
akgranersvaksha, I can't delete the Ubuntu Media relations from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-women/+members?active_start=150&active_batch=75  can you take a look - if you can't then I'll send a request to the LP folks00:00
issyl0Day changed to 27th Feb 2010, there we go.00:00
akgranersvaksha, nevermind - it's a bug in LP and they are aware of it00:08
* issyl0 is off now, g'night everyone.00:11
pleia2if anyone is interested in bug work, there is a session in #ubuntu-classroom about it now, free for all q&a00:21
pleia2captive bug squashing expert at your disposal! :) he needs more people attending, no one is asking questions :(00:21
PendulumI just got told by my roommate I'm not allowed to pick up bug sqaud work :( (although I am actually trying to pay attention)00:25
Pendulumsomething about too much real life non-software bug squashing in our lives and something about my already being overcommitted00:26
PendulumI'm not positive it will stop me ;)00:26
Pendulumhiya issyl011:47
issyl0Hello, I wondered if you were around actually - time for a PM?11:54
akgranerczajkowski, when do did you give your next talk?15:06
Pendulumakgraner: she's giving it in less than an hour15:07
akgranerPendulum, ahh ok I though it was today - but this week has been brutal - so I wasn't sure of the dates :-/15:08
Pendulumshe has been around off and on so maybe she'll see and answer herself :)15:08
akgranerI did my 1st podcast yesterday and I didn't get to talk about the UW project as much as we had planned so I am getting invited back15:09
akgranerIt's a mac podcast and the lady that does it was at SCaLE so we traded jabs a little15:10
nigelbakgraner: you should have your own podcast ;)15:10
akgranernigelb, hehe  - I've heard that from a few people  - not enough hours in the day right now15:11
nigelbakgraner: wish I could help :(15:11
nigelb(not in increasing the number of hours)15:11
Pendulumakgraner: what podcast?15:12
akgranernigelb, Last year when I started all this I did not have a job - and now I do :-)15:12
nigelbakgraner: ah, that explains the lack of time15:12
akgranerPendulum, let me grab the link15:12
akgranerNosillaCast Podcast at http://podfeet.comA technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Macintosh bias!15:13
czajkowskiakgraner: talk at 15:40 mdz is talking now15:13
akgranerPendulum, NosillaCast Podcast at http://podfeet.com  A technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Macintosh bias!15:13
akgranerczajkowski, ahh ok..  Good Luck!!15:13
nigelbakgraner: which is the one with you?15:14
akgranerPendulum, I think she told me it will air tomorrow at 5pm PST15:14
akgranernigelb, it will be tomorrow's show15:14
nigelboh, me bookmarks15:14
Pendulumcool :)15:15
akgranerhehe she is going to have to edit it b/c skype dropped a couple times15:15
Penduluma couple people I know used to do a podcast called geekgirls and they keep saying they may start it back up15:15
akgranerthen I coughed in the middle of it - so when I talk about Ubuntu Women I sound all choked up :-/15:15
PendulumIf they do, I will suggest they talk to you about UW15:15
Pendulumer.. not geek girls, girls gone geek15:16
akgranerPendulum, oh that sounds cool...  I need to talk to nick and Josh about Ubuntu Podcast and see what their plans are with that..15:17
Pendulumwe should really poke the UUPC guys as well15:17
akgranerBut for 1 hour of video it would talk them days to edit it and get it back out15:18
Pendulumhave someone on to talk about UW?15:18
popeyi had asked akgraner :)15:18
popeywe are recording on monday, but it's a packed show already15:18
Pendulumit wasn't a "now" but a "at some point" suggestion :)15:18
akgranerpopey, I wasn't able to help with UWN this week did they get your blurb in there?15:18
popeyok, i didnt read scrollback, sorry15:18
popeydunno akgraner15:19
popeywhat blurb15:19
popeywe only release every other week, so we dont appear in uwn every week :)15:19
akgranerpopey, yep the 3rd session write up15:19
popeyyou've lost me, sorry15:19
akgranernot the summary of the show - but the fact that your are back yadda yadda yadda15:20
popeyoh, i think we were in it last week, yes15:20
akgraneroh good...15:20
akgranerSCaLE took way more out of me that I thought it would  - 5 talks is too much15:21
akgranerso I have spent the week just playing catch up  :-)15:21
