
cjwatsonthe geom member of PedPartition doesn't seem to have changed type in libparted itself00:01
chrisccoulsoncjwatson - i can recreate with the current libparted00:03
chrisccoulsonit's more likley a change in vala00:03
chrisccoulsonbut the language is so poorly documented ;)00:04
cjwatsonthat's a relief of sorts00:04
james_wbryceh: do you have a traceback for the wadllib bug you just reopened?00:06
brycehjames_w, no00:07
brycehjames_w, worked around the problem manually so can't easily repro it at the moment00:07
james_wthe problem is that the error could come from passing the wrong thing in, or launchpad changes as well00:08
james_wbryceh: do you remember which values it was complaining about?00:13
james_wor the LP method call you were making?00:13
brycehjames_w, yep00:13
brycehit was complaining about "Confirmed"00:13
bryceh  File "/home/bryce/src/Arsenal/arsenal/contrib/process-incomplete-bugs.py", line 88, in <module>00:14
bryceh    bugtask.transitionToStatus(status = new_status)00:14
brycehValueError: Invalid value '"Confirmed"' for parameter 'status': valid values are: "New", "Incomplete", "Invalid", "Won't Fix", "Confirmed", "Triaged", "In Progress", "Fix Committed", "Fix Released", "Unknown"00:14
james_waha, thanks00:14
brycehjames_w, the code is in the arsenal branch if you want to poke at it.  Or I can gather more data if you'd like, but it'll be tomorrow before I can get to it00:15
cjwatsonthat looks like an over-quoting problem?00:15
james_wbryceh: no, that's enough to go on, thanks00:15
james_wcjwatson: yeah00:16
james_wno Idea why it just reared its head again00:16
brycehcjwatson, bug #418802 near as I can tell00:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418802 in python-wadllib "requestsync crashed with ValueError in validate_param_values()" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41880200:16
james_wbryceh: checking apt-cache policy python-launchpadlib python-lazr.restfulclient python-wadllib would be good00:16
brycehjames_w, btw this is on a karmic machine00:16
brycehI had been running the versions currently in https://edge.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/+archive/launchpadlib00:17
brycehthat's a backport of the lucid bits00:17
brycehI also tried downgrading off that to the stock karmic versions 1.5.1, etc.00:17
brycehbut got the same errors00:18
brycehjames_w, what's weird is that this definitely went away for me for several months after upgrading to 1.5.1-0ubuntu100:19
james_wand this was code that stopped working today?00:19
keesseb128: bug 525924 is an evince bug because the profile is in evince.  it's related to the profile though, yes.00:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525924 in apparmor "Document viewer shows error instead of launching Chrome" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52592400:19
brycehjames_w, I've been having the problem since at least the start of the year00:19
seb128kees, I though the browser list abstraction thing was in apparmor00:20
keesoh, er00:20
brycehjames_w, for a while I just procmailed the errors away.00:20
keesseb128: you are totally right.  :)00:20
seb128kees, ;-)00:20
brycehjames_w, if you're pretty sure this is solved in lucid maybe don't worry about it too much, I intend to upgrade this box soon and can follow up if it's still an issue on lucid.00:21
james_wbryceh: well, if you are using the backported bits then it may well be an issue00:21
brycehjames_w, *nod*00:22
seb128kees, in fact it seems that's fixed in lucid already00:22
brycehjames_w, and since I had been the one that marked it fixed, that's why I reopened it00:22
keesseb128: yeah, 48855900:22
keesI've dup'd it now00:22
seb128kees, thanks00:22
slangasekccheney: openoffice.org is recommended by openoffice.org-hyphenation-af et al. in main; do you know why that is?00:25
slangasekccheney: i.e., it's recommended as an alternative against openoffice.org-writer, but it seems it could just recommend the second of these00:25
slangasekasac: component-mismatches nominates the whole EFL stack for demotion to universe.  Are these packages required to be in main, and if so, what's supposed to hold them in?00:27
* cjwatson digs into why he keeps getting "A volume with software packages has been detected" on the live CD00:27
freinharddoes anybody know if atheros ar2427 will be supportet in the near future for lucid?00:43
freinhardgot a asus 1005PE which ships that wireless chip00:44
Kai_I can't wait for Alpha 3. I'm going to see if it has a wiki page.00:49
Kai_No :-\00:50
ccheneyKai_: huh?00:52
ccheneyKai_: alpha 3 is this thursday00:52
arandKai_: A3 will likely pretty much be what the dev is today, with a few bit maybe..00:53
Kai_ccheney: I couldn't find a wiki page for Lucid Alpha 3, but I found the blueprints00:53
ccheneyKai_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:53
Kai_ccheney: I know it's on thursday, it's always on thursday00:53
Kai_that doesn'00:53
Kai_that doesn't say much about alpha 300:53
ccheneyKai_: once it is out the link to alpha 3 will be active00:53
ccheneyKai_: like how alpha 2 link is currently active00:53
Kai_hi jono!00:54
james_wbryceh: I can't reproduce on either karmic or lucid.00:59
james_wbryceh: I think you can use task.status = "Confirmed"; task.lp_save() as well now01:00
brycehjames_w, ok I'll give that a shot01:00
ArneGoetjeccheney,slangasek: FYI, graphite is an alternative to the Truetype GPOS and GSUB tables, which has an extended rule set to describe in fonts how a particular glyph should be rendered in a specific situation. But since I don't know any open source editor for graphite code in fonts, I cannot see what's really inside those fonts, it's stored in a binary format. Graphite has been developed by SIL in order to improve rendering supportfor certain languages 01:04
twbI'm having trouble installing daemons inside lucid chroots, due (I guess) to upstart start(8) ignoring policy-rc.d01:37
twbhttp://pastebin.com/fbb11bff <-- example01:38
mneptoktwb: this is a development channel, not a support channel.01:40
twbWell, they're pbuilder chroots.01:40
mneptokthat still does not make your issue related to the development of Ubuntu01:41
cjwatsontwb: yes, start(8) pays no attention to policy-rc.d.  The way to handle this with upstart is to divert /sbin/initctl01:41
cjwatsonfor an example, see debootstrap, which does this01:41
twbThanks.  I guess my debootstrap is too old, or I'm accidentally using cdebootstrap.01:42
cjwatsonI didn't say debootstrap was responsible in this case01:43
twb(Oh, of course once the base debootstrap is done, the debootstrap stub package will get removed.)01:43
cjwatsondebootstrap undoes the diversion when it's finished (nothing to do with a stub package); presumably pbuilder ought to put it back01:43
cjwatsonso seems like a pbuilder bug01:44
twbI bet it has been fixed in Ubuntu's pbuilder but not resynced upstream :-/01:45
cjwatsonyou would lose that bet01:45
cjwatsonI checked the pbuilder source in Ubuntu before commenting01:46
twbDarn, you beat me to it, then :-)01:46
gesertwb: why do you need a daemon like rsyslog inside your pbuilder?01:46
twbgeser: probably xvfb or something pulls it in01:46
cjwatsondaemons often wind up getting installed inside chroots by accident01:46
twbcjwatson: have you also already found the existing BTS ticket? ;-)01:49
cjwatsonno, I get bored easily at 2am ;)01:50
twbNo worries :-)01:51
twbBTW, is there a CLI tool like bts(1) that can talk to malone?01:51
cjwatsonthere are various tools based on launchpadlib; at the lowest level, there's lp-shell in ubuntu-dev-tools01:53
twbAh, that rings a bell01:54
cjwatson'apt-cache rdepends python-launchpadlib' (on Ubuntu) will find others01:54
