
bonez2046trism: thanks a bunch!00:00
airtonixhow do i find out what dbus path ubuntu maps the laptop lid to (i assume it will be different for different makes and models of latops), currently on my machine the laptop lid button maps to the dbus path of : /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_logicaldev_input_400:01
Loren_SempleElrox: ?00:01
sensaehow do I temporarily kill X without it autorestarting?00:01
WubuntuI have a Nvidia GeForce4 MX 420 video card that gives me screen resolution problems with Ubuntu 9.10. Can anyone please off me any assistance with this problem?00:01
brjannsensae: you should be able to use     sudo gdm stop00:02
garholwubuntu: i'm on the 440mx. what problems you having?00:02
Wubuntueven with the proprietary driver,...i have to change screen resolution each time i reboot00:02
sensaebrjann: Nope00:02
ElroxLoren_Semple, yes?00:03
brjannsensae: oh, damn, my fault. i meant   sudo service gdm stop00:03
Loren_SempleElrox: I just got back, wondering if that problem got solved where Ubuntu fails to load (see the splash, but after splash computer stops loading screen goes blank and can't do ctrl alt f1) ??00:03
garholWubuntu: I had this problem before. I fixed it by running the proprietary app with gksudo and then saving the settings. it's a permissions thing if i remember00:03
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ElroxLoren_Semple, all i have found is to try    sudo update-grub00:05
Wubuntuhow do i get this proprietary app?00:05
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sciviwubuntu use synapic package manager to install nvidia-settings00:05
shannonbrimerthat was odd00:06
Wubuntui already have the nvidia-settings manager00:06
Wubuntuthis card doesn't seem to save the resolution to Xorg00:06
scivik run it in root mode00:06
garholWubuntu: once you are using the proprietoty driver then nvidia-settings should be available00:06
icerootWubuntu: that is not part of the card00:06
garholWubuntu: that's correct. that's where it was going wrong with me00:06
icerootWubuntu: also, on karmic there is not xorg.conf00:07
garholWubuntu: xorg got removed in 9.10 so there was a bit of a workaround to get nvidia-settings to create the corret file00:07
lantiziaHey how do I swap between NTSC/PAL for TV Out?  (no theres no proprietary drivers)00:08
garholWubuntu: like iceroot said :)00:08
DBeetswhat replaced xorg.conf?00:08
JrodDCxlantizia:  let me guess a ATI card ?00:08
lantiziaIt detects my TV and I see it in System | Preferences | Display00:08
lantiziaJrodDCx, no Intel00:08
lantiziaIt even sends output to my TV and the Fn+CRT/LCD button works00:09
lantiziaBut it's sending NTSC instead of PAL00:09
brjannWubuntu: I don't know if this is your problem, but another user was having similar issues the other day. someone in #gnome told him to   mv ~/.configure/monitors.xml ~/.configure/monitors.xml.bak    and restart gnome00:09
garholWubuntu: create a blank xorg.conf then the settings can be written in there by the nvidia app.00:10
garholWubuntu: there isn't one as default but when there is one it gets read (if i am reading back correctly)00:10
lantiziaIs there meant to be a built in option for configuring TV Out?00:10
Loren_SempleElrox: fixed00:11
Loren_Semplefor some reason00:11
ElroxLoren_Semple, ??? what did it?00:11
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:11
ElroxLoren_Semple, please share?00:11
Loren_SempleI did the recovery mode (option 2 boot from grub)00:11
Loren_Semplethen it came to a menu which offered to update grub, fix broken packages, free up disk space00:12
eXe__^can anyone help me install ubuntu? plz.. im a fast learner00:12
eXe__^its textmode00:12
Loren_Semplefixing broken packages and updating grub seemed to fix it00:12
eXe__^no fuXXng liveshit00:12
cyberbluntzhey you guys want to talk about conficker?00:12
jcrump40Enter text here...anyone here have issues accepting user license when installing world of warcraft?00:13
faileashmm. if karmic has upstart, why dosen't it have an init dir, and scripts there?00:13
bitfox@garhol: i had a similar problem last week... but xorg.conf file cannot be write by local user... You must be root in order to do that operation00:13
bitfox@garhol: sudo nvidia-settings00:14
bitfox@garhol: ok?00:14
cyberbluntzjcrump40, your going to have to check the technical support at www.worldofwarcraft.com00:14
WubuntuKarmic 9.10 doesn't use "xorg",...or doesn't have a xorg.config file after installation?00:14
bitfoxI have a little problem with notifications icon in karmic00:15
Typos_KingWubuntu:   no but you can give it one00:15
jcrump40thanks for the information00:15
Wubuntuhow do i create a black xorg file?00:15
Wubuntu*how do i create a BLANK xorg.conf?00:16
bitfox@Wubuntu: save an old copy of xorg.conf file00:16
garholBitfox: yup Wubuntu: sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:16
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sensaeikonia: You still around? I got my RAID rebuilt, did that pastebin of my mdadm.conf look fine? Do I just need to add 1 to the device lines?00:16
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icerootWubuntu: sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:17
bitfox@Wubuntu: I created a backup copy of my xorg.conf file00:17
Typos_KingWubuntu:   yes, a blank one, and then you can add stuff00:17
brjann!hi | zondo00:18
ubottuzondo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:18
zondobrjann: ty00:18
JrodDCxbrjann:  you love making the bot  talk huh ?  hahah its fun!00:19
bitfox@Wubuntu: After, I launched my nvidia-settings through sudo, after I selected various options I saved and the nvidia tool create all stuff in xorg.conf00:19
bitfox@Wubuntu: ok?00:19
brjannJrodDCx: no sense in repeating myself, that's what it's for :)00:20
Random832is there a list of all the things ubottu knows?00:20
ElroxLoren_Semple, i found that updating grub does fix the issue, but does not explain how it got foobar'd in the first place... that would be great info00:20
brjannRandom832: yes, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi00:20
FlynsarmyIs it possible to see what's inside a .tar.gz file from the terminal window?00:20
cyberbluntzI thought the term was fubar00:20
brjannFlynsarmy: yes, try   tar lf <filename>00:21
cyberbluntzeffed up beyond all recognition00:21
garholbitfox: sorry, missed that message. yeah, sudo nvidia-settings once the blank xorg is there and it should drop in the correct info00:22
Flynsarmybrjann, tar: Semantics of -l option will change in the future releases. Please use --one-file-system option instead. You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux' options00:22
cyberbluntzumm no00:22
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:22
cyberbluntzgksudo *00:22
eXe__^whats the first 5 steps to install ubuntu in textmode?00:22
Wubuntudoes it make a difference whether you open the nvidia settings manager through terminal(sud)  or opening the program through system, etc?00:22
bitfoxwhy does notifications pop-up appear under the right corner under the watch with any blank space?00:22
eXe__^help me out here.. im a quick learner00:22
brjannFlynsarmy: oh my. one second :)00:22
icerooteXe__^: ?00:23
icerooteXe__^: look at the display?00:23
Craig_DemeXe__^: Google will have lots of guides.00:23
brjannFlynsarmy: oops, sorry, typo. tar tf <filename>00:23
Flynsarmybrjann, perfect, thanks :)00:24
brjannFlynsarmy: you're welcome :)00:24
bitfox@Wubuntu: sudo allow you to launch nvidia panel with root privileges so the xorg.conf file can be easily modified00:25
adamfhey, everyone. been a while since i last used ubuntu. i'm thinking about putting it on my old laptop (hp pavillion with an ati video card), dual booted with windows 7. is this pretty easy to do?00:25
arf`here the problem: with xubuntu hardy on a dell laptop with fglrx driver and 2.6.32 kernel, the monitor's power saving doesn't work anymore after a while00:25
cyberbluntzI dont think there is supposed to be a difference between running the gksudo at the terminal or running the xserver?00:25
brjannbitfox, Wubuntu: if you're launching a graphical program, you should really use gksu00:26
garholWubuntu: as bitfox says. i don't rightly remember how i got mine to stay there but I think I used gksudo the first time.00:26
GeekSquidcyberbluntz: there is ... read the psychocats link I gave you00:26
bitfox@Wubuntu: I tried to launch it as normal user from system panel-> admin... but nvidia-setting was not able to save configuration in xorg.conf00:26
Satoru-sanYou can just use CFLAGS="-march=native"00:26
Satoru-sanoops wrong channel00:27
Wubuntusudo nvidia-settings-manager?00:27
JrodDCxWubuntu:  Yes00:28
bitfox@Wubuntu: I use: $sudo nvidia-settings00:29
bitfox@Wubuntu: It works for me00:29
sensaeDoing an fdisk /dev/sdb shows one partition, ext4. But /dev/sdb1 doesn't exist.00:29
bitfox@Wubuntu: I'm able to select options and save them in xorg.conf file00:29
Typos_Kingcyberbluntz:    wha?00:30
danny_does anyone know with the sort command what option would I use if I'm looking to sort processes by max to min usage?00:30
JrodDCxsensae:  I would trying useing Gparted so you can see ewveything better !00:30
parolangQuestion...does Ubuntu have easy support for nouveau driver for video?00:30
walidxpossible to ssh over an http proxy using proxychains or would i need to use a socks proxy?00:30
bitfox@Wubuntu: I'm sorry.. but i must be off now... bye bye00:31
JrodDCxparolang:  Not in 9.10 it's coming in the next edtion , i owuld use the real driver anyway :)00:31
Wubuntuthankyou,...this time the save worked00:31
Wubuntubye bitfox,...and thanks again00:31
Typos_Kingdanny_     ..... sort processes..... you mean from a text dump?00:31
parolangJrodDCx: I'm having problems with the proprietary driver on Debian stable.00:31
Wubuntuthanks to all of you for your help00:32
Typos_Kingdanny_   if you're just looking for a quickie.... try maybe 'qps' is a visual process manager, and you can sort by clicking on the provided colunmn tab00:32
sensaeLooks like the superblock for the partition is gone - how do I repair the superblock without losing the partition?00:32
JrodDCxparolang:  9.10 is a bit diffrent then debian stable i think00:32
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JrodDCxthey fixed and broke some things00:32
garholWubuntu: congrats :)00:32
parolangJrodDCx: Okay...I'm burning the CD now, so hoping for the best :)00:33
Guest14343hi, i have a question, I have a intel integrated video card and i'm trying to fix the driver, but there is no xorg.conf!! where is it? or how can i generate one?00:33
garholGuest14343: xorg.conf is no longet there in 9.10. create a blank one with sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:34
MaletorHow could I set up Ubuntu as a SIP server (for VOIP phones)?00:34
JrodDCxparolang:  Good luck , if worst comes to worst you can install newer drivers too :) (From nvidia)00:34
bitsmarthi folks I am trying to get MPD set up, and when I go to create the db I get this error: listen: Failed to listen on localhost (line 69): Address already in use. is this a conflict in /etc/hosts or something?00:34
danny_well I'm creating a shell script that needs to display the top processes by sorting them from max to min usage...00:35
bitfox@Wubuntu: You're welcome!00:35
arf`here the problem: with xubuntu hardy on a dell laptop with fglrx driver and 2.6.32 kernel, the monitor's power saving doesn't work anymore after a while, and I can't find any reason. After booting, it works for a time (if I stop using the computer for 10mn, themonitor goes to sleep), and at a moment it doesn't work anymore (even if I force the screensaver, no more sleeping). I can't find anything in any log relating to power saving, nor find what could make00:35
bitfoxbye bye00:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »00:35
Guest14343garhol: and can I add only a the lines with the stuff i want to get configured, or does it have a full configuration file?00:35
NewWorldarf`:  Is it only the monitor switching off or suspend aswell?00:36
garholGuest14343: try sudo Xorg -configure  that should make an initial config for you I think.00:36
Jeangleuri need help with my webcam and gspca00:36
Guest14343ok thanks00:36
MaletorHow could I set up Ubuntu as a SIP server (for VOIP phones)?00:36
mylisto2I'm curious to know if there is a good flash authoring tool for Ubuntu?00:37
arf`NewWorld: suspend (I didn't try to switch off as it is a laptop)00:37
GeekSquidmylisto2: nope... Adobe has the monopoly00:37
archboxmanhttp://imagebin.org/86912 conky awesome :)00:37
NewWorldarf`:  Suspend aswell? YOu didn't answer the question properly :P00:38
bitsmarthi folks I am trying to get MPD set up, and when I go to create the db I get this error: listen: Failed to listen on localhost (line 69): Address already in use. is this a conflict in /etc/hosts or something?00:38
Jeangleureverytime I use my webcam (skype, cheese), it wouldn't work properly and the message is "libv4lconvert: Error decompressing JPEG: unknown huffman code: 0000ffff"00:38
Jeangleurwhat can I do?00:38
arf`I tried to relaunch the screensaver, as well as the xfce-power-manager00:38
danny_ps -eo user,pid,ppid,%mem,fname | sort ?? | head -500:38
arf`NewWorld: suspend aswell?00:39
mylisto2jeangleur: did it ever work?00:39
NewWorldarf`:  Can you answer my question directly and in a valid format? lol00:39
arf`NewWorld: I understood "as well", don't know aswell :/00:39
NewWorldarf`:  We are syntactically inflexible xD00:39
Jeangleurmylisto2: not on this ubuntu, but yes, I remember like four month ago, it worked00:39
arthur_1anyone know how to brows the files on a HTC Hero? here is my dmesg | tail http://pastebin.com/amk01TPT and i followed this page.. http://www.htc.com/us/support/hero-sprint/help/synchronization00:40
arf`NewWorld: seems to, but I'm syntactically a french… so00:40
Jeangleurmylisto2: didn't use it for long, upgraded,... and now that I need it...00:40
mylisto2I remember I had to do some work around on 8.04 to get it to work00:40
arthur_1i cant seem to just plug in the hero and brows the files on the sd card...?00:40
Jeangleurmylisto2: maybe I should go back to 8.04?00:40
Jeangleuris this possible?00:40
NewWorldarf`:  I had that with Ubuntu aswell in GNOME... sometimes the screen switched off sometimes it wouldn't at all... it was really annoying. I switched to KDE sometime later, it uses PowerDevil... and everything worked fine00:41
arthur_1Linux hp-desktop 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 01:26:53 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux00:41
Jeangleurmylisto2: I just caonnot compile the gspca with its ptch needed... always error "error: asm/semaphore.h: No such file or directory"00:42
Jeangleurmylisto2: are you good in this stuff? I am not00:42
brjannarf`: if you would prefer, the #ubuntu-fr channel is the official ubuntu support channel in French :) (or #ubuntu-qc if you are Quebecois)00:42
Jeangleurmylisto2: but I am sitting since eight hours (no kidding) to try to get it done00:43
arf`NewWorld: ok, so aswell is a manager? anyway, I've nothing related to aswell on my computer00:43
dexleyhi yall00:43
Jeangleurmylisto2:  here is the kgspca.err file output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/385916/00:43
GeekSquidarthur_1: in order to do that you will need to install the Android Dev version for the hero... or install openssh on the hero and connect remotely ... android development environment for linux works as a VM but using the hero as a mass storage device is not possible00:43
mylisto2jengleur: I am not good at this stuff as well, sorry00:43
NewWorldarf`:  No lol, that was my mistake. You're right it should be 'as well' instead.00:44
arf`brjann: yeah, I'm on too, but there a far less competence than here actually, especially at this time (night for us)00:44
arf`NewWorld: uh, ok, let's have fun ;)00:44
brjannarf`: no problem, just wanted to make sure you were aware :)00:44
dexleyi am in trouble ppl. no video is workin for me! even vlc , image is only in One third of the screen and no color! help! i am lost! :)00:45
dexleythe rest of the screen is black!00:45
hipitihopif I have a machine which allows ssh access, but my router also port forwards some voip related ports, namely 5060 and 10000-20000 then I want to secure this machine a litlle more.. is it possible to restrict ssh to my internal network ? or is that not enough from a security pov00:45
NewWorlddexley:  Have you used Mplayer or xine engines?00:45
dexleyyes NewWorld00:45
mylisto2jengleur: just stay in this channel, I'm sure someone can help you00:46
brjannhipitihop: if your router doesn't forward your ssh port, ssh isn't accessible from outside your LAN00:46
NewWorlddexley:  Try to play an ogg video file, they are natively supported. See if it works; that will give us some useful info to work on.00:46
archboxmanJeangleur: that may not work in this kernel version when it says floating point fails ... it will not install because it was not meant for this kernel..00:46
arf`dexley: it smells like dri problem, but unsure00:46
shadows090is anyone familiar with java? I'm trying to run a very simple "hello world" and am getting a weird error00:46
hipitihopbrjann, indeed.... any other precautions I should take since those ports are technically open ?00:46
Jeangleurarchboxman: so what can I do?00:47
NewWorldshadows090:  ubuntu related?00:47
shadows090NewWorld yes00:47
dexleyokay NewWorld i try it in a sec!00:47
archboxmanJeangleur: sorry I just woke up... so give the basics of your problem00:47
NewWorldshadows090:  Put on pastebin, I know a little java lol00:47
rastaseanhello geniuses. i'm trying to get FTP working in ubuntu. the connection is active, the port is active, but anonymous cannot upload filezilla on windows reports its because permission denied. any assistance?00:47
danny_hey Typos_King the one line in my script looks like this....ps -eo user,pid,ppid,%mem,fname | sort ??? |  head -500:47
shadows090well, i'm in Ubuntu, i'm not sure if the particular error is ubuntu related. what do you mean put on pastebin?00:47
Jeangleurarchboxman: is there any way I can make my cam work? it should be working in karmic out of the box. it is logitec E2500 quickcam00:48
Jeangleurbut it somehow doesn't00:48
NewWorldshadows090:  Post the relevant code and error onto pastebin.com and send the link for that post.00:48
Jeangleurarchboxman: I tried ubuntu-ive-usb, all the same00:48
tweisemanwhat are the terminal commands to manually connect to internet via ethernet?00:48
hipitihopis there a linux security channel ?00:48
archboxmanJeangleur: most of the logistic cames need to have the driver compiled...00:48
NewWorldrastasean:  Is the FTP server on Ubuntu or windows? Are you uploading or downloading from the server?00:48
danny_I just don't know how to sort the processes from max to min usage using the sort command...00:48
Jeangleurarchboxman: what can I do?00:48
zenwrylyIs there a way to configure karmic to keep building packages for Python 2.5?00:48
zenwrylyIs there a way to configure karmic to keep building packages for Python 2.4?00:49
brjannhipitihop: if your voip application is running, those ports will connect to it. if the voip application isn't running, those ports will appear closed. so you should be fine00:49
NewWorlddanny_:  the command ps can sort by CPU usage00:49
archboxmanJeangleur: most of the logistic Camereas need the drive compiled they don't make a debian driver....00:49
archboxmansorry Waking up ....00:50
NewWorldtweiseman:  Google for a tutorial. I'm sure there are plenty.00:50
shadows090NewWorld. pastebin is http://pastebin.com/VGq9EzZF00:50
Jeangleurarchboxman:  no problem. I am online since ten hours trying to get it done. will go to bed soon00:50
brjann!google > NewWorld00:50
ubottuNewWorld, please see my private message00:50
Jeangleurarchboxman:  do you have any idea?00:50
Jeangleurarchboxman: how can I compile it?00:50
hipitihopbrjann, thanks.... so really the only thing I should consider is I am also running a wireless network here and booth wired machines and wirless machines are on same network (arguably should have seperate but a bit hard at the moment) , so I should probably restrict which machines are allowed to log into others00:50
archboxmanJeangleur: yes you need to try to backport the camera....00:51
Jeangleurarchboxman: how is that?00:51
shadows090NewWorld, the confusion is that i cannot run it when i'm in the directory. only when i'm in another directory.00:51
* shadows090 is confused00:51
dexleyNewWorld the sound is workin great but not videos! i can listen sounds correctly00:51
manashow to open pidgen?00:51
archboxmanJeangleur: hold up... need coffee.. give me the model??00:51
shadows090manas: pidgen should be in applications-> internet00:51
NewWorldshadows090:  That is weird... I don't know why. Sorry.00:51
Jeangleurarchboxman: Quickcam E250000:51
shadows090NewWorld, not a problem. thanks for taking a few to look into it00:52
manasshadows: i dont find it there00:52
archboxmanJeangleur: run this command first lsusb does it see the camera!!00:52
Jeangleur archboxman: id 046d:089d00:52
brjannhipitihop: you could lock ssh down further if you wanted to. you might take a look at tcpwrappers: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/09/02/network-security-with-tcpwrappers-hostsallow-and-hostsdeny/00:52
NewWorlddexley:  Is there anything you changed recently that you think could have affected this?00:53
shadows090manas: you could run reinstall via synaptics packet manager under system.  i know it sounds like an extra step but it works for me00:53
Jeangleurarchboxman:hey, I am on this since ten hours (no kidding) of course it does find it00:53
shadows090Manas: just uninstall, apply, install, and apply00:53
Jeangleurarchboxman: Bus 003 Device 004: ID 046d:089d Logitech, Inc.00:53
manasshadows: uninstall what?00:53
hipitihopbrjann, thanks very much, will read up00:53
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Jeangleurarchboxman: ;-)00:53
archboxmanJeangleur: slow down I see you..00:53
brjannhipitihop: for example, I forward ssh through my router, but I've set up /etc/hosts.allow to only allow connections from my local network and my network at work00:54
archboxmanJeangleur: here is a website follow along00:54
shadows090uninstall pidgeon if it's not showing up under the applications menu. do you have it installed already? or no?00:54
NewWorldmanas:  Accessories > Terminal > Type in 'pidgin'00:54
brjannhipitihop: you're welcome, good luck :)00:54
archboxmanJeangleur: tell me what is different about your attempt to install??00:54
shadows090pidgin* oops :-/ lol00:54
hipitihopbrjann, I see.. is it posisble to do based on MAC00:54
Typos_Kingdanny_    ->   ps -eo user,pid,ppid,%mem,fname | sort -k 4;   thereabouts00:55
brjannhipitihop: hm, I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's based solely on IP addresses/subnets.00:56
=== booboo is now known as coz_
Jeangleurarchboxman: that when I go trying sudo ./gspca_build, the kgspca.err (the error file) says http://paste.ubuntu.com/385916/00:56
hipitihopbrjann, ok, thanks I'll readup and go from there. cheers00:56
archboxmanJeangleur: did you remove the old gspca module because it will conflict with the module...00:56
Jeangleurarchboxman: good idea. how do I do it?00:56
archboxmanJeangleur: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104357900:57
* G-Bleezy slaps JustChilN around a bit with a large trout00:57
NewWorldJeangleur:  rmmod <module name> is an option00:57
archboxmanJeangleur: sudo rmmod gspca00:57
* JustChilN Pimp Slaps G-Bleezy00:57
dexleyNewWorld: i dont know :( but: Mplayer cant be opend code:127 | No video playin with Gnomeplayer and KmPlayer | Only  DragonPlayer actually helps me out and is working good!00:58
JustChilNis it normal for the ubuntu install to freeze awhile when getting to the partition part?00:58
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futurama140Where does one go to discuss hacking hardware such as usb drives, other input peripherals, random electronics00:58
ae86-drifteri am trying to unmount a remote folder, i keep getting umount: device is busy. using fusermount00:59
NewWorlddexley:  If kaffeine will work fine like DragonPlayer then you know that the xine engine works good. And it must be a problem with the other engines.00:59
progre55hi people! I've installed eucaliptus.. but with wrong configs.. how do I remove it and re-install so that it asks to configure it again? a simple remove does not remove the configs..01:00
dexleyNewWorld: the other engines?01:00
progre55I mean, remove by apt*01:00
shadows090ae86: fuser -m /dev/sda1 (or whichever the device is) and it should show ou the process keeping it busy01:00
JustChilNoops closed the room01:01
dexleyprogre55: how about going in the synaptic and remove it utterly and download the .deb again?01:01
sensaeI have files in an ext4 partition, but for some reason the partition table is messed up and it won't mount - I need to get the files off this partition, help?01:02
NewWorlddexley:  The playback engine used by the application. Kaffine, D Player use xine. VLC uses it's own. gmplayer, smplayer, kmplayer use mplayer.01:02
shadows090sensae: What error do you get?01:02
dexleyNewWorld: u rock01:03
=== booboo is now known as coz_
sensaeshadows090: Device or mount point busy, I believe01:03
RedXIIIhey I'm having a problem getting ubuntu to install. I burned a copy of the 9.10 dvd and attempted to install it. Went through all the setup screens in text-mode installation and after it automatically restarted all I have is a blinking cursor in the top left corner01:03
RedXIIIran the check disc for errors and compared the checksum on the iso file01:03
NewWorlddexley:  lol I don't think we fixed anything :/01:03
sensaeshadows090: fdisk shows one linux partition, but in dev it shows up as sdc, sdc1 doesn't exist.01:03
progre55dexley: it's on a server.. no graphics available..01:04
arthur_1sensae sudo touch /forcefsck01:04
arthur_1then reboot01:04
dexleyNewWorld: lol not yet but i learn sum'in!01:04
Typos_Kingprogre55:   sudo dpkg --purge PACKAGENAME;01:04
dexleyand i love learnin lolz01:04
emergionHey all, is there any news on when an official Firefox 3.6 package will be available ? Has anyone used the PPA version and what did people think about it01:05
NewWorldsensae:  DON'T attempt to fix any filesystem errors before recovering what you can from the volume. I did this and lost a lot of stuff.01:05
progre55Typos_King: cool, let me try, thanks man01:05
NewWorlddexley:  So try kaffeine to see if it plays properly :)01:05
sensaeNewWorld: What would you suggest? I'm just trying to get it to mount so I can move files off the volume and wipe it completely01:05
Dr_Willisemergion: Theres proberly not going to be an official 3.6 - if you want it. Use the ppa - I use the 'stable' ppa01:05
Typos_KingRedXIII:    ... did you say you finished installing it, or isn't showing up grub? or?01:05
Dr_Willisemergion:  i imagine most people are using the 'stable' ppa. or the 'daily build' ppa01:06
dexleyNewWorld: kaffeine is askin for demux plugin; im about to give it to him!01:06
AMAGHello, you might remember me from famous questions like "how do I make a USB install disk" or "my power supply caught on fire Friday and my computer is all f-ed up!"  :D01:06
RedXIIITypos_King: I walked away from my computer while it was installing, but I saw it restart itself01:06
NewWorldsensae:  Mine couldn't mount aswell... there is an application called R-Linux which allowed me to recover all that I could.01:06
shadows090sensae: what is the device name you are trying to mount?01:06
emergionDr_Willis, where can I get that from ? Why no official 3.6?01:06
Typos_KingRedXIII:    .so... .you get to a Grub screen?01:06
RedXIIII assume it finished installing, now all I have on the screen is a blinking cursor and all inputs are unresponsive01:06
NitaiPali have some questions01:07
sensaeNewWorld: can I apt-get it?01:07
Typos_KingRedXIII:    reboot then... to see if you get to a Grub screen01:07
sensaeshadows090: Well, sdc01:07
RedXIIIGrub screen would be the ubuntu loading screen? Just shows black01:07
NewWorldsensae:  It runs under Windows heh :/01:07
LavaEagleI need to run install.sh, and "sh install.sh" is not working because of a syntax error.  I am running Linux Mint Helena01:07
RedXIIIHard disk busy light blinks for a little then blinking cursor01:07
Typos_KingRedXIII:    grub meaning, a menu listing choices to boot from01:08
RedXIIInothing like that01:08
FLOYD|PartyI get a black screen whenever ubuntu starts up.  I had installed Nvidia's driver, and i had stopped x using "sudo /etc/init.d/gmd stop".  Any ideas?01:08
kassahwho do I talk to about getting my name changed in the ubuntu wiki? (marriage has changed it)01:08
Typos_KingRedXIII:    reboot then... to see if you get to a Grub screen01:08
NewWorldLavaEagle:  What is the syntax error?01:08
NitaiPali want to switch from the 64 bit architecture to 32 bit one (the latest version of ubuntu that i just downloaded) because 64 bit just isn't worth the trouble and i want my computer to work smoothly without the probs which i can perhaps solve but don't have the time to solve ... thanks for answering my question01:08
LavaEaglejahplayer-ubuntu-dapper-x86.sh: 3: Syntax error: "(" unexpected01:08
Typos_Kingkassah:    ubuntu-vicars   j/k ^_^01:08
RedXIIITypos_King: No Grub screen. Goes from BIOS screen to blinking cursor01:09
LavaEagle@NitaiPal:  Format, Install Ta da!01:09
NitaiPalLavaEagle, but i don't want to lose my files01:09
mylisto2where do you add signed gpg keys?01:09
mylisto2such as01:09
NitaiPaland i don't have ne thing to back up everything01:09
RedXIIIHarddisk light blinks then cursor comes up01:09
mylisto2wget -q http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu/cairo-dock.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -01:09
Typos_KingRedXIII:    .. then.. hehe... I'd assume the install didn't go through?01:09
RedXIIII wasn't prompted for any errors during installation01:10
RedXIIIdisc check ran with no errors and checksum was equal01:10
Typos_KingRedXIII:    but you never saw it end either01:10
LavaEagleNitaiPal: Look up Ubuntu One, SkyDrive (By MSN)  those places you upload your files to, however the max upload is 2 - 2.5 gigs01:10
RedXIIII would have imagined a big red box saying "FAIL" with some sort of error and wait for input01:10
NitaiPalLavaEagle, i have like over 50 gigs01:10
Dr_Willisemergion:  ubuntu dosent do 'rolling updates' updates are just for security issues. Not just new versions.  Theres numerous sites that guide on setting up the PPAs for firefox01:11
cafreeCan someone recommend a software tool for managing raw files ON the camera?  gthumb doesn't even see them and with f-spot I can only copy them, not delete them.01:11
RedXIIII set up the user account and everything, should I just reinstall?01:11
NitaiPalLavaEagle,  is there no way to change it without having to worry bout my files .. like how it happens with upgrade01:11
shadows090sensae, what is the output of fdisk -l (small L)?01:11
histoRedXIII: did it copy all the files and everything?01:11
Typos_KingRedXIII:    the installation almost at the end.. may ask for user input01:11
LavaEagle@NitaiPal:  Oh yes actually,  how big is your harddrive?01:11
wirechiefRedXIII: anything plugged into usb (shouldnt matter..but)01:11
danny_k thanks guys for the help01:11
Typos_KingRedXIII:    sooooo.... we dunno whatever happened after ubiquity finished, if it did01:11
PengyduckwinIs there a way to revert to legacy grub after trying to install grub2? (using old version)01:12
RedXIIINothing in the USBs. Just got PS2 mouse/keyboard, power, and an ethernet01:12
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RedXIIIand of course monitor01:12
histoRedXIII: you can always boot to the installtation cd and take a look at the drive atleast install grub01:12
BayAreawould anyone be willing to help a newb understand why the Intel PRO1000 card shows up on lspci, but cant connect to the internet?01:12
MaletorRadeon HD 577001:12
RedXIIII tried the "rescue this system" option on the disc but I'm not sure what to do01:12
histoRedXIII: is it a live cd?01:12
RedXIIIhaven't really worked with linux too indepth except on a dedicated debian server01:12
MaletorHow do I get my ubuntu box to run an SIP server so that I can use VOIP?01:12
donvitohello guys my video webcam is work everywere but not in skype how is it posible01:12
RedXIIIhisto: I assume so, I just downloaded the x86 DVD from the site01:13
histoRedXIII: did you install from the GUI in X01:13
FLOYD|PartyI've been trying to get ubuntu going all day.  I feel like going to the store and giving MicroShit/MicroShaft more money for Win 7 since my RC is out of time.  I get a black screen whenever ubuntu starts up.  I had installed Nvidia's driver, and i had stopped x using "sudo /etc/init.d/gmd stop".  Any ideas?01:13
NitaiPalLavaEagle, like 12001:13
histoRedXIII: okay boot it back up select Try Ubuntu from the menu01:13
RedXIIInope, installed from the text-mode installer. I thought it would be faster.01:13
histoRedXIII: yea so you downloaded the alternate iso?01:13
histo!grub | RedXIII01:13
ubottuRedXIII: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:13
NitaiPalLavaEagle, actually , 250 to be exact01:14
histoRedXIII: I would check the media first then follow those instructons for fixing grub01:14
shadows090FLOYD, i would suggest checking the md5sum01:14
sensaeshadows090: I just took a really really risky move and fixed it. I did an fdisk /dev/sdb and rewrote the partition table, I got it to mount.01:14
histoRedXIII: by media I mean do a check of the install disc01:14
shadows090sensae: very bold lol. well done01:14
donvitohello guys my video webcam is work everywere but not in skype how is it posible01:14
RedXIIII already ran a check on the ISO and ran the install disc for defects before installing01:14
Scarra3Im trying to setup eclipse so that I can program in java so I installed eclipse and openjdk but when I tryed to compile a program it didn't compile01:14
RedXIIII'll try the restore grub thing now I spose.01:15
histoRedXIII: then I would try to follow the instructions from ubottu for installing grub01:15
shadows090Scarra3: what was the error?01:15
histoRedXIII: that or a reinstall and make sure its not hanging. After the files are copied you have ot enter user information etc...01:15
sensaeshadows090: I believe mdadm recognized it as a raid device and ate it's superblock01:15
histoRedXIII: did it prompt you for that?01:15
RedXIIIit prompted for user information01:15
shadows090sensae: well i'm glad you got it figured out. i wouldn't have thought to point you in that direction01:15
Scarra3shadow090 no error it just wouln't compile it said it cant find the java compiler01:16
shadows090Scarra: are you doing it through the terminal? or are you running through the eclipse IDE?01:16
histoRedXIII: and you told it to reboot?01:16
histoRedXIII: removed the cd and hit enter?01:16
RedXIIIIt automatically rebooted01:16
RedXIIIoh.. didn't prompt me to hit enter01:16
RedXIIIshould I assume the install hit an error?01:16
LavaEagleNitaiPal: 1. Restart your computer with Ubuntu 32bit.  2. Under Administration select partition editor(manager).  3.  Create a 50gig partition(or however much you need) 4. Copy the files you want onto that partition.  5. Install Ubuntu 32bit.  6. select the large partition where Ubuntu 64bit was and install there01:16
Inconis  your are qikly...01:17
histoRedXIII: Nah it should tell you to remove the cd and press enter I thought.  Did you take the install disk out?01:17
ARC0112358Ubuntu noob needs help with SSH01:17
aKoN-MaNHi Guys01:17
Inconis yum SHH01:17
Scarra3Eclipse IDE Shadow09001:17
donvitohello guys my video webcam is work everywere but not in skype how is it posible01:17
RedXIIIActually a wierd thing happened to my computer now that I think about it.01:17
donvitohello guys my video webcam is work everywere but not in skype how is it posible01:17
NewWorldHi aKoN-MaN01:17
xanguaARC0112358: then go to the suport channel01:17
aKoN-MaNhow do i fix this? 5.0G  5.0G     0 100% /01:17
m0in1 question01:17
RedXIIII assume it shut down. I was given a blank screen with nothing on it but the computer light was flashing like it went into sleep mode01:17
NewWorld!patience > donvito01:17
LavaEagleNitaiPal: after you are done installing grab the files from that partition, then put the live cd in again and delete that partition and join it with your Primary disk, or leave it for backups.01:17
ubottudonvito, please see my private message01:17
m0inhow do you get the original login screen01:18
histo!home | NitaiPal01:18
ubottuNitaiPal: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:18
RedXIIIwouldn't respond to me holding the power button, so I unplugged it. Had to wait 30 seconds before it would turn back on01:18
shadows090scarra: do you have java runtime installed?01:18
histoNitaiPal: all you ahve to do is put your /home in a seperate partition then you can reinstall / or change distros and all your files will be saved.01:18
histoRedXIII: ? sounds like you might be having other issues.01:18
shadows090scarra: you can check by typing in "java -v" or "java -version" (one or the other) in the term01:18
NitaiPallemme read all of that one sec01:18
RedXIIIYeah. I guess so. Can't imagine what it is though.01:19
Scarra3Ok thx shadows09001:19
Dan_Ehow do i get all 3d effects in ubuntu 9.1001:19
RedXIIII'll try reinstalling the OS.01:19
histoDan_E: System > Preferences > Appearence01:19
LavaEagleNitaiPal: basically what i said01:19
Dr_WillisDan_E:  install proper 3d video card drivers and play with the compiz settings tools till your eyes explode01:19
Dr_Willis!ccsm | Dan_E01:19
ubottuDan_E: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz01:19
ARC0112358Ubuntu noob needs help with SSH01:19
histo!ask | ARC011235801:20
ubottuARC0112358: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:20
shadows090Dan: what ubotto said if you're looking for the 3d cube and stuff01:20
LavaEagleHow do I run .sh scripts? | michael@Caesar ~ $ sh jahplayer-ubuntu-dapper-x86.sh01:20
LavaEaglejahplayer-ubuntu-dapper-x86.sh: 3: Syntax error: "(" unexpected01:20
Dr_WillisARC0112358:  ask a more specific question01:20
ActionParsnipYo yo yo01:20
=== walidx is now known as Walidx
PengyduckwinIs plymouth already in 10.4 alpha?01:20
Dr_WillisLavaEagle:  try 'bash whatever.sh'01:20
Dr_WillisPengyduckwin:  ive herd it is.01:20
ARC0112358How do I add keys from SSH server to my client?01:20
shadows090LavaEagle: You should be able to make a file, type in the terminal commands and save as *.sh01:20
histoPengyduckwin: yes that is in #ubuntu+101:20
ARC0112358I am struggling hard to be more specific01:20
histoARC0112358: well you can type yes when you connect and they will be saved01:20
Dr_WillisARC0112358:  theres books  written on SSH and its ussage and key management. :) i rarely do much key menagement. other then use the ssh-copy-id tool01:21
LavaEagleshadows090: The terminal said that because I am not on a 32 bit OS that didn't work01:21
ActionParsnipShadows: the file extension doesn't mean much01:21
m0inhow to do you change your login screen01:21
NitaiPalLavaEagle,  i only have 20 gig of free space01:21
histossh > ARC011235801:21
dexleyNewWorld: i thank you ! :-) problem solved!01:21
histom0in: System > Admin > Login01:21
LavaEagleshadows090: this script only applies to Ubuntu 6.06 x86 32 bit platforms.01:21
Dr_WillisLavaEagle:  if its a 32bit program.. then you are stuck.01:21
LavaEaglethat means it's my script right?01:22
ARC0112358All I am trying to do is auitomate unison or something and want to avoid passwords01:22
NitaiPalLavaEagle, is that enough to install a new version of ubutnutu 32 bit with no problems01:22
Dr_WillisLavaEagle:  the installer works only on 32bit sustems it seems01:22
histoARC0112358: that page should explain from ubottu01:22
aKoN-MaNrootfs                5.0G  5.0G     0 100% /01:22
aKoN-MaNhow do i fix this?01:22
Dr_WillisMany programs have 32 and 64bit versions these days01:22
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: you can use ia32libs but you will need to manually put 32bit libs in the lib32 folder01:22
NewWorlddexley:  I don't see how :/ You still can't use the other playback engines :(01:22
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+101:22
ActionParsnipAkon-man: sudo apt-get clean01:23
Dr_WillisaKoN-MaN:  Delete stuff you dont need.  5gb for / is rather small.01:23
histoARC0112358: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys01:23
ActionParsnipAkon-man: uninstall unnecessary kernels too01:23
LavaEagleNitaiPal: Yeah that will be fien01:23
Dr_WillisaKoN-MaN:  'sudo apt-get autoremove ' may free up some space also01:23
LavaEagleas a temp install01:23
dexleyNewWorld:but for now i can use caffeine to watch my movie! i will try to fixe the other engines next time or re-install them again!01:23
aKoN-MaN0 removed lol01:24
tareharthey, I've got a jitter problem with my touchpad01:24
arandaKoN-MaN: also uninstalling old kernels (make sure they're not the one's in use!) might free some space.01:24
m0inhisto: look at the pm i send you01:24
tarehartcan anybody help me out?01:24
ActionParsnipAkon-man; once you get some free space install bleachbit01:24
LavaEagle!help | tarehart01:24
ubottutarehart: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:24
aKoN-MaNwhat will that do?01:24
LavaEagleActionParsnip: if you can reference a tutorial that would be nice, but I am googling that right now01:24
ActionParsnipAkon-man: bleachbit can free space from caches and temp files01:24
n4chtcan i ask you guys a question?01:25
* n4cht grins.01:25
m0inhisto: i am looking for a theme-like customization01:25
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: tutorial for what?01:25
xgurun4cht: just ask01:25
NitaiPalLavaEagle, the main reason i'm doing this is because my cpu Fan is too loud01:25
LavaEagleInstalling the 32lib01:25
m0inhisto: or revert it to orig. screen01:25
histom0in: yeah thats in there.01:25
LavaEagleNitaiPal: what about the other problems you were experiencing?  i was recently on it that very OS and didn't have any trouble01:26
NitaiPalLavaEagle,  i have a inspiron 53001:26
n4chti'm getting a new cpu fan/heatsink combo that looks like a wicked turbine, once i buy my danger den torture bench.01:26
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: you will install the app. When it moans about deps you will need to download the 32bit deb, extract it, then place the .so file in /usr/lib3201:26
histom0in: you can get new themes from gnome-look.org as well01:26
NitaiPalLavaEagle, youtube works on and off and i have to somestimes switch between browsers and stuff01:26
garholtarehart: what is the problem with jitter?01:26
m0inhisto: thanks, i will look01:26
ActionParsnipAkon-man: uname -a ,will show the running kernel01:26
Dr_Willism0in:  for the gdm in 9.10 theres a tool called Epidermis that can install alternative themes for it.  Also some tools I got listed at  http://delicious.com/dr_willis/gdm2  (i think)01:26
Red_HamsterXn4cht, Zalmans are nice, but what's that got to do with Ubuntu?01:26
newclimbthere is anyway to work with touchscreen in a laptop toshiba running ubuntu01:27
tarehartthe cursor shakes a few pixels back and forth when my finger is still01:27
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n4chtRed_HamsterX: NitaiPal was talking about having a cpu fan that's too loud.01:27
histoLavaEagle: NitaiPal they have 64bit flash now if thats what you guys are talking about.01:27
Dr_Willisnewclimb:  ive seen linux laptops with touchscreens befor. But never owned one.01:27
ActionParsnipAkon-man: dpkg -l | grep linux-image ,will list the installed kernels. Remove the ones that AREN'T the one you are running01:27
LavaEagleNitaiPal: histo is right01:27
histonewclimb: shouldn't matter what type of computer the touchscreen is on01:27
ActionParsnipAkon-man: then run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove ,to remove the modules and fluff01:28
tarehartI found a website that suggested that the driver might not be averaging the input like it should01:28
n4chtRed_HamsterX: also... i didn't realize this isn't OT... lol.  new irssi theme and i forgot to add channel name to statusbar.01:28
LavaEagleNitaiPal: but if your cpu is unable to handle the OS definately drop down and you have a far better time.01:28
histoLavaEagle: NitaiPal I've run 64bit for a long time everything works in it that I've ever used.01:28
n4chti thought there was an awful lot of unfamiliar nicks.  lol01:28
newclimbhisto: toshiba satelite u50501:28
ActionParsnipAkon-man: you can also use deborphan to remove orphaned packages to gain more space01:28
histoNitaiPal: What are you trying to do?01:28
LavaEaglehisto: He is on an Inprion 54001:28
aKoN-MaNok will give will try it out tyvm01:28
histoLavaEagle: and what was the question?01:28
ScuniziI have a xbox 360 dvd in my drive.. and can't mount it even with sudo mount /dev/dvdrw /media/cdrom0 .. How do I do this?01:29
histonewclimb: let me check something01:29
garholtarehart: weird. no movement when your not holding a finger on the pad?01:29
tarehartgarhol: that's correct01:29
LavaEaglehisto: He wants to go from 64 bit Karmic to 32bitKarmic and backup 50 gigs with out an external drive01:29
ActionParsnipShould have a backup anyway01:30
histoNitaiPal: I would create a seperate home partition. Like I explained. Why would you switch from 64bit to 32bit?01:30
ActionParsnipNo backup == data is disposable01:30
tarehartgarhol: and it was fine on 8.04 and windows 701:30
NitaiPalhisto, im kinda fed up with 64 bit, about havin to do extra and not having everything working right away... n my CPU fan is always whirring ... even tho my system is pretty new and decent ... Dell inspiron 530 ... so im trynna sorta "downgrade" to 32 bit so as to not have to worry about things not working and stuff01:30
histonewclimb: should be recognized by usbtouchscreen at the kernel level01:30
newclimbhisto: how can i do that?01:31
LavaEagleI feel dumb i thought that was an intel processor for some reason01:31
Dr_WillisIve  cant think of any issues ive had with 64bit on my 3 mahines ive been using it on for the last 2+ yers01:31
ActionParsnipNitaipal: check acpi settings etc. 100% works here for 64bit01:31
claptrapDr_Willis: Same.01:31
Dr_Willisive had MUCH more issues with 'brand new just came out' laptops .. :)01:31
claptrapOnly problem I ever had was 64-bit Flashplayer.01:31
garholtarehart: thinking, the synaptics touchpad stuff was listed in xorg.conf before but that is gone in 9.10 gimme a mo to look about01:32
ActionParsnipClaptrap: tried the 64bit native flash?01:32
histoNitaiPal: your not really downgrading01:32
Dr_Willislinux disrtos seem to take a few months to catch up to the new things in new laptops01:32
claptrapActionParsnip: Yeah, that's the one that gave me problems.01:32
tarehartgarhol: ok, thanks01:32
histonewclimb: let me do some more reading hold up01:32
garholtarehart: out of interest, what make of system is it?01:32
newclimbhisto: all right thanks01:32
ActionParsnipClaptrap: strange works great here. Different systems I guess01:33
claptrapActionParsnip: Well, it works as far as Flash games themselves are concerned. The issues were with a specific site (Kongregate.com)01:33
histonewclimb: its a built in touchscreen?01:33
claptrapActionParsnip: It uses a seperate domain server for Chat and website achivements, and for whatever reason, 64 bit flash didn't like to communicate with the java applets.01:34
ActionParsnipClaptrap: I play cyclomaniac on there. I use flashblock in chromium daily and block all flash except the game01:34
histonewclimb: I see there are fan issues with your laptop in ubuntu01:34
claptrapActionParsnip: Really now.01:34
ActionParsnipClaptrap: totally01:34
histonewclimb: but i'm not seeing anything regarding a touchscreen on that model01:34
ActionParsnipClaptrap: also 64bit java using the file at www.java.com01:35
NitaiPalhisto, what are the major differences between 64 bit and 32 bit anywyas01:35
claptrapActionParsnip: That's... interesting. :E I tried Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Seamonkey to no avail.01:35
ActionParsnipClaptrap: nspluginwrapper sucks for me01:35
ActionParsnipClaptrap: I use chromium from the daily build ppa01:35
histo!64bit | NitaiPal01:35
ubottuNitaiPal: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.01:35
NewWorldNitaiPal:  Compatibility. Some things don't work on 64 bit that do on 32 bit. 32bit is more compatible and better supported.01:35
claptrapActionParsnip: D'you think I need 64 bit on both sides for it to work correctly, then?01:36
Dr_WillisI can only think of One app thats not on 64bit thats on 32. that i would use. :)01:36
syn-ackclaptrap: nope01:36
NitaiPalso why 64 bit NewWorld ? no reason to right?01:36
garholtarehart: sudo apt-get install gsynaptics  then turn down the minspead in there to slow. that should fix it01:36
claptrapActionParsnip: Also, are youh having issues with flickering?01:36
ActionParsnipClaptrap: nspluginwrapper should handle it01:36
Dr_Willis64bit is faster in a great many tasks. and improveing all the time01:37
garholtarehart: sorry, should be minspeed01:37
ActionParsnipClaptrap: not here01:37
NewWorldNitaiPal:  Some argue it's faster at certain tasks, like the professional kind - video editing, number crunching,etc.01:37
claptrapActionParsnip: You on Karmic?01:37
ActionParsnipClaptrap: lucid a3 but was identical in karmic01:37
Dr_WillisGiven the CPU load just to play back some videos with some codecs.. its getting more and more noticeable01:37
tarehartgarhol: that worked, thanks!01:37
NitaiPalNewWorld, nothing to do with better graphics and such right?01:37
syn-ackNewWorld: that's because under the right circumstances is is faster01:37
devdzhello im new with linux.. which commands to use to know which computers are interacting with any wireless01:37
GoSoxi'm using KDE, how can i find out how much RAM a system has installed?01:37
claptrapActionParsnip: Well, my bit of Googling has said it's been fixed in Lucid. I'm not comfortable enough to touch an alpha, though. :<01:38
LavaEagleActionParsnip:  I'm not even able to install it so it can wine about reps.  If I found the source and compiled it?01:38
ActionParsnipDevdz: your router will tell you01:38
garholtarehart: splendid :) have fun01:38
NewWorldNitaiPal:  I'm not sure about that sorry.01:38
syn-ackNitaiPal: the main reason you'd want to use 64 bit over 32 imo is because it natively handles more than 4 gigs of ram01:38
tarehartand wow, xorg.conf is really minimal these days01:38
Dr_Willistarehart:  some of my systems have no xorg.conf01:38
syn-acktarehart: Dbus FTW01:38
garholtarehart: yup, been a few people on tonight with nvidia issues andthe lack of xorg has thrown them a bit01:39
syn-ackyeah, my systems don't have configs either01:39
ActionParsniplavaeagle: you will need to force install it. If you have ia32-libs installed it will run01:39
Dr_WillisNitaiPal:  theres benchmarks on 64 vs 32 - dpending on what you do - you may want 64. I use 64 on all my machines01:39
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: is there not a ppa with a 64bit build?01:39
NitaiPalDr_Willis, i just do simple browsing and watching movies and such ... which is better for me?01:40
syn-ackNitaiPal: in your case probably 32 bit01:40
NewWorldNitaiPal:  I'd say definetly 32bit, don't hassle yourself with 6401:40
Dr_WillisNitaiPal:  some video codecs these days can really suck down the cpu.01:40
NitaiPalDr_Willis, so 32 bit wud b better for my CPU?01:40
Dr_WillisNitaiPal:  if you got more then 4 gb ram - GO 64  - if You do video reencoding go 64..01:40
LavaEagleActionParsnip:  No this seems to be 32bit only01:41
Dr_WillisIf you got a low end cpu/system that can do 64 and watch HD movies.. well it may be a benifit also01:41
syn-ackoh yeah01:41
ActionParsnipNitaipal: you can use pae in 32bit if you have more than 4gb ram01:41
syn-ackActionParsnip: pae sucks, compared to native handling01:41
devdzokay what are the main commands to communicate with a router please i mean to know what the router is doing in a moment01:41
NitaiPalActionParsnip, whats pae?01:41
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: have you checked the ppa seach?01:41
ActionParsnipNitaipal: it breaks the ram up to allow the kernel to access more ram01:42
LavaEagleActionParsnip: how would I go about doing that?  Software/Synaptic ?01:42
syn-ackActionParsnip: Honestly dude, imo its merely an ugly hack01:42
ActionParsnip!pae | nitaipal01:42
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: it works though01:42
syn-ackActionParsnip: if you have the resources to do native 64 bit addressing it's better to just do that instead of using a hack01:43
syn-ackagain, imo01:43
claptrapThis is why I lurk in here.01:43
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: true but if 32bit is advantageous to the user otherwise then pae is fine01:43
NitaiPalis there a command to find out all the specs of my comp01:44
syn-ackNitaiPal: cat /proc/cpuinfo01:44
histoNitaiPal: lshw01:44
syn-ackNitaiPal: lshw, lspci etc01:44
ActionParsnipNitaipal: lspci; cat /proc/cpuinfo | tail -n 20 | grep model01:45
ActionParsnipnitaipal: works for single core :)01:45
LavaEagleHow do I install ia32-libs on i686?01:46
histoLavaEagle: you don't have to01:46
histoLavaEagle: and i don't think its availbilbe01:46
NitaiPalwhats a command that will tell me my harddrive size ram and such01:46
syn-ackits not01:46
rampage73ok anyone got an eee pc t91mt ? wondering if there is working mt driver and where ?01:46
histoNitaiPal: lshw01:46
rampage73sorry touch screen01:46
voxNitaiPal: sudo lshw |more01:46
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: i686 is 32bit01:46
LavaEagleMy bad01:47
LavaEaglewrong numbers01:47
LavaEagleBut I am 64bir01:47
ActionParsnipNitaipal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60643701:47
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: what does uname -a say01:47
skrapshow many people believe corporate espionage takes place?01:48
LavaEagleLinux Caesar 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux01:48
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: your cpu may be 64bit but the OS is 32bit01:48
LavaEagleI could have sworn...01:48
syn-ackskraps: its not a belief, it DOES happen and two this is not the forum for that discussion01:48
syn-ackLinux Neptune 2.6.32-14-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Sat Feb 20 05:18:19 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:48
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: if it was 64bit it would say x86_64 instead of i68601:49
syn-ackthats what it would look like LavaEagle01:49
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: like syn-ack says01:49
LavaEagleActionParsnip: But then why would it not let me install a 32bit app?01:49
Puffinda da da01:49
syn-ackLavaEagle: because ia32 libs is already installed on your system, LavaEagle01:49
skrapsIm living in a motel room, I record a lot of phone conversations, I left my recorder out earlier when I left the room. I went to backup the sdcard, my recordings were missing but the file system wasnt damaged. I01:50
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: what is the output when you try install the app. Use http://pastebin.com01:50
LavaEagleActionParsnip:  I installed the Main Edition of Linux Mint I just realized.01:51
adrian26Hi, somebody know how to install tv cards in ubuntu01:51
ActionParsnip!mint | lavaeagle01:51
ubottulavaeagle: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:51
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: mint isn't supported here01:51
Dr_Willisadrian26:  for mine.. I just plug it in.. and install/run whtever tool i want to use it01:51
Puffinda da da01:51
Puffinxx1234 was a short visitor!01:51
NitaiPalheres my specs, please tell me which would be better for me 64 bit or 32 bit ... i only do some minimal computer stuff ... watch movies, browsing, youtube ... i want the least hassle free and compatible computer so i can easily do things ... ALSO its important for me to have a quiet cpu fan cuz my one is extra loud on this 64bit system01:51
Puffin32 bit is winnar01:52
ActionParsnipNitaipal: how much ram is in the system?01:52
devdzwhat shud I install for virtualization under linux ?01:52
LavaEagleActionParsnip: Even though it's Ubuntu based?01:52
ActionParsnip!virtual | devdz01:52
ubottudevdz: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications01:52
NitaiPalthat's my lshw http://pastebin.com/01AK2nrd01:52
syn-ackLavaEagle: just because it's based on ubuntu does NOT make it anymore ubuntu than ubuntu is Debian01:53
ActionParsnipLavaeagle: its not an official canonical release so is not officially supported in the official channel01:53
Dr_WillisLavaEagle:  just beause its ubuntu 'based' dosent mean we have the manpower tu support it. expecially when the variants got their own support channels01:53
adrian26I've a problem, when I open the program I've an error01:53
LavaEagleAhh sorry about that01:53
adrian26can't open /dev/video001:54
ActionParsniplavaeagle: there are tonnes of ubuntu based systems which are equally not supported01:54
Dr_WillisEqual Opurtinity Unsupported. :)01:54
ratsLavaEagle: the folka at irc.spotchat.org  #linuxmint-help will be  more than delighted to help01:54
syn-ackwe have enough to worry about supporting what, 5 versions or so already01:55
LavaEagleTy I was just on my way there01:55
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: lubuntu soon :)01:55
Dr_WillisWe also have #kubuntu #lubuntu , and what else now? #mythbuntu01:55
syn-ackyou're crappin me right01:55
Puffinda da da01:55
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu01:55
syn-ackIm there too. :P01:55
PuffinWe have #urmumubuntu01:56
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: its gonna be sweet01:56
wirechiefDr_Willis: is there a moblin or remix channel ?01:56
Dr_Williswirechief:  yea i think there is.01:56
syn-ackwirechief: /list the server01:56
Dr_Willistheres also the #ubuntuone  specilized channel01:56
syn-ackthere seriously are a ton of #ubuntu channels other than this one01:56
PuffinWe have #urmumubuntu01:56
ActionParsnipYou can spawn any channel you like. Just join it01:56
syn-ackObvious Troll is Obvious01:57
NitaiPalheres my specs, please tell me which would be better for me 64 bit or 32 bit ... i only do some minimal computer stuff ... watch movies, browsing, youtube ... i want the least hassle free and compatible computer so i can easily do things ... ALSO its important for me to have a quiet cpu fan cuz my one is extra loud on this 64bit system  heres my specs and such http://pastebin.com/01AK2nrd01:57
PuffinNitaiPal, 32 bit01:57
Dr_Willissyn-ack:  and not even very enterainging01:57
Dr_Willisenteraining :)01:57
adrian26Have problems with my tv card01:57
syn-ackDr_Willis: sadly enough. :/01:57
Dr_WillisNitaiPal:  if you  got more then 4 gb ram - go 64 - otherwise  if you dont do much. go 32 if you want. I always go 64 and rarely have any issues01:58
syn-ackNitaiPal: that's really not a bad system01:58
Dr_WillisI dont see how 'fan speed' is going to be related to the 64/32 bits01:58
ActionParsnipNitaipal: i'd go 32bit. If all you want is web and chat. 64bit will allow you easier expansion01:58
syn-ackNitaiPal: I agree with everything Willis just told you01:58
syn-ackand ActionParsnip for that matter01:58
Dr_WillisThe only 32bit box i got is my Netbook.01:59
adrian26Who know how to install tv cards, I've problems with mine01:59
donvitowhy webcam is not working in skype01:59
donvitosky linux01:59
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out01:59
ActionParsnipNitaipal: look into guides for the dell. There may be guides to control the fan01:59
kerebrusHow do I find out the network name of my computer?01:59
ActionParsnipKerebrus: hostname02:00
Dr_Williskerebrus:  you mean for the samba shares?02:00
kerebrusyes for samba shares02:00
ActionParsnipNitaipal: I always use amd as coolnquiet is great in the kernel :)02:00
Dr_Williskerebrus:  its the hostname. unless you chnge it in the smb.conf02:00
Dr_Williskerebrus:  try out the 'findsmb' and 'smbtree' commands02:00
syn-ackGod I love Pandora02:01
Dr_Williskerebrus:  also depending on the network setup you might NOT beable to access the machine via name. it may need ip#'s02:01
NitaiPalActionParsnip, can u explain what u just said ... 64 bit is better for my cpu fan?02:01
syn-ackNitaiPal: irrelevant02:02
ActionParsnipNitaipal: the number of bits is moot. You need to find guides relating to your system model to see if anyone has found a way to control the fan speed02:02
syn-ackActionParsnip: it most certainly does.02:02
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: how so?02:03
Dr_WillisIf the fan is not spported in teh bios/kernel - then the  64/32 dont matter at all.02:03
syn-ackit's more than likely as simple as redirecting something to /proc even02:03
syn-ackActionParsnip: I was referring to fan control02:03
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: yes but 32bit/64bit doesn't matter which is what I'm getting at02:03
syn-ackAnd I agreed02:03
DocWigglesquick help with the terminal thing, im new to ubuntu02:03
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: cool :D02:04
syn-ack<syn-ack> NitaiPal: irrelevant02:04
ActionParsnipDocwiggles: sup02:04
syn-acksee? :P02:04
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc | kerebrus02:04
ubottukerebrus: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 (karmic), package size 7813 kB, installed size 16080 kB02:04
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: gotcha :)02:04
ActionParsnip!pm | docwiggles02:04
ubottudocwiggles: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:05
ActionParsnipDocwiggles: what's you issue?02:05
dsnydersAnybody know how to fix this problem with kpovmodeler?  http://imagebin.org/8579202:05
DocWigglesthe terminal is asking me to locate a specific file and the file is in my desktop02:05
DocWiggleswhat should i type?\02:05
DocWigglesi dont know the commands02:05
tweisemanhi, i run "rfkill list" on my ubuntu 9.10 machine and it tells me that "Wireless LAN" is "Soft block:no, Hard Block:yes"02:06
ActionParsnipDocwiggles: $HOME/Desktop is the location then02:06
tweisemanhow do i remove the hard block?02:06
DocWigglesso $HOME/Desktop filename?02:06
enavsome 1 here know how to get an invitation to java channel?02:06
DocWigglesor do i just type $HOME/Desktop02:06
ActionParsnipDocwiggles /home/$USER/filename ,then02:07
syn-ackenav: /who the channel and ask one of their ops02:07
IzinucsIf I try to dd a dual layer dvd and it responds with "no medium found" how do I fix this? (dvdrw is a dual layer and dvd is in the drive)02:07
ActionParsnipDocwiggles: depends if the process wants the folder or the actual file02:07
DocWigglesthe actual file02:07
epaduelHi all..02:07
epaduelAnyone here from south america?02:07
ActionParsnipDocwiggles: then give the filename to02:07
ActionParsnipPt | epaduel02:08
tweisemanhi, i run "rfkill list" on my ubuntu 9.10 machine and it tells me that "Wireless LAN" is "Soft block:no, Hard Block:yes"how do i remove the hard block?02:08
dsnydersepaduel, I was close to south america once.02:08
DocWigglesso $HOME/Desktop/filename?02:08
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:08
ActionParsnipDocwiggles: indeed02:08
DocWigglesaite brb02:08
rothsdadhey, how to change the encoding to utf802:08
wirechieftweiseman check man rfkill for details on how to use it.02:09
alleni'm new to anything more complicated than ubuntu, now i'm on crunchbang :D wrote my first shell script and now i'm wondering about irc commands02:09
devdzany important condition i must know before i patch something  ?02:09
rothsdadmy irc client is pocketirc02:09
allenhow's that working out for you?02:10
ActionParsnipDevdz: if you need the patch then go for it02:10
ActionParsnip!patch | devdz02:10
ubottudevdz: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.02:10
Izinucsrothsdad: that's not one I've heard of .. check out irssi .. lots of docs for that02:10
allen!hello | devdz02:10
ubottudevdz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:10
allen:D that's awesome02:10
aranddevdz: patch how?02:11
alleni'm using irssi now02:11
allenhow can i get a list of all irc commands?02:11
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:11
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:12
trismallen: if you want to play with the bot you can /msg ubottu !command02:12
allenoh cool thanks for the tip :D im an IRC newbie02:12
syn-ackWhy does it always seem that any irc n00bs first habbit is tickling bots? I mean thats the SAME thing I used to do when I started in IRC02:13
enavwhen you say find a channel operator.. you mean here or some website?02:13
arandallen: for irssi-specifics, use /help in server window02:13
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cyberbluntzso we are allowed to play with the bot?02:13
Izinucssyn-ack: instant gratification of getting a response02:13
Dr_Willis!bot | cyberbluntz02:13
ubottucyberbluntz: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:13
syn-ackIzinucs: haha, Always wondered about that. :P02:14
allenthe bot is superfun and a new concept to me since I don't use the IRC much02:14
roudadHey, some of the keys on my netbook just stopped working (down arrow, c, etc), any idea why and how i can fix it?02:14
arandcyberbluntz: play in private if you must.02:14
Dr_Willisallen:  you can /msg ubottu   and chat all you want02:14
syn-ackenav: In that channel.02:14
enavsyn-ack the problem is ##java  channel is invite only02:14
aggroroudad, likely shorted out keys. spill anything on the keyboard?02:14
Dr_Willis!register | enav02:15
ubottuenav: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode02:15
roudadaggro, no..02:15
allenhow do i message a speicifc person? is it must /msg <username here>?02:15
Dr_Willisenav:  its proberly registered nicks only02:15
Dr_Willisallen:  yes.02:15
Izinucsallen: yes.. but ask first.. some don't like it..02:15
dsnydersWhat channel do I get help on kpovmodeler display issues?02:15
cyberbluntz<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about command02:16
aggroroudad, are all apps affected?02:16
roudadaggro, yes.02:16
roudadaggro, its def not software level.. i checked in bios.02:16
cyberbluntzis there a way to get him to spit out cmd list?02:16
roudadaggro, just wondering if there may be a self-fix02:16
arandcyberbluntz: !factoid02:17
wasutton3_1does anyone know of a well supported usb agps device?02:17
aggroroudad, i gotcha, definitely not software. i would open 'er up and reseat the cable from the keyboard (top case, etc) to the motherboard02:17
brjanndsnyders: #kde02:17
allennow i'm trying to /msg myself by typing "/msg allen hi" but i don't see any message for me02:17
roudadaggro, its a netbook02:17
dsnydersbrjann, Thanks.   Still struggling with http://imagebin.org/8579202:17
ActionParsnip!hcl | wasutton3_102:17
ubottuwasutton3_1: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:17
brjanndsnyders: I figured :)02:17
aggroroudad, it still has a motherboard :)02:18
roudadaggro, okay. im off! thanks02:18
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quidnuncHow do I invoke "switch user" from the console?02:18
allenok i'm off too, seeya later thanks for the help02:18
allenbut how do i exit... /exit?02:18
roudadquidnunc su02:18
enavi will try to register02:18
quidnuncroudad: No. "fast user switching"02:19
mohadibis there a channel for ubuntu packagers?02:19
dsnydersquidnunc, the console command is su02:19
quidnuncmohadib: ubuntu-motu02:19
ActionParsnipMohadib: #ubuntu-devel maybe02:19
quidnuncdsnyders: No.02:19
quidnuncdsnyders: I want to switch user for the gnome session02:19
wasutton3_1ActionParsnip: i already checked there, but there doesnt seem to be any agps device entries02:19
DJ_HaMsTahow do i "Next, open the Gnome Configuration Editor: gconf-edito"02:20
ActionParsnipWasutton3_1: do you mean gps?02:20
dsnydersquidnunc, Oh.  Sorry.  I thought you said console.02:20
switchgirlBus 005 Device 004: ID 0e8d:0002 MediaTek Inc << is that likley to be a phone i have plugged into my pc and if so how to find the mount point for wammu02:20
quidnuncdsnyders: I did say console. 'Cause I want to do it from the console02:20
syn-ackagps? are you looking to tether to your cell phone or something, wasutton3_1?02:21
tzeentchanybody know where I can find a /etc/gdm/Init/Default ?  I broke mine somehow.02:21
wasutton3_1ActionParsnip: no, AGPS is a different protocol. AGPS uses triangulation with cellular towers in addition to sattelites (uses less power)02:21
wasutton3_1syn-ack: no, im looking to have a seperate card for a roadtrip and such02:21
syn-ackit's also a heck of a lot less accurate02:21
ActionParsnipWasutton3_1: ask providers if they support linux. Or check their sites02:21
eXe__^what filesystem do you guys prefer on a 2ghz dual core laptop with 4GB Ram?02:22
wasutton3_1ActionParsnip: ok, i was just curious if anyone knew02:22
wasutton3_1eXe__^: ext402:22
ActionParsnipExe_^: filesystem isn't governed by cpu speed02:22
eXe__^how new is ext402:22
eXe__^im not a *nix guy02:22
ActionParsnipExe_^: the default (ext4) will be fine for you02:23
eXe__^never heard of it before02:23
syn-ackeXe__^: about a year and half old02:23
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:23
syn-ackeXe__^: if exe4 is good enough for google, it's good enough for you. Ask them, They went ahead and hired it's creator02:24
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=== danblick1 is now known as danblick
syn-ackext4 ugh02:25
cyberbluntzthats pretty weak ubottu02:25
eXe__^syn-ack: naa.. .. google dont impress me02:25
eXe__^but pussy does02:25
adrian26hi, I've problems with my tv card, somebody know how to install one02:25
eXe__^thanks for the help guys02:25
ActionParsnipExe_^: +1 dude02:25
FloodBot2eXe__^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
histoext4 is fine02:26
histo!tv | adrian2602:26
syn-ackit's actually better, performance on an LVM than XFS is02:26
ubottuadrian26: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out02:26
syn-ackand I'm impressed Good Troll is Good02:26
ActionParsnipI just use the default. Just because google use it doesn't make it awesome02:27
=== angel_de_jesus is now known as xangua
syn-ackActionParsnip: actually the fact that google IS migrating to it does say a lot02:27
ActionParsnipThey also use gos on their desktops. Maybe we should al ditch ubuntu to use that too eh02:28
syn-ackNah, because gOS is nothing more than Ubuntu with a crap interface02:29
blakkheimsyn-ack: i think you're thinking of kubuntu02:29
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: but google use it so it says a lot doesn't it?02:29
syn-ackblakkheim: ooooh, check match02:29
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
syn-ackActionParsnip: not the channel for this debate but I'd be more than happy to school you elsewhere02:30
ActionParsnipSyn-ack: I just recognise google isn't the be all and end all. Simple as02:30
sergiohola alguien por el oriente de merida, yucatan02:31
cyberbluntzI have a questio about the bot http://pastebin.com/qM5SuSHm02:31
ricreeis there an easy way to install a package from a repository from an older release of Ubuntu?  A program I'm using seems to have a bug that was introduced in the Jaunty binary, but is supposedly working in the Intrepid one02:31
lozanobye fuckerz02:31
stoojI've been given a machine, but Ubuntu doesn't recognise the ethernet card. It doesn't show up in lspci either. Can anyone tell me what my next step is? (Short of buying a new NIC)?02:31
brjann!es | sergio02:31
ubottusergio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:31
tzeentchmy appearances settings are not sticking from sessions to sessions.  Anybody got an idea where I should look to first?02:32
blakkheimstooj: buy- nevermind02:32
ActionParsnipRicree: you shouldn't mix debs from anything other than the release you are on02:32
Blue1nics are cheap02:32
stoojHeh, thanks blakkheim ;)02:32
brandynhi guys02:32
histotzeentch: permissions on your /home/tzeentch folder or the .gconf folder in there02:32
blakkheimstooj: but really, why not get a new nic for it? they aren't much money02:33
cyberbluntzWill someone explain this to me http://pastebin.com/qM5SuSHm02:33
ActionParsnipStooj; check its enabled in bios02:33
veebullCan someone help me set up a basic anon ftp server using vsftpd on 9.10?02:33
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ricreeActionParsnip: so building from source is probably going to be my best option then?\02:33
ActionParsnipCyberbluntz: its used to call ops if someone is trolling02:33
dsnyderscyberbluntz, IRC channels have people monitoring the chat to make sure people are not spamming, or cursing, or acting against the rules.  When these people are away, they can be summoned.02:33
historicree: It may be a dependancy issue that is causing the bug02:33
stoojblakkheim: Might end up doing so. It is a work machine, so this is just temporary.02:34
historicree: you can try the older packge if you want but I would build from source.02:34
historicree: what program is it?02:34
cyberbluntzSo those names are the people who would be summoned?02:34
stoojActionParsnip: Will have a look, but it worked in Windows before I blew that away02:34
veebullI keep getting 'critical file transfer error' when I try to download a simple text file that i put in the /srv/ftp directory02:34
blakkheimstooj: if it doesn't show up even in lspci don't you think it's probably bad anyway?02:34
veebullI can see it, but I can't get to it.02:34
histoveebull: permissions?02:35
ActionParsnipRiceree: i'd say so. You could download the deb from a ppa with an older version. Uninstall the current then install using the deb then pin the version so it doesn't get upgraded02:35
tzeentchhisto : folder is 755, .gconf is 700.  Should it be otherwise?02:35
ActionParsnipStooj: ok that's cool. Reboot and run: dmesg | less ,see if its detected02:35
Blue1ActionParsnip: isnt' that what backporting does?02:35
veebullhisto, just found that.  default permission (root) was 700, changed to 777 and I got it02:35
BayAreawould anyone be willing to help a newb understand why the Intel PRO1000 card shows up on lspci, but cant connect to the internet?02:35
ActionParsnipBlue1: true depends what's installed. Can you advise the guy/gal02:36
brjanntzeentch: my .gconf directory is 700, and gnome is working correctly for me02:36
syn-ackBayArea: what does lsmod tell you?02:36
BayAreasyn: let me take a look02:36
Blue1ActionParsnip: i can try...I just got here so someone fill me in a bit please?02:36
syn-ackBayArea: you should see the iw2000 driver installed into the kernel02:36
syn-ackI think it's the iw200002:36
ActionParsnipBayarea: if you set an ip and gateway and dns servers does it work?02:36
