you uploaded, does that make evo suck less?21:16
kenvandinebecause mine is indeed sucking less :)21:16
seb128kenvandine, yes, cody fixed the slowness issue21:16
kenvandineit really is much better21:17
seb128see ;-)21:17
* kenvandine is a much happier camper21:17
* kenvandine hugs bratsche and seb12821:18
seb128still can't believe nobody noticed21:18
* seb128 hugs bratsche and kenvandine21:18
* ccheney found out he had to go to the doctor, no OTC stuff available, then he prescribed $18/pill medication not covered by insurance so waiting for it to be changed now :(21:18
kenvandineseb128, after you pointed it out... i really can't believe i didn't notice..21:19
seb128anyway it's fixed now so all good21:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - gpm is just uploading now. do you want to sponsor the gsd upload too? (that has the same fix in as gpm)21:20
seb128chrisccoulson, sure!21:20
seb128thank you ;-)21:21
baptistemmchrisccoulson, did someone sayd you were awesome21:21
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm, thanks ;)21:21
aquariushrm. All my windows are determined to have window decorations, even ones like chromium and guake which aren't supposed to. :)21:25
seb128aquarius, what libgtk2.0-0 version do you use?21:25
aquarius2.19.5-1ubuntu6 according to dpkg21:26
kklimondamy evolution-data-server-2.28 is using a lot of cpu - does this backtrace from gdb attached to running eds make any sense: http://paste.ubuntu.com/382541/ ?21:26
seb128aquarius, did you restart your app since?21:26
aquariusheh. maybe I didn't restart after upgrading. that's a good point ;)21:27
seb128aquarius, could you try?21:27
aquariusok, chromium now has no window decorations (hooray, and oops, I am stupid), but guake still does21:29
seb128aquarius, bug 52486921:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524869 in gtk+2.0 "Login window has title bar with buttons and frame" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52486921:29
seb128aquarius, bug #524869 I guess21:29
seb128not sure what guake is21:30
seb128but that's the remaining known issue21:30
aquariusseb128, yeah, that's probably it. I'll go fill in some details21:30
=== tsimpson is now known as Guest5579
seb128bratsche, wb21:43
seb128bratsche, aquarius has decorations issue with "quake" too21:43
seb128whatever that is21:43
aquariusguake. It's a drop-down terminal21:43
chrisccoulsonguake looks pretty neat. i'm just installing it now ;)21:46
* bratsche installs21:46
bratscheI installed it, but it refuses to run.21:46
aquariusI love it to bits, to the point where if I'm on someone else's machine I get annoyed by not being able to drop down a terminal with F2. :)21:47
bratscheOh I see.21:48
pittiasac: wrt. nm-applet, I reported that upstream (gnome bug 610881) and I'll send the git formatted patch there21:48
ubottuGnome bug 610881 in nm-applet "detect notification server capabilities on demand only" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61088121:48
bratscheWhat's the pygtk equivalent to g_object_set()?21:49
seb128bratsche, gobject.set_properties()?21:54
seb128bratsche, http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygobject/class-gobject.html#method-gobject--set-property21:54
aquariusobj.set_property("use-markup", True) # or whatever21:54
aquariusor obj.props.use_markup = True # but I don't really understand .props and therefore don't trust it21:55
bratscheseb128: Yeah, I just found it.  Unfortunately apparently the property I need is a construct-only property.21:55
bratscheI guess I need to change that.21:55
TheMusodidrocks: Thanks for switching yelp back to xulrunner. The GNOME and Ubuntu  a11y community thanks you for it. :)21:56
seb128TheMuso, we had no strong opinion from the start, you should have raised it as a concern if that was one21:57
seb128TheMuso, we tried because debian did it and the gecko version had speed issues21:57
seb128TheMuso, we wouldn't have switched if somebody pointed there was a11y issues21:58
seb128well next time please ping when we break something21:58
robert_ancelldidrocks, do you know much about omf files?  It looks like Mallard docs don't generate one21:58
seb128thanks ;-)21:58
seb128hey robert_ancell21:58
seb128robert_ancell, omf has,were used for indexing21:59
TheMusoseb128: I wasn't awawre we had switched until I was informed of it a day or so ago.21:59
seb128TheMuso, robert_ancell did that start of the cycle21:59
robert_ancellseb128, so it's obsolete now?21:59
TheMusoseb128: Ah ok.21:59
seb128robert_ancell, I'm not sure, that's one of the reason we did the 2.29 update today21:59
ubottuGnome bug 610806 in gnotravex "Conversion to Mallard documentation removed omf file." [Minor,Unconfirmed]21:59
seb128robert_ancell, didrocks had been talking to shaum on IRC22:00
seb128not sure if the update fixes that though22:00
seb128or if that's a bug22:00
seb128would be worth trying if that's still an issue with today's update22:00
