
meetingMeeting started at 13:41 UTC. The chair is jelkner.18:40
meetingCommands Available: #TOPIC, #IDEA, #ACTION, #AGREED, #LINK18:40
jelkneranyone here besides myabes and me?18:40
jelknerhi caroline18:41
jelkneri just typed the startmeeting command18:41
jelkneryou have joined myabes and me so far18:41
jelknerany word from anurag, caroline?18:44
jelknerhe told me he would be here18:44
carolineyeah he was on gmail a sec ago18:44
carolinetold me which channel18:44
jelkneri'll try to ping him18:44
jelkneranurag is trying to join18:45
jelknerhenry grover is logging in as well18:45
jelknersince i have class at this time18:46
jelkneri need to move things forward and start the discussion going18:46
jelknerso i can attend to the needs of other students in my class18:46
Anurageveryone here?18:49
jelknercaroline, myabes, hgrover, jelkner are here18:49
jelkneri need to come in and out18:49
jelknersince i have class18:50
jelknermy top questions is: what next?18:50
jelknermyabes sent us this18:50
jelkneris this what you are looking for?18:50
jelkneri'm most concerned that we make use of myabes time effectively18:50
jelknerwhich means making sure he is doing useful things with it18:50
jelknerAnurag, i would be grateful if you give him feedback18:51
jelknerhgrover is available to support him18:51
hgrover(in regards to your earlier email, myabes, the best bext step would presumably be to invite others to edit it)18:51
carolineDoes he know how to look at the logs to see what the error was when something fails?18:52
carolineIs that something David woudl find useful?18:52
Anuragright, we really need to work towards finding specific errors18:52
Anuragneed to run some terminal commands18:53
carolinethere is also a Log activity18:54
Anuragto diagnose network issues and see if we're gettting an IP18:54
Anuragmichael do you have the computer that you're doing testing on connected to any kind of switch/router?18:55
hgroverhe does18:56
hgroverit's on a switch connected to our main router, it's a pretty complicated network18:56
hgrover(that router is connected to another higher up)18:56
dfarning_laptop+1 to using log activity to see what looks goofy with an activity18:56
hgroverwhere are logs for activities in sugar stored?18:56
hgroverjust a directory in /var/logs? i haven't looked around18:57
dfarning_laptophgrover, it is easiest to use the log activity18:58
dfarning_laptopthe actual log files are stored under ~/.sugar18:58
satellit_log activity displays each activity after it is started (and stopped) very useful18:58
satellit_plus errors18:59
hgroverahh, alright18:59
dfarning_laptophgrover, are you at a machine running sugar? if so can you and michael try the log activity18:59
hgroverso michael should be posting the contents of the log activity after something else fails?18:59
dfarning_laptophgrover, yes:)19:00
hgroveri've got a vm running sugar, let me start it up19:00
satellit_use copy paste function to transfer to USB stick19:00
satellit_or screenshot if VM19:00
dfarning_laptophgrover, for now you caroline just cut and past the contents of the log files to a new colum on the spread sheet19:01
hgrovercould he copy paste it into pastebin, then put a link to that in the spreadsheet?19:01
dfarning_laptophgrover, myabes or just take a screen shot and attach that to the spreadsheet19:02
hgroverinteresting, myabes says he still can't boot into sugar straight from the login page19:03
hgroverlet me try to do the same in my vm, see how it goes19:03
hgrover(i do recall it working properly last i tried19:03
dfarning_laptop hgrover yes that might be broken for a few more weeks on some machines.19:04
hgroverindeed, it does give me the option on my vm, and it appears to work19:04
hgroverbrowse, however, doesn't want to start, it seems...19:05
Anuragyea browse has never worked yet19:05
hgroveralright.  so it sounds like the plan is that michael should install http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4056 in sugar, and attach screenshots of error messages to the googledoc19:06
hgrovershould he do so for all failure logs, or just specific ones, or what?19:06
dfarning_laptopThe spread sheet is a very good idea.  It is a nice step between the formality a develop needs and the way people tend to think19:06
dfarning_laptophgrover, usually there will be a log of the same name as the activity you are testing19:07
dfarning_laptophgrover, myabes that log will usually show some sort of error....19:07
hgroverRight, but which ones should he screenshot and attach to the spreadsheet?  All of them, or just those that fail?19:08
AnuragI think the ones that fail for now. david what do you think?19:08
dfarning_laptophgrover, just the most recent log file of the most recently failed activity19:08
dfarning_laptopAnurag, yes, that will get us important feedback 90% of the time19:09
hgroverso we've opened up the log activity, there are two subgroups:  ~/.sugar/default/log, and /var/log19:11
