
nigelbany python experts around.  I need to confirm that all references to pychecker are removed from boa constructor01:56
nigelbI took a good look at the code and it seems okay.01:56
lfaraoneFor packages which lack upstream releases, but instead consist entirely of git snapshots, is this a good version schema: 20100222.git6805c07-0ubuntu1?03:30
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rippsI want to help with some ftbfs packages, but do I have to create a bug and debdiff for every package I want to fix? And if I do, how can I be sure that anybody is going to notice it?04:40
crimsunlfaraone: I tend to avoid leading dates and instead use 0.date, but it isn't that big a deal04:45
lfaraonecrimsun: yeah, I went with 0+gitDATE.REF-104:45
lfaraonecrimsun: unrelated, would http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/CmosPwd be too trivial to package? (compiles and runs nicely)04:46
AnAntis it possible to test a plymouth theme on karmic ?04:47
ScottKripps: Yes.  You do.  There are no guarantees, but sponsors try really hard to get through all the potential uploads before release.  Almost always we do.04:47
ScottKripps: Alternatively you can propose fixes as bzr branches and make merge requests.04:47
crimsunlfaraone: "too trivial" doesn't really exist ;-)04:47
lfaraonecrimsun: mk. upstream ships a binary in their tarball, but they include source. Should I repack to remove the binary version, or not worry about it?04:48
crimsunI would repack it.04:48
jayveeG'day. I have a bug fix for libvirt that I'd like to get in to Lucid (and Karmic, if possible). Any pointers on what I should do, or who I should ping?05:01
jayveeIt's a patch for un-breaking IPv6 on the libvirt network bridge.05:01
crimsunjayvee: please file a bug against the libvirt source package05:10
jayveecrimsun: cool, will do05:11
jayveecrimsun: what should I attach? just the patch, or a debdiff, or what?05:11
crimsunjayvee: a debdiff would be ideal, but a unified diff would do, too.05:12
crimsun(the reviewers team is flexible)05:12
jayveecrimsun: debdiffs contain changelogs, don't they? does it matter what I put as the changelog, or version number? :)05:12
crimsunjayvee: correct, and yes (to both)05:13
jayveeLucid's current version of libvirt is 0.7.5-5ubuntu7. So what should the new version number be? In my PPA, it is 0.7.5-5ubuntu8~ppa1.05:13
crimsun   libvirt | 0.7.5-5ubuntu8 |         lucid | source05:14
jayveeand I spose I should reference the LP# bug number in the changelog description, right?05:15
crimsunso you'd want 0.7.5-5ubuntu9, and yes05:15
jayveehmm, they seem to have updated libvirt since a few days ago :)05:16
jayveeSorry for the stupid questions — I'm still quite new to this.05:16
jayveeJust want to make sure I get it right.05:16
crimsunno prob05:17
AnAntwhy does plymouth conflict with usplash ?05:24
jayveeAnAnt: because they're competing splash screen mechanisms05:25
AnAnt_jayvee: what do you mean by competing ?06:28
jayveeAnAnt_: well, maybe not competing, but alternative06:28
jayveethey're both splash screen engines06:28
jayveeyou want to use one or the other06:28
AnAnt_jayvee: yes, I know, but that's not a reason to make them conflict06:28
jayveeof course it is06:29
jayveeotherwise they would both install themselves to launch at bootup06:29
jayveethen they would fight for the display06:29
AnAnt_jayvee: ah, I see06:29
jayveeall "Conflicts" does is tell the package manager to only install one or the other, not both at the same time06:29
=== AnAnt_ is now known as AnAnt
AnAntah, they both provide /lib/init/splash-functions06:34
AnAntok, how can I test a plymouth theme ?06:35
randomactionsgnb: I would guess Monday, but it may be better to ping some archive admins here and on #ubuntu-devel06:35
jayveeAnAnt: well you could always install plymouth ;)06:36
* jayvee presumes plymouth is in the ubuntu repo somewhere06:36
AnAntjayvee: I did, what I mean  is that in usplash & xsplash, I can test the theme without rebooting06:36
jayveewell there's a plymouth command for that as well06:37
jayveeI believe you just start the daemon with the right parameters06:37
AnAntah, found it06:37
jayveeit's been a while since I've played with it, to be honest06:37
