
* abogani waves ~ "Cause you're everywhere to me and when I catch my breath it's you I breathe"12:25
ScottLhi abogani12:39
* ScottL is getting ready to go to work :(12:39
ScottLalthough I was recording some music this morning before the family woke up :)12:40
aboganiScottL: Family?12:56
ScottL_stochastic: i saw that you forwarded the testing email - should formalized testing (i.e. for the masses) not start until the QA tracker says a build is available?18:04
ScottL_I ask because I was hoping to work on the community documentation for testing in the next two weeks and wanted to have a definitive statement about where and when to test ISOs18:21
stochasticTesting should happen always, but get ramped up for the build releases18:23
stochasticbut since our testing base is so small right now, maybe we should concentrate on the release builds18:25
ScottL_so we can mention that testing of daily builds can happen at anytime by anyone - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/daily/18:39
ScottL_but we stress that we should at least test the release build - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com./qatracker/build/ubuntustudio/all18:39
ScottL_does that sound reasonable?18:39
stochasticyes, perfectly sane.19:00
aboganiFor who is interested I have just placed updated -lowlatency and -rt kernels on my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa19:37
aboganiBye! ~ I can see through you, See your true colors, Cause inside you're ugly, You're Ugly like me ~ Outside(Staind) ~ 19:41
stochasticTheMuso, I just added zynadd plugins to the audio-plugin meta seeds, will that need a FFE request to be pushed or are our seed exempt from that?20:47
TheMusostochastic: no that should be fine to add them. Its just a package after all. Won't land for alpha 3 however.20:48
stochasticyeah, that's fine, zynadd is still building in Launchpad anyways right now20:48

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