ltrainer_ | HEllo | 00:00 |
Typos_King | Markive: dunno any offhand myself | 00:00 |
kostkon | FANDER1, Shutter is a good app for taking shots | 00:00 |
ltrainer_ | Hello | 00:00 |
ticko | i added a line to my fstab and nothing will mount can someone tell me what i did wrong | 00:00 |
ltrainer_ | I need help. my wifi card (broadcom) is not working with ubuntu on my netbook | 00:00 |
kostkon | FANDER1, | 00:01 |
Typos_King | Markive: then again, you might be able to get away using a text-to-speech app, just type-in the answers and pick the voice you want from it :) | 00:01 |
FANDER1 | Noway guys the screenshots are blurry a bit | 00:01 |
FANDER1 | OS X shots are far sharper | 00:01 |
FANDER1 | the colors are great | 00:01 |
Boots32M | I found me a program called mount manager... hmmm wonder if that'll help me mount thumb drives): | 00:01 |
Typos_King | Boots32M: mount thumb drives? you mean you system isn't doing that already? | 00:02 |
Markive | typos_king i'm trying to find something that will alow me to turn into barry white on skype.. for a gag | 00:02 |
ticko | can someone tell me whats wrong with the line in my fstab to not mount my secondary hard drive? | 00:02 |
khz | join #cw | 00:03 |
=== Caplain_ is now known as Caplain | ||
Boots32M | Typos I'm afraid I nixed that ability in a mad dash to uninstall flash player installer so I could reinstall it and actually get it to work... used the teminal nautilus command and everything... messed my system up for thumb drives.... | 00:03 |
Boots32M | btw solved my flash player woes!! | 00:04 |
Typos_King | Markive: have skype input device to be the soundcard, and have the text-to-speech app speak your typed-in text... that'd do it, just need to find a 'barry white' voice :P | 00:04 |
Boots32M | but now my flash drives won't work:) | 00:04 |
AngryPickle | / /mnt/backupwww -o username=jerryg,password=bosco | 00:04 |
Typos_King | ? | 00:05 |
AngryPickle | that was an fstab example | 00:05 |
Typos_King | hehe, jerryg, bosco... ook :P | 00:05 |
LinearKey | Have a question about screen, not sure if this is the place to ask, I want to run a program in a screen window without an extra layer of bash | 00:05 |
Boots32M | Oh now typos if you know the solution to my flash drive blues let me know:) I'll give you a cup of ubuntu!!! | 00:05 |
Shazam | both camera and mic fail through programs in linux, but work over flash in browser. What (generally) might this problem indicate | 00:05 |
kolda | join /ubuntu-cz | 00:06 |
IdleOne | kolda: /join #ubuntu-cz | 00:06 |
=== Urda_ is now known as Urda | ||
Boots32M | Whooo hooo!!!! worked! Mount manager solved my problem... ibroke eat your heart out.... with linux: Theres an app for that!!! | 00:08 |
trism | LinearKey: screen command; (optionally with -t name to name the window) | 00:08 |
karan | hi | 00:08 |
karan | i need help | 00:08 |
Boots32M | Karan shoot:) | 00:08 |
karan | how do i switch between gnome and kde | 00:08 |
IdleOne | karan: ask | 00:08 |
karan | switchdesk dont work | 00:08 |
Boots32M | oops shot down... dunno what those things are:) | 00:09 |
IdleOne | karan: you have kubuntu-desktop installed? | 00:09 |
karan | um | 00:09 |
karan | gnome | 00:09 |
Typos_King | hehe | 00:09 |
karan | i actually | 00:09 |
karan | am using fedora | 00:09 |
karan | but nobody is helping me in their channel | 00:09 |
Typos_King | karan: just install the kde :) | 00:09 |
Typos_King | easy | 00:09 |
IdleOne | karan: ok, you can install kubuntu-desktop then log out and select KDE in the Sessions drop down box at the login window | 00:09 |
IdleOne | lol karan | 00:10 |
Boots32M | I'm using a fedora too!!! | 00:10 |
IdleOne | try #fedora | 00:10 |
karan | i did | 00:10 |
Boots32M | keeps the rain out!! | 00:10 |
LinearKey | trism: yes that's what I want to do, it works the first time, but if I already have a screen how I can open more inside it like that | 00:10 |
karan | nobody replied | 00:10 |
karan | yes | 00:10 |
IdleOne | karan: How should we know? | 00:10 |
karan | but i dont wanna use ubuntu because | 00:10 |
trism | LinearKey: that is from inside screen | 00:10 |
gavin__ | i used to use fedora. | 00:10 |
karan | when i have compiz n wanted to watch youtube it lagged and not repsonded firefox | 00:10 |
LinearKey | trism: oh ok it won't start a new screen? | 00:10 |
Typos_King | karan: just install the kde desktop manager, off the fedora repositories/files/archives | 00:10 |
trism | LinearKey: no, just a new window | 00:10 |
karan | ye i installed it | 00:11 |
Typos_King | I'd think the DM will also install the wm | 00:11 |
IdleOne | #ubuntu the unofficial channel to ask questions about all other distros and expect an answer :) | 00:11 |
karan | i just wanna know how to get into kde | 00:11 |
Typos_King | karan: then just log out, and before loggin in, in the Sessions section at the login screen, pick KDE :| | 00:11 |
harisund | Is it just me or does UNR have a lot of bugs? | 00:11 |
IdleOne | karan: I assume you logout of gnome and login to kde choosing at the login screen | 00:11 |
ltrainer | hello,.... somebody, please help | 00:11 |
karan | yes but it deosnt give me the option to choose the session :s | 00:12 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: due to lack of clarivoyant abilities, you may want to be specific on your plight | 00:12 |
ltrainer | hahah | 00:12 |
ltrainer | sorry, I meant help, my wifi card will not work with ubuntu | 00:13 |
dbdii407 | Anyone know where i can download tango icons? | 00:13 |
IdleOne | !wifi | ltrainer | 00:13 |
ubottu | ltrainer: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 00:13 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: your wifi being? a usb device? a mammal? | 00:13 |
Boots32M | Now i got this program cheez and this camera that won't play with the cheez.... ideas anyone? | 00:13 |
karan | so any idea why fedora dont give me a choice | 00:13 |
ltrainer | it is a PCI internal card I guess. broadcom. | 00:13 |
blakkheim | karan: /join #fedora - this is an ubuntu support channel | 00:13 |
ubyserver | hello everyone | 00:14 |
IdleOne | !broadcom > ltrainer | 00:14 |
ubottu | ltrainer, please see my private message | 00:14 |
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Typos_King | ltrainer: what ubuntu version are you running? | 00:14 |
Boots32M | ltrainer did you try the website for your computers manufacturer... they often supply linux drivers | 00:14 |
ubyserver | Question regarding nameserver. I now have my server setup and would like to use it as a nameserver. | 00:15 |
ubyserver | Must I tasksel DNS | 00:15 |
ubyserver | Or just add the nameserver to /etc/hosts | 00:15 |
Boots32M | whats this !words> that our idle one keeps saying??? | 00:15 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: check what chipset it's, do a -> sudo lspci | 00:15 |
IdleOne | !bot > Boots32M | 00:15 |
ubottu | Boots32M, please see my private message | 00:15 |
ltrainer | 9.10 Netbook remix | 00:15 |
Boots32M | :) | 00:15 |
ZykoticK9 | ubyserver, add your name server to /etc/resolv.conf | 00:16 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: if it's broadcom, depends on what version you may have of ubuntu, it may need the drivers, they provide it, or the firmware, is also provided too | 00:16 |
Dekkard | problem with ifupdown upgrade..any news? | 00:16 |
ubyserver | ZykoticK9 when you say add your nameserver, can i use the IP as the nameserver? | 00:16 |
IdleOne | Boots32M: !word is a trigger for ubottu to send info about $whatever. the > sends via /msg and | sends it to channel | 00:16 |
ZykoticK9 | ubyserver, yup | 00:16 |
Boots32M | Hey thats my OS ltrainer | 00:16 |
ZykoticK9 | ubyserver, "nameserver $IP_ADDRESS" | 00:17 |
Boots32M | thx Idle one | 00:17 |
Boots32M | and ubottyuuu | 00:17 |
ltrainer | ummm. running sudo lspci...hang on | 00:17 |
IdleOne | Boots32M: also good to know is the TAB nick complete feature in most irc clients. type the first few letters of a nick and hit tab. Idl + TAB will give you IdleOne | 00:18 |
Boots32M | !themeaningoflife | 00:18 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: | 00:18 |
IdleOne | Boots32M: there is also a !botabuse factoid. you don't want to abuse the bot | 00:18 |
ZykoticK9 | ltrainer, i don't think lspci requires sudo FYI | 00:18 |
Flare-Laptop | !botabuse | Boots32M | 00:18 |
ubottu | Boots32M: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 00:18 |
ltrainer | its a BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev01) | 00:18 |
Boots32M | IdleOne, good deal now I know:) | 00:18 |
Boots32M | kk:) | 00:18 |
Boots32M | <<<has been warned.... | 00:19 |
wesley | having an issue where flash drops out on me, getting the message "flash app has crashed" lol more or less anyone every experience this often? | 00:19 |
dlynes | Are there any tutorials for rolling your own ubuntu distribution? I'd like to be able bootstrap it off of a Ubuntu netboot installation, or possibly even better from a PXE boot | 00:19 |
Boots32M | I just installed flash player... seems to work for me. I am using the one from adobe site which are you using? | 00:19 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: btw, the b43-fwcutter way worked for me in 9.1 | 00:19 |
DemoOn | Can i make from unetbootin live usb so the changes that i make will save after reboot? | 00:19 |
blakkheim | DemoOn: no | 00:20 |
IdleOne | DemoOn: | 00:20 |
magn3ts | Anyone using the Nvidia 195 driver? | 00:20 |
DemoOn | blakkheim: with what can i make it except usb creator that comes default with ubuntu? | 00:20 |
dlynes | The reason I'm asking is because I'm currently doing a ubuntu install from a normal install | 00:20 |
dlynes | magn3ts, yes | 00:20 |
Boots32M | DemoOn, unetbootin is pretty much what you use if you want to do a kind of one time lookiluu before jumping into ubuntu... | 00:20 |
dlynes | And I have a script for automating all my configuration from a terminal after the initial install | 00:21 |
Boots32M | I had to reinstall it on my flash drive every time I tried to use it. | 00:21 |
IdleOne | !remaster > dlynes | 00:21 |
magn3ts | dlynes, do you manually have to do a CTRL+ALT+F7 every time you boot? | 00:21 |
Wolfen69 | use remastersys, then use the usb startup creator | 00:21 |
ubottu | dlynes, please see my private message | 00:21 |
Dekkard | anyone encountering errors with the update to ifupdown | 00:21 |
ZykoticK9 | DemoOn, "Startup disk creator" in System / Admin menu can create usb persistent drives | 00:21 |
DemoOn | Boots32M: i want to make so changes would save | 00:21 |
dlynes | ubottu, oh...thanks...didn't see that window show up | 00:21 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:21 |
DemoOn | ZykoticK9: statup disk creator dont do what i need | 00:21 |
Typos_King | Dekkard: ? wha? | 00:21 |
ltrainer | wow thanx | 00:21 |
dlynes | magn3ts, no | 00:21 |
magn3ts | dlynes, :[ | 00:21 |
ubyserver | ZykoticK9 is there a way to test the nameserver works? | 00:21 |
=== Simon_ is now known as Guest34782 | ||
dlynes | magn3ts, however, it does seem to have issues | 00:22 |
Dekkard | i got some code pasted into pastebin.. my upgrade included ifupdown.. its just erroring.. wont install | 00:22 |
ubyserver | Would I just have to assign it to a domain for testing? | 00:22 |
Boots32M | DemoOn, I don't know how to make a reliable usb operating system that can save the changes you make. | 00:22 |
ticko | !fstab ticko | 00:22 |
ZykoticK9 | ubyserver, don't know sorry | 00:22 |
ubyserver | thank you | 00:22 |
magn3ts | dlynes, can you elaborate... I am as well | 00:22 |
dlynes | magn3ts, ubuntu doesn't boot up clean every time, and I'm not sure if it's the nvidia opengl driver or not | 00:22 |
ticko | !mount ticko | 00:22 |
Wolfen69 | DemonOn: use remastersys to create your image, then usb startup disk creator | 00:22 |
dlynes | magn3ts, i suspect it's probably the driver | 00:22 |
ltrainer | Typos_King what is bc43-fwcutter? | 00:22 |
magn3ts | dlynes, grrr, exact problem I'm having | 00:22 |
IdleOne | ticko: use /msg ubottu mount | 00:22 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: technically, 9.1 already has the drives for the broadcom ones, they just do not include the firmware due to license issues, from what I read, so, b43-fwcutter does that part | 00:23 |
Typos_King | s/drives/drivers/ | 00:23 |
IdleOne | ltrainer: the drivers you probably need | 00:23 |
magn3ts | dlynes, gah, I even meant 190 too and its supposed to be stable. 195 only booted properly 1/5 times maybe :[ | 00:23 |
DemoOn | Wolfen69: no, startup disk creator does its job, but then i get errors, and i think u couldnt help me | 00:23 |
dlynes | magn3ts, i.e. sometimes it boots up with a black screen, and I go to Alt-F8(?...memory's sketchy), and I get a garbled screen that looks like ascii graphics | 00:23 |
Boots32M | DemoOn, I just made sure with unetbootin that my internet and essentials worked then I jumped right in and installed it next to windows.... Now I'm dual cool:) | 00:23 |
dlynes | magn3ts, it works for me about 4 out of every 5 times | 00:23 |
magn3ts | dlynes, weird. weird weird | 00:23 |
DemoOn | Boots32M: i need for other reasons that i can save changes | 00:24 |
dlynes | magn3ts, however, I'm trying 183 now | 00:24 |
Boots32M | well I installed 9.10 netbook remix (from the halls of the Karmic Kola) | 00:24 |
dlynes | magn3ts, or 187(?) | 00:24 |
magn3ts | So new question, anyone using nvidia 190 and have to switch to virtual console 7 where X is running manually? | 00:24 |
ltrainer | oic thx | 00:24 |
Boots32M | I'd go with wolfen's Idea then and use remastersys | 00:24 |
Boots32M | but I dunno what that is so I couldn't tell you | 00:24 |
dlynes | magn3ts, I just started using ubuntu last week (got thrown into it with a new job i started) | 00:24 |
magn3ts | dlynes, 190 is *okay* (I think my other problem is with awn-trunk) but sometimes the TTY/Virtual consoles aren't working and I always have to switch to tty7 manually to get to X. | 00:24 |
IdleOne | dlynes: awesome | 00:24 |
dlynes | magn3ts, but whatever it does, the machine's so comopletely locked up, I can't even ctrl-alt-del it | 00:25 |
Sistk | hi, excuse me, It is any way to execute a visual basic aplication in ubuntu? (forgive me english please) | 00:25 |
DaZ | do we even have ctrl alt del? >: | 00:25 |
Flare-Laptop | dlynes: Control alt del doesn't work on Ubuntu | 00:25 |
dlynes | IdleOne, that /msg you sent me | 00:25 |
magn3ts | yep. 195 was a bad choice on my part. I'll try it again in a month. It was an instant headache | 00:25 |
IdleOne | dlynes: shift-alt-SysRq | 00:25 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: | 00:25 |
* magn3ts doesn't have a sysrq key | 00:25 | |
dlynes | IdleOne, Is it only for ubuntu live? | 00:25 |
Boots32M | does anyone know How to get my webcam workin? | 00:25 |
Boots32M | 9.10 NBR | 00:26 |
dlynes | IdleOne, or will it work for a ubuntu install cd as well? | 00:26 |
IdleOne | dlynes: I think it allows you to create a live cd and also install | 00:26 |
dlynes | IdleOne, ok, thanks | 00:26 |
IdleOne | dlynes: the live cd is a install cd as well | 00:26 |
=== jabagawee_ is now known as jabagawee | ||
vuln | Hello there. My friend's computer got turned off accidently by some black out, or something like that. Now, when he turns it on, the Graphics doesn't load. He told me the terminal is the only thing which appears when he turns his computer on. Is there anything I could tell him to do to make it work properly again? | 00:26 |
dlynes | IdleOne, I've got it stripped down to bare bones using bash scripts, removing all the gnome crap...just want to automate it further, so that you can just slap in a cd and go | 00:26 |
Typos_King | Flare-Laptop: it probably 'works', depends on what you mean by 'work', of course, the keyboard keys can be mapped to anything really, either by the desktop or window manager, they can also be disabled by it during the session | 00:27 |
ubyserver | what must I do in order to use a domain name that I own as the nameserver address for my server? | 00:27 |
IdleOne | dlynes: then that should help you do what you want | 00:27 |
dlynes | IdleOne, it was pretty easy to do in slackware... | 00:27 |
Flare-Laptop | Typos_King: well control + alt+ delete doesn't bring up the system monitor so yeah | 00:27 |
heydawg | hey can ubuntu boot from a usb card? | 00:27 |
dlynes | heydawg, yes | 00:28 |
IdleOne | !usb | heydawg | 00:28 |
ubottu | heydawg: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 00:28 |
Typos_King | heydawg: sure | 00:28 |
Typos_King | it can also do SD or CF boots | 00:28 |
dlynes | heydawg, plenty of tutorials out there on that...just google for it like you were looking for a netboot | 00:28 |
Flare-Laptop | !bind | ubyserver | 00:28 |
Flare-Laptop | crap | 00:28 |
ubyserver | Flare-Laptop what are we looking to do? | 00:29 |
vuln | Hello there. My friend's computer got turned off accidently by some black out, or something like that. Now, when he turns it on, the Graphics doesn't load. He told me the terminal is the only thing which appears when he turns his computer on. Is there anything I could tell him to do to make it work properly again? | 00:29 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 00:29 |
dlynes | vuln, we heard you the first time | 00:29 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 00:29 |
vuln | dlynes: my connection isn't good. You could have not received it | 00:30 |
dlynes | vuln, ah | 00:30 |
=== homer is now known as Guest12371 | ||
SunshineDonut | X-Plane 9 was mounted as belonging to the wrong user, anyone recommend a fix? | 00:31 |
Sistk | hi, excuse me, It is any way to execute a visual basic aplication in ubuntu? (forgive me english please) | 00:31 |
dlynes | that's one nasty netsplit | 00:31 |
rap424 | What is the proper emacs to install under Ubuntu Server 9.10? | 00:31 |
Flare-Laptop | rap424: depends on if you want x11 or not | 00:31 |
Nitsuga | Sistk, you can try using wine | 00:31 |
rap424 | If I do apt-get install emacs , I get a buggy version of emacs | 00:31 |
blakkheim | rap424: vim | 00:31 |
dlynes | blakkheim, heh | 00:31 |
Flare-Laptop | no wim | 00:31 |
rap424 | Flare-Laptop: I just want command line | 00:31 |
Cool_Nick | Is it possible to mount a filesystem ontop of another? ie. combine files in directory listed for reading, but writing gets done to only 1 filesystem? | 00:32 |
Sistk | thanks nitsuga | 00:32 |
Flare-Laptop | rap424: try sudo apt-get install emacs23-nox11 | 00:32 |
Sistk | Ill try | 00:32 |
Typos_King | Sistk: yeah, you could try Wine, but I'd not hold my breath :| | 00:32 |
rap424 | Flare-Laptop: Thanks | 00:32 |
LogicalDash | How can I run a live screencast from Ubuntu? I want it to show up like a video in somebody's browser, not in a VNC client. | 00:32 |
funkycat90210 | firefox brings my system to a crawl, is there another browser that comes with ubuntu that is better? I can't open firefox to download chromium | 00:32 |
heydawg | !usb | 00:32 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 00:32 |
Flare-Laptop | !screencast | LogicalDash | 00:32 |
ubottu | LogicalDash: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf. Also see | 00:32 |
=== moniker is now known as Guest59584 | ||
DemoOn | a | 00:33 |
Typos_King | Cool_Nick: the wha? | 00:33 |
dlynes | Sistk, You probably want the commercially supported 'CrossOver' product from gives you way better Windows compatibility than the straight Wine subsystem | 00:33 |
Typos_King | sounds almost like clustering :| | 00:33 |
DeathMetalDean | Hiya, does anyone know how to add the Moti-Maker plugin for GIMP? | 00:33 |
jeffreyf | vuln, boot from a LiveCD....mount the system disk and move the data to an external drive (don't forget the hidden folders like .evolution, .purple, etc that he doesn't want to lose) and see if the system will take a reload. If you can mount the disk and get your data, most likely the system will be able to be reloaded | 00:33 |
LogicalDash | Flare-Laptop, do those do live screencasts? | 00:34 |
ascheel | question about mkfs. I created a Primary Partition on a USB drive. This created it as a 'Linux' filesystem. I then used 'sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1' and it completes without any errors, but when it completes, it doesn't show a vfat file system. Anybody able to tell me why? | 00:34 |
poppep | oi | 00:34 |
dlynes | Sistk, It includes some extra windows support that runs in conjunction with the opensource wine | 00:34 |
Flare-Laptop | LogicalDash: nope | 00:34 |
LogicalDash | ff | 00:34 |
dlynes | Sistk, | 00:34 |
shoop_ | is there a way to get gnome to remember position and size of individual windows? | 00:35 |
jeffreyf | vuln...that is the easiest way to recovery | 00:35 |
Flare-Laptop | LogicalDash: No | 00:35 |
ltrainer | well, I iinstall b43 fw-cutter and restarted | 00:35 |
Cool_Nick | Typos_King. lets say I have 2 drives...can I mount them to the same point so when I only writes to teh one drive...but I can see the files from both? | 00:35 |
Sistk | ooohh thanks dlynes | 00:36 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: and? don't keep us in suspense! | 00:36 |
ltrainer | well, I iinstall b43 fw-cutter and restarted. still nothing happening. says Wireless Networks disconnected. and it dowsn't search for any. | 00:36 |
Codiac | how do i connect to new irc channels? | 00:36 |
ascheel | Codiac, /join #channel_name | 00:36 |
SunshineDonut | X-Plane 9 was mounted as belonging to the wrong user, anyone recommend a fix? | 00:36 |
Typos_King | Codiac: channels or servers? | 00:37 |
danijel | hi | 00:37 |
Codiac | channel i think | 00:37 |
danijel | can somebody help me? | 00:37 |
Typos_King | Cool_Nick: don't think that's possible | 00:37 |
dlynes | Sistk, for the price they charge for it, it's an excellent product, too | 00:37 |
Pattrick | Hey guys, I am back. | 00:37 |
Codiac | is a channel or a server? | 00:37 |
Pattrick | How can I set my scroll speed? | 00:37 |
Pattrick | Codiac, server | 00:37 |
danijel | can somebody help me ? | 00:37 |
Codiac | how do i connect to the server then? | 00:38 |
Codiac | first time irc sorry | 00:38 |
Pattrick | /server -m <server> | 00:38 |
dlynes | danijel, if you want help, you need to tell people what you actually need help with | 00:38 |
danijel | ok. sorry | 00:38 |
Typos_King | Codiac: depends on the irc client, but usually /server ... as Pattrick poiinted out | 00:38 |
Sistk | Yeh, I see the price is very low, im exited | 00:39 |
Sistk | my boss will love it\ | 00:39 |
dlynes | Sistk, That'll give you the most integrated approach, probably, with the least amount of resource consumption | 00:39 |
dlynes | Sistk, if you don't mind running a virtual machine, a virtual machine will give you the highest compatibility | 00:40 |
ubyserver | There is no need to install tasksel DNS to setup my server as DNS | 00:40 |
danijel | i have grafic card ati radeon 9250 , 128 mb . 512 ram. can i have some efects on ubuntu linux ??? | 00:40 |
dlynes | Sistk, but not the highest speed | 00:40 |
danijel | like box | 00:40 |
Sistk | dlynes, i rreally cant have a virtual machine | 00:41 |
Sistk | mi applications are very heavy | 00:41 |
dlynes | Sistk, yeah, so you want CrossOver, then | 00:41 |
dlynes | Sistk, it's not really an option for us, either...we need to be able to communicate with PLC's over a serial port | 00:41 |
Soul_Sample | how to enable the framebuffer under ubuntu while using nvidia? | 00:42 |
danijel | hello | 00:42 |
danijel | can somebody help me | 00:42 |
dlynes | Sistk, the hardware virtualization slows everything down so much that it doesn't respond fast enough, and the PLC stops communicating | 00:42 |
danijel | i says the questin | 00:42 |
Flare-Laptop | !ask | danijel | 00:42 |
ubottu | danijel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:42 |
q0_0p | anyone here able to get launchy working properly? | 00:42 |
DemoOn | what should i run os-prober orrr update-grub2? | 00:42 |
dlynes | Flare-Laptop, he did ask the question | 00:42 |
Boots32M | How bout them webcams Can't get mine to go | 00:43 |
Typos_King | danijel: it's already having some effects on you, that's why you're here :P | 00:43 |
Boots32M | Can I sing the webcam blues??? (got your earplugs everyone???:) | 00:43 |
Typos_King | ltrainer: did you do the .o files commands? | 00:43 |
ubyserver | Flare-Laptop So there is no need to install tasksel DNS? | 00:44 |
ubyserver | just edit /etc/resolv.conf | 00:44 |
danijel | i have grafic card ati radeon 9250 , 128 mb . 512 ram. can i have some efects on ubuntu linux ??? | 00:44 |
Flare-Laptop | ubyserver: I guess so | 00:44 |
Sistk | dlynes, so you say that I couldnt comunicate with any hardware? | 00:44 |
dlynes | Sistk, can | 00:44 |
ubyserver | you guess so and i hope so | 00:44 |
ubyserver | :) | 00:44 |
danijel | i have grafic card ati radeon 9250 , 128 mb . 512 ram. can i have some efects on ubuntu linux ??? | 00:44 |
dlynes | Sistk, but if there's specific hardware you need to communicate with, and you want to know compatibility | 00:44 |
dlynes | Sistk, i woudl call up codeweavers and ask them before you buy the product | 00:45 |
danijel | can somebody help me ? | 00:45 |
danijel | i have grafic card ati radeon 9250 , 128 mb . 512 ram. can i have some efects on ubuntu linux ??? | 00:45 |
thecarlhall | If I get a trace in the console when I'm shutting down, is there a way to get that message after the restart? | 00:45 |
Sistk | dlynes, thank you so much, but I will download and try the product before buying it | 00:45 |
danijel | i have grafic card ati radeon 9250 , 128 mb . 512 ram. can i have some efects on ubuntu linux ??? | 00:46 |
boss_mc | !patience | danijel | 00:46 |
ubottu | danijel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 00:46 |
Sistk | dlynes, you are so helpfull | 00:46 |
dlynes | Sistk, yeah..i think they even have a special version of it for using with directx | 00:46 |
danijel | can i have box ? | 00:46 |
danijel | you just dont want to answer me | 00:47 |
danijel | can i have box ? 128 mb grafic card | 00:47 |
seanbrystone | Anyone good with bash scripting? can someone convert this to tar.bz2 instead of just tar? i asked in #bash but they're snoozing hard | 00:47 |
boss_mc | danijel: try to turn on the effects, if they work, they work, if not, they don't | 00:47 |
dlynes | seanbrystone, tar jcvf tarfile.tar.bz2 directory/ | 00:48 |
boss_mc | danijel: install compizconfig-settings-manager to configure the compiz plugins (and turn on desktop cube for the 'box') | 00:48 |
|604| | how do i make a folder in ubuntu viewable ONLY by someone with root access? | 00:48 |
dlynes | seanbrystone, or bzip2 filename.tar | 00:48 |
oshi | how do I format an external extended partition? | 00:48 |
|604| | using dolphin | 00:48 |
seanbrystone | dlynes, but i donno bash scripting where would i put that in the script? | 00:48 |
danijel | boss mc i have XFCE | 00:49 |
boss_mc | |604|: if a folder's permissions don't allow reading then people cannot look inside it | 00:49 |
flootenkerp | Hello, I downloaded firefox 3.6 from the firefox website, and it gave me a folder. Where do I put the folder to replace the old firefox? | 00:49 |
dlynes | seanbrystone, change -cpzf to -cpjf, and change all references to .tar.gz to .tar.bz2 | 00:49 |
MilitantPotato | Hi, Is anyone familure with viking and using a USB GPS? GPSDrive is communicating properly with my GPS, but I can't figure out how to get viking to show my position on it's map. | 00:50 |
boss_mc | danijel: in that case I have no idea, sorry | 00:50 |
seanbrystone | dlynes, ok ty :D | 00:50 |
danijel | ok. tnanks | 00:50 |
josh_ | Hi, for some reason today, when ever i click on a link or type something in on any browser such as, i crash.. | 00:50 |
josh_ | Can't access the internet, so i need IRC help lol. | 00:50 |
dlynes | josh_, delete all your plugins, and disable all your extensions/addons in firefox, and then try starting up firefox again | 00:51 |
josh_ | Ok, will try. | 00:51 |
josh_ | When i try to get into the addons menu, i just crash. | 00:52 |
dlynes | josh_, /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/* /home/josh_/.mozilla/plugins/*, ... | 00:52 |
josh_ | k. | 00:52 |
dlynes | josh_, probably a good indication it's an addon issue, then | 00:52 |
flea | josh_, close any firefox open... mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-bak now load firefox | 00:52 |
=== [SW]Dodge is now known as [SW]Dodge`oFF | ||
Lostinspace_46 | I just installed GnuPG, gpg, etc. Running "gpg -d <any .gpg file>" I get this msg. gpg: decrypt_message failed: unexpected data Anyone know what causes this? | 00:53 |
rahduke | can some one do me a favor and open compiz-settings>Animations>(Minimize Tab) and just copy and paste the default minimize effect window match info | 00:53 |
rahduke | i deleted it on accident | 00:53 |
josh_ | Just going to the directory you told me to go to. | 00:53 |
flea | josh_, you should only be in ~ | 00:54 |
Boots32M | anyone have a program called camera monitor... its in software center but I don't think that will solve my webcam blues | 00:54 |
=== docmax01 is now known as docmax | ||
flootenkerp | When I download firefox from the website, where do I put the folder located in the tar.gz? | 00:54 |
Boots32M | later all gotta get for now:) | 00:54 |
josh_ | What do you mean by ~? | 00:54 |
flootenkerp | tar.bz2* | 00:54 |
flea | josh type cd ~ | 00:54 |
flea | or just cd (if you are the same user that is starting ffox) | 00:55 |
dlynes | josh_, try the following as well: mv /home/josh_/.mozilla/firefox/r390ur93r3.default/extensions.ini /home/josh_/.mozilla/firefox/r390ur93r3.default/extensions.ini_backup, where 'r390ur93r3.default' is your particular profile directory | 00:55 |
dlynes | josh_, that should disable all of the extensions/addons | 00:55 |
dlynes | josh_, assuming you're using firefox, that is | 00:55 |
flea | josh_, ~ = current users homedir | 00:55 |
ltrainer | Typos_king ThANK YOU sooooo MUCH. my laptop is working wireless!!!. you ARE the king! | 00:56 |
josh_ | Ok, but i forgot to say it's just not firefox. | 00:56 |
josh_ | All browsers that crash. | 00:56 |
flea | josh_, do the cmd i told you | 00:56 |
josh_ | oh. | 00:56 |
flea | josh_, close any firefox open... mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-bak now load firefox | 00:56 |
flea | or any other browser | 00:56 |
Beirdo | anyone know if xen WORKED in 9.04? | 00:56 |
Beirdo | sure doesn't in 9.10 | 00:57 |
rahduke | can some one do me a favor and open compiz-settings>Animations>(Minimize Tab) and just copy and paste the default minimize effect window match info??.... I deleted the info on accident | 00:57 |
gandalfcome | I have multiple ubuntu servers. It is possible to link their pakacage managers somehow? so when I install something on one that the others do the same? | 00:57 |
SunshineDonut | X-Plane 9 was mounted as belonging to the wrong user, anyone recommend a fix? I dunno how to change it. | 00:57 |
josh_ | doing it. | 00:58 |
flootenkerp | I accidentally deleted a few files for firefox, and now firefox won't start up, says permission denied. Does anyone know how I can upgrade firefox 3.5 to the latest version, removing all of my old firefox files? | 00:58 |
dlynes | gandalfcome, do these servers have a lot of non-redundant files? | 00:59 |
gandalfcome | dlynes: well they are compute servers mainly so no. | 00:59 |
dlynes | gandalfcome, ok, and are there many of them? | 00:59 |
gandalfcome | dlynes: well 4 or 5 | 01:00 |
josh_ | No such file or directory. | 01:00 |
=== shoop_ is now known as beartato | ||
flea | josh_, are you doing this as root? | 01:01 |
josh_ | Yes. | 01:01 |
flea | josh_, dont | 01:01 |
flootenkerp | Does anyone here know how I can update my firefox to the latest version? | 01:01 |
josh_ | Still no.. | 01:01 |
`mOOse` | flootenkerp - I wouldn't | 01:01 |
blakkheim | flootenkerp: the same way you upgrade every other package, aptitude | 01:01 |
flea | josh_, what is your desktop user? | 01:02 |
josh_ | josh | 01:02 |
`mOOse` | 3.5.7 is much more friendly - 3.6 has been problematic | 01:02 |
blakkheim | flootenkerp: but the latest, the REAL latest, usually isn't in ubuntu repos | 01:02 |
flea | as root, su - josh | 01:02 |
=== oshi is now known as pundo | ||
`mOOse` | I'd wait till 3.7 | 01:02 |
flea | then run: mv .mozilla .mozilla-bak | 01:02 |
blakkheim | 3.6 is great for me | 01:02 |
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pundo | how do I enable su in ubuntu? | 01:02 |
jrib | !root | pundo | 01:02 |
ubottu | pundo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 01:02 |
flea | pundo, visudo | 01:02 |
`mOOse` | blakkheim - check their forums - it's been a lot of trouble for a lot of people | 01:02 |
pundo | thanks | 01:02 |
dlynes | pundo, set a password for root | 01:02 |
flootenkerp | Well, then how would I update to 3.6? I'm at 3.5 right now | 01:02 |
dlynes | pundo, sudo su | 01:03 |
dlynes | pundo, and then do passwd | 01:03 |
blakkheim | flootenkerp: you'd have to compile it | 01:03 |
jrib | pundo: inform yourself about sudo by reading ubottu's link. You don't need a root password | 01:03 |
flootenkerp | Oh, okay. How would I do that? | 01:03 |
blakkheim | !compile > flootenkerp | 01:03 |
ubottu | flootenkerp, please see my private message | 01:03 |
pundo | I've read a few things saying that su > sudo in certain circumstances. I use sudo, wondered how to do su. | 01:04 |
dlynes | pundo, as i mentioned 'sudo su' | 01:04 |
jrib | pundo: the things you have read are wrong really... | 01:04 |
josh_ | Still nothing, firefox and all other browsers still crash. | 01:04 |
safe | I tried to add a secondary gnome-panel to my desktop but it overlapped a previous one and now it just crashes. Can't click anything while in X. How do I reset my gnome-panels? | 01:04 |
pundo | ok, thanks for the info guys | 01:04 |
flea | pundo, they are different entities, they do different things. you should use sudo as you can create specific rules (stanzas) for each task | 01:04 |
`mOOse` | you don't have to compile 3.6 - it's available | 01:04 |
dlynes | jrib, well, I still like to use su, myself, when I'm testing subparts of a script that I need to work undo sudo | 01:05 |
flootenkerp | Oh | 01:05 |
dlynes | s/undo/under/ | 01:05 |
ZykoticK9 | TwinView Quake 3 issue -- Points version plays on one monitor properly, ioQuake3 plays in middle of both monitors (both set to 1280x1024) --- I have an Xorg with metamodes including NULL values in hopes of auto-disabling one monitor. Any suggestions? | 01:05 |
flootenkerp | Then how do I get it? | 01:05 |
josh_ | Flea, did what you told me too, Mozilla and all other browsers still crash. | 01:05 |
dlynes | Less of a pain doing a whackload of sudo commands | 01:05 |
dlynes | s/doing/than doing/ | 01:05 |
`mOOse` | flootenkerp: | 01:05 |
MilitantPotato | I got the gps working, finally | 01:05 |
beartato | safe: hit ctrl-alt-F1, login and type killall gnome-panel | 01:05 |
jrib | dlynes: I give you « sudo -i » and free you from su | 01:05 |
Lostinspace_46 | I just installed GnuPG, gpg, etc. Running "gpg -d <any .gpg file>" I get this msg. gpg: decrypt_message failed: unexpected data Anyone know what causes this? I get this too daniel@mypos:~"$ gpg -d .gnupg/pubring.gpg" gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof | 01:05 |
beartato | that should restart the panels | 01:05 |
DemoOn | fglrx is better than radeon? | 01:06 |
safe | beartato: I tried that, they just started up again. | 01:06 |
flea | sudo can tighten the rules where su just lets you become user if u know the pass | 01:06 |
MilitantPotato | DemoOn: depends on the card you're using | 01:06 |
kubuntu | hello room, how would i resolve a "test for remote url failed" | 01:06 |
Talon_ | I used to dual boot windows XP and ubuntu 9.10. I recently bought windows 7 and installed it overtop my windows XP partition, but windows 7 removed grub, how do I get back into my linux distro? I tried boot from hdd from the live cd and it just starts windows 7 | 01:06 |
DemoOn | MilitantPotato: radeon 9550 | 01:06 |
dlynes | jrib, heh...thanks...never knew about that | 01:06 |
ZykoticK9 | dlynes, you should try using "sudo -i" instead of "sudo su" | 01:06 |
dlynes | jrib, used to using debian | 01:06 |
NateW | does anyone have a dell vostro computer? | 01:06 |
dlynes | jrib, and slackware, for that matter | 01:06 |
MilitantPotato | DemoOn: the latest drivers from ati would be no good for you, they've stopped support | 01:06 |
DemoOn | MilitantPotato: i could use older | 01:07 |
jrib | NateW: someone probably has one, just ask your real question | 01:07 |
MilitantPotato | !repairgrub | talon_ | 01:07 |
josh_ | flea, but anything else? | 01:07 |
MilitantPotato | Talon_: google repair grub after windows install | 01:07 |
josh_ | Got, sorry. | 01:07 |
MilitantPotato | Talon_: you'll need a live CD or flash drive with a live CD on it | 01:07 |
flea | josh_, ps aux | grep fox | 01:07 |
flea | or mozilla | 01:07 |
kubuntu | has somene here ever had a issue of "Test for remote url failed" and how would I go about resolving? | 01:07 |
beartato | safe: try to boot in gnome-safe mode then run gconf-editor. you should be able to edit the panel config in there and either disable the panel or change its position | 01:08 |
jrib | dlynes: nothing wrong with su, but most people asking about here just aren't aware of sudo | 01:08 |
NateW | if i try to make a usb live disk, i get "boot error" on startup.. i have the latest firmware and the same issue was present in the fedora version here: | 01:08 |
NateW | is anyone else having this issue? (i have the dell vostro 400) | 01:08 |
NateW | the boot disk works on other computers also | 01:08 |
blakkheim | jrib: i'm glad you don't instantly freak out when someone mentions su and say "we dont support that dont say that" like all the other ops | 01:09 |
DemoOn | MilitantPotato: can i install older one? | 01:09 |
josh_ | Flea, didn't work. | 01:09 |
josh_ | Still crashes. | 01:09 |
flea | josh_, ps aux | grep fox cant fail in any way other than returning nothing. did it return anything? | 01:09 |
josh_ | Let me look again. | 01:09 |
FoolsRun | Hi, after running updates today my resolution has dropped to a maximum of 640x480. I'm using an nVidia GeForce MX 420 card and the nvidia driver. | 01:10 |
josh_ | It returned 2220 0.0 0.1 3040 792 pts/0 R+ 17:10 0:00 grep --color=auto fox | 01:10 |
josh_ | That's all. | 01:10 |
flea | josh_, ok. ls -la ~ | grep moz | 01:10 |
josh_ | drwx------ 3 josh josh 4096 2010-02-22 17:08 .mozilla | 01:11 |
josh_ | drwx------ 5 josh josh 4096 2010-02-22 16:49 .mozilla.bak | 01:11 |
josh_ | drwx------ 4 josh josh 4096 2010-02-22 17:03 mozilla.bak | 01:11 |
flea | josh_, u didnt mv | 01:11 |
flea | .mozilla must go | 01:11 |
josh_ | oh, lol sorry. | 01:11 |
josh_ | Not used to linux.. | 01:11 |
MilitantPotato | DemoOn: I can't tell you for sure, I do know the latest only support modern cards, you can check the release notes for older versions and see | 01:11 |
Tafty | Hello all. I was trying to establish an internet connection on Ubuntu 9.01. Our network, let's call it X, has password Y. I clicked on my network and accidentally typed the wrong password. i cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME figure out how to change the | 01:11 |
Typos_King | heh | 01:11 |
flea | or it looks like it recreated it sorry | 01:11 |
viejotren | guys, i have a question, i need to install a ubuntu distro from my usb but the installation is always requesting for a cd rom drive, this laptop doesn have one, my question is: is there a way to use a command that tells the installer that loads the needed files from my usb? | 01:12 |
flea | josh_, i would sudo apt-get install firefox again | 01:12 |
jrib | viejotren: there should be instructions on the wiki on how to do that | 01:12 |
flea | whatever its called in ubuntu land | 01:12 |
jrib | !install > viejotren | 01:12 |
ubottu | viejotren, please see my private message | 01:12 |
josh_ | lol. | 01:12 |
milton | rrr | 01:12 |
milton | Hi!!! | 01:12 |
josh_ | Err flea, all of my browsers crash.. | 01:13 |
Tafty | Will anyone help me? | 01:13 |
DemoOn | viejotren: did u set in bios to boot from usb? | 01:13 |
milton | Tem algum brasileiro aqui? | 01:13 |
flea | josh_, sync again and upate ? | 01:13 |
flea | update | 01:13 |
josh_ | K. | 01:13 |
alison | Tafty, is it a wireless connection? | 01:13 |
Tafty | alison yes | 01:13 |
FoolsRun | Anyone know why my nvidia card might have stopped offering resolutions higher than 640x480 after running updates today? | 01:13 |
alison | Tafty: System -> Preferences -> Network Connections... | 01:14 |
milton | ALGUÉM AQUI FALA PORTUGUÊS??? | 01:14 |
Tafty | Ok... | 01:14 |
jrib | !pt | milton | 01:14 |
ubottu | milton: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 01:14 |
kubuntu | ok, one more time, has anyone every has to deal with a remote url error?! | 01:14 |
josh_ | Will talk to you when i'm done. | 01:14 |
jrib | FoolsRun: you probably lost your nvidia driver | 01:14 |
jrib | kubuntu: be more specific | 01:14 |
FoolsRun | jrib: the driver seems to still be there and nvidia-settings works | 01:14 |
Tafty | alison, then what? | 01:14 |
alison | Tafty: Wireless (tab), click the connection name, hit Edit button, then go to last tab, "Wireless Security." The password is there. | 01:15 |
safe | beartato: Works okay, though none of the panels have anything on them and I'm not really 100% where I go about to change the one that's being troublesome. | 01:15 |
jrib | FoolsRun: does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say anything interesting? | 01:15 |
josh_ | Flea, didn't work.. | 01:15 |
Tafty | Thanks alison :) | 01:15 |
kubuntu | i'm installing a CMS on my ubuntu server and am running in to a error that says "test for remote url failed", google is not helping me out any on this one | 01:16 |
nefast | Hi everyone. It seems I have made a huge mistake when reconfiguring grub2 after installing win7 on a small partition besides 9.10. I now boot into my swap partition, so it seems. :/ | 01:16 |
beartato | safe: in gconf-editor look under apps-panels-toplevel and change the entry for 'orientation' of the panels so they wont overlap | 01:16 |
josh_ | I'm still getting the same ol crash. | 01:16 |
jrib | kubuntu: you still need to be more specific. What CMS? What do you do exactly to see the error? Pastebin the exact error | 01:16 |
josh_ | Should i reinstall ubuntu? | 01:17 |
banasardu | high | 01:17 |
josh_ | Ehh, going to go play xbox, will try to solve it. | 01:17 |
josh_ | Thanks for the help. | 01:17 |
kubuntu | its called NetworX, it's a open sorce social networking cms.. it's a script, during web install of the script i get this error remote url failed | 01:17 |
kubuntu | i see that remote url is for the features like file upload and video upload but where do i look to fix this | 01:18 |
kubuntu | i'm using a dyndns domain name | 01:19 |
Typos_King | nefast: .... ahe.... can you boot to your partition in recovery mode at least? | 01:19 |
Typos_King | nefast: to your root / that is | 01:19 |
jrib | kubuntu: you probably want to go to networx support channels (irc, forums, mailing list or whatever) | 01:19 |
Typos_King | insead of the swap | 01:19 |
nefast | Typos_King, oh, I am now using a live cd. | 01:20 |
Typos_King | ... | 01:20 |
Typos_King | ooook... | 01:20 |
Gary20 | i have evoluent vertical mouse 3. i'm trying to map left and right click to different buttons. but /etc/X11/xorg.conf. what file has the setting to configure this mouse? | 01:20 |
kubuntu | i have there is only about 30 post in their forum, nothing to help there, | 01:20 |
Typos_King | nefast: where's your..... / at /dev/sda3? or? | 01:20 |
=== mac9416_ is now known as mac9416 | ||
nefast | /dev/sda1 | 01:20 |
Gary20 | /etc/X11/xorg.conf show no option to configure | 01:20 |
kubuntu | where would be a another place to look about remote url | 01:21 |
Typos_King | nefast: so I assume win7 is on sda0? | 01:21 |
nefast | sda2, iirc | 01:22 |
nefast | Let me have a look. | 01:22 |
Typos_King | .. | 01:22 |
nefast | Yes, sda2 | 01:23 |
wesley | kubuntu: whats the url to read about that cms? | 01:24 |
Typos_King | nefast: drop to a console... and go to say... / in the live-cd... and type -> sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; sudo mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc; sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev; sudo chroot /mnt; update-grub | 01:24 |
kubuntu | are you asking me what the url is | 01:24 |
wesley | yes | 01:24 |
=== moniker is now known as Guest18314 | ||
Typos_King | nefast: the update-grub, will reconfigure/remake the grub.conf on that 'chroot'ed filesystem | 01:25 |
Typos_King | nefast: when done, umount /mnt/proc /mnt/dev and /mnt | 01:26 |
Typos_King | then 'exit' from the chroot session | 01:26 |
kubuntu | we right now it will go to the install of the script but what the hell, here it is. (note: don't us www in front) | 01:26 |
FoolsRun | (II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 640 x 480 | 01:26 |
FoolsRun | (WW) NVIDIA(0): Unable to get display device CRT-0's EDID; cannot compute DPI | 01:26 |
FoolsRun | (WW) NVIDIA(0): from CRT-0's EDID. | 01:26 |
FoolsRun | jrib: can't read EDID information apparently | 01:26 |
FloodBot4 | FoolsRun: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:26 |
FoolsRun | sorry, didn't meant to paste | 01:26 |
jrib | !fixres > FoolsRun | 01:27 |
ubottu | FoolsRun, please see my private message | 01:27 |
jrib | FoolsRun: you should investigate why but that page should serve as a workaround | 01:27 |
FoolsRun | yeah that'll put me back on the nv driver which won't work for xbmc | 01:27 |
kubuntu | that url is just for testing this script out | 01:27 |
FoolsRun | I guess it could be the cable | 01:27 |
jrib | FoolsRun: no, it won't put you on nv | 01:27 |
nefast | Hmm, Typos_King: "umount: /mnt/proc: not found" | 01:28 |
`mOOse` | hey kubuntu - what's the url? | 01:28 |
jrib | FoolsRun: I mean the link | 01:28 |
kubuntu | i just gave it | 01:28 |
`mOOse` | nm I missed it - ok... | 01:28 |
Typos_King | nefast: that means you didn't mount /mnt yet :| | 01:28 |
`mOOse` | that's an odd url for testing with | 01:29 |
kubuntu | ???? say again | 01:29 |
kubuntu | yeah it is.. | 01:29 |
kubuntu | lol | 01:29 |
nefast | Weird, I did exactly what you told me to type :D | 01:29 |
goose | symlink is: ln -s path/to/real/file.txt where/i/wanna/link/it/ | 01:29 |
Typos_King | heh | 01:29 |
goose | right? | 01:30 |
goose | ah, thanks kubuntu :p | 01:30 |
kubuntu | for what?? | 01:30 |
`mOOse` | you trying to unmount /proc? | 01:30 |
=== mac9416_ is now known as mac9416 | ||
wesley | kubuntu: no i meant the url to where i could check that cms out | 01:31 |
wesley | kubuntu: i dont know how to fix ur problem at all | 01:32 |
Typos_King | nefast: | 01:33 |
nefast | I assume this [ ] is ok, Typos_King? | 01:33 |
Typos_King | nefast: the mount directory/point is not relevant, doesn't have to be /mnt, just have to be consistent across the lines | 01:33 |
seanbrystone | where would i put a bash script so i can run it from any directory? | 01:34 |
jrib | seanbrystone: ~/bin | 01:34 |
seanbrystone | thx | 01:34 |
banasardu | is there a way to store pw with md5? | 01:34 |
seanbrystone | jrib, i dont see ~/bin | 01:35 |
jrib | seanbrystone: create it, then login again | 01:35 |
seanbrystone | k | 01:35 |
nefast | Hmm, it seems I, again, can't umount /mnt/proc, even though I did the previous commands. | 01:36 |
nefast | Oh | 01:36 |
Typos_King | :P | 01:36 |
Typos_King | I gather you were IN it or ... some process was still in use | 01:37 |
nefast | Should I exit the chroot? | 01:37 |
nefast | Ah, yes -_-' | 01:37 |
Typos_King | hehe yes | 01:37 |
Typos_King | exit the chroot session, reboot | 01:37 |
nefast | Will try that now, thanks! | 01:38 |
kyrix | anybody know how to map wvdial settings to network manager settings? | 01:39 |
Typos_King | wvdial? is that a ppp session? | 01:39 |
harisund | Anyone using UNR on a EEE 900? I want to know if suspend and hibernate work before I make the switch :( | 01:40 |
kyrix | Typos_King, yes, connecting to a 3g network via ppp | 01:41 |
kyrix | Typos_King, have a working ppp session via wvdial, but network manager doesnt seem to get i have an internet connection | 01:42 |
jiohdi | harisund, I just tried the moon symbol, not sure which that is, but it worked on UNR for an acer nettop | 01:42 |
Guest95640 | is /etc/init.d loaded alphabetically? | 01:42 |
kyrix | Typos_King, so i have to connect manually the vpns.... and its a hassle | 01:42 |
Greg__ | Trying to get away from windows just downloaded and installed ubuntu 9.10 on an older desktop that has a netgear wireless card. How do I get a driver for this card that works in linux I can't run the setup program that came with it to get the windows driver. | 01:43 |
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kyrix | Guest95640, no | 01:43 |
Typos_King | ... | 01:43 |
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jrib | Typos_King: can you stop doing that? | 01:44 |
kyrix | Guest95640, priorities are set | 01:44 |
cnmaster | Hola.... | 01:44 |
Guest95640 | kyrix: how do i set priorities for something to run at end | 01:44 |
Typos_King | heheh | 01:44 |
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Lostinspace_46 | I just installed GnuPG, gpg, etc. Running "gpg -d <any .gpg file>" I get this msg. gpg: decrypt_message failed: unexpected data Anyone know what causes this? I get this too daniel@mypos:~"$ gpg -d .gnupg/pubring.gpg" gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof | 01:46 |
cnmaster | Can say me if there are a program same POWERDESIGNER for ubuntu thankś | 01:46 |
Typos_King | jrib: much to my apologies, is not to bother, much to inform, that I may just be either thinking or assessing something... as opposed to a blank screen, though it may seem unorthodox for some | 01:46 |
kyrix | Guest95640, | 01:46 |
jrib | Typos_King: /msg yourself the ... if you need to please. This channel is quite busy | 01:46 |
Typos_King | I guess, that's just my 'progress bar' of kinds :{ | 01:46 |
kyrix | cnmaster, maybe using eclipse | 01:47 |
RPG-Master | How do you install themes in KDE? | 01:48 |
Guest95640 | kyrix: ty! | 01:49 |
=== Stik_ is now known as Stik | ||
kyrix | RPG-Master, | 01:49 |
Typos_King | cnmaster: dunno powerdesigner... so | 01:49 |
bin1010 | I was looking here... Does the cups pdf printer still work? | 01:49 |
FANDER1 | guys what was that command that allows me to pipe input and read from it then? something like: lspci | grep ...but it's not's used when text is larger than the screen | 01:49 |
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kyrix | it is quite busy at this time... | 01:49 |
jrib | FANDER1: less | 01:50 |
FANDER1 | jrib: yeah thnx | 01:50 |
Typos_King | FANDER1: lspci at least for me isn't that long, to use the less viewer | 01:51 |
RPG-Master | kyrix: Dude, I search before I ask. Google doesn't help me here | 01:54 |
Typos_King | ... RPG-Master in... are you in kubuntu? | 01:55 |
jiohdi | RPG-Master: sudo apt-get install kdeartwork-theme-icon | 01:56 |
hiexpo | | 01:56 |
Typos_King | RPG-Master: ^ | 01:56 |
RPG-Master | Typos_King: Yep, using kbuntu | 01:56 |
kyrix | RPG-Master, specifiy the question then. because there are plenty of infos on goolge | 01:57 |
RPG-Master | *kubuntu | 01:57 |
HaPK | hello | 01:57 |
=== canthus13 is now known as canthus13[headin | ||
RPG-Master | It seems everything on Google is talking about installing Plasma themes, which I'm not doing. I want to install... QT themes? I'm not sure what to call them :P | 01:58 |
=== canthus13[headin is now known as [headinsand] | ||
=== [headinsand] is now known as canthus13 | ||
jiohdi | RPG-Master: sudo apt-get install kdeartwork-theme-icon | 01:58 |
Typos_King | RPG-Master: check on that url, or you can use the built-in through -> systemsettings > appearance, there's a section there for 'themes' | 01:58 |
histo | if I use wget -bq Is there a way to bring it to the forground? | 01:58 |
hiexpo | remember everyone google is your best friend // most questions asked have already been asked and out there on the web so by looking before asking saves so much time for the people helping here ////// if we open our eyes we will see there is a great big world out there | 01:58 |
kyrix | histo: jobs probably | 01:59 |
Dj_FlyBy[Mobile] | my laptop has a built in Camera and I want to use it to talk with my dad via an IM app. Does anyone know an app I can use that will let me do a video call with sound to him? | 01:59 |
Typos_King | RPG-Master: that 'themes' section uses konqueror to install from that url hiexpo pasted | 01:59 |
histo | kyrix: jobs? | 01:59 |
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kyrix | histo: jobs and %jobnumber | 02:00 |
* Typos_King dashes | 02:00 | |
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histo | kyrix: is there a way to list jobs? there is no man page for jobs | 02:00 |
dlynes | kyrix, bg? | 02:01 |
histo | dlynes: no fg won't work | 02:01 |
kyrix | histo: | 02:01 |
histo | dlynes: its running but i can't pull it back to forground to check status. I can only wants the pid | 02:01 |
dlynes | histo, ah | 02:01 |
Pici | histo: jobs is a shell built-in | 02:02 |
RPG-Master | OK, under Apparence and under Styles I see nothing about installing themes, only messing with existing themes :/ | 02:02 |
histo | kyrix: no jobs running | 02:02 |
kyrix | hmm... | 02:02 |
nwidger | anyone in here know if ddr2 1000/1066 is compatible with a mobo advertising support for ddr2 667/800? | 02:02 |
kyrix | is it daemonized? | 02:02 |
posey | is there a changelog or list of upcoming changes for 10.4? | 02:02 |
aloprot | Why there is #ubuntu-women and no #ubuntu-man? | 02:02 |
badboy303 | Anyone know how to root a samsung moment under ubuntu | 02:02 |
^vivitar | nwidger: should be it will just run at the slower speeds | 02:02 |
aloprot | This is discrimination!!! | 02:02 |
dj_segfault | I want to convert videos to ipod format in Karmic. ffmpeg no longer has xvid in it, so it can't do it, and avidemux was shipped with a bug so it can't do it either. How do you do it in karmic? | 02:02 |
kyrix | aloprot, man is already a command :p | 02:03 |
kaolbrec | aloprot: No, it's affirmative action | 02:03 |
nwidger | ^vivitar: so would there be any point in getting it over ddr2 800? | 02:03 |
histo | ^vivitar: nwidger actualy it's a lot faster than 9.10 | 02:03 |
^vivitar | histo: eh? | 02:03 |
aloprot | Ohh yes, man has a command named after him, forgot that. Sorry it was a stupid question. | 02:03 |
nwidger | ^vivitar: im confused too :) | 02:03 |
kyrix | histo, can you just background it manually with & and see if jobs works? | 02:04 |
Pici | aloprot: 1) Its not on-topic for this channel 2) It seems you misunderstand why such a project exists, see for more information. | 02:04 |
dj_segfault | nwidger: Yup. They all come off the same line then they test how fast they run and label them at that speed. | 02:04 |
sysdoc | Hey guys, I have an Intel pro NIC that does not always start at boot... Anyone have a solution for this appears that it is using the e1000e driver | 02:04 |
histo | kyrix: that would work but I used the -b switch already. | 02:04 |
^vivitar | nwidger: Not unless you are going to use it in a future build. | 02:04 |
jiohdi | anyone know if the 9.04 broadcom wifi problem has been resolved in 9.10 | 02:04 |
nwidger | ^vivitar: okay cool, thanks :) | 02:04 |
aloprot | Pici: Will have a look, thank you and excuse me. | 02:04 |
kyrix | histo, can't you kill it? | 02:05 |
^vivitar | nwidger: or if its cheaper for some reason of course lol | 02:05 |
nwidger | ^vivitar: doubt that :P | 02:05 |
histo | kyrix: yes but I don't want to. | 02:05 |
kyrix | histo, you can continue it with -c if the server allows continue | 02:06 |
nwidger | ^vivitar: also, what's the different between 'desktop' ram and 'server' ram? | 02:06 |
Dj_FlyBy[Mobile] | my laptop has a built in Camera and I want to use it to talk with my dad via an IM app. Does anyone know an app I can use that will let me do a video call with sound to him? He is using MSN on windows..... | 02:06 |
dlynes | nwidger, price, reliability, burn-in, ... | 02:06 |
histo | kyrix: I know this but my question was is there a way to pull it back from using the -b option | 02:06 |
^vivitar | nwidger: Not sure. Stability & cost probably? but thats just a shot in the dark, never looked into it | 02:06 |
nwidger | dlynes: ah okay | 02:07 |
AnthonyZbierajew | Hello | 02:09 |
^vivitar | Hello anthony:) | 02:09 |
AnthonyZbierajew | how can i add a wallpaper for ubuntu i made , a part of ubuntu? | 02:09 |
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Dj_FlyBy[Mobile] | Does anyone here know of a MSN client (UNR9.04) that will allow video calls to my dad who is using MSN on windows? | 02:10 |
Blakynd | any of you use artist X? | 02:10 |
Blakynd | epiphany does i think | 02:10 |
^vivitar | Anthony: Is System > Preference > Appearance > Background > Add... not what you are looking for? | 02:11 |
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AnthonyZbierajew | no, i mean in the next release of ububtu | 02:11 |
AnthonyZbierajew | ubuntu | 02:11 |
AnthonyZbierajew | so everyone has a copy | 02:11 |
sysdoc | Hey guys, I have an Intel pro NIC that does not always start at boot... Anyone have a solution for this appears that it is using the e1000e driver | 02:12 |
^vivitar | anthony: Ah I have no idea then lol | 02:13 |
kubuntu | hello, can someone here help with a remote url error, what does it mean and how would I go about resolving it | 02:13 |
timrosenblatt | i'm having a weird issue. I'm trying to *make* a ruby process use 100% CPU, as a test of something. I'm running `while true do ; end` on ubuntu, and only getting it up to 38% CPU. On OSX, it goes right up to 100% no problem. Same results from 1.8.7 and 1.9.1 under ubuntu, so it's not a ruby version. I tried using nice -n -20 but that didn't change anything either. Why would this happen? | 02:14 |
newclimb | im with a problem in my wireless its using a linux driver for realtek rtl819x wifi cards but it conects a lit and stop the conection after somes minutes | 02:14 |
ryanprior | When I launch Empathy, nothing comes up and there is no indicator icon in the top bar. If I launch it again, the friend window comes up, but there is no entry for it in the task list at the bottom. On my other computer, I get a green indicator icon on top and the friend window shows up in my talk list. How do I get that behaviour? | 02:14 |
Frei | It's funny, I use Java for works for more than a year, but now I have to run a class from the console (ubuntu) and I have no idea how. The class is named "ThreadTest.class", I tried "java ThreadTest", "java ThreadTest.class" and "ThreadTest΅/"ThreadTest.class", but nothing works | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | Amaranth: Thers the artwork 'developers' that handle that stuff. You can proberly submit it. Post it to and other art sites first perhaps | 02:16 |
Dr_Willis | oops that was for AnthonyZbierajew | 02:16 |
AnthonyZbierajew | ok, thanks! | 02:16 |
dj_segfault | Frei: java -classpath ThreadTest.class ThreadTest | 02:17 |
AnthonyZbierajew | i just wanted everyone to see what i did, i already new about that | 02:17 |
AnthonyZbierajew | no offence | 02:17 |
newclimb | im with a problem in my wireless its using a linux driver for realtek rtl819x wifi cards but it conects a lit and stop the conection after somes minutes | 02:17 |
^vivitar | timrosenblatt: have you tried the ruby channel? | 02:17 |
sirninja | I'm using ubuntu 9.10 on a dell studio 15.. I have the sound working, but there is an annoying beep every now and then. I suspect it's when the sound card is coming out of powersave mode. how do I fix this? | 02:17 |
kubuntu | hello, can someone here help with a remote url error, what does it mean and how would I go about resolving it | 02:17 |
Dr_Willis | Id rather see ubuntu focus more on the OS and less on the artwork. :) The normal themes are fine for me. and i just use a solid colored wallpaper :P | 02:17 |
histo | AnthonyZbierajew: you need to talk with the artwork team | 02:17 |
AnthonyZbierajew | how? | 02:18 |
steven__ | hello all, can you help me ? | 02:18 |
Frei | dj_segfault: Thx, but for some obscure reason it doesn't work. From NetBeans at least it worked perfectly | 02:18 |
ryanprior | AnthonyZbierajew: | 02:18 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja: for the intel sound cards i had - i edited one0of the alsa config files and put in some setting so it never powersaved | 02:18 |
^vivitar | steve: perhaps? Whats up lol | 02:18 |
steven__ | I use vim open a big log file | 02:18 |
dj_segfault | Frei: What does it say when you run that command? | 02:18 |
cidu_work | hey, im trying to get an ATI FireGL V3100 (lspci identifies it as an rv370) to give me GL on dual screens, cant seem to get anysort of gl working with it....whats the deal? | 02:18 |
steven__ | but vim tell me a new file | 02:18 |
cidu_work | im in karmic / KDE btw | 02:18 |
FoolsRun | Alright, I've been in and out of here all night but I've figured out some of my problem: Ubuntu is not detecting my EDID information on my monitor. Here's the weird thing, though: it SOMETIMES works, but mostly not. Sometimes when I boot it'll be perfect. | 02:18 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja: check the forums for 'sound click' or 'sound powersave' tweaks perhaps. will show what to change. | 02:19 |
sirninja | Dr_Willis: was it /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf? I changed it to powersave 0 instead of powersave 10. that fixed it before, but it's not helping this time. do you have any other ideas of things to check? | 02:19 |
histo | AnthonyZbierajew: /j #ubuntu-artwork | 02:19 |
Frei | dj_segfault: A lot of errors (there is another class in the folder, hopefully it's not the problem) -> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ThreadTest | 02:19 |
Frei | Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ThreadTest | 02:19 |
Frei | at$ | 02:19 |
histo | !ati | cidu_work | 02:19 |
ubottu | cidu_work: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 02:19 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja: ive not noticed the issue in some time | 02:19 |
timrosenblatt | ^vivitar: they're next on the list. Figured I'd ask in here since two versions of ruby have the same behavior, but not ubuntu vs OSX | 02:20 |
cidu_work | ty | 02:20 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja: my entry in that file is ---> options snd-hda-intel power_save_controller=N | 02:20 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja: so i got N instead of 0 | 02:20 |
steven__ | how open a big file in ubuntu server ? | 02:20 |
Dr_Willis | steven__: if vim said it was a new file.. id bet you typed the name wrong. | 02:21 |
sirninja | Dr_Willis: Mine is: options snd-hda-intel power_save=0 power_save_controller=N you don't have the power_save=0? | 02:21 |
Dr_Willis | ive used vim to open HUGE files in the past. | 02:21 |
kubuntu | hello, can someone here help with a remote url error, what does it mean and how would I go about resolving it | 02:21 |
steven__ | no error,may be the file is too big | 02:21 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja: i dont have any power_save=0 at all | 02:22 |
blakkheim | steven__: what kind of file is it? | 02:22 |
steven__ | apache access log file | 02:22 |
dj_segfault | Frei: In that directory the class file is in, type "javap ThreadTest" and pastebin the output | 02:22 |
blakkheim | steven__: do you have read permissions | 02:22 |
blakkheim | !pm | steven__ | 02:22 |
ubottu | steven__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 02:22 |
Dr_Willis | willis@cow:~$ pastebinit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf | 02:23 |
Dr_Willis | | 02:23 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja: thers my file for you to look at. | 02:23 |
sirninja | Dr_Willis: I'll try that. Will "sudo service pulseaudio restart" be enough to try that fix? | 02:23 |
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Greg__ | complete newbie trying to install ndiswrapper so I can use the xp driver for my wireless card don't have the ubuntu machine online at all but files are extracted to my download how do I do it??? | 02:23 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja: i dont think so. since its module load options. Not just pulse restarting | 02:23 |
blakkheim | steven__: please stop PMing me or i will put you on ignore | 02:23 |
Frei | dj_segfault: Thank a lot ! | 02:23 |
Dr_Willis | !ndiswrapper | 02:23 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 02:23 |
xangua | Greg__: you can install ndiswrapper from the ubuntu cd/dvd | 02:23 |
FoolsRun | Has anyone else had an issue where EDID information about a monitor is sporadically detected? | 02:24 |
Greg__ | xangua is there a special command I need to type into the terminal? | 02:24 |
dj_segfault | Frei: The problem is you have the class in the package "test". You either need to move the class file into a directory called test inside the current directory, or remove the package from the source and recompile. | 02:25 |
xangua | Greg__: put the cd/dvd in the reader, open synaptic, select cd/dvd, reload packages list, instal 'ndisgtk' | 02:25 |
Frei | dj_segfault: oops.. I'll try it | 02:26 |
histo | kubuntu: what do you mean? Or what are you trying to do? | 02:26 |
kubuntu | i'm installing a cms script on my ubuntu server and during install I get this error "test for remote URL failed" | 02:27 |
arthur_1 | questions about flash if i install adobe gnash and swfdec can i choose what one i can use or do i uninstall one then install another? and is the free ones better than adobe? | 02:28 |
sirninja_ | Dr_Willis: That didn't seem to fix it | 02:28 |
sirninja_ | Dr_Willis: but it does seem to only do it right before a sound plays now instead of just randomly | 02:29 |
cidu_work | umm, ok, that ATI refeernce page just said how to install the ati driver that no longer supports this card, how do i get decent 3d support with an ati card that ati decided is too old? | 02:29 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja_: thas when mine would make a noise - right befor sound would play. the card would sleep if nothing was playing for a while.. then click right befor a sound played | 02:29 |
blakkheim | cidu_work: don't buy from ati - enemy of your freedom | 02:29 |
cidu_work | aye, am aware of that, but its what this workstation has in it... | 02:30 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja_: had the problem ever since beta.. reported it a few times.. May try 10.04 soon to see if it happens in there | 02:30 |
dj_segfault | cidu_work: It's unfortunate but a lot of older cards have been removed. I got burned by that too. No solution AFAIK | 02:30 |
cidu_work | ahh, okiez, guess its about time to upgrade my home box anyhow, although a 8800gt is kind of overkill for work, lol | 02:31 |
sirninja_ | Dr_Willis: Oddly I had this problem all worked out when I first started using Karmic, tried Lucid, but a lot of things broke so I reinstalled karmic, alas my problems | 02:31 |
i3inary | so um im running e2fsck on a laptop drive that was impacted....its at 0.66% after 2.25 hours....does it normally take that long? | 02:31 |
yuzhe_huang | which file is control LCD brightness in /sys? | 02:31 |
arthur_1 | questions about flash if i install adobe gnash and swfdec can i choose what one i can use? or do i uninstall one then install another? and is the free ones better than adobe? | 02:31 |
Dr_Willis | arthur_1: all i can say about 'gnash' is it dont work very well and thers no 'adobe gnash' theres flash and 'gnash' | 02:31 |
xangua | arthur_1: you only can install one | 02:32 |
Dr_Willis | arthur_1: and installing/removein those things can really goof up eachother. | 02:32 |
FoolsRun | Nobody's ever had a problem where EDID information is SOMETIMES read correctly from a monitor but mostly not? | 02:32 |
Dr_Willis | FoolsRun: not that ive ever seen/heard/ is it a DVI cable Im assuming? | 02:32 |
FoolsRun | VGA | 02:32 |
Dr_Willis | FoolsRun: If you can do DVI - then do DVI. If not.. well.. I gave up on VGA ages ago. | 02:33 |
FoolsRun | can't do DVI | 02:33 |
FoolsRun | sadly | 02:33 |
Dr_Willis | Now if only my netbook could do dvi... | 02:33 |
FoolsRun | I can't imagine any reason it would only work sometimes | 02:33 |
Frei | dj_sedfault: Thankx ! It works | 02:33 |
ryanprior | When I launch Empathy, nothing comes up and there is no indicator icon in the top bar. If I launch it again, the friend window comes up, but there is no entry for it in the task list at the bottom. On my other computer, I get a green indicator icon on top and the friend window shows up in my talk list. How do I get that behaviour? | 02:33 |
dj_segfault | Frei: NP | 02:33 |
albert | join #ubuntu-beginners-help | 02:33 |
Dr_Willis | FoolsRun: i recall some tool to take the EDID info and dump it to a file.. then i forget whta you did with that file.. :) told X to use it somehow I think | 02:34 |
* Dr_Willis hands albert a / | 02:34 | |
FoolsRun | Dr_Willis: tried that --it says the EDID information from my monitor is invalid but apparently that tool sucks at reading EDID information :) | 02:34 |
Lostinspace_46 | I just installed GnuPG, gpg, etc. Running "gpg -d <any .gpg file>" I get this msg. gpg: decrypt_message failed: unexpected data Anyone know what causes this? I get this too daniel@mypos:~"$ gpg -d .gnupg/pubring.gpg" gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof | 02:35 |
L00pB4ck | i plugged in a usb keyboard on my laptop and now the built in kb is messed up | 02:35 |
L00pB4ck | can you help me? | 02:36 |
^sn00per^ | is there a version of a boot strap that does floppy to usb ? | 02:36 |
sirninja_ | Dr_Willis: I've figured out the soundcard is still going to sleep... I hear the beep right before I start a sound and exactly 10 seconds after I stop it. It's ignoring the preferences in that file | 02:36 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: ive seen some (very few) disrtos that had a boot floppy image that would switch over to the USB. but I dont even rember what ones did that. Been ages since ive last seen it. It may of been PuppyLinux, or DSL, or Slackware/slax | 02:37 |
duckwars | can anyone tell me xubuntu's equivalent of gparted? | 02:37 |
randomusr | hey all | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja_: perhaps you are setting it for an intel card/module and its some other card/module you need. | 02:38 |
^sn00per^ | puppy linux, dsl is one of them but i am trying to do it on ubuntu that has usb external hard drive | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | duckwars: you can install gparted on xubuntu | 02:38 |
randomusr | What software can one use to rip cd's? | 02:38 |
duckwars | sudo apt-get install gparted doesn't work, this means I need the repository? | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | randomusr: i used GRIP ages ago.. but theres dozens of tools that can rip audio cd to files. | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | !info gparted | 02:39 |
ubottu | gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 440 kB, installed size 3704 kB | 02:39 |
sirninja_ | Dr_Willis: how do I found out what kind of card I have for sure? | 02:39 |
^sn00per^ | my laptop does not have the capablity of booting off the usb | 02:39 |
randomusr | Dr_Willis isn't GRIP command line? | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | duckwars: its in the main repo. So it should be in there. When in doubt. 'update' 'upgrade' try again. | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | randomusr: No. | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | randomusr: but it is a little old. and may not be around any more | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | randomusr: about any of the main media player tools can do it now a days | 02:40 |
dj_segfault | randomusr:I just faced the same dilemma with grip being gone. No other tool can do what it did, but I found "Asunder" pretty close | 02:40 |
^sn00per^ | any idea i could try ? | 02:40 |
antimicrosoft314 | does anyone know how to set up a printer on LPT 1? | 02:41 |
dj_segfault | ^sn00per^: Did you check the BIOS settings for the boot order | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: There might stillbe some disrtos out that can boot from floppy.. but ive not seen any lately - with Grub2 it is possible to boot from an iso file. so in theory you could put an iso file on the HD. and grub2 on a floppy.. | 02:41 |
AnthonyZbierajew | is there an app to change the hostname in ubuntu | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | antimicrosoft314: for my HPLJ5L - i just plugged it into lpt1 and it was seen/worked. | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | !hoatname | AnthonyZbierajew | 02:42 |
^sn00per^ | Dj_FlyBy[Mobile]: yes but like i said the Laptop is not usb bootable.... its a bit too old for usb booting | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | !hostname | AnthonyZbierajew | 02:42 |
ubottu | AnthonyZbierajew: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. | 02:42 |
AnthonyZbierajew | thanks, just makin sure | 02:42 |
agent_j | i'm trying to uninstall gimp with synaptic, but i can't remove gimp without removing ubuntu-desktop. how do i do this properly? | 02:42 |
Subdolus | I cannot for the life of me find my audio device in /dev/ | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | agent_j: buntu-desktop is just a meta package.. go ahead and remove it | 02:42 |
Subdolus | dsp, sound, mixer, alsa* | 02:42 |
^sn00per^ | i was told that grub2 has usb capablity | 02:42 |
agent_j | Dr_Willis: ok thanks | 02:43 |
Subdolus | Nothing. Audio is working, but I want to configure another tool to use the sound | 02:43 |
Subdolus | any tips? | 02:43 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: I would be suprised if grub2 coud some how boot a usb device that the pc cant see at boot up. but it may be possible | 02:43 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: if thats the case you could put an iso file on a usb drive. install grub2 to a floppy and properly configure it. and boot the iso | 02:43 |
josh_ | Err hi, so i'm having troubles with all my browsers, when ever i type in a url or click on a url i crash, pretty much do anything. | 02:44 |
josh_ | Any help please? | 02:44 |
^sn00per^ | Dr_Willis the thing is the ubuntu is fully installed on that usb external drive | 02:44 |
alice|wl | hello, I just did an apt-get upgrade and now my apache segfaults. any ideas what might cause this? | 02:44 |
^sn00per^ | all the grub and boot files are on there | 02:44 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: then in Theory - you can install grub2 to the flash. and use the existing grub.cfg from the installed system to boot the other install. | 02:45 |
Subdolus | damnit | 02:45 |
sirninja_ | Dr_Willis: how do I found out what kind of soundcard I have for sure? | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: IF grub2 can infact boot from the usb | 02:45 |
josh_ | Anyone? | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | sirninja_: lspci for starters | 02:45 |
Subdolus | Dr_Willis: sirninja_: I can't find my soundcard in /dev/ either | 02:45 |
markstos | josh_: run a browser from the command line. Is any diagnostic output printed after the crash? | 02:45 |
^sn00per^ | Dr_Willis: *shrug* thats what i was told earlier grub2 is the way | 02:45 |
L00pB4ck | can someone help me with my keyboard problem? | 02:46 |
Subdolus | It's right there in alsamixer, lspci etc. but Its not in /dev | 02:46 |
* Subdolus screams | 02:46 | |
josh_ | Err hi, so i'm having troubles with all my browsers, when ever i type in a url or click on a url i crash, pretty much do anything. | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | josh_: test with a new user. see if its a issue with just that user. If so. then its some browser extension/setting causingissues | 02:46 |
josh_ | Oh, kay. | 02:46 |
josh_ | Well, it's not the extension. | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: time tolearn some grub2 then I guess. | 02:46 |
josh_ | I reinstalled all of firefox. | 02:46 |
josh_ | disabled the extensions.. | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | josh_: reinstlling firefox does NOT remove the users settings. | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | so it could still be a user setting. | 02:46 |
jfalco | hey guys, getting a random shutdown, here is the end of dmesg anydoy got any ideas? | 02:46 |
^sn00per^ | i know dsl linux is lilo | 02:46 |
sirninja_ | Dr_Willis: it is intel.. this is frustrating. I'll go searching the forums I guess | 02:47 |
^sn00per^ | just never figured out how they worked | 02:47 |
zenlunatic | ^sn00per^: lilo is deprecated | 02:47 |
Dr_Willis | LILO is old.. then came grub. now it Grub2 | 02:47 |
^sn00per^ | yeah | 02:47 |
blakkheim | grub for life | 02:47 |
Dr_Willis | it pays to know all3 | 02:47 |
Dr_Willis | then theres syslinux, and isolinux, and extlinux - used on many live cd/setups | 02:47 |
^sn00per^ | i have no problem getting those puppylinux and dsl to work | 02:48 |
Dr_Willis | so that makes like 5 to learn | 02:48 |
MustangMatt | Hey Guys, I've got an interesting problem. I've got an aging server setup and it had a fit on me today. Now when I boot I get an etc/apparmor/initramfs error. The drives are mirrored so I'm not sure what to think. Any thoughts on how I should go about restoring? | 02:48 |