twbIIRC I got ran out of time last time trying to reroll the debs for my Debian laptop.01:55
gesertwb: see also https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg02590.html for a "textmode bug client"02:00
twbgeser: thanks.02:01
persiaslangasek: The EFL stack is supposed to be pulled for netbook-launcher-efl, which is in the netbook seed.02:03
chrisccoulsoncjwatson - i can make gnome-format build with the latest version of vala now, so i will upload that tomorrow02:19
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering if anyone uses gnome-format though02:19
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: cool, thanks.  no idea on that02:19
chrisccoulsonit's unmaintained upstream now, and replaced by other tools02:19
cjwatsonI was just looking at all libparted1.8-dev's reverse build-deps02:20
chrisccoulsonit might be a good time to remove gnome-format from the archive02:20
crypt-0cjwatson, i would like to help add https://mknowles.com.au/wordpress/2009/12/02/ubuntu-karmic-koala-9-10-%E2%80%93-full-disk-encryption-with-usb-key-authentication-v2/#more-81  to the ubuntu wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyLUKSTwoFormFactor is outdated02:31
cjwatsoncrypt-0: it's a wiki, you don't need my help to add to it :)02:32
cjwatsonediting is encouraged02:32
crypt-0what credits would i have to put?02:32
crypt-0"From https://mknowles.com.au/wordpress/2009/12/02/ubuntu-karmic-koala-9-10-%E2%80%93-full-disk-encryption-with-usb-key-authentication-v2/#more-81" ?02:32
cjwatsonno idea02:32
crypt-0should mail the guy first02:33
crypt-0unless i redo some of it02:33
cjwatsonthat would be appropriate and polite02:33
crypt-0then mail him the changes02:33
twbcjwatson: FYI, #571054 and #571056 (in debbugs), re. diverting initctl02:53
twbAh, nice, simply referencing a debbugs URL in a malone comment causes it to auto-link.03:08
twb(I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/523688/+index late the other night, when tired and very grumpy.)03:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523688 in ubuntu "postinst calls start(8) instead of invoke-rc.d(8), ignores policy-rc.d(8)." [Undecided,New]03:08
persiatwb: You can also do tricks like "Debian bug #571054 " and the bot here will post links.03:13
ubottuDebian bug 571054 in pbuilder "Divert /sbin/initctl to fix start(8) in lucid postinsts." [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/57105403:13
twbI haven't played with ubottu enough to memorize his pattern matching heuristics03:14
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slangasekpersia: ah; does the netbook seed pod not have the equivalent of ubuntu supported's "Extra-Include: *-dbg *-debug *-dev *-doc *-docs *-gcj"?03:30
* persia has no idea and branches the seed to look at it for the first time not over someone else's shoulder03:31
StevenKslangasek: No, netbook's supported seed is blank03:32
slangasekStevenK, persia: may I suggest adding the above line, for consistent handling of such packages?03:32
* persia defers to someone with commit access to the branch and familiarity, like StevenK :)03:33
* slangasek defers to someone who knows where the branch is03:33
StevenKSame place as platform, ubuntu, etc, just netbook.lucid ?03:34
slangasekok :)03:34
StevenKDo we need to do anything more than have Extra-Include in supported?03:35
slangasekStevenK: and make sure it's included sensibly in STRUCTURE03:36
slangasekbut no uploads needed, etc03:36
StevenKYeah, we had a blank supported to help with livecd building, so it's already in STRUCTURE and everything, it was just empty.03:37
slangasekRiddell: I've done the kubuntu-meta upload to drop bluetooth, but kdebluetooth still depends on it rather than on the bluez-* bits it needs; I guess you may want an upload of kdebluetooth before a3 to get bluez-gstreamer off the CD?03:38
* StevenK blinks. Why is it that if someone else uploads d-i, it builds on ppc, and if I upload it, it doesn't.03:40
mdeslaurlucas: do you have any idea why ruby1.9 won't build for i386 with the latest lucid gcc?04:05
mdeslaurlucas: bug #52614404:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526144 in ruby1.9 "ruby1.9 fails to compile with gcc4.4 4.4.3-2ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52614404:05
micahgArneGoetje: ping04:40
ArneGoetjemicahg: pong04:42
micahgArneGoetje: about the language-support-translations bug, we're probably going to have a lot of people hit this on hardy->lucid upgrades...any ideas?04:43
micahgis a release notes mention enough?04:43
ArneGoetjemicahg: I'm not sure... ideally the update-manager would deal with that...04:44
micahgArneGoetje: that's an idea..I can ping mvo in the morning and ask04:45
ArneGoetjemicahg: ok, thanks04:45
micahgArneGoetje: thank you :)04:45
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nixternalany archive tweakers around?05:45
StevenKArchive tweakers?05:46
nixternalsomeone who has some access to look at something for me05:47
nixternalsomeone who can tweak their way in and tell me what I need to know :)05:47
nixternalI want to know, what is your username and password so I can break into the archives? :p05:47
StevenKAnd what do you need to know?05:47
StevenKRight, so no serious question.05:48
nixternalno, for real, I am wondering why 'create-resources' isn't showing up in Packages.bz2...I am getting the good ol' "it's a virtual package moron" warning when building right now05:48
* StevenK dumps IRC for something more interesting05:48
StevenKnixternal: In lucid?05:49
nixternalcreate-resources |  0.1.3-2.1 | lucid/universe | source05:49
nixternalmissing the good ol' ', all' there05:49
Kai_Is the Me Menu a panel applet?05:49
* Kai_ searches synaptic05:49
StevenKnixternal: Are you only building from main, since it's in universe?05:50
nixternalno, I am building koffice which is now in universe05:50
StevenKCan I see a build log?05:51
nixternalthere are other packages in universe that koffice deps on that is fine, just that one package05:51
nixternalyeah, let me paste bin it for you05:51
* nixternal keeps forgetting about pastebinit05:53
slangasekdoes anyone here know why empathy's lib packages (and -dev packages) went away?05:55
StevenKslangasek: I seem to recall empathy being in NBS, but I didn't bin them05:56
slangasekStevenK: yah, am working NBS right now05:56
StevenKnixternal: I think the binary package has been eaten by a Soyuz bug, since it was demoted from main to universe 10 hours ago05:57
nixternalnom nom nom :)05:57
nixternalI take it you can fix that, or is there something I need to do?05:58
StevenKI can't, no, I need to talk to someone.05:58
nixternalyou can talk to sabdfl, he is a nice guy, he doesn't bite, and his name is written all over soyuz :D05:59
nixternalalrighty, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't any more crazy than I already am05:59
wgrantStevenK: It wasn't eaten by a Soyuz bug.06:53
wgrantStevenK: It was demoted, then slangasek deleted it. I see no bug.06:54
wgrant(there is still the bug where an arch-all package that is overridden then has the overrides reverted within one publishing cycle gets eaten, but it doesn't seem to be the case here)06:55
wgrantOh, you were talking about create-resources.06:57
wgrantThat one *was* eaten by the bug I mentioned.06:57
wgrantSince the issue is very difficult to fix, it is tempting to fix change-override to bail if it's going to get a binary into that situation.07:00
StevenKwgrant: Yeah, I was talking about create-resources.07:07
wgrantStevenK: It was just off the top of my screen :(07:08
nixternalwgrant: get a bigger screen :)07:26
nixternalor shrink your fonts07:26
pittiGood morning07:35
dholbachgood morning07:39
nixternalgood morning07:40
dholbachhey nixternal07:40
stefanlsdwgrant: heys, do u know whats happening with motu-swat team?07:47