histotzeentch: .gconf should be 700 thats not it then02:36
ActionParsnipBlue1: user wants an older version than is availa ble on the repos02:37
ActionParsnipTzeentch: check you are the owner too02:37
magn3tsThis is ridiculous. I disable my touchpad in gsynaptics and Ubuntu turns it back on 30 seconds later. Ubuntu can't remember my X11 cursor for more than 30 minutes, god forbid I reboot.02:37
Blue1ActionParsnip: example of backporting:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=15202:38
BayAreasyn-ack: lsmod "e1000 119264 0"02:38
syn-ackBayArea: ah yeah, good good02:38
tzeentchActionParsnip : Yep, I am.02:38
syn-ackBayArea: refer to what ActionParsnip said02:38
Nolan2Hey, I just installed ubuntu, but now my windows isn't loading, I think it may have something to do with GRUB, but I'm not sure... Any suggestions?02:38
histotzeentch: ActionParsnip thats wierd02:38
ActionParsnip!grub2 | nolann202:38
ubottunolann2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:38
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  synaptics drivers and X have been 'a work in progress' for a while. Im suprised that gsynaptics even works.02:39
stoojOK. Will let you know, ActionParsnip02:39
magn3tsDr_Willis, gsynaptics has been around for years though. I remember it being around in 8.0402:39
syn-ackmagn3ts: there have been a lot of subsystem changes since then its really been hit and miss02:39
BayAreasyn-ack: ok. i'm not sure what those value are. this is going directly to my cable modem (via DHCP from comcast)02:39
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  yes.. and X has been dojng a lot of Input devices changes in the last year or so. that  required the gsynaptics tools and other similer tools to do things differntly02:40
syn-ackBayArea: did you cycle the modem?02:40
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  i recall some docs/articals on it at the gsynaptics homepage02:40
DJ_HaMsTaAny idea on how to change the port number in 9.10 ?02:40
BayAreasyn-ack: works fine when I plug the cable into my mac (this computer)02:40
DJ_HaMsTafor remote desktop**02:40
syn-ackBayArea: it could be that the modem is still learned to the old MAC02:40
tzeentchhisto : Yes it is.  Could it be because I screwed up /etc/gdm/Init/Default ?02:40
magn3tsGah, someday when I'm not writing this J2EE crap I'm going to patch gnome-mouse-preferences so that it has the options that gsynpatics has02:40
syn-ackBayArea: thats why, plug it into the other computer and cycle the modem02:40
histotzeentch: the other directory to check is .gnome02:41
BayAreasyn-ack: ok, gunna log me off then. thanks for your help, mate! you too ActionParsnip02:41
histotzeentch: you can try using gnome-session-save to save settings02:41
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  i was thiniing at one time gsynaptics was going to be discontinued. i think some variants on it have died off.  But i dont use it any more sohavent paied attention to it02:41
histotzeentch: perhaps its a problem with that being called02:42
tzeentchhisto : I don't have a .gnome.  I got a .gnome2 and a .gnome2_private which are 700 and which I own.02:42
magn3tsDr_Willis, thats a shame. 9.10 has been very disappointing in a lot of ways. as I mentioned, X11 refuses to use my cursor theme, I can't even make it show up in gnome-appearance-preferences. I can't configure GDM, there are less screensavers that I still can not configure, etc. very frustrating.02:42
histotzeentch: try changing settings and running gnome-session-save in terminal then log out and back in see if that works02:42
syn-ackmagn3ts: all politics aside, I wasnt impressed with 9.10. 10.04 will be different story though02:43
histotzeentch: actually disregard that02:43
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  dont blame 9.10 for changes made by the X devs - and the gnome devs..  screensavers have been a point of argument for ages.  again thats GNOME devs stuff..02:43
Eveti have deleted /etc/apache2 folder, now apache2 package cannot be installed properly. how to solve this?02:43
paribanujoin #ubuntu-uy02:43
paribanuhola! alguien que hable español?02:44
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  dident notice the gnome menus icons vanish last week? :) more gnome dev ideas02:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:44
Nolan2:/ That link didn't really help me.02:44
Nolan2Any other suggestions?02:44
histotzeentch: I don't htink session-save does that. Is it any setting you chagne thats not being saved?02:44
UnstableHey guys, perl question here, if im not in the right place just point me the way, but when i try to install a package to perl from CPAN it said "returned status 512, wont make" any suggestions?02:44
histoUnstable: I would ask the packager02:45
ActionParsnipUnstable: or #perl02:45
magn3tssyn-ack, Dr_Willis, you're right. I say 9.10 and I know that a lot of that has to do with GNOME. Ugh. I just can't stand QT and the same problems I have with how GNOME is configured are the problems I have with KDE02:45
magn3tsOh well.02:45
histotzeentch: there is #gnome also02:45
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  wait for gnome-3 people will go berzerke02:45
UnstableThe packager?02:46
ActionParsnipDr_willis: when is it due?02:46
UnstableAnd thanks for direction to #perl02:46
histoDr_Willis: Are they going to do the panels thing?02:46
magn3tsDr_Willis, I still want to see a new DE rise up that integrates well with compiz by default, etc.02:46
histoDr_Willis: that will really freak people out02:46
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  gnome-3 is still in the whiteboard stage. :)02:46
ActionParsnipDr_willis: nice02:46
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  compiz will be dead in a few years i imagine.02:46
histoGnome doesn't change very much02:46
magn3tsDr_Willis, uh why do you say that?02:46
histoX will obsorb compiz02:47
ActionParsnipDr_willis: with some hope :)02:47
Dr_Willismagn3ts:  the fetures it does are gettting assemliated02:47
tzeentchhisto : One example is the System->preferences->apperance->Visual Effects  I got to re-enable it every time I log on.02:47
Dr_WillisEmerald is allready basicaly dead02:47
magn3tsDr_Willis, into...? the DE itself? Quite frankly, I don't want ot see the flexibilty I have with compiz gnome-ified.02:47
Dr_Willistzeentch:  i always use the fusion-icon tool - it seems to smooth out some quiks like that02:47
ActionParsnipTzeentch: add the command in startup items02:47
histomagn3ts: you will always have flexibility in linux even if its inegrated02:47
magn3tstzeentch, I will second what Dr_Willis just said.02:48
Nolan2So, can anyone help...?02:48
histomagn3ts: thats one of the problems there are 99 ways to do one given task02:48
ActionParsnipNolan2: sup02:48
magn3tshisto, yeah but I know that the simple but powerful GUI for compiz now would be obliterated if put into GNOME core02:48
* ActionParsnip prefers openbox to compiz02:49
Dr_WillisSimple GUI for compiz? what one are you refering to?02:49
syn-ackmagn3ts: I'm one of the anti-gnome-3ers out there and I'm already migrating all my systems over to XFCE02:49
Dr_WillisTheres the idiot-friendly one and the nightmarish one...02:49
Nolan2Oh, that link you gave me up there didn't really help ActionParsnip.02:49
ActionParsnipNolan2: what is your issue?02:49
magn3tsDr_Willis, well maybe simple wasn't the right word, but coherent at least. I think its pretty standard how things are done but its still very very configurable02:49
Dr_WillisI think compiz needs a tool to print out all the keybindings that are in USE for a given setup. :)02:50
Dr_Willisbut theres only like 4 features i use in compiz02:50
parolangsyn-ack: stumpwm :)02:51
claybustrHow can I reset my alsa configs to an out of the box ubuntu clean install config?02:51
syn-ackparolang: I'm partial to GTk02:51
Nolan3crap. lol02:51
Nolan3As I was saying..02:51
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soreauDr_Willis: With ccsm's advanced search feature, you can press a keybinding and see if it's assigned to any plugin02:51
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Nolan3[21:50] <Nolan2> I just installed Ubuntu 9.10, and when I try to dual boot into windows, it doesn't do anything.02:51
Nolan3[21:50] <Nolan2> It just displays a blinking -02:51
parolangsyn-ack: GTK is a widget toolkit.  Stumpwm is a window manager.  You can (and do) use both :)02:51
ActionParsnipClaybustr: rename or delete the .gnome .gnome2 etc folders in $HOME. You will need to do the same to $HOME/.config02:52
syn-ackparolang: I'm aware of that. but I like the integration of which is provided in Gnome and XFCE. ;)02:52
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SaratogaCx Hi, I have a problem with Wireless..  My machine used to work and at some point it stopped getting a dhcp address from my router.  I can see my router other computers can connect to it (android phone, windows pc etc.) w/out issue but dhclient commands try and fail.  Any ideas where I can start looking to fix this?02:52
Nolan3did ya see that ActionParsnip?02:52
parolangsyn-ack: kay :)02:52
claybustrwill that also get rid of the stuck phantom  gnome-display-properties in the notification area?02:53
syn-ackparolang: imo it give a much more integrated look over running something like OpenBox then gtk apps on top, etc02:53
ActionParsnipNolan3: rename xorg.conf if you have one. Also run: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:53
cyberbluntztry booting to your windows recovery console and fixmbr02:53
ActionParsnipNolan3: use root recovery console02:53
parolangAnyway, what I came here to ask is...I set the option to decrypt my home partition when I log in on the install.  This won't give me any problems, will it?  What is the program it uses for encryption?02:53
Nolan3Uhh.. Where is that?02:54
ActionParsnipNolan3: hold shift at boot, you will see grub menu. Choose the recovery mode then root02:54
parolangsyn-ack: What window manager do you run with xfce?02:54
cyberbluntzactually, just say screw windows and just use linux02:54
syn-ackparolang: compiz or xfwm02:55
Nolan3>.> I've never heard that one before cyb3r3li0g02:55
parolangsyn-ack: Oh...didn't know about xfwm.02:55
parolangsyn-ack: I stay away from compiz :)02:55
stoojActionParsnip: Bah. It was disabled - someone else in the office disabled it when trying to fix windows. Thanks for the help anyway :)02:55
syn-ackxfwm is the default window manager for XFCE02:55
ActionParsnipParolang: me too02:55
Nolan3okay, I'll try that now ActionParsnip.02:55
ActionParsnipStooj: d'oh02:55
parolangcompiz is neato for about a day and a half :)02:56
ActionParsnipParolang: openbox ftw :)02:56
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magn3tsI love compiz.  Compiz makes my life so much better. Netbeans in one pane, chromium/xchat in the other, my debug terminals in the third. trailfocus is a god send02:57
GeekSquidcyberbluntz: good to see you agreeing with me02:57
histoopenbox here for me too02:57
pedrocranyone know where I can find the list of packages installed by default in karmic? Basically the output of "dpkg -l" after a fresh install02:57
syn-ackparolang: I don't really get all carried away, theres just a nice and simple emerald theme that I like to use02:57
syn-ackparolang: so yeah02:57
histomagn3ts: you don't need compiz for mutiple workspaces02:57
magn3tsplus I really love expo and scale, way better and faster than alt+tab (though alt-tabbing is even better in compiz)02:57
magn3tshisto, I kow02:57
magn3tsalso, I know.02:57
FloodBot2magn3ts: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:57
jeevanhey how to use yahooo on ubuntu02:58
Nolan3:/ holding shift didn't do anything ActionParsnip.02:58
histojeevan: yahoo messenger?02:58
parolangUbuntu tells me I need to replace my HD :(02:58
jeevanyea histo02:58
* soreau thinks that people who love compiz probably don't have crappy machines02:58
histojeevan: use Applications > INternet > Pidgin02:58
jeevanbut pidgin is not getting yahoo02:58
ActionParsnipNolan3: what is the output of: uname -c02:58
harisundhisto: that is not yahoo messenger though .. parolang: how does it tell you that?02:58
jeevanonly gtalk is available02:59
histoharisund: it can connect to it02:59
ActionParsnipJeevan: you may need the pidgin ppa02:59
jeevanyea i hav pidgin02:59
histojeevan: ymsg I believe is in the drop down?02:59
Nolan3 wait, I got it.02:59
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jeevanbut yahoo msg is not connectng with it02:59
parolangharisund: It was in the messaging area, next to the time/date.  Ubuntu is actually pretty smart to have found it :)02:59
ActionParsnipJeevan: add the ppa for a newer build. It may help02:59
Nolan3The recovery manager is listed by default underneith my Ubuntu.02:59
histojeevan: ahh hold up02:59
ActionParsnipNolan3: then use that03:00
parolangharisund: I'm having it do a self test.  Otherwise, I'll have to buy another HD.03:00
harisundparolang: how do I ask Ubuntu to check my hard disk, do you know?03:00
jeevanis there any msg like pidgin03:00
histojeevan: http://blog.mypapit.net/2009/06/solving-pidgin-yahoo-messenger-problem.html03:00
Nolan3okay I'm at root, now what?03:00
ActionParsnip!fsck | harisund03:00
ubottuharisund: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:00
histojeevan: aparently yahoo changed their servers03:00
jeevanthank u histo03:00
ActionParsnipNolan3: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old03:00
histojeevan: what version of pidgin are you using?03:01
ActionParsnipNolan3: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:01
jeevanam on ubuntu 9.0403:01
jeevanand defalut pidgin03:01
ActionParsnipJeevan: the ppa version may set the right servers. Histo is right and yahoo change their servers like you change socks03:02
jeevanhe he03:02
RoeyRequested audio codec family [wma9spdmo] (afm=dmo) not available.03:02
RoeyEnable it at compilation.03:02
RoeyRequested audio codec family [wma9spdshow] (afm=dshow) not available.03:02
FloodBot2Roey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:02
parolangharisund: The program is called palimpset, never heard of it before.03:02
Roeywhat package contains these extra codecs?03:03
Nolan3mv cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory03:03
harisundparolang: ah ok cool thanks :)03:03
harisundparolang: palimpset? Correct spelling? I am not able to find such a package03:03
parolangharisund: sorry...palimpsest03:04
ActionParsnipJeevan: sudo add-apt-repository pp:pidgin-developers/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade03:04
parolangharisund: It must come default...I just installed ubuntu.03:04
ActionParsnipNolan3: that's fine then03:04
parolangaptitude search palimpsest03:04
harisundIt says it's under gnome-disk-utility03:05
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kinja-sheep!away > KamusHadenesAway03:05
parolangI could use a bigger HD anyway...only 9.1 GB right now :)03:05
ubottuKamusHadenesAway, please see my private message03:05
Mr-Dougcan anyone tell me how to get ubuntu 9.10 amd 64 to recognize my fax modem?03:06
Nolan3Okay I did that dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg thing03:06
Nolan3Now what?03:06
ActionParsnipMr-doug: is it usb or pci?03:06
Nolan3I put it in and it didn't do anything lol.03:06
ActionParsnipNolan: shutdown -r now03:06
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ActionParsnipNolan3: linux doesn't give feedback if it succeeds03:06
Nolan3I noticed that xD03:07
yxmn2what is the best way of setting up a virtual machine in Linux?03:07
ActionParsnip!virtual | yxmn203:07
ubottuyxmn2: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications03:07
ActionParsnip!best | yxmn203:07
ubottuyxmn2: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:07
Nolan3It's still doing it ActionParsnip :(03:08
Mr-DougActionParsnip:  it is PCI modem03:08
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:08
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ActionParsnipMr-doug: run lspci and websearch for the line which identifys the device03:09
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications03:09
Mulevadhello - (I'm a newbee here) I just installed ubuntu and can't get my screen resolution beyond 800x600. I'm also new to ubuntu. I'm using an inspiron 4000 laptop. Can someone point me in the right direction?03:09
ActionParsnipNolan3: if you boot an older kernel is it ok?03:09
ActionParsnipMulevad: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga03:09
Nolan3Errr... what?03:10
ssmyMulevad: try going to System -> Administration -> HArdware Drivers and installing any that come up, then rebooting03:10
RoeyI think I'm missing some WMV codecs; I get stuff like "Requested audio codec family [wma9spdmo] (afm=dmo) not available. Enable it at compilation.", "Requested audio codec family [wma9spdshow] (afm=dshow) not available.".  Which packages contain these codecs?03:10
ActionParsnipNolan3: choose a different kernal when you boot03:10
ActionParsnip!codec | roey03:10
ubotturoey: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:10
Mr-Doug01:05.0 Communication controller: 3Com Corp, Modem Division USR 56k Internal WinModem03:11
Nolan3It boots into Ubuntu fine, just not Windows Media Center Edition.03:11
Mulevad01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x (rev 02)03:11
ActionParsnipMr-doug: see what websearches say with that03:11
ActionParsnip!ati | mulevad03:11
ubottumulevad: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:11
cyberbluntzMulevad:  Click system / administration / hardware drivers03:13
MulevadI was hoping this would be easier... Thanks ubottu. I've tried system administration->etc. 800x600 is the best option03:13
ActionParsnip!grub2 | Nolan303:14
ubottuNolan3: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:14
GeekSquid!hi | surjya yxmn203:14
ubottusurjya yxmn2: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:14
surjyai am running ubuntu netbook remix from usb on my netbook03:14
ssmyMulevad: the problem is that your card is so old support is going away. Should work with some experimentation though.03:14
surjyabut the touchscreen not working03:14
surjyacan anybody help03:14
kinja-sheepI'm forgetting how to outpipe the list of files into gedit or such. What was it again? :\03:14
ssmysurjya: touchscreen? what make/model is it?03:15
GeekSquidsurjya: which netbook?03:15
surjyaASUS EeePC T9103:15
surjyawith intel atom processor03:15
parolangAh...HD crash :(03:15
surjyaHD crash?03:16
parolangIt was an old HD :)03:16
surjyawhat is HD?03:16
parolanghard disk03:16
surjyai m running from USB drive03:16
kinja-sheepHigh Definition!03:16
surjyanot installed till now03:16
surjyaon my HD03:17
fivetwentysixMy lan just stopped working. It just keeps trying to connect to the internet but does nothing.03:17
parolangsurge_: It's better running native :)03:17
fivetwentysixWhat log should i look at to get more information?03:17
yxmn2surjya, Hand Dilation03:17
surjyaenough for HD03:17
MulevadSorry I think I closed some conversations. I didn't realize.03:17
ssmysurjya: would appear to be answered here http://setupguides.blogspot.com/2009/11/touchscreen.html03:17
surjyais there any IRC channel?03:18
surjyafor UNR?03:18
ssmysurjya: mostly just here, UNR is really just ubuntu with a slightly different setup03:18
surjyabut if its netbook version there should be touchscreen driver03:19
brjannkinja-sheep: gedit can't actually read from pipes anymore03:19
surjyahow somebody can imagine netbooks without touchscreen?03:20
fivetwentysixMy internet stopped working, it's connected through a wire to a router, nothing has changed since yesterday as far as I know, it just doesn't work anymore. Any idea on how to troubleshoot this issue?03:20
Lenin_Catsudo dpkg --configure -a isnt working03:20
kinja-sheepbrjann: Just tried it. It worked. I remember it now though. :)03:21
brjannkinja-sheep: really? what did you do? there's a long-standing bug in launchpad re: gedit's inability to read from pipes03:21
Nolan3Hey, I just installed Ubuntu, but now it's not letting be boot into windows. It shows the Windows selection, but when I try to select it it just Gives me a blinking _03:22
Nolan3And suggestions?03:22
kinja-sheepbrjann: grep or whatever (to get a list of files) | xargs gedit03:22
dsnydersHi all, is there a grep expression for excluding lines?03:22
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brjannkinja-sheep: oh, you just wanted to open the files? i'm sorry, i thought you wanted to edit the list itself :)03:23
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Lenin_Catsudo dpkg --configure -a isnt working, something is failing to configure03:23
jburgesNolan2: odd, I've never had any problems, how did you install it? livecd or wubi?03:23
brjanndsnyders: grep -v 'pattern' will exclude all lines matching pattern03:23
Nolan2John you ass. -.-03:23
dsnydersbrjann, Thanks.03:23
tomatoes7__hallelujah i'm a bum03:24
GeekSquidsurjya: xserver-xorg-input-evtouch  is the most common touchscreen driver .. other than that I cannot help03:25
airtonixtrying to run this python script for notification daemon, ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDevelopmentGuidelines?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=summary-body.py ) but it gives me an error that : http://pastebin.com/7TcEzThp03:25
GeekSquidsurjya: it will be available in synaptic package manager03:25
surjyalet me check03:25
Lenin_Catsudo dpkg --configure -a isnt working, something is failing to configure03:26
alex702where is xorg.conf in ubuntu 10.4?03:26
GeekSquidLenin_Cat: it is sudo dpkg-reconfigure03:26
GeekSquid!lucid | alex70203:26
kinja-sheepalex702: #ubuntu+103:26
ubottualex702: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+103:26
Nolan2So, can anyone help me out?03:26
Lenin_CatGeekSquid, /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: pgf is broken or not fully installed03:27
alex702where can i find xorg.conf ?03:27
alex702its not in etc/X11/03:27
kinja-sheepalex702: /join #ubuntu+103:27
alex702thanks guys but i couldnt find it in 9.10 either03:28
fivetwentysixMy internet stopped working, it's connected through a wire to a router, nothing has changed since yesterday as far as I know, it just doesn't work as of today. Any idea on how to troubleshoot this issue? Connecting through a ethernet controller. Running Karmic (9.10)03:28
Lenin_Catwhy do users use unstable verisons of ubuntu as stable ones03:28
brjannfivetwentysix: I'm assuming you've verified that it's not your ISP? :)03:28
GeekSquidalex702: it isn't there XrandR takes care of everything in most cases ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xorg.conf03:29
fivetwentysixbrjann: Yes, I'm connected to the same router on a mac book pro.03:29
kinja-sheepLenin_Cat: Because stable machines freed up 90% of their times and they wish to avoid doing something productive.03:29
fivetwentysixbrjann: However I'm through wireless. I will test now to see if it works with a wire.03:29
pheonixwhat does shift control alt f4 do?03:29
brjannfivetwentysix: good idea03:29
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware03:29
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:29
johnHi group  I got the montor working just fine I just updated to 9.10 but how does one load up drivers for a web Cam03:29
MulevadWhat does ActionParsnip mean by !ati | mulevad03:29
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing03:30
kinja-sheepMulevad: ActionParsnip provide you information about !ati (for ubottu).03:30
kinja-sheep!ati | Mulevad03:30
ubottuMulevad: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:30
richlyninstalled tor and enabled ...got error "proxy server refusing connections"03:30
fivetwentysix_brjann: sorry accidently tripped my wire03:31
GeekSquidpheonix: not mapped to anything but because Ctrl-Alt-F4 will drop you to a virtual terminal scaf4 will do the same thing .... normally you wouldn't map all 3 modifier keys03:31
fivetwentysix_brjann: everything works03:31
fivetwentysix_brjann: nothing wrong with the router03:31
brjannfivetwentysix_: great, glad to hear it :)03:31
fivetwentysix_brjann: So what's wrong with ubuntu?03:31
binMonkeyhi, guys.  google chrome unstable and beta have been stallling on me the last couple of days.  i finally looked at htop and realized that old sessions hadn't closed.  could that be the reason new sessions are stalling?  chrome is installed in /opt if it makes any difference.03:31
fivetwentysix_brjann: The network manager icon just keeps spinning but does nothing, can even go on for hours.03:32
brjannfivetwentysix_: does that machine just have one network card?03:32
Mulevadthanks ubottu - I'm off to binarydriverhowto land...03:32
fivetwentysix_brjann: yes.03:33
brjannfivetwentysix_: okay. are you familiar with the command line?03:33
fivetwentysix_brjann: Where is the log file for network activity located?03:33
fivetwentysix_brjann: Sort-of.03:33
=== fivetwentysix_ is now known as fivetwentysix
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Hennkisi have problems with network03:34
brjannfivetwentysix: there isn't a log file for networking exactly; most of the messages would end up in syslog03:34
Hennkisit doesnt work03:34
brjannfivetwentysix: /var/log/syslog i mean03:34
Gamrokguys what is the xforcevesa command03:34
GeekSquid!work | Hennkis03:34
ubottuHennkis: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:34
Hennkisi cant connect my laptop to internet03:34
surjyai checked for this "xserver-xorg-input-evtouch" . its not there03:34
Hennkisi have static03:34
brjannfivetwentysix: open up a terminal window and    ifconfig03:35
fivetwentysixbrjann: yeah i know03:35
GeekSquid!enter | Hennkis03:35
ubottuHennkis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:35
fivetwentysixbrjann: okay03:35
Hennkisbut i cant open any page from internet03:35
fivetwentysixbrjann: returns two controllers, eth0 + lo03:35
brjannfivetwentysix: would you mind pastebinning the output of ifconfig for me?03:35
GeekSquidHennkis: if you set a static IP you need to provide a DNS server or you won't have internet ...03:35
fivetwentysixbrjann: how I don't have network access lol03:35
brjannfivetwentysix: ha! good point o_O sorry03:36
GeekSquid!hi |rinah03:36
ubotturinah: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:36
rinahhow are you?03:36
fivetwentysixbrjann: err key points, eth0 says UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST03:36
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, does eth0 have anything listed next to inet addr: ?03:36
Hennkisdns?? i am new on this, letme see03:36
GeekSquid!chat | rinah03:36
ubotturinah: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete03:36
GeekSquid!support | rinah03:36
ubotturinah: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org03:36
fivetwentysixbrjann: yeah it says inet6 addr: fe80::211... Spoke:Link03:37
rinahfrom where you?03:37
Gamrokguys what is the xforcevesa command03:37
fivetwentysixerr Scope*03:37
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, so just an inet6 address? nothing with just inet?03:37
fivetwentysixbrjann: Also there a /64 at the end just before Scope, but this machine is i38603:37
GeekSquidrinah: this is not a chat channel this is a support channel, not for idle chat, please find another, more appropriate channel03:38
brjannfivetwentysix: that's fine, that /64 is just a subnet mask, not related to your CPU03:38
fivetwentysixbrjann: nothing with inet, this is probably because it's not connected to the network, it's trying to connect but does nothing.03:38
rinah where you now geeksquid?03:38
brjannfivetwentysix: right, that's what I wanted to verify.03:39
GeekSquid!troll | rinah03:39
ubotturinah: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel03:39
GeekSquidyou have been warned03:39
fivetwentysixbrjann: I'm looking at the syslog, it says something like Stage 4 of 5 (IP6 configure Get) but i noticed there's no stage 503:39
rinahwhat is your nationality?03:39
Madpilotrinah, if you just want to chat, join #ubuntu-offtopic03:39
GeekSquid!ops | rinah Troll or just plain idoit03:40
ubotturinah Troll or just plain idoit: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:40
airtonixi'm getting an error of : "org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any .service files" when i try to use that dbus service to print notifications to the screen... i have notification-daemon installed...03:40
brjannfivetwentysix: and it's listing eth0 in the Stage messages, yes?03:40
rinahhow? i dont know yet, its my 1st time.03:40
GeekSquid!guidelines | rinah03:41
ubotturinah: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:41
MadpilotGeekSquid, it's OK03:41
fivetwentysixbrjann: yeah, and states it's complete. but doesn't start stage 5 of 5. I'm guessing there's no stage 5 of 5 because I searched my whole log for it to find nothing.03:41
crankharderwhat's the cmd to see the current version of ubuntu i have installed?03:41
Madpilotrinah, type "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" without the " around it03:41
Madpilotcrankharder, "lsb_release -a" in terminal03:41
brjannfivetwentysix: yes, stage 5 is finalizing the network connection, which clearly isn't happening03:41
fivetwentysixbrjann: Well it should display like on yesterdays log because it was working yesterday.03:42
IdleOneGeekSquid: you may want to take a look at the guidelines also and the !coc. I am sure that it says something about not calling people idiots03:42
brjannfivetwentysix: yesterday's log has probably been rotated; those are the .1, .2.gz, ... etc files03:42
fivetwentysixbrjann: Was there any new updates that have occurred like a kernel update in the past few days, perhaps the user updated the machine and something broke.03:42
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brjannfivetwentysix: no, i don't recall anything in the last few days besides a sudo security update03:43
aggroI'm wondering if someone can shed some light on why I can't boot into my usb installer. I did it yesterday, but instead of booting to usb, I guess it couldn't find it and went to network install and errored out. I got a proper usb stick today (was using an sd card with adapter yesterday) and now it says boot loader not found03:43
brjannfivetwentysix: try this: sudo service network-manager stop03:43
brjannfivetwentysix: then sudo service networking restart03:44
ArsinHey I forgot how to install a program using the "Make" feature can anyone guide me?03:44
crankharderwhere does upstart keep its job definitions in 9.10?03:44
GeekSquidArsin: what are you trying to install?03:45
crankharderi *think* they were kept in /etc/event.d in 8.10, but that's changed... maybe?03:45
ArsinGeekSquid: Avira03:45
brjann!checkinstall | Arsin03:45
ubottuArsin: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!03:45
oso3000i installed wine, then winetricks... now all my firefox fonts are broken, they look awful... i tried uninstalling "ms core fonts", but they're still broken... what should i do ??03:46
Arsinmake: *** [avira-guard-applet] Error 1-- is what I get when I "sudo make install"03:46
DaZArsin: lack of permissions maybe?03:47
DaZaw, nevermind03:47
ArsinThere is a "make" file in there03:47
KamokowShould I use FAT32 on a 1TB external drive, or should i use NTFS. I was thinking FAT32 is more compatable, but also NTFS has better support for larger drives :-/03:47
ArsinI did,     make clean, make, make install03:47
oso3000Kamokow, ntfs works great with the new driver03:48
oso3000i installed wine, then winetricks... now all my firefox fonts are broken, they look awful... i tried uninstalling "ms core fonts", but they're still broken... what should i do  ??03:48
ArsinOh I;m getting that error when I run "make"03:48
Kamokowoso3000: Okay, thanks, I just have had problems with NTFS before, thought I would ask what anyone else thought.03:48
hvtuananhntfs is working fine now :)03:48
brjannArsin: sounds like a compilation problem, which is really beyond the scope of #ubuntu support03:49
thecarlhallI have something that is hanging my machine at shutdown.  Is there a way on restart to get the contents shown in the shutdown console?03:49
GeekSquidArsin: I am not sure what you would need that for, linux is pretty virus free, I don't know why anyone would pay for virus software for linux... nextly, what brjann just said is true03:49
hvtuananhi don't use fat/fat32 anymore (except my thumb drv)03:49
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »03:49
fivetwentysixbrjann: hey sorry got disconnected03:49
brjannfivetwentysix: no problem03:49
fivetwentysixbrjann: everything after my last message i didn't see.03:50
brjannfivetwentysix: okay. try     sudo service network-manager stop     and then    sudo service networking restart03:50
ArsinGeekSquid: Ya I never have used an anti-virus but a torrent I DL'ed according to the tracker message says "Its a virus" but the file works fine so I'd like to figure out what's going on with that.03:50
airtonixi'm getting an error of : "org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any .service files" when i try to use that dbus service via python to print notifications to the screen... i have notification-daemon installed...03:51
GeekSquidArsin: use clam-av ... it is available in the repositories ... it is compiled and it is free03:51
brjann!info clamtk | Arsin03:51
ubottuArsin: clamtk (source: clamtk): graphical front-end for ClamAV. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.15-1 (karmic), package size 123 kB, installed size 684 kB03:51
ArsinYa I guess, I just trust Avira more than I do Clam03:52
dsnydersHas anybody gotten kpovmodeler working in 9.04?03:52
GeekSquidty brjann03:52
brjannGeekSquid: np :)03:53
oso3000i installed wine, then winetricks... now all my firefox fonts are broken, they look awful... i tried uninstalling "ms core fonts", but they're still broken... what should i do ??03:53
brjannfivetwentysix: the internet does not like you tonight :)03:53
surjyawhile installing xserver-xorg-input-evtouch on command line its showing error as package not found03:53
fivetwentysixbrjann: actually some kind of hardware issue with my macbookpro03:53
fivetwentysixbrjann: really annoying03:53
fivetwentysixbrjann: So did you have any further instructions?03:54
surjyado i need to add any repository for this?03:54
brjannfivetwentysix: i can imagine. yes i did: try   sudo service network-manager stop    and then   sudo service networking restart03:54
fivetwentysixbrjann: sudo service network-manager restarrt?03:54
brjannfivetwentysix: no, first   sudo service network-manager stop03:55
aggroi'm trying to boot into the ubuntu installer using a usb stick. i keep getting the error message bootmgr is missing. the only fix i see is to use a windows install dvd, but my drive is not currently working. any ideas?03:55
GeekSquidsurjya: it is in the universe repository ... go to software sources, repoistories, and check universe and reload apt cache03:55
brjannfivetwentysix: then    sudo service networking restart03:55
fivetwentysixbrjann: unknown instance03:55
brjannfivetwentysix: this is karmic, right?03:55
fivetwentysixbrjann: yes03:55
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anom01yHi I have ubuntu 9.10, when I do apt-get update it gets to 92% then gives me a input/output error03:56
brjannfivetwentysix: sudo service --status-all 2>&1 | grep -i network03:56
fivetwentysixi did --status-list, there is indeed networking below network-manager but they have a ? in front of them03:56
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, that's normal, mine shows that too. nevermind the grep command above then03:56
brjannfivetwentysix: sudo service network-manager status03:57
fivetwentysixbrjann: stop/waiting03:57
Jordan_Uaggro, How did you try to get the Ubuntu installer onto the usb stick? "bootmgr missing" is a windows error so I don't understand what that has to do with installing Ubuntu from a flash drive.03:57
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, then sudo service networking restart03:57
fivetwentysixbrjann: restart: Unknown instance:03:58
fivetwentysixbrjann: says nothing after Unknown instance:03:58
ArsinHow can I get Clam-AV to open up?03:58
aggroJordan_U, I am using UNetbootin to create the installer onto the usb drive.03:58
brjannfivetwentysix: odd. okay then, sudo service networking start03:58
fivetwentysixbrjann: networking: stop/waiting03:58
fivetwentysixbrjann: perhaps i need to start networking manager first?03:59
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, now look at the end of your syslog and see if there's anything new related to networking, eth0, etc03:59
GeekSquidArsin: instructions here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-clam-antivirus-with-gtk-frontend-gui.html03:59
Jordan_Uaggro, Are you sure that you are booting from the USB drive when you get that error?03:59
brjannfivetwentysix: no, network-manager isn't required for networking03:59
aggroJordan_U, yes, not only have I changed BIOS setting to looks for bootable USB sticks, I am also manually selecting that particular media to boot from using the "boot manager" (mac os term)04:00
fivetwentysixbrjann: nothing related to networking, or eth0, except the last line says kernel: [ 3771.417051 ] sky2 eth0: disabling interface04:00
fivetwentysixbrjann: this is 5 minutes ago though04:00
Ox83having rootstock issue: sudo project-rootstock/rootstock --fqdn ubuntu --login ubuntu --password ubuntu --notarball --imagesize 3G hangs at I: Extracting zlib1g...04:01
brjannfivetwentysix: okay... was that when you unplugged the cable?04:01
spiffythekidwhere is the universal crontab found in all distributions located?04:01
fivetwentysixbrjann: when I typed network-manager stop i think04:01
Ox83anyone else playing with rootstock on karmic have same issue?04:01
aggroJordan_U, I got it, looks like it didn't like the USB key being in NTFS format. Changed it to FAT32 and now it is indeed booting. thanks for your replies :)04:02
Jordan_Uaggro, You're welcome :)04:02
=== lookitsdre is now known as dre
GeekSquidspiffythekid: I wouldn't say all distro's but /etc/crontab is the default for ubuntu04:02
brjannfivetwentysix: okay. lemme think for a sec04:02
dreanybody want to help with getting my wireless going?04:02
fivetwentysixbrjann: okay04:03
brjannfivetwentysix: do you have anything in the file /etc/networking/interfaces ?04:03
brjannfivetwentysix: sorry, /etc/network/interfaces04:03
otishey ultimate edition corrupted my images how do i fix this04:03
fivetwentysixbrjann: auto lo\ni face lo inet loopback04:04
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, good04:04
fivetwentysixbrjann: \n = newline, just incase04:04
drenetwork manager says device not ready.  its a pcmcia dwl65004:04
spiffythekidGeekSquid: you're saying it's just a file within /etc/ not within /ect/cron.daily/ or something like that?04:05
brjannfivetwentysix: got it :) okay, well, let's try another approach. sudo service network-manager start04:05
fivetwentysixbrjann: started.04:05
brjannfivetwentysix: now check syslog, see if it's trying to start up04:05
GeekSquidspiffythekid: on my system /etc/crontab is a file which I haven't touched , so yes but more info follows04:06
brjannfivetwentysix: it may also be writing to daemon.log if there's nothing there04:06
otisltimate edition corrupted my images how do i fix this04:06
fivetwentysixbrjann: Like before completes stage 4, no word of stage 5, doesn't even schedule it.04:06
GeekSquid!crontab | spiffythekid04:06
ubottuspiffythekid: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm04:06
bugalooguys, I'm using a laptop HP dv2000 and my sound card uses snd_hda_intel module. I'm trying to change some confs on alsa using the model parameter on modprobe (like "modprobe snd_hda_intel model=laptop-hp") trying to fix a sound problem. How can I be sure that the "model" parameter is making any difference?04:06
otisultimate edition corrupted my images how do i fix this04:06
anom01ylsemple@TRP:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a   output-->    dpkg: failed in buffer_read(fd): copy info file `/var/lib/dpkg/status': Input/output error04:06
Ox83otis: if someone knows and has time/interest they will help. spamming wont help.04:07
fivetwentysixbrjann: the last 2 lines however are: avahi-daemon registering new address record for [mac address] on eth004:07
b2p1mpIm looking for something like vmware for ubuntu...can someone name a good one free one please?04:07
fivetwentysixbrjann: and kernel etho0: no IPv6 routers present.04:07
surjyai can see the xserver-xorg-input-* all modules in synaptic package manager except for evtouch.....04:07
Figaro11okay so I installed Ubuntu using wubi installer and I couldn't ever connect to the internet because of a driver issue with my PCI wireless card04:07
rwwb2p1mp: Virtualbox04:07
surjyahow can i install it?04:07
bugaloob2p1mp, I know people like to use Xen, but I never got to use it04:07
b2p1mprww ty04:07
GeekSquidb2p1mp: vmware is available as is virtualbox as is KVM ,04:07
brjannfivetwentysix: anything interesting at the end of kern.log?04:07
b2p1mpkvm, Xen, virtual box ok04:08
GeekSquidsurjya: did you add the universe repository and apt-get update?04:08
surjyacan i please know the command for adding universe repository?04:09
otiscan any 1 help me04:09
anom01yanyone know why I can't apt-get update, or apt-get remove anything (I get an input / output error) ... ?04:09
paulo0 0 * * * find /home/paulo/.thumbnails/normal /home/paulo/.thumbnails/fail/gnome-thumbnail-factory -type f -exec rm {} \; # JOB_ID_1 ... Is this crontab entry secure? I've had many problems with rm command in the past, today I'm afraid of it. =|04:09
GeekSquid!anyone | otis04:09
ubottuotis: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:09
fivetwentysixbrjann: sky2 eth0: enabling interface \n ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready \n sky2 eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full duplex, flow control both \n ADDR(NETDEV_CHANGE) eth0 : link becomes ready \n eth0: no IPv6 routers present04:09
otisltimate edition corrupted my images how do i fix this04:10
brjannfivetwentysix: hm. "link is not ready" usually means the cable's not plugged in04:10
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fivetwentysixbrjann: the lights are flashing and everything04:11
brjannfivetwentysix: didn't have a thunderstorm last night, did you?04:11
GeekSquidsurjya: not a command .. open Synaptic Package Manager ... click settings>repositories>   make sure the first 4 checkboxes are checked .. then close the repositories window and click reload in synaptic, then search again04:12
fivetwentysixbrjann: if the wire works when i plug it into my mac book pro, there are no lights on the router wire slots but they flash on the pc's ethernet device04:12
fivetwentysixbrjann: Also ubuntu recognizes when i unplug the wire04:13
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, scratch that off the list then :)04:13
fivetwentysixbrjann: i just unplugged it and it said wire disconnected04:13
fivetwentysixbrjann: Any ideas?04:13
brjannfivetwentysix: thinking and researching some more :)04:14
fivetwentysixbrjann: I think it's got to be some kind of update that broke my network04:14
Wubuntui'm using Karmic and have a Microdia TwinkleCam USB camera that i can't seem to get to operate. Can anyone assist me with this problem?04:14
pangolin_rollingps on ttyUSB0 shows data but does recognize in gpsdrive. anyone know the solution? thanks04:14
GeekSquidfivetwentysix: with the wire plugged in ... open a terminal and ping .. see if you get a response from the server04:14
fivetwentysixbrjann: Network is unreachable!04:14
fivetwentysixbrjann: lol04:14
brjannfivetwentysix: you can check that in synaptic, under File > History. it'll show you what packages have been installed and when04:14
fivetwentysixbrjann: guess not, last entry was on the 18th of feb04:15
brjannfivetwentysix: alright. let's try something else04:16
brjannfivetwentysix: what's the IP of the laptop you're on now? probably 192.168.x.x04:16
wfelipehi, how can I change the routing table in Linux? in order to decide which gateway should I use based on the source address04:16
fivetwentysixbrjann: you want me to ping it right, but theres no connection to the network from ubuntu to the router04:17
brjannbrjann: now, that wasn't me :)04:17
brjannfivetwentysix: whoops, talking to myself. no, that wasn't me :)04:17
jazusa03is this channel for internet related problems only? sry im kind of new to this04:17
brjannfivetwentysix: alright, let's try giving your problem computer a static ip04:17
fivetwentysixbrjann: ok04:18
otisultimate edition corrupted my images how do i fix this04:18
fivetwentysixbrjann: How-to? I actually always wanted to know how to do this.04:18
brjannfivetwentysix: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up04:18
brjannfivetwentysix: this is a temporary assignment, it wouldn't last across reboots04:18
Jon-I am having an issue with an HP F4180 printer, accessing through an SAMBA share from a Windows2000 PC using karmic. Issue: The HP F4100 series driver only causes my printer to spin-up and not actually print when sending a job [probably due to the job not being sent properly and the printer rejecting it]. Any ideas? Please help. Thank you.04:19
pangolin_rollinfixing fprint reader??? fingerprint reader shows in device list but fprint demo doesn't recognize. fingerprint gui shows device but doesn't accept data?04:19
fivetwentysixbrjann: okay did that followed by service network-manager restart04:19
brjannfivetwentysix: no, we're trying without network-manager now ;)04:20
rwwotis: Ultimate Edition isn't a supported Ubuntu derivative, you'd have to ask them about it.04:20
fivetwentysixbrjann: stop networking manager?04:20
brjannfivetwentysix: network-manager will try and assume control of the device04:20
brjannfivetwentysix: mhm, sudo service network-manager stop04:20
brjannfivetwentysix: then again: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up04:21
fivetwentysixavahi registers aedddress record for on eth0.IPv404:21
fivetwentysixbrjann: link becomes ready04:21
brjannfivetwentysix: fantastic. now ping
fivetwentysixbrjann: then stops at no IPv6 routers present04:22
ryanpriorWhat's a good way to get rid of lots of the useless fonts in Ubuntu?04:22
brjannfivetwentysix: that's fine, ipv4 is all we care about now04:22
fivetwentysixbrjann: bingo04:22
fivetwentysixbrjann: can ping04:22
Jon-See previous comment : is this purely a driver issue, or can I do something about this?04:22
chdI get this error when I try to play music in rhythmbox The playback of this movie requires a MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder plugin which is not installed.04:22
otishow do i fix corrupt  images04:22
brjannfivetwentysix: alright. your problem is clearly not hardware related -- it seems like network-manager is failing to get a dynamic IP from your router04:22
jazusa03I'm having trouble getting Compiz Fusion and Emerald to work properly, Emerald will theme the outside of the window, but the inside (text/window background/scrollbars ect) is still the same as the original GTK theme, I have ran both by Terminal and they don't display any errors, any advice?04:23
fivetwentysixbrjann: yup04:23
=== Guest11795 is now known as isp
brjannfivetwentysix: do you have any sort of limitations enabled on what mac addresses are allowed to get IPs from the router or anything like that?04:23
crdlbjazusa03: that is perfectly normal04:23
=== arleslie is now known as arleslie|away
rwwubottu: emerald | jazusa0304:23
ubottujazusa03: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.04:23
fivetwentysixbrjann: it's a linksys wireless router04:24
fivetwentysixbrjann: and i don't think so, i think this is a client side issue because it works with my macbook pro04:24
otishow do i fix corrupt images04:24
jazusa03I guess i will search for an alternative to Emerald then04:25
Jon-fivetwentysix: Have you tried restarting the router/renewing the DHCP record on the router?04:25
pangolin_rollinanyone see this message?04:25
DJ_HaMsTawhy does ubuntu not shut down the monitors backlight after being idle ?04:25
DJ_HaMsTait shuts down the panel or makes everything black but the backlight is still on04:25
crdlbjazusa03: regardless of the decorator you use, the contents of your apps will look the same04:26
fivetwentysixJon- yeah04:26
kinja-sheepDJ_HaMsTa: Your mileage may vary. It works fine for me. My monitor goes to standby mode.04:26
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, since we've been mucking with services and IPs and such, would you reboot your problem computer so we can start fresh looking at network-manager specifically?04:26
fivetwentysixbrjann: btw i don't have internet access on ubuntu, however i can connect to the router admin page04:26
brjannfivetwentysix: right, that's because we didn't set up DNS, just IP04:27
fivetwentysixbrjann: alright rebooting04:27
DJ_HaMsTakinja-sheep, what is this your mileage may vary analogy ?04:27
=== student is now known as andruk
brjannfivetwentysix: let me know when you're ready to go04:27
kinja-sheepDJ_HaMsTa: Meaning not everything will works for everybody because of different machines.04:27
brjannfivetwentysix: meanwhile, afk two minutes :)04:28
fivetwentysixbrjann:  ready04:28
DJ_HaMsTagot it04:28
fivetwentysixbrjann: okay ill go for a smoke04:28
DJ_HaMsTahow can i fix it? lol04:28
slimjimflimanybody know how to watch veoh w/o wine?04:28
kinja-sheepDJ_HaMsTa: I imagine you should try configuring few things.  I used to have a launcher that will push me into standby immediately (rather than idling). I'm trying to find it.04:28
andrukrsync seems to be transferring the entirety of each file im trying to transfer, instead of transferring the deltas.  is this normal?04:29
DJ_HaMsTathank you04:29
Jon-chd: Google is your friend. Try: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-rhythmbox-not-playing-mp3-in-ubuntu-karmic.html   or   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras   in terminal should also do the trick.04:29
Jon-Still having an issue with an HP F4180 printer, accessing through an SAMBA share from a Windows2000 PC using karmic. Issue: The HP F4100 series driver only causes my printer to spin-up and not actually print when sending a job [probably due to the job not being sent properly and the printer rejecting it]. Any ideas/anything I can do, or is this just compatibility fail? Please help. Thank you.04:29
FloodBot2Jon-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:30
chdJon-, I've sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras to no avail04:30
chdJon-, I'll check out your link, thanky ou04:30
brjann!google > Jon-04:31
ubottuJon-, please see my private message04:31
slimjimflimhow to veoh?????04:31
kinja-sheepDJ_HaMsTa: Try "xset dpms force off" but that should get same result for you though.04:31
ryanrhee90hi all. I have a server install of ubuntu that's been so hacked that i really just want to start over. the thing is, it's a dedicated server and i don't have physical access to it. Getting an IP-KVM would cost money. I basically want to re-install the OS without killing the OS. (I.e. just removing all apps and reverting everything back to 'factory settings' without having to remove the OS.) How can I accomplish this?04:31
Kristopher1Hey so I had ubuntu karmic installed, and then went ahead with installing windows7 on another harddisk. I am in a livecd right now, how do I restore my grub2 (giving it windows options as well)04:31
kinja-sheepDJ_HaMsTa: Perhaps "xset dpms force off && sleep 3" and don't touch anything for short. You get black screen.04:31
Jon-chd: If you have further issue PM me04:32
DJ_HaMsTabe back in 4 mins lol04:32
ryanrhee90Kristopher1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:32
rwwKristopher1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD04:32
Kristopher1thanks ryanrhee90, rww04:33
gantrixxDid Ubuntu just upgrade to Thunderbird 3?04:33
brjannfivetwentysix: back when you are04:33
fivetwentysixbrjann: back04:33
kinja-sheepgantrixx: I don't think so. In Lucid, it will. Also, if it is not, use mozilla's daily ppa for that one.04:34
fivetwentysixbrjann: by the way, thank you so much for your support so far, really appreciate it04:34
Jon-Printer issue, please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386073/04:34
brjannfivetwentysix: alright. right click on the (still spinning?) network manager icon and go to Edit Connections04:34
brjannfivetwentysix: not a problem :)04:34
gantrixxMy TB2 has gone away04:34
fivetwentysixbrjann: okay04:34
gantrixxand TB3 is here now04:34
fivetwentysixbrjann: add new connection right?04:34
brjannfivetwentysix: you should be on the Wired tab; is there anything there already?04:34
fivetwentysixbrjann: auto ethernet only04:35
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, that's hopefully the one that used to work. click that and click edit...04:35
fivetwentysixbrjann: no i deleted the one that used to work but it didnt have any special settings in it anyways04:35
demonsporkI have a 5.1 speaker setup with Ubuntu 9.10. VLC media player doesn't allow me to hear voices no matter what I use, it doesn't output that to any of the speaker channels04:35
ryanrhee90anyone? resetting ubuntu to original settings without killing the OS? :(04:35
fivetwentysixbrjann: okay so i clicked edit04:36
brjannfivetwentysix: ah, okay. so we're editing the only one that was left now, right?04:36
fivetwentysixbrjann: yes04:36
pangolin_rollingps shows data under # cat /dev/ttyUSB0 but does not show up in gpsdrive!!?? reasons?04:36
brjannfivetwentysix: okay. we'll go through the tabs one by one based on what mine currently says :)04:36
slimjimflimanybody ever figured out how to watch flash movies on veoh.com without resorting to wine?04:36
GeekSquidryanrhee90: that would be possible, what part is hacked ... the os or the server datum, also what was it serving04:36
mbrigdanAnyone know of a music player similar to Amarok 1.4? Amarok2 is crippled, and I can't stand using it.04:36
brjannfivetwentysix: connect automatically checked, mac is whatever, mtu automatic, available to all users checked04:37
kinja-sheepryanrhee90: A such thing really does exist? I would imagine it is not. (at least not entirely).04:37
fivetwentysixbrjann: next04:37
slimjimflimmbrigdan: vlc and kmplayer are nice04:37
fivetwentysixbrjann: 802.1x security04:37
ryanrhee90GeekSquid, the server is doing a bunch of stuff - DNS, OpenVPN, Apache, mail+imap, LAMP, etc, etc.04:37
brjannfivetwentysix: you may want to open up a terminal, run ifconfig, and make sure the mac address displayed matched the HWaddr for eth004:37
pangolin_rollintesting.. anyone see this message?04:38
Jon-mbrigdan: VLC is my favourite, but it lacks some big library + music killer support. Sort of a "just works" media player that has slowly added on features like that.04:38
fivetwentysixbrjann: done04:38
brjannfivetwentysix: okay. 802.1x security unchecked04:38
fivetwentysixbrjann: IPv4 settings04:38
brjannfivetwentysix: method: automatic04:39
mbrigdanJon-, VLC is one of my favourite media players too (all my video), but it doesn't have anything in terms of managing my music library, or transferring songs to devices04:39
RfooTfoocan someone help me locate my .htaccess file that is active? I need to change the password and I cant locate it! lol04:39
GeekSquidryanrhee90: I'd start by backing up everything ... .. Is this a LTS version?04:39
fivetwentysixbrjann: i thought we want to set an ip?04:39
ryanrhee90GeekSquid: the OS actually came with a custom kernel. i didn't realize this until i noticed that openvpn wouldn't load any kernel modules. I changed the kernel to the LTS. Basically, this was my first time using Ubuntu so everything on here isn't quite right. Now that I kind of know my way around, Yes, it is an LTS version04:39
brjannfivetwentysix: we can, after we've verified the settings and tried dhcp again04:39
ryanrhee90GeekSquid: Also, everything has already been backed up.04:39
fivetwentysixbrjann: still doent work04:39
brjannfivetwentysix: we're not there yet :)04:39
brjannfivetwentysix: go back into editing that connection, on the ipv4 tab04:40
mbrigdanslimjimflim, both of those are nice, but not quite what I'm going for. I'm looking for more an iTunes replacement, which Amarok 1.4 did quite well04:40
fivetwentysixbrjann: and?04:40
brjannfivetwentysix: click the routes button at the bottom and ensure that it's empty and the two boxes are unchecked04:40
fivetwentysixbrjann: yup04:41
brjannfivetwentysix: okay, onto the ipv6 tab. should be method: ignore04:41
GeekSquidryanrhee90: I'd wait until the middle of April ... the next LTS is coming out ... everything would be updated, .. then you'd prolly have some fixing to do, but it would be a far cry from a in place reinstallation04:41
harisundI have installed karmic-server, and I have setup my eth0 to be static. Yet, in my /var/log/syslog I keep seeing messages CONSTANTLY of eth1 trying to acquire an IP through DHCP from my router (and acquiring too) .. Why does it happen?04:41
fivetwentysixbrjann: yup04:41
brjannfivetwentysix: alright, click apply.04:42
ryanrhee90GeekSquid: Alright, that sounds fine. However, when I upgrade this coming april, wouldn't I still need to ... 'wipe everything down'? (remove everything & start over)?04:42
fivetwentysixbrjann: still not working04:42
brjannfivetwentysix: bummer. alright, static ip then04:42
Jon-Printer issue, please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386073/04:42
fivetwentysixbrjann: ok04:42
brjannfivetwentysix: back to the ipv4 tab04:42
Iron_Mani need some assistance04:42
Iron_Manlinux newbie04:42
arand!ask | Iron_Man04:43
ubottuIron_Man: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:43
Iron_Manmy laptop battery is not charging for some reason04:43
brjannfivetwentysix: method: manual. click add, insert an address like, netmask, and gateway (i'm assuming that's your router's IP)04:43
Iron_Mani found a package on that will help me make it work again04:44
jmqnoob question. How would I download a zip file from some url in the console?04:44
Iron_Manbut the file is on .ISO04:44
Iron_Manhow do i use an .ISO file04:44
brjannfivetwentysix: for DNS, if your router can act as a DNS server, put its ip; otherwise, you can use google's public DNS service:
arandjmq: wget is one option04:44
GeekSquidryanrhee90: if you upgrade from LTS 8.04 to LTS 10.04, just about every file on the server is going to be replaced, except for your data, essentially cleaning it too, I;d change some passwords, clean up some SQL tables and get the latest DNS data, but other than that, I think you'd be good to go04:44
dsnydersHas anybody gotten kpovmodeler working in 9.04?04:45
ryanrhee90GeekSquid: so when i upgrade to the next LTS, what would happen to the config files?04:45
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fivetwentysixbrjann: google has a dns service?04:45
arandIron_Man: you should be able to right-click, open with, archive mounter.04:45
brjannfivetwentysix: yep, since december04:45
fivetwentysixbrjann: wow, is it me or does it even perform faster than my isp's dns server04:46
brjannfivetwentysix: search domains you can leave blank04:46
fivetwentysixbrjann:  itworks btw04:46
brjannfivetwentysix: probably not you, ISP DNSes are notoriously bad ;)04:46
brjannfivetwentysix: great! i have no idea what's wrong with DHCP unfortunately04:46
islingtonwhere does amarok save its podcasts?04:47
GeekSquidryanrhee90: that is what you have to make sure to backup .. some would be replaced, others appended, but you would still have a working environment from which to reconfigure everything04:47
brjannfivetwentysix: but if you're happy with static, i'm happy04:47
Iron_Manarand, i will try it now, hold on a sec04:47
ryanrhee90GeekSquid: i'd actually want ALL my config files deleted, if possible. that's essentially what i'm going for here :)04:47
NotTooSmartls -lh /crypt/files; read sent over ssh returns: command not found, any ideas. I was told ; read stops the window from closing so the command shold stat the dir but it doesn't04:47
pangolin_rollingps shows device input under # cat /dev/ttyUSB0 but doesn't show up when running gpsdrive?? reasons?04:48
Iron_ManArand, i did it , but how do i use it now04:48
arandIron_Man: what are the contents of it?04:48
Jon-Printer issue, please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386073/  I've been helping a lot of people on here while waiting haha04:49
brjannfivetwentysix: it's possible someone in #gnome could help you troubleshoot networkmanager specifically, since it's a gnome project now, if you're interested04:49
Iron_Manit has a bunch of folders04:49
GeekSquidryanrhee90: define config files ... /etc/resolv.conf is a config file, but you'd never want to change it - if you did you would loose networking, same for /etc/network/interfaces ... get my point ...04:49
Iron_Maneither way it seems that would not fix my issue04:49
Iron_Manmy battery keeps showing a message that is discharging04:50
Iron_Manbut i just bought that battery like a month ago04:50
ryanrhee90GeekSquid: oh yeah, haha, sorry. i meant application config files - as in httpd.conf, or php.ini, etc, etc04:50
Iron_Manand i was looking for an application that will allow me to test my battery04:51
* pangolin_rollin Waves hello04:51
DJhey yall04:51
dsnydersHas anybody gotten kpovmodeler working in 9.04?04:52
fivetwentysixbrjann: that's okay, thank you so much04:52
brjannfivetwentysix: you're welcome :)04:52
Jon-Printer issue, please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386073/04:53
pangolin_rollinanyone have gps experience?04:53
fivetwentysixbrjann: Hey would you know how to overwrite the boot loader for my pc at home, I want to install linux on it since i got 3 harddrives, 2 of which are empty, however it's a dell xps 9000 and I cant seem to be able to boot from cd :-(04:54
airtonix!enter | Iron_Man04:55
ubottuIron_Man: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:55
=== mod is now known as Guest58151
brjannfivetwentysix: and you can't reorder the boot devices in the BIOS setup?04:55
arandIron_Man: If you simply run "gnome-power-statistics" from the alt+F2 prompt you should et some battery info, provided they are detected correctly04:55
fivetwentysixbrjann: There is no bios setup04:55
gilbertthebrainCould someone tell me if Ubuntu is DEB or rpm based?04:56
MrPocketsmy nutty install went and changed a buncha stuff to crazy language in a crazy font04:56
GeekSquidryanrhee90: for httpd.conf blanking it would be fine, whereas deleting it would be a bad idea, as for php.ini it will be replaced by the next version of php4 or 5 ... apache is a server .. php is a set of libraries that allow for parsing of php data, I don't consider them applications, I consider the webapps that exist within the webroot the application and the infrastructure that allows that to be served is the LAMP stack ... follow?04:56
Jon-fivetwentysix: There is... no.. BIOS setup?04:57
brjannfivetwentysix: really? i've never seen a dell that didn't have a BIOS setup you could get to by wailing on F2 while the logo was onscreen04:57
airtonixgilbertthebrain, ubuntu is based on debian...04:57
rwwgilbertthebrain: deb04:57
brjannfivetwentysix: similarly i've always been able to get to a boot options prompt by hitting F1104:58
ryanrhee90hrm. okay. well web apps are independent, i can just remove their directory. I'm talking more like ... apache itself, for example. i'd rather just delete any trace of apache2 on my machine and re-install it using apt-get, cuz i'm almost certain i've hacked it to the point of no return. same with ... mysql. or... shorewall, bind9, etc etc04:58
sloopywhere is the /etc/rc.d dir hidden in 9.10?04:58
DarkSpiritWhich are the big Linux Oses?04:58
fivetwentysixbrjann: Well either it doesn't recognize my keyboard early enough for me to go into the bios menu or it just doesn't have one; I've tried rebooting hundreds of times.04:58
* pangolin_rollin waves04:59
fivetwentysixbrjann: razer arctosa keyboard04:59
brjannDarkSpirit: http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=major04:59
dsnyderssloopy, /etc/rc*04:59
brjannfivetwentysix: not familiar with it. i'd say you'd probably be better off finding a cheap keyboard to let you into the boot menu than trying to jack with your boot record so you can install linux :) however, you could also try wubi and install from windows05:00
sloopydsnyders, yes the 0-6 dir's are there but no rc.d05:00
ryanrhee90GeekSquid: hrm... for example, i'm guessing that "apt-get remove apache2" won't delete httpd.conf. if i do apt-get install apache2 after removing, i'm guessing that the configuration files will still be there. true?05:00
brjann!wubi | fivetwentysix05:00
ubottufivetwentysix: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.05:00
pangolin_rollinanyone have an extensive knowledge of either GPS or fingerprint readers? i need help with both05:00
dsnyderssloopy, there is no rc.d05:00
sloopydsnyders, so where to put stuff that usually goes in it?05:01
fivetwentysixbrjann: I don't want to install something where it doesn't give me full hardware support05:01
fivetwentysixbrjann: i rather just install it on a VM05:01
fivetwentysixbrjann: if that's the case05:01
Jon-ubottu: You guys still recommend Wubi? I remember like 3-4 months ago I was a Ubuntu green dude, installed with Wubi, worked great, week later, GRUB update, boot loader was SCREWED. What an oversight =/05:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:01
dsnyderssloopy, It's been a while.  What normally goes in rc.d05:02
fivetwentysixlol @ ubottu05:02
Jon-Printer issue, please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386073/  Please, someone at least tell me it's only a compatibility issue so I can frown and move on haha05:02
fivetwentysix!lol | fivetwentysix05:02
ubottufivetwentysix, please see my private message05:02
Jon-I like talking to bots05:02
sloopydsnyders, yeah its been years since i have had to update my router... i dont play with the low level stuff anymore :'(05:02
GeekSquidryanrhee90: I don't believe in no return .. but anyway .. if you wanted to truly get rid of the lamp stack (for instance) sudo tasksel remove --purge lamp-server would really get rid of everything, then i'd be just a matter of reinstalling the lamp stack, ... your example is ok, however it doesn't get rid of the configs unless you do sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 ... follow?05:02
duncanidaho1Why does DESKTOP DRAPES not startup when my computer restarts?  It is listed in my startup applications.  It is also set to do so in its preferences.05:02
ryanrhee90GeekSquid: Purge! okay. i'll do that. thanks! :)05:03
arandJon-: I have never used wubi nor do I think much of it, I would say if you have a choice, go with a dualboot instead.05:03
Jon-arand: After GRUB blew up on me I dual-booted. Seriously though, if Ubuntu is supposed to work for my Grandma and a simple recommended update blows up Wubi because of some mix up with GRUB... well, that just sucks.05:04
seanbrystonegood luck finding the perfect OS05:05
GeekSquidJon-: type /msg ubottu !gender ... you might get a kick out of that ... also http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi is ubottu's database for your enjoyment05:05
arandJon-: Bugs always suck, but there is little avoiding the neither, such is life.05:05
dsnyderssloopy, I think the stuff goes in the various rc*.d folders, and possibly the /etc/event.d folder.05:05
fivetwentysixbrjann: Can I install wubi and make it use a whole harddrive to itself to increase performance?05:05
linucksHi there, I am confused over this new grub.cnf, I need to add a kernel option however there seems to be no menu.lst file and the grub.cnf is only script. Can anyone help?05:05
Jon-arand: True, but when was the last time a Microsoft patches caused BSODs? Last patch date, yes, but that was from a rootkit not letting it modify a file, haha ^_^05:06
sloopydsnyders, only symlinks go into rc*.d05:06
arandlinucks: editing is done in /etc/default/grub05:06
brjannfivetwentysix: apparently yes, via LVPM. I've never used wubi or LVPM, though :) http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html05:06
dsnyderssloopy, so where do the symlinks point?05:06
Jon-arand: My point is Ubuntu really needs more stability before it's ready for the average user IMO, I'm not bashing, just saying, it's a power-user OS05:06
Jon-Printer issue, please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386073/  Please, someone at least tell me it's only a compatibility issue so I can frown and move on haha05:07
arandlinucks: use "sudo update-grub" to propagate the to the actual grub.cfg05:07
sloopydsnyders, to files in /etc/init.d05:07
linucksarand: ok, where in /etc/default/grub do I add a kernel option? I am new to grub205:07
fivetwentysixDoes wubi work on Win 7 64bit ?05:07
sloopydsnyders, which are where the actual startup control scripts reside05:07
Jon-fivetwentysix: It worked with RC1 for me, so I assume it will for you as well. I'd really recommend dual-boot though.05:08
jrtaylorivWhy would I use Ubuntu firefox addons rather than just installing them directly through firefox?05:08
dsnyderssloopy, so I guess that's where your /etc/rc.d files are too.05:08
linucksarand: would it happen to be GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""?05:08
Jon-jrtayloriv: I think they are the same thing.05:08
axisyshow do I setup a user with autologin ? put ubuntu on my gf's laptop .. she prefers not to enter passwd during login.. it is secure.. no open port except ssh w/ limit and there is no inbound route to my home05:08
arandlinucks: kernel option? like "acpi=off" or "vga=868"? In that case it is at the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line (where there is already the quiet and splash options)05:09
jrtaylorivJon- Why does Ubuntu team maintain these packages then? Surely they wouldn't create a package for no reason ....05:09
Jon-axisys: System -> Administration -> Login screen [in there]05:09
fivetwentysixJon-: I'm having trouble booting from cd05:09
linucksarand: i8042.nomux=105:09
sloopydsnyders, nope, rc.d was for scripts for simple tasks that were started/stopped/etc by the scripts in /etc/init.d05:09
Jon-fivetwentysix: You the BIOS guy? Tap F2 when computer powers on set CD to boot before hard-drive in boot order05:09
Jon-Printer issue, please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386073/  Please, someone at least tell me it's only a compatibility issue so I can frown and move on haha05:10
arandlinucks: that would go in there yes (what I mentioned)05:10
fivetwentysixJon-: That's the whole problem05:10
linucksarand: ok thanks :)05:10
Jon-jrtayloriv: I've used Ubuntu for 1 month. Don't ask me. :P05:10
Ghost1227much as i hate to admit it, i need help... i haven't configured X in ages but i now find myself needing to use an ubuntu box that is forcing 800x600 resolution on an i91505:10
axisysJon-: thanks05:11
hamza  no system devices (partitions, usb, cd/dvd drive) are showing in my nautilus, but they show in disk utility.  now im just wondering if it's hopeless and i have to reinstall...05:11
arandfivetwentysix: Depending on system everything from Del, F1-F2, F10-F12 is possible ways to get into bios05:11
Jon-fivetwentysix: BIOS setup is usually F1, F2 or DEL. I usually tap all three in rapid succession until it pops up.05:11
fivetwentysixJon-: ill try when i gethome05:11
sloopyJon-, looks like you are probly sharing it as a raw device and ubuntu is sending PS pages to it...05:12
seanbrystoneisnt F10 the bios on  the newer HP's?05:12
sloopyJon-, on the win2k machine look at the raw file in the spool and see if it has a PS header or binary data...05:12
rwwI tend to just bash function keys randomly until the setup screen appears.05:13
ja660kis there a win95 emulator like dosbox?05:13
ardchoillerww: hehe05:13
Wubuntui'm using Karmic Koala 9.10, and have a Microdia TwinkleCam USB camera that i can't seem to get to operate. Can anyone assist me with this problem?05:13
Jon-sloopy: I can access the drive remotely from here, what path is the spool in generally?05:13
arandjrtayloriv: Using the ubuntu firefox addons makes them use the package management system, and hence will be easier to manage (depending on your preference)05:13
arand!wine | ja660k05:13
ubottuja660k: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:13
dsnyderssloopy, on my fedora box, rc.d contains init.d and the various rc*.d folders.  On my ubuntu those are all in /etc directly.05:13
sloopyJon-, i dont know for win2k, on win xp it is... uh give me a sec05:13
dsnyderssloopy, what exactly are you after?05:14
axisyshow do I disable `laptop mode' .. it is keep going to suspend mode if the lid is down05:14
axisysgot it! power management05:14
Jon-axisys: You can access power options from System -> Preferences -> Power Management. Change the settings and click the make default [or whatever it is] button05:14
axisysJon-: thanks05:14
sloopydsnyders, i upgraded my router machine from 8.04 to 9.10, i tried firestarter for the FW but it is sucking up 100% cpu on one of the cores...05:15
jrtaylorivarand, Thanks05:15
sloopydsnyders, so i am going back to just using a iptables script i made...05:15
sensaeI'm having problems with mdadm and RAID - it seems like it won't write a superblock to my raid devices05:15
GeekSquidsloopy: you are so much better off using iptables or ufw, firestarter is a memory/cpu hog05:16
sloopydsnyders, and i am used to sysv init, as it was in the past (i used to use FC back in the day...)05:16
dsnyderssloopy, so you want to know where to put the iptables script?05:16
sloopyGeekSquid, yeah i said that ;')05:16
alcalaHello!! =)05:16
sloopydsnyders, yeah i just made a rc.d dir in /etc05:16
brjann!hi | alcala05:16
ubottualcala: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:16
=== BengtRibba is now known as dennis__
Jon-sloopy I found C:\WINNT\system32\spool\PRINTERS  it contains .SHD and .SPL files. What would you like me to check?05:17
MrPocketswhat the HECK would make the menu font in certain applications different?05:17
GeekSquidMrPockets: like what application?05:17
alcaladoes anybody has any experience on configuring WEBCAM on any msn client??05:18
MrPocketsthe file menus in OpenOffice Writer, and all the font in VirtualBox05:18
MrPocketsbut like, Evolituon, FF, xChat, all gine05:18
b2p1mpim such a noob, my win7 desktop had the printer attached windows shared(LPT1), on my laptop i goto printers, add under Network choose Windows Samba then input the info to locate the printer.... i cant seem to locate it though.05:18
sloopyJon-, i dont rem which, use a good text editor and open one and see if there is a PS header in it...05:18
MrPocketsall system fonts are fine..05:18
=== fred_ is now known as Guest58560
