
=== Urda_ is now known as Urda
gnomefreakn/win 101:10
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duanedesignhello rye08:48
ryeduanedesign, hi!08:48
duanedesignrye: some of the sessions from pycon are up on blip: http://pycon.blip.tv/08:49
duanedesignI have been working on some bugs...08:50
duanedesignbug 45839308:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458393 in ubuntuone-client "BadTransition: SYS_SERVER_RESCAN_DONE" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45839308:51
ryeduanedesign, thank you for this. I feel better today so that will start doing real things right away08:51
duanedesignugh, felt a little under the weather huh. :(08:52
duanedesignrye: my question was... On that bug above08:53
duanedesignBadTransition: State READY_WAITING_WITH_METAQ can't handle the SYS_SERVER_RESCAN_DONE event08:53
ryeduanedesign, probably the weather, if you have seen 'The day after tomorrow' then you can imagine what was here last week :)08:53
ryeduanedesign, yes, this is extremely easy to reproduce08:53
duanedesignoh no, lol08:53
duanedesignrye: well i found a bug report that was identical but it had BothQ instead of MetaQ08:54
* rye fires up vm instances...08:54
duanedesignI am not 100percent on what the states mean08:54
duanedesignthis is the one i was investigating as a possible dupe Bug 52045108:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520451 in ubuntuone-client "crash in ubuntu one" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52045108:55
ryeBOTHQ = METAQ (metadata queue) + CONTQ (content queue)08:55
* rye has just looked up that in the sources. I've been wondering about what BOTHQ means for quite some time...08:56
ryeduanedesign, i have also found that the applet says "Files are up to date" right from the beginning, w/o receiving info from syncdaemon08:59
ryei.e. that's hardcoded to the applet08:59
ryeand re crash:08:59
rye2010-02-23 10:58:48,376 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.State - ERROR - READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_METAQ --[SYS_SERVER_RESCAN_DONE]--> ERROR!!!08:59
ryeTraceback (most recent call last):08:59
rye  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/state.py", line 61, in handle_default08:59
rye    next_state = self.state.next(event)08:59
rye  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/states.py", line 100, in next08:59
rye    % (self.name, event))08:59
ryeBadTransition: State READY_WITH_NETWORK_WITH_METAQ can't handle the SYS_SERVER_RESCAN_DONE event08:59
ryesorry for spamming the channel but that is worth it ;)09:00
duanedesignahh its early no one in here yet :)09:00
duanedesign<.<  >.>09:00
duanedesignrye: I have come across a couple of the newer reports that had this same exception.log bug 526099 bug 52608409:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526099 in ubuntuone-client "Clicking Connect Button make it just say Connect again" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52609909:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526084 in ubuntuone-client "Impossible to infer status of file syncing jobs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52608409:10
ryehow to reproduce:09:17
rye1. start ubuntuone (disconnected)09:18
rye2. click connect via nautilus plugin09:18
rye3. click connect via applet09:20
rye4. wait for it to crash09:20
wojtekHello, I have a question about desktopcouch, becouse I wonder how desktopcouch forces qouchdb to replicate data amongs computers registered to UbuntuOne service. I have run desktocouch and get into managmenet database to find a paired-server record.10:12
wojtekThere is one pairedserver record10:12
wojtekthat contains service_name with content "Ubuntuone"10:12
duanedesignhello wojtek10:16
wojtekI assume that desktopcouch search for key "service_name"10:16
wojtekand If the name is ubuntuone10:16
duanedesignlet me see if rye can better help you. Paging Mr. rye :)10:17
ryeduanedesign, wojtek: successfully paged rye :)10:17
duanedesignlol, wojtek had a question about desktopcouch10:18
wojtekit forces couchdb to connect to couchdb server which is running on ubuntuone server ?10:19
wojteknot to connect but to make pull and push replication10:19
wojtekbut I do not know how it perform pull and push replication to ohter registered computers10:21
wojtekHow it gets adresses of computers ?10:21
* rye looks, please hold10:22
wojtekbecouse I have only  service_name key with "ubuntuone" content10:22