randomactionslangasek: could you sync gmetadom (bug 526067) and ocaml-expat (bug 527633) for ocaml transition?06:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526067 in ocaml-cry "[OCaml 3.11.2 transition][round 3/6] Please sync packages involved in OCaml transition from Debian (sid) to lucid (universe)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52606706:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527633 in ocaml-expat "[OCaml 3.11.2 transition][round 4/6] Please sync packages involved in OCaml transition from Debian (sid) to lucid (universe)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52763306:43
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jariqI've just tried "pbuilder-dist sid mainonly create" after a week and it still fails with " -> installing dummy policy-rc.d chroot: cannot run command `/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory". Any ideas?08:25
jariqJust found debian bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=564910 . I see that new pbuilder (0.196) and debootstrap (1.0.20) are already in lucid, so I guess it is tome to dist-upgrade my desktop :)08:33
ubottuDebian bug 564910 in pbuilder "pbuilder fails to create a base.tgz" [Grave,Open]08:33
arandIs cdbs something you need to install separately, it's not a recommends to any other higher-level package?09:31
jayveearand: if a package needs cdbs, it should list it in its Build-Depends, as far as I knkow09:50
jayveeit's a dependency of quilt, though09:50
arandI was just surprised I needed it for debuild -S on nautilus...09:51
jayveedid you apt-get build-dep nautilus?09:51
arandjayvee: And actually it isn't... only "enhancing"09:52
arandI prefer to let pbuilder handle all of that..09:53
geserarand: you need some build-deps installed to be able to run "debuild -S" (those needed to run the clean target and those from "include" in debian/rules)10:07
arandYea, I'm guessing it was the auto-* that got pulled in along with cdbs that was the crux, just never stumbled upon needing more than ubuntu-dev-tools and debhelper..10:09
jayveenah, you definitely need build-deps10:24
geserit depends on what you want to do: for just building a source package (that is then build by pbuilder) a subset of the build-dependencies is enough, for building also the binary debs you need all build-dependencies installed10:27
jariqI am trying to build package for sid on lucid. Is lintian in lucid ubuntu specific or is it the same as the one in debian? Is it ok to build source package for debian on ubuntu?10:48
lifelessjariq: its the debian lintian, and you can rebuild yes10:49
jariqlifeless: so I can create package on ubuntu without any doubts and submit it to debian mentors?10:53
lifelessif you're submitting stuff to mentors, make sure it builds in a sid chroot10:56
lifelessthats good practice even if you were running debian yourself10:56
jariqallready done that with pbuilder10:57
lifelessthe debsign the pbuilder output and upload that :)10:57
jayveelifeless, crimsun: just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/52893411:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528934 in libvirt "IPv6 shouldn’t be disabled by default in libvirt" [Undecided,New]11:07
jayveemany thanks for the guidance11:07
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
eagles0513875hey guys how are you all doing today. i have the amarok 2.3 code pulled from git and im trying to figure out how to package it. im looking at the wiki and it seems like all the packaging documentation is for packages that already exist with a change log .dsc file etc. however the amarok code that i have doesnt contain any of that. where in the documentation does it show me where to add those13:31
eagles0513875missing files13:31
persiaeagles0513875: You don't want to do it that way :)13:32
eagles0513875persia: how can i go about packaging something that doesnt have those files so i have it in my ppa. not to mention the current amarok lucid version has some non working features which are fixed in current compilation that i have13:33
