
syn-ackIt's official. I hate Exail. :P00:03
rr72oh a dup is a duplicate!!!!!!!!!!00:09
syn-acker yah00:10
charlie-tcasyn-ack: that is an intentional disable of gdm00:12
charlie-tcaThey don't want it running at all00:13
syn-ackis it?00:13
charlie-tcaYes, they are trying to disable gdm completely00:14
charlie-tcaWithout it, the startup is defaulting to F7 without a prompt00:14
charlie-tcaServer doesn't use gdm to log in00:14
syn-ackyou sure we're talking about the same bug?00:15
* charlie-tca shakes head00:16
* charlie-tca knows vorlon hates dups. 00:17
charlie-tcanot a dup no more00:17
syn-ackThe only reason I'm saying this is that is more or less the same thing that happens to me and the exact same procedure I had to perform to get around it00:18
charlie-tcabut he hates dups00:18
syn-ackmeh, oh well, t'was merely trying to help out00:18
charlie-tcaHe doesn't allow a bug to be called a duplicate unless every thing matches line by line in the stacktrace00:18
charlie-tcaNot everybody sees the broken pipe because the systems are too fast. I know that already00:19
syn-ackWell, I've got a pretty quick system, but I was paying attention after the first couple times it happened00:20
b__i want to try and figure out why my laptop freezes when I try to boot into xubuntu 10.04, i think it might be the intel driver, but i'm not sure how to diagnose it since nothing persists02:14
b__it also freezes when i boot into ubuntu 9.10 live cd02:15
xiainxdid you try running the memory test from the bootloader?02:22
b__no, but the laptop runs 8.10 fine (02:22
b__i'm on it)02:22
b__i think the intel graphics driver changed for 9.1002:22
xiainxis your graphics card intel?02:23
b__when 9.10 came out, i tried to figure out what was going on and it seemed to be hanging in an intel driver call02:23
b__thats why i never upgraded02:23
b__i'm using an asus s5n, which has 82852/855GM02:24
b__i posted the gdb backtraces i got with 9.10 there02:29
b__i haven't been able to get the same for 10.04 yet02:29
xiainxwhich kernel version?02:34
b__the ones on the liveCDs02:35
b__9.10 offical release, and 10.04 beta or whatever it's at02:36
duckwarswhat is the name of gui application for partitioning drives in xubuntu?02:36
duckwarsthere is no gparted02:36
xiainxdoesn't have one02:36
xiainxdownload gparted from the package manager if you want a nice gui one.02:37
xiainxb__ it looks like ubuntu isn't shipping with the driver for that card anymore.02:39
xiainxI don't know, but this might help you out:02:39
b__i thought it was just a generic intel driver that handled most (all?) intel cards02:40
xiainxYeah, I dunno02:42
xiainxSorry, I don't have an answer for you :( Maybe someone else can help out02:44
duckwarsintel graphics card?02:44
b__yea :(02:45
b__the 9.10 releasenotes say the intel driver changed quite a bit02:46
b__i guess my laptop's hardware got depreciated02:46
b__guess i'll try and get a bt with the new image03:15
=== syn-ack is now known as funkymonkey
=== funkymonkey is now known as syn-ack
bj0Xorg freezes and pegs the cpu at 100%03:30
bj0oh i am getting dmesg messages this time03:31
duckwarsis there anyway to change my Xubuntu into regular ubuntu, gparted don't work in xubuntu 9.1003:45
xiainx"it won't work" how so?03:49
duckwarswell, i get an error, i'[m about to put it on pastebin03:51
xiainxgah, gotta run03:56
syn-ackduckwars: go on...03:59
duckwarsthings have changed04:00
duckwarsi successfully made my usb ext304:00
duckwarsbut when I try to run usb startup creator04:00
duckwarsi can't make my usb stick a startup drive, hitting the format button does nothing04:00
duckwarsand i the make startup button doesn't work04:00
duckwarserr. is greyed out04:01
syn-ackwhat other tools have you used?04:01
syn-ackhave you used palmpiset or however it's spelled04:01
duckwarsi don't know what that is04:02
syn-ackoh wait you're in xubuntu04:02
syn-ackduckwars: are you trying to make it into a boot disk or something?04:02
duckwarsI'm tryin got make a USB that I can install ubutnu 8.04 from04:03
syn-ackwell you don't need to convert it to ext304:03
syn-ackit's actually better that you dont04:03
duckwarsoh? I'm trying to figure out why usb stick creator won't make it for me04:03
syn-ackduckwars: reformat it as fat32 and set the bootflag04:04
