
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
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ripperdahello, I'm having some trouble with a kernel serial console and hoping someone could lend a hand06:38
ripperdaI have a serial console working and getting boot messages. but no longer get messages once the full OS loads06:38
pado you know whether ubuntu kernel supports geoip target for netfilter, or if i do have to patch myself?14:28
cndtgardner, back at the platform sprint we brought the isl388* firmware for prism_softmac cards from karmic into lucid14:34
cndIt turns out I put the fw files in the wrong place14:34
cndI'm looking to rectify it, but I'm realizing now that I can't find a license for the fw14:34
cndI'm wondering if they should be in linux-firmware-nonfree14:35
tgardnercnd, if there is no license, then yes, it should go into non-free14:37
cndtgardner, ok, I'll work on that14:38
=== Hedge|Hog is now known as Hedgehog
=== Hedgehog is now known as Guest64988
cndtgardner, as part of the prism fix, we need to revert the commit that added it into linux-firmware.git15:21
cndis it easiest just to send an email to kernel-team requesting the revert of the commit id?15:21
cndI assume that's easier than making a pull request for just a single commit revert15:22
tgardnercnd, no, a pull request is fine. I've still got to make the packaging changes on top of that15:22
cndtgardner, k15:23
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:38
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting15:38
cndpgraner, I'm looking at a huawei 3g bug in lucid, apw mentioned you might have the same card?16:03
cndbug 52037216:03
ubot3Malone bug 520372 in linux "Huawei K3520 connection problems (Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52037216:03
pgranercnd: nope I have a Novatel16:03
cndwhat model? I think novatels may be huawei rebranded16:04
bjf## Meeting starting now17:02
* smb is here17:02
mattimatti PRESENT17:07
mattiOps ;]17:07
* smb was on the wrong channel. Meeting is in #ubuntu-meeting17:10
mattismb: Ah.17:41
smbmatti, Though its over by now17:41
mattiI was on sudden meeting at work :<17:42
cndapw, when you talk about a potential dep issue with the firmware packages, what specifically is the issue?17:47
cndjust files?17:47
apwwas the version with the files in linux-firmware ever uploaded?17:48
apwif so then the files are now in two packages, which will break17:48
tgardnerapw, yes17:48
cndI believe so, but there won't be a file collision17:48
cndbecause the linux-firmware actually had them in the wrong location17:48
apwon upgrade unless the l-f-nf has a 'conflicts: xxx' or something17:48
apwahh then we get away with it by luck ...17:48
cndso linux-firmware put them in /lib/firmware/prism54_softmac17:48
cndbut the new linux-firmware-nonfree puts them in /lib/firmware17:49
cndwhere they should be17:49
apwthen we don't have an issue, cause there really is no collission, good enough17:49
tgardnercnd, what about the original prism54/* files?17:49
cndtgardner, when I was looking for license I read a bit17:49
cndthey are firmwares for older versions of the driver17:49
cndand are not used in lucid's kernel17:50
tgardnercnd, ah, thats right. we're just dropping them.17:50
cndthe new firmwares cover all of the same cards as the old firmwares17:50
tgardnerapw, I'll make sure the packaging is right before I upload ...17:50
apware we dropping any we get from our upstream here?17:50
apwtgardner, yeah i figured you'd know what to do if there was an issue, just wanted to highlight it17:51
cndapw, these don't come from upstream (if you're thinking of dwmw2's tree)17:51
apwindeed.  cool... 17:51
=== Hedge|Hog is now known as Hedgehog
=== Hedgehog is now known as Guest73094

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