akgraneranywho announcement today sometime about voting on the stories from the contest... so when you see it can folks with a blog get the word out15:22
akgraneralso any feedback on the Ubuntu Womens Day stuff?15:23
akgranerczajkowski, are you streaming your talk?15:31
PendulumI don't think it's streaming, but czajkowski said they were videoing15:32
akgraneroh cool :-)15:50
akgranerHey I just sent the announcement to the list about voting - basically go here http://elkbuntu.net/ubuntuwomen/  and vote for the story you like the best :-)15:50
nigelbakgraner: everyone can vote?16:04
IdleOneSome pretty nice stories in those choices16:21
nigelbI like #9 very much16:21
nigelbIdleOne: this line is beautiful "I love seeing boys scratch their heads when they realize that some girls also like gadgets, and technology"16:22
nigelband this 'I hope to one day show young girls that there is more to life than fashion. That you can be as "fashionable" as Barbie and yet be an astronaut."16:22
nigelbnow, the question is can I vote?16:23
IdleOneThe story that caught me was the one where the woman in Columbia partitioned and did a dual boot install with MagicFab's help over the phone and now she is teaching her husband and kids to use Ubuntu also16:23
nigelbyep, that too ;)16:23
nigelband the one over ICQ16:23
nigelbI'm sure is impossible on windows (I've tried)16:23
IdleOnenigelb: I think all u-w members can vote. I just voted16:23
nigelbIdleOne: me too :)16:25
* nigelb remembers something about linux points before getting disconnected a few days back16:25
IdleOneyes I took 3 Linux points from you16:25
IdleOnebecause you did not install linux on that laptop as soon as you got it16:26
nigelbI wasn't using the laptop much either16:27
nigelbI used it heavily during the video project which was edited on premiere16:27
nigelband my computer crashed on me16:28
IdleOneWell I would not worry to much about those 3 Linux points anyway :) you probably got like 5 million points total16:28
nigelbbut I was like "this is it! I'm done with Windows"16:28
IdleOneMy parents have been asking me more and more questions about Ubuntu. hmmm, think we should move this to -women16:29
akgranernigelb, yep everyone can vote :-)16:49
nigelbakgraner: thanks, I voted.  Very interesting stories :)16:49
IdleOneakgraner: are those all the stories that were submitted?16:51
akgranerIdleOne, yep :-/16:52
IdleOneakgraner: for the first time I think it is a good number. Hopefully next year will double the stories :)16:53
akgranerI hope so too - it's something new and like new things I think people sit back and watch16:54
IdleOneakgraner: Even getting just 1 story is a success.16:54
akgraneralso make sure you all thank elky - she wrote the voting stuff.. none of the other voting sites worked the way we needed...16:55
IdleOneelky: +1 Thank you!!!!16:56
nigelbelky: thank you.  the voting site rocks :)16:56
IdleOneakgraner: I assume that elky's voting code will be used for other votes16:57
akgranerIdleOne, I am not sure - survey monkey and condorcet did not work for this event16:57
akgranerit all depends what the vote is for as to what is used16:58
IdleOneI see. Well I liked the way it was setup. intuitive voting system. There wasn't anything that made me wonder if I was doing it right or not16:59
akgraneryep  - we needed something quick, east, and efficient  - as this will go to the planet, sounder and a few other places before the weekend is out17:01
IdleOneWe need the voting link in the topic17:03
IdleOnefor those who sometimes don't look at email :)17:03
IdleOneakgraner: I just want to be clear. Anybody can vote? not just u-w members correct?17:06
akgraneryep anyone one this is a community vote17:08
* jussi01 hides17:09
* IdleOne runs17:10
=== akgraner changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://women.ubuntu.com | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next meeting: 2 March @ 2100 UTC | More information on this channel coming soon! | Vote for your Fav - "How I discovered Ubuntu" story at http://elkbuntu.net/ubuntuwomen
akgranerPendulum, elky great interview in Full Circle - http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-34/17:46
Pendulumakgraner: thanks!17:49
nigelbPendulum, elky beautiful interview.  This one made me laugh " - I learned HTML one weekend, and realized I preferred computers to trees."17:55
svakshaakgraner: just saw your ping :)18:17
nigelbhey svaksha :)18:18
nigelbsvaksha: been quite some time?18:18
