
penguin42hmm I should try the Alpha3 isos in a KVM when it lands, previous ones haven't been too successful (especially the KDE and netbook)00:32
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* penguin42 wonders why exaile (paused) is using an entire CPU01:19
histoanyone elses wirelss going crazy now with recent updates?01:20
histomy connection is bouncing between 0 and like 80%01:20
Andy80hi... anyone of you uses daily builds of Gwibber?01:26
DanaGgrr, stupid indicator thingy... blacklists pidgin, for some reason.02:07
Hellmark[S10e]anyone having issues with KDE just crashing, and X.org being forced into low graphics mode?03:01
Hellmark[S10e]It only appears to be happening when using KDE03:04
kindofabuzzwhy does the notification area fill up with vertical lines as time passes??03:45
Nitsugakindofabuzz, i don't have that issue03:46
Nitsugakindofabuzz, maybe some program in the notification area is causing trouble03:46
kindofabuzzNitsuga, i get them without anything in the notification area03:47
Steilim having issues with CPUfreq scaling in UNR 9.1003:47
NitsugaSteil, maybe you can get more help in #ubuntu03:48
rwwSteil: 9.10 support is in #ubuntu, this channel is for 10.04 discussion and support.03:48
Steil10.04 i meant03:49
Steil(what is the default cpu scaling daemon in 10.04?)03:49
NitsugaSteil, cpufreq? I think there isn't any03:50
* Steil hasnt used ubuntu since 6.1003:50
NitsugaSteil, any i think03:50
Nitsugacpufreqd isn't installed on my system03:51
Trewascpu frequency scaling is handled internally by kernel03:51
Steilso does the kernel handle scaling on its own now?03:51
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DSpairHi all, I need some assistance.03:52
DSpairThe LVM modules are not starting up early enough in the init process to mount my mirrored home directory under Lucid. How do I modify that?03:52
alex_mayorgaiS cAPS lOCK NUTS FOR EVERYONE?03:59
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, what?04:00
alex_mayorgaI pressed Caps Lock once and now my keyboard inputs CAPS when the caps LED is off04:02
alex_mayorgaand lower case when the CAPS LED IS on04:02
alex_mayorgabasically Caps Lock key/LED are backwards04:03
alex_mayorgareally weird :)04:03
yofelDSpair: maybe add them to the initrd?04:03
yofelDSpair: add them to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules (I think) and then run update-initramfs04:05
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, yeah, that's weird04:06
Steilis there anyway to add applets to the panel in ubuntu netbook remix?04:06
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, maybe swithching to  tty, pressing the caps lock, and going back to X solves that04:06
Nitsugathat, or rebooting04:06
Nitsugai'm going04:06
Nitsugagood bye!04:07
alex_mayorgaNitsuga: can you try your caps lock on OOo Calc?04:07
alex_mayorgaI was on it when the problem started04:07
RAOFSteil: No, there isn't. The top panel is probably too small to handle all the things we put in there *and* more.04:08
yofelDSpair: that will help if it's a module issue. but if you actually need a service to be started for lvm then a 'start on' statement in the upstart scripts might be wrong04:08
Nitsugaalex_mayorga, works04:08
SteilRAOF: do you know of anything that'll put a notifcation area icon so i can monitor my cpu scaling?04:10
RAOFSteil: Not off the top of my head, no.  There's a CPU docklet for Docky, but that's unlikely to be what you're after.04:10
alex_mayorgaSteil: right click on the top panel, "Add to Panel..." pick "CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor", Add04:12
alex_mayorgathat's on gnome04:12
Steilalex_mayorga: Apparently you can't add applets to the panel in netbook remix04:13
rwwStik: yes you can, there's just no space to do so by default04:13
rwwStik: sorry, mistab04:13
rwwSteil: **04:14
alex_mayorgaSteil: sorry, I didn't know the netbook part04:14
Steilrww: Do i need to do it through gconf then?04:14
rwwSteil: you could just move one of the other applets over. Moving the notification area left and using the space to the right of it works for me04:14
DanaGI've found weird things happening when I use ibus: I end up with my notification-area getting wider and wider and wider and wider and wider and wider and wider, until it pushes my leftmost launchers ON TOP of my menus!04:15
Steilrww: The applet is showing up as locked....and gconf-editor is complaining the key is unwritable when i try to unlock it04:17
xfactanyone can tell me how to direct upgrade to Ubuntu Lucid alpha 3 from Karmic?04:19
xfactHow to upgrade to Lucid from Karmic, may I know?04:20
rwwxfact: Press Alt-F2, type "update-manager -d" (without quotes), it should tell you that 10.04 is available04:23
nigelbxfact: it is advised that you backup all important data04:23
bjsniderDanaG, the new notification area in gnome-shell is a small bar across the bottom of the screen04:28
DanaGhmm, I'm not speaking of gnome-shell, though.04:29
bjsnideryes, but you can switch over to it04:29
DanaGInteresting... so instead, I'll have a "small bar across the bottom of my screen" randomly leaking space.04:29
bjsniderit's int he ricotz ppa04:29
xfactDo you think Alpha 3 is enough stable for ordinary home works?04:29
rwwxfact: no04:30
DanaGspace usage fail: http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/Screenshot-gnomeshell.png04:30
xfactDanaG, WoW! What is this, the screen is looking so smart!04:31
DanaGThat's gnome-shell last time I tried it.04:31
bjsniderlooks a bit different now04:31
DanaGoh, and there's that weird blur on the text on "network..."04:31
vividlooks exactly the same in karmic04:31
bjsniderand obviously you should be using more than just one desktop04:32
DanaGI'm used to using 4 desktops with compiz... ctrl-alt-arrow.04:32
bjsnidervivid, the latest version, 2.29 is in ricotz ppa04:32
vividmaybe, im partial to non-compositing wms04:32
DanaGI stick with Compiz.04:32
DanaGNice animations (such as lamp), and nice Scale Windows thingy.04:33
DanaGAnd a taskbar, imagine that!04:33
vividi dont care for animations04:33
vividgive me a terminal and thats all it takes really04:33
DanaGNow, those FLAMES things ARE stupid, I'll give you that.04:33
DanaGBurning windows?  horribly horribly distracting.04:33
DanaGDoesn't even look cool.04:34
bjsniderwhat about the snow/water one?04:34
bjsniderand the gears?04:34
DanaGEh, that's for when you WANT to be distracted.04:34
vividthats because you left out your snowflakes04:34
bjsniderand the multiple plugins that do the same thing but have different names04:34
DanaGTry using up, down, left, right arrows from the icon theme, instead of snowflake images.04:34
DanaGIt's like D-D-R (game). =þ04:35
DanaGWord assocations for me: DDR = RAM.04:35
vividso when exactly is "alpha 3" out?04:35
Espen77DDR = old germany :P04:35
Espen77vivid: guessing within a day or so04:36
DanaGChangelog for rfkill: Constification.04:37
vividyea the calendar says tomorrow, just curious though04:37
Espen77vivid: it is just a roadmap with no guaraties04:38
vividexactly why im curious :o04:39
Espen77DanaG: used shells a lot?04:44
DanaGNo, I don't like it.04:44
DanaGAt least, I didn't like it the last 3 times I tried it.04:45
Espen77I also tried it and prefer the way it is now04:45
Espen77good lucid is sticking to old gnome and is lts.04:47
vividgnome-shell is nice because its more practical04:49
DanaGI find it LESS practical.04:49
DanaGAnd the animations annoy me to no end -- a minimize should NOT  feel exactly the same as a "close".04:50
vividreally? you find snowflakes and wobbly windows practical?04:50
DanaGNo, I don't use snowflakes, and I have my wobbly relatively tame.04:50
DanaGI don't go moving windows all the time, you know.04:50
DanaGCompiz defaults can be stupid... but it can be nice once tweaked right.04:50
DanaGThat's the problem: it takes tweaking to get it nice.04:50
vividtoo much flash, not enough functionality04:51
DanaGThat's only true if you MAKE it so.04:51
DanaGI could say the same about OS X and its dock.04:51
vivideither way, it holds the same functionality metacity does04:51
vividand with compisiting, looks about the same too04:52
DanaGPlus the scale thingy, and zoom.04:52
vividmac is just a bad interface04:52
DanaGheh, my dad got my mom a mac, and hates it every time he uses it... yet is too stubborn to let me put even win7 on the thing.04:52
Espen77as long as i have tabbed terminal windows and firefox i dont care for much else, so i dont use much of the fx's04:53
vividme either, but thats why i like gnome-shell04:53
vividbecause it adds more than just pretty effects04:53
vivideverything is one click04:53
DanaGI find it adds LAAAAGH, last time I tried.04:54
DanaGIt takes me exactly one click to click the firefox launcher on my panel.04:54
DanaGTakes 2 clicks to get there in gnome-shell.04:54
DanaGOr a hover and a click.04:54
vividwhat if you want to browse your drive?04:54
Espen77it was unstable and slow when i tried it to,04:54
DanaGalt-f2, .04:54
DanaGopens home dir.04:54
DanaGyeah, just run "." in gnome run thingy.04:54
DanaGor go places->drive_name (or whatever).04:55
vividor you could just hover and click the app you want04:55
DanaGI'd be okay with gnome-shell if it, A, had a taskbar, and B, let me change the animations.04:55
vividor file, movie, song whatever04:55
vividyea not having a taskbar is strange04:56
DanaGIt totally breaks my ability to do anything, often.04:56
vividwhen like it when im doing work04:56
vividreally easy to switch between the 20 apps i have scattered04:56
vividyet all easily viewable04:56
DanaGI do same with compiz: mouse to lower-right corner.04:57
DanaGhmm, I should try gnomesHell again, since you say it's changed recently.04:57
Espen77good old alt-tab works to04:57
vividi would almost bet money that compiz wont be default for much longer : /04:57
DanaGyeah, caps on purpose.04:57
vividits not the same as alt-tabbing between apps04:58
Espen77lol...havent seen it written like that before04:58
DanaGspeaking of gnomes:04:58
DanaGoh, here's my compiz profile: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/Dana_Compiz.profile05:00
DanaGThere are some settings there for non-enabled plugins, from previous use.05:00
DanaGsuper-tab is ring-switcher; I use it once in, oh, a blue moon or two.05:02
Espen77there is a nice thing in xubuntu i think, move mouse into top left corner and get all windows on screen like an alt-tab thing....not sure it is in normal compiz05:04
vividi thought xfce used its own wm05:04
Espen77ye, it is xfce thing05:05
DanaGhmm, so is ricotz ppa also for lucid?05:08
vividi dunno, but i liked the older version better05:10
vividits a shame it has no configuration05:11
DanaGhmm, new gnome-shell05:12
DanaGhmm, new gnome shell has better animations, at least.05:12
Espen77looking the same?05:12
DanaGNamely, minimize is a "zoom", and close is just plain nothing.05:12
vividi dont like them :p05:13
DanaGTry my compiz profile (export your settings first), and you'll see what I'm comparing gnome-shell to.05:13
vividscreen flickers all over when i touch the calendar05:13
DanaGhmm, the Activities thing is still horridly laggy, though.05:13
DanaGLooks like about 3 or 4 FPS.05:13
DanaGer, fine, maybe 8.05:13
vividthis version seems more jerky to me05:13
vividbut its not that slow05:14
DanaGdoes it have a showfps option?05:14
Espen77DanaG: have a big gpu?05:14
DanaGwhat the heck?  I turn on sidebar and RIGHT-CLICK an app... and it LAUNCHES the app.05:14
DanaGThat's just as wrong as Apple making Enter RENAME things.05:14
skyjumperEnter renames things?05:15
virtualddanag: how do compiz affect power consumption? is it much?05:15
DanaGIn OS X, yes.05:15
skyjumperwhen does it do that?05:15
DanaGhmm, on Intel, there's about ZERO effect for me.05:15
DanaGOn Radeon... well, radeon PM is lacking anyway, for now.05:15
DanaGEspecially with KMS.05:16
DanaG46 watts with KMS; 17 watts with fglrx.05:16
DanaGOr so my battery says.05:16
virtualdi only have intel in my netbook05:16
DanaGokay, since right-click launches the app, how do I REMOVE an app from the sidebar?05:17
Espen77DanaG: apt-get purge?05:17
DanaGoh, even with sidebar enabled, I still have to go to Activities to have working right-click.05:17
DanaGArgh, that Activities thing is still so unintuitive.05:18
DanaGI expect it to be a menu.05:18
DanaGIt sure doesn't look like a button!05:18
Espen77think you are supose to type, like in gnome-do05:19
DanaGoh, and alt-f1 doesn't toggle.05:19
DanaGdoes normal gnome toggle menus upon repeated alt-f1?05:19
Espen77alt-f1 activates menu05:20
DanaGand alt-f1 again closes it?05:20
Espen77esc to close05:20
Espen77doing it twice have no effect05:20
DanaGhm, ctrl-alt-arrow not working right away... also bugs me.05:23
DanaGMy compiz animations: open is dream, close is sidekick.  min/unmin is lamp. menu open/close is vacuum (like the mouse slurping up a noodle).05:24
DanaGoh, and neither super-l or ctrl-alt-l lock the screen.05:24
Espen77no padlock button on the keyboard? :P05:24
DanaGnope.  shouldn't need one.05:27
DanaGeven win95 had super-l to lock.05:27
Espen77ctrl-alt-del + enter05:29
DanaGre, that's on my other system.05:29
DanaGanyway, I'm still not impressed, but now it's less bad. =þ05:32
Espen77hard to find the app's they are all in one group05:35
Espen77have 2 terminals open you ned to do arrow down when alt-tab'ing05:39
Espen77wtb taskbar in shell05:49
sagacialpha 3 - available yet?06:03
espen77should show on that page when i do06:05
sagaciok i'll come back in a couple of hours06:06
Damasceneis Alpha 3 out?06:30
ZykoticK9Damascene, it should show in Channel title or http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha3 will be active06:31
DamasceneI've got an email on QA mail list from some one who clam to be using alpha 306:33
KubuntiacWow. Maybe we should all take a holiday and just download it from him ;-)06:36
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niekieThat's nothing, I'm using Ubuntu 16.10 here. It's marvelous ;D06:39
Damasceneyou are form the future then :)06:40
niekieNo, I'm from the internet. :)06:40
KubuntiacThe internet? That's near Russia, isn't it?06:40
KubuntiacHey, does anyone know what the deal is with xf86-input-wacom on Kubuntu? Doesn't seem to be in the repo's yet it's in packages.ubuntu.com under main...06:42
Steilhey so since the last round of updates, i've lost my battery from power manager....any ideas?06:44
espen77Damascene: maybe one of the iso testimages (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/)07:13
Damasceneespen77, is there some issue with the link certificate07:14
espen77Damascene: waiting for a3 is offissialy out. Havent tried those images07:17
espen77Damascene: bether off spending the time praying that wacom input will work in a3 :P07:19
Damascenelucid alpha have not been quite unstable to me07:20
Damasceneif I said it right07:21
espen77it has been suprisingly stabile07:21
ZykoticK9Damascene, you used a double-negative there, is is stable or unstable for you?07:21
Damascenestable, bad english07:22
ZykoticK9I've been running Alpha since beginning of the month - had my first hard lockup yesterday.  Others have not been so lucky.07:23
espen77ZykoticK9: maybe depending on what hw u use, i have been running it sins begining of december and no problems at all, except for software-center07:24
