
gnomefreakhas anyone gotten a bounce from one of y emails?00:50
gnomefreakthis bullshit migrater needs to not leave daily ~/.thunderbird-3.0 empty or atleast allow you to keep tb2 settings (only way to do this is to click decide later)02:16
gnomefreakeither way both should be allowed to be preserved instead of replaced02:22
ccheneygrr the karmic webkit causes problems when generating the enum file03:15
ccheneyit does: #include <webkit/@basename@>03:15
ccheneyforgot to substitue the basename for some stupid reason03:16
ccheneythere is another one in a different dir that seems right03:16
ccheneyhmm seems to be something to do with GNUmakefile.*03:19
* ccheney isn't sure how it happens though03:20
ccheneyi can't seem to make the thing reconf properly03:26
ccheneyasac: http://people.canonical.com/~ccheney/webkit-backport.tar.bz2  not sure what is causing this weirdness, its only in GNUmakefile.{am,in} but i don't see it anywhere else and can't determine how to fix it03:44
ccheneyasac: it will be done uploading in ~ 1m03:44
ccheneyasac: building it under karmic it substitutes the @basename@ for the filename it should be using05:10
* ccheney sees if he can determine why this is happening :(05:20
ccheneyah i see something, probably nothing though, will see if this helps any05:21
ccheneyah basename is a special glib-enum thing05:27
ccheneyer glib-mkenums05:27
ccheneyhmm so i have to rewrite that bit it seems, looks around to see how to do it for older glib05:29
* ccheney thinks he will try doing just the easy thing of backporting the current glib-mkenums (assuming that is easy)05:43
ccheneyseemed to be a fairly simple patch05:52
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
stefanlsdanyone got any idea when / if xulrunner 1.9.2 will hit lucid?06:58
micahgstefanlsd: well, soon06:58
micahgjust don't know exactly06:59
stefanlsdhehe. k. whats it waiting on?07:00
micahgtesting in PPA?  I'm not sure07:01
micahgstefanlsd: you can ask asac in a few hours...07:02
akaiholaIn ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox, to get correct search engines in the search box, I still have to do "cd /usr/lib/firefox-addons/searchplugins;sudo rm common;sudo ln -s en-US common" after every update07:49
BUGabundo_remotefta:  are you experiencing chromium showing the gtk top bars? even when disabled?11:52
asacfta: 2010-02-23 07:42:26 WARNING     xulrunner-dev_1.9.1.9~hg20100222r26773+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~hardy_amd64.deb: Version older than that in the archive.12:51
asac+ <=
asacfta: should we bump to ubuntu2 to workaround this?12:51
asacwe need to drop the -dev package from head12:51
asacal right12:51
sindhudweepasac: you there?13:27
asacin #ubuntu-meeting ... really sorry.13:30
asaci will upload asap13:30
sindhudweeptake your time!13:31
gnomefreak!info firefox hardy13:50
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.18+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 65 kB, installed size 120 kB13:50
gnomefreak!info firefox karmic13:55
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.5): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 (karmic), package size 71 kB, installed size 128 kB13:55
gnomefreakasac: abrowser is using firefox icon now or should it still be abrowser icon?14:01
gnomefreaksee bug 52629114:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526291 in firefox "abrowser menu entry has Firefox icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52629114:01
asacgnomefreak: thats a bug, yes.14:02
gnomefreakasac: if you want if i have time today/tomorrow i can look at it and fix it :)14:03
asacif you want ;)14:07
gnomefreakor not :( i cant grab any branches14:24
gnomefreakchecking with #bzr to see if it is me or not14:25
gnomefreakwe need a way to keep tb2 accounts when upgraded to tb314:50
gnomefreakwithout importing daily tb3 accounts. the only way to do this atm is click "decide later" but than it keeps poping up the import dialog14:53
asacgnomefreak: there are three decisions15:03
asacgnomefreak: press "import settings"15:03
gnomefreakasac: and all import from tb3 daily15:03
gnomefreakbut doesnt keep 2.0 settings/accounts15:03
asacgnomefreak: ... no "keep tbird 3 settings" ... or "import settings" ... the latter should mean you keep the tbird 215:04
gnomefreakonly decide later will keep 2.0 accounts15:04
gnomefreakasac: they both import from the daily tb315:04
gnomefreakand leave daily 3.0 empty15:05
asaci dont see that in code15:05
asacgnomefreak: ls -d ~/.thunder*15:05
asacwhat do you get?15:05
gnomefreakok ill try again15:05