nigelbdont remember seeing you for quite a few days)18:18
akgranersvaksha, :-)  no worries - it's a known bug  - so I asked it someone could delete it18:19
svakshanigelb: i was here, just silent18:24
nigelbsvaksha: you can be very silent then ;)18:25
MarkDudeThe stories are cool. People arrive at Ubuntu in different ways18:35
MarkDudeThe winners are decided by overall points?18:37
pleia2one of the winners is, the other is a random drawing18:43
JanCI love the bathroom stall story  :P18:48
nigelbJanC: me too18:49
nigelbI like what she says in the end of it18:49
JanCI actually like it because of the absurdness of learning to know Ubuntu from bathroom stall graffiti18:53
nigelbInteresting article, is criaglist using ubuntu http://news.hellotux.com/?n=19119:18
IdleOnenigelb: that looks a lot like Ubuntu yup19:29
nigelbthe color scheme is exactly identical19:29
akgranerGrace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Call For Participation - http://gracehopper.org/2010/ tips here http://tinyurl.com/yzelu3m19:52
akgranerahh I just thought of *another wiki page*  Call for Participation and Papers for events..  :-/19:53
maco2i would love to go to GHC some time19:58
maco2but why do they do it during the week?19:59
maco2how are students and professors supposed to go?19:59
akgranerI can drive there this year I am so excited :-)20:01
JanCmaco2: together?  ☺20:33
hypa7iamaco2: it's the kind of thing people take time off for :/20:33
maco2hypa7ia: bit hard for students to take time off though20:34
maco2professionals might, sure20:34
maco2and teachers can get substitutes, i guess20:34
hypa7iahypa7ia: profs are super understanding of taking time off for that kinda thing i've found20:34
maco2but students dont exactly get vacation days they can take whenever they want20:34
hypa7iayou can always ask20:34
hypa7ia"hey i'll be at $foo, may i have an extension on this paper / sit this quiz another time" etc20:35
hypa7iaworks great20:35
Pendulumstudents at my uni took time off for things like conferences pretty often (depending on the field), a lot of times if it was relevent to their course of study no one even thought to count it as absences20:35
IdleOneespecially if you hand in some sort of paper on the subject20:36
IdleOneI mean learning is learning. does it have to be in a class room...20:36
Pendulumalthough depending on the uni, Grace Hopper may be poorly timed (since I know a few unis where that would be a week after school starts)20:36
nigelbwho knows, you might even get some brownie points for all this participation20:36
IdleOnemmm brownies20:37
IdleOneI wonder why I am 25 pounds over weight. the mere mention of food makes me hungry20:37
Pendulumokay, I've left testimonials for issyl0 and nigelb today. Anyone else going for Ubuntu Member that I should know about? ;)21:06
IdleOneoh oh, can I have links please21:18
IdleOnenigelb: ^^21:18
IdleOneissyl0: ^^21:18
issyl0Oh, yeah, thanks nigelb for that!21:21
nigelbnp.  I thought you would be asleep21:22
IdleOnethank you21:22
issyl0nigelb: oh no, it's only half past nine on Saturday night!21:22
nigelbissyl0: its probably due to the fact that I should be sleeping21:23
nigelbits 3 am21:23
issyl0nigelb: ah... you should be sleeping, yes :O21:25
nigelbissyl0: I'm due at work in 2.5 hours21:26
IdleOnebest thing now would be to stay awake21:26
issyl0Ouch, yeah, what's the point in sleeping?21:26
IdleOneif you sleep just a couple of hours you will feel worse21:26
issyl0Sleep now and you'll feel more tired, as IdleOne just said.21:26
* IdleOne gets noms21:27
nigelbI'll get to work and somehow brave through 7 hours and hit the bed21:27
nigelbissyl0: getting more used to bug squad now?21:28
issyl0nigelb: yes, I've been having fun converting question #102615 into bug #529187 tonight and marking it as incomplete - very rewarding, I love it!21:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 529187 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "Avatar and past logs not appearing with AIM and Yahoo! Messenger on Pidgin." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52918721:29
nigelbissyl0: :)21:30
issyl0It's possibly not a good thing to be doing on a Saturday night in the "fun" category, but hey that's my life :)21:30
nigelbbtw, there are plenty of ppl in -bugs who'll just reply if you ask a general question :)21:30
nigelbissyl0: join the club21:30
issyl0nigelb: mmhmm :)21:30