^sn00per^ | but never got ubuntu to work .. | 02:48 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: on an old old laptop - You may want to stick to puppy | 02:48 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: whats the system specs anyway? | 02:48 |
MustangMatt | It seems to be running immediately after GRUB as well which seems a bit odd to me. | 02:48 |
blakkheim | rofl | 02:48 |
Subdolus | POFS | 02:48 |
MustangMatt | It does look like GRUB is responding. | 02:48 |
FoolsRun | well now the machine stopped booting at all. I love it when Ubuntu just randomly changes things. Like volume. Sometimes it's just off for no reason. | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | Subdolus: i got a /dev/dsp here. | 02:49 |
blakkheim | Subdolus: u mad? | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | Subdolus: and a /dev/audio | 02:49 |
histo | !ohmy | Subdolus | 02:49 |
ubottu | Subdolus: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. | 02:49 |
josh_ | Dr willis, when i try to create a new user via the terminal i get " /etc/passwd; try again later." | 02:49 |
Subdolus | FUCK YOU UBOTTU | 02:49 |
josh_ | sec | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | Subdolus: actually ive not paied attention to your rants.. goodbye | 02:49 |
josh_ | cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later. | 02:49 |
Subdolus | k peace | 02:49 |
Subdolus | :D | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | Dr_Willis: CPU: Mobile Celeron 600A | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | RAM: 512MB PC2100 DDR | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | HDD: 30GB Ultra ATA/100 | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | Video: ATI Mobility Radeon 16MB | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | Display: 7.1" 1024×768 CG Silicon TFT | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | Network: Integrated 10/100 and 802.11b | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | Size/Weight7.0"×5.5"×1.3" / 1.94lbs | 02:50 |
FloodBot4 | ^sn00per^: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:50 |
zenlunatic | Subdolus: never gonna get anywhere with that attitude | 02:50 |
histo | I'm trying to get fbi to work. Its a console based image viewer. However, when I run it it gives an error that /dev/fb0 permission denied. Anyone have an idea how to fix it? | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | whoop | 02:50 |
blakkheim | histo: use sudo | 02:50 |
josh_ | So, willis, how would i create a account.. | 02:50 |
Subdolus | zenlunatic: I beg to differ. I was getting nowhere by asking politely for 10 mins | 02:50 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: depending on the cpu speed that may be able to handle ubuntu good. at least you got more then 128 mb of ram | 02:50 |
MustangMatt | If I boot into the GRUB loader cli, is there a way I can see what kernels are available | 02:50 |
jfalco | hey guys, getting a random shutdown, here is the end of dmesg anydoy got any ideas? | 02:50 |
zenlunatic | Subdolus: sleep on it, ask tomorrow | 02:50 |
^sn00per^ | its a netbook | 02:51 |
Subdolus | zenlunatic: fail. | 02:51 |
^sn00per^ | japanese version | 02:51 |
markstos | jfalco: no idea | 02:51 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: hmm - you got a netbook that cant boot from usb? and its old ? Huh? | 02:51 |
jfalco | markstos: well thanks for trying | 02:51 |
josh_ | Willis? | 02:51 |
^sn00per^ | i cant find firmware to update | 02:51 |
Dr_Willis | josh_: i use the adduser command. | 02:51 |
zenlunatic | Subdolus: youre now ignored good luck | 02:51 |
histo | blakkheim: yeah is there a group I can add my user to, to get access to fb? | 02:52 |
^sn00per^ | its a viao pcg u101 | 02:52 |
Subdolus | zenlunatic: Blow me tard | 02:52 |
josh_ | Willis, the error comes up as Dr willis, when i try to create a new user via the terminal i get " /etc/passwd; try again later. | 02:52 |
ardchoille | !ops | Subdolus | 02:52 |
ubottu | Subdolus: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 02:52 |
josh_ | fail paste. | 02:52 |
josh_ | Heres just the message. | 02:52 |
josh_ | Dr willis, when i try to create a new user via the terminal i get " /etc/passwd; try again later. | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: any netbook should be able to boot from a properly made usb flash setup. | 02:52 |
josh_ | cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later. | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | josh_: You did do it as root? 'sudo adduser billgates' ? | 02:52 |
^sn00per^ | not on this version | 02:52 |
Greg__ | xangua: thanks I can see that I have a lot to learn, but I also see that it will be well worth it in the end | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | josh_: makes sence that a user cant add new users.. :) | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: no idea then. You could use puppy or other disrtos to chroot/debootstrap in a ubuntu install i guess.. | 02:53 |
zenlunatic | Subdolus: <Greg__> xangua: thanks I can see that I have a lot to learn, but I also see that it will be well worth it in the end | 02:53 |
zenlunatic | Subdolus: thats the attitude | 02:53 |
^sn00per^ | ugh i already have tried puppy linux and dsl | 02:53 |
^sn00per^ | dont like it | 02:53 |
josh_ | I forgot to add using root.. | 02:53 |
Subdolus | zenlunatic: Stop talking to me unless you have a genuine suggestion or solution. Thanks. | 02:54 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: you said it worked however.. so how is it booting that | 02:54 |
=== Podfish_ is now known as opopanax_gentoo | ||
^sn00per^ | i have to use the wake2pup | 02:54 |
^sn00per^ | floppy | 02:54 |
i3inary | e2fsck running on a laptop drive that was impacted by a fist....its at 0.67% after 2.5 hours....does it normally take that long? i need to wait until it is finished to transfer my files off or can i stop it and grab them and resume it? | 02:54 |
^sn00per^ | i boot by floppy then it hands off to usb | 02:54 |
=== opopanax_gentoo is now known as opopanax | ||
histo | Okay how do I list the availible groups on this box? | 02:55 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: are you wantign to install to the internal hard drive? or just stay with usb? | 02:55 |
histo | I need to add my user to whatever will give me access to fb | 02:55 |
timrosenblatt | Reposting...i'm having a weird issue. I'm trying to *make* a ruby process use 100% CPU, as a test of something. I'm running `while true do ; end` on ubuntu, and only getting it up to 38% CPU. On OSX, it goes right up to 100% no problem. Same results from 1.8.7 and 1.9.1 under ubuntu, so it's not a ruby version. I tried using nice -n -20 but that didn't change anything either. Why would this happen? | 02:55 |
Dr_Willis | histo: fb being the framebufer? or what? | 02:55 |
joshy | Willis, i'm on a different user, but i keep crashing upon doing an action on ANY web browser. | 02:56 |
histo | Dr_Willis: yes framebuffer | 02:56 |
Dr_Willis | joshy: Now thats an interesting result. | 02:56 |
^sn00per^ | the problem is the hard drive on that little laptop is dead and my only option is usb external hard drive | 02:56 |
dj_segfault | timrosenblatt: I'm guessing the interpreter is seeing the NOP and eliminating it. Try putting a counter in there or something. | 02:56 |
Dr_Willis | joshy: so firefox, chrome, opera, dilo, all crash eh? | 02:56 |
joshy | Dr_Willis: Mhm. | 02:56 |
joshy | It's strange. | 02:56 |
joshy | No addons, nothing. | 02:56 |
dj_segfault | timrosenblatt: Or just view a Flash movie in firefox ;) | 02:56 |
=== opopanax is now known as opop | ||
Dr_Willis | joshy: if its crashing other browsers.. theres a deeper issue it seems like | 02:57 |
timrosenblatt | dj_segfault: haha...that's possible, but it causes 100% cpu on osx. | 02:57 |
joshy | Well, i got something else.. | 02:57 |
Dr_Willis | joshy: run a browser from a termina. Look for error messages | 02:57 |
Subdolus | I mean really... What kind of distro goes out of the way to hide a device that's been practically standard for years | 02:57 |
joshy | I accendently wen't on restore mode for linux on the GRUB loader. | 02:57 |
joshy | Then quickly turned off the power. | 02:57 |
timrosenblatt | dj_segfault: good idea, but it's not just this..this is a simple test case because we have another process that's actually doing stuff, and it too is limited at 38% cpu | 02:57 |
joshy | But i will do. | 02:57 |
Dr_Willis | joshy: Hmm.. filesystms may need a check then | 02:57 |
Subdolus | A retarded one, me thinks. | 02:57 |
Dr_Willis | !ot | Subdolus | 02:58 |
ubottu | Subdolus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 02:58 |
^sn00per^ | Dr_Willis: wonder if i modify wake2pup bootloader to boot ubuntu would it be possible ? | 02:58 |
histo | Dr_Willis: Is there a way to list groups then? | 02:58 |
Dr_Willis | ^sn00per^: doubtfull. the disrto has to see the 'handoff' properly | 02:58 |
Subdolus | My topic is that of an issue I need support for | 02:58 |
Dr_Willis | histo: theres groups commands and stuff yes. I rrely do it | 02:58 |
JamesXP | Anybody here that can give me handy with some resolution problems? | 02:58 |
timrosenblatt | domo arregato, mr ubottu | 02:58 |
newclimb | anyone can help me with a problem in realtek 8192se that doesnt work fine | 02:58 |
Dr_Willis | Subdolus: actually everyone has lost track of your original problems.. and your rants are not on topic. | 02:58 |
joshy | Any advice? Commands? Can't get my Jogl with out the internet. | 02:58 |
JamesXP | Domo arregato, mr.roboto | 02:59 |
JamesXP | Xd | 02:59 |
histo | Dr_Willis: that only lists groups that current user is a member off | 02:59 |
blakkheim | "arigato" | 02:59 |
newclimb | my wireless happens but after some minutes stop conection | 02:59 |
JamesXP | Damn, I'm not perfect. | 02:59 |
Subdolus | Dr_Willis: Sound works, but I cannot find it in /dev/ - I want to configure another program to use the interface. /dev/dsp*, /dev/sound*, /dev/audio* - none of these exist | 02:59 |
dj_segfault | newclimb: What WAP are you using? | 03:00 |
Guest95640 | /etc/init.d/rcS.d starts up in every mode or what? =/ | 03:00 |
Parsifal | Is it a bad idea to enable the backports repository without the multiverse component? | 03:00 |
joshy | Oh, willis i wound something. | 03:00 |
joshy | (firefox:2182): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times | 03:00 |
Dr_Willis | histo: cat /etc/group | less | 03:00 |
joshy | Booted ff via terminal, that's what i got. | 03:00 |
newclimb | dj_segfault: wpa wpa2 | 03:00 |
wirechief | newclimb are you using powermanagement ? it might be going to sleep. | 03:01 |
Dr_Willis | /dev/audio /dev/dsp and /dev/sequencer exist for me. | 03:01 |
meowagi | vely goold molning | 03:01 |
dj_segfault | newclimb: I meant what brand and model of wireless access point are you using? | 03:01 |
Dr_Willis | /dev/snd/* also exists | 03:01 |
joshy | Dr_Willis: (firefox:2182): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times | 03:01 |
joshy | , I got NO idea. | 03:01 |
histo | Dr_Willis: the only thing I can think of is giving user access to video group | 03:01 |
javi1982 | hola, saludos a todos | 03:02 |
joshy | What the means. | 03:02 |
javi1982 | alguien habla español | 03:02 |
histo | Dr_Willis: I have to go though I'll have ot play with this some other time. | 03:02 |
Subdolus | oooo Dr_Willis there's stuff in /dev/snd - controlC0 pcmC0D0c pcmC0D0p timer | 03:02 |
Subdolus | Winnar? | 03:02 |
dj_segfault | joshy: I get that too | 03:02 |
joshy | Dj, does yours work fine? | 03:02 |
javi1982 | hola, saludos a todos | 03:02 |
javi1982 | alguien habla español | 03:02 |
joshy | Oh. | 03:03 |
dj_segfault | joshy: eventually ;) I had to start in safe mode to remove all pages then close then open again. | 03:03 |
zenlunatic | !es | 03:03 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 03:03 |
Dr_Willis | work time for me. Bye all | 03:03 |
javi1982 | ok, muchas gracias <ubottu> | 03:03 |
grr8008 | Ok, so can anyone help with a log in issue? | 03:03 |
joshy | dj_segfault: I have no idea how to boot in safe mode with the GRUB loader. | 03:03 |
newclimb | wirechief whats that? | 03:04 |
joshy | So.. | 03:04 |
JamesXP | I can't get 1680x1050 in 9.10, I have the restricted nv driver, but the highest option is 1360x768 | 03:04 |
dj_segfault | joshy: I meant starting firefox itself in safe mode | 03:04 |
joshy | dj, it's all my browsers that crash. | 03:04 |
joshy | I'll tell you the story.. | 03:05 |
manas | Hi, can anyone help me with installation of netbeans in ubuntu | 03:05 |
grr8008 | Can anyone help with a log in issue? | 03:05 |
paulproteus | Hi manas, this is Asheesh | 03:05 |
joshy | SO, i accendently went in to restore mode the other day in the GRUB loader, but i quickly turned off the power. | 03:05 |
joshy | Ever since, all my browsers crash. | 03:05 |
manas | Hi | 03:05 |
paulproteus | manas: Have you tried searching Google for [netbeans ubuntu]? | 03:05 |
joshy | ALL OF THEM. | 03:05 |
manas | did it just now | 03:06 |
joshy | Chrome, IEs4linux, ff, seamonkeys. | 03:06 |
joshy | Etc. | 03:06 |
paulproteus | manas: I have to go in just a few minutes, but I can help for a moment | 03:06 |
dj_segfault | joshy: What's all of them? Some browsers share an engine (netkit, etc) | 03:06 |
paulproteus | manas: is basically what I'd work from | 03:06 |
paulproteus | manas: I don't have specific experience with Netbeans on Ubuntu, though | 03:06 |
dj_segfault | paulproteus: Love that one. | 03:07 |
^sn00per^ | well is there any way i could add usb drivers on bootable grub floppy ? | 03:07 |
joshy | dj_segfault: Ok..Sea monkeys, firefox and arora. | 03:07 |
paulproteus | manas: In general is a good resource; if it has information that helps you, try it first | 03:07 |
joshy | What's this safe mode? | 03:07 |
paulproteus | manas: Try that and keep me posted; I have to go for a while for now, though | 03:08 |
JamesXP | can anyone here help me with screen resolution problems? thanking you! | 03:08 |
dj_segfault | joshy: firefox -safe-mode | 03:08 |
manas | ok | 03:09 |
manas | thank u paulproteus | 03:09 |
hooopy | do upstart scripts have a different syntax on 8.04? | 03:09 |
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paulproteus | manas: Sure -- thank me when it works (-: | 03:09 |
paulproteus | now ttyl for a bit | 03:09 |
hooopy | and is it possible for me to upgrade upstart on hardy heron to something more like what karmic has without messing up my distro? | 03:09 |
mcurran | Anyone here perfected grub2 yet? | 03:09 |
joshy | dj_segfault: Ok, i did that, i crashed still | 03:09 |
joshy | i tried all my browsers | 03:10 |
dj_segfault | joshy: Impressive. I got nothing. what's the message again? | 03:10 |
wirechief | newclimb check iwconfig for powermanagement reference: | 03:10 |
joshy | dj_segfault: when i start it up in terminal its, (firefox:2242): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times | 03:11 |
alice|wl | hello, after apt-get upgrade apache and postgres fail with segmentation fault any idea what to check? | 03:11 |
joshy | dj_segfault: but for regular start, it just crashes. | 03:11 |
dj_segfault | joshy: for save mode it didn't crash though? Did you try loading a website? | 03:12 |
ryanprior | When I launch Empathy, nothing comes up and there is no indicator icon in the top bar. If I launch it again, the friend window comes up, but there is no entry for it in the task list at the bottom. On my other computer, I get a green indicator icon on top and the friend window shows up in my talk list. How do I get that behaviour? | 03:12 |
JamesXP | Pidgin >_> coug | 03:12 |
JamesXP | cough* | 03:12 |
joshy | dj_segfault; it crashes only when i click a url, type in a url or go to internet options, pretty much anything but typing in it crashes on | 03:12 |
joshy | dj_segfault: it did crash in safe mode. | 03:13 |
dj_segfault | joshy: try file:///etc/hosts Note three slashes | 03:13 |
ardchoille | joshy: Is this in firerfox? | 03:13 |
joshy | Ard and dj, it's for all my browsers, | 03:13 |
ardchoille | ouch | 03:13 |
hekin | question, how to stop a program from running at the login? | 03:14 |
joshy | started when i ACCENDENTLY went in to restore mode on the GRUB booter and shut down my computer right after. | 03:14 |
dj_segfault | hekin: What program? | 03:14 |
manas | sh: Can't open ./ ...its saying that | 03:14 |
hekin | dj_segfault: memcached | 03:14 |
^sn00per^ | found the howto's but not very clear on floppy2usb | 03:14 |
liven | hello | 03:14 |
joshy | dj_segfault: it didn't crash on that link | 03:14 |
dj_segfault | manas: finish your line | 03:15 |
joshy | But lets say i type gg in on google, i search | 03:15 |
joshy | click a link | 03:15 |
joshy | i crash' | 03:15 |
dj_segfault | joshy: Interesting. So it's only internet access. Or maybe DNS. Try loading a page by IP address instead of domain name | 03:15 |
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manas | Hi, trying to install netbeans on unbuntu | 03:16 |
manas | can anyone help? | 03:16 |
^sn00per^ | how do i build a floppy boot disk from live ubuntu cd ? | 03:16 |
MartinBoecken | how do i get sound to work | 03:16 |
dj_segfault | hekin: Is there a file /etc/init.d/memcache* ? | 03:17 |
wirechief | newclimb check iwconfig for powermanagement also this thread gives some advice: | 03:17 |
hekin | dj_segfault: yes | 03:17 |
joshy | dj_segfault: I went to my friends site hosted on his ip, it worked. | 03:17 |
dj_segfault | hekin: Do you understand how /etc/init.d files work | 03:17 |
Scunizi | I'm trying to get KVpnc up and running for a MS PPTP protocol but it complains that pppd & pptpd daemons are not installed.. when searching the package manager for "ppp" it shows I have ppp, kppp, pppconfig, ipppd and pppoeconf installed.. *what else do I need?* | 03:17 |
Nitsuga | ^sn00per^, floppy boot disk? These time even the linxu kernel is bigger that a floppy | 03:17 |
dj_segfault | joshy: OK we're getting closer. it looks like it's specifically DNS. | 03:18 |
hekin | dj_segfault: it's used to manipulate the services | 03:18 |
joshy | dj_segfault: but when i click on the internet options tab, addons etc, i crash. | 03:18 |
dj_segfault | joshy: try and see if that works. | 03:18 |
^sn00per^ | Nitsuga yes what i am trying to do is boot from floppy then it hands off to usb | 03:18 |
Nitsuga | ahh now it makes sense | 03:18 |
dj_segfault | hekin: I meant do you know how to enable and disable services there? | 03:18 |
Scunizi | dj_segfault: yep.. that works | 03:19 |
rcsheets | is update-rc.d meant for sysadmins to use or is it primarily for packages' install scripts to call? | 03:19 |
joshy | dj_segfault: It works, still doesn't explain the options thing.. | 03:19 |
hekin | dj_segfault: yes, /etc/init.d/memcached stop | 03:19 |
ardchoille | joshy: since that dotted quad works, I'd suspect a DNS problem | 03:19 |
ThaDoc | can anyone help me to get my movies to play correctly on ubuntu 9.04? | 03:20 |
^sn00per^ | Nitsuga: i do have complete install of ubuntu already on the usb external hard drive | 03:20 |
dj_segfault | joshy: I would try renaming (not deleting) ~/.mozilla | 03:20 |
joshy | rr.. | 03:20 |
joshy | err. | 03:20 |
^sn00per^ | just that i need to make a floppy to tell the computer to boot the usb external drive | 03:20 |
Tatara | need help with dns issues | 03:20 |
joshy | dj_segfault: No directory found in the home folder.. | 03:21 |
joshy | dj_segfault: it is a directory(i failed), but how would i rename? | 03:21 |
hekin | dj_segfault: I know how to stop the service, but I want to stop it at the login | 03:21 |
dj_segfault | joshy: You have no .mozilla in your home directory??! | 03:22 |
joshy | I took a mislook, but how would i rename it.. | 03:22 |
ardchoille | He's have to if he ran firefox, it's a hidden dir | 03:22 |
hekin | dj_segfault: there's a chkconfig for Redhat distro, I don't know if there's a counterpart for debian distro | 03:22 |
Scunizi | joshy: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup | 03:22 |
Tatara | I am trying to run a dns server, web server and icecast all on on machine | 03:22 |
^sn00per^ | Nitsuga: any idea ? | 03:23 |
Kitar|st | hihi | 03:23 |
dj_segfault | hekin: That's why I asked you what you knew. You have two options. You can either remove all symlinks to that file in /etc/rc* or there are programs like chkconfig bit I don't remember their names. I would go into synaptic and search for inetd | 03:23 |
joshy | scunizi: I got on to wikipedia doing that, but i tried to get on youtube, i crashed. | 03:24 |
Nitsuga | ^sn00per^, yes, but my reference website is down :( | 03:24 |
joshy | Err, it didn't work.. | 03:24 |
ThaDoc | i need help fixing a video problem in ubuntu 9.04 | 03:24 |
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Nitsuga | and i can't remember the program's name | 03:24 |
joshy | dj_segfault: didn't work. | 03:24 |
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^sn00per^ | Nitsuga penlinux drive doesnt work that too well | 03:24 |
Scunizi | joshy: I missed the first part but once you rename the directory you have to restart FF | 03:24 |
dj_segfault | ThaDoc: We can't help you unless you actually tell us what the problem is. | 03:24 |
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ThaDoc | I cant get my movies to play | 03:25 |
Scunizi | joshy: also if you have gnash and flashplugin-nonfree installed they conflict.. uninstall gnash | 03:25 |
manas | hi, what is codesion | 03:25 |
ThaDoc | everytime I open the movies in one of my players it just automatically closes | 03:25 |
manas | im tryin to download netbeans nd i get this | 03:25 |
^sn00per^ | Nitsuga well if you could remember or anyone could chime in would be greatly appericated.. | 03:25 |
dj_segfault | ThaDoc: Once again, need more info. What kind of movies? From the hard drive or DVD? What codec? WHat happens when you try? | 03:25 |
joshy | scunizi: I don't have them installed. | 03:25 |
ThaDoc | avi | 03:25 |
Scunizi | joshy: then install flashplugin-nonfree | 03:25 |
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joshy | scunizi: Whats the command for installing again? forgot lol. | 03:26 |
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Scunizi | joshy: sudo apt-get install <package> | 03:26 |
ThaDoc | I know what the problem is I think its the way the videos are loaded like with Xorg or whatever. the video output but I dont know how to fix it | 03:26 |
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Nitsuga | ^sn00per^, the website is alive again! | 03:27 |
Nitsuga | ^sn00per^, its name is PlOP | 03:27 |
^sn00per^ | eurka! | 03:27 |
dj_segfault | ThaDoc: If yo use mplayer from the command line what happens? | 03:27 |
rcsheets | art | 03:27 |
Nitsuga | ^sn00per^, | 03:27 |
rcsheets | oops sorry | 03:27 |
joshy | scunizi: let me get on my root account | 03:27 |
ThaDoc | I dont know how to use the mplayer from the command line | 03:27 |
^sn00per^ | plop ? | 03:28 |
^sn00per^ | now going look at em | 03:28 |
dj_segfault | ThaDoc: type mplayer followed by the name of the file | 03:28 |
Scunizi | joshy: no need just use sudo | 03:28 |
ThaDoc | same thing it opens then closes | 03:28 |
Nitsuga | ^sn00per^, ← instrutions to install in a floppy | 03:29 |
josh_ | back. | 03:29 |
ThaDoc | they sort of work on vlc but its really choppy when they play | 03:29 |
dj_segfault | ThaDoc: It *must* say something on the command line. Can you pastebin it? | 03:29 |
ThaDoc | I am new to ubuntu I dont know how to do that | 03:29 |
josh_ | scunizi: Need the command one more time, got to paste it lol. | 03:30 |
^sn00per^ | Nitsuga hopefuly i could do it | 03:30 |
Scunizi | joshy: sudo apt-get install <package> | 03:30 |
hooopy | anybody familiar with upstart here? | 03:30 |
Nitsuga | ^sn00per^, it is not difficult, just download the image, and dd' it to the floppy | 03:30 |
dj_segfault | ThaDoc: Copy the output from the command line, go to and paste it in the text box, and tell us the URL it gives you back. | 03:30 |
^sn00per^ | Nitsuga: yes its what i am looking for :D | 03:30 |
* dj_segfault wants to take upstart down a dark ally and kill it | 03:31 | |
josh_ | Ok, just installing | 03:31 |
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josh_ | Scunizi: IT's installed, now what do i do.. | 03:31 |
^sn00per^ | usb without BIOS support | 03:32 |
^sn00per^ | just extactly what i needed | 03:32 |
Scunizi | josh_: restart FF and try youtube again | 03:32 |
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josh_ | Scunizi, THAT PLUGIN WORKED!! | 03:32 |
josh_ | THANK YOU! | 03:32 |
josh_ | THE INTERNET IS AT MY GRASP, well works again. | 03:33 |
Scunizi | josh_: yw :) .. don't expect it to work that well on all sites.. Flash is a **** | 03:33 |
JamesXP | Can someone help me with my screen resolution | 03:34 |
hooopy | i figured somebody in here would be knowledgeable about upstart... | 03:35 |
nic- | Howdy, been poking around trying to get an Attansic Technology Corp Ahteros AR8132 L1c Gigabit wireless card working in ubuntu, anyone got any good links I can look at? All seems to not work no matter what I do :) | 03:35 |
hooopy | seems like a pretty important part of the distro | 03:35 |
Maletor | How do I do ftp through ssh? | 03:36 |
bluejeans | Maletor: scp | 03:36 |
Maletor | then transfer back to this domain. | 03:36 |
dj_segfault | hooopy: Well, that's my number one reason to hate it. The old way worked flawlessly and everyone understood it, while upstart is a mystery and much more opaque | 03:36 |
nic- | Maletor, you don't you use scp | 03:36 |
Scunizi | I'm trying to get KVpnc up and running for a MS PPTP protocol but it complains that pppd & pptpd daemons are not installed.. when searching the package manager for "ppp" it shows I have ppp, kppp, pppconfig, ipppd and pppoeconf installed.. *what else do I need?* | 03:36 |
Maletor | no i don't want to authenticate through ssh, i want to tunnel | 03:36 |
Maletor | and the server i want is ftp | 03:37 |
Maletor | so, like i said, get ftp through ssh | 03:37 |
Scunizi | Maletor: sftp? | 03:37 |
misteries | hi | 03:37 |
graelb | Hi there, is there an application preinstalled on ubuntu to show system properties? IE: CPU type and stats, memory (size, speed, etc.)? | 03:37 |
Boots32M | FyI all I got my camera working in my netbook | 03:37 |
Scunizi | graelb: sudo lshw in a terminal | 03:37 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: What you want is called port forwarding. You'll have to forward both FTP ports. Google ssh port forwarding. | 03:38 |
Maletor | I don't have access to the ftp server, dj_segfault, it's not mine. | 03:38 |
Boots32M | I got chat.... internet... webcam... now on to getting matlab anyone? | 03:38 |
misteries | @graelb: System monitor (under the System, Administration submenu) | 03:38 |
graelb | Scunizi, thanks! lol i've been "looking" for something along those lines for the term | 03:38 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: Why are you trying to use ssh then? | 03:38 |
Maletor | but once i ssh into a box (that's in the same LAN as the firewall i want stuff in) how do i transfer those files back to my machine | 03:39 |
charles__ | is it possible to list all subdomains of a domain? dig axfr only lists actual hosts, so I can get a host, but not a host if doesn't resolve. | 03:39 |
Scunizi | graelb: no problem.. now if I could only find a person that knows VPN tunneling *I'll* be set ... :) | 03:39 |
graelb | misteries, that gives a quicker snapshot than lshw, more like system properties in windows, also good to know, thanks =) | 03:39 |
Maletor | firewall only works behind that lan | 03:39 |
graelb | Scunizi, yeah... i'd help if i could, what's your brick wall? | 03:39 |
Maletor | dj_segfault | 03:39 |
misteries | Anyone knows how to boot the Ubuntu 9.10 liveCD without a hard disk check? Because I want to test it in a computer without HD and it complains in the check | 03:40 |
Elrox | Maletor, scp | 03:40 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: If the server only speaks ftp why are you trying to involve ssh? | 03:40 |
Maletor | so i what's the command then? | 03:40 |
Scunizi | graelb: kvpnc (vpn client) needs a couple of daemons that I don't find in the repos.. pptpd and pppd | 03:40 |
Maletor | because i can't access the ftp directly, it's behind a firewall, that i have ssh access to | 03:41 |
Maletor | but not access to port forwarding on that firewall | 03:41 |
Shadowrunner | ? | 03:41 |
Shadowrunner | xD | 03:41 |
dj_segfault | What are you sshing to? Another machine behind the firewall? | 03:41 |
alice|wl | I cannot reinstall postgresql-8.3 because the service fails to stop because of the sefault ** | 03:41 |
JamesXP | Hey, can someone help me get my native screen resolution? | 03:42 |
Maletor | yes, dj_segault | 03:42 |
graelb | Scunizi, i've got a pptpd under apt-get | 03:42 |
Scunizi | graelb: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 03:42 |
graelb | Scunizi, 9.10 | 03:42 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: Then it's easy. (1) ssh from machineA (your machine) to machineB. (2) ftp the files from machineC to machineB. (3) scp the files from machineB to machineA | 03:43 |
shenmue | hi ^^ | 03:43 |
Maletor | machineB does not have the space necessary | 03:43 |
Maletor | needs to come directly here | 03:43 |
Scunizi | graelb: that's weird.. I am too (kubuntu but same repos) and I apt-cache search ppptpd and nothing | 03:43 |
Maletor | ftp's get command can't do that for me | 03:43 |
Maletor | so..... | 03:43 |
Shadowrunner | Maletor go fuck yourself | 03:44 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: What kind of files? ascii or binary? | 03:44 |
Shadowrunner | What kind of stupid setup you have there.... | 03:44 |
graelb | Scunizi, oh, i'm sorry, it's pptpd, not ppptpd | 03:44 |
Maletor | who are you shadowrunner? | 03:44 |
Scunizi | graelb: no.. I think you have it right.. I'll check again. | 03:44 |
Maletor | binary dj_segfault | 03:44 |
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graelb | Scunizi, i see a pptpd, but not a pppd in the repos | 03:45 |
duckwars | is there anyway to turn my xubuntu in to ubuntu without complete reinstall? Gparted don't work so well in Xubuntu 9.10 | 03:45 |
Scunizi | graelb: well... my sys says it's already installed.. I'll try the other.. (I've even rebooted just in case) | 03:45 |
Shadowrunner | Try searching by the description | 03:46 |
graelb | Scunizi, there IS a ppp-dev though... | 03:46 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: Actually you can still use port forwarding. Can you get to machineB via FTP or only ssh? | 03:46 |
Maletor | only ssh dj_segfault | 03:46 |
Scunizi | graelb: yea.. that's not needed unless reporting bugs. | 03:46 |
blakkheim | duckwars: you need to understand the difference between the two | 03:46 |
graelb | Scunizi, hrm. :-s | 03:46 |
blakkheim | duckwars: "xubuntu" is just ubuntu with xfce preinstalled instead of gnome. gparted works exactly the same way. | 03:46 |
Shadowrunner | Both are GTK | 03:47 |
hanasaki | anyone using hudson with ubuntu? what settings do you use for your jdk, ant, mvn installed by ubuntu or did you downlaod them? | 03:47 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: Can machineB ssh to machineC? | 03:47 |
mOOey | yea what's the problem with xfce and gparted? | 03:47 |
Boots32M | rundown of the things I got working recently: internet(it was actually dns using googl's dns now), webcam (fn F6 and lsusb in terminal) and usb drives didn't work(downloaded mountmanager from software center) | 03:47 |
duckwars | blakkheim: okay, that's what I thought but I found a post from someone (who seemed to know more than I) and said the problem was xubuntu specific | 03:47 |
mOOey | duckwars - you check in with #xubuntu ? | 03:47 |
duckwars | m00ey: I did, but there are few people in there | 03:47 |
misteries | Anyone knows how to boot the Ubuntu 9.10 liveCD without the hard disk check? Because I want to try it in a computer without HD and it complains in some check it does while booting | 03:48 |
Shadowrunner | xD | 03:48 |
Scunizi | graelb: the pppd package is actually pppoe acording to the knet install dependancies.. knet is a front end for pppd .. go figure | 03:48 |
mOOey | how about #xfce? | 03:48 |
graelb | Scunizi, There's also a pppconfig already installed on my machine, you may just be able to get away with running that | 03:48 |
duckwars | I try to use gparted to partition my usb stick in xubuntu 9.10 and it doens't work | 03:48 |
Boots32M | and got all my updates done aswell | 03:48 |
mOOey | there's usually someone in one or both of those chans | 03:48 |
Shadowrunner | Does gparted give any error? | 03:48 |
graelb | Scunizi, =P | 03:48 |
duckwars | i will show you the error | 03:49 |
mOOey | send it to duckwars - not in the chan | 03:49 |
xangua | duckwars: is your usb unmounted¿ | 03:49 |
Shadowrunner | Maybe the usb stick is int FAT32 and you don't have the package necessary for DOS partitions | 03:49 |
Shadowrunner | *in | 03:49 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: Can machineB ssh to machineC? | 03:49 |
duckwars | xangua: yea, i unmount to partition it | 03:50 |
Scunizi | graelb: I may have to reboot to get it working.. not knowing the /etc/init.d/<something> restart command.. so maybe another night.. I need to relax and watch some olympics.. | 03:50 |
duckwars | m00ey: i must check this | 03:50 |
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mOOey | paste your information in the spot at and then paste us the url, duckwars | 03:51 |
graelb | Scunizi, always take advantage of the olympic thing =P i always miss it, then hate that i missed it later too | 03:51 |
Scunizi | graelb: yep | 03:51 |
graelb | Scunizi, did you try hamachi by any chance? or is this to connect to a vpn already set up somewhere else? (at work?) | 03:52 |
cruncher | hey guys,im having a problem with wifi, i'm in ubuntu 9.10 on an asus eee pc 1000he using madwifi drivers and for some reason whenever the os is suspended the wifi stops working and it becomes unable to detect networks, then a full restart is required for wifi to be functional again. | 03:52 |
Scunizi | graelb: yea.. it's a vpn to a IP-PBX for remote maintainance. | 03:52 |
graelb | Scunizi, bah. silly work peoples | 03:52 |
graelb | ;-) | 03:52 |
Scunizi | graelb: the vpn is actually built into the pbx server.. and it's an freeBSD kernel based server too.. :( | 03:53 |
graelb | Scunizi, yeah... *goes to wikipedia* for voip? | 03:53 |
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dj_segfault | cruncher: I don't know the full fix, but I've seen it before. You have to blacklist the driver in the list of ones that get unloaded when you suspend. Maybe someone else remembers how to do that but it has something to do with suspend actions | 03:54 |
Sensiva | ^nHiMoEtZ^_9IRL is spamming on join | 03:54 |
Scunizi | Maletor: if you're still around and haven't found an answer yet.. check this out.. | 03:54 |
Maletor | dj_segfault no | 03:55 |
Subdolus | Peace noobs :D | 03:55 |
Maletor | scunizi: cannot ssh machineB to machineC | 03:55 |
JamesXP | Can someone help me fix my screen resolution in ubuntu 9.10? | 03:56 |
adolfo | #spring | 03:56 |
Shadowrunner | XD | 03:56 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: I think you're FUBAR then. No direct way. It has to sit on machineB for the transfer then. | 03:56 |
Shadowrunner | Doesn't GNOME have some app for that? | 03:56 |
hikenboot_ | hello i am trying to start an remote session to a vbox host with port 3389 enabled in the guest configuration but cant get it to connect anyone able to help? | 03:56 |
Sensiva | JamesXP What is your VGA adapter?? | 03:56 |
jsec | JamesXP, what's the problem? | 03:56 |
JamesXP | nVidia 8600GT | 03:56 |
Maletor | dj_segfault: no! this can't be! | 03:57 |
JamesXP | Screen is samsung 223bw, native resoltuon 1680x1050, i've installed the restricted drivers. | 03:57 |
Shadowrunner | Install the driver and use Nvidia settings | 03:57 |
Maletor | what about permanent ssh clinents | 03:57 |
jsec | !nvidia | JamesXP | 03:57 |
ubottu | JamesXP: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 03:57 |
JamesXP | Nvidia settings doesnt have the right resolution | 03:57 |
Maletor | can i set all my traffic on this machine to go through that ssh ? | 03:57 |
Shadowrunner | But you can change | 03:57 |
JamesXP | MAx 1360x768.. I should have 1680x1050 | 03:57 |
Sensiva | JamesXP does it give you running in low graphics mode message? | 03:57 |
ssdk | Hu | 03:57 |
JamesXP | No everything seems to run fine, it hasnt spat out messages or warnings, just appears normal, just the wrong res. | 03:58 |
Shadowrunner | Try changing the xorg.conf | 03:58 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: ssh and ftp aren't just different ports, they're very different protocols!! | 03:58 |
Erica | Hello!!! I love peace!!!111 | 03:58 |
rss-staff | Anybody have a webcam on 9.10 want to test something for me? | 03:58 |
Maletor | dj_segfault: shouldn't matter | 03:58 |
Sensiva | JamesXP ok, that means the driver is installed correctly but supported resolutions cannot be detected you have to add them in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file | 03:58 |
manas | hello, can neone on IRC help me with installing netbeans | 03:58 |
Maletor | if i can physically get to the ftp cli from this machine i should be able to transfer files from there to here | 03:59 |
Erica | à êòî-íèáóäü ãîâîðèò ïî ðóññêè? :) | 03:59 |
jsec | manas, sudo apt-get install netbeans? | 03:59 |
Shadowrunner | XD | 03:59 |
JamesXP | Sensiva here is my xorg.conf | 03:59 |
JamesXP | | 03:59 |
mickey | i just install 9.10 and when I rebooted it just said GRUB on the screen | 03:59 |
Shadowrunner | Cambada de retardados | 03:59 |
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=== Guest18003 is now known as Hacktivist | ||
Maletor | Shadowrunner, what | 03:59 |
mickey | and grub.cfg is empty | 04:00 |
Shadowrunner | James, your xorg.conf is correct | 04:00 |
Shadowrunner | Strange problem | 04:00 |
Shadowrunner | .... | 04:00 |
cruncher | dj_segfault: just found the solution while cruising through the ubuntu forums, seems to be working | 04:00 |
Hacktivist | canonical tiene signo de pesos | 04:00 |
Sensiva | JamesXP good, now can you show me your /var/log/xorg.log ? | 04:00 |
rss-staff | anybody? uvcvideo missing some controls - they are there in 9.04, gone in 9.10 | 04:00 |
JamesXP | So, why/how isnt my resolution showing xD linux gives me a load of poop | 04:00 |
JamesXP | ok hold on. | 04:00 |
Shadowrunner | GN | 04:01 |
Shadowrunner | GNU/Linux is the devil | 04:01 |
Shadowrunner | XD | 04:01 |
Sensiva | JamesXP sorry its /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 04:01 |
ardchoille | Shadowrunner: Be productive please | 04:01 |
dj_segfault | cruncher: Excellent. At least I was able to give you enough clue. | 04:01 |
duckwars | using the usb startup disk creator I can't get my usb stick to be a startup drive | 04:01 |
Lonniebiz | On windows I used a program called text-aloud that would read text aloud. It has very sophisticated voices that didn't sound like a computer too much. Anything like this for Ubuntu? | 04:01 |
Shadowrunner | You'r right | 04:01 |
Maletor | still FUBAR dj_segfault? | 04:01 |
duckwars | i should be able to use an .iso as the source correct? | 04:01 |
rss-staff_ | anybody using a webcam in 9.10? | 04:02 |
MattMesa | How do I run a .sh file in terminal? | 04:02 |
cruncher | dj_segfault: ty for the help :) | 04:02 |
andrea1964 | hi | 04:02 |
Lonniebiz | rss-staff: I use one through cheese: sudo apt-get install cheese | 04:02 |
Maletor | mattmesa : 'sh' | 04:02 |
JamesXP | Sensiva heres my log | 04:02 |
MattMesa | Thank you Maletor | 04:02 |
ner0x | I plan on using ubuntu for a server, are there specific releases for this situation? | 04:02 |
JamesXP | aw, wait i don think its all there.. | 04:03 |
dj_segfault | Maletor: If you can't ssh from B to C, and you can't store files on B, and you can't ftp to C, and the files aren't ascii you can cat, I can't think of anything else. Does B have enough space that you can split the files, or do one file at a time? | 04:03 |
Shadowrunner | Duckwars try this application: Unetbootin | 04:03 |
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jsec | Lonniebiz, check out | 04:03 |
Sensiva | JamesXP I can tell :D | 04:03 |
dlynes | ner0x, ubuntu server? | 04:03 |
=== Guest46427 is now known as Pseudoroot | ||
rss-staff | Lonniebiz, actually, my question is much more complex than that. In 9.04 the camera works and has all the appropriate controls. In 9.10 it is missing white balance temperature. | 04:03 |
xangua | ner0x: you can find ubuntu-server in | 04:03 |
duckwars | ok | 04:03 |
dlynes | ner0x, | 04:04 |
Shadowrunner | xD | 04:04 |
ner0x | Interesting. | 04:04 |
Maletor | let me see, how do i grab folders? ftp > 'get remote_folder local_folder' | 04:04 |
Shadowrunner | I think i know what's your problem James | 04:04 |
JamesXP | How can I select everything? nano is only selecting what i sees. | 04:04 |
JamesXP | And shoot mr shadow! | 04:04 |
Shadowrunner | It doesn't recognise your monitor | 04:04 |
Shadowrunner | Major lolz | 04:04 |
Shadowrunner | xD | 04:05 |
JamesXP | How can we make it know my monitor? can we give it a scooby snack? | 04:05 |
Shadowrunner | A hammer perphaps | 04:05 |
ryanprior | Lonniebiz: as far as I know, most Free speech synthesizers are pretty robotic-sounding. Have you tried using your text-aloud software using Wine? | 04:05 |
JamesXP | it's a fairly common monitor, xD | 04:05 |
Shadowrunner | XD | 04:05 |
fraz | buena noches | 04:05 |
Shadowrunner | Xorg is dumb | 04:05 |
JamesXP | Sensiva, how do I select ALL of my log? not just a little bit | 04:05 |
Shadowrunner | James try removing the numbers after "Modeline" in xorg.conf | 04:06 |
Shadowrunner | Modeline "1680x1050@60" 154.20 1680 1712 2296 2328 1050 1071 1081 1103 $ | 04:06 |
Sensiva | JamesXP cat /etc/X11/xorg.cong >> xorg.txt && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log >> xlog.txt && gedit xorg.txt xlog.txt | 04:06 |
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MustangMatt | Hey Guys, I've got a slightly fubar installation. What's the best way to restore without formatting/losing my config? | 04:07 |
Shadowrunner | Leave it this way --------> Modeline "1680x1050@60" | 04:07 |
JamesXP | Ok hold on, whats the shortcut to restart X? | 04:07 |
Shadowrunner | startx | 04:07 |
JamesXP | ok | 04:07 |
MustangMatt | I'd like to go through the installation without overwriting /etc if that's possible. | 04:07 |
Sensiva | JamesXP sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 04:07 |
JamesXP | thanks.. It was ctrl/shift/backspace last time i remmeber but it does nothing haha | 04:08 |
Shadowrunner | XD | 04:08 |
Shadowrunner | Copy the contents of /etc to a usb | 04:08 |
Sensiva | yeah it is, for some reason they disabled it | 04:08 |
JamesXP | brb | 04:08 |
alice|wl | please help :( | 04:08 |
dlynes | Lonniebiz, There's several, but most of them suck. Festival, Google Translate's text to speech (, ElanSpeech, Rhetorical, IBM's ViaVoice, Cepstral, ... | 04:08 |
Shadowrunner | Then reinstall everything | 04:09 |
Shadowrunner | XD | 04:09 |
dlynes | Lonniebiz, Out of all of these, the one that i've been hearing a lot of good feedback on is Cepstral | 04:09 |
Tatara88 | ctrl-alt -backspace worked for me | 04:09 |
blakkheim | Shadowrunner: putting an emoticon after every message only clutters up the channel | 04:09 |
scribawf | I need to recover my WinXP image with Clonezilla, so how do I save my Grub Loader? | 04:09 |
Shadowrunner | Alice try installing another version of postgrel | 04:09 |
dlynes | Lonniebiz, However, ElanSpeech is apparently also quite good | 04:09 |
Shadowrunner | Sorry plakkheim, old habits | 04:09 |
alice|wl | Shadowrunner: I tried. I have 8.4 but cannot uninstall 8.3 and both clients segfault | 04:10 |
epkugelmass_ | I'm trying to use lernid right now to participate in #ubuntu-classroom for the 48 Hours of Ubuntu Manual, but I don't see the classroom or the slides in learnid | 04:10 |
Shadowrunner | Then your screwed alice xD | 04:10 |
Lonniebiz | cepstral doesn't appear to be in the repository | 04:10 |
Shadowrunner | *you'r | 04:10 |
alice|wl | omg | 04:10 |
Shadowrunner | Pagode | 04:11 |
alice|wl | might reboot help? | 04:11 |
MustangMatt | Shadowrunner: Is there a way I can get the live cd to reinstall grub properly? | 04:11 |
Shadowrunner | I doubt it | 04:11 |
Lonniebiz | dlynes: are any of these in the repository? I know festival is. | 04:11 |
Shadowrunner | Mustang i don't know | 04:12 |
Sensiva | MustangMatt | 04:12 |
MustangMatt | Sensiva: Thank you! | 04:13 |
Shadowrunner | People, first search in the wiki, then in the forums | 04:13 |
Sensiva | most welcome | 04:13 |
Shadowrunner | After that you come here | 04:13 |
jimlovell777 | how come some of the time when I'm using ssh I'm asked to unlock my key through the command line and others using a graphical box? All things being the same it occurs. | 04:13 |
yves__ | hi, i'm at ubuntu | 04:14 |
JamesXP | GAH | 04:14 |
Sensiva | JamesXP welcome back, any news? | 04:14 |
yves__ | how can i can get some brasilian irc server? | 04:14 |
JamesXP | Yea, I edited the xorg, restarted X and all was fail so I reverted to original XORG we're starting from scratch | 04:14 |
Shadowrunner | What a joke xD | 04:15 |
yves__ | ubuntu xserver bug sucks ... | 04:15 |
Shadowrunner | Xserver sucks | 04:15 |
ardchoille | Shadowrunner: Your comments are annoying | 04:15 |
jimlovell777 | !annoy | 04:16 |
JamesXP | !tannoy ? | 04:16 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:16 |
JamesXP | xD | 04:16 |
Shadowrunner | Yours too lol | 04:16 |
yves__ | there is no brasnet? | 04:16 |
yves__ | how can i get in brasirc? | 04:16 |
Sensiva | !br | yves__ | 04:16 |
ubottu | yves__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 04:16 |
JamesXP | Sensiva this is my xorg now | 04:17 |
yves__ | thanks | 04:17 |
=== noth is now known as ihavnoth | ||
Sensiva | JamesXP cat /etc/X11/xorg.cong >> xorg.txt && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log >> xlog.txt && gedit xorg.txt xlog.txt | 04:17 |
Sensiva | damn | 04:17 |
Sensiva | JamesXP cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf >> xorg.txt && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log >> xlog.txt && gedit xorg.txt xlog.txt | 04:17 |
Shadowrunner | James try the server like that and change the settings on NVIDIA | 04:18 |
JamesXP | yea I spotted that xD | 04:18 |
JamesXP | thats the long log | 04:18 |
Shadowrunner | Razer mouse? | 04:20 |
yves__ | someone can get into my nat? | 04:20 |
Shadowrunner | Are you a pro gamer? | 04:20 |
Shadowrunner | lol | 04:20 |
JamesXP | lol xD | 04:20 |
JamesXP | is a really nice mouse | 04:20 |
JamesXP | 1800 dpi, 1000hz polling its pretty accurate | 04:20 |
crazygir | is there any help/wizard for setting up two monitors on separate video cards, or does this require the manual xorg.conf hacking? | 04:20 |
* mOOey stirs | 04:20 | |
Sensiva | JamesXP xorg.conf please | 04:20 |
JamesXP | saitek eclipse keyboard too xD | 04:20 |
Shadowrunner | Use Windows XP pirate please | 04:21 |
JamesXP | sensiva, this is the xorg | 04:21 |
Shadowrunner | Much better for your hardware | 04:21 |
JamesXP | Me? | 04:21 |
Shadowrunner | And you can play games | 04:21 |
Shadowrunner | Yes | 04:21 |
JamesXP | I dont play game :D | 04:21 |
JamesXP | s | 04:21 |
Shadowrunner | ? | 04:21 |
Sensiva | That not all of it | 04:21 |
devunt | badbread// 안녕하세요 | 04:21 |
JamesXP | Thats' all the xorg. | 04:21 |
JamesXP | thats all thats in it | 04:21 |
ardchoille | !ot | Shadowrunner | 04:21 |
ubottu | Shadowrunner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 04:21 |
yves__ | how can i see the other in that chanel? | 04:22 |
* crazygir is surprized this sort of stuff is still a massive pita | 04:22 | |
JamesXP | It's always a PITA. | 04:22 |
yves__ | there is no list of the people in the channel ... | 04:23 |
JamesXP | What do you think sensive? | 04:23 |
JamesXP | a( | 04:23 |
Xaero252 | Quick question, say I had two gpus (not in sli, nor connected for sli, both nvidia) One being used, and enabled for X, and the other completely ambigious from linux directly, if I gave a qemu virtual machine full hardware access to said secondary gpu, would I be able to use it for graphical acceleration? | 04:23 |
Sensiva | JamesXP I told you this is not all of it | 04:23 |
JamesXP | It is all of it, as in the gedit window, thats all that is there | 04:24 |
Sensiva | yves__ press CTRL+F7 | 04:24 |
JamesXP | like 14-15 lines, thats it. | 04:24 |
crazygir | JamesXP: so I'm guessing the answer is a no? | 04:24 |
Shadowrunner | yves o brasirc está com problemas de estomâgo | 04:24 |
Shadowrunner | cagou-se | 04:24 |
=== arleslie is now known as arleslie|Sleepin | ||
JamesXP | that is all thats in the xorg.conf. | 04:24 |
Xaero252 | Actually, scratch my question, I will probably test this later on today. | 04:25 |
LinuxPhreak | I just installed gnome-core. I'm looking for the program that allows you to format a drive by right clicking on it. I believe it is a nautilus script but I don't know the name of it. Could someone help me | 04:25 |
yves__ | Sensiva: i dont like anyone telling me what to do .. | 04:25 |
Shadowrunner | ohhh | 04:25 |
neezer | I have had no problems with my ssh connection to my server in a long i am getting an error "Connection timed out" anyone know what this means? I am trying this remotely as I am out of town for work this week. | 04:25 |
neezer | everything was fine until I got back to my hotel tonight. and then I got that error. | 04:25 |
=== Ghost is now known as Plasmastar | ||
JamesXP | can you ping the ssh ip? | 04:26 |
Shadowrunner | neezer it means the connection is down | 04:26 |
JamesXP | If theres no response the machine is down/internet | 04:26 |
neezer | hmm thanks Shadowrunner: I bet one of my strange roommates has done something with the router. | 04:26 |
Sensiva | JamesXP I am sorry but I won't be able to help | 04:26 |
Shadowrunner | Probably | 04:26 |
JamesXP | That's ok. i'll get there in the end, im surel | 04:27 |
Flannel | !pt | Shadowrunner | 04:27 |
ubottu | Shadowrunner: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 04:27 |
JamesXP | hm.. | 04:27 |
Sensiva | JamesXP search wiki or forum for "Nvidia resolution" | 04:27 |
neezer | JamesXP: I don't think I'm getting a response. | 04:27 |
JamesXP | I'll have a fiddle around | 04:27 |
JamesXP | You mean you can't see what i'm saying to you >_> | 04:28 |
yves__ | fucking shit .. | 04:28 |
Shadowrunner | yves what's the problem? | 04:28 |
yves__ | i cant get into another server ... | 04:29 |
Shadowrunner | És burro | 04:29 |
yves__ | si | 04:29 |
LinuxPhreak | anyone one no how to add the feature that allows you to right click on a flash drive and format to an Ubuntu install with gnome-core? | 04:29 |
=== supreme is now known as pxpl | ||
yves__ | i have edited networks .. but i cant connect in that netowrk i have added .. | 04:30 |
Shadowrunner | A rede está em baixo | 04:30 |
Shadowrunner | Do brasirc | 04:30 |
yves__ | but i can't see that option ... | 04:30 |
Sensiva | LinuxPhreak usb-creator-gtk | 04:30 |
yves__ | mesmo que a merda da rede tivesse fora eu devia ver a porra da opcao no menu! | 04:30 |
Shadowrunner | Cliente de IRC da caca o teu | 04:31 |
yves__ | ubuntu! | 04:31 |
yves__ | apt-get | 04:31 |
ardchoille | !pt | yves__ Shadowrunner | 04:31 |
ubottu | yves__ Shadowrunner: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 04:31 |
Shadowrunner | E basta | 04:31 |
LinuxPhreak | Sensiva: I thought that is to create USB startup disk? | 04:31 |
Sensiva | yes it is | 04:31 |
LinuxPhreak | I just want to be able to right click and format it | 04:32 |
yves__ | !fucking assholes speaking english | 04:32 |
ardchoille | !language | yves__ | 04:32 |
ubottu | yves__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 04:32 |
hyperstream | !language | yves__ | 04:32 |
LinuxPhreak | I think it is a nautilus script that I need | 04:32 |
yves__ | !bitches in my computer | 04:32 |
Shadowrunner | Só bichonas, que pagode | 04:32 |
Xaero252 | Anybody know the qemu/kvm irc channel? | 04:33 |
ardchoille | LinuxPhreak: | 04:33 |
meanburrito920_ | hm... why was RecycleCorn just k-lined? | 04:33 |
jsec | Xaero252, #kvm | 04:33 |
ZykoticK9 | Xaero252, or #qemu | 04:33 |
manas | Hi "jsec" netbeans is installed | 04:33 |
jsec | manas, good news :) | 04:34 |
LinuxPhreak | ardchollie: can I find these scripts in the repos? | 04:34 |
ardchoille | LinuxPhreak: I haven't seen them there | 04:34 |
manas | its saying deferred processing now taking place | 04:34 |
yves__ | eu nao vi eles ainda!! VIADINHO!!! | 04:34 |
yves__ | vao tomar no cu seus bot filha da puta! | 04:35 |
Shadowrunner | yves aí é que é | 04:35 |
Shadowrunner | Mostra quem manda | 04:35 |
Shadowrunner | Só bundões | 04:35 |
Shadowrunner | Sistemas operativos de merda | 04:35 |
yves__ | bando de merda do caralho ... | 04:35 |
Shadowrunner | Nada como o janelas | 04:35 |
Nielson_ | Ei caras vocês sempre tiram onda assim? | 04:35 |
yves__ | janelas ;; haeuhauehaue | 04:36 |
Shadowrunner | Viva à pirataria | 04:36 |
ardchoille | !ops | yves__ Shadowrunner continue cursing and foreign language | 04:36 |
ubottu | yves__ Shadowrunner continue cursing and foreign language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 04:36 |
ZykoticK9 | !es | Shadowrunner yves__ Nielsen | 04:36 |
ubottu | Shadowrunner yves__ Nielsen: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 04:36 |
yves__ | janelas soh no virtualbox .. | 04:36 |
Shadowrunner | Desperdício | 04:36 |
Shadowrunner | Eles já estão chateadinhos | 04:36 |
Shadowrunner | 'tadinhas | 04:36 |
yves__ | saoum bando de viadinho .. | 04:37 |
sirscott | I added a udev rule to make my dsp device to be owned by root: audio. udevtest /class/sound/dsp shows: "udev_node_add: creating device '/dev/dsp', major = '14', minor = '3', mode = '0660', uid = '0', gid = '31'" Yet... /dev/dsp is still actually created as root:root. Any idea? | 04:37 |
Blue1 | wow hat channel am I on? | 04:37 |
LinuxPhreak | on Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 it has feature where you can right click on a device to format it. However I needed to install gnome-core and don't know what feature that is? Can I find it in the repos | 04:37 |
yves__ | black hat? | 04:37 |
mneptok | yves__: you're next. | 04:37 |
yves__ | you are the fucking asshole! | 04:37 |
ardchoille | bue yves__ | 04:37 |
ardchoille | *bue | 04:37 |
jsec | adios yves_ | 04:37 |
ardchoille | Thank you mneptok | 04:38 |
manas | What shud i do next | 04:38 |
jsec | thanks mneptok | 04:38 |
jsec | manas, is the install complete now? | 04:38 |
mneptok | de nada | 04:38 |
manas | Processing triggers for libc-bin ... | 04:38 |
manas | ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | 04:38 |
manas | manas@manas-laptop:~$ | 04:38 |
ZykoticK9 | mneptok, "yes, yes i am." great response :) | 04:38 |
manas | those are the last 3 lines | 04:38 |
jsec | manas, if you go to Applications -> Programming, netbeans should be listed now | 04:39 |
manas | wow ubuntu indeed is quick | 04:39 |
jsec | manas, :) i take it everything looks alright? | 04:40 |
manas | its we have softwares like ms visio and professional in ubuntu | 04:40 |
ardchoille | manas: I hear 10.04 will be even faster | 04:40 |
git__ | anyone here using Lucid Lynx? | 04:41 |
ardchoille | !lucid | git__ | 04:41 |
manas | ok is tht the alpha 3 version | 04:41 |
ubottu | git__: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 04:41 |
Sarrasine | git__, What's up? | 04:41 |
git__ | i wonder if it's going to solve my laptop's fan problem | 04:41 |
jsec | manas, if you go to, it lists open source alternatives to MSFT software | 04:41 |
Sarrasine | git__, Elaborate some | 04:42 |
xangua | git__: do you refer to overheat¿ | 04:42 |
manas | ok | 04:42 |
Sarrasine | !ask | git__ | 04:42 |
ubottu | git__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:42 |
Sarrasine | I thought that snippet said something about plenty of detail, etc... | 04:42 |
git__ | yeah ... my laptop temp goes up to 80C and just freezes on 9.10, i thought maybe Lucid Lynx would solve it | 04:42 |
Sarrasine | git__, Is your fan running? | 04:43 |
git__ | the fan is running minimally which isn't sufficient to cool the CPU ... i have a HP nw8440 | 04:44 |
daftykins | git__: have you checked the BIOS for any cooling related settings, also for BIOS updates to remedy that? | 04:44 |
ZachF | hi folks, i moved from ubuntu to ArchLinux a few months ago and have greatly enjoyed the extra speed my system has gained by loosing the bloat, but not being a hugley *nix savvey user, i'm really starting to miss apt-* and the vast software repo's of ubuntu/debian. is there a way i can speed up my system using ubuntu, without loosing the usability? | 04:44 |
* Sensiva loves apt | 04:45 | |
dim3000 | having weird problems, and random shut downs/freezes | 04:45 |
Sarrasine | ZachF, I'm in the same boat - Ubuntu is just too bloated for me as it ships. Just do like I do and simply open up Synaptic and cut everything you don't want/need. | 04:46 |
git__ | i enable the BIOS setting to always run fan when AC is connected but that didn't really help ... my laptop froze every 6 hours of use, and when i compile a program that takes 1-2 hours to compile, it freezes within 30 min during compilation | 04:46 |
Sensiva | ZachF and disable desktop effects | 04:46 |
Leemp | Odd question. I'm using one of the older generation Mac Pros (2006 time range, x2 Dual Core Xeons). I need to upgrade my Gfx card to something with better Linux drivers, but Mac limits your options. Any idea if that is OSX specific, and Linux has no limitations? Or does all the talk about custom firmware on the graphics cards actually matter? | 04:46 |
Leemp | (Suppose this is more linux oriented, not ubuntu specific.. hmm) | 04:46 |
Sarrasine | Leemp, you might try #Linux | 04:47 |
jsec | Leemp, I thought the Mac Pros had generic PCI-E slots? | 04:47 |
Leemp | jsec: I thought so too, but i started looking up standard video cards and i got a lot of custom firmware, and flashing talk. It's hard to distinguish it from OSX related talks. | 04:48 |
ZachF | Sarrasine: i would much rather it be the other way around! i have toyed with minimal (command line) installs, but desktop intergration never seems to work quite right that way.. i was wondering if there is a way to install the core ubuntu OS without any extra software (all the editors and misc apps etc) | 04:48 |
Sensiva | ZachF xubuntu? | 04:48 |
ardchoille | ZachF: you can try ubuntu server edition | 04:48 |
Sarrasine | ZachF, I know, I'm the same way. Like ardchoille suggested - the server edition might work better. | 04:49 |
rothsdad | hey, does anybody know of a command-line RSS reader? | 04:49 |
blakkheim | rothsdad: raggle | 04:49 |
Flannel | rothsdad: newsbeuter | 04:49 |
jsec | Leemp, I figure it would be just related to OSX, as linux wouldn't care what the hardware was meant to run on... but that's just my two cents | 04:49 |
rothsdad | thanks | 04:49 |
Flannel | rothsdad: actually, | 04:49 |
Leemp | jsec: I think i'll go ahead and try it. I'm itching to get gaming on Linux | 04:49 |
rothsdad | Flannel: thx | 04:50 |
dim3000 | shut down during memtest86+, mem problems? | 04:50 |
ZachF | Sensiva: ive used xubuntu, its not bad, and i have the server edition installed.. on my server =) but doing "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" is going to install all the extra crap isnt it? | 04:50 |
tucemiux | anyone knows how to setup an encrypted partition with luks to that it mounts at boot time? I can map the partition manually and mount it manually but I want the mapping and mounting to be done at boot time when I boot up my laptop | 04:50 |
Leemp | jsec: Now that one of the few modern linux games is open beta :o. | 04:50 |
jsec | ZachF, if you run apt-simulate xubuntu-desktop, it should show you what will be installed without actually installing it | 04:51 |
Sarrasine | Leemp, which is that? *stuck in the past* | 04:51 |
Sensiva | ZachF yeah, but this will only use more space, not cpu resources, you will run one session at a time not both | 04:51 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: Heroes of Newerth. I personally haven't seen too many commercial linux games i've been interested in. So im pumped for this hehe, that and i really want to show it in their linux stats | 04:51 |
tucemiux | jsec, "apt-simulate"?!? | 04:51 |
tucemiux | Leemp, what type of game is Heroes of Newerth? | 04:52 |
Sarrasine | Leemp, *is googling...* | 04:52 |
Leemp | tucemiux: Ever play Wc3? | 04:52 |
Sarrasine | Oh, it's DotA | 04:52 |
jsec | tucemiux, apt-get simulate... typo on my part | 04:52 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: Yup | 04:53 |
tucemiux | Leemp, nope, what's wc3? | 04:53 |
Sarrasine | You know, I remember when DotA Allstars came out in WC3? *laughs* I used to play WC3 until my eyes bled. | 04:53 |
Sarrasine | tucemiux, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne | 04:53 |
Sensiva | ZachF tucemiux jsec its apt-get -s install xubuntu-desktop | 04:53 |
jsec | Sensiva, yes that's the one. my fault on syntax >_< | 04:53 |
daftykins | git__: do you still have windows on? does the fan kick in more at a certain temp? | 04:53 |
tucemiux | jsec, that's not working either, i dont believe "simulate" is a real command, try it on your machine | 04:53 |
Sensiva | :D | 04:54 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: Yea, i really enjoyed DotA. I didn't find it amazing, but it was fun. Like Footies (i probably enjoyed that more). Either way HoN has ladders, competitive rankings, etc. | 04:54 |
rww | ubottu: ot | 04:54 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 04:54 |
jsec | tucemiux, --simulate, -s... Sensiva put me in my place ^^ | 04:54 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: I'm not even familiar with any other, non-fps, commercial linux games. | 04:54 |
git__ | daftykins, i wiped windows when i first got my laptop | 04:54 |
Sarrasine | I liked EotA, X Hero Siege, and DotA a lot. Footies was not for me. | 04:54 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: Eve was the only one i even care about, but they dropped linux. Grr. | 04:54 |
git__ | daftykins, fan remains running the same, it never increases speed | 04:55 |
Sarrasine | Leemp, NWN is a commercial Linux game | 04:55 |
tucemiux | jsec, that's a good way of remembering, now i know i wont forget that one, thank you Sensiva | 04:55 |
bonks | Hi, when I install stuff using apt-get, where are they installed? What's the path? | 04:55 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: Open beta for HoN right now, for the next 3* hours | 04:55 |
Sarrasine | git__, good man. *smiles* | 04:55 |
Sensiva | tucemiux most welcome | 04:55 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: I'm into multi player, never could handle single player | 04:55 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: But thats good to know, i didn't know :o | 04:55 |
ZachF | would installing ubuntu to a usb flash drive and testing be an acurate measure of performance? or should i just bite the bullet and install it to the HDD on the laptop? | 04:55 |
Sarrasine | Leemp, You know NWN has multiplayer? | 04:55 |
daftykins | ZachF: graphical performance yes, not really general usage. unless you have a fast flash drive :) | 04:56 |
Sensiva | ZachF livecd using unetbootin | 04:56 |
usr13 | bonks: No need to know the path, the applications will be in your path. | 04:56 |
LinuxPhreak | I can't believe this I'm looking for single program that I know is in the repos and ships with Ubuntu Desktop. But I don't know that name of it and when I describe it no one knows about it | 04:56 |
bonks | usr13: I mean, I really have no idea where to find the files. I want to read its install/readme | 04:56 |
Leemp | Sarrasine: No i didn't, what type? | 04:56 |
Sarrasine | !ask | LinuxPhreak | 04:56 |
ubottu | LinuxPhreak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:56 |
Sensiva | LinuxPhreak search in synaptic | 04:56 |
tucemiux | Sargun_Screen, you know of any shooter games somewhat like et:wolfstein or UrT that work on linux? It seems all the elite Quake3 playaz are no longer fragging in quake3, im wondering whats out there that works with ubuntu | 04:57 |
Sarrasine | Leemp, I am going to PM you so we can keep this channel on topic | 04:57 |
Leemp | haha, good point | 04:57 |
Leemp | Or rather | 04:57 |
tucemiux | Sarrasine, , you know of any shooter games somewhat like et:wolfstein or UrT that work on linux? It seems all the elite Quake3 playaz are no longer fragging in quake3, im wondering whats out there that works with ubuntu | 04:57 |
lws | Anyone know how to get dhclient to update an alternative resolv.conf? | 04:57 |
Leemp | #temp_ubuntu_gaming | 04:57 |
tucemiux | Leemp, how about #ubuntu-offtopic? | 04:58 |
Leemp | Sure | 04:58 |
Sarrasine | tucemiux, I love Tremulous and Open Arena, both come free in the Ubuntu repos. Tremulous is very popular | 04:58 |
usr13 | bonks: But if you need to know where all the files are put, you can look and see: less /var/lib/dpkg/info/pkg-name.list | 04:58 |
usr13 | bonks: ... info about what was installed. | 04:58 |
Sarrasine | I usually only deal with FOSS. I won't have anything to do with proprietary software, under normal circumstances. | 04:58 |
tucemiux | Sarrasine, tremelous is far away from the likes of et and UrT, I tried OpenArena but not many humans in there, I really want to pwn humans in network games | 04:59 |
Sarrasine | tucemiux, Well, I've never played et and played UrT so long ago that it might as well not matter. | 04:59 |
tucemiux | Sarrasine, if it works on ubuntu I would not mind using proprietary software | 04:59 |
bonks | usr13: i went into that dir and did dir svn*, but there are no matching files | 05:00 |
bonks | i know i have svn installed | 05:00 |
Sarrasine | tucemiux, I do not support the philosophy of proprietary software, but to each his own. | 05:00 |
usr13 | bonks: Try dpkg -L pkg-name | 05:00 |
Sarrasine | *silence* | 05:01 |
bonks | usr13: cool there we go, thanks | 05:01 |
Leemp | I'm shopping for a PCEe Nvidia card ubuntu will love. | 05:01 |
Leemp | And that best buy carries. | 05:01 |
Leemp | lol | 05:01 |
Leemp | I want it asap tomorrow morning :P | 05:01 |
Sarrasine | Leemp, please remember that Enter is not considered punctuation. =O | 05:02 |
usr13 | bonks: NP, glad to be of service | 05:02 |
bonks | usr13: this chan is always the most helpful :) | 05:02 |
* Sarrasine doesn't want Leemp kicked due to flooding. | 05:02 | |
Leemp | Sarrasine: It's not the enter key that is the problem. It's my train of thought. Or rather, many, small, and fast trains of thought. | 05:02 |
Leemp | :o | 05:02 |
Sarrasine | Hey, just a gentle reminder. *smiles* I don't want Ubottu thinking you're having a seizure. | 05:03 |
Leemp | Np | 05:03 |
ardchoille | !hcl | Leemp check for nvidia cards here | 05:03 |
ubottu | Leemp check for nvidia cards here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 05:03 |
usr13 | bonks: Yep, are so many folks here that someone is bound to know a little something about most any issue you may have. | 05:03 |
hekin | question, how to install monaco font on Ubuntu? | 05:03 |
cubic | google earth on ubunto ??? | 05:06 |
cubic | anyone know how to install google earth on ubunto ??? | 05:07 |
ardchoille | !info googleearth-package | cubic | 05:07 |
ubottu | cubic: googleearth-package (source: googleearth-package): utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.5.6ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 68 kB | 05:07 |
cubic | thanks guys | 05:08 |
cubic | girls | 05:08 |
ZykoticK9 | cubic, it's a package in Medibuntu as well | 05:08 |
Sarrasine | I move that we name ardchoille "The All-Knowing". All in favor? | 05:09 |
tucemiux | Sarrasine, I dont support the philosophy of propietary software either but I'd be willing to use it if it works on ubuntu | 05:10 |
Leemp | ardchoille: Thanks, i'll put that on my phone for tomorrow when i'm at the store. :) | 05:11 |
Sarrasine | tucemiux, That's contradictory to me. That's like saying you don't believe in slavery, but 'Hey, they're already in chains. Why not?' | 05:11 |
duckwars | is there any reason why when I do the command "sudo shutdown now" it takes MUCH longer to turn off (if it does) then when I shutdown through the gui? | 05:11 |
ardchoille | Sarrasine: Tons more people in this channel that could leave me in the dust ;) | 05:11 |
ardchoille | Leemp: Most stores will let you view that page fromone of their computers if it means a possible sale :) | 05:12 |
Leemp | ardchoille: Good point | 05:13 |
Leemp | ardchoille: Either way, my phone works fine hehe. | 05:13 |
seanbrystone | how do i run a .sh script from another directory other than the one the script is in? ive tried moving it to /home/seanbrystone/bin and /usr/bin no luck | 05:13 |
=== FliesLikeABrick_ is now known as FliesLikeABrick | ||
Sensiva | seanbrystone first make sure its executable by doing chmod +x , then you can run it from any where by typing in terminal /path/to// | 05:14 |
seanbrystone | yep did that | 05:14 |
Leemp | ardchoille: Is this list a must have? Ie, does a card have to be on here to work with my version? Also what is the ubuntu version thing about? 9.10 is only *supported* by a couple cards | 05:14 |
seanbrystone | but i wanna run the script from any dir without having to do /path/to/ | 05:14 |
ardchoille | Leemp: No, that list is maintained by the community. Just because an item isn't there doesn't mean it won't work. Anyone can add hardware as they find new working models | 05:15 |
zoink | i need some help. i created a partition on /dev/sdb, when it ry to write the filesystem it won't let me. it shows up under fdisk -l, but not with ls /dev/sd* | 05:15 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: Then you need to put it in your path the dir it's in to your path. | 05:15 |
Leemp | ardchoille: Gotcha. | 05:15 |
Sarrasine | zoink, Did you reboot? | 05:15 |
seanbrystone | usr13 how? | 05:15 |
zoink | Sarrasine: yes | 05:15 |
ardchoille | Leemp: some hardware is only supported in certain ubuntu versions.. an example would be NIC cards | 05:16 |
Leemp | ardchoille: In that case i'll basically be going to best buy tomorrow and buying the best pcie card i can get my hands on. Nvidia has good linux drivers right? | 05:16 |
ardchoille | NIC drivers are sometimes dropped from the kernel | 05:16 |
Sarrasine | zoink, Does your installation or base media support the filesystem you are attempting to install? | 05:16 |
zoink | Sarrasine: yes | 05:16 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: PATH="$PATH: /home/seanbystone/bin | 05:16 |
Sarrasine | zoink, what command are you running? | 05:16 |
ardchoille | Leemp: I've always had good experience with nvidia, a far cry better than ATI imho | 05:16 |
Sarrasine | And your output? | 05:17 |
zoink | Sarrasine: i used fdisk to create the partition, then tried running mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1 | 05:17 |
seanbrystone | usr13, where do i paste that? | 05:17 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: PATH="$PATH: /home/seanbystone/bin" | 05:17 |
Sarrasine | zoink, and the output? | 05:17 |
zoink | Sarrasine: it says can not stat /dev/sdb1. The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? | 05:17 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: That was just an example. | 05:17 |
Satzo | Hi. My mousewheel(up and down) usually scrolls text in an app, but sometimes it zooms the whole desktop in and out. I assume that is a feature but I don't know how to turn it on and off. Help please. | 05:17 |
ardchoille | Leemp: But, I build my own machines, using parts that I already know work with Ubuntu.. which is why I use that HCL list extensively | 05:17 |
seanbrystone | oh ok ty usr13 | 05:17 |
Leemp | ardchoille: Any idea if they lag behind in their own drivers? Should i stray away from newer cards? | 05:17 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: But you may also do a symlink to it to a dir that is already in your path. | 05:17 |
Sarrasine | zoink, You did reboot the whole system? I can always clear that error with a reboot. (Sorry to ask this again) | 05:18 |
zoink | Sarrasine: yes | 05:18 |
ardchoille | Leemp: I would stray a bit, but not too far. my current card is nvidia gefore 6200, over 6 years old and still works great. But they might drop this model soon, idk | 05:18 |
Sarrasine | *shrugs* Sorry bud, but I've never had an issue past that. Maybe The All-Knowing can help you? (ardchoille) | 05:18 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: Like: ln -s /usr/bin | 05:19 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: Like: ln -s /usr/bin/ | 05:19 |
seanbrystone | ok thx :) | 05:19 |
qUaNtiC_ | hi, the icons and apps on my upper panel are always in a different position every time i boot, even if i lock them to the panel, what is happening? how do i solve it? thanks | 05:19 |
bonks | how do I use the 'less' command on an executable? | 05:19 |
balas | in rhythmbox this is my gstreamer pipeline for creating mp3s. i'm wondering if anyone could tell me how to adjust it for the best sounding VBR rip. audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc mode=0 vbr-quality=6 ! id3v2mux | 05:20 |
ardchoille | qUaNtiC_: that's a problem with the way the panel is designed, I never was able to fix that either | 05:20 |
Flannel | bonks: What do you mean? | 05:20 |
zoink | ardchoille: referred by Sarrasine >.> | 05:20 |
Sarrasine | bonks, less ~/name | 05:20 |
ardchoille | zoink: what was the issue again? | 05:20 |
zoink | ardchoille: < zoink> i need some help. i created a partition on /dev/sdb, when it ry to write the filesystem it won't let me. it | 05:20 |
zoink | shows up under fdisk -l, but not with ls /dev/sd* | 05:20 |
bonks | Flannel/Sarrasine: I tried less dpkg -L subversion, but it shows everything and i cant scroll | 05:21 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: If you have it in the directory /home/seanbrystone/bin you should only need to add that to your path. | 05:21 |
ardchoille | zoink: if it's mounted, you need to use sudo/gksudo due to permissions | 05:21 |
Flannel | bonks: dpkg -L subversion | less | 05:21 |
bonks | OH :) | 05:21 |
seanbrystone | ok usr | 05:21 |
bonks | ty Flannel | 05:21 |
qUaNtiC_ | ardchoille: seems logging out and back in solves the prob | 05:22 |
usr13 | seanbrystone: PATH="$PATH: /home/seanbrystone/bin" | 05:22 |
ardchoille | qUaNtiC_: for now, yes. But I've had that issue come back to haunt me l;ater | 05:22 |
zoink | ardchoille: it's not mounted, new disk | 05:23 |
zoink | ardchoille: well it was used previously...but new to the system | 05:23 |
ardchoille | zoink: if it isn't mounted, then you won't be able to write to it | 05:23 |
zoink | ardchoille: but i can't even create a filesystem... | 05:23 |
ardchoille | zoink: oh, wait, you mean creating the fs on that partition? | 05:23 |
ardchoille | zoink: which app are you using for this? | 05:24 |
zoink | ardchoille: yes, i used fdisk to make the partition and i'm running mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1 to write the filesystem | 05:24 |
ardchoille | zoink: I've never done any of that via cli | 05:24 |
zoink | >.< | 05:25 |
ardchoille | zoink: is this on a box that has a desktop environment? | 05:25 |
zoink | no | 05:25 |
ardchoille | Ah, I see | 05:25 |
obscurant1st | i am creating partitions in my system, i have to store the music files in one drive and in the other i have to store video files, so which type file system i should make? | 05:27 |
devunt | PRIVMSG #ubuntu :i am creating partitions in my system, i have to store the music files in one drive and in the other i have to store video files, so which type file system i should make? | 05:27 |
tucemiux | devunt, i would choose ext4 | 05:27 |
devunt | PRIVMSG #ubuntu :devunt, i would choose ext4 | 05:27 |
ardchoille | zoink: any reason you're using mke2fs rather than mkfs ? | 05:27 |
devunt | PRIVMSG #ubuntu :zoink: any reason you're using mke2fs rather than mkfs ? | 05:27 |
=== lordmortis is now known as lordmortis|away | ||
obscurant1st | what is devunt ? is it a bot? | 05:28 |
devunt | PRIVMSG #ubuntu :what is devunt ? is it a bot? | 05:28 |
ardchoille | !away > lordmortis|away | 05:28 |
ubottu | lordmortis|away, please see my private message | 05:28 |
devunt | PRIVMSG #ubuntu :!away > lordmortis|away | 05:28 |
devunt | PRIVMSG #ubuntu :lordmortis|away, please see my private message | 05:28 |
blakkheim | devunt: stop please | 05:28 |
tucemiux | devunt, what are you doing? I can read your posts | 05:28 |
obscurant1st | tucemiux: i dont have otpion for ext4 in gparted | 05:29 |
devunt | sorry | 05:29 |
ardchoille | looks like a bot | 05:29 |
ardchoille | I guess not | 05:29 |
devunt | my xchat script is crashed. | 05:29 |
zoink | ardchoille: no difference | 05:29 |
bfri | i need help getting my mic to work on a sony vaio any advise | 05:29 |
mike | hey whats up im mike | 05:29 |
=== mike is now known as Guest49334 | ||
obscurant1st | so ext3 is it a good option? | 05:29 |
blakkheim | now you're Guest49334 | 05:29 |
obscurant1st | and what about this reiserfs? | 05:29 |
ardchoille | zoink: perhaps you can apstebin the comand you're using and the output you're getting. somene here is bound to help with it | 05:29 |