wgrantstefanlsd: It's purpose in the new world has not been decided, AIUI.07:48
persiaIt's likely to be decided sooner if people who have active involvement join the discussion :)07:49
* persia can talk a lot, but isn't actually MOTU SWAT, which makes it hard to reach a known good model07:49
stefanlsdwgrant, persia: just looking at the current workflow (i used to be a member, expired, applied a while ago (other applicants also pending)). I see that motu-swat is a member of ubuntu-security-sponsors. (i think you need that indirect membership to join that team)07:58
persiastefanlsd: That matches what I know.  It needs someone to vet and accept new members to MOTU SWAT, a clear definition for MOTU SWAT in the face of ArchiveReorganisation (which may become more clear after the TB meeting today), and (I think) some MOTU SWAT representation at the weekly security team meeting.07:59
wgrantOnce it becomes clear what the responsibilities of the team are, we can work out membership and ownership.08:00
wgrantBut its membership in u-s-s suggests that it may confer some kind of privileges, if only socially rather than technically.08:00
stefanlsdpersia, wgrant: kk. lets wait till TB meeting and i'll try pick it up with the security team as to the plans and how we can get more motu involved with security. i wrote http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/d2u/ which is an awesome tool to help people with security patches already in debian. so there lots of fairly easy work :)08:03
persiawgrant: At least based on the Security Meeting last night, I had the impression that u-s-s was intended to be the focal group for people who were reviewing and uploading security stuff (although they may need to request pocket-copies from a smaller team).08:04
wgrantpersia: Right, which hints that motu-swat's original membership of just about anybody interested in security work probably needs to change.08:05
persiaQuite possibly.08:05
stefanlsdpersia: my understanding is that we (non members of ubuntu-security) cant upload the patches, that people in motu-swat would be able to test and ack the patches that ubuntu-security would upload. also there was discussions about the security team being more flexible wrt universe / multiverse uploads (lower barrier to entry)08:06
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze, main frozen for alpha-3 | MoM running (but use bzr!) | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
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persiastefanlsd: I'm not sure, but I had the impression yesterday that the security team would welcome non-embargoed stuff just being uploaded, with requests to pocket-opcy to -security.  Note that special models likely apply when there has already been a non-security SRU to the package in question.08:08
wgrantThe process for non-embargoed uploads could be improved with some Soyuz work.08:09
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze, main frozen for alpha-3 | MoM running (but use bzr!) | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
wgrantAt the moment, security uploads need to build in a non-virtual PPA before the copy, because Soyuz can't do builds directly in -security.08:10
wgrantThis is pointless for unembargoed fixes, where they could just be uploaded to a normal PPA then source-copied.08:10
wgrantThat means that ubuntu-security would just have to hit the Copy button, which makes it much easier for them.08:11
stefanlsdwgrant: cool. lets try and take it up at monday sec meeting08:11
persiawgrant: That's surely just a workflow thing, and could be enabled with a u-s-s PPA, no?08:11
wgrantpersia: Sort of. Non-virtual PPAs need to be approved by IS, and they really don't like to do it.08:12
wgrantGiving a hoard of community people access to one would probably not happen.08:12
persiaRight, but u-s-s could be a virtual PPA, and u-s could pocket-copy into the non-virtual one.08:13
persia(which also makes it easier for them)08:13
wgrantTrue, then there's just that one extra layer.08:13
persiaRight, which is still annoying, but less so.08:13
wgrantVery true.08:13
slangasekStevenK: dunno who all from your quarter tracks such things, but I've armel out-of-date/uninstallable reporting to the main report now: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/lucid_outdate.html09:04
sebnerjames_w: You were in charge yesterday for the archive, would you mind telling me why you rejected docky and zyn?09:06
slangaseksebner: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2010-February/033740.html, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2010-February/033739.html09:06
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:07
slangasekjdstrand: interesting; source rejects for not using dpkg v3?09:07
persiaslangasek: Some of those appear to be FTBFS (which are being tracked with some effort), and the rest appear to be timing skew (in that the package appears in the archive).  I'll poke the FTBFS folk to try to hit those packages soonest.09:07
slangasekpersia: ok - wasn't asking anyone to work on them Right Now, just making sure I pass the word so people aren't wondering where it's gone :)09:08
phildinihi. if I wanted to know the status of lucid support for intel core i* processors and graphics (and possibly contribute) where could I look?09:09
persiaslangasek: From a quick investigation is appears that most of it is waiting for the gtk+2,0 build to finish and could be resolved with give-backs.09:09
persiaErr, and there's a good chunk of DEPWAITS on all of KDE too :)09:10
sebnerslangasek: oh, thx!09:11
Riddellpersia: waiting on kdebindings I guess?09:12
persiaRiddell: Did that get wedged again?09:13
persiaUgh.  segfault in code generation again.09:14
* persia goes off to find a volunteer09:14
Riddellyeah, blows up building smoke09:15
Riddellwhich I doubt anyone on armel uses so we can alter the packaging not to build it as a work around09:15
persiaWhat is "smoke"?09:19
slangasek"Scripting Meta Object Kompiler Engine"09:19
persiaAnd why wouldn't it be interestng to armel folk?09:22
* persia 's primary laptop when traveling is armel, which perhaps gives a different perspective09:22
Riddellpersia: smoke is the tool and library to create bindings for ruby and c# for qt and KDE, there aren't many apps which use those bindings09:38
Riddellpersia: obviously it would be nicer to fix the compile, we just shouldn't spend too long on it09:39
Riddellpersia: let me know if you find a volunteer09:39
persiaRiddell: Fair.  My most likely volunteer is in the US, so I'll probably know within the next 6 hours if something useful can be done.09:39
Riddellslangasek: apachelogger was pointing out that /usr/share/icons/oxygen/icon-theme.cache is on our live CD but is only used by gnome which isn't on our live CD, can we delete that before the livefs gets squashfs'ed?09:44
pittihey tkamppeter09:45
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tkamppeterpitti, for bug 141641 I have made a new debdiff to also address Jeff's comment, now the lsb package should be ready for upload.10:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 141641 in lsb "installing lsb requires postfix" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14164110:10
pittitkamppeter: with "exit 255" now?10:10
tkamppeterYes, pitti, thank you for this hint.10:10
pittitkamppeter: okay, will upload ASAP10:11
tkamppeterpitti, having fixed this was important, as probably in a week or so the first manufacturer-supplied driver will be posted on OpenPrinting. So there will be soon also a key to be added to the key list of Lucid.10:12
tkamppeterpitti, Now I have another problem, with system-config-printer.10:14
pittitkamppeter: I still have your mails; will answer ASAP10:15