b2p1mpim on 910 ubuntu05:18
Jon-sloopy vim to the rescue  one sec05:19
sloopyJon-, best thing since sliced bread ;')05:19
b2p1mpcant seem to reach the printer attached to lpt1 on my windows machine05:19
Guest58560hello all can i ask a question05:19
sloopyGuest58560, you just did...05:19
dsnyderssloopy, judging from the readme in /etc/init.d, you should put it in /etc/init.d and then run update-rc.d05:19
Guest58560fair enough...05:19
brjann!ask | Guest5856005:19
ubottuGuest58560: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:19
Jon-spool Hmm, just seems like binaries to me, gedit can't find proper encoding and VIM displays garbage or nothing05:20
alcalacan anybody help me to decide on what webcam I can buy that is compatible with a messenger in ubuntu?05:20
dsnydersHas anybody gotten kpovmodeler working in 9.04?05:20
Guest58560ok..so just installed ubuntu had free space of 10gb on drive formated it as Fat to store music..rebooted drive not seen data ?gone?05:20
dsnydersGuest58560, Is the drive mounted?05:21
brjannalcala: here's a list of webcams that the Free Software Foundation likes: http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/cameras05:21
Jon-sloopy Hmm, just seems like binaries to me, gedit can't find proper encoding and VIM displays garbage or nothing  [I called you "spool". Ironic fail.]05:21
Guest58560and partitions are not mounted automatically which is odd to me05:21
GeekSquidalcala: look here http://www.murrayc.com/blog/permalink/2008/03/28/webcams-that-just-work-with-ubuntu/05:21
sloopydsnyders, no, that isnt the right place for the script... init.d is where the script with the info for update-rc needs is stored...05:21
alcalabrjann thanks05:21
DanaGhmm, is it a known issue that the PowerPC LiveCD is 705 megabytes, and thus too big to fit on a CD?05:22
brjannalcala: take a look at the link GeekSquid said too :)05:22
alcalageeksquid thanks05:22
AgentGreenhi everyone05:22
sloopyJon-, yeah then win2k is probly sharing it as a raw specific printer as opposed to a generic PS printer...05:22
cyberbluntzOK, so I'm trying to play this dvd I picked up from the redbox, when I put it it it comes up with an autolauncher, and asks me what to do . I select the movie player, and when It attempts to launch it gives and error "no URI handler implemented for "dvd"."05:22
AgentGreenanyone not to busy or frustrated to help A Ubuntu desktop installation problem ?05:23
GeekSquidDanaG: please ask that question in #ubuntu-powerpc05:23
Jon-sloopy: AKA, Windows-share only? [as the driver is transmitted to the box when it tries to access it]?05:23
Jon-sloopy: It works with zero-config for XP and 705:24
sloopyJon-, yeah that sounds about right... i am not really sure, as i have been linux (and unix) prodominate for ~15 years...05:24
sloopyJon-, and i have seen this issue with samba... i know how to fix it in samba but not windows05:24
Jon-sloopy: I'm 20... you make me feel young ^_^. Out of curiosity what's the samba fix?05:25
AgentGreenI get a blank screen after ubuntu bootloader? lets me select05:25
sensaeI'm trying to start my raid array with mdadm and I get device or resource busy05:25
sloopyJon-, samba is the app that runs on linux (and other os's) for sharing things in the MS way...05:25
sensaelsof shows nothing using either drives / partitions05:25
Jon-sloopy: Oh. I thought it was the name for the actual protocol used by Windows, nevermind. I see the difference now05:26
sloopyJon-, the protocol is called 'smb'05:26
pangolin_rollinhello? testing connection please respond back?05:26
GeekSquidpangolin_rollin: working05:27
pangolin_rollinGeeksquid: thank you05:27
Jon-sloopy: Yep. I should have known that. I'm very solid on Windows boxes, only have about a month of ubuntu under my belt now. Thanks for the help, I guess I am screwed =/05:27
sloopyJon-, problem is fixable, i just dont know how...05:28
sloopyJon-, besides isnt win2k EOL?05:28
AgentGreenawww bummer all the documentation and searching with no luck05:29
GeekSquidAgentGreen: Laptop?05:29
hamzanoone knows why i cant mount any of my drives?05:29
AgentGreenno netbook installled awsome it loaded so well on my eeepc I decided to install on my desktop also not the remix ofcourse but the new 9.1005:30
Jon-sloopy: Win2k is in "extended" support, no new features are planned but security patches and vulnerabilities are still addressed.. those are dropped in like 2012?05:30
AgentGreenand i just get a blank screeen and my refresh rate or resolution in my card05:30
AgentGreengoes nuts05:31
sloopyJon-, ahhh, i just know someone who was telling me 2003 server is going to be EOL this year, so i figured 2k was well past EOL05:31
Jon-sloopy It's quite an old PC, it really wouldn't run XP without an upgrade. It has the printer attached just out of convinence, no room by the XP box [my main box, this is a laptop]05:31
alcalaWEBCAM configuring is hard? I mean u should pick a compatible one, configure it, and see if u have luck making it work!05:31
theadminWhat does TTY stand for, actually?05:31
sloopytheadmin, TeleTYpe05:32
jazusa03compiz has broken, when i load it, all the windows go blank i tried to run it in the console but couldnt read an error message05:32
theadminsloopy: :/05:32
menguhi. when i try to play some mp3s i get this error: "GstMPEGAudioParse: No valid frames found before end of stream" why is that? they were working great on win?05:32
chdhow do I mount iso's with ubuntu05:32
axisyschd: sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt05:33
sloopyubottu, iso | chd05:33
ubottuchd: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:33
AgentGreenno idea's anyone ?05:33
issaecwhich is the room of Ubuntu in spanish¿?05:34
Jon-sloopy Oh crappp Windows 2000 extended support ends 13/07/2010. I guess I am hounding my parents to upgrade then, that's sort of critical and I refuse to have an easily compromised box on the network05:34
brjann!es | issaec05:34
ubottuissaec: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:34
GeekSquidAgentGreen: there are a number of considerations... it is probably your video card ... at boot loader screen . press ESC after post ... go to recovery mode and run the xfix then reboot and see if that helped05:34
sloopyJon-, replace 2k with ubuntu05:34
AgentGreenthank you very much geek squid05:34
AgentGreenthis is from cd boot ?05:35
Jon-sloopy: It's my moms computer05:35
sloopyJon-, mom can learn ubuntu...05:35
Johnyi uninstalled ubuntu but i cant seem to uninstall GRUB Loader05:35
GeekSquidAgentGreen: fresh start ... when you get to Loading Grub .. Press esc ... go to the recovery cosole and run the xfix05:35
Johnyi cant boot to my XP machine :(05:35
Jon-sloopy: I've had ubuntu for a month and the only reason I didn't say screw it and go back to windows is because I had the perseverance and was good with PCs. I've had issues... I'll consider it.05:35
AgentGreenall i have is cd05:36
AgentGreenk it switch into text mod05:36
AgentGreenim at boot :05:36
sensaeCan anyone explain this to me? My mdadm raid automatically builds on boot, on /dev/md_d0, and I have it in fstab. When my system boots it hangs complaining /home won't mount (the raid), but all I have to do is drop to recovery console, type 'mount -a' and hit ctrl D to continue booting, and it works05:36
sloopyJon-, just remember you didnt learn windows in a month, so dont expect to learn ubuntu in a month ;')05:36
GeekSquidAgentGreen: press esc to get to the grub screen ... go to recovery .. are we getting there05:36
dsnyderssloopy, scripts go into /etc/init.d according to this: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/ and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36871705:36
AgentGreentrying i think I did it too early05:36
Johnyany of you guys here know how to remove grub loader?05:37
AgentGreenjust went to a boot: promp05:37
ChogyDansensae: it might be an ordering thing.  It is trying to boot before the raid comes online05:37
ChogyDansensae: don't know anything about fixing that though...05:37
rwwJohny: what are you trying to replace it with? Windows' boot loader?05:37
sloopydsnyders, yes, startup scripts belong in init.d but this isnt the startup script...05:37
Johnyyeah i want to restore it to the original05:37
AgentGreenif I press esc from boot loader of cd05:37
sensaeChogyDan: Well that's lame :/05:37
AgentGreenI go to a BOOT: prompt05:37
NimbleRabitI'm trying to do a cp command, and I know for 100% sure the file exists, but it's telling me cannot stat FILE: No such file or directory.  Here's the command sudo cp "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/CoreAVC Pro/CoreAVCDecoder.ax" /usr/share/dshowserver/  what am I doing wrong here?05:37
AgentGreenI did it post clicking live05:37
rwwJohny: Which version of Windows?05:37
Jon-sloopy: I just meant shit like having GRUB die on a boot... "Learning Windows" is very false, it's more like "learning how to not install junky programs and avoid malware" Windows is quite stable, hard to screwup, low crash rate, no compatibility issues, updates don't break things. Ubuntu, so far for me, not quite there yet. I don't know if I want to subject my mom to that05:37
Johnyi have windows XP05:38
AgentGreengot it posting all info05:38
AgentGreenfrom loading05:38
rwwJohny: http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/292614-how-to-get-back-your-windows-xp-bootloader/05:38
AgentGreenso i guess it's gona load me into a prompt ?05:38
GeekSquidAgentGreen: not the CD ... try without CD ... boot normally .. when you get past the bios screen press ESC05:38
Johnyahhhh i already did that05:38
AgentGreennot installed there's only ubuntu 8.10 fastrack 4 and windows xp05:39
Johnystill doing GRUB Loading but it actually wont even go to the menu05:39
AgentGreenbacktrack4 I mean05:39
sloopyJon-, yeah my wife was a windows person, made her use linux, until she got her new laptop, tried vista, didnt care much for it, went to 7, and is serioulsy considering going back to linux...05:39
geniiJohny: For grub2 hold the shift key down and not the esc key05:39
Johnyit would just stay GRUB loading05:40
GeekSquidAgentGreen: what do you mean not installed ... what did it do?05:40
Jon-sloopy: Hmm, really? Personally I love 7, but I take computer science so some experiance in UNIX/Linux would be nice. That's why I forced myself to switch for a bit.05:40
GeekSquidgenii: that's new .. good to know05:40
Jon-sloopy: I didn't care for Vista at all, it was rushed and just wasn't very good05:40
AgentGreenI place cd in drive05:40
AgentGreenI get too the boot loader menu05:41
AgentGreenI got to install ubuntu05:41
AgentGreenshows me circle logo05:41
Johnynope holding down shift doesnt help05:41
AgentGreenshows me text05:41
AgentGreenthen My screen goes out of rang05:41
sloopyJon-, yeah i have opinions on both but they would be OT here and discussing here is against the TOS for the channel...05:41
AgentGreenit's an intel celery 2.0ghz with a nvidia gfx 7600 gt05:42
Jon-sloopy: Whoops. I won't then, thanks =)05:42
sloopyJon-, np, suprised something hasnt been ssaid already...05:42
mawstDoes anyone know which "fmt" on youtube = 1080p?05:43
dsnyderssloopy,  This link uses /opt/scripts for an iptables script: http://townx.org/simple_firewall_for_ubuntu_using_iptables05:43
rwwubottu: ot | mawst05:43
ubottumawst: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:43
JohnyGRUB Loader wont go away plz help05:44
dsnyderssloopy, [shrug] but if you've got it working, you've got it working.05:44
hipitihopwhat is the correct way to check what timzone I have set from the command line ?05:44
lazarus_lupineanyone know how to completely remove plymouth? Still getting a mountall error message on startup. Using an ssd so i don't need a splash screen.05:44
alcalais there any software like MAIL CHIMP for ubuntu??05:44
arandJohny: You have an xp CD?05:44
Johnyyeah but i did all that fixboot and fixmdr thing05:45
brjannhipitihop: date05:45
Johnyand GRUB is still there05:45
brjannhipitihop: that will show the current time in what the system thinks is your local timezone05:45
sloopydsnyders, yeah that would be an LSB approved method to doing it...05:45
hipitihopbrjann, says EST whereas I am GMT+10:0005:45
arandJohny: That shouldn't be the case... You only have one harddisk?05:46
Johnywell when i instlaled ubuntu i had 205:46
Johny1 for xp and 1 for ubuntu05:46
hipitihopbrjann, although date and time correct, hence I suspect I never set my timzone properly and just set date/time05:46
Johnyand i just removed the ubuntu hardrive cuz i thought it might help remove the GRUB loading thing05:47
Johnybut it didnt05:47
brjannhipitihop: this should help :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime05:47
Johnyi already uninstalled ubuntu but now i cant boot to xp cuz GRUB would get stuck loading05:47
Johnycant even get to the GRUB menu05:47
sloopydsnyders, but either way thanks for the help...05:49
dsnyderssloopy, glad to almost help :-)05:49
JohnyWOAH!!!! its fixed05:50
sloopydsnyders, been using linux for a long time?05:50
rshakinhey ppl;05:50
bullgardpavucontrol) shows  in tabs »Output Devices« and »Input Devices« in in the first line »Internal_Audio_Analog_Stereo«. What does that mean?05:50
dsnyderssloopy, at least five years, probably more.05:50
hipitihopbrjann, strnage I followed dpkg-reconfigure tzdata and it showed the correct settings and shows current local timezone correctly but in local time it shows EST05:50
Wubuntuare there specific XChat rooms for webcam issues?05:51
sloopydsnyders, ahh ok...05:51
rzx237Johny: how?05:51
brjannhipitihop: that's weird. if you click on the clock in your panel, does it show your location correctly?05:51
GeekSquidAgentGreen: I would reccommend downloading either ubuntu 9.04 or 9.10 and install that over the install you have .. I believe you will have better luck05:51
dsnyderssloopy, ubuntu sets a lot of stuff on its ear, though.05:51
AgentGreeni have 9.10 on a cd05:51
AgentGreenbut wont install05:52
Johnyi dont know it just booted agian. i think it was the hardrive that i removed05:52
AgentGreenfails before install screen boot loader works fine05:52
GeekSquidAgentGreen: have you checkd the disk for integrity?05:52
AgentGreenwill do but i suspect it'll be fine05:52
Blue1rzx237: yes but you have to set that05:53
AgentGreenbacktrack 4 installed and ran live from cd wich is on ubuntu 8.10 i believe05:53
Jon-Printer issue : http://paste.ubuntu.com/386105/  [now with updated info if you took a look before]05:53
AgentGreenso i don't see why this installation of ubuntu 9.10 would be problematic05:53
dsnydersSo I gather nobody has gotten kpovmodeler to work?05:53
sloopydsnyders, just different methods of doing the same thing, try running a *BSD and compare, and you will see how ubuntu and fedora have similarities in different spots with them...05:53
hipitihopbrjann, I'm checking the machine remotely via ssh so not simple to bring that up05:54
soudesukaI installed ubuntu using wubi and then tried to move the install using LVPM, but for some reason, ubuntu does not show up in the grub menu.  I get an UnknownOS which points to my Windows Bootloader and then the actual Windows Bootloader.  The ubuntu install is still associated with the windows bootloader.  any suggestions?05:54
Skeethello guys05:54
brjannhipitihop: ah, i see. sorry, i actually have to do something else for a little bit :( good luck, though!05:54
dsnyderssloopy, true.  It's getting to know the variations and what goes where, especially between distro upgrades, that keeps you on your toes05:55
Jon-souldesuka You could always boot into a Win recovery CD and have it remake the bootloader, then see if you can get GRUB to load Ubuntu?05:55
Blue1soudesuka: becuase wubi runs as a task under windows05:55
soudesukaBlue1: LVPM is supposed to move Ubuntu to its own seperate partition05:55
clawsthis is my 6'th day on linux and.. boy... I LOVE THIS !05:55
AgentGreenclaws well done05:56
Blue1soudesuka: i've not had good luck with that - - but YMMV (your mileage may vary)05:56
AgentGreenIm loving the ubuntu remix05:56
sloopyclaws, congrats05:56
dsnyderssloopy, for example, they've changed the xwindows reset from CTRL-ALT-Backspace to ALT-Printscreen-K05:56
soudesukaJon: the reason I did this was because my laptops disc drive is not working... i cant install any thing from a disc05:56
AgentGreenjust not so happy with installer on ubuntu 9.10 desktop05:56
Skeetclaws, gj!05:57
Jon-soudesuka: The only way I know how to boot from USB .iso is with GRUB and it's a bit tricky.05:57
Jon-soudesuka: But probably easier than trying to port a Wubi install05:57
AgentGreenworks great for usb.iso boot05:57
soudesukaJon-: not sure I can boot from USB.  I'm probably just gonna stick with this the way it is unfortunately...05:57
AgentGreenit comes in a great linux and windows version05:57
mkquisthey all, i dont remember, how to get fsck to run on the filesystem on reboot... any help?05:57
AgentGreenjust google unet boot05:57
ardchoille!info unetbootin05:58
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 356-1 (karmic), package size 213 kB, installed size 636 kB05:58
dsnydersJon-, there are a bunch of examples of usb iso booting on pendrivelinux.org, even a multi-boot setup.05:58
BankHeadIs it easier to install ubuntu on a secondary drive?05:58
AgentGreenGeekSquid as quessed checking intregrity Check Finished: no errors found05:58
AgentGreenpress any key to reboot05:58
sloopydsnyders, interesting combo, but i havnt played with anything that deep since i was using YDL...05:58
julian__alguien que speak spanish05:58
AgentGreennot quessed05:58
ardchoille!es | julian__05:58
ubottujulian__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:58
Blue1!es | julian__05:58
clawsi feel i have wasted all those years on ...05:58
julian__tank you05:59
GeekSquidAgentGreen: backtrack is a dirivitave version that doesn't use the nvidia drivers, I had had problems with 8.10 with nvidia .. I know 8.04 works with nvidia, as does 9.04 .. 8.10 is almost to end of life, where as 8.04 still has a year of support, I digress, but really I'd keep trying ... I have one other option ... in your out of sync press CTRL-ALT-F1 to see if you get into a terminal ... if so login and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:59
Blue1de nada05:59
hipitihopbrjann, np, thanks for assist05:59
Jon-soudesuka: At least take a look at http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=23052  and see if you are successful. If your laptop can boot from USB, this is your best option05:59
sloopyclaws, cant know what good is unless you know what bad is... think of those years as a learning exp...05:59
* Blue1 wishes he knew more spanish05:59
dsnyderssloopy, when you have handicap assist on and hold alt  it toggles on.  If you then press ctrl-backspace to delete a word, you restart X with no opportunity to save your work.05:59
knoppiesclaws: Linux is free, but only to those who consider their time worthless.06:00
AgentGreenwhn it's out of sink I can't ctrl alt f1 to get a terminal06:00
AgentGreenbut il try again to make sure06:00
ssmywhat is the easiest way to make one of my keys do what another would? at some point ubuntu decided that my right alt key isn't an alt key, and I want it to be.06:00
dsnyderssloopy, apparently it was happening quite a bit.06:00
Jon-Printer issue : http://paste.ubuntu.com/386105/  [now with updated info if you took a look before]06:00
knoppiesclaws, welcome though, you will learn that computers as you knew it, are much more powerful than you were aware.06:00
clawssloppy: i see that now  :)06:00
sloopydsnyders, that that soounds like a party in a keystroke :')06:00
Blue1Jon-: I ran into a similar problem with my hp printer - turned out the printer psc 1310 is NOT a network printer06:01
dsnyderssloopy, I think there are other ALT-Printscreen keystrokes beyond Alt-Printscreen-K to kill x.06:01
clawsknoppies: i am already beginning to notice  :)06:02
mkquisthey all, i dont remember, how to get fsck to run on the filesystem on reboot... any help?06:02
AgentGreenno luck Geek Squid06:02
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Jon-Blue1: I don't imagine it is... I have it hooked up to a Windows PC via USB, the printer shared using Windows 2000 smb. Windows XP and Windows 7 connect and use it fine once pointed in the right direction and given authentication, Ubuntu fails. Any ideas?06:02
Skeetclaws, what took you so long? :)06:02
* AgentGreen cries06:02
sloopydsnyders, yeah back in the mid 90's i used to have a shell running off the serial port on my 68k mac incase the console got too screwed, i could use a terminal to fix it... those were the days /nostalgia06:03
Jon-Blue1: I can use samba to access the drive shares and to see the printer, only when I go to print the printer "rejects" it [spins up like it is preparing to print, and then just stops]06:03
clawsskeet: i hate my self for that  :P06:04
Blue1Jon-: private message ok?06:04
Skeetclaws, i feel ya pain!06:04
clawsskeet: i got a lot of reading left though  :)06:05
dsnyderssloopy, I just found a list.  The keystroke is called a Magic Sysrq.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key06:05
Skeetsame here claws!!06:06
theadminHelp, i added "alias apache='sudo /home/r00t/httpd/bin/apachectl'", to .bashrc, yet whenever i try "apachestart" it seems to skip the sudo part06:07
theadmin"apache start", i mean06:07
hamza  no system devices (partitions, usb, cd/dvd drive) are showing in my nautilus, but they show in disk utility.  now im just wondering if it's hopeless and i have to reinstall...06:07
GeekSquidssmy: your right alt is technically AltGr in ubuntu ... you will need to learn to use xmodmap to remap those keys ... see here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man1/xmodmap.1.html06:07
dsnydersWell, goodnight all!06:08
TrizicusIn chrome and firefox on every SSL/HTTPS site I go to I always get an untrusted connection warning and I need to manually add the certificate. Does anyone have info about this?06:08
sloopydsnyders, but that hasnt been enabled on standard kernels for years IIRC06:08
AgentGreenlol my screen saver was kicking in on remix06:08
AgentGreenand I thought I was blacking out or going blind lol06:08
GeekSquidTrizicus: is your time/date/year set correctly? just a thought06:08
TrizicusGeekSquid: yes06:09
alcalaI am having a hard time CONFIGURING evolution with GMAIL!! can anybody help me06:09
dj_segfault1I'm going crazy getting awstats to work.  It gathers stats into /var/lib/awstats but the web page won't list them.  I would like to give up on it and use something else.  What do you use for web stats?06:09
TrizicusGeekSquid: How do I find out if I have a proxy setup with networkmanager?06:10
Jedimestariacala download thunderbird, ti is better06:10
ssmyGeekSquid: well, it's showing as ISO_Level3_Shift in xev. I was wondering if there was anything newer than xmodmap. guess not.06:10
GeekSquidTrizicus: ask globally , not my bag06:11
bullgardpavucontrol) shows  in tabs »Output Devices« and »Input Devices« in in the first line »Internal_Audio_Analog_Stereo«. What does that mean?06:11
AgentGreengeek squid is there anyone i can call tommorow ?06:11
dsnyderssloopy, odd.  Perhaps it's only alt-sysrq-k being implemented.06:11
bikcmpHello, I'm trying to run psybnc, but it says it can't create a listening port.06:12
bikcmpi'm not running as root.06:12
bikcmpwhat could be the problem?06:12
GeekSquidssmy: you could use system>preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts and remap the keys you need to make whatever function you need06:12
theadminOkay, help me out here. I have a script to start the Apache daemon in /etc/init.d, yet it ain't started now (just booted)06:13
GeekSquidAgentGreen: see my pm06:13
ssmyGeekSquid: that doesn't remap a key though, just assign it to a command.06:13
AgentGreenthanks man i see your really busy and I really apreciate it06:14
AgentGreenI was really happy today with Ubuntu 9.10 remix on my netbook06:14
AgentGreennow im sad with ubuntu 9.10 desktop06:14
theadminSome output which might be valuable: http://pastebin.com/s9ckmvRT06:15
ubuntuhello everyone06:15
ubuntucan anyone here help me with grub06:15
ubuntui have it installed on one of my partitions06:15
ubuntubut it doesnt show all partitions06:16
ubuntuhow can i add a some partitions to grub?06:16
gestaltish@ubuntu Have yu checked the forums?06:17
ubuntui found some useful info, but how to solve this problem in particular\06:17
sloopytheadmin, why didnt apache package install its own script in /etc/init.d  ?06:17
Jon-Can a non-network printer that does work over smb work on ubuntu over samba, or am I wasting my time?06:18
rastaseanlooking for assistance to start vsftp but i get this error start-stop-daemon: Unable to open pidfile `/var/run/vsftpd/vsftpd.pid' for writing: Permission denied (Permission denied)06:18
BankHeadVisit #GeneralDiscussion for offtopic chat06:18
theadminsloopy: It wasn't installed system-wide when i installed it06:18
ubuntuin fact i re-installed grub, on that old paartition, but unfortunately its missing my most important paritions06:18
sloopytheadmin, you need more in the script in init.d, look in the other scripts for examples...06:19
ubuntuthat is the options at start up are incomplete06:19
mattgyveranybody know how to prevent wine apps from starting up in the "wine system tray" and just appear in panel?06:19
theadminsloopy: Well, uh, why wouldn't this work?06:19
rastasean<----looking for assistance to start vsftp06:19
mattgyverrastasean, it almost sounds as if its running as root and your trying to restart it as a normal user06:20
rastasean<mattgyver> I do sudo, tho06:20
nomad77!fr |djo06:20
ubottudjo: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois06:20
Jon-Can a non-network printer that does work over smb work on ubuntu over samba, or am I wasting my time?06:20
sloopytheadmin, i dont have time to explain... i need to go to bed... go into /etc/rc2.d and do a ls -l06:21
rastasean<mattgyver> i type sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd start06:21
rastaseanit mentions some running process that seems to be locked up06:21
mattgyveryeah, you could try a sudo killall vsftpd and then try running it again06:21
RPG-MasterOK, need help sorting through a FRIGGIN' huge lost+found folder. Nautilus can't handle all the stupid empty folders and blank inode files06:22
rastaseanmatt, still denies me :(06:22
BankHeadVisit #GeneralDiscussion for offtopic chat06:22
rastaseanmatt, pgrep doesn't show anything running06:23
rastaseanas far as vsftpd06:23
rastaseani have even rebooted the machine06:24
RPG-MasterSo, any help with my predicament?06:25
sloopyRPG-Master, delete everything in there?06:25
RPG-Mastersloopy, No, I have gigs of videos, images, and other random stuff strewn across those folders :(06:26
Jon-Printer issue : http://paste.ubuntu.com/386105/  I've been working at this for a long time guys, please someone give me some assistance =/06:26
sloopyRPG-Master, they shouldnt be in lost+found... but use the shell to sort/move it...06:27
RPG-Mastersloopy, Well, they got moved there after I screwed up and did a fsck06:28
becker_11this might be a silly question but is a ssh signing key different to a gnupg signing key06:28
rwwbecker_11: yes06:28
becker_11rww: that explains my frustration with uploading my key to github06:28
sloopyRPG-Master, honestly if fsck put them there then they are likely to be corrupted...06:28
rwwbecker_11: which one do you want to make? I can link you to guides for either...06:29
mattgyverrastasean, im not too sure, did you install it from apt?06:29
RPG-Mastersloopy, I thought so too, until I found a few folder completely in tact.06:29
becker_11rww: I need a ssh signing key for github the other key/s I've already got06:29
BankHeadVisit -->> #GeneralDiscussion <<-- for fun talk, off topic and more :D06:29
RPG-MasterBut there are MANY randomly named folders in there :/06:29
sloopyRPG-Master, use the shell to start divide and conquer...06:29
rastaseanmatt, yes. i've never had a problem turning it on. so this is odd06:29
rwwBankHead: Don't advertise channels in here, please.06:29
becker_11haha I thought he was a bot and someone got introuble for off topic lol06:30
rwwbecker_11: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys#Generating%20RSA%20Keys06:30
becker_11rww thanks06:30
RPG-Mastersloopy, What commands should I use? I'd like to find files by type (flac, mkv, jpg, etc.)06:30
mattgyverrastasean, yea i never had that problem before with it.  I did some searching but im not finding anything like your problem, just config problems06:30
rwwbecker_11: no problem. Let me know if that link isn't clear :)06:31
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:31
becker_11rww: will do - brb06:31
rastaseanmatt, yeah i was thinking the same06:31
rastaseanmatt, do i have the start command correct06:31
sloopyRPG-Master, not easy to do... the command 'file' should tell you what type a specific file is...06:32
RebelstarHello, i have ubutnu 9.10.. I just tried to install compizconfig and after checking desktop effects option,, system hangs..even after restart in recovery mode system hangs with startup screen..what can i do..pls help06:32
NoraZoei want to change the theme and log in screen but i cant seem to figure out how06:32
NoraZoecan anyone help06:32
Jon-Does printing of a Windows printer over samba work or not? I need to know if I am just wasting my time.. See: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386105/06:33
sloopyOP bankhead is sending random invites to another channel...06:33
rastaseanI think I have have solved it06:33
mattgyverrastasean, what was wrong?06:33
rastaseani deleted the vsftpd.pid file06:34
Madpilotsloopy, BankHead - ?06:34
NoraZoecan anyone help me please i cant figure out why i cant add any new themes06:34
mattgyverrastasean, ahh, so its working now06:34
BankHeadI stopped 5min ago06:34
rastaseanmatt, sudo rm - /var/run/vsftpd/vsftpd.pid06:34
rastaseanyes, looks like it started06:34
sloopyi got an invite at 1:31 and 1:33 (local time)06:35
BankHeadSorry dude06:35
MadpilotBankHead, why did you start in the first place? Unsolicited PMs - not cool. Unsolicited invites - also not cool. Do not use #ubuntu for that sort of thing, please.06:35
BankHeadAlright. Sorry.06:35
becker_11rww: created the key thanks the guide was simple06:35
rwwbecker_11: awesome :)06:36
patrickwhat's the preferred method for scheduling a shutdown: "shutdown," "poweroff" or something else?06:36
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RPG-MasterAnymore advice?06:36
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf
sloopyRPG-Master, yeah, get a large cup of coffee ;')06:37
becker_11patrick_____: I thought the syntax was sudo shutdown -(n) insert whatever time you need there06:37
rastaseandoes anyone know a program that can monitor all network traffic...not just on the machine program is installed on06:37
patrick_____becker_11, it is :) I'm just wondering if there's a "nicer" way of doing it (as in, I don't know if the shutdown command does everything that clicking "shutdown" on the gui does)06:38
sloopyrastasean, wireshark06:38
brimminrastasean: ettercap if MITM is needed06:38
dj_segfault1rastasean: Wireshark can put the network card in promiscuous mode and do that.06:38
rastaseanthanks guys!06:39
rastaseanwhat is MITM?06:39
becker_11patrick_____: I was just thinking there might be a cron job way to do it say if you needed shutdown at the same time everyday but someelse would have to help with that so far I haven't used cron06:39
RPG-Masterslowz,... :(06:39
brimminman in the middle06:39
becker_11patrick_____: it probablly does more cause we all know the comamndline rules! :-)06:39
dandamanso i have windows 7 release candidate on my computer(with ubuntu installed from wubi). the release candidate is expiring toinght so if i install a new version of windows 7 will it mess up my linux install?06:39
blakkheimdandaman: yes06:40
blakkheimdandaman: next time don't use wubi06:40
Rebelstari have ubutnu 9.10.. I just tried to install compizconfig and after checking desktop effects option,, system hangs..even after restart in recovery mode system hangs with startup screen..what can i do..pls help06:40
dandamanblakkheim: so im going to lose everything?06:40
patrick_____becker_11, hehe, thanks -- although there's another commandline program I know *not* to use called "halt" :P06:40
arandRPG-Master: DO you have any idea as to the cause? I had the whole root fs dumped into lost+found once and I suspect a couple of powerlosses on ext4 might be the cause...06:40
blakkheimdandaman: yeah06:40
dandamanblakkheim: DAMNIT06:40
dandamanblakkheim: maybe just install the new windows on another partition?06:40
blakkheimdandaman: if you would have done a real installation on a partition you wouldn't06:40
becker_11patrick_____: shame though - less typing06:41
RPG-Masterarand, yep power loss :(06:41
RPG-Masterarand, Though this is an external HDD06:41
Jordan_Udandaman, You can save / transfer your Ubuntu install / data06:41
dandamanJordan_U: can you talk me through how to do that?06:41
bullgardpavucontrol shows in tabs »Output Devices« and »Input Devices« in in the first line »Internal_Audio_Analog_Stereo«. What does that mean?06:41
dj_segfault1dandaman: Can you start up Ubuntu and copy the important stuff ov er to external USB drive06:41
Blue1can a printer using hplip be networked (using samba) between linux and windows?06:41
becker_11so people is there a way to use cron to schedule shutdown of a linux box at the same time everynight ??06:42
dandamandj_segfault1: yeah06:42
arandRPG-Master: Is this on karmic? (Mine happened on jaunty..)06:42
Jordan_Udandaman, I've never used wubi myself but I think so. Do you just want the data or the whole install?06:42
dandamandj_segfault1: but i dont want to lose all of my installs and settings06:42
RPG-Masterarand, Karmic06:42
dandamanlike i have some programs installed that i dont want to lose :\06:42
Jon-Last call before I go to bed: hplip + samba w/ HP F4180 driver + printer connected USB to windows 2000 + HP F4180 printer = only spins up and does not print. What is the issue?06:42
dj_segfault1becker_11: I haven't tried shutting down from cron, but I can't think why it wouldn't work.06:42
RPG-Masterarand: WAIT! I did this screw up through a Parted Magic CD06:43
RPG-MasterBut I fixing it through my Karmic laptop06:43
patrick_____I'm just going to do sudo shutdown -- that's probably good enough :)06:43
muaddibI was wondering if I could ask a mod_rewrite question06:43
becker_11dj_segfault1: yeah I've never used cron myself but thought it might provide the answer for patrick_____06:43
muaddibRewriteRule ^/something$ http://hostname:8080/something/$1 [P]06:43
dj_segfault1dandaman: There's a web page that describes how to generate a list of all installed programs and then another command to reinstall them on another machine from that list.  I don't remember where it is but maybe someone else does06:43
muaddibI am trying to set the above and it doesn't seem to be taking, but I am not sure what I am missing06:43
Jordan_U!clone | dandaman06:43
ubottudandaman: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:43
patrick_____muaddib, your name sounds familiar -- is that from Dune?06:44
dj_segfault1Jordan_U: Thanks06:44
dandamanawesome, thanks06:44
muaddibpatrick______ yes06:44
Jordan_Udj_segfault1, You're welcome.06:44
RPG-Masterarand, So how did you handle it?06:44
* becker_11 on windows I hated doing updates from the MS update site, on linux I get sad when I run apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and there's nothing to install lol06:44
dj_segfault1patrick_____: If you put it in root's crontab then you don't need the sudo part.06:44
patrick_____dj_segfault1, cool, thanks for the tip!06:45
mattgyverdandaman, the other thing you can do is copy your /home directory to usb, most of your application settings are within that folder.06:45
Rebelstarcan anybody pls help  me out?06:45
dj_segfault1patrick_____: What time do you want to shut down the box06:45
lindzeynQuick question.  When I boot up, my desktop environment won't load, that is, the desktop icons do not appear and I cannot right click on the Desktop to get the usual gnome display options06:45
becker_11Rebelstar: don't ask to ask just ask your question06:45
mattgyverlike for pidgin all your config settings etc is in /home/.purple06:45
Rebelstarbecker_11:sorry i have been asking ? :)..anyway here is it  ----------- i have ubutnu 9.10.. I just tried to install compizconfig and after checking desktop effects option,, system hangs..even after restart in recovery mode system hangs with startup screen..what can i do..pls help06:46
patrick_____dj_segfault1, I don't want it to shutdown at a fixed time every day, just in about 45 minutes from now. So I'm going to do sudo shutdown +45. I thought there might be a "nicer" way to do it though, that's why I asked here :)06:46
lindzeynEverything else is fine06:46
arandRPG-Master: Hmm, was so heavily corrupted and disorganised so not much to do really, I was able to run photorec, which extraced some files, but it was still a huge mess which I wasn't able to extract much from, luckily I had no really important data stored on there..06:46
Jordan_Udandaman, You can convert your Wubi install to a "real" install on its own partition ( I know that it's also possible to transfer a wubi install from one windows install to another but I can't give you a guide for that at the moment )06:46
Itadakimasuim confused... Ubuntu has System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager and then, Applicatioins -> Ubuntu Software Center whats the difference, just personal preference?06:47
becker_11Rebelstar: that ones above me I'm sorry I haven't used compiz ... can you get to a shell at all?06:47
RPG-Masterarand, I guess I'm just going to trudge through the mess then :/06:47
Jon-Last call before I go to bed [for real this time haha]: hplip + samba w/ HP F4180 driver + printer connected USB to windows 2000 + HP F4180 printer = only spins up and does not print. What is the issue?06:47
Jon-The driver is the f4100 series driver***06:47
dj_segfault1patrick_____: Ah sorry I misunderstood.  There's also the "at" command to run things in the future, but that probably would have the same effect.06:47
Rebelstarbacker_11: in recovery mode i can but i do not know the right commands to solve06:47
rwwItadakimasu: Pretty much. Software Center is newer and more focused towards new users.06:47
becker_11Itadakimasu: ma and pa will find software center easier snyaptic is more fiddly06:47
patrick_____dj_segfault1, probably, unless there were a way to call the "shutdown" gui button. Thanks by the way, I'd never heard of "at"06:48
Itadakimasualright thank you =o)06:48
cyberbluntzI'm trying to get my totem dvd player to work. It says it does not have the appropriate plugins. so i fallow instructions here http://projects.gnome.org/totem/#codecs. and when i get to the gst-plugins-base in the terminal it says package not found06:48
fudgey_muffinsanyone recognize this? http://dwarfurl.com/15bac06:48
fudgey_muffinsit started popping up all of a sudden06:48
dj_segfault1Itadakimasu: Software Center is dumbed down and only includes the common stuff.  So both do the same thing but Software Center gives you fewer choices.06:48
rwwcyberbluntz: assuming that you're trying to play DVDs on it (it's a general movie player...), https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs06:49
becker_11Rebelstar: well your on a computer now talking to me so search for the compiz config file in google and when you find it hopefully it will give you the path to the file then just cd to that folder and do nano <nameoffilehere>06:49
becker_11Rebelstar: and edit the file in nano06:49
arandRPG-Master: photorec may or may not recover/reorganise better, and you can also choose to recover by filetype, which might be useful for organization, it's part of the "testdisk" package if you're interested06:49
Rebelstarbacker_11:ok thanks i l try it out06:50
rwwfudgey_muffins: That link is inappropriate for Ubuntu channels. Please don't paste it here.06:50
cyberbluntzive installed the libdvdcss2 already06:50
Jordan_Udandaman, For moving to an Ubuntu install on its own partition: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html06:50
julius632hi i was installed anon-proxy in ubuntu 9.10 ,but i can't connect with other server alone one.HELP06:50
RPG-Masterarand, I know about photorec... but it don't recognize some files I had :(06:50
dj_segfault1patrick_____: "at" is designed to do things in the future, like "echo 'shutdown -h now' | at now + 45 minutes06:50
muaddib anyone familiar with mod_rewrite proxy06:50
becker_11Rebelstar: it's most likely in a folder like ~/.compiz in your home folder but that's just an assumtion you will need to check with a ls-a first06:51
=== becker_11 is now known as becker_11_away
burkeyrunning ubuntu 9.10 laptop froze and when i rebooted my tomboy notes are missing.  But I can create new tomboy notes06:52
azi_each time i try to open a media file, totem stops doing what it is currently doing and plays the new media. is there any way I could configure ubutnu to simply start another totem process?06:54
dj_segfault1azi_: Why not call mplayer directly?  Or gmplayer06:54
lindzeynQuick question.  When I boot up, my desktop environment won't load, that is, the desktop icons do not appear and I cannot right click on the Desktop to get the usual gnome display options06:54
azi_from terminal?06:54
rastaseani am looking for software to control a windows machine on home xp from ubuntu 9.10. any ideas?06:54
azi_dj_segfault1: i use totem as my default media player for whatever that may be06:54
mattgyverrastasean, you could just use VNC06:55
dj_segfault1azi_: Yes.  Well if totem isn't working the way you want it to, use something that will ;)06:55
rastaseanmatt, unless i am configuring something wrong, vnc has not worked06:55
mattgyverrastasean, whats happening?  (it can be a pain in the butt the first few times to setup)06:55
dj_segfault1lindzeyn: I would rename (NOT delete) the .gnome, .gnome2, etc directories in your home directory and restart.  A config must be broken.06:56
cyberbluntzI guess Ill have to try a diff player06:56
rastaseanmatt, well which app should i try out? i have tried terminal server client, remote desktop, remote desktop view, krfb, gnome-rpd06:56
lindzeyndj_segfault1: just rename them to something arbitrary06:56
dj_segfault1azi_: That's why we have 20 programs that can do the same thing under Linux.  Everyone wants something different.06:57
mattgyverrastasean, the best client in my opinion is remmia but you need to make sure the machine you want to connect to is running a configured VNC server06:57
dj_segfault1lindzeyn: Yes, or move them to another directory temporarily.  Either way06:57
mattgyverrastasean, UltraVNC is a great one for windows, pretty easy to setup06:57
rastaseanmatt, i install ultravnc on windows to be able to control from linux?06:58
mattgyverrastasean, you install UltraVNC as a system service (best way), setup port forwards in your router, and then connect from tsclient or whatever VNC client you wish06:58
dj_segfault1lindzeyn: For instance, I wrote my own script that looks for all the files in the current directory, randomizes the order, then passes them to mplayer in full screen and OSD start/end times.  Because that's what I wanted and I could do it.06:58
=== becker_11_away is now known as becker_11
mattgyverrastasean, generally the port forwarding is the hardest part :X06:59
rastaseanmatt, lovely. :)06:59
becker_11rww: I've entered the pub key into the form on github but it's still processing after about 3 minutes surely it should have gone through or rejected by now?07:00
dj_segfault1rastasean: Sorry I missed the beginning of your thread, but based on what mattgyver just said, would ssh -X work for you (ssh with automatic port forwarding)07:00
rastaseandj_ could you tell me about ssh-x07:01
rwwbecker_11: no idea. I've never used github :(07:01
becker_11rww: okay guess I'll just leave it running then07:01
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mawstmount-ntfs-3g or whatever eats up to 12% cpu07:05
mawstTHat can't be right can it?07:05
dj_segfault1rastasean: ssh to the machine you want to run a program on with the -X parameter, and it automatically forwards the X ports for you.  Your X client has to have authentication turned of with "xhost +" so the apps can connect, but then it just plain works.  From that ssh shell, you can run Firefox or whatever on the machine you sshed to and it shows up on your computer.07:05
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rastaseandj_excellent! but ssh isn't even enabled on the windows07:06
dj_segfault1rastasean: Make sure sshd is set up for it: If the ForwardX11 variable is set to “yes” (or see the description of the -X, -x, and -Y options above) and the user is using X11 (the DISPLAY environment variable07:06
dj_segfault1     is set), the connection to the X11 display is automatically forwarded to the remote side in such a way that any X11 programs started from the shell (or command) will07:06
dj_segfault1     go through the encrypted channel, and the connection to the real X server will be made from the local machine.  The user should not manually set DISPLAY.  Forwarding07:06
dj_segfault1     of X11 connections can be configured on the command line or in configuration files07:06
FloodBot2dj_segfault1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:06
dj_segfault1Oops sorry about the flood.  Didn't see the linefeeds07:07
dj_segfault1Ouch.  Am I back on?  rastasean can you see this?07:07
bullgardHow to determine the current grub2 version?07:07
rwwdj_segfault1: yes, you are07:07
rastaseandj, yep07:07
rastaseannice and red07:07
dj_segfault1rastasean: (I've been a bad boy!) Oh so you want to access a Windows machine.  I guess you could still do it if you ran something like cygwin, but it's probably not your best option.07:09
rastaseandj, yeah, i found this cygwin but enableing ssh/telnet on windows seems like a pain07:10
sensaeAll my music has cover art embedded in the id3 tag. Is there a way for me to set up exaile or rhythmbox to automatically load this art?07:10
dj_segfault1rastasean: Given that, I probably missed enough of your thread that I may not be of much help.  But what are you trying to run under Windows from your Linux box>07:10
dj_segfault1sensae: I know banshee does that really well.  Not sure about rhythmbox.07:11
rastaseani just want to be able to control it from linux. thats all07:11
sensaedj_segfault1: Does banshee have support for old iPods? With real syncing?07:12
dj_segfault1rastasean: what do you mean control it?  What do you want to be able to do?07:12
rastaseanopen applications from windows from linux07:12
mawstThis is a little out there, but has anyone used ntfs-resize to shrink an ntfs partition, make an ext4 partition in the remaining space, and slowly move the files from the ntfs to the ext4 and repeating the process to in effect convert to ext4? :D07:12
dj_segfault1sensae: Yes, that's what I use for my classic 120GB.  real syncing, cover art, podcasts, and if you update track information it actually updates the ID3v2 tags in the mp3 files.07:13
mawstCan ext4 be resized without data loss?07:13
dj_segfault1rastasean: and what isn't working about rdesktop, which is designed to do that?07:13
mattgyverrastasean, i just thought about something.  yeah just use RDP to connect to windows it will be wayyyy faster than VNC07:13
rastaseanmaybe the service is not open on windows but it never connects07:14
mattgyverrastasean, what version of windows is it?07:14
rastaseanxp home07:14
dj_segfault1mawst: What release of Ubuntu? Even 9.04 had dodgy ext4 support07:14
mattgyverrastasean, its not enabled by design.. ahem.. it can be done though.07:14
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rastaseanright-click my computer > remote desktop. check mark is checked07:15
mattgyverrastasean, fireup tsclient and then use the RDP protocol to connect, might require a forward in your router to point to that machine, i think its 338907:16
cyberbluntzOK so I still cant get a dvd player to work, I tried all the steps here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs#Troubleshooting including the chmod 660, which gave me an error: tek@tek:~$ sudo chmod 660 /dev/sr0; chgrp cdrom /dev/sr007:16
cyberbluntzchgrp: changing group of `/dev/sr0': Operation not permitted07:16
dj_segfault1cyberbluntz: Did you run chgrp as you, or using sudo, or as root?  You probably can't do it with just your login.07:16
cyberbluntzI typed sudo as u can see above07:17
rastaseantsclient is terminal server client, right?07:17
mattgyverrastasean, yea07:18
dj_segfault1cyberbluntz: Nope.  That command will use sudo for the chmod, but not the chgrp.  Put sudo before chgrp too07:18
dj_segfault1rastasean: Yes.07:18
paddymelonhey, is it possible to convert my Java program (.jar) to a binary (.bin)?07:19
dj_segfault1cyberbluntz: If you put quotes around the two commands I think sudo would have handled them both07:19
dj_segfault1paddymelon: I think there are commercial programs to do that, but what exactly are you hoping to accomplish?07:19
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hungnvis there available driver for Xerox document center 286 on ubuntu 9.04? please give me solution07:20
paddymelondj_segfault1, I have a shell that doesn't support Java but, does support .bin, since I'm a Java programmer, thought converting to a bin would be good?07:20
dj_segfault1paddymelon: what most people do is make a one-line shell script that calls it.  Or use Java Web Start.07:21
cyberbluntzsudo "chmod 660 /dev/sr0"; "chgrp cdrom /dev/sr0"07:22
cyberbluntz ?07:22
dj_segfault1paddymelon: What you you mean by a .bin07:22
paddymelondj_segfault1, but Java is not installed, this is a server07:22
cyberbluntzkind of like xhtml07:22
paddymelondj_segfault1 a binary file, eg. that in /usr/bin07:22
dj_segfault1paddymelon: That will never work.  You have to install java.07:22
paddymelondj_segfault1, OK07:22
cyberbluntznah, doesnt work07:22
dj_segfault1cyberbluntz: sudo "chmod 660 /dev/sr0 ; chgrp cdrom /dev/sr0"07:23
dj_segfault1paddymelon: You can install it anywhere, including your home directory if you don't have root, but at least the runtime (JRE) has to be on there.07:23
cyberbluntzsudo: chmod 660 /dev/sr0 ; chgrp cdrom /dev/sr0: command not found07:24
dj_segfault1What program do you you to produce web-based apache stats (visitors, popular pages, etc)?  I've tried for about two hours to get awstats working07:24
s7hello, can someone help with this: fetchmail: no mailservers have been specified.07:25
dj_segfault1cyberbluntz: Ah, right.  You'll have to sudo: chmod 660 /dev/sr0 ; sudo chgrp cdrom /dev/sr007:25
cyberbluntzchmod: changing permissions of `/dev/sr0': Operation not permitted07:26
cyberbluntzis the some variable i need to change in the command?07:26
darolucyberbluntz: the dev list is filled everytime you boot, it is futile to change permissions that way; you should edit your fstab file07:27
vizruHello, I'm having some difficulties with my partition table. It says "Can't create more than 4 primary partitions" in gparted.  I googled this and I'm afraid to do anything because I don't want to break anything.07:27
Boots32Mhalp usb not mounting!! read forums they suggested a kde file manager called dolphin... will this run on 9.10 karmic netbook remix??? do I have to get Kde to install dolphin?07:27
hackelAnyone know of a way to automatically give PPA packages a lower priority?  I've tried "Pin: release o=LP-PPA-*" but this doesn't work...07:27
PizikHola, does anyone know what package Ubuntu used for Pidgin integration on the User menu in 8.10? Does 9.10 still do it?07:27
paddymelondj_sefault1, Just got told by admins that, uses too many resources...07:27
dj_segfault1cyberbluntz: Ferreal?  You put in the sudo twice like that and it didn't work?  Maybe because it's a device special  file instead of a real file you can't do that.07:27
cyberbluntzplz refer to this page. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs#Troubleshooting07:27
paddymelonso, a .bin would be nice07:27
paddymelondj_segfault, what are those commercial tools?07:27
sensaedj_segfault1: Wow, banshee is pretty nice. Does it automatically watch the folders you add?07:28
federmanim having problems installing07:28
tom23902304hey guys. i've got a windows maching w/out a monitor that i want to put ubunty onto, is there any way to get it on there without attaching a monitor?07:28
dj_segfault1sensae: I think so but I usually tell it to rescan manually since I keep mine on external USB drive07:28
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Boots32Mwished my usb drive would mount:(07:29
dj_segfault1paddymelon: Don't know offhand.  But just the JRE isn't very big (that's the runtime engine without the compiler, etc.)07:29
federmananyone know why the install disk for 9.10 would cause a gpu crash or how to get around it?07:29
PizikBoots32M: I don't know why you would need Dolphin to mount a USB disk07:29
indusfederman, which gpu are you using07:30
Boots32MI don't know either:)07:30
dj_segfault1vizru: did someone help you yet?07:30
indussensae, rhythmbox also does, and so does banshee yes07:30
Boots32Mthats what it said in forums, I just want my usb to mount07:30
PizikBoots32M: I am also pretty much a noob, but stick your USB drive in, open a terminal and type lsusb and see if you see it listed07:30
federmanwell i assume that's what it is. i get a horizontal bar that looks liek noise after selecting any option from the install cd07:30
vizrudj_segfault1: no, I'm wondering if I can put my windows partition in an extended partition without breaking it07:30
federmanand ive tried several cds, so it isnt the particular disk07:30
indusBoots32M, a usb hard disk? unplug it, then plug it in again and in a terminal type dmesg | tail07:31
dj_segfault1Boots32M: Unplug it, and in a terminal type "tail -f /var/log/messages".  Then plug it in and pastebin what's in that terminal.07:31
vizrudj_segfault1: will it still boot, normally?07:31
Boots32MPizik, Did that and it didn't register as there. then I turned udev on and off and that didnt' work07:31
PizikBoots32M: then do as indus said ;o)07:31
bullgardI am using Grub version 1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4.1. My kernel command line includes the boot parameters ro, quiet and splash. How to configure my Ubuntu 9.10 computer so that it will start without boot parameters quiet and splash?07:31
dj_segfault1vizru: I'm pretty sure anything but boot can be in an extended partition these days.  That not used to ne the case, so if this is an older machine or distro, be careful.07:32
indusbullgard, well, remove it from the /etc/default/grub file07:32
Boots32Mindus, dj_Seg will do.... brb07:32
Pizikdoes anyone know what package Ubuntu used for Pidgin integration on the User menu in 8.10? Does 9.10 still do it?07:32
Boots32Mall will be in pastebin will return soon07:32
vizrudj_segfault1: so swap and a mass storage partition can be in extended, but my "/" must be in it's own primary partition?07:32
pangolin_rollinany experts on gps or fingerprint readers in ubuntu here?07:33
Boots32Mindus, usb thumb drive07:33
indusBoots32M, pen drive ?07:33
Pizikyes indus07:33
dj_segfault1Pizik: pidgin-libnotify?07:33
indusBoots32M, what brand is it? try a different usb port. at the back, not the front07:33
ripperdaI have a shell script that keeps stopping if I background it. is there any way to identify why a script is stopped? (it did not exit, it's just in the "stopped" state in ps)07:33
Pizikdj_segfault1:  asking me or telling me? ;o)07:33
dj_segfault1vizru: Boot, not root.  Not necessarily the same thing.  but probably the same thing in your case.07:34
vizrudj_segfault1: if it doesn't have the boot flag, can it still be boot?  Sorry for so many questions07:34
pangolin_rollinquit nooo help07:34
dj_segfault1Pizik: The description in Synaptic says "pidgin-libnotify is a Pidgin plugin which displays notification bubbles in Pidgin using libnotify and notification-daemon." which sounds like what you want07:35
cyberbluntzok I got the command to work and I'm still seeing this same error No URI handler implemented for "dvd".07:35
dj_segfault1vizru: I don't remember if that's still used or not.07:35
induscyberbluntz, use vlc to play it or mplayer07:35
vizrudj_segfault1: Thank you for the help07:35
Pizikdj_segfault1: Maybe I did not explain myself well. In 8.10 I had a menu on the lower bar that had options for setting my status for Pidgin, that is what I want.07:35
cyberbluntzIve tried real player already07:36
bullgardindus: Do you mean to remove the two boot parameters only or do you mean to remove the whole line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"?07:37
mattgyverPizik, i thought that was at the top now, where your user name is shown in 9.1007:37
dj_segfault1Pizik: Ah.  You want the "indicator-applet-session" applet on the control panel.  Right click on panel, chose add to panel, and chose that one (not indicator-applet)07:37
dj_segfault1vizru: NP.  Gotta check off soon though.  2:40am here.07:38
PizikThank you, I shall look for it07:38
indusbullgard, remove teh parameters only07:38
bullgardindus: Thank you for advising.07:38
cyberbluntzMplayer is giving me a fatal error: Error opening/initializing the selected video_out(-vo) device.07:39
Pizikdj_segfault1: awesome, exactly what I wanted. Installing now. ty and good bye07:39
induscyberbluntz, what file is this ?07:39
dj_segfault1Pizik:  Use it for good, not evil!07:40
cyberbluntza dvd from redbox07:40
cyberbluntzany explanation?07:41
Boots32Mdj_segfault1, indus, pluged that drive in every port then did the comparative pasting for paste bin: http://pastebin.com/zE88na9V07:41
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indusBoots32M, what does lsusb say07:41
Boots32MOh umm says the drive doesn't exist07:42
cyberbluntzis my only solution atm to go use windows to watch it? :(07:42
Boots32Mbut I see it and its right there... I swear!!:)07:42
dj_segfault1Boots32M: Those lines are about your keyboard.  Nothing in there about devices?  Maybe you need to wait longer.  I did see a udev line at the end07:42
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Boots32Mkk will do again and wait longer07:42
indusBoots32M, can you paste lsusb also07:42
ergergergis there a fix for ubuntu being crappy while playing in hulu at full screen ?07:43
indusergergerg, thats flash being crappy07:43
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ergergergindus, im not going into a blaming fight i just want to fix it07:43
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bullgardindus: I did as you advised and rebooted. I cannot discern any difference. Still, there are no boot-up messages appearing.07:43
ilievловите суки07:44
indusbullgard, i didnt advice to reboot07:44
indusergergerg, you cant fix it, try using google chrome07:44
dj_segfault1cyberbluntz: How about a windows VM instance on your linux box?07:44
indusbullgard, what brand of pen dri ve is it? does it work on windows07:45
cyberbluntzI already have the vice versa07:45
cyberbluntztriple boot07:45
cyberbluntzno point really07:45
ilievкак  дела?07:45
robert___nick SirRK07:45
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ilievя тоже зашел07:46
nomad77bullgard: use "verbose slash=silent" maybe? w/o the quotes. worked in old grub.07:46
bullgardindus: I do not use any pen drive.07:46
indusbullgard, oops sorry wrong nick :D07:46
cyberbluntzwould I beable to run the iso's from a ntfs file system?07:46
indusbullgard, try removing the lines from grub then07:46
nomad77/s/splash/slash sorry07:47
indusbullgard, ok sorry you need to run update-grub07:47
indusbullgard, after any grub edits run update-grub07:47
cyberbluntzOr should I make a fat32 and put em there?07:47
claws_is it possible for me to set terminal as desktop background and be able to use it ?07:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:49
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois07:50
bullgardindus: This worked. --  Thank you very much for your help.07:50
texomobilethanks, havent been on irc in over 15 yrs...anyhow i am looking for where the grub configuration file is located in 9.1007:50
indusbullgard, ok07:50
indusBoots32M, lsusb pasted?07:51
unoptexomobile, /boot/grub/grub.cfg07:51
DelphiWorldhi all07:51
DelphiWorldplease i am sory for this question:07:51
texomobilealso is there a equivalent to inittab?07:51
DelphiWorldwhat is the library for jpeg2dev?07:51
Boots32Mdj_segfault1, indus here's the pastebin:  http://pastebin.com/enF8MBUB07:51
DelphiWorldrequired package to install07:51
zebastianhelp, my internet connection seems to work fine when i plug the cable directly to my laptop but if i try to use the linksys cisco router both the wired and wireless connection dont seem to work, even when i login succesfully i cant seem to get any good connection and wicd displays it as 100% connected07:51
Whit2springhey..guys Does anybody help me ? i am using chrome browser and just have downloaded one's file from google , but The file extesion was .download . what is extension .download ? how can i execute .download file ?07:52
zebastianits a wireless-G broadband router07:52
indusBoots32M, thats not llsusb07:52
Boots32Mmy bad I was seeing what I wanted to:)07:52
flaargWhit2spring: rename it to the correct extension07:52
DelphiWorldzebastian: how your ISP connect you to the internet? static IP? PPPOE?07:52
zebastianDelphiWorld: how do i find this out?07:53
zebastiani am on a cable connection07:53
unoptexomobile, upstart replaces sysvinit on ubuntu.07:53
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:53
texomobilesuper thanks unop found it was looking for a .lst file07:53
Whit2springflaarg, thx for fast answer07:53
DelphiWorldzebastian: you use ubuntu?07:53
zebastianyes, i use ubuntu hardy07:54
unopclaws_, maybe not a real background but you could set any window on the 'desktop' layer tho.07:54
Boots32Mindus, I got a response that says it can't find it, but did point me back to lsusb07:54
zebastianby the way more specifically i have a WRT54G2 V1 router07:54
indusBoots32M, lsusb is a command in the terminal , just type it07:54
indusBoots32M, iam not sure what you mean it cant find it07:54
texomobileunop , I read that about upstart is there a config file for that somewhere? I want to boot into text mode and just run startx when I need it07:54
DelphiWorldzebastian: reset the router to default config07:54
Boots32MI typed two l's07:54
Boots32Minstead of one07:55
zebastianDelphiWorld: how do i do that from ubuntu? you see i set up the router when it had windows07:55
Boots32MI'll paste it again:)07:55
zebastianwith the cd07:55
zebastiani threw that away when i switched to ubuntu07:55
DelphiWorldzebastian: and go to your ubuntu shell and type: ifconfig and check your ethernet nic ip07:55
unoptexomobile, just disable your display manager from starting up .. simple :)07:55
unop!boot | texomobile07:55
ubottutexomobile: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:55
cyberbluntzIf were were going to create a VM with linux from an ISO image exsisting on an NTFS partition, would this be a problem?07:55
Boots32Mindus, there you go:) http://pastebin.com/ubGBQtgB07:56
zebastianDelphiWorld: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386150/07:56
unoptexomobile, i.e. on debian/ubuntu - all runlevels are the same. there isn't a dedicated graphical runlevel.07:56
flaargwell run level 1 and 0 are kinda different07:57
Boots32Mindus, the before and after look the same07:57
unopwell yea, runlevels 0, 1 and 6 are different - but 2-5 are the same07:57
zebastianDelphiWorld: by the way i did see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1230662 and of course thats impossible as i dont have a windows computer anymore, i am a happy ubuntu user07:57
Boots32MI need something that can give my usb system a jolt:)07:58
indusBoots32M, tell me what company drive is this?07:58
texomobileGreat thanks again,  for you quick help! now if I could only get nvidia to suport my dual monitor setup (one portrait one landscape) I would be cooking!!07:58
DelphiWorldzebastian: i think your ip is public, wait07:58
indusBoots32M, works in windows?seems like a pen driver problem?07:58
induspen drive problem i mean07:58
Boots32Mworks in ubuntu intermittantly07:58
indusBoots32M, in windows?07:58
tomatoes7__anyone know a chat channel for electronic frontier foundation? (off hand)07:59
claws_unop: not sure what you mean07:59
Boots32MIn windows works all the time07:59
DelphiWorldzebastian: have you configured your ip in the router or no?07:59
DelphiWorldzebastian: and your ip is static or dynamic?08:00
Boots32MIts just that after I startup windows I don't want to go back to ubuntu because after I shut windows down hadies freezes over....08:00
indusBoots32M, thats a webcam thread isnt it08:01
zebastianDelphiWorld: i dont know if my ip is static or dynamic, i pay the cable company as far that goes,,,never had to deal with htis before, pardon my ignorance, and i had configured the router on the same computer, but with windows and a gui install cd08:01
Boots32MFor my computer the internal webcam is on the usb system08:01
Boots32MI figured that out when I did the lsusb thing08:01
Boots32Mso its a usb problem still08:01
indusBoots32M, seems like a faulty usb connector on the motherboard?08:02
indusBoots32M, the usb headers which connect to the ports i mean08:02
indusBoots32M, cant really tell without looking at teh motherboard08:02
unopclaws_, an X window can be set on a particular layer i.e. normal, top, below, desktop, dock, etc.  read up on wmctrl (1) and window layers.08:02
Boots32Mindus, is the usb system a token ring type deal?08:02
indusBoots32M, token ring? wjhats taht08:03
DeltaLima28token ring has to deal with networking08:03
Boots32MWell the word serial part implies it, but I wonder if thats it08:03
zebastianhelp anyone?08:04
Boots32Mtoken ring networks are done in a serial fashion so if you break the line at any point on the network everything stops08:04
claws_unop: thank you.. im on it  :)08:04
Boots32Mold old unix system I worked with a while back08:04
Boots32Mthe only thing I remember from those times is that there's a difference between ls and dir08:05
chonkascan ne one help me?08:06
Boots32MI was just wondering if usb connectors were all serial not unto the motherboard but with respect to each other..08:06
zebastianhelp, my internet connection seems to work fine when i plug the cable directly to my laptop but if i try to use the linksys cisco router both the wired and wireless connection dont seem to work, even when i login succesfully i cant seem to get any good connection and wicd displays it as 100% connected08:06
zebastiani have a wireless-G WRT54G2 V1 router08:06
zebastianby cisco08:06
natethegreat1419Hello you all08:07
injastill here08:07
X-Frogwhere can find whats new in the next release 10.0408:08
Pirateanyone feeling chatty?08:08
Boots32MZebastian, your problem can probably be fixed by turning off your cable modem , and router, wating ten seconds then turning on cable modem, wait 30sec, then turn on your router.08:08
natethegreat1419Who is interested in how 10.4 will turn out?08:08
MadpilotX-Frog, join #ubuntu+1 for 10.04 news & chat08:08
FlannelX-Frog: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha308:08
Pirate10.4 what's so special about that one?08:08
zebastianBoots32M: for how long will you be on?08:09
zebastiani already tried that a couple times08:09
natethegreat1419It is long term08:09
Boots32Mwow its already 309 here... I'll be on for 45 minutes08:09
X-FrogMadpilot, ty08:09
X-FrogFlannel, ty08:09
solid_liquidI have to say, the daily build of ubuntu 10.04 is surprisingly stable08:09
zebastianBoots32M: ill try and do waht you tell me and come back08:10
Anvoiduptime gives me 5 users. how do i log off the other tty1,2,...?08:10
syvahey guys, i have a problem using the livecd. After a random amount of time my monitor goes blank, the button flashes, as if it as lost signal to the video card. Although I can tell the live cd hasnt crashed or anything. Any ideas?08:10
natethegreat1419I hope that they dont change how 10.4 looks compared to the others08:10
Boots32Mgood luck... if that doesn't work download the manual and look at the troubleshooting section:)08:10
syvasometimes it will happen after 20 seconds of using the live cd,sometimes after 4 minutes08:10
natethegreat1419Like with 8.04 it had a bunch of issues especially with pulse08:10
evilGUII'm having a problem when I drag a file to the desktop or another folder it disappears, I have to use f5 to do a refresh to be able to see it. Any idea on what's going on here? I've already trashed my gnome config files and the Nautilus ones.08:11
Boots32Mzeb you gotta restart your computer too in the whole process08:11
solid_liquidnatethegreat1419, it looks very similar08:11
natethegreat1419Does it?08:11
solid_liquidnatethegreat1419, I've been running it since Friday because it's the only distro that works with the gpu integrated into the core i5 processor on my new laptop08:12
natethegreat1419Nice.... I would like to have a better processor in the computers I use08:12
solid_liquidyeah, it's SWEET08:12
solid_liquideverything responds almost instantly08:12
solid_liquidthere's really no lag in the desktop experience08:13
natethegreat1419I bet it does. That would be perfect for me usin AVIdemux and such08:13
solid_liquidyeah, transcoding video is definitely faster08:13
solid_liquidI've already tried some08:14
natethegreat1419I bet it is08:14
chu_Hey guys, anyone know how to change the default login status with Pidgin? I'd like to login by default to invisible (MSN) if possible...08:14
klxklxwill ubuntu 10.04 upgrade when gnome 3.0 realease?08:14
solid_liquidchu_, you're still using pidgin?08:14
solid_liquid10.04 won't have gnome 3.008:14
chu_Yes, yes I am solid_liquid08:14
zebastian_Boots32M: seemed to work, now how would i go about opening the connection08:15
solid_liquidchu_, have you tried Epiphany yet?08:15
zebastian_so that i dont have to type a password anymore08:15
solid_liquidchu_, it's the new default IM client for 10.0408:15
chu_solid_liquid: briefly, but I wasn't a fan.08:15
chu_Yeah, it was default for karmic too08:15
sash_solid_liquid: for 9.10 you mean08:15
Boots32MWell you can use mac address security...08:15
Boots32Mdo you know how to do that?08:15
solid_liquidsash_, I never used 9.10.  I like LTS releases, so I'm still running 8.04 on my desktop08:15
natethegreat1419You probably mean empathy LOL08:16
solid_liquidlol okay yeah08:16
klxklxwill ubuntu 10.04 upgrade when gnome 3.0 realease?08:16
sash_and this ;)08:16
chu_Oh well, I understood what he meant.08:16
solid_liquidlike I said, I just installed this version on Friday08:16
solid_liquidklxklx, no08:16
Flannelklxklx: No, 10.04 won't have gnome 308:16
Paddy_NIklxklx: Highly unlikely08:16
natethegreat1419I am talking to someone that has a 5.04 machine still running08:17
chu_Actually, empathy is still installed, I'll have a look at it.08:17
Boots32Mzebastian_, are you using your hard line or wireless from your cisco router?08:17
titan_arkHey! I am in a bit of a trouble. I changed some code in 2 files and saved em by the old name! Is there a way to recover the old files? I edited them in gedit =(08:17
chu_How do I change anything with Empathy?08:18
zebastian_Boots32M: what you recommended worked, i am on the wireless from the cisco router08:18
Boots32Mok well you need to log into your router and either make yours an open connection, or use mac address security in order to not use a password anymore...08:19
natethegreat1419titan-ark look for a back-up file looking for a ~ in the name08:19
zebastian_Boots32M: how do i log into my router from ubuntu? i am sorry for my ignorance but when i installed the thing i was on windows and it was pretty much click on a gui cd-rom08:20
chu_Wow, invisible buttons ftw!08:20
titan_arknatethegreat1419, i do see 2 files with the same name with a trailing ~, how do i recover them?08:20
Boots32MI don't think you can log on from ubuntu.. wait lemme check real quick08:20
solid_liquidzebastian_, use your web browser to surf to
natethegreat1419Open them back up like that08:21
solid_liquidzebastian_, or perhaps
titan_arkzebastian_, what exactly are you trying to do? just get into its default IP depending on the brand08:21
solid_liquidzebastian_, look at your computer's IP address to determine what the second to last digit is08:21
hexdumpHi all I have a continual problem with installing java.08:22
titan_arknatethegreat1419, i am a noob in linux, could you tell me how exactly? I do not want to damage it trying to open without doing it right,08:22
jastorsomeone that knows if theres a taskbar/desktop widget or something that enables/disables X systems default system quickkeys? dont like the whole "take precedence over quickkeys you intend to send to the terminal window, so theyre sent to Gnome/KDE instead"08:22
Boots32MWell I can't log on to mine from ubuntu... but maybe thats because I'm wireless.. I would probably have to hardwire my computer into the cicso router to log into it...08:22
hexdumpgetting the exec 48 java not found08:22
hexdumpand java problems with azureus08:22
nomad77zebastian_: try firefox,url  skip userfield, password field default admin iirc08:22
natethegreat1419copy and paste to another location and then opening it there so you dont mess with another file08:23
titan_arknatethegreat1419, cool will try iy08:23
natethegreat1419let me know if it works08:23
solid_liquidnomad77, that's actually very much dependent on the brand of router, and in some cases, the specific model from that brand08:23
hexdumpis there a way to totally remove java from my machine?08:23
thianpaDont know if this is the right place. Anyone knows where i can fin rar archiver GUI ?08:24
nomad77solid_liquid: i have linksys also. but figured it might be same08:24
jastorseems an old bug is back btw :P ... did some updating earlier and: mplayer: undefined symbol: codec_wav_tabs08:24
solid_liquidnomad77, it varies a lot, even from one linksys to another08:24
Boots32MI got a motorola guess what the default password is:)08:24
nomad77solid_liquid: noted but he didn't check linksys site/manual,etc.08:25
hexdumptry this http://www.routerpasswords.com/08:25
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
Boots32Mthere we go:)08:25
allen@Boots hmm you mean cellphone or router?08:25
alleni didn't know motorolla made routers08:25
solid_liquidI've seen  admin/admin admin/pass administrator/pass administrator/password pass/pass admin/[blank] etc08:25
Boots32Mthey actually do08:25
allenare they any good?08:26
solid_liquidyeah, and they make cablemodems too08:26
hexdumpdon't they make cable modems too08:26
