
TakyojiWhat is the command for listing all mountable partitions?00:50
TakyojiI'm trying to manually mount a USB flash drive00:50
Takyojiahh, I can also find it from dmesg I guess00:51
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
Takyojicasper-rw is the file on a LiveUSB for persistent storage, correct?01:37
=== h00k is now known as youcantseeme
=== youcantseeme is now known as h00k
TakyojiMarch 18th is the day to start taking screenshots in various languages (using Quickshot) for the Ubuntu Manual project; for anyone that's interested.04:54
TakyojiAlso translations04:54
Takyojitonyyarusso: A reasonable GUI to bzr on Launchpad is something called "Groundcontrol"05:09
TakyojiJust answering your question from a couple weeks ago. :P05:09

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