ryewojtek, desktopcouch contacts local couchdb instance, reads the information about available services (then checks whether there is desktopcouch.replication_services.service_name) and asks local couchdb to /_replicate the contents10:23
ryewojtek, you can see that the address for replication is in desktopcouch.replication_services.ubuntuone10:23
wojtekbut the address is constant yes ?10:24
aquariuswojtek, if you're an Ubuntu One user, each machine that's connected to Ubuntu One replicates your desktopcouch data to your CouchDB at Ubuntu One. You can also set up pairings between other machines, if you want to.10:24
ryewojtek, in the case of local pairing the avahi service is used to advertise desktopcouch instances10:25
wojtekget it10:28
wojtekIs there any limitation as to number of paired_server records ?11:09
wojtekin management database11:11
ryewojtek, I believe there is none, at least that is not enforced in the code11:11
ryexchat is again eating my CPU, switching to xchat-gnome...11:15
aquariuswojtek, no, there's no limit.11:45
aquariuswojtek, if you're setting up your own pairings between machines on your LAN, then desktopcouch-pair, a utility in the desktopcouch-tools package on Ubuntu, will do it for you11:45
aquariuswojtek, and if you're setting up pairings to some other machine on the internet (not on your local network), then the best way to do it is to write a new replication_service module11:46
wojtekaquarius: Ok, If I have a port of desktopcouch wrapped couchdb, can I create a database on that server and will it be replicated via cloud service written in paired_server record ?11:48
wojtekaquarius: Or do I have to perfomr some additional stuff ?11:48
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
wojtekaquarius: So for example I am getting the port of dekstopcouch inner couchdb by dbus, then I'm creating a database using http by connecting to couchdb on port that has been returned by getPort method of desktopcouch11:52
wojtekaquarius: Will new database be replicated ?11:53
aquariuswojtek, it should be; desktopcouch-service does the replication. There was a weird bug a while ago where calling getPort started up desktopcouch but didn't start up the replicator. rye, is that still a bug?11:54
ryeaquarius, it is11:54
aquariusrye, what's the workaround?11:54
ryeaquarius, no, sorry, not quite11:54
ryeaquarius, the replication services were not started if desktopcouch was used directly. bug 51902811:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519028 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch replication and org.desktopcouch.CouchDB.service are NOT started on desktopcouch.records calls" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51902811:55
aquariusrye, ah, good, so that doesn't apply to what wojtek is doing.11:55
wojtekaquarius: Becouse Im using desktopcouch but not directly11:56
wojtekaquarius: Hmmm so if i call getPort replicator will be started ?11:57
wojtekaquarius: I'm starting it for example by QtDbus11:58
aquariuswojtek, yes.11:58
aquariusreplication then occurs every ten minutes11:58
wojtekaquarius: Ugghhhh thank You11:58
wojtekaquarius: Becouse Im writting master thesis11:58
wojtekaquarius: "Synchronizing PIM data via UbuntuOne Cloud  service" - it could be the name for my master thesis :)11:59
ryeops, sso register and subsequent login does not work11:59
ryeOpenID authentication failed: Invalid openid.mode: '<No mode set>'11:59
wojtekaquarius: And It would be not good If there would be problems with replication12:00
wojtekaquarius: :)12:00
wojtekOh I have yet another question about QNetworkAccessManager12:02
wojtekand http DELETE method which are not present there.12:02
aquariuswojtek, you do know that there's already an akonadi back end for CouchDB, right?12:02
jameshrye: have an http trace for that?12:03
ryejamesh, this is production12:03
jameshrye: right.  I was thinking of something like a LiveHTTPHeaders dump12:04
ryejamesh, ah, you mean the dump of the headers12:04
wojtekaquarius: How its is called this Akonadi Backend12:04
ryejust a moment12:04
aquariuswojtek, the person you want to speak to is till -- he wrote it, so he'll know where it is. let me have a look through the logs12:04
wojtekaquarius: becouse I know that there is desktopcouchresource12:04
aquariuswojtek, ah, you probably already know about it, then :)12:05
wojtekaquarius: Yes yes I was talking with Till about that12:05
wojtekaquarius: some time ago12:05