solid_liquidmy motorola cablemodem is rocks solid :D08:26
Boots32Mis there an echo in here08:26
Boots32Min her08:26
Boots32Min here08:26
FloodBot2Boots32M: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:26
allenI've always thought that motorolla was a cellphone-only company because I've only heard of motorolla cellphones and nothing else08:26
hexdumpecho off08:26
solid_liquidBoots32M, in her... ?  I don't think I'll go there ;)08:26
solid_liquidallen, did you not know that they're more of a chipmaker than anything else?08:27
hexdumpbut hey does anyone know how to fix my little java prob?08:27
opossum_oisifhi, what is the equivalent of tracker (file indexing) for karmic?08:27
solid_liquidalthough they created the "Freescale Semiconductor" name now for their chip making child company08:27
allenhexdump can't you just add/remove java? I'm an ubunut noob so I'm just guessing08:28
titan_arknatethegreat1419, it worked! thanks a bunch!08:28
hexdumpallen:  nope tried it08:28
natethegreat1419Awesome I will tell the person that gave me the answer that is worked glad to hear08:28
hexdumpuninstalled it, removed directories installed java5 then updated to 6 to try to get it work and nothing08:28
hexdumpIt must be a problem with the path08:28
Boots32Myou know there's a calculator out there that I got recently that installs java so it can run on that.. even gave the java its own icon...08:29
hexdumpwhat about environmental variables?08:29
solid_liquidallen, too many things depend on java I think08:29
titan_arknatethegreat1419, :) thank you and your friend! saved my old code and all info! I wouldve been in deep sh**08:29
tomatoes7__anyone know a chat channel for electronic frontier foundation? (off hand)08:29
natethegreat1419no prob man glad to help08:29
allenlol for the deep shit comment08:30
titan_arkallen, :D08:30
rwwubottu: language08:30
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:30
hexdumpyeah this is started to annoy me08:30
titan_arki almost lost my code i was working on for quite some time08:30
solid_liquidBoots32M, the TI NSpire?08:30
hexdumpthis freakin java.08:30
titan_arkrww, :P oops sorry,08:30
allenwhat kinda code was it?08:30
tomatoes7__are children allowed in here?08:30
hexdumpI'm trying to launch ps3 media server on startup so all I have to do is turn on my old crap computer then turn on my ps3 and bingo08:31
titan_arkallen, verilog code08:31
Boots32Msolid_liquid, egors graphing calculator... got it and installed it from a link in ubuntu forums08:31
rwwtomatoes7__: yes08:31
solid_liquidtomatoes7__, of course08:31
Boots32MI do have the TI emulator though08:31
Boots32Mrun it through wine08:31
tomatoes7__i don't like kids08:31
solid_liquidBoots32M, oh, a software one, not a hardware one lol08:31
tomatoes7__if i was moderating this channel, i would ....08:32
tomatoes7__sorry, i'll stop being trollish08:32
titan_arkis there a way I can append the system date in a txt file via terminal? i would then like to add it in a cronjob08:32
opossum_oisifwhy does tracker not supported anymore?08:32
solid_liquidtitan_ark, yeah, use the 'date' command08:33
hexdumpI'm installing the damn thing again.  trial and error I guess.08:33
solid_liquidtitan_ark, look at the manpage for it to see how to format the output from it the way you want08:33
titan_arksolid_liquid, just "date >> <path>"08:33
titan_arksolid_liquid, ah okay08:33
solid_liquidtitan_ark, yeah, but you might want to format it08:33
titan_arksolid_liquid, hmm yeah thanks :) i want to append the date to the log file everytime i do a backup via a cronjob08:34
allenhey I think I'm doing this wrong but I can't get the msg command to work. is it like so? /msg username message ?08:35
natethegreat1419I just click on their name LOL08:35
allenwhat client do you use?08:36
solid_liquidtitan_ark, there's a command to do just about everything in Linux ;)08:36
allenI can't click on the name since I'm using irssi and am in the shell08:36
titan_arksolid_liquid, yes that is why i try everyday to learn more and quit windows!08:36
Boots32Mplease mr ubuntu man can I have my usb stick mounting capability back????08:36
titan_arkpardon my noob question, how do i also add a new line in the txt file :P08:36
rwwallen: yes, it's /msg username message08:37
=== nand_ is now known as nand
solid_liquidtitan_ark, :D  have you learned grep, sed, awk, rsync, ssh, scp, lsof and what's hidden in /proc and /sys yet?08:37
titan_arksolid_liquid, :D nope a total noob, no unix programming background at all!08:38
rwwallen: if you're not getting my replies to your PM, they're probably in another window (there should be a highlighted "Act:" number in your bottom statusbar)08:38
ddavidspls, can anyone help, i get this message when tryin to update - W: GPG error: http://ng.archive.ubuntu.com karmic Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>08:38
thianpawhere can i find a good tutorial for setting up wine?08:38
ddavidsW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://ng.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>08:38
ddavidsW: Failed to fetch http://ng.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-updates/Release08:38
ddavidsW: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:38
FloodBot2ddavids: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:38
thianpawhere can i find a good tutorial for setting up wine?08:39
allenahh act numbers08:39
industhianpa, at winehq.org08:39
allenhow do i show my other windows ? what does Act mean anyway?08:39
hexdumpwell I cchanged the install path from /usr/local to /usr/java hopefully that does it08:40
sercikthe installer don't see my partitions on disk08:40
sercikgparted detects correctly08:40
serciksomeone can help?08:40
sercikmaybe is there another way to install?08:41
hexdumpif somebody knows the answer they will blurt it out08:41
ddavidsi just pasted something using the pastebin but im not sure if anybody sees it here?08:41
Pierrebyou have to paste the url here08:41
rwwallen: hold down Alt and press the number corresponding to the window, or press Escape then press the button. E.g., Alt-4 switches to window 4.08:42
rwwallen: and act stands for active :)08:42
ddavidsPierreb: thanks it's http://paste.ubuntu.com/386172/08:42
Pierrebanyone in here that have integrated a ftp server with AD? #samba is dead so figured i could try here08:42
sercikis there a way to read the output of ubiquity?08:42
Sh3r1ffrww: on an azerty keybord it is Alt-Shift-4 ;)08:43
solid_liquidtitan_ark, save that list and work your way through it08:44
titan_arksolid_liquid, :) sure thanks08:44
solid_liquidtitan_ark, I've written an article on scp and one on ls here:  http://solid.linux-coders.org/08:44
solid_liquidtitan_ark, you really should read the one on 'ls' at least; it shows how much more sophisticated ls is than dir08:44
solid_liquidtitan_ark, and provides some very useful insight I think into using the shell period08:45
titan_arksolid_liquid, damn the # of languages i need to know! c c++ java assembly vhdl verilog perl and now unix too :D08:45
titan_arksolid_liquid, hmmm i sure will08:45
injawhat program do i need to add to have a sidebar?08:45
titan_arksolid_liquid, btw i am part of a LUG at my school, do check lug-sjsu.org and give your comments. we would like to learn more and educate many more about Linux and FOSS08:47
ddavidspls i need help http://paste.ubuntu.com/386172/08:47
solid_liquidtitan_ark, you'll find it's fairly easy to pick up.  Linux is based on Unix, and Unix was written by the same guys who wrote C, so it's actually very similar08:48
Gheddy_Zarchey is it possible if Im loading a package by hand like 40 or 50 files in bits, that I may have to reload one file more than once ? Im trying to load a heap of .debs according to dependencies and synaptic wont find the CD drive as a repo eh08:48
solid_liquidtitan_ark, k, going there08:48
titan_arksolid_liquid, cool, okay08:48
hexdumpwhoo hoo!! just figured out an easy fix for the java not found problem08:50
hexdumpheh heh it was just calling the wrong directory by default08:51
sercikthank you for help :(08:51
sercik i solved myself giving dmraid -ay before starts ubiauity08:51
solid_liquidtitan_ark, oh, you may also want to look through the scripts section.  Several scripts I wrote plus a couple dozen contributed by others are up there.  The bash scripts can teach you some nice tricks for using the shell08:52
titan_arksolid_liquid, surely will have bookmarked and will go through it in time. too much to digest for a n00b at a time08:53
solid_liquidheh :)08:53
solid_liquidtitan_ark, unfortunately I haven't taken the time to write all the articles I wanted to write, just a couple, but hopefully there's enough useful info there to help you out08:54
titan_arksolid_liquid, :)08:54
solid_liquidtitan_ark, in the "What's this Linux thing" part you might also want to mention all the cellphones out there running Linux (apparently it's most of them now)08:55
antonihi. anybody can tell me how to run echo mia audio card under ubuntustudio 9.10? it's not working "out of the box"08:56
hexdumpdoes anyone know how to add a program to launch on startup?08:56
hexdumpis it in /etc/init.d/skeleton or something?08:57
titan_arksolid_liquid, sure, thanks will tell my buddy to add it08:57
solid_liquidtitan_ark, np08:58
kaytortugaHelp. I have a desktop that use to boot just fine. And now after a reboot it says it waits for root file system, then can't find the disk.08:58
kaytortugaI'm dropped into a busybox shell08:58
kaytortugabut I have no editor...08:58
kaytortugaI think the uuid of the disk changed.08:58
kaytortugaso that now in /boot/grub/menu.lst the uuid is wrong08:59
kaytortugahow do I change the root file system mapping to point to the /dev/sda208:59
kaytortugarather than the uuid?08:59
frankS2is there any way to display what files a deb package installed?09:00
titan_arksolid_liquid, ttyl assignments to do before i crash and an early monday! thx once a gain09:00
yeiksI came across bitrock installbuilder i'v neva used it b4 bt wld like to kno au good it is09:01
crawlerfrankS2: when you open the .deb in gdebi it tells you what files are included09:01
arandkaytortuga: use a liveCD to chroot and "update-grub"09:02
arandkaytortuga: or actually probably grub-install is what you want..09:03
yofelfrankS2: 'dpkg -L <packagename>'09:03
yofelfrankS2: in a terminal09:03
TecR0chow do you check what is your default shell?09:03
TecR0cin the terminal09:03
solid_liquidTecR0c, cat /etc/passwd | grep yourusername09:03
ardchoilleTechnoviking:  echo $SHELL09:04
TecR0cthanks ard09:04
solid_liquidardchoille, not necessarily09:04
solid_liquidTecR0c, /etc/passwd is where the default shell is set, so it's where you should check09:04
solid_liquidTecR0c, and if you want to change it, you change that file09:04
TecR0cok thanks09:05
ardchoilleTechnoviking:  the SHELL variable holds your current shell, so echo $SHELL will suffice09:05
solid_liquidTecR0c, np09:05
solid_liquidardchoille, unless you've run a different shell09:05
yeiksI came across bitrock installbuilder i'v neva used it before bt wld like to kno au good it is09:05
TecR0cso its /bin/csh thanks09:05
ardchoillesolid_liq:  cat /etc/passwd | grep yourusername returns nothing here09:05
TecR0card you have to be root09:06
sash_useless use of cat09:06
ardchoilleTecR0c: shouldn't ne4ed root for that09:06
sash_grep yourname /etc/passwd09:06
solid_liquidTecR0c, oh yeah, because it takes root privs to work with that file.  I forgot about that heh09:06
solid_liquidsash_, yeah, I said that ;)09:06
rww/etc/passwd doesn't require root privileges to read.09:07
ardchoillerww: correct09:07
sash_nope, its readable for everyone09:07
solid_liquidardchoille, it's perms aren't necessarily the default perms of Ubuntu...  it sounds like he's not working with ubuntu09:07
ardchoilleTecR0c: which versionof ubuntu are you using?09:07
solid_liquidif csh is the default shell, it sounds more like he's on Unix09:07
TecR0card actually im using freebsd09:08
TecR0cbut i knew the concept would be the same09:08
solid_liquidyep, Unix ;)09:08
ardchoilleTecR0c: then you shouldn't be inhere asking bsd support09:08
ardchoillesolid_liq: good call09:08
hexdumpwhere do I place my program to launch on startup?09:08
solid_liquidI've only ever seen csh as a default shell on unix boxes09:08
hexdumpnot boot but login09:08
TecR0ci can leave if u wish09:08
solid_liquidhexdump, to your desktop?09:09
ardchoillehexdump: System > Preferences > Startup applications09:09
demonsporkhexdump, System>Preferences>Startup Applications09:09
solid_liquidgood, I didn't have to type all that :)09:09
FloodBot2demonspork: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:09
ardchoilleTecR0c: just know that this channel is for ubuntu support only09:09
solid_liquidthat's why I stalled ;)09:09
hnsrguys, something weird just happened09:09
ardchoillesolid_liquid: hehe09:09
demonsporkhnsr, I know, I tried to watch that big fight up in canada, but for some reason a hockey game happened instead09:10
hnsri have ubuntu on my laptop, and I use ssh key auth for everything, but suddenly my private keyfile on my laptop had all permission bits set (777,rwxrwxrwx)09:10
hnsrdemonspork, :p09:10
hexdumpI'm using Xubuntu is there a way to access it through the shell?09:10
hnsrssh complained loudly, thankfully09:10
hnsrbut I wonder how the heck it even got that way09:10
ardchoillehexdump: you need to ask in #xubuntu09:10
yeiksI came across bitrock installbuilder i'v neva used it b4 bt wld like to kno au good it is09:11
solid_liquidhnsr, that's very hard to diagnose unless you can go through everything you did between when you know it wasn't that way and when it was09:11
Myrttihexdump: it's different in xubuntu09:11
solid_liquidhnsr, which...  is still a lot of work09:11
hexdumpah okie thanks though now I know for ubuntu.  thanks for the help09:11
Myrttihexdump: applications - settings - sessions and startup09:11
sash_hnsr: grep chmod ~/.bash_history09:11
hnsrsolid_liquid, hmm, yeah I suppose you're right, it mustve happened in the last hour though since I sshed to my server not too long ago without problems09:12
hnsrI do remember one thing, I did 'sudo apt-get install traceroute', and then I got some kind of popup about an authentication issue with updating the apt package lists, or something along those lines09:12
yeiksnobody seems to want to answer my question09:12
solid_liquidhnsr, hmm09:13
hnsrI then clicked uhm.. something, i think it had a button saying 'check' and it asked my user password (i.e. like when you need to reaise priveleges for updating software), and then I just let it do its thing09:13
hnsrthough I'm not sure what it was actually doing, as I was in a hurry to get on with debugging my network :/09:14
solid_liquidyeiks, this isn't a "texting channel"...  you might try typing like a normal human being ;)09:14
ardchoillesash_: actually I think "history | grep foo" would be better in case something has yet to be written to ~/.bash_history09:15
hexdumpthanks now I have to fix the ps3 media server java not found again pfff figures.  figure one thing out another thing fails.09:15
sash_ardchoille: yep09:15
solid_liquidhexdump, heh09:15
hnsranyay, paranoid mode is now set to 'off' and I'll just assume this was something innocent, just wanted to bring it up here incase someone else got something like this :p09:16
solid_liquidhnsr, I think it was unique to you.  I use ssh all the time, and haven't seen that problem09:18
hnsrsolid_liquid, yeah, it's just weird since it mustve been some other tool/app/thing that changed the permissions on my key, and I guess it would be interesting to find out what and why, sadly my bash_history file doesn't reveal anything :/09:19
solid_liquidhnsr, yep.  That's about the only thing I'd really like to see changed about how shells in Linux work, but it's so difficult to come up with an elegant way to have separate history files for different terminals without having a massive blowup in the number of files saved for that purpose09:21
injacan i run xfire on ubuntu?09:21
solid_liquidno idea09:22
xiongTry wine.09:22
injahow do i use wine09:22
solid_liquidyeah, or crossover (commercial version of wine)09:22
ardchoille!wine | inja09:22
ubottuinja: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:22
injai have wine09:22
=== david is now known as Guest94909
Quan-Timeinja: wine is installed ? it basically enables you to double click ".exe" files and the execute much the same way windows would hdandle it09:23
Quan-Timeinja: i use wine for utorrent and a ftp program.. plus "steam" and a few other tid bits09:23
ddavidspls what does this do09:24
Guest94909Where can i ask help questions?09:24
ardchoilleright here09:24
solid_liquidQuan-Time, you don't like the native torrent software?09:25
ddavidspls what does this command do - 'update manager -d'?09:25
solid_liquidQuan-Time, and all the native ftp programs?  or just haven't found ones you like yet?09:25
Quan-Timesolid_liquid: nope. i like the simplicity of utorrent,, AND since i already have wine for other stuff, and utorrent is like 250k...09:25
Guest94909WEll my sound was very very choppy after instal then I installed flah and sound is gone.  for all programs09:25
yeikssolid_liquid be polite09:26
ardchoilleddavids: that particular command does nothing09:26
Quan-Timesolid_liquid: the FTP program i use, im just used to... i used to LOVE filezilla, but since it turns out the devs are douchebags, ive abandoned it and put my money else where09:26
ardchoilleddavids: but update-manager -d = Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible09:26
yeiksI came across bitrock installbuilder i'v never used it before but would like to know how good it is09:26
solid_liquidyeiks, what do you mean?09:27
solid_liquidQuan-Time, I was just commenting about someone using Filezilla in ##linux a little while ago  lol09:28
Guest94909I have followed the quides online and nothing work completly updated everything, tryed open zuse a 32 bit version live cd's and nothing works no sound.09:28
ddavidsardchoille: thanks, cld u pls help with this error when im updating - http://paste.ubuntu.com/386172/09:29
solid_liquidGuest94909, what sound hardware?09:29
Guest94909bose companion 509:29
luckyI'm trying to install Anki I get an error with apt-get: python-qt4: Depends: python-sip4 (< 4.10) but 4.10.0-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa1 is to be installed09:29
ardchoilleddavids: are you trying toupdate to Lucid?09:29
solid_liquidGuest94909, that's a sound card?  and could you change your nick to something easier to type please?09:29
solid_liquid /nick newnick      to change your nick09:30
=== dan__ is now known as danx
ddavidsno, im on karmic and i know lucid is still due for april... i guess someone was on my system and type some code that caused the error...09:30
ddavidsid like to revert back...09:31
solid_liquidI think Lucid is a very good name for 10.04 I have to say09:31
ardchoilleddavids: what command did you run to get that error?09:31
Guest94909Ok, just useing motherboard, GB MA790X-UD4P for sound issue, its usb09:31
solid_liquidthey're really doing a good job with it09:31
ddavids'sudo apt-get update'09:31
Guest94909SOrry it keeps changing my name automaticly09:32
ardchoilleyeah. LTS releases have always been awesome09:32
solid_liquidGuest94909, what does   lspci   show?09:32
ardchoilleddavids: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file so I can make sure it's ok?09:32
ardchoille!paste | ddavids09:32
ubottuddavids: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:32
solid_liquidardchoille, more than that though.  They've just really streamlined everything nicely.  I'm running it on my laptop, but I run 8.04LTS on my desktop because I love LTS releases period.  But it's just really showing a lot of nice polish (Lucid)09:33
ardchoillesolid_liq: yeah, I can't wait to try it out09:33
Guest94909sorry new to ubuntu.  and linix all my background is in pc from termianal?09:33
solid_liquidardchoille, it's actually very stable for me already09:34
injaso i stil dont get how wine works09:34
ardchoilleGuest94909: welcome to a better world09:34
solid_liquidGuest94909, yeah, in terminal type:    lspci09:34
Guest94909lol well its been rough trying to set up this pc, its my gf and prob spent about 15 hours trying to get things to work09:34
Guest94909work doing php mysql .net java stuff but all on pc for 15 years now so this is all new09:35
othershey can anybody help me with this...i recently installed kubuntu but i couldn't login to my account .09:36
solid_liquidGuest94909, that's just because Linux is unfamiliar to you right now.  You still need to learn the names of the programs we use in Linux, and learn your way around.  It's kinda like moving into a new house.  You'll bump into a few walls in the dark at night, but you'll adjust soon enough09:36
ardchoilleothers: you need to ask in #kubuntu09:36
Guest94909well its getting easyer, i like alot of things just ease of use is fun09:36
solid_liquidGuest94909, being a programmer, you'll really love the shell...  it's awesome :)09:37
ddavidsardchoille: http://paste.ubuntu.com/38619509:37
Guest94909and monitor is 42in and it keeps thinking thats its a 7 in09:37
solid_liquidGuest94909, you'll want to learn how to get a color prompt string first thing09:37
solid_liquidthat's a sweet monitor09:37
quentusrexHelp, I think my main workstation is about to have a hard drive failure. How do I backup all of my keys. ssh, gpg, etc09:38
quentusrexI'm coping over the entire home directory09:39
ardchoilleddavids: Wowsers, that's quite a list09:39
quentusrexis there anything outside of that directory that I need to save?09:39
=== jim__ is now known as jjimbz
almoxarifeI read that by changing the sources in source.list from karmic to lucid will get you an upgrade, I am in the middle of the upgrade, chances of failure?09:39
Guest9490901:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc HD48x0 audio09:39
Guest94909 is this the line you wanted09:39
ardchoilleddavids: here's mine (been using ubuntu since 2005) http://ardchoille42.pastebin.com/gmWS19Cb09:39
ardchoilleddavids: I don't see any problems there, try updating again09:40
ddavidsardchoille: lol, thanks for having a look. im updating again...09:42
ddavidsardchoille: same error during signature verification...09:42
ddavidsardchoille: can i overlook it? or is it bound to affect something along the way?09:43
ardchoilleddavids: hold on09:43
solid_liquidquentusrex, everything should be in /home unless you put anything elsewhere09:43
solid_liquidquentusrex, your ssh keys will be in ~/.ssh/09:43
Laliitooola hay alguien??09:44
arandalmoxarife: that is not at all a supported way of doing the upgrade, you should let the automatic procedures take care of that for you.. also for lucid support see #ubuntu+109:44
DJones!es | Laliitoo09:44
ubottuLaliitoo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:44
ardchoilleddavids: you seem to have a lot of redundant entries. Would you like for me to re-write it for you?09:44
minus007I need to install  glib 2.21.3 on Ubuntu 9.0409:44
minus007Can anyone help me?09:44
ddavidsardchoille: yes pls...09:45
minus007I get this error while compiling webkit gtk09:45
minus007hecking for GLIB... configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.21.309:45
minus007                  gobject-2.0 >= 2.009:45
minus007                  gthread-2.0 >= 2.0) were not met:09:45
minus007Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.21.3' but version of GLib is 2.20.109:45
FloodBot2minus007: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:45
Zusis anyone here a registered member of LP with opgp keys?09:45
ardchoilleddavids: open a terminal and follow my instructions09:46
ddavidsardchoille: ok09:47
ardchoilleddavids: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup09:47
arandZus: I guess many are, what is your question?09:48
ardchoilleddavids: let me know when that is done09:48
Zusarand, are they specifically personal pgp keys or would  a "specific" team have one how do they work?09:48
ddavidsardchoille: done09:50
ardchoilleddavids: copy and paste this line exactly as it is into your terminal and run it: sudo sed -i 's|deb http://ng.archive.ubuntu.com|# deb http://ng.archive.ubuntu.com|g' /etc/apt/sources.list09:50
brt_In anyone here an expert at usine dar for making backups?09:51
ddavidsardchoille: done09:51
ardchoilleddavids: save the file and then do: sudo apt-get update09:52
solid_liquidardchoille, it should already be saved ;)09:52
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ardchoillesolid_liquid: yeah, force of habit09:52
solid_liquidardchoille, heh, I figured as much09:52
ddavidsardchoille: there's no file to save...09:52
ardchoilleddavids: sudo apt-get update09:53
solid_liquidddavids, ignore that saving part ;)09:53
ddavidsit was a silent action09:53
ardchoilleyeah, that's an old habit of mine09:53
ddavidsardchoille: ok09:53
ardchoilleddavids: any errors?09:53
ddavidsstill working09:53
Arma_I just started a project at my university, the project is to install a Linux client and make it login on a windows server domain controller, can anyone put me on the right track ?09:53
ddavidsardchoille: there are errors...09:54
Arma_and of course I chose Ubuntu for the Linux OS09:54
ardchoilleddavids: Can you pastebin them pls?09:54
andrew__Ok so using the OSS driver for spotify, it needs to be the first application to lock/use audio..09:54
andrew__Is there any way to release whatever else is using audio?09:54
Nuf881I have this strange problem where my wireless won't connect to any open networks, only encrypted ones. Any hints?09:55
solid_liquidArma_, that's actually easiest to do on Fedora...  you might want to try that first to see how it works in Fedora (or CentOS) to get your starting point09:55
ddavidsardchoille: ok - http://paste.ubuntu.com/386203/09:55
arandZus: Not completely sure, but I think everyone has a personal key, and if say, a team creates a ppa which has another associated key, the LP system will automatically accept all team-members' keys and re-sign with the ppa-key when any one of the mebers upload to the PPA (not sure, but I think that's how it works..)09:56
adri_Hi, I just installed Ubuntu 9.19 on a laptop (Asus M70sa) and the screen is extremely dim. Power management options have no effect. I tried to manually edit /sys/class/acpi_video0/brightness but it did not work.09:57
ardchoilleddavids: Is this from a new install or an upgrade from a previous release?09:57
Arma_solid_liquid: would Fedora work on a P2 with 128MB Ram ? I was thinking about Xubuntu09:57
solid_liquidArma_, uh...  an older version would for sure.  I'm not sure about the current ones09:58
ddavidsardchoille: it's a new install but i gave it out to a friend and i guess he must have tampered wt it...09:58
Arma_solid_liquid: that's the challenge, if this works they might install Linux on alot of workstations instead of their Windows or OpenSolaris (which doesn't work on the domain for now)09:58
Zusarand,  thanks...09:58
ardchoilleddavids: Can  you run this command for me please: lsb_release -r09:58
hatten_test, anybody sees this?09:59
crawleradri_: try this command: echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/asus-laptop/ls_switch09:59
Callum__hatten_: coming through fine =)09:59
solid_liquidArma_, it'll work.  I was just talking to a friend of mine who works for Wolfram (makers of Mathematica) yesterday, and he told me they're all Linux there and use Fedora because it's the easiest to get working on the domain09:59
brjannwould someone say my nick please? testing notifications10:00
rwwbrjann: hi!10:00
solid_liquidbrjann, no10:00
hatten_okay, I've borked X on my netbook, and I dunno how to choose and connect to network through the cli at ubuntu10:00
crawleradri_: as root10:00
ardchoillesolid_liquid: lol10:00
brjannrww: thanks! solid_liquid: :(10:00
solid_liquidbrjann, it gave a notification, didn't it?  ;)10:00
PingFloydArma_: you may want to consider trying lubuntu10:00
brjannbrjann: yes, but it sounded sad.10:00
hatten_as soon as i get internet i'll be fine10:00
tomatoes7__use puppy linux10:00
brjannoops, now i'm talking to myself. clearly i should go to sleep10:00
solid_liquidPingFloyd, lubuntu?10:01
ddavidsardchoille: tobi@tobi-laptop:~$ lsb_release -r10:01
psycho_oreosubuntu with lxde frontend10:01
adri_crawler, thank you very much. so there's no front-end for switching on/off the light sensor?10:01
Arma_PingFloyd: I was considering it too, solid_liquid yes it is lxde GUI10:01
hatten_Nobody knows how to connect to the internet through the cli here?10:01
faileashatten_: wires or wireless?10:01
hexdumpah ha!  I finally fixed everything!10:01
PingFloydsolid_liquid: it uses lxde for the desktop environment10:01
psycho_oreosI don't think lubuntu is out yet, although its available as a virtual package in the repo but it won't be out till lucid is officially out I think10:01
hatten_faileas: wires10:01
hexdumpjust had to get that out sorry10:01
ardchoilleddavids: ok, what is happening is that you are getting a GPG error on a repo that was installed when you installed the system. Someone somehow mucked something up. I'd get hold of that friend and ask him what he did.10:01
djoefHi, a few days ago, I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10. Suddenly I get this warning at startup, saying my hard disk has a big amount of bad sectors. By reading some forums the best thing to do seemed to download the diagnostics software from the hardware supplier (samsung in my case) which just completed a full test with no errors.10:01
crawleradri_: not that i know of.  you'll have to run that every boot, i believe.  should be easy enough though10:02
solid_liquidhatten_, just connect to the network with internet access10:02
djoefWhat should I believe, and If its samsungs tool, how to remove the error in ubuntu ?10:02
solid_liquidPingFloyd, hmm, I didn't know that flavor existed10:02
faileashatten : ifconfig  and pastebin what's there. If you need a browser... w3m is the 'easy' one. lynx is more popular tho10:02
adri_crawler, ok I'll just put something in init.d.10:02
PingFloydsolid_liquid: I think it is still just a virtual package right now10:02
ardchoilleddavids: would you like me to walk you through returning your sources.list to the original?10:02
Arma_djoef: it might be either logical or physical you should know which first10:02
faileasdjoef: tried running fsck?10:02
crawleradri_: ok, good luck xD10:02
ddavidsardchoille: yes pls...10:02
PingFloydsolid_liquid: the plan is to make it a distro though10:02
rwwa preliminary version of lubuntu is in Ubuntu 9.10's metaverse repository10:02
solid_liquidfaileas, I think links is much better than lynx.  lynx is ancient and crusty10:02
solid_liquidPingFloyd, I've never even tried lxde10:03
djoeffaileas, I didn't because I did the samsungs diagnostic test. I don't want to remap things and mess my drive up, if its not necessary ;)10:03
faileassolid_liquid: i prefer w3m10:03
solid_liquidfaileas, I like w3m too10:03
=== Termana_n810 is now known as Guest38942
PingFloydI used to run lxde on debian on my old PII, it ran pretty nicely10:03
djoefArma_, how should I check for this ?10:03
Arma_PingFloyd: or I can just install Xubuntu and then install LXDE nothing will change, that's not the problem I have, the main problem is making a Linux OS work on a P2 and hook it up to a windows domain controller10:03
hatten_solid_liquid: faileas w8 a second, booting10:03
faileasdjoef: if its a FS issue... you'd prolly not have it caufht by said tool10:03
PingFloydArma_: yeah, that is probably your best route10:04
Arma_djoef: <faileas> djoef: tried running fsck?10:04
djoeffaileas, FS ?10:04
Arma_PingFloyd: but hooking it up to a windows domain should be a challenge10:04
minus007How to install Firefox 3.6 on Ubuntu 9.04?10:04
faileashatten: i'm an idiot for telling you to pastebin fsck. but ifconfig should show a ip addie that's valid, hopefully. else we'd have to go to strp 210:04
psycho_oreosdjoef, filesystem10:04
Arma_and I would prefer Ubuntu over Fedora10:04
djoefpsycho_oreos, thank you :)10:04
faileaswhat psycho_oreos said10:04
ardchoilleddavids: open a terminal and do: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.backup /etc/apt/sources.list10:04
andrew__ZOMG FEDORA HATS10:04
Arma_but if there is no way to do but on Fedora then Fedora it is I guess10:04
psycho_oreosdjoef, np10:04
solid_liquidArma_, it can be done on Ubuntu too, it's just more work10:05
p1oooop1hey guys10:05
adri_Is there a way to track changes to the Ubuntu system and store them somewhere? I'm about to add a script to init.d. If I ever re-install Ubuntu I will have to search for the fix again and install the script again. Is there a tool that automates this?10:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:05
faileasArma_: http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/HOWTO:_Configure_Ubuntu_for_Active_Directory_Authentication ?10:05
minus007hey p1oooop110:05
Arma_solid_liquid: work is no problem I have 4 months to finish this project10:05
ddavidsardchoille: done10:05
solid_liquidArma_, Fedora was made to do that easily.  You'll probably just need to write a script or something for Ubuntu, but Ubuntu is obviously a much nicer choice for a desktop distro10:05
faileasadri_: not as far as i know. that's one reason i document my changes in a wiki ;p10:06
djoeffaileas, Arma_ , So even with the samsung diagnostic tool saying there is no error, you would recommend me to check with fsck right ?10:06
hatten_faileas: yeah, ifconfig says no ip, only inet addr and mask, and some other stuff10:06
ardchoilleddavids: I'm sorry I wasn't able to fix this problem for you, but keep asking in here and someone should be able to help10:06
faileasdjoef: totally10:06
PingFloydArma_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba10:06
faileashatten_: sudo ifup <interfacename>10:06
danx!ask | minus00710:06
ubottuminus007: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:06
Arma_djoef: of course10:06
minus007How to install FF 3.6 on Ubunto 9.04??????????????????????????????/10:06
ddavidsardchoille: no prbs, thanks so much for ur time... i think i have a friend to skin...10:06
danxminus007: go to firefox.com and download the binary10:06
solid_liquidminus007, stop yelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;)10:07
hatten_faileas: how do i find the interfacename?10:07
ardchoilleddavids: hehe, you're welcome10:07
mjrosenbhas linux-ubuntu-modules been deprecated?10:07
p1oooop1anyone know how to record using pulse? for whatever reason, it isn't working :P10:07
Arma_solid_liquid: I am a part of Ubuntu-lb so I'm working alone on this project, true, but this is one for the team ;)10:07
p1oooop1perhaps my ALSA drivers aren;t working right?10:07
faileashatten_: it should be eth0 or eth1 - ifconfig should have output it10:07
mjrosenbbecause apt/synaptic does not seem to have anything for 3.6.31.*10:07
rwwminus007: Firefox 3.6 is not officially supported on Ubuntu 9.04. For an unsupported PPA version, see https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable10:07
p1oooop1intel ICH-7?10:07
scruffymogwaiIs FF 3.6 available thru a PPA?10:07
ardchoilleddavids: fwiw, you shouldn't be getting that error unless he messed with your keyrings10:07
faileashatten_: if neither are up, we will need to find it from lshw10:07
minus007Thanks rww10:07
djoeffaileas, Arma_, should I do this starting from a live CD and run the full test ? (secondary question, will this be able to "repair" my disk (or at least avoid further errors by ignoring those blocks))10:08
brt_Hi everyone! My drive sda is divided into 3 partitions: boot, swap, and data. I corrupted files on the boot partition. Can I fix it without affecting the data partition?10:08
hatten_faileas: neither are up10:08
solid_liquidArma_, it would be great to see Ubuntu have a large installbase at a University10:08
faileasdjoef: yes10:08
faileashatten_: what do you have?10:08
hatten_faileas: in ifconfig? linnk encap, inet addr, mask, rx/tx packets, mtu, metric, rx/tx bytes10:09
p1oooop1solid_liquid: I agree, wouldn't it really make a difference?10:09
ddavidsardchoille: i guessed as much10:09
faileashatten_: all the way left10:09
Arma_solid_liquid: yup, and LDAP does not help cause I wont have a linux server, they have a windows server10:09
hatten_faileas: aha, lo10:09
hatten_faileas: only10:09
p1oooop1solid_liquid: hundreds more people in here asking for help :D10:09
djoeffaileas, Arma_ , thanks !10:09
rwwmjrosenb: yes. That package was only published for hardy; I'm looking to see where that functionality is now located.10:09
ddavidsbut isnt it possible to revert such, to an earlier time? just thinking...10:09
faileashatten_: ahh. ok. TIME FOR STAGE TWO! STRIKE!10:09
solid_liquidp1oooop, heh10:09
faileashatten_: sudo lshw | less10:10
hatten_faileas: fight!10:10
ardchoilleddavids: I'm sure it is, I just don't know how10:10
mjrosenbrww: sweet.10:10
faileashatten_: look for lines starting with *-network10:10
Arma_and it would also be more professional if I make a workstation that can download updates and stuff and give them to the clients instead of each one downloading it alone and installing apart which will save bandwidth10:10
ddavidsnay body help, someone has messed up wt my keyrings (it seems) and now i cant update wtout errors.10:10
p1oooop1p1oooop get off... :P10:10
p1oooop1hold on, imma go get p1oooop10:11
hatten_faileas: faileas found it, *-network DISABLED10:11
ikoniap1oooop1: please stop10:11
faileashatten_: is there a eth something there?10:11
ikoniap1oooop1: this is a support channel, try to keep to that topic, it's support for ubuntu only10:11
hatten_faileas: eth5 O_o10:11
faileashatten_: ah hah! STAGE 3!10:11
rwwmjrosenb: from the look of it, free modules are in the regular linux-image packages, non-free ones are in linux-restricted-modules-versionnumber-architecture10:11
hatten_faileas: that's its logical nome10:11
hatten_faileas: name10:11
rwwmjrosenb: so if you're using the generic kernel, you'd want the linux-image-generic and linux-restricted-modules-generic metapackages installed, which will pull in the right version packages.10:12
faileashatten_: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces10:12
ardchoilleI would like one of those "Ubuntu will be release in x days" graphic for my website. Where would I get one?10:12
hatten_faileas: nano? bah, vim all the way10:12
faileashatten_: whatever you feel comfy with. nano is newbie friendly10:12
p1oooop1there we go10:12
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
p1oooop1p1oooop ?10:12
Arma_solid_liquid, PingFloyd I have a question, would it be better to make a local Ubuntu server which Ubuntu clients will connect to and itself will connect to the Windows server or would it be better to make all clients directly connected to the windows server ?10:13
hatten_faileas: i know, im only noob to ubuntu, one year user of arch10:13
faileaschange any instance of "eth0" under primary network interface to eth510:13
mjrosenbrww: should the tp_smapi (or whatever smapi is called these days) be in there?10:13
hatten_faileas: okay, i got it, there are two rows10:13
hatten_faileas: 'auto lo' and 'iface lo inet loopback'10:13
faileas... wait... what?10:13
hatten_faileas: that's what inside the interfaces file10:13
viliny_Anyone know whats up with playdeb being down?10:14
Kamokowardchoille: As far as I know, most people who have those have made their own PHP scripts that generate the images. (I might be wrong though)10:14
solid_liquidArma_, what you're talking about sounds like a suse server10:14
faileasadd two lines "auto eth5" and "iface eth5 inet dhcp"10:14
joaopintoviliny, the main server failed, we are working on it10:14
Arma_solid_liquid: suse ?10:14
faileashatten_: that should fix it. all you need to do is restart your networky stuff, and you'll be goof10:15
p1oooop1Kamokow: you are right, using GD10:15
ardchoilleKamokow: That's what I was thinking too but thought I'd ask10:15
p1oooop1Kamokow: google it ;)10:15
solid_liquidArma_, Novell made sure suse servers integrate seamlessly with windows networks, which is why m$ sells support contracts for suse linux10:15
p1oooop1ardchoille: google GD, it can use PHP but PHP is not necessarry for it to work10:15
hatten_faileas: yay, one ifup later and I'm connected. Thanks a lot!10:16
Arma_solid_liquid: so I have to install suse ? :(10:16
solid_liquidArma_, heh not necessarily10:16
faileashatten_: np. i had a similar issue with a VM a few days back ;p10:16
solid_liquidArma_, it's just the easiest solution10:16
Arma_solid_liquid: or maybe opensuse :/ I would like it to be open source10:16
ardchoilleKamokow: fouhnd it! http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown10:16
solid_liquidArma_, suse is opensource, just charged for10:16
p1oooop1ardchoille: the problem is that you don't just tell it "make image real nice" you need to tell it to do every step of making such image10:16
rwwmjrosenb: I'm looking, but my computer's being slow10:16
Kamokowardchoille: I also just found it and was going to send. I guess thats not a problem now. Gratz.10:16
zuppershit :10:17
mjrosenbrww: also, the latest linux-restricted-modules-generic seems to be for 2.6.28-17.2210:17
p1oooop1what was that?10:17
ikoniazagabar: please control your language10:17
Arma_I don't care for the easiet solution, I want it to work in 3 months, I think that's more then enough to pull it through wouldn't it ? and I know that suse and opensuse are the same that's why I said opensuse10:17
faileasikonia: i think you mean zupper? who just did a driveby ;p10:17
ikoniaughhh, tab lag10:18
ikoniazagabar: sorry , misstab/lag10:18
solid_liquidArma_, my point was this: start with the easiest to see how they made it work so well, and then figure out how to make whatever distro you want do it equally well10:18
rwwmjrosenb: hmm, that's odd. They must have changed it in Karmic and I never noticed :\10:18
Arma_solid_liquid: has it been done before ?10:18
solid_liquidArma_, has what?10:19
Arma_if it has then I will find it online and make it through10:19
mjrosenbrww: isn't progress great?10:19
Arma_I hate to see windows everywhere, it is slooooooow and unstable and I HATE IT10:19
solid_liquidArma_, dunno if you'll find that or not10:19
Arma_I want My unversity to have a taste of linux10:19
solid_liquidArma_, you're preaching to the choir10:19
Arma_cause once you go linux you never go back10:19
ikoniaArma_: ok - what do you actually need support with ?10:19
Arma_solid_liquid: actually I'm working on it not just preaching10:20
solid_liquidArma_, lol  like all of us10:20
ikoniaArma_: Microsfot windows is acceptable for some people so please stop ranting about it, this is a support channel, do you need support with Ubuntu ?10:20
p1oooop1Arma_: LMAO, you think... the only reason, IMHO that windows is so popular is because it's "easy" to use10:20
Arma_I've been working for 3 semesters now on this project and finally I got computers with P2 to work on10:20
Arma_p1oooop1: IT IS NOT EASY TO USE10:20
p1oooop1Arma_: you ever think of making a kerrighed cluster?10:20
ikoniaArma_: stop now10:20
Arma_I find linux easier to manipulate :/10:20
Arma_but that's just me10:21
Arma_ikonia, I got these P2 to install linux on them and hook em up to a windows domain controller10:21
p1oooop1oops, wrong channel... sorry ikonia10:21
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solid_liquidp1oooop1, no, it's what comes with computers, so it's what people already know, it was the cheapest solution 30 years ago so lots of custom apps have been written for it, and it has vendor lock in10:21
ikoniaArma_: ok - so you need support with that ?10:21
Arma_and I chose the very first Linux OS I ever used and learned on to impliment the project10:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:21
Arma_I would like some help with that why not10:22
rwwmjrosenb: indeed. alright, I don't have anything smapi related under /lib/modules in Karmic with linux-image-generic, so it ain't in that package...10:22
ikoniaArma_: ok - what part are you stuck with10:22
p1oooop1actually, I was looking for some help with my sound recording10:22
Arma_I didn;t start the project yet, I got the computers today, soo I'm doing research10:22
rwwooo, that looks useful10:22
p1oooop1i cannot record sound for whatever reason... ALSA not working right?10:22
rww!info tp-smapi-source | mjrosenb10:22
ubottumjrosenb: tp-smapi-source (source: tp-smapi): ThinkPad hardware/firmware access modules source. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.40-5 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 108 kB10:22
Arma_ikonia: I didn't start the project yet, I got the computers today, soo I'm doing research10:23
hatten_hey, when I execute 'crontab -e' it says '/var/spool/cron' is not a directory, bailing out.10:23
rwwmjrosenb: and these instructions look reasonable for setting it up: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_9.10_(Karmic_Koala)_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Install_HDAPS_-_IBM_Active_Protection_System_Linux_Driver10:23
p1oooop1!hi | xjdeng_10:24
ubottuxjdeng_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:24
mjrosenbrww: strange.  why did it go from being available as a binary to source only?10:25
zetherootalk about a nightmare ... Network Proxy in Ubuntu  :P10:25
Fra88server irc.tin.it10:25
hatten_hey, when I execute 'crontab -e' it says '/var/spool/cron' is not a directory, bailing out. But as root I can see that the directory is there.10:25
rwwmjrosenb: I've noticed that trend with a couple of other packages too. There's probably a good reason for it, but I have no idea what it is.10:26
zetherooanyone have success getting network proxying to work in Ubuntu?10:26
Arma_thanks a lot guys10:26
mjrosenbhatten_: do you have read access to the directory and its parent?10:26
rwwmjrosenb: the folks in #ubuntu-kernel may know, if you're interested in finding out why10:26
hatten_mjrosenb: nopes, not as user10:27
hatten_mjrosenb: how should i chmod it10:27
zetherooI tried to get it working and then reverted to the default settings and now Synaptic is no longer working .. cannot update the system ... not even through the terminal ...10:27
hatten_mjrosenb: right now it's drwxr-xr-x and owned by root10:27
matteo1990Hi all, i am trying to make an usb drive (manually)from Ubuntu Live Cd. Are there any problems? Because i get no Kernel in /mount_point/boot ...boot10:28
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zetherooany ideas?10:28
zetheroois it just me or is this channel very quiet!?10:30
AndyGraybeali'm in ubuntu 8.10. i've edited ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs ; the Documents section i've pointed to another folder, set the correct permissions, but when i go to Documents.. it still wants to go to /home/username/Documents .. any ideas?10:30
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: ever think of doing a symlink instead?10:31
zetheroocan anyone see my text?10:32
p1oooopzetheroo: naw, it's just all the many people signing on and off10:32
zetheroooh good - ha10:32
zetherooit's pretty dead in here10:33
p1oooopi think everyone's just on break10:33
zetheroousually it's hard to keep up with all that is going on10:33
p1oooopwait a few seconds10:33
zetheroolike a synced Ubuntu break? :P10:33
sunsonwhat's the fastest way to create a snapshot of my running system onto a usb flash drive?10:34
zetheroosunson: fastest or simplest?10:34
llutzsunson: sudo rsync -aux / /media/stick10:34
sunsonzetheroo: simplest10:34
llutzsunson: needs unix-fs on stick10:34
sunsonllutz: but that ain't workie boss10:34
llutzsunson: works10:35
sunsonllutz: I want it to be similar. not identical. it should be an instance of its own. i want it to use its own disk.10:35
zetheroowhat works for one may not work for another ... :)10:35
llutzsunson: thats something different10:35
zetheroosunson: like remaster?10:35
p1oooopthere we go, I just had to enable a few plugins10:36
sunsonllutz: probably :)10:36
llutzsunson: be more specific next time10:36
sunsonllutz: it must boot and work as it works right now10:36
zetheroosunson: so you want Ubuntu to run off of a USB Hard drive?10:37
sunsonzetheroo: kinda like a snapshot "backup"10:37
AndyGraybealplooop yes ... i have been recently10:37
sunsonzetheroo: if shit happens, i can boot off the drive10:37
sunsonzetheroo: periodically, repeat the process10:37
rwwubottu: language | sunson10:37
ubottusunson: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:37
zetheroosunson: yeah .. I get what you mean ... like Ghosting10:37
AndyGraybealp1oooop: sounds like a kludge though since this config file isn't working :(10:37
sunsonzetheroo: right10:37
zetheroosunson: nice thought ...10:38
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync10:38
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: did you try restarting?10:38
matteo1990WJere is the Kernel in the Ubuntu ISO???10:38
AndyGraybealp1oooop: i restartd x, but not the whole machine10:38
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility10:38
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: will it hurt to do a full restart?10:39
zetheroosunson: you looking? ...10:39
AndyGraybealp1oooop: i'll try try it10:39
ecolitanwhen i run mount I see: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro), i have rebooted with fsck on bootup which completed ok, but it still shows like that10:39
zetherooerUSUL: thanks :)10:39
llutzecolitan: whats wrong with it?10:39
ecolitanis there a problem with this parition?10:39
ecolitanno problem i can detect10:39
llutzecolitan: did you get any errors/warnings?10:40
sunsonzetheroo: yeah...10:40
sunsonzetheroo: apt-cache searching... :)10:40
ecolitanllutz; not that I can see10:40
llutzecolitan: that line from "mount" just shows given mount-options10:40
ecolitanand not in dmesg10:40
zetheroosunson: no, I mean are you looking at what was being mentioned here ... rsync and !remaster10:40
ecolitanjust want to be safe10:41
llutzecolitan:  (rw,errors=remount-ro)  = "/ is mounted rw, but would be remounted ro in case of errors"10:41
zetheroosunson !remaster10:41
ecolitanllutz: thats good news10:41
zetheroowhy is that not working ...10:41
ecolitanllutz: thanks for the advice10:41
llutz!remaster | sunson10:41
ubottusunson: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility10:41
zetheroollutz: ah ok ... I see10:42
zetheroohow do you fully remove the network proxy settings ...?10:43
andrei112hi all10:43
AndyGraybealp1oooop: okay, still didn't work; any other ideas? i'm gonna rm -rf /home/username/Documents and then ln -s.10:43
zetherooI tried to get the system to connect to the Internet through Network Proxy and it was not working so I reverted back to the default settings and now I cannot install or upgrade anything10:43
zetheroofor some reason the proxy settings are stuck in the system somewhere10:44
llutzzetheroo: grep -i proxy /etc/apt10:44
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: I'd backup before I do that though10:44
zetherooSynaptic says :  Could not resolve 'proxy'10:44
llutzzetheroo: rgrep -i proxy /etc/apt/*10:44
AndyGraybealp1oooop: ther's nothing there10:44
p1oooopand remember to set the owner of the directory10:44
AndyGraybealaah so the owner, tell me10:44
zetheroollutz: the second one?10:44
llutzzetheroo: yes, sry10:45
AndyGraybealp1oooop: i have the group set properly10:45
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: works.10:45
doledoes anypne know if i can burn an iso image with the cdburn utility from the ubuntu live?10:45
AndyGraybealp1oooop: you mean just having the group works ? (i'm sorry)10:45
rwwdole: Brasero? Yes, it can burn iso files.10:45
AndyGraybealbecause that's all i thought i needed was the group to be correct -- it's actually a shared Documents folder between two users.10:46
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: I would assume... I don't mess with permissions much...10:46
AndyGraybealk thank you10:46
zetheroollutz: ok I did that and then sudo apt-get update and it's still not working ... Could not resolve proxy10:46
llutzzetheroo: was there any output? that cmd won't fix anything10:46
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: if it doesn't go ahead and set owner10:46
AndyGraybealya, i'll try owner now10:46
zetheroollutz: no output10:46
llutzzetheroo: "unset http_proxy  sudo apt-get update"10:47
Avenegrahello, i've been playing with an alternate bootloader (burg), and was also trying a newer kernel...i've now uninstalled both kernel and burg, got back to grub2 and it's all good, but the removed kernel still shows in the menu! :( i had it remove with --purge and checked /etc/grub/grub.cfg and /etc/grub.d/* ... there aren't references there to that kernel10:47
gerv!seen jono10:48
ubottuI have no seen command10:48
zetheroollutz: sudo: unset: command not found10:48
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
Avenegracould be that it's still in the boot sector?10:48
rwwgerv: /msg nickserv info jono10:48
llutzzetheroo: then try "http_proxy=''  sudo apt-get update"10:48
gervrww: Thanks.10:49
dolerww, i don't think is named brasero..it just says cd/dvd creator and it is opened into nautilus10:49
gervHis mail is bouncing.10:49
abhi_navjenkinbr: hey! thnx for you mail10:49
gervDoes Aq hang out here?10:49
zetheroollutz: with the quotes?10:49
llutzzetheroo: without outer-quotes =''   < two single '10:50
zetheroollutz: ok10:50
rwwdole: I guess there are two of them. Brasero (Applications -> Sound and Video) definitely can; I've never used the other one.10:50
doleahh. right10:50
dolety ty rww10:50
zetheroollutz: that worked! Thanks a heap10:50
rwwabhi_nav: Any particular reason you chose to memoserv me?10:51
llutzzetheroo: so somewhere http_proxy is set...  "rgrep http_proxy ~/*"10:51
abhi_navrww: No! :) last nick was yours on my screen no other reason10:51
rwwabhi_nav: ah, okay. Probably a good idea to ask first next time :)10:52
rwwabhi_nav: but yes, I did get it10:52
abhi_navrww: yah sure!10:52
llutzzetheroo: and  "rgrep http_proxy ~/.*"10:52
abhi_navrww: yah thnx10:52
abhi_navrww ( and sorry for disturbance!) :)10:52
zetheroollutz: searching ....10:52
lorenzosuHow can I install multiple fonts in one go?10:52
shaullxi can't login to ubuntu, i got coffee spilled on my laptop keyboard so now 'shift' is always pressed so when i try to input my password instead of 1 it types !, is there anyway to disable the shift key? idk what to do :/10:53
p1oooopshaullx: try another keyboard.10:54
shaullxits a netbook10:54
abhi_navremove that shift key with screwdriver!10:54
p1oooop^^ ;)10:54
grandemahatmahello. I'm looking for an application that allows you to show pdfs on a beamer while showing notes on your laptop.. anyonw could suggest me one?10:54
shaullxi tried to remove the key btw10:54
shaullxnot helping10:54
p1oooopgrandemahatma: uhh... compiz?10:55
p1oooopgrandemahatma: I believe there's a feature that can allign it into a grid10:55
grandemahatmap1oooop: ok, the idea would be that when I change page in the pdf, the corresponding notes are shown on the laptop10:56
brijithmaccan any one help me to configure Evolution to access me gmail account10:56
grandemahatmayou know something like MSoffice does with ppt..10:56
rwwshaullx: click the person-in-a-circle icon in the bottom right, click Use on-screen keyboard, use that.10:56
p1oooopgrandemahatma: ahh, I believe openoffice can convert PDF into .odf files and from there, I believe you can add notes onto each page10:57
grandemahatmaI'll have a look. thanks p1oooop10:58
abhi_navhow many o on that plooooooop?10:59
p1oooopabhi_nav: 410:59
AndyGraybealif i'm on 8.10 and i do: apt-get dist-upgrade      .... will i go to 9.something?10:59
p1oooopsorry, watching TV at the same time10:59
* abhi_nav is weak in maths!10:59
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: I think 9.411:00
AndyGraybealp1oooop: okay thankyou11:00
p1oooopAndyGraybeal: and from there, to 9.10 if you dist upgrade again11:00
p1oooop(I think )11:00
AndyGraybealaah okay interesting11:00
rwwAndyGraybeal: If you don't change your sources.list file, no.11:00
AndyGraybealyea, i don't want to move yet.. i'm afraid i'd hbreak everything11:00
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AndyGraybealrww: aah please explain11:00
rwwAndyGraybeal: one second, there's a link that explains this nicely11:01
AndyGraybealthank you!11:01
p1oooopoh yeah... :P forgot about the extra line..11:01
abhi_navhow to pm a user using command from this text box?11:01
AndyGraybeali don't want to upgrade, i just want updated packages.. but when i do apt-get upgrade .. it says i have the latest ...11:02
KamokowHow can I get auto-indents to work in gedit? I turned them on, restarted, chose C++ as the syntax to highlight, yet it still doesnt auto-indent :-/11:02
p1oooopabhi_nav: what program you using?11:02
rwwAndyGraybeal: ttp://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2010/02/dist-upgrade-misnomer-confusion.html11:02
AndyGraybealthank you rww11:02
rwwAndyGraybeal: (sorry, throw a h at the start of that :)11:02
p1oooopabhi_nav: I believe its /pm (person)11:02
p1oooopI might be wrong11:02
rwwAndyGraybeal: the concepts are really confusing, let me know if you have questions11:02
abhi_navploooop: ok11:03
rwwabhi_nav: /msg theirnicknamehere message goes here11:03
p1oooopabhi_nav: /msg (person)11:03
abhi_navrww: plooop: ok11:03
abhi_navrww: plooop: it was the /msg nick. its working. thanx11:05
AndyGraybealrww:  thank you ... i think i'm just gonna stay away from it -  wish the repos for 8.10 had more up-to-date software :)11:05
doleif i'm running the live ubuntu version from a cd, how csan i eject the cd in order to burn something on a blank cd?11:06
abhi_navsudo eject11:06
rwwAndyGraybeal: Probably a good idea :). Just so you know, though, 8.10 is only supported until this April, so I'd recommend upgrading before then.11:06
adri_I cannot enable basic desktop effects in Ubuntu. It searches for available drivers for a while and then fails. I did install the proprietary FGLRX drivers, but Ubuntu says they are "enabled but not in use" -- I have an ATI mobility radeon 3650.11:07
abhi_navdole: creat bootable usb  from that live cd. boot from that usb and then write cd11:07
rwwdole: You don't. You need to either 1) have two CD drives or 2) make a LiveUSB stick and boot from it.11:07
doleabhi_nav: it says that cdrom is busy and can't be unmounted11:07
abhi_navdole: creat bootable usb  from that live cd. boot from that usb and then write cd11:08
pjmtlgadri : you tried aticonfig __initial -f  ?11:08
doleaha, ty guys :)11:08
zetheroollutz: still has not found anything11:08
rwwThe LiveCD contains a program for making LiveUSBs, and you can make a LiveUSB from the currently-running CD I believe, so that's nice and easy.11:08
s7hello, can someone help me sort out this: fetchmail: no mailservers have been specified11:11
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erUSULs7: did you actually specified a mailserver (via configuration file or comman line)?11:16
s7no i never and am wondering how to do that11:17
erUSULs7: why you need to use fetchmail? why not use a integrated mal client like evolution or thunderbird ?11:19
erUSULsafatb: hi; wellcome to ubuntu. drop the caps please11:19
s7cool, i can try evolution11:19
JonathanEllisAnyone know how to stop gmail indenting quoted text in a reply?11:22
safatbok man11:23
icerootJonathanEllis: dont think that has something todo with ubuntu11:24
dolewhy i can't see the content of Documents and Settings of a windows 7 from Ubuntu?11:24
raddyHello Everybody11:25
safatbIs there anyone from TurkeY?11:25
safatbTürk var mı?11:25
dolehow can i see how is named each partition...sda...??11:26
raddyOur guys installed CentOS 5.4 after installing ubuntu 9.1x11:26
raddyBecause it uses ext4, grub and centos didn't detect that.11:26
raddyI am finding very difficult to resolve the issue.11:26
safatbok byee11:27
raddyGrub was able to mount the drive.11:27
psycho_oreosraddy, you should have installed centos first before ubuntu11:27
faileasraddy: centos tends to have slightly older stuff. i thought ext4 was backwards compatable, though. maybe reinstall grub2 the way you would should grub be overwritten by windows?11:27
* faileas wonders why someone would dualboot server OSes11:27
raddyBut it says invalid folder when pointing the kernel image.11:28
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Leoneofhi, have very simple script to run "sudo pon dsl-provider", but it is ask for root Password, how to run without password?11:28
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.11:29
faileaserUSUL: he left11:29
erUSULfaileas: ok; ty11:29
wolfhi to all11:29
wolfi need help11:29
wolfi can't install11:29
wolffor xubuntu11:29
erUSUL!ask | wolf11:29
FloodBot2wolf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
ubottuwolf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:29
=== wolf is now known as Guest27404
p1oooopwolf: try pidgin?11:30
Guest27404i'm trying to install11:30
Guest27404amsn for xubuntu11:30
faileaswolf: what error?11:30
Guest27404but when i insert the code in the shell11:30
Guest27404xubuntu says that amsn package is not available11:31
Guest27404how can i solve it'11:31
kolbyLeoneof, It sounds like something that inherently requires escalated user rights.11:31
psycho_oreos!info amsn11:31
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98.1~debian-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 269 kB, installed size 880 kB11:31
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:31
raddyI'll come back here after noting down the exact error.11:32
kolbyLeoneof, you can use 'gksudo' to prompt the user for a password11:32
Guest27404so what i have to do'11:32
Leoneofkolby: yes?11:32
psycho_oreosGuest27404, enable universe repository and install amsn from there11:32
Guest27404how can i enable universe repository?11:33
Guest27404sorry i'm a novice11:33
psycho_oreos!universe | Guest2740411:33
ubottuGuest27404: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:33
psycho_oreosread those11:33
kolbyLeoneof, unless there's some way to pipe the password to 'sudo'11:33
Leoneofkolby: how about changing attributes in pon file?11:34
psycho_oreosyou could add that application into sudoers file specifying nopasswd, so when you run sudo with that application it won't ask you for password11:34
Kunalagonhello, I booted latest ubutnu, and try to do something in live mode, but almost every program crashes, nautilus just disapper, openoffice, starts and before it loads document, say CRASH, gnome panel..disapiar...11:35
psycho_oreosKunalagon, how much RAM do you have in that computer?11:36
Kunalagonpsycho_oreos: 4 GB11:36
psycho_oreosKunalagon, weird, might be a bad burn11:36
Kunalagonpsycho_oreos: some Intel i5 750...11:36
KunalagonI booted from USB, I made usb live disk using unetbootin tool11:36
Kunalagonpsycho_oreos: do you think, that should not happend? not even PC is too new ?11:37
Kunalagon9.10, yes11:37
psycho_oreoswell heck the iso could fail md5sum too prior to using unetbootin I suppose lol11:37
psycho_oreosKunalagon, it shouldn't happen I think, you got i386 right?11:37
psycho_oreosor i68611:37
SenoynaUserwho knows installing manually pdt on aptana studio ?11:37
Kunalagonhm, hm, hm psycho_oreos11:37
SenoynaUserwho knows installing manually pdt on aptana studio ?11:37
psycho_oreos!repeat | SenoynaUser11:38
ubottuSenoynaUser: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:38
Kunalagonpsycho_oreos: I am not sure, it is intel, should be, i68611:38
Malekohow do you specify multiple -iname patterns in Find? AND symbol or something11:38
psycho_oreosKunalagon, you're not sure of which iso image you downloaded and used unetbootin on?11:38
Kunalagonoh, no, no, I am sure11:38
Kunalagonit is 68611:39
qebabHi. My wireless network seems to arbitrarily stop working after anything between 15 minutes and 30 minutes of connectivity after upgrading from 9.4 to 9.10. lshw -C network lists the card as PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection, it doesn't show any line with configuration: ... in it. I stay connected to the wireless, but I seem to have an immense packetloss or loss of signal. The card works fine in my dualbooted windows. Any idea of what I sho11:39
Kunalagon(I think :)11:39
psycho_oreosKunalagon, hmm hard to say, I was thinking of the rarest possibility, missing CPU flags or bad USB lol11:40
sisifHello guys. Quick question: how can I force Twinview to use a specific resolution for both display? (there are identical) ?11:41
qebabThis is absurd. I haven't observed the problem at all while I've been researching how to fix it the last hour. Maybe it got scared. :-)11:44
Guest27404sorry there's another problem11:47
Guest27404with xubuntu i try to11:48
Guest27404open a shell11:48
Guest27404but i can't install anything11:48
Guest27404using the code in the window sudo...11:48
myrttiGuest27404: so how are you actually doing it?11:49
qebabNot to be annoying or anything, but I work in tech support and that kind of feedback is difficult for us to handle - it's not very clear what you're trying to do, why you're trying to do it, and how you're observing the error. :-)11:49
Guest27404sorry i tell you more11:49
ubuntuhello :)11:49
=== jz is now known as Guest49333
Guest27404i'm tryng to open a shell11:50
Guest27404pressing ctrl + f111:50
Guest27404and i login in my screen11:50
Guest27404and then i press the code fpr amsn11:50
myrttictrl-alt-f1 or ctrl-f1?11:50
Guest27404ctrl alt f111:50
Guest27404i'm a noob11:50
ubuntuwho knows how many  rams need to use xubuntu ?11:51
myrttiGuest27404: you are aware xubuntu has terminal apps that you can launch within the graphical interface?11:51
Guest27404yes i'm sure11:51
Guest27404previously i installed xubuntu11:51
Guest27404and amsn11:51
myrttiGuest27404: and you type in "sudo aptitude install amsn"?11:51
Guest27404i've installed in this way11:52
myrttiGuest27404: so which part fails?11:52
ubuntu192 mb is enough ?11:52
Guest27404so the shell says yhat can't find amsn package11:52
Guest27404but i think the code that i put was correct11:52
strangeis there a commandline command to see what packages i have installed since my box was fully installed?11:54
myrttiGuest27404: if you go to applications - system - software sources, is the community maintained Open Source software (universe) box ticked?11:54
pityonlineHi there! I got a problem with my linksys router, can anybody do me some favor?11:54
mecoCan someone help me with the clock? Even though I have set it to automatically synchronize with Internet time servers, it's one hour off.11:54
Guest27404so i do the command11:55
Guest27404sudo aptitude install amsn11:55
ubuntuI can't open firefox, what I should do?11:55
Guest27404and says that can't find package amsn11:55
Guest27404i can install amsn in another way11:55
Guest27404without shell??11:55
myrttiGuest27404: yes11:55
pityonlineHi there! I got a problem with my linksys router, can anybody do me some favor?11:55
myrttiGuest27404: applications - add/remove11:55
flodinecan someone tell me why ubuntu 9.10 keeps locking up on me?11:56
minus007I want to learn about the Ubuntu System structure.. For example, in Windows we have a setup file which installs software. However, in Ubuntu, this is different. A program can have several dependencies. And when I compile from souce, configure.sh halts at each dependency. Why doesn't the dependent library get installed automatically?11:56
mecoubuntu: Can you click the Firefox icon?11:56
Guest27404and then?11:56
myrttiminus007: how would it know what dependencies it's lacking, if you're compiling from source?11:56
myrttiGuest27404: search for it, install11:56
minus007It shows the dependent library11:56
minus007And I have to download the source and install that library11:57
Guest27404the system are refreshing the screen with an update11:57
pityonlineHi there! I got a problem with my linksys router, can anybody do me some favor?11:57
myrtti!repeat | pityonline11:58
ubottupityonline: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:58
flodinecan someone tell me why ubuntu 9.10 keeps locking up on me?but if i run lucid i have no problems11:58
Guest27404but can't modify the udpdate11:58
pityonlinei set the web port of the router 80 to 22, now i cannot manage it on website.11:58
minus007myritti: Where can I learn the structure of Ubuntu?11:59
Guest27404myrrti i'm trying pingdin12:00
Guest27404is it similar to msn?12:00
iflemaminus007 https://help.ubuntu.com/12:01
WubuntuHi, i'm using Karmic 9.10 and have a Microdia TwinkleCam USB camera that i can't seem to get to function properly. Can anyone assist me with this problem?12:05
=== sean is now known as Guest26579
principalecant load videos12:06
zvacet!hi | sean12:07
ubottusean: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:07
erUSUL!webcam | Wubuntu12:08
ubottuWubuntu: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:08
pookeyhi all - I have a multi-monitor setup, but maximising windows spans multiple screens. I  have a 4 head card, and it seems they are operating in pairs... I'm not sure what to google for - is there a way of defining where monitors start/end ?12:09
ja660kwhat is the difference between BOURNE script and a BASH script?12:11
induschrome always crashes12:12
l3nshi everyone.12:14
vasani have an error while booting grub error 512:16
vasanhow to solve?12:16
dheerajindus:what error it shows?12:17
aTsgRhey any1 using apache on ubuntu server?12:17
iflemavasan how big is the hardrive? how old is the computer?12:18
usuario_k tal?¿12:18
usuario_ahh hello haow are you?¿12:19
indusdheeraj, its just beta so many pages crash or freeze12:21
indusdheeraj, never mind12:21
dheerajindus:if u r ok with it...12:22
hystrenii cant find my AMSN history, iits empty in the folder, and it dont save my Wbcam history either...12:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:22
indusdheeraj, ya how do you find chrome?12:22
=== Guest11795 is now known as isp
indusdheeraj, it says AW SNAP! quite often doesnt it12:22
dheerajindus,i find it really good except for some plugins not avilable12:23
dheerajindus,i have seen that but it crashes rarely12:23
hystrenican some1 help me?12:23
* frankS2 helps some112:24
dheerajindus,do u use any firewall?12:24
indusdheeraj, in ubuntu? no i have a router with hardwrae firewall isnt that enough12:25
indusdheeraj, i mean the isp one12:25
dheerajindus,in ubuntu..any software firewall installed?12:25
dheerajindus,i guess u use windows....am i right?12:26
DragginGood afternoon... Can anyone point me in the right direction... How do I install certain applications only for certain users on a multi-user Ubuntu system?12:27
becker_11I have a ubuntu karmic with everything gnome uninstalled and xfce desktop added is there a way to install gnome without getting every app thats included??12:28
indusdheeraj, no i use ubuntu12:28
industhats why iam here12:28
icerootbecker_11: sudo apt-get install gnome12:29
icerootbecker_11: instead of ubuntu-desktop12:29
becker_11iceroot: thankyou12:29
archboxmanwhat its all linux there might be few different sets that all... Linux is linux.. Have to say ubuntu is leading the way, bit different... :)12:29
archboxmanIf you understand how to use cli then your 95% good to go in linux ...12:31
indusso do any one of you here use a firewall?12:31
icerootarchboxman: linux is a kernel and not bash12:31
iceroot!anyone | indus12:31
ubottuindus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:31
indusiceroot, ?12:31
archboxmaniceroot: well thats odd I thought it was an OS???12:32
indusso question is, how is my system protected from the crazyh internet world12:32
becker_11iceroot: gave it a shot but too many things were dependent and not going to be installed it said so I had to go for the ubuntu-desktop12:32
icerootindus: with up to date packages12:33
icerootindus: ports are only opened if a program is started12:33
indusiceroot, that doesnt hide your ip12:33
becker_11archboxman: linux is the kernel developed by linux torvalds Gnu/Linux is the operating system12:33
indusare you telling me, a person cant enter my system if a program is not running? sorry i find it hard to believe12:33
ndlovuif I'm in /home/user, and I want to tar folder myfiles, how would I tell it to only preserve the myfiles directory in the tar archive?12:34
becker_11archboxman: gnu.org12:34
faileasindus: unless you're running servers, it isn't entirely necessary. ubuntu does come with ufw, though, should you need an easy way to set up a firewall12:34
archboxmanbecker_11: funny I thought the idea was freedom to use programs.....12:34
Kenjirogood morning12:34
icerootindus: if you think a firewall is for hiding an ip you are very very wrong12:34
DaemonFCindus, I always have a firewall in place simply because a port scanner would get a reply from the system otherwise, even if there are no open ports12:34
becker_11archboxman: in regards to what sorry12:34
icerootindus: maybe read something about networking12:34
archboxmanSeeing how that was the main compliant ... why isn't it free12:34
ndlovutar -c --strip-components 2 /home/user/myfiles ?12:34
DaemonFCI don't want them knowing my system is there, a firewall stops my machine from replying12:35
Kenjiroguys, I am fairly new to Ubuntu. I would like to know where I can check the './configure' options I need to compile openldap (an old version) so it will be in conformity with ubuntu standards12:35
becker_11indus: that would be a proxy more so than a firewall12:35
indusso a firewall doesnt hide an ip? what exactly does it do then12:35
motaka2where can i find repositories concerning php5.3 for ubuntu 8.312:35
icerootindus: controlling the traffic12:35
indusiceroot, iam pretty much wrong yes thats why i ask here12:35
icerootindus: man iptable12:35
DaemonFCthe fact that the system replies "port is closed" is already far too much, because now they know there is a system there12:35
becker_11indus: stops packets from entering your system while letting allowed packets in and out12:35
icerootindus: there you will find what a firewall is/can do12:36
DaemonFCfirewall is not going to hurt anything, I just turn it on and set it to deny unsolicited traffic12:36
induswell, most tutorials say no need of it in ubuntu but ..12:36
archboxmaniceroot: security is the idea of combining standards to make your computer safe from the router down to the computer...12:36
icerootindus: you dont need a firewall12:36
indussomeone here can send a port scan request12:36
becker_11DaemonFC: that's it start firewall create first rule block all inbound :-)12:37
icerootindus: ip?12:37
WubuntuIs there a suitable driver for my webcam (Microdia webcam:Vender ID 0c45:600d Microdia TwinkleCam USB camera)?12:37
DaemonFCindus, I respectfully disagree with those tutorials then12:37
indusand what if firefox is running, wouldnt the scanner know that port 80 is open12:37
icerootindus: firefox is not a webserver so why should port 80 be opened?12:37