persiaFirstly, you probably want to contact the amarok team about it, as some of them are quite adept at packaging.  Secondly, where they can't help, the kubuntu team is likely most helpful, thirdly, we're past FeatureFreeze, so it's unlikely any new versions not already discussed between those groups would be suitable for inclusion in the in-development release of Ubuntu (lucid).13:34
persiaWe don't provide PPA support in this channel (and no, I don't know where to send you, as #launchpad doesn't provide support for packaging).13:34
eagles0513875persia: humm :( ok so you recommend i ask for packaging help in amarok instead13:35
persiaBut if you really want to push on it, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/PackageUpdate13:35
persia(and it's still not "missing files")13:35
eagles0513875persia: i have the git code of amarok that i would like to package but it doesnt have a change log .dsc file is what i ment13:36
persiaeagles0513875: No.  I recommend you talk to the amarok team about outstanding issues you discovered in lucid, and how to best address them.13:36
eagles0513875humm ok13:36
persiaI do not expect they would give you packaging help, but they are far more iikely to help you resolve outstanding issues.13:36
persia(and the goal should really be to fix the bugs, not to package stuff).13:36
persiaYou may need to learn some packaging to fix bugs, depending on the nature of the bugs, but this is separate.13:37
eagles0513875thing right now is im wanting to learn how to package as i am quite limited in regards to programming knowledge13:37
persiaAnd you'd just be wasting your time (and any teacher's time) using an updated version of an existing package to learn to package someting.13:37
persiaIn my opinion the best way to learn to package is to work with packages.13:37
persiaAnd the best way to work with packages is to fix bugs in packages.13:38
persiaSo go look for bugs that appear to just be packaging bugs, and see if you can fix them by fiddling with debian/control and debian/rules.13:38
persia(or somettimes other debian/ files, but *not* debian/patches/*)13:38
shadeslayerhmmm weird13:39
shadeslayermy package fails to build even when i have libfixes as a build dep13:40
eagles0513875persia: question for you if i build a package locally do i just upload it to my repository and then put what ppa repository of mine its in? on the bug13:42
shadeslayereagles0513875: youll have to upload the source not the package ;)13:43
eagles0513875shadeslayer: ok i need to back track one thing at a time hehe13:44
shadeslayereagles0513875: whatcha doing ? :P13:44
persiaeagles0513875: I recommend building sources, adn building binaries locally.  I think it's a complete waste of time to provide either full sources or binaries in a bug: in 99% of cases, patches are more interesting.13:45
persiaAnd most of the remaining 1% is stuff like image changes, sound alternations, etc.13:46
eagles0513875persia: i think im starting to jump the gun a bit13:46
eagles0513875i need to back track fix a package and build it and test it out and then go from there13:46
* shadeslayer is still wondering what build-deps to add13:47
persiaeagles0513875: OK.  Go find a triaged bug with the "packaging" and "bitesize" tags.13:47
persiaeagles0513875: Fix the bug, and then play with building source and binaries, etc.13:47
persiaAsk here about building the source and binares when you get to that point.13:48
eagles0513875persia: ok13:48
persiaIf you can't find a good bug, I recommend working in bugsquad for a while: that both exposes you to lots of bugs *and* helps you develop an understanding of which bugs are easy vs. hard, and where they ought be fixed.13:48
nigelbeagles0513875: +1 to working with bug squad13:48
eagles0513875persia: mind if i pm you i have a question which doesnt pertain to this channel13:49
persiaYou may find that the following are helpful links.13:49
ubottusbuild is a system to easily build packages in a clean schroot environment.  To get started with SBuild, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto13:49
eagles0513875nigelb: i am already a member of bugsquad btw13:49
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto13:49
* slytherin is glad i18n is finally working. :-)13:49
