=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory [03:21] * Takyoji bugs anyone in the channel that deals with bug reporting [05:04] Does anyone know how to get Empathy to connect to the yahoo chat servers? I need a server addy and port. [05:07] that's just to override the settings [05:08] ?? [05:13] I dont see a server name/address or any rooms. [05:28] Oh, Yahoo chatrooms [05:28] That's probably a bug then [05:28] ya.. how do I get those? [05:28] well, it wants a server address [05:28] look for a bug report or forum question in regards of the issue/ :P [05:29] otherwise I'm leaving for the night [19:25] Grr. I finally bought ink for my HP inkjet, printed two pages yesterday, and today it's b0rked. [19:59] Cheap/Free printer? Laser? Will pick up, probably...