l3nsi just downloaded tcptrack. but it only tracks traffic in this machine only. not on every machine that is connected to this network.. is there other tools available in ubuntu that does this?12:37
icerootindus: please read some network-basics12:37
becker_11indus: www.grc.com go check out sheilds up it's a port tester and very very good at explaining what you are looking for12:38
indusiceroot, i thojught a web browser listen s on port 8012:38
icerootindus: and why should firefox open port 80 on your client?12:38
becker_11indus: grc.com also has forums I learnt an incredible amount from that site and forum12:39
archboxmanindus: remember the more security you put up... the different the effect will be...12:39
rwwindus: Web *servers* listen on port 80. Web *browsers* don't.12:39
indusrww, hello , thanks12:39
DaemonFCindus, sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw default deny and never worry about it again, good for most desktop users12:39
icerootindus: again, you dont need a firewall on your system12:39
indusrww, so i ask again, when firefox is running, it doesnt open port 80?i saw that in preferences too12:39
icerootindus: nmap -p 80 localhost    while firefox is running12:40
DaemonFCiceroot, If it won't hurt anything but it will stop port scanners from knowing there is a machine at that address, where is the harm?12:40
becker_11indus: it uses port 80 to get http traffic but it doesn't open it or listen on it12:40
icerootDaemonFC: a virusscanner on linux can make your system also safer....12:40
rwwDaemonFC: deny is the ufw default now, so it's even easier than that :)12:40
=== ae86-drifter1 is now known as ae86-drifter
indusbecker_11, could you tell me a little what means to get http traffic12:41
becker_11indus: a browser also uses port 443 and possibly 2112:41
DaemonFCiceroot, I wouldn't go as far as a virus scanner until there actually are viruses out there, but iptables settings don't slow a PC down12:41
DaemonFCor get confused and delete pieces of the OS :)12:41
archboxmanindus: this is a subject that takes you to learn your system... There is no way for anyone in here to say a piece of hardware is not opening a port you need to look at your system...12:41
rww"sudo ufw enable" and you're done :)12:41
DaemonFCvirus scanners do that to Windows users in a comedy of errors :)12:41
vasaniflema: 160 GB harddrive one year old12:41
icerootDaemonFC: but there is no reason for a firewall12:42
icerootDaemonFC: unless you want some routing12:42
induswell,in my router my firewall is enabled. what is that for?12:42
adri_I cannot use alt to type additional characters on Ubuntu 9.10. I checked xev and I don't get a KeyPress/KeyRelease event when I press any of the alt keys, only a KeyMapNotify.12:42
icerootindus: its getting offtopic12:42
ndlovuis there not some way to tell tar to ignore all directories above the current directory?12:42
indusit is?12:42
DaemonFCiceroot, There's some reason to turn it on, it provides some protection at no overhead and very low risk of interfering with anything legit12:43
icerootindus: of course12:43
DaemonFCThat's kind of how I view it12:43
Zusis anyone having issue with volume  in firefox on youtube?  dont hear anything...(my rythmbox and system does fine)12:43
DaemonFCI also have all apparmor policies installed and enforced12:43
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:43
vasanI got grub 5 error... how to solve this???12:43
motaka2can anyone help me figuring out for having native ttf configured on my php what should package should i download ?12:43
abhi_nav_whats the exact purpose and target audience of xfce?12:44
DaemonFCabhi_nav_, Stripped down desktop for old PCs mainly I believe is the target audience12:44
archboxmanindus: I told you already hardware is different and everyones setup is different .... You need to look up basic setups... I could buy a Cisco router that has firewall, Webserver and a server built in one does this make it good perhaps ,but it is all how you use security...12:44
becker_11abhi_nav_: xfce is for systems that are slightly older than the latest and greatest and for users that don't want alot of overhead on their systems12:44
indusbecause, i remember using zonealarm in windows, so was wondering about ubuntu12:45
becker_11abhi_nav_: I like xfce because it is lighter than gnome and runs faster on my system12:45
abhi_nav_DaemonFC: & becker_11: ok should i install it on my ubuntu to get more speed and performance? I now have gnome12:45
indusand zonealarm keeps saying this attempt blvocked etc even though i dont run anhy web servers12:45
icerootindus: for what you need a firewall?12:45
DaemonFCindus, Totally different thing. ufw is just a way to set iptables, which is built into the kernel.12:45
KenjiroI would like to know where I can check the './configure' options I need to compile openldap-2.3.30 (an old version) so it will be in conformity with ubuntu standards12:46
icerootindus: sorry but you even dont know what firefox is doing when surfing12:46
becker_11abhi_nav_: sure12:46
DaemonFCZonealarm is an entire filtering engine full of bloat sitting in userspece and tapped into your TCP/IP stack12:46
abhi_nav_DaemonFC: & becker_11: ok thnx12:46
indusiceroot, thats what iam asking whether i need it or not, iam not running anything12:46
indusiceroot, i dont like your tone btw12:46
DaemonFCindus, Zonealarm is a resource sapper like most Windows security software, ufw jsut writes iptables settings and has almost no overhead12:47
Stargazefolx my gpg --clearsign won't work12:47
Stargazehints & tips pls? :)12:47
archboxmaniceroot: that was not nice give him a break :)12:47
icerootindus: you dont need a firewall on a linux-desktop-pc    maybe you need a firewall if you are using vpn at home to your company and want protect others from the lan to go through the vpn tunnel12:47
indusanyways, i dont have any more questions, ill google it12:47
morenaalguieen k able español?12:47
rwwubottu: es | morena12:47
ubottumorena: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:47
abhi_nav_assume a condition where, anyhow my host ubuntu is unable to connect to internet by any menas. then will my clean installation of guest ubuntu on vm wll connect to internet? (assume that no hardware prob. every hardware is in ok condition)12:47
icerootindus: maybe you want something like a router/nat12:47
indusiceroot, i have a router given by my isp, which has firewall enabled in it anyways12:48
viliny_indus, not beating around the bush - firestarter seems like the program you want12:48
archboxmanindus: just keep in mind this can be complex... you need to take inventory of all the hardware and its abilities, but you need to start at basics of security...12:48
indusiceroot, anyway thanks , ill read more about this somewhere else12:48
DaemonFCon Windows machines, I just leave the built in "firewall" going because third party software makes the system die a slow and horrible death, but everything in Linux is just a pretty iptables frontend12:48
icerootindus: ok12:48
viliny_indus, altough not really necessary for ordinary use12:48
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde412:49
Stargazegpg --clearsign turns .pgp into .pgp.asc but I need to decrypt that too12:49
becker_11DaemonFC: windows firewall? ugghh!12:49
indusonce i setup a webserver using apache and with no security at all , i had no idea what i was doing12:49
hatten_how do I change font in the virtual terminals? I cannot see ╔ or ═ signs12:49
DaemonFCbecker_11, Better than nothing. I've yet to see evidence that Zonealarm does better. :)12:49
indusi wanted someone to acess a location on my system12:49
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors12:49
icerootindus: what security you want from a firewall when using apache? blocking port 80?12:49
becker_11DaemonFC: I always used kerio I got to write each and every rule and inspect all the logs12:50
indusnever mind12:50
indusill read more12:50
icerootindus: then why using apache?12:50
becker_11DaemonFC: and it was free12:50
indusiceroot,its a web server no?so i setup it on my system\12:50
icerootindus: only for lan or also for wan?12:50
ja2Hi, A question about  the Evolution email client. I wonder how to run/apply the filter rules on my Inbox? Making filter is no problem. But I got 1700 msgs that I want to sort into different folders.12:50
DaemonFCbecker_11, You have to watch out with free firewalls on Windows cause some of them will break things to where you need to re-install Windows. Comodo likes to do that. Poor Windows users.12:50
indusiceroot, then i setup a static ip and gave ip address to my friend who could access my system12:50
becker_11indus: I can connect to your system using SSH over port 22 I don't need apache12:50
becker_11DaemonFC: yeah I am happy to have left that behind12:51
icerootindus: and then?12:51
indusiceroot, so was like a web address so type url and reach my system12:51
indusiceroot, that dyndns thing12:51
indusjust for fun i did it12:51
becker_11indus: sounds like SSH to me12:51
icerootindus: and only your friend should reach apache?12:51
indusiceroot, no anyone12:51
icerootindus: then why need a firewall????12:52
indusiceroot, :)12:52
abhi_nav_assume a condition where, anyhow my host ubuntu is unable to connect to internet by any menas. then will my clean installation of guest ubuntu on vm wll connect to internet? (assume that no hardware prob. every hardware is in ok condition)12:52
icerootindus: to block port 80 to the world?12:52
becker_11indus I was chatting in irc from my g/f house using ssh to reach my machine and run the irc program on it12:52
DaemonFCindus, Security software with no overhead that doesn't kill anything is always welcome, to me12:52
indusiceroot, ok ill rephrase my questions tomorrow12:52
icerootindus: ok12:52
indusiceroot, thanks12:52
Piciindus: Unlike Windows computers, linux/Ubuntu does not have any ports open by default that you need to block outsiders from connecting to, thus no need for firewall rules.12:52
becker_11iceroot: maybe he is scared all the other ports he hasn't opened need a firewall12:52
indusiceroot, but like you and many mentioned, having a static ip warrants a firewall?or setting up a web server warrants one?12:53
DaemonFCindus, and I really don't care if the attacker is "theoretical" because if there's one out there, I'd rather not be the one pwned12:53
* abhi_nav_ waiting for response12:53
indus!patience | abhi_nav_12:53
ubottuabhi_nav_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:53
icerootbecker_11: i would be more scared about bad ssh passwords instead of other ports12:53
rwwabhi_nav_: no, it won't12:53
* abhi_nav_ ....12:53
icerootbecker_11: or a bad apache-conf with the php-mail-function12:54
abhi_nav_rww: & indus: ok thnx12:54
rwwabhi_nav_: VM guests rely on the host for an internet connection.12:54
becker_11iceroot: yeah true I strengthened mine when I installed ssh it's now 15 chars, symbols etc very strong12:54
abhi_nav_rww: hmmm12:54
DaemonFCPersonally I'm glad Ubuntu went with AppArmor and not SELinux (Though Tomoyo is nice too), as SELinux even with targeted likes to kill random things including the networkmanager applet, Windows programs in Wine, etc.12:54
archboxmanindus: your getting confused... first off If you run a web server it is usually a seperate computer only with content driven for internet ... Your home computer seeing files is driven for accessing data on that computer ... No need to run apache to see home computer files... web server is for hosting websites... yes can a webserver give you access to computer files ... what your doing is a bag opening up a bag of tricks... not set12:54
alidHow can I restart sound?12:54
becker_11iceroot: it must be good I hate typing it12:54
DaemonFCAppArmor is very unobtrusive and easy to use12:55
indusi know archboxman12:55
indusarchboxman, experimenting12:55
DaemonFCSELinux also likes to eat Tomboy sometimes :)12:55
becker_11indus: find a forum and read up before you go installing stuff12:55
archboxmanwell I suggest you understand coperate setups of server and client computer...12:56
DaemonFCI'd call SELinux the kite eating tree of the Linux world12:56
becker_11indus: try grc.com, computercops, majorgeeks etc all excellent forumns12:56
indusok thanks12:56
indusbut no problem, my system is useless data anyway12:56
becker_11anyway I need to reboot12:56
indusso a firewall blocks acess to ports in the system is that correct? or iam still wrong12:57
indusunauthorised i mean12:57
DaemonFCindus, blocks unsolicited inbound traffic, yes12:57
indusaauuhmmm kk12:58
archboxmanindus: my home systems are.... just that useless.. mine is for entertianment not selling products or giving advice.... Gaming and Watching movies and pay bills...12:58
Zusis anyone having issue with volume  in firefox on youtube?  dont hear anything...(my rythmbox and system does fine)12:58
DaemonFCindus, Most routers have an iptables firewall loaded and running anyway, but you can turn ufw one, it won't harm anything12:58
archboxmanZus: everything is fine sound works great12:58
abhi_nav_how to change ubuntu splash screen? (i mean that screen when we start computer and ubuntu is writter and under the work ubuntu one one go on increasing.....) Note: dont laugh12:59
Zusthanks i cant figure why everything is cool on my end till i got to youtube.12:59
archboxmanabhi_nav_: I usually turn it off to see what is booting in case of troubles...13:00
abhi_nav_archboxman: ok tell me how to turn it off. atleast i know that much13:00
Master1witam, jak sprawdzic w postfix jacy sa userzy, jestem zalogowany jako admin13:01
Pici!pl | Master113:01
ubottuMaster1: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:01
Master1w "help" nie widze wskazowkki13:01
archboxmansysv-rc-conf and select to stop run process13:01
Master1przepraszam nie ten kanal13:01
archboxmanabhi_nav_: this is dangerous and adviced.... want that to be clear13:01
archboxmanabhi_nav_: this is dangerous and not adviced.... want that to be clear13:02
abhi_nav_archboxman: why it is dangerous?13:02
=== gilgamesh is now known as trigun
abhi_nav_archboxman: wll i be able to enable it later on?13:02
archboxmanabhi_nav_: Wait till Lucid lynx the boot time is around 15 seconds or less13:02
adri_Hi, my alt keys aren't working -- similar to the following link, except that the fix offered there does not work for me : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/22667613:03
abhi_nav_archboxman: actually i dont want do disable it. i am planning to install kde and/or xfce. so after that kde will change my ubuntu splash screen to kubuntu. there i want to change it back to ubuntu.13:03
sisifHello. Small issue with hardware acceleration on nvidia GPU. The thing is like this: in xorg.conf it`s specifed Load "glx", and in /var/log/Xorg.0.log I do have LoadModule "glx". But somehow, glxinfo shows me "none". Any idea on I might have done wrong or what there is to be done next? Thanks13:03
archboxmanabhi_nav_: palying around with sysv-rc-conf and you change the wrong item add the system wont boot... it is dangerous unless you read up on boot configuration13:03
tim_______i need urgent help13:04
abhi_nav_archboxman: no i dont want to disable it. i want to change it. just read my above post13:04
abhi_nav_archboxman: or do you know a way by which i wll be able to install kde and/or xfce but keep splash screen of ubuntu only. the splash screen should not change to kubuntu or xubuntu13:05
archboxmanabhi_nav_: well you need to google changing kde splash screen and seek advise from a kde user... sorry love gnome and fluxbox... :)13:05
motaka2where can i find the package freetype.h for ubuntu 8?13:05
motaka2why no one answers me?13:06
abhi_nav_archboxman: i also like gnome. thats why i want to change kubuntu splash screen to ubuntu!!!13:06
tim_______my aptop fails occasionally when i try to shut down the shut down pop up has nothing in it when i shut down and restart the system ubuntu fails to boot up and tells me there a shell script has failed press ctrl d to terminate and retry i do that and it keeps going in a loop13:06
* abhi_nav_ feels the same as that of motaka2............sometimes............ :) ;)13:06
archboxmanabhi_nav_: splash screen don't change... just add kubuntu or reinsall the system make sure to back up important files burn to dvd or cdrw13:06
abhi_nav_archboxman: but what if i want to change splash screen? linux is about freedome naa?13:07
tim_______Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my laptop fails occasionally when i try to shut down the shut down pop up has nothing in it when i shut down and restart the system ubuntu fails to boot up and tells me there a shell script has failed press ctrl d to terminate and retry i do that and it keeps going in a loop13:07
archboxmanabhi_nav_: No one here wants to berar of bad news so backup the important files first before you play with any of these ideas you have or you may take a trip down using livecd to recover the system...13:08
abhi_nav_archboxman: ok sure thnx :) :) :)13:08
archboxmanjust look up how to boot ubuntu faster... that should be enough to get you started..13:09
tim_______oooo fuck you all self son of a bitches13:09
* abhi_nav ?13:11
archboxmantim______ lol, everyone wants a quick fix , your playing with the kernel be advised this could cause the system to break... lol have a friend running beta of Lucid Lynx and can boot in 8 seconds13:11
myrttiarchboxman: too late13:11
archboxmanmyrtti: funny watching so many newbies trying to crash the system.... for some minor problem.... lol13:12
madPJKfanis there an openoffice channel?13:12
archboxmanabhi_nav: yes13:13
icerootmadPJKfan: #openoffice13:13
faileaser, lucid lynx is not out into beta yet right?13:13
archboxmanabhi_nav: I can get link for you to read in ubuntu forums13:13
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
abhi_navarchboxman: :)13:14
CrAzE124Does anyone here work with nessus?  I'm struggling to get the client running. It keeps telling me the following: "The remote host does not seem to be a Nessus server (Or an SSL error occured)"... Any tips?13:14
madPJKfaniceroot: cheers - I am the only user13:15
icerootmadPJKfan: then it was #openoffice.org13:15
madPJKfancheers again13:15
abhi_navcheers for what?13:16
madPJKfanwill try here too, cos I think it could be Java or something13:17
archboxmanabhi_nav: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130745013:17
madPJKfaneverytime I arc up the help system in OpenOffice 3.1 on karmic, CPU goes 100% and it takes forever to serve the answer13:17
abhi_navarchboxman: ok I am reading it now. thnx for the link.13:17
archboxmangood luck its not as easy as it sounds :)13:18
abhi_navyah sure13:18
mylisto2hey all13:19
mylisto2Has anyone been having issues with the latest flash update?13:19
ELI_xu_MORENILLAkomo estais alguien kiere ablar c mifgooo ok13:20
tommisELI_xu_MORENILLA, english only13:20
nibbler!es  | ELI_xu_MORENILLA13:20
ubottuELI_xu_MORENILLA: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:20
mylisto2tommis: how can you say english only?13:21
mylisto2oh wait, my bad..13:21
mylisto2didn't know they had a spanish version13:22
tommismylisto2, wtf13:22
tasslehoffMySQL 5.1 has failed to install for some time on my system now. How do I force it in? I tried killing a bunch of mysql-processes, but that didn't do it13:22
tommiswhell nay you know13:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:22
archboxmanmylisto2: that is how you take care of spanish speaking people...13:23
kangarooofirefox slider on right is 1px away from screen right side so with mouse its very frustrating to use firefox. can this be modified?13:24
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mylisto2Has anyone been having issues with the latest flash update?13:25
indusmylisto2, which update13:27
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mylisto2indus, I think its a recent update..13:27
mylisto2not quite sure13:27
induswhats an alternative to flash13:28
indusmylisto2, what issue you haveing13:29
hamzais it possible to reinstall ubuntu without using a live cd?13:29
mylisto2indus: youtube seems to buffering weird..13:29
mylisto2will play for like 10-15 seconds13:30
mylisto2then it stops...13:30
happosadehamza: how about USB-stick?13:30
indusmylisto2, maybe its a temporary issue13:30
mylisto2looks like the whole think it buffering, but I cna't play it all13:30
hamzaya i dont have a usb at the moment, and the cd i have i think is scratched.  i could be patient, but just wondering if it was possible to have the system start from scratch without using a live cd13:31
archboxmanindus: it doesn't matter if you change the splash screen it only excepts images to a certian format which is very small... the computer is loading the kernel no time to load a 2 mb picture with full detail...13:31
indusarchboxman, wrong nick :)13:31
archboxmanindus: sorry13:31
archboxmanindus: how sorry your taking about flash, there changing youtube format to html5 I believe... just the internet needs to change..13:32
indusarchboxman, ?13:33
indusarchboxman, i didnt get you13:33
=== cowok_setya is now known as cowok_baek
archboxmanindus: your taking about flash yes...13:33
indusyes iam asking about an alternative to flash, other than html 513:33
indusbut bad news is firefox wont play youtube html 5 most videos13:34
icerootindus: gnash13:34
archboxmanindus: the internet is using flash for some effect or media content ... You would have to change every server out there to use a new format... unless this is for personel use...13:34
icerootindus: working on youtube13:34
johnmrename u904 purple_fb13:35
indusiceroot, i also use swfdec ,but both these are for playing  aflash video, my question is, what other format can be used to add video to a site13:35
indusaah wmv i guess13:35
indusany other ideas?13:35
icerootindus: and this is ubuntu-related?13:36
indussome of it is13:36
napsterCan anyone help me to use dmesg? :)13:36
faileasindus: it breaks down to 'do i want my users to have to install a plugin or not'13:36
nibblernapster, its easy, just type dmesg13:36
icerootnapster: what is the problem with dmesg?13:36
archboxmannapster: ??? what13:36
indusnapster, also to check last few messages , type dmesg | tail13:36
napsternibbler, I mean, can I use dmesg to wait for me to plugin a device?13:36
napsterindus, ^^13:37
indusnapster, i replied before you asked :D13:37
nibblernapster, watch "dmesg  | tail"13:37
archboxmannapster: lol wow ... what a hook message you got... lol13:37
napsterindus, nibbler archboxman iceroot Thanks mates... LOL :D13:38
visofhello , is there anyone using Ruby and Ruby on rails under ubuntu ?13:38
indusnapster, also i believe you can further enhanbce the tail with hmm -1013:38
indussomeone fill that in for me13:38
napsterindus, :)13:38
kilelmei have problem with wireless on acer aspire 3630.. i  use kernel 2.6.31-19-generic13:39
kilelmemy wireless not work13:39
frogzoowhy do the ethernet interfaces on koala lose their IP addresses when the link drops? it's deucedly annoying...13:39
goldensunI'va a problem with my Ubuntu, can anybody help me? :)13:40
indusnapster, look look dmesg | tail -10013:40
archboxmanindus: I dont understand why anyone would want the kernel boot up to wait for device ... this is the exact oppsite of udev and identify a dev when plugged in for hot swap...13:40
indusarchboxman, hey!wrong nick again !13:41
indusnapster, sorry that didnt work13:41
napsterindus, But there is some command that make dmesg to be in a loop to print what ever is happening... :)13:41
indusnapster, ah works , dmesg | tail -10013:41
hamzawell my problem is for some reason none of my system drives are showing anymore.  maybe its a gnome problem is there a way to reinstall gnome?13:41
indusnapster, you would like a looped dmesg sir? ok13:41
archboxmanhamza: loss data , backup data..13:42
hamzaarchboxman: what? i dont have a live cd with me or a usb at the moment, so i was wondering if i could make it start fresh without either13:43
archboxmanhamza: internet connection you can reinstall13:43
indusnapster, maybe syslogd is better for you13:43
napsterindus, I mean just like a probing program :)13:43
napsterindus, ok, will try and update you soon ;)13:44
indusnapster, dont know this one13:44
hamzaarchboxman: how13:44
napsterindus, ?13:44
archboxmanhamza: hold on get u the info13:44
sanguisdexso I recently had to resize the partitions on my drive and ever since when coming out of suspend I have this persistent process running that I can not kill (even with su) kalled kswapd0. is there a way to fix this?13:45
goldensunanybody can help me please?13:45
indusnapster, what exactly do you want to do13:45
napsterindus, Can I PM?13:45
indusgoldensun, ping !13:45
indusno PM's13:45
erUSULsanguisdex: kswapd0 is allways running in all linux systems.13:46
napsterindus, Then Its hard to ask you the question :(13:46
indusnapster, ok13:46
indusnapster, pm13:46
indusgoldensun, what is the question please ask13:46
nibbler!anyone | goldensun13:46
ubottugoldensun: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:46
erUSULsanguisdex: is the kernel trhead that writtes/reads pages to/from swap13:46
archboxmanhamza: best solution for your idea http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17872013:46
hamzaarchboxman: thanks :)13:47
goldensunI'v a pretty old laptop with a Geforce 2 graphic card and I've installed ubuntu on it. It works fine, but there are somes problems13:47
jcrawfordcan anyone here tell me what command to issue in terminal that will show me the full hostname for my machine?13:47
erUSULjcrawford: hostname13:47
indusjcrawford, hostname13:47
archboxmangoldensun: problems with what??? got hooked go ahead13:47
jcrawfordno they want the full hostname including domain etc;.13:48
goldensunat the end of the boot, there's a blackscreen instead of the gdm13:48
sanguisdexerUSUL: when I repartitoned I had to delete and then move/resize my swap partition. is there a way to to make the program not take up most of my sys resources when coming out of syspend?13:48
jcrawfordIT is trying to provide me with a static IP and are requesting my full hostname :)13:48
jcrawfordincluding domain etc.13:48
goldensunI've to kill Xorg to fix that13:48
archboxmangoldensun: video card did you look it up for compatibility??13:48
nibbler!enter | goldensun13:48
ubottugoldensun: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:48
erUSULjcrawford: try hostname --fqdn13:48
jcrawforderUSUL, that shows the help :)13:49
jcrawfordlemme read that sec13:49
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erUSULsanguisdex: if you did that the uuid's of the parition changed; did you updated fstab to reflect that?13:49
goldensunI use the nvidia driver archboxman, after killing Xorg, it works fine13:49
archboxmangoldensun: what are you getting at is the problem ...??13:50
sanguisdexerUSUL: not manualy did not know I had to, (or how to)13:50
sanguisdexerUSUL: but it seems that that would be the fix13:50
erUSUL!blkid | sanguisdex13:50
ubottusanguisdex: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)13:50
erUSULsanguisdex: then check in fstab the uuid of the swap partition13:50
goldensunthe problem is that I've to kill Xorg to make it reload on each boot13:50
archboxmangoldensun: there is way to update the xorg should be nvidia-utilities should update xorg13:52
goldensunwhat do you mean by "update xorg" ?13:53
indusgoldensun, did you install the nvidia drivers from hardware drivers13:53
airtonixgoldegg, most likely something undesirable13:54
goldensunyes I did13:54
archboxmanlspci -nnk13:55
archboxmangoldensun: what module loads for the nvidia card???13:55
archboxmangoldensun: what driver does your xorg file load??13:56
=== rob is now known as shen3d
archboxmangoldensun: what module does your xorg file load??13:56
goldensunit loads the "nvidia" module13:56
archboxmangoldensun: what does your dmesg give as error???13:56
goldensundmesg? ^^'13:57
indusi would suggest looking at /var/log/Xorg.log13:57
indusgoldensun, which version of ubuntu also13:57
archboxmangoldensun: thats a better Idea13:57
goldensunUbuntu 9.10, but, there are sometimes when it boot fines, that's pretty weird13:57
archboxmangoldensun: did you install this video card as update to old video card???13:57
viksansomeone try use 2 monitor 1 large desktop13:58
goldensunno, it's a laptop, it was already in it13:58
archboxmangoldensun: model and make of laptop13:59
sanguisdexerUSUL: I I think that I jst need to swap the lables for sda5 and 6 but I am not compleltly sure that's all, I have pasted the results at http://pastebin.com/Q255wHuT, is there any thing more I need to do?13:59
henrikhHello #ubuntu13:59
goldensunNec Versa P44013:59
henrikhI'm installing Ubuntu on my netbook today. I'd very much like to disable journaling in ext4, but I can't figure out how to do it from the installer (the graphical, live-cd one). Is it possible to do so. I've searched the web and found that I've got to enable something called "data=writeback" yet it doesn't seem possible from the GUI14:01
erUSULsanguisdex: new swap uuid is "8c3a21d9-2bb1-4025-8fd9-ea2935bd2d6d" your home and root uuid's have not chanded afaik14:01
erUSULsanguisdex: new swap uuid is "8c3a21d9-2bb1-4025-8fd9-ea2935bd2d6d" your home and root uuid's have not chanded afaics14:01
archboxmangoldensun: well it says hardware is supported , but a problem with ram...14:01
goldensunI just took a look at xorg.log14:01
goldensun"(WW) xf86CloseConsole: KDSETMODE failed: Bad file descriptor14:01
goldensun(WW) xf86CloseConsole: VT_GETMODE failed: Bad file descriptor14:01
goldensun(WW) xf86OpenConsole: VT_GETSTATE failed: Bad file descriptor"14:01
FloodBot2goldensun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:02
goldensunthat's the problem14:02
seyacatHelp me. Fsck freeze my computer. Even on live cd14:02
seyacatI cant boot14:02
henrikhCan someone help with my problem?14:04
archboxmangoldensun: not exactly, but I figure that video card is not working or the bios is not responding to finding the card... or linux kernel and bios are not talking....14:04
archboxmangoldensun: this may just be a overall bad disk install14:05
sanguisdexerUSUL: I see how that works thanks14:05
goldensunbut, so why it works when I restart X14:05
henrikhCan someone tell me how to disable journaling in ext4?14:05
goldensunI don't think it's a bas disk install as it did the same thing on other distribution14:05
newclimbare there anyoone using a laptop toshiba U505 S2965wh im with a problems in my keyboard i use de note a lit bit and then the keyboard stops working and it just turn off and turn on again to work but now its keeping worst14:05
archboxmangoldensun: good question ... I would reinstall the OS this makes no sense why restarting the x server works...14:06
goldensunmaybe if I add "killall Xorg" on the /etc/rc.local, it will work14:06
goldensunbut isn't that too durty?14:06
archboxmangoldensun: I would say this is an install issue not a problem with suspending operations... that would be like saying the kernel is loading the xorg file before its time so it errors out...14:07
bornrebelIm running a live boot disc right now and im wondering if there is anything on the ubuntu disc that will let me delete some other hard drive partitions i have14:07
seyacatHelp me  l14:08
jcrawfordwhere can i set my hostname using a UI?14:08
goldensunthat's what I fought archboxman but I've installed an other distribution and it did the same thing14:08
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:08
archboxmangoldensun: have you been playing kernel lines or boot times... if not this is a bad install14:08
newclimbare there anyoone using a laptop toshiba U505 S2965wh im with a problems in my keyboard i use de note a lit bit and then the keyboard stops working and it just turn off and turn on again to work but now its keeping worst14:08
goldensunno, I've nerver did that14:09
seyacatBug: unable to handle kernel null pointer deference at null14:09
archboxmangoldensun: look at that bios and find if there is a problem it may be corrupted..14:09
goldensunI try to add "killall Xorg" on the rc.local14:09
goldensunhoping it will work14:09
jcrawfordok cool they match, that's all i have to do in order to make my hostname changed?14:09
TinyIRChi, how can I disable X when booting a livecd?14:11
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needhelpanyone available here?14:11
sloopyneedhelp, no, i am married14:12
bornrebelIs there any program on on the live disc that will allow me to edit/delete partitions without actually installing ubuntu?14:12
jcrawfordneedhelp, just ask your question :)14:12
archboxmansloopy: lol14:12
needhelpim about to install new GDM into my lucid14:12
jcrawfordlol @ sloopy14:12
needhelpbut i have no idea14:12
Sh3r1ffbornrebel: gparted14:12
newclimbare there anyoone using a laptop toshiba U505 S2965wh im with a problems in my keyboard i use de note a lit bit and then the keyboard stops working and it just turn off and turn on again to work but now its keeping worst14:12
needhelpthere is no menu like hardy14:12
Picineedhelp : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.14:12
jcrawfordoh Lucid is the next version coming down eh?14:12
needhelpok thnx14:12
jcrawfordwill it upgrade automatically or will I have to reinstalle?14:12
ali_it didn't work :(14:13
bornrebelSh3r1ff i dont see it in the applications list, where can i find it?14:13
lolovdbhi all14:13
Sh3r1ffbornrebel: it is under system14:13
Mundixhello people14:13
=== ali_ is now known as goldensun_
abhi_navHow ofter should upgrade? Now using 9.04. Wll it increase my performance or security by upgrading? should upgrade to next or next to next release? Is there any good policy which i can follow while upgrading?14:14
bornrebelSh3r1ff: awesome thx for the help14:14
goldensun_it didn't work :(14:14
Sh3r1ffjcrawford: you she be able to just upgrade, depending on what version you have now14:14
abhi_navwhat didnt work?14:14
jcrawfordSh3r1ff, 9.1014:14
Sh3r1ffjcrawford: then you can just upgrade without having to reinstall it14:15
archboxmanabhi_nav: hey wait about two months and look at the ubuntu board fill up with upgrade problems ... Think to yourself how lucky I am not to upgrade right now...All Distro upgrades have problems...14:15
goldensun_abhi_nav, I've a problem with my graphic card and I tried something, and now I was telling to archboxman that it didn't work14:15
=== goldensun_ is now known as goldensun
abhi_navarchboxman: ok i wll wait then! :)14:16
abhi_navgoldensun_ ok! :)14:16
lolovdbanyone know something about this error ?  "Panic: Early exception 0e rip 10:ffffffff818c8a32 error 0 ........" ? i try to install ubuntu server 9.10, i tried 10.04 alpha3 but same error14:16
jcrawfordthanks Sh3r1ff14:17
archboxmangoldensun: something is not right with that driver or computer at this point not sure which..14:17
goldensunbut I don't understand, when I restart X it work14:17
archboxmangoldensun: try at go to older version of ubuntu and see if that works it may be driver issue/??14:18
archboxmangoldensun: looked at ubuntu forums and your the only brand of this laptop having this problem no one else has reported this problem...14:19
goldensunarchboxman,  is there a way to automatically restart X at the boot?14:19
archboxmangoldensun: never heard of restarting x-server automatically... there is only a manual method...because it is to load by the kernel or upstart not crash before loading the system , unless a problem14:20
celinhola como puedo desactibar el teclado de mi lactock14:21
Pici!es | celin14:21
ubottucelin: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:21
goldensunI try to uninstall the nvidia driver and see if it works14:22
archboxmangoldensun: good luck...14:23
goldensunlol thanks archboxman, I'm an unlucky man I always I problem on installing linux on my laptop14:23
archboxmangoldensun: I see that .... should try an older driver...14:24
goldensunI try vesa first :)14:24
archboxmangoldensun: good idea should work... :) ... still funny your x-server has to reload14:25
goldensunbut it was working fine when I've installed ubuntu14:25
goldensunmaybe this have something to do with the kernel update14:25
archboxmangoldensun: did you add hardware to this like external hard drive???14:25
goldensunI also have14:26
kjellehi. from the console, how do i make the screen background red?14:26
archboxmangoldensun: maybe a kernel issue then... :(14:26
goldensunproblem to shutdown :(14:26
archboxmangoldensun: read that problem earlier stated it was not enough ram...14:26
archboxmangoldensun: which makes me ask how much...???14:27
goldensunI've 512mb14:27
archboxmangoldensun: thats more then enough is this a dual boot with windows??14:27
goldensunit worked on KDE 4 on an other distrib14:27
goldensunso, I don't really think it's a ram problem14:27
archboxmangoldensun: what is the size of swap partition??14:27
Guest_47998  ram from behind14:28
Dog1.3 gb14:28
goldensunI now it's not enough but I don't have a lot of space on my hard drive :(14:28
Dogyou have to buy another one :)14:28
archboxmangoldensun: thats not good ,but it works... :)14:28
goldensunnvidia uninstalled, I try to reboot :)14:29
archboxmangoldensun: is this system running kde or gnome???14:29
archboxmangoldensun are you logged in another computer???14:30
Dogyes !14:30
Doghow did you get this out?14:30
|MA|hi all14:31
archboxmanDog: wonder if the ram is so limited that you would be better of with xfce or a windows manager at this point...14:31
Doghi !14:31
|MA|I tried acrobat readear on my amd64 machine and it doesn't work at all.. Any idea, why ?14:31
|MA|the details looks thus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386190/14:31
Dogi got 3 gb ram^^14:32
archboxman512mb a minutue ago???14:32
|MA|someone suggested me that I reinstall; hich i did, but still : http://paste.ubuntu.com/386196/14:32
|MA|any idea, as to how what could be done to see what's the problem ?14:32
archboxmanwell thats enough you all are starting to play around goodbye....  what is this mythical problems14:33
djoefWhat would be the best way to convert a folder of pngs (named 1 -> 10.png) to a multipage pdf (not using gscan2pdf as this generates too big files)14:34
Rolandthere's a strange issue on my 9.10 Ubuntu 32bit (upgraded from 7.04). The taskbar doesn't always register mouse clicks and it's really annoying. Is there a fix for it=14:37
solid_liquiddjoef, have you considered trying to convert the png's to jpg's first to see if that fixes the size issue?14:38
slaytonRoland:  I have that exact same problem its driving me nuts!14:38
djoefsolid_liq, I tried via scribus, and that solves the size issue.14:39
|MA|the acroread issue has been driving me nuts, anyone has a pointer to as what the issue might be ?14:39
Cojaithgood morning.  I'm trying to open fine from the terminal but it can't find it.  the file is in my folder in the home folder.  I don't think I know what letter it assigned the volume I have ubuntu on14:39
solid_liquiddjoef, also, did you try seeing if gscan2pdf has an option for setting the output DPI?14:39
kjellehow do i turn my entire screen in bash red?14:39
Rolandslayton, I found this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1351411 but it doesn't give a solution.14:40
slaytonCojaith: linux doesn't assign letters to drives14:40
solid_liquidCojaith, linux doesn't use drive letters14:40
slaytonRoland: I'm using the window selector widget, its a work around14:40
solid_liquidCojaith, it's in /home/14:40
hellz_bellzis there anyway to change your icon scheme to one with icons of your choice?14:41
djoefsolid_liq, got it, simply using convert (ubuntu, i believe it is from imagemagick)14:41
solid_liquiddjoef, yeah, it is14:41
hl_99hey there, i would like to test my hard drive very intensively. does anybody know some good test tools?14:41
dorimi problema es que no funciona el entorno gráfico en uno de los usuarios, tras que se apara en ordenador repentimamente estando abierto con ese usuario. Donde puede estar el problema?14:42
Pici!es | dori14:42
ubottudori: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:42
solid_liquidhl_99, you can use SMART for that14:42
doriubottu thanks14:42
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:42
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)14:42
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:43
|MA|anyone has an idea with regards to:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/386190/14:43
subzerohackmastewazzzzzzzzz uppppppppppp14:43
hl_99ok solid_liquid, how exactly can i do that?14:43
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes14:43
leifmadsenI'm using Gnome on 9.10, and I've now got dual-monitors setup via nvidia control panel. The one monitor is larger than the other (15" vs. 24") and I've noticed the mouse moves a lot faster up-down  than it does left-right. Anyone know where I can go to tweak that so I can get a more consistent movement in all directions?14:43
Cascade-MsnBot [Freezer] [MassAdder] [And More] Add 'bot@hackersrus.info' to your contact list for FREE access!14:43
solid_liquidhl_99, aptitude install smartmontools14:43
Kangaroooim now installing clean install 9.10 updating and a window pops up Configuring grub-pc what would you like to do about grub? keep the local version currently installed ? install the package maintainer's version?14:44
=== darksector is now known as DarkSector
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: What's on your computer now?14:45
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: Are you replacing it, or installing ubuntu in another partition?14:45
Kangarooobut that doesnt change anything. question is about grub. its clean install and just downloaded 146 mb of updates and updates are installing14:46
|MA|I did a strace http://paste.ubuntu.com/386334/ but don't really follow what's happening ... ANy ideas, please ?14:46
Kangaroooim installing xubuntu 9.10 on sda and sdb has windows14:46
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: OK, you're confusing me.  You said you already have xubuntu on your computer.14:47
aquafinai am trying to upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 alpha. which is the right channel to ask questions about that?14:47
Kangaroooyes i put xubuntu 3h ago and put updates14:47
Piciaquafina: #ubuntu+114:48
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: So are you now trying to do a clean install over the existing install, or installing it in a different partition?14:48
aquafinathank you, Pici14:48
Kangaroooi installed xubuntu on sdb. before installing i deleted whole partition14:48
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: I'm asking a straightforward question and you're not answering it.14:49
Kangaroooso its clean install14:49
ja2Hi, Im having issues with Evolution mail in Ubuntu 9.10. When getting POP mail It download all 1700 everytime I check the mail. This is a bit boring. Can it be solved?14:49
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: OK, install the package maintainer's version14:50
B|aSSclean your mailbox?14:50
Kangarooook thx dj_segfault1. and is theres some situation when i should choose other? how to know that? maybe maintainers version is always better since its newer?14:51
ja2B|aSS: That option is not good enough for me.14:51
orsonja2: think about using imap14:51
Dr_Willis!find midentify14:51
ubottuFile midentify found in mplayer-nogui14:51
ja2orson: Thanks. I try.14:51
researcher1How can I know what are the Top Scientific software available for Ubuntu? Like from a list here http://sal.jyu.fi/A/1/index.shtml?14:52
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dj_segfault1Kangarooo: Does the window mention menu.lst?14:52
Kangarooodj_segfault1: no.14:52
Dr_WillisHmm. Someone care to see if they actually have a 'midentify' command?  its supposed to tell what res/other settings a video is used for.14:52
timyeunghey i am trying to make CheckGmail play a wav file when I get new mail. The problem is is that neither aplay or sox will play this file. i tried using sox to convert the file but i am having trouble on that front to.14:52
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: That doesn't make sense.  Can you repost the exact message?  If you are installing in a clean partition, there's no installed version to conflict with.14:53
Kangarooodj_segfault1: its asking about grub-pc14:54
Guest1412hello fellows i tried ubuntu last release as live cd on a tablet pc and drivers are not by default installed for touch capabilities ?? could anyone recommend any live distribution customized for tablet pcs14:54
timyeunghey i am trying to make CheckGmail play a wav file when I get new mail. The problem is is that neither aplay or sox will play this file. i tried using sox to convert the file but i am having trouble on that front to. any ideas? If any one wants to see the messages I am getting I will post it on that code website, if i can remember what it is....14:54
manas_Hi, need help writing a dvd14:54
timyeungmanas, use k3b14:55
PiciDr_Willis: apt-file says that mplayer-nogui provides it in /usr/share/mplayer/midentify.sh14:55
ja2manas_: Or use brasero14:55
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: I'm sorry I missed that.  Never heard of it before.14:55
Guest1412anyone please ??14:56
Guest1412hello fellows i tried ubuntu last release as live cd on a tablet pc and drivers are not by default installed for touch capabilities ?? could anyone recommend any live distribution customized for tablet pcs14:56
timyeungmanas, you can find both in the software center14:56
timyeungguest1412: google it is all i can say14:56
timyeungguest1412: I'm really not sure. I think there are some tutorials out there on making ubuntu work on a tablet PC14:57
ubuntupotrzebuje pomocy w partycjonowaniu dysku14:57
timyeungguest1412: I'm really not sure. I think there are some tutorials out there on making ubuntu work on a tablet PC14:57
timyeunghey i am trying to make CheckGmail play a wav file when I get new mail. The problem is is that neither aplay or sox will play this file. i tried using sox to convert the file but i am having trouble on that front to. any ideas? If any one wants to see the messages I am getting I will post it on that code website, if i can remember what it is....14:57
Sh3r1fftimyeung: pastebin?14:58
timyeungSh3r1ff, Yeah that is what i am thinking of. Do you think you can help me?14:58
techrascali want to test some applications like git and squid cache system, on my local system.14:59
slaytontimyeung: pastebin.com14:59
zroyschwhat does it mean when you fsck a partition, it finishes, it tells you its really messed up and you have to do it manually, so you do it manually, put a cd spindle on the enter key all night and it finishes, then you go to mount and it still says mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md2,14:59
Trektimyeung, are you going to post the error info to pastebin or not?  nobody can help you wihtout the details14:59
techrascalwill it work smoothly on a virtual machine14:59
Sh3r1fftimyeung: don't know, but you can always try14:59
Guest1412i already got the tutorial i was just thinking if anyone know if there is an other distribution based on tablet pc that im not aware off14:59
Trek!ot | Guest141214:59
ubottuGuest1412: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:59
TrekGuest1412: this is for Ubuntu, for discussion of other Linux dists, go into off-topic and discuss there14:59
mecoCan someone help me with the clock? Even though I have set it to automatically synchronize with Internet time servers, it's one hour off.15:00
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Trekmeco: check the timezone info?15:00
timyeungmeco, try changing your time zone15:00
Trektimyeung, your error is this: sox FAIL formats: no handler for given file type `mp3'15:00
Trektimyeung, the issue is that its a WAV file with an MP3 audio encoding15:00
mecoWell, timezone seems to be right. I set my location, so...15:01
alblopp\join #ubuntu-es15:01
zroyschforward slash15:01
timyeungtrek, how can i fix that? i tried using sox to convert but it doesn't seem to work, unless i am missing a command15:01
Kangarooodj_segfault1: !grub215:02
Trektimyeung, you cant convert because you need certain tools to use them, I'm not familiar with what they are off hand, let me check something first, i'll get back to you15:02
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:02
zroyschwhat does it mean when you fsck a partition, it finishes, it tells you its really messed up and you have to do it manually, so you do it manually, put a cd spindle on the enter key all night and it finishes, then you go to mount and it still says mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md2,15:02
manasHow to cd to a directory15:02
Sh3r1ffmanas: cd /directory15:03
Trektimyeung: do you have ffmpeg on your system and do you have configured sox/otherPlayers to use ffmpeg for MP3s?15:04
dj_segfault1Kangarooo: I know what grub2 is, but what is grub-pc?15:05
hl_99solid_liquid ok i got smartmontools after some trouble but it should be working. how can i perform an extensive test of my drive?15:06
solid_liquidhl_99, man smartclt15:07
solid_liquidhl_99, man smartctl15:07
Kangarooodj_segfault1: grub2 package name is grub-pc15:08
perryarmstrongCan anyone help me...i get this error while printing...I just put in a new cartridge: http://img706.imageshack.us/i/screenshotgou.png/15:08
Trekperryarmstrong: not sure waht the issue is, that seems to be the errors the hardware is returning, i'd say get your system checked15:09
hl_99how can i figure out the "name" of my hard drive? i dont have write access btw15:10
timyeungtrek still here?15:11
Trekyeah, timyeung15:11
perryarmstrongTrek; my system?? i get this problem both in XP and ubuntu15:11
timyeungterk how would i check to see if ffmeg is on here15:12
Trekperryarmstrong: then contact HP, the printer might have an issue, I thought this only occured on ubuntu, sorry15:12
Trektimyeung: one sec15:12
timyeungthis is a fresh install so i don't think i have it15:12
perryarmstrongTrek; ok thank you15:12
hl_99solid_liquid i just get permission denied for smartctl -t long /dev/hdb and for other devices as well15:14
solid_liquidhl_99, you have to run that as root15:15
solid_liquidhl_99, so, prepend  sudo  to the command15:15
Trektimyeung: do this in terminal: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg15:15
hl_99ok i think it is running now15:15
hl_99it says i need to wait for like 6 hours, i'd just like to see a log or results15:16
timyeungtrek still getting no handler for mp3 with sox15:16
Trektimyeung: i'm not familiar with how you configure sox, so you'll have to look that info up on your own, because you need to tell it "use <specifySomethingHere> for mp3s" i think...15:17
timyeungtrek aplay is giving me the same error as well. but i think that is because aplay can't handle wav files at all15:17
FuzziBearhey guys... i have a question regarding dd (yeh, im using ubuntu but its not reeeeally an ubuntu-specific question).. would this be the right place to ask, or is there a better, more "on topic" place i should go?15:17
Trektimyeung: the issue is NOT that its a WAV file.  the issue is that it has MP3 encoding, not WAV15:17
timyeungtrek i see said the blind man who picked up the hammer and saw15:18
Dj_FlyByAnyone here using UNR9.04 on an Acer Aspire ONE .....  Suddenly my built-in touch mouse stopped working (after about 1.5 weeks of running UNR)15:19
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jeevanhey ma pidgin is not supporting yahoo15:19
jeevan?? can any one help me plzz15:20
derspanksterwhat do you mean jeevan?15:20
joinericDj_FlyBy: i had the same problem with the same laptop, i would use the fn key to turn off and then turn on the mouse pad and that would usually work15:20
jeevanits not connecting to yahoo server15:20
joinericDj_FlyBy: after a while i took UNR off and installed karmic and the problem would still pop up from time to time, it think it has to do with the hardware15:21
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Dj_FlyByjoineric: just the FN key alone, nothing else being pressed with it?15:22
jeevancan anyone help me out..? my pidgin is not connecting to yahoo server15:22
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joinericDj_FlyBy: fn+F715:22
Dj_FlyByjoineric: ok to pm you?15:22
joinericDj_FlyBy: thats fine15:23
hl_99solid_liquid im curious if the test is really running, because my drive isnt making any noise and the hdd light isnt really indicating a lot of load15:23
usuario__ME CAGOOOOOOO15:23
FloodBot2usuario__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:24
hendersonhello I need some help to use a wusb54gc v3 usb internet card, I have been trying for a week now, but still get nothing15:24
hendersoncan someone help me?15:24
Trekhenderson: you might need ndiswrapper to use that card15:24
usuario__THE RED SEX15:24
solid_liquidhl_99, yeah, that's normal15:24
solid_liquidhl_99, it's strange how it works, but you won't notice any noises or lights coming from the drive, but the test is really running15:25
hendersonYes, I {ve gone over that but can{t get anything15:25
BluesKajhenderson, most USB wifi adapters need ndiswrapper and the windows driver to work on ubuntu15:26
obiwan_hey guys, i'm having problems with networkmanager15:27
obiwan_real problems15:27
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BluesKajobiwan_, just tell us your problem in more detail15:27
obiwan_for snoopy's sake, it can't join my passwordless access point15:27
hendersonyes, I follwed the procedures on several forums but can t do anything yet15:27
obiwan_BluesKaj: it simply can't join a passwordless ap15:27
obiwan_how can that be possible?15:27
obiwan_even my sucky ipod joins it perfect15:28
devdz_how can I send an email from shell to many contacts ?15:28
FuzziBearcan i ask a (reasonably long) question about dd here, or is there a better place to do it? its not really ubuntu-specific, but i am running ubuntu :P15:28
BluesKajwhich wifi card? obiwan_15:28
obiwan_not just my ipod, i can also see 3 neighbours joined my wlan since i opened it15:28
FuzziBeardevdz_: a bash script could work15:28
moegreenso i just got a blue-ray .iso file and tried mounting with the -o loop command and am getting the error...mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so15:29
manashow to install brasero15:29
BluesKajobiwan_, pw-less network is dangerous15:29
moegreenwhat else can i try to get it to mount?15:29
obiwan_BluesKaj: i don't care15:29
obiwan_i'm just trying15:29
penolWhat is the best irc client for terminal in ubuntu? Irssi?15:29
Trekobiwan_ : I agree with BluesKaj, you're running the risk of hackers15:29
obiwan_i'm testing wpa_suplicant15:29
manaspls help15:29
FuzziBearpenol: imho yes, def15:29
Trekobiwan_ : then put wpa back on15:29
obiwan_guys i don't need advice on what is secure and what's not15:29
penolFuzziBear: ok, good, im using it right now :)15:29
Trekmanas: doesn't sudo apt-get install brasero work?15:29
manasdint try15:30
BluesKajwpa_supplicant is just that . it's wpa encryption , you need a pw to make it work15:30
FuzziBearpenol: its brilliant when you get it configured just the way you like it... as with most things <_< heh15:30
abhi_nav!hi | chiiiiiz15:30
ubottuchiiiiiz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:30
obiwan_i know what i'm doing when disabling security in my router, but it should join automatically and it doesn't15:30
BluesKajobiwan_,  repeat , wpa_supplicant is just that . it's wpa encryption , you need a pw to make it work15:30
chiiiiizAre there some parameters to change so that gnome-shell is more fluid? When I go to Activities, I have the windows display, but it is not fluid15:30
obiwan_but BluesKaj i'm not using wpa_supplicant15:31
obiwan_BluesKaj: i'm using networkmanager15:31
manastrek: it says brasero is already the newest version15:31
manastrek: what next15:31
BluesKaj!pm | henderson15:31
ubottuhenderson: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:31
orsonFuzziBear: why don't you just ask your dd-question and wait for a kick? ;)15:31
manastrek: please help15:31
Trekmanas: then its already installed, there's no more issues15:32
Trekmanas: is your issue using it?  I don't know how to hel pyou then15:32
futurama140Can someone tell me what the terminal command to run a .run file is?15:32
FuzziBearorson: because being kicked isnt generally a good thing :P... but eh... if you say so heh15:32
BluesKajobiwan_, network-manager worked for me for 24 hrs then it refused to connect , so i switched to wicd15:32
obiwan_ok BluesKaj15:32
BluesKaj!wicd | obiwan_15:32
orsonFuzziBear: no risk no fun15:32
obiwan_i'm really fed up of nm15:32
BluesKaj!info wicd15:33
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB15:33
obiwan_i'll try that15:33
BluesKajobiwan_, wicd disables nm upon install15:33
hendersonplease need help with wusb54gc v3, real neub! tried ndiswrapper but get massage "there is no hardware controller installed" thanks!15:33
obiwan_then i don't need to remove it15:33
usr13What version of xorg-server does 9.10 use?15:34
AscavasaionMy bluetooth-applet has gone haywire.  It does not allow me to browse/detect USB devices.  It suddenly started detecting two USB bluetooth dongles when there is definitely only one bluetooth device in the computer.  I can pon scriptfilename and the latop connects to the USB bluetooth dongle and cellphone and works perfectly.  PLEASE can someone help me sort out this stupid bluetooth applet nonsense.?15:34
flamsmarki'm using 9.10. i want to install a media player. i've heard good things about amarok, but i'm somewhat leery about the resource costs of installing a kde app on gnome. am i overly concerned; is there an alternate app that i should be looking at; or am i otherwise misinformed?15:35
nibblerflamsmark, rythmbox15:35
BluesKajflamsmark, try VLC , it plays everything , well mostly everything15:35
futurama140Can someone tell me what the terminal command to run a .run file is?15:36
mgolischfuturama140: just execute it15:36
FuzziBearif i am using dd to image my hdd (sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=./image.img bs=1k) and it crashes for some reason (lets not go into why, but it was something stupid i did <_<) am i able to just skip the blocks that it has copied (ie file size / 1024, since bs=1k) and it will work nicely, or will that result in a corrupt image?... alternately, would i have to hash the last block, compare it to what it should be on the hdd to make sure it copied15:36
FuzziBear correctly and wasnt corrupt, if it was okay copy from there on, but if it wasnt, hash 2nd last block to check it and recopy last if it wasnt okay (etc until you get a matching block)15:36
mgolischfuturama140: like ./file.run15:36
BluesKajfuturama140, >/nameofrunfile15:36
usr13FuzziBear: ./  or sh filename15:36
BluesKajoops ./nameofrunfile15:36
orsonFuzziBear: yes, use skip=<oldblockcount>15:36
=== devdz_ is now known as devadz
usr13futurama140: ./  or sh filename15:36
nastashi all15:37
orsonFuzziBear: and try bs=4k, its faster in some cases15:37
hl_99solid_liquid and when the test is complete i should get the results via        smartctl -l selftest /dev/sdb           right?15:37
flamsmarkBluesKaj, sorry, i wasn't precise in my language. i already use vlc for playing clips &c. what i'm looking for is a media *manager*, to keep my music collection organised, sync to my portable device &c15:37
Treklorenzo__, /join #ubuntu-it15:37
flamsmarknibbler, care to unpack that a little?15:37
hendersonplease need help with wusb54gc v3, real neub! tried ndiswrapper but get massage "there is no hardware controller installed" thanks!15:37
FuzziBearorson: okay, so that wont be corrupt or anything? the last block will ALWAYS be copied and written to the image file correctly?15:37
futurama140usr13: ty15:38
solid_liquidhl_99, yep15:38
orsonFuzziBear: no worries, it will, even if it is <4k15:38
FuzziBearand the file size / 1024 will get the blocks? (just making 100% certain, because its a very critical, long task xD)15:38
manastrek: I have a MSDN account, I am trying to install win XP in a virtual window. When i finish downloading everything and launch install, the installer dissappears while it is supposed to write on the dvd, which generally happens in a windows environment15:38
hl_99solid_liquid ok thank you ; )15:38
orsonFuzziBear: yes15:38
FuzziBearbrilliant! tyvm orson15:39
solid_liquidhl_99, np15:39
FuzziBearooh... one last thing... to restart dd it will just be sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/image.img bs=1k skip=5731028915:40
abhi_nav!hi | alonan10015:40
ubottualonan100: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:40
FuzziBearand yeh i will use a 4k block next time :P15:40
orsonFuzziBear: yes15:40
alonan100i new to ubuntu15:40
* FuzziBear hugs orson much MUCH appreciation!15:40
orsonFuzziBear: to make sure all worked, compare md5sum after imaging15:40
KaffeeJunky123hello, I've a little problem with ubuntu 9.04, the trash tray icon dissapeared from my gnome panel, I've already tryed to add it to the panel again, but the tray incon wont show up15:40
abhi_nav!welcome | alonan10015:40
ubottualonan100: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:41
alonan100i running ubuntu with vmware workstation15:41
edmondHi all. I'm having issues with getting audio working with multiple simultaneous logins. Works with the first login, but not the second. How do I resolve this? Using 9.10 Karmic.15:41
FuzziBearorson: yeh thats a good idea15:41
kumar-vaibhav-klhow to change the splash screen in ubuntu 9.1015:41
orsonFuzziBear: but it takes "some" time15:41
KaffeeJunky123I've noticed several entries for a trash tray icon in gconf15:41
Ulfalizerwhat's the field after the permissions in ls -l?15:41
abhi_navkumar-vaibhav-kl may i pm you?15:42
FuzziBearorson: yeh... if it takes too long ill just kill it and assume that either everything worked, or some non critical data got corrupted :P15:42
devadzi get this when i try to hide files why ?  drwxr-xr-x 2 rbv rbv 4096 2010-01-21 17:30 .themes its with files mnt, opt, proc, tmp15:43
abhi_nav!details | alonan10015:43
ubottualonan100: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:43
orsonFuzziBear: right, thats the way our professionals do15:43
Ulfalizerfound it. apparently it's the number of hard links to the file.15:43
flamsmarknibbler, yes?15:44
=== Access_Denied_ is now known as Access_Denied
Access_Deniedwtf :P15:45
raj__Okay guys i hope some1 can help me with this reaaaalllly weird issue. The schools's blackboard site will not load up on this machine at all. but on my older computer it will loadup. i figures it may have to do with something i installed recentrly like installing Ubufox.... Help?15:45
PiciSorry for the modepsam, I'm done.15:45
CheckieHello.  I recently installed Ubuntu 9.04.  I have a pre-existing LVM partition I'd like to mount but these partitions do not activate on boot up.  How do I activate LVM partitions on boot up so I can add mount point entries in /etc/fstab?15:46
flamsmarkPici, if i see it, it's my fault for having poor filters on my client15:46
ssh54anybody has experience using sendmail?15:46
abhi_navWhat is Ubufox?15:46
ljuwaidahwhat's the matter with you? why integrate empathy not some other good client? it's frustrating!15:46
rifteryeah raj__ what is Ubufox exactly15:46
raj__its ubunto setting for firefox. it help me download my stuff from getdeb and playdeb15:47
rifterraj__, have you tried different browsers on the machine that is not working? (konqueror, chrome, etc)15:47
AscavasaionMy bluetooth-applet has gone haywire.  It does not allow me to browse/detect USB devices.  It suddenly started detecting two USB bluetooth dongles when there is definitely only one bluetooth device in the computer.  I can pon scriptfilename and the latop connects to the USB bluetooth dongle and cellphone and works perfectly.  PLEASE can someone help me sort out this stupid bluetooth applet nonsense.?15:47
anubisg1hi guys... do you know if development ubuntu already switched to gcc4.5 ?15:47
raj__its really weird15:47
ljuwaidahraj__: For a minute there I thought it's an ubunut-based replica of chrome os using firefox instead of chrome :P15:47
usr13!lvm Checkie15:48
obiwan_BluesKaj: neither wicd works15:48
obiwan_ghoahhh this isn't posible15:48
devadz when i try to connect to a wireless after a moment in the list of wlan that exsist i get others with unknown caracters .. what does it mean or its due of what ?15:48
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:48
raj__i will try my last browser now -- chrome15:48
raj__the beta15:48
obiwan_how can be that i can't join my own router, and half neighbourhood is in?15:48
Checkieusr13... Thanks.  Let me try these out.15:48
rifterAscavasaion, what does lsusb show? are there two dongles there?15:49
Ascavasaionrifter: No... just the one.15:49
rifterraj__, what kind of errors do you get?  does the page connect but not render or what actually happens as far as you can tell?15:50
StonedSlackerHey guys, I'm new to pgp and I just used the graphical tool to create a public/private key set, however I only see one key and I cant tell if it's the public one or the private one. That application I'm using is seahorse 2.28.115:50
manas I have a MSDN account, I am trying to install win XP in a virtual window. When i finish downloading everything and launch install, the installer dissappears while it is supposed to write on the dvd, which generally happens in a windows environment. please help me15:51
raj__ITS still not working with chrome i dont GET it??? my cache is cleared why cant the site load at all?15:51
rifterraj__, what kind of dynamic content does the blackboard use? (php, java, javascript ...)?15:51
raj__it gives me the server is out15:51
AscavasaionLinux is flawed yet again.15:51
raj__rifter its php15:51
AscavasaionWell, not Linux, but Gnome and its applications.15:51
Ascavasaionbluetooth is pathetic in Ubuntu.15:52
rifterraj__, ok so that shouldn't be a factor ... can you ping the server from the box that doesn't work?15:52
raj__i really dont understand .. rifter go to pipeline.wayne.edu or wayneconnect.wayne.edu15:52
raj__and tell me if it loads 4 u15:52
raj__im sure it will... BUT I CANT LOAD IT :(15:52
manasI am trying to install win XP in a virtual window. When i finish downloading everything and launch install, the installer dissappears while it is supposed to write on the dvd, which generally happens in a windows environment. please help me15:52
ljuwaidahsee ya15:53
raj__rifler no i cant ping it it gives out of range15:53
marc__I have to reinstall OS on my home server (printer sharing, file server, web developpement server), do you guys think I should go with 8.04 LTS or 9.10...  And will I be able to upgrade to 10.4 once it's released? (maybe 3-4 month after first release)15:53
jack028hello all15:54
raj__rifter is pipeline.wayne.edu working for you?15:54
AscavasaionMy bluetooth-applet has gone haywire.  It does not allow me to browse/detect USB devices.  It suddenly started detecting two USB bluetooth dongles when there is definitely only one bluetooth device in the computer.  I can pon scriptfilename and the latop connects to the USB bluetooth dongle and cellphone and works perfectly.  PLEASE can someone help me sort out this stupid bluetooth applet nonsense.?15:54
abhrahi,i've a nokia 5800.to play music in it i want to convert the songs in .eaac+ format.i used soundkonnverter.the problem with the conversion is tht the file is not working in nokia.though working fine in pc.when i tried itunes with wine the converted songs are working fine in 5800.could anybody help me to find a s/w native to ubuntu to do this conversion properly?thanks in advance15:54
jack028i'm about to buy a logitech wireless keyboard and mouse but first i want to make sure it's gonna work with ubuntu15:54
rifterraj__, it is, but I got an interesting message there that may or may not be relevant http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/DfQdXT9t15:54
jack028is a wireless mouse and keyboard supposed to work out on linux?15:55
Ascavasaionjack028: It will most probably not work... nothing works in Linux unfortunately.15:55
OerHeksjack028 no problem here, with logitech wireless, incl extra buttons15:55
raj__yeah that was what i was getting yesterday/..... and not it just doesnt load.. but on my old computer it works just fine :S weird.15:55
|MA|jack028 it should work15:56
jack028drivers for linux are not available15:56
Ascavasaion|MA|: Do not get his hopes up.15:56
|MA|I had a wireless keyboard till some weeks back15:56
Checkieusr13... I'm looking at LVM2 boot time scripts... http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/lvm2_boot.html  I obviously don't have this set up.  Which file (under Ubuntu) must I edit to get this working?  I'm not familiar with init scripts.15:56
abienzHi there, on the Mac I can use Textmate to open a folders location from the command line like so: 'mate .' how do I do this in gedit?15:56
raj__achae is failing on pipeline.. damn studpid idiots .. at my university they should switch to LINUX servers15:56
OerHeksAscavasaion, please do not troll, i have the same MK30015:56
jack028so logitech wireless device usually work with ubuntu?15:57
Remmazewats up people...!!15:57
|MA|I've had a logitech keyboard15:57
jack028|MA| is yours wireless?15:57
Remmazewhat is the command line to install frostwire?15:57
jack028how is it gonna handle the multi-boot startup menu?15:57
|MA|yeah, I was using wireless. In fact the wireless keyboard/mouse stuff is transparent. No issues under Linux15:57
AscavasaionOerHeks: Trolling?  I ma not trolling.   I am stating a fact of life.15:57
|MA|It even works at a BIOS level15:58
jack028|MA|: thank you so much15:58
raj__Jack028 it should work i have a wireless keyboard just like yours at it works fine in mint15:58
|MA|I've used it through grub and well, almost everything was fine15:58
OerHeksAscavasaion, do you have the same mk300 ?15:58
rifterraj__, it lookslike they've got pings blocked.  what happens when you do  telnet pipeline.wayne.edu 80 from the box that is not working?  does it connect?15:58
AscavasaionOerHeks: No... I have Linux... and that is the problem.15:58
* Gnea has used a logitech wireless keyboard and mouse just fine with ubuntu. the only problem is that the batteries run out once in awhile.15:58
rifterraj__, are the box that does not work and the one that does on the same network/subnet?15:58
|MA|but well, I've had bad experiences with wireless keyboards, whichever OS it was15:58
OerHeksAscavasaion, please don't troll then !15:59
|MA|sometimes, it forgets the pairing15:59
orsonAscavasaion: demand a refund and go to install a working OS15:59
GneaAscavasaion: the problem seems to be that you haven't figured out how to use it right15:59
|MA|but that has nothing to do with Linux at all15:59
AscavasaionOerHeks: I am not trolling, so please stop saying that.15:59
Ascavasaionorson: hehe15:59
|MA|It happens under all OS's15:59
darkk^What Jingle-compatible XMPP/Jabber clients are available at ubuntu-9.10 repos? Is empathy the only one? Are there any other?15:59
timyeungWhat does Ubuntu use when you mouse over an audio file and it plays?15:59
StargazeOerHeks: nederlandstalig?16:00
AscavasaionGnea: Well, searching Google does not help, asking her does not help... so therefore I should suck my thumb?16:00
GneaAscavasaion: trolling can consist of attempting to push one's opinion as a 'fact'16:00
OerHeksStargaze, jups16:00
Stargazevl of nl?16:00
AscavasaionGnea: Oh, then you are truly wrong... because I am not doing that.16:00
BluesKajAscavasaion, try google-linux16:00
=== pete_ is now known as Guest76155
pelmenguys, on reboot my ubuntu does not remember desktop theme and loads default all the time. I have to log out and log in, and then the one, chosen, finally loads. anyone ?16:00
KB1JWQdarkk^: Pidgin doesn't support Jingle?16:00
|MA|anyone has any idea on the acrobat reader , problem that i mentioned ?16:00
|MA|I did a strace http://paste.ubuntu.com/386334/ but don't really follow what's happening ... ANy ideas, please ?16:01
KB1JWQ|MA|: What are the symptom?16:01
|MA|the details looks thus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386190/16:01
usr13Checkie: What it's talking about there, (far as I can tell), is using mkinitrd to create the initrd.img in /boot16:01
|MA|KB1JWQ: it looks thus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386190/16:01
|MA|Syntax error16:02
KB1JWQ|MA|: "file /opt/Adobe/Reader9/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread"16:02
|MA|I have been pulling my hair out16:02
KB1JWQWhat's it say?16:02
Gnea!pm | Ascavasaion16:02
ubottuAscavasaion: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:02
Gnea!bluetooth > Ascavasaion16:02
ubottuAscavasaion, please see my private message16:02
rifterjack028, you don't need drivers for keyboards. the only reason you ever need extra drivers for a keyboard is to activate special media buttons like ones for playing sound or vioolume and otehr stuff like that, but the keyboard part will always work, in any os, with no additional drivers beyond the basic keyboard driver every os has16:02
AscavasaionGnea: I am banned.. and canot talk in the channel.16:02
Checkieusr13...  Is there any documentation on how to do that?  I'm completely unfamiliar with that.16:03
GneaAscavasaion: oh really?16:03
|MA|KB1JWQ: this is what it says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386380/16:03
darkk^KB1JWQ, seems, piding 2.6.* supports it. Bug XMPP support in pidgin was far from perfect some time ago. Hope, it was improved.16:03
AscavasaionOh... now I can talk again.16:03
KB1JWQdarkk^: It has.  Open standard and all...16:03
hiexpoGnea, - hes a jerk16:03
neo_where do I save XTerm settings ?16:03
rifterraj__, it's not a browser or a page problem, this is a network issue so that's how we should approach it16:03
Gneahiexpo: it couldn't get any clearer :)16:03
jack028rifter: thank you man. that's what i needed to hear16:04
usr13Checkie: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/16:04
KB1JWQ|MA|: So, what does "file" say about that? :-)16:04
|MA|KB1JWQ: i pasted that URL, no ?16:04
hiexpoGnea, - hes just wants to knock instead of fixing it16:04
darkk^KB1JWQ, strange (but correct) stanza could easily confuse pidgin (e.g. add duplicate entries to roster) — that's not about open standarts, that's about inaccurate developers, anyway, thanks, I'll try it.16:04
usr13Checkie: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/lvm2faq.html16:04
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Gneahiexpo: I don't think he understands the proper troubleshooting procedure16:05
KB1JWQ|MA|: A syntax error on a binary?  Something's broken.16:05
hiexpoGnea, - hes green16:05
|MA|KB1JWQ: anyidea what that would be ?16:05
AscavasaionGnea: I will try that, but this is a problem that used to work, and then stoped working.16:06