ZykoticK9espen77, certainly agree it's hardware that seems to have the most impact with stability on Lucid (same could probably be said for any OS mind you).  For Alpha software I find Lucid amazingly stable, I've certainly reported bugs but hey that's what Alpha/Beta software is for07:26
espen77ZykoticK9: exactly07:26
arandWould anyone here care to confirm if Bug #510571 exists in the current lucid version of virtualbox?08:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057108:41
SwedeMikearand: I had the problem 1-2 weeks ago, anyway.08:45
arandSwedeMike: this on Lucid?08:46
SwedeMikebut since I found out about it I've always booted with acpi=off so I don't know if it's still there.08:46
SwedeMikethis is in 10.04.08:46
arandSwedeMike: Mind testing? I'm trying to figure out how much patching is to be done..08:47
SwedeMikearand: the box is at home, I can test in 8 hours.08:47
arandSwedeMike: Cheers, either ping me or comment on the bug ↑↑08:48
SwedeMikesure, if I haven't responded in 10 hours, please remind me here.08:49
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grndslmdudez... i just tried installing 10.04 on an ssd with GPT and grub is having an issue with it09:47
grndslmi selected /dev/sdb1 during install instead of both that and /dev/sdb.... so perhaps an error should come up when someone does that??  i mean, it still saw grub, but here's the "error: the symbl 'grub_term_outputs_disabled' not found.. Grub rescue >"09:49
grndslmbut this was recommended to me...09:50
grndslm>>>  [09:45] <Jordan_U> grndslm, Yes, the Ubuntu installer should create a BIOS boot partition on GPT systems.09:50
Jordan_Ugrndslm, That comment was referring to the error from grub-install. A BIOS boot partition would not have helped when you set grub to install only to a partition.09:51
grndslmwell... the new installer is whack... that's all i gotta say09:51
Jordan_Ugrndslm, You also know I hope that this is *not* the place to report bugs if you actually want to see them fixed.09:52
grndslmyea... i'm not a bug reporter09:53
grndslmjust hopin' somebody could figure out how to install it to the GPT or MBR or whatever...09:53
grndslmso i wouldn't have to spend these few hours reinstalling all these tweaks again09:54
Jordan_Ugrndslm, Why don't you file bug reports?09:54
grndslmtoo complicated for an issue that will more than likely resolve itself09:54
Jordan_Ugrndslm, It won't resolve itself without a bug report09:55
grndslmwell... i'll highly consider it after tonight09:55
grndslmJordan_U: soo... reinstall is my only choice, eh?09:56
Jordan_Ugrndslm, I never said that.09:56
Jordan_Ugrndslm, Unless you mean re-installing grub09:56
grndslmJordan_U: i already reinstalled grub with chroot09:57
Jordan_Ugrndslm, And is grub now working?09:57
grndslmNOT working09:57
Jordan_Ugrndslm, Did you add --force to grub-install or create a BIOS boot partition?09:57
grndslmJordan_U: --force not create the BIOS boot partition09:58
grndslmi'm not sure what that is09:58
Jordan_Ugrndslm, What happens now when you try to boot?09:58
grndslmJordan_U: same thing.... "error: the hsymbol 'grub_term_outputs_disabled' not found... Grub rescue >'09:58
Jordan_Ugrndslm, Are you sure that you are booting from the drive you installed grub to?09:59
grndslmJordan_U: i must be... it's been sdb the whole time10:00
grndslmi've checked that it's the 60gb everytime10:00
Jordan_Ugrndslm, How have you checked?10:00
grndslmdf -Th most of the time10:00
Jordan_Ugrndslm, I mean the boot order in the BIOS.10:00
grndslmbeen sdb everytime, afaik  :-/10:01
espen77what is on your sda?10:01
espen77still bootable?10:01
grndslmgpt on sdb10:01
Jordan_Ugrndslm, You may have installed grub to the correct drive but I am pretty sure that is not the one you are currently booting from.10:01
grndslmespen77:  no... i get that error above about the symbol not being found10:01
espen77for vista to?10:02
grndslmJordan_U: if i remove the cable from the vista drive, do you think it'd work?10:02
Jordan_Ugrndslm, Yes10:02
grndslmnice... i'll try10:02
grndslmthere's a bug in the installer!!  with grub & gpt partitions...10:21
grndslmi selected /dev/sdb1 (NOT /dev/sdb as well)... and now i'm having all kindsa problems10:22
grndslmit even wrote over a vista drive i also had setup as /dev/sda1, WHEN IT WASN'T SELECTED!!!10:22
gnomefreakyou cant really compress mp3 can you (change size of dir) right?11:31
pawhen was lucid alpha3 supposed to be out?12:05
pawasnt it today?12:05
JoshuaLpa, if it was today it can still be released, think of the timezones :P12:06
payes i know, but when then?12:07
xgurupa: ubuntu doesn't give a specific time zone, or a specific time12:09
xguruso it will be out "sometime" today.  Depending on your timezone it could be early tomorrow12:10
pai see..12:10
DSpairGood morning all.12:11
DSpairI'm having an issue with LVM2 on my Lucid desktop and I'm hoping someone here might be able to help me out.12:12
DSpairWhen booting Lucid, I kep getting a screen which reads "Waiting for /home [SM]". The "/home" filesystem on my computer is an LVM2 volume, and I am assuming that it is failing because the device mapper is not starting in time for it to mount .12:13
DSpairHow can I get the file system mounter to wait for the device mapper before trying to mount /home?12:13
theadminWill gnome-shell be made the default in 10.04?13:10
sanderqdtheadmin: no13:12
theadminsanderqd: Well... too bad. Thanks13:12
nizuridoes anyone have any idea what causes aptitude to give me a this error when I try to update? *** glibc detected *** aptitude: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0a18f650 *** (http://pastebin.com/QW6wqG3K)13:28
gnomefreaknizuri: in Lucid?13:58
gnomefreaknizuri: http://paste.ubuntu.com/383688/14:00
gnomefreakneed an idea on what command you are using14:00
nizuri gnomefreak yes, lucid server14:02
nizurignomefreak:  sudo aptitude update14:03
* gnomefreak running atm14:04
gnomefreaknizuri: i can not reproduce your bug. pleae file a bug on it that way someone can look at it. unless mvo_ is here but i get this feeling he is gone for the day14:05
nizurignomefreak: ok, i'll do that. thank you14:06
gnomefreaknizuri: np14:06
mvo_nizuri: out of curiosity, if you downgrade to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/i386/aptitude/ (previous lucid version) - does that help (I assume you run lucid)14:10
gnomefreaksorry thought you were gone for the day14:11
nizurii'll gitve it a try14:12
gnomefreakW: The "upgrade" command is deprecated; use "safe-upgrade" instead. :(14:13
lucidanxietyhey, is alpha 3 coming out today or what?14:19
nizurignomefreak, mvo_ : that fixed it.14:21
mvo_nizuri: can you please file a bug and mention that then?14:21
mvo_nizuri: I think I know what the problem is14:21
mvo_nizuri: (make sure to mention its a regression compared to -8 )14:22
mvo_hey gnomefreak14:22
nizurimvo_: yep, i'll add that. thanks to both of you14:22
avi_lucidanxiety: hey, is alpha 3 coming out today or what?14:23
mvo_nizuri: thank you! and give me the bugnumber please once its there, I will target it then14:23
eagles0513875:) hey guys14:32
eagles0513875are there any updates for amarok in the pipline as it seems to be missing stop fastforward rewind buttons14:33
gnomefreakhi mvo_14:34
nizurimvo_: I added it to this bugreport, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bug/51552514:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 515525 in aptitude "aptitude assert failure: *** glibc detected *** aptitude: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08f9d658 ***" [Medium,Triaged]14:36
mvo_thanks nizuri14:36
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BluesKajhi gnomefreak , what's up ?14:47
gnomefreaknot much just been busy.14:47
hggdhwhy would virtualBox state I have an i686 when I have a AMD64 running x86_64?14:50
crazeejGUYS!!  i've got a bug report!!14:53
crazeeji installed lucid on my new 60gb ssd...   had vista already installed on a 140gb hdd...14:53
crazeejeverything booted fine after install... but whenever i upgraded the grub-pc package, it kept giving me an error every boot thereafter:  "the symbol 'grub_term_outputs_disabled' not found... Grub rescue >"14:55
* gnomefreak wonders what the issue is14:55
crazeejthe solution was to "sudo parted /dev/sdb set 1 bios_grub on"14:55
gnomefreakcrazeej: i have never seen that before14:55
gnomefreakcrazeej: maybe file a bug report14:55
crazeeji'm thinking that bios boot partition thingy should've been automatic14:55
crazeejgnomefreak, yea, i don't know the best way to do that14:56
crazeejfile it under grub?  under parted?14:56
crazeejon launchpad?14:56
gnomefreakcrazeej: in terminal type ubuntu-bug grub-pc14:56
gnomefreakand follow the questions14:56
crazeejnice... much easier than i thought... would've been filing bug reports for years if i knew it was this easy!!14:57
ubottuError: This bug is private15:19
gnomefreakcrazeej: yes personal info. it will be marked differently once someone checks it15:21
eagles0513875hey guys15:23
gnomefreakhi eagles051387515:23
eagles0513875gnomefreak: im having an issue with amarok actually it seems like there is an issues with some playback buttons missing15:23
gnomefreakeagles0513875: yes known already. someone else asked about it as well. dont know when it will get fixed. suggest filing a bug report so the devs know15:24
eagles0513875gnomefreak: would you recommend i compile from git source and package a newer package?15:25
gnomefreakeagles0513875: you can try if you like but its alot of work from something that may not be fixed upstream15:26
eagles0513875gnomefreak: would be a good start to learn packaging i think15:26
gnomefreakyeah it can15:26
gnomefreaknot sure what level of ease armork is15:27
eagles0513875gnomefreak: ok. another question i backedup my bzr ssh key  what do i need to do to reassociate that with my lp account just copy the .ssh folder to my home folder15:29
martijn81hi, how far are we with the alpha3 version of kubuntu?15:32
paany1 knows when today alpha3 isos will be released?16:19
martijn81pa: i am after the same information..16:20
martijn81dont know16:20
pahope not to late..16:20
martijn81guess they will do it today16:20
eagles0513875pa: are you already on lucid16:22
pai installed alpha2 3 days ago, but i suspect it has been hacked already16:23
paso i turned off the machine16:23
paand now im waiting for alpha316:23
pasince i have to reinstall anyways16:23
eagles0513875pa: you can always reinstall alpha 2 and then run the updates16:23
kklimondapa: you can use the latest daily iso16:23
pawhere are they?16:23
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:24
pai gues the iso from yuday is more or less the same as the iso for alpha316:24
pawhats the difference btw daily and daily-live?16:24
Nitsugapa, daily is an alternate cd16:24
paone more (silly) question16:25
paon amd64 cpu, does the amd64 version run faster than the i386?16:25
pai guess it might have some compiler optimization16:25
Nitsugapa, yes, of course16:26
Nitsugaon amd64 the kernel is completely free to use each core individually16:26
Nitsugaalso mathematical operations are twice as fast16:27
pathen i know what to install :)16:27
robin0800kklimonda: the daily's have still got yesterdays date on them i.e. they are not today's16:28
kklimondarobin0800: but they are close enough16:28
eagles0513875im on 64bit due to the amount of ram i have and its super quick16:28
=== jono_ is now known as jono
histoHrm... found an interesting bug. Command line install boots tot he splash screen on tty7 not tt116:39
histopa: you may see some bennefits with 64bit but there is not reason NOT to install it.16:40
histopa: everything works with it flash etc... there are no more of the problems there were before.16:40
padoesnt look like that the video works much with the amd64 daily16:41
palets wait until X loads16:41
palooks like x works16:41
histopa: Everything should work with it just fine. The more people that use it the better it will get too.16:42
histopa: its becomming more and more the norm16:42
histo!hi | mezgani16:43
ubottumezgani: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:43
mezganii have an hp laptop with broadcom wifi card16:43
histomezgani: k16:43
histomezgani: You need the firmware for your broadcomm card. Do you have a wired connection?16:44
mezganiso i can not find bcm module, lsmod | grep -i bcm16:44
histomezgani: System > Admin > Hardware drivers16:44
mezganii've installed b43-fwcutter16:44
histomezgani: then you should be good to go if b43 downloaed the firmware16:45
mezganiaha so in Hardware drivers, i've Broadcom STA wireless driver16:46
histomezgani: maybe check if hte module is blacklisted16:46
histomezgani: activate it in there it will take care of it for you.16:46
mezganiand it was done by bcmwl-kernel-source16:49
histomezgani: yeah thats the other package you need. Is it working now/16:49
mezganibcm43xx not found, after modprobe16:50
mezganii've load all these b43,sbb, b43legacy16:50
mezganibut i can not for bcm43xx16:51
histomezgani: you shouldnb't have to load them. Just activate it in hardware drivers will take care of everything.16:52
histo!broadcomm | mezgani16:53
histo!broadcom | mezgani16:53
ubottumezgani: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:53
mezganihisto, hardware drivers said that the driver is activated and currently in use16:54
mezganithanks ubottu16:54
histo!bot | mezgani16:58
ubottumezgani: Hi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:58
histomezgani: ubottu is a bot I just had it send you info on broadcomm16:58
mezganiyep, nice job i see16:59
mezgani!libusb |mezgani16:59
mezgani!libusb | mezgani16:59
mezganimmm, see the /var/log/jockey.log17:01
mezganiand in file i got DEBUG: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod enabled, bcm43xx: enabled, b43: enabled, b43legacy: enabled17:02
eagles0513875hey guys what is the name of the widget where kmix loads into and other icons cuz i accidentally closed out of that17:08
apsdjghWhen will the bluetooth applet be merged into the indicator applet?17:08
om26erhey ubottu is alpha 3 out yet?17:09
om26erubottu, you there?17:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:10
martijn81apsdjgh: it will be today i guess17:10
apsdjghmartijn81: Not everything will be integrated, though. :(17:11
robin0800apsdjgh: or tomorow depending on your location17:11
apsdjghmartijn81: nm-applet and liferea won't be. :(17:11
martijn81yeah, but that is only if you use gnome17:12
apsdjghLiferea doesn't even have a monochrome icon. :(17:12
om26erapsdjgh, report a bug. I reported and transmission got monochrome the next day ;)17:12
apsdjghI find that Docky takes up too much room and some of my windows can't fit on my Eee PC's screen. :(17:13
eagles0513875hey guys what is the name of the widget where u see kmix and other programs on the task bar17:15
apsdjghom26er: Are you frustrated with the lack of a simple yet powerful image editor for the Linux desktop?17:21
om26erapsdjgh, I dont edit image usually17:22
apsdjghom26er: But sometimes you need to make some simple annotations to an image, crop it, add some captions, change the background colour or something?17:23
apsdjghAnd find GIMP to complex?17:23
om26erapsdjgh, it is too complex17:23
apsdjghom26er: Wouldn't you love it if the there was a Paint.Net-like program for Gnome?17:24
martijn81there is krita for kde17:24
apsdjghKDE sucks17:24
martijn81yeah, in know we do not all use that17:24
apsdjghom26er: I came across the perfect little find a couple of days ago.17:24
Machtini guess i can read it in the topic, as soon as alpha 3 is out?17:24
