
ccheneyok now at the point of needing soup-gnome bits enabled in soup04:23
ccheneyso have to figure out libproxy build it and see if i can get soup-gnome to work04:24
ccheneyyipee libproxy was straight forward rebuild after backporting webkit :)04:40
* ccheney hopes soup-gnome is as well04:40
ccheneyerm hmm this is weird04:41
ccheneyits claiming missing proxy symbols04:41
* ccheney verifies he didn't break something wrt to proxy in soup04:41
ccheneyah yea i had to comment it out in configure before04:43
ccheneywow that was easy :)04:44
ccheneyisn't quite sure what to do to get it in the archive since its not setup to bootstrap04:48
ccheneyi'll worry about that later04:49
ccheneyok that fixed the epiphany-browser complaint about soup04:54
* ccheney is seeing weird errors :-\06:07
ccheneyit can't find g_strdup for some reason which is already in hardy glib06:07
eagles0513875hey guys i have a question i was helping out by doing some dev work with the team and i was wondering if i backed up my .ssh folder and i still have the ssh key active on launc h pad do i need to copy just the .ssh key to my home folder?06:13
ccheneydoh i know what i screwed up, ugh06:28
ccheneyyep fixed the problem, heh06:36
gnomefreakasac: what is you ident user name?11:34
gnomefreaknevermind i found it11:37
gnomefreakyou cant compress mp3s right? compress as in change the size to smaller like you can with files right?11:54
gnomefreak!info firefox karmic11:59
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.5): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 (karmic), package size 71 kB, installed size 128 kB11:59
gnomefreakasac: we are upstream ubufox correct?12:17
gnomefreakthan its not ubufox but keyboard mapping? :(12:21
gnomefreaki commented on bug 319410 but i will log back into email so it send it12:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319410 in ubufox ""Cancel" button has no keyboard shortcut associated with it" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31941012:22
gnomefreakok i posted it from web page rather than email12:24
gnomefreaklet me know what you think or comment on the above bug12:24
gnomefreakcoffee run12:24
kecsapasac: hi. can I reassign to me bug 123713 - package description needs rewrite? - also can you review at least the branch lp:~csaba-kertesz/ubufox/lp452948 because I can work on one or two bugs after it is merged.12:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123713 in ubufox "package description needs rewrite" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12371312:29
gnomefreakkecsap: i just commented on the above bug about the cancel, key mapping and i will add another comment since i forgot in my last post.12:33
fta2asac, xul 1.9.2 still red12:35
gnomefreakkecsap: feel free to assign yourself to the bug as long sa you will/are working on it.12:35
gnomefreakoh ok i see that some of the firefox's are cap.12:37
kecsapgnomefreak: micah told me to check that issue in the upstream bugzilla. but for sure, it is not an ubufox problem12:37
gnomefreakkecsap: ther eis no upstream source until we find out the package. that is why i asked about windows nad other things that use that cancel key map12:38
gnomefreakkecsap: where is your branch for the description fix? you only have 3 branches and dont see that one you posted above12:43
kecsapgnomefreak: I do not have any branch for the description fix because the bug 123713 is assigned to asac and wanted to ask him if I can reassign it to me.13:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123713 in ubufox "package description needs rewrite" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12371313:12
gnomefreakkecsap: if you want  to fix it i dont see any reason not to assign it to yourself and make branch and ask for a merge13:13
gnomefreakwell i think i found the problem.13:16
gnomefreaki cant send emails and still not getting all of them. i hate to restart all over again :(13:20
* gnomefreak gone for smoke13:20
kecsapgnomefreak: I do not see any problem also, but asac is the assignee. I assigned a back to me last week and got the comment from micah to ask the assignee all the time before reassigning. :)13:24
kecsap...a bug to me....13:25
gnomefreakkecsap: ah i wonder why13:28
gnomefreakIIRC he is on lunch13:29
kecsapgnomefreak: because if a bug is assigned to somebody then probably the assignee works on that, even if the status of the bug is not in progress. I think it is straightforward.13:29
kecsapgnomefreak: I do not agree with you that the bug 503782 is not a dup of 123713. where did you read that 123713 is about a typo? it is about rewriting the package description. 503782 also asks for more detailed description.13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503782 in ubufox "No one anywhere knows what it does nor is there documentation" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50378213:32
gnomefreakhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/123713/comments/26  kecsap that has nothing to do with description13:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123713 in ubufox "package description needs rewrite" [Low,Confirmed]13:35
gnomefreakok i miss read a few comments13:37
gnomefreakmarking back to dup now13:37
kecsapok, thanks :)13:41
gnomefreakkecsap: np13:42
kecsapgnomefreak: when did asac go for lunch and I can expect him back?13:43
gnomefreakkecsap: not sure but i think it is around his lunch time13:44
gnomefreakor maybe not :(13:45
gnomefreakasac: you here?13:45
kecsapgnomefreak: what about the bug of the shortcut of the cancel button?13:47
gnomefreakkecsap: that needs to be assigned to the corrct package. If it happens outside of Ubuntu than it cant be ubufox13:47
