=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta [02:44] * Chipaca kicks beuno [02:44] STOP STABBING GWIBBER [07:49] Hello, I have a simple question about ubuntuone. If remove database from local desktopcouch, and it had been replicated to remote desktopcouch sometime ago [07:50] it can not be removed, becouse the remote desktopcouche will replicate this removed database into our local desktopcouch i [07:50] How problem of removing is currently solved ? [07:54] Indeed it is simple question about desktopcouch [07:58] desktopcouch is doing its om-nom-nom-i-eat-all-your-download-quota thing again. :( [07:58] hello voytech [07:58] duanedesign: hello [07:58] voytech: see if this FAQ helps: https://answers.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/+question/95878 [07:59] duanedesign: thank You :) [08:03] but shouldn't it be done automatically by desktopcouch, that if remove database for example by python desktopcouch api, that if we are removing databse its name is written into exluded_database ? [08:20] hello rye [08:20] duanedesign, hi there! [08:22] What is the easiest way to delete a database that has been replicated to remote desktopcouch? [08:24] duanedesign, it always returns back [08:25] So you would have to find the record that describes the pairing with Ubuntu One and add the key "exclude_name".. [08:25] duanedesign, i guess we need to poke aquarius on that. I still have several test dbs coming back after complete removal. [08:25] duanedesign, hm, I wonder whether that applies for the dbs _already_ on the server [08:25] hmm [08:25] let me see the code... [08:26] interesting.... voytech you still with us :) [08:27] """Find a list of local databases, minus dbs that we do not want to [08:27] replicate (explicitly or implicitly).""" [08:27] btw, it is excluded_names [08:28] ok, thanks [08:29] hm [08:29] so, basically, if the database does not exist locally then it should not be replicated [08:29] but that's not what is happening [08:29] unless... [08:30] he he he [08:30] :) [08:30] i think i know the reason [08:30] but will disclose it only after short break (need to verify my assumption) [08:30] lol, ok [08:32] def set_up(port_getter): [08:32] try: [08:32] b.publish() [08:32] except dbus.exceptions.DBusException, e: [08:32] log.error("We seem to be running already, or can't publish " [08:32] "our zeroconf advert. %s", e) [08:32] return None [08:32] grrr [08:33] no avahi/zeroconf - no replication. [08:33] hmm [08:34] http://sPBIQAzrwE:-hashed-e012e1a76af2b019cdb159773bc8c5a027f0b542,6932bfe599e5bd2ea2e672bfa5ed0e52@localhost:39033/_utils [08:35] awesome funton login [08:35] *futon [08:35] just get the hashed password and stuff it in.... [08:35] i see a bug. [08:35] heh [08:35] but that's not relevant to the original discussion [08:38] take me... [08:39] fresh lucid vm, not upgraded or otherwise broken. [08:39] seems like a bug [08:41] ok, re: bugs - FFFF - first found first filed. [08:45] rye, that issue (hashed password in the bookmark file) is fixed in trunk desktopcouch, but that hasn't been released yet [08:45] rye, talk to cardinalfang about when it will be released [08:45] aquarius, is there a bug report? [08:45] 'cause I am about to file one [08:46] rye, not syre. We fixed it at the distro sprint [08:46] 'cause I found none [08:46] ok, then I will file that just to make sure it is fixed [08:46] 'since it is not yet released :) [08:55] aquarius, does the client-side of desktopcouch asks the server-side about the databases that exist on the server-side? [08:55] rye, yes [08:56] aquarius, hm, is it possible to remove the database so that it is completely removed? [08:56] both from client and server [08:57] I know that it is possible to remove all documents, but is it possible to remove the database? [08:57] yes it is possible ? [08:57] hrm, I'm not exactly sure how the replication engine deals with deleted databases, without reading the source. Have a look in the code, or ask cardinalfang when he arrives [08:58] (if the replication engine doesn't handle it, then you can do it by deleting from local as normal and then deleting from U1 with ubuntuone-couchdb-query) [08:59] what is ubuntuone-couchdb-query ? [09:00] aquarius, re: ubuntuone-couchdb-query - can't really understand how I can issue DELETE request [09:00] rye: pass -http-method=DELETE [09:01] er, --http-method=DELETE [09:01] be careful, though :) [09:01] voytech, this is the script given to us by mighty aquarius and I failed to share it [09:02] I'd like to have this script :) [09:03] rye: Does this script provide us to perform actions on desktopcouch on ubuntuone ? [09:03] voytech, http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/Documentation/Troubleshooting?