apsdjghom26er: Check this out: http://pinta-project.com/17:25
om26erapsdjgh, and that would be?17:25
om26erapsdjgh, I have pinta's source code in my computer atm17:25
apsdjghArghhh my Netbook screen is too small. :(17:25
apsdjghom26er: Do you like it? I do. :)17:26
om26erapsdjgh, I was not successful to build it. and did not install that .deb file17:26
* om26er downloads pinta17:26
apsdjghom26er: Why don't you install the .deb then?17:26
om26erapsdjgh, now I am17:27
apsdjghom26er: It's amazing what he's done in such a short amount of time.17:27
eagles0513875apsdjgh:  there is gimp for that btw17:27
eagles0513875and any of u guys know the name of the widget where all programs like kopete and kmix show up on is called17:27
apsdjgheagles0513875: GIMP is too complex for most users' basic needs.17:28
eagles0513875how so. btw u have any idea of my question17:29
apsdjgheagles0513875: Sorry, I haven't used KDE for over a year now.17:30
apsdjgheagles0513875: GIMP has too many functions and stuff.17:30
eagles0513875apsdjgh: gimp = oss alternative to photoshop17:30
apsdjgheagles0513875: Put GIMP in front of any new user and they won't have a clue what to do. Pinta and Paint.NET is less of a learning curve.17:30
apsdjgheagles0513875: Photoshop is too complex for most users' basic needs, too.17:31
apsdjgheagles0513875: Most people aren't professional graphics designers.17:31
apsdjghI'm going to replace OpenOffice writer with Abiword on my systems now.17:31
apsdjghStupid OpenOffice isn't GTK.17:32
BluesKajthere are less complex photoshop versions17:32
* om26er is now a fan of pinta17:32
BluesKajonly 300bucks a pop17:32
martijn81wow, not that cheap17:32
avi_is lucid lynx coming today or what?17:33
BluesKajmartijn81, photoshop that is17:33
BluesKajavi_, alpha 3 is17:33
avi_thats what I meant.17:33
apsdjghom26er: Yeah, it's good. :)17:33
avi_well,it isn't availible YET.17:33
avi_is it expected to be delayed?17:33
robin0800avi probably what17:33
eagles0513875apsdjgh: oo.o is java based17:34
melkorI'm curious what gnome and kernel are coming with lucid?17:34
eagles0513875melkor: lucid is at 2.6.32 atm17:34
BluesKajwho knows ...there were probs with the servers yestrday with OO upgrades so maybe the alpha3 release is somewhat delayed17:34
apsdjgheagles0513875: So?17:35
melkorIs there any possibilit of gnome 3 getting into lucid?17:35
apsdjghmelkor: It will be 2.6.32 and Gnome 2.3017:35
apsdjghmelkor: No.17:35
eagles0513875apsdjgh: reason its not gtk is the java motto write once run anywhere17:36
apsdjgheagles0513875: Then I won't use Java programs.17:36
apsdjgheagles0513875: I ditched Azureus and use Transmission now.17:36
avi_question, is it all possible to upgrade karmic to the .32 kernel?17:36
apsdjgheagles0513875: I want a consistent look and feel.17:36
eagles0513875i use utorrent with wine17:36
melkoravi_ yes17:36
apsdjghavi_: OMG of course it is.17:36
avi_forgive me, ubuntu noob.17:37
apsdjgheagles0513875: WTF why use Wine when there are plenty of good native clients?17:37
melkoravi_: do you us the ppa?  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/17:37
apsdjghavi_: Easiest way is to add the PPA.17:37
avi_ah ok.17:37
eagles0513875apsdjgh: havent found the right one yet17:37
avi_i'll try that. thanks.17:37
histowhy would xinit not be installed with xserver-xorg17:37
eagles0513875and as of right now im not fully on linux but dual booting with win 7 due to gaming atm :(17:37
apsdjgheagles0513875: If Transmission had a GUI a bit more like Deluge and Utorrent, it'd be perfect.17:38
melkoravi_: I haven't added it, I just d/load the packages when their available.17:38
apsdjgheagles0513875: Have you tried Deluge? It's a lot like uTorrent.17:38
eagles0513875no i havent17:38
eagles0513875im not on linux 100% of the time17:38
eagles0513875this is a development partition im setting up atm17:39
avi_any reason I shouldn't upgrade to the very-latest kernel; 2.6.33?17:39
apsdjghavi_: Lots.17:39
avi_The reason I want to upgrade is because I read that a driver issue i have been having is resolved with the kernel lucid uses.17:39
apsdjghavi_: Then use the Lucid kernel.17:40
melkoravi_: .33 is a rc candidate .32 is the lucid kernel.17:40
avi_okay, thanks, i'll install that.17:40
melkoravi_: using the .deb to install makes it pretty save though.17:40
melkorer safe.17:41
avi_whats the difference between headerrsand image?17:41
histoI have a command line system and I need to get sound working. Is there a meta package for sound. I'm setting up X with openbox17:41
avi_headers and*17:41
pawhat is the ubuntu remote desktop?17:42
pais it a vnc?17:42
melkoryou need 3 files.  Headers are headers17:42
histopa: yes17:42
histopa: vino17:42
pais it disabled by default?17:42
histopa: yes17:42
pawhy not using freenx by default?17:42
melkoravi_: do you use c at all?17:42
histo!best | pa17:42
ubottupa: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:42
pai see17:42
pahowever freenx is not even in the standard repo17:42
avi_the language?17:43
pawhich appear strange to me17:43
histopa: freenx is not as popular as vnc17:43
paok, perhaps, but why not having it in the universe/multiverse?17:43
melkoravi_: yeah, in c you he header files,which expose the api to other applications.17:44
histopa: there is probably no package maintainer. Someone just needs to propose a deb and it would be in there.17:44
melkoravi_: you need the two header files and the image file the source file isn't so import.17:44
paits in the launchpad17:44
avi_right. what two header files?17:44
paor how it is called17:45
avi_i see the image, and one header for x8617:45
melkoravi_: are you using 32 bit or 64bit17:45
histopa: yeah the wiki17:45
avi_i see two,32.17:45
melkoravi_: and there is one that is labelled 'all'17:45
apsdjghhisto: I think BestBot is rigged to display sucky programs.17:45
avi_yup, got it. any order i should install them in?17:45
melkoravi_: I put them in their own directory and do dpkg -i *.deb17:46
melkorI think there is an order though.17:46
avi_okay. i17:47
avi_i'm trying that.17:47
histoWhat is the default sound system for 10.04?17:48
apsdjghhisto: Pulseaudio17:48
histoSo alsa is not installed?17:49
apsdjghhisto: It is.17:49
melkoravi_ you can add the ppa to your repositories and then it will be in synaptic and you can install/update it automatically.17:49
apsdjghhisto: I use it with Wine.17:49
histoI'm so confused then. I need to get sound working on a command line install with X.  Trying to find the meta package or what needs to be installed17:49
histoI've got X working17:50
histowhattup sebsebseb17:50
histoJust need to get sound working now17:50
sebsebsebhisto: Has Alpha 3 been released yet?17:51
histosebsebseb: don't thik so but www.ubuntu.com/testing17:51
histosebsebseb: I don't know when its do out were kernel .14 now.17:52
sebsebsebit's meant to be coming out today 25th17:52
pawhat is the package for virtualbox in lucid?17:53
sebsebsebyeah for the open source version17:53
avi_someone above mentioned that the servers have been having some hiccups17:53
avi_and that it might be a bit delayed.17:53
pasebsebseb, but the non opensource?17:53
histo!info virtualbox17:53
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in lucid17:53
sebsebsebotherwise  go to http://www.virtualbox.org and get the other one, that has USB support unlike OSE17:53
histopa: you'll probably have to get it from virtualbox.org17:53
histosebsebseb: well then its out17:53
Daviey!info virtualbox-ose17:54
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 6417 kB, installed size 24900 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)17:54
paah thanks17:54
pafor the rest they are the same?17:54
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:54
sebsebseband they should change the above factoid, both are free as in price17:54
pabut beside the usb support, they are more or less the same?17:54
sebsebsebpa: yep17:54
ubottuWhen we use the term 'non-free', we mean that it is not Open Source. Software that is not open source cannot be fixed or improved by anyone except the software authors -- which is not us :(17:54
pathanks :)17:54
paso i can try the ose17:54
padont need usb atm17:54
histodoes ose have guest additions?17:55
sebsebsebhisto: I know what it means, but I didn't know their was a factoid17:55
kklimondahisto: yes17:55
sebsebsebthat could be useful  when doing !virtualbox to do then do !nonfree instead of explaining stuff17:55
avi_rebooted with new kernel, everything looks a-o-k.17:56
kklimondahisto: the only two things that non-free version has are usb support and control of guest though rdp protocol17:56
histopa: that was it no rdp17:56
paah oki17:57
avi_oh dear17:57
avi_looks like I can't use that new kernel after all.17:58
avi_my wireless driver is black listed17:58
sebsebsebhisto: no Alpha 3 just yet17:59
sebsebsebit seems18:00
Machtinwell, they have about 17 hours left, i'd say.18:00
sebsebsebMachtin: They release in California time zone or something,  even though the main HQ is now in London, I think?18:01
Machtinmight be.. but they don't say the release date is from where the release location is.18:02
Machtini mean.. it is a world-wide project, in the end..18:02
sebsebsebMachtin: sure, but it's still rather Amercian these days really,  American Engilsh instead of British English by default for example.  Software Center, not  Centre for example18:03
Machtini agree, but i think if they don't manage to release it earlier, they won't hesitate to use the time zone as an explaination :)18:04
histosebsebseb: well the updates are probably there.18:08
sebsebsebhisto: looked at the webpages a little while ago,  and nothing about alpha 318:09
histoSo what should I install alsa-base or pulseaudio?18:12
histosebsebseb: yeah the web isn't up to date as the distro is.18:13
sebsebsebhisto: and no alpha 3 topic change here, but  I guess the webpages have to be up to date first, before that happens18:13
histosebsebseb: ask in #ubuntu-devs maybe there is a big update coming later but I doubt it.18:13
sebsebsebhisto: I guess it will be like last time or was that alpha 1 or both, well whatever.  Anyway where the webpages and such got updated,  in the night UK time18:14
sebsebsebnight not evening18:14
sebsebsebearly hours of morning18:14
histosebsebseb: yeah thats what i'm saying but the updates are probably already in the repos what i'm running now on my other box.18:14
histosebsebseb: then they have to build the iso's etc...18:15
sebsebsebhisto: yeah well I got ISO I think still here for alpha 2,  I had a vm didn't last that long something happended, same thing for alpha 1 or whatever.18:15
histosebsebseb: but if you are running a system now and keep it up to date its current.18:15
sebsebsebhisto: so I'll doa new vm, using the alpha 3 ISO18:15
Trewasthere has never been specified time when releases happen, if it is still Feb 25 _somewhere_ when they release alpha 3 then it is on time18:15
histosebsebseb: ahh yeah that you'll have to wait for them to hit.18:15
sebsebsebhisto: well I am not in a rush, but it looks like this is something, I will end up doing tonight, not this evening18:16
histosebsebseb: yeah if it was something you needed now you could install alpha 2 and upgrade it.18:17
sebsebsebhisto: nah just want to virtual machine test,  find out if I think 10.04 will be good enough for a lot of "average computer consumers"  who want things to "just work".  Find out if I think it will probably be good enough for them, or not.18:18
sebsebsebhisto: I am not that keen on Ubuntu myself these days, but I know it's still a good Windows alternative for loads of other people.18:20
histosebsebseb: its all i use on all my computers. The wife too. We got rid of windows ages ago.18:20
sebsebsebhisto: Well I am running another distro on here at the moment, had a few little issues with it, nothing major,  and likeing it much more than Ubuntu 9.10.  By the way going a little off topic now.18:21
pasdhfgWhat does the input box in Indicator Applet Session do?18:22
pasdhfg!indicator applet session18:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:23
om26erpasdhfg, post the message through gwibber to facebook, twitter etc18:23
bhuvithe new ubuntu software center is much better than what was in ubuntu 9.10 but it can be little tweaked to still further improve the productivity,by simply swapping the more info and install buttons as it reduces the mouse movement for the user18:23
pasdhfgom26er: I don't use microblogging.18:23
pasdhfgom26er: How do I remove this annoying input box?18:23
om26erpasdhfg, IDK18:23
om26erpasdhfg, you can use gnome logout, shutdown applets ;)18:24
pasdhfgom26er: Everything in the Indicator Applet Session is fine but the microblogging shite.18:25
DanaGhisto: how do you convince people to try Linux?  most people I know (parents, rather) are too stubborn to try anything different.18:25
pasdhfgom26er: Microblogging is stupid and gives away personal information and is a waste of time.18:25
pasdhfgDanaG: You don't.18:25
DanaGBiggest windows-only things they use: Photoshop Elements, and Quicken.18:25
pasdhfgDanaG: Who cares if they use Linux or not?18:25
Picipasdhfg: Please mind your language here.18:25
sebsebsebpasdhfg: When I did alpha 2 and got updates for it,  I got the social thing on the right, which is even more editing to what was on the right before.   What I don't like is how they were linked.  So can't remove the social features, whilst keeping the other feature.18:25
sebsebsebpasdhfg: (When I did alpha 2 as in bothered to install in a virtual machine,  I already tried from an ISO in Virtualbox the Live Session)18:26
DanaGweird... stupid indicator thingy doesn't tie into pidgin.18:26
DanaGFor some reason, it BLACKLISTS pidgin.18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 480030 in indicator-applet "Pidgin not shown in indicator-applet" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:26
pasdhfgHow do I remove all microblogging software from Ubuntu?18:36
sebsebsebpasdhfg: Do you also mean the me menu?18:36
pasdhfgsebsebseb: Yeah.18:37
sebsebsebpasdhfg: Social features on panel, just right click and remove it18:37
sebsebsebpasdhfg: Anything else just uninstall the program18:37
trismpasdhfg: most of it is supposed to be handled by gwibber, so you could probably get rid of that if you wanted18:38
pasdhfgsebsebseb: I just want to remove the microblogging stuff, not all the social stuff.18:38
pasdhfgtrism: So if I remove Gwibber, the microblogging stuff in the Me Menu will go?18:38
trismpasdhfg: I have no idea what it will do to the me menu18:38
pasdhfgLet's find out.18:39
pawhy does lucid open a port 8000 by default? what is that?18:39
paah ok18:40
pait is nxaget18:40
pais not by default :)18:40
pasdhfgMicroblogging is stupid.18:40
sebsebsebpasdhfg: Why do you think that?18:41
pasdhfgThe input box is still there. :(18:41
pasdhfgsebsebseb: There's nothing useful about it.18:41
sebsebsebpasdhfg: Facebook and Twitter and Myspace are all pretty stupid really, but that's what a lot of computer users, want to do these days.18:42
pasdhfgsebsebseb: I use Facebook as an instant messaging protocol.18:42
pasdhfgsebsebseb: But everything other than that is pretty stupid really.18:42
trismpasdhfg: then you are microblogging18:42
pasdhfgtrism: IM is not microblogging18:43
sebsebsebpasdhfg: Why?  Also their's a plugin for that for Pidgin. The Pidgin plugin will work in Empathy I think.18:43