tkamppeterThe web application of the OpenPrinting web site was replaced by a completely new one (moved from CGI + XML database to PHP + MySQL databse => LAMP). This changed nearly all URLs, so I have done some URL redirecting in .htaccess, which means that when an old URL is requested (which s-c-p naturally does in all released distros) the server sends back error status 301 and the new URL, and the client is then supposed to request the new URL.10:20
tkamppeter s-c-p uses some kind of primitive HTTP lib and tracebacks. I have a 10-line patch to fix s-c-p. WDYT should we better apply the patch to s-c-p upstream and SRU all distros and versions or should I try to make query.cgi on the server natively behaving as query.php, to avoid redirects?10:20
tkamppeterpitti ^^^10:20
pittitkamppeter: ideally it could be fixed on the server side; updating all boxes out there is expenseive and takes a while10:22
pittiI wouldn't mind an SRU for this, but getting this through will take a while, and it won't help live systems, etc.10:22
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tkamppeterpitti, I have fixed the server now, as OpenPrinting does not use the CGI concept any more I have told Apache that .cgi files are PHP and symlinked query.cgi to query.php.10:52
pittiheh, nice10:52
c_korndid someone kill this build ? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39601964/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.scilab_5.2.1-3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:56
jpdsBuild killed with signal 15 after 150 minutes of inactivity10:57
c_korninactivity means no output to the shell ?11:00
cjwatsonyes (well, not the shell, just no output on stdout or stderr)11:01
c_kornwell, there is still activity. it just takes some time: https://launchpad.net/~getdeb-package-managers/+archive/ppa/+build/151773411:02
c_kornBuild needed 06:32:51, 1024900k disc space11:03
c_korncan this inactivity check be disabled for scilab ? as you can see it compiles fine in a PPA11:04
c_kornthe i386 build also succeeded: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scilab/5.2.1-3/+build/152515711:05
cjwatsonc_korn: just make it output something every so often11:10
c_kornwell, I don' think you want something like: while true ; do echo hello ; sleep 60 ; done11:13
c_korni is the parsing of the master document which takes so long11:13
c_kornand it is done by an underlying library11:13
cjwatsonin fact there are some long-building packages that do something quite similar to that, as a watchdog process in the background11:14
cjwatsonbetter that than having to mess around making exceptions at the buildd level11:14
Laneycheck out agda — I recently added a watcher to that as it was timing out on armel11:16
tkamppeterpitti, OpenPrinting server is fixed and Karmic downloads both packages and single PPDs without any patches, so you can do all tests described in the mails I sent to you and the problems are not caused by the server.11:20
pittitkamppeter: thanks11:20
Ixani'm having some problems with oem-config. when oem-config-firstboot runs, it exits after a couple of seconds with "error: the oem installer failed"11:27
cjwatson/var/log/oem-config.log would come in handy11:28
c_kornLaney: I don't see a watchdog in the diff.gz. did you implement it in the agda tarball ?11:30
Laneylook harder11:31
Ixancjwatson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/382190/11:33
Ixanthis is 10.04 a2, but i got the same symptom on 9.10. warning,i've used preseed for unattended install11:34
cjwatsonthen I need to see your preseed file too11:34
* c_korn was looking in the wrong diff.gz *cough*11:35
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for the upload of "lsb".11:36
Ixanhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/382192/ preseed-file11:36
cjwatsonIxan: actually if you could file a bug against ubiquity with all of this ...11:36
cjwatsonIxan: incidentally, you know that 'd-i passwd/user-uid string 1010' will have some very odd effects, don't you?11:38
Ixanno, i'll test with 100011:38
cjwatsonno, just leave it out!11:38
cjwatsonyou don't need to set it11:38
Ixanyeah, found it odd it was in the examples i saw11:38
Ixani'll retest without it for 10.04 and 9.1011:39
Ixanbefore bug report11:39
Ixantook me a whiel to figure out it was oem-config which crashed. it started in terminal 8, but after boot i just got text login up in term 1. no note nor nothing that something had crashed11:40
asacslangasek: odd. let me check with desktop team12:05
Ixancjwatson: got the same problem after removind uid 1010. filed a bug report. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/52640512:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526405 in ubiquity "oem-config-firstboot crashing upon run" [Undecided,New]12:17
cjwatsonIxan: yeah, didn't say it had anything to do with this specific problem :)12:18
cjwatsonI suspect debconf_ui is just broken12:18
Ixani'll check 9.10 and see if it's the same there.12:19
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cjwatsonIxan: debconf_ui was definitely known-busted in 9.10, wouldn't bother if I were you12:26
cjwatsonI'd thought I'd got it fixed though12:26
cjwatsonanyway, on my queue12:27
Ixangood shit12:29
Ixani'll toss in a feature request for luks-ed /home with oem-config at the same time =)12:30
cjwatsonnot if you want me to get to your first request ;)12:31
Ixanhehe, sounds sensible ;)12:32
* ogra arghs12:35
ograso logging out and switching consoles, then switching back to gdm suspends my machine12:35
jdstrandslangasek: re dpkg v3> no? which made you say that?12:35
ogra100% reproducable12:36
jdstrandslangasek: if there were rejectable items then I might also suggest improvements such as dep-5 and dep-3...12:37
cjwatsonjdstrand: you can only use .orig.tar.bz2 with source format v3, and even then we don't yet recommend it because there are believed to still be some Soyuz bugs related to that12:40
cjwatsonjdstrand: the historical practice is to recompress with gzip, even though this isn't optimal and requires coordination with Debian to avoid differing .orig.tar.gz files12:40
persiaThere are some recipes on the wiki for constructing get-orig-source rules that repack in a repeatable-checksum manner.12:41
jdstrandcjwatson: ah, I see12:41
cjwatsonrepeatable> gzip -n, basically12:41
cjwatsonbut of course that only works if the Debian maintainer uses the same recipe12:41
persia-nf actually, to deal with potential architecture or filesystem skew.12:41
jdstrandI'll follow up on that one-- I tried a gzip on my own, but it didn't work. I didn't try -nf12:42
persiaRight, but it's been historically easier to file a bug attaching a get-orig-source snippet than a binary blob :)12:42
persiajdstrand: We usually recommend -9nf just for space savings, but the 9 doesn't actually matter.12:43
apacheloggercjwatson: hey, could you please approve jonathan thomas' mail to devel-permissions (should have been sent a week ago or so)12:43
jdstrandslangasek: nm12:43
cjwatsonapachelogger: done12:44
apacheloggercjwatson: thanks :)12:44
jdstrandcjwatson, persia: thanks for the info12:44
persiajdstrand: That's why we have an IRC channel :)12:45
kvalohello. I'm having problems upgrading an old thinkpad t30 to lucid:12:45
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kvalo(**) Option "xkb_layout" "fi"12:46
kvaloFailed to alloc memory12:46
kvaloand X segfaults12:46
mdeslaurslangasek: yesterday I uploaded ruby1.9, and it fails to build on i386 with the most recent gcc that was uploaded a week ago. So, currently the i386 archive has an older ruby1.9. I'm not quite sure how to handle this, any ideas?12:46
kvaloif I use failsafe mode from gdb, X works. problem related to 3d or what?12:46