tucemiux | obscurant1st, you must be using an old version of gparted, or you must be trying to install jaunty, try downloading a live CD that has the latest and greatest version of gparted | 05:29 |
ardchoille | !paste | 05:29 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 05:29 |
usr13 | obscurant1st: Depends on your system, if it supports ext4 use it. ext4 has a few advancements / enhancements over ext3 and may be a little better for large partition and large files. | 05:29 |
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest81208 | ||
obscurant1st | tucemiux: so ext4 is the best?, ok, thx | 05:30 |
obscurant1st | i will do it. :D | 05:30 |
barbara | my laptop likes to stay around the top CPU step and I want it to be very conservative. I've tried cpu-scaler-applet but I'm not satisfied with it's performance. I installed powernowd but no help... | 05:30 |
vipjerrys | how do iget yahoo chat voice | 05:30 |
obscurant1st | usr13: my system is 250Gb 2GB ram n c2d 2.1 | 05:30 |
Guest49334 | hey i need a software for my scan and i dont know what to do | 05:31 |
obscurant1st | so ext4 is ok roght? | 05:31 |
obscurant1st | right* | 05:31 |
Guest81208 | hello | 05:31 |
indianhacker | Hi | 05:31 |
zoink | ardchoille: | 05:31 |
Guest49334 | hello | 05:31 |
Guest49334 | my name is mike | 05:31 |
Guest49334 | nice to meet you | 05:31 |
indianhacker | is there any built-in package for vpn server in ubuntu | 05:31 |
corespeedxxx | is ext4 safe to use.. I use karmic | 05:31 |
barbara | currently one core is 798mhz and the other is full speed 2527! all i'm doing is xchat... | 05:32 |
corespeedxxx | ext4 vs ext3, what to gain? | 05:32 |
obscurant1st | corespeedxxx: yep i am also using Karmic, actually i had a backed up using partimage | 05:32 |
usr13 | corespeedxxx: I use both ext3 and ext4 and they are both ok far as I can tell. ext4 seems stable and a bit faster. | 05:33 |
Elrox | corespeedxxx, i stick with ext3 | 05:33 |
=== ShazbotMcMurder is now known as ShazbotMcNasty | ||
Guest49334 | whats news? | 05:33 |
Guest49334 | for ubuntu | 05:33 |
Guest49334 | 9.10? | 05:33 |
ardchoille | zoink: sdb is a device, sdb1 is a partition on that device. are you sure there is a partition on sdb? | 05:33 |
vipjerrys | what do i need to get yahoo chat | 05:34 |
corespeedxxx | obscurant1st: usr13 Elrox: so? not any major benefits in ext4? | 05:34 |
zoink | ardchoille: according to fdisk | 05:34 |
ardchoille | zoink: That looks weird | 05:34 |
usr13 | corespeedxxx: Some believe ext4 is bleeding edge but... well, I've not seen any type of failure in it and have used it for some time now. | 05:34 |
UbuntuLinux | i need help with wine | 05:34 |
UbuntuLinux | can any body help ? | 05:34 |
ardchoille | zoink: unfortunatly, not much I can help with that | 05:34 |
obscurant1st | corespeedxxx u are asking me?, actually i am the one who asked for help in here for selecting a filesystem type, | 05:35 |
Sensiva | corespeedxxx this question doesn't have a short answer please read this post | 05:35 |
Elrox | corespeedxxx, not as far as i have seen .. | 05:35 |
usr13 | corespeedxxx: ext4 seems to be a bit faster, but other than that, I don't know for sure. | 05:35 |
Flannel | UbuntuLinux: Sure. Depending on your question you might have more luck in #winehq though, but ask away | 05:35 |
corespeedxxx | OK.. thanx all for your answers In my ext3-4 thought process =) | 05:36 |
corespeedxxx | I go and read up | 05:36 |
zoink | ardchoille: i think i figured it out, the hard drive used to be part of an old array...i need to remove the associated raid stuff | 05:36 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
barbara | need help with cpu scaling. anyone? | 05:36 |
usr13 | corespeedxxx: | 05:38 |
Sensiva | iQuote Parts of this section (those related to the Linux kernel) may no longer be up to date. Please update this section to reflect recent events or newly available information, and remove this template when finished. Please see the talk page for more information. | 05:39 |
indianhacker | thnks myslef vishu | 05:39 |
Sensiva | actually no reviews have been made after 2.6.32 release | 05:39 |
^sn00per^ | plop works well | 05:43 |
barbara | need help with cpu scaling. anyone know how to make it actually work? | 05:43 |
dj_segfault | Hey. For CD ripping I live by grip which isn't included anymore. I can't find a ripper that does simple things like picking song names out of the track title as the track artist (split on / or -), writing all files to the same folder, etc. Asunder is close but not quite. | 05:45 |
^sn00per^ | how do i set root password off from live cd ? | 05:46 |
bfri | i need help getting my mic to work on a sony vaio any advise | 05:46 |
ardchoille | ^sn00per^: sudo doesn't work for you? | 05:46 |
Flannel | ^sn00per^: You don't need to set a root password | 05:46 |
Sensiva | dj_segfault Audio CD extractor | 05:46 |
ardchoille | !sudo | ^sn00per^ | 05:46 |
ubottu | ^sn00per^: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 05:46 |
^sn00per^ | forgot all about the sudo .. | 05:47 |
^sn00per^ | duh.. not thinking about that lol | 05:47 |
dj_segfault | Sensiva: What program is that really? | 05:47 |
Hamburger | anyone familiar with setting up samba? i asked in #samba but all i hear are crickets | 05:48 |
usr13 | Hamburger: What do you need? | 05:48 |
Sensiva | dj_segfault will rip tracks, fetch meta info from and insert it in ID tags | 05:48 |
Hamburger | so i've installed samba 3.4.5 on ubuntu and this is how i'm trying to set up a share and i've been reading the man page and wiki and still can't figure out how to do it: i have a share ~/Shared that i would like to be read-only to guests and read/write for a specific user. Ideally I would like the guests to not even have to provide a username, but if it has to be that way, fine. | 05:48 |
abhi_nav | I followed the instructions listed on but still can tor check shows that tor is not in use. How to get tor to work??? | 05:48 |
mneptok | dj_segfault: sound-juicer | 05:48 |
dj_segfault | Sensiva: That's cool, but what is the actual program name? | 05:48 |
xTheGoat121x | Has anyone noticed instability in Pidgin 2.6.5 on Karmic? | 05:49 |
=== lordmortis|away is now known as lordmortis | ||
Sensiva | dj_segfault in Ubuntu software center (under Applications menu) search for "rip" you will find it on top of the list | 05:49 |
dj_segfault | xTheGoat121x: Nope. Using it right now. | 05:49 |
Sensiva | ^sn00per^ sudo su then passwd | 05:49 |
xTheGoat121x | dj_segfault, Ah, well... cuz mine seems to crash randomly. | 05:50 |
mneptok | Sensiva: "sudo -i" is the preferred method | 05:50 |
ardchoille | ^sn00per^: sudo -i is best as it sets up the env better | 05:50 |
* Sensiva writes that down | 05:50 | |
Sensiva | thank you | 05:50 |
^sn00per^ | thank you ardchoille | 05:51 |
semitones | Is it possible to find detailed information on why Top reports so much %wa ? | 05:51 |
ardchoille | yw | 05:51 |
^sn00per^ | been a while since i used linux | 05:51 |
PetePaul | I have compiled my first kernel and edited the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to my new kernel version, and now i get a error 15: File not found | 05:52 |
^sn00per^ | cool ! | 05:52 |
PetePaul | understandable if its a unhelpable stuation | 05:52 |
^sn00per^ | now doing update | 05:52 |
ardchoille | PetePaul: Are you using grub or grub2? | 05:52 |
PetePaul | grub | 05:52 |
PetePaul | i belive | 05:53 |
ardchoille | ok | 05:53 |
^sn00per^ | i gotta thank to someone who told me to get that plop ! | 05:53 |
usr13 | !samba | Hamburger | 05:53 |
ubottu | Hamburger: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 05:53 |
PetePaul | its ubuntu 8.10 | 05:53 |
Sensiva | PetePaul that error you are getting after choosing the new item? or before grub menu show up? | 05:54 |
^sn00per^ | that ubuntu 9.4 works well with that viao pgc U101.. | 05:54 |
Hamburger | usr13, thanks but i've been looking at both of these pages and still can't figure out what i'm trying to do | 05:54 |
^sn00per^ | sees my wifi, whole works but not sure about the extra buttons i have on the viao | 05:54 |
bfri | i need help getting my mic to work on a sony vaio any advise | 05:54 |
PetePaul | its when the grub menu shows up, i changed the .lst file to my new kernel version as the default, but kept the original recovery mode incase of this | 05:55 |
^sn00per^ | i gotta get used to the japanese keyboard .. | 05:55 |
tko | hi, is there a way to hide the ubuntu screen and see what its doing/ | 05:55 |
tko | when its booting | 05:55 |
Sensiva | PetePaul you need to provide the full path to the new kernel in menu.lst | 05:56 |
^sn00per^ | remove those splash and quiet option it ll make it be a little noisy i think | 05:56 |
semitones | how do I mv the contents of /bin/foo/ without moving the directory itself? | 05:56 |
Sensiva | PetePaul since it says file not found, then its not there, maybe you misspelled it | 05:56 |
Sensiva | semitones mv /bin/foo/* | 05:57 |
tko | So my Ubuntu Linux keeps freezing when I try to boot into it. It freezes when the loading screen is working, so I can't see what its doing. Anyone know anything? | 05:57 |
ardchoille | Semikolon: mv /bin/foo/* /path | 05:57 |
semitones | danka, sensiva | 05:57 |
Sensiva | semitones velkommen :D | 05:57 |
ardchoille | Semikolon: sorry, tab completion fail | 05:58 |
semitones | :D | 05:58 |
PetePaul | i copied everything for my new kernel into the /boot directory and in the .lst file i kept everything the same but jst changed the kernel verison from to | 05:58 |
rothsdad | hey, how to use tor in chromium? | 05:58 |
Hamburger | so no one knows about what i'm trying to do with samba? | 05:58 |
Sensiva | PetePaul use pastebin and show that kernel line please | 05:58 |
usr13 | Hamburger: What exactly is your question? | 05:59 |
Hamburger | so i've installed samba 3.4.5 on ubuntu and this is how i'm trying to set up a share and i've been reading the man page and wiki and still can't figure out how to do it: i have a share ~/Shared that i would like to be read-only to guests and read/write for a specific user. Ideally I would like the guests to not even have to provide a username, but if it has to be that way, fine. | 05:59 |
* mneptok despises Samba and the Microsoft it rode in on | 05:59 | |
PetePaul | you want the grub.lst file? | 05:59 |
usr13 | Hamburger: Again you need to ask a question. But this is not really the place. You should ask on #samba | 05:59 |
bfri | I have jaunty installed on a ex2 partition of my external. I booted it on my windows comp and now windows wont boot any advice | 05:59 |
Sensiva | PetePaul its menu.lst not grub.lst, I need only the line of the new kernel | 06:00 |
Hamburger | #samba is just crickets and I'm asking how exactly I would set up my smb.conf to accomplish this | 06:00 |
PetePaul | my mistake lol | 06:00 |
Sensiva | PetePaul paste all of it, make sure no passwords in it | 06:00 |
ripperda | hello, I have a question about a serial console and kernel output | 06:00 |
usr13 | Hamburger: "crickets"? | 06:00 |
PetePaul | ok | 06:00 |
Hamburger | no one has said anything | 06:00 |
ripperda | specifically, I can setup a console just fine and get all of the initial boot output, but once the OS loads, all kernel output stops going to the serial console | 06:01 |
mneptok | Hamburger: | 06:01 |
ripperda | problem is, I want to debug a hang when shutting down, so am looking for kernel messages/oopses at that point in time | 06:01 |
usr13 | Hamburger: Have you tried using swat? | 06:01 |
elf429 | Hello | 06:01 |
ripperda | is there a trick to keeping the kernel output on the serial console? | 06:01 |
deanfx | What's up | 06:01 |
elf429 | nothin much how are you guys? | 06:01 |
elf429 | or gilrs....*worried* | 06:02 |
usr13 | Hamburger: You will also find useful info at: | 06:02 |
Hamburger | usr13, thats what i'm currently using, and it is helping a lot, but still i'm having no luck on what combination of "guest" options I need to use. | 06:02 |
deanfx | good, and you? | 06:02 |
elf429 | good good...confused and new to Ubuntu.....*tear* so i need to figure out how to get Audio drivers for Realtek | 06:02 |
semitones | Is it possible to find detailed information on why Top reports so much %wa ? | 06:02 |
usr13 | Hamburger: Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and edit the config file on your own. | 06:02 |
deanfx | Hmm, You have no sound at all? | 06:02 |
elf429 | ZIP Nawda | 06:03 |
deanfx | strange. Your running 9.10? | 06:03 |
elf429 | Roger | 06:03 |
glick | hey dos anyone know how to view the layers dialog box in gimp? | 06:03 |
deanfx | glick - download gimpshop | 06:03 |
glick | gimpshop? | 06:04 |
Hamburger | usr13, i realize this, but how do i even accomplish my task? do i put the user in admin list and make the share guest only? do i create a user called guest and put it on the read list? do i make the share read only? | 06:04 |
deanfx | | 06:04 |
ardchoille | deanfx: that is not a proper fix | 06:04 |
glick | thanks deanfx but thats not what i asked for really :) | 06:04 |
ardchoille | glick: the layers ui should be the second tab in the Toolbox window | 06:05 |
glick | i was just wondering if anyone know how to make the layers ui appear | 06:05 |
glick | yeah ardchoille its not there | 06:05 |
elf429 | anyone know how to get sound at all on Ubuntu 9.10? | 06:05 |
ardchoille | glick: right click one of the existing tabs and see if you can add the layers tab | 06:05 |
Monona | How do I change the IRQ of my soundcard from 16 (which it shares with a USB device) to 10, which would give it higher priority? | 06:06 |
glick | ah yes ardchoille thanks that worked :) | 06:06 |
petsounds | hi. in irssi how can i hides join/part msgs? | 06:06 |
ardchoille | glick: yay! :) | 06:06 |
mneptok | deanfx: ctl-l | 06:07 |
pahindr | 123 | 06:07 |
ardchoille | petsounds: /ignore #channel joins parts quits | 06:07 |
PetePaul | | 06:07 |
arand | petsounds: look at /help ignore | 06:07 |
dgeary2 | Monona, depends on the card and the interface, to the best of my knowledge IRQ has nothing to do with priority | 06:07 |
^sn00per^ | ardchoille: you know i just realized something.. how do i check to see if sound is working if i am deaf ? | 06:07 |
`mOOse` | @@ | 06:08 |
ardchoille | ^sn00per^: no idea, I don't use sounds as I am hearing impaired.. mine may not work at all for all I know | 06:08 |
elf429 | yeah sn00per i dont have sound after a fresh install?....any ideas? | 06:08 |
Myrtti | ^sn00per^: totem has visualisations | 06:08 |
arand | ^sn00per^: Vibration in speakers? | 06:08 |
Monona | dgeary2: I'm trying to figure out different ways to troubleshoot jack, which has kinda left me stuck in a swamp of xruns. Thought it was worth a shot. | 06:08 |
mneptok | ^sn00per^: volume to maximum. wait for police. | 06:09 |
^sn00per^ | off on those little speaker on viao pcg U 101 ? | 06:09 |
ardchoille | mneptok: That'll work :) | 06:09 |
Myrtti | ^sn00per^: no hold on, i'm not awake yet | 06:09 |
petsounds | ardchoille: do i need to type hi. i'm new to irssi. if i join multiple channel how can i switch channel? thanks :) | 06:09 |
petsounds | oops | 06:09 |
dgeary2 | Monona, sounds like the problem is elsewhere... | 06:09 |
petsounds | ardchoille: do i need to type every time i login? | 06:09 |
ardchoille | petsounds: you should probably /join #irssi | 06:09 |
ardchoille | Great folks in there | 06:09 |
^sn00per^ | ardchoille: you are hearing impaired ? | 06:10 |
Sensiva | PetePaul ls /boot/vmlinuz- ? | 06:10 |
ardchoille | yes | 06:10 |
Monona | dgeary2: Back to the internets, then. *sigh* | 06:10 |
petsounds | ardchoille: right ;) | 06:10 |
PetePaul | ? | 06:10 |
^sn00per^ | ardchoille: you know sign too as well ? | 06:10 |
ardchoille | ^sn00per^: may I pm you? This is ot for this channel | 06:11 |
Sensiva | PetePaul check if the file in /boot or not by ls /boot/vmlinuz- | 06:11 |
^sn00per^ | ardchoille: go ahead i dont mind | 06:11 |
PetePaul | yes it is | 06:12 |
Sensiva | PetePaul and /boot/initrd.img- ? | 06:12 |
PetePaul | nice one, it wasnt in there | 06:13 |
Sensiva | Try installing from mainlines | 06:14 |
Sensiva | there are debs for newer kernel | 06:14 |
PetePaul | yes i know i jst wanted to learn something i have never done | 06:15 |
rocket16 | How can I using C++ in Ubuntu? | 06:15 |
abhi_nav | ucse gcc | 06:15 |
rocket16 | I have installed g++ package, and Anjuta as well, but Anjuta does not work. | 06:15 |
Slydon | why does Anjuta not work? | 06:15 |
abhi_nav | then prefer codelite and/or eclipse | 06:15 |
rocket16 | Codelite? Isn't that for java? (Don't know it well) | 06:15 |
Kamokow | Codelite is C++. I would recommend Code::Blocks if you want an IDE. Or just learn to use G++ (it isnt really all that hard). | 06:16 |
rocket16 | Thanks kamokow, I am only a novice. But I know to use G++. But, many programmes do not work in it. | 06:17 |
Kamokow | Okay, well good luck with your C++. | 06:17 |
rocket16 | Thanks KAmokow, I am actually a Java developer. But, to me, both Java and C++ are the best, so trying to learn it. :) | 06:18 |
rocket16 | Some say C++ > Java, while some say Java > C++. I say, both are equally nice. | 06:19 |
xubuntu | hi | 06:19 |
rocket16 | Hi | 06:19 |
alphacharlie_ | hey does anyone know how an application is generally ported to a different os? | 06:19 |
Slydon | i thought java was meant more for devices that are not pc's, and c++ is more pc related oop | 06:20 |
abo- | alphacharlie_, I was working on porting some unix code to windows.. it's generally a matter of finding the equivalent functions and libraries | 06:20 |
ripperda | does anyone have experience with serial consoles? | 06:21 |
PetePaul | I am currently in college for my associates in Information Technology, but am interested in computer security. Am I on the right path?. any input will be nice | 06:21 |
Flannel | PetePaul: You'll want to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here. Thanks | 06:21 |
rocket16 | Installed Codelite, but the Build option is disabled. Any advice? | 06:22 |
`mOOse` | PetePaul - | 06:22 |
Flannel | rocket16: Do you have the `build-essential` package installed? | 06:22 |
rocket16 | Build-essential? Let me check... | 06:23 |
rocket16 | Yes, I have it. | 06:23 |
rocket16 | But the libloki dev is not. Should I install it? | 06:24 |
alphacharlie_ | abo-:do u know abt any site or book that can give some guidelines? | 06:24 |
abo- | no... I was using google... | 06:24 |
rocket16 | Flannel? | 06:24 |
abo- | alphacharlie_, the code was in c++, and for every call that didn't work, I was looking in google what's the equivalent in windows | 06:25 |
abo- | it's tedious... | 06:25 |
Flannel | rocket16: libloki isn't required for building (in general, your particular code might need it) | 06:25 |
rocket16 | Thanks Flannel. So, is it a Compiler problem? | 06:26 |
Flannel | rocket16: I have no experience with codelite, so I unfortunately don't know what to tell you | 06:26 |
Flannel | rocket16: likely not. Probably some codelite configuration | 06:26 |
rocket16 | Ok Flannel. N problem, and thank you for your help. Most appreciated, :) | 06:26 |
Omr | Does anyone know how to setup a modem in ubuntu? | 06:27 |
rocket16 | Omr, you can use ipconfig, and Network-Manager | 06:27 |
Omr | I mean to install the modem. Its dial up | 06:28 |
usr13 | !modem | Omr | 06:28 |
ubottu | Omr: You want to connect via dial-up? Read - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 06:28 |
rocket16 | You can use gnome-ppp, or kppp to set it up. No installation is needed. | 06:28 |
Omr | Yeah i read that but after running scan modem my modem is detected as Intel 82440MX AC'97 and the guide does not cover this chipset | 06:29 |
rocket16 | Use sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp. Now, after installation, run it, select setup, and then "Detect Modem", and enter the Username, password and Access number | 06:29 |
Omr | apt get with no internet fails a little | 06:30 |
BouncingBall | n00buntu rokks d00d | 06:30 |
rocket16 | Omr, ok. Then, can't you download them manually from Internet? If yes, I can provide you a link. | 06:30 |
Omr | yes | 06:30 |
rocket16 | Ok, | 06:30 |
Omr | i can put them on pc with memory stick thank you | 06:30 |
Madpilot | BouncingBall, be polite. | 06:31 |
rocket16 | Sure, just giving, | 06:31 |
rocket16 |§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=gnome-ppp | 06:31 |
ZachF | ok folks, so im going to switch back to ubuntu from Arch... is there a particular kernel that suits laptops, dual core processors etc? | 06:31 |
rocket16 | And, be sure to install five other packages, namely wvdial and others, | 06:31 |
rocket16 | Omr, a better link is with all necessary dependencies | 06:32 |
Omr | thanks | 06:33 |
tallyho | ubuntu hibernating settings, anyone? | 06:33 |
Omr | can i run all this from command line or do i need a gui? | 06:33 |
tallyho | i checked power management but after some time it still goes into sleep mode | 06:33 |
tallyho | the tower just turns off | 06:34 |
rocket16 | A GUI is better, but you can run them from command line too. | 06:34 |
rocket16 | Use "gdebi packagename.deb" after "cd address" command, | 06:35 |
iceroot | Omr: because the cli is much more powerfull, you can do EVERYTHING from the clie | 06:35 |
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf | ||
Omr | Thanks because i only want to use CLI | 06:36 |
ZachF_ | so folks, is the best option for a slim install to install from the server image and add a DE on top of that? or is there a way to get rid of the bloat from the desktop image before i install? | 06:36 |
Flannel | ZachF_: Server CD or the Alternate CD can install a CLI-only system | 06:37 |
iceroot | ZachF_: so you only want gnome and not ubuntu-desktop? | 06:37 |
Flannel | ZachF_: Desktop (Live) CD can't though | 06:37 |
rocket16 | I just downloaded the C++ Documentation from Synaptic. How do I start it? | 06:37 |
idespinner | ZachF_, i think you can with the alternate cd iso... | 06:37 |
rocket16 | No menu or entry is there, please help. | 06:37 |
ZachF_ | iceroot, i want the full deal, but i dont want all the extra crap, all the misc editors and other bloat. | 06:37 |
iceroot | ZachF_: misc editors? there is only gedit | 06:38 |
ZachF_ | one of the things i miss after going from ubuntu to arch is the tight desktop intergration. | 06:38 |
rocket16 | How to run C++ Documentation in Ubuntu? | 06:38 |
idespinner | ZachF_, you sound like a gentoo kinda guy... | 06:38 |
motaka2 | >as i have upgraded php5.2 to php 5.3 on ubuntu, it seems the gd2 library doesnt work anymore, you got the soloutions? | 06:38 |
iceroot | rocket16: man command i guess | 06:38 |
Flannel | ZachF_: If you just want to remove the duplicate editors and stuff, removing them after install might be the way to go | 06:38 |
Sensiva | Yeah but he loves apt | 06:38 |
ZachF_ | idespinner: i like the theory, but i dont have the patience for it | 06:39 |
rocket16 | man command? You mean man c++? | 06:39 |
iceroot | rocket16: man cout | 06:39 |
iceroot | rocket16: i guess | 06:39 |
rocket16 | Thanks iceroot, but showing "no entry" | 06:40 |
Sensiva | ZachF_ if all fails, go Debian | 06:40 |
rocket16 | When I use man c++, just a manual page of c++ comes | 06:40 |
iceroot | rocket16: and that is not what you want? | 06:40 |
ddavids | hello | 06:40 |
ZachF_ | Sensiva: am i going to get the same dektop intergration (ie, click a file and it opens) with debian as i do with ubuntu? | 06:40 |
rocket16 | Not exactly, because the files were more than 20 MB, and total description of tutorial of C++ was promised there, :) | 06:41 |
Sensiva | ZachF_ sure , actually what you are talking about is the environment itself Gnome or KDE | 06:41 |
Flannel | ZachF_: Sensiva isn't really making sense. There's no real benefit to going to debian for what you're looking for | 06:41 |
Gheddy_Zarc | if I have two files with different exstensions as in one is .diff and other is .deb are they the same file in different formats ? | 06:41 |
iceroot | ZachF_: yes but debian-gnome is much much older and the big problem is, that ubuntu is patching gnome like hell and not upstreaming the patches, so the debian-gnome is very different/not good | 06:42 |
rocket16 | Anyway, bye all, thanks. | 06:42 |
ddavids | i have sound from my system's internal speakers when my headphones are connected, how do i fix this? | 06:42 |
Omr | umm. Just a quick follow up question... Every Dependency i download has a different dependency that has a different dependency. I Have download 30 packages already, When do i stop downloading dependencies? | 06:42 |
Sensiva | Flannel he is looking for a light weight distro with apt as a package manager | 06:42 |
iceroot | Sensiva: xubuntu | 06:43 |
Omr | Doesn't DSL have apt | 06:43 |
elf429 | anyone know how i can get RealTek audio Drivers for Ubuntu 9.10? | 06:43 |
elf429 | i hear NOTHING!? | 06:43 |
Omr | and only 50 megs with gui? | 06:43 |
ZachF_ | omr, i like "apt-get build-dep <package name>" | 06:43 |
idespinner | Omr, is it automatic download | 06:43 |
idespinner | ? | 06:43 |
Magnesium | ZachF_: Try Xubuntu | 06:43 |
Sensiva | iceroot he wants gnome desktop | 06:43 |
helloyo | hey guys, is is possible to get the error output from openoffice? | 06:43 |
Flannel | Sensiva: Debian doesn't give him anything that Ubuntu doesn't. His original question was about building up from a command line only system vs removing extra stuff from a full desktop install | 06:43 |
iceroot | helloyo: start it from the cli | 06:43 |
ZachF_ | Sensiva: im not swayed by any particular DE, i just want it to work | 06:44 |
Sensiva | Flannel that the middle of the convo, he asked his main question a while ago, scroll up | 06:44 |
Omr | as soon as i get the modem working i will use apt get commands :) thanks for info but im manually downloading from a MS OS till i get the dial up modem going | 06:44 |
helloyo | iceroot, it has no output | 06:44 |
Sensiva | ZachF_ then to xubuntu you go | 06:45 |
Flannel | ZachF_: His first question was about server + packages or desktop - packages. Like I said, | 06:45 |
Flannel | er, blah. Sensiva ^^ | 06:45 |
Sensiva | :D | 06:45 |
ZachF_ | so Flannel, like you said, my question remains, build up from CLI install or strip out the desktop install? | 06:46 |
ZachF_ | i have a decent ADSL connection and reasonable data allowences, so im not worried about it either way. | 06:46 |
Flannel | ZachF_: From what you said later, it sounded like you didn't have much to trim. So stripping might be an easier way to go. | 06:46 |
=== zz_Jari is now known as Jari | ||
Sensiva | <ZachF>hi folks, i moved from ubuntu to ArchLinux a few months ago and have greatly enjoyed the extra speed my system has gained by loosing the bloat, but not being a hugley *nix savvey user, i'm really starting to miss apt-* and the vast software repo's of ubuntu/debian. is there a way i can speed up my system using ubuntu, without loosing the usability? | 06:47 |
Sensiva | That's what he said ^^ | 06:47 |
ZachF_ | Flannel: ok then, i'll go with that, my next and hopefully final questionf (for tonight) is about kernals, is there anything to gain by using the server vs. desktop images in that regard? | 06:48 |
Flannel | ZachF_: You're using this computer by sitting in front of it and using a keyboard/mouse that's plugged directly into it, right? | 06:48 |
ZachF_ | Flannel: yeah its a laptop... | 06:49 |
Flannel | ZachF_: You'll want the generic kernel then, not the server one | 06:49 |
MiliasColds | hello | 06:49 |
MiliasColds | do | 06:49 |
MiliasColds | so | 06:50 |
ZachF_ | ok then, thanks for everyone thats helped me =) hopefully i'll see you on the other side of a successful install =) | 06:50 |
Flannel | ZachF_: If, in the future, you decide to install from the server CD (alternate CD installs generic by default), you'll want to switch over to linux-generic from the server kernel as well | 06:50 |
MiliasColds | i gots a question | 06:50 |
Briareos1 | how can i add an icon to the gnome desktop via the terminal / SSH? | 06:50 |
eremite | How do I force FireFox to ask if I want to save a password? YouTube isnt letting me save the username and password for 2 of my accounts, but YouTube is NOT in the list (Preferences>Security>Exceptions). How can I fix this? Thanks in advance. Oh, and I dont want to install any plugins to fix it. | 06:51 |
Flannel | Briareos1: ~/Desktop is the desktop, so add a file there | 06:52 |
Flannel | MiliasColds: ask the question and anyone who knows the answer will answer it | 06:52 |
MiliasColds | is there a reason a hard disk would show up to the os (mountable) and gparted, but not in the installer. this was usung IDE and AHCI on bios settings | 06:52 |
Briareos1 | Flannel: Thank you, do you happen to know how I can add Menue-Entrys to the main menue (applications) as well? | 06:52 |
Flannel | Briareos1: That's *.desktop files in uh... /usr/share/applications? /usr/share/something | 06:53 |
eremite | Briareos1, right click the menu and choose Edit Menus. | 06:53 |
xfact | How to remove old downloaded packages via command line? (The command) | 06:54 |
davix | helo, I've broken my apt-get with a bad repository, I tried apt-get -f install and it won't let me fix it, also tried with --purge. what else can I try? | 06:54 |
eremite | xfact, "rm" | 06:54 |
Briareos1 | Flannel hmm and how does gnome know if the menue-entries should be displayed for a certain user or not? | 06:54 |
xfact | It some kind of 'apt-get clean' or something, I am not sure, please tell me the command | 06:54 |
Briareos1 | xfact: apt-get autoremove | 06:55 |
mneptok | Briareos1: incorrect | 06:55 |
davix | also tried that Briareos1 | 06:55 |
mneptok | xfact: you typed the command. | 06:55 |
Flannel | Briareos1: I believe those are XML files with all sorts of stuff in them, so ... something magical inside I imagine | 06:55 |
Briareos1 | ok | 06:55 |
Briareos1 | Flannel I guess I'll stick to desktop items then :) | 06:55 |
Sensiva | davix What do you mean by broken with a bad repos? | 06:55 |
eremite | How do I force FireFox to ask if I want to save a password? YouTube isnt letting me save the username and password for 2 of my accounts, but YouTube is NOT in the list (Preferences>Security>Exceptions). How can I fix this? Thanks in advance. Oh, and I dont want to install any plugins to fix it. | 06:55 |
xfact | Briareos1, Just that or after the command I have to write any specific package name? | 06:56 |
indus | MiliasColds, yes the installer aint perfect | 06:56 |
mneptok | xfact: sudo apt-get clean | 06:56 |
Briareos1 | xfact: that removes _unused_ packages | 06:56 |
Briareos1 | xfact: i mean the autoremove | 06:56 |
MiliasColds | so any way to install then? | 06:56 |
Briareos1 | xfact: see the man: man apt-get | 06:57 |
xfact | mneptok, and Briareos1 Thank you :) | 06:57 |
Sensiva | MiliasColds how did you start the installer? | 06:57 |
MiliasColds | well fomr the desktop of my live CD or from the boot menu "install" option, either way | 06:57 |
git__ | does anyone find that chrome is faster than firefox 3.5? | 06:57 |
MiliasColds | from the live cd the desktop shortcut thing | 06:58 |
eremite | git__, yes. Much faster. | 06:58 |
Sensiva | MiliasColds booted the livecd from a harddrive? or burnt cd? | 06:58 |
indus | MiliasColds, so how many hard disks do you have? how many partitions | 06:58 |
MiliasColds | burnt cd | 06:58 |
MiliasColds | 1, 2 partitions | 06:58 |
MiliasColds | on SATA 6 of 6 | 06:58 |
MiliasColds | to be specific | 06:58 |
MiliasColds | the other five drives are without power atm as to prevent any possibility of me messing them up | 06:59 |
ardchoille | !hcl > ^sn00per^ | 06:59 |
ubottu | ^sn00per^, please see my private message | 06:59 |
=== Bananaburger` is now known as Bananaburger | ||
ddavids | pls i cant see the network and i have installed all the available network tools | 07:00 |
Omr | is it possible to run apt-get thru a proxy? | 07:02 |
SwedeMike | Omr: yes. | 07:02 |
MiliasColds | well | 07:03 |
Omr | are you able to elaborate? i cant find info with google | 07:03 |
MiliasColds | thanks for the hinst so far | 07:03 |
SwedeMike | Omr: the first hit on google for <apt-get proxy" states exactly what to do. | 07:04 |
Omr | ill try again i got installing pigin | 07:04 |
SwedeMike | which is the "I feel lucky"-hit for me for that search. | 07:04 |
Omr | pidgen i mean | 07:05 |
Omr | but i searched slightly different | 07:05 |
SwedeMike | what did you search for? I'm curious. | 07:05 |
motaka2 | can anyone help me installing gd on php5.3 ? | 07:05 |
AnthonyZbierajew | 07:07 | |
theadmin | Which variable contains current hostname? | 07:07 |
davix | I've broken my apt-get with a bad repository, I tried apt-get -f install and it won't let me fix it, also tried with --purge, autoremove and clean. none helped and the package is still stuck what else can I try? | 07:08 |
^sn00per^ | i have question .. what is RC kernel .. never heard of that term.. been out of loop with linux development for a while.. | 07:09 |
=== intx_ is now known as intx | ||
zenlunatic | probably release candadite | 07:10 |
theadmin | ^sn00per^: RC = Release Candidate | 07:10 |
MiliasColds | well since i seem to have lost my audience i think i need to think about the sleep | 07:10 |
^sn00per^ | zenlunatic, theadmin thank you .. | 07:11 |
SwedeMike | ^sn00per^: | 07:12 |
SwedeMike | hm, but that actually doesn't mention rc | 07:13 |
SwedeMike | someone needs to update it :P | 07:13 |
e3as | My network-manager is removed and i am unable to access network how to bring it back | 07:13 |
theadmin | ^sn00per^: Although, if you see "rc" in output of "dpkg -l", it's actually "Has to be removed, but some configuration files are left" | 07:14 |
theadmin | e3as: If you just removed the applet - right click the panel, choose add to panel, find it there. | 07:14 |
=== 16SAAGBOQ is now known as tws7 | ||
mosquito | hai | 07:15 |
mosquito | hai.......................... | 07:15 |
mosquito | how are you all? | 07:15 |
theadmin | mosquito: Hello | 07:15 |
mosquito | thank you.. | 07:15 |
theadmin | mosquito: It's offtopic here :D | 07:15 |
mosquito | i m sorry..i am for the first time here.. | 07:16 |
thecliff | Mosquito: Hello :D | 07:16 |
MiliasColds | same | 07:16 |
=== tws7 is now known as Abu | ||
MiliasColds | :P | 07:16 |
mosquito | hai the cliff... | 07:16 |
Sukuoru | Hi all | 07:16 |
geniv | hi | 07:16 |
Hamburger | so no one has any expertise with samba? | 07:17 |
e3as | my network-manager and network-manager-gnome is removed how to bring it back | 07:17 |
mxweas | how do I tell tcpdump to save entire packets that it intercepts? | 07:17 |
mxweas | right now -w only saves small chunks | 07:17 |
mxweas | I'd also like it to save header info like POST data and stuff. | 07:17 |
MiliasColds | is there a reason a hard disk would show up to the os (mountable) and gparted, but not in the installer. this was usung IDE and AHCI on bios settings | 07:17 |
e3as | Hi anyone there | 07:17 |
MiliasColds | --remessage since i lost interest | 07:17 |
^sn00per^ | theadmin: ahh.. thank you.. | 07:19 |
e3as | anyone there | 07:19 |
Omr | is there a way to change my passphrase? | 07:21 |
theadmin | Omr: Passphrase for what? | 07:21 |
Omr | umm just during install it asked for a passphrase i put in a 256 digit phrase: Now i need to type it every boot | 07:22 |
dv- | does anyone use firestarter? how do I allow UDP ports? | 07:22 |
Omr | Its really hard to memorise 256 random letters and numbers | 07:23 |
e3as | yjfjh | 07:23 |
Omr | Does no one else have a passphrase on boot? | 07:23 |
e3as | H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 07:23 |
mxweas | you can change it in grub I believe | 07:23 |
mxweas | when you go to change boot settings | 07:23 |
e3as | anyone there | 07:23 |
mattgyver | does swap space need to be setup on the drive which contains the OS installation, or can it be on another drive. I have a 40GB SSD that i will be putting ubu on, though would like to put the swap on my 300GB drive instead. | 07:23 |
mxweas | you can also remove it by removing the file in /boot/ | 07:24 |
mxweas | I dunno off the top of my head what file its in though | 07:24 |
e3as | Yelp Yelp Yelp Yelp Yelp Yelp Yelp Yelp Yelp | 07:24 |
mxweas | google around :) | 07:24 |
mxweas | e3as: stfu pls | 07:24 |
d_rwin | how do i get samba configured in client wiith windows network; need to setup a print server | 07:24 |
rww | ubottu: sftu | mxweas | 07:24 |
mxweas | lol | 07:24 |
rww | ubottu: stfu | mxweas | 07:24 |
ubottu | mxweas: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 07:24 |
Myrtti | !offtopic | e3as | 07:24 |
ubottu | e3as: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 07:24 |
rww | ubottu need spelling correction :3 | 07:24 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:24 |
e3as | MXWEAS | 07:24 |
mattgyver | d_rwin, you need to edit smb.conf, basically just make sure the workgroup name is right and that should get the basics setup | 07:25 |
intx | is there a command line way to find the fastest mirror? | 07:25 |
Omr | Thanks mxweas i will lookinto it | 07:25 |
mxweas | how do I tell tcpdump to save all packet data? -w currently only saves small chunks. It doesnt appear to be saving any header POST data either. | 07:25 |
geekyogi | I want to add 32 bit repo.. but am running 64 bit ubuntu OS | 07:25 |
ZachF_ | the desktop image will boot into a live system? | 07:26 |
d_rwin | mattgyver: installed nautilus-share but need password(no password set) | 07:26 |
dsnyders | HI all! startx starts the x server. What's the command to stop it? | 07:26 |
mattgyver | d_rwin, try just using your login info | 07:27 |
d_rwin | mattgyver: not accepting | 07:27 |
theadmin | ZachF_: Yes. You can just install too, but it will start a live session first, and then run ubiquity-gtk (the graphical installer) | 07:27 |
mattgyver | d_rwin, you are trying to connect to a windows share currently? | 07:27 |
d_rwin | mattgyver: yes | 07:28 |
d_rwin | mattgyver: using ubuntu 8.10 | 07:28 |
geekyogi | I want to add 32 bit repo.. but am running 64 bit ubuntu OS.. when i add the deb repo source... it checks for amd64.. so unable to install... any help..!!! | 07:28 |
Gheddy_Zarc | how do you add a cd as a repo Im getting the error "no package list found" when I attempt to add a c as a repo in synaptic | 07:28 |
Omr | i take it apt-get update updates the OS? | 07:28 |
Omr | Its working thru the proxy downloading tonnes of data | 07:28 |
Myrtti | Omr: no, just refresh the package lists | 07:29 |
Omr | hmm ok man im going to get a big cellphone bill this month lol | 07:29 |
mattgyver | d_rwin, you could try creating a samba user with the same username and password your using in windows, smbpasswd -a username-here | 07:29 |
mattgyver | after pressing enter it will ask you for a password | 07:29 |
mattgyver | Im not sure if thats gonna settle it though. | 07:29 |
geekyogi | I want to add 32 bit repo.. but am running 64 bit ubuntu OS.. when i add the deb repo source... it checks for amd64.. so unable to install... any help..!!! | 07:30 |
scy_th3 | I currently use centos for my webserver. Can someone explain the difference between ubuntu and other linux distributions when it comes to security? | 07:30 |
geekyogi | I want to add 32 bit repo.. but am running 64 bit ubuntu OS.. when i add the deb repo source... it checks for amd64.. so unable to install... any help..!!! | 07:31 |
dsnyders | geekyogi, asking every five minutes isn't going to help if nobody knows. | 07:31 |
geekyogi | @dsnyders k.. :( | 07:31 |
d_rwin | mattgyver: do I need to set smbclient | 07:31 |
Gheddy_Zarc | hi Omr are you getting a cellphone going as a modem ? I been trying to get a usb mobile modem to work eh | 07:31 |
mattgyver | d_rwin, not to my knowlege. | 07:32 |
mattgyver | d_rwin, have you configured samba or are you just using nautilus-share? | 07:32 |
soicon | hi everybody at #Ubuntu | 07:32 |
d_rwin | mattgyver: only nautilus share; but samba configured()default | 07:33 |
mattgyver | d_rwin, can you pastebin your /etc/samba/smb.conf file? | 07:33 |
tiger_ | why it says no gtk-config? | 07:33 |
mattgyver | d_rwin, for what its worth nautilus-share isnt really all its cracked out to be when it comes to working nicely with windows. Samba while a little more involved works much better | 07:34 |
calebjohnson | I was under the impression that samba works by default on ubuntu 9.10.. | 07:34 |
mattgyver | calebjohnson, im pretty sure its installed by default in most versions however it still has to be configured | 07:35 |
wunjo | Yes it does | 07:35 |
wunjo | thank the almighty | 07:35 |
calebjohnson | err.... i didnt configure it. | 07:35 |
wunjo | by default | 07:35 |
wunjo | smb works in 9.10 | 07:35 |
calebjohnson | yup | 07:35 |
d_rwin | mattgyver: ll try | 07:36 |
wunjo | Its funny on a wifi network | 07:36 |
d_rwin | mattgyver: just need to setup aprint server | 07:36 |
mattgyver | calebjohnson, samba is installed, and depending on certain configurations you may not need to do anything but nautlius-share isnt the same as samba | 07:37 |
=== carlo_ is now known as Guest78110 | ||
Guest78110 | How do I enable Deluge to run at startup? I can't find the directory where it's located | 07:37 |
wunjo | nautlis was buggy on me today when I mounted my ftp server | 07:38 |
wunjo | It froze for a while | 07:38 |
wunjo | First time for everything I guess... | 07:39 |
papul | nautilus has stopped showing non mounted drives :( | 07:39 |
papul | please help | 07:39 |
wunjo | Thats a GUI pref papul | 07:39 |
papul | wunjo, ? | 07:39 |
wunjo | KDE or Gnome pap? | 07:39 |
papul | wunjo, how to set that? | 07:40 |
papul | wunjo, gnome | 07:40 |
wunjo | k | 07:40 |
wunjo | One sec | 07:40 |
wunjo | Have you looked in gconf-editor yet? | 07:41 |
wunjo | pap | 07:41 |
papul | wunjo, nopes | 07:42 |
darolu | papul: can you see your drives with fdisk? | 07:42 |
papul | darolu, yes and i can mount them using pcmanfm | 07:42 |
wunjo | Hey pap | 07:43 |
papul | what wun? | 07:43 |
wunjo | Are you new to Linux? | 07:43 |
papul | wunjo, nopes | 07:43 |
wunjo | ok | 07:43 |
papul | wunjo, tell me what exactly to do | 07:43 |
wunjo | Im working on that my friend | 07:44 |
papul | wunjo, k | 07:44 |
Guest78110 | How do I enable Deluge to run at startup? I can't find the directory where it's located | 07:44 |
wunjo | I have delt with something like this recently | 07:44 |
theadmin | Guest78110: "which app-name" will give you the directory | 07:45 |
soicon | @Guest78110: try $locate "app name" | 07:45 |
Guest78110 | Ah, thanks. It was in usr/bin/deluge | 07:45 |
babbio | hi to all | 07:46 |
soicon | hi babbio | 07:46 |
tiger_ | is gtk-dev not installed by default? | 07:46 |
soicon | dev packages may not include by default | 07:46 |
theadmin | Yeah, tiger_, dev packages are not included defaultly | 07:47 |
soicon | :D everytime I wana compile my apps, I allways have to install those dev packages | 07:47 |
wunjo | have you gone into root to see if the same problem exists pap? | 07:48 |
wunjo | or rather logged in | 07:48 |
babbio | i have a office I'm behind a proxy server, so i need to setup all the program to authenticate via the proxy and when i come back to home I have to remove the proxy configuration and I have to do this every single i would like to know if there is a configuration file in wich I could insert the proxy configuration so that i could make a script to do it this possible? | 07:48 |
=== fahad is now known as iDope | ||
theadmin | babbio: Don't know about configs, but you can just change the global proxy settings instead of changing every app | 07:49 |
iDope | ok I have a server running fiesty fawn | 07:49 |
iDope | and I want to dist-upgrade it all the way up to 9.10 | 07:50 |
Xaero252 | Really bizzare issue, I've had my system on & stable for the past few weeks, but today I just came home and all of a sudden audio wasnt working, so I thought maybe I left a stream open and pulse bugged on me or something so i did pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio to restart it, only now it doesnt detect any audio devices | 07:50 |
iDope | I don't have physical access | 07:50 |
tiger_ | theadmin: so which package should i install for gtk? | 07:50 |
iDope | its a remote system so dist-upgrades are the only way.... anyone willing to help? | 07:50 |
babbio | and it will work also for apt and so on? | 07:50 |
Jordan_U | babbio, You can do it with network manager ( setup the proxy to be used when connected to one network but not the other ) | 07:50 |
stefano | could somone translate a mathematical equation to latex for me? | 07:50 |
theadmin | iDope: Well, not the only way. You can download the alternate install ISO to it, and use that | 07:50 |
tiger_ | theadmin: or where should i look at? | 07:50 |
theadmin | tiger_: Try to find in Synaptic, I can't remember all of that | 07:51 |
babbio | I've looked for some related to proxy in network manager but i found nothing | 07:51 |
Flannel | stefano: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a more appropriate channel to ask in than here | 07:51 |
Jordan_U | iDope, Changing the sources.list and using apt-get dist-upgrade is NOT the proper way to upgrade | 07:51 |
theadmin | babbio: System - Preferences - Network Settings | 07:51 |
tiger_ | theadmin: ok | 07:51 |
Xaero252 | iDope: | 07:51 |
Jordan_U | iDope, "sudo do-release-upgrade" | 07:51 |
babbio | I'll try, thank u theadmin | 07:51 |
Xaero252 | iDope, read that page since you do not have direct access, it tells you what happens when you run the command as far as a new SSHD being run | 07:52 |
iDope | theadmin: interesting | 07:52 |
Flannel | Xaero252, iDope: a better URL: | 07:52 |
iDope | Jordan_U: thanx... that was what I was looking for.. as i had a feeling dist-upgrade wasnt proper | 07:52 |
petsounds | hi. im trying to install karmic on my friend laptop, it's aspie 4530. but i can't make touchpad scrolling work. how can i fix it? thanks :) | 07:52 |
=== [newbie] is now known as RussellAlan | ||
steppenwolf | Hello everybody I want to install ubuntu on a double core machine HD= 180 GB and want to make a partition with XP, I have 3GB | 07:53 |
steppenwolf | RA<M | 07:53 |
ddavids | i have problems connecting my karmic to another ubuntu karmic in a network share... | 07:53 |
Xaero252 | Anyway, anybody know what might be up with pulse suddenly not seeing my audio drivers? | 07:53 |
steppenwolf | RAM= 3GB how many what size and what types of partitions would you recomend | 07:54 |
darolu | steppenwolf: boot with the LiveCD and then use Gparted (at system - admin) | 07:54 |
steppenwolf | yeah I had think about that | 07:54 |
soicon | @ steppenwolf: it depends on your need :D, | 07:55 |
darolu | steppenwolf: that depends to you, I recommend to have / and /home separated (on different partitions); with your hardware 1GB of swap should do it | 07:55 |
darolu | steppenwolf: I usually give 8 - 10 GB to my / partition, is more than enough for what I use | 07:55 |
babbio | ok i setup a global proxy configuration in System-Preferences-NetworkProxy | 07:56 |
tiger_ | what is the difference between gtk and gnome? | 07:56 |
dsnyders | HI all. Can someone point me to a good site explaining xorg.conf, please. I'm getting a signal that my monitor cannot display the resolution it's set to. | 07:56 |
steppenwolf | exactly I was thinking on a 10GB for / | 07:56 |
babbio | but in synaptic i can't connect | 07:56 |
babbio | how to setup synaptic tu use global proxy configurations? | 07:56 |
ardchoille | tiger_: gtk is a toolkit used to draw widgets for apps.. gnome is a desktop environment | 07:56 |
darolu | steppenwolf: 10GB is more than enough for a regular desktop | 07:56 |
ardchoille | tiger_: GTK = gimp tool kit | 07:56 |
steppenwolf | with 3GB of RAM does it pay back 1GB of swap? | 07:57 |
darolu | steppenwolf: I think so, you probably will never use more than 100MB of swap (depending on what you do) but 1GB would be my recommendation | 07:57 |
dsnyders | darolu, I thought the recommendation was for 1.5* your ram? | 07:58 |
isolat3dsh33p | guys, how to edit the Places menu? I want to add a folder to the menu. | 07:58 |
steppenwolf | ok!! what about a partition to share documents between XP and linux? | 07:58 |
soicon | 3GB RAM without running virtual machine is more than enough :D | 07:58 |
iDope | excellent, its working :) thx Flannel | 07:58 |
ardchoille | isolat3dsh33p: open nautilus and drag a folder to the Places pane | 07:58 |
theadmin | steppenwolf: You can just put them on your XP partition, they should be accessible within Ubuntu this way | 07:59 |
davix | I've broken my apt-get with a bad repository, I tried apt-get -f install and it won't let me fix it, also tried with --purge, autoremove and clean. none helped and the package is still stuck what else can I try? | 07:59 |
darolu | dsnyders: I don't follow that recommendation, it is deprecated IMO, now there are systems with up to 8 or even 16GB and 4-8GB swaps are ridiculous imo (specially with home desktops) | 07:59 |
[deXter] | Which are the best repo(s) to add to get the latest stable packages? | 07:59 |
isolat3dsh33p | ardchoille, i don't know it'll be that easy. =_=... thanks btw ^_^ | 07:59 |
steppenwolf | how do I do that? | 07:59 |
soicon | 8GB RAM :| so huge | 08:00 |
zetheroo | anyone know how to use alien to convert from RPM to DEB? | 08:00 |
steppenwolf | NTFS? | 08:00 |
ardchoille | isolat3dsh33p: yw :) | 08:00 |
zetheroo | I am just getting errors | 08:00 |
ardchoille | !alien | zetheroo using alien is dangerous | 08:00 |
ubottu | zetheroo using alien is dangerous: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 08:00 |
dsnyders | darolu, Well, it has been a few years since I saw that recomendation (ie, back in the sub gigabyte ram days). | 08:00 |
iDope | lol I'm installing on a system with 32GB ram that is at least 2 years old :) | 08:00 |
darolu | steppenwolf: Ubuntu can mount windows partitions; the problem would be to mount Linux partitions on windows, it is possible, but you'd need to install additional software | 08:00 |
generic | how can i make mpd NOT start automatically? | 08:00 |
dsnyders | It could easily be depricated by now | 08:00 |
=== Jamesofur is now known as Jamesofur|brb | ||
soicon | :D iDope : that's your pC? | 08:01 |
zetheroo | ardchoille: ok that is interesting .. funny it's never mentioned that it's dangerous ... | 08:01 |
iDope | nope | 08:01 |
[deXter] | zetheroo: What sort of errors? | 08:01 |
iDope | thats a Sun Enterprise T2000 Server :) | 08:01 |
iDope | My PC totally kicks its butt btw :) | 08:01 |
ardchoille | zetheroo: I've been here for years and that factoid has always mentioned the dange3r | 08:01 |
soicon | :O | 08:01 |
iDope | Core i7 >>>> Sun UltraSparc T1 | 08:01 |
generic | I would like to run mpd seperately, but ubuntu keeps starting it, any idea how to make it not start it on boot? | 08:01 |
zetheroo | [deXter]: Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package VMware-server: postinst postrm preinst prerm | 08:02 |
dsnyders | Is there a text ui for configuring xorg.conf? | 08:02 |
steppenwolf | so I use GPart to create 3 partitions 2 of them NTFS? | 08:02 |
iDope | but mine only has 4G of RAM | 08:02 |
zetheroo | ardchoille: uh, i meant elsewhere | 08:02 |
soicon | oh...mine is just a old man, haha quite shocked | 08:02 |
ardchoille | zetheroo: ah, ok | 08:02 |
darolu | dsnyders: any text editor should get the work done | 08:02 |
steppenwolf | one swap | 08:02 |
zetheroo | [deXter] error: incorrect format: unknown tag | 08:02 |
[deXter] | zetheroo: Try upgrading the version of alien you have, looks like it's not supporting some features of the rpm.. | 08:03 |
dsnyders | darolu, I was hoping for something that didn't require me spending half an hour trying to unravel how xorg.conf works. | 08:03 |
darolu | steppenwolf: I also recommend placing your swap between / and /home, so if use of swap is neede it would be accesible without your hard drive moving too much (hence gaining speed) | 08:03 |
zetheroo | [deXter]: I just installed it | 08:03 |
darolu | dsnyders: if you don't want learn how xorg.conf works you can use your video driver utilities to configure it; other option is xrandr | 08:04 |
[deXter] | zetheroo: Then it could be that the rpm contains some functionality that alien doesn't know (yet) how to convert.. I recommend installing from source, to avoid potential problems.. | 08:05 |
ardchoille | zetheroo: Excuse me please, but what part of "dangerous" did you not understand? Perhaps you need to compile from source and build your own .deb? | 08:05 |
BigMack83 | in k9copy, when encoding a video from disc it uses the avi container. how can i change it to mp4 ? | 08:05 |
mikesee | !mint | 08:05 |
ubottu | There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 08:05 |
dsnyders | darolu, my xserver is dishing out video that my monitor can't display. The driver utils are useless without a display. I'll check xrander. | 08:05 |
darolu | dsnyders: that kind of tools would help you with video configurations; other components like mice, keyboards, etc., won't be configured with them | 08:05 |
steppenwolf | ok thats nice | 08:06 |
steppenwolf | do I make NTFS partitions so XP can read them? | 08:06 |
steppenwolf | at leas /home? | 08:06 |
zetheroo | ardchoille: I understand dangerous ... but it's also a bit general and I would like to have a bit more information than just being told "it's dangerous" ... many people are doing it so it's working for some ... | 08:06 |
mikesee | !mintsupport | 08:06 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 08:06 |
darolu | steppenwolf: I wouldn't use ntfs for your home, stick to ext4; you can install programs to read linux paritions in windows xp | 08:06 |
kevwilde | Hi, I maintain software which is available in the ubuntu repository. This is however a very old one (2.6) and we're currently not supporting that anymore. How do i get this package retracted from the repository? | 08:06 |
iceroot | steppenwolf: dont make /home NTFS!!! | 08:07 |
mikesee | dont they have a mint channel here on freenode? | 08:07 |
ardchoille | zetheroo: Ah, you need to learn on your own.. good point | 08:07 |
Myrtti | kevwilde: peeps in #ubuntu-motu might be able to help a bit more | 08:07 |
soicon | :d strange idea <= /home is NTFS | 08:07 |
iDope | dont make /home NTFS!!! EXACTLY!!! | 08:07 |
mikesee | for some reason my mint installation now have the ubuntu loader | 08:07 |
steppenwolf | ok | 08:07 |
iceroot | steppenwolf: you want to access /home from a dualboot system with windows? | 08:07 |
zetheroo | ardchoille: well i would prefer someone with an understanding of WHY it's dangerous would tell me .. :) | 08:08 |
steppenwolf | yeap | 08:08 |
iDope | mikesee: u did a dist upgrade? | 08:08 |
iceroot | steppenwolf: you can install ext3 driver in windows or create something like /share as vfat | 08:08 |
mikesee | iDope: nope | 08:08 |
iDope | mikesee: since when then? | 08:08 |
[deXter] | mikesee: and #linuxmint | 08:08 |
darolu | iceroot: he is asking for recommendations to make new partitions, he intends to dual boot with windows xp | 08:08 |
ardchoille | zetheroo: The bot maintainers know what they're doing and they're ubuntu devs, so I just thought that was good enough | 08:08 |
Myrtti | zetheroo: redhat and similar use different paths and config options to debian/ubuntu. You might install a package that sets symlinks and directories the wrong way. | 08:08 |
mikesee | iDope: just the normal apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 08:08 |
theadmin | iceroot: steppenwolf: or as NTFS, that should be no problem for not Linux-specific partitions | 08:09 |
Jordan_U | zetheroo, Because RPM install / removal scripts assume that you are on a red hat like system for one. | 08:09 |
Myrtti | zetheroo: basically for the same reason, installing debian packages isn't supported either, but with alien there be even more dragons | 08:09 |
iceroot | darolu: theadmin i just say dont use /home with NTFS | 08:09 |
zetheroo | Myrtti: ok .. and I suppose that these wrong setups would be hard if not impossible to undo ... | 08:09 |
iDope | mikesee: then i dunno... | 08:09 |
soicon | hey guys, is it safe now to write on a NTFS part in Linux? some docs say "shouldn't", but I have written files on NTFS from Ubuntu for...2 years I don't see any problem :D xp is still working | 08:09 |
Myrtti | zetheroo: exactly | 08:09 |
iceroot | steppenwolf: yes | 08:09 |
darolu | iceroot: I agree | 08:09 |
iceroot | soicon: yes | 08:10 |
Jordan_U | soicon, It's safe. | 08:10 |
theadmin | Myrtti: Huh? "Installing debian packages is not supported"!? Ubuntu is debian-based | 08:10 |
jpds | soicon: No, that documentation is old. | 08:10 |
ardchoille | Myrtti: Thank you for that info :) | 08:10 |
mikesee | iDope: its ok.. ill try #mint on the other network | 08:10 |
zetheroo | Myrtti: ok ... wow ... someone should write a post about the dangers of using alien .. maybe I will ... thanks for the input | 08:10 |
iceroot | theadmin: but there are difference between debian and ubuntu | 08:10 |
Myrtti | theadmin: but ubuntu is not debian and there are some small but important differences. | 08:10 |
[deXter] | zetheroo: It can be dangerous also, because you can end up overriding some libraries with versions that other packages installed in your system depend upon, therby (possibly) breaking tons of packages.. | 08:10 |
iceroot | theadmin: e.g. dependencies for fixed versions | 08:10 |
theadmin | iceroot: Well, uh, I usually see no problems... altough I rarely use debian packages as such, commonly Ubuntu ones are there along with those | 08:11 |
iceroot | theadmin: some programs are installing different on ubuntu then on debian (phpmyadmin, mediawiki for e.g.) | 08:11 |
steppenwolf | ok so I could make an additional partition to share between the two OS's right? | 08:11 |
zetheroo | [deXter]: I see .. ok ... well i will have to wait to get my hands on the tar.gz package ;) | 08:11 |
steppenwolf | and it could be NTFS | 08:11 |
theadmin | steppenwolf: Yep. | 08:11 |
steppenwolf | ok | 08:11 |
steppenwolf | thanks a lot!! | 08:11 |
jazz | is there a freenode channel to talk to a staffer? | 08:11 |
theadmin | steppenwolf: You can access your Windows partitions with Ubuntu too | 08:11 |
iceroot | jazz: #freenode | 08:12 |
Myrtti | jazz: #freenode | 08:12 |
steppenwolf | Ok thnks!!! | 08:12 |
soicon | but steppenwolf: remember don't try removing any files in your root partition "C:" of windows when you are in Ubuntu :D | 08:13 |
soicon | my sister did it lol | 08:13 |
jazz | Myrtti, thanks again | 08:13 |
^sn00per^ | zetheroo: why they said its dangerous.. its like you dropping a different motor like Ford into a chevy car.. and you would have to change everything to adapt the motor to accomidate it .. (in layman terms) | 08:14 |
zetheroo | ^sn00per^ : I bit late ;) but I appreciate your input ... and I think I get the idea :P | 08:15 |
theadmin | soicon: lol :D I have /media/Windows/WINDOWS as 700, so nobody touches that in Ubuntu | 08:15 |
zetheroo | ^sn00per^: *A* bit late | 08:15 |
^sn00per^ | zetheroo: i m a little slow today.. didnt realized that you got the idea.. | 08:16 |
zetheroo | cheers ;) | 08:16 |
soicon | :d theadmin: yeah | 08:16 |
^sn00per^ | is there a kernel that is tailored to eepc ? | 08:17 |
[deXter] | ^sn00per^: Just get EEEbuntu | 08:17 |
Layne | Hey im new to ubuntu, was wondering what A terminal is, I have about 15 open, thought it was a program and now I cant close them, can someone help me please | 08:18 |
[deXter] | Layne: Press Alt+F4 to close them.. | 08:19 |
Gheddy_Zarc | click the x in the corner Layne | 08:19 |
Layne | which x? | 08:19 |
[deXter] | Top-right-corner | 08:19 |
zetheroo | Layne: you thought it was a program? well it is ... but why would you open 15 instances of the same program!??!?!? | 08:20 |
zetheroo | :D | 08:20 |
Layne | I dont know.... :( | 08:20 |
zetheroo | neither to I :P | 08:20 |
Gheddy_Zarc | its the interface for talking to the pc eh Layne, you can do fun stuff in there eh | 08:20 |
Layne | It wouldnt open the first time, so I kept trying and now I have 15 plus 10 more that opened | 08:20 |
Layne | must have lagged out | 08:20 |
zetheroo | Layne: have you closed them ? | 08:21 |
futura | hey i have an RCA mp3 player, can i create an ubuntu live on it? | 08:21 |
alphacharlie_ | currently i have 2 can i add a 3rd one? | 08:21 |
Layne | no, they wont close | 08:21 |
Layne | my computer said critical failure | 08:21 |
zetheroo | Layne: go to System Monitor and kill them | 08:21 |
zetheroo | huh? | 08:21 |
Layne | killing sounds very graphic.. | 08:21 |
zetheroo | uhmmm .... ha | 08:21 |
Layne | are you guys pulling my leg herE? | 08:21 |
zetheroo | System > Administration > System monitor | 08:21 |
zetheroo | I am not pulling any part of you ... | 08:22 |
soicon | theadmin: but do you use ntfs-config packages ? | 08:22 |
zetheroo | click on the Processes tab and kill those terminals | 08:22 |
Layne | my mom is the administrator on this computer, should I wake her up and ask her to close it, if I need admin persmission | 08:22 |
zetheroo | Layne: your kidding right!? | 08:22 |
futura | lmao | 08:22 |
Layne | | 08:22 |
soicon | :D | 08:22 |
soicon | :)) | 08:22 |
futura | ROFL | 08:22 |
Layne | should I wake her or not? she wont be happy.. | 08:22 |
futura | screencap for /b/ of this. | 08:23 |
zetheroo | Layne: you don't need admin rights to kill processes | 08:23 |
Layne | you said system>administration | 08:23 |
Layne | but why would my mom need to do that? | 08:23 |
ddavids | i have problems connecting my karmic to another ubuntu karmic in a network share...can anyone help? | 08:23 |
zetheroo | Layne; read up | 08:23 |
Layne | ddavids I need help with a real issue here | 08:23 |
Layne | I have 36 terminals open now | 08:24 |
zetheroo | Layne: funny that you would have the know-how to get onto IRC but not the know-how to kill a process | 08:24 |
soicon | ddavids: what kind of share? | 08:24 |
Flannel | zetheroo: Funny how those are entirely unrelated | 08:24 |
futura | Layne: if all else fails, manually shut off the system, boot back up and try again. | 08:24 |
zetheroo | Layne: unless your just messign around in here ... | 08:24 |
ddavids | printer share, folder shares... | 08:24 |
Layne | I really dont know what im doing here..... | 08:24 |
Layne | im seriously on the verge of tears | 08:24 |
Layne | if I mess my dads computer up hes going to hit me in the face | 08:25 |
zetheroo | Flannel: just the level of know-how ... not related in any particular way ... | 08:25 |
futura | Layne: what exactly is the problem? ill help anyway i can | 08:25 |
soicon | so ddavids did you visit the System > Admin .. > Printing | 08:25 |
zetheroo | Flannel: I think someone is just having a laugh ... | 08:25 |
Xaero252 | Okay, so my sound quit working randomly today, but it still works for my virtual machine, just not anything that attempts to use pulse... | 08:25 |
ddavids | yes pls | 08:25 |
zetheroo | Layne: then shut the machine down or log off ... :P | 08:26 |
ddavids | but i cant even view the other karmic sysytem host... | 08:26 |
Layne | I live in Adelaide south australia, my dad is strict | 08:26 |
soicon | ddavids: try pinging the other host | 08:26 |
zetheroo | Layne: that should teach you not to mess with other people's stuff ... :-/ | 08:26 |
zetheroo | Layne: where in Adelaide? | 08:26 |
ddavids | so going to add a printer is futile... | 08:26 |
Layne | please, I dont want to get hit in the face =/ | 08:26 |
futura | how do you PM people in irc chats? | 08:26 |
Madpilot | futura, /msg <nick> <msg> | 08:27 |
Layne | gover ave.. | 08:27 |
Layne | glover* | 08:27 |
futura | Madpilot: ty | 08:27 |
wunjo | anyone got magic jack working yet? in Ubuntu... | 08:27 |
Flannel | Layne: Please stop. Nothing about having those programs open will damage your computer. | 08:27 |
Madpilot | Layne, gnome-terminal windows should have an X button top-right corner. Click that, it closes the window. | 08:27 |
zetheroo | Layne: Mile End? | 08:27 |
Layne | my dad wont CARE!!! hes going to hurt me.. | 08:27 |
zetheroo | haha | 08:28 |
Layne | omg I THINK HE MIGHT BE UP! | 08:28 |
zetheroo | you idiot | 08:28 |
Layne | brb | 08:28 |
Layne | brb | 08:28 |
FloodBot4 | Layne: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:28 |
ddavids | soicon: i can ping it | 08:28 |
soicon | ddavids: ping <ip addr of the other machine> and what type of reply message? | 08:28 |
futura | "what do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes?" | 08:28 |
zetheroo | Aussies ... ha | 08:28 |
soicon | and what type of reply message? | 08:28 |
futura | nothing you haven't already told her twice! | 08:29 |
ddavids | soicon: this is the only reply - PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 08:29 |
Staley | I GOT KICKED! | 08:29 |
soicon | ddavids: check your IP configuration on that machine | 08:30 |
futura | hmmmmm | 08:30 |
soicon | dhcp or static? both machines are on the same subnet or not? | 08:30 |
Flannel | futura: Please read and become familiar with the IRC guidelines listed in the topic, thanks. | 08:30 |
Madpilot | futura, just for future reference, the "two black eyes" thing - not actually funny. | 08:31 |
ddavids | u mean with ifconfig? | 08:31 |
soicon | ddavids: yes | 08:31 |
huayra | I have a problem with my screens. I want the big one (not the one in the laptop) to be the main one, but I can't seem to find anyway to rearrange the order of the screens | 08:31 |
futura | Bah, y'all just are just lefties. | 08:31 |
zetheroo | futura: seriously ... >:o | 08:31 |
huayra | anyone here has any idea of how to do this? | 08:31 |
=== kslen^^ is now known as kslen | ||
ddavids | both are on the same subnet.. | 08:31 |
soicon | ddavids: you should ping it again, and wait a little bit to see the message | 08:32 |
huayra | I run on 9.10 on an Intel graphic card | 08:32 |
ddavids | soicon: the message it's adding is "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 08:32 |
ddavids | From icmp_seq=47 Packet filtered | 08:32 |
ddavids | From icmp_seq=146 Packet filtered | 08:32 |
soicon | oh packet filtered | 08:33 |
ddavids | soicon: what do u think tht means? | 08:33 |
soicon | what from ? | 08:33 |
=== Jamesofur|brb is now known as Jamesofur | ||
soicon | that's not your subtnet rite? | 08:33 |
Xaero252 | huayra: try dragging the screens in the screen settings | 08:34 |
ddavids | the subnet on both sysytems are the same... | 08:34 |
^sn00per^ | is chrome any better than firefox? | 08:34 |
soicon | any firewalls working ? | 08:34 |
soicon | #iptables -F | 08:34 |
soicon | on both | 08:34 |
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion | ||
ddavids | no firewalls... | 08:35 |
skydrome | how do you do multiple commands on separate lines in terminal? | 08:36 |
Xaero252 | mrgh, i didnt hate pulse until today, so I've pulseaudio -f which gives me some error about processing the command line and I've tried killall pulseaudio && pulseaudo, and rebooting the computer only gets sound working within my xp VM | 08:36 |
huayra | Xaero252, it does not work | 08:36 |
Xaero252 | skydrome: \ [return] | 08:36 |
skydrome | k | 08:36 |
Xaero252 | skydrome: obviously after the first command | 08:37 |
skyshi | :) | 08:37 |
skydrome | :p yes | 08:37 |
Staley | vait vait vait, vat? | 08:37 |
huayra | Xaero252: har tried that already... There must be a setting in which you can define which screen you want to be primary | 08:37 |
generic | how can i make mpd NOT start automatically? | 08:37 |
skyshi | good evening | 08:37 |
generic | I would like to run mpd seperately, but ubuntu keeps starting it, any idea how to make it not start it on boot? | 08:37 |
ddavids | soicon: i have no firewalls... | 08:37 |
Flannel | generic: You want it to run as a daemon, just not on boot? or not as a daemon at all? | 08:37 |
ruby_on_tails | hello | 08:37 |
Xaero252 | huayra: you can always edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, just make sure to backup first | 08:37 |
ddavids | soicon: there are no firewalls on both system... | 08:37 |
soicon | ddavids: your topology please? | 08:38 |
maxagaz | what application should I use to record both sound and image with my webcam on my computer ? | 08:38 |
generic | Flannel: *I* want to start it | 08:38 |
generic | ubuntu's config is completely broke | 08:38 |
ruby_on_tails | I want to use rdesktop on a window machine on lan. What do I have to install on the windows machine to view it ? | 08:38 |
ddavids | soicon: what is topology? | 08:38 |
skyshi | so fast | 08:38 |
Flannel | generic: You want to start it as a daemon? or as a regular program? | 08:38 |
generic | I have my own working config for mpdf | 08:38 |
ruby_on_tails | ddavids: topology = contour based on height | 08:38 |
generic | Flannel: as a deamon, under my user name | 08:38 |
soicon | ddavids: the model of your subnet | 08:38 |
generic | Flannel: by default it will run at boot undert "mpd" | 08:39 |
Flannel | generic: by default it shouldn't start, unless you tell it to in its config file | 08:39 |
generic | I want it to not start at boot, I can do the rest | 08:39 |
soicon | like: DHCP router ----Switch------|--------Ubuntu 1 | 08:39 |
sayanpha | helo | 08:39 |
soicon | .......................................|_____________Ubuntu 2 | 08:39 |
generic | Flannel: thats funny. because by defualt it does | 08:39 |
generic | in /etc/init.d/ | 08:40 |
futurama140 | Can someone tell me, is it possible to run a livecd off an MP3 player? Anyone? it shouldnt be a hard question for any experienced user i would assume. | 08:40 |
ddavids | soicon: u mean the value? | 08:40 |
generic | in other distos it does not | 08:40 |
Flannel | generic: it might be in init.d, but until you set some stuff it will exit and not do anything | 08:40 |
soicon | ddavids: just issue route -n on both | 08:40 |
soicon | and let me know the output | 08:40 |
generic | Flannel: ubuntu "sets some stuff" | 08:40 |
generic | thats why it starts | 08:41 |
Flannel | generic: I have no idea what you're talking about | 08:41 |
futurama140 | Can someone tell me, is it possible to run an ubuntu livecd off an MP3 player? Anyone? it shouldnt be a hard question for any experienced user i would assume. | 08:41 |
generic | w/e | 08:41 |
Flannel | generic: but, all the normal "tweak startup stuff" will work | 08:41 |
Flannel | !bum | generic | 08:41 |
ubottu | generic: Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 08:41 |
generic | ok cool, thx Flannel | 08:44 |
Jordan_U | futurama140: If it shows up as a standard USB Mass Storage Device then yes. | 08:44 |
futurama140 | Jordan_U: ok, thank you! unetbootin right now XD | 08:45 |
ddavids | soicon: can i ask a stupid question? i have two internet modems connected to the router and shared among the office system, is it possible tht my problem is borne out of the fact tht each computer may have conneceted to a different isp and as such have different ip address which is causing this network share issues? | 08:45 |
soicon | ddavids: From icmp_seq=47 Packet filtered <= that's it haha | 08:46 |
Jordan_U | futurama140: Depending on the mp3 player you may even be able to run linux on the hardware itself :) | 08:46 |
soicon | you ping but the reply is From | 08:47 |
swamytk_ | quit | 08:47 |
soicon | a internet ip addr | 08:47 |
soicon | an* | 08:47 |
soicon | why just do the normal stuff in your local area network | 08:47 |
generic | Now anyone here removed pulseaudio? | 08:48 |
generic | Can I just remove it and it will defualt to alsa? | 08:48 |
[deXter] | Hey all, any recommendations for a Run-like launcher? | 08:49 |
futurama140 | Jordan_U: that would be pretty sweet, but right now im just eager to install ubuntu, i have no cd drive, and my only other usb storage device is a 128mb thumb drive, and thats hard to work with XD | 08:50 |
[deXter] | Something that can not only launch apps, but also search for docs and browse the fileystem.. | 08:50 |
xreal | How can I list the content of a bz2 file? | 08:51 |
soicon | xreal: I double click on it :D | 08:52 |
xreal | terminal only... | 08:52 |
xreal | I want to know the size when unextracted | 08:52 |
grub_jump | can anybody tell me where compressed kernel is located on disk ? | 08:53 |
frakor | grub_jump : / or /boot | 08:54 |
coldserver | I have a continuously running process that outputs stuff to stdout and stderr, I would like it to *also* redirect the same output to a file. I have looked at tee but it doesnt seem to work. | 08:55 |
grub_jump | @frakor But this code is at 1 MB during bootup . right ? | 08:55 |
k4rt33k | Anyone knows how to add a .php extension using rewrite rules to the links? I need a quick-fix solution as I want the site up and running fast. | 08:56 |
frakor | grub_jump yes maybye need initrd.gz for booting : sorry for my english | 08:56 |
crdlb | xreal: without extracting it first? | 08:56 |
^sn00per^ | hrm.. i wonder if there is ati moblity radeon drivers for ubuntu? | 08:56 |
scy_th3 | /channel #irssi | 08:57 |
Err404NotFound | can i hide a tar.gz file in a sh file such that when needed i can extract the attached hidden archive within that sh? | 08:58 |
k4rt33k | b | 08:58 |
grub_jump | frakor : grub ( bootloader ) is responsible for jumping to that location. Can I change that location ? | 08:58 |
Err404NotFound | where sh is shell script :) | 08:58 |
Void42 | Hi, i got 2 Monitors with different Resolutions (Twinview, 1280x1024, 1360x768). How can i prevent that the mouse moves out of the screen on the smaller Monitor (1360x768) at the bottom? | 08:58 |
frakor | grub_jump grub older 2 has menu.lst in /boot/grub edit it. | 09:00 |
crdlb | Err404NotFound: a quick googling revealed 'makeself' which appears to be in the repos | 09:00 |
=== Uranellus_ is now known as Uranellus | ||
grub_jump | frakor: Is it possible to copy code of 1 MB to another location and jump to that code from grub itself ? | 09:01 |
^sn00per^ | ARGH... i hate those japanse keyboard layout on this viao netbook | 09:03 |
frakor | grub_jump your kernel is new compile? | 09:03 |
huayra | displayconfig-gtl used to be a way to define which screen should be primary | 09:03 |
huayra | now gnome is too smart for me and I just cam't define the primary screen | 09:03 |
frakor | geniv hi! | 09:04 |
huayra | sometimes simple tasks get very irritating and difficult with Ubuntu... | 09:04 |
[eXception] | hi | 09:04 |
[eXception] | how to connect to exchange 2007 with evolution? | 09:04 |
grub_jump | frakor: no not. Is there need ? | 09:04 |
sagaci | huayra: what tasks | 09:04 |
geniv | frakor: franto ty si i tu? :D | 09:05 |
Kartagis | !english | geniv | 09:05 |
ubottu | geniv: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 09:05 |
frakor | grub_jump: then edit menu.lst | 09:06 |
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grub_jump | frakor: ok thanx.,.. | 09:06 |
geniv | Kartagis: sorry.. | 09:08 |
marek_ | hey guys. im a real noob with subtitle editor. how do i preview the subtitles i have created within the movie? | 09:09 |
=== BLACKTIGER is now known as looksharp | ||
frakor | grub_jump : sorry i translate very slowly | 09:10 |
soicon | marek_: just open movie player then > View => Subtitles => load... | 09:10 |
soicon | and choose the sub file | 09:10 |
soicon | marek_: just open movie player then > View => Subtitles => Select... (not load) | 09:11 |
johntramp | can i mark certain packages to use development versions through synaptic, or do i need to install them manually? | 09:12 |
nibbler | johntramp: you talk of the -dev packets? you can install them using aptitude/synaptic... | 09:12 |
chipgeri | i have curl installed still i am getting "Call to undefined function curl_init()" error when i run a php file | 09:12 |
marek_ | soicon: thank you very much:) helped | 09:13 |
nibbler | chipgeri: php5-curl is the packet you need | 09:13 |
nibbler | chipgeri: and maybe a apache2ctl restart | 09:13 |
caravaggio | !list | 09:14 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 09:14 |
ter39 | `/help | 09:14 |
ter39 | COUNTRY | 09:15 |
objorn | i attempted to have dwm be my wm inside gnome, i failed. how do i reset it to the default? | 09:17 |
objorn | to use metacity instead of dwm | 09:17 |
=== dbdii407 is now known as Guest27417 | ||
objorn | gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager metacity --type string | 09:19 |
numberONE | linux mint 8 is buggy | 09:20 |
numberONE | i went back to ubuntu | 09:20 |
maxagaz | my karmic doesn't mount usb devices anymore, but I can mount them manually, does someone know how to solve it ? | 09:21 |
chipgeri | <nibbler> php5-curl is alredy installed and websamples doesnot have any problem but when i run on commandline i am getting curl_init() error | 09:21 |
DrOwl-U5 | hoot | 09:22 |
nibbler | chipgeri: sorry, no idea then :| | 09:22 |
DrOwl-U5 | Any one else had todays update brake firefox? | 09:22 |
stix | Is there a simpler picture-editing program than gimp? I can't even find out how to insert i straight line - much to advanced. I just need to cut something from screendumps and maybe insert some arrows etc. | 09:22 |
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ter39 | hi maxagaz use mount /dev/s** /mnt to mount u r pen drive on mnt manually | 09:24 |
indus | stix, drawing tools? | 09:27 |
Jordan_U | stix, kolorpaint4 | 09:27 |
stix | indus, maybe - I don't know that one | 09:28 |
maxagaz | ter39, that's what I'm doing | 09:28 |
stix | doesn't have it installed | 09:28 |
chris| | Stik, try | 09:28 |
maxagaz | ter39, but I'd like the usb automount to work automatically again | 09:29 |
ubuntu_ | hi all | 09:29 |
LocaxTii | Hello | 09:29 |
ubuntu_ | how do i change my nic | 09:30 |
=== LocaxTii is now known as charichorizo | ||
charichorizo | haha | 09:30 |
