
BugsbaneIs there an easy way to get an alert when a particular package is updated in the repo's?00:00
BluesKaj-LaptopBugsbane, yeah, sudo apt-get update , to check00:04
BugsbaneBluesKaj-Laptop: haha. Problem is the package wopn't install atm. That's why I want to know when it's updated00:06
BugsbaneI'd rather not be trying sudo apt-get install koffice-kde4 every single day for months00:08
Technovikingdoes dpkg-recongigure xserver-xorg not work in lucid?00:14
BluesKaj-Laptopno, just update period , if there is one, it will come down the pipe00:14
BluesKaj-LaptopTechnoviking, which graphics card?00:15
Technovikingwas testing noeveua driver and no it is messed up00:16
BluesKaj-Laptopnvidia , model #?00:16
Technoviking9400m gs00:16
BluesKaj-Laptopyou should be installing the 195 version from the ppa00:16
Technovikingwhich ppa?00:16
TechnovikingBluesKaj-Laptop: ?00:18
BugsbaneBluesKaj-Laptop: Were you saying that to me? If so, the problem is that it's not installed in the first place and has broken deps so I can't install it. That's why update isn't going to tell me about it...00:22
BugsbaneSo I just need to get some kind of notification when koffice-kde is updated, although it's not installed...00:23
Bugsbanewhich I think jriddel said was planned (although he didn't say when)00:24
BluesKaj-LaptopBugsbane,  http://www.webupd8.org/2009/08/how-to-install-nvidia-190xx-drivers-in.html00:27
charlie-tcaBluesKaj-Laptop: it is now in the repository00:30
charlie-tcainstall it through hardware drivers00:30
BluesKaj-Laptopcharlie-tca,I hope Bugsbane reads your post...I already have it installed00:33
charlie-tcaI installed a couple of days ago, myself00:34
Kai_why is there a distribution upgrade available? I'm running lucid alpha 2.00:35
Kai_alpha 3 is in two days00:35
BluesKaj-Laptopone does get tired of helping those who won't help themselves tho ... I mean is so hard to google-linux for answers00:36
charlie-tcaI know00:36
BluesKaj-Laptopis it so hard ?00:36
BUGabundoKai_: ????00:36
charlie-tcaSeems to be almost impossible, doesn't it?00:36
Kai_BUGabundo: hi!00:36
BUGabundowhat are you seeing?00:37
BUGabundothen again I update every 4h00:37
BUGabundoso its long gone A200:37
Kai_well, it does include the rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store package and others00:37
Kai_so it looks a lot like alpha 300:37
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* BluesKaj-Laptop wonders what alpha 3 is supposed to look like00:42
Kai_oh no, my laptop overheated.00:49
BugsbaneBluesKaj-Laptop: Erm, I was talking about Koffice... I'm on an ATI card :)00:59
arandliveCD now has support for TORAM \o/01:24
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Kai_almost done with the distribution upgrade :D01:32
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SensivaHello, I am running Lucid in vbox, and added my shared folders in fstab, but I have to make it noauto, or else boot process stops at mounting02:36
Kai_I just did a distribution upgrade and now Firefox is dead. Here's something it says: Gdk-ERROR **: The program 'firefox-bin' received an X Window System error.02:43
Kai_I even purged it and reinstalled... no luck02:44
git__what ver of firefox u using?02:45
Kai_abrowser also has the same problem.02:46
Kai_perhaps it's something to do with xul02:46
=== Kai_ is now known as Kaj_
tntcI'm having a goofy issue with lcd brightness.  Sometimes I get TRIPLE brightness events, sometimes double.  disabling gnome-power-manager and setting brightness_in_hardware recudes it to one, but if I only do one or the other, I still get two.02:48
tntcany thoughts on how I can just get gnome-power-manager to manage my brightness?  I'd even be ok with just bios managing it.  I'm on a Dell mini 101202:49
DanaGhmm, do you know if you have anything that needs HAL?  if not, try removing "hal".02:53
DanaGIntel graphics, right?  That should have backlight support in xrandr -- and thus not need hal.02:53
tntcIndeed, intel graphics.  I tried removing hal.  It killed my synaptics touchpad (but some udev additions I pulled from the interbutts got it working again)02:54
tntcalas, I still had the same issue with brightness.02:54
tntcApparantly dell has some goofy thing on many systems that control brightness with the hardware keys in addition to the acpi events.02:54
tntcIs there a way to fool gnome-power-manager into sending events to a dummy acpi event thinger and just let the dell thingg actually change the brightness?  GPM seems to still SEE the events, going so far as to show the double changes.02:56
tntcI still want it to be able to dim the screen automagically, so it seems unlikely02:56
DanaGhmm, the "video" parameter has a "brightness_switch_enabled" parameter02:57
DanaGtry sudo modprobe -r video; sudo modprobe video brightness_switch_enabled=002:57
tntcmodprobe -r video fails because it's in use by the intel driver02:58
tntcbut I'll try adding those params to the module02:58
DanaGI'm not sure what the default is.02:58
tntcin /etc/modules, right? modprobe video brightness_switch_enabled=0?02:59
DanaGyou can also try killing g-p-m and starting it with --verbose in console.02:59
DanaGActually, it's "options" when in one of those files.02:59
tntcvideo options brightness_switch_enabled=0 or...?03:00
DanaGoptions video brightness_switch_enabled=003:01
tntccool. Thanks DanaG.  Also, i noticed before, blacklisting video didn't work, even in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf.  any idea why?03:02
virtualdin /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf03:02
DanaGhmm, probably because "intel" explicitly depends on it.03:03
tntcso it'll load it even if it's blacklisted?03:03
tntcI have to say, other than the brightness issue and the touchpad being a little strange, this little guy is a hell of a linux machine.03:03
tntcI'm moving away from Windows 7 because it seems to like dropping network connections randomly03:04
DanaGtntc: check if your access points can handle wireless power savings.03:04
DanaGMy school's APs can't.... and thus can be flaky sometimes.03:05