jameshat a minimum, that should tell us if it is a problem on our end or on the OpenID provider end12:05
wojtekaquarius: He told me that this resource need to be extended. And there is a lot to do in my opinion12:06
ryejamesh, https://pastebin.canonical.com/28254/12:08
ryejamesh, i can give you the credentials for my testing sso account, if that helps12:09
jameshrye: the OpenID message from login.ubuntu.com looks about the same as what I'd expect12:10
ryejamesh, i performed really simple steps - logged out of lp, so that I became a brand new user, then I went to one.ubuntu.com to grab my new shiny 2Gb of storage. Sign In -> login.ubuntu.com; Registered there and logged in to sso. Then went to one.ubuntu.com, clicked sign in, got to sso login confirmation page and then got that OpenID error.12:12
ryejamesh, file-o-bug ?12:13
jameshrye: yes.  I don't have a problem logging in with my normal account (that U1 already knows about)12:13
jameshso it must be something to do with the unseen user codepaths12:13
ryejamesh, exactly12:14
ryejamesh, that's why nobody from the team found this before - we all have lp accounts12:14
jameshwe just rolled out a change to fix some transaction handling issues.  It didn't look like it should have affected this12:14
ryejamesh, i believe it did not12:26
ryejamesh, i had an issue with Tomboy on Lucid not being able to authorize with the same symptom 2 or 3 days ago. I am quite sure I have posted a bug report but I am unable to find it now12:27
ryejamesh, found, bug 52436912:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524369 in ubuntuone-servers "[lucid] Tomboy cannot associate with one.ubuntu.com - Invalid openid.mode: '<No mode set>'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52436912:28
jameshrye: the weird thing is that django_openid_auth completes the OpenID response prior to checking whether the user existed.12:28
ryejamesh, bug #52641512:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526415 in ubuntuone-servers "Cannot login to one.ubuntu.com with Ubuntu SSO account" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52641512:34
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
ryebug is invalid - NoScript does replacement of 'openid' to 'OPENid' to prevent XSS via window opening.13:45
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
urbanapemorning, all14:47
urbanapehappy bug day14:47
=== CardinalFang__ is now known as CardinalFang
vdsisn't it Desktop+ MEETING BEGIN time?15:08
vdswho's in today?15:08
dobeyuhm, sure15:09
CardinalFangDesktop+ Desktop Desktop MEETING BEGINS.  Say 'me' to claim a slice of the stand-up meeting, then take your turn by saying DONE/TODO/BLOCKED.15:10
vdsChipaca beuno teknico jblount15:12
vdsCardinalFang: I'll start if you don't mind15:16
CardinalFangvds, okay.15:18
vdsDONE: landed #523861, proposed #523885, code review, bug triaging, tried to install lucid, failed on dependencie problem which was reported and solved, funambol conf call15:18
vdsTODO: #498324, give lucid another try15:18
vdsBLOCKED: no15:18
vdsCardinalFang please...15:18
CardinalFangDONE: Half sick day, and finished get_port through DBUS bug.15:18
CardinalFangTODO: Commit all fixes individually to make review easier.  Bug day, bah!15:18
CardinalFangBLOCKED: Nein.15:18
dobey☺ DONE: Fixed lint issue, Added initial tab/notebook structure and quota widget to control panel, CP login requirement, CP quota info, Me menu integration, Accont info, Services tab, Release, New login UI investigation15:18
dobey☹ TODO: Bug Day, More New login UI work15:18
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:19
dobeyurbanape: your roll15:19
urbanapeDONE: Made some progress on the ajaxification of the funambol phone selector screens.15:19
urbanapeTODO: Finish it up, some bugs, on-call review.15:19
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:19
urbanapeChipaca, you're up.15:19
Chipacateknico: you go15:19
* Chipaca on a call15:19
teknicoDONE: made phone sync work locally even when Funambol is behind an Apache proxy; deploy another phone sync fix in production; call with Julien from Funambol15:20
teknicoTODO: make phone sync finally work in production15:20
teknicoBLOCK: none15:20
tekniconext: Chipaca15:20
aquariusChipaca's on a call, so I'll go next15:22
aquariusDONE: music store almost ready for beta testing15:22
aquariusTODO: fix blockages below, read additional locker pages, betatest15:22
aquariusBLOCKED: problem at provider with non-UK stores, deployment v slow without losas, wait for package to be uploaded15:22
