
confusiouscan anyone explain to me  how to use the terminal to uninstall several programs at one time ? I saw a post about it in the Ubuntu forums once recently.But,for the life of me,I just cannot seem to find that particular thread today00:50
bazhangconfusious, sudo apt-get remove xmms2 k3b ubuntu-desktop packagenameetc.00:52
confusiousBaz...dude,I'm so sorry.I completely lost it.I went for a shower.If yo're still here,I apologize.And,thanks for the help01:48
bazhangconfusious, was that what you were looking for?01:49
confusiousWell,I do have to say,that just doesn't sound like what I've seen before01:51
rr72confusious~ aptitude maybe? I never have used it before though01:51
confusiousWell,now actually,I suppose that's another idea.That would probably work01:52
confusiousI could have sworn though,that I had at one time seen ib the forums a post about this01:53
=== nikolam is now known as Guest71370
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam__
EndlessNamelesshello everyone03:02
walker_Anyone here comfortable with video driver issues in the latest stable Xubuntu release?03:17
EndlessNamelesswalker_ - ive installed and used a few, but i wouldnt say im an expert by any. what problem are you having?03:24
EndlessNamelessby any means, that is03:24
walker_My problem is that this older Compaq laptop has a Radeon Mobility 7000 video card, and when I run lshw it's shown as unclaimed.03:31
* psycho_oreos wishes lucid would have proper ext4 support and there's a defragment tool for it, ext3 seems to be getting shoddy now on jaunty with creating a directory taking around 3 seconds03:32
walker_I know the latest X build has driver support for it. Just not sure how to make this Xubuntu install happy with the video.03:32
psycho_oreosati's support has been patchy, especially their binary builds don't seem to support legacy chipsets real well03:32
walker_ATI's binary doesn't support the mobility 7000, but I know there are Linux drivers for the card. The question is how to get them onto my Xubuntu install and get them running.03:34
psycho_oreosdepends on the driver, for the binary its fglrx but for the other one I think is ati but I could be mistaken, do you have graphical session running?03:34
walker_Well, it's working as a simple frame buffer device, so yeah, the XFCE GUI is loading. But I do get a little periodic artifacting and it's SLOW.03:36
psycho_oreosyup that's the typical symptoms heh, umm well the free open sourced one won't be that much faster I believe but you may need to edit xorg.conf, which these days is vastly blank, there might be some useful info in Xorg.0.log for configuration options in regards to video chip03:37
walker_The thing is, if the lshw command returns that the graphics card is unclaimed, it's clear something ain't right. So it's able to use it as a generic frame buffer. I'd prefer to use it as a Radeon.03:38
walker_And I've read some ways to configure xorg.conf to get more speed out of the card, but I can't find that file on my system, interestingly enough. But most instructions on how to find it date from 200703:39
psycho_oreosI think these days, people would use fglrx and be happy with it, like I said, ati's binary driver is really patchy, and there's been all sorts of questions on how to get radeon to work instead of fglrx on later builds of *buntu03:40
walker_Well, so how to I at least try to get rid of the artifacting? Or is that even an option, then?03:42
psycho_oreosnot sure what you meant by artifacting to be honest03:45
walker_Sometimes I get these rounded-edged rectangles, black with thin colored lines and dashes in them, that just appear in places, either when the mouse cursor moves over a particular area of the screen or when, say, a particular application is open.03:47
walker_My best guess is that something isn't sending quite the right signals to the frame buffer.03:48
psycho_oreoseither that or the framebuffer support is different than expected with the typical set of chipsets to be supported03:49