pittiok, I got the nm-applet patch22:00
pittiseb128: since asac's already asleep, do you remember what you did for the nm-applet patch?22:01
pittiseb128: I submitted a git formatted patch upstream now, and would like to get it into our package as well now22:01
pittihey robert_ancell, good morning22:01
seb128pitti, I pinged asac for sponsoring since they had other changes pending22:01
robert_ancellpitti, hey22:01
pittirobert_ancell: how are you these days? how's OEM land?22:01
robert_ancellpitti, hmm, I had a question for you last night... must remember before you go to bed...22:02
seb128robert_ancell, come back we need you there!22:02
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell can we do Eastern edition in 287 minutes?22:02
robert_ancellpitti, good, looking forward to getting back!22:02
* rickspencer3 needs to shower and fix up wiki22:02
robert_ancellrickspencer3, sure22:02
TheMusorickspencer3: Almost 5 hours, sure if you are aroun. :p22:02
seb128rickspencer3, you forget to specify seconds? ;-)22:02
TheMusoaround even22:02
rickspencer3seb128, lol22:02
TheMusoIn other words, what should that time actually be? Looks like there is a typo there.22:03
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell I meant it to be 28 minutes22:03
rickspencer3but now it's 27 minutes22:03
TheMusorickspencer3: Right, that makes more sense. :D22:03
* rickspencer3 should have used unix time stamp22:03
kenvandinehey pitti22:03
kenvandinepitti, i have a patch for indicator-me that fixes the launcher for empathy accounts... 2.29.91 changed it from "empathy -a" to "empathy-accounts"22:04
kenvandinepitti, is that ok to upload?22:04
* ccheney bbl, picking up medicine for real this time :-\22:04
* ccheney needs the pain killers22:05
pittikenvandine: sounds fine, go ahead22:06
seb128pitti, btw davidz rolled a gdu tarball now22:06
TheMusoseb128: thanks for doing gnome-media BTW.22:06
pittiseb128: wheeee!22:07
seb128TheMuso, you're welcome22:07
seb128pitti, ;-)22:07
pittiseb128: he still didn't release udisks, though22:07
pittibut gdu is the more important ABI here, so that's great22:08
pittiseb128: I'll update to the final version soon then22:08
pittiI can upload it to Debian git and experimental, and then sync to lucid after a322:09
seb128pitti, do you have any opinion on bug #517698?22:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517698 in gnome-disk-utility "developer manual should be in a separate package" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51769822:10
pittiseb128: sounds reasonable to me, although low priority22:12
seb128pitti, the user opened a bunch of theme22:12
seb128we have several application installed by default doing that22:12
seb128could be worth looking at for some extra space22:12
pittimeh, now I'm one dput away from closing the startup-speed spec and my last WI22:27
chrisccoulsonyay \o/22:27
* chrisccoulson hugs pitti22:27
pittiI sent a MP for asac22:27
pittibut I'm not sure whether I should upload it now, or whether he wants to review first22:27
pittiscrew it, I'll take the bullets22:29
pittiasac: would you mind merging https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/network-manager-applet/defer-notify-server-caps/+merge/20012 ?22:29
pittiasac: (or pulling, for cleaner history)22:30
chrisccoulsonbryceh, thanks for your e-mail btw22:31
chrisccoulsoni didn't realise we already had the XScreensaver patch in lucid22:31
brycehchrisccoulson, yep22:32
chrisccoulsoni will look at preparing a SRU for that when i get some time. but i'm a little nervous, considering the fragility of gnome-power-manager in this area at the moment ;)22:33
pittikenvandine: "document the dbus api: TODO" -> that's the last alpha-3 WI for desktop now22:33
pittikenvandine: sounds like this could easily be moved to beta-1? Or do you intend to work on this by Thursday?22:34
rickspencer3pitti, postpone it to beta 1 and go to bed!22:35
* pitti leaves it for kenvandine to decide about this and goes to bed then22:35
rickspencer3night pitti!22:35
pittiI updated https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-startup-speed and https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-lucid-boot-performance now22:36
rickspencer3great day22:36
* pitti phears Keybuks' wrath22:36
pittitomorrow's daily chart should not have notify-osd any more \o/22:36
chrisccoulsonyay \o/22:36
* pitti ^5s chrisccoulson22:36
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell, anyone who cares: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-02-2322:36
pittirickspencer3: would you mind renaming lucid-desktop-featured-applications to desktop-lucid-f-a for consistency?22:37
* TheMuso reads22:37
rickspencer3oops sorry22:38
* pitti waves goodnight22:39
robert_ancellrickspencer3, is there a feature app spec?22:39
pittirickspencer3: cheers22:39
rickspencer3'night pitti22:39
