
j-liveGood evening... Have a current issue with x11 on a karmic laptop with an intel 830gm int. graphics chipset, from initial install it boots straight to black screen. to which i can tty in and out of... any response would be apprieciated :)00:07
charlie-tcaryanrhee90: not that I know of. You might want to get the alternate image and try it. It does not use the graphical installer00:13
ryanrhee90charlie-tca thanks, i'll try that.00:14
charlie-tcaGood luck with the install00:14
charlie-tcaIt is possible the graphics will not work for you00:15
j-livei have heard of there being issues with them, i have had 1 ubuntu based distro working on it before...00:16
justin__hello everyone01:29
justin__anyone active?01:31
charlie-tca!question | jussi0101:32
ubottujussi01: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:32
charlie-tcaJustin__ ^^01:33
justin__lol ok, I'm having a problem with pidgin. the notifications are all blacked out. and this is my first day with linux lol just wondering if there is a quick fix01:34
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marenostrumDNS evil05:28
Balsaqswededn wins gold!06:54
Myrtti. o O ( don't they always )07:06
johnHi - I'm currently running Xubuntu 9.10 & was considering trying to update my Firefox installation from 3.5.7 to the newest 3.6 - anybody know of any particular reasons why this may be a bad idea or do you think I am good to give it a try?08:17
Myrttiif you don't have a specific need for a certain feature in the newest version, I don't really see the point08:18
johnI do a lot of Javascript development - so I am interested in the improvements made to the Javascript Interpreter - as well as the continued updates and support for the new HTML5 Spec08:19
johnI just installed Xubuntu 9.10 for the first time - giving it a try and I like what I see so far - but I was a little wary to try upgrading the Browser since I noticed it came with a slightly older version of Firefox08:20
johnNormally I would just update it using the 'Update' features inside Firefox - but I can't seem to find it on the version of Firefox installed with Xubuntu =\08:24
Myrttiyeah, that's because the update system and philosophy is a bit different08:25
Myrttijohn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion gives information on how to do the leap if you really are sure you want to do it08:27
johnAh this link is great thank you - I see now that Firefox 3.6 hasn't been fully tested for Ubuntu yet so the update will just become available inside my update manager when it is08:29
johnI can handle waiting a bit for it - I appreciate you finding this link for me though - pretty interesting to see the different release approach Ubuntu takes08:30
Peacimoweng'day. I've just installed xubuntu after being linux-free for a few years (to my shame), but am having trouble getting beyond 800x600 resolution08:31
PeacimowenCreated a xorg.conf and added a custom modeline, but that seems to be ignored.08:32
PeacimowenAny idea what I can do next?08:32
Balsaqyou could have the incorrect display driver08:38
PeacimowenI'm using nv with an nvidia card..08:38
Balsaqi had an issue using nv with nvidia card08:38
PeacimowenI suppose I could go and install the official driver08:38
Balsaqwhat version of xubuntu?08:42
Balsaqi would recommend 90408:47
PeacimowenWhat's wrong with 9.10?08:48
Balsaqi really don't know that there is something wrong, but have noticed that depending on the computer, 04 sometimes is better...thats all.08:50
Balsaqi noticed my computer, for exapmle seems to have been made for it...just by chance i guess08:51
PeacimowenI'll just keep playing until I can fix the graphics issue before switching to anything else.08:52
PeacimowenIf I screw up badly I can always switch then.08:53
Balsaqi was fooling around trying to make my full screen resolution better using a different nvidia driver fron their site...but it messed up my desktop resolution. i then chose to let the xubuntu 904 configure it for me and it did a better job on its own. i was impressed.08:53
Peacimowenso far allowing auto configuration do its job has not helped me in the slightest08:53
PeacimowenI can lower the resolution all the way to 320x240...08:54
Balsaqwhat type of computer-specs08:55
PeacimowenP4 1GB ram, GeForce 720008:55
Balsaqi have p4 512 rdram nvidia geforce mx42008:55
Peacimowenhuh, well that actually worked.09:07
PeacimowenI have 1024x768 with nvidias own drivers09:07
Peacimowenand damn but I like having irssi running in screen so that I could stick around irc while playing with X09:09
johnAny tips on improving flv video playback on xubuntu 9.10?  I have streamed videos from youtube without any problem on this same hardware using other OS's but playing the video using the included movie player - or streaming inside firefox results in very significant 'choppyness'09:28
Myrttiare you perchance running 64-bit?09:29
dahaicjohn: are you ati user? try restricted drivers09:29