walker_Like the wireless widget in the upper right on the top bar. Sometimes mousing around up in that area produces one in a particular place. But then, sometimes it isn't there for a while. I can scrub the mouse up and down and it'll appear and disappear.03:49
psycho_oreosahh kinda like laggy sort of thing03:49
walker_No, the menu for the wireless thing doesn't even have to be open. Just having the mouse up in that area will sometimes do it.03:50
psycho_oreosI suppose that would be the marks left by the cursor then03:50
walker_Also, when I opened Firefox for the first time, for the first 5 minutes there was a larger rectangle in the middle of the window, overlapping the display area and the button bar.03:50
walker_It's a much larger rectangle than the cursor. On a 14" 4x3 laptop display roughly 2 inches by .75 inches for the first one, 3.5 x 1.5 for the one in Firefox.03:51
walker_Both went away.03:51
psycho_oreoswell the best thing I suggest is to try make it use radeon03:51
walker_Well, I'm going to try using the ATI binary, just for the heck of it. It that breaks, oh well. I want to make this laptop useful, but I'm willing to experiment with it.03:52
psycho_oreosdespite what you said that fglrx doesn't support it :)03:52
walker_Lemme find the link I was reading that talked about support. I don't think it's supported in fglrx, but it is supported in X by some means or another...03:53
SandGorgonhi guys.. has anybody able to use Thunar with SMB browsing (similar to nautilus) - I think it was being worked on03:55
walker_Multi-tasking involving hard drive activity and a p3 with only 256 MB RAM is apparently not a great idea... hrm.... Not yet got that link because of it.04:13
psycho_oreosprobably it'll be better off if you did the whole thing in CLI04:16
psycho_oreos256 is quite puny04:16
walker_I'm not quite that Linux savvy. I talk the talk and I baby-steps the walk ; )04:25
walker_OK, so here's some info on the same hardware in Thinkpads. Should be nearly identical, frankly.  http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ATI_Mobility_Radeon_700004:26
walker_But yeah, the RAM's a real killer. Hurt me in XP Home as well.04:26
psycho_oreosI honestly don't think you can expect much of a performance with 256MB whilst using GUI04:34
walker_It's what I have. I'm trying to make do. It would be a shame just to chuck this thing.04:35
walker_I'm OK with single-tasking.04:36
psycho_oreosI didn't imply you had to chuck it away, you can for example use something like puppylinux or DSL04:36
psycho_oreossomething that will go easier on systems with very little RAM04:37
psycho_oreosif it was me, I'd look into buying more RAM, but they're not going to be cheap, especially being a P3 which is ancient and the other is that its a laptop04:38
walker_I checked the minimum reqs for Xubuntu and they looked in the clear, but I guess being over the minimum isn't enough these days (min being 192). At least it's a 1ghz p3.04:39
walker_And I actually think my HD is the biggest bottleneck. It's a chugger.04:39
psycho_oreosnot really I meant the hardware expectations change over a period of time04:39
psycho_oreosand barely scraping over the minimum would be a daunting job with one needing to quickly finding ways of stopping things he/she does not need04:40
walker_I suspect the video driver issue will still bite me in the rear, however.04:41
psycho_oreosyes the driver issue is currently a bit of issue when one uses GUI but even if you address it, other issues will soon be evident04:42
walker_I mean moving to a lighter distro will still see video issues, likely.04:43
psycho_oreosyes but to a lesser extent, probably04:43
walker_If I can resolve the issues with the current install I should be able to generalize the skills to a different distro. That way I can continue to play for a little while with Xubuntu.04:43
walker_So your suggestion would be forget Xubuntu, try puppylinux, possible persistence of video driver issues nonwithstanding.04:47