eagles0513875nigelb: i think it was your name that was in the email teling me that my membership was about to expire or am i mistaken13:49
nigelbeagles0513875: definitely not me!13:49
* persia can vouch for eagles0513875 having worked in bugsquad, and didn't mean that as a "go join another team" admonition, but as a suggestion on a good way to find the target bug.13:49
eagles0513875persia: i didnt take it that way13:50
eagles0513875i just need to make sure my membership doesnt expire13:50
nigelbeagles0513875: I started fixing bugs after finding some easy bugs when triaging ;)13:50
persiaeagles0513875: I know, but I wanted to make sure everyone else didn't take it that way too :)13:50
eagles0513875ahh ok persia13:50
* nigelb goes to fix a failed to build13:51
* shadeslayer follows suit13:51
nigelbI'm trying to fix a build dep and this is one file that calls pychecker.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/385081/ the file name of this file is pychecker_custom.py.  this file is referenced in another file PythonControllers.py http://paste.ubuntu.com/385080/, the second file is patched to deal with pychecker not being installed.  Should I delete the first file?13:55
persianigelb: Is that pastebin the *entire* file?13:59
persiaI think you either have to patch that file, or if you remove it, need to track down what calls into that file, and patch that.  The former is probably easier.13:59
persiaWere you able to catch DktrKranz?14:00
nigelbthe calls to the file is already patched14:00
nigelbhe commented on the bug to either patch or remove14:00
nigelbbut if you see the second file, where it calls pychecker_custom.py, you can see that its already patched to deal with pychecker not being there14:01
persiaI'd probably patch just in case something got missed, but it may be safe to remove.14:01
nigelbprecisely line 165 of second pastebin14:01
persiasys.exit(exitcode) vs. sys.exit(127) doesn't look like a safe way to continue operation, *and* I have no idea if a failed import raises an exception.14:02
DktrKranzImportError, yest14:02
nigelbah, you're around :)14:02
DktrKranznigelb: if you want remove that file, debian/rules alredy exclude some14:02
DktrKranzso you could want to use that too14:03
nigelbDktrKranz: I feel it would be safe not to remove14:03
nigelbmy feeling is the calls to custom_pychecker.py is patched to deal with not having pychecker around14:03
nigelbwhat do you think?14:05
DktrKranzExternalLib files are somehow self-contained, so it's not an issue anyway14:05
DktrKranzI excluded some to avoid distributing convenience copies of other modules14:05
nigelbso I just remove pychecker from depends and it should be fine?  you want me to delete that file?14:06
shadeslayerhmm any ideas on this ? : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39854860/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.recorditnow_0.7%2Bgit20100227-0ubuntu0~ppa5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:06
DktrKranznigelb: it should be fine just to remove dependency for now.14:08
nigelbDktrKranz: thanks.  Will fix and upload new debdiff in a few :)14:09
DktrKranzping me if you need a sponsor14:09
nigelbokay :)14:09
slytherinAnybody from SRU team around? I need to discuss about gst-plugins-ugly-multiverse0.10 package.14:10
shadeslayeranyone around to help me with : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39854860/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.recorditnow_0.7%2Bgit20100227-0ubuntu0~ppa5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:15
randomactionshadeslayer: missing build-dep on libxcursor-dev?14:19
shadeslayerrandomaction: um... lemme se14:19
nigelbDktrKranz: I've upload the new debdiff.  Could you sponsor it?14:27
DktrKranznigelb: I'll have a look in some minutes14:28
nigelbthank you :)14:29
shadeslayerrandomaction: ah thanks its compiling14:30
shadeslayerrandomaction: it still fails : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39855619/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.recorditnow_0.7%2Bgit20100227-0ubuntu0~ppa6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:32
shadeslayerrandomaction: apparently it failed at :  X11/extensions/shape.h14:32
shadeslayerit couldnt find it14:32