beunoDONE: Landed my show-me-my-phone branch, review day yesterday, started with contact dupe story15:24
beunoTODO: Finish contact sync story15:24
beunoBLOCKED: Not really, but I want funambol working!15:24
Chipacathis is going to take a while; I'd say wrap15:28
ryejoshuahoover, found the BugDay info 10 minutes ago :(. But I have one nice bug already - the save/cancel icons are not there in contacts. Checking what was done to them...15:29
ryei mean I was searching bug day info for it for some time but now I am enlightened.15:30
joshuahooverrye: ahhh...ok, i tried to send out some emails (last night my time) but apologize if it got lost in the mix of non-stop messages :)15:30
ryejoshuahoover, I might have missed it completely as well. Will be more attentive to email next time.15:31
joshuahooverrye: np...there was a problem with the list of bugs anyway...fixed now but there were quite a few listed that shouldn't have been15:32
ryecool. save button has display:none by default and it looks like nobody bothered to set display:block...15:32
ryejoshuahoover, what if among the bugs I got, bug 524193, bug 524542 and bug 524555 are filed by me?15:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524193 in ubuntuone-servers "cannot remove the computers on my acount" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52419315:49
ubottuBug 524542 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/524542 is private15:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524555 in ubuntuone-servers "The HTML that is created in webui causes note saving to fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52455515:49
joshuahooverrye: the first one is fixed released now, you confirmed it's fixed, that's all done :)15:50
ryebad ubottu, bad rye, bad clipboard. the first one is 52451515:51
ryebug 52451515:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524515 in ubuntuone-servers "<br> tags are generated as HTML but parsed as XML on the server" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52451515:51
ryeand, basically they are the ones in "Known Issues: Notes may fail to save in web ui (LP:524555, LP:524515)" in the subject line of this channel15:52
* rye switches to godmode to update the status15:52
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joshuahooverrye: for 524515, there's nothing to do except help test the fix once it's ready15:52
=== rtgz changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Known Issues: Notes may fail to save in web ui (LP:524555, LP:524515) | Please honk if you need assistance with Ubuntu One
=== rtgz is now known as rye
joshuahooverrye: i'll mark 524555 as confirmed and assign to the appropriate team...do we know if this occurs with pretty much any bulleted list or only lists of a certain depth or length?15:55
ryejoshuahoover, i have already flagged 524555 - it happens on any list. I will test now whether that happens for bold/underlined, etc. It is nearly impossible to get the note saved with those two bugs in place, since HTML will be invalid in one way or another.15:56
joshuahooverrye: ok, is rodrigo aware of this yet?15:57
beunojoshuahoover, do I get a pass on bug day for going through a gazillion bugs last week?  :)15:57
joshuahooverrye: actually, Chipaca should be made aware as well since he manages the desktop+ team15:57
ChipacaI do?15:58
Chipacaoh, wait, yes, I do!15:58
* Chipaca gets managing15:58
joshuahooverChipaca: or so i've heard ;)15:58
joshuahooverbeuno: heh...chances are your list contains 10 bugs that don't need anything done to them anyway ;)15:58
ryejoshuahoover, checking whether <br> fix thing went into production with the update that happened yesterday...15:59
joshuahooverrye: cool15:59
ryegreat. production is at 2336, fix went into 2335. So -1 bug16:02
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Known Issues: Notes may fail to save in web ui (LP:524555) | Please honk if you need assistance with Ubuntu One
ryejoshuahoover, ok, notes with bulleted lists being 2 level nested cause the bug 524555 (Firefox).16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524555 in ubuntuone-servers "The HTML that is created in webui causes note saving to fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52455516:07
joshuahooverrye: ok, that's good to know :)16:08