johnI have an integrated Intel chipset for the video - and it is a 32bit system09:30
johnAt the moment I am waiting on VLC to finish downloading - I am hoping maybe that will work?09:30
johnIntel 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device to be precise actually09:35
johnAh okay - VLC Player will playback the videos smoothly - I can just download the FLV from youtube & view it off my local machine - that solution works for me =)09:36
subspiderdo you guys know any software to amulate iso images??12:05
Myrttiemulate? huh?12:06
bazhangyou mean mount them?12:06
subspiderlike if it was a xd12:07
subspiderlike for windows deamon tools12:07
ablomenmount -o loop file.iso /media/mountpoint12:07
subspideri try that12:07
Myrtti!iso | subspider12:08
ubottusubspider: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:08
subspiderbut nothing12:08
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ...  is the alternate CD same as the original xubuntu CD ?13:45
knomecobra-the-joker, the alternate CD installs the same system, though it doesn't have a graphical installer13:45
cobra-the-jokerknome , thats fine13:46
subspiderdoes anyone knows to work with php??15:15
subspideri need help with webservices15:15
eXpl0i7subspider: i'm just installed php, msql and apache :)15:19
eXpl0i7what problem you have?15:19
subspiderdo you know how to build a simple web service in php15:21
subspideri'm getting frustrades eXpl0i715:21
eXpl0i7do you have apache and mysql?15:21
eXpl0i7go to http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-apache2-with-php5-and-mysql-support-on-ubuntu-9.04-lamp15:22
subspideryes i do15:23
subspideri already have that15:23
eXpl0i7sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start15:23
eXpl0i7open your browser15:24
subspideryes i already did that i need help with webservices15:25
subspideris diferente15:25
subspideri'm using nusoap15:25
subspideris stupid15:25
eXpl0i7download this book http://kewlshare.com/dl/262b404cfe10/Setting_Up_LAMP__Getting_Linux__Apache__MySQL_and_PHP_Working_Together.rar.html15:26
TheSheepsubspider: maybe you should now go to #php or the support channel for your particular framework15:27
subspideroh thanks really thanks man15:28
subspiderthanks TheSheep15:28
TheSheepsubspider: don't mention it15:32
farkI'm having a slight problem with X.org not loading, log: http://tinyurl.com/yko5ekp any ideas?15:58
DBeetsSo I think I just broke xfce17:20
DBeetswhen I try to login in, it accepts my pw but then x restarts17:20
charlie-tcaWhat version?17:21
charlie-tcaYou can fix it by hitting Ctrl+Alt+F2, login, then remove ~/.cache and ~/.config17:22
charlie-tcaThen restart17:22
charlie-tcathen you will have to set up your preferences again, because it will have deleted all the custom settings you had17:22
DBeetswell that does not sound like any fun at all.17:23
DBeetsI know I should've taken a snapshot17:23
DBeetsI'll keep all my packeges though, correct?17:24
balvonasgood evening17:36
charlie-tcaGood Evening, balvonas17:39
balvonasis there a network proxy settings manager for xubuntu? i use chrome, it does not have such option17:39
balvonasi mean some external program, i know that xfce does not have it17:41
DBeetscharlie-tca: Got it fixed. Uninstalled smbfs and now it works fine. Phew!18:31
charlie-tcaGlad to hear it is working again.18:31
DBeetsAnd now to take a snapshot :p18:32
crystalsjointhey is there such a program to cleanup junk files on the hard drive in xubuntu?18:50
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pogI have installed xubuntu on a memory stick, now, the menu for starting the program vanishes on the bar...21:19
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/21:19
charlie-tcaAlso advice on how to put the menu back is in there.21:20
pogah thanks!21:20
pogI'm not shure, whether it's a xubuntu problem, my xubuntu 9.10 Stick boots from a acer, but not from the shuttle. the shuttle cames to grub2 but grub only executes a command list and does nothing...21:22
charlie-tcaMaybe the shuttle can't read the stick, such as it only reads USB 1.1 and the stick is in USB 2.0 ?21:25
poggrub menu is shown, but grub doe's seem to start the kernel...21:26
pogit starts with qemu, and on the acer laptop.21:27
pogprobably not a xubuntu related problem, but other other usb-devices boot.21:27
charlie-tcaDon't know. I don't know enough about booting from the usb sticks21:28
pogit also booted on an dell laptop...21:28
pogthe strange thing ist that grub menu is shown...21:29
pogo.k probably not xubuntu related.21:29
charlie-tcabalvonas: have you seen this on using proxies ? http://popey.com/blog/2010/02/25/proxies-in-the-way-of-testing/22:22
youareno6Is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad the best resource to alter the trackpad settings. Seems like it might be out of date.22:38
youareno6I am using 9.1022:38
balvonascharlie-tca: good post, may be useful some other time22:55

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