
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (Subdolus)02:52
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (yves__ Shadowrunner continue cursing and foreign language)04:36
pleia2topyli: great blog entry \o/04:37
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MyrttiFlannel: alt installs the same desktop06:38
FlannelMyrtti: It doesn't have to06:38
MyrttiFlannel: i've never seen it ask what i want to install either06:38
Myrttimini and server do06:39
FlannelMyrtti: They removed it from the boot menu in 9.04 (it usedto be there), now you have to hit f6 or f7 or whatever to choose "command line install"06:39
Flannel9.04 might not be the right version of removal-from-menu06:39
Flannelhttp://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p15/re_grub001.png  (fourth menu item)06:40
Flanneler, I can't count.  Lets try third.06:40
Flanneland now you toggle it on/off from within f6, I believe.06:40
Tm_TMorning all06:41
dholbachgood morning07:39
Madpilotwell, still evening here, for another 15 min or so :)07:43
jazzi am looking for a staffer, i've a question on nicks08:06
Flanneljazz: #freenode is your best bet08:06
Myrttithen why don't you go ask at #freenode?08:06
jazzkinda new using  x-chat and irc all together... thanks myrtti and flannel08:07
* Myrtti facepalms08:12
Jordan_Uprobable troll in #ubuntu08:25
FlannelI'm looking into it, thanks08:25
Jordan_UThank you.08:26
MadpilotFlannel, serious WTFery in #u...08:28
Flannelis it a full moon or something?08:28
Madpilotnot for a week or so, AFAIK :)08:28
Flannelmeh.  autobans08:29
Madpilotin which universe was futura's "joke" actually funny?08:29
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (biki)10:49
ikoniahello Kottisen11:17
ikoniaKottisen: are you active ?11:25
Kottisenikonia: yes11:28
ikoniahi there11:31
KottisenHello ikonia! :)11:32
ikoniayou're in #ubuntu-ops the operator team for the ubuntu channels11:36
ikoniado you need any help from us with anything ?11:36
elkyoh really now?11:37
elkyooh, the cloak, whee!11:37
Tm_TI'm still waiting some extension for my cloak11:54
topyli"my cloak is longer than your cloak" :)11:56
ikoniaKottisen: do you need anything from is ?11:58
topyliKottisen, please leave the channel if you have no issues we can help with. idling is not allowed12:00
elkyTm_T, did you pay for the privilege yet? :P12:01
Tm_Telky: no, not that kind of extension12:01
elkythat would probably work though.12:01
Tm_Tif I had money etc (:12:03
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))12:08
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persiajussi01: bogeyd6 is contributing usefully, just noisily in -server13:57
jussi01persia: yeah, Ill unban as soon as the flood stops13:58
persiaCool :)13:58
Myrtti[15:55] < Kernspalter> http://www.AWSurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=al_caspam  --> EARN MONEY FOR FREE USENET-ACCOUNTS AND  RAPIDSHARE-ACCOUNTS AND PAYPAL!!!13:58
MenZaNice realnem.14:00
MenZa"Al Caspam"14:00
persiajussi01: re: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-February/000095.html : it asks for more access than https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/Coordination : one of these is wrong.14:42
Myrttiin any case the flags for -testing are wrong (re #ubuntu-irc)14:43
Myrtti(re: stgraber's email on the mailing list)14:43
persiaThe precisely match the documentation at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/Coordination14:44
persiaSince I pointed him to the documentation to set the flags, I'm sure this means the docs need updating.14:44
Myrttipersia: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2010-February/000932.html (+vo vs. +votiA vs. +votiAf)14:46
Myrttianyway, I'm not in the council so I couldn't really care less14:46
persiaOh, the mail seems wrong.  /cs access #ubuntu-testing list has a slightly better story to tell.14:47
persiaI agree.14:47
* persia also isn't council, but just noticed a discrepancy which, if not resolved soon, will be raised as a question at a meeting.14:48
ubottuDasEi called the ops in #ubuntu (fishie)15:23
Picidealt with15:24
jussi01persia: the +f asked for in #ubuntu-devel is because it is a core channel. it is the only core channel this is missing. we need it because of the LP integration.15:28
* gnomefreak was removed as op :(15:28
persiajussi01: If you you have a good answer for the TB you're good.15:29
* persia isn't TB.15:29
jussi01persia: yeah, I do, I just like others to understand as well. we have nothing to hide :)15:30
gnomefreakit seems just #ubuntu i lost op15:37
Picignomefreak: eh? You still have access to #ubuntu15:38
gnomefreakok i am but it didnt ping me when !ops was used15:39
Picignomefreak: oh.15:39
gnomefreaki was thinking i lost it due to that15:39
ubottuIn ubottu, Pici said: ops =~ s/jpds/jpds, gnomefreak/15:40
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:40
Picijpds: quiet you.15:40
MyrttiI'm somehow annoyed of Lord-Readmans way of spamming his brainstorm link. I'll just bite my tongue and let him do it.15:57
Mamaroktsimpson: you around?16:54