pasdhfgIRC is IM18:43
pasdhfgsebsebseb: I use Facebook XMPP chat18:43
pasdhfgThe plugin is buggy and bad.18:43
sebsebsebpasdhfg: yeah if I am to use Facebook,  i'll use it for the IM with the plugin useually,  the other stuff I don't really care about when it comes to Facebook.18:43
pasdhfgsebsebseb: Except perving on fit girls. ;)18:44
pasdhfgsebsebseb: I have disabled my wall and information and stuff. I just use Facebook IM to talk to my friends.18:44
ActionParsnipHow long til alpha3 please guys?18:46
trismpasdhfg: my mistake, I don't use facebook didn't realize they had an xmpp server18:46
om26erActionParsnip, not too long I gues18:46
sebsebsebpasdhfg: Yep IM and the rest of the Facebook stuff is a waste of time really.18:46
sebsebsebActionParsnip: probably will be out tonight UK time, not this evening18:46
* om26er thinks in an hour or two18:47
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: I'll grab it in the morning then, should be out then with some mad health18:47
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I can't remember which one it was alpha 1 or alpha 2, but it came out in the night.18:47
sebsebsebmaybe it was both18:47
sebsebsebActionParsnip: What you mean out then with some mad health?18:48
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: lots of folks to torrent off18:49
sebsebsebActionParsnip: oh right,  I tend to download the ISO's using FTP/HTTP18:49
sebsebsebActionParsnip: (infact have I ever bothered to use a torrent hrm,  maybe/probably once)18:49
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: strains the servers more. Torrents are groovy like that18:50
om26erpasdhfg, you can use this tutorial to connect FB without a plugin http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/facebook-chat-in-pidgin-empathy-with-no.html18:50
sebsebsebActionParsnip: strains the servers more?  you mean the load on the FTP/HTTP server,  if loads get from that?18:50
sebsebsebActionParsnip: and then it can be quicker on torrents, since then people share with each other, and download the bits they need?  That's what you mean?18:50
om26erpasdhfg, actually if you are using empathy 2.29.91 it has the option for facebook chat18:50
om26erActionParsnip, do you work for canonical?18:51
sebsebsebom26er: Why do you think he does?18:51
om26ersebsebseb, I have been seeing him at #ubuntu from the day I started ubuntu and he is real time active at ubuntu answers18:52
sebsebsebom26er: #ubuntu answers?18:53
sebsebsebom26er: I was rather active in their last year, but I so don't work for Canonical, just like he doesn't.18:53
om26ersebsebseb, #ubuntu support channel and launchpad anwers18:53
sebsebsebom26er: when I put #ubuntu answers I didn't want to do a #18:53
sebsebsebom26er: I don't bother with Launchpad, last time I used it was to order some free CD's.18:53
sebsebsebom26er: used as in was logged in to it, I have been on it when not logged in quite a few times18:54
jdahmis 10.04 fairly usable atm?18:54
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I woudn't be suprised if you have some sort of tech job, but as far as I know you indeed don't work for Canonical?18:54
sebsebsebjdahm: probably18:54
sebsebsebjdahm: alpha 3 will be out a bit later on18:55
jdahmas in... today?18:55
sebsebsebjdahm: last alpha so of course there will be bugs here and there18:55
jdahmwhat is the ETA?18:55
sebsebsebjdahm: even the betas will have bugs,  even the final will have bugs18:55
jdahmhow many hours?18:55
seanbrystonesebsebseb, sweet! i picked a good day to try Lynx :)18:55
Picijdahm: When its done.18:55
ActionParsnipOm26er: just a user18:56
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: I'm a noc engineer18:56
jdahmif I install alpha 2 and upgrade I'll be OK right?18:56
seanbrystonehow often do the alpha's change? alpha 1, alpha 2, etc18:56
sebsebsebjdahm: probably yeah18:56
sebsebsebjdahm: got an ISO for alpha 2 already?18:56
om26erjdahm, or you download the daily build18:56
om26erdaily build would be better than alpha 218:56
sebsebsebseanbrystone: release scheduled is mentioned in the channel topic18:56
ActionParsnipEta == estimated time of arrival18:57
sebsebsebseanbrystone: /topic if you can't see it all on your client, and then you probably can18:57
sebsebsebActionParsnip: What's a noc enginer?18:57
exaltalpha3 already released?18:58
sebsebsebexalt: No not just  yet, but it will be later18:58
DanaGhmm, xmpp facebook... can you say, plaintext passwords?18:58
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: we hide in the darkest corner and make sure everything is up and running like lan/wan and servers and services and take steps so the systems we manage have maximum availability18:58
sebsebsebjdahm: Have you got a Lucid ISO yet?18:58
DanaGIn the clear... no ssl.18:58
sebsebsebActionParsnip: oh18:59
jdahmsebsebseb: downloading the daily build right now18:59
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/18:59
sebsebsebjdahm: I woudn't bother with that18:59
sebsebsebjdahm: if I was you18:59
sebsebsebjdahm: and just wait untill alpha 3, and get that one18:59
seanbrystonewhat timezone does Ubuntu use for releasing Alpha 3?18:59
sebsebsebseanbrystone: GMT -8  I think18:59
sebsebsebseanbrystone: California time18:59
seanbrystonecool thats where im at :D19:00
exaltwhat is the most frustrating bugs at,?19:00
pado you know whether its better to use also AMD64 os as guest on virtualbox, if i have amd64 host?19:00
seanbrystonesebsebseb, so prolly midnight?19:00
sebsebsebseanbrystone: You live in California?19:00
sebsebsebseanbrystone: no not mid night19:00
sebsebsebseanbrystone: California working hours19:00
sebsebsebseanbrystone: so probably before 5pm  your time19:01
seanbrystonewill the mirrors be really slow?19:01
sebsebsebseanbrystone: probably not19:01
om26erand now the date is 26 here19:01
sebsebsebseanbrystone: not that many people will be downloading alpha 3 ISO19:01
sebsebsebom26er: where's there?19:01
seanbrystoneyeah but they will be upgrading from 219:01
sebsebsebom26er: well for alpha 2 or alpha 1,  I had to  get it in the night UK time, so it was 26th19:02
sebsebsebsebsebseb: uh not 26th, but whatever the next day was for that one19:02
sebsebsebseanbrystone: it's when final releases come out, that the mirrors will be packed for a day or two19:03
jdahmI'm going to just stick to 9.10 I think19:03
jdahmthis is for a server-type application anyway19:03
sebsebsebjdahm: don't do  development versions of next Ubuntu, for  some important computer task19:04
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Got onto the release scheduled?19:10
seanbrystonesebsebseb, yeah thanks :)19:10
sebsebsebseanbrystone: np19:11
seanbrystonejust trying to decide if i should dl alpha 2 now and upgrade it today or just wait and dl alpha 319:11
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Do as in on a test machine or?19:11
pavery strange19:12
seanbrystoneprolly using vmware19:12
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Virtual machines :)19:12
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Virtualbox for me19:12
pai read that virtualbox supports x86-64 guests19:12
pabut i try to run the ubuntu CD on it19:12
sebsebsebseanbrystone: I suggest just waiting for alpha 3,  I guess in the next three hours maybe19:12
paand it says that it detects an i686 cpu19:12
espen77"http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-3/" was just created, but is still empty19:13
seanbrystonei cant get virtualbox to get higher resolutions and installing the vbox additons are a pain on some distros, so i choose vmware19:13
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: may as well wait. Less downloading19:13
sebsebsebseanbrystone:  what ActionParsnip put19:13
pai think i'll go with ubuntu 3219:13
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: did you setup an xorg.conf file?19:14
paseemingly virtualbox-osd doesnt work with amd6419:14
seanbrystonegood point on the waiting19:14
seanbrystoneActionParsnip, i belive ubuntu stopped using xorg.conf?19:14
seanbrystoneor for other distros?19:14
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: it relys heavily on udeb19:14
ActionParsnipUdev and hal19:14
sebsebsebActionParsnip: Lucid won't have HAL19:14
ActionParsnipIf you make an xorg.conf file it WILL be used19:15
seanbrystoneah im not that good with linux to be fooling around with udev, hal or even xorg.conf lol19:15
sebsebsebActionParsnip: also  as far as I know no xorg.conf starting with Karmic19:15
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: funky19:15
sebsebsebActionParsnip: what's funky?19:15
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: true, doesn't stop you making one19:15
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: no hal19:15
penguin42yeh making an xorg.conf definitely works in karmic, this <- machine has it19:16
sebsebsebActionParsnip: Plymouth for boot up in Lucid,  Fedora and Mandriva already have it19:16
panow it works with amd6419:16
pai had to reset the vm19:16
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: there is a sample one xorg.conf file for 1024x768. You can easily modify it19:16
pasecond time that doesnt work19:16
paok i fgive up19:16
sebsebsebActionParsnip: funky in that context,  meant, oh right cool, oh right good?19:17
seanbrystoneActionParsnip, lol easy for you19:17
sebsebsebor above19:17
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: is plymouth some pretty bootsplash rubbish?19:18
sebsebsebActionParsnip: as for making an xorg.conf I already knew that could be done19:18
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: read the file, you'll see what I mean. Xorg.conf is very readable19:18
seanbrystoneyeah i have seen them before19:18
penguin42ActionParsnip: Yes, but it seems to do a bit more than that, but I haven't figured out what19:18
seanbrystone"Easy" for one person is hard for another19:19
ActionParsnipThen that will be going then. Text bootup for me please19:19
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: if you can delete the characters "1024x768" and replace with a desired res, its easy19:19
seanbrystoneive tried that lol19:20
seanbrystonethat doesnt do anything but give you a xorg error19:20
ActionParsnipSeanbrystone: its a simple as literally telling it19:20
sebsebsebActionParsnip: It's the boot up that Fedora and Mandriva use, as already mentioned,  it's pretty, but not rubbish.19:20
penguin42ActionParsnip: That assumes it is a resolution it knows about19:20
sebsebsebActionParsnip: It can be pretty, but it's not rubbish.19:20
penguin42seanbrystone: What resolution are you trying to get and what is your setup?19:21
ActionParsnipYep plymouth will be removed from my lucid. Stupid eyecandy holding up the train19:21
seanbrystone1440x900 ATI graphics19:21
penguin42seanbrystone: frglx or the open source driver?19:21
seanbrystonei mean at boot up19:21
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: I don't even use desktop wallpaper dude19:21
seanbrystonecant even get that far penguin4219:21
penguin42oh boot up, I don't know how to tweak the boot19:22
penguin42seanbrystone: Hypothetically if you could which would it be?19:22
seanbrystonei have to use safe graphics mode every time to get past booting19:22
* penguin42 grumbles at monitor manufacturers for doing weird res19:22
seanbrystoneHP monitor19:22
seanbrystoneATI graphics something like ATI 4530 HD (less than one year old computer)19:23
sebsebsebActionParsnip: It doesn't slow stuff down19:23
ActionParsnipSebsebseb; I like watching the boot too. Looks leet :)19:23
sebsebsebActionParsnip: It's also much better than that xsplash junk that Karmic has19:23
pasebsebseb, im trying to run lucid i386 daily on virtualbox in live mode (from CD) but seemingly it is stuck during loading..19:23
sebsebsebActionParsnip: you can do a text boot19:23
seanbrystoneATI Radeon HD 4350 actually19:23
penguin42sebsebseb: Actually, whether I like plymouth or not the one thing I do like is that there isn't wasted effort trying to do anoyher one19:24
ActionParsnipSebsebseb; yep uninstall all the slash guff and you got it19:24
sebsebsebActionParsnip: With Mandriva I can have a graphical plymouth boot or press enter for the text mode,  so I am hoping Lucid will have something similar to that.19:24
seanbrystonewhats the website that would list the new features of Lucid?19:24
Michalxohttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha3 ?19:25
DanaGpa: the thing with vbox and 64-bit is this:19:25
Michalxoso when are they going to release A3?19:25
DanaGOn a system with 64-bit CPU running a 32-bit host OS... you can still run a 64-bit guest OS.19:26
DanaGIf CPU is 32-bit, it's no-go, though.19:26
DanaGAt least, I believe that's how it works.19:26
DanaGAnd 64-bit host OS can always run 64-bit guest.  =þ19:26
penguin42sebsebseb: You could try passing the kernel the parameter video=1440x900Ω60  (I've never tried it)19:26
om26eryes its out19:26
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I think you will find that Lucid will be introducing quite a few features that you do not want19:26
paDanaG, now i have a 64 bit OS on a 64bit cpu19:26
sebsebsebActionParsnip: Have you tried a development version already?19:26
penguin42note that Ω is really an at sign19:27
pabut when i run lucid x86-64 on it, it says it finds only an i686 cpu19:27
* penguin42 grumbles at synergy19:27
panow i ran lucid i38619:27
pabut it is stuck19:27
DanaGHmm, try changing "OS type" in VM properties.19:27
DanaGThe guest is what says it finds only 32-bit?19:27
Adelanteand we have Alpha3 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-3/19:27
paubuntu says that it finds an i686 cpu19:27
penguin42pa: What is your real CPU (exactly)19:28
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: waiting for alpha3 dude19:28
paan athlon64x219:28
Nitsuga<ActionParsnip> Yep plymouth will be removed from my lucid. Stupid eyecandy holding up the train <-- is that true or you're just supposing?19:28
sebsebsebActionParsnip: well the social features that are already there19:28
sebsebsebActionParsnip: It will have the music store as well19:28
penguin42sebsebseb: In ogg I assume?19:28
sebsebsebpenguin42: no doesn't seem so19:29
penguin42sebsebseb: ?!19:29
sebsebsebpenguin42: MP3 and WMA for some music19:29
sebsebsebpenguin42: it seems19:29
sebsebsebfrom what I read19:29
penguin42sebsebseb: Oh that's pretty silly19:29
Nitsuga<DanaG> On a system with 64-bit CPU running a 32-bit host OS... you can still run a 64-bit guest OS. <-- no that's not possib19:29
sebsebsebpenguin42: well the music companies dictate the file formats for this kind of thing19:29
sebsebsebrecord companies above19:30
sebsebsebpenguin42: it's something I won't be using19:30
penguin42sebsebseb: I'm not sure that's actually true, but I suspect it's ajust a licensed rent-a-music store19:30
sebsebsebpenguin42: If I am going to buy music I would much rather buy a pshyical music album.19:30
Nitsuga<pa> but when i run lucid x86-64 on it, it says it finds only an i686 cpu <-- so your cpu is not x86_64-capable19:30
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: not sure. Never used it19:30
paNitsuga, well, i have an ubuntu 64 installed on it19:30
pawhat do you think?19:30
sebsebsebActionParsnip: well it's more editing to the thing on the top right19:30
DanaGif I were to buy music, I'd want a CD I could rip to FLAC.19:31
