
=== huayra_ is now known as huayra
neil_dwhere is the config file for the dhcpd server for the ltsp clients?10:28
neil_dah found it... don't worry.10:29
JuanMarquezalguien habla espaƱol?14:57
JuanMarquezi need build image ltsp client kernel 386 NOT generic, tell me more?14:58
sbalneavJuanMarquez: Not sure what you mean16:02
sbalneavYou can build your image with ltsp-build-client --arch i38616:03
sbalneavMorning all16:03
ograsbalneav, he wants a 486 compatible kernel, we discussed it in #ltsp16:04
alkisgWow, is a 486 capable of booting (assuming it has the correct kernel)? I don't think I've seen a 486 with 64MB RAM yet :)16:06
ograthere are some x86 chips that only support the 486 instructions16:08
ograearly VIAs etc16:08
ograand i think the very early geodes too16:08
JuanMarquezi need in mi client LTSP Karmic linux-image-2.6.31-14-386 (not linux.image-2.6.31-14-generic), how to????18:40
nubaeJuanMarquez: check the documentation, its in there...18:43
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com18:43
nubaeor better check !doc in #ltsp18:43
JuanMarqueznubae, thks, the doc not help me18:44
nubaeJuanMarquez: check the #ltsp channel and type !doc there18:45
nubaethe ubuntu docs are outdated18:45
sbalneavJuanMarquez: if there's no specific i386-instructions-only kernel available from Ubuntu directly, then I'd expect you'll have to compile your own kernel package...18:52
sbalneavJuanMarquez: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile18:52
sbalneavThat should tell you how to rebuild a kernel package with whatever options you want.18:53
JuanMarquezsbalneav, thks18:53
sbalneavOnce you have a compiled kernel .deb, you can then install it in the chroot manually18:53
sbalneavand after that, ltsp-update-kernels should install the custom kernel in the tftp area.18:53
JuanMarquezedubuntu pack can be install Xubuntu?18:59
alkisgJuanMarquez: how much RAM do your clients have?19:02
sbalneavalkisg: 64 meg19:02
sbalneavbut they're pure 486's19:02
JuanMarquez32MB and CPU P2 450MHz19:03
JuanMarquezIntel Board19:03
alkisgJuanMarquez: you can't boot LTSP with 32 MB RAM19:03
alkisgYou need 64 MB19:04
alkisg(at least, not LTSP 5.0)19:04
alkisgAnd, P2 isn't a 486...19:05
nubaepicky alkisg19:06
JZAhighvoltage: ping19:07
highvoltageJZA: pong19:07
JZAhighvoltage: hi, so let's try to get some work done on OOo4Kids19:09
JZAhighvoltage: what can I do to help19:09
highvoltageJZA: that's the attitude! What's the project's website/webpage/wikipage? is it this page? http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Education_Project/OOo4Kids19:10
highvoltage(sorry I see it points me to http://wiki.ooo4kids.org/index.php/Main_Page on that page)19:12
JZAwe spin it off to it's own wiki19:14
JZAhttp://download.ooo4kids.org/ is the download link19:14
highvoltageJZA: I hope you're patient enough to bear with my ignorance a bit... how do translations work? can it use openoffice translations?19:15
JZAhighvoltage: yeah, we just have patches for specific diff19:16
highvoltageok downloading binaries first (going to kill my connection for a bit)19:17
highvoltageah, going nice and fast, will be finished in 3 minutes :)19:17
highvoltageJZA: is there currently a PPA or any kind of debian packages done for OOo4kids?19:39
mhall119|workthere are deb packages19:41
mhall119|workbut no ppa19:41
JuanMarquez can be generate hardy client in karmic server ltsp?????20:22
=== Eghie is now known as Eghie`afk
=== Eghie`afk is now known as Eghie
jza_highvoltage: what are PPA?22:02
highvoltagejza_: Personal Package Archive. it's a repository hosted in launchpad where you can host development packages22:03
jza_highvoltage: is it somekind of proprietary debian/ubuntu thing?22:03
jza_highvoltage: so is it a package or a tree?22:04
highvoltagejza_: nope, although it only works with the debian packaging format so you wouldn't be able to use it with non-debian-like systems22:04
highvoltagejza_: it's a place where you can host packages22:05
jza_highvoltage: is it only works on debian, thats the definition of proprietary22:05
highvoltagejza_: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA provides a pretty good overview22:05
jza_highvoltage: I see so why do we want to be there?22:06
jza_if we already have a development environment22:06
highvoltagejza_: you certainly don't want to move your development environment to a ppa22:06
jza_highvoltage: ok22:06
highvoltagejza_: however, getting a package into a PPA is very commonly the first step towards getting it into Ubuntu22:06
jza_highvoltage: so is like cooker for mandriva22:07
highvoltagejza_: it allowes users to easily install and test the package and also more developers to see it so that it can be in the best shape possible when included in the distribution(s)22:07
highvoltagejza_: yes, almost like cooker!22:07
highvoltagejza_: except that every developer has their own little cooker22:07
jza_highvoltage: I see22:07
jza_highvoltage: and it has to be derived from launchpad? or we can put that repo on our own server?22:08
jza_highvoltage: by our own I mean any server22:08
* jza_ clicking on the url22:09
jza_ok got it22:10
jza_is like CWS (Child Workspace)22:11
highvoltagejza_: yep, it doesn't prevent you from hosting the package(s) anywhere else. you could even use debmirror to automate the mirroring of it to any ohter server.22:11
JZAhighvoltage: ok I will talk to eric about this, to see what we can do. He is the core developer of the build guy.22:13
JZAhighvoltage: I am sure we can do something about this.22:13
highvoltageJZA: great. feel free to point Eric to here and #ubuntu-motu as well if he's interested in learning packaging.22:14

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