jazz | ubuntu i was just looking into that as far as regestering | 09:31 |
indus | stix, | 09:31 |
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d_rwin | |network server:samba | 09:32 |
ter39 | maxagaz there is a script in /etc/ auto.misc usb.rules something like that i done it in red hat it was successfull but a long time ago | 09:33 |
ter39 | try it | 09:33 |
k4rt33k | !rewriterules | 09:33 |
tiger_ | what is the difference between su and sudo? | 09:36 |
ter39 | tiger used to switch user and sudo is used to run commands with root's privillage | 09:36 |
ter39 | tiger su is used to switch user | 09:37 |
tiger_ | ter39: both have the same password, right? | 09:37 |
ter39 | no su has pass of the user to which u r switching e.g. su - user1 sudo has only of root | 09:38 |
spexi | Hi! I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 64bit gnome. Is there any keyboard mapping software, that I could simply switch two keys or just define x key to be key y? | 09:38 |
DrOwl-U5 | how would i revert to an older version of a package, i have a fealing that the update to xulrunner has broken firefox | 09:39 |
spexi | I'm using apple keyboard, so for example alt and win buttons are wrong way, I would like to switch them. | 09:39 |
Grge | hi, can I run a task as cron would run it I mean with the same enviroment and user permissions and stuff, cause on of my tasks doesn't want to run, and i dont know why, no error output | 09:39 |
erUSUL | !pinning | DrOwl-U5 | 09:39 |
ubottu | DrOwl-U5: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 09:39 |
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erUSUL | spexi: System>Preferences>keyboard | 09:40 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee | ||
DrOwl-U5 | thanks ubottu ill have a look | 09:40 |
tiger_ | ter39: i failed to su, but can sudo | 09:40 |
DrOwl-U5 | or erUSUL =) | 09:41 |
tiger_ | ter39: how do i reset root password i forget? | 09:41 |
erUSUL | !root | tiger_ | 09:41 |
ubottu | tiger_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 09:41 |
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shazbotmcnasty | I have two partitions on my usb thumb drive, but when I plug it in it only mounts one | 09:42 |
shazbotmcnasty | what do? | 09:42 |
ter39 | go to system-administration-users and groups | 09:42 |
shazbotmcnasty | errr - that's a problem | 09:42 |
maxagaz | how to know what /dev/... should I use to record from sound device ? | 09:42 |
shazbotmcnasty | I removed gnome | 09:42 |
ter39 | tiger and then click unlock to make changes | 09:42 |
ter39 | then change roots password | 09:42 |
wunjo | most common problem | 09:43 |
ardchoille | ter39: please don't teach others how to do that, it'snot supported and makes the system less secure. Please advise people to use sudo | 09:43 |
erUSUL | we do not support having a root password set. is an unsupported configuration | 09:43 |
wunjo | Told that to someone tonight | 09:43 |
Gamrok | hey guys there is'nt an option to boot off of ubuntu on my grub any more just the windows option what can i do | 09:43 |
nibbler | shazbotmcnasty: use dmesg to see what partitions were found after plugging, or sudo fdisk -l, and see if oyu can mount it manually | 09:43 |
erUSUL | Gamrok: grub still loads? | 09:43 |
ter39 | ardchoille why????????? | 09:43 |
Gamrok | yup | 09:44 |
wunjo | sudo is what I ment | 09:44 |
erUSUL | Gamrok: yu uninstalled kernel packages??? | 09:44 |
ardchoille | !sudo | ter39 Read about why | 09:44 |
ubottu | ter39 Read about why: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 09:44 |
sagaci | tiger_: why do you need to activate root | 09:44 |
Gamrok | i think so, yes | 09:44 |
erUSUL | Gamrok: you uninstalled all kernels... bad. | 09:45 |
erUSUL | !grub2 | 09:45 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 09:45 |
ter39 | Ok its good but every time we have to type sudo sudo sudo | 09:45 |
spexi | erUSUL: well, I could found there only templates, there was options how I could switch alt and win keys. But after switchin win and alt, both of them stop working. So it would be nice to found software, where you can define exactly, that key id xxx is alt etc. | 09:45 |
erUSUL | Gamrok: Grub 2 via LiveCD | 09:45 |
sagaci | ter39: sudo -i | 09:46 |
erUSUL | Gamrok: there they explain how to to chrrot from a livecd into the hard disk. once you chroot install the linux-image package | 09:46 |
ter39 | k | 09:46 |
ter39 | how to restore grub if we install Xp upon Ubuntu | 09:46 |
wunjo | Now thats a good Question | 09:47 |
erUSUL | Gamrok: only install that package. do the steps up to and including « sudo chroot /mnt » | 09:47 |
wunjo | ter39 | 09:47 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as kelli | ||
tiger_ | sagaci: i met this problem: ln: creating hard link `' => `': Operation not permitted | 09:47 |
sagaci | ter39: go thru install process but just install bootloader | 09:47 |
ter39 | tiger type sudo | 09:47 |
ter39 | before | 09:47 |
erUSUL | tiger_: first use a simbolic link "ln -s" and use sudo « sudo ln -s ... » | 09:48 |
ter39 | sagaci from live cd | 09:48 |
tiger_ | ter39: i tried that, it doesnot help | 09:48 |
erUSUL | spexi: well i have caps lock and left ctlr swapped and it works great | 09:48 |
futurama140 | ANytime i try to boot ubuntu 9.10 from a ubs device, (2 seperate thumb drives and a formated mp3 player), using several different bootable usb programs, i get the message to insert proper boot device and reboot. is that a problem with my ISO or with my PC? | 09:49 |
futurama140 | *usb | 09:49 |
yudis | any body can help me | 09:50 |
tiger_ | erUSUL: it doesnot help either | 09:50 |
erUSUL | tiger_: what is the error you get | 09:50 |
yudis | what? | 09:50 |
ter39 | tiger use sudo before u type the command | 09:50 |
erUSUL | !ask | yudis | 09:50 |
ubottu | yudis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:50 |
futurama140 | Anytime i try to boot ubuntu 9.10 from a usb device, (2 seperate thumb drives and a formated mp3 player), using several different bootable usb programs, i get the message to insert proper boot device and reboot. is that a problem with my ISO or with my PC? | 09:51 |
tiger_ | erUSUL: ln: creating hard link `' => `': Operation not permitted | 09:51 |
spexi | erUSUL: ok, after random amount of swapping win and alt it started working :P | 09:51 |
spexi | weird | 09:51 |
erUSUL | tiger_: give the exact command you issued | 09:51 |
BigMack83 | k9copy always seems to use the avi container when encoding video from a disc. i am using xvid as the encoder, how can i make the container mp4? | 09:51 |
futurama140 | anyone? | 09:52 |
tiger_ | erUSUL: ln | 09:52 |
sagaci | futurama140: are you able to boot from a cd | 09:52 |
_dsl | i just created a user and set privileges so cannot connect to a network or internet using a modem but testing as that user i can still plug into lan and connect to internet. any ideas whats wrong? | 09:52 |
futurama140 | sagaci: i dont have a cd drive | 09:52 |
sagaci | tiger_: sudo ln | 09:52 |
erUSUL | tiger_: so you issued the exact command that failed before without doing the changes i told you and you are surprised it failed??? | 09:53 |
futurama140 | sagaci: although it worked fine with older distros of ubuntu, so im thinking it might be the iso | 09:53 |
erUSUL | tiger_: is « sudo ln -s » | 09:53 |
tiger_ | sagaci: yes i added the sudu and -s | 09:53 |
Jordan_U | futurama140, Does your BIOS support booting from USB? | 09:53 |
ardchoille | tiger_: which version of ubuntu are you running? | 09:53 |
futurama140 | Jordan_U: yea | 09:53 |
tiger_ | 904 | 09:53 |
ardchoille | tiger_: is this a livecd? | 09:54 |
sharadg | hi all, I am using ubuntu 9.10 and have setup dual head . The problem I am facing is that I am not able to specify which of my monitors is the primary one. how do I go about it ? | 09:54 |
tiger_ | no | 09:54 |
yudis | is there any special tricks to easily linuks connect to lan | 09:54 |
erUSUL | yudis: no; just configure ip/netmask and you are connected | 09:54 |
futurama140 | i think i might just try fedora core 12 from usb, ubuntu is the only distro giving me problems trying to boot | 09:54 |
Jordan_U | futurama140, Have you checked the md5sum of the iso? | 09:54 |
sharadg | I have Intel 945/950 GMA video card | 09:55 |
ardchoille | !info libwxgtk2.6-0 jaunty | 09:55 |
ubottu | libwxgtk2.6-0 (source: wxwidgets2.6): wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime). In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2670 kB, installed size 7616 kB | 09:55 |
futurama140 | Jordan_U: no i havent, ill google instructions to do that | 09:55 |
ardchoille | tiger_: where did you get ? | 09:55 |
wunjo | Goto love google | 09:55 |
tiger_ | ardchoille: it is a compiled result | 09:56 |
yudis | if you all have facebook | 09:56 |
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ardchoille | tiger_: so the wxwidgets package that are in the repos don't work? | 09:56 |
ardchoille | tiger_: Why did you compile wxwidgets when they are in the repos? | 09:57 |
futurama140 | Jordan_U: md5summer verified its all correct | 09:58 |
meatbun | does 9.10 have a grub recovery boot disk? | 09:58 |
tiger_ | ardchoille: I need an earlier version. it just does not work | 09:58 |
erUSUL | !grub2 | meatbun | 09:59 |
ubottu | meatbun: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 09:59 |
_dsl | any suggestions with my question above please? | 09:59 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, You can use super grub2 disk | 09:59 |
meatbun | erUSUL: that's still the old one. | 10:00 |
erUSUL | _dsl: well the not connect via modem only limits the user access to seria/modem devices. | 10:00 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: ? that part of ubuntu or another distro? | 10:00 |
erUSUL | meatbun: what old one? use a karmic livecd to repair grub | 10:00 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, It's a separate project, but it should allow you to boot Ubuntu. | 10:00 |
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ardchoille | There is an Ubuntu rescue livecd for 9.10 iirc | 10:01 |
meatbun | i am planning to reinstalled windows on /dev/hda1 and have ubuntu on /dev/hda2. | 10:01 |
_dsl | erUSUL: yes, but i have connect to wireless and ethernet inchecked yet i can still do it! | 10:01 |
_dsl | *unchecked | 10:01 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: ic | 10:01 |
futurama140 | Can you decomplie ubuntu to tweak it like in more advanced distros? | 10:01 |
meatbun | erUSUL: ok. but does karmic comes with dignostic and fix grub? | 10:02 |
meatbun | haha... decmpile? | 10:02 |
erUSUL | meatbun: if you want a semiautomatic toll others already pointed you to supergrubdisk | 10:02 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, There are instructions on the page ubottu linked too for re-installing grub2 after installing windows | 10:03 |
erUSUL | tool* | 10:03 |
meatbun | ok | 10:04 |
chipgeri | i have php.ini at two places "/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini " and "/etc/php5/cli/php.ini" php is loading from first one and i am getting curl_init() error ,but i have curl installed.. how can i fix this? | 10:04 |
meatbun | it's easy i suppose | 10:04 |
meatbun | $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall libdebian-installer4 | 10:04 |
meatbun | $ sudo os-prober | 10:04 |
meatbun | $ sudo update-grub | 10:04 |
FloodBot4 | meatbun: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:04 |
futurama140 | Does anyone here prefer lilo over grub? | 10:05 |
CErbero | hi | 10:05 |
meatbun | lilo has some good functions. grub still don't have reboot into another os | 10:05 |
peter_ | why i cant copy/paste files on my disk? :O | 10:06 |
peter_ | i have ubuntu 9.10 | 10:06 |
ShapeShifter499 | its possible to install ubuntu or some other linux into Broches Virtual Emulator iPod edition? when the ipod has 128 mb of physical ram and 512 mb of virtual ram? | 10:06 |
wunjo | havent seen LiLo for 9 years | 10:06 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, What do you mean "reboot into another os"? Are you talking about grub-reboot? | 10:06 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: yah. that one. it doesn't work | 10:06 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, I know, I fixed it for lucid and hopefully the fix will make it into karmic as well | 10:07 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, You can use the lucid package in karmic | 10:07 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: cool | 10:07 |
peter_ | DrSi.avi': Read-only file system | 10:07 |
peter_ | wtf? | 10:08 |
luckymurali_ | hi to all | 10:08 |
luckymurali_ | how can i find all the temporary files in ubuntu?? | 10:08 |
luckymurali_ | I want to delete all the files | 10:08 |
luckymurali_ | is it ok that can I delete the files from /proc?? | 10:08 |
luckymurali_ | please advise me | 10:08 |
erUSUL | peter_: what type of disk/filesystem? | 10:08 |
peter_ | erUSL how i check that i know? | 10:09 |
erUSUL | luckymurali_: no /proc/ is a virtual filesystem and is very small | 10:09 |
Jordan_U | luckymurali_, No, /proc is a virtual file system, it doesn't actually take up any disk space | 10:09 |
_dsl | erUSUL:tried disconnecting cable and rebooting but i can still connect. Very odd | 10:09 |
peter_ | i have verbatim disk.. | 10:09 |
erUSUL | peter_: cat /proc/mounts | 10:09 |
peter_ | but i cant copy anything or oast | 10:09 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: i am going to do some migration and upgrade when my new sata drive arrive | 10:09 |
slain | quit | 10:09 |
slain | clear | 10:09 |
luckymurali_ | Jordan_U, hi | 10:09 |
Jordan_U | luckymurali_, Hi. | 10:10 |
peter_ | /dev/sdb1 /media/VERBATIM vfat ro,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0022,dmask=0077,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro 0 0 | 10:10 |
luckymurali_ | how can i delete the temporary files in my system?? | 10:10 |
rooisto47 | hi | 10:10 |
erUSUL | luckymurali_: "sudo apt-get clean" will remove the deb packages that you dled for install | 10:10 |
luckymurali_ | thanks | 10:10 |
peter_ | erUSUL what now? | 10:10 |
erUSUL | peter_: sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb1 | 10:11 |
erUSUL | peter_: but if the fs was mounted ro was because of serious errors. | 10:11 |
luckymurali_ | erUSUL,thanks | 10:11 |
erUSUL | peter_: so i would check the filesystem | 10:12 |
peter_ | files are locked.. | 10:12 |
peter_ | i have locker icon on it | 10:12 |
feisar | Hi, I need to run 'apt-get dist-upgrade' in the early hours of the morning. I have entered 'apt-get -y dist-upgrade' in root's crontab and using 'top' I can tell it runs. But it does not update. Can someone explain why that might be? | 10:12 |
erUSUL | feisar: without a a prior apt-get update there is nothing to pgrade | 10:13 |
peter_ | i can only read it | 10:13 |
ardchoille | Doesn't the update manager check for updates daily and notify the user? | 10:13 |
feisar | erUSUL: I have manually run apt-get update | 10:13 |
feisar | erUSUL: do I need to run it in the crontab also? | 10:13 |
feisar | yes it does but this user will not know what to do and it needs to be done in 'off peak' hours | 10:14 |
chele | my spain | 10:14 |
feisar | (its my mother in law) | 10:15 |
ardchoille | feisar: you would need to run update *and* dist-upgrade | 10:15 |
chele | ija you ma ca su yey | 10:15 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, Out of curiosity, do you use savedefault functionality on the machines you use grub-reboot with, or just default=saved? | 10:15 |
feisar | ardchoille: thanks, I'll give it a go | 10:15 |
chele | oh no vark and my | 10:15 |
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meatbun | Jordan_U: i forgot. i probably tried both | 10:16 |
meatbun | default=saved looks more familiar | 10:16 |
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chele | fhhd for you nine my and si you my net | 10:16 |
ardchoille | feisar: and hope one of the updates doesn't require user interaction like some of the kernel updates do. This is why dist-upgrade should be watched by the user. | 10:16 |
chele | ke ny | 10:17 |
peter_ | so anybody? | 10:17 |
scy_th3 | Does anyone know how to install ubuntu remotely? | 10:17 |
Dantonic | is there a file where one can add command lines that would execute at startup in Ubuntu 9.10? | 10:17 |
feisar | ardchoille: I can just use the -y command? | 10:17 |
ardchoille | feisar: I consider that dangerous as you never know what needs to be done | 10:17 |
ARishi | Dantonic: I think .bashrc | 10:18 |
feisar | ardchoille: am I right in thinking there is a 'safe-upgrade' that leaves out kernel updates etc? | 10:18 |
slnner | hi | 10:19 |
slnner | does anyone know much bout hellanzb? | 10:19 |
Dantonic | Arishi for some reason my ssh server does not start at startup.. so I was thinking to add a command line to execute do you think this is the right approach? | 10:19 |
ardchoille | feisar: you might want to use upgrade instead of dist-upgrade but you still need to dist-upgrade now and then in case of kernel exploits. Why teach her how to run the update manager gui? | 10:19 |
ardchoille | *why not | 10:19 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, So were you just trying grub-reboot for kicks or do you actually use it? I'm wondering because there is currently a question of whether default=saved should imply that you also want savedefault, I'd like input from users of grub-reboot / grub-set-default. | 10:19 |
Cappy | folks, ive installed xchat-gnome and was wondering if there is any way to make to act like the old school xchat? or do i just install the other one? | 10:19 |
slnner | k well ill spit it out, unrar and par have bad permission in /usr/bin and im not sure what they should order for a program to execute them. | 10:20 |
Dantonic | !init.d | 10:20 |
ardchoille | feisar: if you do dist-upgrade and the kernel is upgraded, the system needs to be restarted anyway to use the new kernel. You shold probably just teach er how to use the update manager gui | 10:21 |
feisar | ardchoille: the user is partially sighted and I don't think will ever be able to execute tasks like that unaided. I wanted to get security updates done automatically then I will pop round every month or so and manually update | 10:21 |
ardchoille | feisar: the update manager has a setting to install security updates automatically | 10:21 |
Grge | in cron how should i run sh script, as I do it via command line (/home/grge/path/to/script) ? | 10:22 |
feisar | ardchoille: I know, but the problem with that is you cannot specify a time and her bandwidth is limited between 9-6 | 10:22 |
Jordan_U | Grge, Yes | 10:22 |
ARishi | Dantonic: I don't know about that much, but I do know that you should try the rc.local file. Read about that. | 10:23 |
uyjhgjhkg | Undeleting a file, there is no process holding the file open. I've googled. What are the best-practice steps | 10:23 |
Jordan_U | feisar, You could apt-get upgrade -d to download the updates automatically but not install them | 10:23 |
uyjhgjhkg | file was deleted on a karmic server, using rm | 10:23 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, What type of file? | 10:24 |
uyjhgjhkg | a .sql file | 10:24 |
uyjhgjhkg | mysql dump | 10:24 |
Jordan_U | !undelete | uyjhgjhkg | 10:24 |
ubottu | uyjhgjhkg: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 10:24 |
uyjhgjhkg | should have a standard characters at the beginning, I've read about going into single user mode... blah blah. But there is NOTHING that is written in a definitive way | 10:24 |
feisar | jordan_U: but leaving the auto updating enabled would mean that they would still be downloaded during the day if the computer had been off the night b4 | 10:24 |
Jordan_U | feisar, True | 10:25 |
toader | Hi, I have text file, there is a key word "Loaddim". I want to split this text file into two files by line containing this key word. How should i do? thanks | 10:25 |
uyjhgjhkg | karmic is ext3 by default? | 10:25 |
frogzoo | oh koala, if your ethernet drops link, you have to reconfigure the ip - annoying as | 10:25 |
Grge | how can I debug cron script, cause it is correctly executed via command line, but it doesn't work in corn | 10:25 |
uyjhgjhkg | does !ext3 mean not ext3 or is this some new stupid wikistyle linking in !triggers? | 10:25 |
feisar | I need to be able to set security updates to download and install over night | 10:25 |
uyjhgjhkg | @ Jordan_U | 10:25 |
ardchoille | Grge: what is the cron line you're using? | 10:25 |
Dantonic | how do I get ssh server to start at startup? ubuntu 9.10 | 10:26 |
Grge | 10 10 * * * /path/to/script | 10:26 |
uyjhgjhkg | First link is pointless, this is undelete not data recovery | 10:26 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, ext4, which since it uses extends *might* make recovery easier. | 10:26 |
ardchoille | Grge 10 10 * * * sh /path/to/script | 10:26 |
Grge | script however uses ssh to send some files to ftp, my user have certicate installed, but do cron task is run as me ? | 10:26 |
uyjhgjhkg | Jordan_U, why isn't this a science? | 10:27 |
Grge | if you know what I mean | 10:27 |
Grge | this should be a real queston in fact | 10:27 |
uyjhgjhkg | Jordan_U, I have a disk, a controller, a file system, a clean install - this is science, not maybe's and ifs. I just deleted the file. Yes you can say maybe it was overwritten, THAT IS ALL. | 10:27 |
Dantonic | shouldn't the ssh script located in etc/init.d/ automatically start? | 10:27 |
uyjhgjhkg | I want the rest of it to be 100%, YES we can access the filsystem to see unlinked data. | 10:27 |
Grge | cause task is run I just checked it | 10:27 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: i use it. it's very useful. since my machine is at remote site. i ssh to reboot | 10:27 |
uyjhgjhkg | I don't want fairies and goblins and magick and maybes | 10:27 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: i dont' remember. i had that config in my notes somewhere | 10:28 |
uyjhgjhkg | "Though most pages in the InterNet state it is impossible to undelete such files, this is simply wrong" FFS, seriously? Shut up author. I want 3 senteces: this undeletes files. Here is download. This is command | 10:28 |
uyjhgjhkg | WHat is wrong with people? | 10:28 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, Do you know what savedefault functionality is? | 10:28 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: nope. dont remember. what i do know is. u need to save the OS in which u need to do the reboot next | 10:29 |
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meatbun | into a file | 10:29 |
rooisto47 | #ubunti | 10:30 |
meatbun | and grub will boot it once | 10:30 |
uyjhgjhkg | "The complete Changelog with the possibility to download all released versions opens in a new window when clicking this link. " rather than have "change log / download" as a link. Seriously. painful | 10:30 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, Savedefault saves whatever menu entry you choose manually at boot to be the default entry at next boot. | 10:30 |
meatbun | savedefault=false <---oh.. needs to be true inside menu.lst | 10:31 |
uyjhgjhkg | Jordan_U, I think these scripts are worthless | 10:31 |
uyjhgjhkg | Jordan_U, If I can work out the beginning bytes / last bytes of a file, how can I get into a mode that looks for and recovers that data? | 10:31 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: i am looking at my grub menu.lst now | 10:31 |
uyjhgjhkg | "In order to ensure that ext3 can safely resume an unlink after a crash, it actually zeros out the block pointers in the inode, whereas ext2 just marks these blocks as unused in the block bitmaps and marks the inode as "deleted" and leaves the block pointers alone. Your only hope is to "grep" for parts of your files that have been deleted and hope for the best." | 10:32 |
uyjhgjhkg | Wrong. "Dear interested person, to undelete a file, you need to grep for content in that file, here is how" | 10:32 |
ardchoille | uyjhgjhkg: kinda sounds futile | 10:32 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: i been using lilo -R | 10:32 |
uyjhgjhkg | People are asking for a way to do it, not the ways it can't be done | 10:32 |
chipgeri | it looks like php cli is not configured with php-curl because i am able to run php samples on apache but getting curl_init() error on commandline samples..can anybody help me? | 10:32 |
uyjhgjhkg | ardchoille, I'll see, I think I can recover this. It is pointless having any file system without a recovery tool. It makes tools like shred redundant, it isn't worth anything | 10:33 |
uyjhgjhkg | It just obscures things that are really there. no security | 10:33 |
Seveas | chipgeri, look in /etc/php :) | 10:33 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, Part of Unix philosophy is that it trust that the user knows what they are doing. | 10:33 |
uyjhgjhkg | It sounds like it actually sacrifices performance to ensure this obscurity | 10:33 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, It's not supposed to be a security feature | 10:33 |
ardchoille | uyjhgjhkg: deleting a file has nothing to do with security, it has to do with freeing up space that the system can use again | 10:33 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, Re-read the sentence you quoted. | 10:34 |
uyjhgjhkg | Jordan_U, part of my philosophy is to trust that the filesystem writter knew what he was doing, capische? | 10:34 |
uyjhgjhkg | obviously they didn't | 10:34 |
uyjhgjhkg | Jordan_U, I KNOW. I was deliberately coming back in case someone quoted security | 10:34 |
chipgeri | <Seveas> what should i check there? | 10:34 |
uyjhgjhkg | there is no need to obfuscate content like that | 10:34 |
Seveas | chipgeri, the configfiles :-) | 10:34 |
uyjhgjhkg | ardchoille, I agree, I was imagining someone else woudl bring up security as a counterargument to what I was saying | 10:34 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, "In order to ensure that ext3 can safely resume an unlink after a crash..." | 10:34 |
uyjhgjhkg | Jordan_U, does that actually mean anything? | 10:35 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, Yes | 10:35 |
uyjhgjhkg | I don't think so | 10:35 |
uyjhgjhkg | Really | 10:35 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, Yes | 10:35 |
uyjhgjhkg | go ahead, explain | 10:35 |
uyjhgjhkg | and keep capitalising after commas, it makes your argument, already verbose, much more convincing | 10:35 |
vigneswari | where do i post my query related to UNR | 10:36 |
ardchoille | uyjhgjhkg: I realize you're frustrated, but I feel your attitude might benefit from change if you want people to help you instead of put you on ignore for ranting. Just my 2 cents. | 10:36 |
vigneswari | netbook-launcher fails to start | 10:36 |
uyjhgjhkg | << this is a good read | 10:37 |
uyjhgjhkg | but I am using ext4 on karmic? | 10:37 |
Fill23 | Hi, need help with custom resolution setup, when i'm trying this 'xrandr --addmode 1280x960' i get this error: | 10:37 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, If you are unlinking a file and you lose power the file system needs to be able to recover in a way that keeps the file system consistent, zeroing the block pointers is part of how ext3 ensures this. | 10:37 |
uyjhgjhkg | ardchoille, I was just correcting his misunderstanding of what I said re security, I appreciate your concern though. | 10:37 |
uyjhgjhkg | Jordan_U, setting an unused block would do the exact same thing | 10:38 |
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uyjhgjhkg | in recovery, 000 block pointers and 0 used pointers can trigger the same code block | 10:38 |
uyjhgjhkg | therefore the same 0's and 1's go through the CPU | 10:38 |
uyjhgjhkg | therefore it is the same | 10:38 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: thx for fixing. it was reported as a bug, then i gave up | 10:39 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, np | 10:39 |
Fill23 | any help with my question? | 10:39 |
indus | Fill23, what is the question | 10:40 |
Tommy89 | can you upgrade for ubuntu 8.04 LTS server straight to 9.10 server edition | 10:40 |
Jordan_U | Tommy89, No, but you will be able to upgrade directly to 10.04 LTS | 10:40 |
Morten_ | j math | 10:40 |
=== kellyh_ is now known as kellyh | ||
Fill23 | will repost now 1 sec | 10:41 |
ardchoille | Tommy89: iirc, you need to upgrade one version at a time unless you're going from one LTS to another | 10:41 |
Morten_ | sorry :( | 10:41 |
Fill23 | Hi, need help with custom resolution setup, when i'm trying this 'xrandr --addmode 1280x960' i get this error: | 10:41 |
Fill23 | Hi, need help with custom resolution setup, when i'm trying this 'xrandr --addmode 1280x960' i get this error: | 10:41 |
Fill23 | Hi, need help with custom resolution setup, when i'm trying this 'xrandr --addmode 1280x960' i get this error: | 10:41 |
Fill23 | oh sorry | 10:41 |
Fill23 | didn't want to post three times T_T | 10:41 |
ardchoille | Tommy89: 10.10 (the next LTS release) is due out in two months | 10:42 |
Tommy89 | 10.04 LTS isnt out yet though ? | 10:42 |
ardchoille | Tommy89: sorry, 10.04 (the next LTS release) is due out in two months | 10:42 |
Jordan_U | ardchoille, 10.04 | 10:42 |
iceroot | Tommy89: YEAR.MONTH is the scheme | 10:42 |
iceroot | Tommy89: so 20(10.04) | 10:42 |
Geoni | hi there...i have some question about ubuntu and windows cowork.It's somebody there that could help me | 10:43 |
ardchoille | Sorry, got ahead of myself (I love puns :) | 10:43 |
iceroot | !ask | Geoni | 10:43 |
ubottu | Geoni: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 10:43 |
Astana | Guys, i've Win 7 & Ubuntu ...and i want increase space for Ubuntu without harming any of the partitions please ? | 10:43 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: what's wrong with it anyway? | 10:43 |
Dantonic | ssh server won't start automatically at boot for me. I have to manually start with sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start I've tried purging the current ssh installation and reinstalling it... any ideas what is going on or how to fix it? | 10:43 |
uyjhgjhkg | Can I get everyones attention? FAIL on sourceforge, I want to wget a file from sourceforge. I am in chrome. So I let it do its redirect, and copy the downloaded url from chrome, but it is TRUNCATED, probably for CONVENIENCE. SHEEESH | 10:43 |
Tommy89 | im using 8.04 LTS but i want to upgrade php to latest version how can i do this without upgrading ubuntu then please? | 10:44 |
feisar | could someone tell me where cron logs to? | 10:44 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, It set the default permanently instead of only booting into it once. You can read my bug report for a more detailed description of why the default wasn't properly restored. | 10:44 |
Geoni | anyone? | 10:44 |
brk3 | does anyone know the shortcut variable in bash to get the result of the last command run? | 10:45 |
Jordan_U | brk3, $? | 10:45 |
brk3 | Jordan_U: sorry, not the return code, but the actual value | 10:45 |
ardchoille | brk3: !! | 10:45 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: ok. but it didn't even boot to windows, when i used it 2 years ago | 10:46 |
Astana | Guys, i've Win 7 & Ubuntu ...and i want increase space for Ubuntu without harming any of the partitions please ? | 10:46 |
brk3 | so if I go ls, and it returns a.txt, I think theres a way of going for example, cat $something | 10:46 |
AdvoWork | hmm, is ! -mtime -2 not anything < 2 days ago, so really, anything > 2 days? | 10:46 |
brk3 | Astana: look into a tool called gparted | 10:46 |
Jordan_U | meatbun, Did you have GRUB_DEFAULT=saved in /etc/default/grub ( grub2 ) or default=saved in /boot/grub/menu.lst ( grub legacy ) ? | 10:46 |
Astana | brk3: i know that tool , and i got a CD for it..but i don't know if he can fix this or not | 10:47 |
indus | Astana, use the live cd and use the partition editor | 10:47 |
indus | Astana, it wont harm the partitions | 10:47 |
Astana | coz i wont harm any of the partitions | 10:47 |
meatbun | Jordan_U: sorry. don't remember. i only config /boot/grub directory, never touch /etc | 10:47 |
Astana | indus, Ok man | 10:47 |
uyjhgjhkg | OK. I downloaded extundelete. WTF WTF WTF WTF isn't there jsut a binary? | 10:47 |
uyjhgjhkg | why? | 10:47 |
uyjhgjhkg | I am on OSX | 10:47 |
biki | hhi | 10:48 |
uyjhgjhkg | I have my linux server, where I deleted the file. I really want to install 400mb of frikking crap to get this compiled now and risk overwriting the damn file that was deleted? | 10:48 |
uyjhgjhkg | its STUPID | 10:48 |
biki | ohh | 10:48 |
uyjhgjhkg | can someone give me a valid argument as to why there isn't a binary available? | 10:48 |
biki | fick u | 10:48 |
biki | fuck u | 10:49 |
ardchoille | uyjhgjhkg: Can you just do another sql dump? | 10:49 |
ardchoille | !ops | biki | 10:49 |
ubottu | biki: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 10:49 |
uyjhgjhkg | ardchoille, I dumped the file. I moved the file | 10:49 |
uyjhgjhkg | the original server went offline | 10:49 |
anomiewut | Hello, can anyone tell me how I can give a FTP user enough rights that he can upload/edit any file? | 10:49 |
ardchoille | ah | 10:49 |
uyjhgjhkg | and the IDIOTS are not awake to put it online | 10:49 |
Astana | indus, brk3 : i want decrease size from my Win7 partion and add it to Ubuntu | 10:49 |
uyjhgjhkg | and I already moved the dns | 10:49 |
uyjhgjhkg | and the sql file was delted because | 10:49 |
uyjhgjhkg | and this is IMPORTANT | 10:49 |
indus | Astana, possible | 10:49 |
uyjhgjhkg | ardchoille, the most important thing in computing is reproducibility, simplicity, removing entropuy | 10:50 |
lucascarvalho | hi, is there any easy and simple tutorial to teach how to create a .deb binary package for a given directory? | 10:50 |
jpds | uyjhgjhkg: What are you compiling? | 10:50 |
uyjhgjhkg | So, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that when I get this new server they have a root account setup. karmic doesn't install that way does it? | 10:50 |
uyjhgjhkg | I didn't even notice, I ran some scripts | 10:50 |
Astana | indus, do u got any tuto with pictures to do that plz ! | 10:50 |
uyjhgjhkg | and then was like, ffs, what? I need to setup this, and groups. ok. | 10:50 |
Geoni | hi i'm new could i get some help? | 10:50 |
uyjhgjhkg | jpds, extundelee | 10:50 |
uyjhgjhkg | extundelete | 10:51 |
Jordan_U | !ask | Geoni | 10:51 |
ubottu | Geoni: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 10:51 |
ardchoille | !deb | 10:51 |
ARishi | Geoni: just ask | 10:51 |
ubottu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. | 10:51 |
uyjhgjhkg | ardchoille, so I setup the user and copy everything, and then do some rm's without thinking, pissed that THINGS AREN'T JUST STANDARD | 10:51 |
jpds | uyjhgjhkg: < ~uyjhgjhkg> I am on OSX | 10:51 |
jpds | uyjhgjhkg: We don't do Mac OSX support. | 10:51 |
ardchoille | jpds: his server is karmic tho | 10:51 |
anomiewut | Hello, can anyone tell me how I can give a FTP user enough rights that he can upload/edit any file? | 10:51 |
uyjhgjhkg | and realise I'd copied the sql file also into the ... jpds - yes I am on OSX. thanks for noticing. My server, and the file, are on karmic | 10:51 |
uyjhgjhkg | jpds and I don't want to hear about you not supporting OSX, if that is the only reason you wanted to talk to me, thanks | 10:52 |
Astana | ubottu, gparted | 10:52 |
ubottu | gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 10:52 |
uyjhgjhkg | Some people - feel so empowered, see a point in which they can say something negative, and off they go, loaded question in hand, ready to pounce. Internet heros. | 10:52 |
Jordan_U | !polite | uyjhgjhkg | 10:52 |
ubottu | uyjhgjhkg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 10:52 |
ardchoille | uyjhgjhkg: careful, my friend. Take a deep breath :) | 10:52 |
uyjhgjhkg | :-) | 10:52 |
uyjhgjhkg | I'm ok. Just... every time 1 thing goes wrong I get exposed to 47 things that make me wonder how humanity ever managed to walk upright. :p | 10:53 |
jpds | uyjhgjhkg: I thought you were trying to install extundelete on the OSX, sorry. | 10:54 |
uyjhgjhkg | jpds, no worries, I needed something else to deal with and explain. I am just... curious. If there exists at all, in any universe, a reason for not having a binary... | 10:54 |
uyjhgjhkg | just... curious | 10:54 |
jpds | uyjhgjhkg: Because noone has packaged it? | 10:54 |
Geoni | i want to set a workgroup with a file and print server on ubuntu 9.10.The server will be an ubuntu pc and the user will be on windows station.I want to give users passwords to acces their back-up or shares on the ubuntu server and i just don't know how. | 10:55 |
uyjhgjhkg | jpds, right. its just. ugh. | 10:55 |
jpds | uyjhgjhkg: | 10:55 |
ardchoille | jpds: nice find | 10:55 |
=== Quan-Time__ is now known as Quan-Time | ||
indus | Astana,hi | 10:56 |
Astana | hi indus | 10:56 |
Astana | i'm waiting man :d | 10:56 |
indus | Astana, when you resize the ubuntu partition, it will create free space, | 10:56 |
Gnea | Geoni: samba can do that | 10:56 |
Astana | i want resize win 7 partition man | 10:56 |
Astana | decrease it's size | 10:56 |
Astana | by 20 Go | 10:56 |
indus | Astana, then you extend the windows partition , its all slider stuff man, easy for babies too these days | 10:57 |
Gnea | !pm | Geoni | 10:57 |
ubottu | Geoni: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 10:57 |
Astana | indus, haha | 10:57 |
Astana | indus, it's really all about slider ? | 10:57 |
candy | I have amd processor 2.1 ghz, 1. gb ram assus motherboard... I installed ubuntu 9.10. everything is fine except my ethernet connection. sometimes it connects but the speed is very slow | 10:57 |
indus | Astana, | 10:57 |
Astana | indus, thanks | 10:57 |
anomiewut | Hello, can anyone tell me how I can give a FTP user enough rights that he can upload/edit any file? | 10:57 |
Gnea | Geoni: have you heard of SWAT? | 10:57 |
indus | Astana, be careful though, always take backup before partitioning, | 10:58 |
Astana | indus, huh ! | 10:58 |
indus | Astana, i just resized ubuntu partition, but not sure if same happens for windows | 10:58 |
indus | Astana, because the file type is different | 10:58 |
Gnea | !info swat | 10:58 |
Jordan_U | uyjhgjhkg, photorec is in the repositories, though I've never used it myself ( it recovers more than just photos ) | 10:58 |
feisar | could someone tell me if there is anything wrong with this crontab entry. syslog shows it is being run but it doesn't seem to do anything: '53 10 * * * root /usr/bin/aptitude -y upgrade 2&1 >> /var/log/auto_update' | 10:58 |
ubottu | swat (source: samba): Samba Web Administration Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 (karmic), package size 1859 kB, installed size 5588 kB | 10:58 |
Astana | indus, that's what i say man :d | 10:58 |
candy | I have amd processor 2.1 ghz, 1. gb ram assus motherboard... I installed ubuntu 9.10. everything is fine except my ethernet connection. sometimes it connects but the speed is very slow | 10:59 |
* geniv | 10:59 | |
indus | Astana, but i belive its possible, just try using it first | 10:59 |
Astana | indus, i believe in what u say man | 11:00 |
Astana | i'll do it | 11:00 |
Astana | :d | 11:00 |
DS1 | how do you copy and paste as sudo user | 11:00 |
indus | Astana, so i believe, when you create a free space, you format it will ntfs, then merget hte windows 7 partition into it, i hope that is possible :) | 11:00 |
Jordan_U | feisar, remove the "root" | 11:00 |
DS1 | i forgot | 11:00 |
ruby_on_tails | can anyone suggest me a good read on why vim is considered to be the best text editor out there ? | 11:01 |
indus | Astana, format it with ntfs i mean | 11:01 |
krambiorix | hi guys | 11:01 |
feisar | Jordan_U: ok, thanks, why is that? | 11:01 |
krambiorix | in ubuntu i want all my files and folders listed as List view, how can i do that? | 11:01 |
indus | Astana, aah okit works, grow partition ntfs | 11:01 |
nuxil | !offtopic | 11:01 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 11:01 |
indus | Astana, enjoy\ | 11:01 |
nuxil | that was for my self ;) | 11:01 |
ARishi | DCC | 11:01 |
nuxil | sorry /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:01 |
nuxil | erm | 11:01 |
krambiorix | ow i found it | 11:02 |
krambiorix | thx anyways | 11:02 |
DS1 | how do you copypaste as usod | 11:02 |
Astana | so here is what u say indus : boot from Ubuntu Live CD, decrase the win 7 by 20 Go, format it with ext3, and Ubuntu will know it next boot ? | 11:02 |
indus | Astana, what? what exactly do you want to do | 11:02 |
Astana | decrase win partition and add that free space to ubuntu ! | 11:03 |
indus | Astana, yes it will of course | 11:03 |
Jordan_U | feisar, There is no username field, the command that cron tries to run as it is now would be "root /usr/bin/aptitude -y upgrade 2&1 >> /var/log/auto_update" which will fail since "root" is not a command | 11:03 |
indus | Astana, sure, when you decrease the 7 partition, it will create free space, then you extend your ubuntu partition into this free space :) | 11:03 |
jazz | can some one tell me when is 15 utc? | 11:03 |
jazz | 15:00 **8 | 11:04 |
Astana | indus, without formating it with ext3 ? | 11:04 |
indus | Astana, so no need of formating this free space, that was my mistake sorry | 11:04 |
feisar | Jordan_U: i see, thanks. I also changed 2&1 to 2>&1 | 11:04 |
indus | Astana, yeah, i think yes | 11:04 |
Astana | indus, aah Ok | 11:04 |
indus | Astana, anyways go try it .pretty easy | 11:04 |
Astana | indus, Thanks man..apprectiate ur help ! | 11:04 |
Astana | cheers | 11:04 |
indus | Astana, goods lucks | 11:05 |
=== Kottizen_ is now known as Kottisen | ||
indus | :D | 11:05 |
Astana | :D | 11:05 |
kaziem | latest libpurple update breaks MSN plugin, result: pidgin exits with floating point error | 11:05 |
Sandman | how can I add a norwegian dictionary? | 11:07 |
jofo | Hello. I’m on . I’m connected (my nickname appears on the right top corner of the screen, besides a “Log Out” button). I’ve looked whether a bug I’ve encountered had already been reported. It seems that’s not the case. My problem is I don’t find a “Report a new bug”. Could some one help me? | 11:07 |
rww | ubottu: bug | jofo | 11:08 |
ubottu | jofo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 11:08 |
kaziem | where should I report bugs of pidgin? | 11:08 |
Astana | The grub file where is it in this Karmic ? it was on /boot/grub/menu.lst ...but it 's changed ! | 11:08 |
jrib | !grub2 | Astana | 11:08 |
ubottu | Astana: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 11:08 |
rww | kaziem: type "ubuntu-bug pidgin" in a terminal and follow the instructions that come up. | 11:09 |
indus | kaziem, type sudo ubuntu-bug -p <packagename> | 11:09 |
indus | ok no sudo then | 11:09 |
Astana | jrib, just put the correct path | 11:09 |
jrib | Astana: read ubottu's link | 11:09 |
otswim | this might be a basic question but: i have two different ethernet connection, one at home, one at univ, and they both need different interfaces file configuration, how can i do so that i don't have to change the /etc/network/interfaces file every time i change | 11:10 |
indus | jofo, the process to report bugs hsa changed now | 11:10 |
Astana | jrib, /boot/grub/grub.cfg lol ! thanks & thanks ubutto :D | 11:10 |
Jordan_U | otswim, System > Preferences > Networking | 11:10 |
Sandman | how can I add a norwegian dictionary? | 11:10 |
indus | Astana, no thats not it to edit | 11:10 |
indus | Astana, did you resize partition? | 11:10 |
Astana | indus, euh ? | 11:10 |
Astana | indus, not yet | 11:11 |
jrib | Astana: you didn't actually read ubottu's link. If you just edit that file, your setup WILL BREAK. Read the whole page | 11:11 |
Geoni | if possible, can someone help me with configuring samba on ubuntu 9.10. I installed Ubuntu on a system of my network, I installed updates and samba. other network systems running Windows. I want Windows users to save their documents on the server, but only access them themselves | 11:11 |
Astana | indus, i want just take a back up for the file too | 11:11 |
kaziem | thanks indus rww | 11:11 |
Astana | where the *** is this file ?? | 11:11 |
the_wandering_pi | Wow. Someone -is- awake. | 11:12 |
jrib | Astana: the way grub is configured has changed. | 11:12 |
kaziem | rww, indus: it says it's not a genuine ubuntu package so can't report that bug | 11:12 |
Astana | /etc/default/grub ? | 11:12 |
Mike1 | Geoni: there are many many howtos on the internet | 11:12 |
indus | kaziem, ubuntu-bug pidgin? | 11:12 |
Astana | it says : This file contains information previously found in the upper section of /boot/grub/menu.lst. | 11:13 |
rww | kaziem: did you misspell "pidgin"? | 11:13 |
PatMat_ | hi | 11:13 |
Astana | This file can be edited by root to make changes to these settings; they will be imported into grub.cfg when "update-grub" is executed. | 11:13 |
Astana | i found it :D:D | 11:13 |
Astana | i rock hehe | 11:13 |
madura | hey i have this bug global menu (gnome) when i click a menu item once the command is executed twice..any fix? | 11:13 |
indus | Astana, only by root | 11:13 |
Astana | indus, i'm the root man :D:D | 11:14 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc | ||
indus | lol | 11:14 |
candy | which applicatoin to play .swf file?? | 11:14 |
PatMat_ | gnash | 11:14 |
Mike1 | VLC | 11:14 |
kaziem | no I didn't misspell | 11:14 |
indus | i mean, that file is updated by some grub scripts when update-grub is run | 11:14 |
kelli | ok | 11:14 |
candy | mikel, no it didnt | 11:14 |
kaziem | indus, rww no I didn't misspell | 11:15 |
indus | Astana, what is it you want to edit | 11:15 |
PatMat_ | candel gnash | 11:15 |
indus | kaziem, wait iam checking | 11:15 |
candy | Mikel, it didnt open | 11:15 |
PatMat_ | candy* | 11:15 |
candy | PatMat_, yep?? | 11:15 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee | ||
Astana | indus, and now the GREATE OPERATION hahahaa ...i'm booting ...see you in other world :D:D | 11:15 |
candy | .swf file.. how to open?? | 11:16 |
indus | Astana, ok see you | 11:16 |
jofo | <indus> jofo, the process to report bugs hsa changed now ← So, how could I report a bug I’ve found in Ubuntu Karmic, in Gnome’s keyboard layout manager? | 11:17 |
indus | kaziem, i just used it, it works | 11:17 |
o2o | hi | 11:17 |
o2o | anybody here free | 11:17 |
rww | jofo: ubuntu-bug gnome-control-center | 11:18 |
mikebeecham | hi guys, does anyone know if there is a compatibility issue with Ubuntu and the 'MOVE' media player? | 11:18 |
jofo | indus, If the process to report bugs has changed now, how can I report a bug in Gnome? | 11:20 |
ubuntu_ | hello, i have a problem with my hard disk, i have a partition with windows 7 but this not start, in ubuntu i can see the files of the partition but y can't format the partition, i run gparted and the hard disk appears "not format", i try to format but he show me an error, what can i do? thanks and sorry for my english ^^ | 11:21 |
vigneswari | hi netbook-launcher fails with segmentation fault error | 11:22 |
vigneswari | how to adjust vblank | 11:22 |
vigneswari | parameter | 11:22 |
adolfo | In your oppinion what is the best look and feel for ubuntu? gtk theme, bakcground, etc | 11:23 |
jofo | <rww> jofo: ubuntu-bug gnome-control-center ← Could you detail please? What exactly is Gnome Control Center? In which menu is it? | 11:23 |
rww | jofo: gnome-control-center is the package that contains some of the programs in System -> Preferences. Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and type `ubuntu-bug gnome-control-center`, then follow the instructions it gives. | 11:24 |
jazz | anyone had a link for howtos on icon metacity? (looking into themes howtos?) | 11:24 |
ardchoille | jazz: yes, hold on | 11:25 |
Bublik | Sorry to offtopic but i really need the following: metal frame, one white basket on the top another underneath, 4 wheels and a handle. What is it called? | 11:25 |
ardchoille | jazz: tutorials here | 11:26 |
Bublik | i am starting a paper delivery job and need to buy one to help cart the papers around the route | 11:26 |
o2o | hello | 11:27 |
feisar | hi, is it possible to set the time when Ubuntu one will sync? | 11:28 |
o2o | anyone could give me some apt sources of ubuntu 9.10 ? | 11:28 |
rww | ubottu: ot | Bublik | 11:28 |
ubottu | Bublik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 11:28 |
jazz | ardchoille, thanks, | 11:28 |
oivey | Can someone help me figure out why my computer gives me the message "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" using 3 different usb drives, and 3 different linux distros? md5sum verifies there are no errors. | 11:28 |
o2o | could anyone help?? | 11:28 |
o2o | anyone could give me some apt sources of ubuntu 9.10 ? | 11:28 |
ardchoille | jazz: yw | 11:28 |
ardchoille | o2o: do you not have the official sources? | 11:29 |
rww | o2o: Assuming you mean an example sources.list file, | 11:29 |
jofo | rww, Thanks. That’s non trivial. That doesn’t simplify the report of a bug. | 11:30 |
jazz | ardchoille, been looking into themeing my own since anything out there is half cool and half not what i like | 11:30 |
oivey | Can someone help me figure out why my computer gives me the message "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" using 3 different usb drives, and 3 different linux distros? md5sum verifies there are no errors. please?? | 11:30 |
jazz | good night all | 11:30 |
rww | jofo: I agree :( | 11:30 |
oivey | Can someone help me figure out why my computer gives me the message "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" using 3 different usb drives, and 3 different linux distros? md5sum verifies there are no errors. please?? | 11:31 |
mikebeecham | is there any way that I can block my ip address in Ubuntu? | 11:32 |
daniskami | oivey: are you really sure your computer can boot from USB? | 11:32 |
o2o | rww, that is not what i need | 11:33 |
oivey | daniskami: the guides ive seen online say i should be able to, also, ive successfully booted GRML and puppy linux from usb, its just fedora 12 and ubuntu i have trouble with. | 11:34 |
o2o | rww, i need the sources of ubuntu 9.10, for example : | 11:34 |
anomiewut | Hello, can anyone tell me how I can give a FTP user enough rights that he can upload/edit any file? | 11:35 |
oivey | daniskami: whoa nvm, it jsut spontaneously started working | 11:35 |
rww | o2o: | 11:37 |
gilgamesh | ick trigun | 11:38 |
=== gilgamesh is now known as trigun | ||
o2o | rww, I want a list of different sources sites. | 11:38 |
rww | o2o: is an Ubuntu archive mirror. That page is a list of Ubuntu archive mirrors. | 11:39 |
mikebeecham | does anyone know how I can hide my ip address within Linux/Ubuntu? | 11:39 |
erUSUL | mikebeecham: hide from who? irc users? | 11:40 |
mikebeecham | erSUL - :D | 11:40 |
o2o | for example, the sources, the | 11:40 |
o2o | etc. | 11:40 |
o2o | rww | 11:40 |
mikebeecham | erUSUL:! | 11:40 |
rww | o2o: both of which are on that page... | 11:41 |
o2o | i couldn't see it. | 11:41 |
rww | o2o: pick a mirror, then click on its name or see the http/ftp/rsync links to the right of the name | 11:42 |
o2o | I mean a lot of apt update sources of different sites. | 11:42 |
o2o | rww | 11:42 |
jpds | o2o: You can also pick a mirror from System → Admin → Software Sources. | 11:43 |
jpds | o2o: Using the "Download from:" option. | 11:43 |
o2o | yeah, jpds, that's the thing i need! | 11:43 |
erUSUL | mikebeecham: you will have to use a proxy of some sort | 11:45 |
ardchoille | o2o: And be careful with your sources.. use only sources meant for your system )eg karmic, jaunty, etc) | 11:47 |
proteus | why is it when I try to load fbterm it says "can't open framebuffer device!" ? is there a specific kernel module I need to load with modprobe or do I need to make that regular user a member of a certain group? | 11:50 |
erUSUL | proteus: see if you have the fb device in the /dev/ and what permissions it got | 11:51 |
proteus | erUSUL, there's no /dev/fb at alll | 11:51 |
erUSUL | proteus: then yu need to load the module for the framebuffer | 11:51 |
ruggero | hello | 11:51 |
ruggero | :list | 11:52 |
=== orion_ is now known as Guest33012 | ||
proteus | erUSUL, what's the name of the module cos I was just tab-auto-completing on fb and could only find fbcon. | 11:52 |
rww | !list | ruggero | 11:52 |
ubottu | ruggero: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 11:52 |
erUSUL | proteus: vesafb ? nvidiafb atifb ? « find /lib/modules/ -name '*fb*' » | 11:53 |
proteus | erUSUL, thanks I'll take a peek | 11:53 |
=== n3rd is now known as hemanth | ||
proteus | erUSUL, thanks - I found the correct module for fb. I think this old laptop has an s3 graphics card in it. I modprobe'd the s3fb module but there's still no entry for /dev/fb. does one have to make it? | 11:55 |
erUSUL | proteus: no; make sure what your graphic card is « lspci | grep -i vga » | 11:56 |
b00n | just installed 9.10 and proprietary Ati driver...was wondering why my xorg.conf is so bare? | 11:59 |
proteus | oh s3 savage/ix-mv | 12:00 |
proteus | erUSUL, thanks a lot pal! | 12:00 |
proteus | it worked. | 12:00 |
proteus | savagefb was the correct module. | 12:00 |
A4Tech | All greetings. What software can I turn full-screen to windowed mode? | 12:00 |
b00n | anyone ever had ati grx working NO TEARING?? | 12:01 |
Gearn | Enter text here...hi | 12:02 |
Gearn | how are you guys | 12:02 |
bizarrefish | hi,, all | 12:02 |
b00n | <noob needs help :( | 12:02 |
bizarrefish | what's the trouble? | 12:02 |
b00n | ati 4870...How do I know its working correctly? | 12:03 |
Gearn | are you familia with movie | 12:03 |
bizarrefish | b00n: do "glxinfo | grep render" | 12:03 |
usuario | joseee | 12:03 |
usuario | ola a todos | 12:03 |
bizarrefish | if it's working right(which it probably isn't because it's ATI :-/) it'll say "Direct Rendering: Yes" | 12:03 |
erUSUL | proteus: no problem | 12:03 |
b00n | came back with.... | 12:04 |
b00n | direct rendering: Yes | 12:04 |
b00n | OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series | 12:04 |
b00n | GL_KTX_buffer_region, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_NV_conditional_render, | 12:04 |
bizarrefish | b00n: yup, it's working | 12:04 |
b00n | but my xorg.conf is so bare and I have tons of tearing when dragging windows left to right | 12:04 |
krishnan | how to install java on ubuntu 9.04? | 12:05 |
bizarrefish | b00n: in the latest ubuntu most of the Xorg config is done automatically. you don't even need an Xorg.conf | 12:05 |
krishnan | how to install java on ubuntu 9.04? | 12:05 |
b00n | ah | 12:05 |
bizarrefish | krishnan: look for sun-java in synaptic | 12:05 |
rokot | ðóññêèå åñòü? | 12:06 |
dreamy_ | hi mokabojo , are you there ? | 12:06 |
b00n | should aticonfig --initial work? because that gives me an error | 12:06 |
Gearn | hi krishnan | 12:06 |
rokot | hey any body | 12:07 |
bizarrefish | b00n: that's probably to autogenerate an Xorg.conf that's optomized for ati stuff. It's probably a good idea to run it(as root), but if it fails it's not the end of the world. Im not surprised if it does fail, because ATI do really suck at this kind of thing. | 12:07 |
rokot | i have some problem with my hdd | 12:07 |
erUSUL | !java | krishnan | 12:08 |
ubottu | krishnan: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository | 12:08 |
rokot | smartctl -a --firmwarebug=samsung2 /dev/sda | 12:08 |
rokot | smartctl version 5.38 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce Allen | 12:08 |
rokot | Home page is | 12:08 |
rokot | === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === | 12:08 |
rokot | Device Model: SAMSUNG SP0802N | 12:08 |
rokot | Serial Number: S00JJ50Y523510 | 12:08 |
FloodBot4 | rokot: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:08 |
b00n | so the screen tearing in movies and dragging windows etc is just ati drivers sucking balls? | 12:08 |
ikonia | b00n: calm the language down please | 12:08 |
bizarrefish | b00n: there are probably some settings you can stick in Xorg.conf to fix those. | 12:08 |
* bizarrefish googles out of interest | 12:09 | |
rokot | 123 | 12:10 |
rokot | Russian who is here? :) | 12:10 |
ikonia | !ru | rokot | 12:11 |
ubottu | rokot: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 12:11 |
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ | ||
bizarrefish | b00n: try enabling vsync in Xorg.conf | 12:11 |
bizarrefish | i'm not sure how to do this. google would probably be helpful. | 12:11 |
b00n | can u walk me through that? | 12:11 |
rokot | I was there. Only chanserv | 12:11 |
Glowball | I'm thinking about adding Lucid repositories to my Karmic Koala, to get new software upgrades (such as Firefox 3.6), would this be a bad idea (i.e. Would I be getting too many updates/beta software)? | 12:11 |
ikonia | rokot: there are 34+ people in that channel, you spelt it wrong | 12:12 |
ikonia | Glowball: very bad idea | 12:12 |
ikonia | Glowball: your dependencies would fail and conflict with karmic | 12:13 |
bizarrefish | b00n: this could be useful: | 12:13 |
rokot | ok. thanks | 12:13 |
Glowball | ikonia: I have also added Jaunty repositories, without any problems | 12:13 |
Genti | umm.. not sure about the rules of the channel, but do i just say my question? | 12:14 |
ikonia | Glowball: any problem that you know of - but in reality adding jaunty won't do anything because the kamirc packages are newer so it will never add anything from the jaunty repo's | 12:14 |
jrib | Genti: yes | 12:14 |
Genti | alrighty, im really bad at this stuff, but i was able to install ubuntu on a VM and it is running. Purpose was to be able to connect a flash irc client to my ircd | 12:15 |
Genti | but flash has this socket security thing and something about xml and port 843 | 12:15 |
Glowball | ikonia: Well, except for explicitly downgrading software, that's why I did it. But adding Lucid will get it screwed up? | 12:15 |
Genti | after hours on the web i found out that i need to install flashpolicyd | 12:15 |
Genti | and, thats where im stuck and having issues | 12:16 |
ikonia | Glowball: adding jaunty will get you screwed up | 12:16 |
ikonia | Glowball: adding anything other than compatible repos will mess it up | 12:16 |
Glowball | ikonia: it didn't in the past 3 months? | 12:16 |
ikonia | Glowball: you have no problems that you know of | 12:16 |
Genti | so, how exactly do i install flashpolycd, the commands they give in the help files are not working :( | 12:17 |
vaysu | hi all | 12:18 |
Glowball | ikonia: Could you clarify what problems I might be having then? I'm quite interested in how I screwed that one up :P | 12:18 |
heroscorp | vaysu: hi | 12:18 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
ikonia | Glowball: they all have different version dependencies, not all are compatible | 12:19 |
vaysu | hi heroscorp ...i have a doubt regarding "compiling akernel for my system " can u help | 12:20 |
=== pascalFR is now known as Parti | ||
ikonia | Glowball: the rpeos are meant to be compatible with that version only, so mixing them can cause a lot of problems | 12:20 |
ikonia | repo's even | 12:21 |
Genti | can anyone help with flashpolycd? | 12:22 |
Glowball | ikonia: So I'm quite damn lucky nothing happened, I guess :P | 12:22 |
Fudge | how can i change env to think its i386 to install an i386.deb im using 910amd64 | 12:24 |
raddy | Hello Everybody | 12:26 |
devunt | hello | 12:26 |
reaperfiveoh | 12:26 | |
raddy | I am using Ubuntu 9.04 | 12:26 |
indus | Fudge, just type sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture <package name> | 12:26 |
abhi_nav | !hi | raddy | 12:26 |
ubottu | raddy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 12:26 |
raddy | Beagle is not indexing evolution e-mails. | 12:26 |
raddy | I found a bug report for that. | 12:27 |
Fudge | indus thankyou | 12:27 |
raddy | But there is no activity in it. | 12:27 |
rww | Where are GNOME keyrings stored in the filesystem? | 12:27 |
abhi_nav | I have setup hotmail and gmail in thunderbird. I can send/recieve mail from gmail but I can only recieve mail from hotmail, cannot send. How to send mail of hotmail account from thunderbird? | 12:27 |
raddy | | 12:28 |
raddy | Can anybody let me know latest update ? | 12:29 |
jakiw | Hi | 12:31 |
jmp_ | hi to everyone | 12:31 |
bugaloo | guys, I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 on my HP Pavilion dv2000 and I have two problems with sound. First when I use the headphones, the sounds keeps on the speakers. Second, when I have two simultaneous sounds, the second comes out with some distorcion. Any help with any of these problems will be welcome. | 12:32 |
bugaloo | *distortion | 12:32 |
jmp_ | bugaloo, go on a terminal and enter alsamixer | 12:32 |
bugaloo | jmp, and? | 12:33 |
WilliWaller_ | hi all | 12:33 |
jmp_ | press enter | 12:33 |
raddy | Anybody can help me in it? | 12:33 |
jmp_ | raddy, what? | 12:33 |
root51 | how to run my windows application under ubuntu linux karnic | 12:33 |
dlynes | root51, install wine | 12:33 |
bugaloo | jmp_, I know to use the alsamixer, but it doesn't help me | 12:33 |
bugaloo | root51, wine | 12:34 |
affenbert | root51: using wine | 12:34 |
root51 | wine is stable | 12:34 |
dlynes | root51, apt-get install wine | 12:34 |
dlynes | root51, karmic is also stable | 12:34 |
bugaloo | root51, it's the best option | 12:34 |
jmp_ | bugaloo, which version of ubuntu r u using | 12:34 |
abhi_nav | root51: use wine for those softwares which runs on wine and for other use xp on virtual machine | 12:34 |
root51 | what about wine? | 12:34 |
bugaloo | jmp_, 9.10 | 12:34 |
bugaloo | root51, wine allows you to run win apps | 12:34 |
root51 | really | 12:34 |
dlynes | root51, wine is a windows emulation layer | 12:34 |
WilliWaller_ | I'm trying to change the order of the different lines (corresponding to different os) in Grub2 but can't find where it is, can somone help? | 12:34 |
bugaloo | root51, what's the application? is it any common like office or something? | 12:35 |
indus | dlynes, its not | 12:35 |
root51 | can run any kinds of windows apps | 12:35 |
jmp_ | bugaloo, did u try System>system setting | 12:35 |
indus | dlynes, wine is not an emulator at all | 12:35 |
indus | well,thats what they say | 12:35 |
bugaloo | root51, yes, well... almost everyone | 12:35 |
root51 | adobe cs2 and corel | 12:35 |
helloyv | unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted? anyone ever encounter it? | 12:35 |
rokot | | 12:35 |
indus | root51, cant run all apps, | 12:35 |
Seveas | WilliWaller_, that's done by changing the order of file in /etc/grub.d/ | 12:35 |
helloyv | i am compile a new kernel | 12:35 |
indus | !appdb | root51 | 12:35 |
ubottu | root51: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 12:35 |
Seveas | !compiling | helloyv | 12:36 |
ubottu | helloyv: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 12:36 |
helloyv | hi,gyas | 12:36 |
dlynes | root51, for those really difficult apps that don't seem to be compatible with wine, CrossOver adds extra compatibility ( | 12:36 |
jmp_ | root51, wine stand for WINE Is Not An Emulator | 12:36 |
root51 | i try codeweaves | 12:36 |
helloyv | ubottu, i have read it | 12:36 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:36 |
Fudge | afterall bots are programmed by people | 12:37 |
WilliWaller_ | Seveas, which file do I need to edit in there? and how? | 12:37 |
jmp_ | root51, and adobe Cs2 on linux don't expect to have the same performance on windows | 12:37 |
helloyv | hi,guys,i encounter a problem unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted? any help? | 12:38 |
racha | Hello can anyone help me with installing SongBird i don't know how to install .tar.bz2 files | 12:38 |
jmp_ | root51, why don't you use that kind of software on window it 'll be better | 12:38 |
Seveas | WilliWaller_, read the README in that file | 12:38 |
root51 | i explore | 12:38 |
Seveas | !info songbird | 12:38 |
ubottu | Package songbird does not exist in karmic | 12:38 |
root51 | something | 12:38 |
jmp_ | racha, use apt-get install | 12:39 |
Dr_Willis | get songbird from the sonngbird homepage. or i thinlk medibuntu | 12:39 |
kad__ | hey need help when i do file check for / always give : /dev/sda5: ********** WARNING: Filesystem still has errors ********** => i try with -p option and same how i can fix it | 12:39 |
racha | jmp, i don't know how to use it :) im noob with ubuntu xD | 12:39 |
racha | jmp_, i don't know how to use it :) im noob with ubuntu xD | 12:40 |
WilliWaller_ | Seveas, yes I dit, but don't understad what is said | 12:40 |
rokot | What does error after table «Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds» mean? | 12:40 |
Seveas | WilliWaller_, then you should not be messing around with it :) It's just the boot menu order, leave it as is. | 12:40 |
=== mister_roboto_ is now known as mister_roboto | ||
racha | Dr_Willis, i have .tar.bz2 file from SongBird page but i dont know how to install it .. | 12:40 |
WilliWaller_ | Seveas, so you edit this with gedit? | 12:41 |
Dr_Willis | racha: extract and run. | 12:41 |
Glowball | ikonia: Well, ok, I'll just be not lazy and google for ppa's of software I want upgraded. But as having Jaunty in my repositories hasn't caused any problems in 3 months, I guess it won't do that in the next 2 months... Just leaving that one as it is. | 12:41 |
helloyv | anyone can help?unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted? | 12:41 |
Dr_Willis | !songbird | 12:41 |
ubottu | songbird is a web-browser based media player based on Mozilla. Information and installation instructions at | 12:41 |
helloyv | anyone can help?unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted?help | 12:43 |
helloyv | anyone? | 12:43 |
rokot | What does error after table «Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds» mean? | 12:43 |
helloyv | help | 12:43 |
Dr_Willis | !smart | 12:43 |
helloyv | may no one see my problem? | 12:43 |
reaperfiveoh | Lol | 12:43 |
Dr_Willis | helloyv: could be no one knows. | 12:43 |
liltush | hey | 12:43 |
Dr_Willis | helloyv: check the forums perhaps? | 12:43 |
liltush | i need help | 12:44 |
helloyv | Dr_Willis, i have done that | 12:44 |
helloyv | Dr_Willis, nothing help | 12:44 |
kad__ | hey need help when i do file check for / always give : /dev/sda5: ********** WARNING: Filesystem still has errors ********** => i try with -p option and same how i can fix it | 12:44 |
Dr_Willis | /proc/ is generated by the kernel. so somthing goofing up with that. is weird, | 12:44 |
racha | Dr_Willis, I know how to use it like that ... but when i restart my PC i cant play my songs .. | 12:44 |
liltush | i got a photo here... | 12:44 |
liltush | | 12:44 |
liltush | need help with ubunti | 12:44 |
liltush | ubuntu* | 12:44 |
Dr_Willis | racha: not sure what you mean. | 12:44 |
racha | Dr_Willis, i want to install it some how .. | 12:45 |
helloyv | Dr_Willis, i have check my kernel config,all thing i have done,but have no solution | 12:45 |
rokot | What does error after table «Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds» mean? | 12:45 |
Dr_Willis | racha: copy it to whever you want. theres really no 'install' needed Unless the docs mention some installer tool | 12:45 |
jmp_ | racha, go on this it may be helpfull , | 12:45 |
nandha | join #hg | 12:45 |
racha | jmp_, i will try that ... | 12:46 |
Dr_Willis | racha: i dont know what you mean about restarting the pc. | 12:46 |
Dr_Willis | !songbird | racha | 12:46 |
ubottu | racha: songbird is a web-browser based media player based on Mozilla. Information and installation instructions at | 12:46 |
jmp_ | racha, ok give me the feedback | 12:46 |
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa | ||
abhi_nav | I have setup hotmail and gmail in thunderbird. I can send/recieve mail from gmail but I can only recieve mail from hotmail, cannot send. How to send mail of hotmail account from thunderbird? | 12:46 |
racha | jmp_, its same like extract and run but there i just make Launcher ... | 12:47 |
racha | jmp_, i'm looking for something to install it ... | 12:47 |
racha | Like any other app | 12:47 |
WilliWaller_ | can someone tell me how to get the 'windows' grub menu line in second position in grub2? | 12:47 |
Dr_Willis | racha: yes. make a launcher where you want. Your use of the term 'install' is vague. If ou want a system wide icon make a proper .desktop file for it | 12:47 |
racha | so i can access it from Applications -> Sound & Video | 12:48 |
jmp_ | racha, go on a terminal and move to the directories where u extrated the tar and enter ./songbird | 12:48 |
Dr_Willis | racha: use the menu editor and add one.. or read/do the install script at | 12:48 |
racha | jmp_, need su access ? | 12:49 |
abhi_nav | I have setup hotmail and gmail in thunderbird. I can send/recieve mail from gmail but I can only recieve mail from hotmail, cannot send. How to send mail of hotmail account from thunderbird? I am using Ubuntu 9.04 Thunderbird | 12:49 |
jmp_ | yeah use ur su password | 12:49 |
Dr_Willis | racha: you would need root access to put it in some system directory like /usr/local/ yes | 12:49 |
jmp_ | racha , or sudo | 12:49 |
Dr_Willis | racha: how many users are on your system that want to use it? | 12:50 |
racha | jmp_, i get it running ... | 12:50 |
jmp_ | racha, cool | 12:50 |
racha | Dr_Willis, Only me | 12:50 |
=== G-Bleezy is now known as Snakes | ||
Dr_Willis | racha: then just use the menu editor tool and make a entry for yourself. and keep Songbird in your home dir. | 12:50 |
kubanc | is there any program in ubuntu to open .cdr file? inkscape doesn't work | 12:50 |
Dr_Willis | racha: no need to put it in a system location | 12:50 |
racha | jmp_, ya its good i know ... i get it before but when i restart my System i cant play songs | 12:50 |
liltush | | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | racha: why cant you play songs? | 12:51 |
reaperfiveoh | Abhor_navigation: this is not a Ubuntu issue. Review the Hotmail support website | 12:51 |
racha | Dr_Willis, i don't know ... :S | 12:51 |
jmp_ | racha, is everything allright | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | songbird should still be in your home dir.. You mean you cnt RUN songbird? or it makes no sound> | 12:51 |
jmp_ | racha, like you wanted | 12:51 |
indus | hi folks | 12:51 |
Pici | indus: hi :) | 12:51 |
amjaduae | hi indus | 12:52 |
hannes815 | hay guys | 12:52 |
abhi_nav | its not a abhor_navigation its abhi_nav | 12:52 |
amjaduae | ha hannes815 | 12:52 |
recom | Hi, when my Firefox starts and loads quick but my mouse shows the rotating pointer after its started too long as i think. Can you have a look: ? | 12:53 |
indus | hi Pici :) good day | 12:53 |
indus | and amjaduae | 12:53 |
reaperfiveoh | Don't care | 12:53 |
indus | recom, its normal, happens here too | 12:53 |
=== Snakes is now known as G-Bleezy | ||
abhi_nav | type correct nick so that reciever wll understand that it is for him | 12:53 |
reaperfiveoh | Silence | 12:54 |
indus | a bug should be filed though i feel, or maybe its trying to do somethin in the bckground | 12:54 |
=== user2 is now known as band1toz | ||
mostafakvd | how to find a word in files? | 12:54 |
Myrtti | mostafakvd: with grep | 12:54 |
hannes815 | hay I'm using pidgin4skype and I've seen the native skype client for MacOSX, where the buddy list and the chat window are connected, I would like to do this with pidgin, does anyone know how this could work? | 12:54 |
mostafakvd | Myrtti: can u make me an example | 12:54 |
mostafakvd | ? | 12:54 |
racha | Dr_Willis, i think i just got it why it was't play any songs ... Funny :) ... Because its on my NTFS par. and i needed Auth... its possible to disable that auth. ? | 12:54 |
Myrtti | mostafakvd: grep word filename(S) | 12:55 |
Dr_Willis | racha: if you dont have the ntfs drive in fstab. it wont automount at boot.. it will mount when you first access it. | 12:55 |
bugaloo | recom, you can try to run firefox from terminal, using "firefox -safe-mode" to run with no extensions. so you can find out if there is an extension or add-on making your firefox slow | 12:55 |
mostafakvd | Myrtti: can I find a word through a folder containing some files? | 12:55 |
recom | indus: hmm ok thanks. It's not nice, i hope it will be fixed ... but doesnt really bother. bugaloo: i will try | 12:55 |
abhi_nav | I want to talk to a person who have practically exported mail from thunderbird. | 12:55 |
racha | Dr_Willis, its possible to make that Automount ? | 12:55 |
bugaloo | recom, cas the problem doesn't show up, you can disable extensions one by one to find out the problem | 12:56 |
racha | Dr_willis, and disable that Atuh. because it ask me all the time for it :S | 12:56 |
Myrtti | abhi_nav: I honestly didn't know that you can get hotmail into a imap/pop3 client without paying for it. | 12:56 |
Dr_Willis | racha: as i sort of just said.. entry in fstab = mounts at boot up. | 12:56 |
Myrtti | mostafakvd: sure. | 12:56 |
bugaloo | need to restart | 12:56 |
meatbun | <meatbun> can someone tell me if they can play this video? | 12:56 |
meatbun | <meatbun> | 12:56 |
meatbun | <meatbun> street fighter ii victory ep.14 1/2 | 12:56 |
FloodBot4 | meatbun: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:56 |
Dr_Willis | racha: so make a fstab entry if its an internal drive | 12:56 |
Myrtti | mostafakvd: grep word directory/* | 12:57 |
racha | Dr_Willis, Any tutorial about that xD ? | 12:57 |
Dr_Willis | racha: 10000;s of them | 12:57 |
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo | ||
Dr_Willis | ~ntfs | 12:57 |
Dr_Willis | !ntfs | 12:57 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 12:57 |
abhi_nav | Myrtti: I have already downloaded all my mails from hotmail account to thunderbird by mistake. I fogort to check leave msg on servr. Now I want to export all those emails. Have you done this? | 12:57 |
Dr_Willis | racha: ntfs-3g homepage has example entries also | 12:57 |
Myrtti | abhi_nav: I've not had a hotmail account since microsoft bought hotmail. | 12:57 |
madjoe | how can I change icons for "places": Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music??? | 12:57 |
allam | hi | 12:57 |
racha | Dr_Willis, i will try something ... | 12:58 |
abhi_nav | Myrtti:thas ages ago i think | 12:58 |
abhi_nav | I want to talk to a person who have practically exported mail from thunderbird. | 12:58 |
Myrtti | abhi_nav: 1996 or so | 12:58 |
abhi_nav | yah | 12:58 |
Dr_Willis | racha: i always set mine up when i install. | 12:58 |
madjoe | I just want to change icons for those special folders (places)... not the whole theme.. | 12:58 |
madjoe | I tried to right-click, but there's no option to change an icon | 12:59 |
raddy | Can anybody jelp me? | 12:59 |
abhi_nav | !ask | raddy | 12:59 |
ubottu | raddy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:59 |
ubuntuuseruy | hi | 12:59 |
recom | Dont know who of you told me to run in safe mode... but it doesnt happen in safe mode but i dont have any Addons... | 12:59 |
ubuntuuseruy | i need help :) | 12:59 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: Hmm.. Mine are not special at all. :) you mean icons in the file manager? or the menus? | 12:59 |
madjoe | both | 12:59 |
raddy | abhi_nav: I have already asked, anyway i'll repeat. | 12:59 |
abhi_nav | raddy: then just repeat only your question after some time | 13:00 |
raddy | Beagle is not indexing evolution e-mails. | 13:00 |
Guest98013 | i have an issue. I cant get tinychat to recognize my webcam. | 13:00 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: for the file manager - right click on the dir. -> properties.. click the icon and pick a new one | 13:00 |
ubuntuuseruy | after installed my win7 grub was removed how install it again without format my linux partion? | 13:00 |
Guest98013 | im having issues with my webcam in flash based online chat in general. is anyone around knowldgeable of this | 13:00 |
Myrtti | raddy: try fitting it all in one line, scattering it to many lines is a bit unreadable | 13:00 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: people overlook that the 'icon' in properties is a button that chnges the icon | 13:01 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: oh, click an icon! :) lol.. I expected something like a button "change icon..." :) | 13:01 |
schatan | hi, i m using gnome-shell but moving windows is very slow... is there a workaround? | 13:01 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: bad habit from Windows, I guess.. :) | 13:01 |
raddy | I found a bug report for that. | 13:01 |
Myrtti | raddy: the bug you linked to is a duplicate of | 13:01 |
raddy | But there is no activity in it. | 13:01 |
bittin | Hello has anyone here tested Crunchbang? | 13:01 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: i think the icon has a little border around it. :) | 13:01 |
Myrtti | raddy: and it's had activity on Saturday last | 13:02 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: be nifty (it may work) if you can drag/drop an icon onto that icon to change it | 13:02 |
yoni_ | Hi | 13:02 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: ok, ok.. I see it.. lol thanks | 13:02 |
raddy | Myrtti: That is not related to beagle. | 13:02 |
Guest98013 | i have an issue. I cant get tinychat to recognize my webcam. | 13:02 |
Guest98013 | im having issues with my webcam in flash based online chat in general. is anyone around knowldgeable of this | 13:02 |
ProUbuntu | How can install the UNR in a EeePC Asus? | 13:02 |
kamsky | hi, some database modeler for linux??¿¿ (like toad data modeler in win) | 13:02 |