dfarning_laptopAnurag, especially when we can compare and contrast across the failure logs on different platforms19:12
hgroverin the former, we've got datastore, org.laptop.Log-1, org.laptop.terminal, presenceservice,shell,and telepathy-gabble, all ".log"19:12
dfarning_laptophgrover, ~/.sugar/default/log has the sugar specific stuff and /var/log is the general linux stuff19:12
hgroveralright, do you want everything from ~/.sugar/default/log?  It's got a fair amount of debug info19:13
dfarning_laptophgrover, try opening the browse activity and then look at the org.laptop.browse log19:14
hgrovermyabes says that browse doesn't work19:14
Anuragright that's why you should check out what the log says about the browse activity19:15
hgroveroh, i'm sorry, i misunderstood19:15
dfarning_laptophgrover, yes, but when you try to start it there will be information about why it failed.19:15
hgroverhow long should i let the icon blink before stopping it and checking the logs?19:15
dfarning_laptophgrover, 5-10 seconds should be long enough19:16
Anuraghas anyone tested local collaboration using USR?19:17
Anuragor will that be difficult with a VM installation?19:17
hgroverthere's a fair amount of text, shall i put it in pastebin?19:18
dfarning_laptophgrover, yes19:18
hgroverhmmm, any way to copy-paste from emulator to main machine? sorry for ignorance if i'm missing something obvious19:20
Anuraghmm, I think there is a way to share a folder from your main machine19:21
Anuragand then you can copy paste text files to that folder19:21
hgrovertrying to open a terminal but it doesn't feel like doing that =S19:21
hgrovergot a terminal, i'll just make a document, scp it to my laptop, paste from there19:23
Anuragyea that works19:24
Anuragmyabes have u had the chance to test local collaboration in USR?19:27
myabeswhats that?19:29
hgroversorry, finally got this, had to do it a rather roundabout way19:29
dfarning_laptophgrover, myabes perfect19:31
dfarning_laptopthe line ImportError: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:31
hgroverwhat is that?19:32
dfarning_laptoptells me that that the xulrunner shared libary is not being found correctly19:32
Anuragis this why some of the other activities are not launching either19:33
dfarning_laptopAnurag, I think the xulrunner is only a problem for browse19:34
Anurago ok19:35
dfarning_laptopxulrunner is a tool kit written by mozilla to make browsers.  It is being phased out and replaced with webkit19:35
dfarning_laptopubuntu phased it out.... yet sugar labs has not rewritten browse.... hence the problem19:36
dfarning_laptopso we need to carry our own version of xulrunner in our ppa until sugar labs rewrites browse19:37
Anuragoh i see19:37
Anuragmyabes can you share the google spreadsheet with me19:38
Anuragso I can add/change things if needed19:38
hgroveri'll help myabes do that tomorrow, we have to go now19:38
dfarning_laptopdebian and fedora still have xulrunner for at least one more release.  so ubuntu is getting hit the hardest19:38
hgrovertalk to you guys tomorrow!19:39
dfarning_laptopthanks guys19:39
Anurago ok, any reason for the switch?19:39
Anuragbye myabes and hgrover19:39
dfarning_laptopAnurag, xulrunner is a security and maintenance nightmare:( mozilla no longer supports it.  webkit is very good:)19:40
Anurago ok got it19:40
Anuragdavid is there anything else you want us to include in our testing to help you out19:41
Anuragwe want to make sure we cover as much as possible19:41
dfarning_laptopAnurag, ubuntu just decided to take one for the team and go first on deprecating it19:41
dfarning_laptopAnurag, logs in the spreed sheet and reworking the smoke test are the two biggest helps.19:42
meetingMeeting finished at 14:44.19:42
meetingLogs available at http://me.etin.gs/ubuntu-sugarteam/ubuntu-sugarteam.log.20100223_1341.html19:42
jelknerthat was great!19:42
jelknerthanks dfarning caroline!19:43
carolineI din't do anything!19:43
Anuragyup no prob19:43
dfarning_laptopAnurag, once lucid settles down, we can start to work in ernest on the packaging.19:43
jelkneri didn't get to read everything yet19:43
jelknerbut henry was telling me what was going on19:43
Anuragk sounds good19:44
dfarning_laptopjelkner, ping me if you need me.  I grab the tiger by the tail when commiting to build the new also cluster.... now I am holding on with all my might:)19:44
dfarning_laptopI should be back to USR full time in about 2 weeks19:45
dfarning_laptops/also/aslo/ :(19:45
Anuragalrite well I'm going to sign off, have a class in 30 min, but I'll send out a short email update tonight19:46
satellit_defarning_laptop: please e-mail when USR builds continue so I can help test...: )19:47
dfarning_laptopAnurag, thanks.  Even though it might seem slow going now.  once the knowledge in seeded in henry and michael it will grow quickly within the school.19:48
dfarning_laptopsatellit_ will do19:49
satellit_: )19:49

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