sebsebsebActionParsnip: and those social features are rather useless indeed, when no accounts are set up to use them19:31
Nitsugapa, you are talking about a vm!19:31
Nitsugajust realized that :P19:31
DanaGaah, "    Choosing the 64-bit version causes VirtualBox to create a vm which  uses the VT-x/AMD-V technology of the CPU, and uses IO APIC too. "19:31
penguin42Nitsuga: Running 64bit guests is somewhat more complex than it should be; there are some VM systems that let you run 64bit guests on 64bit cpus running a 32bit base OS19:31
DanaGso you have to tell it explicitly that you want a 64-bit guest.19:31
sebsebsebActionParsnip: what's annoying is when I updated alpha 2 in a vm.  I coudn't remove the social features, whilst keeping the other thing.   I was also annoyed when 9.04 had it's thing on the top right, with system and log out removed from system menu as a result. 8.10 had in the system menu and the thing on top right :)19:31
DanaGEven if host is 64-bit, I believe you still have to tell it so.19:31
paDanaG, thanks for the link19:32
pamaybe i have to enable VT something in the bios19:32
Nitsugapenguin42, Virtualbox can't do that at the moment. Also those VM systems need a 64bit cpu with virtualization support, and not all 64-bit cpu have that19:32
sebsebsebActionParsnip: thing on top right,  fusa (fast user account switcher)  is ok in 9.10 I guess, an alright icon and yeah19:32
penguin42Nitsuga: Yes19:32
penguin42so given the Alpha3 CDs are there, I assume the repos are synced?19:32
Michalxohttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha3 -- works19:33
sebsebsebMichalxo: Is the ISO there yet?19:33
Nitsugapenguin42, they do the "official" release when all the mirrors are synced19:33
Michalxoseems like it19:33
penguin42Nitsuga: Ah makes sense19:33
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: only one user dude.19:33
sebsebsebActionParsnip: same here for this computer19:33
Nitsugapenguin42, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha3 <-- this wors, mirrors are synced19:33
penguin42gogo apt!19:34
sebsebsebActionParsnip: as for the other computer which runs Karmic,  I will upgrade it to Lucid,   and then remove social "consumer" rubbish, in my little brothers account, since he is to young for those kind of features at the moment.19:34
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: I use cli to reboot/shutdown here. Saves me having to reach for mouse19:34
MichalxoI hope torrents will work fast19:34
sebsebsebActionParsnip: My older brother might like those features though, since he uses Facebook, and I think Twitter sometimes as well.19:34
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: if the show fits :)19:35
sebsebsebActionParsnip: If th show fits???19:35
DanaGheh, my parents are so stubborn; they'd never try Linux.19:35
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: mould the desktop to the user19:35
sebsebsebDanaG: my parants are locked in to XP, but I was alloweed to put Ubuntu on the latest family computer19:36
DanaGMy dad got my mom an imac because supposedly they "just work" -- but that turned out not to be true.  And he hates it every time he has to use it to try to help my mom.19:36
DanaGYet, despite hating OS X, my dad won't let me put even win7 on the thing!19:36
sebsebsebDanaG: my Dad might use it again at some stage,  but only if Windows mess's up on  there enough or something.19:36
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yeah so  icons back in gconf editor it will be yep19:37
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yep that's right,  system menu icions are gone and most of places19:37
Michalxodownload from torrents is dead :-((19:37
sebsebsebActionParsnip: and the thing to turn them back on graphically.  so  it's a gconf editor job now19:37
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: icons in gconf?19:37
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: not something I've used in a while dude.19:38
sebsebsebActionParsnip: icons  in the system menu,  and some of places.  that got removed in Karmic, but can easilly be turned back on graphically.   Lucid  it's gone and the thing to turn on graphically.  interfaces19:38
paperhaps i dont have these extension19:38
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: I don't use system menu, all apps launched from guake19:38
paso thats why i cant run 64bit OS19:38
* sebsebseb is still wondering if it's possible to add back shut down and log out to the system menu, whilst keeping Ubuntu's top right junk, that certain users will like19:39
sebsebsebActionParsnip: what's quake?19:39
ActionParsnip!info guake | sebsebseb19:39
ubottusebsebseb: guake (source: guake): A drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-4 (lucid), package size 117 kB, installed size 804 kB19:39
sebsebsebActionParsnip: something for launching apps using the terminal I guess, by the info19:40
Nitsugasebsebseb, is is like yakuake, but for gnome19:40
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: no, it is a terminal19:40
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: its like tilda or yakuake19:40
Nitsugasebsebseb, you press F12 and a temrinal drops down from the top of the screen19:40
NitsugaREALLY useful19:40
Nitsugayou can hide it with F1219:40
Tux007Cheers @lll19:40
sebsebsebok sounds like something I will try19:40
arandSwedeMike: ping19:41
sebsebsebyeah i'll try whatever that is19:41
Michalxotilda is bogging sometimes ;-(19:41
ActionParsnipSebsebseb: I use terminal to launch and manage apps instead off guis and menus19:41
Michalxoguys, anyone knows about tint2?19:41
Tux007Only one question: What is the alternate command to "top" in Mac OS X (SL)?? Does anyone knows?19:42
sebsebsebpenguin42: the music from the music store, will be yours to keep19:42
dendesomeone know how to installa usb internet key tre19:42
sebsebsebpenguin42: and can download it three times19:42
sebsebsebno DRM19:42
dendesomeone know how to installa usb internet key tre?19:43
penguin42sebsebseb: Most of it is non-DRM these days19:43
penguin42sebsebseb: I've never actually bought any download music online, but I did get some from amazon when they were doing some free giveaway19:44
Nitsugasebsebseb, I just don't understand the "you-can-download-it-3-times" thing. If it doesn't have drm, you can carry it with you anyway19:44
penguin42Nitsuga: If you lose it, you can redownload it19:45
ActionParsnipYo yo yo19:46
sebsebsebpenguin42: Nitsuga  http://popey.com/blog/2010/02/19/ubuntu-one-music-store-sneak-peek/19:46
Nitsugapenguin42, yeah, the thing I don't understand is why just 3 times19:46
popeyit doesn't matter19:46
sebsebsebpopey: oh that high lights you?19:46
popeythe music downloads directly to your u1 folder19:46
penguin42Nitsuga: Probably to stop someone giving there account to people so hundreds of people download it19:46
Nitsugafor example Microsoft allows you to download a bought prouct as many times you want. And it does have DRM.19:46
Nitsugapenguin42,       ↑19:47
popeyso you're unlikely to ever need to download more than once19:47
popeygiven it's automagically synced to the cloud19:47
popeyhttp://popey.com/blog/2010/02/20/u1-music-store-store-music-in-u1/ <- see that one too19:47
sebsebsebpopey: Did the URL high light you?19:47
Nitsugapopey, penguin42, and because of that you can put it in publc folder and allow hundreds of people to downlaod it19:48
popeyyou could19:48
popeyi woudln't recommend you do19:48
popeybut you could19:48
ActionParsnipPopey: if you run a web facing ssh server you can have all the storage on your system accessible anywhere without u119:48
popeynot sure what that has to do with it19:49
popeyyou _could_ do a lot of things19:49
popeyaverage users will not19:49
* penguin42 is wondering if the intent is that you are *allowed* to download it onto 3 different machines19:49
ActionParsnipPopey: u1 costs, your own fileserver is free and gives you control19:49
popeyu1 is free up to 2GB19:49
popeyand yes, you could store it on dropbox, your own server, whatever19:50
penguin42anyway, all talk19:50
popeyI never said you couldn't19:50
SwedeMikearand: good call, I had forgotten about it. will check now.19:50
arandSwedeMike: Cheers19:50
popeymerely that the default for u1 music store is that it puts it in a folder that is automagically synced via u1 so the "only 3 downloads" is considerably less of an issue than it's made out to be19:50
ActionParsnipPopey: you can have as much storage as you can cram into the server or mount fileshares to using ssh server. Makes 2gb look paltry19:50
popeywhy do you persist in telling me these things?19:51
popeyI am aware of what is technically possible on this planet19:51
ActionParsnipI just think u1 is a lot overhyped19:51
popeydont use it then19:51
NitsugaActionParsnip, yeah, dropbbox 50GB = 20 US dollars. VPS 1TB=100Dollars. Make the math19:51
ActionParsnipI don't *funny noise the meerkat makes* ;)19:52
=== lenios is now known as amelie
sebsebsebNitsuga: VPS???19:52
popeysebsebseb: virtual private server19:52
sebsebsebpopey: oh ok ty19:53
ZykoticK9So there seems to be about 50 more people in this channel then usual - everyone waiting for Alpha 3 eh?19:53
penguin42hmm, I've just apt-get updated, may as well reboot and see if it works19:53
sebsebsebZykoticK9: well alpha 3 is why I am in here again19:54
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, i'm guess you and about 40 other people :)19:54
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Alpha 3 released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/Alpha3
sebsebsebtopic change :D19:59
sebsebsebalpha 3 is released!19:59
paok, karmic works19:59
paon virtualbox20:00
palucid doesnt20:00
ActionParsnipYay channel message changed. Its out20:00
arandpa: Which version are you on (Host)?20:01
palucid daily amd6420:01
pafrom today20:01
SwedeMikearand: I'm going to have a 32bit host and 32bit client20:01
SwedeMikearand: distupgrading is taking some time though...20:01
=== amelie is now known as lenios
arandSwedeMike: Ok20:03
penguin42well, an upto-date version seems to boot on that-> machine20:03
arandpa: So you are running virtualbox from lucid daily?20:03
arandpa: bug #20:07
arandpa: Bug #510571 ?20:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057120:07
pawhat does it mean "wont boot with acpi?"20:07
pawhat happens is : i get the boot menu20:08
paand whatever i choose (run live, install)20:08
pablack screen and it hangs20:08
SwedeMikepa: the kernel won't boot properly without acpi=off20:08
arandpa: So you are booting off the liveCD, installed virtualbox and then booting a liveCD inside virtualbox on the liveCD again?20:08
pai have installed lucid20:09
pathen i tried to isntall lucid on vbox20:09
arandpa: SwedeMike: Or turning off acpi in virtualbox.20:09
arandSwedeMike: Ah, then it seems he just tested what I asked you :)20:09
SwedeMikearand: check. I'm distupgrading my client now just to make sure everything is recent, both host and client, will try to reboot without acpi=off soon.20:09
penguin42on the alpha3 page the 'Netbook live CDΩ entries are somewhat confusing - I think they are probably wrong and one is referring to images20:10
penguin42hmm they are - remind me how does one report an error on that page?20:11
arandpa: So it works when you switch off acpi in virtualbox or boot the liveCD inside with option acpi=off20:11
pai have a slightly OT question: if i choose lan = NAT on vbox, then can i connect to the host via "local net"?20:11
penguin42pa: It depends what is running on the host20:11
palucid, in this case20:12
Refried_i'm trying to run lucid in a chroot, and i'm having a weird problem — sudo is saying "can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied", but the permission is 0440 root:root.  i tried running strace sudo but didn't see any clues.   any ideas?20:12
pabut i dont see any new network interface20:12
penguin42pa: no, I mean what services20:12
pauh? what do you mean20:12
ubuntujenkinsalpha 3 is out http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/alpha-3/20:12
pai meant, can i connect to some host local network address from the guest ?20:13
penguin42Refried_: The strace won't work anyway, but can you check the perms on your /usr/bin/sudo - they should be -rwsr-xr-x  and owned by root/root20:13
paor the guest is "isolated"?20:13
paand can go only to the internet20:13
penguin42pa: Yes, but not necessary all services will listen on the host local address20:13
paoh ok20:13
Refried_penguin42: *nod* "-rwsr-xr-x+ 2 root root 127664 Feb  9 00:17 /usr/bin/sudo"20:13
papenguin42, but i dont see any additional network interface on the host20:13
penguin42Refried_: Hmph - where did that + come from?20:14
pai only have a eth with inet address20:14
paand a lo20:14
paso to which address would the gueset connect?20:14
arandubuntujenkins: not until the official announcement it ain't... Mirrors need to sync etc. but yea, that's very proably the proper a3 yes...20:14
ZykoticK9pa, if you use Bridged instead of NAT it will get an IP address same as a regular computer on your network (assuming you have DHCP of course)20:14
penguin42pa: I'm not sure how virtualbox does it?20:14
paoh ok20:14
pano, actually i want to prevent20:14
pathat the guest can access the host via localnet20:14
pathere is this folder sharing, that is enough for me20:15
ubuntujenkinsarand its on the planet http://planet.ubuntu.com/ posted by ubuntu release blog20:15
SwedeMikearand: oki, default everything regarding ACPI, host 32bit, client 32bit, both dist-upgraded, I can boot the client with both acpi=off and without it.20:15
penguin42pa: You could always setup firewall rules on the host I think if all else fails20:15
payes true, however i cant see any additional network interface20:15
Refried_penguin42: good question.   … i don't know what the + means… it seems like everything that isn't special (links, mount points) has the + when I ls -l20:15
paso i wouldnt know what should i firewall.. :(20:16
penguin42Refried_: Hmm20:16
arandSwedeMike: Just to make sure, the acpi is enabled in virtualbox?20:16
SwedeMikearand: trying to find it20:16
* penguin42 fails to find where to report a website error20:17
SwedeMikearand: there are several mentions of ACPI stuff in dmesg on the client.20:17
SwedeMikeacpi shutdown in vbox tells client that I pressed the button20:18
SwedeMikethat should indicate that acpi is fully enabled, right?20:18
arandYea, it should..20:19
Refried_penguin42: looks like the ls producing the +'s is version 7.420:19
penguin42Refried_: The +'s normally mena something - acl's or the like20:19
SwedeMikearand: anything else you want me to test before I shut this down?20:20
Refried_know anywhere I can find out what?  "+" is hard to google for...20:20
arandOk, so then I would guess that the fix is already in Lucid then...20:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
arandSwedeMike: Not that I know of now no, cheers20:20
penguin42Refried_: According to the ls info pages (grrr) 'A file with any other combination of alternate access methods is marked with a `+' character.'20:20
arandpa: Did switching acpi off fix booting for you?20:21
SwedeMikearand: skål!20:21
paarand, didnt try. im installing karmic to be on the safe side :)20:21
pathat one works20:21
penguin42Refried_: try lsattr -v /usr/bin/sudo    (you've not been trying chattr have you?)20:21
Refried_penguin42: sorry, i tried checking the info, but didn't have it installed yet…   hehe no i haven't been chattring manually20:21