psycho_oreosprobably, I mean there isn't much documentation on how to properly write up xorg.conf anyway04:49
psycho_oreossomething of which you'll need to do by hand04:49
walker_Well, if what I need to know is in that link I'll just need some advice on how to get started.04:50
psycho_oreosthat thinkwiki has an output which might be of some use04:50
psycho_oreosunder that Optimal xorg.conf settings, copy and paste the whole thing in the cream coloured box into your xorg.conf04:51
walker_I looked where I was "supposed" to find xorg.conf and didn't see it. I'll look again. Care to provide the path in case what I have is wrong?04:52
walker_It's in /etc/X11, right?04:52
walker_I haven't got a xorg.conf file...04:53
psycho_oreoswhich is what I meant, you'll need to create one and paste that in04:54
walker_XvCMConfig... Xwrapper.config...04:54
walker_OK. LEssee... What editor. I can touch the file first to create an empty file, but why bother... What's the simplest text editor? WIM won't kick my butt, will it?04:55
walker_No VIM...04:55
psycho_oreosnano should be nice and easy if you're not familiar with vim04:56
walker_BTW, thanks for all your help. I know just enough to shoot myself in the foot.04:56
EndlessNamelesshaha my foot is full of holes too, dont worry04:56
psycho_oreosheh no guarantees that it'll work04:56
walker_If I wanted a guarantee I'd have bought a netbook with my nonexistant cash and written off this relic.04:58
walker_But then, I never could throw away technology that had the gall to keep working.04:58
psycho_oreosnetbook isn't always the answer lol04:58
walker_Alright, nano is open and I have an empty xorg.conf file.05:00
psycho_oreoscopy and paste the contents of that cream box into nano05:01
walker_I see the box. Confidentially, on this old LCD there isn't anythign cream about it. Sort of a phosphorescent soft-gray, relatively uniform...  ; )05:02
walker_Is that all the content the file needs, or are there some other formalities I should throw in?05:02
psycho_oreoswell basically, whatever that isn't mentioned in that conf file will be literally autoprobed05:03
psycho_oreosbut as far as video is concerned, that's all you'll need05:03
walker_I shall reboot this sucker and see what happens. I will report back with news. This thinkwiki page might be worth a sticky somewhere for other sad saps.05:04
walker_psycho_oreo, artifacting has been reduced significantly. Things still drag, but they're a bit more tolerable now. Seems things are somewhat improved. Thanks for your help. I also know what to do when I play with other distros.05:18
Balsaqsop T05:22
psycho_oreoswalker_, np05:24
psycho_oreoswalker_, afterall you pointed that link out initially anyway05:24
walker_True, but what is knowledge if you don't know how to use it? I am wiser for your assistance. I will also try a few puplets (Puppy Linux) from CD or flashdrive to see how they hash out, but for now Xubuntu stays on the laptop, if only because I'm sick of screwing around with it ATM.05:26
psycho_oreosheh somewhat I suppose.05:27
walker_Well, the laptop is not a smoking crater. I consider that a success. It doesn't have a battery (long dead), it's on its second HD (slow as cheese in a Wisconsin winter), and is probably 7 years old. No miracles here.05:29
walker_Welp, I'm out. Thanks.05:37
Balsaqgood morning xubuntu technicians, software engineers, coders and weekend warriors....05:55
Balsaqyo _Techie_ !!!!!!!!!!05:56
_Techie_heya bal05:56
Balsaqman i got computers running all over the place? they have multiplied and are taking over my house!06:00
EndlessNamelessi was just thinking that about myself the other day06:21
EndlessNamelessbut i love them all06:21
_Techie_i have a few but im only running one atm06:25
_Techie_and im slowly upgrading it06:26
Balsaqi just can't seem to throw out a computer that still runs06:28
Balsaqin fact i take in orphans...06:28
OngaWezyrkaAloha bruda06:35
OngaWezyrkaPici brotha Sysi brotha Ola!06:35
psycho_oreos!br | OngaWezyrka06:36