DanaGthe win7 troubleshooter told me that.03:05
DanaGAnyway, my brightness control issue on radeon is worse: hotkeys show OS but don't change brightness.03:05
tntcDanaG: bah. it's not just wireless.  This is on every win7 machine I've owned.  Including wired connections.03:05
DanaGit keeps setting the level to the same number over and over.03:05
DanaGhmm, maybe you have bad karma? =þ03:06
tntcDanaG: if you echo a number directly into brightness, does it work?03:06
tntcDanaG: hehe :) Maybe, but I'm not the only one with bad karma then.03:06
DanaGYeah, and in fact, even the brightness applet works... as long as HAL is installed.03:06
DanaGRemove HAL... no brightness control at all.03:06
tntcDanaG: guh.  that's stinks.  perhaps a module not getting autoloaded by HAL?03:06
tntcsimiliar to my touchpad issue?03:07
DanaGMy issue seems to be that radeon doesn't support BACKLIGHT in xrandr.03:07
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LADmaticCAmy sound is kinda fuzzy, is there a mixer for pulse audio?03:54
syn-ackWe are currently at Alpha 3 now, right?04:01
arandsyn-ack: 25th innit?04:17
syn-ackarand: I was told there was a 3 day push back on the release04:17
syn-ackI had checked the timeline lastnight and it said today, must have been a last minute decision to hold off on it04:18
arandalthough currrent state probably going to be whats in the alpha, yea, but the freze isn't that hard I think..04:18
arandrelease schedule has always said a4 on 25th04:19
syn-ackwe're barely going to be in a304:20
LADmaticCAmy sound is kinda fuzzy, is there a mixer for pulse audio?04:20
syn-ackarand: <jdong> I think a 3-day pushback.04:20
syn-ack<syn-ack> Ok, so I'm NOT nuts04:20
syn-ack<jdong> just got the freeze announcement this morning04:20
syn-ack<jdong> which mentioned a schedule delay :)04:20
syn-ack<jdong> so no, you probably correctly marked your calendar04:20
syn-ackLADmaticCA: sure is. Are you in Gnome XFCE or what?04:20
LADmaticCAsyn-ack, gnome04:20
syn-ackLADmaticCA: right click on the speaker in your tray and select Properties04:21
LADmaticCAsyn-ack, my speaker is missing in the tray04:21
syn-ackoh noes04:22
syn-ackAnybody happen to know the cli command for the sound properties? I run Xubuntu and I nuked my Ubuntu VM for a dailies install about 20 mins ago04:23
syn-ackI don't remember it right off hand04:23
syn-ackah, there it is. gnome-volume-control04:24
LADmaticCAsyn-ack, thanks. I was hoping for a pcm adjustment though04:25
syn-ackLADmaticCA: check the properties. I *think* you may be able to select it04:29
LADmaticCAsyn-ack, thanks. Fixed it. Apparently the volume was just set too high04:30
voidmageanyone else in here having hard locks still? it's getting annoying really fast05:15
ZykoticK9voidmage, i had my 1st hard lock today - running since the beginning of the month (was playing Doom 1 at the time)05:17
nigelbsomeone running lucid can pastebin a file for me?  Please go to /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/05:18
voidmagei keep thinking they go away05:18
voidmagethen they come back05:18
nigelband copy the source_audio.py to a pastebin05:18
ZykoticK9nigelb, that file doesn't exist on my system?  sorry.05:19
nigelbZykoticK9: ugh! its got to be there somewhere05:19
nigelbZykoticK9: try in symptoms folder05:19
ZykoticK9nigelb, symptoms folder?  is that in a different location?05:20
nigelbit would be in /usr/share/apport05:20
ZykoticK9symptoms has a audio.py05:20
voidmageZykoticK9: that was another hard lock05:20
voidmage(if i quit, it's probably because i hard locked)05:21
ZykoticK9nigelb, "locate source_audio.py" shows nothing05:21
nigelbZykoticK9: its the audio.py I want05:22
ZykoticK9nigelb, http://pastebin.com/xZ2vaYUS - sorry Ubuntu's pastebin not resolving for my right now05:24
nigelbZykoticK9: thanks a lot :)05:24
* nigelb hugs ZykoticK9 :)05:24
voidmagethis is only /kind of/ annoying05:25
voidmagei'm practically on edge here, if it even looks like it's locked up i'm already reaching for the reset button05:35
e3asHI i am installing Ubuntu 10.4 After creating The partitions I get error of OUT OF RANGE in my asus Moniter but in 9.10 its solved By pressing alt ctrl + But it doesnt work in ubuntu 10.4 the lucid How can i Solve this problam05:38
e3asAnyone there05:41
voidmagetrying to05:41
voidmagebut i keep crashing05:41
ZykoticK9e3as, i'm affraid i really don't know - can you choose Safe Graphics mode or something like that?05:41
e3asit doesn't work i tried it05:42
ZykoticK9e3as, what gfx card are you using?05:42
e3asZykotick9   NVDIA05:42
ZykoticK9e3as, well then i really don't know - never had any problem with Nvidia before...05:43
e3asI had this problam also with 9.10 ubuntu but it was solved by pressing alt ctrl + while error but the same does'nt work in ubuntu 10.405:44
ZykoticK9e3as, you might want to file a bug -- that's all the advice "I" can give... sorry.  Keep asking in the channel (not too often), perhaps someone else will have something better05:45
e3as zykotick9     ok05:49
voidmagethere we go05:53
voidmagehad to boot into recovery mode, run nvidia-bug-report.sh and copy the file to my home directory, and run ubuntu-bug with elinks05:53
voidmagebut i finally reported the bug without hard locking in the process05:53
om26erpower applet is not showing any drop down when clicked05:54
e3asHi I get error of OUT OF RANGE in My ASUS Moniter While Installing Ubuntu 10.4 How can i Solve it05:54
om26erany one else facing this05:55
e3asCAn Anyone Solve My prob of OUT OF RANGE05:59
om26ere3as, use stable release05:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:00
e3asom26er I want to use 10.4 the new one06:00
om26ere3as, its not released06:00
e3asom26er I downloaded it and it work in vmware06:01
om26ere3as, its the development release if ubuntu and development releases have bug many bugs06:01
e3asIts ok i vmware but only the prob is that on viewsonic moniter its installed but not on ASUS06:02
om26erahaa just updated rhythmbox and now next/previous buttons are greyed out in indicator application menu06:05