Refried_let me try that20:21
Refried_4236783383 ------------------- /usr/bin/sudo20:22
penguin42Refried_: Hmm - mine has an 'e' in the output of that20:22
arandSwedeMike: hehe :) cheers==tack/hej/skål (änvändbart I say..)20:22
yofelpenguin42: the 'e' should be for 'extends' in ext420:22
Refried_ah *nod*20:23
penguin42hmm in that case that should be irrelevant20:23
penguin42then why does he have the + ?20:23
Refried_*nod* mine is ext3… but again, i'm in a chroot20:23
penguin42(or more to the point, his error)20:23
penguin42Refried_: Aj20:23
penguin42Refried_: Ah, a chroot - on what? How is that mounted?20:24
SwedeMikearand: japp, vet! thought it was fun to play with it though.20:24
Refried_penguin42: so, i set it up using lucid's debootstrap.  i'm trying to set up a functional system within the barebones linux on my NAS20:24
penguin42Refried_: OK, so now, own up - exactly what filesystem is that installation on?20:25
Refried_it uses a custom kernel which i dont' have patches for:  2.6.23N4100PRO… the filesystem is ext320:25
penguin42Refried_: and are you on that machine or over the network from it?20:26
Refried_ssh in20:26
Refried_penguin42: it doesn't have vga, etc20:26
* penguin42 lowers glasses down beak and looks at Refried_20:26
Refried_haha, beak20:26
Refried_penguin42: well i guess it has some vga hardware, but no video connector20:26
penguin42Refried_: OK, so if you do a 'mount' what does it show about the filesystem that you've got it debootstrapped onto?20:27
Refried_penguin42: ext3 — or maybe I still don't udnerstand the question?20:28
penguin42Refried_: Any mount options? nosuid? noexec? or the like?20:28
penguin42hmm reasonable; have you mounted a /proc and a /dev in there as well?20:28
penguin42getting debootstraps to work is always a PITA20:29
Refried_penguin42: i have proc mounted, and dev/pts… maybe i missed /dev though, i don't see it in the mount output20:29
Refried_1 sec20:30
Refried_penguin42: i'm having trouble sorting out the paths in `mount`, i can't tell which ones are relative to the chroot20:32
Refried_1 sec20:32
penguin42yeh, it's always fun20:32
* sebsebseb is waiting for alpha 3 to load up in vm, the live session20:33
arandAh, there goes the offical email announce.20:35
Refried_gah, i rebooted it by mistake running /etc/rc6.d/* stop within the chroot, trying to get /dev to be unmountable20:36
penguin42yeuch - the boot gets the same fedora style creeping blue bar20:36
Refried_anyway, i'll try again more carefully with the filesystems once it comes up again20:36
sebsebsebarand:  pa  I should turn off acpi in Virtualbox really for this vm or?20:36
Refried_penguin: but i've got another question — /dev in the host … well, the host has different group  numbers than lucid uses… so, i don't really want to mount —bind /dev, do i?  is there some way to recreate the device nodes within the chroot?20:37
arandsebsebseb: if it fails to boot yes, either in virtualbox or boot with acpi=off20:37
sebsebsebarand: well it was being slow to boot again20:37
sebsebsebarand: I quit it20:37
sebsebsebsomething like this when I did alpha 1 and 2 as well20:37
penguin42netbook alpha3 i386 fails to start GUI properly in KVM guest20:37
arandsebsebseb: Lucid host or Karmic?20:37
sebsebsebarand: neither20:37
sebsebsebarand: Mandriva host20:37
sebsebseband it's  Virtualbox OSE20:37
skydromecan anyone tell me what the default font is on xchat?20:38
kubianhi.. I think the Kubuntu welcomehtml in the slide show is wrong20:38
kubianThank you for choosing Kubuntu 10.04, the Karmic Koala!20:38
arandsebsebseb: ah, it's probably the same bug though, since according to it every vbox prior to 3.1.4 *should* see the bug...20:39
sebsebsebarand: it's 3.0.8  the  Virtualbox I have installed20:39
BluesKaj-Laptopso is the alpha 3 coming down the pipe yet ? I have karmic on this lappy, but Lucid is installed on my desktop.20:40
penguin42BluesKaj-Laptop: Yes!20:40
penguin42BluesKaj-Laptop: How do you mean you aren't running it yet?20:41
arandBluesKaj-Laptop: released and announced..20:41
sebsebsebarand: thanks that's working much better now20:41
sebsebsebarand: also like with the previous alpha's  Plymouth looks like the one Fedora has20:41
BluesKaj-Laptopwell, it wasn't on my my server mirror 2 hrs ago , arand20:41
sebsebsebarand: still waiting for this thing to properly load up, but it will get there20:42
arandsebsebseb: Hmm, I assume all distros will end up seeing this issue on vbox..20:42
sebsebsebjust had the log in sound20:42
malevhi there! is there anyone who is using gwibber in lucid ???20:42
sebsebsebarand: looks rather similar to what I tried before20:43
sebsebsebaltough  I don't think Applications had  an Ubuntu logo next to it before, that must be new20:43
arandsebsebseb: Yea, not much visual stuff ends up in the alphas from my experience.. but I really don't know the ways of the ayatana team..20:44
sebsebsebarand: yeah same here from mine regarding the visual20:45
sebsebsebI done previous versions of Ubuntu when in development as well20:45
sebsebsebthat time round actsual psyical installs as well20:45
sebsebsebarand: well  this was the most fun thing what I just done, well what it ended up doing.  On the social features some sort of switch from Ubuntu button that would try and go to log in screen it seems, but woudn't load up properly. so I am getting  uhmm squares and such,  can't relly describe it20:48
sebsebseba bit of fun to play with though :D20:48
arandsebsebseb: Well, in case you want to report the bug on mandriva there is the relevant upstream link with the relevant changesets mentioned, from the LP Bug #51057120:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510571 in virtualbox-ose "Lucid guest won't boot with acpi in virtualbox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51057120:48
penguin42sebsebseb: the netbook version isn't much happier in kvm20:48
sebsebsebarand: Next Mandriva will get a later version of Virtualbox OSE in it's repo20:48
sebsebsebpenguin42: when karmic was in development, there was an issue with one of the versions when it came to vm's20:49
penguin42sebsebseb: Nod, being able to boot itself in it's supplied VM system would be a good test20:49
sebsebsebpenguin42: got to boot from a CD for more real experience really, but that would be a waste of a CD, doing alpha 3 from one20:50
arandsebsebseb: Hmm, dunno how mandriva does things, so it's more of a rolling thing going on there?20:50
sebsebsebpenguin42: well KVM is the server version and such mainly?   Virtualbox is what most home users will use on Ubuntu20:50
penguin42sebsebseb: I don't see why, kvm has a nice GUI as well and is fully integrated in the kernel20:50
sebsebsebarand: I seem to get updates nearly every day on Mandriva which is annoying.  As for later packages I think it's mainly wait for the  next one, or use 3rd party stuff.20:51
penguin42sebsebseb: The nice thing about virtualbox is it works on older machines (as long as you don't want 64bit guest()20:51
sebsebsebarand: or install yourself20:51
sebsebsebpenguin42: Yeah I don't have hardware virtaulization on this machine20:51
sebsebseband it's not 64bit also20:51
penguin42sebsebseb: Ah right20:51
sebsebsebthis computer is from March 2007 if I remember the month correctly20:52
sebsebsebpretty standard hardware really, 1GB RAM,  Intel Pentium D, came with Vista Home Premium20:52
sebsebsebNivida graphics card20:52
arandNow I'm just interested if hardy/intrepid sees the same issue as well..20:52
sebsebsebarand: Intrepid will run out of support when Lucid comes out, or around then20:52
sebsebsebshame really since 8.10 is a  pretty good version20:53
arandYea, questionable if one should bother about backportin the fix to there, but if I'm at it I might as well I guess..20:53
sebsebsebarand: I think it might be trying to load the log in screen now I don't know,  I got a blue screen, that then says on  bottom right.  Thu  8:54 PM   anyway vm's can be quite fun sometimes20:54
sebsebsebblue screen?  that was meant to be black20:55
arandWhat I find annyoing is that you can't run virtualbox inside virtualbox, something which would facilitate the testing considerably..20:57
sebsebsebarand:  What does faciltate mean?20:57
sebsebsebarand: make it fast?20:57
burivoyhi there20:57
burivoycould someone explain me why GNOME does not start in Lucid?20:58
burivoyafter upgrade20:58
arandSimplify, is at least what I'm synonymising it as..20:59
penguin42arand: It's like a stack of turtles, one vm inside another....20:59
penguin42burivoy: What graphics hardware?20:59
Nitsugaburivoy, "doesnt start" is something very vague, explain a bit please20:59
burivoyATI 9000 IGP20:59
burivoyHP Pavilion zv500020:59
burivoyO'K, I enter my login and password and everithing gets frozen21:01
Nitsugaburivoy, ohh that's a known issue21:01
Nitsugathe enter key freezes X21:01
burivoywhere is config for X?21:01
NitsugaI you can unfreeze the system with alt-PrintScreen-K21:01
Nitsugaburivoy,       ↑21:01
burivoydid not try it21:02
Nitsugaburivoy, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf (may not exist) anyway there is nothing in the configuration file that can solve that21:02
burivoythere is no configuration file21:02
Nitsugaburivoy, that's normal21:02
burivoyis going to be solved?21:02
Nitsugaburivoy, I hope so21:03
burivoythe enter key freezes X sounds like joke21:03
Nitsugaburivoy, yeah, that's bizarre21:03
Nitsugaburivoy, another way to freeze it is by writing a @21:04
* penguin42 would love to know the cause of that21:04
burivoytyping, you mean?21:04
Nitsugaburivoy, yeah21:05
burivoyI've spent a couple of days without sound, in a complete silence, and NTFS external hard drives could not be mounted for a while.21:05
burivoyLooks like this issue has been solved recently.21:06
Nitsugapenguin42, I think i know it. plymouth assumes that it can write to the tty (because for it KMS is working) and tryes to do that on the X screen, freezing it21:06
penguin42Nitsuga: Ah wacky21:06
Nitsugapenguin42, you know the mandriva's "press alt-2 for text mode" don't you?21:07
Nitsugathat's why the @ symbols freezes it, too21:07
Nitsugapenguin42, well mandriva uses plymouth21:07
Nitsugapenguin42, and some key cominations do things on plymouth21:08
Nitsugaenter refreshes the screen21:08
Nitsugaand alt-2 switches to a tty21:08
* penguin42 wonders why it's named after Plymouth21:09
burivoyAlt+PrntScrn+K is an accord? I mean these keys to be pressed simultanuosly?21:11
Nitsugaburivoy, forgot about the workaround: 1) use the numpad enter 2) uninstall plymount 3) reinstall first xserver-xorg-video-intel and he reinstall your video driver xserver-xorg-video-radeon21:11
Nitsugaburivoy, yes21:11
Nitsugaburivoy, * 2) uninstall plymouth21:12
seanbrystoneIm not seeing a link to download Ubuntu alpha 3, only Kubuntu and Server wth?21:12
seanbrystoneerr nvm blind as a bat21:13
burivoyThanks a lot, I'll try it right now.21:13
burivoyWhat this plymouth is needed for?21:15
arandMeant to make faster bootup..21:16
JontheEchidnafaster bootup? not really. it's just the splash screen21:16
ZykoticK9burivoy, arand Plymouth doesn't make bootup faster - just prettier21:16
yofelwe need a ubottu factoid for plymouth, !plymouth does nothing21:17
Machtinoh, alpha 3 released. excellent :)21:17
penguin42yofel: How about 'A city on the cost of Devon, England'21:17
yofelpenguin42: good XD21:18
arandHmm, possibly but I can swear I've heard that plymouth was part of the fast-boot thingy.. anyways.21:18
yofelarand: you don't by chance mean ureadahead?21:18
arandOr maybe it was the "smooth" boot I'm confusing it with21:19
soee_is there kubuntu alpha 3 also ?21:19
yofelsoee_: sure21:19
soee_yofel: did u tested it ?21:20
yofelsoee_: well, I'm using kubuntu lucid since a while ago and kde 4.4 is nice, but i have a few issues with the desktop search and the weather plasma applet has a weird crash that isn't fixed in kubuntu yet21:22
yofelother than that it  works fine here21:22
soee_yofel: thers no problem with starting desktop etc ?21:22
yofelsoee_: not here21:22
yofelthe only issues I had were plymouth related21:23
soee_yofel: and before u were on 9.10?21:23
yofelhad to purge it to get the pc to boot with the nvidia driver21:23
yofelsoee_: I used 9.10 but I'm using lucid since about alpha121:24
soee_yofel: and are there eny visible improvements ?21:24
soee_im on 9.10 and im wondering if its time to switch to 10.0421:24
NitsugaI personally liked xsplash. It gave no issues during the alphas and was pretty, this plymouth onlyy works in KVM, makes my screen flicker and it is nothing near of smooth.21:24
Nitsugaand the default splash screen is too.. boring21:25
yofelNitsuga: KMS, not KVM ;)21:25
Nitsugayeah, KMS21:25
yofelsoee_: hard to say, best you get a live disk and try it out yourself21:26
soee_yofel: can u support me with some link to alpha3 of kubuntu?21:27
seanbrystonesoee_, alpha3 just arrived :D21:27
Nitsugasoee_, see the topic ;)21:27
Nitsugasoee_, www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/Alpha321:27
yofelsoee_: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/ ;)21:27
soee_tjank you21:27
Nitsugasoee_, downloading via bittorrent will be faster and more reliable. You should download using bittorrent21:28
soee_i like it: See our release page for where to get it, new features __and notable problems.__ :D21:28
yofelsoee_: also, you should always read the 'Known Issues' on the release page please21:28
soee_yofel: ur on 64 bit ?21:30
NateWwhat would "stdin error 0" from a live cd mean?21:30
yofelsoee_: I have 64 and 32 bit installations here (different pcs)21:30
yofelNateW: in what context? boot, login, install, ...?21:31
NateWyofel: booting using the latest daily build.. the live cd never ends up booting21:31
NateWyofel: more specifics are in bug # 52617021:32
yofelbug 52617021:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526170 in xorg "no display on lucid startup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52617021:32
charlie-tcaIt takes my 1.5GHz system about 8 minutes to get a display on the desktop cd after the menu...21:36
NateWcharlie-tca: i have an Intel Q9550 and an Nvidia 250 GTS, it should not take 8 minutes21:38
charlie-tcaMine should not take 8 minutes either, but it does21:38
BluesKaj-LaptopI don't see any alpha 3 upgrades on my lucid desktop. I guess it depends where you are before they are released to one's location/server, altho I'm using the mainserver.21:38
charlie-tcaIt takes me 13-18 minutes total to get the desktop display21:38
NateWi did leave it on a couple days ago for 30 min, but it didnt do anything21:39
NateWthats strange why it takes so long.. are you running with nvidia?21:39
charlie-tcaI am running an NVidia 6200 video card, 1.5GHz cpu, 1GB ram21:39
charlie-tcaOnce installed, it takes about 15 seconds to boot21:39
BluesKaj-Laptopcharlie-tca, nvidia-glx-185 dricer?21:40
charlie-tcabut the desktop cd still takes 8 minutes from the menu selection to the gdm login, and 13-18 minutes total from menu to desktop21:40
charlie-tcaBluesKaj-Laptop: live cd, no hardware driver installed21:40
NateWi definitely hope this is fixed for the final version. i wonder if using 2.6.33 kernel with nouveau built in may have fixed these issues21:40
BluesKaj-Laptopcharlie-tca, ok21:41
charlie-tcaIt seems to be issues with nvidia and plymouth21:41
arandBluesKaj-Laptop: alpha3-upgrades, in what way?, if anything the release would mean that there are no upgrades afaik..21:41