|MA|KB1JWQ:  since i installed it from one of the repositories, it cannot be that the binary is b)rked ...16:06
KB1JWQ|MA|: I'll agree it's unlikely, but nothing's impossible.16:06
|MA|KB1JWQ: or could it be that way ?16:06
GneaAscavasaion: problems aren't supposed to work.16:06
abienzHi there, on the Mac I can use Textmate to open a folders location from the command line like so: 'mate .' how do I do this in gedit?16:06
AscavasaionGnea: Semantics.16:06
Stargazefolx my gpg --clearsign won't work16:06
mecoCan someone help me with the clock? Even though I have set it to automatically synchronize with Internet time servers, it's one hour off. I have set my location, so I suppose that takes care of the timezone.16:06
GneaAscavasaion: you should fix them.16:06
Stargazehints & tips pls? :)16:06
|MA|KB1JWQ: I have been pulling my hair out for the past 2 days and hence my question ..16:07
SealedWithAKissAfter installing Ubuntu 9.10 os-prober didn't detect my Vista partition and add a menu entry in GRUB. I  suspect it's because Windows can't be mounted, even in read-only mode because the OS wasn't shut down properly the last time it was used. I have tried adding an entry manually, but when I boot my PC GRUB doesn't display a menu and boots to the first menu entry. Can anybody help?16:07
neo_where do I save XTerm settings ?16:07
TrekSealedWithAKiss, you'll need ntfs-related packages to view the Windows partition16:07
BluesKajSealedWithAKiss, have you run sudo update-grub after adding the windows entry?16:07
StargazeSealedWithAKiss: install ntfsprogs from the repo16:08
Checkieusr13...  Thanks.  I'll see if it works.16:08
Stargaze"tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux"16:08
SealedWithAKissBluesKaj, it says cannot open exec tail .........etc16:08
SealedWithAKissStargaze, what's that package going to allow me to do?16:09
usr13Checkie: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm16:09
Stargazeautomatically mount windows partions16:09
abhrai've a nokia 5800.to play music in it i want to convert the songs in .eaac+ format.i used soundkonnverter.the problem with the conversion is tht the file is not working in nokia.though working fine in pc.when i tried itunes with wine the converted songs are working fine in 5800.could anybody help me to find a s/w native to ubuntu to do this conversion properly?thanks in advance16:09
paraplegicpandaHey all, how's it hanging?16:10
paraplegicpandaSo I could use a little help...16:10
Gnea!ask | paraplegicpanda16:10
ubottuparaplegicpanda: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:10
Dan_Ei was running Mandriva and could see my windows drive and mount it in file manager. Cant see it in ubuntu 9.10. Is it possible to install something so i can see it in ubuntu?16:11
GneaDan_E: did you look in the Places menu yet?16:11
Dan_Enot there16:11
StargazeDan_E: intall 'ntfs progs' from the ubuntu repo16:11
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borgichebI'm running rhythmbox 0.12.5 on ubuntu 9.10 ... i plugged my ipod nano in and could listen to songs fine but when I unplug it, the ipod says there are no songs.  when i plug back in, rhythmbox can play the songs fine.  ot16:12
mplabsHello all !16:12
borgichebit's similar to this bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgpod/+bug/14759016:12
borgichebbut the bug says its been resolved16:12
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=== elijah is now known as Guest94333
apanappeany one who can help me with the installation of glmatrix on desktop? :)16:12
mplabsCan I set a "general" proxy ? I mean, I want to use internet ALWAYS trough a specify proxy, doesn't matter the port, always the same proxy. Can I do that ?16:13
Guest94333can someone help with the error "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device"16:13
borgichebDoes adding a comment to a closed bug re-open it, or do I have to somehow get the bug re-opened?16:13
soreauapanappe: What do you mean, glmatrix on desktop? Do you mean you want to use a screensaver as your wallpaper?16:13
Dan_Ecalled ntfs configuration tool?16:13
nibblermplabs, well, in firefox you can. and be aware that not all protocols/applications support proxys, maybe a (open)vpn might help you?16:14
soreau! pm | apanappe16:14
ubottuapanappe: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:14
Checkieusr13...  I've looked at newbie tutorials for LVM and they all say that after the reboot the mapper should show my logical volumes.  This is never the case.  I have to activate the volumes manually before I can see them.16:14
mplabsnibbler, I know that I can in Firefox, but I'm talking to set a proxy, I mean.. at the "system level", I don't know if it exists16:14
Dan_Egot it never mind16:15
apanappesoreau: yes thats what I mean ^16:15
knuck887anybody know hot to change the synaptics for the mouse to act like a mac's mouse on a laptop16:15
soreauapanappe: Can you come to #compiz so we can help you there?16:15
mplabsI mean, I set that and then I don't need to tell firefox to use one, because Linux will redirect the request16:15
mplabscan you understand me ?16:15
Trek!ask | Guest9433316:16
ubottuGuest94333: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:16
apanappesoreau: Where diói i find that? :P16:16
abhi_navwhats up?16:16
borgicheboh, i mistakenly didn't put my question all in one message, let me try this again.16:16
nibblermplabs, there is enviroment variables HTTP_PROX which are interprted by a many programs16:16
Guest94333Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device16:16
soreauapanappe: It's a channel here on freenode. Just type in this text box /j #compiz16:16
callum1hopefully an easy one.. is there any way to see the standard output and error when running an application from launcher in nautilus?16:17
mplabsHTTP_PROXY=http://proxy application #in the comman line, right ?16:17
nesciushow to set fallback gtk theme in ubuntu?16:17
Checkieusr13... Page 3 of the howtoforge document says rebooting should show my logical volumes (using the df -h command).  This never happens because the volumes do not get activated.  I have to type vgchange -ay to activate the volumes manually before they show up.16:17
mplabsnibbler, is it ?16:17
Guest94333what does this error mean i looked everywhere and cant find it "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device"16:17
nesciuswhere to set gtkrc fallback theme?16:17
nibblermplabs, you should ahve this in /etc/profile or something. also prepend "export"16:18
borgichebI loaded songs into my ipod Nano from a friend's PC originally.  I plugged it into my computer (ubuntu 9.10) and listened to songs on it using rhythmbox 0.12.5.   I can listen to the songs in rhythmbox, but when I unplug the iPod and try to use it without the computer it says 'no music found.'  when i plug it back into the computer, my songs are back in rhythmbox!  It's similar to this bug from 2007: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubun16:18
borgichebtu/+source/libgpod/+bug/147590  but the bug is marked as resolved and I'm not sure how to re-open it!16:18
orsonmplabs: if you only need it once, yes that way it will work16:18
Trekborgicheb, submit another bug report16:18
callum1 hopefully an easy one.. is there any way to see the standard output and error when running an application from launcher in nautilus?16:19
barfIs it possible to run ubuntu on this hardware? Siemens Futro S400, AMD Dual Core 3500 (1.8GHz), 4GB / 512MB DDR-2 RAM, ATI XL1200 chip shared memory16:19
borgichebtrek: several other people have filed bug reports about it, but it always gets labelled as a duplicate of this bug and then the duplicates are closed too.16:19
lukushi - i still can't get my webcam to work with flash .. is this true for most people + ubuntu?16:19
Guest94333what does this error mean i looked everywhere and cant find it "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device"16:19
mplabsnibbler, maybe you have another idea, I will tell you why I want that. the problem if that I can surf internet or make request just trough a server, and in this server just trough secures connections (https?). so I need to do something easier to work with, otherwise I need two levels of proxies :P16:19
drizzt_how to change the system encoding?16:20
Guest94333what does this error mean i looked everywhere and cant find it "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device"16:20
nibblermplabs, not sure what you mean16:20
mplabsfor example, to surf internet with Firefox I need to set the proxy in Firefox and to use https://concealme.com to request16:20
Trekdrizzt_, what do you mean system encoding?16:20
mplabslike a Firefox proxy and then an HTTPS request16:20
mysteriouxhello house16:20
lukusdrizzt_; character encoding?16:21
drizzt_yes, from utf-8 to normal codepage16:21
borgichebTrek: Is it ok to file a new bug report even if it's a duplicate of a bug from several years ago that was supposedly fixed?16:21
drizzt_borgicheb, sure16:21
GeekSquidborgicheb: personally, I don't like how RhythmBox handles Ipods ... you might like to see what Amarok does, it allows you to "physically" add the Ipod's collection to the local collection, it also is faster and isn't so much of a resource hog, ... and the interface is much easier to use, just my reccommendation, but you don't have to take my word for it ...16:21
Trekborgicheb: absolutely, if the original bug report was for an older thing16:21
Trek!ask | Guest9433316:22
ubottuGuest94333: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:22
GeekSquid!details | Guest9433316:22
ubottuGuest94333: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:22
Guest94333I DID16:22
mplabsbecause I need to request trough this server proxy, but I just allowed to do request trough the 443 (is it ?) port16:22
Guest94333Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device"16:22
borgichebtrek: are there any guidelines for reporting a bug, to make sure I cover everything?  Is there a program that can attach my system information?16:22
lukusdrizzt_; normal codepage?16:22
Dan_Estill cant see my win drive i get this error, Failed to retrieve share list from server16:22
lukusutf8 is pretty standard16:23
callum1hopefully an easy one.. is there any way to see the standard output and error when running an application from launcher in nautilus?16:23
mplabsnibbler, can you understand now16:23
paraplegicpandaApologies... Problem: Ran through a tutorial faster than I should have to try to switch from xsplash to gdm (tutorial is here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Replace+Xsplash+with+GDM+!?content=116199). When I rebooted I got a blue config screen talking about running in low graphics mode. I click okay, the screen flickers and it goes to a black screen with a dialog with options for either running in low graphics m16:23
paraplegicpandaode for a session, reconfigure display settings, or drop to a console. The first two options just bring me back to the same black screen with the dialog, so I drop to a console. I can login at the terminal and then run startx and it'll load gdm, but obviously I don't want to have to go through this everytime I reboot my pc, which is often. If I can drop back to xsplash that would be fine, I just need to get my graphical16:23
paraplegicpandagreeter back up and running. Also when I go to System>Shutdown the Shutdown and Restart options are grayed out and I have to use a terminal or drop to tty to reboot or shutdown.16:23
FloodBot2paraplegicpanda: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:23
drizzt_yes, normal 1-byte codepage16:24
Guest94333when i try to open something i create in sdl (or a game that uses it) it gives this error "what does this error mean i looked everywhere and cant find it "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device" It worked before until i installed the game "The Mana World"16:24
GeekSquidcallum1:  no, however if you want to see errors, run the same command in a terminal and any errors that the command outputs will show in terminal, what application btw?16:25
Guest94333what does this error mean i looked everywhere and cant find it "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device"16:26
geek_backhello ppl16:26
geek_backhows it goin16:26
Guest94333when i try to open something i create in sdl (or a game that uses it) it gives this error "what does this error mean i looked everywhere and cant find it "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device" It worked before until i installed the game "The Mana World"16:26
callum1GeekSquid: thanks, was just wondering if it was possible. Was writing my own lancher so was wondering if i could debug in nautilus16:26
drizzt_how to change the system encoding from utf-8 to simple codepage?16:27
GeekSquidcallum1: if you were to run nautilus from a terminal, then yes you could debug the launcher16:27
Guest94333when i try to open something i create in sdl (or a game that uses it) it gives this error "what does this error mean i looked everywhere and cant find it "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device" It worked before until i installed the game "The Mana World"16:27
GeekSquidGuest94333: where did you get "The Mana World" , never heard of it?16:27
* abhi_nav also has The Mana World16:28
Guest94333off the ubuntu software channel16:28
SiegHardhow to fix keyboard layouts from changing after restart?16:28
Dan_EStargaze: any more help to see my win drive in file manager i installed ntfsprog i get a error when i try to open win network Failed to retrieve share list from server16:28
paraplegicpandaThe commands I ran were: sudo apt-get install gdm          cd /etc/gdm          sudo sed 's|X11R6/||' gdm.conf >/tmp/gdm.conf          sudo mv /tmp/gdm.conf .16:28
Guest94333GeekSquid: off the ubuntu software channel16:28
SiegHardhow to fix keyboard layouts from changing after restart?16:29
paraplegicpandaBtw, I'm running Karmic16:29
SiegHardhow to fix keyboard layouts from changing after restart?16:30
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:30
Tm_TSiegHard: in which release?16:30
Guest94333when i try to open something i create in sdl (or a game that uses it) it gives this error "what does this error mean i looked everywhere and cant find it "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device" It worked before until i installed the game "The Mana World"16:30
callum1GeekSquid: thanks for your help. Its interesting that commands that fail can produce textboxs that pop up with the error. wonder if there is some way to replicate this functionality within a launcher application16:31
GeekSquid!repeat | Guest9433316:31
ubottuGuest94333: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:31
SiegHardhow to fix keyboard layouts from changing after restart? Karmix16:31
siomahi guys16:31
GeekSquid!hi | snuffik1516:31
ubottusnuffik15: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:31
stdisease!language | snuffik1516:32
ubottusnuffik15: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:32
FuzziBearSiegHard: to change the x layout its in /etc/X11/xorg.conf under Section "InputDevice" change to Option "XkbLayout" "us" (or whatever locale)16:32
SiegHardFuzziBear, after this my ubuntou not loard16:32
FuzziBearah ic... im not sure in that case sorry16:32
snuffik15umi ktos po polsku??16:32
stdiseaseGuest94333, does that error come from the games or the SDL runtime itself? has the sdl library installation been modified in any way?16:32
Myrtti!pl | snuffik1516:33
ubottusnuffik15: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:33
snuffik15no i chxx16:33
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:33
AllmightyHi guys16:33
Allmightyi´m back16:34
Allmightyand have on stuid question16:34
stdisease!enter | Allmighty16:34
ubottuAllmighty: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:34
AllmightyWhy i cant no answhere from my server?16:34
BluesKaj!lt | SiegHard16:34
Allmightyi have disabled UFW16:34
ubottuSiegHard: Šiame kanale bendraujama anglų kalba. Jei ieškote pagalbos lietuvių kalba, prisijunkite prie #ubuntu-lt kanalo.16:34
stdiseaseNobody can connect to your server? Can you connect to it locally?16:35
GeekSquidcallum1: you'd be writing a script, not a launcher, and a little more advanced than I can help with16:35
Allmightyyes over ssh16:35
Allmightyover putty i have connection, but no ping respond and webservices16:35
callum1GeekSquid: thanks for all your help, think im onto something with a command zenity16:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
stdiseaseAllmighty, have you opened the ssh port on your firewall?16:35
Allmightyyes ssh is no problem16:36
callum1GeekSquid: looks like you can send text there and produce a pop up16:36
Allmightybut another services16:36
connectcI have installed ubuntu on x64 vista raid0 on a separate partition now neither will boot, I see the windows is still in tact... I have tried bootrec.exe /* and it does not work...how do I recover16:36
callum1GeekSquid: if you are interested i can let you know the results, else thanks again for your help16:36
stdiseaseAllmighty, have you opened their respective ports as well? Maybe you have stale iptables filters left by ufw16:36
SealedWithAKissCan somebody help me with GRUB? After installing Karmic there isn't an entry for booting into Vista.16:36
othershey i dont know how to say my problem but i will try me best.after i installed kde recently, i couldn't login to my account.and i know password is not wrong..i could only login using others account which is not administrator? and all my files and documents is in my account .can anybody help me with this?16:37
Allmightystdisease i have opened, and now i disable UFW and still same16:37
stdiseaseSealedWithAKiss, on your linux system, try installing package 'os-prober' if it isn't already and run 'sudo update-grub2'16:37
GeekSquidcallum1: I believe you can use zenity, except you won't be writing launchers... look into shell scripting16:38
SealedWithAKissstdisease, it doesn't work.16:38
othershey can anyone help me with my problem???16:38
stdiseaseSealedWithAKiss, you might have to add a vista entrry manually then, to your /etc/grub.d/40_custom16:39
GeekSquid!patience | others16:39
ubottuothers: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:39
stdiseasenasa, /quit16:39
SealedWithAKissstdisease, I have tried doing it from /etc/grub.d/11_Windows by following a tutorial.16:39
stdisease!es | root_16:39
ubotturoot_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:39
MjCbI'm spain!!!!!16:39
stdisease!fr | root_ , sorry16:39
ubotturoot_ , sorry: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois16:39
SealedWithAKissstdisease, I don't know how to do it from /etc/grub.d/40_custom16:39
drizzt_how to change the system encoding from utf-8 to simple codepage?16:40
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:40
KB1JWQIRCing as root is asking for pain.16:40
JLoveHi, does anybody know the details of a j2ee irc channel?16:40
stdiseaseSealedWithAKiss, well you'll have to know which partition on which harddrive your Vista is on, and then the commands are simple16:40
KB1JWQJLove: /msg alis list *topic*16:40
JLove /msg alias list *topic*16:41
GeekSquidroot_: just a warning .. you are currently running as root ... this is very insecure and you should not be on a IRC network with your client runinng as root user VERY VERY INSECURE16:41
SealedWithAKissstdisease, Vista is on /dev/sda116:41
stdisease!es | MjCb16:41
ubottuMjCb: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:41
JLoveKB1JWQ: How do i go about issuing this commnad?16:41
ryan_I need some help. I have an HP Pavillion tx2520ea with a Broadcom 4322 wireless driver. I've installed the b43-fwcutter and reset my computer but the wireless still isn't being detected. Can anyone help?16:42
MjCbWhat your name?16:42
KB1JWQJLove: You type it into your IRC window? :-)16:42
GeekSquid!offtopic | MjCb16:42
ubottuMjCb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:42
dimulsthere is a problem with a hal deamon after updating xubuntu 9.10: after booting an error message "Hal deamon is not running".  how to solve this problem?16:42
stdiseaseSealedWithAKiss, which line in your /boot/grub/device.map corresponds to /dev/sda ?16:42
JLove /msg alias list *j2ee*16:43
dimulsanyone, any ideas?16:43
stdiseaseSealedWithAKiss, (hd0) ?16:43
JLove /msg alis list *j2ee*16:43
arjunak01HELP "gpg --list-public-keys" and "gpg --list-secret-key" shows same output is something wrong16:43
MjCbWhat your nameeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!??16:43
MyrttiMjCb: this is not a chat channel, do you have ubuntu problems?16:43
Hebramjlove:  omit the space before the "/"16:43
connectcI have installed ubuntu on x64 vista raid0 on a separate partition now neither will boot, I see the windows is still in tact... I have tried bootrec.exe /* and it does not work...how do I recover16:43
GeekSquid!patience | dimuls16:44
ubottudimuls: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:44
=== matias is now known as Guest80353
ryan_I need some help. I have an HP Pavillion tx2520ea with a Broadcom 4322 wireless driver. I've installed the b43-fwcutter and reset my computer but the wireless still isn't being detected. Can anyone help?16:44
SealedWithAKissstdisease, yeah (hd0)16:44
adifireJLove, u know ther's a site for irc channel search! - searchirc.com16:44
MjCbWhat your name?16:44
BluesKaj!es | MjCb16:45
ubottuMjCb: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:45
arjunak01"gpg --list-public-keys" and "gpg --list-secret-key" shows same output. is something wrong ?16:45
drizzt_!op mjcb spamming16:45
Allmightycan someone help me, with webadmin access? i just installed and get no access to port 1000016:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:45
dimulsis it important?16:45
richthegeekhi, does anyone have any experience getting grub-reboot working under 9.10 (grub2)?16:45
Myrtti!webmin | Allmighty16:46
ubottuAllmighty: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:46
BluesKajrichthegeek, sudo update-grub216:46
dimulsMjCb, do you now me?16:46
connectcwould i get attention if i showed my boobs??? :-) I guess nobody has an answer... where is the best place to go to get answers on failed dual boot installation16:46
richthegeekblues-kaj, different purporse16:46
Myrttidimuls: he's gone16:46
Allmightyubottu then why is gameserver not working too?16:47
richthegeekBluesKaj** different use, grub-reboot is for one-boot changes to the default16:47
drizzt_how to change the system default encoding from utf-8 to simple codepage???16:47
ryan_Can anyone help?16:47
usr13Allmighty: ubottu is a bot.16:47
BluesKajrichthegeek, you still need to update-grub to rewrite your changes to the cfg file16:48
usr13ryan_: Maybe... ask and see16:48
orsondrizzt_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales16:48
stdiseaseSealedWithAKiss, add this to your 40_custom and update-grub2, should work: http://pastebin.com/peA89zMC16:48
richthegeekBluesKaj: so "sudo grub-reboot 2; sudo update-grub2; sudo shutdown -r 0" will do it?16:48
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:49
ubottuSteam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/16:49
ryan_I need some help. I have an HP Pavillion tx2520ea with a Broadcom 4322 wireless driver. I've installed the b43-fwcutter and reset my computer but the wireless still isn't being detected. Can anyone help?16:49
drizzt_orson, Generating locales... Generation complete. <-- how's this related to my question?16:49
BluesKajrichthegeek, I would think so16:49
ryan_Third time of asking, I don't want to keep spamming incase someone IS answering.16:49
richthegeekdoesnt look like it is16:49
richthegeekdefault is still being set to 016:50
dimulsso, "hal deamon is not start" after xubuntu 9.10 update? anyone, any idea?16:50
BluesKaj!pm | arjunak0116:51
ubottuarjunak01: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:51
GeekSquidryan_: have you tried cycling the hardware power to the wireless card ... usually a combination of Fn+ a Fkey or a dedicated switch on the laptop, might help16:51
ryan_GeekSquid: Yeah, there's a switch at the front - nothing happened.16:52
SealedWithAKissstdisease, after update-grub2 the terminal freezes on memtest.16:52
arjunak01"gpg --list-public-keys" and "gpg --list-secret-key" shows same output. is something wrong16:52
SealedWithAKissstdisease, oh it's completed now.16:52
stdiseaseSealedWithAKiss, test it should have a vista entry now16:53
SealedWithAKissstdisease, thanks. I'll reboot now and see what happens.16:53
PascalFr_parti!wiki suspend16:53
Piciarjunak01: Surely the public key list has 'pub' in front of the keys instead of 'sec'?16:53
connectcI have installed ubuntu on x64 vista raid0 on a separate partition now neither will boot, I see the windows is still in tact... I have tried bootrec.exe /* and it does not work...how do I recover16:55
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dimulsafter booting "HAL daemon not running" message.  why?16:55
GeekSquidryan_: you may have better luck with the firmware here ... http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/ .. add the repository for your version ... although you'll need a ethernet connection to use16:55
arjunak01pici: typing gpg --list-public-keys shows output as "pub   1024D/ABCD 2010-03-01". gpg --list-secret-keys also shows "sec   1024D/ABCD 2010-03-01" here 'ABCD' is same in both the cases16:56
Piciarjunak01: Thats fine.16:57
drizzt_arjunak01, this is key id it should be the same16:57
ubyServerWhat's going on Ubuntu!16:58
arjunak01pici,drizzt_:ok,thanks for the help16:58
GeekSquidubyServer: greetings, welcome to support, can we help you? or are you here to bug us? cause we got plenty of bug's16:58
ubyServerMust I apparmor bind9 stop before working with it?16:58
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor16:59
stdiseaseubyServer, nice enthusiasm. Lets see of it lasts :p16:59
KB1JWQNever used it, should learn.16:59
dimulsGeekSquid, can you help me?16:59
treats-homeI need help getting PDFlib working in ubuntu with PHP16:59
lotiapossibly OT, but is there a d17:00
solid_liquiddimuls, HAL was replaced I believe17:00
solid_liquidlotia, a d?17:01
dimulssolid_liquid, so i must remove it?17:01
stdiseasedimuls, can you 'sudo hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes' ? what output does it give?17:01
ryan_GeekSquid: How do i add a repository?17:01
GeekSquiddimuls: probably not, but I will tell you that HAL is probably broken in 9.10 on your system and broke when you upgraded, sometimes upgrading is not the best choice as it tends to break things, you could try to 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure hal'  .. no promises weather it will work17:01
solid_liquidryan_, vim /etc/apt/sources.list17:02
GeekSquidryan_: open Synaptic Package Manager ... goto Settings, repoistories, 3rd party software ... add the deb line for your version17:02
ubuntufreakneed help in installing groundcontrol, i get an error http://paste.ubuntu.com/386407/ when i try to install it in my Ubuntu 9.1017:02
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:02
drizzt_some letters in full-screen console are more bright than others why is that and how to fix it?17:03
dimulsstdisease, it shows the same "hald -h"17:03
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:03
yehiahello, how can i grap a video from online like youtube for Example?17:03
drizzt_yehia, piracy is not discussed here17:03
GeekSquidyehia: install the firefox plugin .. video download helper17:03
dimulsGeekSquid, i'l try it, thanks17:04
Flare-Laptopyehia: That's not piracy17:04
stdiseasedrizzt_, come on that is not piracy17:04
DemoOnMount of filesystem failed. A maintanace shell will now be started. Controol -D will terminate this and re-retry root@blablabla, what should i do?17:04
stdiseaseyehia, use the firefox plugin or install 'clive'17:04
Flare-Laptopyehia: clive or youtube-dl17:04
solid_liquiddrizzt_, many (if not most) youtube videos are not copyrighted17:04
OerHeksyehia watch the youtube movie, keep the page open, then grab it from /tmp/17:05
solid_liquidOerHeks, that's always been my favorite way :)17:05
mplabsnibbler, thank you !17:05
yehiaThanks alot Flare-Laptop, stdisease , GeekSquid.17:05
DemoOnany help?17:05
Flare-Laptopyehia: Np17:05
OerHeksme 2 solid_liquid :-d17:06
yehiaOerHeks, i did  but i couldnt find the file17:06
Flare-LaptopDemoOn: run fsck17:06
jevidlyehia: if you are using firefox, check out the Download Helper extension17:07
OerHeksyehia, watch it 'till the end ! leave the browser open, if you close the browser, the /tmp/ will be deleted.17:07
solid_liquidyehia, do this in /tmp:  for F in *; do file "$F" | grep -i flash; done17:07
jevidlyehia: sorry, DownloadHelper17:07
solid_liquidyehia, that'll tell you the file that has the flash video in it17:07
solid_liquidOerHeks, no, better trick: create a hardlink when you find it, so it won't get deleted17:08
researcher1is there a way to know  the ratings of software before I choose to install it in Ubuntu? I want to install the best of all in every class lets say Education,Science etc....17:08
solid_liquidthat reminds me...  I meant to write a program to automatically collect flash videos in there, but forgot all about it17:09
PyjamaSpankresearcher1: good question, i think it's coming back in the next upgrade17:09
solid_liquidof course, youtube is switching to html5 video now though17:09
yehiaOerHeks, yes of course i do exactly as you said ... but still i cant find the file17:09
OerHekssolid_liquid, how about the fash cookies ? some are 100 kb, others 50 kb, takes a lot of space :(17:09
researcher1PyjamaSpank: when will next upgrade available?17:09
solid_liquidresearcher1, best is a personal choice in too many cases17:10
Trinity33hi anyone here? have little question. trying to make app launcher in 9.10 so right click on desktop create new document put in this document name of the application then make it exe close right click on the desktop create launcher chose terminal app then name and command path to the script close. then when i press at the new created launcher it close immediately  why? there was an option in inetrpid not to close app after it starts in karmic none so17:10
Trinity33  how stop terminal from closing after i press launcher see the terminal for second and it close. any advice?17:10
Trinity33 when i type in the terminal name of this aplication it start without closing so how to stop launcher from closing this terminal after one sec17:10
PyjamaSpankresearcher1: i saw something omgubuntu.co.uk about it17:10
predator_xguys..my videos dont stream at all.. im using mozilla firefox17:10
predator_xcan u help me?17:10
iamlenekodid someone had success with setting chrootdirectory within sshd_config ?17:10
solid_liquidOerHeks, I was going to design it so that it only collected flash videos specifically, and to have a configurable amount of time to keep the files before deleting them (so the user could see what videos had been collected and choose which ones to keep within that timeframe of, say, 1 day)17:11
WizardOfOzHi I am kinda stuck in something , anyone has any idea of an encrypted program like GhostSuf to unblock Filters for Ubuntu Remix thanks17:11
drizzt_Trinity33, uncheck 'Launch in terminal' checkbox17:11
PyjamaSpankresearcher1: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/ubuntu-software-centre-gets-star.html17:11
OerHekssolid_liquid, i'd like such a tool17:11
solid_liquidOerHeks, right?  I should get around to writing it17:12
researcher1PyjamaSpank; thanks Im trying17:12
alex88if i have a vps with multiple ip on eth0 how can i set that program to use another ip when connecting somewhere?17:12
solid_liquidresearcher1, you really need to play with several yourself from each category to find which one appeals most to your taste17:12
drizzt_software center is unusable bloadware17:12
drizzt_(2) some letters in full-screen console are more bright than others; why is that and how to fix it?17:13
WizardOfOzScottyCat, If you're between 17-21 and you don't care about French Iranian mix with Indian/Pakistani blood fella I am your man17:13
WizardOfOzoops sorry sorry17:13
Slartdrizzt_: can you get a screenshot of this? I can't say I've seen this before.17:13
Curly_QIf I want to install Xubuntu over or as an option to Gnome, would sudo apt-get install Xubuntu-desktop be appropriate or will Ubuntu allow it as an option too run it without Gnome in the background?17:13
WizardOfOzSo Anyone Knows of a similar program like GhostSurf for ubuntu ?17:14
solid_liquiddrizzt_, real console (/dev/tty) or virtual console (/dev/pts)?17:14
researcher1PyjamaSpank:thats possible only in Ubuntu 10.04?17:14
drizzt_(3) My gnome tells me that keyboard switcher had a problem and need to be removed, wtf?17:14
=== gui is now known as kryl
orsonCurly_Q: just pick xfce as session at login17:14
drizzt_real console, like vt117:14
dandalionI have a questions do I just ask in the channel?17:14
Slartdandalion: yup17:14
Slart!details | dandalion17:15
ubottudandalion: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:15
solid_liquiddrizzt_, is this on a laptop?17:15
obiwan_guys, i need help with my network17:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:15
obiwan_neither wicd, networkmanager, work with my access point since i disabled pasword17:15
Slartobiwan_: just describe your problem17:15
WizardOfOz!question is there a software like Ghostsurf to unblock filtered websites ??17:15
obiwan_thanks solid_liquid :P17:15
Curly_QOrson thanks.17:15
drizzt_solid_liquid, no it's not, those are the same letters each time17:15
predator_xguys..can anyone help me without video streaming? it just doesnt stream... im using mozilla17:16
candyCan I install CentOS with minimal < 200 MB?17:16
solid_liquiddrizzt_, try setting a different font for your console17:16
orsoncafuego: centos is next door, this is ubuntu17:16
SlartWizardOfOz: sounds like you want a proxy.. you'll probably have to pay for one of those.. or suffer very bad performance17:16
PiciCurly_Q: Perhaps you ashould ask in #centos, not #ubuntu17:16
solid_liquidcandy: why are you asking that here?17:16
drizzt_solid_liquid, like dpkg-reconfigure console-setuo?17:16
WizardOfOzslart dunno I had ghostsurf17:16
WizardOfOzslart for windows i need something like that for ubuntu17:16
Curly_QOrson, another thing, is it dangerous to use apt-get in root?17:16
obiwan_please, i need some way to join my wlan17:17
solid_liquiddrizzt_, no...  a little more complicated than that.  it's another kernel config ;)17:17
stdiseaseCurly_Q, no17:17
orsonCurly_Q: only root can use apt-get17:17
timyeungWizardOfOz, Google it17:17
obiwan_it's without password, and neiehter networkmanager nor wicd work17:17
dandalionI have ubuntu 9.10 laptop version and like it soo much that i put the desktop version on my desktop everything works fine but I cannot get my broadband wireless connection to work.  It will connect but not let me surf, I cannot find anything as to why.  Any idea or suggestions on what I should look for?17:17
Curly_QI did an aptget with a client account.17:17
WizardOfOztimyeung meaning ?17:17
orsonCurly_Q: but most of options aren't allowed to do17:17
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
drizzt_come on, is this gentoo or something?17:18
solid_liquiddandalion, how does your desktop connect to your broadband?17:18
stdiseaseCurly_Q, if you used it with sudo that's same as root17:18
SlartWizardOfOz: from the ghostsurf website it only seems that it does some plain web filtering.. removing ads and adding some virus protection.. try firefox with adblock .. that should give you about the same functionality17:18
Curly_QSo I need to establish an: sudo passwd root first?17:18
lookCan some one get me a list of the best tools to use with Ubuntu Gnome desktop?17:18
Curly_QI see.17:18
orsonCurly_Q: no," sudo apt-get ...."17:18
Slart!best | look17:18
ubottulook: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:18
Curly_QI get it.17:18
stdiseaseCurly_Q, if you wanto to log directly as root yes, otherwise just sudo17:18
WizardOfOzslart: nop it allows Encryption the data you're sending becomes anonymous17:18
Curly_QTherefore, sudo is a shortcut to root access.17:18
solid_liquiddrizzt_, you're just asking about uncommonly changed things today, which is why there aren't easy tools made for them17:18
timyeungWizardOfOz, google proxy ubuntu see what pulls up17:19
orsonCurly_Q: "man sudo"17:19
obiwan_please, any idea what could i try? neither networkmanager nor wicd work with my access point17:19
WizardOfOztimyeung nop17:19
obiwan_it works when i use wep, but it won't when i disable ciper17:19
dandalionI have a mobile device that i plug in, I put all my carriers info in the network connections under wireless broadband (like my laptops)17:19
Curly_QWhat a change from the old Red Hat.17:19
SlartWizardOfOz: then you're back at a proxy.. afaik that's the only way to become even slightly anonymous.. (and I'm not sure you're truly anon even using a proxy)17:19
orsonCurly_Q: no change at all, redhat has sudo too17:19
Pici!sudo | Curly_Q17:19
ubottuCurly_Q: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:19
SlartWizardOfOz: encryption doesn't make you anonymous17:20
solid_liquiddandalion, I've never touched one of those devices, so I have no idea, sorry17:20
timyeungdandalion, is wireless not working on your laptop?17:20
Trinity33<drizzt_> there is no option uncheck launch in terminal in 9.10 when u create launcher there u got options type: application or terminal or location. name. and command: path to the script which suppose start application so when normally i type in a shell the name of this app it start. but hwne use launcher it start and close in 1 sec17:20
dandalionIt works on my laptop i can not get it to work on my desktop17:21
WizardOfOzslart well it does, if you are sending anonymous data/encrypted data the ISP can't really see what you're doing17:21
MaistuxBuenas a todos/as17:21
PyjamaSpankresearcher1: looks like it17:21
stdisease!es | Maistux17:21
ubottuMaistux: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:21
overmind!es | Maistux17:21
drizzt_it should be "application"; btw why you neet a script to start an application?17:21
timyeungdandalion, you obviously have a wireless card plugged into you desktop right? did it work in windows?17:21
kenshinhi all17:21
SlartWizardOfOz: that's true.. but being anonymous isn't the same as "my isp doesn't know what I'm doing on the net"17:22
kenshinhow do i fix syslog.conf?17:22
WizardOfOzslart so we have something like that for ubuntu ?17:22
kenshinmy module messages are not logged in the messages...17:22
overmindWizardOfOz: Maybe Tor?17:22
dandalionon my desktop it connects but wont let me go online17:22
stdiseasekenshin, why don't you shows what your syslog.conf looks like (use pastebin) and we'll trying helping fix it17:22
timyeungdandalion, try this : click system>administration> hardware drivers17:22
kenshinstdisease, okie17:22
solid_liquiddandalion, is it the same exact kind of card in both?17:22
Curly_QI found another interesting one called edubuntu. Looks pretty cool for kids and instructors.17:22
SlartWizardOfOz: according to their site "your surfing is router through private anonymous hubs".. that sounds like proxies to me.. and those usually cost money17:23
Trinity33so cos my app is cd /mmm/mmmm/mmmm/mmmm then name.py -th and it start i wanted put a command and use launcher to start it instad type in shell ful path to this app17:23
stdiseasemmm: no such file or directory17:23
WizardOfOzIgnore the site !17:23
dandalionyeah... we swap it back and forth depending on what what machine we use17:23
kenshinstdisease, http://pastebin.com/3HjmMqYU17:23
overmind!tor | Slart and WizardOfOz17:23
ubottuSlart and WizardOfOz: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode17:23
WizardOfOzSoemthing to make my data encrypted sending it to the internet17:23
WizardOfOzovermind: no17:23
overmindSlart, WizardOfOz: Isn't only for freenode17:23
solid_liquiddandalion, maybe you forgot a step you used on the laptop?17:23
stdiseasekenshin, does it give an error concerning any specific line?17:24
SlartWizardOfOz, overmind: last time I tried Tor it was unbearably slow.. might have become better now though17:24
timyeungdandalion, you should see your network card in there. click on it and click activate. you should have your wireless card plugged in, and you should be hardwired into your network17:24
solid_liquidSlart, WizardOfOz : I highly recommend a cloak17:24
kenshinstdisease, no17:24
kenshini am trying module programming17:24
stdiseasekenshin, how did you know it's broken then?17:24
overmindSlart: It works fine for me17:25
kenshinsomeone in #kernelnewbies told me17:25
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researcher1can I find star rating for Ubuntu software anywhere?17:25
kenshinmy module doesnt log messages in the messages file17:25
overmindSlart: Speed depends of day, weekends, obviusly, works very fast, today... not too speed as yesteday :P17:25
stdiseasekenshin, when you said you wanted to fix it I assumed it's broken somehow. Ok..17:25
kenshinbut i can see them after  dmesg17:25
dandalionok I will give that a try17:25
WizardOfOzSomething similar to ghostsurf :(17:26
kenshinstdisease, the guy was sure it is broken..17:26
Slartovermind: nice to know things have picked up...17:26
WizardOfOzI paid 20 dollars for GhostSurf17:26
obiwan_please guys, i need to join my passwordless router. neither networkmanager nor wicd can . could anybody guide me ?17:26
WizardOfOzI don't care paying something like for Linux17:26
overmindWizardOfOz: http://www.torproject.org/17:26
timyeungdandalion, you should also up date your system while hardwired in. it helped when I had the same problem when I installed ubuntu on my laptop17:26
wickire2Hello All.  I have a 8.10 LTS 64 bit with 3 NIC interfaces. 2 of the interfaces are on one card.   But when I do an ifconfig only two interfaces show up.  How do I activate the third?17:26
WizardOfOzThanks overmind17:27
overmindWizardOfOz: No problem :)17:27
kenshinstdisease, so is there any problem?17:27
obiwan_hi The_ManU_21217:27
rob0917I installed the lxde package and apt installed xscreensaver with it,and I've uninstalled lxde but now the ubuntu default screensaver won't activate,what can I do?17:27
Trinity33is there a way to configure launcher in ubuntu 9.10? any conf file etc?17:27
stdiseasekenshin, no that I can tell, except if there's a specific behavior you want to configure17:27
The_ManU_212is osd-notify also available for other linux distributions?17:27
The_ManU_212or for kde?17:27
Dan_Eanyone know why i cant see my win drive in file manager ubuntu 9.10 I installed ubuntu with Wubi, is that why?17:27
The_ManU_212i like its appereance17:27
kenshinstdisease, why wudnt my module log messages then?17:27
SlartWizardOfOz: I'm not sure how reliable this site is.. or the info they supply.. it might be a good place to start looking though http://proxy.org/17:27
MaletorCan I set up my RAID 5 through my BIOS or must I use mdadm?17:27
solid_liquidThe_ManU_212, yep17:28
kenshinstdisease, anything u may know about it?17:28
timyeungwickire2, try this : click system>administration>hardware drivers. see if it is in there and if it is click activate17:28
stdiseasekenshin, do any of the message you're looking for show up in /var/log/kern.log ?17:28
solid_liquidThe_ManU_212, it's a freedesktop.org standard17:28
MaletorHow do I scp through a firewall (which I have access to) to my computer?17:28
kenshindint chk tht17:28
WizardOfOzslart: those are blocked by Chinese and Iranian Government17:28
Flare-LaptopMaletor: Portforward them first.17:28
solid_liquidMaletor, unblock (and forward if needed) port 2217:29
MaletorFlare-Laptop: I'd rather not port forward... maybe tunnel?17:29
wickire2timyeung: Sorry. This was a server install.  So no X server.  I need to do it through the command line17:29
kenshinstdisease, oh yes17:29
kenshinthey do17:29
drizzt_is there some console text editor which can use shift+keys to select text?17:29
kenshini can see them17:29
timyeungwickire2, ooo sorry I can't help17:29
Flare-LaptopMaletor: You can try17:29
SlartWizardOfOz: the site http://proxy.org is blocked? or the sites that are listed on it?17:29
stdiseaseWizardOfOz, 'apt-get get install tor' they probably aren't blocking that one ;-)17:29
kenshinall the messages...17:29
MaletorFlare-Laptop: how would i do it?17:29
wickire2timyeung: No promblem.  Thanks for trying17:29
The_ManU_212solid_liquid: where can i download the source? and i ehard dke is not based on these freedesktop standards?17:30
stdiseasekenshin, good. problem solved then, I take it?17:30
WizardOfOzstdisease: No I mean proxy.org the proxies there are blocked17:30
alabdhello ,  How to install this ? http://nohands.sf.net/ ?17:30
WizardOfOzNo good.17:30
kenshinstdisease, hmmm17:30
SlartWizardOfOz: go with Tor then.. they'll have a hard time blocking that17:30
WizardOfOzOkay cheers17:30
kenshinstdisease, lemme ask the #kernelnewbies guys if this is ok... :P17:30
stdiseasekenshin, show them your syslog.conf if it helps17:31
solid_liquidwickire2, lspci to find out what type of NIC it is, then google for it to see what .ko kernel module is needed, then use lsmod and modprobe to make sure it's loaded and in use17:31
solid_liquidwickire2, you may need to download another driver for it17:31
kenshinstdisease, ok17:31
solid_liquidThe_ManU_212, google for the project homepage17:31
timyeungalabd, try sudo apt-get install libhfp hfpd hfconsole17:32
wickire2solid_liquid: thx17:32
solid_liquidwickire2, np17:32
rob0917how much of a threat are rootkits to ubuntu ?17:32
alabdtimyeung: E: Couldn't find package libhfp17:32
solid_liquidrob0917, very uncommon17:33
solid_liquidrob0917, install rkhunter if you're worried about them17:33
alabdtimyeung:  also two other17:33
timyeungalabd, you might need to add the repository for it17:33
orsonrob0917: google for "gnome-look malware screensaver" and decide17:33
alabdmaybe but which ? timyeung17:33
drizzt_rob0917, you will be constantly attacked only if hosting webserver17:33
timyeungalabd, hold on i'm am seeing what i can pull up here17:34
rob0917thanks all17:34
asd__GeekSquid, i tried. it didn't help17:34
asd__GeekSquid, the title of error message xfce power manager.17:35
Dan_Eanyone know why i cant see my win drive in file manager ubuntu 9.10 I installed ubuntu with Wubi from inside win blows, is that why?17:35
b2p1mpI tried for a few hours lastnight to get the video driver installed on ubuntu 910 ... on an ispiron 8000 Dell laptop( ati 128mb mobility m4 rage)  The current driver works but video/youtube runs slow.  I think I am using a generic video driver...that isnt accelerated.   Any ideas?  I will keep on googling too.  Seems this card has many issues with people.17:35
dumdumzI am trying to access my ubuntu desktop from my windows box using realvnc viewer on the windows box and i can control the ubuntu desktop just find but the screen doesnt refresh so I cannot see the current state. Anyone know why this is?17:36
SamualHey for some reason when I try to open an iso file in Ubuntu which I know works (I used it in a VM) I don't see the contents of the iso17:36
SamualI just see a readme.txt file17:36
researcher1is there a software repository for Ubuntu which also explain what this program is all about?17:36
b2p1mpAslo, some info, during installation i had to choose safe graphics Mode or the screen was layered in 3 and cutting some parts off.17:36
SamualThe image itself is 3.7gb, so I know the data is there17:36
SamualIs there a reason I can't extract it?17:37
asd__anyone, after updating, after booting  xfce power manager error: "hal deamon is not running". how can i make  xfce power manager boot after hal deamon?17:37
dumdumzSamual, an iso is an image file not an archive17:37
orsonSamual: how did you mount it?17:37
SamualI know, but e.g. 7zip can read those normally (Or winrar)17:37
solid_liquidresearcher1, run aptitude, by itself, from the command line.  it'll show you long descriptions for each package17:37
b2p1mpdumdumz: iso can be opened with winrar and other archivers though17:38
SamualAnd I didn't mount it, I couldn't get it to mount with the mount command17:38
timyeungalabd, oh I see... you have to build from source code. do you know how to do that?17:38
monubanybody know if the security issues about acrobat extend to linux version of reader?17:38
solid_liquidSamual, how are you opening it?17:38
stdiseaseSamual, use 'mount -o loop' with the command17:38
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:38
solid_liquidSamual, you neet to use the  -o loop  flag to mount17:38
geniiIf udf use -t udf17:38
Samualstdisease, I tried that, it complains that it can't find the iso in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:38
savidDoes anyone know of a good database GUI client for ubuntu,  preferably one that works with multiple types of databases?17:38
SamualI know17:38
alabdtimyeung: should try17:38
SamualOh I see17:39
SamualI forgot the mountpoint >.> hah17:39
SamualOne sec.17:39
solid_liquidSamual, mount -o loop myfile.iso mymountdir/17:39
SamualK that worked.17:39
ssnhi guys17:39
kenshinstdisease, he said it shud be normal17:39
kenshinif the kern.log shows all the messages that dmesg does, it shud be fine17:40
ssndo you know how to remove a certain line from a text document / script without using an editor? i can pick the line with grep, but i dont know how to remove it17:40
kenshinstdisease, thanks17:40
stdiseasekenshin, y/w17:40
solid_liquidsavid, the one from openoffice is supposedly good17:40
orsonssn: use grep -v   > newfile17:40
jelly-beanhow can i setup one user that all new users will clone settings from? (e.g. the hidden $HOME config directories like .purple for pidgin, .mozilla for firefox, xwindows/gnome/xfce/kde settings, etc.)17:41
savidsolid_liquid,  oh, I didn't know it had one?17:41
jelly-beanOR how can i clone an existing user when creating a new one?17:41
stdiseasemonub, I use(d) adobe reader linux version with no security issues (but I had no issues with windows version so..)17:42
ssnorson: is there a more elegant solution?17:42
solid_liquidsavid, yep17:42
solid_liquid"Well, this is a welcome surprise for those of us waiting for Ubuntu 10.04, the Lucid Lynx. Several users are reporting that their iPod Touches and iPhones (including the 3GS) work in alpha 3 - without tweaking, without jailbreaking, without patching - with Nautilus and Rythmbox."17:42
solid_liquidcool :)17:42
Picijelly-bean: /etc/skel/ is copied to new user's home directories when they are created.17:42
ssnbecause i would want to replace the file17:42
ssnthe exact same file17:42
orsonjelly-bean: copy whatever you need to /etc/skel17:42
ssnif i do it with grep -v, then it would append it17:42
jelly-beanthx Pici, orson17:43
dimulsanyone, after updating, after booting  xfce power manager error: "hal deamon is not running". how can i make  xfce power manager boot after hal deamon?17:43
orsonssn:then use sed, perl, awk17:43
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ssnorson: because i dont know how, im asking here ;)17:43
Picissn: sed with the -i arugment can modifiy the initial file. Something like: sed -i s/^*.donotwant.*$// thefile      would work17:44
ssni know that it is somehow possible with these commands17:44
ssnPici: thx17:44
Picissn: You can test using the command without the -i arugment and it will print the modifcation to stdout.  Just put -i in when you want it to make the changes.17:44
solid_liquidjelly-bean, you put all the conf files in /etc/profile.d/17:44
dandalionno luck17:45
ssnPici: it does not work17:45
dandalionwhen I did the driver check it didnt register it and said no drivers found17:45
timyeungalabd, goto this site and read the documentation http://nohands.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/nohands/trunk/17:45
solid_liquidjelly-bean, er sorry, in /etc/skel17:46
solid_liquidoh, someone answered already heh17:46
dimulsGeekSquid, it didnt help. still after booting  xfce power manager error: "hal deamon is not running". how can i make  xfce power manager boot after hal deamon?17:46
KaffeeJunky123Hello, can anyone help me with some troubles I'm having with cd playing since I disabled pulseaudio using this tutorial http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/ubuntu-904-jaunty-keeping-the-beast-pulseaudio-at-bay/ ?17:46
timyeungdandalion, did you have the network cable plugged in?17:46
dandalionyes... its a stick that you plug into a usb slot17:47
KaffeeJunky123Somehow Rhythmbox doesn't playback cds anymore, when I select the open rhythmbox option in nautilus it opens up but it doesn't list the sound files of the cd :/17:47
dandalioni plugged it in and made sure it was on (all the lights lite up)17:48
KaffeeJunky123plackback does work with sound-juicer17:48
vi390hi, anyone any idea about working multitouchscreens (22") for ubuntu?17:48
KaffeeJunky123but I want it to work with rhythmbox, the strange thing is that rhythmbox plays all my mp3s just fine17:49
david_Can anyone out there help me with an issue I am having? I appear to have lost my home folder. All it has is 2 files called Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and README.txt. When I do "ecryptfs-mount-private" like the readme says all I get is "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly"17:49
vi390Acer has a new one , and iiyama but there is no informations about if it works or not17:49
obiwan_guys i need help with networking17:49
obiwan_could anybody help ?17:49
obiwan_i can't join a open router17:49
obiwan_neither w/ networkmanager nor wicd17:50
dumdumzI cant get any vnc viewer to properly display my ubuntu desktop. Control is working but the screen isn't refreshing in any viewer17:50
SealedWithAKissI am having trouble mounting Windows. I have tried running chkdsk /f and have rebooted Windows twice. However I cannot mount Windows in Ubuntu 9.10. Can anybody help?17:50
david_I probally can't help you SealedWithAKiss but if you copy paste the error someone else might be able to17:51
boondoklifedumdumz: this is a known issue with certain video drivers (nvidia/ati mainly). https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/35312617:52
SealedWithAKissdavid_, thanks.17:52
alabdtimyeung: thanks where to get source?17:52
dumdumzboondoklife, thanks I just found that17:52
KaffeeJunky123where can I configure the places menu? it doesn't appear in the mainmenu options17:53
SealedWithAKissI am having trouble mounting Windows. I have tried running chkdsk /f and have rebooted Windows twice. However I cannot mount Windows in Ubuntu 9.10. Can anybody help? Here is a pastebin of the error: http://pastebin.com/a4f3UfQX17:53
Willyyyyyyyyyyyeinen schönen guten Abend17:53
PiciKaffeeJunky123: Its configured from the bookmarks menu within a Nautilus window.17:53
Pici!de | Willyyyyyyyyyyy17:53
ubottuWillyyyyyyyyyyy: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:53
nibbler!de | Willyyyyyyyyyyy17:53
KaffeeJunky123Pici: Thanks17:54
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dumdumzI changed my visual effects in the appearance preferences to none and it all started working17:54
boondoklifedumdumz: you can get around it by setting a noxdamage flag in gconf but it makes it ALOT slower. "/desktop/gnome/remote_access/disable_xdamage"17:54
Flare-Laptop!es | usuario_17:54
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:54
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orican someone help me? my F-spot won't open?17:54
Flare-Laptopori: F-Spot is buggy17:55
timyeungalabd, not sure i think that trunk web site is the source file. i did this in my terminal: sudo apt-get install subversion then copy and pasted this: svn co https://nohands.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nohands/trunk17:55
dumdumzboondoklife, changing the visual effects worked fine. I dont need them anyways.17:55
nibblerori: open terminal, enter f-spot there, and see the output, nopaste it here maybe17:55
KaffeeJunky123Pici: I can't find any places stuff in the bookmark config :/17:55
dimulsanyone, after updating, after booting  xfce power manager error: "hal deamon is not running". how can i make  xfce power manager boot after hal deamon?17:55
usuario_buenas tardes17:55
nibbler!es | usuario_17:55
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:55
usuario_hace sol y buen tiempo17:55
Dan_ESealedWithAKiss: did you install it with Wubi?17:55
KaffeeJunky123Pici: The Places shortcuts are displayed in nautilus above the bookmarks, but I can't find any options to edit it17:55
PiciKaffeeJunky123: I don't have a graphical system here that I can check on, but thats where I remember adding and removing locations from.17:55
solid_liquid!es usuario_17:56
usuario_que si nadie quiere ablas17:56
SealedWithAKissDan_E, I haven't got a clue.17:56
visofhow can i change my network connection from DHCP to static  ??17:56
Dan_Ei used that to install it and cant see windows either17:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:56
oriFlare-Laptop: is there something better?17:56
Dan_Emove to windows and see if there is a program there called Wubi17:57
The_ManU_212is osd-notify also available for other linux distributions?17:57
Flare-Laptopori: I like using gthumb17:57
The_ManU_212does it also work with kde?17:57
dimulsvisof, sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces if haven't network manager17:57
dimulsvisof, otherwise you can try network manager17:57
timyeungalabd, sorry thats as much as i can help you with good luck. there has to be some document out there somewhere to help you out17:57
KaffeeJunky123Pici: well, thanks for trying to help me anyways17:58
visofdimuls what should add to that file ?17:58
dimulsman interfaces17:58
dimulsthere is some examples17:58
Dan_ESealedWithAKiss: move to windows and see if there is a program there called Wubi17:59
dimulsvisof, something like "iface inet eth0 static..."17:59
nibblerori: while this gives some clearer info than "does not start" it does not give me a direct hint where to lok, sorry18:00
kubancej,a mi lahko kdo zazipa od gimpa pallets folder pa ga da nekam18:00
kubanck zgleda da sm vse patterns zbrisal18:00
orinibbler: sok thanx anyway... prob just switch to gthumb18:00
dimulsanyone, help please. after updating, after booting  xfce power manager error: "hal deamon is not running". how can i make  xfce power manager boot after hal deamon?18:01
SealedWithAKissDan_E, I think I used Wubi at one point to try out Karmic but then removed it and installed Karmic by booting the Live CD.18:01
Dan_Ethen not the same problem i have. did you install ntfsprog18:02
SealedWithAKissDan_E, yeah I ran ntfsfix but it gave me an I/O error.18:03
Dan_Ei am going to reinstall from burnt .iso18:03
kubancanybody knows what should be the problem in gimp, because i cannot see any patterns in clipboard.18:04
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Micheal`can someone point me in the right direction to fix my gnome panel settings back to the install default18:06
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:06
The_ManU_21is osd-notify also available for other linux distributions?18:07
SealedWithAKissDoes anybody know anything about the compatibility of ATI graphics card with Ubuntu Karmic 64-bit edition?18:07
Micheal`is that supposed to restore gnome defaults or ubuntu defaults?18:07
The_ManU_21does it also work with kde?18:07
Micheal`sorry this is for 9.1018:08
raimondsDo someone use VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP with Ubuntu 9.1?18:08
nastasdoes anyone knows how to make s-video output to work?18:09
KaffeeJunky123I've a problem, the trash tray app is invisible18:10
KaffeeJunky123on ubuntu 9.0418:10
KaffeeJunky123I already tried resetting the panels18:10
KaffeeJunky123it didn't help :/18:10
InfinitoKaffeeJunky123, type alt+f218:11
Infinitoand type in 'gconf-editor18:11
JuliataHi! I need to remove embedded subtitles from .avi. Is there a way to do it? Avidemux or commandline - doesn't matter.18:11
AzelphurJuliata: no.18:11
InfinitoKaffeeJunky123, then browse to app->nautilus->desktop18:11
solid_liquidJuliata, yes, but I'm not sure how18:11
KaffeeJunky123Infinito: merci beaucoup :D18:12
AzelphurJuliata: if they are embedded into the video, the text has replaced the video that was there18:12
solid_liquidJuliata, mencoder should be able to do it though18:12
Infinitothere's a option "trash_icon_visible" KaffeeJunky12318:12
InfinitoKaffeeJunky123, no problem.18:12
JuliataAzelphur, you can do it in VirtualDub, so there should be Linux way ;)18:12
KaffeeJunky123Infinito: already found it ;918:12
AzelphurJuliata: they arn't embedded into the video then, they are standard subtitles18:12
Juliatasolid_liquid, thank you, I'll look for more info18:12
raimondsDo someone use VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP with Ubuntu 9.1?18:12
carmentinahola chicos18:12
yehiai have installed Clive - how to use it then18:12
KaffeeJunky123Infinito: do I have to restart gdm for it to work?18:12
carmentinahello children18:13
JuliataAzelphur, no, it can remove embedded subtitles.18:13
InfinitoKaffeeJunky123, no18:13
jp--guys, I want to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 but I'm getting this "Failed http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages" when using sudo do-release-upgrade18:13
AzelphurJuliata: that's impossible, the content of the video where the subtitles where is gone18:13
jp--I don't want to to a dist-upgrade, last time on the same system it screwed it up18:13
jp--what should I do?18:13
LjLAzelphur: doesn't mean it can't be interpolated, i guess18:13
KaffeeJunky123Infinito: so it should appear right away?18:13
solid_liquidJuliata, unless the subtitles can't be turned off in the player, which means they're actually part of the image stream of the video rather than being stored as text18:13
LjLcarmentina: do you have an ubuntu support question?18:13
AzelphurLjL maybe, but that'd look so bad :P18:14
jp--"http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found18:14
jp--very bad.18:14
InfinitoKaffeeJunky123, yep18:14
KaffeeJunky123Infinito: well, it didn't :/18:14
raimondsDo someone use VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP Video Card with Ubuntu 9.1?18:14
carmentinamy house is in....18:14
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carmentinaquienes sois18:15
carmentiname entendeis18:15
LjL!es | carmentina18:15
ubottucarmentina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:15
InfinitoKaffeeJunky123, that's weird :/18:16
KaffeeJunky123Infinito: I also have some other strange problems18:16
alabdtimyeung:  Checked out revision 87.18:16
alabd so then ?18:16
jp--carmentina, what do you wanna do? qué quieres hacer?18:16
carmentinano se18:16
KaffeeJunky123Infinito: rhythmbox doesn't playback audio cd's anymore :/18:16
BluesKaj!unichrome | raimonds18:16
ubottucarmentina: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:16
LjLcarmentina: pues no moleste al canal por favor18:17
KaffeeJunky123Infinito: It works with sound-juicer but I don't like to navigate through audio cds with sound-juicer18:17
BluesKaj!info unichrome18:17
ubottuPackage unichrome does not exist in karmic18:17
carmentinaidioma chino18:17
LjL!ops | carmentina18:17
ubottucarmentina: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:17
KB1JWQcarmentina: Please desist.18:17
Hubert_Chang!kill carmentina18:17
KB1JWQHubert_Chang: That's enough.18:17
LjLHubert_Chang: you're not helping18:17
carmentinaesque os aburro18:17
KB1JWQcarmentina: Please stop.  Last warning.18:18
carmentinano paro18:18
FloodBot2carmentina: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:18
solid_liquid!ops | carmentina18:18
ubottucarmentina: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:18
carmentinano me callo18:19
overmindKB1JWQ: Please help18:19
KB1JWQNah, Tm_T Has it.18:19
carmentinapasa algo18:19
Crimiuswhy do people spam?18:19
JuliataAzelphur, Virtualdub with delogo filter does it.18:19
solid_liquidthey think they're being clever18:19
LjLCrimius: a good question for #ubuntu-offtopic18:19
BluesKaj!pm | raimonds18:19
ubotturaimonds: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:19
xanguaCrimius: the sad thing is that he speaks spansh like me :(18:19
raimondsBluesKaj what did this !unichrome |meaned?18:20
knirliprobleme mit usb unter 9.1018:21
raimonds!unichrome | raimonds18:23
MaletorShould I use my BIOS on my m4a79xtd evo to do RAID 5 or use mdadm on Ubuntu?18:23
solid_liquidMaletor, BIOS18:24
Maletorsolid_liquid, is that preferred over mdadm?18:24
solid_liquidMaletor, hardware raid is better than software raid18:24
Haffeuntil your raid controler breaks and you can't for your life find a replacement.18:25
MaletorI think that my BIOS RAID 5 may be software...? fake raid... there is very little to no information about it on google18:25
marek_hey guys. i installed netbook remix...but somehow it works along with the normal desktop interface...how could i get rid of it?18:25
orsonsolid_liquid: why should software raid be worse than fakeraid?18:25
MaletorWill it be easy to grow to 4 drives after I set up the 3 and it is working?18:25
nibblersolid_liquid, Maletor: hardware raid is only better if it is a REAL one, not a consumer on-board one18:26
solid_liquidMaletor, if there's a bios utility for it, it may be HW raid18:26
Maletornibbler: i'm pretty sure it's a on-board RAID18:26
=== spinner is now known as Oystein
Maletorit's m4a79xtd evo18:26
Maletornewegg says it has contollers for 0,1,and 518:26
solid_liquidMaletor, oh hmm...18:27
nibblerMaletor, you should know if you spend another $500 for a raidcontroller or not :p18:27
Maletorya my motherboard was ~10018:27
solid_liquidoh, sw18:27
orsonMaletor: very likely fakeraid18:27
solid_liquidjust use mdadm then18:27
Maletorso it is a fake raid right? probably only compatible with widows too18:27
duncanidaho1Why doesn't DESKTOP DRAPES start when I first boot up?18:28
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devendrawhere is mysqldriver library located in ubuntu ?18:29
nibblerdevendra, for what?18:29
Maletordo i want fakeraid or software raid?18:29
nibblerMaletor, software. fake is the onboard one :)18:29
devendranibbler, I need to add path in my netbeans.18:29
nibblerdevendra, what language is netbeans? this javastuff?18:30
nibblerdevendra, but check aptitude search mysql*-dev18:30
devendranibbler, yes, it is.18:30
devendraok thanks18:30
Crimiusduncanidaho1: I have a script that randomly changes wallpapers from a folder if you like18:31
nibblerdevendra, sorry, libmysql* is what you need18:31
nibblerdevendra, first was for like if you want to compile stuff that needs mysql client libs etc18:31
duncanidaho1Crimius:  sounds complicated18:31
coldfirecan someone help me find and install the program that gives you a wuote evertime you use terminal?18:32
orsoncoldfire: fortune18:32
Crimiusduncanidaho1: are all the wallpapers you want to cycle in the same folder?18:32
nastashow to enable s-video in my laptop? does any1 know?18:33
duncanidaho1Crimius:  yeah18:33
solid_liquidcoldfire, and you have to set your .bashrc or .bash_profile to run fortune when you login18:33
wathekhello all18:34
wathekis openvz available on the default obm repos ?18:34
cellofellowwhy use openvz when you have kvm?18:34
Travis42would there be any way (or another program) to do a "tail -f" but filter out certain lines?18:34
wathekcellofellow, I'd like to setup a VPS18:34
coldfiresolid_liquid: do i just have to edit a file?18:34
solid_liquidcoldfire, and if you want the fortunes to be a lot funnier, install the offensive fortune datafiles and the bofh-excuses ones as well18:34
solid_liquidcoldfire, yeah, ~/.bashrc18:35
coldfiresolid_liquid: Thanks!18:35
cellofellowwathek: yeah, and you can do that with kvm. Most VPSs you can buy use OpenVZ (or its commercial brother Virtuozzo) or they use Xen. But, I've seen a few with KVM, nothing wrong with KVM.18:35
solid_liquidcoldfire, np18:35
orsoncoldfire: use ~/.profile18:36
wathekcellofellow, really I dunno what to use so if you say that kvm is a good alternative it's OK18:36
cellofellowwathek: with libvirt and virt-manager, setting up a VM server with KVM is really easy. It's the official Ubuntu supported method for virtualization.18:36
wathekcellofellow, aw I see !18:37
wathekcellofellow, cool I'm gonna do that18:37
coldfireorson: where is the exact location of that file? i didnt see it in my home dir18:37
orsoncoldfire: nano ~/.profile18:38
orsoncoldfire: it's a hidden file18:38
axisyswhere do I request to update pastebinit pkg? it does not work with new pastebin.com18:38
mannytutry ctrl-h too...18:39
coldfireorson: where is the exact .profile folder location?18:39
orsoncoldfire:  ~/.profile   that is $HOME/.profile18:39
orsoncoldfire: inside your home-dir18:40
bullgardWhere can I find a practical working example of the usage of a Secure Shell Key?18:40
orsonbullgard: ubuntuforums has18:41
igorola alguem de POA - TS18:41
bullgardorson: Where there?18:42
coldfireorson: ok i found it18:42
wathekcellofellow, got a question18:42
soreauIn the output of 'dpkg -l' ii means installed. What does rc mean?18:42
Ox83bullgard: http://openssh.org/18:42
wathekcellofellow, could I continue and setup kvm even if my CPU doesn't support hardware virtualization ?18:43
orsonbullgard: ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-30709.htmml18:44
dellim a cop18:44
`mOOse`bad cop - no donut18:45
GeekSquidaxisys: edit /usr/bin/pastebinit .. change the default pastebin to pastebin.ca ... pastebin.com changed their API it doesn't work with pastebinit anymore (fix coming, but not yet)18:45
brianhermandell: do you have a toughbook in ur car?>18:45
blancai'm from england18:45
axisysGeekSquid: thanks18:46
blancaand you?18:46
Myrtti!offtopic | blanca18:46
ubottublanca: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:46
blancai like maths18:46
Ox83sort blanca > /dev/null?18:46
bullgardorson: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-30709.html does not even mention the term "Secure Shell Key".18:46
igorBRasil alguem>18:46
LjL!br | igor18:46
ubottuigor: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:46
blancaare fun18:46
greerasuitalian linux user?18:46
Myrttiblanca: hi, do you have Ubuntu Linux related problem or queston?18:46
LjL!it | greerasu18:46
ubottugreerasu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:46
blancano te entiendo18:47
blancaque dices?18:47
orsonbullgard: what do you think ssh-key stands for?18:47
LjL!es | blanca18:47
ubottublanca: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:47
solid_liquidI knew it18:47
xangua!es | blanca18:47
GeekSquidblanca: this is a support channel, for ubuntu, not a chat channel, if you want to chat /join #ubuntu-offtopic18:47
blancaabla en cristiano18:47
axisysGeekSquid: i sent an email to the owners about pastebinit18:47
solid_liquidblanca is the same troll from earlier18:47
xangua!es > blanca18:47
ubottublanca, please see my private message18:47
GeekSquidaxisys: they are aware, and are working on a fix..,. the workaround I told you about works18:47
axisysGeekSquid: but your workaround is working .. thanks18:47
bullgardorson: Let me see.18:47
orsonbullgard: little hint:ssh = secure shell18:48
coldfireorson: i tried adding "fortune" to the file and saving but it does nothing. what am i doing wrong?18:49
orsoncoldfire: have you installed fortune?18:49
orsoncoldfire: then login18:50
coldfireorson: i am in gnome?18:50
bullgardorson: The article http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-30709.html includes ssh-keygen but not ssh-key.18:50
root_hi there18:50
orsonbullgard: what do you want to do, what do you need a tut for?18:51
root_i am having problems with install of ns3 onubuntu karmic18:51
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root_can some1 help18:51
root_hi gabu18:51
orsoncoldfire: then add "fortune" to ~/.bashrc too18:52
root_probs ns3+ubuntu karmic!!!need help!!!!!!18:52
GeekSquidroot_: YOU ARE RUNNING AS ROOT ... THIS IS VERY UNSECURE, and could cause problems w/other things... Please log in as a regular user and try again18:52
root_thanx geek18:52
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:52
gabumonsorry , i'm noob i'm looking for french channel18:52
GeekSquid!fr | gabumon18:52
ubottugabumon: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois18:52
bullgardorson: For using the the Secure Shell Key having the Key ID=FC2C... but no Validity in my Seahorse program.18:53
gabumonthank's :D18:53
orsonbullgard: seahorse? isn't that a gui to gnuPG?18:53
bullgardorson: Yes, it is.18:54
orsonbullgard: bnupg != secure shell18:54
xro_hi, i have a special question... i would like to show that is it possible to send mail with telnet... do you know an open server?18:54
tdskatei'm using pidgin, and i'm looking for the setting to turn of the annoying online/offline sounds ...18:54
orsonxro_: there are hundreds all over the net :((18:55
PyjamaSpanktdskate: isn't it just right click on the task bar icon, preferences, sounds18:55
xanguatdskate: sudo apt-get install pidgin-plugin-pack, restart pidgin and activate hide join/leave plugin18:55
xro_orson, you coould maybe give me an adress?18:55
orsonxro_: check all those rbl-lists, open spam relays are listed there. nobody will take your mail, sent via them18:56
sudiptacan any one help me enabling visual effects in karmic koala18:56
GeekSquidtdskate.. open you buddylist .. .goto tools>preferences ... sound tab .. you will see it18:56
xangua!details | sudipta18:56
ubottusudipta: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:56
sudiptai have enabled drivers but nothing yet18:57
xro_orson, but i need that the mail will be received....18:57
orsonxro_: then you don't want to use an open relay18:57
orsonxro_: use your isps mailserver18:57
xro_orson, and do you think than i can fake the sender name?18:58
xanguasudipta: what do you get in terminal with¿: compiz --replace18:58
orsonxro_: you want to spam, p..s off18:58
xro_orson, nop, i have to do simple security demonstration... and i would like to show that mail aren't sure18:59
=== Greyscale is now known as greyscale
orsonxro_: then use your own mailserver18:59
xro_orson, i don't have a private mail server19:00
Sh3r1ffxro_: you can specify the sender, but your isp will log your ip19:00
rodger238hi everyone, can someone help me? i'm getting this screen everytime i try to install x-chat :( http://bit.ly/bdRUwQ19:00
rodger238hi everyone, can someone help me? i'm getting this screen everytime i try to install x-chat :( http://bit.ly/bdRUwQ19:00
bullgardorson: Synaptic: "Seahorse is a GNOME front end for the program »Gnu Privacy Guard« (GnuPG)." --  My question is still unanswered.19:01
Picipekee: please stop that.19:01
pekeese puede ablar eeh?19:01
Pici!es | pekee19:01
ubottupekee: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:01