ubottuOngaWezyrka: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.06:36
psycho_oreos!hu | OngaWezyrka06:37
ubottuOngaWezyrka: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál06:37
OngaWezyrkaubottu brotha: I am hungarian, not a portugese, BROTHA'06:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:37
OngaWezyrkapsycho_oreos bruder: I hate the hungarian stupid unofficial #ubuntu-hu channel06:38
psycho_oreosOngaWezyrka, well, I was mistaken initially by the way you spoke, until I saw that you're connection is from Hungary :)06:39
OngaWezyrkaNo problem. I understood. I am Ongavezyr Da Holyness:D06:40
OngaWezyrkaI am da favor of Allah06:40
OngaWezyrkaEl il Allahu Akhbar, brotha:D06:41
OngaWezyrkaJustice and Freedom for Palestina!06:41
psycho_oreosumm yeah ok, all that is really offtopic06:41
Balsaq_Techie_ are you on?07:22
johnAny suggestions for a good JavaScript text editor to use in Ubuntu other than gEdit?07:27
BalsaqQuanta Plus is a great HTML and CSS editor07:44
=== nikolam__ is now known as nikolam
=== Aled__ is now known as aledo
kangaroooive just installed xubuntu . dual boot windows and xubuntu. how from xubuntu to acces windows partition?14:41
kangaroooill need this info couse ill install xubuntu for 2 more friends dual boot way14:42
bazhangfile sharing?14:43
kangaroooso i could acces windows harddrive14:44
psycho_oreosyou'll need something like ntfs-3g14:50
bazhangthought that was standard for some time now14:51
psycho_oreosit has, dunno why there's any need to mention it *shrugs* maybe windows keep changing their ntfs versions and other things to make it harder for those who work in other various OS? :)14:53
bazhangwas thinking along the lines of samba14:53
kangaroooon clean installation i cant acces windows drive14:53
psycho_oreoswhich version?14:53
bazhangreal dual boot or wubi?14:54
kangarooo9.10 yes14:56
kangarooodual boot14:56
psycho_oreoswhich version of windows?14:57
bazhangah win7 /boot partition  unrecognized drive14:59
bazhangkangarooo, win7?14:59
kangarooono xp15:01
psycho_oreoswhat if you tried manually mounting it?15:03
eXpl0i7bazhang: go to applications -> accessories -> catfish click on folder option and select other15:05
eXpl0i7you will se all partitions15:05
bazhangeXpl0i7, I think you mean that for kangarooo , but thanks :)15:06
psycho_oreosyou meant for kangarooo15:06
eXpl0i7my bad xD15:06
AlphaOneif my network adapter works in Ubuntu, will it work in Xubuntu?15:44
AlphaOneis there a large speed difference between xubuntu and ubuntu?15:44
AlphaOneprocessing speed15:44
knomedepends on how much/little resources you have15:44
knomewith slower computers, the speed difference will be more significant15:44
AlphaOneI'm using ubuntu now, but it can be a little sluggish sometimes15:44
knomethen xubuntu would probably be better for you15:45
AlphaOnenot sure of the specs on this laptop15:45
AlphaOneonly been using linux about a week or so15:45
knomeof course if you run lots of applications parallely, even xubuntu can be slow15:45
AlphaOneI dont15:45
knomeAlphaOne, you can try xubuntu by installing the package xubuntu-desktop15:45
knomeand choosing xfce session from login screen15:45
AlphaOneI downloaded the xubuntu iso15:46
AlphaOneI can just run that15:46
AlphaOnewhat do I do when a program locks up in linux?15:47
psycho_oreosyou pretty much kill it15:48
AlphaOneno ctrl alt del15:48
AlphaOnewhats pkill?15:48
psycho_oreoslinux CLI tools15:48
psycho_oreosits called pid kill15:48
AlphaOnehow do i do hat15:49
psycho_oreosopen up terminal and type pkill `name of program'15:49
psycho_oreosusually if you click close it, wait a few moments and it will ask you if you want to kill it or not :p15:49
AlphaOneis there a task manager where I can see the various program running15:49
psycho_oreosthere is system monitor15:50
kangaroooin gigolo i cant connect to windows partition. Connecting to "10 GB Filesystem" failed. Authentication is required16:19
psycho_oreosprobably encrypted ntfs lol16:19