eagles0513875you guys know of any issues with launchpad and uploading pgp keys to users p rofile14:36
shadeslayereagles0513875: nope..14:37
shadeslayereagles0513875: #launchpad would know more14:37
eagles0513875my key hasnt been uploaded to my profile14:37
eagles0513875nobody is in there :(14:37
cemchi. I'm trying to build something with pbuilder, 64bit host, 32bit lucid pbuilder, and I'm getting this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/385104/ . any ideas on what this could be ?14:39
shadeslayereagles0513875: that can take time14:40
eagles0513875says up to 10 min and its been longer then that14:40
shadeslayertry waiting for 25 mins14:40
shadeslayereagles0513875: nope14:40
eagles0513875its been 40 min14:40
shadeslayereagles0513875: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto14:41
eagles0513875i have the key and i pushed it to the key server14:42
shadeslayereagles0513875: look at the bottom14:42
randomactionshadeslayer: you need another build-dep then14:44
shadeslayerrandomaction: which one?14:44
randomactionsearch with apt-file or at packages.ubuntu.com14:45
eagles0513875hey persia what kinda bugs am i looking for to try package with15:47
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
strycoreHi there !16:32
strycoreso I got a question about packaging inkscape16:34
strycore0.48 seems to use autotools16:34
strycoreso I had to add ./autogen.sh in the config.status rule16:35
strycorebut then when it does "build", it chokes on cd po; intltool-update -p16:36
strycorebecause some files don't exist in some folder , these files are generated by Makefile16:37
strycoreI tries to move this line after the build part but I wonder if it's the correct way to do it16:38
strycoreit's still compiling right now so I will see if it works in a few minutes16:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* strycore summons the powers of the Masters Of The Universe17:36
hyperairstrycore: you called?17:39
strycoreah yes :)17:39
strycoreso, like I said, I was trying to package inkscape 0.48 (for educational purposes) and a few things are troubling me17:40
strycoreinkscape now uses autotools which requires some changes in debian/rules17:41
* hyperair nods17:42
hyperairusing autotools is a good thing17:42
hyperairit's the easiest to package.17:42
strycorefirst thing I did was removing "configure patch" after config.status:17:43
strycorepbuilder complained about this one17:43
* hyperair downloads inkscape's source17:44
* hyperair stares at the debian/rules and facepalms17:44
strycorefor the record I'm upgrading from 0.17:44
hyperaireducational experience indeed.17:44
hyperairthis is virtual hell.17:44
strycore0.47~pre4 (karmic) to 0.4817:44
hyperairyou should start from lucid's packaeg.17:45
strycorewell , i'd like to ...17:45
strycorebut there is a bu in lucid right now and aptitude segfaults17:45
strycoreso i'm doing this in VirtualBox with Karmic17:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 515525 in aptitude "aptitude assert failure: *** glibc detected *** aptitude: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08f9d658 ***" [Medium,Triaged]17:47
hyperairno i mean start with lucid's package, get that up to date, and then backport back to karmic17:49
hyperairthat way you don't duplicate efforts which have been done updating inkscape from ~pre4 to .017:49
hyperairand if you haven't had much experience, it might be a good idea to start with a simpler package first.17:50
hyperairan old-style debian/rules is virtual hell.17:50
strycorewell I've already done simpler packages ;)17:50
cemchi. I'm trying to build something with pbuilder, 64bit host, 32bit lucid pbuilder, and I'm getting this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/385104/ . any ideas on what this could be ?17:52
strycorebut inkscape is quite big, I should work on intermediate packages17:52
hyperairit's not a matter of big, the debian/rules is complex. well you could take the opportunity to learn more Make-fu17:55
hyperairstrycore: what's the error you get anyway?17:55
strycorein the rules files at the line "install -o root -g root -m 644 $(CURDIR)/debian/inkscape.xpm $(CURDIR)/debian/inkscape/usr/share/pixmaps/inkscape.xpm"  it complians about file not existing17:57