syn-ackor even 1604:04
duckwarsfat32 you say?04:04
duckwarssomeone in the ubuntu channel recommended unetbootin04:09
duckwarsit seems to be working04:10
duckwarsthanks for your help though04:10
duckwarsI was wondering why you said I should partition fat32 instead of ext3?04:10
syn-ackduckwars: that's the only way I've found it to work04:11
homebrewciderhow can I get rid of the annoying beep when i delete something (in Thunar) please?04:13
syn-ackhomebrewcider: I disabled all system event sounds, personally04:14
syn-acklemme look04:14
syn-ackhomebrewcider: this is the first time I can say that I don't remember how I disabled sounds nor can I find the menu I chose04:19
syn-ackliterally the first time04:19
homebrewcidercan't find anywhere mentioning system sounds04:29
Balsaqgood morning xubuntu05:44
ozysimpsonJust a quick question, I have ssh'd to boxB from boxA and copying files from boxB to boxC using scp command my question is does boxA get affected or does the resources get utilized by this action ? sorry for the stupid question05:47
tkoSo my Ubuntu Linux keeps freezing when I try to boot into it.  It freezes when the loading screen is working, so I can't see what its doing.  Anyone know anything?05:58
ozysimpsonjump into different shell and see what is running ps aux | less05:59
ozysimpsontko, it depends how far through the boot you are in05:59
ozysimpsonwhat is the difference between dmesg and /var/log/messages what kind of logs should go where06:00
bj0i got xubuntu 10.04 booted up on my laptop again, but whenever I try to install it, Xorg freezes.. :/06:58
Balsaqyou foolin around wi thskype?07:06
Balsaqwith skype?07:06
bj0ok I was able to get it to run on my Asus s5n by using the intel module parameter i915.modeset=008:22
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Sachse_SiechtumI'd like to to: Whats the main difference between Xubuntu and Ubuntu? the Xfce?12:19
knomexfce vs. gnome, different default applications12:22
Sachse_SiechtumI thought Xubuntu is based on gnome?12:24
knomeboth xfce and gnome use gtk, but xfce is not based on gnome12:24
Sachse_Siechtumah and kubuntu uses Kde right?12:24
Sachse_Siechtumand Xubuntu is faster than Ubuntu?12:26
knomeit has a smaller memory footprint, yes. with powerful machines with lots of ram and fast processor, you barely can feel the different, but less resources are used.12:27
ablomen(though imho its still worth using on fast machines)12:28
Sachse_SiechtumI see. Because I downloaded the Ubuntu pocket guide and I was wondering how much it helps me with Xubuntu..12:28
knomeubuntu and xubuntu share the same base system12:29
knomewhich is misleadingly also called "ubuntu"12:29
Sachse_SiechtumI see. :-)12:30
knome"ubuntu desktop" would be the correct name when comparing xubuntu and kubuntu to ubuntu12:30
Sachse_Siechtumah which I remember....what I wanted to ask....where are the sound options in Xubuntu?12:30
Sachse_Siechtumthey used to be in <system< ....12:30
Sachse_Siechtumas I heard...12:31
knomewhat kind of sound options?12:31
Sachse_Siechtumah dont find the site...there used to be audio settings in "applications" "settings"12:34
knomedon't really know12:36
knomeand have to go now12:36
Sachse_Siechtumok nevermind12:36
knomehopefull sombody can help you out12:36
knomebbl ->12:36
ablomenSachse_Siechtum, what audio settings do you want to change?12:38
Sachse_SiechtumI mean Audio settings Management12:41
Sachse_SiechtumI dont have this in my menu...12:41
bittinHello has anyone here tested Crunchbang?12:59
jc0694loving xubuntu... just moved from kubuntu... wow what a resource hog that was13:17
Sachse_Siechtumyeah? I just tried Kubuntu and Xubuntu from live cd before installing...kinda liked Xubuntu better (and it recognized my lan card from the start what kubuntu didnt)13:18
bittini use both =)13:20
Sachse_SiechtumI use Xubuntu and Windows XP :-)13:20
jc0694does xubuntu by default have synaptic installed?13:22
bittinjc0694: yes13:22
bittini only use Linux at home Gentoo / Debian and Xubuntu13:22
Sachse_SiechtumI use XP for games.13:22
bittini don't have any good computer for games :p13:22
bittinonly has an old p4, an eeepc and an old p3 laptop =D13:23
Sachse_Siechtumwell mine is a bit older too...but HL2 runs fine..13:23