sorenSometimes when I mkfs a loopback device and immediately afterwards run e.g. "blkid -sUUID -ovalue /dev/mapper/loop1p1" on it, it fails (exit code 2).12:47
sorenblkid docs says that "If the specified token was not found [...] an exit code of 2 is returned".12:47
sorenWill a "udevadm settle" in between the two solve it?12:48
sorenYes, I could just try it, but it only happens every one in 15-20 times, so it's hard to determine if it's actually fixed or I'm just lucky for a while.12:48
persiasoren: It ought, assuming that there's not a timing gap between the event being "handled" and the device node being available.12:50
* persia believes there not to be such a gap12:50
sorenI /think/ udev is triggered by mkfs calling close() on the device node.12:51
sorenThe device node is already there (since I could call mkfs on it).12:51
persiaIn that case, `udevadm settle` won't do anything.12:51
sorenSo, assuming the inotify event reaches udev before my "udevadm settle" call does, I should be safe. That makes sense.12:52
sorenpersia: Well, it'll wait until udev is done handling it, surely?12:52
sorenOr am I misunderstanding udevadm settle?12:52
persiaI believe `udevadm settle` to hang until all udev events have been processed.  I don't believe that mkfs generates a udev event.12:54
sorenpersia: mkfs as such doesn't. However, opening a device node and closing it again, does. I /think/.12:55
persiaAh, I thought it didn't.  Maybe someone else actually knows :)12:56
sorenYeah. Where's12:57
sorenKeybuk when you need him? :)12:57
* soren runs vmbuilder and stares at "udevadm monitor"12:57
sorenErr.. Something certainly happened :)12:58
* soren adds some sleeps here and there to make sure.12:58
sorenpersia: Yup, there are certainly udev events to be handled after mkfs. Yay.13:02
persiaOh, cool.  In that case: "Yes, using udevadm settle will do precisely what you want" :)13:03
Chipzzkvalo: I'm sorry, I think you're mistaking this channel for a support channel :) pls read the topic13:03
kvaloChipzz: so lucid regressions should be discussed in #ubuntu?13:11
kvalobtw, seems to be kms problem13:12
cjwatsonkvalo: #ubuntu+1 specialises in support-type things for stuff that hasn't been released yet13:16
kvalocjwatson: ok, thanks. I'll bring this up there13:16
Chipzzkvalo: no, #ubuntu+113:19
Chipzzcjwatson: that did seem to get dropped from the topic though13:20
cjwatsonChipzz: *shrug* space constraints, and it doesn't matter all that much if the odd person comes in here13:21
kvaloChipzz: thanks, I'll ask for help there. sorry for bothering you13:22
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RainCTseb128: Hey. Can you still give Feature Freeze exceptions this cycle? If so, I'd like to sync gnome-activity-journal 0.3.3 (once I get it uploaded into Debian).13:56
seb128RainCT, I don't know but that one should be no issue even if I'm not the one granting it13:56
RainCTseb128: Yeah, just wondering if I need to file a bug (and if so, whom to subscribe? motu-release?)14:08
seb128dholbach, ^14:08
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dholbachRainCT: slangasek is going to send out a process proposal later today - for now I'd just say follow the old process14:11
persiaRainCT: file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-release.14:11
dholbachScottK, iulian, nhandler: ^14:12
RainCTseb128, dholbach, persia: OK, thanks.14:17
cjwatsonwhat's the point of moving to source format 3.0 AND KEEPING DBS14:50
Laneywhich team grants access to upload source NEW packages to Ubuntu?15:56
jpdsLaney: ~ubuntu-dev?15:57
Laneyjpds: I don't know, as PPUs are members there AFAIK15:57
cjwatsoner, *cough*, this is a bit of a process hole atm15:57
cjwatsontechnically, right now, the answer is motu15:58
cjwatsonI think15:58
Laneyyes, I was just thinking about the new set15:58
Laneywhether CLI/Mono developers would be able to upload NEW packages for the set15:58
cjwatsonLaney: so, at worst: upload to PPA (so that the sourcepackagename is valid in Launchpad), have TB add the name to the set, upload to archive16:01
cjwatsonLaney: I don't recall just now whether the first step is needed16:01
Laneyoh, that works?16:01
cjwatsonwe may be able to add arbitrary strings as package names, but I have a suspicion that the LP DB will want them to be SPNs16:01
cjwatsonbut uploading to a PPA is enough to make that work16:01
LaneyIt's not really a problem for us as we have MOTU16:01
Laneyso LP will check for PPU upload rights even for source NEW, that's good.16:04
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cjwatsonLaney: I *think*.16:04
Laneywell, we can see if this ever comes up16:04
cjwatsonactually I think it may have come up with linux-backports-modules-2.6.32, now that you mention it16:04
cjwatsonnot sure16:04
micahgmvo: ping16:11
jdstrandScottK: I'm working on clamav -backports to -security for hardy. All I should need it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Clamav correct?16:12
jdstrandScottK: hi btw :)16:12
mvomicahg: pong16:15
micahgmvo: we had an issue with a deprecated package language-support-translations trying to pull in apps on a hardy -> lucid upgrade...is there any way for update manager to remove it on upgrade?16:16
micahgmvo: bug 52586616:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525866 in thunderbird-locales "thunderbird-locale-en-gb should not depends on thunderbird" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52586616:16
keesmicahg: I'm seeing this bug: http://superuser.com/questions/76625/unable-to-click-on-tabs-in-firefox-unless-i-press-command-q with all my extensions disabled.  do you have any idea what I can try next?16:18
mvomicahg: yes, let me read the bug16:19
micahgkees: --safe-mode or -ProfileManager16:19
micahgmvo: thanks16:19
keesmicahg: both.16:21
keesmicahg: it's crazy -- I have hit ctrl-Q several times before ff behaves correctly again16:21
keesmicahg: it's like it's stuck prompting somewhere, but doesn't actually prompt16:21
micahgkees: can you get a backtrace when it sitcks16:21
keesmicahg: I can, but it still mostly works (i.e. I can click links on the current tab, sometimes I can ctrl-tab to new tabs, but clicking tabs doesn't work, can't pop new dialogs, etc)16:22
keesmicahg: trivial to reproduce for me; you just want a gdb thread backtrace?16:23
keesmicahg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/382349/16:25
micahgmaybe an strace will be better...you don't have to load all the dbg libs16:25
* micahg guesses it's an extension16:25
keesall my extensions are disabled.16:25
keeseven the media plugins are disabled16:26
slacker_nlhello, will lucid convert grub-legacy to grub2? like debian testing does16:26
cjwatsonnot planning to at the moment; it's possible we may revisit this but currently not planning to16:27
cjwatsongot enough to do :)16:27
slacker_nlmkay, too bad, it made my day when I upgraded to testing from stable :)16:28
keesmicahg: any clue what to do next?  strace shows nothing, and gdb backtraces are identical before/after the ctrl-Qing16:28
cjwatsonyeah, problem is dealing with the people whose days it ruins ;-)16:29
slacker_nlthe FF bug sounds familiar, I cannot close tabs, it then closes my FF16:29
slacker_nlcjwatson: hehe :)16:29
micahgkees: mozilla 50873816:30
ubottuMozilla bug 508738 in Tabbed Browser "Cannot close tabs with Command+W and even select Close Tab with right click on tab" [Minor,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50873816:30
directhexslacker_nl, is nyu including my grub2 theme yet? i know he mentioned it16:31
keesmicahg: I'm not sure if that's my bug, but I'll comment16:32
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slacker_nldirecthex: i do not follow16:35