Leoneof | hi, USB flash memory is doesnt work under Ubuntu, how to fix this? it is work in Windows | 13:03 |
abhi_nav | ubuntuuseruy: | 13:03 |
abhi_nav | I want to talk to a person who have practically exported mail from thunderbird. | 13:03 |
Myrtti | raddy: I didn't say it was, I said the bug report you gave the link of has been marked as duplicate of the bug report I gave the link of | 13:03 |
band1toz | hello | 13:03 |
i-bomb | hello - my question - i have the ubuntu netbook remix,how can i get the normaly desktop,not this kind of big icons? | 13:03 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: but what about menus? I've tried to install a Human_O2 theme that tried to install an XML file in my ~/.nautilus/metafiles/username.xml but it doesn't work... | 13:04 |
band1toz | you can strech the icon | 13:04 |
Dr_Willis | ProUbuntu: I get teh iso file. use some tool to make a bootable flash.. and plug it in.. boot and install | 13:04 |
krishnan | how to install JVM on ubuntu 9.04 | 13:04 |
=== IP-v6 is now known as ip-v6_away | ||
Slart | i-bomb: I think there was a way of switching in the previous versions of the unr.. but it somehow broke in the current version.. I'm not sure if they've fixed it or if it will be fixed in the next version | 13:04 |
Dr_Willis | madjoe: no idea. I dont worry about menu icons. I tend to turn OFF all menu icons when i can | 13:04 |
kamsky | hi, some database modeler for linux??¿¿ (like toad data modeler in win) | 13:04 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: there are a few lines (within the XML) in the following format: <file name="Music" timestamp="1266896969" custom_icon="file:///home/user/.icons/Human-O2/128x128/places/folder-sound.png"/> | 13:05 |
krishnan | how to install JVM on ubuntu 9.04 | 13:05 |
madjoe | Dr_Willis: ok, thanks :) | 13:05 |
InvaderZim | Why do some modules auto load at boot, while others (specially ones that i compiled) i have to manually add into /etc/modules ? What's the difference? | 13:05 |
InvaderZim | There is only one module in /etc/modules, and i have a lot more shown in lsmod. | 13:05 |
=== tjuni is now known as Deem | ||
abhi_nav | krishnan: what is JVM? | 13:06 |
Leoneof | hi, USB flash memory is doesnt work under Ubuntu, how to fix this? it is work in Windows | 13:06 |
abhi_nav | Java Virtual Machine? | 13:06 |
Slart | krishnan: you mean the regular JRE? java runtime fileS? | 13:06 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: have you tried mounting the device by hand? | 13:06 |
Slart | Leoneof: works on my machine.. you'll have to explain how it "doesn't work" | 13:06 |
TeCH- | hi .... BizAgi How do I install Linux? | 13:06 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis: how to do this? | 13:06 |
Slart | !details | Leoneof | 13:06 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: ive had where devices dont automount. | 13:06 |
ubottu | Leoneof: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 13:06 |
i-bomb | not the icons are the problem - i have no desktop where i can drop icons. | 13:06 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: with the proper use of the 'mount' command. | 13:06 |
abhi_nav | Tech: wich linux? | 13:06 |
TeCH- | Does anyone help me? | 13:06 |
bauer | wonna use gnome desktop. howto ? apt-get install gnome ? | 13:06 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: plug it in - check output of 'dmesg' command. figure out what device it is. | 13:06 |
TeCH- | Ubuntu 9.10 | 13:07 |
Slart | !who | 13:07 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 13:07 |
Leoneof | it was work fine, but now it doesnt work, Ubuntu 9.10 | 13:07 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis: ok | 13:07 |
abhi_nav | !install | TeCH- | 13:07 |
ubottu | TeCH-: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 13:07 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: then somthing lilke -> sudo mkdir /media/USB sudo mount /dev/XXXX /media/USB | 13:07 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: the automounting of plugged in devices has been flakey forme at times. | 13:07 |
bugaloo | ok... still have the same problem... on my laptop, when I plug the headphones, sounds continues comming out from speakers, on ubuntu 9.10 | 13:07 |
bugaloo | any ideas? | 13:07 |
InvaderZim | no one? | 13:07 |
learst | hi. i'm new to ubuntu and IRC | 13:07 |
i-bomb | thanks for your help - see ya | 13:08 |
i-bomb | exit | 13:08 |
TeCH- | But BizAgi is a program only for windows that need Net Framework | 13:08 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis: right, looks like it doesnt auto mount | 13:08 |
learst | i have some questions, anyone can help? | 13:08 |
abhi_nav | Tech: you are asking about installing linux or what? | 13:08 |
TeCH- | I can not run it with Wine and how to use it with monkey nose | 13:08 |
Slart | bugaloo: on some models you have separate volume controls for the headphones and speakers.. I don't know of any good solutions apart from waiting for better drivers or workarounds | 13:08 |
abhi_nav | !somebody | learst | 13:08 |
ubottu | learst: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 13:08 |
InvaderZim | learst: just ask your question | 13:08 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: some times i log out/bak in and and it works some times it works for days.. some times it 'stops' after a hr.. | 13:08 |
learst | okies, thanks invader. Sorry new to IRC and don't wanna offend. | 13:09 |
abhi_nav | Tech: I think you are not sure what you want | 13:09 |
bugaloo | Slart, I think you're right, but I don't know how to do it | 13:09 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis: arghh, this should fix soon | 13:09 |
learst | i'm trying to execute a python script that will run some programs in succession. | 13:09 |
TeCH- | I need to use BizAgi (Setup) on Linux (Ubuntu) with Wine or Mono or whatever | 13:09 |
AlienPenguin | hello ppl, is there a way to upgrade samba package on karmic? there is a known bug that prevents 3.4.0 working with windows 7 when authenticating on a domain controller it hsould be fixed in 3.4.3 but i found no mention on it on the forums | 13:09 |
abhi_nav | !Giudelines | learst | 13:09 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: ive had the issue with ONE of my 3 machines since beta testing... No idea whats causing the issue | 13:09 |
abhi_nav | !Guidelines | learst | 13:10 |
ubottu | learst: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 13:10 |
InvaderZim | Why do some modules auto load at boot, while others (specially ones that i compiled) i have to manually add into /etc/modules ? What's the difference? There is only one module in /etc/modules, and i have a lot more shown in lsmod. | 13:10 |
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa | ||
Slart | learst: ok.. and it doesn't work? | 13:10 |
Raydiation | hi is hpijs installed by default? | 13:10 |
TeCH- | abhi_nav I need to use BizAgi (Setup) on Linux (Ubuntu) with Wine or Mono or whatever | 13:10 |
peter_ | anybody know if i can use three finger gesture for running programs or for scaling windows? | 13:10 |
peter_ | i have touchpad,two finger scroling work | 13:10 |
erUSUL | InvaderZim: maybe you just need to run "sudo depmod -a" ? it also depends on the hardware they drive | 13:11 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis: i see, could be conflicts with other USB ports, i use USB Wireless, and USB Mouse too | 13:11 |
Slart | Raydiation: I don't think so | 13:11 |
abhi_nav | Tech: If you need help installing BizAgi, I dont now. If you are looking for how to install ubuntu then: | 13:11 |
abhi_nav | !install | TeCH- | 13:11 |
ubottu | TeCH-: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 13:11 |
learst | m trying to execute a python script that will run some programs in succession. it used to work on another PC with ubuntu, and now i'm running it on my laptop with ubuntu. however it terminates after the first programm with a buffer overflow msg. How do i overcome this? | 13:11 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: i think th automounter service/tool is just crashing. | 13:11 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: but im not sure where/what it is.. i just mount by hand. old-skool if needed | 13:11 |
InvaderZim | erUSUL: it was run. its just a wifi nic module, should've been detected by who knows and autoloaded, right? | 13:12 |
abhi_nav | I want to talk to a person who have practically exported mail from thunderbird. | 13:12 |
erUSUL | InvaderZim: yep | 13:12 |
Raydiation | Slart: ty | 13:12 |
InvaderZim | yeah it didnt | 13:12 |
stdisease | learst, maybe the other system had a different python version | 13:12 |
stdisease | learst, sounds more like a python bug | 13:13 |
learst | stdisease: erm, so how do i overcome this? sorry but i'm not a programmer. The script was written by someone else | 13:13 |
stdisease | learst, check the old version of python 'python --version' and try to install the same version on the ne | 13:14 |
stdisease | learst, new pc | 13:14 |
stdisease | learst, if the problem is still there or if versions are the same, head over to #python they might have a better way to troubleshoot your problem | 13:15 |
learst | stdisease, well the python that came with this ubuntu is 2.6. Do you really think it's a python thing? Or can i try disabling the buffer overflow thing? is it the end of my PC life if i disable it? | 13:15 |
Dr_Willis | You can install earlier verisons of pytohon if you wanted to | 13:16 |
ibuclaw | learst, buffer overflows are a software/application issue. ;) And python code between versions doesn't really keep backwards compatibility. | 13:16 |
stdisease | learst, a buffer overflow is a bug, it's not a feature you enable and disable so that's not very meaningful. What you can do is try installing 'python2.5' and run the script with 'python2.5 <>' | 13:17 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis: looks like it is disconnect the USB, this is about dmesg: | 13:18 |
helloyv | i have check my kernel config,all thing i have done,but have no solution | 13:18 |
helloyv | anyone can help?unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted?help | 13:18 |
helloyv | anyone can help?unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted?help! | 13:18 |
learst | stdisease, ok i might not know much bout python. But the script is quite simple and all it does is call 3 programs to run. all 3 programmes generate output files. however only 1 program didn't and the terminate msg points out that program and not the python script. So somehow i think it's the called program that might be causing the problem | 13:19 |
stdisease | !flood | helloyv | 13:19 |
ubottu | helloyv: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:19 |
stdisease | helloyv, what is the type of the file system you're trying to mount? | 13:19 |
ibuclaw | Leoneof, is that the same for all ports you plug the USB into? | 13:19 |
InvaderZim | learst: or if you have some knowledge you could append strace before the python command and try to analyze whats causing the overflow | 13:20 |
Leoneof | ibuclaw: i tried another port, same info | 13:20 |
fortEZ | anyone knows if I can hide the full directory path that is shown in the terminal? | 13:20 |
stdisease | learst, hmm. What is the program that's failing, then? | 13:20 |
iceroot | fortEZ: yes, look at ~/.bashrc | 13:20 |
ibuclaw | Leoneof, and it only happens for the most recent version of Ubuntu? | 13:20 |
luismendes | hi! I'm trying to use iptables in order to redirect packages from eth1 to eth2, and I'm using the following command: "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE" I've enabled IP forwarding and all, but it's not working. If you have any clues, please help me! Thanks in advance | 13:20 |
jackbrown1 | hi there | 13:20 |
iceroot | fortEZ: there is imo an example | 13:20 |
helloyv | stdisease, it happens when i boot from my new kernel | 13:21 |
learst | it's muscle3.7, an analysis programme. And these programmes do take up a lot of memory when running the analysis | 13:21 |
jackbrown1 | i used to use CurrPorts on WinXP to check my MSN contacts IP, i would like to do the same under aMSN in UBUNTU how can i do? | 13:21 |
Leoneof | ibuclaw: sorry, i just started with Ubuntu 9.10 this year | 13:21 |
candyban | In karmic ... is the package drbd8-source "broken"? | 13:21 |
candyban | I can't seem to be able to build it according to the normal procedures | 13:22 |
Dr_Willis | !info drbd8-source | 13:22 |
ubottu | drbd8-source (source: drbd8): RAID 1 over tcp/ip for Linux module source. In component main, is extra. Version 2:8.3.3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 257 kB, installed size 1020 kB | 13:22 |
fortEZ | iceroot: I think I found it! thanks a bunch :D | 13:22 |
jester_ | hi all, i have a weee bit of a problem. I just upgraded to lucid and formatted all my partitions, except /home. after the install, I say that my home directory was empty except for .Private - I also see a symlink for .ecryptfs -> /var/lib/ecryptfs/jester which is now gone after the upgrade. Is there way for me to get my data back? | 13:22 |
candyban | Dr_Willis, I know what it is :p | 13:22 |
Myrtti | !lucid | jester_ | 13:22 |
stdisease | luismendes , that isn't enough, you have to add forward rules to your filter table as well | 13:22 |
ubottu | jester_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 13:22 |
Lord-Readman | | 13:22 |
helloyv | stdisease, i don't want to send spam ,but i have this problem,and want to some one to pay attention | 13:22 |
learst | invader, what do u mean by appending strace before python. i don't think i've heard of it | 13:22 |
Dr_Willis | candyban: that wasent for you. :P | 13:22 |
Lord-Readman | and also | 13:22 |
Dr_Willis | candyban: raid over tcp/ip seems like a neat trick however | 13:23 |
candyban | Dr_Willis, I can't seem to install it using the regular m-a nor with the command in the README | 13:23 |
ibuclaw | Leoneof, ah, OK. First I'd try the device on another OS first. If you still get the same results, could be a hardware issue. | 13:23 |
candyban | Dr_Willis, it is working on Debian which are all my other servers (it's my first Ubuntu server) | 13:24 |
luismendes | stdisease, can you give me any directions? | 13:24 |
Leoneof | ibuclaw: but i tried with Windows, it is work fine | 13:24 |
stdisease | luismendes, I can give you a ready made small shell script I wrote once, or you can use the package linux-igd | 13:25 |
helloyv | stdisease, unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts? this happens after i compile a new kernel,but i don't know what's wrong | 13:25 |
stdisease | luismendes, linux-igd would do it all for you AND set up UPnP as well. Unless you're trying to learn iptables of course | 13:25 |
=== Guest11795 is now known as isp | ||
Dr_Willis | helloyv: i would guess you dident build the fs modules needed.. or dident include them into the kernel. | 13:26 |
stdisease | helloyv, so the exact error message you see is 'unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts' ? After what command does it show that? | 13:26 |
ibuclaw | Leoneof, what type of device is it? USB mouse? other? | 13:27 |
sd | hu | 13:28 |
Leoneof | ibuclaw: is there are conflicts with VirtualBox? because when i run VirtualBox, Ubuntu will detect and run USB | 13:28 |
fortEZ | iceroot: Thanks a lot! found it! :D /cheers | 13:29 |
helloyv | stdisease,after bios check,a sentences: missing sysfs features;udev may not work correct,to disable CONFIG_SYS_DEPRECATE, then come out:unable to find a suitable fs.. | 13:29 |
[diablo] | afternoon #ubuntu ... does anyone know a method of burning .cue and .mp3 's please? | 13:30 |
nibbler | helloyv: your problem is not understood. what did you do, what doyou expect to happen, what happens exactly? | 13:30 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis, ibuclaw: the problem is solved, it is work now, i think because of VirtualBox | 13:30 |
helloyv | nibbler, i only come into console,and can't log into gnome | 13:31 |
ale_ | h | 13:32 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: ive had the issues without vbox being installed.. but ive not paid much attention to it. | 13:32 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: could be some vbox bug i guess | 13:32 |
learst | hm, well can anyone tell me whether it's ok to disable "buffer overflow" which terminates a programme i wish to run. And if so, how do i disable it? | 13:33 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis: i see, maybe vbox can make auto mount for USB, could be helpful, lol | 13:33 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: when running vbox it WORKS? or it breaks? | 13:33 |
stdisease | helloyv, well you'll have to recompile the kernel with the feature disabled, you can either it find and disable it from the menuconfig or edit the .config file directly and comment it out, also make sure the file system modules for all your partitions are selected | 13:33 |
krambiorix | hi guys, i would like to downgrade php on my ubuntu box, how can i do that? | 13:34 |
Leoneof | Dr_Willis: it works! :D | 13:34 |
Dr_Willis | learst: how are you going to disable that buffer overflow? | 13:34 |
nibbler | helloyv: so your kernel boots etc, not too bad for a start - i read something about sys before, /sys has some stuff in it? mount /sys output? | 13:34 |
Dr_Willis | Leoneof: that is weird. | 13:34 |
abhi_nav | I want to talk to a person who have practically exported mail from thunderbird. | 13:34 |
stdisease | learst, what's the program triggering the overflow? | 13:34 |
learst | Dr_willis: i dunno. i was jusat asking if it's okay to do so. And how to do it. | 13:34 |
nibbler | learst: buffer overflow is a programming error, so its a bug in the program..... try getting a newer or even an older version | 13:34 |
Dr_Willis | learst: well,. You cant disable it. :) | 13:34 |
nena | ola que pasa | 13:35 |
nibbler | !es | nena | 13:35 |
ubottu | nena: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 13:35 |
Dr_Willis | learst: imagine putting a 10000 character file into a variable desingned to hold 500 characters | 13:35 |
learst | stdisease: it's called muscle3.7, an analysis programme. and i am aware that it uses a large amount of memory when running the analysis | 13:35 |
nena | puedes contestar | 13:35 |
krambiorix | anyone? | 13:35 |
nena | ola biabia | 13:35 |
Dr_Willis | learst: sounds like a bad bug in the program to me. | 13:35 |
nibbler | learst: its *not* out of memory, its buffer overflow, thishas nothing to do with lack of ram | 13:35 |
nena | Wor you name | 13:36 |
Dr_Willis | learst: you can make a 5 line program that does nothing that can buffer overflow. :) | 13:36 |
abhi_nav | !anyone | krambiorix | 13:36 |
ubottu | krambiorix: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 13:36 |
RanyAlbeg | Hi , i wanted to know what are those ~ files..thanks :) | 13:36 |
DJ_HaMsTa | i just installed ubuntu and it wont load pass the GRUB screen, all it says is GRUB and its stuck there | 13:36 |
learst | nibbler, Dr_willis: well ok, but it's an open-source software written by an individual. and i have gotten it to run before, on another pc. | 13:36 |
nena | aur a yu | 13:36 |
nibbler | learst: of course it can be malformed input aswell. (would be a programming error triggered by faulty input then) | 13:36 |
nena | diablo que te pasa | 13:37 |
krambiorix | i would like to downgrade php on my ubuntu box, how can i do that? | 13:37 |
Dr_Willis | learst: like nibbler said.. or it could be some support lib has the actual bug | 13:37 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, did live cd work? | 13:37 |
stdisease | RanyAlbeg, usually backups or temporary files automatically created by applications like text editors, etc.. | 13:37 |
learst | nibbler, sorry. i'm nont that familiar with programming, memoryt etc. so i'm not exactly sure what is "buffer overflow". | 13:37 |
nibbler | learst: it is a bug in the program, thats not subject for discussion, its just the very clear interpretation of the message you gave us. can be this version, can be your version of used libraries etc. | 13:37 |
abhi_nav | krambiorix: i dont thing there is any automated tool to downgrade someting. just unintall current version and install old one | 13:37 |
Dr_Willis | !pin | krambiorix | 13:38 |
ubottu | krambiorix: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 13:38 |
candyban | anyone in here knows how to compile the drbd8 module? | 13:38 |
krambiorix | abhi_nav, how can i get the old one from apt ? | 13:38 |
candyban | karmic | 13:38 |
RanyAlbeg | stdisease: can i use them to restore the original file after i remove it? | 13:38 |
nibbler | learst: it means the programmer prepared the program to load a variable of lets say 120 bytes, but then at runtime the program tries to load 150 bytes - buffer overflow, end of program | 13:38 |
krambiorix | ow thx Dr_Willis | 13:38 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire should work, i will try it right now, 1 sec | 13:38 |
Dr_Willis | krambiorix: if the old one is in apt. you can install and pin he old bversion | 13:38 |
Spyzer | if i have installed any package<bitbake for example> through its source, which is installed in different /usr/? directories. How do i uninstall the program(A problem, since source code installations don't ppear in syanptic or apt> | 13:38 |
abhi_nav | krambiorix: whats the software name? | 13:38 |
nibbler | learst: and no, you cant fix it, unless you know how to program | 13:38 |
learst | nibbler, Dr_willis, stdisease: so what can i do? i need to get the programme to run, and i'm quite sure that my input file for it is ok | 13:39 |
you_katan | | 13:39 |
Dr_Willis | learst: try different versions.. try recompilig the latest.. try on differnt disrto/live cd | 13:39 |
nibbler | learst: you haveanother pc where it works, use this one. install older or newer version of same program, try it on a differnt distribution, preferably one that has this program in its packet repository and so supports and tests it | 13:39 |
krambiorix | abhi_nav: i want PHP 5.2.6-3ubuntu4 | 13:39 |
you_katan | please see the code, I've got a segfaults always :( | 13:39 |
anomiewut | can anyone tell me how I can give a FTP user enough rights that he can upload/edit any file??? | 13:39 |
Dr_Willis | learst: try it with differnt input files.. see if it does it for other files | 13:39 |
Spyzer | kindly help me anyone | 13:39 |
=== ip-v6_away is now known as ip-v6 | ||
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: any file on the WHOLE system? | 13:40 |
Spyzer | if i have installed any package<bitbake for example> through its source, which is installed in different /usr/? directories. How do i uninstall the program(A problem, since source code installations don't ppear in syanptic or apt> | 13:40 |
anomiewut | Dr_Willis; yes. | 13:40 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: you would basicailly have to let them ftp in as root i imagine. | 13:40 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: good luck. | 13:40 |
learst | Dr_willis ok i'm gonna try some other input files. thanks Dr_willis, nibbler, and stdisease. | 13:40 |
anomiewut | Yeh I tried using the root | 13:40 |
bugaloo | guys, please... how can I configure my laptop to put speakers on mute when I plug the headphones? It works on windows, so I think this is a software thing. | 13:40 |
anomiewut | but it wouldnt log in as that | 13:40 |
anomiewut | so I just want to give a user root pivs | 13:40 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: yep. you would have to get around most ftp servers security features where they block root. | 13:41 |
abhi_nav | krambiorix: download old version from their website? | 13:41 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: ive seen ways ages ago to make a 2nd user who was identical to root. but i dont recall how. | 13:41 |
stdisease | bugaloo, open the mixer and mute or from the terminal, 'alsamixer' | 13:41 |
anomiewut | Is there not a simple command that gives the user root (or close to it) privs? | 13:41 |
krambiorix | abhi_nav: i thought to do it with apt , but ok no probs | 13:42 |
bugaloo | stdisease, when I mute this, it mutes the headphones too | 13:42 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: proberly not. | 13:42 |
abhi_nav | krambiorix: ok | 13:42 |
helloyv | stdisease, how to disable it in directly,just set the value to 0 in config file or to add a # in the front. | 13:42 |
jad | hola, where does exaile store the now playing playlist: if I want to retrieve the plalist now playing, where do I go, any idea ? | 13:42 |
web5|org|ua | How to share ftp access ONLY for one ip(machine) ? | 13:42 |
candyban | nm ... drbd8 module is apparantly already compiled by default (why drbd8-utils depend on drbd8-source is a mystery though) | 13:42 |
stdisease | anomiewut, what kind of privileges do you need. Anything sudo wouldn't provide? | 13:42 |
abhi_nav | krambiorix: | 13:42 |
anomiewut | no its not for use | 13:42 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire live CD works flawless | 13:42 |
Dr_Willis | web5|org|ua: most ftp servers have security/settings to do that. | 13:42 |
anomiewut | its for joomla | 13:42 |
researcher1 | my monitor does not show better resolution option on UBUNTU 9.1.Any help please | 13:43 |
anomiewut | so I don't need to CHMOD all my files to 0777 | 13:43 |
anomiewut | you just give it ftp access | 13:43 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, hmmm...what's ur pc config.. | 13:43 |
anomiewut | it would only need full read/write permission over /var/www | 13:43 |
web5|org|ua | Dr_Willis: never tried, which is better ? | 13:43 |
ibuclaw | anomiewut, O: O: O: | 13:43 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: just var/www is doable.. proberly very easially.. thats not what you asked however., :) | 13:43 |
stdisease | bugaloo, maybe because you muted the master. Try muting just the speaker | 13:43 |
Dr_Willis | web5|org|ua: no idea. I dont use ftp any more. use ssh and sftp. Dump ftp | 13:44 |
anomiewut | ive set the home directory of the user to /var/www | 13:44 |
anomiewut | it didnt make a difference though | 13:44 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: did you set teh permissions of the /var/www ? you are trying to hard to do this i imagine theres a better more secure way | 13:44 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire 2 GB ram/ AMD 64 3200 / 2 raid mirrored drives 1 single where ubuntu is configured in, the raid will be for storage | 13:44 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: i think thats what 'groups' are for | 13:44 |
stdisease | bugaloo, exactly how depends on the software you're using and your hardware | 13:44 |
bugaloo | stdisease, that's the problem, there is no separated channels for headphones. I want to know how to do that | 13:44 |
candyban | web5|org|ua, firewall? (iptables) | 13:44 |
helloyv | stdisease, guy,how to disable it in directly,just set the value to 0 in config file or to add a # in the front?thx | 13:44 |
web5|org|ua | Dr_Willis: Hmm, maybe is a sulition for me. | 13:45 |
Dr_Willis | web5|org|ua: alterantive way would be an iptables rule. | 13:45 |
ComradeTiki | Greetings.... Is there a way to create & add, or modify, one of the available keyboard layouts accessible under "Preferences->Keyboard->Layouts->Add..."? (After some looking, it appears "xorg.conf" is obsolete, and ".Xmodmap" would change the keyboard's behaviour under every language layout...) | 13:45 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, ok..which ver of ubunut? | 13:45 |
jlbayo-off | Buenos días canal :) | 13:45 |
Dr_Willis | web5|org|ua: but i imagine most ftp servers have some 'allow from ....' settings | 13:45 |
web5|org|ua | candyban: don't know, maybe. | 13:45 |
Pici | !es | jlbayo-off | 13:45 |
ubottu | jlbayo-off: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 13:45 |
DJ_HaMsTa | ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso | 13:45 |
anomiewut | Dr_Willis: how do I do that? | 13:45 |
bugaloo | stdisease, I have only master volume and PCM volume... there is no a channel for headphones. I think I have to do some configuration on alsa or something, but I dont know how | 13:45 |
Dr_Willis | !groups | anomiewut | 13:45 |
web5|org|ua | Dr_Willis: ok. | 13:45 |
Dr_Willis | !permissions | 13:46 |
jlbayo-off | ops, sorry, x-chat auto-connects to this channel, thank you Pici | 13:46 |
ubottu | An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at | 13:46 |
stdisease | bugaloo, try with alsamixer, or if you're using kmix try Settings->Configure channels | 13:46 |
jlbayo-off | see you! | 13:46 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: read up on linux file permissions | 13:46 |
Dr_Willis | I havent used groups in years either. | 13:46 |
_UsUrPeR_ | is anybody familiar with kickstart? | 13:46 |
bugaloo | stdisease, already said: I use the alsamixer, but there is no channel for headphones | 13:46 |
Myrtti | is the only sensible way of viewing ppt-presentations in Ubuntu to install OpenOffice? please say it ain't so. Google Docs is not an option either, or other conversion websites. | 13:46 |
abhi_nav | what is kickstart? | 13:46 |
bugaloo | and I'm using gnome on ubuntu 9.10 | 13:46 |
anomiewut | argh | 13:46 |
anomiewut | I dont see why ubuntu makes it so difficult | 13:46 |
alphacharlie_ | hey i'm running an application.can anyone tell me,if i can create log file about a session? | 13:46 |
anomiewut | i would of been better installing winxp on the fucking thing | 13:47 |
bugaloo | abhi_nav, kickstart is a configuration file, like an automatic setup for instalation | 13:47 |
_UsUrPeR_ | abhi_nav: it's a configuration file that is supposedly used to choose all the installation options on a installation CD | 13:47 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: i dont know why you want to do somting.. without learning how to do things.. go back to xp if you want | 13:47 |
rww | ubottu: language | anomiewut | 13:47 |
ubottu | anomiewut: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 13:47 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: linux filesystem permissions is a rather fundamantel thing. Good Luck | 13:47 |
abhi_nav | bugaloo: and _UsUrPeR_ : i see. ok thnx | 13:47 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: considering you jsut said you wanted root ftp access to EVERY file on the machine.. I think you need to learn some linux basics badly. | 13:47 |
RanyAlbeg | stdisease: can i use them to restore the original file after i remove it? | 13:48 |
ibuclaw | anomiewut, also, why not samba ? | 13:48 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: or why not just use ssh/sftp | 13:48 |
anomiewut | joomla doesnt accept sftp | 13:48 |
Spyzer | some one can tell me of a flex tutorial which can recognise tokens just like c prog lang does? | 13:48 |
Spyzer | pls | 13:48 |
* Dr_Willis imagines the 'user acess to /var/www' has to be a common faq. out there somewhere. | 13:49 | |
candyban | Dr_Willis, FilePermissions page do not talk about SetUID bit :p | 13:49 |
ibuclaw | you don't need write access to the ENTIRE system. Most likely just one or two directories | 13:49 |
Dr_Willis | candyban: thats proberly a good thing | 13:49 |
anomiewut | I have done sudo chown -R User /var/www | 13:49 |
anomiewut | it doesnt work | 13:49 |
Dr_Willis | candyban: suid bit = our secret weapon. | 13:49 |
alphacharlie_ | hey i'm running an application.can i can create log file of the session?is there any shell command? | 13:49 |
=== sanderj is now known as HyperZid | ||
edqnag | anone can help me updating punkbuster for enemy territory? i downloaded update gui from main site but it freezes after i run it | 13:49 |
dj_segfault | Spyzer: That not even close to Ubuntu related | 13:49 |
Spyzer | some one can tell me of a flex tutorial which can recognise tokens just like c prog lang does? | 13:49 |
Dr_Willis | anomiewut: its best to learn about it not jut try commands that might or might not work.. and might break other things | 13:49 |
Spyzer | ok, sorry | 13:50 |
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa | ||
ibuclaw | Spyzer, I know of a good example language somewhere. | 13:50 |
RanyAlbeg | Hi , can i use the ~ files to restore the original file? | 13:50 |
jad | q: anyone knows where exaile stores the currently playing list ? | 13:50 |
Dr_Willis | [ubuntu] Allow a user write access to /var/www - what's the best ... | 13:50 |
Spyzer | pls tell me then @ibuclaw | 13:50 |
stdisease | RanyAlbeg, you can restore the originals with it, as in before you modified it | 13:51 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, sry didn't c ur msg... do add my name bfor u write.. so u've any other os?? | 13:51 |
Spyzer | pls tell me then @ibuclaw | 13:52 |
edqnag | anone can help me updating punkbuster for enemy territory? i downloaded update gui from main site but it freezes after i run it | 13:53 |
ibuclaw | Spyzer, this is a basic example of flex + bison at work: | 13:53 |
isp | if i want to use my pc to logfile, i have installed 2 lan card ? | 13:55 |
FloodBot4 | Kernspalter: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:55 |
RanyAlbeg | stdisease: i mean - if i removed the original file , and i only have this ~ file that the edtior created , can i restore ? | 13:55 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso | 13:56 |
=== zenity is now known as Guest47302 | ||
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, live cd | 13:57 |
bruce | hi | 13:57 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire did.. works perfect | 13:57 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, is it running still? | 13:57 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire i removed all other drives and reinstalling it on just one | 13:57 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire if the reinstall does not help i will run the live cd again | 13:58 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, ok so u r reinstallin it now?? | 13:58 |
ComradeTiki | So, is there a way to create & add, or modify, one of the available keyboard layouts accessible under "Preferences->Keyboard->Layouts->Add..."? (After some looking, it appears "xorg.conf" is obsolete, and ".Xmodmap" would change the keyboard's behaviour under every language layout...) | 13:58 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire yes | 13:58 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire would i be able to edit/reinstall grub via the live cd ? | 13:58 |
Fill23 | how can i manually update some installed program? 4 example i have rhythmbox 0.12.0 and i want to update it to 0.12.16 | 13:59 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, fine...let me know aftr reinstallation... actually u can edit grub some ways... u can reinstall grub. | 13:59 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, fine...let me know aftr reinstallation... actually u can edit grub some ways... u can reinstall grub. | 13:59 |
ibuclaw | Spyzer, and a more indepth guide + source here: | 13:59 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, since u r resintallin it, then let it continue.. | 14:00 |
ibuclaw | Spyzer, it takes quite some knack to get your head around it though :) | 14:00 |
nonameNN | how can i increase the temp where the cpu coolers start? | 14:01 |
nibbler | Fill23: well, if the newer version is in any repository you have, just use synaptic or sudo aptitude upgrade | 14:02 |
=== _FeedHunter is now known as FeedHunter | ||
tc06008 | hi | 14:05 |
opengyan | hi for the sake of LTS i just installed 8.04 | 14:05 |
opengyan | now i need to have some of the packages in their latest version | 14:05 |
opengyan | like network manager etc ... | 14:05 |
peter_ | how to get work middle button when i press two fingers on touchpad? | 14:05 |
Crahels | hi | 14:05 |
opengyan | how should i get latest version for these individual packeges | 14:06 |
tc06008 | hi | 14:07 |
Dr_Willis | opengyan: not very easially. | 14:07 |
Dr_Willis | opengyan: is there some reason you need the latest? | 14:07 |
Fill23 | nibbler: it didn't update rhythmbox, it's still 0.12.0 instead of 0.12.16 | 14:07 |
opengyan | yea ..some features are better supported ... | 14:08 |
nibbler | Fill23: then there is no more recent version in any repository you have, check for a ppa, or remove and install from source if you need it | 14:08 |
opengyan | should i manually install them instead ? | 14:08 |
Fill23 | nibbler: ok , thx, what is ppa? | 14:09 |
Dr_Willis | opengyan: there might be some backports.. but if you want more features/support you may want to use the latest release.. or wait for the next LTS thats due out in april i think | 14:09 |
nibbler | !ppa | Fill23 | 14:09 |
ubottu | Fill23: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See | 14:09 |
Dr_Willis | opengyan: or there may be some PPA repos for them | 14:09 |
gerry__ | Hi, does anybody know how I can change all files in a directory structure which are owned by user x to be owned by user y? Keeping in mind there will also be files that are now owned by user x. | 14:09 |
opengyan | Dr_Willis: thx ..i tried backports , sayed ..the version is latest :) | 14:09 |
Pici | opengyan: By choosing the LTS version of Ubuntu you are trading novelty for stability. | 14:09 |
gerry__ | s/now/not/ | 14:09 |
nibbler | Fill23: by using ppa sources you trust strangers. so be sure you know what you do. | 14:09 |
erUSUL | gerry__: which files | 14:09 |
opengyan | Pici: ok.. | 14:10 |
Dr_Willis | gerry__ sudo chown username filename is what i normally do. Not sure if a user can 'hand off' and change somthing tobe owned by a differnt user | 14:10 |
gerry__ | erUSUL just a bunch of files in a directory structure many of them belong to one particular user and I want them to belong to another | 14:10 |
opengyan | still no harm to completely move to 9.10 right ? | 14:10 |
Fill23 | nibbler, ubottu thx guys | 14:11 |
Dr_Willis | opengyan: 9.10 works for me. You may have more harm by trying to mixx in newer stuff on the older version | 14:11 |
gerry__ | Dr_Willis: yeah, but I sorta want to do a search and replace on the owner of a bunch of files | 14:11 |
opengyan | Dr_Willis: yea ..better to get a complete new version ... | 14:11 |
Dr_Willis | gerry__: thers the find tool and -R or was it -r for recursive changes | 14:11 |
erUSUL | gerry__: chown user -R folder | 14:12 |
gerry__ | Dr_Willis: so you're saying I could pipe find somehow into chown? | 14:12 |
Dr_Willis | gerry__: find has such a feature | 14:13 |
Dr_Willis | gerry__: no need for a pipe :) | 14:13 |
Geoni | I want to set a PC as a server. on the PC running Ubuntu 9.10 and samba. I want to set up samba, that smb.conf file so that if I have 2 Windows users accessing the data to be stored on this server one of them to have access both to his files and on the other, and the other only his own, without access to files belonging to the first. I want to make data access only with password. What should contain smb.conf file? Can you help? | 14:13 |
DJ_HaMsTa | adifire it worked. i removed 2 of the drives that are made into RAID mirror. The ubuntu drive is set up as main drive this is odd | 14:13 |
gerry__ | erUSUL: yes but that would change all files to be owned by the new user, not just ones owned by user x | 14:13 |
erUSUL | gerry__: then use find like Dr_Willis said | 14:13 |
gerry__ | Dr_Willis: thanks, I'll take a look | 14:13 |
gerry__ | erUSUL: cheers, will do | 14:13 |
bfri | my internal mic stopped working when i installed ubuntu any suggestions | 14:14 |
Dr_Willis | !mic | 14:15 |
erUSUL | gerry__: find folder -use <username> -exec chown <newuser> '{}' \; | 14:15 |
bfri | dr_willis yes | 14:15 |
adifire | DJ_HaMsTa, well...that's good... i don't kno abt RAID drives much..but guess everythin must b workin fine.. | 14:15 |
gerry__ | erUSUL: thanks heaps :)))) | 14:15 |
AleJandro | fff | 14:17 |
AleJandro | hola | 14:17 |
mattgyver | Hey guys, im installing ubuntu on a 40gb solid state drive. I really only want to install the core system and a handful of applications onto the SSD however. Whats the best way to go about this (ie which directories would be a must on the SSD), thanks. | 14:17 |
AleJandro | que tal estais marikoes= | 14:17 |
AleJandro | ?? | 14:17 |
Dr_Willis | mattgyver: a full normal install is only like 5gb. you can put /home/ somewhere else if you wanted and you may want to put /var somewhere else.. but then what are you going to do with the 35gb left on the sdd. :) | 14:18 |
* abhi_nav help | 14:18 | |
nowonmai | mattgyver: /boot/ /bin/ /etc/ /dev/ /sbin/ /proc/ /sys/ /lib/ would probably cover the basics, put the rest elsewhere | 14:19 |
mattgyver | Dr_Willis: haha good call, i guess i just dont wanna fill up the drive. My current installation was about 50 gigs so i dont wanna run out of room soon and i have about a 500GB of storage space on other drives. | 14:19 |
tommis | what is the best program for html coding? | 14:19 |
tommis | i would wanna try something different than blueshift | 14:19 |
mattgyver | Dr_Willis: of course the 50 gigs wasnt all ubuntu | 14:19 |
nowonmai | mattgyver: best solution is to put /home/ /var/ /usr/ and /opt/ somewhere else and the rest on your ssd | 14:19 |
abhi_nav | hi | 14:20 |
mattgyver | nowonmai: thats exactly what i needed to know. Thanks guys. | 14:20 |
* abhi_nav hello | 14:20 | |
ikonia | hi | 14:20 |
adifire | pls help Geoni with this one | 14:21 |
adifire | I want to set a PC as a server. on the PC running Ubuntu 9.10 and samba. I want to set up samba, that smb.conf file so that if I have 2 Windows users accessing the data to be stored on this server one of them to have access both to his files and on the other, and the other only his own, without access to files belonging to the first. I want to make data access only with password. What should contain smb.c | 14:21 |
ikonia | adifire: put a group ownership on the shared secriotn, and make both users a member, then put owner permissons on the locked directory for one user | 14:21 |
Dr_Willis | adifire: the 'samba-doc' package has several books on the topic. One book is samba by example (i think) that has such example/case setups. | 14:22 |
Dr_Willis | adifire: you can make shares shared on a 'per user' basis but i rarely do that | 14:22 |
adifire | ikonia, Dr_Willis it's not for me it's for Geoni, but thanks neways!! :D | 14:22 |
melchior | hello | 14:22 |
Dr_Willis | The samba-doc/books re worth a read for all samba users :) | 14:23 |
=== adifire is now known as adifire|afk | ||
melchior | my pc( is connected to a switch(supposed to be, which is connected to a dev board( From my pc i can ping the dev board, and in the other way, but i can't ping my switch ! How is that possible | 14:24 |
melchior | knowing that I could days ago | 14:24 |
Dr_Willis | melchior: Hmm you mean a 'router' - I didtnt think a switch had an ip. | 14:25 |
lukjad86 | is anyone here familiar with ksplice? I'm planning on writing an article on it and would like some documentation. | 14:25 |
melchior | no it's a switch, but it has a webserver embedded in it for administration purpose | 14:25 |
Dr_Willis | Hmm.. I have to wonder what admin stuff a switch needs.. or else the term 'switch' is being used a little too loosely | 14:26 |
mwkorzen | Hello, This is my first use of IRC, do you know a channel about C++ programming? | 14:26 |
Taruna | mas,,, | 14:26 |
soreau | mwkorzen: /j ##c++ | 14:27 |
hal_9000_ | welcome to the machine | 14:27 |
melchior | it's a 16-port gigabit web smart switch | 14:27 |
mwkorzen | thanks. | 14:27 |
melchior | that writtent on the manual | 14:27 |
opengyan | a newbie query ....the apt install would always store .deb file ? | 14:27 |
opengyan | if yes where ? | 14:27 |
melchior | is there a way to detect automatically the ip of cennected devices ? | 14:27 |
Dr_Willis | melchior: ewww.. a fancy smanchy high doller switch :) I bet that cost more then the ones you get at walmart! | 14:27 |
melchior | i don't know how much it costs, we had it at work | 14:28 |
Geoni | thank's Dr_Willis, ikonia | 14:28 |
Dr_Willis | melchior: and you aquired it. some how. :) | 14:28 |
koltroll | Heya guys. I'd like my bookmarks to show up right under "Places" so that I don't haft to do Places -> Bookmarks -> Bookmark. Is this possible? | 14:28 |
melchior | im at work now, and using it | 14:28 |
umang | opengyan, I'm guessing /var/cache/apt/archives | 14:29 |
Dr_Willis | koltroll: from what ive seen. if you have a small list of bookmarks it does show up right under places.. if you got more.. it makes a bookmarks menu to keep them in | 14:29 |
opengyan | umang:thx | 14:29 |
umang | opengyan, You welcome. :) | 14:30 |
umang | *your | 14:30 |
koltroll | Dr_Willis, Right you were! I removed some bookmarks and now it shows under "Places". Then it's all good for now, until I get more bookmarks :) | 14:30 |
umang | *you're :P | 14:30 |
koltroll | thanks | 14:30 |
Dr_Willis | koltroll: its auto-magical! :) | 14:30 |
Dr_Willis | koltroll: i add 4 more here and it goes to the submenu | 14:30 |
opengyan | is there a list of packages which one has to install after a fresh installation ? | 14:30 |
opengyan | specially for sw developer + music | 14:31 |
Dr_Willis | Kottisen: i saw a neat tool the other day that let you have a panel applet for shortcuts all over the place. for easy access. | 14:31 |
umang | opengyan, "has to" would mean for functionality or for recovering your previous install? | 14:31 |
opengyan | functionality | 14:32 |
franco | Hello I want to know whether any programs similar to 'teamviewer' to ubuntu | 14:32 |
Dr_Willis | Kottisen: but i cant find its name/icon now. :() | 14:32 |
umang | opengyan, Usually a fresh install would work well. ;) If you want to see what packages you've installed apart from the default (and without dependencies that confuse you), deborphan is a great program. Install it and try a deborphan -a. You'll get a list off all packages you've installed apart from the default. | 14:33 |
DS1 | how do you use directory GUI as sudo | 14:33 |
umang | opengyan, I'm not sure if that was what you were looking for though... | 14:33 |
umang | DS1, gksudo nautilus? | 14:34 |
opengyan | umang: thx i would still give it a try | 14:34 |
umang | opengyan, If that isn't what you are looking for, just let me know. | 14:34 |
DS1 | umang: what do you mean | 14:35 |
Dr_Willis | Kottisen: check out -> | 14:35 |
DS1 | umang: i want to copy and paste stuff without using terminal but it keeps saying access denied | 14:35 |
sidh | greetings gentlemen | 14:36 |
umang | DS1, Yes. OK. So Press Alt+F2 and type gksudo nautilus. Use with care, you will not be told when you are going to delete something that you aren't supposed to. | 14:36 |
DS1 | umang: when am finished what do i type to end? | 14:37 |
blackxored | how can I know the amount of network usage for a particular past day in linux? | 14:37 |
umang | DS1, Just close the window (as you normally would). | 14:37 |
DS1 | umang: thanks you i hated using terminal to do it | 14:38 |
franco | hi. I need to know if there are any software similar to 'Team Viewer' to ubuntu | 14:38 |
nastybaddy | hi, where do i go to modify sources.list | 14:38 |
Dr_Willis | nastybaddy: its a text file you can edit. or thers gui front ends to it | 14:38 |
Dr_Willis | nastybaddy: back it up befor you mess with it. :) | 14:38 |
Dr_Willis | nastybaddy: what are you wanting to do with it? | 14:38 |
umang | DS1, You're welcome. Remember 1. be careful. 2. You will have super-user privileges only on the window that opens with that command and programs you open from that window. | 14:39 |
sidh | i REALLY need your help, i have a laptop, with recent nvidia 310m chipset, i download the latest beta driver from ubuntu repositories, everything run fine for 2 hours , after that , i can move the mouse , but neither click nor keyboard actions are available, all i can do is ctrl alt Fn to get to console and reboot | 14:39 |
sidh | i tried with nv driver, same problem | 14:39 |
DS1 | umang ok ty | 14:39 |
nastybaddy | oh just wanted to add something | 14:39 |
nastybaddy | but google gave me /etc/apt/sources.list thanks! | 14:39 |
Dr_Willis | nastybaddy: thers a better way to 'add' new repos. | 14:39 |
zinox | i can[ t update grub because it got error >> grub-probe: error: Cannot stat `/boot/grub/locale' | 14:39 |
sidh | so it doesn't seem to be nvidia drivers 's fault | 14:39 |
sidh | do you think it could be hal ? | 14:39 |
zinox | do anyone know how fix it? | 14:39 |
Dr_Willis | nastybaddy: thers an apt/sources.list.d/XXXXXXXX for that | 14:40 |
indystorm | Hey is monkey web server included with ubuntu server installation? | 14:40 |
vmarcetic | hello, I have zboard keyboard and my double v key is not working (w from virtual keyboard) can i add it (ascii) or smth | 14:40 |
nastybaddy | oh i see..what about signing ?? | 14:40 |
Dr_Willis | nastybaddy: that way your original sources.list stays untouched. and you just add new repos by making files in that dir | 14:40 |
Dr_Willis | nastybaddy: yoi still need to setup the proper keys | 14:40 |
umang | Dr_Willis, nastybaddy Wouldn't "Software Sources" be the easy way to do it (GUI) ? | 14:41 |
blackxored | how to get network usage reports for past few days in linux???? | 14:41 |
umang | indystorm, sudo apt-get install monkey | 14:42 |
zinox | please help me | 14:42 |
Taruna | oph dlu eah ... | 14:42 |
zinox | you guys only help with noob questions about interface gnome? omg | 14:42 |
indystorm | couldn't find package monkey....? | 14:43 |
anarki2004 | I need some assistance getting my compiz to function properly. I have a dual-display. Each display has its own x-screen. The cube works fine one one display. on the other, I just get a two sided desktop. | 14:43 |
umang | zinox, Try repeating your question after a couple of minutes. Usually works for me. But make sure you wait for a few minutes before doing that. | 14:43 |
Plouj | hi | 14:43 |
umang | indystorm, ? | 14:44 |
millertimek1a2m3 | hey can anyone tell me how to get netbeans to work with gtkmm? i found this article- | 14:44 |
millertimek1a2m3 | but it sucks | 14:44 |
indystorm | yeah it couldnt find the package monkey...? | 14:44 |
millertimek1a2m3 | none of the links in it even work.... | 14:44 |
millertimek1a2m3 | so, if someone is willing to help me without posting a smart-a** lmgtfy | 14:44 |
umang | indystorm, it works for me. Just a sec. | 14:45 |
zinox | noobs | 14:45 |
zinox | exits | 14:45 |
zinox | exit | 14:45 |
umang | indystorm, It's only post-intrepid. Which Ubuntu are you using? | 14:46 |
umang | (hardy?) | 14:46 |
devendra | have anyone installed db2 | 14:46 |
devendra | guide me | 14:46 |
vmarcetic | hello, I have zboard keyboard and my double v key is not working (w from virtual keyboard) can i add it (ascii) or smth | 14:47 |
devendra | I have installed it but could not use it? | 14:47 |
umang | vmarcetic, Tried shaking your keyboard upside down and blowing near the w key? | 14:48 |
vmarcetic | it is vorking on vindovs | 14:48 |
anarki2004 | I need some assistance getting my compiz to function properly. I have a dual-display. Each display has its own x-screen. The cube works fine one one display. on the other, I just get a two sided desktop. | 14:49 |
iceroot | is there a way for something like this? apt-get update && apt-get upgrade CHECK && echo "new updates" || echo "no new updates" i didnt find anything for testing if an update is availabe (and i dont need apticron) | 14:49 |
umang | vmarcetic, That is odd. I'm sorry, I don't know enough to help you any further... If no one else responses in a couple of minutes, then you could try posting your question again. | 14:50 |
anarki2004 | 1400 people....i know one of you can answer my question... | 14:50 |
vmarcetic | or perhapse if i knev vhere to find zboard drivers for linux | 14:51 |
umang | anarki2004, You usually need to wait more than a minute before saying that. Also, if you don't get an answers, then try again after a couple of minutes. Still no reply then the forums might be a better place to ask. | 14:51 |
iceroot | anarki2004: #compiz | 14:52 |
anarki2004 | umang: i asked several minutes ago actually. that was a repeat. I would check the forums, but I don't know what to look for. | 14:52 |
vmarcetic | i actually found them on but that doesn't vork asvell | 14:52 |
anarki2004 | iceroot: i don't believe that is a support chan | 14:52 |
detrix | Hello everyone. This may not be the appropriate place for this question, but I don't know where else to start asking. My wife got an email for someone who claims to be one of my wife's friends (who took a trip to scottland, got mugged, and asking for help, but my wife know for a fact her friend is not in scottland). can one trace an IM chat to get a source IP?? | 14:52 |
tommis | anarki2004, why separate x | 14:53 |
iceroot | anarki2004: find out because this is not the right place for compiz questions like that i guess | 14:53 |
tommis | why you need two | 14:53 |
umang | anarki2004, Then you could just post on the General help section. | 14:53 |
lukjad86 | detrix I would just file it under spam and ignore it | 14:53 |
abhi_nav | detrix: contact nearby cyber crime department of police | 14:53 |
soreau | anarki2004: If you read the #compiz topic, you would see that it is the official compiz support channel | 14:53 |
anarki2004 | tommis: so I can have seperate cubes | 14:53 |
detrix | abhi_nav: thanks. | 14:53 |
umang | iceroot, apt-get upgrade -s | 14:53 |
iceroot | umang: and then? | 14:53 |
anarki2004 | soreau: maybe I misread, i took it as this is "not" support | 14:53 |
iceroot | umang: i dont want to grep the output | 14:54 |
soreau | anarki2004: Read again. That says #compiz-dev is no user support | 14:54 |
anarki2004 | soreau: indeed | 14:54 |
tommis | then you need two compiz proces | 14:54 |
anarki2004 | tommis: i have that | 14:54 |
abhi_nav | detrix: read my pm | 14:54 |
tommis | i don`t know how exavtly | 14:54 |
umang | iceroot, sorry didn't catch you there. apt-get upgrade -s simulates an upgrade. | 14:54 |
soreau | tommis: He already has two compiz processes, he just needs to config ccsm fro the second screen is all | 14:55 |
tommis | soreau, i cot that already | 14:55 |
iceroot | umang: i know but i want something like apt-get upgrade check-if-something-new && prog1 || prog2 | 14:55 |
inveratulo | I have a bizarre request: Is it possible to have the UI terminal automatically renamed to the last command executed from within said terminal ? | 14:56 |
king_pin | anyone ever run into bad hard disk sector errors, I have read the forums and am soo confused as to what is the issue | 14:56 |
ukaszlobo | halo | 14:56 |
umang | iceroot, I don't know of any other way. I guess you'll have to write a bash script, but I'm not expert, so there may be a better way. | 14:56 |
iceroot | king_pin: broken hdd | 14:56 |
ukaszlobo | jest kto?? | 14:57 |
Myrtti | !pl | ukaszlobo | 14:57 |
ubottu | ukaszlobo: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 14:57 |
king_pin | but I just bought a brand spanking new dell, what is a good utility to double check | 14:57 |
king_pin | i have tried so many and yet it says everything is fine | 14:57 |
iceroot | king_pin: smart, fsck and there was another i dont remeber | 14:57 |
vmarcetic | king_ping: did you dropped laptop | 14:58 |
vmarcetic | or has it fell from your table or smth like that | 14:58 |
king_pin | no | 14:59 |
king_pin | hahah | 14:59 |
king_pin | maybe I should | 14:59 |
iberna | hola | 14:59 |
king_pin | fsck? | 15:00 |
vmarcetic | no realy if it is brand new there is realy small possibility that you have bad sectors | 15:00 |
king_pin | run that command in terminal? I am a total noob | 15:00 |
vmarcetic | only if hdd is being smashed or smth lik that | 15:00 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: is it a warning about the smart tool in ubuntu you are refering to? | 15:00 |
x4d | hello, I'm having a hard time getting RSA keys in ssh working properly, I've looked at the guide and at the point of ssh-copy-id I get an error (no identeties), I'm confused wether I'm supposed to be generating the keys on my local machine that is going to connect to the remote server or the reverse? | 15:01 |
Dr_Willis | inveratulo: ive seen bash prompts/tricks that set the terminal title to be the name of the running command. | 15:01 |
king_pin | I get an icon at the top task bar with "!" mark | 15:01 |
peter_ | anybody gets work middle button on two finger click on touchpad? | 15:01 |
ron__ | Hi im trying to set up a wifi hotspot with a billing system for work, anybody got any ideas on what software to use? | 15:01 |
king_pin | The ID is 197, someone on the forum said ignore the bad sector but I worry | 15:01 |
inveratulo | Dr_Willis: yea i just found one for zsh | 15:01 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: I find that tool to be a little bit - overzelous in its warnings. | 15:01 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: so take the warnings as a warning.. not as a impending doom.. but always have backups | 15:02 |
king_pin | oh snap | 15:02 |
Dr_Willis | inveratulo: i recall some bash propmts that did it also. but i dont recall how. of if it worked with all terms or just xterm | 15:02 |
peter_ | anyone? | 15:03 |
king_pin | its interesting how some people call it a bug and some hd error. Seems rather vague. However a bug report is opened up for it | 15:03 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: Mine gives me a warnign because i have like 1 over the 'limit' of what it says is ok.. but the seagate tools scan and say the drive is fine. Just rember that hard drives are basically the least reliable part of a PC these days | 15:03 |
greenfuji | Hello All. I am having trouble with remote desktop. I have a number of pcs all running ubuntu 9.10 all updated. Each pc has a unique ip. When I try and connect it gives an error "connection closed". I also have an iphone ap hipporemote and it will not connect to any of the pcs. This ap also used vnc to connect. Any ideas please? | 15:04 |
king_pin | true say | 15:04 |
vmarcetic | anyone haves zboard keyboard???? | 15:04 |
king_pin | the seagate tool, can it be downloaded for ubuntu? | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: i ran it on windows. no idea if they got a linux port.. proberly they dont | 15:04 |
king_pin | i will load up in windows and run it | 15:04 |
=== jon is now known as Guest99164 | ||
Slydon | Is there a program I can use to clean bad sectors off my hard disk? | 15:05 |
vmarcetic | no you can only "relocate them" | 15:05 |
beartato | the adobe flash-plugin is really slow for me using ubuntu 9.10 and firefox. from what I've read on different forusm there does not seem to be a fix for that? or am I missing something here? | 15:06 |
Dr_Willis | Slydon: there no 'cleaning/fixing' of them. :) like vmarcetic said | 15:06 |
vmarcetic | make OS not to see them | 15:06 |
king_pin | i miss my apple osx | 15:06 |
Slydon | vmarcetic: okay then, how can i move them, preferably to the end of the drive | 15:06 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: i miss my AMIGA i had in college... | 15:06 |
Dr_Willis | I was thinking most hd's these days see/auto move the bad sectors anyway. | 15:06 |
Dr_Willis | and flag them as bad.. then the smart tools see/monitor how many have been flagged | 15:07 |
king_pin | when I runk sudo fsck it says that it will cause severe damage | 15:07 |
king_pin | interesting | 15:07 |
king_pin | *run | 15:07 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: you dont fsck a mounted filesystem | 15:07 |
vmarcetic | you will need some kind of program for "relocating" them. what hdd do you have? maxtor, seagate... etc | 15:07 |
king_pin | oh snap | 15:07 |
king_pin | did I just kill my drive | 15:07 |
king_pin | ahhahaa | 15:07 |
Slydon | to be honest, I do not know | 15:07 |
king_pin | i got a samsung hm160h1 | 15:08 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: i always use live cd's if i need to fsck stuff. or let it auto fsck | 15:08 |
erUSUL | !man badblocks | 15:08 |
Slydon | fujitsu I suppose | 15:08 |
king_pin | my seatools passes the drive for smart check | 15:08 |
king_pin | god damn ubuntu :( | 15:08 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: woopdee dooo.. ubuntu is just saying it has X # of bad blocks which is over the # it considers safe.. igniore the warning if you want | 15:09 |
king_pin | warnings gimme the heebee jeebees | 15:09 |
vmarcetic | i don't know how to check that on linux (on widnows with everest perhapse). you can see who produced it. | 15:09 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: seagate MIGHT be saying its ok.. because they dont want to have it returned under warrenty.. think about that also | 15:09 |
king_pin | that is true, i just got my rails apps on here anyways | 15:10 |
greenfuji | Any help with remote desktop? I set it up as per instructions, which was very easy in ubuntu but each ip shows as connection closed. | 15:10 |
king_pin | oh snao | 15:10 |
king_pin | hey Doc | 15:10 |
king_pin | stop mesin with ma head | 15:10 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: if data is worth having.. its worth BACKING UP.. | 15:10 |
king_pin | i am getting paranoid | 15:10 |
king_pin | hahahaha | 15:10 |
king_pin | OH SNAP | 15:10 |
FloodBot4 | king_pin: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:10 |
Dr_Willis | so go make 10 backups | 15:10 |
Dr_Willis | and use the Ubutu One Service | 15:10 |
king_pin | i am going to get that tattooed, next to my "jesus saves" | 15:10 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: i used the segate tools and let it do a DEEP scan/check of my 1.5 tb hd.. it took the tools about 2 days to do the test. | 15:11 |
Seveas | king_pin, jesus saves, moses makes backups? | 15:11 |
king_pin | hahhaahhaha | 15:11 |
king_pin | ok snap, i messed my HD, it sais mount of filesystem failed | 15:11 |
Dr_Willis | king_pin: the 'smart' check is just looking at the smart #'s the SMART stuff is reporting.. thats not doing a lot. | 15:11 |
king_pin | i gotta format and try from top again, definitely understood | 15:11 |
Soul_Sample | is there a way to disable the RGBA transparency in themes that use it by default? | 15:11 |
king_pin | I love all the help, i greatly appreciate helping this noob | 15:11 |
king_pin | i gotta redo this cause now I am in shell and have no idea wtf shell is hahaha | 15:12 |
cdg | hola | 15:12 |
=== dbdii407 is now known as Guest34021 | ||
_EagleScreen_ | hi | 15:12 |
anarki2004 | not exactly "ubuntu" related, but how do I turn off the notifications of "such and such joined, such and such left"? | 15:12 |
balas | i sudo a supo apt-get upgrade then i notice there are a good amounts of hits, and then a good number of misses the misses look like this, and i'm certain its with a default sources.list W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found | 15:13 |
_EagleScreen_ | Ubuntu Live usb (32bits) and OpenSuse Live CD 32 bits cannot boot in my laptop since i have installed 4 GB of RAM, what happens? | 15:13 |
DasEi | anarki2004: pidgin ? | 15:13 |
=== _FeedHunter is now known as FeedHunter | ||
anarki2004 | DesEi: xchat | 15:13 |
=== sentabi_ is now known as senux | ||
DasEi | anarki2004: gt look myself, launching it | 15:13 |
anarki2004 | DasEi: the conversations get lost in the noise | 15:13 |
DasEi | anarki2004: not for me | 15:14 |
king_pin | i love dell's windows recovery | 15:14 |
anarki2004 | i love scotch | 15:14 |
king_pin | on the rocks | 15:14 |
erUSUL | anarki2004: right click on the channel name | 15:15 |
anarki2004 | ok | 15:16 |
anarki2004 | hey | 15:16 |
Polysics | hello | 15:16 |
anarki2004 | bingo | 15:16 |
anarki2004 | durrr | 15:16 |
Polysics | is anyone using Festival, please? | 15:16 |
jad | anyone here used motion ? | 15:16 |
DasEi | anarki2004: can't find in the options/prfes, ask in #freenode, will be an irrsi like irc-command | 15:16 |
anarki2004 | DasEi: erUSUL figured it out for me | 15:16 |
DasEi | nice | 15:16 |
anarki2004 | DasEi: well told me where to click, i found it myself ;-) | 15:17 |
anarki2004 | and suddenly, everything seems like its standing still... | 15:17 |
fishie | how to force remount of root partition as ro, filesystem is busy | 15:18 |
DasEi | anarki2004: re-trying for furthers.. I like to see when so.left, keeps me from ghost-talking, I use highlighting 'n sound to focus my conversations, so no crowd makes lossy | 15:18 |
DasEi | fishie: are you still in a mountdir of that device ? | 15:19 |
_EagleScreen_ | hello | 15:19 |
anarki2004 | DasEi: I have the highlighting when my name is used, but no audio | 15:19 |
_EagleScreen_ | Linux Live CDs 32bits cannot boot in my laptop since I installed 4 GB of RAM, is it normally? | 15:19 |
fishie | well Das | 15:19 |
greerasu | hy | 15:19 |
fishie | its kinda hard to not be in / | 15:19 |
fishie | since everything else is mounted in it | 15:19 |
fishie | i just want to force remount of / as ro | 15:19 |
jakiw | How do I zip files? | 15:19 |
fishie | so i can perform damn fsck | 15:20 |
_UsUrPeR_ | is there a modern version of preseed with a different name available? | 15:20 |
DasEi | fishie: that will only work by a reboot then, check your grubs recoverymode | 15:20 |
DasEi | fishie: you want to do a fs-check ? | 15:21 |
manas | When i am using internet explorer why does the browser turn dark after a few sec and then dissappear | 15:21 |
jakiw | How do I zip files? | 15:21 |
Nitsuga | _EagleScreen_, having 4GB of ram souldn't be a problem. Try using noacpi and nolapic in the F6 menu in the CD's boot menu | 15:21 |
Pici | fishie: sudo touch /forcefsck then reboot | 15:21 |
Nitsuga | or use a 64-bit version of Ubuntu | 15:21 |
abhi_nav | jakiw: right click on them and select create archieves | 15:21 |
DasEi | !zip | jakiw | 15:21 |
ubottu | jakiw: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see | 15:21 |
soreau | manas: Because you are using the wrong browser | 15:21 |
soreau | manas: use firefox instead | 15:21 |
abhi_nav | he dont mean how to open zip files he means how to create zip files | 15:21 |
manas | i need internet explorer to take my classes online | 15:22 |
DasEi | !browser | manas | 15:22 |
ubottu | manas: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) | 15:22 |
fishie | but the thing is | 15:22 |
fishie | i want to force fsck | 15:22 |
fishie | with -f | 15:22 |
fishie | i want to get toa shell | 15:22 |
fishie | so i can do it myself | 15:22 |
FloodBot4 | fishie: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:22 |
fishie | because otherwise its too complicated | 15:22 |
DasEi | ... chromium-browser, iceweasel.. , manas | 15:22 |
abhi_nav | !enter | fishie | 15:23 |
ubottu | fishie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 15:23 |
fishie | ubottu suck my cock | 15:23 |
fishie | kthx | 15:23 |
_EagleScreen_ | also arora | 15:23 |
_EagleScreen_ | !arora | 15:23 |
manas | ok | 15:23 |
abhi_nav | !language | fishie | 15:23 |
ubottu | fishie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 15:23 |
Soul_Sample | You forgot MIDORU | 15:23 |
fishie | fuckin jews | 15:23 |
DasEi | !language | fishie | 15:23 |
fishie | eat my shittle | 15:23 |
FloodBot4 | fishie: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:23 |
DasEi | !ops | fishie | 15:23 |
ubottu | fishie: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 15:23 |
king_pin | i am gonna go supersayan on this dell | 15:23 |
DasEi | thx, pici | 15:23 |
Kartagis | help! my usb hdd is not recognized, it's not even under /dev | 15:23 |
DasEi | Kartagis: sudo fdisk -l ? | 15:24 |
Kartagis | DasEi, doesn't show | 15:24 |
nibbler | Kartagis: after plugging it, what shows up in the comand dmesg (run in temrinal) | 15:24 |
DasEi | Kartagis: lsusb ? | 15:24 |
Kartagis | nibbler, | 15:25 |
manas | when i am trying to boot windows xp | 15:25 |
DasEi | Kartagis: to put out of dmesg to a viewable file : dmesg > dmesg.txt && gedit dmesg.txt | 15:25 |
anarki2004 | i can't seem to get more than one instance of ccsm to run simultaneously. is there a way to make this happen? | 15:25 |
Kartagis | DasEi, lsusb shows it | 15:26 |
nibbler | Kartagis: no more? thats not enough... | 15:26 |
manas | it says no hard disk drive found on the system | 15:26 |
DasEi | Kartagis: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 15:26 |
Kartagis | nibbler, that's it | 15:26 |
DasEi | Kartagis: pastebinit /var/log/syslog | 15:26 |
manas | why do u think so | 15:26 |
Ssmario | Hi, i skiped the grub install step while installing debian on one of my partitions, i've also installed windows, what should i do in order to install grub ? i'm now under ubuntu 9.10 (liveCD) | 15:26 |
DasEi | Ssmario: | 15:27 |
[Nitsuga] | fishie, you can force a remount of / with Alt-Print Screen-U, but do that only if you know what you are doing | 15:27 |
[Nitsuga] | it will remount r/o | 15:28 |
DasEi | Kartagis: give url from trml here | 15:28 |
Ssmario | DasEi: thanks | 15:28 |
nibbler | Kartagis: seems like it does not recognize the mass storage adapter, u use default kernel? | 15:28 |
soreau | ! pm | manas | 15:28 |
ubottu | manas: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 15:28 |
Kartagis | nibbler, yes | 15:29 |
Kartagis | I've to go now, bbl guys | 15:29 |
shyam_k | i have two rams one 512mb and 1gb both of same frequency (pc4800 and pc667 and dmidecode -t 17) says both are of 533mhz) now as i boot with both of them inserted on two slots on my intel d102ggc2 motherboard. it shows only 884mb of ram.. what should i do to get ~1.5gb of ram? | 15:29 |
DasEi | shyam_k: wrong channel, ask in #hardware | 15:30 |
shyam_k | already did.. waiting on both.. i thought there would be something os depended to "enable" something like double channel or whatever.. | 15:30 |
shyam_k | memtest too said about 884 only though.. | 15:31 |
shyam_k | hmm.. ok.. | 15:31 |
jad | anyone here used motion ? | 15:31 |
koolhead11 | hi all | 15:31 |
shyam_k | koolhead11: hi;-) | 15:31 |
=== diib is now known as Guest4827 | ||
=== [Nitsuga] is now known as Nitsuga | ||
Nitsuga | shyam_k, what does the POST message says? | 15:32 |
Nitsuga | if instead of the POST you say a logo at boot press tab to hide it | 15:32 |
Nitsuga | *you see | 15:32 |
mssever_ | ypond | 15:34 |
zinox | ubuntu has not alsaconf so how i do to set up my sound card? | 15:36 |
Deeps | Hi, how do I increase the font size in ubuntu 9.10 for the whole system? | 15:36 |
Deeps | at 1920x1080 on the tv screen so far away, it's too small to read! :( | 15:36 |
DeathCrawler | my tty do not work. :( | 15:37 |
DasEi | !sound | zinox: | 15:37 |
ubottu | zinox:: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 15:37 |
dj_segfault | Deeps: System --> Preferences --> Appearance | 15:37 |
fran_xuloo | olaa | 15:37 |
zinox | ok | 15:38 |
=== mssever_ is now known as mssever | ||
DasEi | zinox:first thing I always do is install alsamixergui to see if the correct driver is loaded | 15:38 |
Deeps | dj_segfault: i looked there... oh, having looked again, i didnt see the fonts tab first time, it was too small ;) thank you! | 15:38 |
erUSUL | Deeps: system>preferences>appearance fonts tab | 15:38 |
Abu-3dnan | hello all | 15:38 |
DasEi | zinox: which soundcard ? | 15:38 |
Ssmario | DasEi: in fact i want to install grub not grub2, i've also mounted the /proc /dev /sys and the debian partition, i then chrooted onto it. after typing grub-install /dev/sda i keep getting this error message: grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda3. Check your | 15:39 |
abhifx | i have downloaded lucid daily and was trying to run wubi.... but it keeps on trying to download from the net. plz help me | 15:39 |
Deeps | erUSUL: yep, as i was just telling dj_segfault, i'd looked there but had missed the fonts tab (was too small to see!) | 15:39 |
Kenthree | is php 5.3.0 in apt somewhere or do I have to compile myself? | 15:39 |
DasEi | Ssmario: can also have grub, but as grub2 is default have to mention,: | 15:39 |
Deeps | erUSUL: anyway thank you too | 15:39 |
DasEi | !grub | 15:39 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 15:39 |
=== nastybaddy is now known as dotnetguru | ||
mssever | !grub2 > mssever | 15:40 |
ubottu | mssever, please see my private message | 15:40 |
zinox | Dasda, i installed oss4 so i had uninstall alsabase and now i did install alsabase again but i don't knew that ubuntu has not alsaconf | 15:40 |
DasEi | !lucid | abhifx | 15:40 |
manas | I am sorry.. | 15:40 |
ubottu | abhifx: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 15:40 |
DasEi | abhifx: and I really don't like wubi | 15:41 |
zinox | my sound works fine in ubuntu. i just wanna know how set up it again | 15:41 |
Ssmario | DasEi: i dont want to restore grub because i've never installed grub before, i've just skiped this step while installing debian. | 15:41 |
abhifx | DasEi, its ok. i have my problem... | 15:41 |
autoclesis | what does this mean "puppy can run RAM only" | 15:41 |
autoclesis | why would you do that | 15:41 |
DasEi | Ssmario: you can use the links , provides same information (the restore... one), also there's #grub | 15:42 |
Ssmario | DasEi: ok i will check, thanks again | 15:42 |
DasEi | Ssmario: If you want to let's meet there, another way is super-grub-disk, google it , use a version below 1 (grub, not grub2) then | 15:43 |
vmarcetic | hello, I have zboard keyboard and my double v key is not working (w from virtual keyboard) can i add it (ascii) or smth | 15:43 |
Allucard | hi to all. i have i problem with ubuntu. i install the os trough windows and when i try to run it by rebooting and choosing ubuntu as os the screen goes black and does nothing until i shut him off | 15:44 |
davix | help, I've tried to install campcaster from repositories, but now my apt-get is broken :( | 15:44 |
mikebeecham | hi guys, I want to set up a VPN, but the 'add' button is greyed out in the connections managers? Help? | 15:45 |
Allucard | can anyone help me??? | 15:45 |
Ssmario | i typed grub, then find /boot/grub/stage1 and i get Error 15: File not found | 15:45 |
Pici | mikebeecham: You need to install the relevant package first. What kind of VPN are you trying to connect to? | 15:45 |
manas | Can anyone help me with doing a dual boot | 15:45 |
mikebeecham | Pici: pptp | 15:46 |
athunye | Hello. I enabled the root account. Now, gui apps that require privileges won't accept neither the user nor the root password. Any ideas? | 15:46 |
DasEi | Allucard: a dualboot so ? not any errors shown ? tried to boot safemode ? | 15:46 |
DasEi | manas: ask | 15:46 |
manas | i am trying to install win xp | 15:47 |
manas | nd it says no hard disk drive found | 15:47 |
DasEi | manas: beside ubuntu as dualboot.. | 15:47 |
manas | ya | 15:47 |
Ssmario | DasEi: should i just go ahead with root(hd0,3) 3 being /dev/sda3 then setup(hd0) | 15:47 |
vmarcetic | anyone haves issues with keys not working... or can anyone tell me how bind double v to double v key on keyboard | 15:47 |
Allucard | yes dual boot, doesn't show any error and yes i tried safemode, live cd, live usb... | 15:47 |
hexem | hey guy's, just installed startx on ubuntu64 and getting "xsession: warning: xrdb command not found" do i need to install anything else? | 15:48 |
Deeps | hi, i have a ntfs partition on my ubuntu disk too. is it possible to have it automatically mount this disk at boottime too, rather than making me insert my password the first time i try to access the disk? | 15:48 |
Deeps | using ubuntu 9.10* | 15:48 |
Pici | mikebeecham: Install the network-manager-pptp package, you may need to restart network-manager service afterwards. | 15:48 |
PingFloyd | Ssmario: that would be sda4 | 15:48 |
DasEi | manas: way to go 1) backup current mbr 2) shrink ubuntu 3) format or un-allocate to windows readable 4) re-write mbr 5) add xp to grub | 15:48 |
phh45 | How to burn a DVD+RW with a Compal JFL92's drive CDDVDW SN-S082H in Karmic? | 15:48 |
PingFloyd | Ssmario: grub starts at 0 while the partitions start at 1 | 15:49 |
wrwarwick | Is it possible to run compiz with Xinerama (Nvidia)? | 15:49 |
manas | Sir i am new to ubuntu, i dont knw how to do these | 15:49 |
Dr_Willis | phh45: thers several cd/dvd burning softweare tools. I tend to use k3b theres gcombust and proberly others | 15:49 |
DasEi | Ssmario: I don't know your hd;; /dev/sda3 would be hd(0,2) | 15:49 |
Ssmario | PingFloyd: ok i see, should i just do root and setup, even if find /boot/grub/stage1 gave the Error 15: File not found ? | 15:49 |
mikebeecham | Pici: thanks | 15:49 |
vmarcetic | anyone knows about key binding in ubuntu??? | 15:50 |
DasEi | !burn | phh45 | 15:50 |
ubottu | phh45: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 15:50 |
Dr_Willis | vmarcetic: ask a more specific question and see perhaps. | 15:50 |
PingFloyd | Ssmario: that's probably why it couldn't find the stage1 | 15:50 |
PingFloyd | Ssmario: because of your root reference being off | 15:50 |
Allucard | DasEi: yes dual boot, doesn't show any error and yes i tried safemode, live cd, live usb and nothing worke | 15:50 |
Allucard | worked | 15:51 |
DasEi | manas: want a walktrough there ? | 15:51 |
manas | yes | 15:51 |
phh45 | DasEi: Nautilus-CD-Burner and Brasero does not work. | 15:51 |
Ssmario | PingFloyd: in fact under /boot/grub there is nothing despite | 15:51 |
Ssmario | no stage1 | 15:51 |
DasEi | manas: k, I'm still busy with some background stuff here, I'll call your nick in 20 min then, k ? | 15:51 |
PingFloyd | Ssmario: current verison of ubuntu uses grub2 | 15:52 |
manas | ok | 15:52 |
manas | thnk u | 15:52 |
vmarcetic | Dr_Willis: i have problems with w key, it doesn`t work (I`m writing from virtual keyboard) | 15:52 |