e3asom26er Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:06
ActionParsnipHey guys, what time is the release tomorrow?07:25
Damasceneany one having issues with adding channels to favorite in Xchat08:29
BUGabundo_remotebom dia08:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelmorning folks, back again09:25
BUGabundo_remotehey yofel09:25
BUGabundo_remotewhat have you been up too?09:25
yofelBUGabundo_remote: helping a friend moving, took the whole of last week09:26
BUGabundo_remoteyou guys moved the all house on your back or something09:36
yofelhaha, nope, but there was some renovation work to be done first and moving from Stuttgart to Berlin (~600km) takes a while ;)09:37
BUGabundo_remotewell, glad to have you back09:39
BUGabundo_remoteso, gdm / plymouth bug still going,09:39
BUGabundo_remotenvidia blob working and so is nouveua09:39
BUGabundo_remotegtk slow down almost fixed09:40
BUGabundo_remoteits fixed release but not as fast as it was prior to bug09:40
BUGabundo_remotebut at least I can see the keyboard keep up with me now!09:40
BUGabundo_remoteaudio bugs seems stable, grub strangeness fixed too09:40
BUGabundo_remotelots of changes in indicatores09:41
BUGabundo_remoteother then that you are good to go, yofel09:41
yofelBUGabundo_remote: thx09:43
BUGabundo_remotewelcome mister new Member vish09:43
vishBUGabundo_remote: ;p09:43
vishBUGabundo_remote: are you still getting the keyring freeze?09:46
vishnow i only get it once per system start09:46
vishit improved a bit after the second git update09:47
zniavreindicator for rhythmbox still bugged no?09:56
BUGabundo_remotevish: none since I removed plymouth :p10:12
edakiriHowTo reconfigure to choose an initrd with customized module selection rather than generic?10:52
yofeledakiri: not sure if it's the best way, but you could add them to '/etc/initramfs-tools/modules'10:55
yofelrun update-initramfs and the modules you want should be included10:56
edakirimaybe reconfigure update-initramfs is what i am looking for.  I am looking to change the choice made at installation whether to use custom or generic initrd10:57
Damascenethe battery icon is broken on my laptop11:05
om26erDamascene, confirmed.11:06
Damasceneis there a bug?11:06
om26er*not that I know of11:06
DamasceneI think there should be a special section in launchpad for testers11:06
om26erDamascene, if you report the power manager  bug please give me the link too11:07
Damasceneom26er, its form the power manager or from the icon set?11:08
om26erDamascene, ok, explain the problem you are facing11:08
Damascenethe icons shows as black rectangle11:10
om26erDamascene, mine is this http://imagebin.org/8631011:10
Damascenewhat theme you are using?11:10
om26erDamascene, human11:11
Damascenemine is clearlook and the icon has no battery11:12
DamasceneI switched to human and then I've the battery icon11:12
Damascenewhat is your problem exactly11:13
om26erDamascene, the problem you are facing is reported already let me find it for you11:13
Damascenethank you11:14
om26erDamascene, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/52529511:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525295 in indicator-sound "Lucid volume icons are not shown. Displays the "unknown icon" instead" [Low,Confirmed]11:16
om26erand mine https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet/+bug/52674711:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526747 in indicator-applet "battery applet popup is empty" [Undecided,Triaged]11:16
Damascenewell for me there is no sound icon at all and the battery is broken on clearlook11:21
Damasceneom26er, did you notice how hard is to edit picture in une11:22
om26erDamascene, never tried11:23
DamasceneI just wanted to crop the full screen image but it took 10 minutes11:23
om26erits simple11:24
om26eropen fspot, open the image you want to edit select the area of image and click crop . it will be saved in /home/username/Pictures/xxx11:25
Damasceneaha, why there is no save buttons in fspot11:26
Damasceneyou didn't mention that you have to import the picture too first11:26
om26er"open the image you want to edit" = impott11:27
Damasceneany way I suggest opening a bug to request a simple way11:28
Damascenedo you have problem with adding channel to favorite in xchat11:29
om26erDamascene, open it upstream against f-sport11:29
Damascenethat is the problem I should register with what ever f-spot bug system have11:30
om26erDamascene, I last set favourite channel when I install xchat and working fine11:30
Damascenecan you try it now, please11:30
Damascenewhat ever I add to my favorite from now on it doesn't get saved11:31
om26erxchat website suggest that its last version was released  11-Jun-200811:31
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=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
gnomefreakdidnt someone file a bug on "frequncy out of range"?12:11
gnomefreak frequency even12:14
TeTeTanyone having problems with a sandisk cruzer USB key? Mine is no longer recognized, only the built in CD image12:21
ryeHas anybody running Lucid Lynx experienced any issues with java plugin for mozilla browsers? I mean is there anybody who has seen it working?12:28
penguin42rye: I've never had icedtea plugin work in years12:31
ryepenguin42, I had it working, just before upgrade to Lucid, which is not that great since my banks' software requires it :)12:32
penguin42rye: Before the upgrade were you using icedtea or Sun's Java?12:32
ryepenguin42, i believe that was sun java, and I still have it installed, but that seems to be ignored by my firefox12:33
penguin42ah well if you still have Sun Java then you probably need to just find out where any other plugin is hooked in - if you go to about:plugins what do you see?12:33
ryepenguin42, flash, vlc, wmv through totem, divx web player through totem, quicktime, and itunes via rhytmbox12:34
ryeqt is via totem as well12:35
penguin42hmm but no Java?12:35
gnomefreakcan someone please run uname -a and post the output for me12:35