jc0694is open office installed by default?13:24
Sachse_SiechtumI think so.13:24
bittini removed openoffice tough and installed gnome-office instead13:25
jc0694do u think gnome office is better?13:26
bittinjc0694: its more light so its better on my pentium313:27
jc0694i should be able to download gnome office from synaptic right?  if so what is the package name?13:36
Sachse_Siechtumcan also install gnome office over "applications"> "andd remove applications"13:42
bittinjc0694: abiword and gnumeric =)13:48
jc0694anybody know a comprehensive package that i can download to play music and video files?14:29
jc0694... i need all the codecs and plugins14:29
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jc0694will the plugin flashplugin-installer allow me to watch youtube videos?15:42
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.15:42
abhifxi have downloaded lucid daily and was trying to run wubi.... but it keeps on trying to download from the net. plz help me15:50
abhifxi have downloaded lucid daily and was trying to run wubi.... but it keeps on trying to download from the net. plz help me15:55
charlie-tcawubi does download fromt the net to get all the current applications and files.15:55
abhifxcharlie-tca, but i used to use wubi with an iso15:56
charlie-tcaTry unplugging the network cable?15:56
abhifxcharlie-tca, then it fails15:57
charlie-tcaLucid is still alpha. Update the qa tracker and file a bug, then15:58
abhifxcharlie-tca, hmm... ok thx15:58
charlie-tcaTodays images are being tested for alpha315:58
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subspiderhey people16:20
subspideri'm doing these tuto http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies but when try to run the php webpage it's not working why??16:21
subspidercan you guys help me16:21
subspiderlol it's orking forget it16:23
Sachse_SiechtumHello subspider :-)16:27
subspiderhello Sachse_Siechtum  :) how are you man16:28
subspidercharlie-tca, hello man16:28
Sachse_SiechtumI'm ok-. a bit tired...but just slept 2 hours...got my job application back today....16:29
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charlie-tcaMorning, subspider16:32
Sachse_Siechtumdidnt get the job16:32
Sachse_Siechtumhello charlie-tca16:32
charlie-tcaMorning, Sachse_Siechtum16:32
Sachse_SiechtumEvening CHarlie-tca *g*16:33
charlie-tcaEvening, Sachse_Siechtum16:33
subspideryou didn't get the job ?? Sachse_Siechtum ??16:34
Sachse_Siechtumsubspider...exactly...well sending applications to other companys....16:34
Sachse_Siechtumit was a 400 euro job anyway--16:34
subspiderhm ok i wish you the best man16:35
Sachse_Siechtumthanks. :-)16:35
Sachse_SiechtumI just like to know, why they didnt take me. :-(16:36
subspidersome times just not luky16:37
Sachse_SiechtumIt was either my appearance or me not having a drivers license...16:37
bj0booting the xubuntu 10.04 doesn't give me a chance to see the grub menu?16:55
Sachse_Siechtumstrange normally it should come up with a 10 sec. timer..16:57
bj0all it does is say 'Loading Grub' for about half a second, then boot, i can't inturrupt it16:59
bj0which is annoying because i need to add 2 kernel boot params or my computer freezes :/16:59
Sachse_Siechtumhmm dunno much about grub. :-(17:02
Sachse_Siechtummaybe some other guys here might be able to help you...17:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:03
Sysitry if there's anything17:03
bj0hmm i wonder if thats it17:04
charlie-tcabj0: to see the grub on boot, change in /etc/default/grub the line GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 to #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=017:19
charlie-tcaor hit the right-shift during the startup, (I think it is right shift, could be esc in 9.10)17:20
bj0i tried esc, but not right shift17:23
charlie-tcalucid is different17:28
charlie-tcaI think it is right shift in it, but it only works part time17:29
bj0yea i was spamming it and it didnt' work17:41
bj0oh well, i already booted off a live cd and edit my grub.cfg17:41
sealivehi from germany i just installt xubuntu 8,04,118:37
sealiveafter i putet a Wlan pcmcia in the nenue disapeart?18:37
sealiveplease help me18:37
Sysiahem, it's bit hard to me to follow your writing18:38