DasEi | phh45: k3b, gnomebaker and- I#ve got a license, thou trial is free nero did fine for me | 15:52 |
Ssmario | PingFloyd: ok i will try with an old liveCD | 15:52 |
DasEi | Allucard: if you boot a live cd, did you try to chroot in the sys ? | 15:53 |
Myrtti | athunye: you've basically "voided your warranty" of Ubuntu by enabling root account. was there a reason for doing it and could you consider reverting it? | 15:53 |
Allucard | DasEi: yes i tried everything | 15:53 |
PingFloyd | ubuntu doesn't have a warranty | 15:53 |
Allucard | DasEithe screen goes black all the time | 15:53 |
Allucard | DasEi: the screen goes black all the time | 15:54 |
DasEi | ;-), PingFloyd | 15:54 |
DasEi | Allucard: even if you try to boot a live ? | 15:54 |
autoclesis | !puppy | 15:54 |
Allucard | yes | 15:54 |
Dr_Willis | Allucard: see #puppylinux | 15:54 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 15:54 |
autoclesis | !seamonkey | 15:54 |
DasEi | Allucard: so it's a hardware-related problem then | 15:54 |
ubottu | Seamonkey, formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite", is available at with install instructions for ubuntu at | 15:54 |
athunye | Myrtti: I just wanted to try it. Alread disabled it. | 15:54 |
DasEi | Allucard: pc specs ? | 15:55 |
Myrtti | athunye: and did the applications start to accept the user password as sudo password then? | 15:55 |
athunye | Myrtti: Yes. | 15:55 |
Myrtti | athunye: good. that's the expected behaviour | 15:55 |
Lord-Readman | what do people think of ? | 15:56 |
athunye | Myrtti: Thanks anyway. | 15:56 |
DasEi | Allucard: also did you verify your iso-downlaod and checked the cd by it's onboard-tool ? try cd on another box ? | 15:56 |
king_pin | ok so finally re-installed vista and then gonna try to install ubuntu again | 15:56 |
Lord-Readman | king_pin, you should try install ubuntu first so it is at the beginning of the disk | 15:57 |
Allucard | DasEi: ACPI x86-based PC, Mobile intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family, Processor intel core 2 duo t7100 | 15:57 |
CoffeeIV | I have a new install of ubuntu, I install apache and mysql and php and etc, and did the a2enmod php5, but when I go to a php file in the browser it still tries to download it instead of running it | 15:57 |
Allucard | DasEi: what more do you need??? | 15:58 |
DasEi | Allucard: so ultracommon, then most likely cd or cdrom bad | 15:58 |
OerHeks | Lord-Readman, vista does not install as 2nd OS, it want's total control over HDD. | 15:58 |
DasEi | !md5 | Allucard | 15:58 |
ubottu | Allucard: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 15:58 |
Lord-Readman | OerHeks, I will bare that in mind for the future then | 15:58 |
PingFloyd | using easybcd will make your dual boot life easier | 15:59 |
autoclesis | why would someone run a ram-only OS | 15:59 |
autoclesis | like puppy | 15:59 |
autoclesis | i don't get the usefulness of that | 15:59 |
Allucard | DasEi: they ship the cd to me and i have download a new iso from the website too | 15:59 |
autoclesis | dracula, do you know? | 15:59 |
OerHeks | after install, you can easy decrease the partition to install ubuntu, use the intergraded diskmanagment in vista. ( also for win7 ) | 15:59 |
DasEi | Allucard: did the test on cd, too ? | 16:00 |
Lord-Readman | OerHeks, even if you create a partition for vista at the end of the disk? wont vista install their and then just reinstall grup to restore the MBR? | 16:00 |
Sh3r1ff | CoffeeIV: did you add "AddType text/html php" in your httpd.conf? | 16:00 |
OerHeks | something to do with the hidden partition with restore files. | 16:00 |
Sunight | Salut | 16:00 |
Allucard | DasEi: yes i tried it on my father laptop and it worked | 16:00 |
Sunight | j'aurais une question :s | 16:00 |
Xcell | why does my cdrom quit playing 5 mins after boot ? | 16:00 |
DasEi | Allucard: faulty cd rom-drive ?! | 16:00 |
CoffeeIV | Sh3r1ff: thanks, checking . . . | 16:01 |
DasEi | !usb | Allucard | 16:01 |
Allucard | DasEi: tried that too and te problem stil remained | 16:01 |
k4rt33k | hey guys, not able to view hindi characters properly in the browser, any suggestions? | 16:02 |
Xcell | !cdrom | 16:02 |
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Xcell | !fstab | 16:02 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 16:02 |
DasEi | Allucard: wrong architecture, can't be it's a 64 sys, 32 would install, too | 16:02 |
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adambuntu | hey guys what is a good audio manager with tagging that is good? im on karmic x64 | 16:02 |
DasEi | Allucard: exotic g-card ? | 16:02 |
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Jalel` | hello how can invite me in java channel | 16:03 |
robinle | Anyone have experience with enabling quota on ubuntu server 9.10?? | 16:03 |
DasEi | !register | Jalel` | 16:03 |
ehabmostafa | hi | 16:03 |
Abu-3dnan | I have an ubuntu karmic, I want to make it boot to runlevel 3, what shuld I do? | 16:03 |
ubottu | Jalel`: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 16:03 |
Allucard | DasEi: where do i confirm the architecture??? | 16:03 |
ibuclaw | Allucard, of the OS? or the CPU chip? :) | 16:04 |
Allucard | DasEi: the card is the same as my father's | 16:04 |
Allucard | cpu | 16:04 |
DasEi | Allucard: c2d is 64, but 32 wouls also install, but you can't install 64 version on 32 hardware | 16:04 |
DasEi | would* | 16:04 |
jonzbcc | I'm trying to add files to my man path, can anyone tell me how they did it? I thought you just had to have this run at some point: MANPATH="$MANPATH:/new/path/to/add" -- anyone know? | 16:04 |
ibuclaw | Allucard, lscpu | 16:04 |
Allucard | DasEi: ok | 16:04 |
mikebeecham | Pici: would you be able to help me further on setting a VPN up? I have created a new connection, entered the server name, username and password, but the connection fails | 16:05 |
dotnetguru | hello, is it even possible to install linux within windows? | 16:05 |
jonzbcc | dotnetguru: yes -- with wubi or with virtual box | 16:05 |
ibuclaw | dotnetguru, look up VirtualBox | 16:05 |
arvind_khadri | !wubi | dotnetguru | 16:05 |
ubottu | dotnetguru: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. and for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 16:05 |
DasEi | Allucard: usb install didin't work ? how did you make it ? | 16:05 |
Abu-3dnan | I have an ubuntu karmic, I want to make it boot to runlevel 3, what shuld I do? | 16:05 |
ibuclaw | Abu-3dnan, runlevel 2-5 are all the same runlevels. | 16:06 |
Allucard | usb i only tried live | 16:06 |
DasEi | Abu-3dnan: sudo init 3 | 16:06 |
Allucard | DasEi: usb i only tried live | 16:06 |
DasEi | Allucard: verified stick is running on another box ? | 16:06 |
jonzbcc | ibuclaw: DasEi do you know how to cahgne the run level permanently for every reboot? (I've always wanted to know, myself) | 16:06 |
Abu-3dnan | DasEi, i need to do it from grub | 16:06 |
Allucard | DasEi: what??? | 16:07 |
Pici | mikebeecham: I'm sorry, I have very little experience connecting to vpns. I had a similar problem getting the 'add' button to appear for my employer's cisco vpn, so I knew there was an additional package that needed to be installed. | 16:07 |
asdrubaleee | salve a tutti | 16:07 |
DasEi | Allucard: did you try the usb on another pc ? | 16:07 |
ibuclaw | jonzbcc, old Linux systems used /etc/inittab | 16:07 |
Pici | !it | asdrubaleee | 16:07 |
ubottu | asdrubaleee: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 16:07 |
robinle | Anyone have some experience with quota on karmic? My root partition seems to be mounted as ext2 but fstab says it's supposed to be ext3?? | 16:07 |
Allucard | right know i don't remenber | 16:07 |
jonzbcc | ibuclaw: so I take it we'd be fiddling with upstart or something? | 16:07 |
DasEi | jonzbcc: it's rc.d, I think | 16:07 |
Allucard | DasEi: right know i don't remenber | 16:08 |
ibuclaw | jonzbcc, actually - I lie - several systems still use inittab today :) | 16:08 |
wrwarwick | Any one good with getting compiz to work? | 16:08 |
jonzbcc | ibuclaw: yes, there are quite a few (upstart's rather new) | 16:08 |
mikebeecham | Pici: thanks anyway! | 16:08 |
erUSUL | robinle: check « cat /proc/mounts » | 16:08 |
jonzbcc | DasEi: I thought rc.d was a BSD style thing? | 16:08 |
rethus | if i start my desktop, i have first do go to firestarter and click on "Start Firewall" ... if i didn't do so, i have no internet connection... this wasn't before i try out guarddog... can anybody tell me where the problem could be? | 16:09 |
Xcell | this is ridiculous , why does the cdrom quit playing and or seeing cd 5 mins after boot, and fstab is ok, what causes this ? | 16:09 |
mikebeecham | is there anyone here who would be able to help me set up a VPN on Karmic? I have experiencing connection issues | 16:09 |
DasEi | Allucard: looks to me like a faulty cdrom, and usb-lives need some practice to be set up properly, you can use unetbooting from windows , md5sum the iso, then check stick on another box, re.try | 16:09 |
robinle | erUSUL: /dev/root / ext2 rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 0 | 16:09 |
DasEi | jonzbcc: linux is very familiar | 16:09 |
erUSUL | robinle: post your fstab ... | 16:09 |
wasutton3_ | is there a relatively easy way to turn a logfile into a webpage? | 16:09 |
jonzbcc | does anyone have experience with adding to their manpath?? | 16:10 |
Allucard | DasEi: ok i will try that | 16:10 |
rethus | if i start my desktop, i have first do go to firestarter and click on "Start Firewall" ... if i didn't do so, i have no internet connection... this wasn't before i try out guarddog... can anybody tell me where the problem could be? | 16:10 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_: you could just serve that file. or if you're not too huge on security (maybe its an intranet) you can just symlink to the file from inside of your webroot | 16:10 |
robinle | erUSUL: /dev/xvda2 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0 0 0 | 16:10 |
robinle | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 16:10 |
robinle | devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0 | 16:10 |
Abu-3dnan | DasEi, how can I tell ubuntu not to run X on boot time? | 16:10 |
robinle | I only added "usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0" | 16:11 |
Dr_Willis | Abu-3dnan: disable the gdm service | 16:11 |
jonzbcc | Abu-3dnan: it doesn't run X (unless its a live CD) -- it runs XDM (a login manager) | 16:11 |
Pici | Abu-3dnan: sudo update-rc.d gdm remove | 16:11 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: will it constantly update? or will it just be a static page that i will have to reload? | 16:11 |
erUSUL | robinle: very weird ... what type of device is /dev/xvda2 ? | 16:11 |
Abu-3dnan | ty all | 16:11 |
ibuclaw | jonzbcc, had a quick look, Debian uses /etc/init.d/rc to control runlevel scripts. Ubuntu uses /etc/init/rc.conf to interface to it. | 16:11 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_: well, I suggestd two separate options. which one are you talking about? | 16:12 |
Dr_Willis | I think 9.10 uses Upstart to start GDM. | 16:12 |
robinle | erUSUL: well it's a virtual disk in a XEN vps | 16:12 |
DasEi | Abu-3dnan: boot safemode | 16:12 |
ibuclaw | jonzbcc, but how these scripts get started in the first place is done by /sbin/init | 16:12 |
DasEi | Abu-3dnan: or permanently remove gdm | 16:12 |
ibuclaw | (which is started by the Linux kernel itself) | 16:12 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: i think i would encounter the same problem with either | 16:12 |
jonzbcc | ibuclaw: (you meant _used_ rc.conf?) | 16:12 |
jonzbcc | !symlink | jonzbcc | 16:13 |
ubottu | jonzbcc, please see my private message | 16:13 |
erUSUL | robinle: ok; really dunno what can be the problem. i would check boot up messages if possible | 16:13 |
robinle | erUSUL: I've only got remote access | 16:13 |
robinle | are these logged? | 16:13 |
ibuclaw | jonzbcc, _uses_ - the rc.conf is part of upstart's interface | 16:13 |
DasEi | mana ? | 16:13 |
erUSUL | robinle: check /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog | 16:14 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, yes, /var/log/syslog | 16:14 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_: (i was testing if the bot could tell you about symlinks) -- sym links are like shortcuts to the actual file. so you if you add a symlink inside of your webroot (that points to the actual log file) then its the _actual_ file -- there is not updating it. | 16:14 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: i know, but what i want is like a live feed on the web page without having to reboot | 16:14 |
wasutton3_ | *refresh | 16:14 |
ZykoticK9 | Abu-3dnan, if you are using Karmic and want to disable GDM from starting you can use "sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled" - to undo just reverse | 16:14 |
jonzbcc | ibuclaw: hmm, I don't see an rc.conf on this machine, lol | 16:14 |
Jalel` | hello how can invite me in java channel | 16:15 |
robinle | alright let's have a look | 16:15 |
DasEi | manas ? | 16:15 |
Pici | !register | Jalel` you must be registered to join ##java | 16:15 |
ubottu | Jalel` you must be registered to join ##java: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 16:15 |
DasEi | Jalel`: is your nick registered ? | 16:16 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_: that's an ajaxy-ish sounding feature. (not really -- i take that back) -- you'd simply need a (and this is my hack -- maybe there's a better way) - a tiny bit of javascript on page to reload the particular section in the html document every x-seconds (10/15 w/e) | 16:16 |
ibuclaw | jonzbcc, in /etc/init directory? :) | 16:16 |
Jalel` | yes it's registred | 16:16 |
peppo | hi. is anyone building epiphany-webkit 2.29x for jaunty? | 16:16 |
robinle | Feb 23 09:55:25 vps445 kernel: EXT2-fs warning (device xvda2): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 | 16:16 |
robinle | Feb 23 09:55:25 vps445 kernel: VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly on device 202:2. | 16:16 |
DasEi | Jalel`: /join ##java | 16:16 |
jonzbcc | ibuclaw: oh, I thought you said /etc/init.d/ (this is a nastily hektic forum) -- did I spell hectic right? | 16:16 |
erUSUL | !register | Jalel` | 16:17 |
ubottu | Jalel`: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 16:17 |
mikebeecham | I am seeing "connection failed" error messages when trying to set up a VPN...can anyone help? | 16:17 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: thats what i was thinking too, seems to be a little bit easier to manage than a completely different program | 16:17 |
DasEi | manas ? | 16:17 |
robinle | erUSUL or arvind_khadri : any idea what might be causing this? | 16:18 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_: you should read up on symlinking though -- its fairly unsafe. a better way would be to have a "tmp_copy_log" sitting in side the web root, and that tmp file would be overwritten frequently by a cronned script (a _very_ simple script) that just cats the contents of the original log into the temp | 16:19 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, has the fs on xvda properly setup ? try running a fsck on it, and then mount | 16:19 |
ibuclaw | jonzbcc, no probs. Here is a more indepth link for you :) | 16:19 |
arvind_khadri | !vpn > arvind_khadri | 16:19 |
ubottu | arvind_khadri, please see my private message | 16:19 |
jonzbcc | ibuclaw: thanks :) | 16:19 |
arvind_khadri | !vpn | mikebeecham , does that help ?? | 16:20 |
ubottu | mikebeecham , does that help ??: For more information on vpn please refer to | 16:20 |
manas | hi dasie | 16:20 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: I should probably unmount it first then? | 16:20 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, yeah... | 16:20 |
Jalel` | I need an invitation for java channél thinks;) | 16:20 |
ibuclaw | jonzbcc, that describes the boot process down to which Linux source file is being used - from the Linux kernel forking the 'init' appliation, the rest is distribution specific (ie: upstart, rc, inittab, etc) ;) | 16:20 |
manas | sorry.. are you there | 16:20 |
DasEi | manas: yep, third try worked | 16:20 |
jonzbcc | manpaths -- anyone have experience with manpaths -- i'd like to add to mine, but its not working. (sorry for those who've already read this, i'm hoping some new ppl are in this channel now) | 16:20 |
manas | Ok sorry for that | 16:21 |
manas | where do i start | 16:21 |
DasEi | manas: let's meet in #grub, less crowded, better specialized there | 16:21 |
manas | wht is # grub | 16:21 |
DasEi | manas: /j #grub in your messenger | 16:21 |
jonzbcc | can anyone suggest another general purpose linux channel? | 16:22 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: i was instead planning on just having a cron job copy/ overwrite the file every minute or so | 16:22 |
DasEi | jonzbcc: ##linux | 16:22 |
jonzbcc | DasEi: -- i feel dumb now | 16:22 |
DasEi | nah, | 16:22 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: it's not letting me unmount since a bunch of services are running of it | 16:22 |
greenfuji | can someone tell me how to check if something was blocking one computer from seeing another and hence not being able to remote desktop to it? | 16:22 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_: right, that's what I just said | 16:22 |
manas | how to log into that | 16:22 |
robinle | anyway to force unmount it and kill everything but openssh? | 16:22 |
manas | do you have gmail | 16:23 |
DasEi | manas: /j #grub in your messenger | 16:23 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, is it a root device on the other machine? | 16:23 |
robinle | it's the root device of this vps, however I have no access outside of the vps | 16:23 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: i see. i got about a billion lines flying past me here | 16:23 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_ :) hope it works for you | 16:25 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, just restart the machine, before doing that just do << touch /forcefsck >> | 16:26 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_: actually, new thought: instead of burdening your machine with a constant cron (when people might not even be visiting the web page) -- you can make a plain html doc, with a frame inside of it -- have the frame inside be an actual php doc in the same directory. Now, the outter frame will have javscript that will reload the php doc inside the frame every x seconds. this way all the fetching/copying/pasting is done by a php doc -- a | 16:27 |
Allucard | DasEi: sorry about that i run out of battery | 16:27 |
robinle | okay thx, any idea how long it will take on a 1.5 gig partition? | 16:27 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, lol, maybe few mins, depends it is clean or not :) | 16:27 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: it's fresh as a daisy, OS has been installe about 2 hours ago :) | 16:28 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, then its just a matter of few mins, neways it all depends... | 16:28 |
king_pin | whats a good tool to do low level format | 16:29 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: its only going to be me viewing it (my school has an ultra restrictive firewall which i cant even vnc with) | 16:29 |
ibuclaw | king_pin, partition format? fdisk. | 16:29 |
king_pin | i am just trying to format my dell completely and start from scratch | 16:30 |
jonzbcc | wasutton3_: right, so -- only you, why have a cron constantly running for one viewer | 16:30 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: that sounds significantly easier. my coworkers ought to be able to help | 16:30 |
wasutton3_ | jonzbcc: true | 16:30 |
jonathan_ | hello! I'm using kubuntu but I think it's the same for ubuntu: Do you know a nice tutorial about how to setup apache and mysql to run a website on the local server? I need PHP,MySql and PhpMyAdmin... I've read that using lampp is useless with the packages provided by the ubuntu team. thanks in advance! :) | 16:30 |
arvind_khadri | king_pin, cfdisk ... | 16:30 |
Laa_mas_Guapa | OLaaa | 16:30 |
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Laa_mas_Guapa | hola | 16:31 |
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wasutton3_ | jonathan_: google is your friend | 16:31 |
phh45 | DasEi: gnome-baker crashed many times. Growisofs failed with i/o-error (okey, the iso was larger than 4 GB). But in the mean time I was _quick enough_ to hit burn button in Nautilus iso-burning (I had burned a couple of isos to my disk for testing purposes) after inserting again and again the DVD+RW. Very good trick! :) | 16:31 |
erUSUL | !es | Laa_mas_Guapa | 16:31 |
ubottu | Laa_mas_Guapa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 16:31 |
ibuclaw | king_pin, if security is not of the essence. fdisk should do to setup the partition table. Then you can use mkfs to format the partition into the filesystem you want. | 16:31 |
jonzbcc | jonathan_: using lamp probably isn't useless - but its uber easy, here's the tutorial: go to synaptic package manager | 16:31 |
jonathan_ | yes i know | 16:31 |
ibuclaw | king_pin, if you prefer easy - use gparted instead. | 16:32 |
jonzbcc | jonathan_: then check off "install" for the following packages: 'mysql-server' 'php5' 'apache2' 'phpmyadmin' -- during the install process you'll be asked questions (primarily what psasword you'd like to use) -- that's it. | 16:32 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: it might have just died on me :D | 16:32 |
jonzbcc | jonathan_: then you can go to your web browser and type: http://localhost/ and you should get a, "it works!" page. if so, you can find that html document in /var/www/index.html | 16:32 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, hahaha, what happened? | 16:33 |
jonathan_ | yes I've got all the packages and the things you said, but i need some infos on how to configure (mainly apache) the server now. | 16:33 |
robinle | well my vps panel says it's powerd up | 16:33 |
jonathan_ | aah ok. | 16:33 |
robinle | however ssh is dead | 16:33 |
robinle | refused connection | 16:33 |
jonathan_ | could you tell me please, where the config file for apache lies? I mean where i can configure the default path to the web-directory? | 16:34 |
jonzbcc | jonathan_: so you're serving okay right now? -- to configure apache you can edit the files in /etc/apache2 (primarily apache.conf file) -- and also play with modules for apache with: a2enmod | 16:34 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, yeah it will be dead :) you need to wait till the system goes up :) patient | 16:34 |
jonathan_ | thank you very much :) | 16:34 |
gregg | hi all - WEIRD problem here. I run ubuntu karmic as a media server where all my mp3's are, the locale is en_DK.UTF-8 - right now I'm on my Kubuntu karmic laptop, same locale as the server, but samba'ing to my mp3 folder shows question marks instead of utf-8 characters. Any idea what the problem could be? | 16:34 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: you think it will recover from this? | 16:34 |
jonzbcc | jonathan_: this is always been my best resource, the actual apache documentation: | 16:35 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, just a guess...not sure... | 16:35 |
robinle | hehe okay, I'll give it some time :) | 16:35 |
ibuclaw | robinle, can the server be pinged ? | 16:35 |
erUSUL | gregg: probably samba is messing things up. see what options are used to mount/export the samba shares ? | 16:35 |
jonzbcc | jonathan_: i missed your question before, in order to configure the default path, I usually do the following (but you should backup these files first, as I do this purely as something i figured out, not because I ever read it was the right wayto do it) -- : | 16:35 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: ooh it does respond to ping | 16:36 |
gregg | erUSUL: hmmm just mount -t cifs | 16:36 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, yeah, but the ssh service needs to be up to connect to it... | 16:36 |
gregg | erUSUL: that's probably bad, right? ;) | 16:36 |
erUSUL | gregg: probably you need to pass an apropiate nls option | 16:36 |
jonzbcc | jonathan_: I go to /etc/apache2 then I run: grep -ir 'var/www' ./* -- this will should you all the occurances of the string "var/www" in all the available config files. then you can edit those files with your favorite editor (eg.: gksu gedit ./apache2.conf, or sudo vi ./apache2.conf) -- then use your editor to replace all the instances of /var/www with /your/new/path -- remember BACKUP these files before you edit them (maybe, simply copy | 16:37 |
mattish | hello | 16:38 |
gregg | erUSUL: sounds about right - you know what I need to do off the top of your head while i'm googling? ;) | 16:38 |
jonzbcc | jonathan_: finally, you have to restart apache for the effects to take place, so type: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 16:38 |
mattish | Daft question, I dont appear to have a /dev/ entry for my parellel port :| not sure why | 16:38 |
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badkarma13 | hi all | 16:38 |
jonathan_ | thank you, i have to restart my system so also goodbye... | 16:38 |
jonathan_ | and thanks again ;) | 16:38 |
mattish | the lp and parport modules are loaded but no device? | 16:39 |
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erUSUL | gregg: i checked the mount.cifs man page can not find such ptions... | 16:39 |
arvind_khadri | mattish, they are created dynamically i guess....udev :) | 16:39 |
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mattish | wonder why it hasnt created one then ? :| | 16:39 |
DeathCrawler | my ctrl+alt+fn dont work, what can do? | 16:39 |
autoclesis | what is the point of a ram-only distro like puppy | 16:40 |
mattish | is it just /dev/port ? | 16:40 |
erUSUL | autoclesis: puppy can be installed | 16:40 |
autoclesis | so it's 'lightness' is the appeal ? | 16:40 |
ubuntufreak | #lugradio | 16:41 |
erUSUL | mattish: /dev/lp0 | 16:41 |
autoclesis | its | 16:41 |
autoclesis | TY erusul | 16:41 |
gregg | erUSUL: it's ok - i think i need to check out my smb.conf - the problem might be there | 16:41 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: still dead, I'll force reboot it though the CP | 16:41 |
erUSUL | gregg: ok; good luck. im not samba expert myself :) | 16:41 |
Staapaavandski | How can I see if my wifi card is installed? | 16:41 |
cordor | hdparm -tT readings is lot slower in ubuntu than qpartd cd | 16:42 |
Noooo | Help me :( i'm getting these errors on one of my mounted NTFS externals ''Error removing file: Input/output error'' ....... error only appears in the main folder if i try to change the folders, but if i double click a folder, i can do all sort of changes there. Tried to unmount, restart, etc. Nothing. Is my disk failing ? :(((( | 16:42 |
badkarma13 | can anyone tell me if i can setup a domain server for win 7 with ubuntu server edition? | 16:42 |
cordor | how do it fix it? | 16:42 |
erUSUL | Staapaavandski: do a wlan0 appears on your « iwconfig » output | 16:42 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, ok | 16:42 |
gregg | erUSUL: neither am i ;) | 16:42 |
meganerd | Noooo: yes the disk is failing | 16:42 |
mattish | erUSUL, I have no /dev/lp0 :( | 16:42 |
Noooo | But it's one year old meganerd .... what should i do ? | 16:42 |
Staapaavandski | erUSUL: Yes, with a lot of info.... | 16:43 |
erUSUL | mattish: /dev/parport0 ? | 16:43 |
mattish | nope :(! | 16:43 |
erUSUL | Staapaavandski: then the wifi card is up and running | 16:44 |
meganerd | Noooo: it does not matter how old the drive is | 16:44 |
Staapaavandski | erUSUL: Ok, thanks.... | 16:44 |
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seanbrystone | how would i autostart a .sh script at log in? | 16:44 |
mattish | erUSUL, I dont appear to have a device, I know the device has one, as in the standard install of linux it has a /dev/parport0 | 16:44 |
mattish | but under ubuntu i dont get a parport device in /dev :( | 16:44 |
erUSUL | mattish: sudo modprobe parport | 16:44 |
erUSUL | mattish: is for a printer? | 16:45 |
mattish | its for an lcd | 16:45 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: It's dead as a rock, I'm talking to my vps provider to see if they can fix the XEN image, because even after a fresh OS reload it seems to be doing this. | 16:45 |
meganerd | Noooo: it could be just a corrupt file system, you may wish to install ntfsprogs so that you can run ntfsfix on the partitiion | 16:45 |
mattish | and parport lp and ppdev are loaded | 16:45 |
Noooo | ok thanks | 16:45 |
arvind_khadri | seanbrystone, put it in /etc/rc.local | 16:45 |
erUSUL | mattish: check « dmesg » for errors | 16:45 |
Staapaavandski | erUSUL: you like know of a site, or have some guidance on connecting to a wifi network? I cant connect. There is no problem with Windows connecting. BTW should the DHCP server be on a router or access point, what's best? | 16:45 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, thats pretty bad...good luck anyways :) | 16:46 |
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erUSUL | mattish: maybe reloading the driver « sudo modprobe -r parport && sudo modprobe parport » | 16:46 |
mattish | tried that, no errors in dmesg, just the 2 instances of starting the modules | 16:46 |
robinle | arvind_khadri: yeah it is, thanks for helping me out anyway! | 16:46 |
meganerd | Noooo: what I would do is back up all of the data that I could, then use dd to write all zeros to the drive. Then you partition and format again. | 16:46 |
arvind_khadri | robinle, np... | 16:46 |
erUSUL | Staapaavandski: do you see the network manager icon in your up right corner ? it should be tw mini monitors or something like that as icon | 16:46 |
koskov | pop quiz.. any helpful with bash? "for i in Library/*/*.rar ; do echo $ i ;unrar e $i ;done" this works, but all but a few has a filename with space in it and then i get a error msg no files to extract blabla. | 16:47 |
Staapaavandski | erUSUL: Yes....I'v typed the SSID and password in, but no connection.... | 16:47 |
Noooo | thank you meganerd i'll see what i can do | 16:47 |
erUSUL | Staapaavandski: click on it (single left click) to see aviable networks | 16:47 |
koskov | So any fast way to replace all spaces withing one catalog and it's sub dirs? | 16:47 |
erUSUL | koskov: spaces in filename ? | 16:48 |
meganerd | koskov: use quotes around the Library part | 16:48 |
Staapaavandski | erUSUL: My network is hidden... | 16:48 |
dannte | hello | 16:48 |
erUSUL | Staapaavandski: ahh ok. never dealed with a hidden network... | 16:48 |
foobar | Hi everybody! | 16:49 |
Staapaavandski | erUSUL: Hehe, ok.....thanks anyway....maybe I'll find something to read on it.... | 16:49 |
seanbrystone | arvind_khadri, ok thanks, sorry i was distracted and didnt see your message :) | 16:49 |
meganerd | Staapaavandski: what does iwconfig say? Also, hidden networks are never really hidden. | 16:49 |
arvind_khadri | badkarma13, was your question about domain answered? | 16:50 |
koskov | erUSUL, yes, spaces in file names. Replace all with _ or . instead | 16:50 |
owner | hey guys do you know where new modules are located? I thought it was /lib/modules/$KERNEL/updates/dkms but apparently fglrx isn't there | 16:50 |
mattish | hehe | 16:50 |
hl_99 | hey there, can i backup my whole ubuntu system, format my hdd and then put the backup on a partition so thats the original system runs again with all its settings and programs installed and working? | 16:50 |
foobar | anyone knows how to use dlink dwa-120 in ubuntu? | 16:50 |
mattish | needed to modprobe parport_pc | 16:50 |
koskov | within that %#%& library catalog :) | 16:50 |
javi | ola | 16:50 |
arvind_khadri | seanbrystone, iirc, thats a dirty fix, there is another place where you can put it...but not able to remember where | 16:50 |
mattish | have a device now, thanks for your help erUSUL :) | 16:50 |
erUSUL | mattish: no problem | 16:50 |
SwedeMike | hl_99: that's not easy, no. why do you want to format? | 16:50 |
mattish | whats the difference between parport and parport_pc ? | 16:50 |
Younder | hl_99, yes | 16:50 |
meganerd | koskov: there is no need to replace the spaces with another character, simply put quotes around the Library/*/*.rar part | 16:51 |
badkarma13 | no arvind | 16:51 |
Younder | hl_99, but it is a bit drastic, normally seperate user partion from system partion and just restore the user partion | 16:51 |
arvind_khadri | badkarma13, ok, domain as in a DNS? | 16:51 |
Staapaavandski | meganerd: Erm, there are like 8 lines, I don't want to flood....erm Top line: IEEE 802.11abg ESSID:"" --- 2nd line: Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated --- and then there is some Rx/Tx info | 16:51 |
TwoPointOh | hullo! | 16:52 |
meganerd | the access point not associated line is the one I was interested in | 16:52 |
arvind_khadri | !backup | hl_99 | 16:52 |
owner | how can I build a module with dkms? | 16:52 |
ubottu | hl_99: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 16:52 |
koskov | meganerd, like so? for i in "Library/*/*.rar" ; do echo $ i ;unrar e $i ;done ? Tried that | 16:52 |
badkarma13 | yes and i want to setup a Active Directory too | 16:52 |
sejongpa_ | f | 16:53 |
arvind_khadri | badkarma13, ok, for an AD use samba + ldap / kerberos , depending upon your needs | 16:53 |
Younder | hl_99, for dump to work you need a ext3 file system on the backup media | 16:53 |
koskov | no files to extract :) Same command without and it takes only the files without a space | 16:53 |
sejongpa_ | ddddd | 16:53 |
Staapaavandski | Should the DHCP server be on a router or access point, what's best? | 16:53 |
TwoPointOh | does anyone know of a good open source POS system that's not openbravo? | 16:53 |
erUSUL | koskov: for f in folder/*; do mv -- "$f" "${f// /_}"; done. if you have to recurse you may want to use find | 16:54 |
meganerd | Staapaavandski: which version of Ubuntu are you running? | 16:54 |
Staapaavandski | meganerd: Erm, there are like 8 lines, I don't want to flood....erm Top line: IEEE 802.11abg ESSID:"" --- 2nd line: Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated --- and then there is some Rx/Tx info ------------ did you get that? | 16:54 |
Staapaavandski | meganerd: 9.10 | 16:54 |
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pyJack | something is hogging my disk space | 16:54 |
pyJack | is there anyway to find where all the space went? | 16:54 |
blakkheim | pyJack: install gdmap | 16:54 |
pyJack | is gdmap command line? | 16:55 |
blakkheim | pyJack: unfortunately no | 16:55 |
meganerd | koskov: I usually use find for this situation: "find /path/to/Library \*.rar -exec unrar \{\} \;" | 16:55 |
erUSUL | pyJack: us aplications>accesories>disk use analizer | 16:55 |
pyJack | blakkheim: I'm running a server... and it is really a pain :( | 16:55 |
meganerd | koskov: you may need to put quotes around the path part if there are spaces in the file names and or directories | 16:55 |
lorenzo_ | #ubuntu-it | 16:55 |
blakkheim | pyJack: i understand, i'm not sure what cli app has the same ability | 16:55 |
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sejongpa_ | exit | 16:56 |
arvind_khadri | badkarma13, this would guide you in setting up a DNS | 16:56 |
meganerd | pyJack: try installing filelight, it is pretty awesome for tracking down disk usage | 16:56 |
sejongpa_ | how to quit | 16:56 |
pyJack | meganerd: does it work on command line? | 16:56 |
DasEi | sejongpa_: irc ? | 16:56 |
blakkheim | sejongpa_: /quit | 16:56 |
ZykoticK9 | pyJack, you might want to start by checking your logs folder "du -sh /var/log/" | 16:56 |
meganerd | pyJack: du -Pacmx /path/to/check |-sort -g | 16:56 |
sejongpa_ | oh thankyou DasEi, blakkheim | 16:57 |
meganerd | pyJack: du -Pacmx /path/to/check/. |-sort -g | 16:57 |
pyJack | meganerd: is that to order file by size inside a folder? thanks! | 16:57 |
meganerd | pyJack: sorry slight syntax correction, the second one includes hidden files and folders, it displays in megabytes so that it is easy to sort | 16:58 |
hl_99 | i want to format because i want a parallel windows system on another partition | 16:58 |
meganerd | pyJack: what I do is I have an alias defined since I use so often | 16:58 |
pyJack | meganerd: command -sort not found | 16:58 |
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pyJack | meganerd: thank you very much | 16:59 |
Shazam | hl_99: why would you need to format to do that? if you have unused disk space, you can shrink your current partition to make room, and install windows in that empty partition | 16:59 |
ZykoticK9 | pyJack, "... | sort -g" | 16:59 |
meganerd | pyJack: one more change, I usually throw in a max-depth=1 | 16:59 |
hl_99 | i dont have unused diskspace unfortunately | 16:59 |
jonathan_ | hello again! I have apache2 now running and loading the site from /home/username/Server. That is very nice :) But I can't manage to get phpmyadmin working. the package is installed, but when I try to go to "http://localhost/phpmyadmin", I get an 404 error. any ideas what I'm doing wrong? | 16:59 |
karma | is there a way to make a Active Directory server so i wouldnt have to use a win server? | 16:59 |
arvind_khadri | karma, yeah i told you about it | 17:00 |
cdw32 | hello all, I am having a problem with some dependencies when i do a upgrade check through upgrade manager....any suggestions? | 17:00 |
pyJack | meganerd: the number on the left is Kb right? or Mb? I have a list, last one having the largest number | 17:01 |
meganerd | karma: AD is proprietary, you could use samba for an authentication server, but you would be using NT4 style domains | 17:01 |
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pyJack | ZykoticK9: thanks that worked | 17:01 |
meganerd | pyJack: the -m paramenter forces MiB | 17:01 |
adifire | cdw32, what r the depend.. | 17:01 |
meganerd | so a 10kb file will display as 1 Mb | 17:01 |
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Noooo | What was that command to list all the files and folders on a drive straight to a .txt file? ... my console can't display all the contents of ls -R | 17:02 |
meganerd | Noooo: use > /path/to/text.txt | 17:02 |
pyJack | meganerd: found the problem! nohup made a 11Gb output file... | 17:02 |
meganerd | Noooo: you put that at the end | 17:02 |
mod | Hi all, I'm installing 9.10 on an external drive to test it out. The internal drive on this box currently has an only version of centos, but I'm not read to trash it. If I go through the manual partitioner, and set these drives to be mounted (but not formatted etc), will anything at all happen to these drives, like with labelling, etc, that might cause it to not be able to boot from centos again? | 17:03 |
LateralForce | meganerd, > is like | to a txt file? | 17:03 |
meganerd | pyJack: ah, nohup... had that exact issue in the past. I use screen whenever possible | 17:03 |
mod | sorry, "an old version" | 17:03 |
cdw32 | adifire: give me on second to pull it back up | 17:03 |
Noooo | meganerd, like ls -R /path/to/text.txt ?? tried this and it doesn't do anything, even after i manual create the .txt | 17:03 |
meganerd | LateralForce: it will send the output to a text file, if you want stdout and stderr to the same file, use 2>&1 then > to a file name | 17:04 |
pyJack | meganerd: screen lets you interact with the app and leaves it running with no interruptions after command line close? | 17:04 |
erUSUL | Noooo: ls -R directory/ > /path/to/listingtxt | 17:04 |
Noooo | ohhh > | 17:04 |
netbyte | Noooo, find /path > all_files.txt | 17:04 |
meganerd | pyJack: screen is simply awesome. Yes, it leaves the app running as is. | 17:04 |
pyJack | meganerd: was looking for something to run some cron jobs on the server, I'm kind of new to it tbh | 17:04 |
cdw32 | adifire: | 17:05 |
pyJack | meganerd: if I remember right, you can also log back into the instance right? | 17:05 |
adambuntu | hey guys, why doesnt the command sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty work? I am getting nothing installed... my atheros drivers suck in 9.10 | 17:05 |
cdw32 | adifire: i hope that helps | 17:05 |
meganerd | pyJack: np. I was new at this once. discovering screen was a big aha moment | 17:05 |
meganerd | pyJack: yes | 17:05 |
mod | adambuntu, that worked for me | 17:05 |
adambuntu | ? | 17:05 |
adifire | cdw32, wil check it out.. | 17:05 |
adambuntu | mod, weird | 17:05 |
Red_HamsterX | Discovering screen changed my life. | 17:05 |
pyJack | meganerd: haha thank you so much for bringing this up man! | 17:05 |
meganerd | pyJack: a lot of people use this keep irssi irc client running on a machine somewhere, then ssh in to resume | 17:06 |
cdw32 | adifire: thanks | 17:06 |
adambuntu | can someone help me troubleshoot it? | 17:06 |
Shazam | Trying to get my microphone working. In alsamixer, the [Capture] section has Captur LR in red, and I can't raise the volume. camera works directly through flash. | 17:06 |
mod | adambuntu, used for the atheros on my hp mini ... if you have no more info i'm not sure no one can help | 17:06 |
meganerd | pyJack: it is one of the single best utilities around. That is not being dramtic, it seems simple but I use it every day. | 17:06 |
mod | argh gotta go | 17:06 |
adifire | cdw32, u wer tryin to update chrome? | 17:06 |
arvind_khadri | adambuntu, as it is only linux-backport-modules | 17:06 |
hdpb | I have lost video in skype. webcam shows up, but nothing happens when i hit the "test" button | 17:06 |
philsf | adambuntu, try apt-cache policy <pkg> and pastebin the result | 17:07 |
cdw32 | adifire: i dl chrome, and i think the computer was trying to when the update manager started. | 17:07 |
meganerd | pyJack: you don't need it to run cron jobs though, unless you want the app started by cron to be persistant and interactive later on | 17:07 |
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adifire | cdw32, hmmm...i did the same update sometime workd fine.. | 17:07 |
pyJack | meganerd: thanks that's great, I'm gonna look for some tutorials or some info on it | 17:07 |
cdw32 | adifire: i have always had update issues...i think its the lts version i have | 17:08 |
manas | Hi can anyone help me with installing win xp | 17:08 |
adifire | cdw32, hmmm...but here it's server issue.. | 17:08 |
cdw32 | adifire: i even looked to see if the package was broken, but nothing was listed | 17:08 |
adambuntu | philsf, im getting unable to find package | 17:08 |
adifire | manas, this is ubuntu group.. | 17:08 |
DasEi | df -h | pastebinit doesn't work, apart from the uncortable way by piping in a textfile can be pasted then, a more elegant way ? | 17:08 |
pyJack | meganerd: it's not really a cron job, it's a really long script which takes between 5-8hours, and I might want to log in to check on the output | 17:08 |
meganerd | pyJack: you can do some funky things with it. THere are some good tutorials on custom .screenrc files. You can have a status bar multiple tab like windows. All round awesome | 17:08 |
arvind_khadri | manas, maybe in #windows | 17:08 |
cdw32 | adifire: do you think i might have to software sources wrong? | 17:08 |
philsf | adambuntu, then you have the wrong package name | 17:09 |
gregg | anyone here good at scripting init.d startup scripts? I want some dirs to mount at startup with a script, but... I suck ;) | 17:09 |
adifire | cdw32, try reinstallin the packages again.. | 17:09 |
manas | i just need internet explorer to work in ubuntu | 17:09 |
manas | is that possible | 17:09 |
pyJack | meganerd: do you think there might be a web gui? haha | 17:09 |
adambuntu | philsf, ? | 17:09 |
arvind_khadri | gregg, whats wrong with fstab ?? | 17:09 |
meganerd | pyJack: not that I am aware of | 17:09 |
cdw32 | adifire: throught the chrome website or throught package manager | 17:10 |
meganerd | pyJack: though webmin has an ssh client | 17:10 |
adambuntu | philsf, sudo apt-cache policy linux-backport-modules | 17:10 |
DasEi | gregg: not too good at it, but you don't mount dirs, you create dirs and mount partitions (ftab) | 17:10 |
gregg | arvind_khadri: I'm on wireless, and fstab was mounting things before my netword was up and running | 17:10 |
DasEi | fstab* | 17:10 |
adifire | cdw32, through package mngr. | 17:10 |
rethus | if i start my desktop, i have first do go to firestarter and click on "Start Firewall" ... if i didn't do so, i have no internet connection... this wasn't before i try out guarddog... can anybody tell me where the problem could be? | 17:10 |
djhash | manas: there is an extension for firefox (forgot its name) that simulates IE. Give that a try. | 17:10 |
cdw32 | adifire: thanks ill try it out, im not very good with it though... | 17:10 |
gregg | DasEi: tried fstab, didn't work because i'm on wireless | 17:10 |
ftab | DasEi, it's not ftab but fstab :-) you pinged me by typing that. | 17:10 |
cdw32 | adifire: is it ok to come back with any problems | 17:10 |
gregg | lol | 17:11 |
pyJack | meganerd: it does? I'm on it right now... that's 3 helpful hands you have given me! | 17:11 |
adifire | cdw32, feel free.. | 17:11 |
VCoolio | djhash: user agent switcher? | 17:11 |
adambuntu | philsf, also, sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty | 17:11 |
koskov | what's a .lit file? | 17:11 |
adifire | cdw32, u kno how to do it right? | 17:11 |
meganerd | I try | 17:11 |
philsf | koskov, an e-book format | 17:11 |
gregg | let's rephrase then ;) - anyone here good at scripting init.d startup scripts? I want some remote dirs to mount at startup with a script, but... I suck ;) | 17:11 |
meganerd | pyJack: gotta run for now, best of luck | 17:11 |
koskov | ah, thx | 17:11 |
pyJack | meganerd: thanks man, you have been mega-helpful haha | 17:12 |
Uby | hi all :) | 17:12 |
adambuntu | philsf, let me install amarok... weird | 17:12 |
djhash | VCoolio: not really, it also renders webpages to look as if they're loaded by IE. Helps if the webdev uses proprietery IE tags. | 17:12 |
DasEi | ftab:sorry, have already corrected above | 17:12 |
cdw32 | adifire: i just need to find google chrome in the package manager | 17:12 |
adambuntu | philsf, can you use backports to jaunty in 9.10 x64? | 17:13 |
rethus | if i start my desktop, i have first do go to firestarter and click on "Start Firewall" ... if i didn't do so, i have no internet connection... this wasn't before i try out guarddog... can anybody tell me where the problem could be? | 17:13 |
philsf | adambuntu, dunno, I use karmic | 17:13 |
nowonmai | gregg: what sort of mount is it? NFS? local? | 17:13 |
adifire | cdw32, not exactly...u said u r doin the update right? | 17:13 |
rethus | before network working without starting firesarter | 17:13 |
adambuntu | philsf, yea, karmic is 9.10 right or 9.04? | 17:13 |
DasEi | gregg: has nothing to do with each other, mounting / network, or are you talking networkshares ? | 17:13 |
gregg | nowonmai: smb using cifs | 17:13 |
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philsf | 9.10 | 17:13 |
philsf | adambuntu 9.10 | 17:13 |
benjas | Hello all, problem wrong place to ask but in Wine some programs display rough edges on the fonts, anybody know of a way to correct this. Sorry in advanced if this is the wrong place to ask, but I have had no luck through google. | 17:13 |
adambuntu | philsf, are you using x64? | 17:13 |
philsf | adambuntu, no, x86 | 17:14 |
gosafeguard | I am new to ubuntu and looking for help on evolution can anyone help me | 17:14 |
adambuntu | .... | 17:14 |
gregg | nowonmai: i've got the mount commands working perfectly, i just don't know how to translate them into a script | 17:14 |
philsf | !ask | gosafeguard | 17:14 |
ubottu | gosafeguard: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:14 |
autoclesis | !dubuntu | 17:14 |
resno1 | for some reason the nic on my desktop has disappeared. what can i do to find the reason? | 17:14 |
ZykoticK9 | benjas, if you don't get an answer here you might want to ask in ##winehq as well | 17:14 |
philsf | adambuntu, what are you trying exactly? | 17:14 |
nowonmai | gregg: just put them into a file located in /etc/init.d | 17:14 |
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benjas | ZykoticK9, thank you. | 17:15 |
nowonmai | gregg: make the file executable and link to rc.5 | 17:15 |
gregg | nowonmai: link to rc.5? | 17:15 |
jonathan_ | Is it better for phpmyadmin to connect via a local socket to mysql or via tcp/ip? | 17:15 |
gregg | nowonmai: how do i do that? | 17:15 |
gosafeguard | is there any way that I can link a email to a contact like i could in outlook. I am trying to organize all my emails so that they can be found quickly per contact | 17:15 |
gregg | nowonmai: and should i put #!/bin/bash at the top of the file? | 17:16 |
cdw32 | adifire: i dl the current version of chrome for my version of ubuntu, i think, then the update manger was saying today that my update information was out of date this morning... | 17:16 |
adifire | cdw32, ok... | 17:16 |
adifire | cdw32, so u updated.. | 17:17 |
nowonmai | gregg: yup, then sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/smb-mounter /etc/rc5.d/99smb-mounter | 17:17 |
cdw32 | adifire: sure, but the update wont comlete..i went from whatever the the basic internet rowser was to chrome | 17:18 |
sigger | Forgot my password on my ubuntu laptop. How can I recover or change please? | 17:18 |
rethus | is there a why du adjust color of images with batch-job | 17:18 |
sigger | maybe boot with live cd, mount the drive and change shadow or some such? | 17:18 |
gregg | nowonmai: that seems too easy lol | 17:18 |
gosafeguard | is there a preferred csm program that i can also get emails in | 17:18 |
resno1 | sigger: | 17:18 |
adifire | cdw32, mayb it's d prob with googl server.. | 17:18 |
sigger | thx resno1 | 17:18 |
cdw32 | adifire: maybe | 17:19 |
resno1 | np | 17:19 |
adifire | cdw32, try reinstallin chrome n c.. | 17:19 |
adifire | cdw32, chrome's workin rite? | 17:19 |
cdw32 | adifire: i am trying uninstall chrome now | 17:19 |
adifire | cdw32, COOL.. | 17:19 |
adambuntu | philsf, i have an atheros 9285 card that is intermittent with the built in driver from ubuntu 9.10. i tried wicd, but no better. i just keep randomly dropping. so, i want to use the backports to get my wireless consistent... | 17:20 |
cdw32 | adifire: i cant seem to locate it using the add.remove apllications program | 17:20 |
adifire | oh... try synaptic pkg mngr.. | 17:21 |
adifire | cdw32, oh... try synaptic pkg mngr.. | 17:21 |
cdw32 | adifire: ok | 17:21 |
philsf | adambuntu, and why are you trying a jaunty pacakge? are you using 9.10 or 9.04? | 17:22 |
adambuntu | philsf, im using karmic 64 | 17:22 |
philsf | adambuntu, apt-cache policy linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic linux-backports-modules-karmic | 17:23 |
cdw32 | adifire: it wasnt found | 17:23 |
philsf | adambuntu, try installing these packages | 17:23 |
adambuntu | philsf, kk | 17:23 |
adambuntu | philsf, give me a sec amarok is finishing | 17:24 |
adifire | cdw32, oh..tht's somethin..try installin chrome.. u got .deb pkg? | 17:24 |
cdw32 | i think so | 17:24 |
cdw32 | adifire: i can use chrome, been using it for two weeks now...does that change anything? | 17:25 |
resno1 | my nic card is out, and i am getting siocsifflags when I try use ifconfig eth0 up | 17:26 |
adifire | cdw32, i guess not.. but if this prblm is persisting...better do somethin right no.. | 17:26 |
mela | hola | 17:26 |
cdw32 | adifire: ok let me try it again | 17:26 |
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adifire | cdw32, u don't have package google-chrome-beta? | 17:27 |
cdw32 | adifire: i just redl it | 17:27 |
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adifire | cdw32, k.. | 17:27 |
cdw32 | adifire: its installing | 17:29 |
adifire | cdw32, cool. | 17:29 |
springmeyer | my application on ubuntu installs in /usr/local/lib and always needs $ sudo ldconfig run to work. is it okay practice to automatically run this command at the end of the install scripts? | 17:29 |
cdw32 | does anyone know when the next LTS come out? | 17:29 |
Myrtti | cdw32: last thursday of april | 17:30 |
jamiejackson | hi, if i've got a folder full of debs (which altogether match all the dependencies), is there some dpkg (or apt-get) trick to installing them all properly? | 17:30 |
Myrtti | !lucid | cdw32 | 17:30 |
ubottu | cdw32: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 17:30 |
cdw32 | Myrtti: not soon enough....thnks | 17:30 |
KIRBY | HOLA | 17:31 |
digital-rouge | hey guys got a virus i need to remove | 17:31 |
cdw32 | i really like the idea of ubuntu, but i suck at it | 17:31 |
jonathan_ | is there a way to completly reinstall mysql? I mean also the recreation of all directory (for example "/var/lib/mysql") and the mysqld and so on? I configured it to much and it would take endless hours finding the current error... | 17:31 |
Myrtti | !virus | digital-rouge | 17:32 |
ubottu | digital-rouge: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 17:32 |
Myrtti | digital-rouge: clamav etc | 17:32 |
digital-rouge | well it picked up one | 17:32 |
digital-rouge | while i was scanning | 17:32 |
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digital-rouge | ya guys been using ubuntu a while now | 17:32 |
adambuntu | philsf, kk | 17:32 |
digital-rouge | fcrackzip | 17:32 |
digital-rouge | cant deleate cannot quarrintine | 17:32 |
askhader | Can anyone check if the command 'nano -r 10' will actually wrap lines at 10 columns? It's not working for me. | 17:33 |
joshua__ | I want to take the sound from a wmv file, and put it on a cd so it can be played on a cd, is this possible? | 17:34 |
marek_ | hey guys. i just installed backtrack 4 through vmware. the host system is ubuntu 9.10. but for some reason i cannot connect to wifi through vmware | 17:34 |
marek_ | does anybody know a possible solution? | 17:34 |
cdw32 | adifire: i think the package installer froze up | 17:35 |
Blue1 | joshuau_are you taking that to another computer or? | 17:35 |
digital-rouge | thanks for the help guys | 17:35 |
ani531 | can anyone tell me how can i increase size of home directory | 17:35 |
digital-rouge | gusse im just gonna tell everyone about the new linux virus | 17:35 |
adifire | cdw32, woah! that's somethin.. force-quit it.. | 17:36 |
Blue1 | ani531: bigger hard drive? | 17:36 |
joshua__ | Blue1, you mean the audio? I need it to play in like a cd drive | 17:36 |
cdw32 | adifire? | 17:36 |
adifire | cdw32, yeah? | 17:36 |
cdw32 | how is a forve quit done | 17:36 |
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marek_ | ani531: try disc utility and increase the size of the partition for your home directory | 17:36 |
ani531 | i hv to add space to it and i hv 30gb unpartitioned space | 17:36 |
Blue1 | joshua__: well you said wmv which is a video format - so which is it - video ro audio? | 17:36 |
* tweiseman shoots a deer in the head and chows down on its brains | 17:36 | |
Biene | blubb | 17:36 |
VCoolio | cdw32: alt+f2, enter 'xkill' then click the bad window | 17:37 |
joshua__ | it is a video file, i want to grab the audio and put it on a cd | 17:37 |
andrea_ | irc:// | 17:37 |
Blue1 | joshua__: look at mencoder | 17:37 |
ani531 | tried disk utility it makes different drive | 17:37 |
joshua__ | Blue1 okay thanks | 17:37 |
Blue1 | joshua__: or volc | 17:37 |
cdw32 | adifire: done its closed | 17:37 |
Blue1 | joshua__: or vlc | 17:37 |
cdw32 | VCoolio: thanks | 17:38 |
adifire | cdw32, so ther r some problems i guess..u sure u don't hav google-chrome-beta in synaptic pkg mngr? | 17:39 |
cdw32 | adifire: let me double check | 17:39 |
Pici | !u | adifire | 17:39 |
ubottu | adifire: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see for more information. | 17:39 |
abaloco | mmm | 17:40 |
adifire | Pici: thanks for the info... :) | 17:40 |
daum | anyone have this before: i have my interface set to static ip, however it seems every now and then(so far second time in two days), it gets a different IP(it has been the same different ip though) | 17:40 |
resno1 | my nic card is out, and i am getting siocsifflags when I try use ifconfig eth0 up. any ideas on how to get it working? | 17:41 |
kubanc | is there any possibility to view when was file changed, created, modified, accessed, etc...??? | 17:41 |
dinya | hello all. i'm upgrading from ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. NetworkManager does'nt work with pppoe (now using pppoecinf). and gnome-terminal and konsole responds key pressing very slow. | 17:41 |
dinya | how to make terminal be a bit faster? | 17:42 |
Blue1 | kubanc: ls -l -t -r | 17:42 |
resno1 | dinya: faster computer? | 17:42 |
resno1 | faster connection | 17:43 |
puxl | Hi, I have a question regarding GRUB in Ubuntu 9.10: After adding the "elevator=noop" line in the GRUB config (I'm on a SSD) and running the update-grub command, GRUB always halts and waits for input, it's not quiet anymore. Any ideas how to make my GRUB quiet again? | 17:43 |
cdw32 | adifire: found it but there is nothing in the pacgake window | 17:44 |
kubanc | Bluel, the command ls -l -t -r only gave me this data: "43 2010-02-23 18:38 proba.txt" can i see date of file beeing created? | 17:44 |
adifire | cdw32, nothing means? it's not ticked? | 17:45 |
marek_ | hey guys. i just installed backtrack 4 through vmware. the host system is ubuntu 9.10. but for some reason i cannot connect to wifi through vmware. does anybody know a possible solution? | 17:45 |
lfaraone | Is User Mode Linux faster or slower than running Linux in VMWare? | 17:45 |
cdw32 | adifire: there is nothing to tick | 17:45 |
Jordan_U | puxl, Does "grub-editenv list" show recordfail? | 17:45 |
llamanathan | In ubuntu 9.10, how do I re-add the network menu? I accidentally removed it instead of a different applet... | 17:45 |
adifire | cdw32, oh...tht's somethin.. | 17:45 |
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cdw32 | adifire: good or bad something | 17:46 |
marek_ | i think that slower. | 17:46 |
adifire | cdw32, well..i've never seen it in this condition..lemme check.. | 17:47 |
Myrtti | marek_: the problem is either in vmware or in backtrack, both of which we can't really support. My guess is that backtrack doesn't see the wifi device at all because it's been replaced by whatever pseudo-nic-device vmware offers it. | 17:47 |
Ahmed_Alaa | Hello i installed ubuntu 9.10 via wubi on win 7 64bit every thing ok but when its done and restart to boot in ubuntu grub dont load ubuntu and i get grub cmd line ... help ?????? | 17:47 |
marek_ | thank you Myrtti | 17:47 |
adifire | cdw32, go to Settings->Repositories->other sources | 17:48 |
marek_ | Myrtti: just one more question...where would you go to find out more info? | 17:48 |
adifire | cdw32, sry Other software in the new window.. | 17:48 |
steego | how can i create a link in /usr/local/bin to a python script? so that i can execute with ex. "command" the file /somedir/ ? i made a link with ln -s /.../bin/cmd but it won't execute | 17:48 |
jonez | steego, what error do you get? | 17:48 |
Myrtti | marek_: perhaps #backtrack-linux | 17:49 |
steego | jonez, no such file or directory.. but it's in the path cause i can execute all the other stuff thats already there | 17:49 |
cdw32 | adifire: i doint have that tab... | 17:49 |
puxl | Jordan_U: grub-editenv list gives me a no command specified error (I have no idea why...) | 17:49 |
adifire | cdw32, brb aftr 10 min.. | 17:49 |
cdw32 | adifire: i have third party... | 17:49 |
adifire | cdw32, which ver of ubuntu? | 17:50 |
jonez | steego, is the symlink set up properly? | 17:50 |
cdw32 | 8.04 | 17:50 |
steego | and the python script is executable, i can run the .py file directly | 17:50 |
Jordan_U | puxl, Can you pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/grubenv? | 17:50 |
cdw32 | hardy | 17:50 |
steego | jonez, what is "properly" - that's what I'm wondering.. | 17:50 |
adifire | cdw32, third party and c whether u hav google's rep/.. | 17:50 |
jonez | steego, what is the full absolute path of the symlink, without removing anything. | 17:50 |
cdw32 | adifire: i do | 17:51 |
Ahmed_Alaa | . | 17:51 |
adifire | cdw32, what's it?? | 17:51 |
jonez | steego, when you do 'ls -alF /full/path/here' what is the result? :) | 17:51 |
adifire | cdw32, paste it here.. | 17:51 |
smiler | Is it possible to install lucid packages in 9.10? I need | 17:51 |
steego | jonez, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 8 2010-02-23 17:43 hgadd -> | 17:52 |
cdw32 | stable main | 17:52 |
zanberdo | I have installed logwatch on my 9.04 server and it's installed a script to run out of cron.daily. However, I don't get any email notification nightly concerning the results. I have postfix installed and my test messages are processed. What might be the problem? | 17:52 |
puxl | Jordan_U: grub-editenv list gives me a no command specified error (I have no idea why...) | 17:52 |
Jordan_U | puxl, Can you pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/grubenv? | 17:52 |
jonez | steego, do you get a different result if you use the absolute path for the link? | 17:52 |
puxl | Jordan_U: | 17:52 |
jonez | steego, maybe that dir is not in your $PATH | 17:52 |
puxl | sorry, shortcut fail :) | 17:52 |
heoa | Spot an error? Hosts in ssh-agent: $ scp -r host1:dir/ host2: | 17:52 |
adifire | cdw32, u typed it? | 17:53 |
steego | jonez, it's in the path, i have other stuff there that executes.. but they aren't python scripts | 17:53 |
cdw32 | nope | 17:53 |
Jordan_U | puxl, For some reason /etc/init.d/grub-common isn't being run. That usually means that booting into Ubuntu failed. | 17:53 |
jonez | steego, you said you can run '' from your shell? | 17:53 |
steego | jonez, do i need a hard link? | 17:53 |
adifire | cdw32, cuz ther's extra dot between google and com | 17:53 |
jonez | steego, no, you do not need a hard link | 17:53 |
steego | jonez, jep | 17:53 |
adifire | cdw32, will be back aftr 10 min | 17:53 |
steego | jonez, from the directory its in | 17:53 |
jonez | steego, do you have a "#!" line at the top of the py file? | 17:54 |
cdw32 | adifire: i typed in the irc window....yes but the software sources no | 17:54 |
puxl | Jordan_U: oh. I'm posting from ubuntu right now | 17:54 |
steego | jonez, yep | 17:54 |
Jordan_U | puxl, Try running "sudo service grub-common start". That should clear the recordfail from grubenv. | 17:54 |
jonez | steego, how odd. I'm sure it's something simple.. but if your permissions are right, you can execute the py file directly, and you also get an error when you specify an absolute path, I'm not sure what else to suggest | 17:54 |
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Ahmed_Alaa | pleasei installed ubuntu 9.10 via wubi on win 7 64bit every thing ok but when its done and restart to boot in ubuntu grub dont load ubuntu and i get grub cmd line ... help cant boot :( ?????? | 17:55 |
puxl | Jordan_U, done. should I try a reboot now? | 17:55 |
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steego | jonez, aha, nvm, i think i found the problem.. the python script is on a vmware filesystem - probably some rights issue | 17:56 |
Jordan_U | puxl, Check the contents of /boot/grub/grubenv again | 17:56 |
jonez | steego, ok. please let me know what you did to fix it | 17:56 |
puxl | Jordan_U, the recordfail is gone | 17:56 |
Jordan_U | puxl, The idea is that /etc/init.d/grub-common is supposed to run at boot and record that Ubuntu has booted successfully. If it doesn't for whatever reason then grub assumes that the last boot failed and therefore shows you the menu to allow you to choose older kernels / rescue mode. | 17:56 |
steego | jonez, yeah if i can figure out how ^ | 17:57 |
steego | ^ | 17:57 |
steego | ^^ | 17:57 |
puxl | Jordan_U, aah, got it | 17:57 |
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Blackthorn | Is it possible to install ubunut 9.10 server (32bit) onto a Xen server? | 17:57 |
Jordan_U | puxl, So if you reboot now the grub menu won't show, but the problem will come back until you figure out why /etc/init.d/grub-common isn't being run at boot. | 17:58 |
steego | jonez, trying to create a hard link i get ln: creating hard link `/usr/local/hgadd2' => `': Invalid cross-device link -- so i guess i'm out of luck | 17:58 |
jonez | steego, you asked if you needed to make a hard link and I said "no" | 17:58 |
puxl | Jordan_U, okay, any hints where I should start searching? | 17:58 |
Jordan_U | steego, Why are you creating a hard link? | 17:58 |
steego | jonez, i thought it might be worth a try | 17:59 |
Jordan_U | !boot | puxl | 17:59 |
ubottu | puxl: Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 17:59 |
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puxl | Jordan_U, thanks for your help and giving me the right directions | 17:59 |
Jordan_U | puxl, np | 18:00 |
Muzer | In Jaunty, how do I stop a script in /etc/event.d ? | 18:01 |
Muzer | I remember doing it in the past, but I can't remember how - it's similar to how you stop all services in Karmic, but it uses a different command to service | 18:01 |
theadmin | Where can i find built-in microphone drivers for Asus A6Rp? | 18:01 |
smiler | Is it possible to install lucid packages in 9.10? I need | 18:01 |
theadmin | smiler: Activate the karmic-backports repository | 18:02 |
smiler | theadmin: ok, I'll have a look | 18:02 |
resno1 | my nic card is out, and i am getting siocsifflags when I try use ifconfig eth0 up. how do i get it working? or should i replace it? | 18:02 |
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OerHeks | smiler libhugs-cabal-bundled framework for packaging Haskell software is available in synaptics | 18:03 |
smiler | OerHeks: I prefer ghc | 18:03 |
Muzer | aha, initctl did it | 18:04 |
steego | jonez, can't get this to work.. even trying to execute with full path # /usr/local/bin/hgadd i get No such file or directory | 18:04 |
Muzer | I seem to remember that wasn't the command I used before, but it seemed to work so ah well :p | 18:04 |
Pici | smiler: cabal-install is only available in lucid, enabling backports will not help you. Installing packages from any other version of Ubuntu other than your own is risky and unsupported, so you're on your own if you do so. | 18:04 |
* smiler sighs | 18:04 | |
jonez | steego, ok, and what is the result of ls -alF /usr/local/bin/hgadd ? | 18:04 |
jonez | steego, er.. "output" | 18:04 |
steego | jonez, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff 8 2010-02-23 17:43 /usr/local/bin/hgadd -> | 18:05 |
jonez | steego, if hgadd does not exist in /usr/local/bin, you are going to get the error you described (file not found) | 18:05 |
rodri | busco novia s | 18:05 |
jonez | steego, how about ls -alF /usr/local/bin/ ? | 18:05 |
rodri | soy de 20 años | 18:05 |
Myrtti | !es | rodri | 18:05 |
ubottu | rodri: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 18:05 |
steego | jonez, No such file or directory | 18:05 |
rodri | hello | 18:06 |
Jordan_U | zinox, I assume that when you received that message you were using lucid / debian unstable's grub2? | 18:06 |
jonez | steego, ok. so the symlink exists, but the file you are linking to ( does not. | 18:06 |
Myrtti | rodri: hi! Do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 18:06 |
rodri | tus nuertos | 18:06 |
steego | that file is not in the same dir | 18:06 |
jonez | steego, it might be in a diff folder. | 18:06 |
jonez | steego, you created the symlink as though it was, which is the problem :) | 18:06 |
jonez | steego, where is | 18:07 |
jiohdi | anyone know how to find the settings for the screensaver/powermanagement in UNR | 18:07 |
smiler | Bleh, I guess I'll either have to bootstrap cabal-install manually or go back to another dist | 18:07 |
steego | jonez, /rcs/bin .. i created it there with /rcs/bin# ln -s /usr/local/bin/hgadd | 18:07 |
steego | jonez, so i need the full path? | 18:08 |
jonez | steego, yes. | 18:08 |
theadmin | You will need the full path unless the folder is in your $PATH | 18:08 |
jonez | steego, unless you copy to /usr/local/bin | 18:08 |
theadmin | ^ steego | 18:08 |
jonez | theadmin, he was having trouble making the symlink | 18:08 |
steego | ahaa | 18:09 |
kira_ | excuse me, but I have a question | 18:09 |
steego | jonez, i thought it would do that automatically as long as the file was in the current dir when i made the link | 18:09 |
theadmin | kira_: Ask it. | 18:09 |
kira_ | could anyone tell me if I could get to's IRC channels? | 18:10 |
jonez | steego, no, symlinks do not work that way | 18:10 |
theadmin | kira_: Hm, not Ubuntu-related, sorry | 18:10 |
steego | jonez, ok, thanks.. then i learned something new today aswell :D | 18:10 |
theadmin | steego: You could use $PWD/filename in place of that | 18:10 |
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jonez | theadmin, please do not confuse things | 18:10 |
edqnag | when i try to install ati drivers i got this error can someone explain | 18:10 |
edqnag | Error: ./ does not support version | 18:11 |
edqnag | default:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.31-19-generic; make sure that the version is being | 18:11 |
edqnag | correctly set by --iscurrentdistro | 18:11 |
theadmin | jonez: PWD contains the current directory, no? | 18:11 |
jonez | steego, please let me know when you've fixed it. | 18:11 |
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steego | jonez, fixed, works like a charm :) | 18:11 |
jonez | steego, cool | 18:11 |
jonez | theadmin, it would just be more explaining to use env vars and such | 18:11 |
jonez | theadmin, best to do it "by hand" without a lot of complication | 18:11 |
theadmin | jonez: Yeah, true indeed. | 18:11 |
steego | jonez, theadmin, i already know about envvars so thats ok ;) | 18:11 |
jonez | steego, did you cp it or change the symlink? | 18:12 |
steego | thanks for the help | 18:12 |
JackTwap | how can i lock a network interface to a certain channel. | 18:12 |
steego | jonez, changed the link | 18:12 |
jonez | steego, ok | 18:12 |
JackTwap | how can i lock a network interface to a certain channel? | 18:13 |
edqnag | anyone can help? | 18:13 |
rag | hello friends | 18:14 |
rag | i have a question | 18:14 |
zanberdo | !ask | 18:14 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:14 |
rag | recently i backup a partition with partitionimage by commands | 18:15 |
rag | partition has 28GB | 18:15 |
edqnag | Error: ./ does not support version | 18:15 |
edqnag | default:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.31-19-generic; make sure that the version is being | 18:15 |
edqnag | correctly set by --iscurrentdistro -- i got this error when i try to install ati drivers for gfx -- what does this mean? | 18:15 |
rag | partition backup has 30GB and 28GB used | 18:15 |
rag | now the restore in the new partition a little more big, 45GB , the space used is 43GB .... | 18:16 |
rag | 28GB used now is 43GB used... ¿why? | 18:16 |
zanberdo | rag, can you pastebin df -h from both the original (pre-backed up) partition and again from the newly restored partition? | 18:19 |
=== joel_ is now known as jolaren | ||
seanbrystone | how would i backup my entire /home to an external harddrive? | 18:22 |
rag | zanberdo ok thx , i look it | 18:22 |
PingFloyd | seanbrystone: one way is with cp -a | 18:23 |
seanbrystone | PingFloyd, is there a way to compress /home to a tar.bz2 at the same time? | 18:23 |
PingFloyd | seanbrystone: yeah, you can use tar for that | 18:23 |
seanbrystone | k ty :) | 18:24 |
PingFloyd | seanbrystone: in your case you probably want to use tar instead of cp -a | 18:24 |
seanbrystone | ok | 18:24 |
core | f | 18:24 |
core | hey | 18:24 |
core | someone is french?? | 18:24 |
=== core is now known as Guest70946 | ||
seanbrystone | !fr | Guest70946 | 18:25 |
ubottu | Guest70946: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois | 18:25 |
Jordan_U | !fr | Guest70946 | 18:25 |
Guest70946 | ok | 18:25 |
salado | ok | 18:25 |
Guest70946 | merci infiniment | 18:25 |
salado | k eres ingles | 18:25 |
JamesXP1 | Can anyone here help me set my screen resolution in unbuntu 9.10 | 18:26 |
Guest70946 | mais comment faire | 18:26 |
salado | eres ingles | 18:26 |
=== funkyHat is now known as crazyHat | ||
salado | si o no | 18:26 |
Guest70946 | je suppose que les lois de la physique | 18:26 |
Guest70946 | m'interdisent un tel deplacement | 18:26 |
alexis_ | !themes | 18:27 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 18:27 |
Guest70946 | n'est-ce pas | 18:27 |
Guest70946 | ?? | 18:27 |
adifire | JamesXP1, wat's d matter? | 18:27 |
Guest70946 | u | 18:27 |
Guest70946 | u | 18:27 |
Guest70946 | ubuntu | 18:27 |
FloodBot4 | Guest70946: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:27 |
Guest70946 | ok | 18:28 |
Guest70946 | u ugly robot | 18:28 |
JohnN | adifire: the lack of a friendly way to set resolutions above 800x600 would be his problem I guess | 18:28 |
Guest70946 | hi | 18:28 |
mod | Hi all, I keep trying to install 9.10 on an external usb drive and when the install is done, I end up on a 'live system' desktop and the install target's /boot grub directory is empty | 18:28 |
LjL | Guest70946: ubotu has received worse insults. anyway, ecrive /join #ubuntu-fr pour parler en francais | 18:29 |
Blakynd | 9.04 will not shut down or restart | 18:29 |
mod | not sure where to go from here | 18:29 |
Blakynd | any suggestions? | 18:29 |
Guest70946 | u're unlucky | 18:29 |
shubbar | what program can i use to make videos for a standalone player? | 18:29 |
Guest70946 | too bad | 18:29 |
Guest70946 | windows media player | 18:29 |
hithlain | hi, is it normal that evolution does not show the number of unread messages in the indicator applet ? How do I know I have new mail without opening evolution? Thanks | 18:29 |
Guest70946 | of course | 18:29 |
edqnag | correctly set by --iscurrentdistro -- i got this error when i try to install ati drivers for gfx -- what does this mean? | 18:29 |
alexis_ | !nvidia | 18:30 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 18:30 |
Guest70946 | nothing | 18:30 |
JohnN | /kill troll | 18:30 |
ubuntu_ | ciao | 18:30 |
Guest70946 | nooooooo | 18:30 |
colombian | Hello all - I just installed some system updates - and now my google-chrome won't work. When I try to open it it gives me the following error message: Failed to execute child process "/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome" (No such file or directory) | 18:30 |
Guest70946 | i'm laughting too much | 18:30 |
colombian | The icon is gone too | 18:30 |
Guest70946 | please | 18:30 |
JohnN | get back to the underneath of the bridge troll boy :) | 18:31 |
Guest70946 | ok | 18:31 |
Guest70946 | can u indicate me the road? | 18:31 |
Guest70946 | and i-ll go | 18:31 |
oru_work | does anyone know the location of the configuration file that defines log rotation for mail.log postfix/dovecot in ubuntu 8.10 ? I checked /etc/logrotate.d/ and its not there | 18:32 |
The_ManU_212 | hi | 18:32 |
ubuntu_ | ciao | 18:32 |
colombian | Hello all - I just installed some system updates - and now my google-chrome won't work. When I try to open it it gives me the following error message: Failed to execute child process "/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome" (No such file or directory) | 18:32 |
The_ManU_212 | i like hopw ubuntu creates fsck logs in /varlog/fsck, how can i use this also in other distributions, per default terhe arent any logs | 18:32 |
Uby | colombian: is that path correct? | 18:33 |
Guest70946 | yeah | 18:33 |
colombian | Uby: The directory opt/google/chrome/ exists but there's nothing inside, save the plugins folder | 18:33 |
beric | Hi. I *Really* need help.I have installed kubuntu 9.10 and after update KDM login throws me out. ppl at ubuntuforums reinstalled and I can't do that. | 18:33 |
colombian | Uby: But it was working fine until I installed some updates literally 5 minutes ago. | 18:33 |
Guest70946 | that's normal don't woory so much | 18:34 |
=== nicholas is now known as Guest52955 | ||
Guest52955 | is there any skype looking application on Xubuntu? | 18:34 |
a_ | hey guys. How do I upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 ? | 18:34 |
Guest70946 | jhonN help me | 18:34 |
a_ | i tried sudo apt-get upgrade but i am still on 9.04 | 18:34 |
blakkheim | a_: sudo do-release-upgrade | 18:34 |
Myrtti | Guest70946: skype _looking_ application? how about - skype? | 18:34 |
a_ | oh ok | 18:34 |
a_ | ty blakkheim | 18:34 |
Uby | colombian: so, where is google-chrome executable? | 18:34 |
Guest52955 | use synaptic package manager | 18:34 |
Myrtti | Guest70946: sorry, that was for Guest52955 | 18:35 |
Younder | uby: try which, whereis and locate in that order | 18:35 |
Guest70946 | hello i tried sudo apt-get install windows but it's not working i need help | 18:35 |
colombian | Uby: It seems to be gone :( | 18:35 |
highvoltage | hey. anyone know in what country the next UDS will be? | 18:35 |
Younder | uby: anyhow I have the file in the path you wrote | 18:35 |
DasEi | a_:sudo update-manager | 18:36 |
highvoltage | (oops, wrong channel) | 18:36 |
DasEi | !dist-upgrade | 18:36 |
ubottu | A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu. | 18:36 |
Uby | Younder: you mean "colombian"? :P | 18:36 |
rag | zanberdo: is the same, pre and post | 18:36 |
a_ | DasEi: ty | 18:36 |
a_ | blakkheim : i am on crunchbang .. and i do not see that option | 18:36 |
colombian | Younder: Mine seems to have dissapeared somehow | 18:36 |
Uby | colombian: as Younder said, try which, whereis and locate | 18:36 |