directhexslacker_nl, does your debian grub2 have a graphical menu screen?16:35
cjwatsonI don't see that in the package yet16:36
cjwatsonI think it's just a graphical background16:36
micahgkees: maybe file a new bug upstream16:39
Riddellev: seele is wondering why the "update the installer" button is needed?16:40
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evRiddell: can you expand on that?  It gives us a way to get a newer version of the installer to users on released CDs, in case things go horribly wrong at release.16:43
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Riddellev: why is it a button rather than something it just does?16:44
ogradoko, do you happen to have any idea about bug 520465 ?16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520465 in ubuntu "armel/versatile: glibc detected double-free or corruption (!prev)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52046516:45
evRiddell: well, for one it requires internet access, which not everyone has at install time.  But cjwatson would be able to give you an exact answer (he did UI and code for this).16:46
cjwatsonalso don't want to block starting the installer on a network probe16:46
cjwatsondon't want to phone home by default noninteractively16:47
cjwatsondon't want to unconditionally break older working installers in the event that we release a broken installer (particularly the case during development cycles, but not exclusively)16:47
dokoogra: no, didn't look yet16:47
cjwatsondon't want to impose the extra memory cost of installing a new installer package (it has to be entirely in RAM due to how the live CD works), which might render some systems unable to install Ubuntu16:47
cjwatsonthat's just what I can think of right now16:48
cjwatsonbryceh,pitti: problem: ubuntu-desktop now transitively depends on grub-pc - ubuntu-desktop -> xserver-xorg-video-all -> xserver-xorg-video-nouveau -> linux-backports-modules-nouveau-lucid-generic -> [...] -> linux-image-* -> grub-pc (recommends)16:51
brycehcjwatson, ew16:52
tseliotslangasek: is it ok if I upload the fix for bug #467490 after alpha 3?16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 467490 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "nvidia drivers don't work due to -Q in obsolete /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46749016:52
cjwatsonbryceh,pitti: this is bad because it subverts the installer's logic for boot loader installation and causes bug 526422.  we've always tried hard to keep linux out of the desktop task for this reason.  what can we do about this?16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526422 in grub-installer "Grub installer asks too many questions to the user" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52642216:52
pitticjwatson: (lagging, desktop meeeting going on)16:53
brycehcjwatson > #ubuntu-x 2>&116:53
pitticjwatson, bryceh: would it be prudent to drop the video-nouveau -> lbm dependency?16:53
pittithe other video drivers don't depend on the kernel either16:53
pittiof course that'd require them to cleanly fail to load if the module isn't present16:53
brycehpitti, but then would l-b-m-nouveau not be included in the cd?16:53
pittibryceh: we'd need to seed it explicitly somewhere, I guess16:54
cjwatsonbut then that would have the same problem16:54
pittior make it a recommends of linux-image in linux-meta16:54
brycehas long as that's done it'd be fine.  afaik that's the only reason we put the dep on it in there16:54
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cjwatsonI don't see a clean way to do this, short of making the kernel image package *depend* on lbm-nouveau16:54
cjwatsona recommendation would be ineffective in this case16:55
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cjwatsonthe installer ignores recommends when installing the kernel package, and has to do so because otherwise it would pick up boot loaders when doing so16:55
pitticjwatson: so the actual linux-image-* -> grub-pc (recommends) should stay and is intended?16:56
cjwatsonbut I would expect that having the kernel image package depend on lbm-nouveau would cause a chicken-and-egg problem on ABI transitions16:56
cjwatsonpitti: yes16:56
cjwatsonit's recommends: grub-pc | <other boot loaders>16:56
cjwatsonand it got lifted to that due to another bug, iirc16:56
cjwatsonapw: ^- is there any chance that we could just have lbm-nouveau integrated into the main kernel package?16:57
cjwatsonI wonder if there's any seed trickery I could do16:57
pittishort of that, the only way I see is to make it a dpeendency of -generic, but not of -server16:57
c_kornLaney: I think I did something wrong with the watcher :/ why is there another tick after the terminating message ? https://launchpad.net/builders/platinum/+index16:57
pittiwhich should amount to the same thing than integrating nouveau into -generic itself?16:57
cjwatsonbut lbm-nouveau can't be built until after the main package is built16:57
pittibut might be easier to maintain by the kernel team16:58
apwcjwatson, that is likely possible though pretty hard, but we may well be getting rid of it in favour of a bigger backport16:58
apwcjwatson, wahts the issue?  isn't lbm-nouveau a dep of the x-server?16:58
Laneyc_korn: you have two watchers running16:59
cjwatsonyes, the issue is that that dependency pulls in grub-pc indirectly at a point when the installer is not prepared to install a boot loader16:59
cjwatson(see scrollback)17:00
apwcjwatson, so lbm is recommending grub ?17:00
cjwatsonno, linux-image recommends grub-pc17:00
cjwatsonand should continue to do so, that's desirable for other reasons17:01
apwgot ya17:01
cjwatsonindeed I think there's a sabdfl bug on the subject17:01
apwhrm, tricky17:01
cjwatsonI'm trying some seed madness17:01
c_kornLaney: any idea how this can happen ? I copied your watcher.sh and pasted this into the debian/rules http://pastebin.com/yBpggnva17:01
cjwatsonthe kernel's already installed, so in theory I just need to get it out of the task17:01
cjwatsonactually there's another problem17:02
Laneyc_korn: do "debcheckout agda" and use the version from there17:02
cjwatsonx-x-v-nouveau depends specifically on linux-backports-modules-nouveau-lucid-generic17:02
cjwatsonbryceh: ^- that will break if the user installed the PAE kernel17:02
apwcjwatson, i believe that just got fixed ... like today17:02
brycehcjwatson, yeah fixed that yesterday17:02
apw  * debian/control17:03
apw    + Add -pae as fulfilling dependency17:03
apw      (LP: #524792)17:03
cjwatsonok, although I don't think the installer will be smart enough right now to pick the right now17:03
cjwatson*right one17:03
cjwatsonwe might have to arrange for the lbm package to be installed explicitly when installing the kernel, or something17:04
c_kornLaney: ah, it uses a lock file I see. does "exit 1" mean that the compilation will fail if two watchers are spawned ?17:06
Laneyno, the second watcher will exit17:06
apwcjwatson, damn ... i am not sure we'll be doing that for much longer ...17:06
cjwatsondoing which?17:07
c_kornLaney: fine, I thank you17:07
apwcjwatson, necessarily doing the backport that way17:08
cjwatsonI've worked around most of this at the installer level for now17:11
cjwatsonbut in general, direct kernel dependencies in the desktop seed are problematic, and we should try to avoid them17:12
c_kornLaney: but I don't quite understand why the second watcher does not terminate.17:15
Laneyyou should examine how it is invoked17:16
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c_kornLaney: I would like to if I had the build log. is there a timeout for PPAs (even if output is still occuring) ? (although I do not see the watcher tick again in the build log. so it should be terminated already)17:19