sealivesorry i'am german18:38
Sachse_Siechtumafter he put in a pcmcia card the menu disappeard?18:39
Sachse_Siechtumsealive schreib mir ich übersetz es18:39
sealivegeht schon!18:39
Sachse_Siechtumok :-)18:39
sealivei can press strg+alt+f218:39
sealivefor a terminal18:39
sealivebut a reeboot did not solve the problem18:40
charlie-tca!panel | sealive18:42
ubottusealive: Did you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/18:42
charlie-tcaThat will bring the menu back18:42
sealivei try one moment.18:42
sealivegtk-warning canot open display18:45
sealivedo i have to do this under sudo?18:45
charlie-tcanot supposed to have to18:46
charlie-tcayou have a desktop, right?18:47
sealiveno a labtop compaq armada50018:47
sealiveor do you nean the desktop view18:48
charlie-tcaWhat part is missing, the menu only? or the whole top panel?18:48
sealivethe hole top panel18:48
charlie-tcayes, I mean the desktop view.18:48
sealivei saw a desktop view with the icons of the disket and the filesystem18:49
charlie-tcaclick on this link, it is in english. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels#One%20Panel%20Disappeared18:49
charlie-tcaIt should help you to get the panel and menu back18:49
charlie-tcaJust type the things on the left side18:50
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:50
sealivecan i restart the system by< pressing som key19:00
sealiveor do i have to open a terminal and then reeboot19:01
sealiveit workd out back we are19:02
charlie-tcaThere is a button in the top left of the panel to click on19:02
charlie-tcathen you can click on restart19:03
charlie-tcatop right of the panel19:03
knomecharlie-tca, tchuss :)19:03
charlie-tcaThe last button on the right of the top panel should be the quit/restart19:03
charlie-tcaknome: I give directions to drive the same way19:04
* charlie-tca uses driver side and other way19:04
sealiveafter the restart there where lost again19:06
sealiveok i do now now how to bring them up19:08
charlie-tcaMake sure to click the line "save session" when you restart. It should be in the window with all the buttons19:09
sealiveits checkt i will restart ones more19:12
sealiveyes that fixt it19:18
sealivenext problem to face.The driver for my pcmcia card is missing! lspcmcia says no driver.. wiki says out of the box ! the card wars not in the labtop during installation driver is air-cs19:20
sealivecan i reinstall this from the dasktop19:20
sealiveor out of the alternatet cd19:20
charlie-tcafron the desktop if you have an internet connection19:25
charlie-tcaI am no good for wireless19:26
sealivesudo tail -f /var/log/messages19:27
sealivei ejektet it and reinsert it19:27
sealivepcmcia0,0 registert19:28
sealiveairo() probing19:28
sealiveairo() finisht19:28
sealivecoudt not parse base and rmask0 of cis19:29
sealivethe wiki says to use wirth airo-cs19:30
sealivewitch editor is on xubuntu sudo gedit does not work?19:33
charlie-tcause mousepad19:33
charlie-tcasudo mousepad or gksu mousepad19:34
eXpl0i7you can install gedit19:35
sealivefrom where19:37
sealivealternated cd?19:37
sealiveok for me it works mousepad19:38
sealivei edited /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist19:38
eXpl0i7sudo apt-get install gedit19:41
sealivewith no internet its not working19:44
sealiveok G8 good night19:50
sealivetrying to fix it tommorow19:50
sealivenow watchin next gold maybe for the germans!19:50
yesitisjustmeanyone been able to get there 3g card to work on xubuntu?20:31
HiHoAnyone bird-dog ways to minimize memory/processes on xubuntu. Have 256M only. (ie turn off kernel resident - bluetooth ...)20:58
charlie-tcause midori instead of firefox21:01
jc0694anybody have a recommendaation for a java virtual machine.  i want to play paxnora and it requires java vm.21:05
HiHoThanks, I'll look at midori, see how it works with proxies.21:05
TheSheepjc0694: sun-java6-jre21:07
TheSheepjc0694: and sun-java6-plugin if you want to play it in browser21:07
subspiderhey guys i need to fix my cam it's working but i see my self up side down lol21:11
subspiderhow can i fix these21:11
TheSheepubottu, where art thou?21:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:12
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:13

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