
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
dholbachcan we get these sessions scheduled on the fridge cal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam#Training Sessions ? :)16:42
dholbachthere seems to be some others scheduled on the fridge cal which shouldn't be there16:42
cjohnstondholbach: what is scheduled on fridge that shouldnt be there?16:59
dholbachcjohnston: global jam something for today?17:00
cjohnstondholbach: if you look at the top of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam on the right, it says there is a global jam meeting every two weeks.. I assume that is what it is17:01
dholbachah ok17:01
dholbachbest to get rid of it from the calendar17:01
cjohnstonok.. do you want it removed from the wiki page also?17:01
dholbachmight be a good idea17:02
cjohnstonShould it say next meeting check fridge or just remove completely?17:02
dholbachjust remove completely17:02
cjohnstonwill do17:02
dholbachthere's training sessions below17:02
* dholbach hugs cjohnston17:02
cjohnstonyup.. ill add the rest of those17:03
cjohnstonI had the how to run a jams on there, but yall added more stuff :-P17:03
cjohnstonhmm.. jono scheduled the global jam meetings, and i dont know that I can remove it..17:06
dholbachcjohnston: I'll talk to jono about it, thanks17:07
nhandlerAnyone know if the fridge calendar got sorted out?23:58

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