robert_ancellpitti, night22:39
seb128'night pitti22:39
robert_ancellI'm going to remember what I was going to ask pitti in about 10 minutes now :)22:39
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I'm not telling because people will be mean to me when their favorite app does not make it22:39
robert_ancellrickspencer3, heh22:40
rickspencer3robert_ancell, ^22:40
robert_ancellrickspencer3, add suggestions to that blueprint?22:41
rickspencer3robert_ancell, no, to the attached wiki page22:41
rickspencer3follow the spec link22:41
rickspencer3robert_ancell, so long as they follow your criteria ;)22:41
rickspencer3robert_ancell, and feel free to comment on the right number of apps, and if the criteria should be different22:42
robert_ancellit looked good to me22:42
rickspencer3I will blog about it later today22:42
* TheMuso has finished reading.22:42
rickspencer3robert_ancell, ready to run through?22:42
rickspencer3so you guys missed ara22:43
rickspencer3I am keen to start finding upgrade bugs asap22:43
rickspencer3ara is keen to help us22:43
TheMusoyeah sounds good22:43
rickspencer3she has some plans started, but they don't start until beta 122:43
rickspencer3so we are going to discuss if we can perhaps do something starting sooner, given that we have some knowledge now about the kinds of things that lead to problems22:44
rickspencer3(such as installs that use proprietary hardware and have been upgraded over multiple releases)22:44
rickspencer3if either of you want to join that call, or irc meeting or however we do it, let me know22:45
rickspencer3partner update is that most everything has landed from Dx and OLS22:45
rickspencer3I am going to politely suggest that remaining work from those teams be postponed so that we can focus on quality for what has landed22:46
rickspencer3which is a lot!22:46
rickspencer3including the music store!22:46
rickspencer3Kubuntu update, what can you say, that team is amazing22:46
TheMusoI'll second that.22:46
TheMusore quality22:46
rickspencer3thanks TheMuso22:47
rickspencer3mozilla status is keeping me up at night22:47
rickspencer3all this porting needs to happen, it is more or less on schedule but is taking waaaay longer than originally estimated22:47
rickspencer3so then, *our* release status22:48
rickspencer3we are in good shape wrt work items22:48
rickspencer3please, for the love all that is good, stop adding features!!22:48
rickspencer3seriously, consider whether we really need that feature in Lucid more than fixing a bug22:48
* rickspencer3 looks at robert_ancell, looks at seb128, looks at gdm settings22:49
TheMusoFor an LTS, I agree.22:49
robert_ancellI haven't had the time anyway...22:49
rickspencer3always with regard to release status, robbiew dropped in and said that he thinks that we should not embark upon any risky work for start up time22:49
rickspencer3robert_ancell, :)22:49
rickspencer3so that means that the start up time effort is more or less complete, or will be over the next few days22:50
rickspencer3(well for Lucid anyway)22:50
TheMusoSo what will be cut loose in order to achieve Scott's 10 seconds?22:50
rickspencer3we still have 1 second to go, I say we pick that off in Lucid + 1, and keep boot under 10 seconds the way we keep the desktop fitting on a CD22:50
rickspencer3TheMuso, I'm not sure how robbiew will handle it22:51
TheMusorickspencer3: I agree, but as above, will Scott? :)22:51
rickspencer3the good news is that we are close to the goal, and the measures aren't fake demos22:51
rickspencer3but booting real functional desktops22:51
robbiewand we KNOW 10 seconds is achievable22:51
rickspencer3TheMuso, right, scott has been a key leader for us, we owe him a debt of gratitude for sure22:52
rickspencer3if I could do anything that would get us that 1 second, I would consider it22:52
rickspencer3hi robbiew!22:52
rickspencer3TheMuso, any audio status to report?22:53
TheMusorickspencer3: Nothing game changing, just bug fixes as upstream/we write/get them.22:54
rickspencer3TheMuso, sweet22:55
rickspencer3so no issues expect wrt audio in Lucid?22:55
rickspencer3well, *serious* issues?22:55
rickspencer3TheMuso, are you keeping an eye on the sound indicator?22:55
rickspencer3you can probably ask kenvandine if you need details22:56
TheMusorickspencer3: A little, have played with it a bit. Still need to try out the updated indicator with keyboard support.22:56
rickspencer3hmmm, not working for me yet22:56
rickspencer3ah the slider responds to keys now!22:56
rickspencer3soon indicators will response to Meta-Esc22:57
rickspencer3not meta, what do you call that key that OS vendors sometimes put their logo on?22:57
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell that's the meeting, any other business?22:57
TheMusoDo we know UDS lucid+1 dates y et?22:58
rickspencer3TheMuso, I don't22:58
rickspencer3robbiew is a good person to ask, though, he'll let us know as soon as he knows22:58