kangaroooi just installed ntfs configuration tool. maybe that will help. but gigolo is used for accessing.. no its not encrypted16:20
eXpl0i7this is normal16:20
eXpl0i7just check remember me16:21
kangarooothis ntfs cofiguration tool worked.. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows16:21
kangaroooyes success. but sadly gigolo didnt work :(16:21
kangaroooi just installed xubuntu on new computer and made all upades. now gru-pc window pops up and asks what version i want. wat to choose?16:34
charlie-tcaThe top one,16:35
charlie-tcaif this is the menu16:35
kangarooomaintainers version?16:35
kangarooopackage maintainers version?16:35
charlie-tcaOh, did you modify the grub at all?16:35
charlie-tcaIf you have made no changes to it, yes, maintainers version16:36
kangarooogrub is showingn ubuntu and windows xp. its dual boot16:36
belakWhat has changes in 10.04? Anything major?17:44
charlie-tcaplymouth and nouveau17:44
belaknouveau was added?17:45
belakAnd what's plymouth?17:45
charlie-tcanouveau replaces nv17:45
belakYeah, I use it in gentoo17:45
charlie-tcaplymouth replaces usplash, partly17:45
belakOh, ok17:46
exeeehello.. im lame.. i cant read im half blind so the text on the xubuntu.com is not good18:10
exeeewhtats the big differents from usual ubuntu?18:10
psycho_oreosit has xfce frontend as opposed to gnome18:12
psycho_oreosmuch like kubuntu has kde instead of gnome and lubuntu with lxde18:12
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:13
exeeexfce is much faster on lesser hadware computers right_18:13
belakpsycho_oreos: I didn't even know lubuntu existed18:13
psycho_oreosslightly faster than ubuntu, when you're comparing xubuntu18:14
belakexeee: for speed on olderhardware lubuntu? > xubuntu > ubuntu > kubuntu18:14
belakI believe18:14
psycho_oreosbelak, well its not officially out yet, they do have lxde-desktop as a virtual package, I hear its going to be released in lucid18:14
exeeeokey.. its livecds right?18:15
psycho_oreosyes its available in both livecd and desktop format18:15
psycho_oreosmuch like normal ubuntu18:15
kost_t-humanÄîáðîãî âðåìåíè, íàðîä =)18:30
eXpl0i7ሎል ሽዽ18:31
kost_t-humanáëèí, ñ êîäèðîâêîé ÷òî òî...18:33
kost_t-humanó ìåíÿ=(18:33
=== knoppix_ is now known as eXXE
eXXEis alternate version live?18:40
eXXEsome one said that desktop wasnt live18:40
eXXEtaking both now18:41
bazhangeXXE, no, its ncurses based18:43
bazhangeXXE, a kind of graphical command line, that is install only (ie no try before you install live environment)18:43
eXXElike console then_18:44
bazhangthe alternative18:44
bazhangnot exactly18:44
bazhanglike the console, but you can up arrow, enter, etc to make choices18:44
eXXEi installed slackware -97 havent used linux since18:44
bazhangalternative is quite nice to use, particularly if you have special formatting needs18:45
bazhangie separate /boot /home   etc18:45
eXXEi wanna run xp also on the same computer18:46
eXXEstil works fine with lileboot or is there anything better/never_18:47
eXXEyeah grub.. iver read about it18:48
eXXEits easy to have one ubuntu, 1 xubuntu and one xp?18:49
Balsaqgood afternoon Lords of The Code...19:30
charlie-tcaHello, Balsaq19:38
Sachse_SiechtumHello charlie-tca19:38
charlie-tcaHello, Sachse_Siechtum19:38
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, hows going?19:39
charlie-tcaGreat! Alpha3 is out, daily live cd has xubuntu slideshow now, not too many bugs19:39
Sachse_SiechtumAlpha3 of what? :-)19:40
Sachse_Siechtumnewest xubuntu build?19:40
Sachse_Siechtumsweet :-)19:41
Sachse_Siechtumah yeah19:41
Sachse_Siechtumwhats the full name? Lucid llama? *grin*19:42
charlie-tcalucid lynx19:43
Sachse_Siechtumah :-)19:43
charlie-tcaIt will be an LTS version, good for 3 years for xubuntu, 5 years on servers19:43
Balsaqis that 10.4 you spak of?19:43
Sachse_Siechtumsweet. can I update to it, when I have karmic installed?19:43
knomeBalsaq, 10.04, not 10.419:44
Balsaqoh ok19:44
Balsaqmay be the one that moves me off of 9.0419:44
charlie-tcaYes, but it is not ready for production use yet19:44