NateWwell im going to go and try leaving it booting for another 30 min and report back.21:42
BluesKaj-Laptoparand, I'm not not on alpha3 afaik , that's my concern ...i don't see the updates coming down from the server , I assume a new kernel update at least21:43
jpapertowelHi, has the issue with lucid and software RAID been fixed yet?21:43
arandBluesKaj-Laptop: you are not on -14 ?21:43
BluesKaj-Laptoparand, yeah 2.6.32-14-generic21:46
arandBluesKaj-Laptop: That's the current then..21:47
BluesKaj-Laptopthat came down a couple of days ago21:47
BluesKaj-Laptopheh cool , I ssh'd into my desktop and launched knonverstion there as well21:50
charlie-tcaI believe alpha3 had the -14 kernel21:51
charlie-tcaI ran many tests of the iso images, and never saw anything higher21:51
BluesKaj-Laptopuname -a21:52
arandI heard something about the plan being to stick on that as well, unless bugfixing is needed I guess..21:52
arandAlthough the kernel freeze isn't until th 11th so I might be wrong there..21:53
NateWwow.. that took an unbelievably long time22:06
NateWcharlie-tca: is there a bug report for that yet?22:07
charlie-tcabug 52783222:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527832 in ubiquity "[Lucid] Ubiquity shuts off my monitor during the startup to live environment" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52783222:08
ebischoffHi folks. I moved to Kubuntu lucid. Everything works great. Excellent work. Congrats!!!22:08
charlie-tcaNateW: Kind of crazy, huh?22:08
NateWcharlie-tca: yeah.. its really annoying as well since i do a fresh install every week to test the proprietary drivers.. i hope its fixed soon22:09
charlie-tcaI do test installs daily22:09
paany idea why i get "protocol error" when i try to write to a succesfully mounted shared folder in virtualbox?22:09
charlie-tcabut I stumbled on that one by accident22:09
NateWcharlie-tca: is this only related to nvidia, or does this also happen using intel/ati?22:12
charlie-tcaI don't know. I only have nvidia cards22:12
* charlie-tca has ati, too, but not installed22:13
seanbrystonei get cant install bootloader when installing alpha3 on Vmware is this normal?22:13
dupondjesomebody knows if there is a way to integrate programms running on a remote windows pc, to integrate them into ubuntu ? like they are native programms ?22:14
DanaGgoogle for seamlessrdpshell22:14
* BluesKaj-Laptop has nvidia on all machines and an onboard ati that's disabled22:14
charlie-tcaI just did not feel like installing and testing the ati card, when it takes so much to get anything done22:14
charlie-tcaAfter running tests for two days, I thought that was enough for me today.22:15
seanbrystonei get cant install bootloader when installing alpha3 on Vmware is this normal?22:16
charlie-tcaseanbrystone: don't think so22:16
seanbrystoneguess ill wait till alpha 4 LMAO!22:16
charlie-tcaI use virtualbox, myself22:17
sebsebsebseanbrystone: There isn't one, Beta 1 is next.22:17
seanbrystonei might try it in vbox22:17
seanbrystonesebsebseb, ah, even better :D22:17
sebsebsebseanbrystone: looks like around next Thursday is when to expect more eye candy :)22:20
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Hopefuly yeah22:20
sebsebsebseanbrystone: I don't like the Karmic look much at all22:20
seanbrystoneim getting really sick of the brown theme, release after release, same brown (i know it can be changed by the user, but still)22:21
espen77u1 working for you?22:21
sebsebsebseanbrystone: well apparantly they are going to start using lighter themes22:21
dupondjeany screens ? :)22:21
BUGabundoboas noutes22:21
dupondjepfft slow mdadm :(22:22
NitsugaI would like a sunshine-caramel brown22:22
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Even better eye candy probably won't win me over to Lucid,  I mean Long Term Lucid useage22:22
NitsugaI know, that color doesn't exists22:22
Nitsugabut you can imagine it22:23
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Ubuntu isn't really for people like me anymore, it seems22:23
sebsebsebseanbrystone: if it's good enough with "average computer users"  it might gain a bit more of a proper market share22:24
BUGabundoso what did I lose today?22:25
BUGabundoI could not reach my laptop, from work, so no IRC and no testing22:25
BUGabundodarn DHCP wouldn't work22:25
dupondjeBUGabundo: seems to have all bugs that are in Lucid @ once ? ;)22:26
seanbrystonesebsebseb, oh? what is your distro of choice then? Sorry i was AFK22:27
BUGabundodupondje: who?22:27
seanbrystoneyay vmware loaded ubuntu without bootloader (donno how it did that, but it works) :)22:29
dupondjeyou ;)22:29
sebsebsebseanbrystone: depends on the computer and the user,  for other people i'll  recommend Ubuntu or Mandriva these days. So for example it's still Ubuntu on the other computer which my brothers are using.   For my own computer I am doing Mandriva not Ubuntu, since I wasn't impressed with 9.10.22:29
seanbrystonemandriva is pretty nice, although it's been a couple years since ive played with it22:29
sebsebsebseanbrystone: a few little issues that effected me, just litlte things nothing major, but yep latest release is pretty nice.22:31
seanbrystonedoesnt mandriva cost?22:31
sebsebsebseanbrystone: a bit off topic now, but  well  three versions,  Mandriva free only free software,    Mandriva One which is also the Live CD,  and a Power Pack which is paid for,  some support and commercial apps or something.22:32
sebsebsebseanbrystone: so only one version costs22:32
seanbrystoneah ok22:33
seanbrystonethink ill stick with something that is TOTALLY free :)22:33
sebsebsebseanbrystone: as in price?22:34
seanbrystonemainly, yep22:34
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Well Ubuntu isn't anymore, take  Ubuntu One for example,  2GB free space if you want more you pay.   Also Lucid will have that Music Store where  people can buy music.   As for freedom no Ubuntu is not a 100% free software distro.22:34
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing22:35
seanbrystoneyeah good point :)22:35
seanbrystonebut, but there is a big difference from a feature such as cloud storage, and necessary software22:36
seanbrystonebut yeah, way off topic for here sorry22:36
sebsebsebseanbrystone: well the stuff in Mandriva's Powerpack is not needed in the other versions,  in fact their is 3rd party stuff for free, for quite a lot of those programs, or something like that.   Debian is 100% free as far as I know, and GnewSense is.22:37
seanbrystoneyeah i know about those two22:38
dupondjedebian is free indeed22:38
dupondjebut then you miss codecs / nvidia drivers / etc ..22:38
dupondjeyou can't have all :(22:39
sebsebsebseanbrystone: Two types of distro's those from companies who want to make a profit, and those from community's who aren't about making a profit.   Yes the commercial distros such as Ubuntu and Mandriva have non paid developers as well.22:39
aranddupondje: They are available though, aren't they?22:39
sebsebsebdupondje: you could install that stuff your self into Debian22:39
dupondjeoffcouse you can, but its not default ...22:39
dupondjemakes it less easy22:40
dupondjeneed to use external repositories .. etc22:40
aranddupondje: it isn't really default in ubuntu either, altough easier..22:40
sebsebsebdupondje: well no MP3 and AVI and such support by default with Ubuntu, because of legal reasons, however it is easy to install after woulds.22:40
seanbrystonesebsebseb, yeah, but the ones that are totally free are pretty stripped since they cant/wont pay for developers22:40
penguin42sebsebseb: I wonder if they have a story for that with the music store22:43
seanbrystonemy keyboard not working in alpha3 :*(22:43
penguin42seanbrystone: PS/2 or USB? Anything odd about it? Any other USB devices plugged in?22:43
sebsebsebseanbrystone: well the community distros such as Debian will need to get fudning from some where,  for example  companies.  Then we have this as well,  Fedora the community version, and Redhat Enterprise Linux the commercial and Redhat give money to Fedora.  Just like how we have Novell and now Microsoft as well since the deal they  made, with their Novell Suse Enterprise Linux.  OpenSuse is the community version,  and Novell do the funding.22:43
seanbrystonepenguin42, usb, using vmware22:43
penguin42seanbrystone: You mean it's running in vmware?22:44
seanbrystonelol now it through me into the login screen22:44
seanbrystoneyeah penguin4222:44
sebsebsebpenguin42: A story for what?22:44
penguin42sebsebseb: If they have the music store appear by default it will be pretty odd if you can't play what you download22:45
sebsebsebpenguin42: it's there in rythombox22:45
sebsebsebpenguin42: already read that kind of thing on the web, what you just put there22:45
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
sebsebsebpenguin42: in a way yes, a bit odd,  that they have a store for formats that Ubuntu can't even play by default.  On the other hand so what, since users who want that, will install the MP3 codec anyway.22:46
seanbrystonepenguin42, i fixed it i had to go into keyboard prefs, and manually add a USA keyboard22:46
sebsebsebpenguin42: well I assuming that those who want to use the music store, will have the codecs needed installed22:46
seanbrystoneperhaps vmware just didnt pick up the usb keyboard, for one reason or another , i doubt it was a ubuntu bug22:47
arandI think rhythmbox will have a specific mp3 plugin of some kind..22:47
arandDunno what'll happen if you try to play it otherwise though..22:47
sebsebsebarand: I had an issue trying to install  ubity or whatever it's called would crash22:48
sebsebsebarand: however I had the live session running from ISO in virtualbox and checked out rythombox22:48
sebsebseband yep there's something for the music store22:48
sebsebsebarand: yeah that I think22:48
sebsebsebthat's the installer for Ubuntu I think?22:49
sebsebsebarand: anyway got the message saying the program had crashed a few times, and was able to do a little bit more in the installer, untill it woudn't let me22:49
arandWell, only thing I can say is check if bug exist, otherwise "ubuntu-bug ubiquity" to report one..22:49
sebsebsebwell if it's going to crash like that,  I won't bother vm'ing alpha 3 this time round22:50
jpapertoweli've been vm-ing lucid every like 2 days to see if they'll ever fix software raid and boot loaders lol :(22:51
sebsebsebalready did alpha 1 and 2 in vm.   and got an issue or issues eventaully.   It's just another release that looks like Karmic with some changes here and there,  so not that interesting to bother to install to a vm,  for people like me who want to try stuff out here and there.   Just under a week and can can expect proper eye candy backgrounds and such  in Lucid it seems :)22:51
sebsebsebabove maybe not clear enough, I meant alpha 3 is another lucid development release that looks like Karmic22:52
sebsebsebarand: not sure if I ever done that a bug report22:53
sebsebsebarand: I would have to mess around re setting launchpad password and such trying to get back into the account, if I can22:54
arandWell, if it ain't reported, it might not be fixed ;)22:54
sebsebseband I don't care enough about Ubuntu anymore, to bother reporting bugs, plus I expect installer bugs will be fixed before the final anyway,  unlike what happended with Fedora 11 it seems,  since it didn't like my Ubuntu partitions, and gave me an error message when I tried to install.  I was going to replace Ubuntu's / with Fedora the time, but it woudn't let me.   Came up saying  there was probably a bug and to report basicalley.22:55
sebsebsebarand: might of just been a virtual machine issue22:56
sebsebsebwhy  I coudn't just install alpha 3 earlier into a vm22:56
sebsebsebarand: however I had also been using  back and forward buttons about twice, which was probably to do with it22:58
sebsebseb(at the time above,  correcting something when I don't really need to here,  but if I don't it doesn't make proper sense)23:01
sebsebsebpa: hi23:05
pais it already possible to dist-upgrade from karmic to lucid?23:05
sebsebsebpa: of course, but  if your going to be using the computer for proper computer useage, I woudn't  recommend it23:05
pawhat do you mean?23:05
sebsebsebpa: done that kind of thing before with previous versions, got when in development,  used  as my operating system on the computer, and then issues23:05
paah i see23:06
sebsebsebpa: I mean do Lucid on a test machine or in a virtual machine, or just try from a Live CD23:06
sebsebsebor Live USB stick if can make one23:06
pabut so far it seems like it works pretty stable23:06
sebsebsebpa: it was like that for me with previous versions23:07
sebsebsebpa: then I ddi upgrades and problems23:07
sebsebsebdid upgrades and problems23:07
pai see23:07
sebsebsebpa: if you start with alpha you will probably get issues before the final, when your doing updates23:07
pasebsebseb, so i already have a lucid installed.. do you advice me to upgrade the alpha only when it become final?23:08
sebsebsebpa: if you start with beta 1 this might be the case also, since beta 1 is  really instead of alpha 4 this time round.  They tend to only do one beta.23:08
pai mean, to avoid issues23:08
sebsebsebpa: probably best to next upgrade when beta 1 comes out to avoide issues,  and then from that one to beta 2 when it's out,  and then beta 2 to the rc when it's out, and then rc to the final23:08
sebsebsebpa: ,but even that might not be good enough23:08
paor an alpha upgraded to final is not the same as a final installed from cd?23:09
sebsebsebpa: some would say your running the final, if you have upgraded all the way from a final23:09
sebsebsebmaybe you are, but you aren't exactly running the proper thing, if  got development release issues still, right?23:09
sebsebsebwith Karmic I started with alpha 423:10
sebsebseba clean install23:10
pain that case, right23:10
Nitsugasebsebseb, no, if you want to use 10.10 you have to use update-manager -d again23:10
sebsebseband upgraded it all the way to the final, and I still had issues from alpha 4 or 5 or 623:10
sebsebsebpa: this also meant that when I did updates,  I wasn't getting what I was meant to have23:11
sebsebsebor not always getting it23:11
pasound strange tho..23:11
sebsebsebpa: then I install the final of Karmic and wasn't impressed23:11
paif the packets are the same23:11
sebsebsebNitsuga: did I miss something, or what?  why you on about 10.10 ?23:11
Nitsugasebsebseb, I'm trying to say that when 10.04 final arrives, you will stay in that version, and if you want to use 10.10 you have to do an update-manager -d23:13
sebsebsebpa: when in development23:14
sebsebsebpa: the repo's change a lot23:14
sebsebseband not just security updates23:14
sebsebsebpa: when you got a final the default repo's only provide security updates23:14
ryanakcaHmmm... what's the grub2 equivalent of the old '# defoptions=' in /boot/grub/menu.lst?23:15
Nitsugapa, also expect 200MB of updates daily, and  10MB just to check if there are updates23:15
pai see..23:15
sebsebsebpa: so when doing a development version and installing the updates,  the chance of getting an issue as a result of an upgrade is quite high,  but probably less so once it's  beta23:15
Nitsugabecause the universe repo is huge.23:15
pabut i mean..23:16
BUGabundoNitsuga: actually it only counts about 40% of the packages23:16