hyperairand is debian/inkscape.xpm there?17:57
hyperaircould you pastebin the exact error?17:58
strycoreI'll have to rebuild it17:58
strycoreI launched pbuilder on 0.47 to check if everything was ok so I lost my error message in the abyss of gnome-terminal17:59
hyperairah =\18:00
strycoreI'm setting up a wiki page with the problems I get with this package18:00
hyperaira wiki?18:00
hyperairand what's it called?18:00
strycore(on my personnal wiki ;) )18:01
strycorenot on wiki.ubuntu.com18:01
strycoreis there a way to tell pbuilder to restart a build from where it failed instead of doing everything from the beginning ? (kinda like make does)18:06
hyperairunfortunately not.18:06
hyperairhowever, you could use the C10shell script included in pbuilder18:06
hyperairthe hook will spawn a shell so you can examine the contents of the build directory18:07
hyperairafter that you can try continuing with fakeroot debian/rules binary18:07
strycoreok this is fine too18:09
strycoreok , this is my progress so far : http://wiki.strycore.com/index.php/Packaging_inkscape_0.4818:27
hyperairstrycore: fyi, inkscape has used autotools even before 0.48.18:34
hyperairstrycore: autotools packages generally do not ship the autogen.sh file -- the configure script which is generated as well as a few other autotools files are shipped.18:35
strycoreso I should run autogen.sh *before* building the source package ?18:35
hyperairstrycore: if you need to regenerate these, it is preferable to use autoreconf -vfi rather than ./autogen.sh18:35
QuintasanI'm trying to fix bug #526002 but each time I try pbuilding it I get -> http://pastebin.ca/1813927   pdebuild-lucid == rm -rf ../build && mkdir ../build && sudo ARCH=amd64 DIST=lucid pdebuild --buildresult ../build --logfile ../build/BUILDLOG18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526002 in kffmpegthumbnailer "build-depends on non-existing package" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52600218:35
hyperairstrycore: does the new inkscape tarball have a configure script?18:36
hyperairstrycore: then tell upstream to use make dist and stop using stupid methods to generate tarballs.18:36
strycoreit's not a tarball ;)18:36
hyperairso it's a snapshot?18:36
strycoreit's from bzr18:37
hyperairthen you should use autoreconf -vfi rather than ./autogen.sh18:37
hyperairit's a snapshot then.18:37
hyperairautoreconf -vfi.18:37
strycorebefore building the source package or in the debian/rules file ?18:37
hyperairin the debian/rules file.18:38
=== nand_ is now known as nand
* nigelb wonders if there is anything a motu hopeful could help with18:45
hyperairthere's ftbfs18:46
hyperairand there's the NBS list18:46
hyperairplenty of things to do there18:46
nigelbwhats  nbs?18:46
hyperairnot built from source18:47
nigelblemme see if any of them I can help with18:48
hyperairthe NBS packages are basically packages which should not exist any more, but are being held back from removal by some rdepends.18:50
hyperairso to fix these, you need to update the rdepends.18:50
hyperairwell there might be other cases, but i'm not sure.18:51
hyperairperhaps something like sources being superseded but the new sources ftbfs18:51
hyperairdevfil: libwebkit1.0-cil is NBS, held back by galaxium which needs updating. are you going to be updating that?18:53
hyperairdevfil: galaxium ftbfs's at the moment.18:54
hyperairdevfil: by the way, if you're keen on continuing to maintain galaxium, may i suggest that you maintain it in debian as well, and let it be synced?18:55
randomactionsgnb: coq failed on armel, do you think we should retry the build?18:55
sgnbrandomaction: I have no explanation for the build failure... is it possible to retry it to see if it is reproducible?19:02
randomactionmore than once I've seen random segfaults on armel19:03
randomactionI'm retrying19:03
sgnbrandomaction: thanks19:06
randomactionnp; I think you'll get another mail if it fails19:07
lbrinkmaI have a problem with my anjuta-extras package: I can't get away the lintian warning: pkg-has-shlibs-control-file-but-no-actual-shared libs. I've no idea how to solve that, please help me. You can get the package at https://launchpad.net/~lbrinkma/+archive/ppa19:28