ryei have multiple plugins12:35
gnomefreakjava works fine here12:35
ryegnomefreak, ok, then this is local issue12:35
robin0800rhythmbox now says after todays update The Ubuntu One Music Store is coming soon!12:39
ryegnomefreak, could you please tell me what plugin you are using for java from about:config page? i mean the File name12:39
gnomefreakrye: one minute12:41
gnomefreakrye: http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4938/javam.png12:43
gnomefreakbe back in a few12:43
ryeok, great, gnomefreak, thanks! will try icedtea...12:43
yofelrye: actually firefox ignores the sun java plugin here too12:44
ryeyofel, hm...12:44
yofelicedtea works, but I'm not quite happy with it12:44
ryeyofel, i will be quite happy if it allows me to use my bank's interface, otherwise I will start filing a lot of bug reports:)12:46
rye"Start: applet not initialized." This is not good12:47
ryertg@buzz:~$ sudo apt-cache policy sun-java6-bin12:50
rye  Installed: 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.0412:50
rye  Candidate: 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.0412:50
rye  Version table:12:50
rye *** 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 012:50
rye        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status12:50
abe3kanyone tried the xi2 multiple input with the ubuntu 10.04 ? it ROCKS12:51
abe3kI'm using it on an eeepc and let me tell you it is so smooth12:52
gnomefreakrye that is not the icedtea package as i recall sun-jave packages are fairly useless and are not used in Lucid (some are but not what you want)12:52
ryegnomefreak, yes, indeed - this is a left-over from my 9.04 installation I believe, but the problem is icedtea plugin does not work properly...12:53
* rye went to sun.com to grab latest oracle java12:54
gnomefreakrye: well that doesnt help you :)12:54
abe3kI've noticed a problem tho, when I connect another monitor, I can't move the panels to the new monitor, anyone knows a fix for this?12:54
abe3kI'm not using mirror monitors, just an extension12:55
gnomefreakrye ii  icedtea-6-jre and ii  icedtea6-plugin  i have those installed and no problems12:55
ryegnomefreak, try going to https://online.piraeusbank.com and click the second link which states "Стандартный клиент" (Standard client) - in my case the applet fails to initialize :)12:56
gnomefreakrye: that link in no good12:58
ryegnomefreak, sorry, https://online.piraeusbank.ua/12:58
gnomefreakrye: https://online.piraeusbank.ua/login.jsp seems to work fine12:59
gnomefreakrye: try going to java.com12:59
ryegnomefreak, so... after clicking on the second link the applet gets downloaded and you seel multiple input fields, right?13:00
gnomefreakrye: opps i clicked first link :(13:01
gnomefreakrye: it just crashed firefox damnit13:02
ryegnomefreak, oops, sorry about that :(13:02
gnomefreakrye: its ok im working on something anyway and dont need browser atm13:03
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
BluesKajis it my ISP or is the lucid main server slower than molasses in january ?13:08
BUGabundo_remotefast here13:09
BluesKajmust be throttling to north america then13:12
rye Starting with Firefox 3.6, Java-based applications will NOT work unless you are running Java version 6 Update 10 or newer. - http://www.java.com/en/download/faq/firefox_newplugin.xml?jre=1.4.2_xx . Great, I have _18, now what?13:44
ryeso, 1. it is broken in lucid, but 2. it can be fixed13:48
ryeby instaling sun java13:48
BUGabundo_remoterye lucid will not have Sun JAVA13:48
BUGabundo_remoteit was dropped a few weeks13:49
ryeBUGabundo_remote, that's great, I will not have money :), since the bank ui uses it to perform transfers and authorize me via private key13:49
BUGabundo_remoteno worries13:49
BUGabundo_remoteUbuntu is FREE13:49
gnomefreakrye: please file a bug against java13:49
ryegnomefreak, yes, I am going to13:50
gnomefreakrye: thanks13:50
ryeBUGabundo_remote, while ubuntu is free, internets and foods are not, but I can't file a bug to make free internet access and free food, it seems to be WONTFIX13:50
ryesun java plugin that needs to be fed to ff is called libnpjp2.so, if someone needs that13:55
void^any sane reason for removing sun java, by the way?13:56
void^i suppose i can understand making openjre the default, but removing it entirely is a nuissance13:56
ryeopenjre does not have the plugin13:57
void^the icedtea plugin is in repos at least13:59
penguin42yeh it's icedtea6-plugin13:59
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Admin__when is the alpha 3 releasing?15:28
Admin__arand, so thats... today.. right?15:29
arand24th today15:29
OxymoronNo tomorrow is the 25th15:30
BUGabundo_remotetimzones :D15:30
BUGabundo_remoteAdmin__: just get a daily15:30
BUGabundo_remotethen zsinc15:30
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:30
Oxymoronarand: Btw, what features can we expect except from more stable and faster bootup and ARM mobile platforms? :P I have checked blueprints, but I want to know inside info :D15:30
Admin__BUGabundo_remote,  i hav a superslow connection... daily builds are hard to download15:31
BUGabundo_remoteAdmin__: daily == tomorrow :D15:31
BUGabundo_remotethat's what I said: get a daily then zsync only the diff15:31
BUGabundo_remotelet me see how much I'm old15:32
Admin__BUGabundo_remote, :)15:32
* BUGabundo_remote does $zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync15:32
BUGabundo_remotedisk IO FT losers :)15:32
Admin__BUGabundo_remote, daily gets erased after few days... alpha remain for longer period15:32
BUGabundo_remote$ sudo ionice -c3 -p 2657815:33
BUGabundo_remotemuch better15:33
BUGabundo_remoteAdmin__: who cares??15:33
yofelhm, is zsync much better than rsync BUGabundo_remote?15:33
BUGabundo_remoteRead lucid-desktop-amd64.iso. Target 77.0% complete.15:33
BUGabundo_remoteyofel: on canonical servers: YES15:33
BUGabundo_remoteon my machine: HELL NO15:34
BUGabundo_remote###############----- 78.2% 98.0 kBps 26:49 ETA15:34
yofelheh, then I'll try it out later15:34
BUGabundo_remoteyofel: want my script?15:34