Sachse_SiechtumI see :-) I bet I gonna get a notification when its released :-)19:45
charlie-tcatake a look at the release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha319:45
charlie-tcaYes, when it is finalized, update-manager will alert you that an upgrade to the new version is ready19:45
Sachse_Siechtumdo you happen to know if the "mute" bug is fixed?19:46
Sachse_Siechtum"sound muted after boot"19:46
charlie-tcaIt is at this time19:47
Sachse_Siechtumsweet :-)19:47
charlie-tcaand, yes, I do use pulse audio, thanks for asking19:47
Sachse_Siechtumme too :-)19:47
Sachse_SiechtumI mean I use it19:47
charlie-tcaMy volume control in lucid does not come up muted, but it still does in 9.1019:51
Sysi-i'm a bit stupid, i'm testing how much uptime i'll get with lucid on netbook as server19:55
Sachse_Siechtumuptime = timeperiod on battery?19:56
Sysi-no, "uptime" to terminal19:57
Balsaqwhat ext does 10.04 use?19:57
Sachse_Siechtumbut also ext3 and 219:58
Balsaqoh good i like 319:58
Sachse_Siechtumit can also read ntfs and fat32..19:58
Sachse_Siechtumntfs fat32 r/w19:59
Balsaqwe are really moving up19:59
charlie-tcaSysi: I would think it will run until the kernel needs to be updated, when you will need to reboot.20:00
Sysi-why to reboot then, it's not *that* obligatory20:01
Sysi-i have older kernel on desktop and it runs fine20:04
charlie-tcaSecurity ?20:05
knomehe probably only has the same nature videos than everybody else20:07
knomeand there's faster seeds20:07
Sysi-well, currently it's behind routers firewall20:09
knomeit = the videos?20:09
Sysi-i don't keep videos on netbook with 8gb hd20:10
Sysi-they're on this desktop ofc20:10
knomeoh right20:10
knomeand then you stream them to your netbook at bed?20:10
Sysi-i prefer this chair20:12
knomethanks for the information20:12
Sysi-you know, bigger is better, it's cool on 22" fullscreen20:12
Sysi-is this making somebody to feel uncomfortable?20:14
knomei think everybody just felt the nature called them20:15
Sachse_SiechtumLOL just thinking of this "truenuff" mac ad movie on youtube *g*20:15
Sysi-i haven't seen it20:16
Sachse_Siechtumno youtube links allowed?20:18
knomemaybe that was a bit too obviously low-style :P20:19
knomethis is a family-friendly channel after all20:19
Sachse_SiechtumI also know that linux doesnt has that good image in these videos :-(20:20
Sysi-i remember comic about that, it starts normally with pc and mac, but when linux tells who he is, they start beating him up20:21
Sachse_SiechtumI dunno that comic..20:22
Sysi-site where it was is down20:22
Sachse_SiechtumI see20:22
Sysi-oh yeah, and pc has a baseball bat20:23
Sachse_SiechtumI just laugh about the comments on those youtube videos...its basically all about "apple is better...WinXP is better..apple is better"... *g*20:23
Sysi-that's a bit harsh20:24
EndlessNamelessxubuntu ftw =D20:24
EndlessNamelesssorry i had to.20:24
Sysi-mouse is too fast to get beaten up :)20:25
Sachse_Siechtumsome better linux ads: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-329Czokjk20:27
Sachse_SiechtumHello subspider :-)20:28
Sachse_SiechtumLinux is hot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LAXg_UmzTY20:29
Sysi-that first was great :D20:29
Sachse_Siechtumthey are all great :-) the novell one I mean20:30
Sysi-but i'll check those out myself, everybody has seen them etc20:30
Sachse_Siechtumalright :-)20:31
subspiderhello Sachse_Siechtum20:33
Sachse_Siechtumhey subspider...whats up?20:33
subspidergood man i loe you video20:36
subspiderwell novell video20:36
Sachse_Siechtumthanks :-)20:38
Sachse_SiechtumI was just eating in a greek restaurant with my ex gf20:39
knomeexgf? :F20:39
knomegosh that's weird20:39
knomewell anyway, see you later ->20:40
Sysi-ya not spaek intarnetz? :P20:40
Sachse_SiechtumI think he meant...that "ex" in ex gf20:42
AlphaOnehow do I have Xubuntu display the date?20:54
AlphaOneup in the top20:54
charlie-tcashould be a calendar in the top right of the panel20:54