gnomefreak/home/gnomefreak/.thunderbird  /home/gnomefreak/.thunderbird-3.0  << starting from clean 2.0 dir atm15:06
gnomefreakasac: i want to use "import settings" right?15:06
gnomefreakthe "migrater" or what ever is poping up this dialog says "Do you want to import your mail and other settings from {tb2}, replacing your settings from {tb3.0} beta15:08
gnomefreakbacking up the 2 dirs. before i do this again. i spent ~2 hours last night working on this15:10
gnomefreakoh that worked better this time :) thanks15:13
gnomefreakok back to bzr/ssh problem15:14
gnomefreakasac: ok tb2 was preserved however tb3 is empty  <<<not good at all16:05
gnomefreakmicahg: ^^16:05
micahggnomefreak: what  do you mean?16:05
asacgnomefreak: tb3 dailies dont exist anymore16:06
asactb3 == tb2 now16:06
gnomefreakmicahg: tb2 -> tb3 keeps tb2 accounts however it empties daily tb3 accounts16:06
gnomefreakasac: than there is no way to keep old tb dailies and tb2 accounts16:06
micahggnomefreak: it should offer you which one you want16:06
micahggnomefreak: you're saying you want to run dailies and prod TB3?16:07
gnomefreakif i choose import it keeps tb2 accounts but drops the accounts in daily dir. if i choose the 1st option it takes my accounts from daily but does not keep 2.0 accounts16:07
micahggnomefreak: right16:08
micahgthe folder is still there16:08
gnomefreakmicahg: needs to be a way to add ALL accounts to it16:08
micahggnomefreak: not possible16:08
micahgwe don't do that for FF either16:08
gnomefreakmicahg: right its abandoned. so you are telling me i have to add all 7 accounts from daily back to stable16:08
micahggnomefreak: which one are you using regularly?16:09
gnomefreakmicahg: daily16:09
micahgso why not just choose daily?16:09
gnomefreakthe other one once a week or so16:09
micahgasac: what do you say to all this ^^^16:09
micahggnomefreak: there's an extension to export settings and import...you could use that16:10
micahgif it's all IMAP16:10
gnomefreakIMAP kept freezing on me16:10
micahgugh...I don't even think upstream supports merging profiles16:10
micahg_Tsk_: does TB3 support merging profiles?16:10
_Tsk_define merging16:11
micahg_Tsk_: take accounts from a second profile and load it into the first16:12
_Tsk_Not that I know of16:12
micahglike if a user has a TB2 and TB3 profile, to merge one into the other16:12
_Tsk_but I don't know everything16:12
_Tsk_No we don't do that16:12
_Tsk_so we probably don't suporte it16:12
micahgthanks _Tsk_16:15
gnomefreaki guess that means i have a lot of work to do16:15
micahggnomefreak: I know there an extension...16:15
gnomefreakmicahg: the one i got last week to get folders from one profile to another doesnt work16:16
akaiholaIn ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox, to get correct search engines in the search box, I still have to do "cd /usr/lib/firefox-addons/searchplugins;sudo rm common;sudo ln -s en-US common" after every update16:22
mahfouzmicahg, thanks for fixing the default theme in daily builds16:25
micahgmahfouz: no problem, it was debfx actually16:26
micahgmahfouz: which bug was yours that reported it, I couldn't find it16:26
mahfouzI was just gonna say16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 500538 in firefox-3.5 "button to change back to default personas in 3.6?" [Low,Triaged]16:26
micahgmahfouz: thanks16:27
mahfouzwill you mark it fixed?16:27
micahgmahfouz: duplicatge16:27
mahfouzah ok16:27
akaiholait seems /usr/lib/firefox-addons/searchplugins/common is a symlink to . (the current directory) in current ubuntu-mozilla-daily packages16:28
akaiholashould link to a locale directory instead; pointing it to en-US fixes the search box issue (only ask.com in search box, can't add google etc.)16:29
micahgakaihola: which daily package are you running?16:31
gnomefreakeven importing 3.0 settings drops all filters :( and the extension doesnt work as it should16:31
micahggnomefreak: there's a separate filter extension export16:31
gnomefreakmicahg: i know i tried it last week16:32
akaiholamicahg: 3.6.2~hg20100221r33597+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd116:33
micahgtry upgrading to this 3.6.2~hg20100222r33601+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~karmic16:33
micahgw/out karmic16:33
akaiholamicahg: I will.16:34
micahgakaihola: let us know if that fixes it16:35
akaiholamicahg: problem fixed, thanks!16:38
micahgakaihola: great16:38
gnomefreakasac: ill look at the icon bug tomorrow16:43
gnomefreakasac: nevermind micahg as it i guess16:46
* gnomefreak phone16:49
micahgasac: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-February/030290.html17:07
asacyeah. thats a mess17:09
asactoo bad really17:09