yofelBUGabundo_remote: sure15:34
gnomefreakdamn thanks for reminding me :)15:34
arandAdmin__: Hmm, some more panel bling, TORAM now possible with liveCD, Bi.. I mean Yahoo search, Ireally haven't tested that much actually..15:34
BUGabundo_remote$ pastebinit ~/zsyncu15:34
gnomefreakusing zsync now?15:35
BUGabundo_remotearand: toram? SInCE WHEN?15:35
yofelthx BUGabundo_remote15:35
BUGabundo_remotegnomefreak: since crimsun made me :|15:35
* BUGabundo_remote is a good boy, is a good boy, is a good boy!15:35
BUGabundo_remotearand: my bug for it wasn't updated!15:36
gnomefreakwhy the change?15:36
BUGabundo_remotegnomefreak: less server load15:36
BUGabundo_remotemuch less15:36
arandBUGabundo_remote: couple of days: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/25496/comments/3615:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 25496 in casper "Unable to boot Ubuntu using TORAM=yes (copy livecd to RAM)" [Wishlist,Fix released]15:36
Admin__arand, i didint get u?15:36
arandAdmin__: What?15:37
BUGabundo_remotearand: DUPE15:37
Admin__arand, Hmm, some more panel bling, TORAM now possible with liveCD, Bi.. I mean Yahoo search, Ireally haven't tested that much actually..15:37
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: is that the full script?15:37
arandAdmin__: yes? I'm unclear?15:39
Admin__arand, yeah.. :)15:39
BUGabundo_remotegnomefreak: not a script per si15:40
BUGabundo_remotejust a bunch of lines I paste to certain dirs15:41
BUGabundo_remotekubutnu and ubuntu can't share same dirs cause of the names15:41
BUGabundo_remoteother then that, sure, just run that15:41
arandAdmin__: ok, so the applets in the panel will have even more empathy-facebook-twitter integration, it's now possible to copy the liveCD to ram and run it from there, being able to remove the CD. Yahoo will be default search engine. Oh, and Software Centre has gotten a featured section and ability to display added PPAs, as well as an install button on the main listing...15:43
NoelJBYahoo as default search engine I noticed, and fixed.  :-\15:46
NoelJBWhy we would want to sponsor Microsoft as a default search engine is bizzare.15:46
BUGabundo_remoteno comments15:47
yofelNoelJB: because canonical gets some money from it iirc15:47
BUGabundo_remoteno comments15:47
NitsugaNoelJB, also, who minds? anyway any thinking person in the world will change it back to Google15:49
NoelJBNitsuga, my objection was HAVING to change it back after it was already set.15:52
alex_mayorgaNitsuga: mind elaborating on "thinking person"="uses Google"?15:52
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, mmm do you use Yahoo?15:53
NitsugaI know that I'm saying that people who don't use Google is stupid :P15:53
Nitsugasorry :P15:53
Nitsugabut these time Google seems to be the only option in search engines15:55
alex_mayorgaNitsuga: sometimes, I don't want a single company know all that I want to know ;)15:55
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, yeah, that annoys me too15:55
* vish tried to stick with yahoo and support ubuntu , but the truth is Yahoo search isnt as good as google :(15:56
Nitsugafortunately Google's search engine is not what it used to was, and Yahoo/MS search isn't also what it used to be15:56
Nitsuga*uset do be15:56
Nitsugathe first is worse and the second and thirs are becomming better15:57
Nitsugavish, alex_mayorga, NoelJB  try a blind search! http://blindsearch.fejus.com/15:57
alex_mayorgathe truth is people is getting lazy and becoming too dependent on search I recall back in high school I used to write down URLs you know?15:58
Nitsugait will show google, bing and yahoo results without the branding15:58
BluesKajnow google-chrome has gone for a crap with the latest java update for FF3.6 ...the chrome browser links to mozilla plugins ..wonderful, now java in chrome keeps loading and doesn't stop15:58
Nitsugachoos the list you liked, and it will tell you wich search angine you chose15:58
vishalex_mayorga: /me too old to wirte down stuff ;p15:58
alex_mayorgaNitsuga: that's been on my del.icio.us faves for quite some time :)15:58
alex_mayorgamy point is that these days kids doesn't even know what a URL is :(15:59
BUGabundo_remoteBluesKaj: about:plugins if you please15:59
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, I DO write urls that I know15:59
BluesKajyeah, it's not there BUGabundo_remote15:59
NoelJBwith lucid, it is currently  (again) broken to drag URLs from the browser to nautilus.16:00
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, i don't agree. My sister knows that she can enter facebook for example by typing www.facebook.com16:00
BUGabundo_remoteBluesKaj: load from a new profile or private browsing16:00
BluesKajno matter FF is fast again ...wonder how long that will last16:00
NoelJBinstead, it wants to download the content from the URL.  :-(16:00
alex_mayorgaNitsuga: I had to talk about the internet with my English students and they put Google under every category, i.e. videos, music, social site, etc.16:01
NoelJBOh, I take that back!  It is fixed again!  :-D16:01
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, music? social site?16:02
NitsugaI understand it people confuses Google with a web browser, but with a social site?16:02
alex_mayorgaNitsuga: heres how it goes, they type google.com in the URL bar, then search whatever16:03
G_A_Cit helps you find people16:03
G_A_Ceven if it is via other sites16:03
G_A_CI can see why people would get confused, tbh16:03
coz_google buzz16:03
NoelJBI actually never use the search bar.  I just got to the search engine.16:03
coz_google friend connect16:03
coz_and its getting out of hand :)16:04
coz_also  http://www.google.com/appserve/fiberrfi16:04
coz_I think I will switch to yahoo :)16:04
alex_mayorgaif they want to go to myspace, they go google.com and type myspace, hit search, click first result16:05
alex_mayorgabut I think the whole discussion is off-topic :)16:06
alex_mayorgaUbuntu or Firefox should teach kids what a URL is IMHO16:06