joshuahooverrye: bug #520737 has some follow up...i wasn't sure where you were going with the troubleshooting there...can you take a look?16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520737 in ubuntuone-client "Doesn't connect with error message" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52073716:14
ryeok, if I say that block extra_js is not included from new.html django template, does that make any sense for desktop+ team?16:15
ryethere is no .js code for contacts for dealing with save-button at all!16:18
joshuahooverrye: either way, yes, it makes sense to assign to ubuntuone-desktop+ and tag with desktop+ and webui and contacts16:19
joshuahooverrye: a bit counterintuitive, the name desktop+ for web work ;)16:20
ryerye, I am getting used to use desktop for web :)16:20
* rye hopes that the construction he made is a valid English 1.016:21
dobey1.0 maybe16:30
dobeydon't know about CURRENT though16:30
dobeythe term "desktop" doesn't make any sense anyway16:31
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
teknicorye, sorry, English is currently at 13453.34.256-ubuntu134-patch23716:35
ryeteknico, and it appears that english is proprietary - E: Unable to find a source package for english16:36
teknicoyeah, the source is lost in the mist of times16:36
johHi, when I try to sync my notes with ubuntu one I get conflicts with *every* local note. For some reason the notes received from the servers all have no content.16:42
joh(tomboy notes that is)16:42
kklimondahey, are there plans to not create a separate address book in evolution for contacts synced though Ubuntu One? Or is this a design decision and I'm missing a use case?16:43
ryeso, i am left with 4 bugs - bug 524432(about funambol db i have no idea at all, sorry), bug 524542 (about the magic button which is in discussion mode), bug 524554 (which i am going to test) and bug 525210 (which i personally agree to but I have already talked about this to aquarius)16:43
ubottuBug 524432 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/524432 is private16:44
ubottuBug 524542 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/524542 is private16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524554 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch-service uses 100% CPU after hibernation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52455416:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525210 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "UbuntuOne musicstore data isn't saved in $XDG_DATA_HOME" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52521016:44
ryejoh, are you able to try syncing right now? The fix for note blanking issue was deployed yesterday.16:46
rye+ one bug, for non-ascii contact names, the contact page has the following title: "Ubuntu One : Contact details :"16:52
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
kklimondaok, found a blueprint - sorry for the noise :)16:52
johrye: let me try...17:00
johrye: [ERROR]: Synchronization failed with the following exception: 'br' is expected  Line 6, position 66.17:03
ryejoh, ok, I will need to re-check note conversion with the developer17:06
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
arundraculaI can't connect to ubuntu one using my client17:38
arundraculaBut I can upload/see through website17:38
arundraculahow to clear the settings of ubuntu one. so that I can see the add my computer option17:42
arundraculaor how can I login into the client17:42
ryeok, rodrigo will be present tomorrow, so we will need to make sure notes are converted properly17:47
ryedon't flag notes issue as completely resolved for now @ identi.ca/mailing-list17:47
mandelping aquarius17:55
aquariusmandel, pong17:55
aquariusmandel, heya, pal17:55
mandelaquarius, hello! how is it going17:56
mandelaquarius, I've got to questions for u17:56
mandelaquarius, why are there so many branches in queue to be merged with trunk in desktopcouch?17:57
aquariusmandel, mainly because chad's been off ill and thisfred and I are tied up with other things :(17:58
artirwhy did you changed the url of the store? :((17:58
aquariusmandel, I'm working all the hours available on the Ubuntu One Music Store, so I haven't had time to pick up on any desktopcouch stuff at all17:58
aquariusartir, because it doesn't work yet.17:59
artirbut I wanted to check it out17:59
artirjust to see its progress17:59
artirand the code is now artir-proof :(17:59
aquariusartir, yeah, but you can't, because it doesn't work yet. There's no visual change from popey's screenshots.17:59