rag | zanberdo, i use partitionimage, but before restore the new partition has 45GB, and gparted say its has 45GB | 18:37 |
rag | zanberdo, but df say has 31gb ... its rare | 18:37 |
colombian | command not found | 18:37 |
dinosaurvskitten | After restoring from suspend-to-ram, my laptop sometimes freezes up. It seems to coincide with when I reconnect to the internet. This is on a dell inspiron 640m. Any ideas? (the command I use to suspend is pm-suspend --quirk-s3-bios --quirk-s3-mode --quirk-dpms-on --quirk-vbe-post --quirk-vbestate-restore) | 18:37 |
colombian | for google-chrome & | 18:37 |
Uby | colombian: how did you install chrome? | 18:37 |
dinosaurvskitten | colombian, they renamed the executable to chromium-browser | 18:37 |
colombian | Uby; Downloaded 64 bit rpm | 18:38 |
JamesXP1 | adifire, I cannot get the correct screen resoltuon in 9.10 | 18:38 |
mneptok | !crunchbang > a_ | 18:38 |
ubottu | a_, please see my private message | 18:38 |
colombian | dinosaurvskitten: Did this just happen? Typing "google-chrome" worked for me until a few hours ago | 18:38 |
Guest52955 | hey, I am new on Xubuntu and I didn't get the meaning of "ty blakkheim". Can you help me? | 18:38 |
blakkheim | a_: this is not a crunchbang support channel | 18:38 |
dinosaurvskitten | colombian, that was about a month or two ago | 18:39 |
radioman-lt | ..any ideas why preferences->display freezes when i try to switch primary and other displays? | 18:39 |
beric | KDM logs show [config/dbus] couldn't register object path | 18:39 |
radioman-lt | ..and sometimes all screens become black | 18:39 |
colombian | dinosaurvskitten: I'm quite sure I downloaded it before then - don't think that would affect me | 18:39 |
beric | And I can't login | 18:39 |
dinosaurvskitten | colombian, ah | 18:39 |
wolter | hi, i pressed control -Z in nano and now I can't get back to it, going to lose all my work! | 18:39 |
wolter | Can i unsuspend it using the PID? | 18:40 |
Guest52955 | can I call using my computer in Xubuntu? | 18:40 |
JamesXP1 | Can someone help me get the correct screen resolution in Karmic? | 18:40 |
mod | hmmm this install of 9.10 left grub empty AND put no initrd in /boot | 18:40 |
Uby | colombian: why 64bit rpm? | 18:41 |
edqnag | can anyone tell me how to update all drivers on ubuntu? is there any program that checks driver version etc... | 18:41 |
colombian | Uby: 64 bit karmic ^^ | 18:41 |
Uby | colombian: i mean, why not the deb pkg | 18:41 |
oliver3 | Hi guys, I'm trying to install the sun-java6-doc package. The package requires I download a specific version of the documentation from Sun's website, 6u10 to be exact. The Sun site is offering me 6u18 however, and I can't seem to find a Sun mirror of u10, anyone know where I can get it? | 18:41 |
DasEi | !latest | edqnag | 18:41 |
ubottu | edqnag: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. | 18:41 |
tea | acura | 18:41 |
tea | agay | 18:41 |
tea | ags | 18:41 |
FloodBot4 | tea: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:41 |
Myrtti | Guest52955: skype is available for linux including Xubuntu | 18:41 |
DasEi | edqnag: apart from that a : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade does the trick | 18:42 |
zanberdo | rag, I was hoping you'd pastebin the results of df -h from both pre and post imaging. however I see now that you are using a tool I'm not familiar with 'partionimage' so I'm not sure what it does | 18:42 |
Guest52955 | thanks Myrrti. | 18:42 |
n16h7f0x | how can i enable cgi-bin in my apache | 18:42 |
colombian | Uby: I'm not too sure - I'm trying to find the rpm from google right now and I can't | 18:42 |
JamesXP1 | Can someone help be I cannot get my native resolution in ubuntu 9.10? | 18:42 |
SuperUser|David | hey everyone. how can i find out what window manager is currently in use? | 18:42 |
edqnag | dasei thank you | 18:43 |
zanberdo | rag, however, by comparison, if I want to say image a partition and expand it, I would use something like g4l to create the file or clone the partition, then use gparted to resize if I want to be lazy and not do it from cli... however, prior to resizing the newly laid down partition should reflect the pre-imaged size despite the size of the new partition space... you follow? | 18:43 |
Uby | colombian: try this: | 18:43 |
ZykoticK9 | SuperUser|David, are you using Gnome or some other Desktop environment? | 18:44 |
SuperUser|David | sorry, i'm using gnome | 18:44 |
Uby | colombian: it should be the ubuntu specific version | 18:44 |
DasEi | hmm, sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit used to work, is up, too, but only works by fdisk -l | pastebinit -b, did they change multiline support at ?? | 18:44 |
edqnag | DasEi i installed regnum online and i cannot lauch it because i get gfx error any idea how can i fix that because i cannot install drivers for my gfx | 18:45 |
colombian | Uby: There we go - I wonder why it's so hard to find the linux install | 18:45 |
ZykoticK9 | SuperUser|David, so most likely it is either Compiz or Metacity -- i don't know of a way to check, you could try switching to the other one if you wished "metacity --replace" or "compiz --replace" | 18:45 |
colombian | Uby: Nevermind :P | 18:45 |
DasEi | edqnag: which g-card ? | 18:45 |
Uby | :) | 18:45 |
jabalsad | Hi guys, i'm hoping you might give me some help here. I tried the proprietary ATI radeon drivers for my mobility radeon hd 3650, but it crashes X everytime i boot, requiring me to delete xorg.conf... so now i'm trying to use the open source ubuntu ati drivers, but i'm not sure i can get it working. after following the support site, i should type 'glxinfo' and it should work, but instead i get a "BadRequest" | 18:45 |
colombian | Uby: Hmm - would reinstalling get rid of all my settings? | 18:45 |
SuperUser|David | ZykoticK9: thanks, i'll try. | 18:45 |
edqnag | DasEi ati gfx on laptop | 18:45 |
Blakynd | ubuntu 9.04 not shutting down or restarting | 18:45 |
edqnag | i think its ati x1300 | 18:46 |
Blakynd | any ideas? | 18:46 |
Uby | colombian: your settings should be in your home dir | 18:46 |
_UsUrPeR_ | Is anybody in here familiar with preseeding? I want to use a custom preseed.cfg, but can't figure out how to with the boot options in the ubuntu installer. | 18:46 |
colombian | Uby: Alright - I'll take the plunge, thanks :) | 18:46 |
Uby | colombian: something like .chrome or .google-chrome | 18:46 |
DasEi | edqnag: thin info, well ati is still a hassle-kid concerning current ubuntu graphics, wait for lucid , might have a chance there, else need to tell exact model, there are some radeondrivers least support 2d, that could the job | 18:47 |
KY | hey everyone I would like to know how well the latest ubuntu is on memory footprints. | 18:48 |
chinny | Hey all - sory if this is a long one but I've got a very weird one - am hoping someone can help me out. I've got an Ubuntu 8.10 server (in VMware Esx) running with the Enhanced vmxnet nic. The VMware tools are installed and am able to ping internal and external IPs (it's got a NAT), however.....I cannot resolve IPs at all nor connect to the webserver on it (Apache2) or sshd. I don't even get a login prompt. I have run nmap at it and the ports are listening. | 18:48 |
chinny | The DNS server I'm using is working - have proven that from another host. I've even tried changing to the google public dns server ( which I can ping fine but they won't work either. | 18:48 |
chinny | I've removed the original nic and added a new one - redone the static config for the new nic and get exactly the same. I've even recompiled and re-installed the VMware tools but no joy. Have checked /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf and they check out ok. Am running out of ideas now....can anyone suggest anything? | 18:48 |
edqnag | DasEi how can i check which card is? | 18:48 |
FloodBot4 | chinny: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:48 |
slaxx | #ubuntu-fr | 18:49 |
ZykoticK9 | edqnag, "lspci | grep VGA" | 18:49 |
DasEi | Ky:running 4 filled browsers, a vbox /w two machines, music, irc, and a bunch of daemnons : 2,5G | 18:49 |
edqnag | DasEi 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] [1002:791f] | 18:49 |
colombian | Uby: pretty sure it was "postfix" which messed up google-chrome | 18:49 |
JamesXP1 | Can someone help me with my screen resolution problem, my desired resolution is not available. My card is a nVdia 8600GT and I'm using the restricted nvidia drivers, but the maxium resolution nvidia settings is allowing is 1360x768, my screen is 1680x1050 | 18:50 |
DasEi | edqnag: x1200 so, second googling chip | 18:50 |
edqnag | DasEi what? | 18:50 |
ale_ | scusate | 18:51 |
ale_ | chi mi aiuta? | 18:51 |
major_redhat | hey all - video playback is buggy for me | 18:51 |
KY | DasEi: really. humm. my server (comapq computer with 1.5 Ghz AMD Athlon, 1.25 GIG ram) is just going to be running VBox's with Server2003 and NT4. Think Ubuntu is the OS for me? | 18:51 |
Pici | !it | ale_ | 18:51 |
ubottu | ale_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 18:51 |
ale_ | #ubuntu-it | 18:52 |
colombian | Uby: It's working now - thanks | 18:52 |
major_redhat | I will play a video (such as a .MOV) and it will open and play fine in VLC but in other programs such as Movie Player it will either (A) show black window with audio running in background or (B) zoom in ot the middle of the video and not show the entire picture | 18:52 |
aeon-ltd | KY: ubuntu's a bit heavy dont you think jus for vbox? | 18:53 |
askhader | Why doesn't the ubuntu live cd have the 'grub' command? | 18:53 |
colombian | Uby: Looks like it was a mistake on google's part: | 18:53 |
rag | zanberdo, thx, one moment im busy now, thx a lot i read your message later | 18:53 |
KY | aeon: well i have other plans for the future. ie. Dail in server for dreamcast systems and VPN's. Router for an internet connection. | 18:54 |
DasEi | KY: will work, as I don't use swap, but you are really short of ram for that, and will have to higher you're vm's ram for install or become retarded before their install finishes, consider a minimal install, so you only get what you want on the host | 18:54 |
alexis_ | anyone can help me install WoW with wine? | 18:54 |
jabalsad | Guys, any idea how to fix up my video card drivers? xserver-xorg-video-ati is installed, but when i run glxinfo i get a badrequest error message | 18:54 |
wensleydale | hello. does anyone know the terminal command to start gnome-dictionary front end? | 18:54 |
KY | Dasei: thank you. | 18:54 |
iceroot | alexis_: just run the setup.exe | 18:54 |
major_redhat | o and btw compiz is enabled with resitrictied ATI drivers | 18:55 |
KY | now anyone fimiliar with installing Ubuntu over PXE. ;) | 18:55 |
alexis_ | iceroot, there is not problem running it from cds? | 18:55 |
iceroot | alexis_: no | 18:55 |
ZykoticK9 | wensleydale, believe it or not it's "gnome-dictionary" | 18:55 |
alexis_ | iceroot, thanks | 18:55 |
DasEi | edqnag:RS690M is the chip, sorry, I don't know enough about this | 18:55 |
askhader | How do I reinstall grub on Ubuntu? | 18:55 |
aeon-ltd | KY: personally i would recommend base systems like ubuntu minimal, crux or arch, so you won't have to remove unneccessary crap from default ubuntu installs | 18:56 |
edqnag | DasEi ok thank you | 18:56 |
Uby | colombian: i see, kinda weird :P | 18:56 |
wensleydale | ZykoticK9 thats what i thought but it doesnt seem to work! | 18:56 |
ZykoticK9 | askhader, are you using Karmic or earlier release? | 18:56 |
ZykoticK9 | wensleydale, it works on my system? | 18:56 |
DasEi | askhader: which version of ubuntu ? | 18:56 |
DasEi | !version | 18:57 |
ubottu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 18:57 |
ZykoticK9 | DasEi, are you trying to figure out to set !grub or !grub2 as well ;) | 18:57 |
edqnag | DasEi i gound program that can update/install ati and nvidia gfx drivers but i cant open it, its called EnvyNG | 18:58 |
wensleydale | ZykoticK9 aha I worked it out myself. newby learning fast. Sorry to bother you. I realised I have xfce4 dictionary, so the command is xfce4-dict. Simple. Thanks. | 18:58 |
DasEi | ZykoticK9: I just half an hour struggle to realize grub1 doesn't read fstabs uuids | 18:58 |
DasEi | edqnag: you installed it ? | 18:58 |
edqnag | DasEi yes | 18:59 |
thomas | I am not able to log in with my normal user name but I can as root, i believe that an install remove ownership of a file in my home folder | 18:59 |
thomas | is there an easy way to reset the ownership of my home folder | 18:59 |
ZykoticK9 | DasEi, i must say i'm not much a fan of UUIDs - kinda like the old device way better -- guess I'm just not "with it" | 18:59 |
DasEi | edqnag: applications > systemtools > env.. | 18:59 |
edqnag | DasEi its in my menu under system tools | 18:59 |
iceroot | thomas: su userame as root | 18:59 |
DasEi | edqnag: most probably it will show no recommenended driver, I guess | 19:00 |
n16h7f0x | anybody can help me cofnigure apache to run cgi scripts | 19:00 |
thomas | iceroot will that my my user a root | 19:00 |
edqnag | DasEi i cant know cuz i cant run it... | 19:00 |
DasEi | ZykoticK9: I like uuids, as I'm a multiHDist and screw around often | 19:00 |
n16h7f0x | i made all the settings put i get forbiden when trying to acces the folder and not found when trying to acces a script | 19:01 |
major_redhat | can anybody help me with updating / installing the newest media plugins for 9.04? | 19:01 |
=== CoffeeIV_ is now known as CoffeeIV | ||
major_redhat | specifically video plugins | 19:01 |
erUSUL | thomas: boot into recovery mode. chown -R username:username /home/username | 19:01 |
DasEi | major_redhat: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 19:01 |
DasEi | !medibuntu | 19:01 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 19:01 |
major_redhat | already did that | 19:02 |
=== jon is now known as Guest83127 | ||
major_redhat | anything in synaptic that i can grab? | 19:02 |
DasEi | edqnag: sudo envyng -g | 19:02 |
Curulin | Ubuntu 9,10. Everything used to be fine, but one day suddenly my sound stopped working. I guess it happened after installing and playing a new game. In sound preferences the sliders are open and it's not mute, the soudn card is still reckognized as installed. Any ideas? | 19:02 |
DasEi | major_redhat: see above | 19:02 |
major_redhat | medubuntu? | 19:03 |
aeon-ltd | Curulin: sliders? you mean alsamixer? | 19:03 |
DasEi | major_redhat: line above that | 19:03 |
major_redhat | yeah i already have the restricted-extras installed | 19:03 |
major_redhat | thats the first thing i do on any ubuntu install | 19:03 |
DasEi | major_redhat: so got most common codecs, apart from libdvdcss try vlc-player for video-files, s. apt-get i. vlc | 19:04 |
thomas | erUSUL thank you works perfect now | 19:04 |
major_redhat | have vlc already installed too | 19:04 |
erUSUL | thomas: no problem | 19:04 |
Curulin | aeon-ltd: The sound output sliders | 19:04 |
DasEi | major_redhat: your issue then ? | 19:04 |
major_redhat | Dasei: video is zoomed in during playback when I use Movie Player and the preview window of kdenlive | 19:05 |
aeon-ltd | Curulin: go to a shell and type alsamixer are they showing bars maxed out | 19:05 |
DasEi | askhader: you are answered ? | 19:05 |
major_redhat | DasEi: it's fairly annoying | 19:05 |
DasEi | major_redhat: no idea about that, sry | 19:06 |
DasEi | #kubuntu, maybe | 19:06 |
aeon-ltd | Curulin: on top of that check they are not showing MM (mute) | 19:06 |
major_redhat | DasEi: its ok | 19:07 |
usuario | ola | 19:07 |
Myrtti | !es | usuario | 19:07 |
ubottu | usuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:07 |
usuario | hola | 19:07 |
edqnag | DasEi ERROR: Make sure that envyng-qt is installed... | 19:07 |
usuario | a tos | 19:07 |
major_redhat | DasEi: I'll probably post my problem in the Ubuntu forums soon enough | 19:07 |
andreas | hey | 19:07 |
DasEi | edqnag: sudo apt-get install envyng-qt, as said, I don't "think" it's got sth. for your card | 19:08 |
user777u | hola | 19:08 |
andreas | could someone please help me getting a driver for a wlan stick(ASUS)???that one i use is slower than German Railway... | 19:08 |
erUSUL | !es | user777u | 19:08 |
ubottu | user777u: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:08 |
Pici | DasEi: got a moment for a pm? | 19:09 |
DasEi | sure | 19:09 |
edqnag | DasEi well i can try :) | 19:09 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: alsamixer only shows headphone and PCM at max, the rest is at 0, including the master f | 19:09 |
major_redhat | how to check for 32 bit or 64 bit version in terminal? | 19:09 |
DasEi | edqnag: yeah, liked to be false-negative ;-) | 19:09 |
danijel | hi | 19:09 |
erUSUL | major_redhat: uname -m | 19:09 |
edqnag | DasEi hehe | 19:09 |
ZykoticK9 | major_redhat, "uname -m" | 19:09 |
andreas | hi danijel | 19:09 |
major_redhat | thanks | 19:10 |
chiiiiiz | hi!! | 19:10 |
chiiiiiz | anyone knows about jack? | 19:10 |
alexis_ | !mp3 | 19:10 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 19:10 |
major_redhat | i686.... thats 32 bit, right? | 19:10 |
ZykoticK9 | major_redhat, yup | 19:10 |
andreas | hi | 19:10 |
erUSUL | major_redhat: right | 19:10 |
major_redhat | what would 64bit be | 19:10 |
major_redhat | as a return value | 19:10 |
erUSUL | major_redhat: x86_64 | 19:11 |
chiiiiiz | I have a M-Audio 1010LT, I would like to hear music through it, but I can't hear nothing. | 19:11 |
aeon-ltd | curulin__: max them out and check they don't show mm at the base of the bars if they do press m on the keyboard | 19:11 |
resno | i am having a nic problem. getting "siocsisfflags error message". i issued dhclient and it gets an ip, however on restart it drops out again. | 19:11 |
danijel | can some body help me, i have installed XFCE. | 19:11 |
RfooTfoo | is anyone familiar with asterisk-gui? | 19:11 |
danijel | and | 19:11 |
major_redhat | ah ok thanks guys | 19:11 |
danijel | when i loged in | 19:11 |
chiiiiiz | I have read things about connecting alsa-pcm in jack, but I do not have any alsa-pcm input or outputs | 19:11 |
danijel | everything is gone fine | 19:11 |
dasunsrule32 | is there a way to bind likewise-open5 to a specific address? | 19:11 |
andreas | could someone please help me getting a driver for a wlan stick(ASUS)???that one i use is slower than German Railway... | 19:11 |
^sn00per^ | good afternoon ardchoille | 19:12 |
ksa_ | hello | 19:12 |
jamiejackson | andreas, do you know about ndiswrapper? | 19:12 |
resno | i am having a nic problem. getting "siocsisfflags error message". i issued dhclient and it gets an ip, however on restart nic is gone from ifconfig. | 19:13 |
ksa_ | i've upgraded my ubuntu 9.10 and now at boot start memtest and i cant select kernel, how can solve? | 19:13 |
erUSUL | ksa_: there is no ubuntu kernel to choose from ? only memtest? | 19:13 |
andreas | hi jamie. I tried to apt-get install ndiswrapper,but it doesnt work. dont know what to do | 19:13 |
sinnights | hiii | 19:14 |
^sn00per^ | is there any linux distro that is geared for netbooks ? | 19:14 |
ksa_ | erUSUL: the grub doesnt show the selection, start the first in the list | 19:14 |
sinnights | yea sn00per | 19:14 |
ksa_ | isn't there a key to select one? | 19:14 |
erUSUL | ^sn00per^: ask in ##linux ; here we can only recomend Ubuntu Netbook Remix ;) | 19:14 |
^sn00per^ | i need to find something that is not too bloated for my little viao pcg u101 | 19:14 |
aeon-ltd | curulin__: did it work? | 19:14 |
^sn00per^ | i have ubuntu | 19:15 |
erUSUL | ksa_: esc to force the menu ? | 19:15 |
cribozai | Can anybody direct me to information concerning videos having colors messed up in 9.10? | 19:15 |
ksa_ | erUSUL: is really fast at boot :/ | 19:15 |
jamiejackson | andreas, i have a guide that's for a particular brand of chipset ( that's not yours. you'll probably find more generic ndiswrapper guides. i think there's on linked as a sticky in the networking section of the ubuntuforums | 19:15 |
DasEi | !unr|^snooper^ | 19:15 |
ubottu | ^snooper^: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see - support in #ubuntu | 19:15 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: all sliders at max, still no sound. Do I need to restart? | 19:15 |
aeon-ltd | curulin__: do they show MM anywhere near the base of all the bars? | 19:16 |
erUSUL | ksa_: another option is to boot into a livecd and try to change the grub conf from there (involving chroot) | 19:16 |
=== erlik_ is now known as erlik | ||
ksa_ | yea, but i havent a live now | 19:16 |
ksa_ | damn | 19:16 |
andreas | THANK YOU: | 19:16 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: Front and Mic show MM | 19:17 |
danijel | andreas ,Sie verstehen das gleiche? | 19:17 |
ksa_ | erUSUL: isn't there a way to select kernel from memtest? | 19:17 |
aeon-ltd | curulin__: go to front and press m then try out sound | 19:17 |
danijel | was ich gesagt habe im privaten | 19:17 |
dasunsrule32 | Is there a way to bind likewise-open5 to a specific address? | 19:17 |
erUSUL | ksa_: nope | 19:17 |
danijel | andreas | 19:18 |
Pici | !de | danijel | 19:18 |
ubottu | danijel: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 19:18 |
erUSUL | dasunsrule32: check the program manpage | 19:18 |
danijel | ubottu | 19:18 |
^sn00per^ | humm the netbook remix is not for sony viao .. :/ | 19:18 |
DasEi | ^sn00per^: yes, that's a struggle concerning ubu, but I saw some tough howtos on the net | 19:19 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: still no sound | 19:19 |
danijel | can somebody help me with XFCE | 19:19 |
DasEi | danijel: #xubuntu maybe ? | 19:20 |
aeon-ltd | ^sn00per^: whats your experience w/linux? if you have a some (more than 6 months of random tinkering) i would reccomend building on top of a raw distro like crux or arch linux using a tiling wm to save space | 19:20 |
danijel | yes | 19:20 |
moos3 | I'm trying to get ssh keys work between two ubuntus, but I have it workign on my laptop but I can't go from laptop to desktop | 19:20 |
moos3 | idaes | 19:20 |
aeon-ltd | curulin__: do you use rhythmbox? | 19:20 |
DasEi | !pm | danijel, go ahead | 19:21 |
ubottu | danijel, go ahead: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 19:21 |
^sn00per^ | it runs good on regular ubuntu 9.04 live cd already installed on the hard drive.. will have to do some tweaking to do | 19:21 |
resno | i am having a nic problem. getting "siocsisfflags error message". i issued dhclient and it gets an ip, however on restart it drops out again. | 19:21 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: it's installed, but I don't use it. I just tried with vlc-player | 19:21 |
=== demonspork_ is now known as demonspork | ||
aeon-ltd | ^sn00per^: are you using stock ubuntu? | 19:21 |
^sn00per^ | yeah | 19:22 |
MitsuoDeshoDesho | hello, so I need some help with xorg.conf. I have 2 video cards: On-board Intel something (like 945 or so) and PCI (not PCI-E) nvidia fx5200. I want to set up it to display 3 monitors. Possible? (Under windows it's totally doable). | 19:22 |
aeon-ltd | curulin__: try youtube just to check it isn't a video/vlc related problem | 19:22 |
hellyeah | hey | 19:23 |
aeon-ltd | ^sn00per^: you ever use tiling WMs or lighter WMs like openbox? | 19:23 |
^sn00per^ | aeon-ltd stock. not modified to the boot ! ;) | 19:23 |
hellyeah | i have acer aspire 5720g | 19:23 |
RfooTfoo | would anyone mind looking over my xorg.conf file? | 19:23 |
hellyeah | and system ubuntu 9.10 | 19:23 |
hellyeah | my system doesnt see my web cam | 19:23 |
=== digen_ is now known as digen | ||
^sn00per^ | humm .. | 19:23 |
hellyeah | my web cam is acer crystal eye | 19:23 |
^sn00per^ | ill have to take a look into wm's | 19:23 |
hellyeah | how can i make it recognizable to system | 19:23 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: no sound from youtube either | 19:24 |
DasEi | !info cheese | hellyeah | 19:24 |
ubottu | hellyeah: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB | 19:24 |
aeon-ltd | ^sn00per^: i would reccommend openbox unless you like config files and keyboards then look up lightwieght tiling wms like dwm, xmonad stuff like these over compiz/gnome saves a lot of cpu power and ram | 19:24 |
aeon-ltd | curulin__: it worked fine before you installed the game right? | 19:25 |
major_redhat | DasEi: installed everything you suggested and Movie Player works fantastic now (after a reboot of course) | 19:25 |
Cascade_ | Anybody developed android apps here? | 19:25 |
MegaHerz | Hi all. How to UNBIND F1 key so that it will work in programs? I don't need Gnome help | 19:26 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: Yes. Youtube, vlc-player, all was fine | 19:26 |
mariusz | hello | 19:26 |
^sn00per^ | aeon-ltd thats what i was thinking.. kde and gnome is a little too much for this poor little machine | 19:26 |
Cascade_ | If anybody needs this, I made a tutorial on how to start off an Android application with the emulator ect. | 19:26 |
=== fate_ is now known as fate | ||
aeon-ltd | Cascade_: nope, but isn't the API free? to try. | 19:26 |
Slydon | How can i add the nice gnome menu with the icons to the bottom of my screen? | 19:27 |
Cascade_ | Yeah it is aeon. | 19:27 |
Rociito | OLaa | 19:27 |
DasEi | major_redhat: reboot-- unless kernelupdate or X-issues never needed, but nice to hear | 19:27 |
Cascade_ | It also has a really good emulator. | 19:27 |
Rociito | xDDD | 19:27 |
Rociito | Hello | 19:27 |
Rociito | OLaa | 19:27 |
Rociito | olaa | 19:27 |
Cascade_ | Hi | 19:27 |
Rociito | como estais | 19:27 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: If it wasn't the game (I suspect FreeCol), it could have been an update | 19:27 |
Rociito | how are you.?? | 19:27 |
donkyhotay | #pygame | 19:28 |
Rociito | ... | 19:28 |
Rociito | hy..??? | 19:28 |
aeon-ltd | curulin__: this could just be a bug i would reccommend you report this, it likely changed a configuration somewhere. | 19:28 |
Myrtti | Rociito: do you have a ubuntu support question? | 19:28 |
donkyhotay | oops... typo | 19:28 |
Rociito | i dont now | 19:28 |
Rociito | xDD | 19:28 |
bmh | Hi, I'm interested in remapping my meta keys, but xmodmap was dropped from ubuntu. Is there an alternative I can use? | 19:28 |
erUSUL | !es | Rociito | 19:28 |
ubottu | Rociito: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:28 |
Myrtti | !offtopic | Rociito | 19:28 |
ubottu | Rociito: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:28 |
RfooTfoo | anyone good with multi monitors? | 19:28 |
Noooo | meganerd are you still around ? | 19:28 |
Rociito | valeee | 19:28 |
Loonatic | Anyone else experience excruciating slow speed while transfering to a USB HDD ? | 19:28 |
Cascade_ | | 19:29 |
rubio | ola | 19:29 |
aeon-ltd | ^sn00per^: openbox and tint2 for a panel, good lightweight combo, along w/mpd &sonata instead of rhythmbox, abiword instead of openoffice.......... list could go on, but i would just search synaptics and remove everything you don't need | 19:29 |
curulin__ | aeon-ltd: I'll try a restart first, after all the alsamixer settings were wrong | 19:30 |
=== root_ is now known as Guest46880 | ||
rubio | ola | 19:30 |
=== Guest46880 is now known as pseudoroot | ||
rubio | ola a todos | 19:30 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic: what type of transfer rates are you getting? | 19:30 |
rubio | ola raven | 19:31 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: like around 912/kb | 19:31 |
wathek | hello all | 19:31 |
RfooTfoo | ouch | 19:31 |
rubio | hello | 19:31 |
Loonatic | indeed | 19:31 |
wathek | is it possible to restrict the access to some folder to a user ? | 19:31 |
rubio | please speak spanisc | 19:31 |
rubio | spanish | 19:31 |
aeon-ltd | ^sn00per^: be careful in synaptics though, you could nuke your system | 19:31 |
moos3 | how can I set ssh keys on ubuntu | 19:31 |
Myrtti | !es | rubio | 19:31 |
ubottu | rubio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:31 |
wathek | I mean is it possible to make a user such as user1 to be able just to browse his home folder ? | 19:31 |
moos3 | its not liking them in authorized keys | 19:31 |
reyes | oal | 19:32 |
rubio | ola reyes | 19:32 |
torasuku | Is there a way I can turn off the opacity fading of window titlebars without disabling Compiz entirely? | 19:32 |
aeon-ltd | wathek: thats default isn't it? | 19:32 |
reyes | que haces | 19:32 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, what type of usb drive is it? is it case with a drive inside? or you buy it whole? | 19:32 |
fefi | hola | 19:32 |
rubio | pues nada de donde eres | 19:32 |
fefi | hola | 19:32 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: LaCie 1TB | 19:32 |
reyes | rubio | 19:32 |
rubio | ola fefi | 19:32 |
fefi | q wuai esto xD | 19:32 |
Myrtti | !es | 19:32 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:32 |
fefi | hola rubio | 19:32 |
miliki | hola | 19:32 |
fefi | de donde son?? | 19:32 |
rubio | a ustedes os lo a dado el cole?? | 19:32 |
Ricoshady | ive got a strange problem... I enable userdirs and allow .htaccess to enable some mod rewrite rules... if I visit / it has no problem finding the right userdir /home/*/public_html/index.php however when the rewrite rule kciks in, the server starts looking in the default web dir /var/www | 19:33 |
fefi | siii | 19:33 |
^sn00per^ | oh i already know about the synaptics i nuked it last night .. didnt like my kernel upgrade | 19:33 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, can you check bandwidth on usb with another device? | 19:33 |
wathek | aeon-ltd, no | 19:33 |
rubio | esta tela way | 19:33 |
miliki | jaola | 19:33 |
miliki | de donde ser | 19:33 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: yah check it with another machine ans transfer rate or normal for a 2.0 usb | 19:33 |
Loonatic | around 15mb | 19:33 |
aeon-ltd | wathek: wait except in cases like admin access/sudo commands | 19:34 |
wathek | aeon-ltd, I'd like to restrict the access to just one folder | 19:34 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: if you do a lsmod | grep usb do you get more then one line.... i think my module for 2.0 is not loaded.. | 19:34 |
rubio | ola de nuevo | 19:35 |
Slydon | Can anyone tell me how I load the small gnome menu at the bottom of the screen for my common applications? | 19:35 |
rubio | fefi | 19:35 |
Pici | wathek: Take a look at the manpage for rbash, you could set their login shell to restricted bash if you really need to restrict their movement. | 19:35 |
wathek | Pici, ok thank you | 19:35 |
kfogel | baslow: welcome! | 19:35 |
^sn00per^ | aeon-ltd what about lXde ? | 19:35 |
aeon-ltd | ^robertj: | 19:36 |
baslow | kfogel; hello | 19:36 |
rubio | ola | 19:36 |
MegaHerz | How to UNBIND F1 key so that it will work in programs? I don't need Gnome help | 19:36 |
kfogel | basloow | 19:36 |
aeon-ltd | ^sn00per^: thats just a group of pkgs w/openbox as its WM and lxpanel | 19:36 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, I am only getting one line. | 19:36 |
rubio | algun alguna español a | 19:36 |
Cascade_ | New programming forum JOIN! | 19:37 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, it def sounds like your running at 1.0 instead of 2.0, are you connected to the rear or front panel port? | 19:37 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: usbhid or usb_storage ? | 19:37 |
seanbrystone | rubio, Myrtti gonna get you again, english in here :) | 19:37 |
rubio | ola alguien puede hablar!!!!! | 19:37 |
Loonatic | rear | 19:37 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, usb_storage | 19:37 |
rubio | hello speak spanish?? | 19:37 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: this is what i got too.. | 19:37 |
Myrtti | !es > rubio | 19:38 |
DasEi | rubio:dat nervt | 19:38 |
ubottu | rubio, please see my private message | 19:38 |
recon69_lap | is it just me or did the last firefox update break it? | 19:38 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, I should really make sure Im transering at 2.0 lol brb let me double check. I never really use. | 19:38 |
kfogel | baslow: I'm going to try to privchat you -- private chat | 19:38 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: no prob cheers :) | 19:38 |
DasEi | recon69_lap: mine is fine, still | 19:38 |
judget | ehich is the best startup script for me to automatically mount my sshfs shares? | 19:39 |
jpds | judget: Define them in /etc/fstab. | 19:40 |
recon69_lap | hmm, odd, working now. was getting an empty window. think there must of been as hidden instance of it somewhere | 19:40 |
PingFloyd | judget: also see the auto and noauto option in man mount | 19:41 |
judget | hmmm i just wanted them for my login | 19:42 |
judget | i was thinking bash.rc or something | 19:42 |
PingFloyd | judget: if you want to be able to mount from a regular user, you'll need to declare in the fstab | 19:42 |
darrend | hello.. I have a USB device (ums) not auto mounting when plugged. syslog shows kernel messages up to "waiting for device to settle.." then nothing. Restarting hald hasn't helped.. any ideas? | 19:43 |
PingFloyd | judget: you can have it not automatically mount though in the fstab | 19:43 |
judget | right now i just use the line sshfs ~/myserver | 19:43 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, Im going to have to apologize I can not verify that I am running at 2.0. I have a weak power supply in my machine as I have alot of internal drives. =( | 19:43 |
ardian | How to create groups in Ubuntu server ? | 19:43 |
PingFloyd | judget: normally only root can mount filesystems unless declared with appropriate options in fstab | 19:43 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: no worries i'll keep playing with it until i figure out | 19:43 |
Loonatic | thanks anyway :) | 19:43 |
Guest14636 | hi anyone know of any good outgoing smtp server services? | 19:43 |
judget | well I am mouinting them in my home directory now without sudo | 19:44 |
Loonatic | It's j just silly that my windows laptop is faster.... | 19:44 |
Loonatic | lol | 19:44 |
PingFloyd | judget: yeah, you can do with sudo regardless of whether in fstab | 19:44 |
PingFloyd | judget: sudo ran as root that is | 19:44 |
judget | no PinkFloyd I am doing withpout sudo | 19:44 |
pajarraco | hi, i having trouble installing a acerscan 320u on karmic any ideas | 19:44 |
DasEi | ardian: sudo addgroup | 19:45 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, very silly. I actually built a hackintosh box and compared the transfer rate with my vista box. It wasnt even a competition! | 19:45 |
DasEi | ardian: man addgroup | 19:45 |
MegaHerz | Does anybody know how to unbind F1 on Gnome??? | 19:45 |
ardian | kay DasEi | 19:45 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, of course the hackintosh won hands down. | 19:45 |
wwwrr | newbie question , End-of-central-directory signature not found. HOW i can solve that one i am trying to unzip some folder | 19:46 |
ThA-LaN-LaW | hi, how can i modify an existing entry in ldap (change home path) | 19:46 |
Loonatic | lol | 19:46 |
darrend | Guest14636: exim or postfix | 19:46 |
smrln | I've been googling this problem, but haven't found a good resource. I'm using Firefox 3.5.8 and Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45. Video playback is fine, normally, but most annoying is the buttons within flash videos are unresopnsive, or require a ton of clicks, anyone have this happen? | 19:46 |
wwwrr | any idea ? | 19:47 |
smrln | Going to try this | 19:48 |
Guest14636 | darrend: thanks I'm looking for a paid service - ie someone else hosts it | 19:48 |
moos3 | why would I get this when starting sshd Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key | 19:48 |
moos3 | the file is there | 19:48 |
wrapster | i installed dnsmasq and i see from the dmseg output this---> "setting --bind-interfaces option because of OS limitations" it keeps repeating... | 19:49 |
wrapster | what is the solution? | 19:49 |
darrend | Guest14636: ah, sorry, thought you meant a program :) | 19:49 |
Loonatic | MegaHerz: In gnome-terminal, use the Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts menu. | 19:49 |
wrapster | after i went through the --help i realised that --bind-interface can be set in /etc/defaults/dnsmasq | 19:49 |
wrapster | can anyone tell me how to set this? | 19:49 |
darrend | anyone offer pointers to why my usb disk doesn't automount when plugged in (despite restarting udev and hald) | 19:50 |
SMELTN | hello all. I have a question. I really want to use UNR but I have an HP Pavillion DV6408nr which has an AMD proc. Is there anyway to get UNR using this laptop? | 19:50 |
Lonniebiz | I've got a new network. I've previously been using cisco vpn and like it. Is there a linux vpn firewall that's hardware is as cool as a cisco pix? Something without too many moving parts, low heat, etc? | 19:51 |
MegaHerz | Loonatic: thank you! Genious ) I forgot I try this in gnome-terminal, thiking about Gnome itself ) | 19:51 |
Loonatic | =) | 19:51 |
* MegaHerz dances | 19:51 | |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, are you good with gfx cards running multi heads? | 19:51 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: trying to fix my at work so i can dual screen | 19:52 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: what the issue >? | 19:52 |
Lonniebiz | I know linux can be a firewall and vpn, but I don't want to run it on home pc, I want it to run on hardware similar to a cisco pix firewall. Any suggestions for such hardware? | 19:52 |
wrapster | can anyone please help me? | 19:52 |
m4co | My KDE starts loading and right after the harddisk icon it fails, any ideas ? it's a netbook with poulsbo (psb) driver installed | 19:52 |
ardian | Where can i change users home folder ? | 19:52 |
ardian | So one of my users should have his home folder /mnt/something1 | 19:53 |
m4co | "Saw signal 11. Server Aborting" | 19:53 |
adambuntu | wrapster, dont ask to ask a question, just ask the question | 19:53 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, i have an nv gfx card and a trident. the nv card is working dual heads now properly. the trident card which is pci is not. | 19:53 |
Chousuke | ardian: that doesn't sound like a very good idea. | 19:53 |
wrapster | adambuntu: i already did. | 19:53 |
RfooTfoo | wanna see config? | 19:53 |
ardian | Chousuke, its for a special user | 19:53 |
adambuntu | wrapster, k give me a sec to look at your question | 19:53 |
Chousuke | ardian: perhaps you should just make a symlink from the user's home folder to the dir | 19:54 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: yah pastebin it please | 19:54 |
RfooTfoo | | 19:54 |
Chousuke | ardian: anyway, man usermod should help | 19:54 |
Loonatic | checking | 19:54 |
wrapster | adambuntu: installed dnsmasq and i see from the dmseg output this---> "setting --bind-interfaces option because of OS limitations" it keeps repeating... | 19:54 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, i tried to edit it and get it to such luck though..=( | 19:54 |
ardian | kay thanks Chousuke | 19:54 |
wrapster | here is my question. | 19:54 |
SMELTN | hello all. I have a question. I really want to use UNR but I have an HP Pavillion DV6408nr which has an AMD proc. Is there anyway to get UNR using this laptop? | 19:54 |
adambuntu | wrapster, what exactly are you trying to accomplish? | 19:54 |
meowagi | how can i start an X11 remote session and keep it running in the background if the connection drops or i log-off? | 19:54 |
Lucider | hi all I have a backup drive i want to verify files on the back up as files on my disk with md5 is there a program that i choose 2 folders and it compares them and subfolders automatcally | 19:55 |
meowagi | lucider use rsync | 19:55 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: do you get any error msg when you try to do dual ? | 19:55 |
meowagi | and use par2 | 19:55 |
wrapster | i dont want it to continiously keep sending message to syslog | 19:55 |
meowagi | lucider: Rsync | 19:55 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, I am running dual now. and no I havent seen any. weird. | 19:55 |
meowagi | you dont need any md5 with it, it compares ever file for changes, so they always get in sync | 19:56 |
wrapster | adambuntu: so i want to permanently set the --bin-interface option that Its not reported.. But there is no manpage availble to know how to set it. | 19:56 |
adambuntu | wrapster, that is getting a bit over my head in ubuntu. maybe someone else will answer, but if not, keep trying because someone who knows that info will be on here... | 19:56 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: you seem to have figured out something that i didn't on my system.. | 19:56 |
Lucider | meowagi it syncs files not verify them and tell me the changed files | 19:56 |
wrapster | adambuntu: ok.. thanks | 19:56 |
meowagi | lucider: then use par2 | 19:56 |
meowagi | it generates verification files | 19:57 |
meowagi | or quicksfv or something | 19:57 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, fml...lmao | 19:57 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: yahh indeed fml too | 19:57 |
RfooTfoo | and im the newb | 19:57 |
usuario_ | olaaa | 19:58 |
usuario_ | putones | 19:58 |
meowagi | you can use rsync and it tells you automaticly if changes happened, but without resync it | 19:58 |
RfooTfoo | i have to pat myself on the back though. im getting progressively better with linux. | 19:58 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: aren't we all newb :) | 19:58 |
Aethelred | I'm running 9.04/amd64. I used to have an icon in my panel (menu bar), towards the right, showing my (wireless) network status. It even had a little animation for when I connected. That icon is gone. What do I have to do to put it back there? | 19:58 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, what kind of card are you running in ya box at work? | 19:58 |
Myrtti | Aethelred: press alt-f2, write in the dialog that pops up nm-applet | 19:59 |
treats-home | "tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors" I just got that error when making a tar backup. Is that an error? | 19:59 |
blakkheim | treats-home: you answered your own question | 19:59 |
RfooTfoo | ya know Im pretty pissed about this whole pandora thing with only 40 hrs of music per | 19:59 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: ATI FireMV 2250 with a freaking dongle for split...... i believe this is my issue.. | 19:59 |
treats-home | "error code 0" would have been a different answer. | 19:59 |
Aethelred | Myrtti: yah, ok. Did that. I get nothing. | 20:00 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, Ive seen the dongle work on rare occasions, I would certainly go for a card with dual outputs! and stick with the ATI! | 20:00 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, and when I say rare occasions I mean on winblows. | 20:00 |
Glowid | hellow | 20:00 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: yeah now i just need to convince my cheap @$$ boss | 20:00 |
benjas | Aethelred, check network manager is ticked and visible in Startup Applications | 20:01 |
* Aethelred chex | 20:01 | |
meowagi | lucider: i personaly use total commander on linux, because it checks automaticly if you enter, but you can try to find a other program with the same features | 20:01 |
Glowid | who using Backtrack? | 20:01 |
Myrtti | !backtrack > Glowid | 20:01 |
ubottu | Glowid, please see my private message | 20:01 |
erUSUL | !backtrack | Glowid | 20:01 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, how are you with apache? | 20:01 |
ubottu | Glowid: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 20:01 |
Aethelred | benjas: It's ticked, and visible. | 20:02 |
meowagi | i use the unified kernel on those lindows machine | 20:02 |
* erUSUL ouch | 20:02 | |
Lucider | meowagi, I need a file that only create md5 of a directory and subdir and save them to a file and enable me to retest my files again | 20:02 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: not too bad. | 20:02 |
Aethelred | benjas: But I still don't have a menu-bar icon | 20:02 |
benjas | Aethelred, open a terminal, type sudo killall nm-applet and then nm-applet & | 20:02 |
meowagi | just use verify for your usenet uploads | 20:03 |
benjas | Aethelred, well type the first one, hit enter, then type that. | 20:03 |
Aethelred | Yah. I'm pretty familiar with the command line :) | 20:04 |
meowagi | i still wonder why you don't use par2, so you can always repair your files if something is broken | 20:04 |
Aethelred | But the process by which things appear or disappear in the menu bar is completely opaque. | 20:04 |
benjas | Aethelred, any joy? :D | 20:04 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, nm I was not aware that asterisk-gui runs on its own web server. | 20:04 |
benjas | So what do you have currently displayed? | 20:04 |
benjas | Screenshot might be handy | 20:04 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, for some reason i cant get a connection, it says its running but its not! wtf lol | 20:05 |
meowagi | me myself and i, uses rsync with 10%par2 | 20:05 |
TwoPointOh | o hai | 20:05 |
Aethelred | benjas: no joy. | 20:05 |
TwoPointOh | o bai | 20:05 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: on which port the asterisk web server is ? | 20:05 |
benjas | Aethelred, try re-adding the notification area in the panel? Bit mundane but may work.. | 20:06 |
datacrusher | hi everyone, im making a simple kiosk with ubuntu, i wanna know if theres a trick to block some commands | 20:06 |
datacrusher | like alt-f | 20:06 |
datacrusher | ctrl alt del | 20:06 |
meowagi | the backup runs on a btrfs drive with compression | 20:06 |
datacrusher | or to force firefox to keep open, if the user closes it thw alt f4 | 20:06 |
=== marek_ is now known as achileus | ||
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, 8088 | 20:06 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, the default for asterisk-gui | 20:07 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: can you start some log to see it running the webserver correctly ? | 20:07 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: it just says that it's running ? | 20:07 |
meero_ | hi, im having problems with sound on kubuntu, how to debug this? | 20:07 |
Aethelred | benjas: yeah, I already tried adding to panel. I'm not presented with any options that include the thing I lost. | 20:07 |
=== achileus is now known as MarekHajek | ||
MarekHajek | clear | 20:07 |
mzaza | I'm using a site which has video chat through flash player, the problem is that I the button which appears in the pop-up to ask me to allow or deny access for that app to access my webcam isn't accessible. Any other way to edit that settings? | 20:08 |
Aethelred | benjas: adding network monitor works... and I get an icon and all the appropriate candy... but it's not the thing that used to be up there. | 20:08 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, theres a checkconfig script that verifies the config files and its saying everything is ok and that it should be abvailable at the url listed etc etc..its not! | 20:08 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, looking for log files still | 20:08 |
Benjas | Aethelred, what are you trying to achieve, some screenshots might help? | 20:08 |
mzaza | The settings popup of the flash isn't editable, any ideas? | 20:09 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: and running a nmap on that box does it says that it's listening? | 20:09 |
Capt_Blackwood | Will a drag and drop mp3 Player work in linux? | 20:09 |
Aethelred | I'm trying to achieve the default state (or rather, what I had when I did the install). I can't help you with a screen-shot of something that isn't there. | 20:09 |
mzaza | OK, figured it out it's a problem with compiz. | 20:10 |
hexem | hey guys, i just installed ubuntu64 on a machine and all im getting is "grub loading" at boot | 20:10 |
sircrazy | well that was weird | 20:10 |
hexem | cursor blinking, nothing else | 20:10 |
hexem | anyone got any ideas | 20:10 |
sircrazy | because im using the freenode webchat i had to go through a proxy room to get here | 20:10 |
Aethelred | Benjas: there was an icon, It looked all networky. It had a little animation sequence that it did when it discovered and connected to my wireless AP. If I clicked on it, a menu dropped down showing other wireless nets that it new about. There were some other options. | 20:11 |
Benjas | Aethelred, by default state something like that in top right ? | 20:11 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, could I tell from looking at the ps list? | 20:11 |
Aethelred | Benjas: yes, similar to that. | 20:11 |
meero_ | hi, im having problems with sound on kubuntu, how to debug this?? | 20:11 |
Aethelred | Benjas: let me look to see if I have any old screenshots that might include it. | 20:11 |
Benjas | Aethelred, Ok if you right click on on the network icon and go to about, what does it say | 20:12 |
Capt_Blackwood | Yes or No...If an mp3 player (Sony Walkman) can do drag and drop, can it work in linux? | 20:12 |
pajarraco | any can help on acer scan install | 20:12 |
SMELTN | hello all. I have a question. I really want to use UNR but I have an HP Pavillion DV6408nr which has an AMD proc. Is there anyway to get UNR using this laptop? | 20:12 |
ecolitan | how to remove lvm and home partition encryption from ubuntu server? | 20:12 |
Aethelred | benjas: nope. can't find any. | 20:13 |
Aethelred | benjas: oh, hang on. I have to add that again. | 20:13 |
betis | ola | 20:13 |
Loonatic | RfooTfoo: yeah normally a ps -aux | grep asterisk | 20:13 |
RfooTfoo | Loonatic, nmap not installed | 20:13 |
betis | ooooolaaaaaaaaaa | 20:13 |
erUSUL | !es | betis | 20:14 |
ubottu | betis: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 20:14 |
Aethelred | benjas: Network Monitor 2.26.0 (copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.) | 20:14 |
guest_007 | Does suspend mode always spin down hard disks? | 20:14 |
OerHeks | Capt_Blackwood, type sony in synaptics. there you find jsymphonic File manager for Sony's MP3 players | 20:14 |
Benjas | Aethelred, Ok, that isn't the default one, tried installing it from synaptic? | 20:14 |
Aethelred | Benjas: I did not try doing that. | 20:14 |
betis | hello | 20:14 |
pajarraco | smeltn: you can add the UNR to your ubuntu dsktop | 20:14 |
Benjas | Aethelred, is the one I am using and has the drop down menu you are talking NetworkManager Applet 0.7.996 | 20:15 |
SMELTN | just had a reply to the forums. Going to try that thanks | 20:15 |
meowagi | guest_007 sleep always suspend not always | 20:15 |
DasEi | guest_007: usually yes, many bios'es let you set the time | 20:15 |
SMELTN | I am downloading the normal ubuntu 9.10 desktop Intelx86 iso now | 20:15 |
Aethelred | Benjas: OK, I'll see if I can't find that. Do you know the path where it lives? | 20:15 |
Capt_Blackwood | Thanks OerHeks...I haven't put Ubuntu back on yet... | 20:15 |
meowagi | but suspend kill harddrives | 20:15 |
hexem | anyone know why a fresh install of ubuntu would be giving me "grub loading" | 20:16 |
hexem | and nothing else | 20:16 |
Benjas | Aethelred, /usr/share/nmapplet i believe | 20:16 |
hexem | just sitting on its ass doing nothing | 20:16 |
Benjas | Aethelred, nm-applet even | 20:16 |
guest_007 | meowagi, sleep==suspend | 20:16 |
airtonix | guest_007, you mean before it powers down ? | 20:16 |
DasEi | hexem: sth wrong with grub, boot a live cd, try a repair | 20:16 |
meowagi | guest_007: nah | 20:16 |
hexem | =/ | 20:16 |
DasEi | hexem:or supergrubdisk, for more comfort | 20:16 |
meowagi | ther are two modes of energy saving for hds | 20:16 |
meowagi | sleep and suspend | 20:17 |
guest_007 | airtonix, sleep mode - suspend to ram - energy saving mode | 20:17 |
geniv | \quit | 20:17 |
Bushman | hey guys | 20:17 |
guest_007 | hmm | 20:17 |
illveew | hi! | 20:17 |
munk | hi all, is anyone having trouble with the current ffmpeg version from synaptic? it says it cant find, it seems to install | 20:17 |
guest_007 | meowagi, so when i click Shut Down - suspend ? | 20:17 |
ecolitan | i installed ubuntu with encrypted partition, and now dont want can I remove this? | 20:17 |
blakkheim | munk: which version of ubuntu is this? | 20:17 |
meowagi | nah, shut down is shut down | 20:17 |
illveew | quick contest-- first to message me from the nick of a certain black male talk show host will get $200 and an ubuntu t-shirt | 20:17 |
munk | blakkheim, karmic | 20:17 |
airtonix | guest_007, i know exactly what it is... so ill ask the question again : you mean before it powers down ? | 20:17 |
deletet | hy how do i mount a new scsi hdd ? | 20:18 |
blakkheim | munk: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude full-upgrade; sudo aptitude install ffmpeg | 20:18 |
blakkheim | munk: see if that fixes it | 20:18 |
meowagi | suspend suspends the system (suspend to ram or disc) depends on your system | 20:18 |
munk | thanks | 20:18 |
Bushman | anyone expirienced problems when upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10? | 20:18 |
meowagi | bushman: yes | 20:18 |
guest_007 | airtonix, i think - after. I mean - if i will transport my NB - can i harm it? | 20:18 |
conb123 | Would I be able to install a newer version of alsa in ubuntu because my wine is having trouble with it? | 20:18 |
meowagi | bushman: i had to re-install my gfx drivers again | 20:19 |
Mjolnir | I need the oss4-dev package. Where do I get it? apt is not finding it in the default repositories. | 20:19 |
MarekHajek | hey guys. im an absolute do i register to freenode? i mean...where do i type the commands in? | 20:19 |
Bushman | meowagi: so what would be better, instaling 9.xx from scratch or upgrade? | 20:19 |
airtonix | guest_007, the assumption is that this is not handled by the os. | 20:19 |
blakkheim | !register | MarekHajek | 20:19 |
ubottu | MarekHajek: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 20:19 |
erUSUL | conb123: install linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic | 20:19 |
Aethelred | Benjas: there's no man page for nm-applet | 20:19 |
meowagi | conb123 better install a other version of wine | 20:19 |
DasEi | !pm | Allucard | 20:19 |
ubottu | Allucard: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 20:19 |
conb123 | erUSUL: Thanks | 20:19 |
Aethelred | Benjas: There's something called nm-applet in /usr/share/ It seems to be running. | 20:20 |
MarekHajek | !register | MarekHajek | 20:20 |
ubottu | MarekHajek, please see my private message | 20:20 |
conb123 | meowagi: I installed the dev version from the git repository, need a bleeding edge version trying to get my 5750 working with wine gaming | 20:20 |
munk | blakkheim, still same problem | 20:20 |
airtonix | guest_007, hence, the particular mode in which ubuntu enters for suspend to ram and what your system does depends on your bios... my netbook stops the harddrive before it powers down in s2ram mode | 20:20 |
Bushman | meowagi: ? | 20:20 |
=== warriorforgod is now known as montelwilliams | ||
=== montelwilliams is now known as warriorforgod | ||
guntbert | MarekHajek: further questions about freenode? ask in #freenode please | 20:21 |
Aethelred | Benjas: Synaptic shows that I have network-manager-gnome installed. | 20:21 |
Benjas | Aethelred, Yes that is well and fine, but the icon that you have display is not the correct one for some reason, hence why you are not getting the desired effect | 20:21 |
meowagi | bushman: according to karate cat it works | 20:21 |
Aethelred | Benjas: Yeah. I figured that. It's handling my network connection just fine. But I don't have the nice little status applet anymore. | 20:21 |
Allucard | hi again ppl | 20:21 |
ecolitan | i installed ubuntu with encrypted home partition, and now dont want can I remove the encryption? | 20:21 |
jackbrown1 | hello there Does anybody know a program for knowing all the TCP/UDP port connections of your pc? | 20:21 |
guest_007 | airtonix, looks like os have problems sometime with acpi. how can i check if it is actually works? | 20:21 |
beaverxfever | hello | 20:21 |
Aethelred | Benjas: and I have no idea how to get it back. | 20:22 |
Allucard | i have a problem can any one help me??? | 20:22 |
Bushman | meowagi: but still | 20:22 |
Bushman | meowagi: so what would be better, instaling 9.xx from scratch or upgrade? | 20:22 |
DasEi | ask, Allucard | 20:22 |
conb123 | erUSUL: Will that auto configure the driver or should i reboot? | 20:22 |
Benjas | Aethelred, have you installed anything like wicd or removed the panel? | 20:22 |
Bushman | meowagi: cause that would probably require to upgrade few times until i reach 9.xx, right? | 20:22 |
=== crazyHat is now known as funkyHat | ||
jackbrown1 | HEY Tthere ? I used to use currports on Windows do u guys knows a sotware on UBUNTU like this ? | 20:22 |
airtonix | guest_007, you want to confirm that the heads are parked and the platters are not spinning ? I was under the assumption that this is not to do with acpi. | 20:22 |
erUSUL | conb123: reboot is the easier way | 20:23 |
conb123 | erUSUL: Right cheers :) | 20:23 |
jackbrown1 | Hey guys, did i make myself clear about what i need to do ? thanks for helping | 20:23 |
airtonix | !ask | jackbrown1 | 20:23 |
ubottu | jackbrown1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:23 |
Pici | jackbrown1: What does that program do? | 20:24 |
guntbert | jackbrown1: no - please tell us about what kind of app you are talking - don't assume everybody knows "every" windows app | 20:24 |
guest_007 | airtonix, how to make sure? | 20:24 |
Aethelred | Benjas: I tried out gDesklets for the little weather desklet. It sucked. I removed gDesklets. | 20:24 |
Allucard | i got this message on the screen after booting the os [linux-bzImage, setup=8x3400, size=0x3b26e01] [initrd, addr=0x37a72000, size=0x57d48b] | 20:24 |
munk | hi all, is anyone having trouble with the current ffmpeg version from synaptic? it says it cant find, it seems to install I tried a full upgrade already | 20:24 |
jackbrown1 | Pici: check all the TCP ports to let me know what my computer is doing (ex. I can get someone ip if i'm chatting with him in MSN ) | 20:24 |
Pici | jackbrown1: netstat -tanp from a terminal will give you that information | 20:24 |
airtonix | guest_007, you could start with your ear very close to the drive :) | 20:24 |
Allucard | and don't move forwarrd | 20:24 |
capron | Have some errors using apt-get , messed with compile my kernel , apt-get check Error "run dpkg --configure -a manually" and when I do I get this error Cannot find /lib/modules/ . What shuld I do ? | 20:25 |
jackbrown1 | Pici: there is no GUI program for doing that? | 20:25 |
Aethelred | Benjas: gDesklets was so crude that I can easily believe that it squished something it shouldn't have. | 20:25 |
ecolitan | i installed ubuntu with encrypted home partition, and now dont want can I remove the encryption? | 20:25 |
guntbert | jackbrown1: iftop is a text based gui app | 20:25 |
guest_007 | airtonix, keep it simply stupid :) i wanted to do that, but don't sure if my drives are loud enough :) | 20:25 |
erUSUL | jackbrown1: System>Admin>Net tools ? | 20:26 |
Benjas | DA | 20:26 |
airtonix | jackbrown1, you can't tell what someone elses ip address is when using instant messenger apps ... you'll only get the central server since you dont directly connect to the users you chat with. | 20:26 |
airtonix | jackbrown1, but what you want is somthing like jnettop | 20:26 |
Benjas | Aethelred, can you screenshot your network icon ? | 20:26 |
Doc_BTF | hi, I need twitter followers for a job challenge. They told me "lets see how many followers you can get in 24h. in order to test your social network habilities". the account is Dr_Emmett_Brown (Doc from Back to the Future). Please follow me. Thanks!!) | 20:26 |
zondo | testing testing | 20:26 |
hax404 | test | 20:26 |
ubuntujenkins | does any one know where I can get a list of full language codes for ubuntu? | 20:27 |
Drawn | your working | 20:27 |
Pici | jackbrown1: gnome-nettool looks like it should show that. | 20:27 |
Allucard | i got this message on the screen after booting the os [linux-bzImage, setup=8x3400, size=0x3b26e01] [initrd, addr=0x37a72000, size=0x57d48b] | 20:27 |
jackbrown1 | airtonix: trust me using currports on WinXP is possible to get someone IP chatting with him in MSN | 20:27 |
blakkheim | !ot | Doc_BTF | 20:27 |
Allucard | and don't move forwarrd | 20:27 |
ubottu | Doc_BTF: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:27 |
Aethelred | Benjas: sure, though we already know what it is. | 20:27 |
Benjas | Aethelred, It is a possibility, I am not familiar with it :D | 20:27 |
^sn00per^ | Aethelred you try looking for networkmanager applet | 20:27 |
airtonix | jackbrown1, if you think so | 20:27 |
rbraupp | Firefox won't start, I've removed and re-installed twice. Any suggestions? | 20:27 |
Pici | jackbrown1: It should be installed by default in gnome, although I'm not sure where the menu item for it lives. | 20:27 |
Doc_BTF | follow me on twitter @Dr_Emmett_Brown !! thnx | 20:27 |
blakkheim | airtonix: i can get someone's ip from an IM client | 20:27 |
airtonix | blakkheim, no | 20:27 |
Aethelred | ^sn00per^: Looking for it? | 20:28 |
jackbrown1 | airtonix: i don't think so i did many trials and it works!! | 20:28 |
blakkheim | airtonix: no? | 20:28 |
DasEi | Allucard: so you installed with a new iso again and now at bootup your system gets stuck | 20:28 |
jackbrown1 | airtonix: i you want i can demostrate that to you | 20:28 |
Allucard | yes | 20:28 |
^sn00per^ | are you on gnome or kde Aethelred? | 20:28 |
Pici | !who | 20:28 |
Allucard | DasEi: yes | 20:28 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 20:28 |
Allucard | DasEi: i got this message on the screen after booting the os [linux-bzImage, setup=8x3400, size=0x3b26e01] [initrd, addr=0x37a72000, size=0x57d48b] | 20:28 |
Aethelred | Benjas: hang on, let me put it back and screenshot it. Where should I paste the file? | 20:28 |
airtonix | jackbrown1, it wont mean anything if you base it on irc | 20:28 |
erUSUL | Pici: is System>Admin | 20:28 |
DasEi | Allucard: please stop pm'ing me | 20:28 |
Aethelred | ^sn00per^ Gnome. This is 9.04/amd64 | 20:28 |
Allucard | DasEi: ok | 20:28 |
guntbert | jackbrown1: thats of no relevance *here* | 20:28 |
blakkheim | DasEi: check out umode +g, it's great | 20:29 |
Benjas | Aethelred, You can PM it if you like. | 20:29 |
^sn00per^ | humm | 20:29 |
colombian | !tab: | 20:29 |
guntbert | !pastebin | Aethelred | 20:29 |
ubottu | Aethelred: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:29 |
DasEi | blakkheim: and what about my 3 other pm's then ?he | 20:29 |
jackbrown1 | airtonix: i'm talking about MSN i f you want give me your msn contact and we'll do that on msn Windows i will te ur IP | 20:29 |
munk | who maintains the synaptic packages? | 20:30 |
airtonix | jackbrown1, i dont use msn, only jabber | 20:30 |
guntbert | jackbrown1: please keep to the topic | 20:30 |
blakkheim | DasEi: true, you can set a whitelist of people who can pm you, but i get a lot of nonsense/spam PMs from people so i use it | 20:30 |
jackbrown1 | | 20:30 |
erUSUL | munk: ubuntu dev's or motu's | 20:30 |
Aethelred | Benjas: PM it.... err. I'm used to old irc jargon. My entire life I've never "PM'd" anyone. | 20:30 |
jackbrown1 | take a look to currports i would like a program like this for my UBUNTU!! | 20:30 |
guntbert | !ot | jackbrown1 | 20:30 |
MegaHerz | Hi all. SKYPE 2.1 doesn't allow to choose ALSA as sound device - only PulseAudio is in the list. Does anybody know why? | 20:30 |
ubottu | jackbrown1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:30 |
Pici | jackbrown1: I already gave you that information. | 20:30 |
munk | erUSUL, would I talk to them about a problem with one of the packages? | 20:31 |
Benjas | Aethelred, Erm private message me? or did you mean like upload it? | 20:31 |
meganerd | jackbrown1: don't bother, lsof already does this and more | 20:31 |
airtonix | jackbrown1, cbf... you have jnettop or etherape | 20:31 |
erUSUL | !bugs | munk | 20:31 |
ubottu | munk: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 20:31 |
Pici | jackbrown1: gnome-nettool | 20:31 |
ActionParsnip | Yo yo yo | 20:31 |
jackbrown1 | Pici: i already know gnome-netool but do not do what currports does | 20:31 |
wrapster | does anyone know about the --bind-interfaces option and how to set it. | 20:31 |
^sn00per^ | Aethelred have you looked into startup application ? | 20:31 |
wrapster | i needed help on it.. pls. | 20:31 |
Allucard | DasEi: so what can i do about that message??? | 20:31 |
fastPutty | someone gonna help me to debug my exim problem please. when i mail -v "" in the servermachin it works | 20:32 |
fastPutty | but when it tried it from extern it doesnt work | 20:32 |
meganerd | jackbrown1: actually all of the things currports does can be done with various utilities already in existance | 20:32 |
guntbert | fastPutty: maybe #ubuntu-server is better suited | 20:32 |
DasEi | Allucard: did you try to boot safemode ? | 20:32 |
Loonatic | fastPutty: what the response you got from the external ? | 20:32 |
meganerd | jackbrown1: lsof, tcpdump, nmap, ettercap and so on | 20:32 |
jackbrown1 | meganerd: you are right but i need one simple tool as currports | 20:33 |
meganerd | jackbrown1: no you don't | 20:33 |
Allucard | DasEi: yes same problem | 20:33 |
jackbrown1 | Meganerd: does exist a simple tool to do that easily and fast ? | 20:33 |
fastPutty | Loonatic: the response look like it worked fine... | 20:33 |
fastPutty | Loonatic: tat so weird. | 20:33 |
meganerd | jackbrown1: it is called the command line | 20:33 |
airtonix | jackbrown1, lol, gotta love IM protocols that send the users IP along with every datagram | 20:33 |
guntbert | jackbrown1: you could write it yourself :-) and stop that discussion please | 20:33 |
fastPutty | Loonatic: theres no error at all | 20:33 |
DasEi | Allucard: could be intramfs then, got to boot live cd and chroot into your hd, re-generate it | 20:33 |
Loonatic | fastPutty: do you say the attempts in your log fiel > | 20:33 |
Loonatic | ? | 20:33 |
jackbrown1 | guntbert: if i was able to write a program by myself i will do that | 20:34 |
fastPutty | Loonatic: where is the log locate.. in /etc/mail.err has nothing | 20:34 |
Aethelred | Benjas: | 20:34 |
Loonatic | fastPutty: and youre exim log ? | 20:34 |
Benjas | Aethelred, in the startup applications what is the command for Network Manager? | 20:34 |
Doc_BTF | hi, I need twitter followers for a job challenge. They told me "lets see how many followers you can get in 24h. in order to test your social network habilities". the account is @Dr_Emmett_Brown (Doc from Back to the Future). Please follow me. Thanks!! | 20:35 |
jcrawford | hey guys how can i make thunderbird my default email client? | 20:35 |
Aethelred | ^sn00per^: Yes, I have looked in Startup Applications | 20:35 |
ActionParsnip | !ot | doc_btf | 20:35 |
ubottu | doc_btf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:35 |
Aethelred | Benjas: nm-applet --sm-disable | 20:35 |
hexem | hey guy's, ive installed ubuntu64 and it think's my drives are scsi, anyway it think's my first drive that i installed to is scsi3 and the other is 1, anyway when i boot up grub get's stuck at loading, anyway to fix it? i have stuff on the second drive, possible to install grub to it without deleting anything on there? it's an NTFS partition | 20:35 |
Aethelred | Benjas: and I was trying to figure out what --sm-disable was, but there's no man page. | 20:35 |
ActionParsnip | Jcrawford: look in preferences, you can set a custom command there if thunderbird isn't listed | 20:36 |
meganerd | jcrawford: System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications | 20:36 |
Allucard | DasEi: to the install or to the iso it self??? it's not a live cd now i did a new download of an iso to install the os again | 20:36 |
ardian | How to i give rw to a group ? | 20:36 |
jcrawford | thanks | 20:36 |
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fastPutty | Loonatic: it said: Unrouteable address as error | 20:36 |
guntbert | !ot | Doc_exe 2nd time you are told | 20:36 |
ubottu | Doc_exe 2nd time you are told: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:36 |
ActionParsnip | Hexem: sata is seen as scsi, just roll with it | 20:36 |
meganerd | ardian: chmod g+rw | 20:36 |
Benjas | Aethelred, that is the correct command | 20:36 |
hexem | Action: It wont load. | 20:36 |
ardian | thanks meganerd | 20:36 |
Benjas | Aethelred, but the icon just wont appear, that isn't the correct icon to be adding, it should appear in the notification area.. is that 9.04? | 20:37 |
ActionParsnip | Ardian: chmod g+rw /path/to/folder | 20:37 |
Aiky | could someone help me with a bluetooth problem? | 20:37 |
DasEi | Allucard: to the install, related : | 20:37 |
hexem | my first hard disk was seen as scsi3 and the sata disk scsi1 | 20:37 |
ardian | i have a group called flossk | 20:37 |
Loonatic | fastPutty: the domain your using is the main domain on that exim ? | 20:37 |
ardian | i want to give rw premission | 20:37 |
ardian | to that group | 20:38 |
guntbert | !enter | ardian | 20:38 |
ubottu | ardian: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:38 |
Aethelred | Benjas: Yes, I'm running 9.04 | 20:38 |
=== niko is now known as evilNiko | ||
ActionParsnip | Ardian: chown :flossk /path/to/folder && chmod g+rw /path/to/folder | 20:38 |
meowagi | im running 13s 100m | 20:38 |
Benjas | Aethelred, and you have definately tried adding and removing the "Notification Area" ? | 20:39 |
Aethelred | Benjas: What is the "Notification Area" ? | 20:39 |
fastPutty | <Loonatic: yeah | 20:39 |
Benjas | erm sound, and network usually | 20:39 |
fastPutty | Loonatic: yes | 20:39 |
ardchoille | hi ^sn00per^ | 20:40 |
Aethelred | Benjas: AH HA! | 20:40 |
Benjas | Aethelred, there should be three perforated dots | 20:40 |
fastPutty | Loonatic: in my /etc/hosts i also have the domain pointed to my external ip | 20:40 |
^sn00per^ | hi ardchoille | 20:40 |
beeftube | I just installed windows 7 on my main system, and now none of my linux systems can see the router :( I just set win7 to home network. | 20:40 |
Aethelred | Benjas: ok then... I just added Notification Area | 20:40 |
Benjas | Aethelred, Ok what you see? | 20:40 |
Aethelred | Benjas: I now have the net icon back, and also the tracker icon (which was gone, but I didn't care about) | 20:41 |
wrapster | guys.. anyone having some idea on my question? | 20:41 |
Benjas | Aethelred, Ah good, simple things ^_^ | 20:41 |
Allucard | DasEi: i didn't get the last part | 20:41 |
Aiky | how do i "unlock" bluetooth speed? i get about 15KB/s when transfering pictures from my phone to the pc | 20:41 |
DasEi | Allucard: have you got a live cd ? | 20:41 |
MegaHerz | Does anybody know wtf Skype doesn't allow to choose ALSA? | 20:41 |
Aethelred | Benjas: Yes, so, ok. Thanks for the help. I have to say, this is terribly opaque. I'm generally enjoying Gnome and 9.04, but it's got some rough edges. :) | 20:42 |
blakkheim | MegaHerz: because it is proprietary software that doesn't respect the users | 20:42 |
^sn00per^ | may i PM you ardchoille? | 20:42 |
MegaHerz | blakkheim: but PulseAudio doesn't work, microphone is | 20:42 |
=== _newbie_ is now known as sburwood | ||
[Laus]Rednex | Help. I can't sudo after replacing the NIC on my NIS client! I get "xx is not in sudoers file" :( | 20:42 |
blakkheim | MegaHerz: pulseaudio never works :/ | 20:42 |
* Aethelred still, in his heart of hearts, misses SunOS 4.x | 20:42 | |
MegaHerz | blakkheim: I mean, mic doesn't work | 20:42 |
DasEi | MegaHerz: wt.. is unknown here, but oss or better pulseaudio does the trick, i f I remember right | 20:42 |
Benjas | Aethelred, It's alright, I was a little confused why it wasn't work, hence needing the screenshot, but at least it's solved. Yes I prefer 9.10 but that's me I guess :D | 20:42 |
sburwood | ipod and gtkpod. Is this the right place to ask a question?? | 20:43 |
Loonatic | fastPutty: do you use verify=recipient in your chck_rcpt ? | 20:43 |
Aethelred | Benjas: I'm only just up to 9.04 (upgraded from 8.10 so I could get Shiretoko) | 20:43 |
DasEi | sburwood: want to sync your ipod ? | 20:43 |
Allucard | DasEi: yes but i have and because it wouldn't worked i download a iso image of the ubuntu today and after i install it and rebooted the pc i got this error | 20:43 |
Benjas | Aethelred, A fair enough, 8.10 was pretty solid tbh | 20:43 |
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Aethelred | Benjas: I tend not to upgrade unless there is something pushing me to do it. | 20:44 |
Benjas | Aethelred, but 9.10 is even better ^_^ | 20:44 |
Aethelred | Benjas: I'm willing to be convinced... what is better about 9.10 and why do I want it? | 20:44 |
DasEi | Allucard: you got a fresh install that doesn't work and I ask you again if you got a live cd to repair it ? | 20:44 |
Benjas | Aethelred, It's the latest stable version? haha | 20:44 |
blakkheim | Benjas: this is irc, not IM, could you please refrain from putting an emoticon after every message? | 20:44 |
madjoe | How to disable this annoying BEEP sound?? | 20:45 |
meowagi | get some oropax | 20:45 |
Allucard | DasEi: yes i have the old one and the recent download | 20:45 |
guntbert | madjoe: what beep sound? | 20:45 |
Aethelred | blakkheim: I'm pretty sure that emoticons are an ancient tradition in irc. | 20:45 |
guntbert | meowagi: no need for such comments | 20:45 |
meowagi | madjoe: or install ubuntu satanic edition | 20:45 |
madjoe | guntbert: when ubuntu notifies me of an event... | 20:45 |
DasEi | Allucard: I assume it's another machine, or are you dualbooting ? | 20:45 |
=== brendan` is now known as brendan- | ||
meowagi | guntbert: don't threat me | 20:46 |
madjoe | meowagi: are you joking? :) | 20:46 |
Allucard | dualbooting | 20:46 |
=== evilNiko is now known as niko | ||
Aiky | does no one use bluetooth or something? | 20:46 |
meowagi | madjoe: yeah wh not, the live is too serious for jokes eh? | 20:46 |
sburwood | I had put some mp3s on the Ipod Nano in the past. I used gtkpod. I tried to see the songs I had put on it with gtkpod, but couldn't find. Can I sync the ipod? How? | 20:46 |
DasEi | Allucard: so reboot into live then and join back in here (current release) | 20:46 |
guntbert | madjoe: aha - I must have forgotten that that made a sound once - here it doesn't but I don't remember how to turn it off | 20:46 |
Aethelred | Benjas: Once again, thanks for your help. | 20:47 |
Benjas | Aethelred, any time. | 20:47 |
Loonatic | fastPutty: Are you using exim with a cPanel ? | 20:47 |
guntbert | meowagi: I'm *not* threatening - but please stay polite and helpful (or silent) | 20:47 |
madjoe | guntbert: I tried with sudo rmmod pcspkr, but Ubuntu says I don't have that module at all! | 20:47 |
madjoe | meowagi is satanic ubuntu lover I guess | 20:48 |
madjoe | :) | 20:48 |
colombian | Hey guys - is there a variable thats true or false inside a template forloop depending if forloop.counter is even? | 20:48 |
colombian | forloop.even would be ideal | 20:48 |
guntbert | madjoe: sorry - I definitely don't remember - please ask the channel again (with a bit more details than the 1st question had) | 20:48 |
sburwood | DasEi: I had put the songs on the ipod with gtkpod. Tried to find the songs, but gtkpod didn't find them. No more than it could put more songe on the ipod | 20:48 |
Pici | colombian: Do you perhaps want #django ? This is #ubuntu | 20:49 |
colombian | Oh whoops | 20:49 |
madjoe | guntbert: ok | 20:49 |
colombian | thanks :) | 20:49 |
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DasEi | !ipod | sburwood | 20:49 |
ubottu | sburwood: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 20:49 |
DasEi | madjoe: you can deactivate that, rightclick on the userswitcherapplet and preferences | 20:50 |
madjoe | DasEi: right click where? | 20:50 |
sburwood | DasEi: I will look into that, but can't understand how I can't find what I had put on it | 20:50 |
cookiemon5ter | phemale press 1 | 20:51 |
keyboardtalk | Can anyone recommend video editing software? Something casual is fine, I don't need anything fancy | 20:51 |
chi | phemale where? | 20:51 |
DasEi | sburwood: mount it manually and cd in the directory ? | 20:51 |
* chi shivers | 20:51 | |
erUSUL | keyboardtalk: pitivi | 20:51 |
funkiwan | anyone know how i can disable right-click when i tap the bottom right corner of the touchpad on my laptop? | 20:51 |
sburwood | I will try that. I'll be back | 20:51 |
MegaHerz | How to configure volumes and channels in OSS (over alsa)? | 20:51 |
keyboardtalk | erUSUL: thanks, I'll check it out | 20:51 |
neurochrome | Is there any way of setting up a folder so that when I drop a file in it, it moves the file to another folder within the original that corresponds to the first character of the file. eg; if I drop the file "tree.jpg" it would move it to the folder called "t". | 20:52 |
neurochrome | keyboardtalk, pitivi is good as is kdenlive, cinelerra is _really_ good but the gui is naff | 20:53 |
MegaHerz | DasEi: would you help - how to configure OSS channels? No more wt.. words, I promise ) | 20:53 |
^sn00per^ | checked my sound last night it scared the hell outta of me i cranked up the home stereo and plugged into the laptop was wondering why it wouldnt work until i had to configure the alsa to use the sound it came out blaring! | 20:53 |
lsolesen | Is there something similar to gladinet for ubuntu, so it is possible to access clouds as network drives (for instance MS skydrive)? | 20:53 |
DasEi | madjoe: do you have a file : /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ? | 20:53 |