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, mozilla whould change the default home page to a une with a big Firefox Logo and a bunch of comonly visited sites (namely google, facebook, hotmail)16:14
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mptDoes anyone on Lucid get something from Movie Player's BBC side pane that isn't "Could not connect to server"?16:42
BUGabundo_remoteI don't use it, sorry16:45
eagles0513875is konversation going to be included back into lucid16:48
Nitsugampt, yeah I have that problem16:49
mptNitsuga, where are you located?16:50
Nitsugampt, argentina16:50
penguin42mpt: I did see something about the Beeb stopping some players16:51
mptpenguin42, exactly, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/24/iplayer_xbmc_adobe_swf_verification/16:51
mptWondering whether it's related :-)16:51
penguin42mpt: Yeh, I suspect it is16:51
histoDoes anyone know if you can do a command line install from the mini.iso?17:17
penguin42histo: I'm not sure, if you are really desperate you could use debootstrap but that tends to produce some odd results17:18
histopenguin42: just wondering before I burn it and waste a disc.  but i'll try17:19
penguin42histo: Why do you want command line?17:19
histopenguin42: juz i'm going to run flux and I don't want all the bloat.17:20
histopenguin42: I'm thinking of just running debian testing17:21
penguin42histo: I'd probably start with the alternate CD; don't forget you can always pull packages out17:21
histopenguin42: yeah the minimal installation of ubuntu is twice the size of most distros17:21
histopenguin42: just a command line install is something like 690+mb17:22
penguin42histo: Yeh, well you have to have the bling right?17:22
histopenguin42: I don't want any bling is the problem.17:26
penguin42histo: Yeh, I'd start with the alternate CD, or xubuntu or the like.17:27
histoOne issue i see comming is getting wpa2 to work with out network-manager17:28
penguin42ah I don't know enough about wireless to help you on that17:29
histoI thought there were problems with wpa2 and iwconfig if I remember correctly17:30
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penguin42histo: You might consider wicd instead, some people like it as an alternative to nm17:31
histopenguin42: Yeah that's what i'm seeing.17:32
penguin42histo: I'm using it now (although that's jus tbecause I installed xubuntu as well)17:35
penguin42om26er: 524308 is being debated about whether it should move packages again :-)17:53
om26erbug 52430817:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524308 in libdbusmenu "Application Indicator doesn't process menu changes (e.g. checkboxes)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52430817:58
om26erpenguin42, its moving too much17:58
penguin42om26er: In the end you would think it wouldn't matter since it is corraled to a bunch of related packages17:59
om26erat last no body became the winner lol ;)18:00
* om26er notices latest UNE live cd is 734mb18:05
genii!schedule > genii18:07
ubottugenii, please see my private message18:07
om26erhow about /msg ubottu !schedule18:07
penguin42om26er: There it does - now it's libdbusmenu :-)18:11
ubottuA schedule of Lucid Lynx (10.04) release milestones can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:37
avirulencehi all. Has anyone tried installing plug-ins in Eclipse on 10.04?18:40
Nitsugaavirulence, i didn't tried, but what it your problem?18:41
avirulenceNitsuga, they don't show up in Window-->Preferences... I tried PyDev and ADT and both install just fine, but the plug-ins just don't show up18:43
Nitsugaavirulence, did you check the permissions?18:45
Nitsugathat is a common cause of probems in any plugin of any application18:46
avirulenceNitsuga, I installed them via Eclipse itself18:49
avirulenceshouldn't the permissions be right then?18:49
Nitsugayeas, they whould18:49
Adelantehi all. what time 10.04 alpha 3 released?18:49
NitsugaAdelante, it will release when the compilation finished18:49
Nitsuganobody knows that18:49
Nitsugaas a reference: most buntu releases are finished about 7pm18:50
Nitsugait may take more or less18:50
Adelanteby schedule will realese 25th. what time?18:50
AdelanteNitsuga : 7pm PST or what time zone?18:51
NitsugaAdelante, think about 6 pm (utc)18:51
Adelantegreat. will wait18:52
geniiAdelante: GMT18:52
high-rezIt appears my latest lucid update pushed me towards nouveau.  I installed the firmware, but I'm not sure which package contains nouveau_dri.so ?18:52
Nitsugahigh-rez, dlocate can tell you18:52
Nitsugajust run dlocate filename or dlocat /path/to/file18:52
Nitsugajust run dlocate filename or dlocate /path/to/file18:52
high-rezIt returned nothing ;)18:53
Nitsugayou can also do that with dpkg /S but it is not as fast, reliable and organized as dlocate18:53
Nitsugadpkg -S18:53
Nitsugahigh-rez, so you don't have that file18:54
Nitsugatry usind a dash instead of a n underscode high-rez18:54
jpdshigh-rez: apt-file search nouveau_dri.so18:54
high-rezRight, I don't have the file.18:54
high-rezI'm trying to figure out which package actually has it.18:54
jpdshigh-rez: apt-file will tell you.18:54
ubottuapt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"18:54
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Nitsugajpds, dlocate is faster :)18:55
high-rezlets see if dlocate works out for me ;)18:55
Nitsugai've tried apt-file18:55
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high-rezPfft apt-file search didn't return anything.19:26
Nitsugahigh-rez, you see? dlocate ftw! ;)19:26
high-rezNutsuga: Neither provided any results.19:46
high-rezSo they were both equally worthless for me.  :)19:46
PiciNitsuga: will dlocate look in packages that you don't have installed?19:48
NitsugaPici, no19:49
PiciNitsuga: apt-file will ;)19:49
NitsugaPici, apt-file does?19:49
Nitsugaso it is slower because of THAT19:50
alex_mayorgaPlease get 2.6.33 then?20:02
alex_mayorgaerr.. would we get 2.6.33 then?20:02
PiciEr... probably not.20:03
jcoleis there a way to have the "guest" session start in an xnest?20:16
alex_mayorgaPici: :(20:27