orsonbullgard: nope you asked about secure shell keys, and that is something complete different from gnuüg19:01
solid_liquidsudipta, do:   sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager19:02
ni1sIs it possible to just dd an ubuntu image to a USB stick?19:02
solid_liquidsudipta, then run it in System->Preferences19:02
bullgardorson: Please note that my program Seahorse lists a Secure Shell Key having the Key ID=FC2C...19:03
evilbugni1s: yes, ubuntu has a built-in tool for that.19:03
PyjamaSpanknils: system/administration/usb startup disk creator19:04
ni1sdon't have a ubuntu install handy19:04
ni1shence the dd question19:04
PyjamaSpanknils: i thought that was add, what does dd mean?19:04
solid_liquiddata duplicate19:05
GeekSquid!info dd | PyjamaSpank19:05
ubottuPyjamaSpank: Package dd does not exist in karmic19:05
inhhow can i restart the usb sub system? restart udev adn remmod'ing  ehcu)hcd doenst work, i dont have that module19:05
solid_liquidPyjamaSpank, man dd19:05
inhor ihci or whatever either19:05
ANTRati think dd is in coreutils19:05
=== Riotta is now known as Anonym
sunshinepantsdoes anyone have a solution to privoxy mucking up google searches in chrome and other privoxy / chrome problems?19:06
orsonbullgard: since i never used that, i cannot answer it. but google needed about 0.1 sec to give http://debianadmin.com/ssh-key-authentication-using-seahorse-gui-html19:06
`mOOse`sunshinepants use polipo?19:07
=== Anonym is now known as Riotta
sunshinepants`mOOse`: sweet i got a response. i'l lcheck that out19:07
The_ManU_21is osd-notify also available for other linux distributions?19:08
robinking623hello everyone19:08
robinking623i have an old laptop, and i try to install xubuntu910 on it. with the "acpi=off noapic" i have already installed the system, but after reboot i can not start it. the whole screen is black, but i can start my deskop with "acpi=off noapic single" in recoverymode. what should i do now19:09
robinking623btw, the laptop has celeron 2GHz with 512mb and intel 815 chipset19:09
orsonrobinking623: try booting with "nomodeset"19:10
robinking623orson: ok. i will try now19:10
Stargazewhat do acpi and apic do?19:10
robinking623Stargaze: google them19:11
Stargazewas already googling, robinking623 :)19:12
robinking623Stargaze: btw. is the stargate universe still by the Season1 E10?19:13
GeekSquid!offtopic | robinking623 SGU is on hiatus19:13
ubotturobinking623 SGU is on hiatus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:13
Stargazemy nick has nothing to do with stargate, robinking623 :)19:13
robinking623Stargaze: oh, sorry. my mistake19:14
robinking623orson: it doesnot work19:14
robinking623orson: but the old laptop works with ubuntu804, i think it should be something not well with the kernel19:15
orsonrobinking623: was just an idea, because i had similar trouble with my i915 laptop. no idea then19:16
Stargazerobinking623: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_install_Ubuntu_with_no_ACPI19:16
robinking623orson: thx19:16
hamedkasi az iran hast??19:17
robinking623Stargaze: thx, i have already tried, it doesnot work19:17
Stargazedamn ubuntu :pp19:17
* KB1JWQ pokes ubottu 19:17
=== carlos is now known as Guest51913
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:18
mido_how to to let rm command move the removed file to a certain directory ?19:18
mido_how to to let rm command moves the removed file to a certain directory ?19:18
orsonmido_: you cannot, use mv19:18
=== wtd_ is now known as wtd
Stargazethis acpi fascinates me, brb19:19
mido_orson,  I know this ,, but I wanna improve rm command for me19:19
frostburnhas anyone ever gotten webex to work in ubuntu 64bit?19:19
ZeoHi room19:19
Zeoneed help with tor or another proxy19:19
orsonmido_: rm == remove, what you want is a wrapper around "mv"19:20
ZeoI set up tor just like they said on the site but I could not connect to IRC with it and my connection was hell slow19:20
robinking623Zeo: jap19:20
mido_how to prevent some users from using rm command ?19:20
`mOOse` Zeo - the slow is a characteristic of tor19:20
frostburnmido_, orson what's the context?19:20
Zeowhere can I get a regular proxy then?19:20
frostburnmido_, remove their permission to execute it and change the ownership of rm19:21
frostburner the filesystem19:21
ZeoI just need for anonymity19:21
=== arleslie|away is now known as arleslie
`mOOse`what proxy did you set it up with? privoxy or polipo?19:21
MaletorDoes anybody here know anything about MIPS?19:21
goldensundoes anyone know how can I install a virtual CD drive in ubuntu?19:21
mido_frostburn, how to do this ?19:21
`mOOse`Zeo many ircs block tor because people misuse it19:22
blakkheimgoldensun: man mount19:22
goldensunI don't only mean mounting an iso, but having a virtual cd drive which appears in /dev/19:22
frostburnmido_, it's fairly involved and you need to know how to manage user and group permissions19:22
mido_frostburn,  thnx19:22
ZeoI could stick with web proxies but its quite an effort19:22
pfifoI have 2 questions. In 8.04.03, I could plug my HP Officejet G55 into my USB port and it would "Just Work" and couls easilly print documents. However, I recently did a fresh reinstall of 9.10 and now my printer dose not print, It shows in the dialouges and even starts a print job, and then says "completed" but my printer sits there like a rock. So my first question is "How much of a 'campaign contribution' did canoical receive from canon to mak19:22
pfifoe them agree to remove support for HP products" and will the official slogan be changed to "Ubuntu: It Just Works (unless HP make it)"19:22
orsonmido_: you will have to remove all apps which have a "delete" option too19:22
`mOOse`Zeo - for irc try mibbit.com19:22
frostburnmido_, in short you'll want to make /usr/bin readable only to your rmgroup  then add users to the rmgroup19:22
Gansekipy unload pretome.py19:23
=== jon is now known as Guest42638
niko-mojoHi room, I'm trying to get my Gnome terminal to beep on Ubuntu 9.04 using the echo -e '\a' command but not a sound. Any idea ?19:23
`mOOse`robinking623 - what is Jap?19:23
Zeois mibbit an irc server or what `mOOse` ?19:23
KB1JWQ!mibbit | Zeo19:23
ubottuZeo: freenode no longer supports connections from mibbit. See http://blog.freenode.net/?p=254 for more details. freenode help in #freenode19:23
`mOOse`Zeo it's a java-based web irc client19:23
connectcI have installed ubuntu on x64 vista raid0 on a separate partition now neither will boot, I see the windows is still in tact... I have tried bootrec.exe /* and it does not work...how do I recover19:24
Zeookay cool19:24
`mOOse`Zeo - it's not anonymous though19:24
goldensunno body know how to do that? :(19:24
=== zoolook is now known as zoolook-work
Zeodoes irc need to be anonymous?19:24
robinking623`mOOse`: google it19:24
Myrttiniko-mojo: by default the pc speaker module is blacklisted19:24
`mOOse`robinking623 haha - I did - lots of japanese refs19:25
Sensivagoldensun http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdemu/19:25
boondoklifepfifo: I have a HP c4795 and it works great. even got it working over wifi.19:25
SensivaUnfortunately its not in Ubuntu repos19:25
niko-mojoMyrtti: is that different to the speaker that can play music ?19:25
Zeowell anyway I think I know in which direction I should move19:25
robinking623`mOOse`: http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de19:25
goldensunthanks :-)19:25
Zeothanx for all the help19:25
Myrttiniko-mojo: yes.19:25
robinking623`mOOse`: i hope you can read german19:25
`mOOse`thanks robinking62319:25
goldensunI'll have to compile :(, it never works :'(19:25
ZeoI'll be back if the problem persists19:25
`mOOse`I can't lol19:26
pfifoboondoklife, unfortunatly that dosxe not help my problem19:26
robinking623`mOOse`: lol19:26
connectcI have installed ubuntu on x64 vista raid0 on a separate partition now neither will boot, I see the windows is still in tact... I have tried bootrec.exe /* and it does not work...how do I recover19:26
`mOOse`robinking623 - but google can translate it really well!19:26
robinking623`mOOse`: they have english site19:26
* `mOOse` looks19:26
`mOOse`thanks robinking62319:26
Piciconnectc: If you are just trying to recover windows, then you should be asking in ##windows , if you're trying to get Ubuntu back, then you can continue asking here :)19:27
boondoklifepfifo: just making the point that they do work, I just had to set mine up using hplip if i recall correctly.19:27
robinking623`mOOse`: you re welcome19:27
gerry__pfifo: My HP works too19:27
dooglusguys, I'm having a weird issue here19:27
Sensivagoldensun nope https://launchpad.net/~cdemu/+archive/ppa19:27
Trinity33_hi is there some way to configure launcher in 9.10? im talking about right click on desktop create launcher. is there any config file or something?19:27
bullgardorson: Your article is dated December 2007 and does not reflect the usage in Ubuntu Karmic.19:27
goldensunoh thanks Sensiva :D19:27
TimothyAwhen i add an line to the crontab, will it run the command until it's finished? or will it just run it for 1 minute?19:27
dooglusI installed ubuntu 9.10 on a laptop a couple of days ago.  it's been ok, but this morning when I booted it, the clock is off the right of the screen and my mouse cursor is invisible19:27
aruntomarhow to start ubuntu in text mode, should i stop gdm or should i start in the runlevel 1 ?19:28
dooglusI can still use the mouse, but can't see where I'm pointing19:28
guntbert!enter | dooglus19:28
ubottudooglus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:28
niko-mojoMyrtti: how can I enable it ... googling also19:28
dooglusguys, I'm having a weird issue here; I installed ubuntu 9.10 on a laptop a couple of days ago.  it's been ok, but this morning when I booted it, the clock is off the right of the screen and my mouse cursor is invisible; I can still use the mouse, but can't see where I'm pointing; help?19:28
dooglusguntbert: thanks19:28
Piciaruntomar: Do you want to stop gdm from running permanently at boot?19:28
Trinity33_hi is there some way to configure launcher in 9.10? im talking about right click on desktop create launcher. is there any config file or something?19:28
Bytemuncherhows irc work?19:28
pfifogerry__, yes thats why I made my mom throw out her Lexmark x75 when I forced her to switch to linux. cause everyone raved about how HP products are so great in linux. But now, with this problem, i realize there all full of crap.19:28
PiciTrinity33_: There should be a .desktop file that is created in your ~/Desktop19:29
captaincHow can I set permissions on a directory being served by apache so that my user can read/write to it?19:29
gerry__pfifo: nobody cares19:29
bullgardBytemuncher: This is explained in a RFC.19:29
pfifo!offtopic | gerry__19:29
ubottugerry__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:29
Sensivagoldensun that doesn't mean you don't need to read its docu more carefully :D19:29
aruntomarPici: yes19:29
jkjkljklhello guys, i cannot find libapache2-mod-security2 in my ubuntu19:30
jkjkljklsomeoen could help me otu19:30
Piciaruntomar: then run sudo update-rc.d gdm remove19:30
dooglusalso, it says 'laptop' in a green box in the top left corner.  I never saw that before19:30
gerry__pfifo right back at ya19:30
goldensuntoo late Sensiva :p19:30
xanguajkjkljkl: i see it on my repositories19:30
timyeungBytemuncher, type in /join and then the room19:30
Stargazejkjkljkl: try http://packages.ubuntu.com/19:30
Trinity33_<Pici> u talking about hiden files right?19:30
Sensivagoldensun always read docus , please :d19:31
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PiciTrinity33_: I don't remember if the file is a dotfile, I don't have a graphical system here for me to test on.19:31
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jkjkljklStargaze: i cannot find it eather in that rul19:31
Elijah1Hi guys, is it possible to run a "Portable Pidgin" for Linux? I want to have it sync to all my different computers through Dropbox. I do it with a windows version but am migrating to Linux and want to have it share the same logs.19:32
niko-mojofound it19:32
niko-mojosudo modprobe pcspkr19:32
aruntomarPici: thanx, in other linux distros, we have runlevel 3 and runlevel 5 etc19:32
goldensunI don't even know where to find it Sensiva :(19:32
Piciaruntomar: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal.19:33
frostburnElijah1, yes, but migrating logs is a pain19:33
Elijah1frostburn: How would I go about the portable part of it?19:33
Sensivagoldensun http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/19:33
aruntomarPici: i read ubuntu starts by default in runlevel 219:33
frostburnElijah1, basically all you need to do is make a symlink from .purple to your dropbox folder19:33
muri_oneis there some way for me to disable desktop effects from the commandline?19:33
imthenachomanhey guys...19:33
aruntomarPici: ok, i'll disable the gdm19:33
muri_onesome kind of gconf setting maybe?19:34
xanguamuri_one: metacuty --replace19:34
Piciaruntomar: Yes, but switching to runlevel3 isn't going to change anything.  We use upstart to control services19:34
Elijah1frostburn: But would that sync all my settings too?19:34
frostburnElijah1, check out this article http://lifehacker.com/5358983/use-dropbox-for-more-than-just-file-syncing19:34
frostburnyes it des19:34
Maletorwhy does firefox just crumble compared to google chrome in ubuntu 64bit19:34
Lord-Readmananyone in here an ubuntu member?19:34
muri_onexangua: thank you sir. metacity --replace did the trick19:34
Maletorfirefox just can't handle 64-bit flash at all19:34
frostburnMaletor, define crumble19:34
Elijah1Say I have Ubuntu laptop and Ubuntu tower, I want Dropbox to sync them so they are using the same identical Pidgin, settings and all.19:34
Maletorfrostburn, very poor performance19:34
frostburnElijah1, yep i used to do that, but stopped because of log sizes on my netbook19:35
Maletoradobe is still diong beta for 64 bit19:35
Maletorit's kind of pathetic about that company19:35
frostburnMaletor, because flash for 64bit is not mature19:35
Maletorthey can't even get on teh iphone19:35
Elijah1frostburn: Wow, you must have some large logs19:35
frostburnElijah1, several gb19:35
xanguaElijah1: there is a way to make pidgin use the directory yo utell it to use to load preferences19:35
Elijah1frostburn: Yikes!19:35
xanguaElijah1: better ask in #pidgin ;)19:35
Trinity33_<Pici> there if no config file somewhere ? what happen i want to create launcher so make script with command after that create launcher so open it chose terminall and command with link to the script so what happen when i click on launcher the app start in terminal and in 1sec it closes so there must be some option like in interpid "dont close terminal"over here in 9.10 i cant find that option so im looking for some config file responsible for that lau19:35
cellofellowElijah1: move ~/.pidgin to ~/Dropbox, then symlink it back to ~. (mv ~/.pidgin ~/Dropbox; ln -s ~/Dropbox/.pidgin ~/.pidgin)19:35
frostburnMaletor, apple doesn't allow flash on the iphone not an adobe issue, but that is OT19:35
Maletori don't know i guess i'm just hopeful that firefox and flash can live in harmony....19:35
Elijah1#pidgin won't let me in right now since I am not identifie19:35
blakkheimElijah1: then identify19:36
cellofellowElijah1: then you can symlink ~/Dropbox/.pidgin to ~/.pidgin on your other box.19:36
Elijah1blakkheim: I don't know how19:36
blakkheim!register | Elijah119:36
ubottuElijah1: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:36
frostburnElijah1, read that article i linked you on lifehacker19:36
Elijah1cellofellow: So, my main question is then. By nature are linux programs portable already?19:36
Lord-Readmananyone in here an ubuntu member?19:37
infidmy sound card is recognized by ubuntu 9.10 but i havent ever been able to hear sound on it. it's an older pci card. i can get sound working fine on my laptop though. I tried turning up alsamixer's master volume but still no go. what else can i do?19:37
guntbertElijah1: portable in what way?19:37
mido_how to let a User use   just a specific command ?19:37
guntbert!ot | Lord-Readman19:37
ubottuLord-Readman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:37
Haffeinfid: Unmute appropriate channels?19:37
infidhaffe i tried that19:37
frostburnElijah1, yes they are in regards to a /home directory can usually be used by any other linux distro without too much issue19:37
cellofellowElijah1: not necessarily. Some put there settings in gconf which isn't really "portable" from one system to another. Ubuntu seems to be promoting CouchDB which will allow data to be easily replicated between machines directly or via Ubuntu One.19:38
Elijah1guntbert: Meaning, I could run it off a flash drive if I just copied its folder? Windows programs are not like that, usually.19:38
orsonElijah1: if they were statically linked, yes19:38
niko-mojoThis doesn;t seem to get my internal speaker working ... hmm sudo modprobe pcspkr19:38
guntbertElijah1: neither are most linux apps - they use shared libraries and if those are missing ....19:38
frostburnElijah1, yes that would work, although you'd need to specify where to read the settings from when starting pidgin -cCONF_DIR19:38
Grey_LokiHi, I can't log in to MSN messenger using any client - Empathy, centerim, finch, the web messenger client in firefox, etc. HOw can I go about debugging this?19:39
Elijah1guntbert: But all the settings are stored in the portable part, correct?19:39
marek_hey guys. how do i install looking glass on karmic? tried to use the internet tutorials but when i run update, the source gives an error19:39
guntbertElijah1: yes, all settings are stored in a directory in your home directory19:39
Elijah1I think I get it now, thanks everyone, I am off to read that article19:39
frostburnGrey_Loki, try pidgin? what are the errors you're seeing?19:39
niko-mojoecho -e '\a'  no beep at all19:40
frostburnniko-mojo, the system bell module is disabled by default19:40
Jordan_Uniko-mojo, At a console tty or an xterm / gnome-terminal?19:41
knxvilleWhen I try to load Update Manager I get an error with NO_PUBKEY..19:41
niko-mojoJordan_U gnome19:41
Jordan_Uniko-mojo, Do alert sounds from other applications play?19:41
Grey_Lokifrostburn: one sec while I install it, though i've not experienced any errors with any client - they all just fail to connect19:42
niko-mojoJordun_U getting an alert every time you reply to me19:42
robinking623orson: thx i have got the solution19:42
Jordan_Uniko-mojo, Ubuntu 9.10?19:42
robinking623orson: just delete "quiet splash"19:43
niko-mojoJordan_U 9.04 , tried this also to load the module sudo modprobe pcspkr19:43
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robinking623someone has the experience with pcmcia-to-usb2.0 card?19:43
orsonrobinking623: ah, i thin removing only "splash" would do it too19:44
robinking623orson: but i can not use my pcmcia card19:44
Jordan_Uniko-mojo, Does your computer have a hardware beep? Many computers don't ( in 9.10 the hardware beep is disabled but gnome-terminal uses the system alert sound instead )19:44
Jordan_Uniko-mojo, So in 9.04, IIRC, if you don't have a hardware beep you won't hear anything from echo -e '\a'19:45
serverduckHey I have a t4300 intel processor, I think it's 64 bit. If I install ubuntu 64 bit version will 32 bit aplications work fine? Is the 64 version of ubuntu stable? Advantages of installing 64 bit versions? Or should I get the 32? Thanks!19:45
Grey_Lokifrostburn: pidgin tells me that my connection was refused19:45
niko-mojoJordan_U how can I tell if I have a hardware beep ?19:45
Jordan_Uniko-mojo, One way you can test if you have hardware beep is by installing the "beep" package and running "beep"19:45
Grey_Lokifrostburn: slight update, seems that web-messenger does work, but i'd much rather have a decent client running :D19:46
orsonrobinking623: lspci | grep -i cardbus19:46
cryptoclownhey, got a minor problem with my ubuntu netbook remix19:46
erUSULserverduck: 1) yes 2) yes 3) more adressable memory; some things are faster some are slower 4) personal choice unless you have more than 3.5 GiB of ram or so19:46
cryptoclownmy screens really dark, when it idles, it actually gets brighter19:47
Flare-Laptopserverduck: I've got the same intel processor, and it rocks on Ubuntu 64bit19:47
niko-mojoJordan_U beep made no sound19:47
serverduckI have 4 gb of ram19:47
Flare-Laptopserverduck: I've got 319:47
jeniahello everyone19:47
Elijah1frostburn: What file contains the configuration settings for Pidgin?19:47
robinking623serverduck: i have got 4gb too, and i am now using ubuntu 910 x6419:48
jeniadoes anyone has this problem: flash video player is unresponsive; you cannot scroll or change the volume or press any other button19:48
serverduckThanks for your replies.19:48
jeniausing firefox19:48
robinking623orson: got it, O2 micro, Inc.19:48
jeniaand using ubuntu 9.1019:48
erUSULjenia: known bug. search in launchpad and you wil se several reports19:48
Jordan_Uniko-mojo, Is this a laptop?19:48
jeniathanks erusul19:48
niko-mojoJordan_U yes19:48
jkjkljklhello i deleted by mistake all my /etc/apache/ files19:49
jkjkljklhwo can i restoer it..19:49
jkjkljklor reconfigure it19:49
jkjkljklall  /etc/apache2/*19:49
guntbert!enter | jkjkljkl19:50
ubottujkjkljkl: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:50
robinking623orson: but it doesnot work19:50
timyeungjkjkljkl, try using your ubuntu live disk?19:50
major_redhatwhats the difference between the open-source ATI drivers and the restricted ATI drivers (in terms of compatibility and performance)19:50
Jordan_Uniko-mojo, Laptops generally don't have hardware beep. I don't know off hand how you can configure 9.04 to act like 9.10 and use the system alert sound instead.19:50
robinking623orson: really weird19:50
jkjkljkltimyeung: yes my mistake19:50
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theom3gahi, I'm having problems using boost::regex under Ubuntu. I'm trying to compile but all I get are errors19:50
orsonrobinking623: being listed by lspci  just means, your pci-ids are uptodate19:51
orsonrobinking623: take whole lspci line and feed google, should bring some results19:51
robinking623orson: yes and the kernel knows it19:51
niko-mojoJordan_U - so its a system alert that I'm trying to call ... thought this would the easy part19:51
robinking623orson: ok, i will do that19:51
Myrttitheom3ga: regular expression library for C++?19:51
frostburnGrey_Loki, check with #pidgin with your error message19:52
orsonrobinking623: the kernel just reads a table pci-id -> name, that has nothing to do with drivers etc19:52
holisterI'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication and i need to go back to the configure screen, but dpkg-reconfigure libpam-ldap does nothing...what can i do?19:52
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mido_how to let  a specific user use a just a certain commands???19:52
theom3gaMyrtti, yep. Whenever I try to compile, it gives me an error saying undefined reference. It happens on all my ubuntu machines19:52
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Myrttitheom3ga: and the version of that lib that is installable from package management won't do?19:53
jkjkljklHello is there a way to restore all my apache2 file after doing a rm -fr * by mistake. Thanks you!!19:53
orsonjkjkljkl: use your backup19:53
erUSULjkjkljkl: purge reinstall all apache related packages? restore from backup if any ?19:53
theom3gaMyrtti, yes it is. I've installed it using sudo apt-get install libboost1.40-all-dev19:54
mido_how to let  a specific user use a just a certain commands???19:54
chiiiiizHI!! I need help with a sound problem19:54
chiiiiizI have disabled the onboard sound card, and have my M-Audio 1010LT as main sound card...19:55
erUSULmido_: admin tools?  ---> man sudoers19:55
Grey_LokiSorry frostburn - if you said anything after I mentioned my slight update, I missed it19:55
orsonmido_: read about restricted shells19:55
chiiiiizPulse audio is showing that my apps are sending sound... but nothing goes out of my loudspeakers...19:55
chiiiiizHow can I say "send the PCM to the sound card"?19:55
frostburnGrey_Loki, check with #pidgin with your error message19:56
frostburnGrey_Loki, are you at work? do they block that port?19:56
robinking623orson: that it the name of pcmcia card controller not the card19:56
BluesKajchiiiiiz, in the terminal ,  speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav19:56
orsonrobinking623: sure19:56
robinking623orson: that means, the kernel doesnot recognize the card19:56
Grey_Lokifrostburn: at home, ports are forwarded, though fwiw (should've mentioned this earlier, sorry) I can't sign on with anything but the official client in Windows19:57
orsonrobinking623: what kind of card19:57
ubyserverAnyone know of a application for ubuntu that is supported, unlinke webmin?19:57
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:57
frostburnGrey_Loki, wait, so you have your firewall redirect all msn traffic to your windows box?19:57
robinking623orson: pcmcia-to-usb2.019:57
blakkheimgui for a server.. lol19:57
ubyserverYea but can ebox handle domain names?19:57
chiiiiizBluesKaj: thansks.  Does not work.... -16: peripheral or ressource busy19:57
ubyserverSetup vhosts?19:57
orsonrobinking623: does "lsusb" show anything about it?19:58
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robinking623orson: no19:58
BluesKajchiiiiiz, make sure your ctrls are all turned up and unmuted in alsamixer19:58
FirstSgtAnyone know of a bash-type-vnc... ?19:58
FirstSgtcollaboration via the shell?19:58
Grey_Lokifrostburn: my windows box is my ubuntu box, and no, not by default - tried it for testing, and it didn't seem to make any difference19:58
orsonrobinking623: watch "tailf /var/log/dmesg" while you attach the card19:59
PiciFirstSgt: Use ssh + screen, but don't use the -d switches that force the current connect to disconnect.19:59
FirstSgtor is there a collaboritive file editor like vim?  where multiple ppl can edit the same doc?19:59
FirstSgtPici: yes, we use screen19:59
nullp0interi am trying to connect to a windows share on Hardy, but it isnt working...the shared folder is at D:\NETWORK_SHARE on the windows machine20:00
FirstSgtPici: I have 8 users with screens open20:00
robinking623orson: nothing20:00
cellofellowcollaborative editor, try Gobby.20:00
robinking623orson: but it works under ubuntu 80420:00
FirstSgtPici: difficult to attach as /dev/pts/#/session is protected from other users attaching, even in chmodding (if you use se-linux)20:00
frostburnGrey_Loki, the next troublshooting step would be to install tcpdump and investigate why the packets aren't reaching where they are supposed to20:01
PiciFirstSgt: Ah.  I've never tried to use it with other users. Hrm.20:01
orsonrobinking623: could be controller or card not working, do you have an other card to test? if no dmesg-output at all, i would check controller-driver first20:01
mjsoranyone know how to remap keys in gnome-terminal to make F1 stop pulling up help?  I'm having no luck digging through the terminal preferences or the general gnome prefs.  I'm using Karmic.20:01
robinking623orson: i have still this laptop, wait20:02
Grey_Lokifrostburn: righto, gimme a few mins to install and look for howtos or peruse man pages, etc20:02
histoI need to copy files from a windows drive to a folder on another drive for backup purposes. Should I use dd?20:02
crawlerGrey_Loki: it's possible microsoft updated/changed their server/protocol to exclude people using anything but the official client...better to ask in #pidgin before driving yourself nuts :-)20:02
robinking623orson: it works here20:02
robinking623orson: really good........20:03
nullp0interanyone know about my windows share question?20:03
crawlerGrey_Loki: at least that way you can see if anyone else is having your problem.  just my 2 cents anyway20:03
frostburnGrey_Loki, wireshark might be a little easier that tcpdump it's basically a gui to libpcap20:03
erUSULhisto: no; dd is not for copying files20:04
PiciFirstSgt: gobby is the only collaborative editor that I know of.  I don't know of any cli tools that can connect to it though.20:04
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serverduckOhh and another thing. If I download a copy of ubuntu on my windows machine(probably infected) when I will install ubuntu, will the viruses be there too?20:04
histoerUSUL: I understand its a bit by bit copy but I just want to make sure everything is there.20:04
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histoerUSUL: I need a solution to use that way the person can browse the files copied and pull what they want.20:04
Grey_Lokifrostburn: just did a quick ping - messenger.hotmail.com isn't responding (IP is, and that doesn't respond to ping either)20:04
erUSULhisto: dd copies only *one* file20:04
chiiiiizBluesKaj: checked, no change20:04
nibblerserverduck, 99.999% no20:04
serverducknibbler:  thank you20:05
erUSULhisto: use rsync; tar; cp or something like that20:05
histoerUSUL: You mean it makes an image.20:05
erUSUL!backup | histo20:05
ubottuhisto: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:05
frostburnGrey_Loki, try mtr messenger.hotmail.com20:05
dwarderhow can i have usb live ubuntu20:06
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erUSULhisto: it is the same copy this file /dev/sda to this one disk.img  byte by byte. the fact that the first file reperesents a whole disk is only accidental20:06
xangua!usb | dwarder20:06
ubottudwarder: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:06
dwarderxangua: not installing20:06
dwarderrun from20:06
histoerUSUL: yeah they would have to mount the image to browse the files that wont work. I'll use rsync20:06
xanguadwarder: have you tried usb start disk creator in ubuntu¿20:07
dwarderxangua: i'm on windows20:07
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mohadibhow can i set up gnome so if i click on foo.mesh text file it open in my application?20:08
malifalhello! :)20:08
Grey_Lokifrostburn: a few IPs in the list seem to be losing packets, the main one is Want a pastebin of the output?20:08
Stargazedwarder: look for FUSBI, free USB installer20:09
erUSULmohadib: right click on the file choose properties go to the "open with" tab20:09
Sheepherdif i want a ubuntu folder accessible on windows i can just use folder sharing?20:10
mohadiberUSUL: i was hoping for a progrmatic way20:10
acovrigI have user1 running on display :0.0, I am sshing, can I move/control :0.0 from 10.0?20:10
acovrigI tried VNC, but that doesn't work all to well (forwading issues)20:10
cjohnstonCan an Ubuntu and a Kubuntu install use the same swap partition?20:10
erUSULmohadib: i'm sure there is one but this is a users help channel not a developers one ;)20:10
erUSULcjohnston: yes20:10
malifali have a grub question20:10
histo!ask | malifal20:11
ubottumalifal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:11
Stargazeyes cjohnston20:11
csna152hey has anyone had any success with setting up vnc with the correct key mapping? I tried whats all over google adding the export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1 but that doesn't work for the "x" key20:11
crawler!howdy | yaaar20:11
ubottuyaaar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:11
C-S-Banyone else have the trouble that the network manager tray icon doesnt show correctly?20:11
cjohnstonerUSUL: nothing special I have to do for it? just specify the same one in each?20:11
Stargazein Ubuntu, type apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:11
frostburnGrey_Loki, nah thats ok, not all hops will respond to ping, i'm really not familiar on how msn handshakes, the folks in #pidgin or other places would know the protocol better than i20:11
histocsna152: the "x" key?20:11
erUSULcjohnston: right nothing special20:11
csna152yeah the x key20:11
cjohnstonerUSUL Stargaze thanks20:11
Grey_Lokifrostburn: righto, i'll move on over and bother them for a bit - thanks for pointing me in the right direction (and introducing me to mtr - seems to be a rather handy tool! :D)20:12
Pinky__i need help, just installed ubuntu 9.10 to an old laptop (http://support.packardbell.com/uk/item/index.php?pn=PB42B00901&t=2007) and cannot get the atheros wireless card to work at all. I installed a madwifi driver but the card still isn't showing up at all20:12
histocsna152: that should work all keys on the keyboad should20:12
Pinky__any ideas?20:12
malifali installed centos and i already have ubuntu, but the ubuntu grub.cfg isn't seeing the centos installation20:12
cjohnstonerUSUL: can they also use the same /home?20:12
nullkuhlHello all, problem with karmic koala and grub http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/J0u017v8 plz advice ..20:12
histoPinky__: atheros cards shoudl work out of the box20:12
StargazePinky__: is it an external wifi?20:12
malifalplease see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386512/  and http://paste.ubuntu.com/386513/ after the update20:12
Pinky__no its internal20:12
erUSULcjohnston: yes, in that case i would use a different username but i guess that you could even use the same one with some care20:12
domjohnsonI have a problem with video playback. I just imported a video file with a .MOD file extension and changed the extension to .MPG, and when it plays back, it's just really jumpy, and stops playing after 5 seconds. Does anyone know what i can do to prevent this? I need to edit the video fairly soon.20:13
cjohnstonerUSUL: I'd like to be able to share files across each.. Is that not recommended then?20:13
hiexpoPinky__, what atheros card is it20:13
histomalifal: what are you trying to do?20:13
csna152I have a standard english keyboard and for some reason when ever i try to type something that has an 'x' in it it closes the command prompt. Its more annoying then anything20:13
mordocaiHello. I just upgraded to 9.10 and had to follow this guide http://danilogurovich.wordpress.com/2009/10/17/ubuntu-karmic-koala-9-10-beta-buggy-touchpad-behavior/ in order to get my touchpad to work. However, the scroll functionality is not working. Any idea how to fix it and keep the scroll functionality? I am using a toshiba satellite.20:13
erUSULcjohnston: what is not recomended ?20:13
malifalhisto, i'm trying to boot centos20:13
Pinky__its : Atheros 5BMB5 Wireless network adapter driver20:13
histomalifal: nvm I see you are just trying to run grub-update right?20:14
hiexpoPinky__, did you iwconfig20:14
cjohnstonerUSUL: sharing a /home... You said a different user name, or the same one with some care.. If I want to be able to access my files on Ubuntu and Kubuntu... What would be the best way?20:14
histomalifal: I mean update-grub right?20:14
Pinky__nope, im completely new to linux so bare with me20:14
serverduckmordocai:  One thing I've learned is that Ubuntu isn't a distribution for upgrade....install a fresh copy of it and do not upgrade, because everything will screw up.20:14
dwarderStargaze: it will install ubuntu on usb, and will start ubuntu from usb flash drive?20:14
Stargazeyes dwarder20:15
erUSULcjohnston: use the same home i say it is possible20:15
hiexpoPinky__, ok in a terminal type ifconfig20:15
malifalhisto, the /boot for centos is at /dev/sda3 and / is at /dev/sda7 but update-grub only saw /dev/sda7, and didn't write it in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file20:15
Stargazei use it a lot to test distros20:15
visofcan i recover something i deleted it by rm -r folder ??20:15
nibblerserverduck, thats not completely true, but some things might beak anyway....20:15
cjohnstonerUSUL: will it cause issues if I use the same suer name for each?20:15
hiexpoPinky__, ok what does it see20:15
erUSUL!undelete | visof20:15
histomalifal: I would update grub from centos then if youw ant that to handle the /boot20:15
ubottuvisof: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel20:15
mordocaiserverduck: Oh, okay. I'll try that, thanks!20:15
erUSULcjohnston: it shouldn't20:15
cjohnstonok.. thanks erUSUL20:16
malifalhisto, i can't boot centos at all, grub isn't seeing it20:16
hiexpoPinky__, is there a wlan020:16
serverducknibbler:  I had an older version and upgraded to 9,10. Man nothing worked, hahaha, it was so funny. No wireless, no sound, no video and when I installed a fresh copy it was back to normal.20:16
histomalifal: mount it and chroot to it then you can update from there20:16
malifalhisto, besides grub for centos is on /dev/sda3 and not the mbr20:16
histomalifal: what /boot do you want to use? ubuntus or centos?20:16
Pinky__no it just says no wireless extensions20:16
malifalhisto, both, for now i'd like to boot centos, as i'm saying i just installed it20:17
hiexpoPinky__, ok one minute20:17
histomalifal: ahh did centos install grub?20:17
=== dreamy_ is now known as _dreamy
marek_hey guys. how do i install looking glass on karmic? tried to use the internet tutorials but when i run update, the repository gives an error20:17
malifalhisto, yes but i didn't let it overwrite ubuntu grub which is on the /dev/sda mbr20:18
angelohey i need help making a livecd of karmic koala, i've downloaded it multiple times and installed it using a range of different media and there are always errors on the files20:18
Stargazemarek i tried it too and it didn't work20:18
malifalhisto, it's on /dev/sda320:18
dwarderStargaze: damn, it rewrites my boot sector?20:18
histomalifal: okay well it looks like update-grub worked then I don't understand the problem that maybe.20:18
dwarderhow can i return it?20:18
guntbert!md5sum | angelo did you check?20:18
ubottuangelo did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:18
dwarderdang ...20:18
marek_oh...thank you20:18
histomalifal: Found CentOS release 5.4 (Final) on /dev/sda720:18
angeloi'm running ffeisty fawn on a distro cd i bought with a linux magazine20:19
histomalifal: it should be in your grub menu now20:19
malifalhisto, yes update-grub reported that it detected centos, but it didn't write the grub.cfg file correctly see http://paste.ubuntu.com/386513/20:19
malifalhisto, centos is not there, maybe a bug in grub20:19
toaderhi, do anybody recommend software used to edit pdf file in linux? thanks20:20
histomalifal: thats wierd you can add it yourself though.20:20
erUSULtoader: pdfedit20:20
Stargazetoader: http://lxer.com/module/newswire/ext_link.php?rid=13246520:20
toadererUSUL: ok, is it used under linux?20:20
erUSUL!info pdfedit20:20
ubottupdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-1 (karmic), package size 2049 kB, installed size 6976 kB20:21
malifalhisto, what do it type?20:21
malifalhisto, what do *i* type?20:21
warddrhello, I cannot adjust the background light with ubuntu, does anyone know how to fix that?20:21
hiexpoPinky__, i havelooked around and i can not find anything on that atheros card and ubuntu i amsorry i can't help you but maybe someone else here can20:21
QarlSorry, how to can connect to IRC on Spanish language of Ubuntu??20:21
guntbert!es | Qarl20:21
ubottuQarl: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:21
Stargazewarddr: in config editor, search for brightness applet20:21
QarlThan you very much!!20:22
histomalifal: i'm trying to figure out why update-grub didn't write to grub.cfg did it spit out an error?20:22
warddrStargaze, and where do I find the config editor?20:22
Pinky__thanks anyways20:22
=== Nolan is now known as Nolan2
Stargazealt-F2 > config-editor20:23
guntbertQarl: :)20:23
mjs7231Hey guys, just curious.. howcan I auto-add my SSH keys at login.. or make sure they are always added?20:23
mjs7231can I add them to keyring somehow?20:23
histomalifal: do you have the howmany option set in /etc/defaults/grub ?20:23
malifalhisto, no errors just done, and return code 020:23
Gnosizis there an ubuntu netbook chan20:23
Nolan2I installed ubuntu yesterday, and my GRUB Won't boot into windows :/ It boots into Ubuntu fine, just not windows.20:23
Stargazesorry, it's gconf-editor20:23
Nolan2Any ideas on how to fix?20:23
histomalifal: maybe its limitting the amount of kernels it lists in grub.cfg20:24
chiiiiizBluesKaj: I have solved a part of my problem... one part stays... one usqer has sound, the other has not, given that the problem I have solved is located in the conf file of the soundcard... that is not in the home...20:24
abandonedrealmssomething like sudo grub;grub-update?20:24
malifalhisto, http://paste.ubuntu.com/386525/20:25
histomalifal: malifal grub 2 i'm assuming right20:25
malifalhisto, i don't think so, i had ubuntu installed on that partition and grub was fine with it, i replaced it with centos20:25
warddrStargaze, warddr@warddr-laptop:~/kernel/linux-2.6$ config-editor20:25
warddrconfig-editor: command not found20:25
malifalhisto, so what i first had with ubuntu winxp and ubuntu20:25
Stargazewarddr: it's gconf-editor20:26
malifalhisto, now i have ubuntu winxp and centos20:26
histowhat'd you do?20:26
histomalifal: its working now20:26
malifalhisto, huh? it didn't work, i'm saying it was fine before with 2 ubuntus and 1 xp20:27
tdnI tried following this HOWTO: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upside-Down-TernetHowTo but when I test it from my other laptop, it cannot connect to any hosts via HTTP. I am guessing this must be a squid problem. My config is here: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1491.html Can you help me fix this?20:27
histoabandonedrealms: ?20:27
warddrStargaze, I don't think that will fix my problem, if I use the keys on my keyboard to do so I see the brightness-icon in the top right corner, it just doesn't work20:27
tdnThere is nothing in the logs.20:27
Stargazewarddr: right click on your task bar > add to panel > brightness applet20:28
abandonedrealmscan i join a loco team in usa if said state is near mine?20:28
histomalifal: you just said now you have ubuntu winxp and centos I thought you menat it was fixed20:28
Nolan2Anyone know what to do to get my dual boot to work?20:28
histomalifal: i'm trying to read some stuff20:29
histo!dualboot | Nolan220:29
ubottuNolan2: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:29
Gnosizcan someone please help me20:29
mjs7231Hey guys, just curious.. how can I auto-add my SSH keys at login.. or make sure they are always added?20:29
Pici!ask | Gnosiz20:29
ubottuGnosiz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:29
abandonedrealmslook up grub documentation, grub is key20:29
malifalhisto, that's what operating systems i have installed right now, but grub isn't showing centos in the boot menu, even after running update-grub and saying that it has found it installed20:29
Nolan2Yes, yes I've read that Numerous times20:29
warddrStargaze, I have the applet now, but it just doesn't work, I can scroll it up and down, but it doesn't change the brightness20:29
Picimjs7231: 'added'? To what? Can you elaborate what you're looking to do?20:30
Nolan2It lists out Ubuntu and windows, it just won't load windows -.-20:30
blakkheimNolan2: consider it a blessing20:30
GnosizI'm on ubuntu netbook remix with my netbook, and I'm trying to connect to a wireless network, but 'apply' or 'connect' or whatever it is supposed to say is off my (small) screen, and I can't click it, and 'enter' doesn't work20:30
Nolan2>.> Great support, thanks.20:30
mjs7231Pici, I have 4 ssh keys that I add everytime I reboot my machine.  I just want them to be remembered via the keyring somehow so I don't have a teedius task every morning to add them all.20:30
histomalifal: pastebin the output of sudo update-grub && cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:30
histomalifal: because its working here with multiple distros no problem. Maybe a permission error with grub.cfg but we'll see20:31
MalkavianGnosiz: alt-grab20:31
abandonedrealmsi've heard wicd 4 wireless20:32
* Nolan2 sighs20:32
histomalifal: or perhaps its using /boot/grub/grub.cfg from a different drive.20:32
MalkavianGnosiz: I have the same problem with a Mini 9 and I have to move the windows around20:32
warddrStargaze, any idea?20:32
dwarderwhere can i download easy to install usb live linux20:32
Stargazetry Ubuntu Tweak, dwarder20:32
histoGnosiz: hold alt and click on the window to mvoe it20:32
wirechiefGnosiz i  might have a fix for you.20:33
=== Guest86137 is now known as ldlework_
malifalhisto, http://paste.ubuntu.com/386532/20:33
Picimjs7231: Do you mean that you put the passwords in every morning, or are you importing the files themselves every morning?20:33
spetsialistwhy has Linux so many problems?20:33
elijahWhat is the keyboard shortcut to open the file explorer? (Windows it was windows key + E)20:33
histomalifal: are you sure its not using /boot from a different partition?20:34
=== Traveler is now known as x-calibur
elijahspetsialist: Why does Windows have so many problems?20:34
karpusis there an easy and safe way of sharing files over the internet? I need to let my friend copy about 60 gb of material from me, and he's running windows while I'm running ubuntu 9.10 x6420:34
Stargazewhy is life unfair?20:34
malifalhisto, yes i'm sure20:34
duffydackGnosiz, i use compiz and move window plugin20:34
Stargazedoes god exist?20:34
x-caliburhi, im looking for someone who can help me on an authentication issue with svnserve20:34
malifalhisto, i've done this before, but never with the new grub20:34
acovrigelijah, any shortcut you want lol Settings/Preferences/Keyboad Shortcuts20:34
mjs7231Pici, Every morning I need to run ssh-add ~/.ssh/key1, etc for all four keys.  Each key has a different password.20:34
Stargazedwarder: there's an option in ubuntu tweak20:34
histomalifal: what are the permissions on /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:35
elijahacovrig: So there is no default? I like to stick with defaults, so all systems are the same.20:35
abandonedrealmsis there a grub update command? maybe that would help20:35
mjs7231Pici, What Im asking is if there is a way Ican just do this once, and have some manager app remember them all, like OSX does.20:35
acovrigelijah, there should be, open it and see what it is, that should be the default20:35
malifalhisto, ubuntu /boot is on /dev/sda2, winxp is on /dev/sda1, centos boot is on /dev/sda3, ubuntu / is on /dev/sda6, centos / is on /dev/sda7, swap is /dev/sda520:35
Malkaviankarpus: ftp20:35
nynkignome jest super20:36
nynkilinux jest naj20:36
histomalifal: why do you ahve seperate boots for each one thats the issue20:36
malifalhisto, redhat old habit20:36
histomalifal: ahh have you tried restarting and checking it?20:37
malifalhisto, no it's not20:37
Lartza_Is 8.04 LTS supported?20:37
nynkiubuntu its the best20:37
histoLartza_: yes20:37
malifalhisto, yes i restarted twice20:37
histonynki: do you have a support related question?20:37
Lartza_Good, it doesnät detect my empty cd-rw :)20:37
nynkiits my first linux20:37
Lartza_I am updating brasero now from the cd version to see if that works20:37
histonynki: because there is #ubuntu-offtopic for chat20:37
manojhi any one20:38
histomalifal: thats just odd20:38
combuniohello, how to unrar many archieves at once ?20:38
Malkavianhisto: thanks for the link20:38
nynkiplise give me commands for terminal20:38
Oluunrar *.rar20:38
erUSULcombunio: many different rar archives or a multipart rar archive (r00 r01 etc)20:38
malifalhisto, i know, i think it's a grub bug, this used to work fine with the old grub20:38
guntbert!cli | nynki read that20:39
ubottunynki read that: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro20:39
Picimjs7231: If you're using gnome, I believe  you can use seahorse to remember your ssh key's passwords, otherwise you can put your ssh-add commands into your session startup and it should prompt you for the passwords automagically.20:39
x-caliburhi, im looking for someone who can help me on an authentication issue with svnserve20:39
histomalifal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#User-defined%20Entries Is were to read up on adding your own entry.20:39
Stargazenynki: go to http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/howto.html20:39
Lartza_Brasero IS up to date n my 8.04 :/20:39
combunioerUSUL: many different :)20:39
combunioerUSUL: which command can do that for me?20:39
mjs7231Pici, I think seahorse sounds like what I am looking for, thanks.20:39
erUSULcombunio: Olu give you a solution20:39
Lartza_Ubuntu doesn't detect CD I just emptied20:39
Curly_QWill a Linksys or Belkin USB 802.11g work in Master Mode for a wifi base station?20:40
combunioerUSUL: tried that already doensn't work20:40
combunioOlu: it does not work20:40
erUSULcombunio: how it fails?20:40
Lartza_I need to get it to burn to burn a newer install CD20:40
acovrigany way to control display :0.0 w/out vnc, because I just get Operation timed out: connect()20:40
histoCurly_Q: what kind of chipset is on them?20:41
greerasucan speak italian?20:41
histo!wifi | Curly_Q20:41
ubottuCurly_Q: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:41
malifalhisto, ok thanks, btw the permissions right now are -r--r--r-- 1 root root 3444 2010-03-01 22:31 /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:41
combunioerUSUL: if i type "unrar e *.rar" it says: "Extracting from name_of_first_archive" and also says: "No file to extract" and gives no effects :/20:41
erUSUL!it | greerasu20:41
ubottugreerasu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:41
phong_hello ubuntu nerds20:41
malifalhisto, does update-grub change it to rw then back to r again?20:42
histomalifal: yeah thats right perms but I have no idea how the script edits it.20:42
histomalifal: i'm thinking it would have to20:42
erUSULcombunio: are you sure the rar archives are ok? try with another one at random20:42
Nolan2Okay, so seriously, no one can help me?20:42
blakkheim!please | Nolan220:42
spetsialistIn Linux , what is the program that uses multiple network connections? if i download something then program uses two network same time to download faster?20:42
ubottuNolan2: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:42
gimbalanyone seen a comparison of the server/desktop/other releases? desktop rel would probably be best, I guess, but I'm new to the Ubuntu game, not sure what the others might have20:42
combunioerUSUL: i'm pretty sure all of them work fine20:42
gimbalthe installer CDs I mean20:42
Curly_QDon't know. One is a Belkin wireless B looks like a memory stick and the other is a Linksys USB wireless G 2.4GHz adapter.20:43
acovrigI read a dirty joke earlier, 'two people, /nick and /quit are on a boat, /nick fell off, who was left?' good luck20:43
Malkavianspetsialist: do you mean torrents?20:43
histogimbal: what is the purpose of the install?20:43
guntbertacovrig: don't post that here20:43
histogimbal: is it for a desktop or server?20:43
ayush_aggrwlin ubuntu whenever i install a pkg...it says do it from terminal by sudo dpkg...something....can anybody help me to install packages which are in a folder on my desktop20:43
x-caliburhi, im looking for someone who can help me on an authentication issue with svnserve20:44
Nolan2brb, going to try something different...20:44
blakkheimayush_aggrwl: dpkg -i ~/Desktop/*.deb20:44
gimbalhisto: to have more up-to-date packages available than with Debian sid, generally speaking. Both, really, and I really don't  need a lecture about it :) it's sort of a desktop home server gateway laboratory or grab-bag box20:44
erUSULNolan2: doens't boot into windows is not a great description of the problem20:44
histoayush_aggrwl: sudo dpkg -i <packagename>   Or you can double click them.20:44
albackerhello everyone. anybody has had problems with MICROPHONE under ubuntu? i'm using JAUNTY.20:44
gimbaler .. more up-to-date than with debian Lenny, which is what it's runnign right now20:44
spetsialistto many qestions :D:D20:44
ayush_aggrwlbut where to specify the package location20:44
erUSULcombunio: unrar fails becouse it thinks that first rar file is empty20:44
histogimbal: well server and desktop will both have the same packages the kernel is the difference20:44
gimbalhisto: ahhh, I see.20:45
Curly_QI am also on this site as well:   http://linuxwireless.org/20:45
`mOOse`hi, I had a thing, and then a thing happened, and then this other thing happened, and I don't know what happened but can you help me please?20:45
gimbalhisto:  thanks20:45
* `mOOse` runs!20:45
Nolan2Well, what other way can I put it?20:45
histogimbal: there is also backports repository if you want newer packages then are availible in the main release20:45
combunioerUSUL: so how to solve that problem if i want to unrar ALL of archieves ?20:45
Malkavianalbacker: what kind of problems?20:45
erUSULcombunio: try this « for file in *.rar; do rar x "$file" ; done20:45
gimbalhisto: awesome; much appreciated20:45
histogimbal: the alternate iso allows you to do a text based install vs. the desktop iso which is gui20:45
Nolan2It looks like it's going to load, but it just displays a blinking _20:45
acovrighow do I view display :0.0 via ssh under 9.0.4 (JAUNTY)20:45
Nolan2And does nothing.20:45
gimbalhisto: /nods heh . thanks20:45
nibblercombunio, for i in *part1.rar; do unrar e $i; done20:45
histogimbal: there are also ppa's etc... but ubuntu is ever 6 months new version avialible that will prompt you for upgrade t that new verison 10.04 is the next one coming out.20:46
combunionibbler: as i remember that was exactly that command! this time will write it down ;)20:46
OluNolan2 have you tried reinstalling ubuntu?20:46
albackerMalkavian, i can't record using the sound recorder tool and i can't skype. well if i hit the mic (internal mic, just at the side of the keyboard) very hard i can hear a lil bit.. but it's impossible to hear any voice recorded.20:46
* gimbal guesses dist-upgrade works smoother with ubuntu 20:46
ayush_aggrwlblakkheim: do i have to put sudo before that command20:46
Nolan2Yeah Olu, It does the same thing.20:46
histogimbal: yes20:46
blakkheimayush_aggrwl: yes20:46
nibblercombunio, better try to understand it, so you dont have to remember anything......20:47
histogimbal: but I just keep a seperate /home partition and reinstall some times.20:47
combunionibbler: YEAP, that's what i've been looking for, thanks a lot :D20:47
gimbalhisto: niiice. ok20:47
acovrighow do I view display :0.0 via ssh under 9.0.4 (JAUNTY)20:47
Stargazesame here histo20:47
histogimbal: i've also used the dist-upgrade in the past.20:47
Malkavianalbacker: have you tried to make louder?20:47
histoacovrig: what are you trying to do exactly?20:47
combunionibbler: i dont think i'm gonna remember that ;p too difficult :D20:47
Nolan2The Windows Boot files are still there, and the OS is too.20:47
albackerMalkavian, to make louder? what do you mean. i have shouted to the mic and i cant hear anything.. only if i really shout hard!!! but that's not a solution and the volumes are max.20:48
histo!who | Nolan220:48
ubottuNolan2: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:48
acovrighistro, view/control display :0.0 via ssh remotely (I can't forward vnc) :(20:48
combunionibbler: you saved my time, thx A LOT once again ;)20:48
combuniocya all20:48
Nolan2Sorry about that histo.20:48
Nolan2That was to Olu.20:48
Oluone way to make louder is right clicking and adjusting 'sound preferences'20:48
histoacovrig: I don't think you are going to be able to with out vnc or some other solution. You can do X forwarding but that won't be the whole session.20:48
Oluubottu is a program i think20:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:49
histoacovrig: you can run vnc over ssh20:49
ayush_aggrwldoes installing more and more packages in ubuntu makes it slow?... like installing more and more softwares in windows makes windows slow?20:49
acovrighisto, how20:49
Pici!bot | Olu :)20:49
ubottuOlu :): Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:49
mjs7231OK, so now I'm having issues with Seahorse.  When I try to import my key into Seahorse, it says its an invalid file.. but it works perfectly fine if I use ssh-add.20:49
mjs7231its an RSA PRIVATE KEY20:50
bullgard'~$ ls ~/.ssh/ ; authorized_keys  id_rsa  id_rsa.pub  known_hosts  other_keys.seahorse'.20:50
Curly_QNolan2 are you trying to remove Windows to install Linux?20:50
erUSULayush_aggrwl: no20:50
acovrighow do I encrypt my ssh connections, how do I know if they are?20:50
histoacovrig: they are20:50
Nolan2Nope Curly_Q, I'm just trying to dual boot into Windows lol.20:50
erUSULacovrig: ssh is encrypted by definition20:50
histoacovrig: trying to find the vnc over ssh tutorial for you20:50
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:51
nibbleracovrig, sniff the traffic, you wont see anthing. do the same with telnet20:51
Nolan2If I wanted to remove windows that would be easy, Curly_Q20:51
acovrighisto, tnks20:51
Curly_QNolan2 do you have two logical partitions on the Hard Drive?20:51
acovrignibbler, do u know what airsnort is?20:51
ryan_I needz halp!20:51
nibbleracovrig, sure20:51
Crimiusayush_aggrwl: are they .deb20:51
histoacovrig: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC  The port forwarding section explains it20:51
guntbertryan_: talk english please20:51
mjs7231bullgard, is that for my issue?20:51
kerebrusAnyone here good with mplayer?20:51
ryan_How can I make a bootable USB for a distro other than ubuntu, such as WindowsXP?20:51
Curly_QHave you done an fdisk/mbr on the windows portion before installing Windows?20:52
ayush_aggrwlCrimius: yes ..they are20:52
nibblerryan_, good luck :p20:52
xanguaryan_: windows xp is not a distro :S20:52
erUSULNolan2: i would try this, resotre windows bootloader. (you need a windows installcd ask in ##windows) if windows boots ok after that. reinstall grub following instructions in !grub2. hope for the best20:52
Malkavianalbacker: have you tried the Karmic live cd?20:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:52
histoacovrig: basically ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 acovrig@remote.server.address20:52
erUSULryan_: unetbootin20:52
jadakrenxangua, welll technically....20:52
Curly_Qfdisk/MBR also removes any Linux Loader.20:52
ryan_nibbler: fine, OS. You guys know what I mean -.-20:52
Nolan2Curly_Q: Nope.20:52
bullgardmjs7231: No. Please excuse me.20:52
histoacovrig: then use a vnclient and point it at localhost:5900 to view it20:52
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
Crimiusayush_aggrwl: sorry, my client wasn't scrowling, did somebody solve your issue with it already?20:53
Nolan2Okar erUSUL, I'll try that.20:53
mjs7231bullgard, lol np, its just a similar issue I suppose. :)20:53
nibblerryan_, this is ubuntu support...20:53
Stargazepeentelefoon: nederlands?20:53
Nolan2Then I'll probably use Wubi to install Ubuntu, rather than the LiveCD.20:53
Curly_QA blinking cursor just means no formatting or OS.20:53
McAwesomefor the show desktop plugin in ccsm, i don't see any option to activate20:53
ayush_aggrwlcrimus: no20:53
ryan_nibbler: it is, i'm trying to do this INSIDE of ubuntu.20:53
jadakrenNolan2, wubi only brings pain20:53
snbhi guys20:54
Stargazevl of nl?20:54
snbi have a question20:54
Nolan2Curly_Q, Idk...20:54
Nolan2jadakren, why so?20:54
erUSUL!ask  | snb20:54
ubottusnb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:54
gimbalalright maybe I can answer this on my own, but I wouldn't mind a live answer if available: If I install Ubuntu onto a disk having two partitions only (one swap, one regular filesystem) and the regular-fs part has my home dir on it, can I install Ubuntu onto that partition without wiping out Home?20:54
Stargazeryan_: windows cannot be made bootable from USB20:54
guntbert!ot | Stargaze20:54
ubottuStargaze: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:54
jadakrenMcAwesome, open the general tab of the ccsm instead20:54
erUSULgimbal: no20:55
snbhow can i add additional language in the language bar of ubuntu?20:55
gimbalerUSUL: got it; figures as much heh20:55
ryan_Stargaze: Um, yes it can. I've done it before. Just not inside Ubuntu.20:55
erUSULsnb: system>Admin>language support20:55
TLFI've lost my configure sound icon on gnome, how can I reenable it?20:55
nibblerryan_, thats about as close as having a windows-cd on a reformatted ubuntu-cd to me :)20:55
gimbaloh but if I sprinkle pixie-dust on the CD first?? (j/k heh)20:55
snbi'll give a try thanks erUSUL20:55
Oluuse gparted and make 8GB seperate first20:56
jadakrenNolan2, because the filesystem health of a wubi install relies  on the healthly defragmentation levels of a ntfs partition ... (since the wubi partition is nought but a file on a ntfs drive)20:56
Crimiusayush_aggrwl: you should be able to just dbl click it, if not then run sudo dpkg -i [package_name]20:56
jcoleis there a way to get gnome remote desktop (vino) with the java viewer? i can do it in tightvncviewer and x11vnc... perhaps there is a vino+x11vnc trick/hackaround to get the java viewer in vino?20:56
Curly_QStargaze, you can boot Windows from a USB:  http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-22_11-5928902.html20:56
ZykoticK9How long has "Connect to Server" had support for ssh?  Why didn't someone tell me about this awesome feature?  :)20:56
Nolan2I see.20:56
jcolemost windows and mac users dont have vncviewer install, but they usually have java installed20:56
Nolan2well, I'm going to try what you said erUSUL20:56
gimbalZykoticK9: because it got lost among the gogoplex other new features available among all open source apps? :)20:57
McAwesomejadakren, ah, i see, thanks20:57
erUSULNolan2: good luck20:57
histojcole: well the java viewer should work with vino20:57
jadakrenMcAwesome, compizconfig-settings-manager > general > [key bindings] \/ Show Desktop << is this option set to a key binding ?20:57
histojcole: i thought vino was just another vnc server20:57
TLFI've lost my configure sound icon on gnome, how can I reenable it?20:57
Nolan2erUSUL, thanks :)20:57
jcolehisto: vino is like an x11vnc20:57
Tired_Hello.  I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 on my (very old) laptop.  This laptop doesn't have USB2 natively, so I'm using a PC Card to add USB2 ports.  When I try to transfer files to or from my USB-enclosure, Ubuntu hangs and must be rebooted.20:57
Mad_Clog^WorkI having a problem with sendmail not delivering some of my mail, if anyone could please have a look: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141921320:57
jcolehisto: but i have no idea how to enable java viewer support20:58
histojcole: yes just point the java viewer at the same port and ip should work20:58
jadakrenTLF, 1st try rick lick removing he notification tray and re inserting it20:58
McAwesomejadakren, there are two: one with a kb, and one with a pc. the kb one is set to something but the kb one is not20:58
jadakrenTLF, click*20:58
jcolehisto: you startted it manually?20:58
kerebrusI am having a problem with a audio codec in video playback : http://pastebin.com/vgC7ajsF20:58
jadakrenMcAwesome, hopefully setting it will get you your desires20:58
jcolehisto: how? im using the tighvnc java applet20:58
McAwesomeyeah, it does20:58
McAwesomejadakren, thanks20:58
histojcole: is vino running?20:58
jcolehisto: but i have no idea how to get vino to load the tightvnc java applet20:59
jcolehisto: yes20:59
CRACKBOYhello all20:59
histojcole: vino doesn't load the tightvnc java applet.20:59
jadakrenMcAwesome, if you have problems with changing the mouse bindings for window scale (mouse drag resize a window) let me know20:59
histojcole: is apache installed on the machine?20:59
McAwesomejadakren, ok20:59
ubuntu_hello in spanidh21:00
jcolehisto: i see, you are saying to start a web server that embeds the java applet into an html page21:00
McAwesomejadakren, btw, in compiz on opensuse, the water plugin had many more effects21:00
McAwesomewhy not on ubuntu?21:00
CRACKBOYubuntu i've a question21:00
jadakrenMcAwesome, can you join#ubuntu-offtopic and post a link to some videos for me about that21:01
duffydackhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/  there is my broadcom wireless driver that hardware drivers installs (STA but there is a newer one in there but its not installing it, its using the older one.?21:01
histojcole: yes21:01
histojcole: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-107503.html21:01
mjs7231McAwesome, did you install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra21:01
McAwesomedon't think so mjs723121:01
ZoraelI'm trying to set up a rudimentary apache server just to share a bunch of files in a directory on an NTFS volume. But no matter what I do to set it up, apache returns permission denied when trying to access that directory. If I change the alias I use to point to /opt, it works, but when I change it back to /main (NTFS volume), it doesn't. What am I doing wrong?21:01
mjs7231McAwesome, Go install that and see if you get more stuff showing up in the settings manager21:01
BodsdaHi - I have a problem with sound. It used to work fine, then I opened the 'sound recorder' and ever since then I lost sound. I have since realised that the gstreamer packages were for some reason removed, so I have reinstalled them and music players no longer complain, but I still dont have sound. Everything looks hunky doory in alsamixer - any thoughts?21:01
histojcole: you can use the one int he repo however21:02
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ZykoticK9kerebrus, have you install dvd support on your system?21:02
tristanbob__is there any risk of enabling the PAE kernel on my Ubuntu desktop?21:02
McAwesomemjs7231, ''21:02
jcolehisto: apache is a little heavy, can i use "python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000" instead... python will allow you to temporarily start a mini web server21:02
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McAwesomeit says that package is already the latest version mjs723121:03
kerebrusZykoticK9 no just mplayer and vlc21:03
erUSULtristanbob__: depends if you have compiled out of tree drivers (you will have to recompile them)21:03
mjs7231McAwesome, Then you do already have it.  Thus, you reached the extent of my knowledge on the topic. :)21:03
CRACKBOYhey guys i've a question can someone help me please21:03
Lartza_brasero blanking refuses to blank my cd-rw, error 0, no message21:03
ZykoticK9kerebrus, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/enable-dvd-video-playback i think after you install that it won't have problems with the audio21:03
guntbert!ask | CRACKBOY21:03
ikoniaCRACKBOY: if it's about ubuntu we will all try21:03
ubottuCRACKBOY: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:03
Lartza_Ubuntu 8.0421:04
tristanbob__erUSUL, no, just standard ubuntu kernel.21:04
CRACKBOYi've a backtrack 421:04
McAwesomemjs7231, lolok. oh well, i don't need it, i just want it and my suse pc is suffering an exploded graphics card21:04
jcolehisto: so basically, apache (or whatever web server) -> tighvnc java applet -> vino21:04
erUSULtristanbob__: then shoudn't be any problem21:04
ikoniaCRACKBOY: we don't support backtrack21:04
Oluthere is a command line cdrw blanking option21:04
CRACKBOYi want to change it Kubutnu (cause the KDE 4.4) so i want to move the packages programmes of ubuntu in kubuntu ?21:04
CRACKBOYcan ?21:04
Lartza_Olu: And that is? :)21:04
mjs7231McAwesome, Good luck in your endeavors. :)21:04
CRACKBOYah okéy21:04
TidersWhere can I find a log that tracks which users logged into SSH and did what21:04
erUSULOlu: wodim or cdrdao should be able to blank21:04
ikoniaCRACKBOY: you'll need to do a full re-install21:04
StargazeCRACKBOY: in Ubuntu, type apt-get install kubuntu-desktop21:05
DasEiI'm currently trying to install a usb-device which I compiled a module for. It's on 64 bit, and modprobe compat-ioctl32 lets'me hang (fatal, no module..),  Where can I get compat-ioctl32  ?21:05
Olui dont remember but if you google you will find21:05
CRACKBOYthink you ikonia :)21:05
ikoniaStargaze: he's not using ubuntu - so that's not valid21:05
CRACKBOYok last thing21:05
ikoniaCRACKBOY: sorry it's not easier21:05
erUSULTiders: logs --> /var/log/auth.log ; what they did is not aviable by default21:05
CRACKBOYwhat about Kubuntu is it good ? or ubuntu ?21:05
TiderserUSUL, Is there a way to enable that21:05
ikonia CRACKBOY personal choice, try them, see what you like21:05
kerebrusZykoticK9 still give same error after installing libdvdread421:06
CRACKBOYhmm right :) thinks again21:06
tristanbob__erUSUL, is the best way to do enable it?21:06
ZykoticK9kerebrus, did you run the script?  did you reboot?21:06
Lartza_crdao: ERROR: Blanking failed.21:06
tristanbob__erUSUL, "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server"  is that the best way to install PAE support?21:07
erUSULtristanbob__: in karmic there is a desktop pae kernel21:08
erUSUL!find pae21:08
ubottuFound: linux-backports-modules-2.6.31-14-generic-pae, linux-headers-2.6.31-14-generic-pae, linux-headers-lbm-2.6.31-14-generic-pae, linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic-pae, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.31-14-generic-pae (and 27 others)21:08
tikiYesterday I removed PulseAudio from my system to be able to choose an output other than the default one in skype. This fixed my problems, but i no longer can use the system sound preferences and i don't have a system tray icon that controls volume. (media keys controlling volume don't work either) is there any way to fix this?21:08
jadakrentiki, i find this strange because i dont remove pulseaudio yet skype works wonderfully with pulsaudio for me21:09
CRACKBOYStargaze i know about apt-get but in backtrack 4 how to desinstall kde3 because they start together 4 and 3 :s !!!21:09
tristanbob__erUSUL, thanks!  I will do this "sudo apt-get install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae"21:09
erUSULTiders: i dunno sorry. maybe in #ubuntu-server have some ideas21:09
kerebrusZykoticK9 just restarted after installing and running script and it still gives same error21:09
erUSULtristanbob__: ok21:09
guntbert!backtrack | CRACKBOY21:10
ubottuCRACKBOY: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:10
ZykoticK9kerebrus, could you repastbin what your getting for mplayer output now.  and could you try using x11 and gl as vo outputs?21:10
CRACKBOYOk man21:10
tikijadakren: skype would only let me use the default sound output. I could not set it to output through my headset instead of my speakers. Someone on this IRC suggested that I remove pulseaudio, and it fixed that problem. (It used to only say "PulseAudio Server (local)" and now it lists all of my audio hardware.21:10
CRACKBOYis this Ubuntu salen?21:10
ikoniaCRACKBOY: ubuntu support only21:10
CRACKBOYah right :)21:11
kerebrusZykoticK9 what is the command for running in x11 and gl as vo outputs21:11
jadakrentiki, doesn't pulseaudio control where the sound goes ?21:11
CRACKBOYOk how i can get the newest Source list of Apt-get ?21:11
ZykoticK9kerebrus, "mplayer -vo x11 $file" and -"vo gl"21:11
tikijadakren: It does, but skype could only let it take the default output21:11
CRACKBOYi find always the old version of softwares with mine21:11
ikoniaCRACKBOY: on ubuntu ?21:11
ikoniaCRACKBOY: what version of ubuntu ?21:12
tikijadakren: if you know a way to get around this with pulseaudio, please help me.21:12
ikoniaCRACKBOY: 9 what ?21:12
CRACKBOYi don't know kernel 6.??21:12
ikoniaCRACKBOY: are you on the machine now ?21:12
Olusay very good21:12
CRACKBOYYeh but with backtrack now live cd21:12
Oluvery good21:12
StargazeCRACKBOY: type lsb_release -a21:13
ikoniaCRACKBOY: well, if you come back with your running ubuntu machine, we can walk you through updating your sources21:13
* Olu approves21:13
CRACKBOYhmm right21:13
guntbertOlu: please keep those comments to yourself21:13
Oluhow do you sayto ?21:13
kerebrusZykoticK9 Running both ways still gives same error as before: Cannot find codec for audio format 0x50.21:13
jadakrentiki, one of the things i would of tried before removing pulseaudio would have been to use padsp to wrap skype21:13
Olui'm learning irc sorry21:13
CRACKBOYhéy it come ubuntu 8.1021:14
CRACKBOYin my netbook21:14
ZykoticK9kerebrus, pastbin output for me?21:14
ikoniaOlu: if you join #defous (a chat channel) you can practice/learn about irc21:14
jadakrentiki, http://linux.die.net/man/1/padsp21:14
CRACKBOYubuntu 8.1021:14
jadakren!pm > tiki21:14
ubottutiki, please see my private message21:14
ikoniaCRACKBOY: really, I thought you where running the backtrack livecd ?21:14
guntbertOlu: this channel is for ubuntu support and *very* busy - just for learning irc try /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:14
obiwan_guys, i disabled iptables, enabled ALL:ALL in my hosts.allow, set forwarding in my router to my wlan ip, what else may be collapsing ssh incoming connections? i get timed out always21:15
CRACKBOYyes i've 2 pc21:15
jadakrentiki, you should turn off join/part messages for this channel21:15
kerebrusZykoticK9 http://pastebin.com/JnjFqvR921:15
CRACKBOYi swear that with lsb it come 8.1021:15
nibblerobiwan: tcpdump the connection to debug21:15
tikijadakren: sorry about that pm, i'm new to this channel. And I'll try it out to see if it works21:15
StargazeOlu: for beginners there's ubuntuclips.org21:15
nolanany advice on how to create an ubuntu derivative?21:15
ikoniaCRACKBOY: if you go to system -> administration -> synaptic, when that application opens it will update your sources info to current21:15
ikonianolan: not supported here21:16
guntbert!ot | nolan21:16
ubottunolan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:16
nolanoh ok thanks21:16
jadakrentiki, padsp is like aoss but for pulseaudio instead.21:16
CRACKBOYi make apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade21:16
ikoniaCRACKBOY: why ?21:16
CRACKBOYbut when i download amsn i found the version is 0.9721:16
tikijadakren: whats aoss? I'm completely lost.21:16
CRACKBOYand the last in the website is 0.9821:16
CRACKBOYto update21:16
CRACKBOYthe source21:16
ikoniaCRACKBOY: that will be the latest version in the ubuntu 8.10 repo21:16
rob0917How long could you potentially use an ubuntu edition even after the update time period was exhausted ?21:17
ikoniaCRACKBOY: don't build from source unless you %100 know what you're doing and how to manage custom packages/application21:17
CRACKBOYbut amsn is not the newest21:17
ikoniaCRACKBOY: you're using an old version of ubuntu21:17
ZykoticK9kerebrus, try throwing "-alang en" and test21:17
CRACKBOYoh really !!!21:17
ikoniaCRACKBOY: 8.10 is October 2008 release21:17
jadakrentiki, some apps will only use one particular sound server, wine for example used to only want to use OSS, so to get wine apps to work with ALSA you had to wrap them with aoss....21:17
obiwan_thanx nibbler21:17
marek__hey guys. i asked already and tried a lot of things...but did anybody successfully install looking glass on karmic?21:17
Stargazemarek i tried it too and it didn't work21:18
CRACKBOYhow i can update it ?21:18
jadakrentiki, same concept here with padsp and pulseaudio21:18
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
erUSUL!upgrade | CRACKBOY21:18
ubottuCRACKBOY: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:18