asacmicahg: have you tried builds that looked affected by the nspr thing?17:10
micahgasac: I tried one locally17:10
micahgI have to repush xulrunner up to the PPA17:10
ftai wonder how i can rate-limit the number of calls per second to given events17:15
ftain javascript17:15
asacfta: i would think that would be a engine feature17:17
asacbut i doubt it17:17
asacmakes any sense ... why?17:17
ftai bind mousedown/mousemove/mouseup and trigger a redraw of my <canvas> on move & up17:18
ftabut that's too cpu intensive17:19
asacyou need to do the rate control in your javascript code i would think17:20
* asac lays down17:20
ftagot it, setInterval(draw, timer)17:27
ftawell, no, it's worse, it redraws even when nothing happens17:31
ftacrimsun, why is rhythmbox now taking 50% cpu to play a simple mp3?18:22
stefanlsdfta: do u know if / when xul 1.9.2 will make lucid?18:23
ftastefanlsd, nope, you should ask asac or micahg18:24
micahgfta: bug 52394918:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523949 in gtk+2.0 "the csd changes make some desktop applications hog the cpu" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52394918:24
ftafixed? hm, upgrading..18:26
fta227 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.18:29
ftaNeed to get 379MB of archives.18:29
asaccrimsun: there?19:03
asaccrimsun: there is something like ALSA play period size19:03
asacin twinkle19:03
asacthat is supposed to tweak the alsa card19:04
asachowever, it seems to not change a thing if i use that for alsa through pulseaudio19:04
asacis there a way to set that from outside through pulse?19:04
asac(background: i really get bad stuttering)19:04
ftakenvandine, each time i reboot, gwibber crashes when the session re-opens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/382456/19:32
ftadesktopcouch-service too19:32
ftajdstrand, profile="/usr/lib/firefox-3.7a2pre/firefox{,*[^s][^h]}" requested_mask="::x" denied_mask="::x" fsuid=1000 ouid=0 name="/usr/bin/scim"19:38
sebnerasac: fta : Is this a known issue that after resuming "suspend to ram" the firefox auto adress magic foo isn't working?19:40
jdstrandfta: ok. that is in kde?19:41
ftajdstrand, nope, gnome19:41
ftasebner, no idea19:41
jdstrandah 'skim' is kde19:41
jdstrandfta: how did you trigger that?19:41
asache uses scim19:41
sebnerfta: then the answer usually is "no, never heard of it" ^_^19:42
* sebner waves at jdstrand 19:42
sebnerjdstrand: mind pushing docky through NEW?19:42
ftajdstrand, asac, each time i start ff, scim crashes on x64 (reeeaallly old bug)19:42
ftamicahg, thanks, cpu is better after the upgrade19:43
micahgfta: np19:43
jdstrandsebner: redocky> the sum for the orig.tar.gz did not match the upstream tarball, and there was nothing in the changelog as to why, so I rejected it yesterday (email sent to raof)19:45
sebnerjdstrand: I know, reuploaded 5 minutes ago ;)19:45
jdstrandsebner: oh, it didn't hit the new queue yet I guess :)19:46
asacfta: yeah i know ... curious, does chromium support input methods at all?19:46
jdstrand(I just looked)19:46
sebnerjdstrand: LP says yes19:46
sebnerjdstrand: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue ?!?!19:46
jdstrandcocoplum says no19:47
sebnerblack magic19:47
jdstrandoh wait, there it is19:47
jdstrandok, I'll look at it19:47
* sebner hugs jdstrand 19:48
* asac out again with bad headaches19:48
ftaasac, i can type in japanese in chromium, using scim as input method. works fine in 32bit19:48
sebnerasac: you know what mother would say :P19:48
jdstrandfta: can you add this to the profile:19:52
jdstrand  /usr/bin/scim ix,19:52
jdstrandfta: then reload it with 'apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-3.7' and let me know if that fixes it for you?19:52
ftajdstrand, i will, but as i no longer use firefox, it may take a while19:59
jdstrandfta: well, I'll update the profile for 'ix', if it doesn't work out, we can use 'Ux'. thanks20:00
ftawell, i use it to test my html5 code, so maybe tomorrow20:02
jdstrandthat's cool, it'll be in tomorrow's daily20:03
jdstrand(should be anyway, I just committed it)20:03
ftaasac, micahg: umd has lots of red :( same ones everyday20:05
micahgfta: xul192 is waiting for upstream landing of a test patch20:06
* micahg checks the rest20:06
micahgff3.5 we stopped pushing20:06
micahgff3.6 doesn't exist anymore20:07
micahgtb31 I need to fix...20:07
micahgI missed xul191 breaking20:07
micahgxul191 apparently failed to upload20:08
micahgand that's it20:08
micahgfta: ^^^20:08
ftamaybe we should remove the old stuff then20:20
micahgfta: k20:22
asaci fixed 1.9.1 now20:32
asacdropped xulrunner-dev ... we should keep building it20:32