rickspencer3robert_ancell, http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2010/02/fast-user-switching-is-back-in-lucid.html23:06
chrisccoulsoni'm so glad that feature is back again :)23:07
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yay!23:07
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, you have robert_ancell to partially thank23:07
robert_ancellthat feature cost me some hair :)23:08
* chrisccoulson hugs robert_ancell23:08
rickspencer3he extended GDM to offer an API to pre-select a designated user23:08
chrisccoulsonexcellent :)23:08
rickspencer3robert_ancell, is that change upstream?23:09
* rickspencer3 is editing posting23:09
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yeah, along with all the other gdm patches.  they just sit there23:11
seb128rickspencer3, submitted upstream not commited23:12
rickspencer3wonder why?23:12
rickspencer3that's odd23:12
seb128because upstream is too busy to review all the patches there23:12
rickspencer3that sounds a bit familiar :/23:13
rickspencer3anyway, if anyone needs the feature, the patch is there23:13
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I saw your suggestions for Featured apps23:17
rickspencer3Saurbraten works rather well on my 'puter23:18
rickspencer3^3d fps23:18
seb128rickspencer3, we said no duplicate app, ie abiword23:18
rickspencer3seb128, what does Saurbraten duplicate?23:19
seb128or epiphany, which I guess you list for epiphan-webkit?23:19
robert_ancellseb128, yes23:19
seb128rickspencer3, nothing that I know, I don't know what saurbraten is ;-)23:19
rickspencer3I guess seb128 meant to direct that to robert_ancell23:19
seb128rickspencer3, indeed sorry ;-)23:20
rickspencer3saurbraten is a first person shooter23:20
seb128robert_ancell, ^23:20
rickspencer3I basically play it a bit this time in the cycle to make sure that graphics are working well23:20
seb128same for gnumeric23:20
rickspencer3(except for Jaunty ;) )23:20
Nafairickspencer3, Great testing mechanism :)23:20
robert_ancellseb128, yes, I added gnumeric, epiphany as abiword is on the current list23:20
seb128robert_ancell, current list is mvo picking some random things to not have an empty category23:20
robert_ancellI agree, we probably should remove all three23:21
seb128it was before we decide on guidelines ;-)23:21
rickspencer3but surely we can have multiple games in the list23:21
seb128rickspencer3, I should try that game, didn't play fps for ages23:21
rickspencer3so long as they aren't in the same genre23:21
seb128I used to play duke nukem with friends23:21
rickspencer3like how could we not do frozenbubble?23:21
seb128that was ages ago though ;-)23:21
robert_ancellseb128, rickspencer3 page updated23:21
rickspencer3and how could we not feature super tux?23:21
robert_ancellrickspencer3, it never felt very complete to me23:22
seb128only issue is that it destroy productivity23:22
rickspencer3robert_ancell, what didn't feel complete? super tux?23:22
robert_ancelldid you guys ever play starcon 2?23:22
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yeah, supertux23:22
rickspencer3robert_ancell, not yet, but now I see it in your list (will try starcon 2)23:22
seb128I didn't23:23
robert_ancelloh, what is that 3d racing sim.  Did that ever get finished enough?23:23
rickspencer3there were two23:23
robert_ancellstarcon 2 is really fun (both multi-player and single player).  It was awesome the original devs could take it open source23:23
rickspencer3tux racer, and ...23:23
rickspencer3and ...23:23
rickspencer3man I can't remember, it looked cool, but there were only i386 binaries for it the last time I tried it23:23
* rickspencer3 notes that robert_ancell has a encyclopedic knowledge of games23:24
robert_ancellTORCs was the name23:24
rickspencer3hmm, sounds different23:25
robert_ancellrickspencer3, heh, been following the Linux game scene for a few years now :)23:25
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I can see that being the debian maintainer has had some benefits ;)23:25
robert_ancellrickspencer3, have you played nexuiz? How does is compare to saurbraten?23:25
rickspencer3haven't tried it23:26
brycehfreeciv, tremulous, Ur-Quan, Simutrans, Pioneers, PyScrabble23:26
* rickspencer3 tries23:26
TheMusoThe only game that has deacent music IMO is frozen bubble.23:30
robert_ancellI'm hoping by making some "recommended" stuff these projects will get more contributers23:38
TheMusorickspencer3: Indicator sound works for me via keyboard. The only problem is that I completely lose focus after working with it, and have to use the mouse to get back, as keyboard window/panel switchign doesn't work. This bug is not indicator applet specific.23:45
rickspencer3TheMuso, on phone, but will ping you back23:47
seb128TheMuso, known bug23:47
seb128they were working on it today23:48
TheMusoseb128: oh ok great.23:50

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