kerebrusZykoticK9 http://pastebin.com/LABaPbHb21:18
CRACKBOYoké !21:18
marek__Stargaze: did you have problems with the repos and then the post-installation script?21:18
jadakrentiki, but i don't have the problem you're having since my laptop just turns speakers off when i plug in headphones21:18
Stargazedon't remember marek_21:19
Stavrosi would like to compile a program that's available as a package, and i'd like the program to overwrite that package, how can i do this?21:19
nibblerStavros, start by uninstalling the program21:19
kerebrusZykoticK9 now im not having this problem for all iso vids just 221:19
Stavrosnibbler: what will that accomplish?21:19
tikijadakren: I read the padsp page, and it seems easy enough to use. I sort of understand how it works. I'm goign to install it now and report how it works out.21:19
ikoniaSaikor: compile the prorgram with the same parameters as the package and install it21:20
CRACKBOYthink you ikonia very very much !!! i found the tool of upgrade!!!!!!21:20
Stavrosikonia: is there an easy way to learn the parameters, though?21:20
Stavrosikonia: like, which directory it goes in, etc21:20
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nibblerStavros, it will stop avoid having consuing installations next to each other. check checkinstall for the rest21:20
Olucan i join a loco team if the state is close with mine own?21:20
Stavrosnibbler: they won't be next to each other, they'll be on top of each other21:20
ikoniaStavros: not really, you have to unpackage it and look at the options21:20
Stavrosi.e. i'll only have the second one21:20
Stavrosikonia: hmm, i see21:20
jadakrentiki, be aware that its a part of pulseaudio, so installing it will bring pulseaudio back.21:20
Stavrosikonia: is there an easy way to do that?21:20
obiwan_nibbler:  man tcpdump is really large, what exactly should i use?21:20
ikoniaOlu: you sure can21:20
tikijadakren: ^_^ got it!21:21
CRACKBOYIkonia when i update kde to 4 in start window i make the root password he said "root login not allowed" why?21:21
CRACKBOYso i21:21
CRACKBOYlogin with console21:21
nibblerobiwan_, well, if you dont have any other ssh connection from/to this box, use tcpdump port ssh21:21
ikoniaCRACKBOY: ou're not allowed to login as root on ubuntu21:21
guntbert!enter | CRACKBOY21:21
ubottuCRACKBOY: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:21
CRACKBOYhah ok21:22
CRACKBOYso i understand that i should make another account ?21:22
ikoniaCRACKBOY: yes, your usr account21:22
CRACKBOYcan't login with root ?21:22
nibbler!root | CRACKBOY21:22
ZykoticK9kerebrus, do you know is it AAC audio?  you might be able to check in VLC somehow (do you have it installed?  i don't use it so not really an expert in vlc, but saw something mentioned about file properties)21:22
ubottuCRACKBOY: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:22
kerebrusZykoticK9 i have vlc installed but it does not play the audio on that file either21:23
CRACKBOYi need the access, yes but im tired with tayping sudo sudo sudo !!!!! can i make crackboy account with root power?21:23
Geinehi there21:23
ZykoticK9kerebrus, but can it tell us the audio format?21:23
Geinewhat is the best way to copy lot of files over network?21:23
StavrosCRACKBOY: sudo bash21:23
ikoniaCRACKBOY: also look at sudo -i21:23
ikoniaCRACKBOY: if you have to ask - you shouldn't as it's dangerous21:23
ikoniaStavros: no, launching a shell like that is not recommended21:24
obiwan_nibbler:  i get 0 pckets to all (captures, droped by the kernel and  received by filter)21:24
Stavrosikonia: oh hmm, why not?21:24
jaypur_pccan someone help me to set a counter-strike 1.6 server on linux???21:24
CRACKBOYokey, i should left because i feel you be angry lol,^^ thx as always and can i found you here everytimes?21:24
nibblerobiwan_, so the packets dont make it to the box21:24
ikonia!root | Stavros21:24
ubottuStavros: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:24
ikonia!sudo | Stavros21:25
ubottuStavros: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:25
CRACKBOYikonia how old are you ?21:25
ikoniaCRACKBOY: what does that matter ?21:25
jasuntohow come if i redirect like so, it leave an empty file    "sort filename > filename"21:25
kerebrusZykoticK9 mpga21:25
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro21:25
Geineneed help, I have 70GB I need to copy it from one pc to another for back, what is the best and fastest command I can use?21:25
jaypur_pclol got it21:25
abstrakthow can i add to or edit /etc/hosts via bash scripting?21:25
CRACKBOYcp -f geine21:25
Stavrosikonia: hmm, sudo -s is even better21:25
KB1JWQabstrakt: sudo, and a text editor21:25
jasuntohow come if i redirect like so, it leave an empty file    "sort filename > filename"21:25
ikoniaStavros: yes, that can work well too21:25
abstraktsudo echo "foo" >> /etc/hosts gives permission denied21:25
ikoniaGeine: network will determaine your speed, not command21:25
KB1JWQabstrakt: sudo won't work on echo.21:26
abstraktKB1JWQ, uhhh, via shell scripting?21:26
ikoniajasunto: it's returning no results21:26
erUSULabstrakt: echo "new line to add" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts21:26
GeineCRACKBOY, or rsync ?21:26
abstrakterUSUL, ok what's tee?21:26
KB1JWQabstrakt: If you want to use echo, you'll have to pipe via tee21:26
jasuntoif i do sort filename it does on screen21:26
ZykoticK9kerebrus, dude i have no idea then?  sorry man.  best of luck, hope you find someone with an answer.21:26
erUSULabstrakt: or sudo sh -c 'echo "foo" >> /etc/hosts'21:26
KB1JWQabstrakt: man tee21:26
erUSULabstrakt: man tee21:26
Stavrosikonia: hmm, actually sudo -s is the same as sudo bash21:26
kerebrusZykoticK9 well thanks anyways21:26
Stavrosthe home folder is the user's home, which can overwrite files21:26
abstrakti was doing cat /etc/hosts | sed -e "s/..../...../" > /etc/hosts21:26
Stavrosso it's not very nice indeed21:27
abstraktyeah or you could just tell me the gist21:27
abstraktbut whatever, i'll man tee21:27
erUSULjasunto: sort filename > filename.tmp && mv filename.tmp filename21:27
jasuntoi sort filename and get what i want on screen, the sort filename > filename and i get empty file21:27
jasuntoill try thanks21:27
DasEi why can't I modprobe compat-ioctl32 ? it's in the kernel ( well, should be, as the bot says)21:27
nibblerjasunto, you cannto use same file for in+output21:28
Stavrosikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6188826&postcount=4 apparently, sudo -i is the recommended mode, thanks for that21:28
erUSULDasEi: what are you trying to do ?21:28
Gangrelany idea where i can find audacious 2.2 in deb package?21:28
abstraktcool, tee works fine, thx21:29
DasEierUSUL: tryin to install an usb-driver, following an howto, hanging there, fatal, module not found  compat-ioctl3221:29
jasuntoalso is there any way to send stderr across a pipe?21:29
dreginhi. Does anyone know how to get banshee to recognize audio players connected via USB in storage mode?? I've enabled all it's device related extensions and still nothing. I'm on banshee 1.5.4. Thanks/21:29
erUSULDasEi: did you compiled that driver?21:30
weaselkeeperwhy not sudo su -  ?21:30
antimicrosoft314would anyone know how to set up a dot matrix printer?21:30
holisteri'm going cross-eyed trying to figure out why my autofs doesn't work....i used the example ldif from the howto and it's not working http://pastebin.com/AuHX1usi21:30
dimulssudo -i21:30
DasEierUSUL: yes, ran fine through, is the last part before insmod21:30
erUSULjasunto: command 2>&1 1> /dev/null | othercommand21:31
tikijadakren: padsp didn't work.21:31
jadakrentiki, then i think you need to investigate how to get pulseaudio to show all your devices21:32
tikijadakren: alright, I'll look it up21:33
holisteri'm going cross-eyed trying to figure out why my autofs doesn't work....i used the example ldif from the howto and it's not working http://pastebin.com/8bGkAgra21:33
erUSULDasEi: compat-ioctl32 does not exist in karmic afaics ....21:33
ibomb_good evening @ all! my problem - i install vidalia from the pakatmanager,when i start the programm i get a error like "dont able to connect,check your options,i think my path is wrong - anybody now the right path?21:33
erUSUL!rootshell | weaselkeeper21:33
ubottuweaselkeeper: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)21:33
jadakrentiki, good start would be to search for pulseaudio and the type of soundcard you have21:33
tikijadakren: alright.21:34
DasEi!find compat-ioctl32 , erUSUL21:34
ubottu, is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner21:34
DasEi ubottu: File compat-ioctl32 found in linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic, linux-image-2.6.31-14-server, linux-image-2.6.31-15-generic, linux-image-2.6.31-15-server, linux-image-2.6.31-16-generic (and 6 others) , erUSUL21:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:34
weaselkeepererUSUL: please explain the risk variance between sudo -i and sudo su -21:34
Pirate_Hunterdidnt ubuntu used to have a date/day planner?21:35
ibomb_anybody know something about vidalia?21:35
tristanbob__erUSUL, I now have the new kernel, but my memory is not increasing to the 4 gig I have installed.    "uname -r = 2.6.31-19-generic-pae"21:36
frankS2!help tor21:36
erUSULweaselkeeper: other variants of this commands are *REDUNDANT* and/*OR* ...)21:36
meekatroni my sound preferneces box all my sound devices are listed eg.. "usb_audio_CODEC Analog Stereo" is there anyway to rename this to a custom name21:36
dimulsPirate_Hunter, sudo apt-get install orage21:36
nibblertristanbob__, there is 2 options for 4gb: 64 bit or hugemem kernel21:36
ubottuThe Linux Standard Base, or LSB, is a joint project by several Linux distributions under the organizational structure of The Free Standards Group to standardize the internal structure of Linux-based operating systems. The LSB is based on the POSIX specification, the Single UNIX Specification, and several other open standards, but extends them in certain areas.21:36
weaselkeepereyah, not particularly convincing. It's a bot. All it knows is what responses are programmed.21:37
tristanbob__erUSUL, "free" show my total memory as 3,354,23221:37
Pirate_Hunterdimuls, isnt that for xubuntu?21:37
DasEiibomb_: it's a software-proxy like app often used with/by tor21:37
tristanbob__erUSUL, oh, I thought that was the reason for using PAE?21:37
erUSULtristanbob__: cat /proc/meminfo21:37
tristanbob__erUSUL, what should I look for?21:38
dj_baggiohi, i'm looking for application which can show me on my router which ip address in my subnets download/uploads in kB/s etc. Do you know anything like that?21:38
ibomb_DasEi: of course  - i know - but i have a problem with this app21:38
erUSULweaselkeeper: i the case of sudo su - is redundant and more typing for the same behavior21:38
erUSULtristanbob__: MeMTotal first line21:38
Slartdj_baggio: iftop might work21:38
dimulsPirate_Hunter, yes. but 4me no difference21:38
ibomb_i can´t connect because i have the wrong path - i need the rigth21:39
tristanbob__erUSUL, yeah, it is "MemTotal:        3354232 kB"21:39
DasEidj_baggio: you router has an os where stuff can be installed ? darkstat21:39
Slartdj_baggio: you might want to look at Cactii as well.. it's got a snazzy web gui21:39
erUSULtristanbob__: post your dmesg21:39
erUSUL!paste | tristanbob__21:39
ubottutristanbob__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:39
Pirate_Hunterdimuls, true just the dependencies are different and I dont want to bring any xfe into the gnome box :s but will check it out first21:39
abstraktdoes Nautilus do FTP?21:39
DasEiibomb_: which ( I'm  not too familiar with it ) ?21:39
erUSULabstrakt: yes. Places>Connect to Server21:39
abstrakti really want an explorer like ftp client, e.g. NOT the double panel "commander style" interface, that's soooo annoying to me21:40
weaselkeepererUSUL: changing my muscle memory for it at this point isn't worth it unless there's another benefit.21:40
dj_baggioSlart: I have cacti, but I had to install a lot of snmp clients to get good information21:40
dj_baggiobut I want something which working on real time21:40
Slartdj_baggio: yes.. that's the downside.. but once that is up and running it's very impressive =)21:40
dj_baggioi  don't need time statistics21:40
ibomb_DasEi: the path to the proxy-app...21:40
Slartdj_baggio: your ubuntu box is your router?21:40
tristanbob__erUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/386569/21:41
dj_baggionot my, I have another machine21:41
dj_baggiobut there is a ubuntu too21:41
DasEi!pm| ibomb21:41
ibomb_DasEi: the default path is not working.21:41
ubottuibomb: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:41
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
dimulsPirate_Hunter, you may try google smthng like "ubuntu organizer"21:41
dj_baggioso, iftop should be good?21:41
tikijadakren: it seems like purging pulseaudio is the only somution :(21:41
Slartdhendrix: iftop will show you connections on the local computer21:41
ibomb_DasEi: how to open a pm?21:42
Slartdj_baggio: iftop will show you connections on the local computer21:42
dhendrixSlart:   np :-)21:42
Ggska91bella pe tutti!21:42
Slartdhendrix: =)21:42
abstraktwow, that's slick, i like it21:42
ibomb_DasEi: rigth click and open dialog?21:42
dj_baggioit's not good for my problem21:42
Slartdj_baggio: it's a command line app.. small download.. give it a try21:42
DasEiibomb_: you did already which I didn't respond, see above;; did you install vidalia from the repos ?21:42
Slartdj_baggio: oh.. ok21:42
Pirate_Hunterdimuls, or i may try google planner or whatever it is called, really should put google apps into better use21:43
erUSULtristanbob__: dunno; do not see any kernel error msg ... report it as a bug in launchpad against the kernel21:43
dj_baggioSlart: I know about iptraf, but it's not summarize all of traffic to one ip21:43
erUSULtristanbob__: also check bios settings21:43
ibomb_DasEi: Can we speak german in the pm?21:44
ibomb_DasEi:then i can better explan21:44
DasEiibomb_: meet me in #ubuntu-de then21:44
tikiIs there any way to force Skype to use alsa instead of pulse?21:44
dimulsPirate_Hunter, i do not like to put my private info to internet... i'm paranoiac21:46
zopbdimuls: so how do u avoid this21:46
dj_baggiohmm....iftop looks like iptraf21:47
DasEitiki : right click the icon in the top-bar, its under settings21:47
Slartdj_baggio: yes.. it might be using the same basic information.. just presenting it in a little different way21:47
Pirate_Hunterdimuls, depends on the info, considering your telephone line was originally made for the military and you accepted that as a day-to-day thing I dont know how the internet can be any worse21:47
tikiDasEi: And then what?21:47
abstrakthow can I disable the showing of mount/media/drive icons on my desktop in GNOME ?21:47
scootsmHi, I have two quirks with gnome and then the setup is perfect... I want to launch gnome-panel in an X tunnel and have it also launch the gnome-wm (I think?) as part of the startup.. How would I best do that?  Also, when it prompts for my password to launch something, it tries to fade out everything else... is there an easy way to turn that off?21:48
Slartabstrakt: open terminal, run gconf-editor, go to Apps, nautilus, desktop.. uncheck "volumes visible"21:48
dj_baggiohmm....but should be something what can summarize download/upload for each other ip, yes?21:48
Pirate_Hunterscootsm, that is a bad idea if i understand what your trying to do21:48
scootsmPirate_Hunter: What is?21:48
Slartdj_baggio: mm.. I'm looking through synaptic.. I've tried many of these network monitors.. can't remember which is which though21:49
HappehwalrusWill someone help me? I'm trying to make a live usb for 9.10 netbook remix with unetbootin. I don't have an iso, but I do have a live cd for 9.10 netbook remix, so I'm using custom. I know where the initrd file is, but don't know where my kernel file is and what I'm supposed to put for options.21:49
Pirate_Hunterscootsm, your gnome/wm environment through ssh, that is what i understood21:49
hystrenihello, i need to isntall arial font in Wine to play EVE, can any1 help me?21:49
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:49
dj_baggioSlart: sure...I've seen something a lot time ago what works exactly how I want to work21:50
scootsmPirate_Hunter: I'm tunneling windows through X.  I'm not attempting to run the whole desktop.  Right now, I tunnel X and I run "gnome-panel"  From there I can use nautilus, etc21:50
dimulszopb, just do not put info to the internet=) it's very simple. try it21:50
scootsmPirate_Hunter: I've done it before--works great.  Just need to get the window manager to load itself, so I don't have to21:50
tikiDasEi: I don't know what to do after that21:50
Pirate_Hunterscootsm, i know it works it just not a good idea it is betetr to s forward the app client you want instead of the whole environment21:51
HappehwalrusWill someone help me? I'm trying to make a live usb for 9.10 netbook remix with unetbootin. I don't have an iso, but I do have a live cd for 9.10 netbook remix, so I'm using the custom option in unetbootin. It asks for a initrd file, kernel file, and options. I know where the initrd file is, but don't know where my kernel file is and what I'm supposed to put for options.21:51
elijahHow would I tell a shell script to contain a password for automatic login to a server?21:51
NemesisDanyone know why editing blacklist.conf in karmic seems to have no effect?21:51
dimulsPirate_Hunter, telephone, its a lesser evil21:52
Myrttielijah: ssh login?21:52
sduboisi sent an email to the wrong address in Evolution yesterday, and it appears to still be attempting to send it. is this a problem with evolution or my smtp server?21:52
abstraktsweet, gconf-editor rules :)21:52
abstraktthx yeall21:52
Myrttielijah: what kind of server?21:52
scootsmPirate_Hunter: Basically, using a command line to trigger Firefox/Synaptic/gnome-terminal etc is tedious.  So I launch the panel itself, and use that for it's menu bar and window handling21:52
erUSULelijah: expect21:53
erUSUL!info expect | elijah21:53
ubottuelijah: expect (source: expect): A program that can automate interactive applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5.43.0-17 (karmic), package size 308 kB, installed size 628 kB21:53
Stargazesdubois: your wifi may be accidentally connected to your neighbour's wifi router21:53
Slartdj_baggio: looked at ntop21:53
scootsmPirate_Hunter: It's not the ideal scenario, for performance, but it works well enough for me atm21:53
vi390hi, is there something to save a workspace environment, and managing multiple environments (open programms etc.)to load and save21:53
dj_baggioI'll look21:54
Pirate_Hunterscootsm, give me a few minutes on the fone21:54
abstraktcan i get more icon sets other than "Human" and "GNOME" through apt-get or synaptic (by default, that is, without adding some external repo)21:54
DasEitiki: second, starting vm21:54
tikiDasEi: thanks.21:55
Stargazeabstrakt: in Synaptic, look for icons21:55
morph__hello canyone help me get my magic mouse working on 9.1021:55
cafuegoorson: candy is next door, this is cafuego21:55
=== morph__ is now known as morph3k
elijahthanks erUSUL!21:56
guantanamoDoes anyone know how Wubi works under Windows 7?21:56
erUSULelijah: but you know if it is a ssh server it would be better to use a keypair21:56
Stargazeguantanamo: insert the cd and select 'start wubi'21:57
HappehwalrusWill someone help me? I'm trying to make a live usb for 9.10 netbook remix with unetbootin. I don't have an iso, but I do have a live cd for 9.10 netbook remix, so I'm using the custom option in unetbootin. It asks for a initrd file, kernel file, and options. I know where the initrd file is, but don't know where my kernel file is and what I'm supposed to put for options.21:57
sduboisStargaze: no...21:57
dumplesget an iso21:58
abstraktStargaze, anything more specific than "look for"?21:58
abstraktStargaze, do you possibly mean "search for" ?21:58
Stargazeabstrakt: search 'icon'21:58
cafuegoHappehwalrus: Your kernel is in /boot21:58
Stargazeabstrakt: dozens of icon sets21:58
guantanamoStargaze: I know how to install it, I'm asking about stability etc.22:00
tristanbob__thanks erUSUL22:00
BaattiHello, I need some help with setting up partitions to install Ubuntu 9.10 on an external hard drive. I'm as far as preparing my partitions, but I don't know what I should set up and how to make sure no partitions happen on my internal hard drive22:00
nullp0interanyone have any experience setting up windows share on ubutnu? im having a bit of trouble getting it to work22:00
CamFoxnullp0inter: I've done this, what's the problem22:01
=== internet is now known as Gab123
nullp0interCamFox: im using a router...so i dont know what IP to use22:01
Baattiwimip.com ?22:01
CamFoxYou are trying to set up a share on a local network, yes?22:02
nullp0interCamFox: yes22:02
morph3ki just installed the newest kernel on ubuntu but i can't remember how to reinstall all of the modules.  there is a module called magicmouse.ko that is supposed to make apple's magic mouse work but mine isnt22:02
morph3kcan anyone help me22:02
nullp0interBaati: tried that already it didnt work22:02
CamFoxnullp0inter: you shouldn't need to know your IP in that case, can you explain the problem further?22:02
andaiHey! I installed Xubuntu on my USB stick, works great. The computers at school have passworded bios so i can't make it boot from USB but i am pretty sure there is some kind of grub CD that can then load the grub on the USB?22:02
andaii.e. i know they can boot from cd22:03
dumplesdont mess around with school computers22:03
nullp0interCamFox: well then i tried setting it up by going to 'Places' Connect to a Server22:03
nullp0interCamFox: and it asks for a server..so thats where i was going wrong22:03
jaypur_pcis there much difference in performance by running a game server in ubuntu server from normal ubuntu???22:03
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andaidumples: my not messing around with school computers is exactly the point i installed ubuntu on my usb stick (rather than using scripts to copy paste portable software into temporary folders on winxp (it runs faster that way))22:03
CamFoxnullp0inter: Are you connecting to the share from a windows machine?22:03
nullp0interno, ubuntu 8.0422:04
nullp0interCamFox: the share is stup on windows 7..and i am trying to connect with ubuntu 8.0422:04
BaattiHi, I need help setting up my partitions for running Ubuntu on an external hard drive. What kinds of partitions do I need to make and what are the recommended sizes?22:04
Gene1does anyone here have any familiarity with usb midi and ubuntu 9.10?22:04
CamFoxOh, you can probably put in the name of the server, i.e. the name after the @ symbol at your command prompt.22:04
CamFoxnullp0inter: ignore that, then.22:05
CamFoxUse the name of your windows 7 box, ask me if you don't know how to find this...22:05
DasEitiki: if you start skype, log in, then richt-click the icon in top-bar > options22:05
nullp0interCamFox: that goes in the Server part?22:05
teageMy navigation tree section is gone in nautilus. anyone know how to get it back. i have looked in settings and show location is checked. im at loss.22:05
CamFoxnullp0inter: yeah22:05
m_fulderhow do I make a .sh file run automaticly on startup??22:06
DasEitiki: under audio you can set it's preferences22:06
DasEi(and once test them)22:06
dimulsm_fulder, put path to it into /etc/rc.local22:06
m_fulderI've tried to add it to System->Perferences->StartUp applications but it won't start won boot :S22:06
nullp0interCamFox: ok, so my share folder is D:\NETWORK_SHARE ..how do i fill in 'Share' and 'Folder'22:06
m_fulderaha oki will do22:06
nullp0interCamFox: can Share be D:\?22:07
Baattihi, I'm looking for help setting up my partitions to install Ubuntu 9.10 on my external hard drive. Please, someone help me22:07
nullp0interBaati: the installer should set it up for you22:07
m_fulderdimuls,  where do I put my path in the file? before exit 0 =22:07
Baattithe problem is, that the installer wants to place partitions on my internal hard drives as well22:07
jaypur_pcis there much difference in performance by running a game server in ubuntu server from normal ubuntu???22:08
hystrenii cant find really how to install msttcorefonts in wine, i guess im retarded22:08
CamFoxnullp0inter: no, when you set up the share on WIndows 7 you would have given the share a name. Use this. You can find it by right clicking on the shared folder and selecting 'share' or whatever22:08
Gene1baatti, you could also download 'gparted' and try that22:08
CamFoxnullp0inter: I don't have a windows 7 box so can't say exactly22:08
dimulsm_fulder, yeah. there is writen, isn't it?22:08
silveringhi guys, i got MB asus k8n4-e and i cant enable the audio...22:08
m_fulderdimuls,  yes .. #bin/sh -e  some comments and then exit 0 ... where do I put my path?22:08
nullp0interCamFox: it says network path: \\systemowner\network_share that would be the Share value?22:09
dimulsm_fulder, before exit 0.  you may also add your own error exit conditions22:10
nullkuhlhow to load and unload X ?22:10
m_fulderaha ok thanks will try that dimuls :)22:10
silveringnullkuhl load with startx22:10
Jordan_Uandai, super grub2 disk can do what you want but you are probably more likely to get in trouble for booting a flash drive than using portable apps.22:10
nullp0internullkuhl: ctrl + alt+ backspace22:10
Stargazenullkuhl: startx22:10
frankS2nullkuhl: /etc/init.d/gdm stop22:10
nullp0internullkuhl: startx22:10
HappehwalrusWill someone help me? I'm trying to make a live usb for 9.10 netbook remix with unetbootin. I don't have an iso, but I do have a live cd for 9.10 netbook remix, so I'm using the custom option in unetbootin. It asks for a initrd file, kernel file, and options. I know where the initrd file is, but don't know where my kernel file is and what I'm supposed to put for options.22:10
CamFoxnullp0inter: i think that systemowner is the server name, the share is network_share22:10
mf1I excuse assos. He hasnt been on IRC for a while..22:10
tikiDasEi: any progress on the issue?22:10
dimulsnullkuhl, sudo killall Xorg ?=)22:10
nullkuhl** (gdm-binary:23434): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager22:11
andaiJordan_U: Haha don't worry, my first idea was to REPLACE that ghosted OEM install with Xubuntu, LOL22:11
andaiyay brilliant! http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/USB_Boot22:11
Jordan_Uandai, Also, on a non school computer, make sure that you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and *remove all install devices*22:12
andaiJordan_U: what does that do?22:12
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DasEitiki:saw my last messages ?22:13
DasEitiki: if you start skype, log in, then richt-click the icon in top-bar > options22:13
m_fulderdimuls, so I write just like that after comments and before exit 0 :    home/ubuntu/Documents/external.sh  ??22:13
nullp0interCamFox: Can't display location "smb://systemowner-w7/network_share/"22:13
Jordan_Uandai, Makes sure that on upgrades of the grub-pc package it doesn't try to do something like "grub-install /dev/sda". Your school probably wouldn't appreciate you making their computer unbootable :)22:13
m_fulderright and .. how do I add my own exit and why should I add one dimuls ?22:14
silveringguys, the audio wont start.. i got Motherboard asus k8n4-e, it sees the chipset, but it wont play any audio22:14
CamFoxnullp0inter: is that a  new error message?22:14
nullp0intersilvering: alsamixer22:14
nullkuhlhow to unload X ? :S22:14
nullp0interCamFox: no, but im just shpowing you what i am getting..it asks for a domain and password..and the default domain is MSHOME...shoul dthat be different?22:15
nullp0internullkuhl: ctrl+alt+backspace22:15
nullkuhldoesnt work nullp0inter22:15
dimulsyou may check some error conditions and exit with error using smthng like "exit 1"... it is not necessarily.. its a simple sh script. you may also just add your script into rc.local istead ~/external.sh22:16
CamFoxnullp0inter: yeah, probably. Get the correct domain from the windows box. Right click on my computer and click properties, I think...22:16
Malkaviannullkuhl: <CTRL><ALT><F1> from graphics to text22:16
CamFoxnullp0inter: does it ask for a username?22:16
nullkuhlMalkavian: that doesnt unload x22:16
dimulsm_fulder, a little above22:16
nullp0interCamFox: yes i put in my windows username22:16
oskar-nullkuhl:  sudo service gdm stop22:16
Malkavianboot in rescue mode22:17
Nolan2erUSUL, The windows disks that I have will make me format the disk :/22:17
CamFoxnullp0inter: okay, cool. Check the domain then...22:17
nullp0interCamFox: is the domain = workgroup?22:17
m_fulderah cool I can add the script instead :) will try that then thx dimuls brb after reboot22:17
CamFoxnullp0inter: and obviously put your windows password in for the password!22:17
Curly_QHas anyone here used NI (Native Instruments) Audio Kontrol 1with Linux?22:17
dimulsm_fulder, try google rc.local22:17
CamFoxnullp0inter: sounds right, that's usually the default22:17
seionIf anyone know about kopete in here, see if you can answer this question for me, I set up facebook on it, works, but somepoint down the road it disconnects and wont work again till i delete and re add?22:18
linxehwith ubuntu how do I configure the console DPMS settings (I want the display to power off not just blank the screen)22:18
m_fulderok will do =)22:18
tanneranyone running an htpc with the ps3 remote?22:18
Nolan2Curly_Q, do you have any other solutions to my issue? :/22:18
nullp0interCamFox: still fails to mount22:18
zapper_hi, when i upload big files in kubuntu, the whole internet connection slows down, however if i do the same on the windows xp install i have on another partition, i have no problem. Furthermore, if i use virtualbox to upload files from a windows xp guest i can do it with no problem and surf the web perfectly on that virtual machine, but when i try to browse the web usig kubuntu while de vm is uploading i cant browse the web22:19
zapper_does someone know what the cuse might be and how to solve it?22:19
CamFoxnullp0inter: I wonder why it says smb://systemowner-w7/network_share/, it should be smb://systemowner/networkshare/ I think...22:20
Curly_QNolan2 Sorry for not following completely what you were doing. However, I do know that there might be a CMOS setup problem. What is happening now with your installation?22:20
tikiDasEi: sorry, I had to restart X, so i didnt see the message. My original problem was with Skype only listing "PulseAudio server (local) as a sound device. I solved this problem originally by removing pulseaudio, so that skype could default to Alsa. By doing this, however, I disabled most of my sound preferences and removed the functionality of my keyboard volume keys. This was something I needed, and I could not afford to lose, so I r22:20
tikieinstalled Skype. I was then presented with the same problem I had at the beggining. After tryong an oss wrapper and padfs without avail, I was about to give up. That's when I came across this very issue in a skype forum. The solution was simple: Make skype start a call and at that moment switch the output prefences for the skype plugin while it is still active in the pulseaudio settings. This solved all of my problems...22:20
frostburnzapper_, where are you moving the files to/from you might have a bad switch and it's eating all the processing power22:20
nullp0interCamFox: i just typed it in wrogn the first time sorry22:20
CamFoxnullp0inter: so the error is what i typed second?22:21
nullp0interCamFox: the underscore is right in network_share however22:21
oskar-zapper_:  maybe qos settings of windows, the router honors? i would sniff in the network data and try to find out the differences22:21
zapper_frostburn: it happens whenever i try to upload videos to youtube, megaupload os similar22:21
nullp0interCamFox: the owner is systemowner-w722:21
CamFoxoh, okay22:21
Nolan2Curly_Q, Okay, I just tried creating a boot command for grub to load the windows partition, and it's still just displaying a blinking _ lol.22:21
CamFoxnullp0inter: try leaving domain blank22:22
DasEitiki:nice, skype is fine, wherether pulse or direct- access22:22
AimlessZealotAnyone mind me asking a stupid question?22:22
Jordan_UNolan2, That's probably a problem on Windows' end rather than grub's.22:22
zapper_so you think is an issue with the router? How can i solve it?22:23
frostburnzapper_, yeah, you're hosing your upload so all other traffic cannot reliably do handshakes22:23
nullp0interCamFox: doesnt work22:23
Nolan2Jordan_U, I was afraid of that. But all of the files are still there....22:23
Curly_QNolan2 try this. If you have a Windows 98 boot disk with SMART on it, do an fdisk and check if there is stuff on your partitions. It will tell you also what type of file system is there lest it be NTFS or 32 or 16 bit and so. Also what Operating system are you using with Windows?22:23
Nolan2XP Media Center Edition 200522:24
CamFoxnullp0inter: can you give me a rundown of all the info you have to provide when connecting to the share and the values you're using?22:24
CamFoxnullp0inter: I'm a bit lost!22:24
zapper_frostburn: i thought so, but it seemed kinda weird to me as it only happens on linux. Anyway, how can i solve that?22:24
Curly_QWindows ME?22:24
musteloI'm trying to test a newer kernel on my karmic machine. I tried adding the kernel-ppa ppa using add-apt-repo, but when I apt-get update it gives me a 404 not found. does anyone know what's going on here?22:24
Nolan2Nooo Lol22:24
Nolan2Windows XP, Curly_Q22:25
Jordan_UNolan2, Try asking in ##windows, and if they say you need to run "fixboot" or anything else that will overwrite grub you can follow this guide to restore it afterward: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide22:25
nullp0interCamFox: i just opened up netoworks, and clicked on 'Windows Network' it then dispayed 'WORKGROUP' clicked on that, it says 'Opening WORKGROUP' then fails22:25
frostburnzapper_, limit your upload either on your router or in linux check out this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59547222:25
Curly_QDo you want to re-install XP Nolan2?22:25
Nolan2preferably not, Curly_Q since all of my stuff is on there :S22:25
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
linxehis there a way to poweroff the monitor after a period of time, rather than just blanking the screen (ubuntu server, no X installed) ?22:27
Curly_QOH!  You have a problem Nolan2. I highly suggest you stop what you are doing and listen carefully. Shut down the box and take the Hard drive with all of your stuff and SLAVE that drive. DO NOT WRITE TO THAT DISK! After that you can copy all of the necessary data from that disk and then re-install Windows.22:27
CamFoxnullp0inter: sorry, got to go. Good luck! I don't think you're far off...22:28
Curly_QNolan2 what is happening is that your MBR (Master Boot Record) is corrupted.22:28
oskar-Nolan2:  can ubuntu be started from grub and windows not?22:29
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
Curly_QYou could possibly try to repair the MBR but I highly suggest slaving that drive and recovering the data.22:29
zapper_frostburn:  i will try mastershaper and see if that solves the problem22:29
Nolan2yep oskar-.22:29
zcat[1]Curly_Q: live ubuntu cd and backup to USB works for me..22:29
Curly_QThat's great zcat.  :)22:30
musteloI'm trying to test a newer kernel on my karmic machine. I tried adding the kernel-ppa ppa using add-apt-repo, but when I apt-get update it gives me a 404 not found. does anyone know what's going on here?22:30
Nolan2Curly_Q, I can mount the partition from Ubuntu and access all of the data on that partition22:30
Gangrelanyone can help me to change my splash screen? cause this brown loadin splash screen sux22:31
xae8kooFlash wont let me share webcamera22:31
xae8kooWhy not? I can't click the box22:31
genivfloodbot2: help22:31
xae8kooWhen adobe flash askes to reval it22:31
oskar-Nolan2:  then the mbr is ok. maybe the grub boot entry for windows wrong, or the boot sector for the windows partition. have you tried auto-creating a new grub config?22:31
zcat[1]Nolan2: you probably only need to boot the windows cd, get to recovery console and run fixmbr (and perhaps fixboot) but if you're not 100% sure take a backup first too.22:31
Curly_QNolan2, the next thing to do is to copy that data, however, you may still run into a problem. The type of file system that is looking at that data may convert it while copying. Use the NTFS Windows to copy that data unless Ubuntu has a perfect replication of that data. Then burn it on a CD or copy it to another drive.22:31
oskar-zcat[1]:  fixboot, not fixmbr. the latter would overwrite the working grub22:32
genivFloodBot2: help22:32
Curly_QUse a bootable CD for that.22:33
Curly_QThen copy all of your stuff to a memory stick.22:33
zcat[1]oskar-: yeah but it's easily repaired ;)22:33
Curly_QFixboot does not always work.22:33
zcat[1]I'm never sure what command fixes what part of the boot sequence ;)22:34
oskar-Curly_Q:  but fixmbr will repair nothing and destroy grub in this case22:34
blzH!  I'd like to automatically download torrents from an RSS feed using Transmission.  I just moved form windows, where uTorrent did this natively.  What would be the easiest/best way to accomplish this in ubuntu?  Are there RSS readers that are particularly well suited to this task?22:34
shazbotmcnastyHow do I set up file sharing between two ubuntu computers that are on the same network?22:34
shazbotmcnastyas easily as possible22:34
blzfcerty5:  thanks for that...22:34
Myrttigeniv: it's a bot22:35
Nolan2oskar-, how do I go about recreating a new grub config?22:35
Curly_QOskar this is why I suggested to not write to the disk. Use either slaving that drive and recovering that data or just use a bootable disk such as bart's Boot Disk or any Linux bootable disk.22:35
supremearyalshazbotmcnasty, scp22:35
Curly_QUse Acronis bootable disk.22:36
Curly_QIt will recover everything.22:36
MaletorDo I want fake raid or software raid?22:36
zcat[1]Just use an ubuntu CD22:36
unopMaletor, I think they're both one and the same.22:36
riftersilly question .. when editing the applications menu, I can't seem to add any items to the System Tools section.  I go through all the steps to add the new item, but it does not show up there.  I can add items anywhere else in the Applications menu.  Is this a permissions problem?  what gives?22:36
Maletorunop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID negative22:37
oskar-Nolan2:  what version of ubuntu are you using and what version of grub?22:37
rifterMaletor, real radi would be hardware raid :D22:37
abstrakthow do I stop my windows from snapping to the screen edge?22:37
abstrakti don't mind them snapping to each other, but not the screen edge22:37
blzabstrakt:  there's a setting in CCSM, if you have that downloaded22:37
=== huayra_ is now known as hubuntu
zcat[1]Maletor: software raid; "fake raid" combines the CPU load of software raid with the adaptor-lockin of hardware raid; worst of both!22:37
=== hubuntu is now known as huayra
tresHi all, been banging my head against the wall trying to get Dual-Head monitors working. I've been through the HOWTO with no success. My XOrg log is here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3XQFcggk and my xorg.conf is here: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/rjVWrABM  ... the second screen works on bootup and on the Ctrl+Alt+F{X} ttys, and is connected via a VGA-DVI adapter. Any help would be MUCH appreciated.22:38
abstraktblz, dunno what CCSM is, so probably don't have that downloaded22:38
Trekdid they update package sudo?22:38
Treker, did they update the sudo command?22:38
Nolan2oskar-, Ubuntu 9.10; Grub222:38
blzabstrakt:  compizconfig-settings-manager22:38
blzyou can apt-get it22:38
genivMyrtti: I is no a bot22:39
unopMaletor, fakeraid still needs support from drivers -- I still consider it software raid as it isn't true raid (in the hardware sense). but this besides the point, use fakeraid if your motherboard supports it and you can setup linux for it too.22:39
Maletorunop: i have a m4a79xtd evo22:39
CAPcapIf I wanted to play chess with a Windows XP user. What program(s) would we each need?22:39
Maletorit supports raid 5 which i want to do22:39
zcat[1]NEVER use fake raid. Configure your mobo as individual drives and use software raid.22:40
rifterTrek, sudo was updated fairly recently yes22:40
Maletorbut i'm not sure (and there is no info online) if there are drivers for ubuntu for it22:40
oskar-Nolan2:  can you execute and paste-bin the output of: "sudo update-grub"22:40
Maletorzcat[1] can you elaborate on NEVER just a bit?22:40
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
Nolan2okay oskar-22:40
Nolan2Lol that was a question22:41
abstraktblz, does that require turning on compiz?22:41
seionAnyone know what this means? ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in  /home/seion/.kde/share/apps;/usr/share/kde4/apps call Stack (most recent call first):  CMakeLists.txt:8 (find_package)22:41
Nolan2should I paste there?22:41
oskar-Nolan2:  yes, that is ok ;)22:41
abstraktcuz i don't really wanna run compiz, i don't care about the effects and it just slows down my system22:41
abstraktalso i'm dubious of its stability22:41
tresis there anything else I need to post to get some assistance?22:41
oskar-Nolan2:  that was meant to be the answer ;-)22:41
blzabstrakt:  hmm I assumed that you already had it turned on.  silly of me!22:41
Nolan2k oskar-22:41
zcat[1]Maletor: "NEVER" -- fake raid is just software raid with proprietary drivers and tied to a particular controller. There are no advantages, only disadvantages22:42
abstrakti mean unless compiz is on by default, but i don't think it is22:42
abstraktthis is just a fairly plain Ubuntu 9.10 install22:42
studentzNeed help black screen after nvidia update "mistmatch kernel 195.30  nvidia driver 195.36.08 ubuntu"22:42
CAPcapit is on by default22:42
abstraktnot kubuntu or xubuntu or anything, just... ubuntu22:42
Myrttigeniv: floodbots are22:43
Nolan2oskar-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/386599/22:43
oskar-Maletor:  fake-raid has probably the advantage of being able to dual-boot from the same raid linux and windows. but i would never recommend it.22:43
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM22:43
Nolan2oskar-, Windows is a test Grub boot loader that I wrote, same thing happened.  blinking _ :(22:44
CAPcapIf I wanted to play chess with a Windows XP user. What program(s) would we each need?22:44
Nolan2To where it says "Adding Windows"22:44
genivMyrtti: I know ...22:44
genivMyrtti: ;)22:44
oskar-Nolan2:  and does the automatically detected entry (line 8) work?22:45
Nolan2Nope, blinking _ :(22:45
wathekI just installed Oracle 10g Express Edition under Ubuntu 9.10 the configuration succeeded but I couldn't access the web interface22:46
wathekhowever when I do sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe status it says that it's Listening !22:46
trismCAPcap: you could get the java plugin and use yahoo chess22:46
oskar-Nolan2:  you should try it again. if it does not work then, run from a windows installation cd, select the repair console and run "fixboot"22:46
Nolan2okay oskar-  I'll try that.22:46
Pirate_Hunterscootsm, ???22:46
trismCAPcap: I take it back, it uses flash now22:47
oskar-Nolan2:  if you only do that, you will not destroy any data. at least from linux you will be still able to access it22:47
Pirate_Hunterscootsm, you still here sorry had to chat on the fone about a project anyway, hoepfully you have changed your mind on forwarding your wm environment22:47
DasEihow can I set a device found by lsusb to a certain path in /dev ?22:48
Curly_QOskar have you ever tried Acronis Recovery Software?22:48
MaletorOk so I'm confused. I'm in the partition disks of the alternate install and I'm trying to set up RAID 5. Do I want all of them to have the bootable flag set to on? Should there be anything in the "use as" field? Such as ext4??????22:48
erUSULDasEi: find a driver for it, it is the driver the one that creates the device. ( a /dev/file or an iface like wlan0 )22:49
studentzNeed Help I have a Black screen after nvidia update Here is the error  mistmatch kernel 195.30  nvidia driver 195.36.08  Karmic22:49
oskar-Curly_Q:  only a limited trueimage version22:49
kisuke!win7 > kisuke22:49
=== trogdor is now known as Guest54656
DasEierUSUL: I see, maybe I fixed my problem hen, as I managed to get another way around my compiling issue, reboot or restart usb ?22:50
Anton039buenas noches a todos22:50
xangua!es | Anton03922:50
ubottuAnton039: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:50
erUSUL!es | Anton03922:50
erUSULDasEi: ? can you rephrase the question ?22:50
lifefirehello all22:50
Curly_QOskar, I will explain the incredible advantage of using it. Let us suppose you install Xubuntu or Linux Red Hat9 or Windows XP or anything for that matter. Acronis will copy it exactly and you do not ever have to re-install the OS or kernel ever. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to fully copy your disk to not only another disk but your original disk.22:51
DasEierUSUL: I see, maybe I fixed my problem then (managed to compile driver in another way) , will I have to restart ?22:51
erUSULDasEi: if you compiled the module you can just load it. « sudo modprobe module_name »22:52
NCS_Onewhere do I save XTerm settings ? is it no t on ~/.Xdefaults ?22:52
Curly_QNo more re-installing drivers and waiting 45 minutes to install all of the packages. 10 minutes maybe less.22:52
trismNCS_One: you could try .Xresources, that's what I use on jaunty22:53
oskar-Curly_Q:  are you an acronis salesman? ;-) i don't need it. if you know how to copy files and make grub working, you don't need anything else in linux.22:53
Curly_QIf you make a mistake, just re-copy everything.22:53
jacquesdupontdhi everybody22:53
jarsenwhere are the boost header files kept and how can I include them when I compile with g++?22:53
jacquesdupontdi just received my usb panel kit touchscreen add on22:53
jacquesdupontdis anybody knowing this type of device ?22:54
Curly_QI am on the same page with you Oskar- but, in this fast paced world, time is a premium.22:54
NCS_Onetrism: ubuntu doesn't load at start the .Xdefaults but if I open, save and exit it the settings are loaded. Very strange.22:54
Jordan_UCurly_Q, dd?22:54
NCS_Onetrism: going to try .Xresources, thanks22:55
kisukedual boot with win7 any one know any thing?22:55
Curly_Qdd?   What is that?22:55
Curly_QDunkin Donuts?22:55
NCS_Onekisuke: I have it22:55
mawstkisuke, probably install win7 first, then ubuntu22:55
NCS_Oneon my laptop22:55
enthdegreeCurly_Q: Close. (c: It's a direct copy/write program22:56
tpw_rulesis there any way to go back to the old add/remove programs on 9.10?22:56
MaletorThe setup says that I cannot change the setting on how many actives devices for the RAID5 array. Can't I grow my array to 4 drives later if I am so inclined?22:56
mawstI have to at some point reformat because I need to dual boot.22:56
tpw_rulesmawst: why not just use gparted?22:56
Jaimieyah you made that harder than it needed to be :p22:57
kisukeNCS_One: how?22:57
enthdegreeCurly_Q: DOn't use it for normal copying, though. Since it writes bits directly to the disk, it won't mind your Filesystem and it'll usually foul you up really really bad.22:57
kisukemawst: win7 has a weird bootloader22:57
Curly_QEnthdegree are you referring to dd?22:58
enthdegreeMore than you know.22:58
enthdegreeCurly_Q: Yes.22:58
NCS_Onekisuke: win7 came in the laptop, I downloaded ubuntu and installed it from an usb22:58
Curly_QI see.22:58
MaletorThe setup says that I cannot change the setting on how many actives devices for the RAID5 array. Can't I grow my array to 4 drives later if I am so in22:58
Curly_QWhat application would you use it for?22:58
adambuntuhey guys, what app do you all use for dvd ripping to avi?22:58
studentzGreen screen after nvidia update Here is the error from level 2 "mistmatch kernel 195.30  nvidia driver 195.36.08 "22:58
NCS_Onekisuke: bootable usb22:59
oskar-adambuntu:  you could try dvd::rip22:59
eeliI've been kicked two times in a row now22:59
* kisuke looks in horror at NCS_One 22:59
adambuntuoskar-, i havent seen that one. is that how its spelled?22:59
NCS_Onekisuke: ?22:59
kisukeNCS_One: unfourtunatly that wotnt work for me i use all mine22:59
oskar-adambuntu:  yes23:00
enthdegreeFor burning images to disks or thumbdrives, flashing devices with bootloaders, etc. You really only use it once in a blue moon.23:00
adambuntuoskar-, found it, thanks!23:00
Curly_QI was looking here at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem23:00
Myrttieeli: kicked...?23:00
NCS_Onekisuke: you use all yours what ?23:01
kisukeNCS_One: usb flash drives and SDF cards23:02
zcat[1]Curly_Q: for backing up ntfs I use clonentfs. for cloning linux I use tar plus a bit of bash script to reinstall grub.23:02
zcat[1]Curly_Q: and update the grub conf / fstab with new uuids23:03
adambuntuoskar-, is it in the repo?23:03
oskar-adambuntu:  i am not sure, i will look23:03
kisukeubottu: tell kisuke about dual booting windows 723:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:03
adambuntuoskar-, im looking now23:03
adambuntuoskar-, yep23:04
oskar-adambuntu:  "dvdrip" is the package23:04
thesabrygood evening23:04
Curly_QSounds good Oskar-   ;-)23:04
adambuntuoskar-, i found it. awesome thanks again!23:04
adambuntuoskar-, is it any good?23:04
mawsttpw_rules, gparted won't let me resize an ntfs partition23:04
eelihello everybody23:04
mawstI'm not sure I can at all23:04
MazealHow can I redirect the output of a cron job to one of the default terminals ie: tty1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6?23:04
eeliI have a newbie question23:05
adambuntuhey eeli23:05
mawstBecause resizentfs wants me to run chkdsk first23:05
erUSUL!ask | eeli23:05
ubottueeli: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:05
oskar-adambuntu:  i do not know an easier application for making avis out of dvds, that has so many features23:05
eeliI bought a HP server23:05
thesabryi am trying to suscribe to podcast with exaile (version with ubuntu 9.10. So far it does not work. Do anyone manage to do it? Thanks for your help23:05
NCS_Onekisuke: you can also use a dvd23:05
adambuntuoskar-, thanks. i hope its an easy one. im gonna find out 8)23:05
eeliand tried to install debian on it23:05
erUSUL!info arista | adambuntu23:06
ubottuadambuntu: arista (source: arista): multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3+repack-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 189 kB, installed size 1568 kB23:06
Myrttieeli: this is #ubuntu, not #debian. You could also try to keep your question to one line, it would make it easier to read and follow23:06
rifterso no one knows why you wouldn't be able to add a menuitem under system tools?23:06
eeliwith 64bit processor23:06
eeliright now Im wondering which debian version to download?23:06
adambuntuerUSUL, thanks!23:07
thesabryI am trying to suscribe to podcast with exaile (version with ubuntu 9.10. So far it does not work. Do anyone manage to do it? Thanks for your help23:07
kisukeNCS_One: liveDVD?23:08
karpusI'm trying to install a ftp server (vsftp) and I can connect through filezilla successfully, but the second I add ssl support, I only get ECONNREFUSED thrown in my face... what could be wrong?23:08
adambuntueeli, it really depends on what you want to do with it. i would download a few livedvds, and check them out. depending on how you like to use the os, and what tools you want to use will depend on which to use23:08
adambuntukarpus, did you open the port?23:09
trismthesabry: don't have a solution with exaile, but I like gpodder for podcasts, and you can listen to them in whatever music app you want23:09
chacaritasalguien habla español23:10
oskar-karpus:  there could be a firewall between it, that recognizes an unencrypted ftp-port statement, but is (of course) not able to recognize it, when it is ssl-encrypted.23:10
ZoraelAny good graphical app in the repositories for finding duplicate images? (findimagedupes is a terminal app)23:10
karpusadambuntu: I'm only trying this on localhost as of now, so it doesn't matter now? or am I wrong?23:10
chacaritassomeone speak spanish?23:10
daroluchacaritas: sí, yo. Pero hay que ir a #ubuntu-es23:10
IdleOne!es | chacaritas23:10
ubottuchacaritas: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:10
adambuntukarpus, the port has to be open if you are going to use ssl. you have to open the door...23:10
mawstZorael, I think picasa does that23:10
chacaritasgracias man23:10
adambuntukarpus, try it with the port open23:10
MsTeganHas anyone found a decent replacement for itunes that's compatible with itouch/iphone?23:10
daroluchacaritas: escribe, aquí en el chat, "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas, ahí te alcanzo.23:10
Typos_Kingthesabry:  .... I don't use it myself for podcasts.. :|   I use Opera for that23:11
adambuntuMsTegan, have you tried songbird?23:11
JohnWittleI apt-get -f dist-upgrade'd from 9.04 to 9.10 after putting the karmic repositories in my sources.list23:11
JohnWittlewas this a bad idea?23:11
pict_targeHi, i have 2 computers on the lan. Computer A is running openssh-server. unable to ssh from the other computer (B) to A. "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer". Any ideas? Using nmap on (B) I can see the port is open on (A).23:12
JohnWittleHaven't rebooted yet23:12
JohnWittlebut I am starting to get scared that23:12
w_ais it posibel to change a mounting point of a hd ? it is on /backup and i whant to change the name of the mounting point23:12
JohnWittleeverything will be broken23:12
karpusadambuntu: I disabled ufw but no change, still ECONNREFUSED23:12
Zoraelmawst: I'll try that then, thanks23:12
seanbrystonehow do you force eject a cd/dvd, i tried sudo eject but it only pops out the other cd drive23:12
adambuntukarpus, ufw? firewall?23:12
tpw_rulesseanbrystone: i think there's an option to select the cd drive to eject, look at the man page23:12
erUSULw_a: mount it in the new mount point (you can umount it after or before)23:12
Typos_Kingseanbrystone:   usually -> eject /media/dvd   or eject /dev/dvd23:13
VCoolioseanbrystone: try cdrom0 cdrom1 etc23:13
oskar-karpus:  is there a NAT between client and server?23:13
NolanI Don't remember who I was last talking to... I switched PCs.23:13
NolanOh yeah23:13
seanbrystoneok thx guys23:13
oskar-hi Nolan23:13
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
karpusadambuntu: yes, Uncomplicated Firewall23:13
karpusoskar-: no23:13
adambuntukarpus, telnet to the port and see if it responds23:13
Nolanoskar-, there was no option to open the command line with my disk, so I'm running the recovery sequence.23:13
NolanProbably because these are HP disks..23:14
karpusadambuntu: "Connection refused" said telnet23:14
Barridushey all.  if i wanted my external hard drive to be mounted automatically upon startup, what's the easiest way to do that?23:14
=== Nolan is now known as Nolan2
adambuntukarpus, then there you go. if the port is refusing connection, then its not open.23:14
VCoolioBarridus: add a line to /etc/fstab I guess23:15
seanbrystoneVCoolio, eject cdrom0 worked thanks a ton :)23:15
YounderJust installed tripwire today. recomended.. it genererates a md5 (or sha) signature of all files and checks if they have been modified. Great for detecting rootkits and the like. (Of cource you would have to install it FIRST.23:15
oskar-Nolan2:  ok. i have to leave now... good luck at getting everything working!23:15
Nolan2See ya oskar-23:15
sandritaillo olzz23:15
BarridusVCoolio, this is a laptop so sometimes the HDD will not be present.  will this cause a problem?  (I don't use hibernate or suspend)23:15
kisukeany know any thing about dual-booting with win 7?23:16
VCoolioBarridus: not apart from an 'not available' message in the logs23:16
adambuntukisuke, yep23:16
kisukeadambuntu: how?23:16
BarridusVCoolio, ok then i will investigate that option, thanks23:16
thesabrythank you all for your answer23:16
MasterShrekso my mom just got a virus in firefox on ubuntu lol, jsut  cant help people can ya?23:17
Typos_King!es | sandrita23:17
ubottusandrita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:17
Younderalso password dragon that generates and keeps a database over all the sites that require passwords on the net23:17
blakkheimMasterShrek: a virus on ubuntu?23:17
ugliefrogis there a reason gparted wont format to ntfs23:17
adambuntukisuke, install windows 7 on the first partition of the drive, then put ubuntu on the next.23:17
MasterShrekblakkheim, no a virus in firefox23:17
blakkheimugliefrog: install ntfsprogs23:17
blakkheimMasterShrek: explain23:17
MasterShrekblakkheim, but yes, on ubuntu23:17
Younderblakkheim, last I heard there were 50 or so in the wild23:17
karpusadambuntu: but I disabled ufw, the firewall that came with ubuntu, and I'm not connected to a router or any other device with NAT functionality, so the port should be open23:18
MasterShrekblakkheim, its hijackin her browser, wont spread through the system or anything, and even if it did the worst that would happen is it would screw up the user, but her browser cache needs to be cleared23:18
MasterShrekand i forgot to set up ssh on her new machine, so i gotta go forward a port lol23:18
VCoolioBarridus: actually check nautilus > edit > preferences > behavior tab first; easier if it works23:18
kisukeadambuntu: with an OEM install?23:18
MasterShrekanyway, to my point. anyone have issues running chrome on 9.10?23:18
HebramMasterShrek:  Works wonderfully for me.23:19
YounderMasterShrek, there are ways to elevate privelage under Linux too.23:19
ugliefrogblakkheim, Thank you sir... :)23:19
MasterShrekYounder, true, but she doenst know her password :)23:19
studentzPlease Help me out. After nvidia card upgrade  I have a green screen. I can only access to terminal in recovery mode.23:19
MasterShrekstudentz, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new i think should do it23:20
adambuntukisuke, no. you will have to resize the partition with the os disk.23:20
YounderMasterShrek, If you want to be sure you can run SNORT. a net filter the flags suspicious activity23:20
adambuntukarpus, did you open port 222223:20
MasterShrekYounder, never heard of it, ill have to give it a try23:20
kisukeadambuntu: read: bo buy anew licence for win 7, partition the drive, etc...23:20
BarridusVCoolio, i checked that already actually already.  media_automount and media_automount_open are checked.  seems to mount when the laptop is on and you plug it in, but it's connected to a hub and is always on anyways so unplug/replug is somewhat of a hassle.23:21
karpusadambuntu: yes, since I inactivated ufw, all ports are free23:21
studentzMasterShreck I'm sorry I mean  after driver upgrade. I start x from terminal and I have this error "mistmatch kernel 195.30  nvidia driver 195.36.08 "23:21
adambuntukisuke, no. put the os disk from the machine in, which you should be able to create with the os that is installed, then startup the machine, resize the disk, then install it. the other option, is go get a system disk to resize the partion like gparted, use it to resize the partition, then reinstall the oem software/os on the first drive23:22
adambuntukarpus, check this, see if there is something you missed. https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/openssh-server.html23:22
VCoolioBarridus: I see, then try fstab. You know how that works?23:22
adambuntudinner guys, brb23:22
Barridussort of.23:22
BarridusVCoolio, never done usb devices with it.23:23
MasterShrekstudentz, sounds like a broken install of the driver, try removing it maybe. how did you install it?23:23
actionParsnipyo yo yo23:23
MasterShrek!fstab > Barridus23:23
ubottuBarridus, please see my private message23:23
VCoolioBarridus: trick is to find the right /dev/??, get it mounted by pluggins it in the 'hassle' way and then do 'mount' in a terminal to check mounts23:23
kisukeadambuntu: ok thanks23:24
studentzMasterShreck: Yes I agree, How I can uninstall the driver  or revert to a previous state?23:24
MasterShrekstudentz, it depends on how you installed it, i would guess through the hardware update thing, i would try: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-glx-new23:25
actionParsnipstudentz: dpkg -l | grep nvida   will show the installed nvidia stuffs23:25
MasterShrekstudentz, if at all possible, try the driver straight from nvidia, http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html23:26
actionParsnipMasterShrek: studentz : or add the nvidia pp ad use that (easier)23:26
studentzMasterShreck: I tried dpk-reconfigure xserver-xorg But I did not work, I will try Thanks23:26
actionParsnipppa and*23:26
MasterShrekactionParsnip, i was unaware that existed, ill have to keep it in mind.23:27
actionParsnipstudentz: if you remove all nvida packages you will revert to the opensource nv driver23:27
actionParsnipMasterShrek: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa23:28
zetherooany way to make USB volumes mount automatically upon being plugged in?23:28
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actionParsnipzetheroo: add it in /etc/fstab23:28
zetherooactionParsnip: ok ... add what?23:29
cajunis it safe to delete all deb packages in the apt cache folder?23:29
MaletorHas anyone set up a RAID 5 from the alternate install disk before?23:29
zetherooalso why do USB volumes mount automatically on my Desktop and not on my laptop? Both are running Karmic ...23:29
MaletorI can't get it to work and I tfollowed the tutorial exactly...23:29
comutamikeI have a question about packaging23:30
comutamikeGot a package that won't build in launchpad.23:30
VCooliozetheroo: /dev/<device> /media/<mountpoint> auto user,defaults 0 023:30
comutamikeAny ideas?23:30
cajunLocation: var/cache/apt/archives  I need to free up space on my HD b/c I cannot get past the login screen. I can even log into the terminal.23:30
VCooliozetheroo: also check nautilus > edit > preferences > behavior tab first; easier if it works23:30
rzx237cajun: yes it is.23:31
zetherooVCoolio:ok ... is this something new? I mean I have not had this issue with previous releases ...23:31
cajunok.  thanx rzx23:31
actionParsnip!fstab | zetheroo23:31
ubottuzetheroo: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:31
VCooliozetheroo: I don't know what is default in nautilus; maybe they changed something; shouldn't be difficult though23:32
keyboardtalkEverytime my wireless internet reconnects, I have to re-enter the passphrase. How can I do this automatically?23:32
zetherooactionParsnip: I did not have to muck around with fstab and CLI on my desktop ... so why should I have to on my laptop? argh23:32
BarridusVCoolio, cool it's mounted now.  thx :D23:33
VCoolioBarridus: np23:34
blakkheimzetheroo: the cli is a big part of using linux, why do you dislike it so much?23:34
Typos_Kingcajun:    .... you can back them up, if you think you'd need them later on, to a cd or usb23:34
pict_targeQ: ssh between 2 computers. looking at troubleshooting section here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring and even the simple test of testing the localhost running the server fails e.g. ssh -v localhost -p ####    produces "Read from socket failed: connection reset by peer" Any ideas?23:35
Typos_Kingcajun:     other than that, is safe to remove, sure -> sudo apt-get clean;23:35
zetherooblakkheim: I don't mind it really ... but if I have to tell my clients when they have an issue that they will have to start mucking about in the Terminal to solve something so basic (was working fine in 9.04) they are not going to be as gracious ...23:36
Elroxblakkheim, zetheroo has a valid point, its not that he has to do cli, its that he has to do on on machine but not another with same distro/release23:36
mawstI'm about to swtich my 1tb ntfs drive to ext4. Man I can't wait to see the performance difference. :D23:36
Typos_Kingcajun:   http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/   <---- if you're interested23:36
zetherooblakkheim: see, whatever issues I have I know others will have ...23:36
andresmhwhat is the official PPA for Firefox? I found a daily build PPA for all Mozilla projects but I am looking for something a less edgy.23:36
zetherooblakkheim: and of course what Elrox said ...23:36
silveringi gotta serious sound problem guys23:37
=== BinaryMn is now known as BinaryMan
fastputtyhello i would liek to get that package http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/libapache-mod-security/download23:37
fastputtyhowever i cannot find it in my apt-get23:37
tfoucu #warhol23:37
trismandresmh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion lists several, probably looking for the firefox-stable channel ppa23:37
fastputtysomeonecould help me out to edit source.list23:37
fastputtyto be able to get it23:37
fastputtythanks :(23:37
andresmhthanks trism!23:37
blakkheim!lucid | fastputty23:38
ubottufastputty: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+123:38
zetherooI am going to see if gnome-volume-manager will sort this out ... if it does then by golly it should be installed by default ...23:38
silveringi got asus k8n4-e with nvidia ck804 onboard ac97 audio, and whatever i do, there is no sound..23:38
fastputtyubottu: of i am on 8.04 ubuntu..23:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:38
Elroxfastputty, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade sources.list23:38
Barridusgnome-scheduler jobs do not run.  i tried plain cron to see if that would work, but when editing my crontab with "crontab -e" i get a blank file in nano.  when exiting (regardless of whether or not i enter anything new), i get"Temporary crontab no longer owned by you.  ||  Error while editing crontab".  crontab -l shows the gnome-scheduler created job that does not run.23:38
fastputtyubottu: is it possible to get that same package..23:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:38
silveringi got asus k8n4-e with nvidia ck804 onboard ac97 audio, and whatever i do, there is no sound..23:39
IdleOnefastputty: did you do a search in synaptic for libapache-mod-security?23:39
IdleOnesilvering: run alsamixer in terminal and unmute everything23:40
silveringIdleOne everything is unmuted23:40
dante123toshiba satellite a110-st1111 won't boot livecd, any ideas?  graphics resolution?23:40
silveringas i said, i try everything, nothing works23:41
fastputtyIdleOne: ihave did a apt-cache search23:41
fastputtyIdleOne: but it return me nothing23:41
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
Typos_Kingdante123:   what's happening when you boot with it?23:41
mohadib_is it possible to turn off the notifications in Exaile?23:41
Barridusgnome-scheduler jobs do not run.  i tried plain cron to see if that would work, but when editing my crontab with "crontab -e" i get a blank file in nano.  when exiting (regardless of whether or not i enter anything new), i get"Temporary crontab no longer owned by you.  ||  Error while editing crontab".  crontab -l shows the gnome-scheduler created job that does not run.  job can not have superuser privilege.23:41
nullkuhlhello, how to downgrade gcc in karmic from 4.4 to 4.3 , i tried installing gcc4.3 and g++4.3 but now i have 2 versions... ??23:42
silveringIdleOne everything unmuted, i reinstalled alsa and everything.. try selecting different device, nothing works, im despered23:42
nullkuhlhello, how to downgrade gcc in karmic from 4.4 to 4.3 , i tried installing gcc4.3 and g++4.3 but now i have 2 versions... ??23:43
Typos_Kingnullkihl:    tried doing an -> sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE?23:43
djdanislt a tous23:43
dante123Typos_King is gets stuck at the brown ubuntu screen just before it is supposed to go into desktop23:43
nullkuhlTypos_King: that will remove the gcc4.4 but wont make the 4.3 the main one23:43
IdleOnefastputty: guess it is not available in 8.04 or may be named differently23:43
Barridusdoes cron even work in karmic?23:43
IdleOne!fr | djdani23:43
ubottudjdani: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois23:44
dante123Typos_King if I take splash off, it gets stuck at something like ata1: Sata blah blah blah23:44
dante123ata1 stat link up ....blah blah23:44
dante123ata1 sata link up...i mean23:44
hiexponullkuhl, where did you install it from synaptic?23:45
nullkuhlhiexpo: terminal23:45
Typos_Kingnullkuhl:  then remove both, in 'safe mode' and install the 4.4 :)23:45
nullkuhlTypos_King: i dont want the 4.4 i want the 4.323:45
Typos_Kingnullkuhl:  then remove both, in 'safe mode' and install the 4.3 :)23:45
dante123is there a mode or other option to try.....again it starts to boot then gets stuck at "ata1: sata link up...1.5gbs or something like that23:45
hwildehelp, my sound card disappeared.23:46
hiexponullkuhl, go into synaptic and type in the seaerch bar and remove the one you don't want i believe that is easiest23:46
Typos_Kingdante123:   try booting with the live-cd again, press F6 for other boot options, try turning off acpi and noapic23:46
Elroxdante123, is this a laptop? possibly an HP?23:46
fastputtyIdleOne: hmmm noooooooo23:46
flaarghwilde: I suggest you find the magician in your midst23:46
hwildemy sound card was and has been working fine for over a year.23:46
hwildenow it is not recognized I get no sound options at all23:46
dante123Elrox it is a toshiba satellite a110-st111123:47
nullkuhlTypos_King: k now i did that, but when i do gcc --version i get : The program 'gcc' can be found in the following packages:* gcc23:47
IdleOnefastputty: Lucid will be released in a month ( next LTS ) you can upgrade then23:47
Typos_Kingdante123:    the live-cd has several other options, but for my case, that has worked, usually an issue with the acpi module,  but it has more options, just try those first.... maybe it has others that apply to the sata issue23:47
nullkuhlTypos_King: so its like the gcc isnt installed although 4.3 is installed,23:47
nullkuhlis there some sorta gcc-config where i can set 4.3 to be the main23:48
jastorsomeoen that has any concrete sollutions on how to solve mplayed codec_wav_tags ?23:48
Typos_Kingnullkuhl:  'purge' both, and install 4.3    sudo apt-get purge PACKAGENAME23:48
hwildehelp, my sound card disappeared.   my sound card was and has been working fine for over a year.  now it is not recognized I get no sound options at all.  here is lspci   http://paste.ubuntu.com/386635/23:48
fastputtysomeone culd help me to get apache2 mod_security module in ubuntu 8.0423:48
dante123Typos_King if it does boot with those off......will i need to do anything special to install or have it remember those parameters??23:49
hwildehelp, my sound card disappeared.   my sound card was and has been working fine for over a year.  now it is not recognized I get no sound options at all.  here is lspci   http://paste.ubuntu.com/386635/   here is lsmod http://paste.ubuntu.com/386637/   please help23:49
Typos_Kingdante123:    if it does, you'd need to add -> acpi=off noapic;     at the end of the line with the /boot vmlinuz....23:50
Typos_Kingdante123:    in /boot/grub/grub.cfg23:50
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omeddragonwhat do you guys think about the new windows 7 phone23:51
VCoolioTypos_King: in grub2 you must edit /etc/default/grub, not /boot/grub/grub.cfg23:51
muri_oneI have a problem with a package. According to launchpad this bug is closed because it has been fixed in the next version of the package. How do I get this fix?23:51
Typos_Kingdante123:    in /etc/default/grub.cfg   then :)23:52
Typos_Kingerk.... grub that is, no grub.cfg :{23:53
VCooliomuri_one: add a repository that has the newer version, or find a deb package; or maybe you'll need to compile; what package are we talking about?23:53
andresmhare there any Thinkpad X300 users here?23:53
dante123Typos_King is that the only place where I will need to add the acpi=off noapic...just in the /etc/default/grub.cfg???23:53
muri_oneVCoolio: inosync23:53
Typos_Kingdante123:     /etc/default/grub  yes23:53
VCooliodante123: after editing that file run "sudo update-grub" and grub.cfg will be updated23:53
dante123thanks guys23:53
VCooliomuri_one: what version do you need?23:53
andresmhwhen starting firefox I get: $ firefox (firefox-bin:23275): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times23:54
muri_oneVCoolio: I'm not sure where to find the newer version. I peeked at the Lucid repos and it wasn't there23:54
muri_oneVCoolio: 0.2-223:54
andresmhand then it never opens. Any ideas?23:54
VCoolioandresmh: that's a known issue, not important23:54
andresmhbut then it never opens VCoolio23:54
=== shennyg is now known as shennyg|away
MaimsterHow's everyone.23:55
VCoolioandresmh: that's not because of that warning, don't know what is the problem23:55
MaimsterAnyone ever get data from a drive reporting invalid partition table?23:55
chrismAm I being naive in thinking that if an audio stream is showing up in pavucontrol as ALSA plug-in [javaws.real] that it's actually going through the pulseaudio alsa plugin, rather than interfacing directly with pulse?23:56
muri_oneVCoolio: this is the bug in question: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/inosync/+bug/499023 the last comment says it is fixed and closes the bug23:56
BluesKaj-LaptopMaimster, on fstab23:56
VCooliomuri_one: you can get a .tar.gz here http://bb.xnull.de/projects/inosync/dist/23:56
timI can't get the nouveau driver to work. can anyone help me?23:57
MaimsterBluesKaj-Laptop Hmm.. wondering. I don't have access to the /etc/fstab file.23:57
tim_is somebody here bored and willing to help me?23:57
MaimsterBluesKaj-Laptop I placed the drive on a USB adapter, connected it to another linux system. However it doesn't mount dued to the bad partition.23:57
timoh oh me! me for sure!23:57
timno seriously, i'm setting here with no x.23:58
BluesKaj-Laptoptim, which graphics card23:58
tim_at first, sry for the bad english, im from germany. i also am a complete ubuntunewby.23:58
MaimsterBluesKaj-Laptop I know that it was a system drive. So most likely it would have like 3 partitions, (Boot, root and swap). Just guessing though.23:58
blakkheimtim_: there is a german irc channel for ubuntu23:58
KamokowHow can i define a DPI for an image in gimp?23:59
blakkheim!de | tim_23:59
ubottutim_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:59
KamokowOops, wrong channel, my bad.23:59
timgeforce 710023:59
tim_thx and good bye23:59
actionParsnipKamokow: you set it if you click file -> new23:59
hodgedoes ubuntu come with Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum?23:59
BluesKaj-LaptopMaimster, is it a ubuntu-live -usb /23:59
actionParsnipKamokow: afaik23:59
KamokowactionParsnip: Thanks.23:59

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