gnomefreakhaving email issues so if you comment i didnt get it13:48
gnomefreakgive me a sec13:48
kecsapgnomefreak: because the cancel button does not have shortcut under WinXP/Hungarian version of Firefox 3.6 for me, it should be something core thing in the firefox itself.13:49
kecsapat least the ubufox is not the appropriate place to hack it for ubuntu.13:49
gnomefreakmost likely however it needs to be tested with other apps13:50
kecsapbut I am not 100% sure13:50
gnomefreakthat way we can prove its firefox not something else13:50
kecsapI have not have time to check the plugin finder dialog codes in firefox.13:51
kecsapso far13:51
kecsapyou refer with other apps to other mozilla apps like thunderbird?13:51
gnomefreakplgin finder in Ubuntu is ubufox13:51
gnomefreakthat not mozilla apps as well (other browsers) konq. epiphany ect...13:52
gnomefreakexample of other apps, anything witha  cancel button13:53
gnomefreaki know firefox comes with its own but i think we made ours to use ubufox for most if not all13:58
kecsapok, now I go to home...13:59
gnomefreakmicahg: 3.6 transition for Karmic? is it happening15:29
gnomefreakmicahg: trelayne was asking about it. since you are the main FF person atm i ask you ;)15:30
micahggnomefreak: yes, eventually15:30
trelaynethanks... gnomefreak . micahg, so do I have to install it manually?15:31
gnomefreaktrelayne: ^^^15:31
gnomefreaktrelayne: no it will be upgraded like any package15:31
micahgtrelayne: PPA right now, archive later15:31
* gnomefreak forgot about stable PPA15:31
* micahg dented about it last night15:32
* ddecator saw that15:32
* gnomefreak missed it15:32
trelaynePPA ?15:32
micahgtrelayne: see topic15:33
trelayneMy concern is mostly about making sure that I can migrate my extensions, generally my profile info15:34
trelayneoh thanks!15:34
micahgtrelayne: always good to have a backup when upgrading15:34
* micahg had no issues, but others have15:34
trelayneok so it should be as simple as copying over my profile directory.... thanks!15:35
* gnomefreak gone for meeting15:35
micahgtrelayne: for a backup, yes15:35
trelayneyes.. cool! Thanks again !15:35
micahgasac: for FTBFS rebuild in PPA with no source changes, can I just retry the build or should I bump version (NSPR thing)15:52
asacmicahg: just retry15:53
micahgasac: k15:53
ccheneyugh i have private variables that already existed in old gtk in the new bits that want to use new parts of them :-\15:57
eagles0513875hey asac and micahg16:16
eagles0513875:) can i ask you guys a question re bzr ssh key that i have on lp16:16
micahgeagles0513875: why not ask in #launchpad?16:19
eagles0513875micahg: will do hope to come back to helping u guys soon now that i have dual boot dev partition :)16:20
ccheneygrr the gtk bits cascade quite a bit too, at least i know how to make them work now after working on glib16:20
ccheneyactually it seems it was another bug it just looked like the private issue16:22
trelaynemicahg,  a little problem, I'm not running Karmic yet, so  add-apt-repositor isn't available to me. Is there another way to add the stable version?16:23
micahgtrelayne: instructions are on the PPA page...16:23
trelayneok thanks16:24
micahghmmm..I guess there's no room for that in topic16:24
micahgtrelayne: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable16:24
ftamicahg, asac:  xul 1.9.2 still red16:38
micahgfta: yes, we have to wait for upstream to land the test patch in m-c before adding it I think16:39
ftamicahg, ?? why, the issue is not upstream related16:39
micahgfta: I think that's what asac told me...16:40
micahgif I'm wrong, I can add it tonight16:40
ftamicahg, it's a tar issue. the fix looks trivial to me16:40
* micahg checks the latest ftbfs16:40
ftajust add --exclude=\*.orig16:40
micahgfta: hmmm..maybe I was wrong about the error...16:44
* micahg needs to pay better attention to the error message16:46
micahgfta: I'll test build on my way to work16:48
ftajust be careful about the parameters order, tar is weird16:49
micahgfta: but I'm worried about if we need to make more fixes to xul192 before release, can we still merge in changes below this or does this not matter with the upstream revision16:50
ftathis workaround is unrelated, it should work even with older revisions16:51
kecsapasac: are you here now?17:22
ccheneyasac: question for you19:42
ccheneyasac: i have some bits i need to backport that modify the private data structures for parts of gtk, afaict that should be ok (i think?), but it seems to mean i would need to make the changes directly in gtk+2.019:43
ccheneyasac: meaning the private data structures are already there but they are missing members19:43
jcastrofta: sigh I always forget where your daily build scripts are19:45
ftajcastro, lp:drobotik19:45
ftajcastro, https://edge.launchpad.net/drobotik19:46
ftajcastro, any particular reason?20:03
jcastrofta: I wanted to pass it along to the mono-a11y guys who just set up a PPA20:03
=== fta_ is now known as fta
asacccheney: what private data member is that?21:04
ccheneyeg GtkIconInfo21:13
* ccheney thinks we would be best off just merging all backport bits into glib/gtk that don't actually break abi21:18
ccheneybut at least some of the things seem very hard to backport without putting them directly into glib/gtk21:19
* ccheney has to go rest for a bit, meds wipe me out :(21:54
asacccheney: what features of gtk_icon_info are needed?22:08
asacoften you can also rewrite the code that uses that a bit22:09
BUGabundoboas noutes22:21
ccheneyasac: yea will have to look at it closer to see if i can work around it23:22

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