AlphaOnenext to the clock20:54
AlphaOneI accidentally removed it somehow20:54
AlphaOnetoday is my first day using xubuntu20:54
charlie-tcathat is called orage. Look in Applications -> Office20:55
AlphaOneok its back20:55
AlphaOnebut its a little icon that says the date20:55
AlphaOnecan I change it to display as 2/27/1020:55
charlie-tcaI don't think so.20:56
AlphaOneits just a bit small20:56
charlie-tcaI use the orage clock, myself20:56
charlie-tcaTry growing the panel. Applications -> Settings -> Panel20:57
charlie-tcaMake it 32 or 3420:57
AlphaOneok will do20:57
AlphaOneI switched from ubuntu to xubuntu20:57
Sachse_Siechtum*gives free chocolate to /channel20:57
AlphaOnecuz I heard xubuntu was faster20:57
charlie-tcathanks, Sachse_Siechtum20:57
AlphaOneseems a bit faster :-)20:57
AlphaOneany other major differences?20:58
charlie-tcaDoesn't use gnome20:58
AlphaOnewhat is gnome mean exactly?  I've heard that but I dunno what it means20:58
charlie-tcaGnome, Xfce, KDE are desktop environments. Each one has different features20:58
Sachse_SiechtumAlphaOne,  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-221827.html20:58
AlphaOneI've noticed it doesn't have OpenOffice20:59
charlie-tcaThey are what makes the desktop that you see and use20:59
charlie-tcaYou can add it, or try Abiword20:59
AlphaOnewhat does it have for making powerpoint presentations?20:59
charlie-tcadoesn't have anything by default20:59
AlphaOneyeah, Abiword is fine.  does it open .docx?20:59
charlie-tcaI don't know if it handles .docx format21:00
charlie-tcaI don't bother with Microsoft documents, myself21:00
AlphaOneI might just DL openoffice and use both21:00
Sachse_SiechtumI know that oo writer does21:00
AlphaOneme neither, but other ppl do21:00
AlphaOneI need some good RPGs21:01
charlie-tcaI have told them not to send them to me. I won't read them. They can send me plain text documents instead21:01
Sachse_SiechtumRPGs? Role playing games?21:02
charlie-tcaDL ? why? Just open Applications -> Software Center. Add it from there21:02
Sachse_SiechtumI think there are binaries for sacred....21:02
charlie-tcaOh, or maybe it is Add/Remove Applications.21:02
Sachse_Siechtumor you can install and run windows games in WINE21:03
Sachse_Siechtumfor example21:03
* charlie-tca can't remember the last time he downloaded anything21:04
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, why? :-)21:04
Sachse_Siechtumbad short term memory? ;-)21:05
charlie-tcaWhy download ? except iso images, it is not needed in Xubuntu21:05
Sachse_Siechtumah you mean apps for Xfce?21:06
Sachse_Siechtumah ok. :-)21:06
Sachse_Siechtumhmm just wondering is it possible to change partition sizes (more space for xubuntu partition less on games partition) ?21:08
Sachse_Siechtumcan gparted do that?21:08
charlie-tcayes, but not while you are using the partitions21:08
charlie-tcaYou can resize them using gparted from the live cd21:08
Sachse_SiechtumI just wanted to say that *g*21:09
charlie-tcaI have done that :-)21:09
Sachse_Siechtumand there wont be any problems afterwars?21:10
charlie-tcabut you got to be careful21:10
charlie-tcaAlso, it the partitions are not located next to each other, it may not work21:10
Sachse_Siechtumor maybe create a additional partition (like half of the games partition) in ext4 and tell playonlinux to install games there?21:12
=== trevor is now known as digitrev
digitrevMight anyone be able to give me a hand with some pub-key authentication issues I'm experiencing?21:15
charlie-tca!question | digitrev21:16
ubottudigitrev: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:16
digitrevRight. Well, when I first ssh to my computer, it asks me for my password. But if I already have an open connection to it, it asks for my public key passphrase. Any idea why?21:18
charlie-tcaUsing seahorse?21:20
digitrevSeahorse? I don't think so21:20
charlie-tcaIt sounds like an issue with gnome-keyring, but I don't really know, myself. Maybe someone else will ...21:21
digitrevWould that be a problem on the server or the client?21:21