alex_mayorgawhat are your picks to hold bank account numbers, SSNs and such on Ubuntu?20:35
jcolealex_mayorga: seahorse20:39
robin0800Nitsuga: google chrome can already do what you are suggesting mozilla do20:40
alex_mayorgajcole: thanks20:40
alex_mayorgaanyone else?20:41
jcolealex_mayorga: there is also revelation20:41
alex_mayorgajcole: is that bundled?20:41
Nitsugarobin0800, but the part of a BIG logo isn't in chrome20:41
jcolealex_mayorga: yes20:41
alex_mayorgajcole: unde "Applications"? I don't see it20:42
Nitsugathe big logo is for people to say "I use firefox" or "My web browser is firefox" instead of saying "Web browser? I think google"20:42
jcolealex_mayorga: Apps->Accessoried->Passwords20:42
robin0800Who needs a big logo when you can have 8 different sites20:42
alex_mayorgajcole, see it now, thanks20:42
robin0800Nitsuga: What I realy like is the addres bar is also the search bar20:45
histoanyone been able to run lucid ona a virtual machine. I just created one with a command line install and it won't boot.20:59
histoalso how do you bring up the grub menu now that it times otu?20:59
geniihisto: hold shift key down now instead of esc keyfor grub menu21:00
* Pici wonders if everyone's keyboard is broken21:01
histoK can get in recovery mode now to figure out wth is going on with nomral boot21:02
histolooks like there is all kinds of memory issues in syslog21:04
histoIs there a way to disable acpi?21:07
geniikernel option of noacpi  or acpi=off21:07
histogenii: how do I add that option?21:09
histogenii: I think I got it we'll see if it works21:10
histonope reinstalling21:11
BUGabundoso we lost DHCP cliente??21:46
douglasawh-workare this update servers getting slammed? I'm trying to get like 200MB and it's taking like 4 hours21:46
jpdsdouglasawh-work: Yes.21:46
douglasawh-workdid something get released today?21:46
jpdsdouglasawh-work: Pick a mirror from https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors21:46
BUGabundodouglasawh choose a mirror21:46
jpdsdouglasawh-work: Yes..21:46
BUGabundodouglasawh alpha 321:47
jpdsBUGabundo: No.21:47
jpdsOOo security update.21:47
BUGabundoI'm more worried about the no DHCP!21:48
douglasawh-workjpds: a security update causes the servers to get slammed? that sounds odd21:49
jpdsdouglasawh-work: 72MB download for almost every single Ubuntu user?21:49
douglasawh-workoh, I meant did +1 stuff get released21:49
douglasawh-workbut, I guess they are on the same servers21:50
jpdsdouglasawh-work: You dedice: http://www.acc.umu.se/technical/statistics/ftp/monitordata/21:50
douglasawh-workI was asking about what BUGabundo responded21:50
BUGabundocrimsun: not sure this goes by you, but the new sound indicator lost the ability to use mouse scroll, to change over the indicator21:59
* BUGabundo filing a bug21:59
NitsugaBUGabundo, mine works O_o22:00
BUGabundoNitsuga: with it close? ie not expanded?22:00
diverse_izzuea program i was using in karmic, xppaut, is not in the lucid repositories. is that on purpose or should i report a bug?22:01
NitsugaBUGabundo, yes, closed. btw, nice feature!22:01
BUGabundonot for me22:01
Nitsugadiverse_izzue, you can ask in #ubuntu-motu22:01
BUGabundoneed a 3rd opinion22:01
ubuntujenkinsWhat is the bug number BUGabundo22:01
BUGabundoits not22:01
ubuntujenkinsit affects me22:01
BUGabundofilling NOW if someone confirms22:01
ubuntujenkinsplease ping me and I will tick affects me.22:02
BUGabundowoot LP is fasttttt... NOT22:02
BUGabundoubuntujenkins: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/52737222:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527372 in indicator-sound "sound indicator lost the ability to use mouse scroll" [Undecided,New]22:03
BUGabundoplease confirm it22:03
ubuntujenkinsdone :)22:04
* penguin42 wonders how many packages that will go through22:05
diverse_izzueon a machine with ATI R500 graphics and lucid, should i see a plymouth boot screen or is that not implemented yet?22:05
NitsugaBUGabundo, can I mark it as "No, it doesn't affect me" ?22:06
Nitsugaor will you kill a kitten for that?22:06
Nitsugadiverse_izzue, you should see it (I tink)22:07
Nitsugaplymouth is too experimental at this time22:07
BUGabundoI can't mark it NO22:07
NitsugaI don't even know why hey included id22:07
BUGabundocause u never marked it as affects22:07
Nitsugaall that I found with plymouth are bugs, bugs and more and more bugs22:07
NitsugaBUGabundo, I can mark22:07
diverse_izzueit seems to work fine for redhat, so it's not well integrated22:08
NitsugaBUGabundo, now the "This bug affects x people, does this bug affect you" question became " This bug affects 1 person, but not you"22:08
BUGabundoshould be two! where did ubuntujenkins go ?22:08
ubuntujenkinsThe bug does effect me and one other person22:09
NitsugaBUGabundo,  This bug affects 2 people, but not you   Edit22:10
diverse_izzueanother thing. my brightness control using g-p-m is broken (also no notification bubble). known bug?22:12
zniavreover the icon itself or inside the popupwindow ?22:13
diverse_izzuezniavre, are you talking to me?22:14
Nitsugazniavre, did you notice that the enter-crash issue disappeared?22:14
zniavrediverse_izzue,  sorry no22:14
zniavreNitsuga, no,  last boot it crashed22:15
Nitsugazniavre, strange. It works for me22:16
Nitsugazniavre, I can't take the crashdump because of that22:16
zniavrelet me try again   (just updated ... few package)22:16
Nitsugazniavre, you'll have to file the bug. I can't file a bug that doesn't affects me22:16
ZoraelOn a current daily live build of lucid, is nv or nouveau the default driver for Nvidia cards?22:18
NitsugaZorael, nv for now22:18
NitsugaZorael, nouveau will be used in the final release22:18
zniavreNitsuga, it just crashed22:18
ZoraelNitsuga: All right, thanks22:18
Nitsugazniavre, let me check it again22:19
* Nitsuga rebooting22:19
Nitsugaok, let's try it...22:21
Nitsuga3.. 2.. 1..22:21
Nitsugano crash22:21
Nitsugazniavre, ↑22:22
zniavrefor me it crashes at gdm stage22:22
Nitsugazniavre, I have autologin22:22
Nitsugazniavre, so I entered xchat, and typed ok, let's try it22:23