Laneyit will be terminated soon enough17:20
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cjohnstonmbudde: ping17:51
randomactionsgnb: there are 3 unfinished builds from round 2 (confluence, jocaml, ocamldsort), am I right in thinking that round 3 can start without waiting for them (i.e. no rdepends of these 3 packages are involved in round 3)?17:51
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porthoseWould a kind core-dev please have a look at bug #526587 thx :)18:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526587 in dbconfig-common "Sync dbconfig-common 1.8.44 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52658718:01
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slangasekRiddell: hmm, if the cache is removed from the livefs, will it be regenerated at install time?  If a user installs packages in the live environment that want it, will it be regenerated then?18:32
slangasekRiddell: (I guess this is a size issue?)18:32
cjwatsonslangasek: I asked the same question on #ubuntu-release18:32
Riddellslangasek: still trying to work out what actually creates the cache in the first place18:33
cjwatsonand there was a conversation there18:33
slangasekmdeslaur: have you checked with doko?  if toolchain changes uploaded at FF are causing build regressions, he may know why (and if not, he should be in the loop)18:37
slangasekmdeslaur: the particular error certainly looks like a toolchain regression to me...18:37
slangasekcjwatson: ok, will process that window next :)18:37
dokoslangasek: which one is this?18:38
slangasekdoko: ruby1.9/i386 FTBFS18:38
dokoseen, but the report didn't have infos pointing to the toolchain18:38
cjwatsonI'm reaching end-of-day; if anyone could help to track down bug 526391 in the meantime, I would be very grateful - d-i is very ugly right now18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526391 in cdebconf "Debian Installer screen text is corrupted" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52639118:41
slangasekseb128: that's the last gtk+2.0 upload for a3, right?  Because we kinda need gtk installable on armel if we're going to have it included in the milestone...18:42
seb128slangasek, yes, and I only uploaded -0ubuntu6 because -0ubuntu5 failed on armel18:43
slangasekdoko: the error in the log says "<dummy toplevel>:17: unexpected throw"18:43
slangasekseb128: ah, ok18:43
seb128slangasek, well it didn't fix the build issue which was a random segfault but since a rebuild was needed anyway18:43
slangasekseb128: <nod>18:43
seb128slangasek, anyway no desktop changes coming now18:43
seb128or at least not lib ones18:43
slangasekseb128: ok, good :-)18:43
dokoslangasek: hmm, I did interpret this as a ruby failure ...18:44
seb128I might squeeze an app fix later18:44
slangasekcjwatson: can't guarantee I'll get to 526391, but adding it to the list18:44
slangasekdoko: but the commandline above it is a gcc call? :)18:44
slangasekoh, no, there's an intervening 'make'18:45
slangasekmdeslaur: was this ruby1.9 FTBFS reproducible?18:45
sebnerslangasek: I uploaded a new package before FF and it got now rejected because of md5sum mismatch, my understanding is that I don't need a FFe now because nothing is changed for a new upload, right? ;-)18:45
lucasyou shouldn't care too much about ruby1.918:45
lucasthe plan for debian squeeze is to ship ruby1.8 and ruby1.9.118:46
lucaswe are currently dropping library packages for 1.9(.0) and providing them for 1.9.1 instead18:46
lucasthat transition is almost done18:46
lucasI'd would be silly not to follow that in Ubuntu (you would end up with some libs with 1.9.1 binary packages, and some other with 1.9.0 binary packages)18:47
lucasmdeslaur/slangasek: ^18:48
cjwatsonslangasek: so, bug 524439 - the fix involves migrating console-setup to upstart jobs.  I think this would be a good idea but I'm a bit wary of trying to do it for a3 now.  Should we move it to b1?18:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524439 in console-setup "20100219 Server ISO fails to set up console keyboard correctly" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52443918:51
slangaseksebner: yes, that should be ok18:54
sebnerslangasek: great, thanks18:55
slangaseklucas: ehm, we're past feature freeze and currently have ruby 1.9 in main and ruby 1.9.1 in universe; someone would need to steer this transition on the Ubuntu side and come up with a plan of action quickly, are you in a position to work that out or do you know someone else on the Ubuntu side who would?18:56
lucasI could do that18:56
lucaswhy is ruby 1.9 in main?18:56
slangasekcjwatson: yes, I think deferring 524439 makes sense here18:57
lucasslangasek: (probably as a dep of something, but I'd need to know what that something is)18:57
slangaseklucas: according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.lucid/all, it's rrdtool18:57
lucasslangasek: ah, ok18:58
slangaseklucas: though germinate only ever tells you first-match, so there could be other reasons18:58
slangaseklucas: rrdtool, libaugeas-ruby18:58
lucaslibaugeas-ruby? why do you have that in main?18:58
slangaseklucas: for puppet18:59
lucasanyway, both were already migrated to 1.9.1. rrdtool is a newer version, so the patch would have to be backported18:59
cjwatsonslangasek: I think it's probably something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/382441/, but I *know* there are subtleties here, like making sure dpkg-reconfigure saves the keymap19:00
cjwatsonand IIRC Scott wanted setupcon to run as a udev rule, though perhaps an upstart job is an acceptable stopgap19:01
slangasekcjwatson: udev rule sounds non-trivial, since it also has to wait for /usr, doesn't it? (I assume - since otherwise it wouldn't need to be 'start on filesystem')  So would probably have to be an upstart job regardless19:05
slangasekmdeslaur: answer: yes, the FTBFS is reproducible19:08
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Cascade_New programming forum! http://www.hackersrus.info JOIN!19:31
apwdoes anyone know if we expect plymouth fsck integration to work completly?  i think i just hit ESC on it and instead of stopping plymouth exited and the fsck continues (it looks like)19:34
slangasekapw: 'esc' isn't supposed to stop the fsck19:35
apwheh is anything?19:35
slangasekapw: did you have a '[C]' sitting on your screen before you hit esc?19:35
apwnope, i had the fsck and the red? progress bar19:36
apwso i hit escape, does that just kill plymouth?  have i been a wally?19:36
slangasekthere are a number of completely opaque keys you're supposed to be able to press for various actions; you should get a line telling you what the keys are, but not what they do...19:36
slangasekapw: try hitting 'esc' again, see if it comes back :-)19:36
cjwatsonslangasek: keyboard-setup doesn't necessarily, maybe console-setup does - personally I do tend to think that a udev rule may be more trouble than it's worth although it seems to be a sort of theoretical ideal19:37
apwslangasek, oh yeah it did.  what does the [C] indicate?  cancel?19:37
slangasekapw: I think so19:37
slangasek[C]ancel, [S]kip, [M]aintenance19:37
apwahh ... thats not at all intuitive, and the semantic change for ESC is going to hurt peoples heads ...19:37
apwi suspect a release note may be in order19:37
slangasekwell, I think we need to get that text fixed before release19:38
slangasekthere's an open bug on mountall about it19:38
apwthat would help a lot19:38
apwsorry for the noise19:38
sebnerslangasek: what's the difference between Cancel and Skip?19:38
slangaseksebner: cancelling an fsck vs. skipping waiting for a filesystem19:39
sebnerthe same for me19:39
slangasekno, they're opposite19:40