tsimpsonMamarok: mostly16:54
MamarokI was thinking, with the current problems in KDE SC 4.4 on Karmic, maybe a factoid for Akonadi might be useful, pointing to http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi16:55
Mamaroksince the culprit is apparmor, this will remain for quite some time16:56
tsimpsoncare to suggest a factoid?16:56
Mamarokwhat's the syntax again?16:57
Mamarokbotname !factoid is IIRC?16:58
tsimpsonsomething like !Akonadi is <reply> your message here16:58
Mamarokoh, great, I will give it a try :)16:58
tsimpsonif you want it to start with "factoid is ..." you can leave out the <reply> part16:59
gnomefreaki would be more inclided to send them to http://userbase.kde.org/Glossary#Akonadi so people knows what it is17:02
tsimpsonno reason the factoid can't contain both17:03
gnomefreaktsimpson: agreed17:03
Mamarok!Akonadi is <reply> Akonadi is the data storage access mechanism for all PIM applications in KDE SC 4. If you experience problems with Akonadi, please see http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi for tips on how to solve this.17:04
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Mamarok said: !Akonadi is <reply> Akonadi is the data storage access mechanism for all PIM applications in KDE SC 4. If you experience problems with Akonadi, please see http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi for tips on how to solve this.17:04
Mamaroktsimpson: how abut this?17:05
gnomefreaki get the feeling that is over most users heads17:08
Mamarokgnomefreak: I don't think so, there are basically 2 lines to enter to make it work17:09
gnomefreaknew users know what PIM is?17:09
gnomefreakme and you do for sure :)17:10
Mamarokor point directly to Technical Issues?17:10
Mamarokhm, making a wiki entry on kubuntu.org might help as well17:11
Mamarokthat was for the wiki, right?17:12
Mamaroktsimpson: I need to talk about with appacjelogger first, he pretend there is no problem with apparmor17:17
tsimpson"it didn't happen if I didn't see it" ;)17:17
Tm_TMamarok: if the error message is that particular one, then it is17:18
MamarokTm_T: could you please tell him, then?17:18
Tm_TI have no time to argue, sorry17:19
Tm_Thave to get daughter to sleep, not apachelogger but the other daughter (;17:19
Myrtti!backtrack > Myrtti17:48
ubottuMyrtti, please see my private message17:48
PiciNeed a second opinion: Would it be ridiculous for me to take this person aside for overuse of abbreviations:    14:04:30 <DasEi> major_redhat: so got most common codecs, apart from libdvdcss try vlc-player for video-files, s. apt-get i. vlc19:07
Piciyes it would be ridiculous?19:08
tsimpsonas in, "yes, please take them aside"19:08
Myrtti(just for the sake of argument)19:08
PiciMyrtti: :P19:08
tsimpson"s. apt-get i. vlc" is, as you said, just ridiculous19:09
Myrttithere's been so many people using abbreviations today19:09
MyrttiI'm not dyslexic or anything, but I can imagine how horrible it would be to be both non-native and dyslexic with these19:09
tsimpsonrly? i dnt no tht19:10
Myrttiit's really, really REALLY straining to read19:10
Myrttiand I'm know I do read and understand English quite well for a non-native speaker19:11
tsimpsonnot to mention annoying, but maybe I'm getting grumpy in my not-so old-age19:11
PiciOkay. :)19:12
PiciHe said that he'd stop doing it.19:15
Myrttiit's the spanish invasion again19:32
Mamarokwe should send the inquisition...19:35
Myrttitut-tut, that's un-Code-of-Conduct, naughty, unnecessary and totally rude!!!1119:36
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Mamarokhm, wasn't there a factoid for a clean KDE or Gnome only install (or how to get rid of the other)? I can't find it20:56
Mamaroknvm, found it20:57
ubottuWant to remove gnome/kde/xfce completely? Look at debfoster, it's a great help20:58
Mamarokwhat the heck is that? It used to point to a wiki page20:58
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »20:58
MamarokPici: thanks :)20:59
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal21:00
PiciAt least it doesnt say to --asume-yes21:01
ubotturemovegnome aliases: removekde, removexfce - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:38:2621:02
Priceythought it gave last edited..21:02
Mamarokwhat the heck is debfoster?21:06
PriceyMamarok: I assume it points out orhpanned packages, those without anything depending on them.21:13
Priceyspll fail21:13
Pricey!info debfoster21:14
ubottudebfoster (source: debfoster): Install only wanted Debian packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1 (karmic), package size 35 kB, installed size 212 kB21:14
Mamarokhm, I need to check that out one day21:14
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tsimpsonwho broke freenode?21:51
MamarokI was not even near to it, pleading innocent21:54
Myrttidid it stop nao?22:00
tsimpsonlooks like it22:01
MenZaubottu: tell maxjezy about language23:07
MenZaubottu: tell maxjezy about coc23:07
MenZaubottu: tell maxjezy about guidelines23:07

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