asacfta: ^^20:33
asacmicahg: ^20:33
* asac out again20:33
ftaasac, please drop what needs to be dropped, i've lost track20:33
micahgah, I should've checked the build log...20:34
sebnerjdstrand: thanks!20:34
micahgfta: firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.620:34
jdstrandsebner: sure! :)20:36
sebnerjdstrand: .. and I didn't need to tell you that slangasek agreed on not needing a FFe :D20:37
jdstrandsebner: well, you had it in before FF so I made that call myself20:37
* sebner hugs jdstrand 20:37
kenvandinefta, but later it works right?20:49
ftakenvandine, seems like it, but it's ugly to see 2 or 3 apports on startup20:50
kenvandineof course20:50
kenvandinethere are desktopcouch startup bugs20:51
kenvandinebeing worked on20:51
kenvandinebut we can handle that more gracefully in gwibber20:51
* kenvandine will fix it tonight :)20:51
kenvandinei hope20:51
kenvandinejust masking the problem... but we'll get the desktopcouch guys to fix it properly20:51
rbrauppIve messes up my firefox. It stopped working, I removed and installed but no luck. Help!20:52
micahgrbraupp: what is the problem?  what version of firefox/ubuntu?21:00
rbrauppubuntu 9.1 firefox 3.521:02
micahgwhat specifically is the problem?21:03
rbrauppmichag: system pauses as if loading , but never flashes a screen21:03
rbrauppmichag: seems to die.21:04
micahgrbraupp: firefox --safe-mode <-- see if that helps21:04
rbrauppgot a response then failed (seg fault21:05
rbrauppglib warning g_set_prgname() called multiple times21:06
micahgrbraupp: can you pastebin the result of: dpkg -l firefox\* xulrunner\*21:06
rbrauppsure, one moment21:07
micahgrbraupp: actually, add COLUMNS=200 to the beginning of that line21:08
rbraupp| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend21:10
rbraupp|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)21:10
rbraupp||/ Name                                         Version                                      Description21:10
rbrauppii  firefox                                      3.5.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1       meta package for the popular mozilla web browser21:10
rbraupprc  firefox-2                                    lightweight web browser based on Mozilla21:10
rbrauppun  firefox-2-gnome-support                      <none>                                       (no description available)21:10
rbraupprc  firefox-3.0                                  3.5.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1              dummy upgrade package for firefox-3.0 -> firefox-3.521:11
rbrauppun  firefox-3.0-branding                         <none>                                       (no description available)21:11
rbrauppun  firefox-3.0-dom-inspector                    <none>                                       (no description available)21:11
rbrauppun  firefox-3.0-gnome-support                    <none>                                       (no description available)21:11
rbrauppun  firefox-3.0-venkman                          <none>                                       (no description available)21:11
rbrauppun  firefox-3.1                                  <none>                                       (no description available)21:11
rbrauppun  firefox-3.1-branding                         <none>                                       (no description available)21:11
rbrauppun  firefox-3.1-dbg                              <none>                                       (no description available)21:11
rbrauppun  firefox-3.1-gnome-support                    <none>                                       (no description available)21:11
rbrauppii  firefox-3.521:11
sebnerrbraupp: pastebin!21:12
micahg!pastebin > rbraupp21:12
ubotturbraupp, please see my private message21:12
rbrauppmichag: nice tool the url is http://paste.ubuntu.com/382534/21:17
micahgthat should be right21:18
micahgrbraupp: does firefox --safe-mode launch?21:19
rbrauppmichag: no. It gives the seg fault.21:20
micahgrbraupp: can you create a new profile and try: firefox -ProfileManager21:21
rbrauppmichag: that worked! thanks a bunch..21:23
* micahg would like to figure out one day what corrupts a profile21:25
rbrauppmichag: So would I.21:25
ncrfgsI'm not using Ubuntu, but I'm trying to compile xulrunner22:59
ncrfgsand googling I came across this page22:59
ncrfgsconfigure: error: --with-system-nspr and --with-nspr-libs/cflags are mutually exclusive.23:01
ncrfgsI'm having the same problem23:01
ncrfgsgot any idea about where does that come from?23:02
ncrfgsor how to fix it?23:02

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