digitrevBecause I'm fairly certain that the problem is on my server, since it occurs independent of which computer I'm connecting from.21:22
charlie-tcaOkay, server21:22
charlie-tcaUmm, I don't really know, I guess.21:23
digitrev Thanks anyways21:23
digitrevWhen I first ssh to my computer, it asks me for my password. But if I already have an open connection to it, it asks for my public key passphrase. Any idea why?21:24
digitrevWhen I first ssh to my computer, it asks me for my password. But if I already have an open connection to it, it asks for my public key passphrase. Any idea why?21:27
Sachse_Siechtumsign up at http://ubuntuforums.org/ and post your problem there. I'm sure they are a great deal of help.21:28
digitrevI've tried. It's been three weeks, and I'm the only person who's responded.21:28
digitrevIt's quite a bizarre issue. It's not particularly devestating, but the fact that I can't fix it is driving me up the wall21:29
Sachse_SiechtumI know how you feel...I have 2 problems that are kinda nerving too21:30
Sachse_Siechtumprinter and audio cd burning21:30
Sachse_Siechtummaybe a google search will help21:30
digitrevAhh yes. I've never even tried to mess with those.21:30
Sachse_SiechtumI know its gonna work...I have just...to...find out....HOW! :-)21:34
kangaroooi dont have /boot/grub/menu.lst how then grub is working?21:55
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:55
AlphaOnehelp meee22:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:30
AlphaOnewhy are video files playing so skippy and choppy22:30
AlphaOneoh sorry22:30
Sysi-what kind of videos?22:31
Sysi-what graphics card?22:31
AlphaOneits actually the only type that I've tried.  the file is good, I just was watching it in windows22:31
AlphaOneno idea22:31
AlphaOne<---1 day old Xubuntu user22:31
Sysi-lspci | grep VGA22:32
Sysi-that to terminal22:32
AlphaOne1sec, i'll check22:32
AlphaOneATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M22:33
AlphaOnemy laptop is definitely fast enough to play videos :-\22:35
Sysi-that doesn't matter if drivers are bad22:39
AlphaOnewhat should I do?22:39
Sysi-i'm not good with those, but ATI can be difficult22:39
AlphaOnehow do I know for sure if its a driver issue?22:41
Sysi-have you tried another player?22:42
AlphaOneshould I try VLC?22:42
Sysi-i'd say so22:42
AlphaOneok its downloading now22:44
AlphaOneSysi- it does NOT skip in VLC22:47
AlphaOneit plays fine in VLC22:47
Sysi-the default player suck at times22:48
AlphaOneso the question now is, why does it not play good in Movie Player.  the problem is that it starts to skip and get out of sync, when I seek22:48
Sysi-that player is bad22:49
AlphaOneI guess I'll just use VLC22:49
AlphaOnehow do I make it the DEFAULT video player, so when I double click video files, they will open in VLC?22:50
Sysi-right click over video on file manager22:51
Sysi-there's default program22:51
AlphaOneok thanks for all the free tech support :-)22:52
confusioushelp !!     tyring to join a "chat" I have in my "buddies" list {#pidgin},pidgin,is now telling me "cannnot join chat.registration required" Can any of you help me with this ?23:05
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode23:05
confusiousthank you...do I have to use the same one I'm using here {confusious} ?23:06
Sysi-i think you can get several nicks23:07
_Techie_good morning #Xubuntu (even though its 12:06 local time)23:07
_Techie_you can group several nicks to the same nickserv account23:07
confusiousthanks sysi.......hey sysi,is ubottu a bot ?23:08
confusiousgeez,it's all so confusing23:08
Sysi-yes it's a bot23:08
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:08
_Techie_i <3 ubottu23:08
confusiousthe reason I was going to pidgin was  because of sam e issue........I was trying to "add" a chat under "buddies" in pidgin & I began neing asked for all sorts of info23:09
confusiousthank you all for the help.evn you Mr.robot23:10

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