hyperairdevfil: actually considering galaxium has been abandoned upstream, perhaps we should have it removed from ubuntu.19:29
nigelbhow do I see blacklisted apps?19:41
sebnernigelb: for syncs?19:41
nigelbfor NBS19:41
nigelbor rather figuring out why something is NBS19:42
hyperairclick on the link and view the list?19:50
hyperairthe reasons are all stated there19:50
nigelbI want to know if sugar is blacklisted19:50
nigelbseems a package or two fail because of that19:50
strycorehyperair, where do I put "autoreconf -vfi" in the rules files ? I've tried several places and they all failed19:55
hyperairstrycore: where you put autogen.sh20:08
hyperairnigelb: what do you mean blacklisted?20:08
nigelbhyperair: I think the correct term would be marked for removal20:09
hyperairnigelb: i think you would check the status of the source package.20:10
Laneycheck on launchpad20:10
nigelbah, will do20:10
hyperairLaney: where's the list of packages removed and why? i recall looking for it sometime back but couldn't find it20:10
devfilhyperair, can you please open a bug to remove galaxium? I'm very busy ATM, thanks20:11
hyperairdevfil: okay.20:11
Laneydunno, I only ever care about individual packages, and check the LP page for that20:11
hyperairLaney: okay, so let's say i have package X which has been removed. where do i go to check out why?20:12
Laney"publishing history"20:12
hyperairi see20:12
hyperairokay thanks20:12
hyperairLaney: and how do i get a package removed?20:13
Laneylong shot20:13
sebnerhyperair: file a removal bug and subscribe the archive-admins20:13
sebnerhyperair: Please remove foo bar, Rationale:20:14
Laneyyou should confirm that you have checked for rdeps20:14
hyperairLaney: okay thanks20:14
nigelbwhat are rdeps?20:15
sgnbrandomaction: well... coq failed again... I don't know what to say... (it succeeded in Debian)20:15
sebnernigelb: reverse dependencies20:15
sebnernigelb: e.g if a package depends on the package which is going to be removed20:15
nigelbpackages that depend on this package?20:15
nigelbah ;)20:15
hyperair"Galaxium currently FTBFS on Lucid, and is unmaintained upstream. There are no rdepends." <-- is that fine as a description?20:15
Laneyspecify that you want it removed from lucid20:16
hyperairthat's in the summary.20:16
sebnerhyperair: archive admins like lots of text regarding removals ;D20:16
hyperair"Galaxium currently FTBFS on Lucid, is causing libwebkit1.0-cil to be retained in the archive (NBS) and is unmaintained upstream. There are no rdepends."20:16
Laneybug 52102320:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521023 in leo-editor "help-for-command doesn't work in Python 3.x" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52102320:16
Laneybug 52101320:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521013 in haddock "Remove haddock from Lucid" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52101320:17
nigelbthat was strange20:17
* hyperair recalls seeing haddock recently..20:18
hyperairwas it in the NBS or FTBFS list?20:18
hyperairhow does one view the popcon count for a package in ubuntu?20:20
hyperairthose seem to be general statistics20:22
hyperairrather than per-package counts20:22
strycorehyperair, I get this error message :  http://wiki.strycore.com/index.php/Packaging_inkscape_0.48#Error_messages , should I create a configure rule ?20:22
hyperairstrycore: oh yeah, that's right. just take out the autoreconf-vfi and shift it into a configure: rule20:23
Laney18816 galaxium                        1196   144   968    82     2 (Unknown)20:23
hyperair1196 installs.20:24
hyperairthat's a significant number =\20:24
Laneyyou could fix it up, but it might be dishonest if nobody really intends to maintain it20:27
* sebner agrees with Laney 20:28
Quintasanwhat does dpkg-source internal error: 29 means?20:32
strycorehyperair, thanks, I'll try that20:37
nigelbthere is a whole lot of sugar packages depending on the older version of sugar (which isn't even in karmic) ? should I request deletion20:37
jariqIs there a way to supress lintian warnings on package ?20:49
nigelbsugar-0.86 has been deleted from lucid, so the rdeps have failed to build, should I request their deletion?20:53