mandelaquarius, ohh I hope Chad is fine, don't worry I was going to propose another merge, but I'll wait17:59
aquariusartir, believe me, I want to put it in your hands just as much as you want to see it :)17:59
artiraquarius: you can't buy music, but the previews used to work it17:59
mandelaquarius, my second question was related with that, so I'll wait for chad. I need to get back to macaco I'll let you work18:00
mandelhas anyone experienced problems with desktopcouch in lucid??18:15
sanderqdmandel: yeah, there are some problems here. had a crash, and both ubuntuone and gwibber also crashed18:25
mandelsanderqd, my system crashed all the way, it started an error from gwibber and its dbus... I wonder if gwibber is misbehaving18:28
* issyl0 is trying out Ubuntu One again, just for the fun of trying to keep all my documents at the same level whether I'm on laptop or desktop.19:00
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
ryewow thunderbird3 is faaast (comparing to Evolution)19:27
mandelrye, that should not be hard ;)19:28
ryemandel, i mean it is really fast. It is even faster!19:29
ryebut I like evolution...19:29
* dobey wonders which desktopcouch tests actually hit the keyring19:29
mandelrye, hehe your are dealing with an evo hater19:30
ryebut... evolution does not need to go through xul->gtk to draw widgets and it does not need to run any javascript.19:31
mandelrye, I think evo is getting wuite old... I sometime fill about about hating it as much as I do19:38
mandelcan you guys tell me what you think about this: http://www.themacaque.com/?p=500 some friends told me it looks gay :(19:39
* rye thinks about going back to mutt...19:39
dobeymandel: hrmm?19:40
dobeyi doubt tbird3 is really *that* fast19:41
dobeyand it probably still does some things completely wrong, that evo does get right19:41
mandeldobey, hrmm for the evo comment of the url?19:41
ryeevolution has our couchdb addressbook ^_^19:42
dobeymandel: the url19:42
dobeymandel: I'm not sure what your friends would complain about exactly, but there are some things I would change (so that it's HIG-compliant)19:43
mandeldobey, let me know, I'll see what I can do19:44
dobeymandel: spacings are wrong, and too much bold in the "Address" dialog19:44
* Chipaca hugs dobey: you know how hard it is to "know" the HIG?19:45
mandeldobey, you mean in the bold of the labels, that is easy to solve, wan which spaces are wring?19:45
dobeymandel: too much bold in the map dialog too, and spacings, and would change the layout19:45
dobeymandel: yeah the labels19:46
mandelChipaca, I;m not a designer so I'm sure I'm useless at this things ;)19:46
dobeyChipaca: not only do I know how hard it is, I know how hard it is to make stuff actually *follow* the HIG19:46
Chipacabueno gente, I'm off. TTYL!19:47
dobeyfor example the giant block of gtkrc that is in ubuntuone-preferences19:47
dobeylater Chipaca19:47
mandeldobey, I got read of the bold and reduce spaces, about the layout, I do not know what you mean19:48
mandelChipaca, adios!19:48
dobeymandel: but none of that tells me what complaints you're worried about19:48
mandeldobye, first thing is, would anyone use it or find it useful?19:49
mandeldobye, I do not want to add a map if is anoying19:49
dobeymandel: I don't know. It's probably useful in a secondary sense, but not primary19:51
dobeymandel: And using the other library might be better19:51
mandeldobey, well, yes it is a secondary thing, that is for sure.19:52
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dobeymandel: the dialog layout makes it prmary19:53
mandeldobey, using OpenStreetMaps for geocoding is a major pain so I'll probably be using Yahoo, but it is easy to change19:53
dobeymandel: having it below the address entry information, and inside a GtkExpander that's closed by default my be better19:53
mandeldobey, will you put it at the bottom of the address or as an aux dialog?19:53
dobeyi don't know really. i haven't thought about it enough19:54
mandeldobey, not big deal, I'll leave it like it is 'til someone complains, I'm the only user so far ;)19:55
dobeymandel: and about "another library" I meant libchamplaign19:55
dobey(i think that's how it is spelled, maybe without the g)19:55
dobeyyeah, libchamplain19:56
dobeyI think it does more stuff than osm-gps-map19:56
dobeyand i think empathy and stuff are already using libchamplain for map integration19:56
mandeldobey, great, I'll take a look at libchamplain, should not be hard to add as an other plug-in19:57