slangasekcancelling the fsck will cause it to try to mount anyway, skipping waiting for the filesystem will cause the boot to proceed without mounting19:40
slangasek(I think)19:40
sebnerslangasek: and what happens if that's the root partition you skip?19:41
slangasekyou don't always get all the options :)19:41
sebnerwhat a magic and intelligent system ;D19:42
* ogra wishes mountall was that clever :)19:46
ogra... and would learn to handle broken hwclocks :)19:46
mdeslaurlucas, slangasek: I've spent a lot of time trying to get ruby1.9 to compile with the -2ubuntu2 gcc revision, and failed20:02
slangasekmdeslaur: and if you roll back to the previous gcc, it works?20:02
mdeslaurlucas: if you can get 1.9.1 in main instead of 1.9, that would be great20:02
mdeslaurslangasek: yes, going back to -2ubuntu1 works fine20:03
xnoxmvo: your awesome! #ubuntusoftwarecentre20:04
lucasslangasek, mdeslaur: actually, it might be easier to get ruby1.9.* out of main. it only requires dropping the dependency in rrdtool and libaugeas-ruby, and the 1.9 binary packages don't have any other users in the archive.20:06
lucasslangasek, mdeslaur: given that 1.9.{0,1} are development branches of ruby, it's probably a good idea not to support them20:06
mdeslaurlucas: I agree20:06
slangaseklucas: no objection from me20:06
mdeslaurlucas: looks like libaugeas-ruby1.8 is in main, 1.9 is in universe already20:08
lucasmdeslaur: yeah, but I guess that the problem is that libaugeas-ruby build-depends on ruby1.920:11
mdeslauroh, I see20:12
lucasmdeslaur: (same for rrdtool, probably)20:12
cjwatsonslangasek: I think I found a Debian bug matching the described screen corruption symptoms, with an analysis20:12
cjwatsonyay Debian20:13
mdeslaurlucas: actually, libaugeas-ruby only builds libaugeas-ruby1.8 for lucid, so it's not a problem (libaugeas-ruby1.9 is not in lucid)20:13
lucasmdeslaur: ah20:14
lucasmdeslaur: it was forked, and not merged, so it's severely outdated in ubuntu20:14
lucasmdeslaur: it's probably a good idea to merge it from debian20:15
lucas(correction: it wasn't forked, it was introduced independantly in ubuntu by DktrKranz in jaunty time)20:15
mdeslaurnothing seems to depend on librrd-ruby1.920:16
lucasmdeslaur: "and the 1.9  binary packages don't have any other users in the archive.20:17
mdeslaurlucas: die-ruby1.9-die-die-die20:17
lucasmdeslaur: do you want to patch rrdtool to drop the ruby1.9 package?20:18
mdeslaurlucas: I can do that, sure20:18
lucasmdeslaur: on my side, I'll prepare a list of syncs from debian for the ruby packages20:19
mdeslaurlucas: sounds good, as long as you remove libaugeas-ruby1.9.1 from the debian libaugeas-ruby package20:22
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lucasmdeslaur: my plan was to patch that specific package in ubuntu, not in debian20:23
mdeslaurlucas: yes, perfect20:23
mdeslaur(that's what I meant)20:23
cjwatsonsuperm1: you seem to have sent a reply to me to ubuntu-devel containing only quoted text?20:30
superm1cjwatson, reply should be below your text20:33
cjwatsonsuperm1: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-February/030294.html doesn't show it.  Is this a list archives bug?20:33
cjwatsonoh, it's failing to handle From-escaping correctly20:34
cjwatsonI think this is a known list-archives bug, I vaguely recall there being an RT ticket on it from ages back20:34
superm1in the interim should I just top reply instead?20:34
cjwatsonno, it breaks any time you have "From" at the start of a line :)20:34
superm1oh :)20:35
mdeslaurslangasek: I'm about to upload rrdtool that removes the ruby1.9 main requirement, any objections? and, what's the next step to remove ruby1.9 from main? (that was the only dependency)20:35
cjwatsonit's doing stupid mbox parsing somewhere20:35
tremolux(woops, scuse me)20:36
mvono worries20:36
cjwatsonslangasek: ok, so newt uploaded to fix the d-i screen corruption; will require a d-i upload once it's built everywhere20:37
slangasekmdeslaur: libaugeas-ruby was the other rev-build-dep, that will also need uploaded?20:39
slangasekcjwatson: ack, will follow20:40
mdeslaurslangasek: it's not a rev-build-dep on lucid20:40
slangasekmdeslaur: yes, it is20:40
mdeslaurslangasek: oh, yes it is, I'll fix that too20:40
mdeslaurit's not even building the binary packages for ruby1.9 anyway20:41
* slangasek nods20:41
mdeslaurslangasek: packages uploaded20:48
slangasekmdeslaur: cheers :)20:50
mdeslaurslangasek: will the seeds correct themselves, or does someone need to move ruby1.9 to universe?20:50
lucasmdeslaur: have you took the opportunity to merge libaugeas-ruby from debian? there's probably not much point in keeping the older version in lucid.20:51
mdeslaurlucas: no, I haven't...I just wanted to get the ruby1.9 build dep out for now20:51
lucasslangasek: can I submit a bug with a list of sync requests, or should I file one bug per sync req?20:52
slangaseklucas: it's generally easier on the process to submit one bug per package; for one thing, you can use 'requestsync' that way20:53
slangasek(instead of having to open tasks by hand for each package)20:54
lucasslangasek: ok20:54
mdeslaurfyi, I have opened bug 526677 to get ruby1.9 moved to universe21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526677 in ruby1.9 "ruby1.9 should not be in main for an LTS release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52667721:03
mrenoufIs it possible to make unattended-upgrade work like 'apt-get distupgrade' ? Specifically, permit it to install versions with new dependencies?21:04
slangasekmdeslaur: bug isn't needed, as soon as it no longer has revdeps it'll show up on component-mismatches and be processed semi-automatically21:05
mdeslaurslangasek: ah! thanks for the info!21:05
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sgnbrandomaction: right21:42
sgnb(basically everything in round 3 depend on findlib)21:42
randomactionsgnb: ok, I'll do some of the rebuilds tomorrow and will advertise this transition on #ubuntu-motu a bit21:57
Laneyyou should email the mailing list about it22:02
randomactionok, will do22:03
jdstrandsbeattie: hey. fyi I fixed test-clamav.py in qrt so it should actually work now (verified on lucid as well as pending update for hardy)22:05
jdstrandsbeattie: I saw it on the qa-lucid-automated-server-testing bp and thought that its brokenness may have been why it was postponed22:06
jdstrandoh, that is actually for ara22:07
sbeattiejdstrand: I think there was something in the documentation about needing to wait for clamavd to start before running that had me not pursue it.22:07
jdstrandsbeattie: there is a sleep call waiting for clamd.ctl. I t*think* that was only needed on feisty, but I'm not sure22:08
jdstrandanyhoo, it works now...22:08
sbeattieokay, I wasn't sure, and I didn't want to fight races, I'll give it a go and see about enabling it.22:09
LaibschHi, I know there are some people thinking about how distributions like Ubuntu and OpenSuse or Gentoo can collaborate better in packaging software (sharing patches is just one example).  Can you give me some names of people driving this?23:39
superm1slangasek, would it be OK to upload the fix for bug 526405 still so that it could make a3?23:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526405 in ubiquity "oem-config-firstboot crashing upon run" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52640523:49
slangaseksuperm1: if we got other ubiquity fixes in at the same time, maybe; otherwise, given the landscape for a3 I think that should go to errata23:58
superm1slangasek, got another one for bug 526496 in there too23:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526496 in ubiquity "Kubuntu OEM install fails" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52649623:58

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