Turbolinux | Hello everyone. I have a problem with program installing with package manager. It gives fetching errors when I try to update repositories. What can I do for solving this problem? Thank you. | 20:54 |
madjoe | DasEi: I do | 20:54 |
neurochrome | Turbolinux, post errors to pastebin | 20:54 |
erUSUL | Turbolinux: depends; could be a problem in the mirrot | 20:54 |
madjoe | DasEi: but I don't have a pcspkr module at all! | 20:54 |
guntbert | Turbolinux: please !pastebin the error messages | 20:54 |
erUSUL | mirror* | 20:54 |
guntbert | !pastebin | Turbolinux | 20:54 |
ubottu | Turbolinux: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:54 |
* airtonix wishes pastebinit was installed by default | 20:54 | |
Turbolinux | OK. I will do this. | 20:55 |
DasEi | madjoe: tried that laready ? like unlaoding it before shutdown ? | 20:55 |
madjoe | DasEi: Module pcspkr does not exist in /proc/modules | 20:55 |
wasutton3 | does anyone know of a program to output logfiles to a webpage? | 20:55 |
Loonatic | MegaHerz: you want to do a ALSA emulation to use OSS ? | 20:55 |
DasEi | madjoe: /lib/modules/2.6.28-17-generic/kernel/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.ko | 20:56 |
dreamsleeper | Hey guys here's a bug report/feature request. The Live CD for ubuntu has the stuff it needs to run wi-fi cards, but not the default install. It needs to be hooked into the internet first. This is a major :( | 20:56 |
wasutton3 | let me rephrase: output like if you were to "tail -f logfile.log" | 20:56 |
Pavel_ | people, please help, my trackpad isnt recognised on live cl | 20:56 |
Pavel_ | cd | 20:56 |
keyboardtalk | neurochrome: thanks | 20:56 |
Pavel_ | what do i do | 20:56 |
DasEi | Loonatic: it's about getting skype to sound | 20:56 |
madjoe | DasEi: but if I write "sudo rmmod pcspkr" that's what Ubuntu replies | 20:56 |
neurochrome | keyboardtalk, np | 20:56 |
Pavel_ | how do i navigate to top bar with keyboard | 20:56 |
MegaHerz | Loonatic: well, a guy from #alsa told my Skype uses OSS. To use Skype I need to wrap it launch using padsp program, which is, in turn an Pulse <-> OSS thingy ) | 20:56 |
Loonatic | DasEi: ohhh never did sorry | 20:56 |
dreamsleeper | Pavel_: tab like a bastard? | 20:57 |
guntbert | !bug | dreamsleeper | 20:57 |
ubottu | dreamsleeper: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 20:57 |
binMonkey | how do i set up inx in virtualbox using the inx virtual image? | 20:57 |
Pavel_ | dreamsleeper, doesnt work | 20:57 |
Loonatic | MegaHerz: maybe check this : | 20:57 |
dreamsleeper | this isn't so much a bug as just things that aren't installed by default but ARE on the live CD | 20:57 |
MegaHerz | Loonatic: so I thought, if I have no Mic working in padsp skype, then probably I have no OSS properly configured | 20:57 |
Pavel_ | anyone else have an idea how can i get to top bar without the mouse? | 20:57 |
Pavel_ | please, i need this urgently | 20:58 |
DasEi | madjoe: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf , enter pcspkr , save, should be off after reboot | 20:58 |
dreamsleeper | Pavel_: i know this is a shitty option but go get a $2 USB mouse or something | 20:58 |
dreamsleeper | just return it when you're done | 20:58 |
MegaHerz | Loonatic: I wonder, why everybody use Skype on Linux, while I can't | 20:58 |
airtonix | ... | 20:58 |
DasEi | MegaHerz: booting up my skype-vm, moment | 20:58 |
neurochrome | Pavel_, alt+f1 to open app menu if that helps | 20:58 |
Loonatic | DasEi: lol | 20:58 |
Pavel_ | thanks neurochrome | 20:59 |
MegaHerz | Loonatic: I have an ordinary laptop... all this is strange... | 20:59 |
airtonix | Pavel_, if you just want the menu, try alt + f1 | 20:59 |
madjoe | DasEi: ok, let me try one more time.. brb | 20:59 |
Turbolinux | guntbert and neurochrome I pasted it. Adress: | 20:59 |
neurochrome | Pavel_, what do you mean top bar? perhaps I could help more | 20:59 |
Loonatic | MegaHerz: sorry not much of a skype user working for a telco as some advantage ;) | 20:59 |
neurochrome | Pavel_, is that what you wanted? | 20:59 |
Pavel_ | yeah i wanted the application bar, for now im sorted | 20:59 |
Turbolinux | ErUSUL I changed the mirror but it didn't solve the problem. | 20:59 |
MegaHerz | Loonatic: I swear, I saw selection of different devices in Skype configuration before. Now, only PulseAudio server (local) is the only choice there | 20:59 |
guntbert | Turbolinux: you better select a different server - do you know how to do that? | 21:00 |
neurochrome | Pavel, you can setup any shortcut you want using gnome or compiz ;) | 21:00 |
airtonix | neurochrome, gnome-panel? i think the esc key is involved in selecting the top panel ? | 21:00 |
erUSUL | Turbolinux: again; would help to see the exact error messages you are getting | 21:00 |
DasEi | MegaHerz: pulseaudio is like a proxy for soud, handling alsa, sound itself is fine on that machine ? | 21:00 |
erUSUL | Turbolinux: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade | 21:00 |
neurochrome | airtonix, alt+f1 takes you to the initial menu | 21:01 |
guntbert | erUSUL: Turbolinux posted | 21:01 |
airtonix | neurochrome, yes but there is one for tabbing through interface elements too | 21:01 |
MegaHerz | DasEi: fine. Microphine is working too, tested using Ubuntu sound recording utility | 21:01 |
Pavel_ | ok neurochrome now im in GParted, how do i get to the partition part at the top, with windows its just Alt, but not here | 21:01 |
zagabar | Hey, anyone here good with ICS? I am using it on my ubuntu 9.10 server to deliver | 21:01 |
zagabar | internet to my other computers. | 21:01 |
DasEi | MegaHerz: we'll get it | 21:01 |
erUSUL | guntbert: thanks --- Turbolinux it does look like a mirror issue. the files are not there | 21:01 |
DasEi | zagabar: got two nics ? | 21:01 |
nibbler | !ask | zagabar | 21:02 |
ubottu | zagabar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 21:02 |
Turbolinux | guntbert I selected three different servers (one is Ubuntu's main server) but it didn't fix the problem. I know the way of course. | 21:02 |
neurochrome | Pavel_, alt+g opens the first menu (replace the letter for desired menu) tab to go through elements | 21:02 |
neurochrome | Pavel_, i mean tab for other NON-MENU elements | 21:02 |
Pavel_ | thanks neurochrome | 21:02 |
Turbolinux | OK. I will do your recommendations. | 21:02 |
Pavel_ | you're a saviour | 21:03 |
neurochrome | airtonix, yeah, I was sure there was too, but can't recall off the top of my ehad | 21:03 |
zagabar | The problem is that when I add the following rule: "iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE", I cannot log in to the server with squirrelmail or thunderbird to check my mail. Not from ANY location. The mailserver is the same as the ICS server. | 21:03 |
neurochrome | s/ehad/head/g | 21:03 |
DasEi | MegaHerz: sry, it's auto-updating , will take some minutes | 21:03 |
airtonix | neurochrome, just checked its ctrl alt esc... but it has no effect while compiz is running. | 21:03 |
Netham45 | are there any user-mode NFS servers available besides unfs3? | 21:03 |
Pavel_ | neurochrome: how do i get to the tick | 21:04 |
Pavel_ | to start the partitioning | 21:04 |
nibbler | zagbar: then a -d ! $ip_of_the_server | 21:04 |
neurochrome | Pavel_, make your changes then hit tab till it highlights and enter to select | 21:04 |
nibbler | zagbar: then add -d ! $ip_of_the_server | 21:04 |
zagabar | nibbler: How do I do that and what does it do? | 21:05 |
neurochrome | airtonix, compiz _has_ to be running (I'd be lost w/o it!) | 21:05 |
Pavel_ | cheers neurochrome | 21:05 |
^sn00per^ | grr | 21:05 |
^sn00per^ | stupid xchat | 21:05 |
^sn00per^ | bbiab | 21:05 |
MegaHerz | DasEi: ok ) | 21:05 |
jcrawford | is there a way to set a proxy in Gnome that all apps will use? | 21:06 |
nibbler | zagabar: iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -d ! $serverip -j MASQUERADE - that does not masquerade connections that are targetted to the server itself | 21:06 |
jcrawford | I ask because to get to the internet at work I have to go through a proxy and am getting annoyed having to tell every app what it is | 21:06 |
neurochrome | Pavel_, this tips n tricks are fairly interoperable, I don't often go keyboard-solo so it's hit n miss for me testing too... ;) | 21:06 |
jcrawford | also some apps do not allow you to provide a proxy | 21:06 |
Pavel_ | well i can fix this netbook | 21:07 |
Pavel_ | :D | 21:07 |
=== Cad is now known as Guest32506 | ||
zagabar | nibbler: Cool, I will try, thanks. =) | 21:07 |
Pavel_ | s/well/well now/ | 21:07 |
mrenouf | Is it possible to make unattended-upgrade work like 'apt-get distupgrade' ? Specifically, permit it to install versions with new dependencies? | 21:08 |
lostson | why would i be getting to volume controls in my tray ? | 21:09 |
funkiwan | how can i see the different configuration options for xorg? my system doesn't use xorg..conf. | 21:09 |
ugliefrog | is there a way to change awns position im using a dual monitor setup and its on the wrong side | 21:09 |
zagabar | nibbler: Can I use my domain name instead of ip? | 21:09 |
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youcef | hello | 21:09 |
nibbler | zagabar: anything that resolves. but it gets resolved at the time you execute it, so if it changes later it wontchange in the firewallsettings | 21:09 |
LordVorp | I'm trying to figure out xhost... I do xhost +otherhost, then ssh -fX otherhost firefox, but I get the message: the connection to display localhost:11 appears to be untrusted. Suggestions? | 21:09 |
Nitsuga | mrenouf, it can, but I would not do it | 21:09 |
guntbert | !hi | youcef | 21:09 |
DasEi | funkiwan: nowadays ubu comes without it, but you can still configure x there | 21:09 |
ubottu | youcef: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 21:09 |
zagabar | nibbler: I see. | 21:10 |
darolu | funkiwan: run xrandr in a command line | 21:10 |
youcef | what is this chat used for? | 21:10 |
joshua__ | .wks ? | 21:10 |
joshua__ | whoops wrong channel | 21:10 |
mrenouf | Nitsuga, please. I need to find out how. It's a very special case (controlled system configuration) | 21:10 |
neurochrome | youcef, to get help with ubuntu related issues | 21:10 |
darolu | funkiwan: you can create the xorg.conf if you need special settings | 21:10 |
guntbert | youcef: this is the ubuntu support channel | 21:10 |
zagabar | nibbler: btw, should I replace the $ sign too in $serverip ? xD | 21:10 |
youcef | its not for get friends???????????????? | 21:10 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc | ||
neurochrome | Is there any way of setting up a folder so that when I drop a file in it, it moves the file to another folder within the original that corresponds to the first character of the file. eg; if I drop the file "tree.jpg" it would move it to the folder called "t". | 21:11 |
nibbler | zagabar: yep, the $ just shows that this is a variable | 21:11 |
guntbert | youcef: no - but there is #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:11 |
zagabar | nibbler: Kay, got it! | 21:11 |
funkiwan | darolu: i'm trying to determine if a specific setting (Option RBCornerButton) is set for my touchpad | 21:11 |
neurochrome | youcef, lol, not really, try the ubuntuforums site for that or reddit | 21:11 |
youcef | whats this guntbert?? | 21:12 |
guntbert | youcef: I told you already | 21:12 |
neurochrome | youcef, another chatroom for offtopic chat (non-support) | 21:12 |
SPhcT | how do i recower data from hard disk? | 21:12 |
queso | How can I rm all files of 0 size? Or how can I select them using nautilus? | 21:12 |
darolu | funkiwan: you my find what you need here: | 21:12 |
airtonix | neurochrome, you could make a script to do that, then make a desktop file pointing to that script | 21:13 |
nibbler | SPhcT: start with dd_rescue and then with some software to recognize file formatas (photorec and others do that) | 21:13 |
youcef | i want chat rooms for friends and girls lol | 21:13 |
airtonix | !ot | youcef | 21:13 |
ubottu | youcef: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 21:13 |
funkiwan | darolu: thanks. reading it now. | 21:13 |
SPhcT | nibbler but if it was opened before can i still recover data..? | 21:13 |
nibbler | queso: you could sort by size and select the top/bottom ones. but normally this sounds like a job for the shell.... | 21:13 |
nibbler | SPhcT: the harddrive was opened? physically? then: 99.99% no | 21:14 |
mcurran | anyone here use BeEF | 21:14 |
neurochrome | airtonix, yeah I figure a script but I don't quite comprehend how to implement it. I could set a cronjob to run on a fodler, but is there a way to make the script just run when I drop the files? | 21:14 |
nibbler | mcurran: i had 250grams of finest beef for dinner tonight | 21:14 |
darolu | youcef I heard the #hornykiddies channel has what you need | 21:14 |
SPhcT | nibbler case was opened.. than files i cant back anything..? | 21:14 |
airtonix | neurochrome, cronjob is a bit delayed... are you aware of saved search folders in nautilius ? | 21:15 |
guntbert | darolu: please don't | 21:15 |
neurochrome | youcef, you are in the worng place, stop spamming and go elsewhere. patience is wearing thin | 21:15 |
neurochrome | airtonix, no, go on... | 21:15 |
nibbler | SPhcT: nope, forget it.... any dust kills the disk immediately - and by any i mean really any. not like if you have a lot of dust or something, just any | 21:15 |
kruvalig | I have Ubuntu installed and mobile phone Philips x500. I want to use gprs internet. How can i do it in fedora? | 21:15 |
erUSUL | queso: « find directory/ -type f -empty -print » if you are ok with the output just do « find directory/ -type f -empty -delete » | 21:15 |
nibbler | SPhcT: but give it a try, plug it, see if dd_rescue scratches of some bits ;-) | 21:16 |
SPhcT | nibbler if i take it to service can they get out data..? | 21:16 |
nibbler | SPhcT: oh, if you want to spend a lot of money for that, there is companys who might be able to help you. but this will be $2000+ or something | 21:16 |
queso | nibbler, erUSUL: thx | 21:16 |
airtonix | neurochrome, if you open any folder, then press ctrl + f and do a search for something... wait for results.. then goto the file menu and select save search... it will create a special folder in your home folder that gives you a view to the results of that search which will update every time you view that 'saved search folder' | 21:16 |
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SPhcT | nibbler or for them after my work it also will be imposoble..? ye i now there is people who are ready to pay that.. | 21:17 |
erUSUL | neurochrome: man inotifywait | 21:17 |
ivansmo | Help Please, I have XUBUNTU 8.04 and I notice slow internet speed. I look at connection information and there is 1Mb/s, It is wireless connection wlan0 | 21:17 |
neurochrome | erUSUL, yes this could be of use... | 21:17 |
nibbler | SPhcT: it wont get easier, but i dont really know | 21:18 |
erUSUL | ivansmo: sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M | 21:18 |
MegaHerz | DasEi: need to restart | 21:18 |
neurochrome | airtonix, sounds interesting but still don't know if that is the best way to implement this, there are 101 ways I could go about this! | 21:18 |
nibbler | ivansmo: sounds like you have bad signal, 1Mb/s is nothing... | 21:18 |
SPhcT | nibbler do you now where i can ask..? | 21:18 |
ivansmo | signall strenght is 66% | 21:18 |
airtonix | neurochrome, my reason for mentioning saved search folders is that i think its possible to setup other kinds of folders providing you create the 'handler' | 21:18 |
nibbler | SPhcT: iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE | 21:19 |
nibbler | SPhcT: sorry, meant | 21:19 |
zagabar | nibbler: I got this error. | 21:19 |
ivansmo | erUSUL i tred what You say to me and after restart there is sam problem again | 21:19 |
hannes815 | hay, quick question. can someone help me with fahrenheit+wine=d3d error on start-up? | 21:19 |
ivansmo | here is what I was tryed | 21:20 |
nibbler | zagabar: put a space behind the ! | 21:20 |
neurochrome | erUSUL, does this work with folders, I know everything in linux is a file, so does this wait for the file*(folder) to be changed and then carry out a script | 21:20 |
erUSUL | ivansmo: well that setting is not saved anywhere. you have to run the command everytime you boot the computer. you can put it in some of the init scripts. maybe in /etc/network/if-up.d/ ?? | 21:20 |
nvme | how do i make a binary 'sudo-able', i added it to my path but sudo keeps saying command not found | 21:20 |
SPhcT | erUSUL can recowery service repire alredy opened disks..? | 21:20 |
erUSUL | neurochrome: could be. just skimmed over the man page after doing « man -k inotify » | 21:21 |
nibbler | nvme: that is because by executing sudo you run it in another enviroment. move it to /usr/sbin and should work | 21:21 |
guntbert | nvme: you have to add its directory to your path (not the file) | 21:21 |
erUSUL | SPhcT: really dunno sorry | 21:21 |
neurochrome | airtonix, I do love the scope that linux offers... I just wish I could learn everything faster, it seems I've been using Linux for years and still know that _I_know_nothing_ | 21:21 |
nvme | guntbert, i did add the directory, it works fine until i sudo' | 21:21 |
ubuntu_ | I believe that the next version of ubuntu is a LTS version... will this include a 'xen' enabled kernel? | 21:21 |
guntbert | nvme: what nibbler said is correct - I spoke nonsense | 21:21 |
guntbert | !lucid | ubuntu_ | 21:22 |
ubottu | ubuntu_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 21:22 |
nvme | nibbler, will a symlink do ? | 21:22 |
ivansmo | erUSUL I will try to find how to writte script file and how to make it run on the boot THX | 21:22 |
erUSUL | ivansmo: quick and dirty add it to /etc/rc.local | 21:22 |
nibbler | nvme: guess so | 21:22 |
ivansmo | Just one more question, is it posible that my problem is because I have changed my wireless router it is linksys and yesterday it was d-link | 21:23 |
ubuntu_ | guntbert, there not answering, so I though I try here. | 21:23 |
nibbler | ivansmo: d-link crap? that explains a lot :p | 21:23 |
guntbert | ubuntu_: but here it is off topic | 21:23 |
ivansmo | no, d-link is off now, from yesterday I use linksys | 21:23 |
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ivansmo | :) | 21:23 |
Guest19751 | hey I have Apache working locally all fine but could someone tell me why I cant access my server from outside my router? | 21:23 |
Guest19751 | I tried changing the port number to 5000 but no luck either | 21:24 |
zagabar | nibbler: Now I got this: | 21:24 |
neurochrome | Guest19751, because you haven't setup port forwarding on your router? | 21:24 |
ubuntu_ | Guest19751, you will need alter the config of you router. | 21:24 |
bastidrazor | Guest19751: the ports apache is using need to be port forwarded.. also many ISP's block port 80 so one can not have a server on the standard port | 21:25 |
nibbler | zagabar: ok, but it tells you how to do it, move the ! in front of the dash | 21:25 |
Guest19751 | Ubuntu_ could you elaborate slightly, as in whatwill I need to alter | 21:25 |
youcef | i want install windows programes in my ubuntu how i do that? | 21:25 |
Guest19751 | oh so I need to find port forwarding on my router for it to work | 21:25 |
nibbler | zagabar: sorry, dont have all the syntax ready here - and am not 100% positive if it will fix your problem anyway ;-) | 21:25 |
neurochrome | Guest19751, you need to tell incoming net traffic (port 80 by default) that it is to point to your machine on your home network (whatever IP that machine has) | 21:25 |
ubuntu_ | bastidrazor, Guest19751, my ISP does block port 80 (http:) but not 403 (https:) | 21:26 |
ScoobyDoo | Is it possible to build your Delphi project to .exe using lazarus? | 21:26 |
Guest19751 | hmm ill have a look but not sure my router is capable of this | 21:26 |
nibbler | ubuntu_ https is 443 | 21:27 |
neurochrome | Guest19751, so you might want the router to point incoming port 80 traffic to the network machine (if that is the static ip of the server on your home network) | 21:27 |
bastidrazor | Guest19751: will aid you | 21:27 |
ubuntu_ | nibbler, oops! yes. | 21:27 |
neurochrome | Guest10961, what ISP/router? plus take note that testing this ON YOUR HOME NETWORK will most likely NOT work. you can only confirm this works outside of your home network | 21:28 |
DasEi | megahertz ? | 21:28 |
neurochrome | Guest10961, I hope you're getting all this, I've stated everything you need to do ;) | 21:28 |
ScoobyDoo | Is it possible to build your Delphi project to .exe using lazarus? | 21:28 |
bastidrazor | neurochrome Guest19751 is a good site to also help for just such things | 21:29 |
warriorforgod | youcef: You can try and use wine. | 21:29 |
neurochrome | bastidrazor, I doubt that will be of much help | 21:30 |
zagabar | nibbler: I got the command right, but it still doesn't work. :/ Any more ideas? | 21:30 |
funkiwan | Touchpad problem sovled! Thanks darolu. | 21:30 |
warriorforgod | Guest19751: What kind of router do you have? | 21:30 |
bastidrazor | neurochrome: how will it not help? | 21:30 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee | ||
nibbler | zagabar: ok, so you can access the server fine, but just issuing this one command breaks this? | 21:31 |
neurochrome | bastidrazor, actually depends, but he could have remote router login enabled which wouldn't really help him ascertain if his server is functioning correctly | 21:31 |
nibbler | zagabar: does it have multiple NICs? | 21:31 |
Traveler1 | sorry a min i got bumped is there a simple way to tunnel into a 9.10 server and see the folders with network neighbor hood | 21:31 |
FloodBot4 | !netsplit | 21:31 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 21:31 |
bastidrazor | neurochrome: once the ports were correctly forwarded then yes, this site would check his server from outside his network doing exactly what you suggested | 21:32 |
neurochrome | bastidrazor, yes indeed... but like I say even if his server wasn't working, if remote router login is enabled then the site will still say everything is ok | 21:32 |
jgcampbell300 | hello | 21:33 |
mengu | hi. i have removed the menu from the top panel. i have added it again but it is not displayed as "applications places system" but theres a gnome icon and when i click on it the menu is opened. how can i make it like it was before? | 21:33 |
bastidrazor | neurochrome: how is remote router login going to aid him in portforwarding from inside his network? | 21:33 |
neurochrome | mengu, worng menu added (there are 2) | 21:33 |
zagabar | nibbler: I can always access my server fine in many ways, like web, irc, ftp, ssh, etc, but when posting just that rule (-A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE), then I cannot log in with squirrelmali nor thunderbird. All other services still works. And then when I remove that rule, it works again. What is a NIC? | 21:33 |
magn3ts | Where do I talk to someone about packaging problems in ubuntu? | 21:34 |
mengu | which one should i add neurochrome | 21:34 |
zagabar | nibbler: Oh, a network interface card. Yes, I have 3. eth0 (connectet outwards), eth1 and wlan0 (connected inwards) | 21:34 |
nibbler | zagabar: nic is a network interface card. ok then i understood your problem wrong before. that is very strange indeed. | 21:34 |
neurochrome | bastidrazor, you don't follow... I'm not saying that he should setup remote router login... what I'm saying is that site will not differentiate between a remote login or a server hosted page | 21:34 |
magn3ts | !irc | 21:34 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 21:34 |
mengu | hmm menubar | 21:34 |
mengu | thanks neurochrome | 21:34 |
neurochrome | mengu, the _other_ one ;) | 21:34 |
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neurochrome | mengu, no problem | 21:35 |
jgcampbell300 | I am trying to figure out what would be the most secure way to fix other peoples computers over the net with out useing a service like crossloop or something like that ... i was thinking of using my web space as a redirect for vnc and remote desktop secions ... does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? | 21:35 |
neurochrome | bastidrazor, catch my drift? | 21:35 |
reactor16 | hi all | 21:35 |
zagabar | nibbler: I see. Yeah, it is really strange. :S I mean, why just the email service? And it has not to do with ports, since I can telnet to the server on the mail ports during this rule is active. | 21:35 |
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reactor16 | is there command that monitor prossess and run it if is down ? | 21:35 |
DasEi | jgcampbell300: ssh of course | 21:35 |
neurochrome | jgcampbell300, ssh tunneling, openvpn, vnc | 21:35 |
nibbler | zagabar: thats really very strange. can you use tcpdump to analyse the difference in the squierrelmail connection with/without this rule? | 21:35 |
Traveler1 | is there a guide for setting up a public ssh.d and forwarding ports to a xp system connection sees drives or folders | 21:36 |
nibbler | Traveler1: maybe you want openvpn? | 21:36 |
DasEi | !ssh | Traveler1 | 21:36 |
ubottu | Traveler1: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 21:36 |
bastidrazor | neurochrome: no. that site looks at a webhost on port 80 .. not 8080 or whatever other port a remote router login would use. | 21:36 |
zagabar | nibbler: How do I use tcpdump? | 21:36 |
jgcampbell300 | i have been useing freenx for linux connections but the problam i have been runing into is the people im helping are not that computer savy and usualy hang up on forwarding the ports on there routers | 21:37 |
nibbler | zagabar: well, tcpdump -i $interface_you_use_to_come_in -n - then connect, then put in rule and connect again, nopaste output | 21:37 |
neurochrome | bastidrazor, touche... it pains me to say this but... you are right, I am wrong. | 21:38 |
Traveler1 | do i config ports for forword on the server side of the putty side will need to request them over the ssh | 21:38 |
blakkheim | zagabar: man tcpdump | 21:38 |
reactor16 | is there command that monitor prossess and run it if is down ? | 21:38 |
reactor16 | or keep it running | 21:39 |
BellinXFelon | hey i have an external hdd and after a certain period of time the contents of the drive become inaccessible, as if it unmounts itself, can anyone help? | 21:39 |
neurochrome | reactor16, you could check that a process is running with a bash script and if it sin't launch it | 21:39 |
tucemiux | i'm wondering how stable is NTFS support on partimage? I want to back up my NTFS partition in case my hard drive hoses | 21:39 |
reactor16 | neurochrome where i can get such script ? | 21:40 |
jonez | tucemiux, one thing you could do is try and find the 'bug tracker' for the package, and see how many bugs are open. | 21:40 |
DasEi | BellinXFelon: check /var/log/syslog | 21:40 |
neurochrome | reactor16, (cough) write one?... there may be one somewhere on the web though | 21:41 |
bastidrazor | neurochrome: learning is the point here :) | 21:41 |
BellinXFelon | DasEi : in terminal | 21:41 |
neurochrome | bastidrazor, I completely overlooked that remote login is not port 80... doh! | 21:41 |
DasEi | BellinXFelon: open terminal: gedit /var/log/syslog | 21:41 |
Defense|Twin | Hi, anyone can tell me how i can install a kernel 2.6.32 or 2.6.33 for ubuntu 9.10? | 21:42 |
bastidrazor | Traveler1: the remote server would need to have ssh listening on another port and also putty would need to be directed at that port. | 21:42 |
BellinXFelon | DasEi: ok gedit is open | 21:42 |
bastidrazor | neurochrome: port 80 can be used for a remote login but is not set as the standard port by default in routers. normally 8080 is or 1080. | 21:43 |
DasEi | BellinXFelon: look at the timestamps and check when this occured, any messages ? besides can also look in /var/log/messages (just also open in gedit to view) | 21:43 |
hapik | hi, I'm newbie as to networking. I'm pinging windows machine via wifi ad-hoc connection - it's ok. Now, trying sftp user@ip gives me nothing. Should I start a ftp server on windows to be able to send a file? | 21:44 |
erUSUL | Defense|Twin: any reason you need a newer kernel ? (btw 33 is not out yet) | 21:44 |
Defense|Twin | erUSUL: its some kind of long story: | 21:44 |
erUSUL | hapik: no you need a ssh server for windows | 21:44 |
nibbler | ubuntu upgrade just warned me about: - which ubuntu versions were affected by this bug? | 21:44 |
BellinXFelon | DasEi: | 21:45 |
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erUSUL | Defense|Twin: there are some ppa that will offer a newer kernel. | 21:45 |
neurochrome | bastidrazor, yeah I'm with sky and it took me months to realise that my server _was_ working just not when I tested it at home... it took pointing my 3g phone at the ip to realise (after countless calls to sky customer service who are about as useful as a chocolate teapot) | 21:45 |
DasEi | hapik: for just a file use ssh, yes got to setup a win server (ssh)or the other way round (ssh-server ubunut, putty on win) | 21:45 |
Defense|Twin | erUSUL: This weekend i updated the firmware of my Super Tlent SSD. since that Kubuntu allways comes up with some IO-errors after a few seconds/minutes ... the funny thing is that i can use the SSD with Gentoo and Fedora without any problem.. also with older kernel versions... | 21:46 |
kantor | hi | 21:47 |
Defense|Twin | erUSUL: now i only want to test if it is maybe only a 2.6.31 Kernel problem in Kubuntu | 21:47 |
kantor | why is that in newer gnome versions like 2.29 (included in ubuntu 10.04 alpha) I can not disable the touchpad ?? there is no such option | 21:47 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 21:48 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 21:48 |
DasEi | BellinXFelon: is this the whole syslog ? no hd-related stuff in there, try (trml) : | 21:48 |
kantor | why is that in newer gnome versions like 2.29 (included in ubuntu 10.04 alpha) I can not disable the touchpad ?? there is no such option | 21:48 |
hapik | arUSUL: please, confirm or correct my way of thinking. I will download FileZilla Server for Windows, install it and start on Win. Then from Linux machine using sftp I should be able to connect to win. Right? | 21:48 |
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derp | !netsplit | 21:48 |
DasEi | BellinXFelon: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 21:48 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 21:48 |
erUSUL | hapik: if filezilla ftp server supports sftp yes | 21:49 |
kaz00 | need help with fdisk of sd card | 21:49 |
DasEi | BellinXFelon: dmesg | pastebinit -b | 21:49 |
kaz00 | i think | 21:49 |
erUSUL | Defense|Twin: as i said you probably can find a ppa (the x edgers for example) with newer kernels) | 21:49 |
erUSUL | !ppa | Defense|Twin | 21:49 |
ubottu | Defense|Twin: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See | 21:49 |
Ricoshady | is there a drupal api function to stream a file? | 21:50 |
erUSUL | Ricoshady: #drupal | 21:50 |
kantor | why is that in newer gnome versions like 2.29 (included in ubuntu 10.04 alpha) I can not disable the touchpad ?? there is no such option | 21:50 |
kaz00 | the symptom i am observing: when i untar an archive that has symlinks in it, the links are broken when the archive is untarred onto my sd card | 21:50 |
DasEi | kaz00: want to format it ? use gparted | 21:50 |
meowagi | how can i resume a x11 remote session with ssh? | 21:50 |
kaz00 | DasEi:i have used parted. i have tried fdisk. this has lead to questions | 21:51 |
ivansmo | erUSUL , I have wrote that command in rc.local and when I boot it always ask me to type WPA2 but it cant recognized the key and just ask me again and again. | 21:51 |
kaz00 | i have tried toi make the card a linux partition | 21:51 |
DasEi | kaz00: use rsync, see manpage on howto savee symlinks | 21:51 |
kaz00 | then makefs.ext2 | 21:51 |
chlumsko | drupal: file_create_urlincludes/file.incCreates a web-accessible URL for a stream to an external or local file. from | 21:51 |
kaz00 | ok | 21:51 |
kaz00 | man rsync? | 21:51 |
DasEi | y | 21:51 |
kaz00 | ty! | 21:51 |
blakkheim | meowagi: you can't | 21:51 |
meowagi | i logged in in my box with ssh -Y myuser@2001:2eab:2aea:31b6:12af:2 | 21:52 |
meowagi | blackkheim why not? | 21:52 |
erUSUL | ivansmo: if you remove the command from rc.local it stops asking for a password ? i do not think the command has anything to do with that command | 21:52 |
DasEi | BellinXFelon: url from last command ? | 21:52 |
ivansmo | I think it does, because if I type that now in terminal I get same problem | 21:52 |
blakkheim | meowagi: you can run X applications through ssh but you can't "reattach" to them as if they were cli apps in screen. you need like a vnc client for that | 21:52 |
meowagi | i start programs like that xchat & adn xchat appears here | 21:53 |
ivansmo | and problem disapear when I reboot | 21:53 |
poseidon | For my high school physics class I'm allowed to have one sheet which contains formulas on it. What would be the best way for me to create a page of physics formulas I can print out? I want to be able to have subscripts, exponents, bar notation, fractions, greek letters, etc. | 21:53 |
ivansmo | or when I remove command from rc.local :( | 21:53 |
meowagi | blakkheim, can emulate a screen? | 21:53 |
meowagi | mirroring x11 to the screen and to x11 maybe? | 21:53 |
meowagi | vnc sucks for some reasons | 21:54 |
meowagi | due a bug on the nvidia drivers or ubuntu it doesnt refresh the screen | 21:54 |
meowagi | x11vnc is much faster but it crashes | 21:55 |
chlumsko | poseidon: the quasi standart for this use is latex, but hard to learn, try lyx | 21:55 |
meowagi | i think three is a issue with framebuf | 21:55 |
m_fulder | I've resently installed samba and it works fine to share folders windows->ubuntu and vice versa through the internal HDD on my ubuntu computer, though when I try to share an external HDD (USB connected) it doens't work (in windows I get the error that the path can not be found) why? | 21:56 |
ivansmo | erUSUL can there be a problem with WPA2??? | 21:56 |
meowagi | m_fulder because the samba stuff on nautilus is buggy | 21:56 |
sixofour | so, firefox, latest buntu with kde4, youtube, i can't stop or start youtube videos, i can't press any of the bottons on the video at all... :/ | 21:56 |
m_fulder | :( is there a way to fix this meowagi | 21:57 |
meowagi | edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf | 21:57 |
meowagi | just add a line [external] | 21:57 |
kaz00 | DasEi: when i untar the archive onto my local drive i get the same issue: symlinks are broken. i use '$ tar xvf ball.tar' and everythin is unpacked but important symlinks are broken... ??? | 21:57 |
erUSUL | ivansmo: do not think so; but can not be sure ... i only use wpa here | 21:57 |
m_fulder | meowagi, what should I change there | 21:57 |
meowagi | and copy the stuff from the above line [printers] | 21:57 |
kaz00 | so prblem seems to not be remote only | 21:57 |
mondragon | is there any way to get gcc-3.4.6 on 9.10 via apt? | 21:57 |
meowagi | or start nautilus with sudo | 21:58 |
meowagi | sudo nautilus, and try to add the shares | 21:58 |
meowagi | nautilus is very buggy in this case | 21:58 |
Switch10 | meowagi: gksudo for GUI | 21:58 |
m_fulder | meowagi, where do I add [external] exaclty? | 21:58 |
Slydon | What is the name of the OSX type shortcut bar for ubuntu? like AWS or something? | 21:58 |
meowagi | in the smb.conf | 21:59 |
m_fulder | under [global] ? | 21:59 |
meowagi | /etc/samba/smb.conf | 21:59 |
Switch10 | Slydon: awn | 21:59 |
meowagi | no at the end | 21:59 |
m_fulder | oki | 21:59 |
meowagi | share=/path/to/externalhd | 21:59 |
meowagi | or something | 21:59 |
Slydon | Switch: thank you! | 21:59 |
mod | Is there a way to drag windows between Workspace Switcher panels in 9.10? I could do this in 9.04 (and 8) | 22:00 |
meowagi | path = /sharepath/ | 22:00 |
hapik | how to start a sftp server? | 22:00 |
mod | seems like a step backwards O.o | 22:00 |
Switch10 | mod: it should let you by default. Just like 9.04 | 22:01 |
mod | hapik, you probably have to install on | 22:01 |
DasEi | kaz00: that's another thing now, I've no firm experiences with tar's behavement on symlinks, see : | 22:01 |
mod | Switch10, i've installed two 9.10 systems now, same diff... | 22:01 |
mod | i pull it, does nothing | 22:01 |
Switch10 | mod: hmm. It works for me | 22:01 |
mod | is there more config for Workspac Switcher than the tiny control panel for it? | 22:01 |
mod | weird | 22:01 |
kaz00 | DasEi: ty will take-a-peek | 22:01 |
m_fulder | meowagi, so like this: [external]path = /media/PACKARDBELL | 22:02 |
kaz00 | lol. i read that already. :( | 22:02 |
mod | Sitch10, I left click on the tiny window inside the panel, and then drag it to another panel... nuthin, grrr | 22:02 |
bastidrazor | Slydon: also try cairo-dock .. has a bit more features than AWN | 22:02 |
kaz00 | so maybe the links arent made when tar ball is made? so links arent there to begin with perhaps. bummer. | 22:02 |
seanbrystone | packardbell? *shudders* | 22:02 |
meowagi | nah | 22:02 |
mod | er sorry, Switch10 | 22:02 |
warriorforgod | m_fulder: Do you really have a packard bell pc sitting on your network? | 22:03 |
meowagi | [external] -> new line | 22:03 |
meowagi | path = /path/ | 22:03 |
mod | Switch10, you are using Workspace Switcher 2.28.0? | 22:03 |
m_fulder | yeah new line and then path | 22:03 |
meowagi | ok | 22:03 |
meowagi | then reload the smb server | 22:03 |
m_fulder | warriorforgod, no I have not, but the externar HDD is a packardbell HDD | 22:03 |
m_fulder | external * | 22:04 |
arleslie | I'm trying to install Grub to my Flash card using Ubuntu 9.10 but I can't find the Stage1 folder | 22:04 |
meowagi | external is the share appears | 22:04 |
meowagi | the sharename in the brackets | 22:04 |
Slydon | bastidrazor: i read about that one as well, I'll check it out. | 22:04 |
Switch10 | mod: I'm not sure. I just checked if it would work on my buddys computer. It works fine. Maybe now you need compiz or something | 22:04 |
=== carlo_ is now known as Guest48079 | ||
ubuntu___ | do i have grub or grub 2? | 22:05 |
ubuntu___ | grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 | 22:06 |
ubuntu___ | Error 15: File not found | 22:06 |
Switch10 | ubuntu___: are you using ubuntu 9.10? | 22:06 |
ubuntu___ | ya | 22:06 |
Switch10 | ubuntu___: you have grub 2 | 22:06 |
m_fulder | meowagi, I now see a new folder in the Network->MYUBUNTUCOMP dir. .. there is the "external" folder..but while trying to access it requires acc/pass why? | 22:07 |
ubuntu___ | ok. Switch10 how to restore it. | 22:07 |
Erwyn | hello | 22:07 |
ubuntu___ | ok. Switch10 how to restore it after i installed windows | 22:07 |
ubuntu_ | Switch10, no | 22:07 |
Switch10 | There is a whole wiki page on grub2. Search for it. You should have installed windows first | 22:08 |
mod | Switch10, I think you're right abotu needing compwiz config... bleh... more junk ;) | 22:08 |
erUSUL | !grub2 | 22:08 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 22:08 |
Switch10 | erUSUL: that's it. Thanks | 22:09 |
Switch10 | mod: yeah that's a pain. | 22:09 |
seanbrystone | is it possible to pause a running gzip process? | 22:09 |
erUSUL | seanbrystone: crtl + z ? | 22:09 |
seanbrystone | ctrl + z? | 22:10 |
erUSUL | seanbrystone: that stops the current running program | 22:10 |
seanbrystone | erUSUL, will it resume later? | 22:10 |
seanbrystone | ctrl z not working | 22:11 |
seanbrystone | how do i pause gzip? | 22:11 |
psychicist | hi, is there a (rational) solution to sound not working with ich6 on 9.10? should I upgrade alsa drivers and libs? | 22:12 |
Guest48079 | can i attach the control panel to the video screen for mplayer? | 22:12 |
erUSUL | !intelhda | 22:12 |
ubottu | For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information | 22:12 |
psychicist | thanks, I'll have a look at that | 22:12 |
sweetandy | Guest48079: mplayer does not come with a GUI, try smplayer | 22:12 |
Guest48079 | smplayer was wierd | 22:13 |
Guest48079 | it kept stopping | 22:13 |
Switch10 | Guest48079: what about vlc | 22:13 |
Guest48079 | and i have to go back int he track bar to make it play again | 22:13 |
Guest48079 | ok ill try that :) | 22:13 |
tonettothebest | ciao belli | 22:14 |
zagabar | nibbler: Sorry for the delay, but here it is: | 22:15 |
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nibbler | zagabar: this looks good. at least there is also bidirectional traffic, but how the hell can squirrelmail be affected then. do other webpages work? | 22:22 |
tonettothebest | raga qlkn può aiutarmi | 22:23 |
tonettothebest | plsssssssss | 22:23 |
mod | switch10, turned off compwiz completely.... all's well :D | 22:23 |
zagabar | nibbler: Yes, all other standard html sites works, as well as my ampache server. Also, squirrelmail works partly, since I am prompted to log in. The problem is that I get a "incorrect user" error from it. Same from thunderbird. | 22:23 |
nibbler | zagabar: how is squirrelmail configured? any database backend that might fail? | 22:26 |
juridico | hola | 22:26 |
sasho | hi | 22:26 |
damjan_ | I du no how but I fucked up. When I installed ubuntu again I cant get to ntfs partiotion not from win or ubuntu. Gparted says that it is unallocated. Is there a way to get data back? | 22:27 |
gz0 | Im trying to install a list of packages using apt-get but ignore missing packages? ive tried -m -f and --ignore-missing? thanks | 22:27 |
zagabar | nibbler: I just installed it from the repositorys and basically used standard settings. Also standard settings at the general mailserver stuff. How would a database fail just because of the iptable rule? :S | 22:28 |
nibbler | zagabar: hmmmmmmmmm | 22:28 |
nibbler | zagabar: paste your /etc/hosts pls | 22:29 |
malikkite | hello, anyone helping me for a wifi usb? | 22:30 |
m_fulder | I've now added this to my smb.conf..still while trying to access the "external" folder in windows I get permission denied error .. why? | 22:30 |
zagabar | nibbler: | 22:30 |
mod | In 9.10 can I turn my second monitor into a completely new desktop? | 22:31 |
nibbler | zagabar: remove Pallkars | 22:31 |
mod | i was able to do this in an older gnome under centos | 22:31 |
zagabar | nibbler: Can this damage some? | 22:32 |
nibbler | zagabar: comment it out, prepend a # if you are scared :) | 22:33 |
ubuntu_ | iam tring to restore grub of kubuntu 9.10 after installing windows. but getting error 15. what can i do? | 22:33 |
kazoo | how do i see what people do when they ssh to me? | 22:33 |
nibbler | zagabar: this is a very strange setting that fks up a lot of networking in my experience. its new in 9.10 iirc | 22:33 |
bastidrazor | kazoo: you could look at their .bash_history that is loacated in their home directory | 22:34 |
malikkite | ubuntu 8.04 i got a wifi usb dongle, working in ubuntu 9.04, but not in 8.04... lsusb recognize the right hardware, lsmod charges the right driver, ifconfig and iwconfig cannot find out.... anyone may help me pls? | 22:34 |
nibbler | kazoo: you could give them screen as a shell and attach to their screen session | 22:34 |
zagabar | nibbler: I see, I will try it then. Do I have to restart some networking or so? | 22:36 |
_Kalce_ | salve a tutti, io ho reinstallato ubuntu 9.04. Ovviamente mi manca il plug in flash per firefox. Ricordo che qui in chat qualcuno mi aveva detto come fare per installarlo col terminale....... | 22:36 |
bastidrazor | !it | _Kalce_ | 22:36 |
ubottu | _Kalce_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 22:36 |
=== b13r is now known as b0n1 | ||
malikkite | ubuntu 8.04 i got a wifi usb dongle, working in ubuntu 9.04, but not in 8.04... lsusb recognize the right hardware, lsmod charges the right driver, ifconfig and iwconfig cannot find out.... anyone may help me pls? | 22:37 |
nibbler | zagabar: normally not, maybe restart apache, but even this should not be necessary | 22:37 |
=== kgs_ is now known as kgs | ||
kgs | Ugh.. | 22:38 |
ubuntu_ | iam tring to restore grub of kubuntu 9.10 after installing windows. but getting error 15. what can i do? | 22:38 |
comutamike | Hey guys - I know this probably the wrong place to ask, but I'm looking to package some gnome themes - like Any ideas how I can do this? | 22:38 |
major_redhat | question: does kdenlive run better in ubuntu with GDM or in Kubuntu with KDE? | 22:38 |
jrib | !packaging > comutamike | 22:39 |
ubottu | comutamike, please see my private message | 22:39 |
zagabar | nibbler: I restarted apache2 and got the error: "sudo: unable to resolve host Pallkars" | 22:39 |
jrib | comutamike: use existing packages as templates, ask #ubuntu-motu for good examples | 22:39 |
malikkite | ubuntu 8.04 i got a wifi usb dongle, working in ubuntu 9.04, but not in 8.04... lsusb recognize the right hardware, lsmod charges the right driver, ifconfig and iwconfig cannot find out.... anyone may help me pls? | 22:39 |
zagabar | nibbler: I could also not use squirrelmail | 22:40 |
nibbler | zagabar: hehe thats good. then define pallkars with its *real* ip in /etc/hosts - like the line you took out, just with the real IP | 22:40 |
ticko | i have a problem when trying to share a folder it returns this info and reds out the share name box: " 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Memory allocation error. " | 22:40 |
comutamike | jrib: Cool - I'll try that | 22:41 |
ubuntu_ | iam tring to restore grub of kubuntu 9.10 after installing windows. but getting error 15. what can i do? | 22:41 |
bob1 | hi guys | 22:41 |
bob1 | i have a problem with linux | 22:42 |
lex | Hey guys. FOSS question: anyone knows of a good system for me to clasify and make searchable the metadata of my personal book library? Ive a lot of dead tree informational devices and I want to clasify them. | 22:42 |
zagabar | nibbler: Okay.^^ I changed it, restarted without error, but still getting the same login error at squirrelmail. | 22:42 |
bob1 | it makes the speakers on my laptop pop every once in a while. anyone know how to fix it? | 22:42 |
nibbler | zagabar: check apache logs for hints | 22:43 |
comutamike | lex: there's a collection utility in the software centre | 22:43 |
kazoo | root@Vortex:~# mysql | 22:43 |
kazoo | ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) | 22:43 |
kazoo | root@Vortex:~# | 22:43 |
kazoo | any idea's? | 22:43 |
ticko | i have a problem when trying to share a folder it returns this info and reds out the share name box: " 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Memory allocation error. " | 22:44 |
comutamike | lex: GCStar | 22:44 |
lex | comutamike, hey cool, thats a nice start | 22:45 |
comutamike | lex: It has links to like collection providers... I don't know if there is like a library provider... So you can use the collection and just type in the like ISBN number and it will look it up from the provider. | 22:45 |
comutamike | lex: I was planning on using it to create like the ultimate collection of all the Dr Who memorabelia... | 22:46 |
comutamike | lex: It may not actually be on the Repository. | 22:46 |
bob1 | anyone know why my speakers keep making a pop sound? | 22:46 |
portablejim | I have a problem that seems to be caused by dvb_core (log @ ) that stops my usb from working. How to I get rid of the problem (aside from rebooting)? | 22:47 |
major_redhat | bob1: bad speakers? too much power? maybe you have bad plugins/drivers or something | 22:47 |
comutamike | lex: | 22:47 |
zagabar | nibbler: I don't really know what log to check. I checked the error log, but it doesn't tell me anything new. | 22:50 |
axos88 | hello! I would like my mysql server to authenticate users based on /etc/passwd. Eg. Every user that is in the mysql group should get access to the db server. I would like to do this so that I don't have to change 100 places when adding or deleting a user (mysql is one of that 100) | 22:50 |
rabar | Hi I installed nginx via apt-get install. I delete the /etc/init.d/nginx file, but now I would like to restore it. I tried an apt-get reinstall but the file didnt come back. what can I do? | 22:51 |
coldpizza72i | does ubuntu come with a program to burn iso's | 22:52 |
kazoo | help, root@Vortex:~# mysql -u root | 22:52 |
kazoo | ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) | 22:52 |
kazoo | root@Vortex:~# | 22:52 |
kazoo | any idea's? | 22:52 |
FloodBot4 | kazoo: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:52 |
axos88 | coldpizza72i, brasero | 22:52 |
kazoo | oop sorry | 22:52 |
kazoo | forgot. | 22:52 |
zagabar | nibbler: Wait, I do get one error when trying to log in: [Tue Feb 23 23:51:16 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico | 22:53 |
nibbler | zagabar: thats no real error :| | 22:53 |
zagabar | nibbler: That one four times in a row. | 22:53 |
zagabar | Oh. :/ | 22:53 |
=== Bananaburger` is now known as Bananaburger | ||
kazoo | Dose anyone know why MySQL won't go? | 22:54 |
arleslie | trying to install grub2 on USB, grub-install keeps giving: "Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1" | 22:54 |
luigi_ | ho un problema con xnee:"Error number: 35 Error: Record memory failure" | 22:54 |
nibbler | zagabar: squirrelmail accesses local mail files on this server, right? | 22:54 |
arleslie | !es | luigi_ | 22:54 |
ubottu | luigi_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 22:54 |
luigi_ | i'm sorry; i was thinking i ware in the italian channel | 22:55 |
luigi_ | i've got a problem with xnee: "Error number: 35 Error: Record memory failure" | 22:55 |
arleslie | Anyone know why grub-install keeps reporting: "Cannot find a GRUB drive" | 22:56 |
DasEi | arleslie: grub1 on a fstabab with uuid ? | 22:57 |
zagabar | nibbler: Yes, local mail files. Btw, I found this in an accesslog in the apache log folder: | 22:57 |
hkphooey | kazoo, mysql server isn't running. try 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld restart' or something like that. | 22:57 |
ncrfgs | hi, is threre an ubuntu irc server as well? I'm looking for #ubuntu-mozillateam | 22:57 |
kazoo | ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) any idea's on why mysql won't connect? | 22:57 |
DasEi | ncrfgs: | 22:57 |
arleslie | DasEi, I'm trying to install Grub2 onto a USB device. | 22:57 |
xangua | ncrfgs: /join #nameofthechannel | 22:58 |
ncrfgs | xangua: thanks | 22:58 |
xangua | ... | 22:58 |
ncrfgs | see you | 22:58 |
Myszka | hi | 22:58 |
Drawn | hi | 22:58 |
=== Myszka is now known as rapcore | ||
luigi_ | ho un problema con xnee:"Error number: 35 Error: Record memory failure" | 22:59 |
rapcore | re | 22:59 |
rapcore | re | 22:59 |
rapcore | r | 22:59 |
FloodBot4 | rapcore: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:59 |
rapcore | ere | 22:59 |
arleslie | !it | luigi_ | 22:59 |
ubottu | luigi_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 22:59 |
ticko | i have a problem when trying to share a folder it returns this info and reds out the share name box: " 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Memory allocation error. " | 22:59 |
militant | hello. i'm about to put ubuntu on the housekeeper's laptop. she has a dualcore athlon64. is there a reason to use the amd64 specific versions? and what's the diff between alternate and desktop? | 22:59 |
luigi_ | i've got a problem with xnee: "Error number: 35 Error: Record memory failure" | 22:59 |
sickly | i am having a problem getting compiz to work, ubuntu 8.10, here is the output of "glxinfo" | 23:00 |
sickly | | 23:00 |
foul_owl | how can install a package that existed in jaunty, but doesn't exist in karmic? also, is it considered "safe" to do so? is it possible it will mess up apt? | 23:00 |
band_of_koala | Can anyone help me fix my ssh, just got a new router | 23:00 |
ticko | militant: you should always use the distro in accordance to your processor for efficiency and ultimate to alternate vs. desktop the alternate version is more a experienced user version | 23:00 |
militant | ticko: ahhh ok. answers both questions. thank you | 23:01 |
jrib | band_of_koala: was ssh working with the old router? | 23:01 |
zagabar | band_of_koala: open port 21? | 23:01 |
band_of_koala | jrib: yes | 23:01 |
band_of_koala | well without a router | 23:01 |
jrib | band_of_koala: then just forward port 22 to your machine | 23:01 |
CrocoJet | hi for all ! ext4 problems are solved ? "Delayed allocation and potential data loss" | 23:01 |
band_of_koala | jrib:I tried | 23:01 |
band_of_koala | jrib: it didn't fix it | 23:01 |
jrib | band_of_koala: that's all there is to do. It's a router issue | 23:02 |
band_of_koala | jrib: okay | 23:02 |
jrib | band_of_koala: how are you testing? | 23:02 |
coldpizza72i | axos88, any idea why a brand new dvd i put in is telling me theres only 1.4gb left | 23:02 |
malikkite | ubuntu 8.04 i got a wifi usb dongle, working in ubuntu 9.04, but not in 8.04... lsusb recognize the right hardware, lsmod charges the right driver, ifconfig and iwconfig cannot find out.... anyone may help me pls? | 23:03 |
band_of_koala | jrib: trying to ssh into it from my dyndns\ | 23:03 |
=== Sunshine is now known as RainbowDonut | ||
axos88 | coldpizza72i, not really | 23:03 |
band_of_koala | jrib: i changed the IP on it so it should be right | 23:03 |
=== emo is now known as Guest5636 | ||
jrib | band_of_koala: just use the router's ip | 23:03 |
arleslie | Anyone know why grub-install keeps reporting: "Cannot find a GRUB drive" | 23:04 |
band_of_koala | didnt help | 23:05 |
nibbler | zagabar: i am out of ideas, i'm sorry | 23:05 |
MattMesa | Is there any easy way to see how fast your net connection is running at and what is eating up bandwidth? | 23:05 |
luigi_ | i've got a problem with xnee: "Error number: 35 Error: Record memory failure" | 23:05 |
zagabar | nibbler: And those outputs are no bad things? | 23:05 |
band_of_koala | jrib: didn't help | 23:05 |
jrib | band_of_koala: that confirms the issue is that you are not properly forwarding port 22 to your machine | 23:05 |
nibbler | zagabar: try accessing squirrelmail from the host itself, usig a text browser or someting | 23:05 |
band_of_koala | jrib: okay I'll try again | 23:05 |
nibbler | zagabar: the ones you nopasted? thats the accesslog, that just tells you what pages have been visited | 23:05 |
nibbler | zagabar: and they all have returncode 200, which means OK | 23:06 |
zagabar | nibbler: I see. When trying to log in from the server itself using lynx, I get the same error. | 23:07 |
Schmidt | I have a dual core system, and the CPU scaler seems to only scale down one of the cores, how do I solve that? | 23:07 |
kaz00 | anyone: am having difficulties with untarred archives. when i untar them (locally or remotely) i am getting broken symlinks. invoke with 'target_dir$ tar xvf ball.tar'... ??? | 23:07 |
^sn00per^ | ahh much better had to increase my font size its pretty small on a 8 in screen | 23:08 |
major_redhat | ^sn00per^: netbook? | 23:09 |
=== remek__ is now known as remczas | ||
NfuidS | let's say I have "/usr/local/bin/searchd" and I want it to start on server startup, how do I do that? | 23:10 |
NfuidS | I know it's with init.d | 23:10 |
Younder | Is there a command line utillity (for use in scripts) to send SMS as QuickPage does for pagers? | 23:10 |
NfuidS | but I don't know how | 23:10 |
jrib | !boot | NfuidS | 23:11 |
ubottu | NfuidS: Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 23:11 |
erUSUL | NfuidS: make a init script for the service ( look at /etc/init.d/skeleton ) then add it to init | 23:11 |
zagabar | nibbler: Okay, but thanks for the help anyway. ^^ Do you have suggestions on where to take this problem further? | 23:11 |
band_of_koala | jrib: Global Port(s): 22 Local Port(s): 22 | 23:12 |
band_of_koala | jrib: protocol: both | 23:12 |
torasuku | Is there a way I can turn off the opacity fading of window titlebars without disabling Compiz entirely? | 23:12 |
arleslie | Can someone help me with Grub-install | 23:12 |
nibbler | zagabar: if i just had... | 23:12 |
jrib | band_of_koala: so do you believe it's a server issue? | 23:12 |
nibbler | zagabar: what is the exact error again? | 23:12 |
=== iruan_ is now known as iruan | ||
nibbler | zagabar: screenshot or something :) | 23:12 |
band_of_koala | jrib: i have no clue it was working fine yesterday | 23:12 |
jrib | band_of_koala: go to your server and « ssh localhost ». Then check for failed ssh logins in the logs. | 23:13 |
jolaren | why is some progrmas green in the terminal? | 23:13 |
kazoo | how do i unzip | 23:13 |
jrib | jolaren: executable | 23:14 |
jrib | kazoo: double click | 23:14 |
kazoo | how do i unzip a .bz2 file? | 23:14 |
Typos_King | kazoo: unzip FILE | 23:14 |
kazoo | Um it's a shell... | 23:14 |
blakkheim | kazoo: man tar | 23:14 |
erUSUL | kazoo: bunzip file.bz2 | 23:14 |
jrib | kazoo: you don't. Use bunzip2 if that's what you really meant | 23:14 |
mac|gyve1 | kazoo: file.tar.bz2 or file.bz2? | 23:14 |
Younder | Never mind found one: gnokii ( | 23:14 |
kazoo | tar.bz3 | 23:14 |
kazoo | tar.bz2 * | 23:14 |
Typos_King | ? | 23:14 |
mac|gyve1 | kazoo: tar -xjf file.tar.bz2 | 23:15 |
jrib | kazoo: why do you need this? | 23:15 |
arleslie | I'm trying to make a startup disk but I keep getting, "Cannot install bootloader" | 23:15 |
kazoo | it's for someone else | 23:15 |
jrib | kazoo: well you don't usually need tar.bz2 in ubuntu | 23:15 |
NfuidS | erUSUL: ok, I created a script from the skeleton, where should I put it ? | 23:15 |
mac|gyve1 | kazoo: add -v if you want progress | 23:15 |
blakkheim | jrib: tarballs are used very often in linux, what do you mean? | 23:15 |
conb123 | Does a custom login screen have to contain a gtk-2.0 folder with a gtkrc file? Because I have a custom gdm login screen and it contains a full metacity-1 folder but it will not work do I need the gtk-2.0 folder? | 23:15 |
jrib | blakkheim: are you from the 90s? | 23:16 |
mac|gyve1 | jrib: they're *still* used a lot? | 23:16 |
band_of_koala | jrib: I can ssh localhost | 23:16 |
coldpizza72i | axos88, can i format a dvd r disc | 23:16 |
MATb | howdy | 23:16 |
zagabar | nibbler: The error is this: And I get it when adding the table rule "iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE". This don't mess up ampache, websites, ftp, ssh nor any other service that I have noticed except squirrelmail and thunderbird. I can still access the mail with mutt via ssh though. | 23:16 |
kareeser | conb123: custom login screens no longer work in karmic | 23:16 |
band_of_koala | jrib: and the log changes. But if I do it from my dyndns or ip it doesnt work | 23:16 |
jrib | mac|gyve1: no they're not. You can get by without ever touching a tarball yourself on modern-day linux systems | 23:17 |
coldpizza72i | axos88, im stupid ...nevermind.....its 1.4gb after it will burn it lol | 23:17 |
conb123 | kareeser: But I'm pretty sure they work to an extent, I'm using this | 23:17 |
jrib | band_of_koala: it's a router issue. | 23:17 |
mac|gyve1 | jrib: it depends a *lot* on what you're doing though | 23:17 |
band_of_koala | jrib:ok thanks | 23:17 |
jrib | mac|gyve1: we're talking about typical usage here | 23:17 |
blakkheim | jrib: i use tarballs every day | 23:17 |
MATb | hmmmmmmmmmm... | 23:17 |
blakkheim | jrib: mainly for source code | 23:17 |
nibbler | zagabar: hmmm, maybe its connected to pam, anything in /var/log/auth.log ? | 23:17 |
MATb | tar balls is good | 23:17 |
jrib | blakkheim: exactly | 23:17 |
kareeser | conb123: ah, never used this - so I wouldn't know | 23:18 |
kaz00 | kazoo: nice nick :o) | 23:18 |
kazoo | .. | 23:19 |
kareeser | lol | 23:19 |
kaz00 | solve your unzip problem? | 23:19 |
mac|gyve1 | this is getting confusing ;) | 23:19 |
kazoo | Yeah | 23:19 |
mod | Is there a way to get my dual head setup to display a different desktop for each monitor instead of one, wide destkop? | 23:19 |
MATb | q for ya: how do i know/find out what desktop manager I'm using? | 23:19 |
MATb | just installed 10.1 | 23:19 |
kazoo | why is MySQL not starting.. | 23:19 |
blakkheim | MATb: there is no 10.1 and there is no such thing as a desktop manager | 23:19 |
zagabar | nibbler: Nope, no entries are created in that log if I try to log in. Not if I do it correctly, nor incorrectly. | 23:19 |
jrib | blakkheim: most people who ask how to extract a tarball are usually trying to compile something that's in the repositories anyway (and if that's the case, you usually don't want the tarball), that's my only point | 23:19 |
blakkheim | MATb: there is a desktop environment and a window manager, i think you're a bit confused | 23:20 |
kaz00 | kazoo: how did you install it? from tarball source or via aptitude? | 23:20 |
blakkheim | jrib: ok, fair enough. i guess i'm not a "typical" user then :/ | 23:20 |
conb123 | Anyone, is there a way to auto generate a gtkrc file for the purpose of a custom gdm login screen? | 23:20 |
MATb | blahblak: I am - sowwy | 23:20 |
kazoo | i used sudp apt-get | 23:20 |
kazoo | sudo apt-get | 23:20 |
kazoo | as the ubuntu page calls for.. | 23:20 |
=== iruan_ is now known as iruan | ||
cemc | how can I stop X from listening on 6000 in Karmic ? | 23:20 |
kaz00 | so dependencies should have also been installed. | 23:20 |
jrib | blakkheim: I have some programs whose source I like to modify but I never use tar to do it ;) | 23:20 |
kaz00 | kazoo: what was error again? | 23:21 |
MATb | blak: ok - how do i know what desktop environment and window manager I'm runnig? | 23:21 |
blakkheim | MATb: did you install x/k/ubuntu? | 23:21 |
adambuntu | hey guys, is there any reason why sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty wont work from ubuntu 9.10 x64? | 23:21 |
MATb | ubuntu | 23:21 |
kazoo | ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) | 23:21 |
blakkheim | MATb: then you are using gnome | 23:21 |
nibbler | zagabar: ah ok.... i see, squirrelmail does not use the mail files directly, but connects to your imap server as an client? | 23:21 |
MATb | Gnome-Do | 23:21 |
MATb | ooops | 23:22 |
MATb | gnome, ok - how do i find out? | 23:22 |
MATb | any cli? | 23:22 |
kaz00 | kazoo: so are you sure that mysqld is *not* running and that the error is *not* with the client? | 23:22 |
nibbler | kazoo: does the sockfile exist, is a mysql process running etc? | 23:22 |
jrib | adambuntu: because that package is for 9.04, not 9.10 | 23:22 |
zagabar | nibbler: I think so. That is what I remember at least from installing it. Can it be something with the connection when squirrelmail tries to access the IMAP? | 23:22 |
kazoo | there is no mysqld.sock | 23:23 |
kazoo | should i make it? | 23:23 |
MATb | blak: anyway to find out what window manager I am using? | 23:23 |
kaz00 | kazoo: have you checked whether mysqld is running | 23:23 |
MATb | sorry for asking n00b qs | 23:23 |
kazoo | It's not running. | 23:23 |
Typos_King | MATb: if you right-click on the desktop, it'd give you some options to show what WM is running | 23:24 |
kaz00 | this is the place for noob qs mat :D | 23:24 |
nibbler | zagabar: i'm pretty sure its actually the authentication mechanim of your imap server that breaks. explains why thunderbird gets the same | 23:24 |
sam555 | hello all! | 23:24 |
Typos_King | allo | 23:24 |
nibbler | zagabar: what imap server are you using? | 23:24 |
zagabar | nibbler: Okay. Is there a log for the imap somewhere that could verify it? | 23:24 |
sam555 | anyone know how to install thunderbird on ubuntu? | 23:24 |
kaz00 | kazoo: but how do you know mysqld is not running? top? ps? | 23:24 |
MATb | Typos: nothing happens....... | 23:24 |
MATb | hmmmmmmmmmm... | 23:25 |
MATb | right mouse click? | 23:25 |
kazoo | pidof mysql | 23:25 |
zagabar | nibbler: The default one that comes with ubuntu 9.10 | 23:25 |
MATb | hmmmmmmmmmm... | 23:25 |
Typos_King | sam555: sudo apt-get thunderbird :| | 23:25 |
jrib | sam555: thunderbird should be in the repositories | 23:25 |
B3rz3rk3r | sam555, apt=get install thunderbird | 23:25 |
Typos_King | erk | 23:25 |
Typos_King | sam555: sudo apt-get install thunderbird :| | 23:25 |
sam555 | thanks folks! | 23:25 |
jon5001 | I am using evolution, synced with my gmail contacts. Problem, Gmail automatically adds everyone to whom I send email to my address book. Result is a ballooning number of contacts that get synced down to evolution. there is no way to turn this feature off, but there is a sub group within gmail contacts called "my contacts" which does not include all tis garbage. is there a way to sync evolution to the "my contacts" sub group | 23:25 |
jon5001 | as opposed to the "all contacts"? | 23:25 |
=== carlo_ is now known as Guest99320 | ||
kazoo | hey hey hey | 23:25 |
adambuntu | jrib, ok, i need the older wireless drivers for my atheros wireless card. how do i get those if i cant follow the old rules, do i just sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-karmic? | 23:25 |
kazoo | i normally use ps x | 23:25 |
kazoo | ;) | 23:26 |
moredip | @coldpizza yep, Brasero | 23:26 |
kaz00 | kazoo: just for *its and giggles, what happens when you type 'prompt$ ps -u mysql'? | 23:26 |
jrib | adambuntu: you can try. Check the package descriptions to see what you really need | 23:26 |
adambuntu | jrib, how do i do that? | 23:26 |
jrib | adambuntu: click on the package in synaptic, it will show the descripting | 23:26 |
jrib | tion | 23:26 |
kazoo | PID TTY TIME CMD | 23:26 |
kaz00 | lol | 23:27 |
raj | helloz | 23:27 |
raj | System: Host raj-desktop Kernel 2.6.31-14-generic i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - Main Edition | 23:27 |
adambuntu | jrib, thanks | 23:27 |
kazoo | That's all i get.. | 23:27 |
kareeser | ooooh aaaaah | 23:27 |
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix | ||
* kareeser thinks gnome-shell is fancy schmancy | 23:27 | |
* kareeser thinks the fonts are too big, though | 23:27 | |
* kareeser also hates how it shows his porn collection in the "recent documents" | 23:28 | |
kaz00 | kazoo: what happens if you enter 'prompt$ my<tab>' does it auto fill for any commands? | 23:28 |
kareeser | :( | 23:28 |
raj | so did any1 figure out stupid magicjack on ubuntu/mint? they said linux drivers are comming begining of 2010 ... damn i hate promises that are not delivered :S | 23:28 |
^vivitar | kareeser: lmao | 23:28 |
arleslie | Can someone help me with "grub-install"? | 23:28 |
kazoo | wtf is my<tab>? | 23:28 |
kareeser | raj: I heard magickjack works in windows in virtualbox... | 23:28 |
zagabar | nibbler: I don't seem to have courier at least. | 23:28 |
kaz00 | enter 'my" at the prompt then hit tab button | 23:28 |
raj | I i already have virtual box ... but it sucks .. its laggy and the sound quality is horrible .. :( | 23:29 |
nibbler | zagabar: well, i need to sleep now, i wish you good luck debugging, and i'm sure its the imap server, which also points to the imap-server support channels..... good night | 23:29 |
nibbler | night guys | 23:29 |
adambuntu | jrib, really no description in there, so i just installed linux-backports-wireless-generic | 23:29 |
^vivitar | raj: YOu sure thats not just the magicjack? LoL | 23:29 |
adambuntu | jrib, for karmic | 23:29 |
luigi_ | i've got a problem with xnee: "Error number: 35 Error: Record memory failure" | 23:29 |
root | هاي | 23:30 |
adambuntu | jrib, hopefully the package had the atheros 9285 driver in it | 23:30 |
=== root is now known as Guest90178 | ||
octo_ | is there something I can add to xorg file to make opengl work better witht the intel 4500M graphics ? | 23:30 |
octo_ | i see composite is on, is there anything else i should put in there, i have quite a few games that dont work correctly | 23:30 |
raj | vivtar it works perfect under my winblows partition .. thats the ONLY reason i still have WINBLOWs and i have magicjack for that .. theyy have mac support why not linux ? | 23:30 |
kaz00 | kazooooOOooOOOOoo... what did you get? | 23:30 |
* MATb is away - Feeding elephants. - messages will be saved. | 23:31 | |
zagabar | How can I tell what IMAP-server I am using? | 23:31 |
jrib | !away > MATb | 23:31 |
ubottu | MATb, please see my private message | 23:31 |
adambuntu | jrib, thanks bud | 23:31 |
Fraxtil | 'sup incluye? :D | 23:31 |
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo | ||
jrib | adambuntu: if it works, you could help others by making a note on the wiki | 23:31 |
raj | octo_ yes if you go through the forums i believe there is a post on that.. i cant really remember what i googled for to find it | 23:32 |
incluye | j0 | 23:32 |
Xcell | check | 23:33 |
adambuntu | jrib, i will, others have, but i have absolutely no problem doing so | 23:33 |
Donfuy | I got a problem with UNR :/ | 23:33 |
Fraxtil | 'sup Donfuy | 23:33 |
Donfuy | Same problem of this guy, apparently. | 23:33 |
Donfuy | | 23:33 |
Donfuy | Hey Fraxtil. | 23:34 |
octo_ | raj: it seems hard to find good info on intell graphics, i usually had nvidia. Just search for intel in the ubuntu forums you supppose? | 23:34 |
Sukuoru | Yup, intel and the model num. | 23:34 |
helpme | how much download is a youtube that is in standard quality that goes for a few minutes? | 23:34 |
Sukuoru | I always had problems with dells built in intel video | 23:34 |
arleslie | Thank you ubuntu for whipping my thumbdrive with out telling me... | 23:35 |
Guest99320 | What's the linux equivalent of Foobar2k? I would rather not run it in Wine all the time. | 23:35 |
MATb | so.......... how do i know what window manager I'm using? | 23:36 |
duallez | hai lez girls | 23:36 |
adambuntu | arleslie, not to disappoint, ubuntu didnt do it. you did it. ubuntu asked you if you wanted to do it lol | 23:36 |
Typos_King | Guest99320: pick the one you wish | 23:38 |
arleslie | adambuntu, I was installing grub using the grub-install, which I've asked multiple times for help and now I finally get it to work by just telling it to install on /dev/sdb and now my filetype is RAW, so no it did not tell me that it was going to render it usless. | 23:38 |
sam555 | how does one install skype for ubuntu 9.04, I tried sudo apt get | 23:38 |
ardchoille | !skype | 23:38 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 23:38 |
Nitsuga | arleslie, what? | 23:38 |
Typos_King | ... crap | 23:38 |
sam555 | thanks! | 23:39 |
Typos_King | Guest99320: ... those are editors.... you want a player.... there are quite a few really | 23:39 |
adambuntu | arleslie, in grub, your disks should have been laid out in a format that was readable by size. you didnt view what you were writing to prior to doing so? | 23:39 |
arleslie | Nitsuga, I was using the grub-install command to install grub on my thumbdrive, and now my filetype is RAW, which has rendered it useless. | 23:39 |
Typos_King | Guest99320: one close to that app will be amarok | 23:39 |
Guest99320 | I'm trying out Decibel right now. But for now Rhythmbox is fine | 23:39 |
DIaVoLuS | Hi | 23:39 |
Guest99320 | Let me try Amarok brb | 23:39 |
arleslie | adambuntu, I have, but grub wouldn't install onto it, so I figured that I might as well try sdb and well it worked, and rendered it useless | 23:40 |
jsoft | How do I get rid of the network connections icon bottom right? | 23:40 |
jsoft | I set networking up manually... | 23:40 |
adambuntu | arleslie, im really sorry that it rendered it useless. ive done a similar thing before, but realized it, and fixed it. i hope it didnt kill any data on it that was of real importance like family pics and stuff | 23:41 |
Typos_King | Guest99320: | 23:41 |
Nitsuga | arleslie, renered the pendrive useless? | 23:41 |
DasEi | jsoft : uninstall network-manager | 23:41 |
Nitsuga | you can format it again, but grub-install don't do such a thing | 23:41 |
arleslie | Nitsuga, grub-install don't do such a thing, would you like me to show you that it does? | 23:42 |
Guest99320 | Songbird looks nice | 23:42 |
Nitsuga | arleslie, it is supposed to write in the first few blocks of the disk | 23:42 |
jsoft | DasEi: hmm. | 23:42 |
arleslie | adambuntu, well it killed my report, but luckly EASEUS recovers the entire partition, but do you think you can help me once I fix my pendrive? | 23:42 |
Nitsuga | where threr only can be bootloaders | 23:43 |
adambuntu | yes, however, i am going to tell you to backup the info onto another drive to be sure it doesnt happen again | 23:43 |
arleslie | Nitsuga, which over write the beginning of the filesystem on the pendrive, causing it to render it useless until I reformat it. | 23:43 |
=== adam1 is now known as a212606 | ||
Nitsuga | arleslie, ohh i dind't think wat could happen if you don't have a mbr.. | 23:44 |
MenZa | Is it possible to choose what users should be displayed on the GDM login? I'm installing Ubuntu for a friend, and I'm trying to make a maintenance user in case I ever need to troubleshoot it over ssh or by other means. | 23:44 |
Nitsuga | *what | 23:44 |
arleslie | adambuntu, will you be on in about 30 minutes, I have to recover the partition | 23:45 |
Nitsuga | ohh I hope that it wasn't holding any important stuff... | 23:45 |
meganerd | MenZa: this was possible on 9.04 | 23:45 |
Losha | arleslie: sdb? | 23:45 |
MenZa | meganerd: Aye, this is on Karmic | 23:45 |
Nitsuga | MenZa, you can add a user with UUID >1000 | 23:45 |
meganerd | MenZa: just like hiding the userlist was point and click on 9.04, but not 9.10 | 23:45 |
j_ack | Guest99320: the best equivalent for foobar is on gnome «gmusicbrowser» | 23:45 |
Nitsuga | and it will not show in GDM | 23:45 |
MenZa | Nitsuga: excellent, cheers | 23:45 |
DasEi | jsoft : hmm ? sudo apt-get remove network-manager-gnome | 23:46 |
meganerd | Nitsuga: you mean < 1000 | 23:46 |
Donfuy | My computer doesn't boot up after one time I suspended. Goes all the way to the login screen and then when I try to log in, computer or goes black with cursor (Failsafe GNOME, terminal available), or loads for some seconds and goes back to the login screen. a -- oh my god what magic is this. I mess around with the terminal and next time it boots up perfectly. Amazing. | 23:46 |
adambuntu | arleslie, i may. there are alot more intelligent people on here than me tho when it comes to that im sure. but, i will help if i see you | 23:46 |
MenZa | Nitsuga: The UID is 1001 atm, still showing up | 23:46 |
Nitsuga | meganerd, yeah, I always confuse it | 23:46 |
Nitsuga | MenZa, it is < 1000 :$ | 23:47 |
MenZa | Nitsuga: Ohh, gotcha. | 23:47 |
Nitsuga | meganerd, btw, nice nickname :P | 23:47 |
Typos_King | Donfuy: was there a question? | 23:47 |
Donfuy | Yes, there was, Typos_King. | 23:47 |
adambuntu | arleslie, what exactly are you doing so i understand it | 23:47 |
MenZa | Nitsuga: Got it. Cheers mate :) | 23:48 |
Typos_King | hehe, I must have missed it : | 23:48 |
arleslie | adambuntu, well I've asked multiple times but no one has offered to help | 23:48 |
jolaren | when I add a device in the USB slots I get a list of errors like "usb_kill_urb+0x85/0xc0" and "? autoremove_wake_function+0x0/0x40" | 23:48 |
MenZa | !helpersnack | Nitsuga | 23:48 |
ubottu | Nitsuga: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 23:48 |
Donfuy | My netbook was non-functioning for 2 weeks or something, Typos_King. | 23:48 |
jolaren | I really dont know whats wrong | 23:48 |
Donfuy | Had the same problem as this guy <Donfuy> | 23:48 |
Typos_King | Donfuy: but now is working, right? sooooo | 23:48 |
Nitsuga | MenZa, thank you! Now I can store information on my web browser :D | 23:48 |
MenZa | Nitsuga: Huzzah! | 23:48 |
arleslie | adambuntu, I'm trying to install Grub2 onto my pendrive, using grub-install, but I keep getting: "Cannot find a GRUB device for /dev/sdb1" | 23:49 |
adambuntu | arleslie, i understand that, but for what? are you trying to install a portable linux distro? | 23:49 |
arleslie | adambuntu, I'm going to use it to run multiple livecds | 23:49 |
adambuntu | arleslie, ah. so you are going to be able to boot several versions of linux/windows on a portable... i get it | 23:50 |
arleslie | adambuntu, yes | 23:51 |
adambuntu | arleslie, did u see this? smb://santa-maria/music/Music/Beach%20Boys | 23:53 |
adambuntu | smb://santa-maria/music/Music/Beastie%20Boys | 23:53 |
adambuntu | smb://santa-maria/music/Music/Beatles | 23:53 |
adambuntu | smb://santa-maria/music/Music/Beck | 23:53 |
adambuntu | smb://santa-maria/music/Music/Bee%20Gees | 23:53 |
FloodBot4 | adambuntu: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:53 |
adambuntu | smb://santa-maria/music/Music/Black%20Crowes | 23:53 |
Losha | arleslie: there appears to be a trick to grub2 on usb e.g. | 23:53 |
Drakeson | is Evolution able to run in the background? | 23:54 |
arleslie | Losha: I've already seen that and thats what gave me, "Cannot find a GRUB device for /dev/sdb1" | 23:55 |
adambuntu | arleslie, private? | 23:56 |
conn | is there any way to add page numbers in ubuntus document viewer? | 23:56 |
conn | for printing PDFs | 23:56 |
coiax | Is it possible to implement at the OS level a key replacement, so typing alph would be replaced with alphabet, and cx is replaced with ĉ. | 23:56 |
Chewbie | Hello. Ubuntu 9.10 newbie here! Just installed 9.10 on my PB G4, just setted defaultos=macosx in yaboot. My mac's fan is running non stop, not sure what is going on. What's going on? | 23:57 |
adambuntu | Chewbie, probably power management | 23:58 |
Primer | Hi, have a newly installed, fully updated 9.10 system that's issuing so many DHCP requests that the network counters have already rolled over twice since booting not long ago. I had to disabled ipv6 to get rid of these errors: "eth0: IPv6 duplicate address detected!" which was flooding the logs. Thoughts? | 23:58 |
Chewbie | thanks adam, i'll check it out! | 23:59 |
Primer | nm shows "Auto eth0", which presumably accounts for the DHCP traffic | 23:59 |
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