sebsebsebpa: also if you want to get  the later stuff a bit early, but also have a system that is probably reasonably stable as well, then it's probably best to wait untill the beta23:16
pai installed alpha3 let say because i wanted to avoid to have to reinstall 10.04 final once it is out, but just upgrade it23:16
sebsebsebpa: or just virtual machine test or Live CD test, as I already mentioned23:16
payou are all telling me that i will not have the same system ?23:16
sebsebsebpa: I am saying your likeing to get some sort of problem,  one where it's best to re install23:17
MaximLevitsky-vmMy personal advice is to install *NOW* but in a VM23:17
sebsebsebpa: likely not likeing above23:17
pai see..23:17
pathen i'llprobably reinstall23:17
pawhat can i do23:17
Nitsugapa, you'll have the same system, but with the tweaks you made during the alphas and betas23:18
LADmaticCAis there a difference between the nvidia 190.53 driver in Hardware Drivers, and the one on nvidia's site?23:18
sebsebsebpa: if just an end user,  that doesn't want to report bugs,  and doesn't want the distro to look very much like the previous version,  then it's best to wait untill the beta really23:18
paNitsuga, if i dont tweak anything, it will be ok?23:18
sebsebsebpa: if wanting the feautures a bit earlier23:18
Nitsugapa, yeah, i think so23:18
MaximLevitsky-vmI have being burnt by alpha/beta release every time I try them23:18
NitsugaLADmaticCA, no-way install the nvidia driver from nvidia's website on 10.0423:18
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: yes same here, when I had a pshyical install23:19
NitsugaLADmaticCA, I say this to you from my experience23:19
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: virtual machine testing this time round,  however that's mainly since I have another distro as host now :)23:19
MaximLevitsky-vmSurprisingly though, didn't have a single issue now in a VM23:19
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: I had issues in vm23:19
MaximLevitsky-vmI have 9.04 as host and 10.4 as a guest23:19
MaximLevitsky-vmVmware player 3.023:20
LADmaticCANitsuga, okay. I notice the on in Hardware Drivers seems kinda slow compared to my Jaunty install which uses one from nvidia's site23:20
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: oh still on 9.04 :)  so like me wasn't that happy with 9.10 or?23:20
MaximLevitsky-vmWorks damn fast (especially with VMI... :-)23:20
NitsugaLADmaticCA, Jaunty also used a package, it shouldn't be slower23:20
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: typo. I have 9.1023:20
MaximLevitsky-vmas the host23:20
LADmaticCANitsuga, okay. I think i'll remove this one and try the one off the site. Thanks for responding23:21
NitsugaLADmaticCA, please, please, don't try the one from the site23:23
LADmaticCANitsuga, don't try it?23:23
NitsugaLADmaticCA, It will break you rsystem and the only way to get direct rendering again will be reinstalling23:23
Nitsuga10.04 is NOT compatible with the nvidia-installer .run. Read the release notes.23:24
LADmaticCANitsuga, wow. I wonder why my graphic performance is kinda slow23:24
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: Whcih vm software?23:24
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: vmware player 3.0 :-)23:24
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: hrm last time I tried vmware player about three  years ago or something,  it wasn't that good23:25
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: not any more....23:25
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: maybe I should try again, it will have improved quite a bit since then I guess23:25
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: player got the ability to create VMs23:25
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: it  could do that before, but would need something else to make vmx file23:26
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: the vm settings23:26
NitsugaLADmaticCA, graphic performance of compiz performance?23:26
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: actsaully I think maybe had to use something else to make the vmdk files as well before23:26
LADmaticCANitsuga, yeah. Like when i drag a window to another workspace it drops frames23:26
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: first of all there is now VMI23:27
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: VMI what's that23:27
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: a sort of light paravitualization23:27
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: what's paravitualization?  you mean paravirtulization? whatever that is23:28
NitsugaLADmaticCA, you may be using indirect rendering. install fusion-icon, launch it check "compiz-options -> Indirect rendering"23:28
MaximLevitsky-vmlinux kernel is modified to do some tasks diffrently in the VM23:28
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: the whole thing is included in mainline kernel23:29
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: also now vmware has full blown galiium 3d driver....23:29
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: didn't have time to compile it yet...23:30
sebsebsebnot sure what you mean,  maybe like the guest additiosn for virtulbox or something, so then it knows the OS is running in a vm.23:30
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: better that that23:30
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: galium  3D driver, you mean for  3D Windows games and such?23:30
LADmaticCANitsuga, thanks. I'll give that a shot after my updates finish installing23:30
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: no, opengl23:30
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: running compiz in the VM at full speed....23:30
sebsebseboh well  Virtualbox has something for OpenGL  as well I think23:30
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: yes, but I have seen that vmware put a lot of effor in this23:31
sebsebsebyeah of course it does, if I remember correctly.   anyway right ok well  i'll give VMware player another try some time23:31
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: the biggest advantage of vmware is really the speed.23:32
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: server used to be so much better before though23:32
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: they plugged that hole unfortunelly23:32
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: now server is 'web based...'23:32
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: plugged that hole?23:32
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: pure s****t23:32
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:33
LADmaticCANitsuga, Wow man that fixed it. Thanks!23:33
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: server was supposed to be used to run servers, but users took it and run desktops in it23:33
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: Virtualbox is being slow to load up vm's properly here and there it seems23:33
NitsugaLADmaticCA, yay!23:34
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: of course since when I last used them,  server could do full screen mode, and player coudn't23:34
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: so vmware created server 2.0, and the only way to configure it and view the vm is through firefox...23:34
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: and server 1 doesn't run on new kernels23:34
sebsebseboh at the web based server23:35
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: this is why I used the censored words...23:35
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: last two things you put, I wasn't following, not sure what you mean23:35
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: server 1 can't be used anymore23:36
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: its kernel modules don't compile, and it is not trivial to port them23:36
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: Server 1 can't be used anymore?  You mean the old VMware server product or?23:36
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: I mean vmware server 1.023:37
MaximLevitsky-vmyes the old one23:37
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: oh right ok,  well  didn't know about this stuff before,  things do change though as time goes by23:37
sebsebsebfor the better or for the worse23:38
sebsebsebthings get better or worse as time goes by23:38
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: Player used to suck compared to Server, but now it seems it has improved properly and is worth checking out again, from what you put23:39
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: yes23:39
penguin42player didn't used to let you create VMs did it?23:39
penguin42(but people just wrote utils for it)23:39
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: yes23:39
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: yes23:39
penguin42I seem to remember the license is different on server and player in subtle ways23:40
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: didn't look at that23:40
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: I think one of them you can't technically use in business23:40
MaximLevitsky-vmI use this at home, so it doesn't matter here23:41
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: ok well thanks for this interesting off topic,  but when will I bother to try this new VMware player hrm23:41
sebsebsebpenguin42: yeah Player is for home users really or was23:41
sebsebsebpenguin42: server I think was for both home user and buiness, but mainly business, and then workstation is really for business's who want to pay for it23:42
penguin42sebsebseb: I  thought it was the other way around weirdly, I thought it was server that had the odd license clause23:42
sebsebsebpenguin42: I think VMware server become free as in price,  because Microsoft had something similar23:42
sebsebsebfor free23:43
sebsebsebas in something to do with VirtualPC I think23:43
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: very likely23:43
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: plus it used to be called something else if I rmember correctly . ESX server or something like that? was the name I think23:44
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: yes23:44
sebsebsebI don't  know what ESX means23:44
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: probably another buzzword...23:45
sebsebseb!ot | sebsebseb  MaximLevitsky-vm  penguin4223:45
ubottusebsebseb  MaximLevitsky-vm  penguin42: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.23:45
sebsebsebuh huh at the bot23:45
sebsebseb@ the bot23:45
* penguin42 giggles at sebsebseb for telling himself off23:45
MaximLevitsky-vmI am going back to kernel driver writing23:46
sebsebsebpenguin42: :)  I have got ubottu to tell me off before like that23:46
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: oh you write kernel drivers?23:46
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: For what?23:46
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: for my card reader23:46
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: one is done (xD cards)23:46
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: oh, but your writing your own driver23:47
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: are you open sourceing them as well or?23:47
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: waiting and bugging the maintainer for merge23:47
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: you mean your contributing to a project, and your trying to get your code accepted?23:47
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: Interfaced how?23:48
MaximLevitsky-vmsebsebseb: yes to the kernel23:48
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: ?23:48
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: How is the card reader connected to the host23:48
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: pci23:48
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: Cool23:48
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: if you have ricoh reader. you can be sure you will be able to use it fully23:49
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: That laptop is TI, I could swear I'd seen a ricoh one somewhere23:50
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: alex dubov wrote memstick driver for TI23:50
sebsebsebMaximLevitsky-vm: ok well that's good that your contributing to the Linux kernel :)23:51
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: as soon as I merge the the xD bits, maybe someone will write an xD driver for it23:51
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: Cool, device drivers are fun :-)23:51
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: jmicon reader that I also have has a memstick driver that alex dubov wrote, and he wrote xD driver23:53
MaximLevitsky-vmI will also port his xD driver to my interfaces (this wil mean rewrite...) and merge too someday23:53
MaximLevitsky-vmThis is if I will have time23:54
MaximLevitsky-vmAlex did pretty much same work as I do, but now he works at real job, and thus don't have time to contribute any more23:54
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: I did some drivers for some early ARM systems many years ago23:54
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: it is really the best to write drivers23:55
MaximLevitsky-vmpenguin42: I also wrote a driver for IR reciever that my laptop has23:56
histo!info sun-java6-plugin23:56
ubottuPackage sun-java6-plugin does not exist in lucid23:56
histoWhat is the package for java plugin?23:56
sebsebseb!java | histo23:56
ubottuhisto: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository23:56
rwwhisto: Sun Java was dropped from Lucid. Use the iced tea thingywhatsit instead23:56
histosebsebseb: that doens't have it.23:56
historww: ty23:56
sebsebsebrww: oh?23:57
MaximLevitsky-vm'rww: histo: Sun Java was dropped from Lucid. Use the iced tea thingywhatsit instead'23:57
rwwthat'll need factoiding at some point23:57
penguin42what's the '!Multiverse' repostory?23:57
MaximLevitsky-vm^^^ =-O23:57
sebsebsebrww: What's this iced tea thing?23:57
Nitsuga!multiverse | penguin4223:57
ubottupenguin42: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:57
MaximLevitsky-vmFor me the free java just doesn't work23:57
penguin42MaximLevitsky-vm: Never have23:58
rwwsebsebseb: the one that's free. It's called Iced Tea or OpenJDK or something. I'm not up on the lingo.23:58
sebsebsebrww: Why have they got rid of the other version?23:58
rwwsebsebseb: I hear it isn't maintained and Sun are using the free version's code now. I don't know for sure, though.23:58
* rww doesn't use Java, doesn't pay enough attention :(23:59
sebsebsebrww: Sun is now Oracale and  Java got open sourced about three years ago or something23:59
rww!find sun23:59
ubottuFound: asunder, iiimf-le-sun-hong-kong-chinese, iiimf-le-sun-simplified-chinese, iiimf-le-sun-thai, iiimf-le-sun-traditional-chinese (and 58 others)23:59
rww... damn, I always mix those up23:59
rww!search sun23:59
ubottuFound: meeting-#ubuntu-us-az, ops-#xubuntu-offtopic, java, sunjava, genii yadda ps3*, sunbird, ops-#kubuntu, plg, ops-#xubuntu, java-#kubuntu*23:59

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