zniavregdm>log/pass>enter |crash |gdm>log/pass>enter ,it works22:23
Nitsugait would crash with the enter22:23
Nitsugabut it didin't22:23
zniavredo you think it's gfx driver related ?22:23
Nitsugazniavre, the crash is on the press of the enter key22:23
Nitsugazniavre, i'm really sure that it is plymouth related22:24
Nitsugabecaus before the crash (test it) the ttys are frozen22:24
zniavreim scared to uninstall plymouth22:24
Nitsugazniavre, it is completely safe22:24
Nitsugazniavre, I did that to fix the problem22:24
Nitsugauninstall plymouth -> no crash22:25
ActionParsnipHey guys, what time is the release due?22:25
Nitsugareinstall plymouth --> still no srash22:25
zniavrei trust you but for me boot sequence is scarry22:25
Nitsugabut in the middle there was a xorg update22:25
NitsugaActionParsnip, tomorrow 2522:25
zniavrea ok understand22:25
zniavrelet me try22:25
ActionParsnipJust remove plymouth if its causing issues22:25
zniavrevia synaptic of course?22:25
Nitsugazniavre, you can use synaptic or aptitude22:26
ActionParsnipNitsuga: yes I know its tomorrow but what time?22:26
NitsugaActionParsnip, nobody knows22:26
Nitsugait will be published when it finishes compiling22:26
Nitsugaexpect that about 6pm/UTC22:26
ActionParsnipNitsuga: thanks :)22:26
NitsugaActionParsnip, expect that about 6pm/UTC22:27
Nitsugano problem22:27
ActionParsnipI'll grab the torrent the day after that ;). Good times22:27
zniavreNitsuga,  i tried to remove --purge plymouth > it started nicely (with warnings messages at boot)22:34
zniavrei reinstaled plymouth and it makes the enter bug again22:34
Nitsugazniavre, so you will have to file a bug report22:35
zniavreyou should be right thinking plymouth is guilty22:35
Nitsuganow you have extra data: removing plymouth solves the issue22:35
zniavrethere is not already filed ?22:35
Nitsugazniavre, so the complete bug title would be: X crashes when the enter key is pressed under hardware that doesn't support KMS22:36
Nitsugazniavre, that would be strage22:36
Nitsugasearch for it22:36
Nitsugai should be filed22:36
yofelbug 516412 ?22:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516412 in plymouth "Pressing <Enter> causes X to freeze" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51641222:41
yofelzniavre: ^^^22:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522692 in plymouth "Pressing <Enter> key causes gdm to restart on VGA16FB system" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:44
zniavrethis one too but i do not know what VGA16FB is22:45
yofelthe default vga frambuffer modules afaik22:45
yofelargh, I should get some sleep I guess -.-22:46
zniavrehow can i know if im using this?22:46
Nitsugazniavre, you are not22:46
Nitsugazniavre, aren't you using nvidia's ¿22:47
zniavreyes i do22:47
arand!info virtualbox-ose22:47
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 6417 kB, installed size 24900 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)22:47
Nitsugazniavre, i think this is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/51641222:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516412 in plymouth "Pressing <Enter> causes X to freeze" [High,Fix released]22:48
zniavreim reading this looooong thread22:48
arandWould anyone here care to confirm if Bug #510571 exists in the current lucid version of virtualbox?22:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose "-11 & later kernels won't boot with acpi, -10 works, Lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057122:48
arandvirtualbox-ose, more specifically..22:48
jcoleis there an irc room for the ubiquity ubuntu installer23:07
Nitsugajcole, here is right to ask23:08
Nitsuga!ask | jcole23:08
ubottujcole: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:08
arandjcole: #ubuntu-installer handles that, if you want devs.23:09
jcoleive remastered an ubuntu install cd and noticed the sources.list mirrors after the install are not the same as on my livecd... does the ubuntu installer get the values from debconf?23:09
Nitsugajcole, it gets the values fron the location information you provide in the second step of the installer23:14
BluesKaj-Laptopjcole, your sources.list is determined by the location you enterd during the install23:14
Nitsugaif you want to add a custom repo si better to master a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/23:14
BluesKaj-Laptopjcole, , hence the difference between the live cd and the install23:15
jcoleNitsuga/BluesKaj-Laptop: im looking to select the mirror, not add new sources... cjwatson help me, its stored here -> https://launchpad.net/bugs/3915623:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 39156 in ubiquity "improve apt-setup customisation" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:16
kklimondahmm.. my empathy settings has disappeared..23:16
BluesKaj-Laptopjcole, yes Im talking about the mirror as well , the location of your mirror is reflected in your sources.list (scuse the pun)23:17
BluesKaj-Laptopjcole, you can change the server in your package manager23:19
jcoleBluesKaj-Laptop: i know, im remastering a livecd23:22
jcoleBluesKaj-Laptop: the sources.list on the livecd is modified23:22
BluesKaj-Laptopwhy bother?23:23
jcoleBluesKaj-Laptop: but ubiquity does not carry over that file23:23
jcoleBluesKaj-Laptop: ubiquity runs apt-setup23:23
BluesKaj-Laptopyou can always change the sources'list mirror later23:24
jcoleBluesKaj-Laptop: its not for me, im creating an install cd for multiple people... i would rather automate it instead of explaining to each one how to change sources.list23:25
BluesKaj-Laptopnow he tells us ;023:25
jcoleBluesKaj-Laptop: usually remastering is to distribute your own version to others23:26
rayne_question, 9.4 and 10.1 look like the are coming out close to each other... is there a difference in these 2 versions?23:47
crimsunBUGabundo: no, that's not me23:47
BUGabundocrimsun: I filed it23:49
BUGabundohope they look at it23:49
BUGabundovery anoying23:49

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