nigelbwe have different defintions of what is 'fun' on a saturday night ;)21:31
nigelbwe - geeky oss contributors :p21:31
issyl0Hehe we do ;)21:32
elkygrrr... nigelb IdleOne, did either of you get errors when voting?22:53
nigelbelky: nope.22:53
elkynigelb, because it's not moved your votes between the prevote and vote tables. far out.22:53
nigelbelky: I voted, I got a mail.  I went to a click and clicked again22:54
nigelbI got some positive reply there22:54
elkynigelb, the votes table is empty. the prevotes table is empty.22:54
nigelb"Success -- Your token unlocked your votes! "22:54
nigelberr, something wrong with database handling?22:55
elkyyeah, it gone and broken... the vm got moved *right* before amber sent the email out22:55
elkynot sure22:55
nigelbwritten in php?22:55
nigelbI don't confess to be an expert, but if you want I can take a look at the php22:56
elkyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/385372/ is the bit that's failing. written at like 2am the other day. I'm now running around like a headless chicken and cant figure out wtf is wrong23:06
* elky is supposed to be at a committee meeting in 2 hrs, and has no clean tshirts...23:07
nigelbelky: take a deep breath and go away from the monitor for some tiem23:07
nigelbit'll probably hit you what went wrong23:07
elkynigelb, i don't know whether you noticed, but this is /live/23:07
nigelbelky: take it offline for some time23:08
nigelbwith a neat message telling we're having some trouble and we'll be back soon23:08
elkynigelb, i cant change the date of IWD201023:08
nigelbthats today?23:08
elkyno, it's 1 week. we were supposed to have /more/ than 1 week, but there was no suitible systems for this23:09
elkynigelb, did you look at the code i put in the pastebin for you to look at?23:10
nigelbI'm looking23:10
nigelbelky: the code does not have anything that strikes me.  Since I see the echo message, we're probably screwing up the logic?23:11
elkyi'm suspecting we never hit the while loop23:11
nigelbsame here23:11
nigelbI was about to suggest some echo before hitting the while loop and inside the while loop23:12
elkybut there's no reason why not... if it's deleting the prevotes, it ought to be selecting them up23:12
nigelbor it never entered into prevote?23:12
nigelbtell you want, I'll make a vote with my yahoo ID and check if it enters the prevote table?23:13
elkyit's just as easy for me to remove my email from the table and check23:13
nigelbthen do so :)23:14
elkywaiting for the email as we speak23:14
nigelbyou're ahead of the game than me23:15
elkyit's hitting the while loop23:15
elkyadded an echo ".";23:15
elky...............Success -- Your token unlocked your votes!23:15
nigelbwhich means its not writing to the vote table23:16
elkyand i know it was happily doing it bnefore, since i did a test run then emptied the table then told amber to go live with it23:16
elkywow... the votes are there now..23:17
nigelball of them?23:17
elkyno, just the ones i just tested23:17
nigelbhm, wonder what went wrong then23:17
elkyoh.... i see.... it's phpmyadmin's fault.23:19
elkyand me panicking23:19
* nigelb mails elky a chillpill ;)23:19
elkyit was showing me votes 60 + and i just put it over the 60 threshhold testing23:19
* Pendulum hugs elky23:20
nigelbelky: so all the old votes are there too right?23:20
* nigelb cheers :)23:21
nigelball hail elky23:21
elkysomeone really needs to make phpmyadmin's browse panel much less confusing23:24
nigelbhm, true.  but its better than directly going into mysql shell23:29
nigelbelky: you're interview was really nice :)23:32
nigelbsome parts cracked me up, some parts were bold and daring, and some were inspiring :)23:32
nigelbwith a little bit of merge of all of them23:33
elkyhehe, thanks23:33
* elky cannot remember what she said now23:33
nigelbelky: this one was funny "I learned HTML one weekend, and realized I preferred computers to trees."23:36
elkythe alternative the teacher wanted me to use was Word. For webpages. No kidding.23:36
nigelbwhat the !23:37
nigelbif it was front page - thats believable23:37
nigelb(though it sucks - really badly)23:37
elkyanyway, i need to get to this committee meeting23:38
nigelband I need to leave for work23:38
* nigelb waves goodbye to everyone 23:38
rwwI made a webpage with Word once, for the heck of it. The source code is barely recognizable as HTML :(23:57
nigelbrww: more like junk :p23:59

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