mandeldobey, umm looks like I'd have to make the python bindings but that is ok19:58
dobeyeh, ctypes :)20:00
dobeyor just rewrite your addressbook in vala or something :)20:00
ryefast... will stick to evolution for the time being. But we need to make u1 really fast, and by fast I also mean responsive.20:01
dobeymake u1 really fast? which part?20:02
dobeyiow, which part isn't responsive?20:03
ryefor now - the applet, e.g. I click connect, but it does not turn to 'connecting' or something like that, the same applies to nautilus button. If one does not know about the underlying work it looks like ubuntuone thinks a lot about something and then starts to do some work.20:09
ryehm, it looks like evolution spends a lot in formatting message state...20:21
ryegreat, my firefox in print preview mode has opened new tabs20:23
dobeyeh? the nautilus button changes20:27
dobeybut it's going away so doesn't matter20:27
ryedobey, the button goes away as well?20:29
ryethat's great news20:29
ryenow we need to make sure that the replacement is all shiny and likes the user :)20:30
dobeydon't remind me :(20:30
ryehm...maybe we need to have sources of ubuntuone stored in ubuntuone-enabled folder so that with any issues the developer will see what breaks?..20:36
ryebtw, are files uploaded to the web interface immediately synced to the clients?20:55
ryeWTF is THAT?21:00
rye2010-02-23 23:00:18,475 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - ERROR - T:LOCAL:T a0132ffd21:00
rye-c95f-4976-8a9d-d941630f6130 ['root'::'da40e359-1046-4f48-9b48-da2c034ffbb1'] ''21:00
ryeUbuntu One/untitled folder/gnote-compiled/src/test'' | cant find current state:21:00
rye{'is_directory': 'T', 'changed': 'LOCAL', 'has_metadata': 'T'}21:00
rye2010-02-23 23:00:18,476 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - ERROR - unhandled exceptio21:00
ryeTraceback (most recent call last):21:00
rye  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/sync.py", line 310, in on_event21:00
rye    **kwargs)21:00
rye  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/fsm/fsm.py", line 116, in on_event21:00
rye    raise KeyError("Incorrect In State")21:00
dimeotanetwitter update says website is back to normal.. but loading https://one.ubuntu.com/notes/  shows "Something has gone wrong (500)" all day... I've tried clearing browser cache.21:01
ryedimeotane, does it show 'OOPS' id ?21:02
dimeotanerye: OOPS-ID-1515appserver9373621:03
sanderqdis it expected that ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html has the wrong link in 10.04?21:04
ryesanderqd, if the file is not properly written then this is a bug in desktopcouch21:05
ryei believe there is one filed for karmic, but lucid has somehow recent version, so if that is not fixed then it is bad.21:05
sanderqdok, let me try restarting and seeing what gnome-keyring gives21:06
sanderqdrye: a desktopcouch restart makes it work. weirdly the dbus-send method didn't work, but requesting the port after killing desktopcouch started it again.21:10
ryesanderqd, hm, can't find the bug, but I remember having a talk about this some time earlier. I will add a note to try this tomorrow, since now is pretty much end of day for me...21:13
sanderqdok, thanks!21:13
ryesanderqd, what's your LP id, so that I could add you as a subscriber as well?21:14
sanderqdrye: suprisingly, it's sanderqd :-)21:14
ryesanderqd, I have changed my lp username 6 times in last 3 months, so I am asking just to be sure :)21:16
wojtek_If we want to remove a data base in desktopcouch21:19
wojtek_and the same database is on the paired machine21:20
ryedimeotane, ok, I believe I can reproduce this, though no info on OOPS is present at the moment (there is a delay for log sync between production machines and development environment). I will try reproducing this tomorrow (for me, which starts in 8 hours) and will check what can be done with the development team.21:21
wojtek_the database from other machine should be replicated to first21:23
wojtek_how the removal is implemented in  desktopcouch ?21:23
dimeotanerye: ok, thanks again for the great support.  Ubuntuone is gonna be great!21:31
wojtek_So how is removal of databases  performed ? I mean we do not want to use database, we remove it from our local desktopcouch (But it could be again copied here from remote desktopcouch if it is present on remote desktopcouch )21:43
* beuno stabs gwibber in the face23:52

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