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ubuntuone-couchdb-query [09:03] rye: Ohh thanks [09:04] * rye dreams of commandline couchdb application with autocompletion and all fancy stuff and commandline sync application to browse server-side files in lftp manner... [09:05] rye, that's why I built ubuntuone-couchdb-query. You can build everything else on top of that. What I want to do is make futon available on couchdb.one.ubuntu.com, but it's hard. [09:05] wow, I can delete things from the server... [09:05] my things, I mean [09:06] aquarius, yes, but I am just dreaming about this, not yet see how would I use it. [09:06] * rye likes commandline apps [09:07] voytech, so, to delete a database on the server, do ubuntuone-couchdb-query --http-method=DELETE dbname [09:07] warning: it does not ask for confirmation, and it is not undoable! [09:07] to check that a database exists on the server, ubuntuone-couchdb-query dbname [09:08] aquarius, ok thanks [09:09] voytech, aquarius, this reminds me of a joke - Q: How to check that SQL table exists on the server? A: DROP table. If it returns no errors then database existed. [09:09] rye, did you manage to get ubuntuone-couchdb-query into the ubuntuone-client package before feature freeze? [09:09] *then table existed [09:09] aquarius, no, I haven't touched ubuntuone-client for quite a while :( [09:09] grr [09:10] rye, haha [09:34] wow: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=26875 - GNOME MIME type association [10:33] ok, it looks like my CPU if frying me some dinner so I really need to clean the fans. If everything is fine I am going to be back in an hour [12:22] hm [12:23] anybody here got working mozila java plugin in their firefox in Lucid Lynx ? [12:28] Wow I see ubuntuone control panel :) [12:29] aquarius, Could You give link to this script for manage desktopcouch on ubuntuone. It was called desktocouch_ubuntuone sth [12:29] voytech, rye has the link [12:31] rye, Could You send me a link to that script for manage desktopcouch on ubuntuone ? I've lost it === teknico is now known as teknico_away === teknico_away is now known as teknico [13:16] www.search2.net [13:17] that was nice [13:17] I want such kind of adblock [14:14] rye: have you seen a high CPU usage with desktop couch before? bug #515301 (see last 5 comments or so, not original description) [14:14] Launchpad bug 515301 in evolution-couchdb "Synchronization problems between evolution couchDB contact list and Ubuntu One " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/515301 [14:15] joshuahoover, no, not seen neither on host machine nor on the virtual instances [14:15] rye: me either...hmmm [14:17] joshuahoover, and, basically 100% on one of my cpu does not show whether it is desktopcouch-service, couchdb or evolution :( [14:44] rye: can you take a look at bug #526878 and let me know if you've seen the errors reported there? i'm trying to follow up on a forum thread and the user reported this bug as part of that thread [14:44] Launchpad bug 526878 in ubuntuone-client "UbuntuOne isn't synchronizing correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/526878 [14:44] * rye looks [14:44] rye: thanks! [14:47] joshuahoover, cannot match INTERNAL_ERROR with something, there is something wrong that has happened earlier but syncdaemon.log does not show anything useful except that it is in STANDOFF state [14:47] joshuahoover, bug 487257 ? [14:47] rye: yeah, the syncdaemon log is useless [14:47] Launchpad bug 487257 in ubuntuone-client "The client gets stuck into STANDOFF state" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/487257 [14:47] * joshuahoover looking [14:48] but it looks like there are several issues happened [14:51] rye: yep, though it does seem 526878 may be the same issue...i think the only way to know for sure is to get debug logs on 526878...i'll request those === gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak [15:29] CardinalFang, can you join #ubuntu-desktop ? [15:45] rye, Could You send me the link of script, about which there was a discussion in the morning ? Forgive me , You propably will have to send me that link third time, but I was at my university having lectures, and every time I was waiting for that link the lectures were ending, and I have to turn off computer :( [15:45] wojtek, I have posted it here - http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/Documentation/Troubleshooting [15:45] rye, thanks [15:45] rye, thanks again [15:45] wojtek, I mean the link is at the end of the page [15:46] wojtek, I believe this tool deserves a page of its own [15:46] btw [15:47] dont You think that desktopcouch should have the ability ro permanently remove database, for example there could be a record in replicatable database that contains databases that has to be removed form server if they are present on it [15:48] that contains database names (not databases) [15:57] sorry I'm late... me [15:57] DONE: landed #523885, started #498324, one more issue reported with lucid and our dev env [15:57] TODO: not sure yet...discussing that on irc [15:57] BLOCKED: no really [15:58] rye, I bounced bug 501020 to you [15:59] Launchpad bug 501020 in ubuntuone-servers "Tomboy note sync and web-ui for notes are broken" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/501020 [15:59] as I think it goes beyind my work on it [15:59] I promise I will not create combined bug reports [16:01] beuno, ok, there's something wrong with the notes, diving into my vm to find more... [16:02] rye, thank you [16:02] vds, we haven't done standup yet [16:02] but we may as well [16:02] me [16:03] done: Got contact dupe detection working, now waiting for funambol support to tell me why it gets ignored [16:03] TODO: Continue working and debugging dupes [16:03] BLOCKED: Yes, on funambol [16:03] teknico, go [16:03] where? [16:04] :-P [16:04] DONE: found another problem with funambol, haproxy and exchange, filed RT ticket about it; booked flight for the Lean March