crimsunnigelb: please check with lfaraone20:57
nigelbcrimsun: ok :)20:57
nigelblfaraone: sugar-0.86 has been deleted from lucid, so the rdeps have failed to build, should I request deletion?20:58
lfaraonenigelb: sure.21:01
lfaraonenigelb: but dfarning is the one who is championing that effort21:01
nigelbthere seems to be a bunch of .84 and .86 packages which are failing21:01
MTecknologyhyperair: so if I upload the package, there's no need to attach the debdiff? Or should I still do that and just mark fix released?21:49
hyperairMTecknology: what?21:49
hyperairMTecknology: the xdm one right? seems bryce harrington uploaded it before i could.21:50
hyperairMTecknology: check the current lucid version of xdm.21:50
MTecknologyyou mean the package I pushed to revu is out there?21:50
MTecknologyVersion 1:1.1.8-6ubuntu2 (lucid)21:51
MTecknologyhyperair: or they built a new package; what I put in revu didn't have anything done to it21:52
hyperairMTecknology: nothing to do with it.21:52
hyperairMTecknology: er21:52
hyperairMTecknology: i mean it got uploaded. your debdiff, prior to you uploading to revu.21:53
hyperairMTecknology: in the future, just the debdiff is enough.21:53
MTecknologyhow to I drop the package?21:53
hyperairclick archive21:54
MTecknologyis revu just for new packages?21:55
persiaREVU is just a tool for new package review.21:58
persiaAnd "Fix Released" means that it's fixed in Ubuntu.  Marking something with a debdiff "FIx Released" is just a way to make sure the debdiff is not uploaded.21:59
sarah93wow you should check this http://bit.ly/bFi9I422:31
sarah93wow you should check this http://bit.ly/bFi9I422:31
nigelbthat was a short-lived spammer ;)22:32
jdongthat's the best kind of spammer.22:32
lifelessrequestsync is hating on me:23:25
lifeless$ requestsync --lp python-testresources23:25
lifelessW: Target release missing - assuming lucid23:25
lifeless'python-testresources' doesn't exist in 'Ubuntu lucid'.23:25
lifelessoh, I think I know23:26
lifelessrmadison handles binary names too23:26
crimsunright I was just going to mention the srcpkg name23:26
lifelesshow do you force requestsync to look in unstable?23:26
kamalmostafalifeless: -d unstable23:27
lifelesskamalmostafa: is that very new? I don't see it in requestsync --help23:27
kamalmostafalifeless: I do see it in requestsync --help.  I don't think its very new.23:28
kamalmostafalifeless: ubuntu-dev-tools version 0.81.1 on Karmic btw.23:29
lifelessI have 0.9223:29
lifelessI'm *blind*.23:29
lifelesssorry for using up cycles on my failing to read methodically23:30
persiaAt least share the solution: it may be that the docs are insufficiently clear.23:30
lifelesspersia: my eyes glazed over in the help list23:31
lifelessthe top left is fairly dense23:31
kamalmostafalifeless: np, my cycles are pretty cheap these days ;-)23:31
lifelessand its not alpha sorted23:31
crimsunI'll clarify the error message for requestsync23:32
persiaDo you think it ought be alpha-sorted?  That's trivial, and I'd like to see an u-d-t upload for other reasons.23:32
lifelesswhere is the archive admin rota ?23:32
lifelesspersia: I think it would help.23:32
persialifeless: lp:ubuntu-dev-tools :)23:33
lifelessah 'days'23:33
lifelesspersia: :P23:33
lifelesscrimsun: ideally, if its the same version, check unstable, prompt.23:33
lifelessah, noone rota'd on a weekday23:33
persias/weekday/weekend/ ?23:33
lifelesspersia: for me, doing distro stuff today, its a weekday :P23:34
lifelessStevenK: yo! bug 529262 plox23:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529262 in testresources "Sync testresources 0.2.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52926223:34
sebnerpersia: in some states the week beginns with sunday and not monday :)23:36
sebnerpersia: ideological and not really (like business) though23:36
persiasebner: And each "day" is 49.5 hours long, so it's not entirely meaningful even if one selects an alternate set of days for "week".23:37
* sebner doesn't really care at all23:38
persia(for instance, the way the AA rota works, there is significant overlap between "Wednesday" and "Thursday" as a result of timezone skew)23:38

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