training; did bug triage; had some interaction with Funambol support; did some reviews [16:04] TODO: do more reviews; make phone sync finally work in production [16:04] BLOCK: none [16:05] beuno, you and vds did an unauthorized public assembly, and cajoled me into it unknowingly [16:05] teknico, I feel succesful today :) [16:18] rye: did you file a bug on not being able to save contacts in the web ui? [16:18] * beuno thinks theres a bug for that [16:19] it's kind of bug 399664 [16:19] Bug 399664 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/399664 is private [16:19] but that may be too generic [16:20] beuno: yeah, that's too generic...we used to be able to save a contact but can't anymore in the web ui [16:21] joshuahoover, so can you kill that bug, and create a specific one? [16:21] target to public-alpha would be great :) [16:21] beuno: yep, will do [16:22] joshuahoover, thanks [16:25] beuno: looks like we have one already, i'll tag it and set the milestone appropriately (bug #524376) [16:25] Launchpad bug 524376 in ubuntuone-servers "Cannot save contact on Ubuntu One website" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/524376 [16:26] joshuahoover, even better [16:27] joshuahoover, i confirmed bug 524376 (sorry, was in my vm fullscreen). I have a pretty strange feeling about notes and their conversion... [16:27] Launchpad bug 524376 in ubuntuone-servers "Cannot save contact on Ubuntu One website" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/524376 [16:28] rye: np...strange feeling about notes and their conversion? [16:29] br node does not exists in Tomboy XML, so the guy here [[ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/501020/comments/32 ]] should have never received such XML... [16:29] Launchpad bug 501020 in ubuntuone-servers "Tomboy note sync and web-ui for notes are broken" [High,Triaged] [16:30] that leads to the assumption that note conversion is not performed for clients that have notes stored in old HTML format and try syncing Tomboy notes. Now I need to prove myself wrong [16:30] is there any list of the revisions that the production was at certain points in time? [16:31] I might need to get a time machine (or exact bzr revisions) to prove that I am wrong... [16:31] joshuahoover, ^ :) [16:33] * rye needs a flux capacitor [16:35] rye: asking pfibiger in the other channel === teknico is now known as teknico_away [18:37] Ok, my primary ISP had 1 year to fix their problems with connection, switching to secondary ISP, raising the speed to 10Mbit up/down and leaving the first as a backup one with minimal plan. Grrr... [18:51] rye_: maybe if you get your hands on that flux capacitor you can go forward into the future and they might have it fixed :P [18:58] BUG! [18:58] f*ck.. I was not wrong [18:59] rye is this the Tomboy notes? [19:00] duanedesign, yes [19:00] joshuahoover, there is really some problem with conversion [19:00] joshuahoover, I mean the notes that are on the server in HTML are DOWNLOADED as HTML to tomboy instances, w/o prior conversion. [19:02] I wonder why there is only one user complaining... [19:03] ok, went digging into the code. No idea how it works for now... [19:07] joshuahoover, you said that rodrigo is available via E-Mail, right? [19:08] rye: ummm...i don't think i said that, maybe Chipaca or someone else did? [19:08] rye: but i think you'll need to email him [19:09] I didn't [19:09] my calendar says rodrigo is on holiday [19:09] partying away, pissed as a lord, etc [19:10] * rye_ is searching who said that :) === rye_ is now known as rye [19:15] Feb 24 15:16:50 is rodrigo anywhere near? [19:15] Feb 24 15:17:49 rodrigo's off all week; he can be fetched in an emergency [19:15] Feb 24 15:17:59 i see [19:15] Feb 24 15:18:03 best thing to do is drop him an email; he's reasonably responsive to emails [19:15] almost [19:17] * rye definitely needs to have bug 525930 sorted... [19:17] Launchpad bug 525930 in canonical-identity-provider "Emails entered in SSO are not available in LP" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/525930 [19:35] is LP using the SSO yet? [19:38] dobey, they... mmm... kind of share the same db, but it looks like it is not that "shared"... [19:39] rye: also, creating an SSO account != creating a LP account. the SSO system is meant to be a separate thing [19:39] rye: so I'm not sure how the LP migration to it will work in the end :) [19:40] dobey, yes, I know, but I had a LP account, it was all nice and shiny. But then SSO appeared even more shiny. Attracted by the most shiny thing I added my new emails via SSO. And I broke internets. [19:40] rye: yes, the SSO db was copied over from the LP accounts db (so that anyone who already registered, will have an account) [19:41] rye: but the DBs are totally separate [19:41] dobey, not _that_ totally if by entering my email to SSO I am unable to enter it to LP because LP oopses [19:43] rye: weird [19:44] rye: well file a bug with the OOPS ID :) [20:18] * rye rebootz [20:36] Hi a couple of weeks ago I submitted this blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+spec/ovi-sync and was contacted by Matt Grifffin by email to expand on Ovi, just wondering if it's being considered at all [20:56] mattgriffin, ^ [21:00] mickstephenson: hi. haven't been able move any further on this yet. sorry. i'll reply to your email [21:04] thanks